The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 08, 1881, Image 4

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LC?-.r -7-J
4 i
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Uk it Ex.utkd ltv tiii: Lkoislatuki: or tiu: State ok Nebraska:
Section 1. The county hoard of each county may grant licence
for the sale of malt, .spiritous and vinous liquors, if deemed expedient,
upon the application hy petitioif of thirty of the resident freeholders of
the town, if the county is under township organization, and if not under
township organization, then thirty of the resident freeholders of the pre
cinct where the sale of such liquors is proposed to take place, setting
forth that the applicant is a man of respectable character and standing
and a resident of this State, and praying that license may be issued to
him. Such application to be fded in the office of the county clerk and
upon the payment into the county treasury of such sum as the board may
require, not les3 than five hundred (8500) dollars for each license and
upon the compliance with the provisions of this act ; provided, such board
shall not have power to issue any license for the sale of any liquors in any
city or incorporated village or within two miles of the same.
Sec. 2. No action shall be taken upon said application until at
least two weeks' notice of the filing of the same has been given by
publication in a newspaper published in said county, having the largest
circulation therein, or if no newspaper is published in said county, by
posting written or printed notices of &d application in five of the most
public places in the town, precinct, village or city in which the business is
to be conducted, when, if there be no objections in writing made and
filed to the issuance of said license, and the county board is in session,
and all other provisions of this chapter have been fully complied with, it
may be granted.
.Sec. 3. If there be any objection, protest or remonstrance filed in
the office where the application is made against the issuance of said
license, the county board shall appoint a day for hearing of said case;
and if it shall be satisfactorily proven that the applicant for license has
been guilty of the violation of any of the provisions of this act within the
space of one year, or if any former license shall have been revoked for
any misdemeanor against the laws of this State, then the board shall re
fuse to issue such license.
Sec. 4. On hearing of any case arising under the provisions of the
last two sections, any part' interested shall have process to compel the
attendance of witnesses, who shall have the same compensation as now
provided by law in the tli.-trict court, to be paid by the party calling
said witnesses. The testimony on said hearing shall be reduced to writ
ing and filed in the office of application, and if any party feels hinelf
aggrieved by the decision in said case, he may appeal therefrom to the
district court, and said testimony shall be transmitted to said district
court, and such appeal shall be decided by the judge of such court
upon said evidence alone.
Sec. o. That license shall state the time for which it is granted,
which shall not exceed one year, the place where the liquor is to behold,
and shall not be transferable; and any license granted under this chapter
may be revoked by the authority issuing the same whenever the person
licensed shall, upon due proof made, be convicted of a violation of any of
the provisions of this act. The license shall be in the following form
as near as practicable:
.State ok Nkbraska, ,,
County of .. . J
To all who shall see these presents:
Know ye, that .. . havinir, on the... day of , A. I)., 18 ,
tiled bis petition and bond according to law, and paid into the treasury the sum
imposed on him as a vendor of malt, cpiritoiis and vinous liquor, therefore the
said is hereby authorized to sell malt, spiritous and vinous- li
quors at for . mouths ending the. . day of , A. P., 18
In testimony whereof, 1, , clerk of ..". , have affixed the
seal of said this . day of , A. 1)., IS
skal.. , Clerk.
Sec. 6. No person shall be licensed to sell malt, spiritous or vinous
liquors by any county board, or the authorities of any city or village
unless he shall first give bond in the penal sum of five thousand (S5,000)
dollars payable to the State of Nebraska, with at least two good and suf
ficient sureties, freeholders of the county in which the license is to be
granted, to be approved by the board who may be authorized to issue the
license, conditioned that he will not violate any of the provisions of this
act, and that he will pay all damages, fines and penalties and forfeitures
which may be adjudged against him under the provisions of this act. The
board taking such bond may examine any person offered as security up
on any such bond under oath, and require him to subscribe and swear to
his statement in regard to his pecuniary ability to become such security.
Any bond taken pursuant to this section may be sued upon for the use of
any person, or his legal representatives, who may be injured by reason of
the selling or giving away of any intoxicating liquor by the person so
licensed, or by his agent or servant.
Sec. 7. No person who is holden as the principal or surety upon any
bond given under the provisions of the preceding section, shall be permit
ted to become a surety upon any other bond of like character.
Sec. 8. Every person licensed as herein provided, who shall give
or sell any malt, spiritous and vinous liquors, or any intoxicating drinks,
to any minor, apprentice or servant, under twenty-one years of age, shall
forfeit and pay for each offense the sum of 825.
Sec. 9. Any minor, apprentice or servant who shall, for the pur
pose of evading the provisions of the preceding section, falsely represent
his age, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined for each and
every offense not exceeding S20, or imprisoned in the county jail not ex
ceeding thirty days, or both at the discretion of the court.
Sec. 10. Every person so licensed who shall sell any intoxicating
liquors to any Indian, insane person or idiot, or habitual drunkard, shall
forfeit and pay for each offense the sum of 850.
Sec. 11. All persons who shall sell or give away, upon any pretext,
malt, spiritous or vinous liquors, or any intoxicating drinks, without hav
ing first complied with the provisions of this act, and obtained a license
as herein set forth, shall for each offense be deemed guilty of a misde
meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than 8100,
nor more than 8500, or be imprisoned not to exceed one month in the
county jail, and shall be liable in all respects to the public and to indi
viduals, the same as he would have been had he given bonds and ob
tained license as herein provided.
Sec. 12. The magistrate before whom any complaint is made of a
violotion of the provisions of the pending section, shall issue a warrant
for the arrest of the offender, and if upon examination the magistrate
shall have reason to believe the party guilty, he shall recognize him to
appear at the next term of the district court as in case of felony.
Sec. 13. Every person so licensed, or any person, who shall, inten
tionally, or otherwise, sell or give away or direct or permit any person
or persons in his employ to sell or give away any malt, spiritous or vinous
liquors which shall be adulterated with strychnine, strontia, sugar of lead,
or any other substance, shall forfeit and pay the sum of 8100 for every
such offense. An analysis made by a practical chemist shall be deemed
competent testimony under the provision of this section.
Sec. 14. Every person who shall sell or give away any malt, spirit
ous or vinous liquors on the day of any general or special election or at
any time during the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, shall
forfeit and pay for every such offense the sum of 8100.
Sec. 15. The person so licensed shall pay all damages that the com
munity or individuals may sustain in consequence of such traffic; he shall
support all paupers, widows and orphans, and the expenses of all civil
and criminal prosecutions growing out of, or justly attributed to, his
traffic in intoxicating drinks; said damages and expenses to be recovered
inanycourtof competent jurisdiction by any civil action on the bond named
and required in section 6 of this act, a copy of which, properly authenti
cated, shall be taken in evidence in any court of justice in this State; and
it shall be the duty of the proper clerk to deliver, on demand, such' copy
to auy person who may claim to be injured by such traffic
Sec. 16. It shall be lawful for any married woman, or any other
person at her request, to institute and maintain, in her own name, a suit
on any such bond for all damages sustained by herself and children on
account of such traffic, and the money when collected shall be paid over
for the use of herself and children.
Sec. 17. When any person shall become a county or city charge
by reason of intemperance, a suit may be instituted by the proper author
ities, on the bond of any person licensed under this act, who may have
been in the habit of selling or giving intoxicating liquors to the person
so becoming a charge; prodded, that the person against whom a judg
ment may be rendered under the provisions hereof, may recover bv a
similar action a proportionate part of said judgment from any and "all
persons engaged in said traffic, who have sold or given liquor to such per
son becoming a public charge, or to any person committing an offense.
Six. 18. Onthetrialof anystiitunderthe provisions hereof, the cause
or foundation of which shall be the acts done or injuries inflicted by a per
son under the influence of liquor, it .-hall only be neca-sary to sustain the
action to prove that the defendant or defendants sold or gave liquor to the
per.on so intoxicated, or under the influence of liquor, who-e acts or in
juries are complained of on that day or about that time when said acts
were committed or said injuries received ; and in an action for damages
brought by a married woman, or other person whose support legally de
pends upon a person disqualified by intemperance from earning
the same, it shall be necessary to prove that the defendant has given or
sold intoxicating drinks to such person during the period of siicl dis
qualification. Sec. 19. All suits for damages and expenses arising under this act
may be commenced and prosecuted before a justice of the peace, where
the damages claimed do not exceed the jurisdiction of said justice, al
though the penalty in the bond may exceed that amount, and the judg
ment shall be for the damages proved.
Sec. 23. All fines and penalties so recovered under the provisions
of this act shall, when collected be paid into the proper treasury for the
use of the school fund, and the corporate authorities by whom such license
was issued shall pay to the complaining witness in such action, out of the
general fund of the county or city, an amount equal to one-fourth of the
sum actually collected and paid over to the school fund as aforesaid.
Sec. 24. The county board, under the re-trictions contained in sec
tion one (1) of this act, may grant permits to druggi-ts to .sell liquor for
medicinal, mechanical and chemical purposes upon a compliance with all
the provisions hereinbefore contained, and subject to all the require
ments and penalties contained in this act, eccept that no license fee shall
be required except the cost of issuing said permit.
Sec. 25. The corporate authorities of all cities and villages shall
have power to license, regulate and prohibit the selling or giving away
of any intoxicating, malt, spiritous vinous, mixed or fermented liquors
within the limits of such city or village, the license not to extend be
yond the municipal year in which it shall be granted, and to determine
the amount to be paid for such licen-e, not less than five hundred (8500J
dollars in vallages,and in cities of le.-s than ten thousand inhabitants, nor
less than one thousand (S1,000) dollars in cities of more than ten thou
sand inhabitants; provided, that the city council in cities, or board of
trustees, in villages, may grant permits to druggists for the sale of liquors
for medicinal, mechanical and chemical purposes only, subject to forfeit
ure, and under such restrictions ami regulations as may be provided
by ordinance and subject to the provisions of section twenty-six of thi.
act; provided, further, that in granting licenses or permits such corporate
authorities shall comply with and be governed by all the provisions of
this act in regard to granting of licenses, and all the provisions and
penalties contained in this act shall be applicable to such license?, and
the persons to whom they are granted ; provided, also, that in granting
auy license the petition therefor shall be sutlioieut if signed by thirty of
the resident freeholders, or if these are less than sixty, a majority of the
freeholders of the ward or village where the sale of 9uch liquors i9 to
take place.
Sec. 2G. Any druggist to whom a permit may be granted, as con
templated in sections tweuty-four and twenty-five of this act, shall keep
in a book, provided by him for that purpose, a register of all liquors sold
or sriven away by him, which register shall show the dates, kind, quan
tity, for what purpose and to whom such liquor was sold or given away,
which book shall bo at all times open to the inspection of the public.
All druggists to whom such permit may be granted, shall, on the first
Monday of January and July of each year, file in the office of the
clerk of the authorities granting such permits, a report of all entries
made in said register as contemplated in this section since 1) is last report,
which shall be subscribed and sworn to as correct by said druggist, aud
that he has not sold or giveu away, either by himself, dork or agent, any
liquors other than asstatod iu said report. Auy druggist failing to com
ply with the provisions of this section sh ill be deemed guilty of a mis
demeanor and upon conviction thereof, for eich and every oHense shall
be fined in auy sum not less than twenty ($20) dollars, nor more than
one hundred ($100) dollars, aud be imprisoned in the county jail not less
than ten days nor more thau thirty diys, in the discre tion of this court.
Skc. 27. If any one purchasing intoxicating liquors of a person au
thorized to sell, shall make to such person auy false statomout regarding
the use to which such liquor is intended by the purchaser to be applied,
such person so obtaining such liquor shall be deemed guilty of a misde
meanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit aud pay a fine of $10,
together with costs of prosecution, or shall staud committed until the
same is paid. For the second otleuso he shall pay a fine of $20 and tho
costs of prosecution, aud be imprisoned iu the county jail not less than
ton days nor more than thirty days.
Sec. 28. If any poison shall bo found in a stale of intoxication he
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and auy peace officer in ty,
without warrant, and it is hereby mado his duty to, take such person into
custody, and to detain him in some suitable place till an information can
be made before a magistrate and a warrant issued in due form, upon
which he may be arrested and tried, and, if found guilty, he shall pay a
fine of $10 aud the costs of prosecution, or shall be imprisoned in the
county jail not more than thirty days. But the magistrate before whom
such person is tried and convicted may remit any portiou of such pen
alty, and order the prisoner to be discharged, upon his giving informa
tion under oath, stating when, where and of whom he purchased or re
ceived the liquor which produced the intoxication, and Mm name aud
character of the liquor obtained. In cases arising under this section ap
peals may be allowed as in cases of ordinary misdemeanor within the
jurisdiction of the justice of the peace.
Skc. 29. It shall be the duty of all venders of malt, spiritous aud
vinous liquors, under the provisions of this act, to keep (ho windows and
doors of their respective places of business unobstructed by screens,
blinds, paint or other articles and any person oHoinlinj: against the pro
visions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, aud,
upon conviction thereof, shall be fined iu auy sum not less than $25, or
be imprisoned iu tho county jail not less thau leu days, or both, at the
discretion of the court, and shall have his license revoked by the same
authority granting the same.
Sf.c. 30. That chapter fifty-three of the Code of Civil Procedure of
the general statutes, 1873, entitled " License and Sale of Liquor," and an
act entitled "An act to amend section five hundred and seventy-five of
chapter fifty-eight of the Criminal Code," approved February !), 1S73,
and an act entitled " An act to regulate the issuance of liccpnse for, and the
sale of malt, vinous and spiritous liquors in, the state of Nebraska," ap
proved February 25, 1875, be and the same are hereby repealed.
There would seem to be some absent sections between 19 and 23,
but this is as published by authority.
A Woman Farmer.
People around Lawrence, Kansa,
say that the best farmer of the
neighborhood is a woman Mrs.
Mary Macutchen. Mrs. M. is a wid
ow. Ten years ago, when her hus
band died, he left her a few acres of
land and four children. She went
to work, following the plow her
self. Soon she added to her prop
erty, by purchase and improvement
In 1874, she contracted for an im
proved farm for $1,S00, which she
gave to one of her boys. She has
since paid for the land from the sur
plus products of her own farm of
120 acres. Last year she bought a
farm of 150 acres at the price of
$2,500, one-fourth of which she has
already paid, and will pay over the
other fourth from the crops of this
year. She works her farm with the
aid of her two sons aud without
much hired help. This is a jjood
example of what has been done in
the midst of hard times in Kansas
by a widow left with a family of
children and no resources. Wom
an's Journal.
Many people use fheir refinements
as a spider his web, to catch the
weak upon, that they may be mer
cilessly devoured.
A new swindle, designed to cheat
the ladies, is abroad. A man rep
resenting an eastern silk house, calls
at private residences, with a lot of
samples of silk and a lottery box in
which nearly every chance is a prize
of a valuable dress pattern. The
chances are sold at fifty cents, the
victim of the petty swindle almost
invariably draws a fine silk, her
name aud address are taken and the
prize is to be delivered iu a couple
of weeks. The agent is of course,
never seen again, and the dress pat
tern is never delivered. 1 ne swin
dler has not yet appeared in this
section, but we give the item to
place our readers on their guard.
Butler County licpublican.
The chaplain of an Illinois legis
lature prayed that God would give
the members "more wisdom aud
greater promptitude." The chap
lain during the recent deadlock cried
out, "O Lord, have compassion
upon our bewildered representa
tives and senators. They have been
sitting and sitting and have hatched
nothing. O Lord, let them arise
from their nest and go home, and
the praise shall be Thine." The
Pennsylvania chaplain recently
prayed: "Give these law-makers,
O God, more brains more brains
more brains."
C. II. V.i. "tVYoi, U. 6. Senator, Neb-
rt-hti fit . s- iu.n'iikks. U. S. Senator, Omaha
I.J. Ma.ious. Rep., Peru.
i:. Iv. Valkxtink, Rep.. We-t Point.
vlhin'ijs S AN'ci:,-iovi-i nor, Jjincoin.
-.J. .Vie older, "MMTPtary of'stuie.
John Wallichs, Auditor, Lincoln".
U. M. Birtlcti, Pre i-urer, Lincoln.
('. J. liilwoi'lli, Mtorney-Ueneral.
V. V. W. 'one . Supt. Public IimT le.
C. J. Nobe-, V iriten of Peii:te:iM-irt .
.1.0. Carter, Pri.-on Physician..
II. 1'. Mathewson, Supt.lnsanc Asylum.
e' As-neiate Judge.
-;. Maxwell, Chief. Iu-ticc,
leorjre H. I. UK 1
Amusa Cobb,
11. W. Post, .Indue. York.
M. It. IJeese, Di-trict Attorney, Wahoo.
. 15. Hovi.', Register, Grand island,
''m. Receier. (Irand Island.
I. (5. lliiu-, County Jude.
lolin StaullVr. County Clerk.
.1. W. Karly. Tro.i-urVr: '
.enj. Spiclmaii, Sherill.
R. L. liiissbiter, .surveyor.
John i-e.
M.Mahcr, v Count) Commissioner.
Joseph Rivet, )
Dr. A. I lei lit.. Coroner.
J. E. Wiintcreif "iipt. of schools.
ti. IS. IS.IIley, 1
I'.yroii Millett.
'liarles Wake, Constable.
Whole-ate and i.'etol Dealer iu
Justires of thePeace.
J. U. M curlier, Mavor.
II. J. Ihid-nn. Clerk.
John F. Wcrniuth Treasurer.
Geo. U. H.iwiii.m, Pollen Judue,
L. J. Cramer, Engineer.
Ut rm;l -John Riekly.
(J. A. Schroeder.
id 'ird
-Win. Lamb.
Ward J. U.HI11 us-en.
A. A. Smith.
Columbus Post OIII-e.
pen on Sunday Irom 11 a.m. to 12m.
and from !:::) to (i i m. l',u-iness
boiiro except Sunday (i A. M to 1. M.
Kastern mail- close at 11 A. m.
Western mails close :il4:l.r.M.
Mail for Madi-on and
Norfolk, Tuediys, Tliur-davs and
Saturdiy-, 7 . m. Arrive- at ( p.m.
s'or Imiroe, Genoa. Waterville and Al
bion, daily evept Sundaj 0 A. M. Ar
rive, -aine. i; i. m.
For l'o-Uille. Karral, Oakdale am!
Newman'.- Grove, Monday, We.Iiie--day-
and Friday-, a.'m. Arrive-
rue-day-, Thur-day.- and Saturday-,
at (J i m.
For shell Creek, Creston and Stanton,
on Monday.- and Friday- at (! a.m.
Arrive- Tue.-day- and Saturday-, at
t i. m.
For lexis,. Patron and David City,
Tue-day, Tliur-davs and Saturday-,
1 l. m Arrives at 12 m.
For St. Anthony. Prairie Hill and St.
Bernard. Friday-, ! A. M. Arrive.
Satuidav-, .'! i.m.
Wagon Material
Eastward Bound.
Kviiurant, leaves at
Pa ens;'r, " A, " "
Freiubt, " s,
r reiuht, " 10, '
Westward Bound.
Freiubt, No. .", leaves at
Passenu'r, " , " "
Freiubt, ' !), " "
Kmiurant. " 7. " "
Kvery day evecpt Saturday the three
li'ies leadinu to Chicago connect with
II P. train-, at Omaha. On Saturdays
there will be but one train a day, a-
Iiown lv the following -ehedule:
(!:2."m. m.
11:im; a. m.
l::'.0a. m.
2:00 p.m.
1:27 p. in.
(i:00 p.m.
1 :S0 a. in.
Corner lltli and Olive Sis.
Leaves Columbus
" Bell wood
I)aid City, ...
" Staplehurst, ..
" Seward,
" Itllbv
" Milford
" Pleasant Dale,
" Kmerald,
Arrives at Lincoln
Leaves Lincoln at 12
s:20a. M.
... . S:.".0 "
Jl.l.'i "
. .. 0:"l "
!:.".. "
10:12 "
io:::n "
10:4fi "
11:00 '
1I:H "
Il::i7 "
12:00 m.
:."i0 r. M. and ar
rives in Columbus 1:10 i. m.
O.. N. & B. II. KO A D.
Time Schedule No. I. To take piled
June 2, 'SI. For the government and
information of employee- only. The
Company reserves the right to vary
therefrom it pleasure. Train- daily",
Sundays excepted.
Outward Hound. I Inward Bound.
Columbus -l:,ri p.m. 'Norfolk . 7:2i; A. M.
LostCreekr:21 " Muiisou 7:1'
B.& M.R. R.
Koad together with the C. It. & (J.
which is called
PL Centre.'.: 12
Madi-on .7:01
Muiisou 7:13
Norfolk . 8:04
Madison .S:2fi
PL Centre!): IS
Columbus -l:l.- i-.m.i Albion
:i:i a.m.
Genoa ... (:ll!
Albion ..7:17
St. Kdwards::;o
Genoa 0:11 "
Lo-t CreekO-.V)
Colunibu-H):i: "
Form- the most complete line between
Nebra-ka point- and all points East
of Mis.-ouri Ither. Pa-senger.s
taking this line cros- the .Mo.
Kiver at Platt-mouth
oer the
Plattsnioutli Steel Bridge,
Which his lately been completed.
Through Day Coaches,
Pullman Sleeping Cars
Jt3JC:irds uiidcr this heading will be
inserted for $: ! a year.
G. A. It. Baker Po-t No.'l, Department
of Nebra-ka, meets every -rcond .mil
fourth Tue-day evenings in each
month in Knights of Honor Hall, Co
lumbus. Jons' IIammovo, P. C.
1). D. Wah-woicmi, Ailj't.
11. P. ItowKi:, Searg. M.ij.
Vertical Feed
Burlington, Poor-la, Chicago and
St. Lioiiis,
Where close connections an: made in
Cnion Depot- for all point- North, Kist
and South. Trains by this route start
in Nebraska and are therefore free
from the various accident- which
so frciicutlv delay train- aim
ing through from tin mountain-,
and pasM-nur arc tlm- -lire
of m 'king good connection-)
when they take the It .V
M. route ea-t.
in force in the State, as well as full and
reliable information required, can ie
had upon applicat on to B. & M. It. It.
Agents at any of the principal ita
tions, or to
O'eiierul Ticket Aaent,
Pive Hundred Dollars Reward
f ,ilri"id In en -old in lht- i ti t r and in Priiicr;
. r on.-..( ii i- -n. n . m -t - itisf.irtieH, aHd
peifor-iied cure- v.-M tiiii w in-K iis-d acerdtii
diici-tti.ti-. W.- ih.w -a; to the iHicted and dfeiibl-
mir- that we u til jki reward fer a -iiiRlkf
that tiie Pad fall- to cure. Thi. Great L'einedv ill
pnsl'l 1 1 LY and PKIt.MA K.N Vi. cure LHmdHp,
Lame lim-k. Sciatica. Urnr I. lJini(e.. Jrvj.ij.Jtrty4'x
Itmease of the Kidurjf. lHthttnrm;e ami MHtkH J
the I riw liijtamnuilHtH oj the wr-, ( ainrrh j M
l'Aadder. UUth Colored Unnt. 'ntM in the l!u,d: A
or Loins. ,ii.nas nea.mss, ai U hi uei :ui iiis-nnier-! mi- Ulail.ler and L'riiiurv
organ- whether contracted by private uisea-es or oinerwi-e.
I.ASII1S, if vou are -uil'eriug Irom hcin.ile We.ikne-s. Leucorrh.eci. or :inv
diseise of the Kidnev. Bl ulder. or Crinary Organ-. OIT CAN BK C UK KIM
Without -Wallowing iiauseou- medicines by Minply veanu
Which cute, bv absorption. Ak your drurui-t for PKOK. GUILMKlTE's
! i:KN( II KIDNEY PAD, and take no other. If lie has not $ot it, -end ?. ni ana
ton will u-ceive the Pad by return mail.
Judok Buchanan, Lawyer, T iedo. O., says: -One of Prof. Giiilmette'
''reiieh Kidue) Pads cured me o i.uuibago in three week-' time. Mi ou,w ,mi
been giien upb the be-t Doe r-a-incurable. During all tin- timI Milforud
untold agon) and paid out large -uiu- of moiie) .
Gkokok WniKli, .1. P., Toledo, 0.,s:ij :-! -uil'ered for three year- with
Sciatica and Kidne) Disea-e. and often had to go about on criitehe-. I w-i-t h
lircl and ptruiauciitlv cured alter wearing Prof. Giiilinette'.- KrviicliKidut Pad
lour Week-.
'SijllUK N. C. Scorr, S liania, O., write-:"! hae been a great -Hln-if r fur
. year- with Height- Di-ea-- ot the Kidnex-. For week- at a tim,. iV;, iinu,
to get out of bed; took barrel-of medicine, but the aie ine onli tciupunirv
rehef. I wore two of Prof. Guilmette'- Kidney Pads m. w eek.-, ami' 1 now knv
1 am entirely cured."
.Mies. IIKI.LKX, Toledo, (.. say-:- "For year- I have been cenfined a
Teal part of the time to :n bed. with Leiicorrho.i and ft male weakiie-. I were
one of Guiluictte's Kidney Pails and was cured iu one month.
II. B. Gkkkn, Wholc-.ile Grocer, Fllidlal.O.. write-: "1 Ml ib-red frri'V etirs
with lame back and in three week-wa- pel iiiaueiitli cured l.v wearing le tf
Prol. Guilm. tie's Kidne Pads."
B. F. Ki:KM.i.N(i, M. i., Druggis-t, Logan-port, IinL. when sendiittr in aiianler
for Kiduei Pad-, write-: "I wore one of the lir.-t one.-we had and I received
more benefit from it than anything I ever u-ed. In fact the Pad- srie better
general -.iti-factiou thin any Kidne reiuedi we ever sold."
I'i't .V sniiKMAM I. oruggi-t-. Ilaiiniiiat. .Mo.:-"We a r.. worths ..-. Mv.i,.
mil aie hearing ol good re-ult- Irom tin in eery day."
trade in i our Pail-
Will pn-iliiflr cnie F.-ei and Ague. Dumb Ague. At-ue Cake. P.illiu- Fever
Jaundice. D-pep-M, and ail di-ea-e- of the Liler. stom.u-h and prj,-i
ji .! i.i iij.111. .-run ! i iui. iniiimciif - irt'111-.e on I he Ivlilio-i- m.l I
tree b mail. Addre l-'IEI-'Af '?fl iMiiro r.,i...i.. o
1.. , ui-ives !,.. - . . . V . . " "'"". 'HIW.
.in- ij .. r.i.t i ., iriis-ri-i, t oiiiuux!-, .Nen,
I3T 1- or
1870. 1881. GOING EAST
(oliwfbnx jonnuil
li conducted as a
Devoted to the best mutual inter.
ests of its reader.- and its publi-lu
er. Publi-hed at Columbia, Platte
county, the centre of the agricul
tural portion (fNebra-ka,it i.-read
bj hundred- of people eat who are
looking toward- Nebra-ka as their
future home. Its subscriber- iu
Nebra-ka are the staunch, solid
portion of the community, as is
evidenced by the fact that the
Jouknal. has never contained a
"dun" again-t thein, and by the
other fact that
In its column always brings iti
reward. P.u-iiiess i btt-iue-s, and
those who wi-h to reach the solid
people of Central Nebra-ka will
tind the column-of the Journal a
splendid medium.
Of all kinds neatly and tiickiy
done, at fair prices. This species
of printing i- nearly always want
ed iu a hurry, and, knowing tliit.
fact, we have so provided for it
that we can furnish euelopes, let
ter heads, bill heads, circulars,
poster-, etc., ete., on very short
notice, and promptly on time as
we promise.
1 copy per annum 2n
" Siv mnntliH 1 00
" Three months, flu
Single copy sent to any address
in the United States for Acts.
Columbus, Nebraska.
.T- r- n
r . - " Jr A
k.v a
Sewing Machine i
Different from all Others
Contains but one-quarter as much
machinery, and is consequently
more durable, less linbie to
get out of order, and ea
sier to use than any
other machines,
and always
Gives Perfect Satisfaction
(Ckntku. Block.)
37IMJ3. Columbus, IVel.
Plows, Harrows,
Corn Planters, Cultivators
Near Matthis's Bridge.
JOSEPH BUCHER, - Proprietor
j5T"Tbe mill in complete in every par
ticular for m:tkiiii? the bc.-t of Hour. 4,
square, t'twlr IiisiiieN' i tin
motto. 4rt-x
No Changing Cars
) KKOM (
TO -
Whore direct connection-, are
in. nit- with
Through Sleeping Car Lines
New York, Huston, I'liilailelpliia,
Hallimore, Washington,
And all Knst fm ('itip.!
TIIK f-illOTtT IIIVi::
via PEORIA for
Indiauaiiols,f'inriiinafi, Louisville
- o
The IJe-t iAnv for
When Direct Connections art. niM,. j
the I'NION HEPOT with Thrwirli
Sleeping fur Line- far all Pnim,
The .Shortest, Speediest ami Mt Com
fortable Route
Ami all Points iu
I ullni-in 1 C-wIkcI P.'iImcc SlefpiHC
Cars, r.. R. .t tf. p.iurf Iirtwlmr Rhiii
Car-, with llorlon'o RcrliHinic Miiiir.
Chair-. The Fann.H- ., R. .fc (. p.dace
Diiiiur Cars.
Fa-t time. Steel Rail Tnick ami Supe
rior Equipment. inl.iii.-.l with thwir
(ireat Through Cur ArratHrmritt, make
this, aboe all other-, the fuvurite Rttutu
to the
K A S'I NO 1 1 TI I :: NO I ,TI I I'l S'l'.
TRY IT. anil vm Mill IIikI TRAVKI -IN(J
a Ll'XfRV of a DISCOM
FORT. All information about Rate of Fire
Sleeping 'ar Accoiniiifiilation-, anil
Time Table-, will l,e cheerfully Kiven
by appl in to
TIiU Npnre I Ieerreil
Boots and Shoes.
OenT Passenger Ajt, t iiltMOO.
Be sure to see theii stork and learn their
prices, before making your
purchases. ."(i'lmia
E OF HOOD CHEER. Let not the
low price- of your products ili-.
courage you, but rather limit yourex-pen-es
to your resources. Vou can tlo
so hy 'topping at the new home of your
fellow farner, where you can linil ooil
accommodations cheap. For bar foi
team for one niht and day. 2.1 cts. A
room furnished with a cook -love and
bunks, in connection with the stable
free. Those wishing can be accomino
dated at the house of the undersigned
at the following rates? Meals 2.i ceiit
beda 10 cents. J. B. SENECAL,
i mile east of Gerrard Corral
$1.50 THE(JRSERY $1.50
Now i- the time to subscribe
for tlii-,
Its miecess l:m ,een continued and un
exampled. Eximins it! Subscribs for it!
hc olumhtsfounml
And THE NIIRSKRV, both post-pnid
one :mo ir .. ': . Ki.'.'.i
Nl'R.ERV send fl.U to Vlohii I L.
Shorey :a; Rromheld street, Ro-tou,
Ma. If you desire both, -nmi kr
money order, 3.1() to M. K. Turner &
Co., Colunibua, Neb.