The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 22, 1881, Image 2

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K'lU-rc-il at the Post-nnV-o. (.'olninlius,
Xrh., as second chi matter.
Iowa and Pennsylvania green
backers have nominated state tick
ets. Gen. 'Lon'gstreet will soon be
qualified to act as U. S. marsbal for
Harvesting is going forward in
California. The season is late and
tbe crops fair.
O.v the 10th the vote for senator
showed the following result Couk
ling 32, Piatt 27.
Seven ocean steamers left New
York City the other day with 650
passengers to Europe.
Miss M. M. Gillette of the Dis
trict of Columbia has been appointed
Notary Public by the President.
The President haB appointed
Judge N. C. McFarland, of Kansas,
commissioner of the general land
The grand prize of Paris was 100,
000 fraucs in specie and the betting
at the start was two to one against
It was reported at St. Louis on
the lGth that rates wore being cut on
grain to 3 cents to New York and 8
to Boston.
It is stated that the demand for
dry goods and clothing in eastern
wholesale markota is very good for
tho season.
Boston wool sales for laBt week
were the largest so far this year. Of
domestic grades 2,S04,706 lbs. wore
sold, aud 895,000 lbs. of foreign.
The vote for U. S. Benator in N.
Y., on the 15th inst., shows no ma
terial change, Conkling 31, Piatt
It is stated that the men who tried
to blow up the Liverpool Town Hall
are iguoraut dock hands, misguided
by the counsels of more knowing
A man who lived in extreme pov
erty in Buffalo, N. Y., and who was
a rag-picker, was found to have in
his possession the other day the sum
of 14.000.
I.v many localities in the United
States for several days of last week
fearfully hot weather prevailed the
thermometer ranging from 95 to 100
iu the shade.
Hobt. Martin, of Newark, New
Jersey, the other day shot his wife
and child, a girl three years old.
Tho woman was instantly killed,and
the child mortally wounded.
The U. S. steamship Alliance sail
ed the other day from Norfolk for a
four months' cruise between Nor
way aud Spitsbergen, in search of
the missing steamer Jcannette.
Westegren, a Swedish immigrant
was murdered iu the N. Y. city hall
park on the llth for his money. The
three men who went with him to
get a draft cashed are suspected.
Out of the forty-throe rioters in
tbe recent Cork riot, twenty-three
have been sentenced to four months'
imprisonment, the others were lib
erated. The city was quiet on the
llth inst.
The British authorities claim to
have information that tho Fenians
propose to set fire to various public
edifices iu English cities, and it is
claimed'that Chester in particular is
Kentucky recently shipped six
thoroughbred horses to Japan, this
being the second installment of
blooded stock purchased in thin
country by agents of the Japanese
Judge J. F. Kinney, of this state,
has been appointed by ex-President
Grant on the committee to revise
and report to tbe next congress tbe
by-laws and rules of the National
Trotting Association.
The ballotiug for Senators in tbe
N. Y., legislature resulted in no
choice and stood as follows : Conk
ling 33, Jacobs 29, Piatt 22, Koaruan,
29 and Depew 3S. The prospect
for the old senators' success looks
gloomy indeed.
Later news from St. Paul, Neb.,
announced the arrest of Henry Ted
rap u by Sheriff F. W. Crew, for th
murder of Lou Paxton, an account
ot which was given iu last week's
Journal. He confesses the crime
but gives contradictory reasons for
its perpetration.
Professor Rilet, of "Washington
City, eays locusts are now appearing
in the west and south. The Prof,
claims that there are two distinct
breeds. One is the thirteen-year
and the other eevenieen-year locust,
aud this is the lirst time they have
appeared in the same year since 1CC0.
Gen. "Weaver, the greenback ora
tor, with his numerous appointments
iu this state for holding public meet
ings and speaking, has very much,
we think, slighted this city. The
nearest point to us will be Central
City, "Wednesday, July 13th. "We
may misjudge his apparent slight, as
he still has ample time to announce
other appointments.
The Bribery Investigating Com
mittee at Albany eramlned Speaker
Sbarpe the other day, who testified
to receiving the $2,000 from Bradley,
and that he handed the sum to tbe
chairman of the committee. Arm
strong, of Oneida county, testified J
that he had been offered money by
Edwards, a lobbyist, to vote against
Conkling. Counsel claim that he
will be able to show where Brad
ley's $2,000 came from.
Editor Journal: This pUce was
visited on Juue llth by a terrific
storm of wiud accompanied by hail
and rain, which did great damage
to the crops and buildings in its
path. A fearful looking cloud was
seen about 5 p. m. iu the northwest,
traveling with immense velocity be
fore the wind. "We hoped it would
pass over, when suddenly a deafen
ing crash of thunder with a blinding
flash of lightning seemed to cleave
the cloud, and instantly the floods
descended as though a river had
been lifted from its bed and dis
charged upon us, with tons of hail
stones. Any one not having wit
nessed such a scene can scarcely
believe its truth. The storm did
not last over five minutes, but it
nearly ruined the work of a year.
I saw a field of barley which was
heading finely, cut as though a
mowiug machine had been through
it; fields of corn that had been cul
tivated are as browu as though non
planted. Of course we cannot tell
at this early day what the actual
loss will be. I saw one house which
looked as though peppered with
shot; wherever a hailstone struck it
the paint was knocked off. Many
incidents of interest could be given
but I must curtail for want of space ;
houses were shifted from their foun
dations, scarcely ono escaped with
out broken window glass; stables
and outhouses blown to pieces;
wagons overthrown ; frightened hor
ses aud cattle running before the
gale; had it lasted half au hour
where would Creston have been?
Providentially no lives were lost
although thero wore many narrow
escapes, promiucnt among them was
that of W. N. McCandlish aud fam
ily. They were out driving and
when uear home they were caught
by the hurricane; the wagon-box
was blown from tho running-gear
and he, his wife aud sou thrown to
the ground. They were considera
bly bruised from the fall, but no
serious injury was sustained.
Ou Sunday morniug F. "W. An
derman found a bed of hailstoues
like marbles in his slough covered
with drift, from which he could
scoop a milk pail full there was a
wagon load there; a large deposit
yet remains, 3G hours after tbe
The storm cleared in time to allow
a good attendance at the anniversa
ry of the Ladies Missionary Society,
held in the evening where a pleas
ant time was enjoyed with inter
esting exercises, and plenty of cream
and cake. A fine view of the eclipse
among the attractions.
June 13, 1SSI. s. n. a.
A Plea Tor Wholesale IIoum-m.
Ed. Journal : For some time
past the subject of a wholesalo busi
ness for Columbus has been quietly
discussed in my own thoughts with
perhaps only one or two exceptions
in suggestions to some of the citi
zens. There is a large popula
tion living in the immediate vicinity
and adjoining counties and within
fifty miles west and uorth that have
to be supplied with goods and gro
ceries principally from Chicago and
St. Louis, and if any, a very few
from New York City. One would
scarcely believe that within that
radius there is a bona Jlde popula
tion of not less than 50,332, all of
whom have to be fed and clothed.
Columbus Is very centrally located
to this population, and by fair deal
ing and content with reasonable
profits, some of our citizens could in
a short time doubtless build up a
large and paying wholesalo business.
Throe locations with suitable busi
ness rooms have been selected, in
my own miud, aB suitable for the
transaction of such business, and
already I learn Mr. Ed. Sheehan has
in his department of business open
ed out a wholesale feature with a
very fair prospect of doing a good
One other location for tbe hand
ling of dry goods, etc., in a whole
sale way is found in the ample
rooms with such a stock already on
bands as to begin the wholesale
business at once and in a very brief
period L. Kramer could furnish the
necessary goods to supply his por
tion of tbe demand of the 150,332
Marshall Smith has control of
spacious buildings and rooms nicely
constructed for a large trade in the
grocery business, which can be
changed, if necessary, at a trifling
expense, to do bis part to supply the
wants of this large demand.
"What I desire to impress upon
these citizens is the importance of
the fact of an early start in the sev
eral departments before the same
shall be occupied by other parties.
These thoughts are only the sugges
tions of one mind, but they have
produced such an impression upon
that mind that it can give no place
to tbe idea that any one who will
carefully engage in tbe enterprises
referred to, can possibly fail of at
taining success.
A Citizen.
The recent race at Paris adds au
other feather to Columbia's plume,
by J. R. Keene's Foxhall, an Ameri
can horse, gained the victory. The
coutest was a close and exciting one,
specially the finish. The London
Sportsman says the Americana have
a great deal to be prond of in secur
ing both the Derby and the Grand
Prix de PariB. Foxhall's victory was
celebrated in the evening at the
"Washington Club, and the American
Club was illuminated.
Court "Proceeding;.
Hodges v Witchey. No order.
Kruger v Adams & French Har
vesting Co. and W. II. 'Wells. Re
ferred to Judge Ru3sell to try, and
report bis findings of fnct and con
clusions of law at least ten days
before tbe next term of this court.
Ellen Young v Morgau & Galla
gher. Injunction. Referred to U.
H. Bell. Motion to set aside report
of referee overruled. Plt'fl excepts.
Motion for new trial overruled.
Plaintifr excepts. Report confirm
ed. Decree accordingly. Referee
allowed $50.
C. N. Bank of Omaha v Marten?.
Dickman v R. Brandt and wife
and others. Sale confirmed and
deed ordered.
Tbos. Fay v Thos. Farrell. Report
of referee recommitted, with in
structions. G. C. Barnum, Sr., v J. G. Comp
tou. Sale confirmed and deed or
dered. C. P. Dewey v Jas. Compton, Jr.,
and wife. Sale continued aud deed
Hunueman & Tollman v W. B.
Dale and wife aud others. Bv
agreemeut tho cause is dismissed as
to W. B. Doddridge. Whitraoyer,
Gerrard & Post withdrawn from
tbe case.
Betts v Eusden, Jewell and Mou
crief. Leave to file amended an
swer in 30 days.
W. B. Doddridge v "W. B. Dale.
By agreement, Win. Hunneman sub
stituted for party pU'ff. Trial to tbe
court. Issues found for plaintiff.
Judgment for 15 ceuts damages, aud
possession of property. Bond fixed
at $500. All proceedings stayed for
ten days.
Compton v May. Dismissed
without prejudice. Costs to plt'if.
Anderson and Piatt v Becker.
Report of referee in favor of defend
eut confirmed. Referee allowed -125.
David L. Mills v Mary V. Mills.
Dismissed at cost of plaintiff1.
Burke v Gerhold. Settled aud
costs paid.
Stracke and Bebr v Behr and Rob
ertson. Dismissed at plaintiffs cost.
Crabtree v Z.)ll, as agent and Vale
as principal. Continued.
Critos v Wentworth. Report of
referee in favor of plt'if confirmed.
O'Neill v Savidge and otbora. Sale
confirmed and deed ordered.
Devore v Beblen. Judg't against
defendant for costs.
Latson v Litsou. Dismissed at
cost of plaintiff.
Cyion v Edmonds. Dismissed.
Gerrard & Wbitmoyer v Platte
county. Leave to refer to amend
his report. The conclusions of law
of referee sustained. Judgment on
the findings of fact iu favor of Ger
rard & Whitmoyer for $1441.70.
Theiuhardtv Mackenzie. Verdict
for the plaintiff for. $22L.
Gerrard v Lawrence. Foreclos
ure. Amount found duo plaintiff
$512 ; attorneys fees $50.
Hood vSauders and others. Fore
closure. For plaintiff $090 07 and
attorney fee $50.
May v J. G. Compton and wife.
Sale confirmed aud deed ordered.
Carew v Hortmun and Ileintz.
Default. Judgment $03.40.
A'ultman & Co. v Wassorberger
and others. Time extended to ref
eree in which to try, aud report at
the next regular term of the court.
Rickly v Manley. Continued by
Hawkea Bro. & Co. v Brown and
Louden. Default. Judgment for
$328.02 and attorney fee $30.
Gottschalk v C. B. & Q. R. R. Co.
Referred to W. H. Munger.
Gottschalk v L. & N. W. R. R. Co.
Same disposition as preceding.
Diedricks v same. Same dispo
sition. Hand v Kinney and others. De
fault. Amountdue plaintifr $374.25.
attorney feo $37. Sale ordered.
Anna Farris v Thomas Farris.
Divorce granted.
Dewey and Dewey as oxecutors v
"Wheeler and wife. Foreclosure.
Amount due plaintiff $983 50; attor
ney fee $75. Sale ordered.
Dewey and Dewey v Kohlrust.
Foreclosure. Amount due plain
tiff i5C2.
Bonestcel v Bonnsteel. Pelition
for partition. Report of referee
property ordered sold.
C. P. Dewey v John Reagan and
wife. Amount found due plaintiff
$321.00, attorney fee $30. Decree
and sale.
Dewey and Dewey, executors v
Hays. Settled. Dismissed.
D. Austin & Co. v Theda M. Cool
idge. Sale confirmed and deed
Crabtree v Lohans. Foreclosure.
Amount found due plaintiff $238.45.
Decree and sale.
Gottschalk v Saley and wife.
Foreclosure. Default. Am't found
due plaintiff $GjG.GG. Attorney fee
$50. Decree and sale.
L. & N. W. R- R. Co. v Dora
Dietrich. By agreement referred to
"W. H. Munger.
Barnes v Ripp and others. Judg
ment by default, $809.19.
Smith v Friedhof & Meyers. Ver
dict for plaiutifT for $210. Motion
for new trial overruled. Defendont
Laird & Dezendorf v "W. D. Davis.
Motion to substitute Andrew Henry
as plaintiff. Sustained. Plaintiff
Moffitt v Bader. Foreclosure.
Amount found due plaintiff $272.95,
attorney fee $25. Decree and sale.
Gerhold v Gerhold. Divorce. Re
ferred to Ty". Geer,
Hunueman and Henry v Colum
bus Music Hail Association, and
oilier. Foreclosure. Amount louiid
due llumiemau $319 03, attorney fee
$30; due Henry $300.25, attorney fee
$30; due North & Co. $117.47.
Catharine HitiiUemin v Columbus
Music Hall Association aud others.
Foreclosure. Default. Amount due
plaintiff $102 04, attorney fee $IG.
R. II. Henry v J. R Henry and
others. Petition for partition. Re
port of referee confirmed. Boud
filed at $10,000. Order of sale.
Order allowed to sell lauds, estate
of J. A. Norris.
Same, estate of Mariah Arnold.
Indictments wore found against
Chas. Davis for burglary, J. Brou
lette for larceny, J. M. Lewis, C. 11.
Wilson aud George Clark for bur
glary and larceny.
IMutte County Ntutitic.
For tbe following facts we are
iudebted to C A. Newmau of tbe
Co. Clerk's office :
Total value of lands .. . . $l,009,Sa"
In cities and towns .. . a:(7,it
Personal propci tv fi-Ju'.-lH
LT. P. K. It. " 221,10$
i.. A; N. w yi,r.:.o
O., X. A: H. 11 112,17.1
W. U. Teletjlapll Co 1,04!
Total $2,24:5,071)
The valuation of the last tour
items is placed by the State Board.
The cities aud towns include Co
lumbus, Platte Center, Humphrey,
St. Bernard, Lost Creek and Dun
can. It will be seen (hat the railroad
valuatiou (uot including their lands)
is over oue-tifth as much as all the
Tbe population by precincts is as
Colninbiu 2,2'.:5
Walker 4:57
Creston :o:5
Pleasmt Valle v 41S
Lost 1'ieek
Wooilville . ..
Humphrey .. ..
Looking Gl.iss ..
Hurrows ,
Shell Creek ..
Classified as to place of birth:
United States fi,2H0
Prussia .. llf
Germany l,o2
Holland ."I
Frauce ; :!2
Switzerland 2a"
Sweden 2s
En-d-iml is
Ireland oC.t!
Canada 172
Xew Brunswick 1
Austria l."l
Russia L'
Poland :V5.s
Scotland IT
Wale. 70
Denmark 11."
Nova Scotia "
South America 0
orwa y "1
Mexico 1
Bohemia "
Deaths . .. Male l."i2: Female 17."
' JW; " 40
Lst Sunday week occurred one
of tbe most destructive storms that
ever visited central Iowa. The
bail storm in a part of Polk county
broke much window glass and in
some instances the hailstones crash
ed through weatherboards and
plastering. The stones, which were
the size of goo?o eggs, also killed a
number of live stock and poultry,
as well as rabbits and birds Durimr
the storm tho Baptist church was
struck iu Dcs Moines, and large
holes bored through tbe roof. In
tho same vicinity tbe timber was
much damaged and some of it torn
up by the roots and the crops lev
eled. Near Rising Sun a dozen
bouses were blown away, a man
named Crickson was killod and bis
wife and baby were blown a dis
tance of a quarter of a mile. The
house of John "Walters was demol
ished and his baby killed. In Ca
leph township four houses were
blown down. Iu Grant township a
child of D. Johnson was killed, and
several houses blown down. Tbe
storm was very severe in other lo
calities, destroying property and
The cyclonce that visited Kansas
last week is horrible to coutemplate.
A few items of its terrible effects
will give tbe reader some idea of
how fearful it was to witness. Near
Olivet a horse waB lifted out of tbe
stable, carried over a high mound,
and set down on tbe ground iu a
corn field a mile away. Powell's
fine orchard was totally destroyed,
troes beiug torn out of tbe ground
aud twisted into a thousand frag
ments. Several persons were killed
and a large uumbor badly injured.
It appears to have been a favoiable
day for terrible storms, similar ones
baviug visited portions of Iowa,
Kansas, Ohio and Missouri.
Archmshoi' Choke, Ireland's cler
ical champion, made one of bis most
forcible speeches tbe other day at
Tipperary to an audience of 4,000
people. He recommended to tho
people organization aud'euligbtened
public opinion as the only weapons
which should be used by the Irish
people, and only the mismanagement
of the leaders and the indiscretion
of the citizens could prevent
the ultimate success of the agitation.
He was opposed to stone-throwing
as unmanly warfare, and firmness
vith moderation, and the acceptance
of the land bill as an instalment of
The State Democratic convention
held at Des Moines on tbe 10th inst.
waB largely attended, and a full
state ticket nominated. Judge L.
G. Kenne for governor; G. M.
Walker for lieutenant governor;
H. B. Hendershott judge of the su
preme court; "Walter II. Butler
superintendent of public instruction.
The Grcenbu'k convention held
in Ohio last week nominated a full
state ticket. For governor, John
Lcitz, of Seneca ; lieutenant govern
or, Cliarlc3 Jenkins, of Mahoning;
supreme judge, Joseph Watson, of
Knox: attorney rner:il, K M. Tut
tle, of Like; treasurer, W. F. Lloyd,
of Montgomery; moinbnr of the
board of public works, W. L. Mor
risou, of Ashtabula.
The roll of the house of repre
sentatives of the forty-seventh con
gress contains tho name of Cannon
as delegate from Utah, put there by
tbe clerk. Campbell claims tbe seat
simply on tbe governor's certificate.
This action will eutitle Cannon to
take his seat and compel Campbell
to be tbe contestant.
In the District Court iu and for Platte
Count, in the Fourth .ludicial Dis
trict o'i Nebraska. In the matter of
the estate of John A. Norris, lute of
Franklin Count, Ohio, deceased.
IT APPEARING to the satisfaction of
said oui t. hy the petition of Inlin
H. MuHane, executor of the List will
and testament of the said Join. A. Nor
ris, deceased, that there is not sutlicient
personal estate in the hands of :titl
John It. .Mill vane to pay the debts out
standing against said deceased, and the
expenses ol administration and it
is ueeessari to sell the real estate of
said deceased, to wit: The southwest
ijiiarter of the southwest quarter of sec
tion eiu'bt, the east half of the southwest
quarter of section eiyht, the north half
of the northeast quarter, the southeast
qiiai ter of the northeast quarter, and the
northeast quarterof the .southeast quar
ter of section twent -seven, and the un
divided half of the south half of .southeast
quarter ot section twenty-three, all in
township seventeen, north of rant;e one
east of the sixth principal meridian,
situated iu the county of Platte and
state of Nebraska. Also the' following
lots or pieces of ground iu the city of
Columbus in said Platte county, to wit:
Lots seven and ei;lit in block thirty.
i-iht; lots three and four in Mock
thirty-nine: lots one and two iu block
forty; lots one and two in block forty
three; lots three and four iu block litty
eight; lots Hc audsi.v iu block seventy -two;
lots .seven and eight iu block
seventy-four; lots three aud four iu
block eij-hty-eiuht; lots three aud four in
block one hundred and twenty-one; lot
three in block one hundred and twenty -eight;
lots three and four in block oue
hundred aud thirty-six, and lots one
and two iu block one hundred and
thirty. eight.
It ! therefoie ordered that all persons
interested in said estate appear before
me, George W. Post, Judge of the
Fourth Judicial District of the state ol
Nebraska, at the court house in the cit
of York, in the county ot York, and
Mate of Nebraska, on "the 10th day of
Jul, lxl, at one o'clock in the aiter
noon, to show cause, if any the have,
wh license should not be granted to
the said John K. .Muliauc, executor
aforesaid, to sell the real estate of said
deceased herein described, for the pur
pose of paying the debts outstanding
against said deceased's estate, and the
expenses ot administration.
And it i further ordered that a copy
of this order be published iu Thk Co
i.mnus Joruxu.. a weekly newspaper
printed iu said l'latte county, for at
least four successive weeks previous to
the hearing of said application.
;i:o. v. poat.
Judge of the Fourth Judical District of
Nebraska. .i7-."
C. A. Sio:ick. Att'v.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Y7"IIKi:KAS, default has been made
V in the payment of a note for
".".(10.00, dated October 21. 187i. signed
and delivered by Daniel G. Parker and
made payable to the order of Orrie 15.
Haight o'n the lirst day of September,
Inso, with" interest at 10 per cent, troni
date thereof; which said note is secured
by mortgage of even date therewith
upon the personal property hereinafter
described, which mortgage was on aid
21st day of October, 1S7!, duly tiled in
the otlice of the county cleik of Platte
county, Nebraska, and contains a power
of sale therein and stipulation for costs.
There is due on said note on the day of
the lirst publication of this notice, 'the
tuinnf$r(K),00 and interest thereon at H
per cent, from October 21, IS7II.
Now, therefore, 1, said Orrie I!. Haight,
mortgagee, will expose for ale and sell
for cash at public auction to the highest
bidder iu front of the post-ollice, iu the
city of Columbus, iu said Platte county,
on the
SOtli day or June, lHl,
at 2 o'clock, p. in., the following nrop
erty mortgaged as aforesaid, to wit:
One chestnut sorrel mare 7 years old,
white strip in face; one sorrel mare nine
years old, small white spot in face and
left hind foot white; one yellow mare
eight years old, white hind leet; one
brown mare seven yeirs old; two, two
horse wagons with bows and covers;
two sets double harness, for the pay
ment of said note and costs of foreclos
ing this mortgage.
J. (i. HlGOINS, ."" 1
Att'y for Mortgagee.
To vote bonds in the sum of twenty
live thousand dollars to the Omaha,
Niobrara & Black Hills Ilailroad Com
pany. AVhereas, the Board of County Com
missioners of Platte County. Nebraska,
did on the 21st day April, .D., .
mit to the qualified electors of Colum
bus Precinct, in said Platte County, a
proposition to vote $i"i,noo in bond' of
viid Precinct to aid the Omaha, N'iobra
ri A'- Ithii-L- II ilia If i IT rn.-iil fonmanv?
.. . .-.. ....... ...... - , ,
anil the otlicial abstract of the v oles east
at :iid election duly held iu said Pre
cinct on the 2-Uh'dav of May, issi,
according to said proposition was laul
before said Board at a meeting duly
heldon the 2ith day of June, 1SS.1, and
said abstract showing that Wi votes
were cast in favor of said proposition
and 2(1 votes against the same, at said
election being a majority of more than
two-thirds of all the votes east at said
Now notice is hereby given at- requir
ed by law, that the said proposition to
issue and give t the Omaha, Niobrara
Jt Black Hills Company twenty-live
thousand ( 2."i,O)0 ) dollars in
tho bonds of said Columbus Precinct,
iu said Platte County, to aid said
Company in building a railroad into
said Precinct submitted to the elec
tors of said Precinct at said election
on the 2tli day or May, A. D., 1S81,
was adopted by the electors of
said Precinct, by order of the Board
of Countv Commissioners of Platte
Countv, Nebraska, this 20th day of
June, A. D., 1SS1.
iVM) ;; Countv Clerk.
BY VI KITE of venditioni exponas di
rected tome from the Distiict Court
of Douglas county, Nebraska, on a judg
ment obtained before the county court
or Douirlas county, Nebraska, "on the
fifteenth day or June, 18TS, iu favor of
C. K. Allen as plaintiff, and against
John II. Green as- defendant, for the
stun of seventy-four dollar and ninety
eight cents, and interest at 12 per nont.
per aiiHiim, and cots tav-d at sit dol
lars and titty cents and accruing cn.t,
I have levied on the following real es
tate taken as the property of said de
fendant, to satisfy jjid judgment, to
wit; Lots 1, 2,3 and 4, block 70, lots ,i
aud (3, block 42.
And will offer the same f.vr sale to t'c
highett bidder, for cash in h mil, on the
:iI tiny or JTuly, A. !., IS3I,
in front of the Court House, that being
the building wherein the last term of
court Was held, at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. tn. of said day, when and where due
attendance will bo given by the under
signed. Dated June Ui, 1SS1.
Sheriff of Platte County, Nebr.
ok nit:
Columbus State Bank !
At tho Closo of Business Juno
18th. 1881.
Loans and discounts " S7,C,-JS.4'.
County order account .'!, l."il.-l:J
Heal estate and furniture S..V.I.01
Cash .... . It,
Due from banks .. ."s.;t i:.u7
Deposit subject to check . $ TT.'-HT.!'.
Certificates of deposit .'it.tMJM'l
Capital stock paid in .. .
Undivided surplus fuuds . .i,lM.f7
I certify that the above statement is
correct. " AF.XEIl TUUXER.
Dated June 'JO, 'si. Cashier.
Iu the County Court for Plitte county.
Nebraska lu the matter of the es
tate of .lames Jones, deceased.
"VpM'lCK is hereb given that an iu-
striiiuent in writing purporting to
be the hist will and testament of James
Jones, dece ncal, I "to of said count , has
been tiled in said court, and probate
theieof demanded. And thereupon it
:is ordered that Thursila, the ;Mlh
I i of June. ls.s, a o'clock, p. in., at
the Count Judge'- oilice in said coiin
t, be assigned as the time and place of
hearing the pronis on the probate of
said instrument, when ami where all
parties interested may appear anil be
Mav 111, livSl.
fi7S-4 County Judge.
n.wi. l'ltoor.
Land Oltlce at Grand Island. Neb ,
June Mtli. l.vl. i
"VfO'l'ICE is hereby given that the
Li following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make liual
proof iu support of his claim, ami that
said proof will be made In-fore Clerk of
the Court ol Platte countv, Nebriski,
at the County Seat, on July 2Nt, ls-si,
Syver NiNon. Homestead o.."Wsn, for
the N K. "4, Section .". Township 20
ooith, liimre I west. He names he fol
lowing vv itiu-sses to prove Ins continu
ous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, vi.: Ole N. Olsen. of Parrels,
Platte Co., Neb., Guilder J. Il.tuire.
Christian Sinder and John Jackson, ol"
Newman's Grove, M-nli-ion Co., Neb.
.".so.., M. 15. HO VIE, Register.
1'i.vti. ii:oo
Laud Oilice at Grand Island, Neh.,
June llth. IsSl. f
"VTOTfCE is hereby given that the
i rollowiinr-uaiiied settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make tiual
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be m ide before Clerk of
Court of Platte Co., Neb., at countv seat
on July -.ilst, isst, vi.:
Slilo W. Bunker, Homestead No. (m7.",
for the S. ', S. . ;. Section 12. Town
ship I: north, Ringe :! west. He names
the following wiliiese to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vi: J. 11. Watt, John
Evuian, Thomas Green, Pied Zoll, allot'
Platte Center. Platte Co.. Neb.
.-so-:. M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Otlice at Grand I si mil, Neb ,
June Billi. 1SI. i
NOTICE is hereby given that the
rollowiiig-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make tinal
proof in support of hi- claim, ami that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
Court ol Platte t o.. Neb., .it county
seat, on July 2.:d, 1SS1, vi.:
John Wagher, Homestead No.C.731. for
the S. "V. H, Section 12, Township 1!
north. Range 1 west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon and cultivation of
said 1 mil, viz: Benjamin Spicluriii.Eiuil
Pohl, Charles Brandt. John Stubful, all
of Columbus, Platte Co., Veb.
flS0.."i 31. P.. HOME, Register.
Land Otlice at Grand island, Neb.,i
Juue l.'ith, 181. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make tiual
proot in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before John
Stautler, Clerk of the DMrict Court of
Platte I n.. Neb., at county seat, on July
2.'.. lnSl, vi:
Edward Boiran, Homesteads Nos. 7sim
aud J702 for the E. . . W. 4. and V.
, S. E. ", M-ctiou 11, Township 1!
north, Ringe .'! west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, vi: Patiick Inteev, James
Ducey, M irtin .Maher, of Lindsay P. O.,
Neb.," and Joseph Rivet, ol" Postville,
Platte Co., Neb.
.V0..-. 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
FI.'VAI. iieoor.
Land Oilice at Grand Island. Neb.,1
June i::th, 11. 1
"TO-OTIC E is hereby given that the
Ji tollowiiig-named settler has tiled
notice of his intent ion to make tiual
proof iu support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
court or Platte county, Neb., at county
seat, on J11I7 2lt, jvsi, vi:
Mathias Min'en. Homestead No. (il2(i,
for t he W. , S. W. "4, Section 3- Town
ship 2(1 north. Range 1 west. He names
the following to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vi: Wilhelm Kleve,
Frank Wasenb-rg, Joseph Widhalm,
Ignut. Zach, all or Humphrey, Platte
Co.. Neb.
;.mi.-i 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
nAi. l'ltooi-'.
Land Oilice at ('rand Island. Neb.J
June III, 1SM1. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing -nameil settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make Ii11.1l
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
the Court or Platte Co., Nebraska, at
county scat, on July 21st, 1SSI, vi:
Stephen Van Dorcn, Homestead No.
l!ll!, ror the N. . N. E. 4, Section (!,
Township 1! north, Range 1 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said land, vi: Wilhelm
Kleve, Frank W'assenberg, Joseph Wid
halm, Iguatz Zach, all or Humphrey,
Platte Co., Neb.
.-N)..- M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Fin ut Proof.
Land Otlice at ('rand Island, Neb.,)
June 13th, Pl. (
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice or his intention to make tiual
proof iu support or his claim, and that
said proor will be made ln-fore Clerk of
Court or Platte county, Nebraska, at
countv seat, on July 2tst, 18-S1, vi:
Wilhelm Kleve, Homestead No.B2.Vl,
Tor the S. J4, N. W. (, Section , Town
ship 1!) north, Range 1 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion or said land, viz: Mathias Minteu,
Frank Wassenberg, Joseph Widhalm,
Iguatz. Zach, all or Humphrey, Platte
Co.. Neb.
.VsJ)..- M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Otlice at Grand Island. Neb.J
June 13th, pojl. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice ot liiii intention to make tiual
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before John
Stauffer, Clerk of the District Court or
Platte Co., Neb,, at Columbus, on July
23d, 18.11, viz:
Jeruiiab O'Brien, Homestead No. til!).'',
for the S. E. , Section ti, Township 2o
north, Range :i west. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon, and cultivation or
said land, viz: Thomas Farrell, Daniel
Hollerati, John Sullivan, or .Columbus,
Platte Co., Neb., and Martin Bohen, or
Farrell, l'latte Co., Neb.
3$0-5 M. B. HOXIE, Ragister.
In the District ( ouit .n and lor Platte
i i uiitv. in the Foiirlb Judicial Dis
tiict of Nebrtska. hi the matter of
the estate ol Mariih Arnold, late of
Platte County. N- lrat.i. deceased-
IT APPEARING t4.i.e satisfaction of
said Court bv t!i petition or
Charles B. Stillniui administrator of
the estate or tin- s-i, Miu-ih Arnold.
d ceased, that there is Hot suilleielit
personal estate in I In hauls of the iii
t billes It. Stillinin.t .a Hie del-t- Mlt
si Hiding a;Mlilt sanld.-ce .ed et.lte.
and the expenses or administration, ind
th." it is necessarv t -.-II tin- teal e
t.ltc -I said deceased. I wit: The west
half ..I the s,.uthWe-t .tl:irier ot -ectioli
uiimbei ibirteeii and the no ttiwest
quarter ut the -oiitlicist quarterof tin
northwest qu irter of section tvvent
fonr, all in township seventeen north
ofraugr one west of the sixth principal
meridian in Platte countv. Nebraska.
It Is therefore ordered that ill persons
interested iu said estate appear before
me. Geortre Post, .Midge of the
Ko- lth .ludicial District ot Ncbr-iki,
at the coin t house iu tin- cil of York,
iu the county of York, and -"late of Ne-bra-ka,
tut I tie Kith da of Jul, Ivl. at
one o'clock iu the al'terno hi. to show
cause, if any they hive, whv license
should not "be -irinted to the s-iid
buries i. MilliiMii, adiuiiiistr itor
aforesaid, to sell the real estate ol said
deceased above decribed for the pur
pose ot paiug the debts outstanding
against s iid deceasi d's estate, and the
expenses of administration.
And it 1 further ordered that a copy
of thi- ordrr be published iu Tint Co
Lt.MiUJS Joijicn vl. a weekl newspipcr
printed in ml Platte county, for at
least lour successive weeks previous
to the hearing of said application.
Judge of the Fourth Judicial District
ot Nebraska. .7"!l.."i
C. A. Si-kick, Att'y.
E. J. & J. A. Ell 1ST ST,
v-ucie.ssor.s to St lit TIE .V POllLj.
Sfimtm rtf1tiiwi t
r- -
S i
m "-',j iv - iTrT crwr-- - .
Keep rnnstanti on hand the celebrilel
WHITEWATER WAGON. We aNo handle a lull I i: p. :.if..rd . Co',
goods, such as PLOWS HARROW.- and CI Ll'l M'OKs. K..hii! uh i'mv
sEEDEKS and DRILLS, the best on the market, t li.nnpion and Aver,
I ORN PLANTERS, with or without wire . h . k rowers Whi. Aw
the. MARSH IlA R EhTKR. tvv im- and vv ne b mb-r. WIND MILL
and SULKY PLOW. ANo for the D M.(M.,n,. .K.K l!li.
ER, either wire or twine, and lie. I.r's ... i,
REAPER and .MOWER. -T, wedeil in
Buggies, Phaetons and Platform Spring Wagons,
Don't fail to call on Us and Examine Goods and Prices!
Oilice opp.Towti Hall on
All those in want oj'avy Uiin in Ihnl line. trill consult
their own interests In giving liima rati, tew em
ber, he irtwra nl's every pair. Has also a
TTirt-Clas Hoot, and Shoe Store in C lonned ion.
I5T J-icpnii-intj Neatly I)oih-.
Don't forget the Place, Thirteenth Street, one door west of Marshall Smithes.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Has on hand a splendid stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods, Carpets,
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,
Ai prices that were never M of Before ie Ciies.
I buy my goods strictly for cash, and will give my customers the
benefit of it.
Give Me a call and covinco yourself of flu; facts.
M&MMO$f& MO Tji SM
Said House has been re-fitted, palnled and is in first-class order for the
accommodation of transient guests and boarders.
.. SI 00
Transient, per day.
Single Meala
25 ,
tgy-TVelftb St., nearly north or I
U. P. K. K. Depot.
3?, IU A-. IT G5 1? E I. MTr
Fine and Ornamental Italian.. 4 mcr'wan. ami Fancy
Marble Monument s. Headstones, or amthin.
connected with the .Marble business.
Call hbiI examine work, srI our prt-ij, anil li i-nn tIucim!.
S. B. Beinij a workman or ten years experience, we rui i$u-irunte vou mmh1
work at a saving or from 'JO to 2T er rent., by giving u- a ul EThon -intl
office opposite Tattersall livery and fee 1 stable. 5l"Kin
(Copy .
The StUc bI Ner I'ka. im lisri.-t (Vt
for PI ittv CtMinlr. In '!' tlrf
thr estate of Kdwrd C. K.iv:iHMck.
deceased. I rVr 6r hes'-iiH'.
1. UcariHS ih .tH eoMrt thi- Tlh duy
of June. . D.. Pssj. hjhh thr petitiwM in
due form of DihiVI ('. Kavanaui, ad
ministrator ot t.- -state rs.iil
ed fir li.-:i-i- t s-ll tin real .-state mi
s iid dfi-cisfd dfsiribed ih slid prtitiH
for the pHrpo-e f piviiig thff ib-Ms t(
..lid ileeelsed. h- fllHClMl .iM4l
he f idtuit!tseriti "I""
said est lie: A Hurt W Crites. H.q..
appearing tor s ti.l petitioner, and ll
ippeiriHg to tiVe c urt from -aid peti
tion that there i. not siiiH lent p4rsHnl
estate iu the hinds of s iid idwinisir i
tor to pay .iid deM. funeral -mhsi
and expenses or adHiiiu.iratimi hw
oiltt lulling .iKiitist said deceased, ami
that it is Heces. iry to .ell tin reil e.t it
ol deceased in ord. r to prv Id lW
the pIVHiellt r s ud debt-. HIiHTll rV
penscs and expense, of tiltniiu.irattwH.
It i. therefore ordered bv tM ffciirt
now here that . iid petition
the chambers of the undersigned JMdtf
or said I ourt at the cit.v r York. Yrfc
countv. Nebraska, on the HMh d iy
.liilv.'.V. D.. Il. at one oVtWk in the
afternoon; that til per.oiis interest.)! im
the estate or said deceased thru ami
there show eai.i il an thev have, whv
license should not be srriHted t s-iid
admiuistr itor to sell s u, ieil e.fcitV;
and that i copj r this order kV pub
lished Tor four siieees.ive week, imme
diately prior In sud div et fr ttt
he.irili or s.nd petition. IH the TllK't
LL'vtni s. .lot itx vi.. a weeUj n-w.pori?
printed, published and generally circH
laliug in slid countv or Plait.-.
Bv the Court. GEO. U. POST.
Ai.iiKi:r Y. Culm. .Imlmf.
Attorney. ."7'-"
ggg I o 'J
ALL KIND", ot-
1.1th St.. COLI'Mp.I S NEB.
.11 r opp i;d by
large and complete ansortment of
Vomen's and Children's Boots and Sk
wnii 11 iik ruorosKs to skli. ,vr
I Day Board por week
. S300)
Board and Lodging per week 4 00
, '