wasa swsb" jm ",a.- B I K i r k i H a f! r 1 8 3 b THE JOURNAL. Entered at tho lVi"t-iili-i-. io!umi)it Nob., :n .-vuoml class matter. WEDNESDAY, .IUNK 15, lNM. TiiF. Legislature of Pennsylvania ailjoiirucd on the 9th hist. Thk li ret punches oflhe season ar rived ou the Gth in Chicago from Tuxub. A nkw elevator is being erected in Chicago with a capacity of 1,000, 000 bushels. The Lincoln J animal thinks an administration should not do too much retail business. Mks. Gaiifield can now sit up for some time, ha1 a tolerably rood ap petite, and rapidly gaining strength. Mexico is starting out in her system of railroad", just having lin ishod a line from the city of Mexico to Tula. Pk.vxsvi.vaxia as well as nnic other particular localities is having too much rain for the good of the farmers. Mr. Fauan and a German rail road employe were drowued last week in the Xorth Fork, near Nor folk Neb. No chauge on the Gth at Albany in the situation; Couklingand Piatt simply holding their own, but gain ing nothing. Ax exchange says that seventy fivo thousand women in New York City cam their own living in the various trades. A very destructive hail storm visited parts of Oregon last week, inflicting much damage ou orchards and grain fields. The senatorial contest in the New York legislature on the 7th 6tood about as usual, Conkling receiving 31 votes and Piatt 2S. Jesse Smith, of Danville, Va., shot and killed Frank 15aker, the ehcriU', who had a warrant for his arrest. Smith made his escape. IIavti was recently visited by an earthquake. Torrents of rain fell during the shocks, several land slides " occurred, aud many cattle killed. Omaha last week was likened unto the Fourth of July. Gay with dec orations and ringing with music, with a big circus parade thrown in. J. C. McUkide, of Lincoln, one day last week received his commission as postmaster at Lincoln and entered upon the duties of his ollice. Mr. Funk retiring. It is predicted in certain nrcles in "Washington City that it is highly probable one hundred indictments will be the result of investigation ol the star routes. A recent dispatch from London gives the news from Ireland as ex tremely disquieting, aud stating the condition of affairs as very little short of actual civil war. Mr. Jerry Leary of Omaha was the lucky man who drew S) acres ol land near the new town of O'Connor in Greeley county, Neb., in a recent lottery draw in that place. Six thousaud one hundred and thirteen miles ot railroad have been built in the United States within the past year, and being twice the milage of the preceding year. The vote in the New York legis lature on the Sth inst. don't look verv favorable lor the reigned sen ators, Conkling :H, Plait 29, Jacob 50, Kernan ol and Depew 51. It is asserted in political circle that the readjustee in Virginia can not get 5.000 votes bevond the Illue ridge, aud that the Republicans in tend to nominate a straight ticket. A msASTRors tire occurred at Quebecon the night of theSth, which destroyed two million dollars worth of property and leaving thousand of families homeless and destitute. Wooi.ner linos.' Grove distillery located at Peoria, 111., wa destroyed by lire the other night. One of the employees was killed by a falling wall. The loss is estimated at $150,000. The Treasurer's safe at Pawnee City was robbed the other night. The Treasurer's son and another young mau connected with the County Clerk's ollice have been ar rested on suspicion. Thus far in the investigations of the Star routed a saving to the gov ernment of about $90,000 will be effected on the western routes in which it is stated that ome promi nent Nebraskans have been actors. Miss McGowav, of Omaha, in a recent suit brought airainst that city for injuries received by falling off an nuprolecled embankment of a etreet that was being rraded. recov ered last week $1,000 by way of damages. P. J. Conx & Co., dealers in dry goodsclothing, boots and shoc, al North Platte and Sidney, made an assignment last week for the benefit of their creditors. Their liabilities amount to $35,000, and their assets to $15,000. The Omaha Uepublican says it well : "It is nip and tuck with AVin dom and James. They are side by side walking right into the affections of Columbia." They are courting the affections of that lady in good, old-fashioned style. Jay Gould was in Omaha the other day. ITc always has business to transact, and knowing persons guess he is now trying to secure a connection 'with Omaha for the Missouri Pacific road on the west side of tho Missouri. There was a very heavy frot re ported on the night of the 5th at Paisley, Out., seriously damaging green fruit and vegetables. On the same night at "Watertown, N. Y., a severe frost was experienced, doing considerable damage to crops. The following is a tree cony of the note received by a friend of the writer which explains itself : "Dear John Hanks; I am to be married next Thursday eve the ISth, to Mary Todd. I hope you will be on deck at early candle light. A. Lincoln.'' A traix ou the Denver, South Park and Pacific railroad jumped tho track the other day near Buena Yista, Col., killing H. Black, En gineer, J. Lee, fireman, and IVm. Arnold brakesman. The engine and a nnniber pf cars are total wrecks. Sixty miles west of Little Hock outrages were recently reported in that vicinity committed by the old Ivu Klux o'rgaui.iliou. The bettur citizens of the community are de termined to crush the outlaws at all hazards, and blood will probably be shed. Ax old mau en route from Bostou to San Francisco was robbed by a pick-pocket near Council Bluffs the other day of $G00, all the money he had to take his two children aud himself to the latter place. He claims his pocket was picked between Avo ca aud the Transfer. Further particulars from the shooting affair at Fremont the other day, briugs the uews of the death of Patrick Ilanlon on the 10th, and the arrest of J. M. Bradley, the man charged with shooting him, and who claims he did it iu self defence Ilanlon having shot at him first. Lou Paxton, a young man living ten miles north of St. Paul, Neb., was murdered one day last week while engaged in plowing. His team of horses aud wagon were gone. Intense excitement prevails. A number of horsemen joined iu the chase for the murderer or Murder ers. Mrs. M. E. Nash of Des Moines, Iowa, who was recently nominated by the greenback convention of that state for superintendent of public instruction, declines the nomination, and, while disclaiming any desire to engage in politics, asserts her adher ance to the republicans and their principles. A terrific wind and hail storm passed over Deadwood last week. Hail stones as largo as eggs fell for over two hours ; one stone measured twenty-two inches in circumference. In the Deadwood Gulches, the wiud storm destroyed four houses, kil ling one woman and seriously in juring Mrs. Thomas and her two young children. At the Theatre Comique in Jop lin, Mo., the other day occurred a shooting alTray in which C. L. Thompson, the stage manager, was instantly killed, and Tho3. Carney, a former employee, was mortally wounded, and also a colored man, Frank Woolard, was shot in the leg. The trouble arose about some bar fixtures, and resulted as above stated. The tenth annual commencement exercises of the Nebraska Univer sity was held at Lincoln on the Sth. It consisted of orations and essays by the graduates of the largest class that ever graduated from the insti tution. They all acquitted them selves with deserved honors, but especially the young ladies for the excellent quality of their composi tions and music. Thk Ohio Republican State Con vention, which held its session last week at Cleveland re -nominated Charles Foster for governer; J. G. Richards for lieutenant governor; George Pain member of the board of public works by acclamation ; Joseph Turney treasurer; Nicholas Longsworth for judge of the su preme court and George II. Nash for attorney general. It is wonderful what tricks are resorted to by persons who have no regard for truth to accomplish improper euds. On the Sth inst., in N. Y. an attempt was made to affect the stock and grain markets by means of a dispatch from western points, by announcing the sudden death of Jay Gould. Tho dastardly scheme was defeated by stopping the dispatch iu the associated press office. The women have the right to vote iu "Wyoming, but they caunot marry a Chinaman there. They go over to Denver to obtain that right, as Col orado laws do not prohibit it, as the marriage of a Chinaman named Lee Chang and a woman named Miss Eva Lee which recently wa3 sol emnized at Denver fully attest. The marriage is attracting great atten tion, and will he contested in the Courts. "We learn from Lake City, Col., that the ranchmen and Utes arc hav ing trouble in the Uncomphare val ley, and that several white men aud Indians have recently been killed in that valley. It is claimed that set tlers in the valley are determined to no longer await the tardy movement of the government in the matter of peace negotiations. It is said that this outbreak however is due to the Ute commissioners now engaged in an attempt to remove the Utes from that valley, aud that a general out break is a question of but a few days. It is a very important fact that we arc about to announce that should be known in the eastern states. "We know that unless especial attention is called to the subject,the modesty of the dear creatures would never think of investigating the matter. The fact has been announced in several of our Nebraska exchanges, and we have until now neglected to call the attention of our fair readers in the east to this important matter. Pre pare, now, to receive the announce ment that there are forty-six thou sand less women than men in the State of Nebraska. Last week there was a rain storm of unusual severity in tho vicinity of Wheeling, W. Va., by which great damage was done to growing crops, and to roads and bridges. A family named Staub, living on Glenu's run, were swept away in the night, the mother and five chil dren being drowned, and the father beiug carried ou a log to the head of one of the Sisters islands, where he was found in an insensible con dition. The bodies of the mother aud two children have been recov ered, but the others have been car ried down the river. Shell fVeelf So.s.i. Ed. Journal: Although farmers have hardly time for doing much iu the way ot furnishing news at this seasou of the year, yet to leave a valley of such wealth and agricul tural resources unheard from for any length of time would, iu my estimation, be very inconsistent and doing it a great injustice. Farmers are all busy, some culti vating corn, others breaking prairie, etc., and everybody is anticipatiug exceedingly good crops, as they are at present looking quite good. Hon. T. C. Ttyau is making some improvements, enlargiug his busi ness house in order to enable him to handle a larger stock of goods. Ha! ha! And another wedding, two in fact and at oue time aud place, and furthermore we bear the statement that there will be six weddings within the next five weeks, which we think is doing tolerably well. Miss Ada Farral, who has just returned from a several months visit to Adair, Iowa, is again in our midst. Miss Ada is a very estima ble youug lady aud her many friends will be pleased to greet her. There will be a grand excursion dance at Platte Centre on the even ing of the lGth inst., to which all are invited. Admission 25 cts. The select school which has been held at Platte Centre for the past month under the management of Mr. John Timothy has been discon tinued. More anon. u. Dr. S. V. Moore of York county, and that county's representative iu the legislature, was sent by the commissioners of York county to represent them at the meeting of the State Board of Equalization. He says the Governor and Slate Audi tor treated him kindly and with consideration. He says the Gov ernor pointed out the imperfections of the law under which the Board had to do its work, but failed to give a reason why he had not point ed them out in his message to the legislature. He suggests that, from what ho has learned, the proper way to meet the wants in this matter an other year is for county commis sioners to scud' oue of their number to Lincoln, to meet in convention a little before tho time fixed by law for the assessment of railroad prop erty, and let that convention ap point a committee and employ some one to stay right thoro and present their case to the State Board of Equalization and auswer all these arguments for unjust, uuequal rail road legislation. Wo get thoso items from the York llepublkan. Furmcn.' Allluncc. The Nebraska State Farmers' Al liance was organized last January, and in its progress has far exceedod tho fondest hopes of its warmest friends. Since the organization of the State Alliance no less than 243 subordinate alliances have been formed in the State, and friends of the association now claim that it holds the balance of power between the political parties of the State. The aunual meeting of the State Alliance will be held at Liucoln on the 7th of September next. Any information respecting the action or movements of the State Alliance can be obtained by subor dinate alliauces by addressing J. Burrows, secretary of the State Al liance, Mil ford, Neb. The Durango liecord, published in Colorado, says we want girls who can get themselves up in good shape to go to a dance. We want girls who will go to church and to Bible class on Sunday, aud that kind who can draw a congregation of the other sex. We want girls who can wait on the table, and who can smile us into an appetite. We want girls for sweethearts, so that when we get an arm shot off, or kicked by a mule, or thrown from a bucking horse and laid away for repairs, we may hear a gentle voice, and see the glitter of a crystal tear spoken and dropped in unconscious sympathy. Girls must be a very scarce article out in Durango. Sitting Bull's band were last week transferred to Standing Rock Agency by three steamers, the Far West, Helena and Gen. Sherman, each steamer carrying from 300 to 430 Indians. The redskinB appeared to enjoy the voyage, and were quite cheerful under the circumstances, nothing having occurred to disturb their enjoyment ou the trip except a pappoose fell overboard from the Helena, and the mother jumped after, intending to rescue it from the jaws of the mighty Missouri, but the relentless water claimed them both. Chief Gaul was one of the party and denies the story of his having killed the lamented Custer. A IVew Railroad Articles of incorporation of the Missouri Pacific railway company of Nebraska were filed last week at Lincoln. The incorporators are Jay Gould, A. A. Talmage, T. B. Drake, S. M. Smith and John L. Webster. The principal place of doing busi neBs will be Omaha. The capital stock will be $3,000,000, iu shares of $100 each. The Missouri Pacific now extends to Atchison and St. Joe, but this movement we suppose is to extend it into Nebraska, on the west Bide of the Missouri and there connect it with Mr. Gould's present system of roads. Ordinance Hfo. 11 (I. An ordinance to provide for the build ing and repair of sidewalks within the city ol Columbus. He" it ordained by the flavor and Council of the City of Columbus: SkctionI. That whurever a majority of resident owners of lots in any block or blocks fronting upon nuj street with in the city of Coluiubus shall iign and present to the City Council a petition asking for the construction of a side walk along that portion of any street upon which the lots of the signers of such petition shall abut, the Council may, by resolution, order such sidewalk to be constructed. mco. J. Whenever three-fourths of all the members of the Council shall, by vote assent thereto, a sidewalk may, by resolution, be ordered to be built along any street or streets or part of a street within the corporate limits of the city. Sec. '!. Kvcrj such resolution shall specify the width of the walk required, and the thickness aud kind of material to be used in the construction thereof, aud shall be published, for oue week, in some newspaper published and of gen eral circulation in the said city: Pro vided, that no such sidewalk shall be less than four feet in width and be made of material not less than two inches iu thickness, unless otherwise ordered, to be laid upon good aud sutlicient sup ports and shall lie placed upon the grade that may be established therefor by the city engineer. Sxc. J. Whenever any sidewalk with in the city of Columbus shall be out of repair, the Council may, by resolution, order the same to be repaired, and every .such resolution shall be published as provided in the preceding section. Skc. o. The Council shall enter into no contract to construct or repair au sidewalk for the space of twenty davs from the publication of the resolution ordering the construction or repaiation of the aine. Skc. C. A special tax or assessment to defray the expenses of building or repairing every sidewalk built or re paired under "the provisions of this ordinance may be levied by the Council on the lots of parcels of land abutting that portion of any street upon which any uch sidewalK shall be built or re paired. Such assessments shall be made by the Council in the manner now provided by law aud shall be known as "special assessments for improvement" and shall be levied 'and collected as a separate tax in addition to the taxes for general revenue purposes, to be placed upon the tax-roll for collection, subject to the same penalties, and collected iu like manner as other city taxes: Pro vided. that if the owner of any lot or parcel of land, in front of which the Council shall order a sidewalk to be built, shall, within twenty days from the publication of the resolution order ing the same to be done, build or cause to be built, a sidewalk of the material and iu the manner prescribed in such resolution, such lot or parcel of land shall be exempt from the special tax or assessment herein provided for; and every lot and parcel of land iu front of which the Council shall, by resolution, order any sidewalk to be repaired, shall bo exempt from the special tax or as sessment provided for in this section, when tho the owner thereof shall repair or caue such sidewalk to be repaired within twenty days from the publication of the resolution "ordering such repairs. Six. 7. Every ordinance and part of an ordinance inconllict with the provi sions hereof is hereby repealed. Skc. 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be iu force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Passsd and approved .June 6th, KM. .1. It. JI EACH Kit. Mavor. Attest. II.. I. Hudson, Clerk." LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court in and for Platte County, in the Fourth Judicial Dis trict of Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of John A. Norris, late of Franklin County. Ohio, deceased. r APPEARING to the satisfaction of said Court, bv the petition of John It. Mulvanc, executor of the la-t will and testament of the said John A. Nor ris, deceased, that there is not sutlicient personal estate in the hands of said John It. Mulvanc to pay the debts out standing against said deceased, and the expenses of administration and that It is necessary to sell the real estate ot said deceased, to wit: The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of sec tion eight, the east half of the southwest quarter of section eight, the north half of the northeast quarter, the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, aud the northeast quarter of the southeast quar ter of section twenty-seven, and the un di ided halfof the south half of southeast quarter of section twenty-three, all iu township seventeen, north of range one east of the sixth principal meridian. situated in the county of Platte and State of Nebraska. Alo the following lots or pieces of ground iu the city of Columbus, in said Platte county, to wit : Lots seven aud eight in block thirty eight; lots three and four in block thirty-nine; lots one a ad two in block forty"; lots one and two in block forty three; lots three and four iu block tii'ty eight; lots five aud six in block seventy two; lots seeu aud eight in block seventy-four; lots three and four in block eighty-eight; lots three and four in block one hundred and twenty-one; lot three in block one hundred and twenty eight; lots three and four iu block one hundred and thirty-six, and lots one and two in block' one hundred and thirty-eight. It it therefoie ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear before me, George W. Post, Judge of the Fourth Judicial District of the State of Nebraska, at the court house in the city of York, in the county of York, aud State of Nebraska, on the Kith day of July, 1881, at one o'clock in the after noon, to show cause, if any they have, why license should not be granted to the said John H. Mulvanc, executor aforesaid, to sell the real estate of said deceased herein described, for the pur pose of paying the debts outstanding against said deceased's estate, and the expenses of administration. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published iu Thk Co I.UMUU3 Joukxal, a weekly newspaper printed in said i'latte county, for at least four successive weeks previous to the hearing of said application. G KO. W. POST, Judge of the Fourth Judical District of Nebraska. 57!(-."i C. A.Si'KiCK, JLtt'y. LEGAL NOTICE. Iu the District Court in and for Platte County, in the Fourth Judicial Dis trict of Nebraska. In the matter of the estate ot Mariah Arnold, late of Platte County, Nebraska, deceased. IT APPEARING to the satisfaction of said Court by the petition of Charles H. Stillman, administrator of the estate of the said Mariah Arnold, deceased, that there is not sutlicient personal estate in the hands of the said Charles B. StilIman,topay the debts out standing against said deceased's estate, and the excuses of administration, and that it is necessary to sell the real es tate of said deceased, to wit: The west halfof the southwest quarter of section number thirteen and the northwest quarter or the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty four, all in township seventeen north of range one west of the sixth principal meridian in Platte county, Nebraska. It Is therefore ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear before me, George W. Post, Judge of the Fourth Judicial District of Nebraska, at the court house in the city of York, in the countv of York, and State of Ne braska, on the Kith day of July, 18S1, al one o'clock in the afternoon, to show cause, if any they have, why license should not be granted to the said (. harles B. Stillman, administrator aforesaid, to sell the real estate of said deceased above described for the pur pose of paying the debts outsUnding against said deceased's estate, and the expenses of administration. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published in The Co MJMBUS Journal, a weekly newspaper printed in said Platte county, for at least four successive weeks previous to the hearing of said application. GEO. W. POST, Judge of the Fourth Judicial District ol Nebraska. ."i7l-3 C. A. Speice, Att'y. LEGAL NOTICE. (Copy ). t'he State of Nebraska, iu District Court for Platte County. In the matter of the estate of Edward (. Ka:iu:iu;h, Ucceaseil. order tor hcarniir. T HIS MATTER COMING ON TO A hearing in open court this 7th day of June, A. !.. iss, upon the petition in due lorm ol Daniel (J. Ivavauaugu, ad ministrator ol the estate of said deceas ed for license to sell the real estate of said deceased described in said petition for the purpose of paying the debts of said deceased, hi funeral expenses and the expenses of administering upon his said estate; Albert W. Ciites, Esij., appearing tor said petitioner., and it appearing to the Court from said peti tion that there is not sutlicient personal estate iu the hands of said administra tor to pay said debts, funeral expenses and expenses -of administration now outstanding against said deceased, aud that it is necessary to sell the real estate of said deceased in order to provide for the payment of said debts, funeral ex penes"and expenses of administration. It Is therefore ordered by the Court now here that said petition" be heard at the chambers of the undersigned Judge of said I'oiirt at the city of York, York county, Nebraska, on the lt;th day of July, A. D., I SSI, at one o'clock in" the afternoon; that all persons interested in the estate of said deceased then aud there show cause, il any they have, why license should not be granted to saiil administrator to sell said real estate: and that a copy of this order be pub lished for four successive weeks imme diately prior to said day set for the hearing of aid petition, iu the Thk Co lu.mh us Joukxal. a weekly newspaper printed, published and generally circu lating iu said county of Piatt.;. By the Court. GEO. V. POS I', ALBKitr W. Ckites, Judge. Attorney. ."iTU-Ti Chattel Mortgage Sale. w HKICEAS, default has been made in the itavmeiit of a note for $;U.0O, dated October SI. 1S7!, signed and delivered by Daniel (J. Parker and made payable to the order of Orrie 15. Ilaight on the tirst day of September, 1S80. with interest at in per cent, from date thereof; which said note is secured by mortgage of even date therewith upon the personal property hereinafter described, which mortgage was on aid Slst day of October, 17!), duly tiled iu the ollice of the county clerk "of Platte county, Nebraska, and contains a power of sale therein and stipulation for costs. Theie is due on said note on the day of the tirst publication of this notice, the siiinof$rU0,00 and interest thereon at 10 per cent, from October 21, 187!. Now, therefore, I, said Orrie 15. Ilaight, mortgagee, will expose for sale ami sell for cash at public auction to the highest bidder in front of the post-otlice, iu the city of Columbus, in said Platte county, on "the :U)tU tiny of June, 1S1, at S o'clock, p. in., the following prop erty mortgaged as aforesaid, to wit : One chestnut sorrel mare 7 vears old, white strip in face; one sorrel mare nine years old. small white spot in face and left hind foot white; one yellow mare eight years old, white hind feet; one brown" mare seven years old; two, two horde wagons with bows and covers; two sets double harness, for the pay ment of said note and costs of foreclos ing this mortgage. OUltIK 1$. IIAIGIIT. J. i. IlKiCINS, TiT.S 4 Att'v for Mortgagee. LEGAL NOTICE. In the County Court for Platte county, Nebraska. In the matter of the es tate of James Jones, deceased. N JOI'ICE is hereby given that an in- trumeni in writing purporting to be the last will and testament of James Jones, deceased, late of said county, has been tiled in said court, ami probate thereof demanded. And thereupon it was ordered that Thursday, the floth day of June, 1SSI. at 2 o'clock, p. m at the County Judge's ollice iu said conn ty, be assigned as the time and place of hearing the proofs on the probate of said instrument, when and where all partie interested may appear and be heard. Mav ::i. 1SS1. JOHN G. HIGGINS, ."7S-4 County Judge. I'lA VI, IMtOOF. Land Ollice at Grand Island, Veb.l May !ith. 1S31. f N( 'OTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tiual proof iu support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before clerk of court of Platte county, Nebraska, at the county seat, on the 17th dav of June, issi, viz: Kranz Koch, Homestead No. rI."4, for the W. , N. E. M, Section :t. Town ship 'JO no'rth, Range 1 east. He names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Christian Geiter. Israel Gluek, Louis Staab. (. WenK, all of Columbus, Platte Co., Neb. 07.".-.-. M. B. HOXIE, Register. I'l.XAI. fltOOF. Land Otlice at Grand Island. Neb.,1 May 14th, ISSI. f NOTICE is hereby given that the followiiiif-uamed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make linal proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of Court of Platte Co., Neb., at countv seat, on July ,'ith, 1SS1, viz: John A. Maag, Homestead No. (ll!t. for the X. , N. E. , N. M, N W. V4, Section 4, Township 20 north, Range 2 west. He names the following witness es to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: John Melcher, of St. Bernard, Platte Co.. Neb., and Jacob Maurer, William Mau rer, Christian Schwank, of Madison, Madisou Co., Neb. .-.7r-.- M. B. 1IOXI E, Register. FirvAi, 1'icoor. Land Ollice at Grand Island, Neb.,1 jiav mm, isi. j OTICE is hereby given that the N( following-named settler has lileil notice of his intention to make final prooi m support ol his claim, and that suid proof will be made before Clerk of Court of Platte Co., Neb., at county seat, on June Uitu, 1881, viz: Joseph Shellitto, Homestead No. 10271, for the S. J. S. E. X, Section W), Town ship 1!) uorth, Range 1 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, -ind cultiva tion of, said land, viz: David Murphy, James O'Leary, Michael Reagan, Denn'js Reagan, all of Platte Center, I'latte Co., Neb. f)7.V M. B. HOXIE, Rogistcr. FINAI., PROOF. Land Ollice at Grand Island, Neb., I -nay Hin, isxi. VTOIICh is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of Court "f Platte Co., Neb., at countv seat, on July f.th, 181, viz: John Melcher, Homestead No. (MM, for the S. , N E. yA. S. K- N. W. Vi. Section 4, Township 20 north, Itangc 2 west. He names the fol owing witness es to prove h's continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: John A. Maag. of St. Bernard. Platte Co., Neb., and Jacob Maurer, William Maurer, Christian Schwank, of Madison, Madison Co., Xcb. .-.7.--.- M.J5. HOXIE, Register. fi;ai, ikooi Land Ollice, Grand Island, Xeli.,1 May !th. IsSl. f N' OTICE U hereby jriven that the fol- lowing namcu settler has men no. tice or nis intention to make tln.il proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before clerk of court of Platte county, Xrbraka, at county seat, on June 17th. ISSI, viz: Phiilippe Schroeder, Homo. tend Xo. 10142, for the W. J4, N. K. , Section .12, Township l'J north, Range 1 eat. He names the following witness, to prove his continuous residence noon and culti vation of aid land, viz: Peter Ileintz, John Ileintz, William Newman, Hans Gesen, all of Columbus Platte Co., Xeb. 575-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register. I ! A.MTTSE MIS 1ST T ! AT rin: Opera House, Columbus, JUNE 16. 1881. P K It KO UM A N K. - A FT E K NOON AND EVENING. THE TWO Will give an entertainment RICH, RARE AND REFINED, Consisting of the following charac ters; IM'ISKK uimI l'LUYI, Two of the best End Men iu the profes sion. itn.i,Y in iwri:icciJi, The Eminent Comedian. The iti;ic;r.s.v icicos.. In their specialties. Indian War Dance and Medicine I) nice. Miss LOTTIE ANDERSON. The Clrmniii!' soprano. Mid3 EVA JACKSON, Pleasing Contralto. Miss LOTTIE COBB, "serio Comic. Mrs. BURDETTE, liasso. T3T Matinee given in the afternoon so that all the ladies can attend ictth their childrcn.JE& Reserved seats for the evening may be procured at Dowty, Weaver A; Co.'s Drug Store. " FARMERS, YOl'lt ATTENTION ( AI.LED i'OTHE IS Grand Opening;! OF ELLIOTT & LUERS' MAMMOTH IMPLEMENT Hi (Jlorrisscit tfc Klock's obi stand on Oh're Street.) Where you tind one of the largest and bet stoeks of Farming Implements kept ill Columbus. We handle nothing but the best machin ery iu the market, such " as the following: Buckeye Harvesters REAPERS AND MOWERS, Tincon Buggies and Spring Wagons, FA KM WAGONS. M'LKY PLOWS. STMMMNG PLOWS, IIAUUOWS. Cl'LTIVTOUS. COUN PLANTERS, 73 - Ib ''. ' r. e- r' i:i,x.io'i"r v .b .Vil-Cni Successors to J. Fit., I . Elliott. CARTER'S Little Nerve Pills, -FOR- NERVOUS and DYSPEPTIC MEN AND WOMEN, Every nervous person should try Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which are mode specially tor those who sutler from Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Nervous and Sick Headache, weak Stomach, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, &.C. They may be used alone or in combination with Carter's Little Liver Pills, and in either ea&e will give most prompt and grateful relief. Dyspepsia make you Nervous, and Nervousness makes you Dys peptic; either one renders you miserable, aud these little pills cure both. Price, as cents. Sold by Druggists or sent by mail. . CART.ER:MEDICINE C0.,-.NewYork. LAND, FARMS, CITY PROPERTY TOR SALE AT THK Union Pacfic Land Office, On Lony Time and low rale of Interest. All wishing to buy Rail Road Land or Improved Farms will llnd it to their advantage to call at the lT. P. Land Ottice before lookin elsewhere ax I make a specially of Inlying and selling lands on commission; all persons wish ing to sell farms or unimproved laud will Unci it to their advantage to leave their lands with me for sale, as my fa cilities for all'ecting sales are unsur passed. I am prepared to make final proof for all parties wishing to get a patent for their homesteads, JSTHeiiry Conies, Clerk, writes and speaks (ierman. SAMUEL C. SMITH, Agt. U. P. Land Oepartment, ."M-y COLUMBUS, XKB. ATTACHMENT NOTICE. H' EXUV HOCKSI1KCKKR will take notice that ou the (ith day of June, 1SS1, Joseph Rraun, a Justice of the Peace of Humphrey precinct, Platte county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of $11.!I7 iu an action pending before him. Wherein John P. Knitin is plaintitr and Henry Hockshecker defendant, that property consisting of one Dewey harvester, one Champion seeder, and one Scotch drag has been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the l.ltb dav ot July, 1881, at 10 o'clock, a.m. JOHN P. KltAir.V, Plaintiff. Humphrey, June 9, lssi. "M- AT THE rCQLUMBDS MEAT'MMKET!. Ou Eleventh Street, Where meats are almost given away for cash. Beef per lb., from !! V) cts. Rest steak, per lb., 10 " .Mutton, perlb., from .. . . 0 Q, 10 " ausage, per lb., irom . . . 3 iu " j-n special prices iu uuiuia, .jv--iy r- IK'R rfSsa"Ha!feai3Si DARTER'S 'jHtTlflLE w E. J. & J. A. E-B1SFST, ( Miccc.ssors to SCIIl'TTK .t POHL), e u -A s - 0 a o O IKALKRS IX AMUCRJLTJRAL Keep constantly on XC53HEWftdlHNNiMViMiin9W WIIli'KWATKR W'AUOX. We alo handle a full line B. D. Kit ford A Co' good-, -uch as PLOWS, HARROW'S and CULTIVATORS. Fountain lily . SKKDKR- and DRILLS, the best on the market. Champion and Aery CORN PLANTERS with or without wire check" rower.s. Agents for the MARSH IIAItVKSTr R. twine and wire binder, WIXD MILL ami SILKY PLOW. Also for the D. .M.Osborne SKLF BIXD- KR, either wire or twine, aud WheelerN Xo. U combined REAPKR and MOW Kit. EST Remember, we deal in Buggies, Phaetons and Platform Spring JVagons, AXD OUR PRICKS ARK AS ( HEAP AS THK CHEAPEST. Don't fail to call on Us and Examine Goods and Prices! Ollice opp. 'ow ii Hall on J N 3.V V vat - All those in waul of any thin in thai line, will consult their own interests by giring him a call, uemem ber, he tear rant's every pair. Has also a Firt - Clas Hoot and Shoo Storo in C7oiinection. I2T liepairinir Xea-tly Done. Don't forget the Place, Thirteenth Street, one door west of Marshal! Smith'. THE REVOLUTION Dry Goods and Clothing Store Has on hand a splendid stock of Ready-made Clothing, Dry G-oods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc., Al Brines it were tw H of Mm ii Celita. I bay my goods strictly for cash, benefit Give Me a call and covince 500 cOPEN l, 1 V IS AGAIN" OPEN WaMMQm Said House has been re-fltted, painted and is in first-class order for th accommodation of transient guests and boarders. TEK.MS ABE Transient, per day SI OO Single Meals 25 JSTTweinh St. IT. P. B. , nearly north of I K. Depot. i 3?. JUATTQaicHir, PIIOI'IUCTOK OK THK COLUMBUS MARBLE WORKS MANUFACTURER OK AND DKALEK IN Fine and Ornamental Italian, American and Fancy Marble Monuments, Headstones, or anything connected, with the .Marble business. Cull nI examine work, Ref our prlcex, and be convinced. V 15 lieiii" :i workiii.in of ten Vears pxpcrivui-f. we i-in guarantee you goo work at a savhn? of from - to 2T per cent., ny "i vim? lit a call. irshp an ollice opposite Tatters-ill livery ami feuil stable. Jli-Uiu WM. BECKER, DEALKR IN A IX KINIM OF FAMILY GROCERIES! I KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND a well selected stock. Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups, Dried and Canned Fruits, and other Staples a Specialty. GoodN Oelireretl Tree to part of the City. any I A 31 ALSO AOENT FOR KBR1TED THE CKL- COQUILLA.RD Farm and Spring Wagons, of which I keep a constant supply on hand, but few their equ tl. in style and quality, second to none. CALL, AND LEARN PRICES. Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near A. tfc JV. Depot. r 8 c ?' K - -si w- PES 2 O -r ez s "2 Bflv . C URW t1 "- m& s. - ? x ALLKIXDS OP OtFLEUEHT wi W! hand the celebrated Wtii St., COLUMBUS, XKB. Pjr-3ui NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! JUST OPKXKD BV if.?H!2PS r A large and complete assortment of Men's, Women's and CMldrea's Boots :ii $::;-, WHICH HK I'KOl'OSkS TOSKLL AT BED-ROCK iPRTCTCS! and will give my customers the of it. yourself of the facts. I. GLUCK. AGAIN!) K JKf f TF w! WT TO THE PUBLIC. VS FOL LOUS: Day Board per week -S3 Board and Lodging per week 4 00 00 .loim iia:m;uo:xi. Proprietor. k i PIJOPRIETOKS OF THE Columbus Dm? Stors. ?:::j:ri U i.. T7. IQLA'JD. The Leading Drug House IX THE WEST. A full and complete line of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent .Medicines, &c, l'ai liters' Supplies, Window (Jlass, Wall Paper, AND LAMPS. IF EVERY IBBWIII. When you need anything in our line we will inuKe it to your inter est to call oii u.. &SMr. A. A. Smith retains his position as Prescription Clerktwhirh is a positive guarantee ayainst 7ia--lukes, and with our facilities every thing in the prescription line is PERFECT. Doa't forget Ike place, Bertk ofP, O. deer Jw'-J ,. , i n vl i a AL Llm