The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 29, 1881, Image 2

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Kntoivd at t tic Iol-niliri f'oltiinliii-.
Neb., a- M'cotitl cl:i mutter.
A of coal four feet thick has
becu struck at Decatur tbta state.
Tiik Chicago bank clearings one
day last week amounted to .fC,
100,000. The health of Mrs. Garfield has
greatly improved since she went to
Long Branch.
Upton, of the treasury depart
ment went to Europe ou the refund
ing business.
The public school teacher of Chi
cago were paid oil the other day ; it
required $G5,000.
Another fire in Quebec, this time
in St. Saveur district. Thirty-five
houses were burned.
The Hereford Cattle Breeders
Association of America was in ses
sion last week at Chicago.
Twenty-seven hundred immi
grants lauded in one day and night
latst week at Castle (Jfmlcn.
The first car-load of winter wheat
ot the season was received iu Chica
go last week from Ashland, III.
Da. Ciui'iv, of Charlotte, Mich.,
committed suicide last week. lie
was over one hundred years old.
Martil, a man living at Ottawa,
built a small ark iu which he ex
pected to float safely iu the June
Secretary Kirk wood ha9 ap
poiuted C. H. Howard, "brother of
Gen. O. O. Howard, Indian in
spector. James Golden of Boston, recently
purchased the bay gelding Millboy
for $9,500. Tolerably high price for
a horse.
Wyatt Holmes, colored, was
banged on the 24th inst. at Holly
Springs, for the murder of Andrew
Scott, colored.
The vote for senator at Albany
on the ISth &hows Conkling re
ceived i0 votes and Piatt 15. Jacobs
34 aud Depew 44.
For five days, of week before last
the receipts for live stock iu Chi
C4trn showed : Cattle, 27.0S4, hogp
129,011, sheep 9,3Cl.
The Lincoln Globe says: "Very
many fields of wheat are badly
rusted iu this vicinity, and at this
writing arc doing uo good."
The jury in the libel suit of e.v
Gov. Bishop against the Daily Ga
zette of Cincinnati, returned a ver
dict of $5,000 for the plaintiff.
Twenty-three young Indians who
attended the Hanipton.Va., Institute
went to Massachusetts last week to
find summer employment with
SwErso.v Cotton Mills, located
iu North Carolina, recently burned
from the explosion of a lamp. The
mills worked 207 operatives. Loss
It is claimed that the emigration
from Sweden to America this year
will reach 70,000 which is stated to
be about one sixtieth of tho entire
Hoscoe Conkling was in "Wash
ington City ou the 25th inst. He
says his visit has no political sig
nificance, as he is lookiug after pri
vate business.
A tank of oil containing 25,000
barrels at Bradford, Pa., was struck
by lightning the other night, and
no one has reported that the burn
ing oil was put out.
The new railroad now being sur
veyed from Omaha to Atchison,
under the direction of Mr. J. E.
House, will ruu in the vicinity of
Syracuse, Otoe couuty.
Congressman Speer of Georgia,
a very independent politician, and
bouud to be a free man, it is said
will vote with the republicans to
organize the next house.
Robt. Casey, of Mt. Sterling, 111.,
was killed last week by the falling
of a brick smoke-house, the founda
tion of which gave way ; the entire
building fell with a crash.
John A. "Walsh has brought suit
against Brady to recover $28,000. It
is claimed that the subject matter of
this suit is in some way mixed up
with the star-route business.
C Nubel, a U. P. track laborer, at
Grand Islaud, accidentally fell off
a traiu last week across the rail, and
both legs and oue arm were cut off.
He lived three hours afterwards.
Harry McGee and George "Wash
ington, two colored waiters at Coun
cil Bluffs quarreled the other day,
which finally resulted in McGee
shooting and killing Washington.
We learn from Quebec that the
oldest inhabitant does not remem
ber such weather; not only seeds,
but potatoes in outlying parishes
have been nipped off by recent
John G. Saxe, the wit, several of
our exchanges claim is becoming a
confirmed hypochondriac, partly
from want of exercise, and partly
from brooding over the loss of his
Assistant Secretary Upton, be
fore leaving Washington placed his
resignation in the hands of Secreta
ry Windora, to be acted upon as
might be desired by the Secretary
and President.
Wm. Higby, the present collector
of interna! revenue of the California
, district, has discovered that many
of his deputies are defaulters, and
that he cannot settle his accounts.
His accounts are short 120,000.
SsFcitnTARY Windom ha abolished
t. ...1- r .a .tr . .i m I
inu uiiut: in uiiumiaii ii inc i rc:is
ury. It appears to have beon use
less, and the same duties will now
be performed by the chief clerk of
the department.
Michael Early, a hack driver at
Brocktou, Mass., was thrown oue
day last weak twenty-five feet by an
engine. The driver and horses were
killed, aud two occupants of the
carriage fatally injured.
A report comes from Merced to
Sau Francisco that a fire swept over
some 7,250 acres of wheat aud other
grain, destroying all in its course,
including many farm houses, barns
and much farm machinery.
Saml. Osborne, living near Griggs
ville, IU., had killed, one day last
week, one hundred and sixteen sheep
by lightning. The carcasses were
all found under a tree, which had
been shivered by a thunderbolt.
The sheriff's wife at Grand Haven,
Mich., the other night bagged a
dozen men who were trying to lynch
the murderer, Vaskamp. She lock
ed them in the jail and aroused the
citizens by fire alarm. A plucky
President Garfield recently said
in relation to the marshalsbip of
New York, "if any one has promis
ed auy office iu Xew York or else
where it has been done without
consultation with me and without
my kuowledge."
At Garrettsville, Ohio, the Baptist
church building was blown up the
other night by powder or dynamite.
The inside of the church was almost
eutirely destroyed. The report of
the explosion aroused people from
bed a mile away.
The new railroad company re
cently organized at Omaha and to
be known as the Missouri Pacific
Railway, has elected Col. A. A. Tal
mage, president; Thos. J. Portiss,
vice president ; F. B. Drake, secre
tary aud treasurer.
Storms appear to be the general
order now throughout the country.
One at Huntsville, Ala., the other
night blew down and entirely de
stroyed a large three story brick
cotton seed oil mill which was in
the course of erection.
Sfprktaries Windom and Hunt,
Postmaster General James, Secre
tary Lincoln and Attorney General
MacVeagh all went to Long Branch
Iat week. It is believed they wont
forward to consult with the presi
dent on important business.
The conclusions at Cambridge ob
servatory, Boston, Mass., are that
the comet iR now moving away from
the earth at the rate of 300,000 miles
per day. The learned men at the
above observatory say the comet's
tail is 4,000,000 miles in length.
By a recent investigation it ap
pears that 120,000 bushels of grain
have disappeared from the Keokuk
elevator, which is controlled by
Jack Sturgis. Legal proceedings
are about to be instituted to find
out what has become of the wheat.
A party of three persons in Oma
ha came very near having their lives
destroyed by partaking last week of
pickled tongue. The symptoms of
the victims were those of arsenical.
poison, but how it got to the pickled
tongue the physician was unable to
A whole train on the Morelos
railroad went down into the San
Antonio river near Cuanlla, Mexico,
on account of the downfall of the
stone bridge. Nearly 200 persons
were killed and a great number
wounded. Most of the passengers
were soldiers.
A heavy wind, rain and hail
storm struck North Platte on the
evening of tho 25th inst. and blew
down the Uuion Pacific round
house, the debris covering three
freight engines aud one passenger
engine, all of which were more or
less damaged. One man was killed.
It seems probable now that tho
government will at last settle the
perplexing question of what shall
be done with the Poncas by buying
land of the Omahas and with their
consent placing the Poncas on it.
Those Poncas that returned from
the Indian Territory only num
ber 120.
Thomas Garfield, uncle of the
President, while riding in his buggy
not far from Newburg, Ohio, was
struck by a passing train aud in
stantly killed ; Mrs. Arnold, cousin
of the President, bad her skull badly
fractured and her life is despaired
of. Mr. Garfield was 80 years old
and leayes seven children.
Last week Greeley county in the
viciuity of O'Connor was visited by
a terrible wind storm. The Catholic
church baru was blown down, and
several houses iu the vicinity more
or less damaged, and one sod house
unroofed. The rain fell in torrents
for four hours, accompanied by
heavy wind.
The postmaster general last week
issued an order to abolish, on the 1st
of July, all that portion of mail
route No. 32,024, from Uinita, In
dian Ty., to Las Vega a, N. M., thro'
au uninhabited region to the distance
of 3fG miles, and was carried three
times a week over the entire length
of the route, 810 miles. This reduc
tion in the route will save to the
government $52,000 a year. Wm.
n. Turner, one of the principal
clerks in the contract office, who, for
several years had charge of the star
routes in most of the territories, has
been removed and Geo. M. Sweeney
appointed in his piace.
Parson Pomfroy of the Great
West pivnrhe it very plain sermon
tp Iter. Dean Hart ot Denver. The
Parson says, "a high grade unfinish
ed Episcopal cathedral or synagougc
in Denver, as we learn from a beg
iriiig circular, has two miles and a
halt of cornice and is several thous
and dollars in debt. We are asked
tu contribute. To our mind God
can be worshipped iu a tent as well
as iu a dead dormatory of galvanized
saints. This spending of a hundred
thousand dollars to gratify pride is
no way to build a home for Jesus.
This way of running a debt to grat
ify the ambitiou of 'ban' evenly snob
is no way to advance God's cause in
Wc see some of our State ex
changes are advocating Wm. Gas
liu as a candidate for Judge of the
Miprome court. The Lincoln Globe,
iu speaking of him, refers to Judge
Maxwell's bodily ailments. It is
true that Judge Maxwell is greatly
alllicted by rheumatism, but his con
duct in the high and very respon
sible position of supremo Judge has
shown clearly that his brain is un
clouded. The Journal firmly be
lieves that Judge Maxwell is an
able, faithful, fair, impartial and
upright judge, having the entire
conlidmico of the people aud the
bar, aud we are therefore in favor
of his re-unmination.
A story was published last week
at Uatavia, N. Y., which says : The
town ia filled with excitemcut caus
ed by the discovery of what are
believed to be the remains of Will
iam Morgan, the man who betrayed
the secrets of Free Masonry, fifty
five years ago, and who was ab
ducted aud made away with before
the work was given to the public.
Exciting news of this character
seems very necessary to gratify a
portion of the public ear, but a great
many people believe that it would
prove a hard task to find the re
mains of Morgan, for the reason that
uo such man ever existed. Bring
forward the proof.
Two ballots at Albany fop U. S.
senators on the 2lst showed no
change, Conkling 33, Piatt. 27. The
present effort to elect U. S. seintors
from New York is becoming quite
an expensive business, as well as
leading political aspirants into all
manner of intrigue with attempts at
bribery. Men who are acting with
the Republican party and who sly 11
bo proven guilty of bribery in this
or any other contest, should be ex
excluded from all places of trust in
the gift of the party.
Hon. Henry Snider died last
week at the insane asylum at Lin
coln. He was a man of some prom
inence iu the state, and was elected
senator from the 215th district, but
his scat was contested and given to
David Ballentine; this fact in con
nection with the robbery of his of
fice at North Platte is believed to
be the cause of his insanity. His
brother Webster, of Omaha, ac
companied the body to Paiuesville,
N. Y., where his remains will be
The Omaha Republican says:
"Along with new potatoes come re
ports of people who in eating them
have been poisoned with Paris
green. In this state two or three
cases have come under our notice
through the press, and though none
were fatal, it shows what is liable
to occur. If to kill bugs the pota
toes must bo poisoned it would
seem the better part of discretion to
let tho insects have the field un
disturbed." The republican state central com
mittee of Virginia declared the other
day that Chairman Lewis was no
longer a member of the committee,
as he had deserted the republican
ranks in accepting a nomination for
lieutenant governor from the re
adjusters. The state republican con
vention will be held at Staunton,
August 24th, and none but straight
out republicans will be entitled to
vote for state officers.
Leander Warren, commercial
editor of the Baltimore Gazette died
on the evening of the 24th inst., ot
heart disease. He was suddenly at
tacked in the corn and Hour ex
chauge, but somewhat recovered
and iu a short time had the second
attack and exclaimed, "I am very
ill," and fell back dead in the armp
of an attendant.
The Norfolk line of the Chicago,
St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha
railway has forty-six miles of track
to lay to reach Norfolk, which it is
claimed will be completed iu Aug
ust. This will give the company
connection with the Columbus
branch of the Union Pacific, and
both branches of the Sioux City &
Two ballots were taken on the
22d for U. S. Senators in N. Y.,
withont material chauge iu the re
sult. Conkling 32, Piatt 25. Jacobs,
on tho democratic side, withdrew
his name as a candidate, and in the
cauciiB held in the afternoon, the
democrats unanimously selected
Clarkson N. Potter as thoir candi
date. f. s check:,
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Storeon Olirr St.,nearthc old Post-office
"Columbus Nebraska. 447-ly
In the li.trift Court in anil for lM.ille
County. ii tin- Fourth Judicial DN.
tiict of Nebraska. In tho matter of
the estate of John A. Norris, late of
Franklin County, Ohio, deceased.
IT API'KAIMNO to the satisfaction of
said Court, by the petition of John
It. 31ulaiu executor of the last will
and testament of the said John A. Nor
ris, deceased, that there N not MiilR-ieut
personal estate in the hand- of aid
John It. Mulvane to pay tiie debts out--tandini;
against &aid deeeaed, and the
expense of administration and that It
i necesMiry to ell the real estate of
said deceased, to wit: The southwest
quarter of the southwest quarter of sec
tion eight, the east half of the southwest
iiuui ter of section eight, the north half
of the northeast quai ter, the southeast
quarter of the nort heast quarter, and the
northeast quarter of the southeast quar
ter of section twenty-seven, and the un
divided half of the south halfof southeast
quarter of section twenty-three, all in
township seventeen, north of ranee ona
east of the sixth principal meridian,
situated in the county of 'Matte and
State of Nebraska. Also the following
lots or pieces of ground in the city of
Columbus, in said Platte county, to wit :
Lots seven and eight in block thirty -eight;
lots three and four in block
thirty-nine; lots one anil two iu block
forty"; lots one and two in block lorty
three: lots three and four iu block lifty
eight; lots live and six in block seventy
two; lots seen and eight in block
seventy -four; lots three "and four iu
block eiL'hty-eiL'ht; lots three aud four in
block one hundred and twenty-one; lot
three in block one hundred and twenty
eight; lots three aud four iu block one
hundred and (hirly-six, and lots oue
aud two iu block oue hundred and
It it therefoie ordered that all persons
interested iu said estate appear before
ine, George V. Post, Judge of the
Fourth Judicial District of the State of
Nebraska, at the court house in the city
of York, iu the county of York, anil
State of Nebraska, on "the Kith flay ot
July, 1SS1, at one o'clock iu the attur
iioon, to show cause, if any they have,
why license should not be granted to
the said John It. Mulvane, executor
aforesaid, to sell the real estate of said
deceased herein described, for the pur
pose of paying the debts outstanding
against said deceased's estate, and the
expenses of administration.
And it is further ordered that a copy
of this order be published iu Tiik Cfi
i.UMisu.s .Journal, a wuekly newspaper
printed in said Platte co'unty, for at
least four successive weeks previous to
the hearing of said application.
(! HO. Ar. POAT,
Judge of the Fourth Judical District of
Nelraka. r7!'-"
C. A. Si'KiCK, Att'y.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
WIIKKKAS, default has been made
iu the payment of a note for
$.iiH).0, dated October 21, 187i, signed
and delivered by Daniel O. Parker and
made payable to the order of Orrie II.
Haight o"u the lirsl day of September,
Jsn), with interest at 10 per cent, troui
ilate thereof; which said note is secured
by mortgage of even date therewith
upon the personal property hereinafter
deseiibed, which mortgage was on still
UI iliv nl' Oi-tnliiT. 1ST!), dull' lilil in
the ollice of the count clerk of Platte
county , Nebraska, and contains a power
of sale therein and stipulation for costs.
There is due on x-iid note ou the day of
the first publication of this notice, "the
sum ol and interest thereon at 10
percent. Irom October -1, lsT!l.
Now, therefore, I, said Orrie P.. Haight,
mortgagee, will epoe for sale and sell
fur cash at public auction to the highest
bidder in front of the post-oilice, iu the
city of Columbus, in said Platte county,
on "tile
OlIi ln. j of Juno, 181,
at 2 o'clock, p. in., the following prop
erty mortgaged as aforesaid, to wit :
One chestnut sorrel mare 7 years old.
while strip iu face; one sorrel m.ire nine
years old, small white spot in f-tce and
left hind foot white; one yellow mare
eight years old. white hind led; -one
brown mare seven years old; two, two
horse wagons with bows and covers;
two sets double harncs, for the pay
ment of said note anil costs of foreclos
ing this mortgage.
J.C.. HlfiGlNS, r.Ts 4
Att'y for Mortgagee.
BY VlUTl'Kof venditioni rrpnnas di
rected tome from the District Court
of Douirlas county, Nebraska, on a judg
ment obtained before the county court
of Douglas county, Nebraska, "on the
fifteenth flay of June, lx, in favor of
C. K. Allen as plaintiff, anil against
John II. Green as defendant, for the
sum of seventy-four dollars and ninety
eight cents, anil interest at 12 per cent,
per annum, and costs taxed at six dol
lars and fifty cent' and accruing costs."
I have levied on the following real es
tate taken as the property of said de
fendant, to satisfy said judgment, to
wit: Lots 1, 2, .? and 4, block 70, lots ."
and 0, block 42.
And will offer the same for sale to t ie
highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the
!2:iI day or .1 ulj , A. !., 18m,
in front of the Court House, that being
the building wherein the last term of
court was held, at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. in. of said day, when and where due
attendance will be given by the under
signed. Dated June Cth, 1SSI.
r.sX)-r. IIKN.I. SIM ELM AN,
Sheriff of Platte County, Nebr.
In the County Court Tor Platte county,
Nebraska. In the matter of the es
tate of James Jones, deceased.
NOTICK is hereby given that an in
strument in writing purporting to
be the last will anil testament of James
Jones, deceased, late of said county, has
linen tiled in said court, and probate
thereof demanded. And thereupon it
was ordered that Thursday, the .".0th
flay of June. 1S.S1, at 2 o'clock, p. m., at
the County Judge's ollice iu said coun
ty, he assigned as the time and place of
hearing the proofs on the probate of
said instrument, when and where all
parties interested may appear anil be
May 31, ltWl.
f)7.S-4 County Judge.
Land Ollice at Grand Island, Neb.)
June 21st, 1831.
COMPLAINT having been entered at
this otlice by Ivasper Jenni against
Mordecai Lamb for abandoning his
Homestead Entrv No. TWO, dated Janu
ary 14th, 1878, upon the south 14, north
west M Section 24, Township 1!) north,
Range 1 east, in Platte county, Nebr.,
with a view to the cancellation of said
entry; the said parties are hereby
summoned to appear at this ollice on
the 10th day of August, 18S1, at 10
o'clock a. in., to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged aban
donment. Depositions will be taken
before II. J. Hudson, at hi ollice in
Columbus, Nebr., on the 27th of July,
1SS1, 10 a. in.
M. H. HOXIE, Register.
fiSl-fi Wm. ANYAN, Receiver.
Land Ollice, Grand Island, Neb., I
June 27th, 1.VJ1. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has tiled no
tice of his intention to make linal
proqf in support of his claim, and that
saiit proof will be made before the clerk
of the district court of Platte county,
at Columbus, Nebraska, on Thur-diy,
August -Hli. 1831, viz:
Michael J. Clark, Homestead No. 6187,
for the. W. , N. W. M, Section 12,
Township 1H north, Range 3 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon ami culti
vation of said laud, viz: Henry McCabe,
Edward Rogan, Thomas McPhillips and
Wilbert Fortune, all of Postville, Platte
Co., Neb.
581-5 31. B. EOXIE, Register.
Julv Oth.
Five Golden Chariots, 40 Scarlet and Golden Dens, 22 Cages
and Vans, Wild Indians, Wild Beasts Loose in the Streets,
Beautiful Zebras, Egyptian Dromedaries, Racing
Ships of the Desert, Bactrian Cam
els, Sacred Bulls.
THE L Jite05!
Three Open Dens of Beasts, Roman Senators,
Neapolitan Beauties, Beautiful Ladies,
Darling Children, Amazonian Charioteers,
A Herd of Indian Ponies, Olympian Games,
Roman Gladiators, Mardi-Grass Characters.
"STThree times as many Circus Riders: Three times as nnny Athletes; Three
times -js manv Ladies and Children; Three times as many Natural and .Mechan
ical Curiosities; Three times as many Men and Hordes; Three times the largest
Elephants; Five times the laryest Caravansaries; Ten times the most Satisfac
tion; One hundred time more Grand than ever before
All for one Ticket! Children Under 9, Half Price.
In all its Vastness, oonconti-ated upon. Six Acres
ol' Canopied (Jan vases !
1 o:
And America's
The whole Illuminated by the World's Qreate3t Invention,
This grand sight should not be missed by any one, as you mav never have the
nppnrtiiuiU otlered atrain, therefoie make up your parties iu time and arrive in
town in time to witness
Two Performances Daily at 1 and 7 P. M.
Our Admission is only the same as that charged by Inferior Exhibitions as
our Enormous Seating Capacity enables us to oiler the public the IJSIJAI..
iui r.M or aimii.h.sioa.'jw
Arxy Stylo ;E?s.vp ia tb. 35'&-rf-:3t.
Warerooms and Office on Thirteenth St.
7a:t :f l'stratia At:.
Repairing Cheaply and Promptly Executed.
Having had years of experionre iu the Wind Mill and Pump Uusiness, I am
prepared to furnish MI1N and Pumps. Do repairing, on short notice, and will
warrant any article sold or work done by me, to give satisfaction or no pav.
Land Ollice at Grand Island, Neb ,l
June 14th, 1SS1. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make linal
proof iu support of his claim, anil that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
the Court ol Platte county, Nebraska,
at the County Seat, on July 21-t, 1S.S1,
Svvor NiNon, Homestead No. JWS0, for
the'N. E. i, Section :t, Township 20
north, Itaiure 4 west. He names .he fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon and eultivation of
said land, viz: Ole N. 01en. of KarreN,
Platte Co., Neb., Guilder J. 1 1 am re.
Christian Snyder anil John Jack-on, of
Newman's Grove, Madi-on Co., eb.
o80-r M. K. HOXIE. Register.
i'iai: ioor.
Land Ollice at (irand Island, N'eb.J
June J4th, tssj. f
"TOTICE is hereby given that the
L!N following-named settler has tiled
notice- of his intention to make linal
proof in support of his elaim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
Court of Platte Co., Neb., at county -eat
on July 21st, 1881, viz:
Milo W. Itunkcr, Homestead No. fi.T","i,
for the S. 14, S. W. , Section 12, Town
ship IS north, Range " west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resilience upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: J. 11. Watts-, John
Eyinan, Thomas Green, Fred Zoll, allot"
Platte Center. Platte Co., Neb.
iiSO-'i M. II. HOXI E, Register.
Land Ollice at Grand Island, Neb.J
June latli, iail. I
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make linal
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
Court of Platte Co., Neb., at county
seat, on July 2.Td, 1881, viz:
John Wagner, Homestead No. (5781, for
the S. "W. V. Section 12, Township 1!)
north, Range 1 west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: benjamin Spielman,Emil
Pohl, Charles P.raudt, John Slubful, all
of Columbus, Platte Co., Neb.
.180-ii M. 1$. IIOXIE, Register.
Land Ollice at Grand Island, Neb.,1
June ISth, 1881. f
-yrOTICE is hereby given that the
Jj following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make linal
proot in support of his claim, ami that
said proof will he made hefore John
Staurter, Clerk of the District Court of
Platte Co., Neb., at county seat, on July
23, 1881, viz:
Edward Rogan, Homesteads Nos. 78W!
and 702 for the E. X, s- W- Vm aml W
14, S. E. Ki Section U, Township 1!
north, R-nige 3 west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Patrick Dueey, James
Ducey, Martin Maher, of Lindsay P. O.,
Neb., and Joseph Rivet, of Postville, 1
Platte Co., Neb.
0SO-0 31 . B. HOXIE, Register.
.Tulv 9 rh.
Greatest Artists!
Land Ollice at Grand Inland, Neb.J
Juno l.'t, 1881. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make linal
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will lie made before Clerk of
the Court of Platte Co., Nebraska, at
county .-eat, on July 21st. 1881, viz:
Stephen Van Doreu, Homestead No.
;il!, for the N. J, N. E. y Section (,
Township 1!) north. Range I'west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said land, viz: Wiihelm
Kleve, Frank Wassenberg, Joseph Wid
balm, Ignatz Zach, all of Humphrey,
Platte Co.. Neb.
.VMj-r. M. 15. HOX I E, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Ollice at Grand Island, Neb.,1
June IMb, 1SSI. f
NOTICE is hereby iriven that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make linal
proof iu support of his claim, anil that
said proof will he made before Clerk of
Court of Platte county, Nebraska, at
county seat, on Julv 21t, 1881, viz:
Wiihelm Kleve. Hometend No.02."',
Tor the S. 14, N. W. X, Section , Town
ship l! north, Range 1 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove hi
continuous residence upon antl cultiva
tion of saiit land, viz: Matbias Minteu,
Frank Wassenberg, Joseph AVidhalm,
Ignatz Zach, all of Humphrey, Platte
Co., Neb.
.0-.- M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Ollice at Grand Island, Neb.J
Juue 13th, 1SS1. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
followiug-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make linal
proof iu support of his claim, and that
said proof will he made before John
Staun'er, Clerk of the District Court of
Platte Co., Neb., at Columbus, on July
23d, 1881, viz:
Jermiah O'Hrien, Homestead No. til!.",
for the S. E. K. Section ti, Tovii3hip 20
north, Range 3 west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon, and cultivation of
said land, viz: Thomas Farrell, of Co
lumbus, Platte Co., Neb.. Daniel Hoi-
leran, John Sullivan ami Martin Kohen,
of Farrell, Platte Co., Neb.
.V-i M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Ollice at Grand Island, Neb.,
.June lJJtb, 1S31. )
NOTICK is hereby given that the
following-named p ttler ba filed
notii;6 of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
court or Platte county. Neb., at county
seat, on Jnlr 21st, 18SI, viz:
Mathiax Minion. Homestead No. C420,
for the W. X, S. W. 'J. Section 32, Town
ship '20 north, Itanf-e 1 west. He names
tbe following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said laud, viz: Wiihelm Kleve,
Frank Wasenberg, Joseph Widbalm,
Ignatz Zarb, all of Humphrey, Platte
Co., Neb.
550-5 . B. nOXlE, Register.
In the lMricti otirt in .mil for Platte
( oiiiti'v, in the Koiiiih Judicial Di
triot of Nebraska. In the matter of
the estate ot Mariah Arnold, late of
Platte ('utility, Nebraska, deceased.
IT APPKARING totie satisfaction of
saitl Court b rti.- petition of
baric- It. Stillmau. nliumi-trator of
th e-tate of the iid .M iriah Arnold,
deceased, that tlu-iv is not siirh'eient
per-oual estate in the hands of the s iid
t barb- It. Stilluiin.t.ipa. thede!.t out
siautliiii; agaiut ?aildev isetl'- e-tate.
an. I the expenses or administration, and
tl it is uev-sar t -ell the real e
tat. f said deceased. I wit: The west the south we-i .juarter of section
number thirteen anil the no thwest
quarter of Hie -.uilhea-t quarter of the
north w eat quarter of -ectioii weiity
four, all iu township seventesii north
of range one west of the sixth principal
meridian in Platte couuty. Nebraska.
It Is therefore ordered that all persons
interested in said estate appear before
me, George W. Po-t, Judge of the
Fourth Judicial District of Nebraska,
at the court house in the city of York,
in the couutv of York, and State of Ne
braska, ou the MUtli day of July. ltl. at
one o'clock iu the afternoon, to .show
cause, if any they have, why licen-e
should not be Jranted to the said
Charles B. Stillmau, administrator
aforesaid, to ell the real e-tate of said
deceased above decribcd for the pur
poe of paying the debts out-l-tiidiiig
against said deceased's estate, and the
expen-es of administration.
Ami it is further ocdered that a copy
of thi- order be published in Tilie Co
Mi.Misus Joim'Vau a weekly new-paper
printed in said Platte county, for at
least four successive weeks previous
to the hearing of said application.
Judge of the Fourth Judicial District
ol Nebraska. ""!-"
C. A. Si-hick, Att'y.
E. J. & J. A. EBjSTST,
(successors to SCIII'TTK A POHL),
: i s i
A 7 r
Z ?
" s. O
,c O ' ft
r 1 rj
Keep constantly on hand the celebrited
AVHITE'VATEP. WAfiON. We also handle a full line P.. D. Kufliril .t Co',
goods, such as PLOWS, II A UUOW.s and Cl'L 11 A I'OUS. Fountain uy
sEEDEUSand D It ILL-, the best on the market. ( huinpioii and Avery
CORN PLANTERS, with or without wire i-heek- rowers Atreiit- for'
the .MA KS II HA UVESTEU, twine anil u he binder, WIND MILL
and SULKY PLOW. Also for the D. M.O-borne ELF KIND
ER, either wire or twine, and Whet-ler- Ni. i-ouihiuetl
REAPER and MOWER. 3T Remember, we ileal in
Buggies, Phaetons and Platform Spring Wagons,
Don't fail to call on Us and Examine Goods and Prices !
Otlice opp. Town Hall on
All those in want of any thing in that line,will consult
their own interests by giving hnn a. call. Jiemeni
bei', he warrants every pair. Has also a.
First - Claf-f- Boot and Shoe Store in Oonneotion.
JStTKep.iirinjr Xeatly Uorie.
Don't forget the Place, Thirteenth Street, one door west of Marshall Smith'.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Has on hand a splendid stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods, Carpets,
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,
At prices that were never learfl ef More in Collins.
I buy my goods strictly for cash, and will give my customer! the
benefit of it.
Give iMe a call and covince yourself of (lie facts.
Wl Mil
Mi mm
Said House has been re-fitted, painted
accommodation of transient
Transient, per day.
Single Meals
.$1 OO I
25 ;
MTwelftb St., nearly north of
U. P. R. R. Depot. f
Fine crnd Ornamental Italian. American anil Fancy
Marble Monuments, Headstones, oramilhins
connected with the Marble business.
Call and eiaralHe -work, get OHr price, ami be cearlaced.
N. B. Being a workman of ten years experience, we can guarantee you eood
work at a saving or from 20 to 25 per cent., by giv-ng us a call. & hop and
office opposite Taiterall livery and fewi table o'&o-
The State or Nebraska, in IIftriet Court
for PlatteUoiiuty. In the matter ir
the estate of I'd ward C. Kavanuiigli,
deceased. Order for hearing.
i. hearimc in open court this 7th ilty
of June. A . P.. IM1. upon the petition iu
flue form of Daniel C. ICavaniiugh. ad
ministrator ol the e-tate rs;iid deceas
ed for iiceu-e to sell the real estute of
saiil decea-cd de-oribed in said petitiuu
for the purpose of paying the debts of
said decea-ed, his funeral e.xpen-es and
the evpen-es of administering upon !m
said estate: A Hurt "W. Crite, Esq.,
appearing for said petitioner, and it
appearing to the Court from uid peti
tion that there i not utUcienl personal
estate in the hands of said administra
tor to pay said debt.s. funeral epetne
and expenses of administration now
outstanding against said deceased, and
that it is neces-ary to-ell the real estatf
of said deceased in order to provide for
the payment of said debt-, funeral
anil expenses of administration.
It is therefore ordered by the Court
now here that -aid petition be heard at
the chambers of the undersigned JutL-e
of said Court at the citv of York. York
county. Nebraska, on the ltlth day of
July, A. D.. IWI, at one o'clock iu the
afternoon; that all persons interested in
the estate of s-aid deceased then and
there show cause, it any they have, why
license should nt be'granted to said
administrator to sell .said leal estate;
and that a copy of this order be pub
lished for four successive week- imme
diately prior to said day et for the
hearing of said petition, iu the TllK Co
lumiius JobKNAUa weekly newspaper
printed, published and generally circu
lating in saiit countv of Piatt-.
llv the Court. GKO. V. 1'OS l.
ALiiKKr W. CuiriM, Judge.
Attorney. ""-
Uth St., COLL'MKl'S NEB.
A large and complete assortment of
Men's, hen's and Children's Boots and Sbo33f
and is in first-class order for th
guests and boarders.
Day Bo3rd per week . . ..93 00
Board and Lodging per weak 4 OO
joiirv iia.timo.-xi,