If "! dl II TTr-rrinrr m tji -am V X t s THE ,7( KJRNAL. WEIlIA'V. ji m: , i.vi. Cmwwmhk !!!:. to inur dim rtnoi In tin wl ic olxulil Ih ih hand on Mo-: il l !-M;ibv. wm 1 i:r.-tlnv.- fjti"f,ft i iisiu-dat. Advertisements, ,v m wiwii'vcr i la-i.. -IhhIi 1m im band by llAOH, TtCMlat -. Artvi-rtjM'SM'Mi nndor tki head IS tit-, n lin irt insertion. Iflets. aline rrk HlM-itii-nt in- rtiou. O.. X. A It. II. liOAli. rime SckodHle No. I. To take ell'eot 4lm t, "M. I'm- the government anil lHfrwKtHM of ewployi'es only. The C'nniniiHy reserves the ri-jhl to vary t Herefrom 'ti )lHr4'. Train daily". "vHMHn.V. iMVilid. OHlfarii Jtitrntttt. Oltutttas h;M .m, I.lCivek S:il " (11. lVlr-S- " Jiiiimrf ; .-i" " :Mn4i-H " 7:I " AlliHmm 7:13 " Norfolk 7::''; a. m. Mhh-oh 7:17 " Midi-n .s:i(; lllllHpHlctil-lC PL Outre. 1:1s ltCreek !. " rlHMlinslti:SS M AI.IMON IIKN(II. Coinmfcws 1:1. p. m.iAII.m.h 7:Wa..M. (IisM 1 m-l.;i:.;i St. Kit wnnl :: " (mix 5':M Lost CrecK!':.V ohiHtl.u-lti: r ilWm 7:17 " N rnriiplflMtori hi town. 1imip:J0. foiiiulir.atiou day. PloMly of moisture so far tills KYyiiotils of Fullerlon is (in down. A little more wjtul tliaii u?ual 3b9L week. 'Wanti-d. A cook, nl the Ne-(bi'a-ku HtMite. .lohn McMnlKm returned from Oiiwmh .Mtnidny. Mr. Carl Kramer returned from L4tealu Saturday. ShimImv IhsI wiii a fearfully hot Iny in this region. P. AV. Srhmilr 3 lmYiiijr a bioo of ihe iliejiiiinli-iii. (trk I.iiiliUsnjj!i cauio down from (.'enoH lYit1iiy. If you wan! groceries at Omaha (prices cull on Iimb. I). A. Wllliml of Genoa vKitert Columbus Saturday. For a jroud article of table butter oall at Win. r.cckeiV. M. II. Ileese, I)is(. hands remlv for duty. Alt'y, is on The old hiuily ItibSe what phall we do with it now ? tin Mies' Lynch ban i situation at the l P. depot, this city. M. Pobertson. Kq., of Miul hon. wae in town Saiurday. Frank English has been here feotliug up gome liurverden?. The Loup river ro-e. three feet in fifteen minutes on Monday. Pistriet Court is in session, lii.-s Uouor,.lud!e Post, presiding. Lincoln is making stupendouff ellbrls to eel itb iti to the Koutth. Cood. double harrows. complete, Ht Win. Keeker's, for six dollars. Frank li'illet has returned from the. south with a numbrr of ponies. The wash-out near Norfolk, on fho l. P. Praneh has been repaired. A -lMjrht shower Sunday night wit or imieli lightning and thunder. Pr. Konesteel had two sets of (harness stolen from his barn last wouk. Ijarge?! assortment of boots and ffoocs in town.nl the I'.oMon Shoe Store. The mnehine men are rigging up reapers, harvealerfi and self Idnders. Mr. Prainard of the Poone ooiitity Arjtis w'ai in town Satur day Inst. C'hhai. A few more plows and (flullivators at eot prices at Wm. P.eekor'.s. Choice Michigan cider, bottled, to lie lid al Win. Pecker's. Come nm try it. Follow the crowd to "FitzV iPook and Fancy goods Plore, opp., ipoHt-ollice. If you want any paper hnnging, knlfioininiiig or painting done, go to .1. C Echols. H. Anderson returned yesterday inoritiiig from Albiiui, where he was on business. Call and examine goods and prieert at the Postou Shoe Store, op-(po-Uo post-i.tli-e. -Tropic Fruil Laative,and Ilun yiidi Yanos mineral water, at Dow ny, Weaver .V CVs. Mrs. Platte P.ikor was in the oity several days last week, return ing home Saturday. We saw a basket cradle the other day that was brought all the way from (crnuiuy. flo to ,T. C. Echols for your wall paper, wheie you cun get it furnish ed on the wall cheap. llaverley's Mastodon Minstrel Troupe, "forty strong," passed west Sunday over the IT. P." Mrs. (I. P.. Pailey and her grand daughter went to Council Pin Us Saturday to visit friends. Ice cream ociabIe this evening at the M. E. Church. Good cream mid a nice time expected. "Tom" KoMitcr. of the Foundry, eame up Friday. U. P. lie is "wre-tling" with the ague. Several cars containing Italians passed this point Sunday evening, bound for the Pacific coast. Farmers bring your hogs direct to my yards and secure the highest market price. D. Anderson. Go to the 2Jew Lumber Yard for prices on lumber, lath, sash, doors, window, lime, etc., etc J. AV. Early says the Elkhorn valley country is in a fearful condi tion, owing to the heavy floods. Sec what IL Hughes will do for you in prices of lumber, before buy ing. He is a square, fair dealer. Gus. Lockner & Chas. Pudat are starting a lumber yard at Nor folk. Of course thev will succeed. Mrs. Marshal Smith, who lias boon ijuitc t-ick the papt week, is how reported to be improving in hoftllh. II. ILutrhes has purchased the lumber-yard uorth of the track, formerly owned by the Chicago Lumber Yard Last week Messrs. Uobiusou & Uoutson of St. Paul lost, by fire, their meat market, elaughtcr-houBC, &c. Xo insurance. Farmers, bring your poultry, butter and egsrs to Lamb's near the post-office, and get the highest mar ket price in cah for them. AVe learn that there was a heavy storm of wind and hail al Humph rey on Sunday night last, but can hear ot no special damage done. C. J. Schram of Madison was in town last week. Charley believes in railroads. For a time Madison was alinoit deprived of sugar, coffee and keriiHcue. A good deal of excellent work is being done on our streets, which not only adds to their value as high ways, but also to their looks orna mental as well as use'ful. Mr. II. .1. Hudson sold, ou Mon day, of his own raioing, four stalks of pie-plant, without the leaves, which weighed four and a half pounds, or eighteen ounces each. As thirteenth street is the last business street in the northern part of town why wouldn't il be a good idea to make il complete at the west end, where the main travel goes? It is rumored on the streets that ".;:" means an organization of men ot influence, and men of means Hiitlicicnt to carry forward whatever prosecutions they may undertake. The Maennerchor Society goes to Omaha this morning to take part in the exercises of the Saengerfest. There are thirty of them, and Co lumbus knows they will honor their record. E. D. Sheehan- is making many improvements to his saloon, and among hi curiosities a small grove of lemon trees. Ed. is remarkable for the taste he displays in his buildings. P. II. Henry has returned from the west. He thinks a fifty-mile ride ou horseback and then au all night ride on a freight train is not very exhilerating. The round-tip is not completed. .Tas. and Paul Jones were fined fifteen dollars each last Friday for disturbance. Paul claims that he was guilty of no offense whatever, hut on the contrary was doing his best to preserve the peace. Charlie Diedrick is becoming quite an artist. His latest labor is a portrait in oil of II. L. Possitcr. AVhen we last saw it, it was not completed, but there was enough to make recognition very easy. Mr. John Elliott of this county was a soldier in the regular army during the Mexican war. lie tells sonic interesting incidents of battles and the occupation of the city of Mexico by four thousand Federal troops. Guy. C. Parnum and Chas. Pu det have a little experience in nav igation that they will probably re member for some time to come, at least Charles, who said he wasn't able to swim. AVe can't do the sub ject justice. There are some men who get crazy on liquor, and are then ready to commit whatever deed of violence may be uppermost in their thoughts. Under the new law saloon-keepers must know such men and act accor dingly, at their peril. P. Millett and Tom Stewart hitched up a pair of colts last week and started for a drive. The tongue broke, and of course the colts got away, running some distance, and getting hurt on a wire fence, but no seiious damage was done. Carl Ivrummitz, a German lad arrived here M ouday. He is only eleven years of age, and came alone from Hamburg, safe and well, and probably had better treatment than the great body of emigrants who are not sent by express, as it were. Information was filed Friday morning, before Justice B. Millett, against P. J. Nell", charging him with gambling, and ho was put under an est by officer Brandt. AVe under stand that he is no longer in custody, having somehow given the otlicer the slip. On Thursday last Frank AA'halcn, learning (probably from persons who were being questioned for tes timony) that he was about to be prosecuted for gambling, hired a team to take him towards Schuyler, ami has not since put in an ap pearance. Two additional trains will be put upon the IT. P., when the Den ver Branch is completed. It will be so arranged that a Columbus busi ness man can go to Omaha in the morning at a reasonable hour, trans act a day's business, and return in the evening. "Wo were told Monday that one of the professional gamblers has de clared that if he is prosecuted he will "give away" all those of our citizens whom he knows to have been engaged in that crime with him, declaring that they uumber upwards of two hundred Mr. Marshall Smith will have a comfortable and nice dwelling when the ucw buildings are completed on the east part of his lot ou 15th st. The main building will be a story and a half high with two additional rooms. One on the north and the other ou the east, each one storv. AV. X'. McCandlish says that he has known seventy bushels of buck wheat raised to the acre iu Xcbras ka and, speaking of the rapid growth of trees, ho mentioned that ho had known eyrup made from the box-elder, grown in seven years from the seed. Last Friday the case of Leopold Lasoczki v. Jos. Springer, was tried before Esq. Swearinger of Polk county. It was an action of replev in brought to recover possession of certain cattle that one Lachuit had taken from the premises of Lasoczki and sold to Springer. The men working on the grade east of the brewery, Thursday last, dug up the skeleton of au Indian. It was embedded four feet below the surface, and the skull and bones of the legs were well preserved. He might be classed as one of the "early inhabitants." Schuyler San. An editor, who has doubtless experienced tho inconveniences sometimes arising from the annual renovation, draws this picture: "Tie her head up in a towl. Let her put on lather's Mouse; Send the children to the country .Mamma's ready to clean house." The newspaper, besides convey ing to the public which it serves the news that that public is most inter ested in, is also a medium of ex change. Those who wish to get special bargains will find it to their advantage to advertise for themjust as those do who wish to sell. Make your wants known. J. E. OIney's new brick store in Norfolk cost about .112,000. It is of brick, two and a half stories high, 30x128 feet. C. P. Mathewson has lately moved into a tasty brick bank of his own. Norfolk is destined to he one of tho best towns in north ern Nebraska, if she keeps on im proving as she has done the last year. A. Ar. Doland wishes to soil his property In Columbus, and will givo a good bargain. Good house and lot 132xB12, enclosed by good fence ; a jood barn, nearly new, all iu good repair. A good horse and buggy, harness, robes, etc. Arill sell them at a big sacrifice, and givo timo if desired. Apply to A. Ar. Doland or to Becher Sa Price. Lightning played a curious freak at Jos. Novak's house near the brew ery on Thursday. It entered the cellar without leaving any mark of how it got there. It raised tho floor a little and shattered it considera bly. Mrs. Novak felt, an electric shock but was not hurt. Scliuyler Xeirs. Probably a discharge from the earth to the clouds. Broom corn, sorghum and cas tor beans are said lobe almost proof against the red-legged locust, of the advent of which the far - away prophets are already beginning to speak. AVe repeat what we have often said before, that so far as we are acquainted with the history of Nebraska, she haB never stiflcred from insects during a wet season. The fellows that arc over-smart, once iu a while get hung up, as wit ness tho following: "Got all kinds of ties here?" said a would-be wit entering a well-knownfurnishing store. "Yes, sir," replied the shop man. "AVell, I should like a pigs tie," replied the customer. "All right, sir; just bend down your hogshead ami we'll lake your meas ure," said the ready shopman. One of our Platte county thresh ers says that he has enough work engaged to keep him busy from now till next December. This is not at all strange when it is remembered that usually threshing may be done here until iu Jauuary, and that last year, winter began tho middle of October, not only leaving a large amount of small grain unthreshed, but also many fields of corn un husked. The subjects to be discussed at the evening meetings at the Tent, during tho remainder of tho week arc: AVednesday. Tho Soul is it mortal or immortal? Thursday. The final abode of the saints will it he literal? AVhere will it bo located? Friday. AVhat is to be the doom of the wicked? Satur day. The Sabbath why do some christians observe the seventh day? Sunday. Pcasons for keeping the first day examined. Mr. D. P. Bradford, of Dakota, father of Mrs. Gus. G. Becher. is in the city on a visit to his daughter's. Iu our short conversation with him we learned many particulars of the great flood between Yankton and Sioux City this spriug. He says the report that fifteen hundred peo ple had been drowued is not true. He is well acquainted along the river, and knows of but two that perished, hut regards the escape of so mauy with their lives as marvel ous, considering the extreme danger they were in. Becher & Price, the boss insur ance agents of Central Nebraska, are distributing their periodical supply of blotter circulars and court plaster. They intend that these facts shall be glued into the memory of everj man who baa perishable property. Provide against loss by tire, by lightning, by accident; it is very convenient and satisfying to have a few thousand dollars in ex change for your burned dwelling and business house, your stock or your goods. Self-protection is the first law of nature. Insure at once. GRAND GALA DAY ! Completion of the 0., N. & B. H. E. R. into Columbus to be Celebra ted by Appropriate Exer cises on 16th June, 1SS1. Freo Rido All Along tho Lines Bo- twoon Albion and Norfolk to Columbus. A Cordial Invitation I'.xteml :! to Kveryloly. Our cannon is seldom brought into requisition, and we trust that wo shall never have occasion to use it except in seasons of public re joicings, to scud over the hills, and across the broad prairies, and up and down the fertile valleys of Ne braska, glad tidings to those who dwell thereon. Ping out, faithful old gun, and with your voice of thunder tell of the onward inarch of commerce; tell of the Providence which favors the brave, and of the good, sound judgment of the men who recognized their opportunity and failed not to take advantage of it; tell of the fashioning of the nine mile link in our chain of commerce that connects us with the growing west and the prosperous north, and that will eventually send our pro ducts to the Black Hills and bring cheaper lumber from the pineries of the north; tell of there-union thus made with old friends, tried and true. Thursday, June 10th, has been set apart for celebrating the completion of the road. There will bo two coaches and five open cars for each arm of tho road furuished for tho occasion, free, by tho U. P. Co., tho coaches for the transportation of ladies and children ; the trains will start at the usual time, and no freight trains will be run on that day. The speakers of the occasion will be John M. Thurston of Omaha, Dr. Bear of Norfolk, AV. M. Robertson of Madison, Loran Clark of Albion, B. K. Smith of St. Edwards. E. V. Clark of Genoa, and such others as may be drafted into the service. Besides the speeches and the mu sic, it is expected that numerous regiments of Santa Anna cavalry, otherwise known as Kallithumpians and Annirugians, will be present and enliven the occasion. The Committee of Arrangements have appointed D. X. Miner, I). Schupbach, V. T. Price, S. E. Phil lips and G. r. Iliiies, a committee on speakers stand, seating fiat cars and painting mottoes. II. P. Smith, M. Schram, jr., E. D. Shcehan and Dan. Kavanaugh com mittee on flags and decoration. L. Gcrrard, J. E. North and D. Anderson, committee on reception and entertainment of speakers. AVm. uoutson, X. Xaylor, L. Schrciber and D. N. Miner commit tee on firing salutes. J. E. North, John AViggins and D. Anderson committee on recep tion. G. G. Bowman, E. D. Sheehau and G. A. Schroeder committe on music. John Hammond, John AVermuth, II. P. Coolidge, G. AV. Clother and T. Stewart, committee on Santa Anna Cavalry. John Iluber, for the Albion train, and John Godfrey for the Norfolk train, committco on safo travel. On Friday last the saloon-keepers of the city and a few others received through the post-office a circular, of which the following is a copy : "session laws 1875, p. 12, sec. 27. 'If any person or persons shall sutler any game or games whatso ever to be played for gain upon or by means of any gaming, device, or machine of any denomination or name, iu his or their house, or any out-house, booth, arbor or erection, of which he, she or they may have the care or possession, the person or persons so ofiending shall each pay a fine of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars.' 'A word to tho wise is sufficient.' 33." It would appear from this that there is a determination somewhere to enforce the laws against gam bling. If done within the strict limits of law, it will meet with the approbation of all good citizens. Elder A. J. Cudney, who is holding a series of religious tent meetings near the Presbyterian church, has, so far, had good au diences, and his hearers seem to take a lively interest in his subjects, which he handles in a masterly way. A box at the entrance of the tent in which questions relating to biblical matters may be deposited by attend ants, and answered by the Elder, is a very good featuro of his meetings, and calculated to cieate a still deep er interest in many to understand the readings of the Great Book. His meetings will be continued the re mainder oflhis week and probably a part of next. Drop in and hear the Elder, for we are sure you will be well repaid. The train due here last evening at S:15 did not arrive until after 11 o'clock. Between Columbus and Lost Creek the rear portion of the train became detached four times, owing to a short coupling pin. The eugiue and forward cars ran two miles the first time before discover ing their loss ; and all this time the conductor and passengers were swearing in italics. Madison Chronicle. At Council meeting Monday evening, several petitions for side walks were referred to the appro priate committee. Tho bonds of druggists Stillman, Dowty, AVeaver it Co., and Heintz wero approved, and a druggist's permit to sell liquors ordered. Street work iu various parts of the city was ordered. The three ordinances, heretofore referred to in the Jouicxal, were passed. The meeting was adjourned to next Saturday evening, when the annual estimate for levy of taxes will be made. Tho Jouun'al had something to say recently of F. Brodfeuhrer's irrepressible tendency to convert every occasion into a means of jok ing. He took occasion last week to secure the insertion of a first-class, two-line sell on one of his neighbors, and of course the Journal ia com pelled to acknowledge the corn, and we are also compelled to issue the following proclamation to all Jour nal reporters and newsgatherers, and to all others who may venture to give us information at second or third hand from Brodfeuhrer, "Put not your trust in him. He is a b-a-d man, because he will buy you for nothing and sell you at a good deal less." Attention, Farmers! Elliott & Liters have the agency for Buckeye harvesters, reapers, mowers, and self-binders, and if any of you want any repairs, yon ought to come in or send in immediately for what you need, and wo will have them here in time. All farmers should look up what they want be fore harvest opens, and save delay and expense. Elliott & Liters. m TaUc ftotiue. A man by the name of John AAr. McGoy, wanting a Halladay wind mill, left a note, asking the price for 150 ft. well but with no post-oflice address. If he (McGoy) will write to the undersigned he will receive the desired information. Other pa pers, if tliey know of such a man, will confer a special favor by send ing his address to AV. II. Lawrence, Columbus, Neb. i Weather ICeport. Poview of the weather at Genoa, for the month of May, 1SSI : .Mean temperature of mo., de;'s. Mean do of same mo. last year llihcstdoou the (!th, (leg's Lowest do on the 2d tick's Ordinarily clear days Very eloudy days High winds days Calm days . . . . Itain fell during portions of davs Inches of rain fall "... do of same mo. last year ... Prevailing winds N. E. to :t.'2l m.:i si it in u i i:s c.s.'. U.S.". I. E. by E. FogB on the 5th, 0th, 31st. Lunar corona 13th. Thunder storms on Glh, flth, 17lh aud 2Gth. rRORAWLITIES FOR JUNE. AVinds blowing from southwest or southeast or from directions be tween thoso points are most likely to he followed by rain, while winds blowing from northwest or south west or directions between those points are more likely to be follow ed by fair weather. Letter List. The following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the post-oiliee, in Columbus, for the week eiidiui; .June 4, 18M: li O Cranstin, 15 M Lee, Nell M Conger, F V .Merrithew, KIMvorthCoehraii,.Inhu .Murphy, 1. M Cook, F W Ott,. O K Doane, Robert I'riee, Darrell Fineli, Karl Sehlatli, Pauline Gertseh, .Mrs Abbie Smith, .Mrs Harvey, Larvina Tjaransda Joseph Kubik, the ( Pohinder. If not called for iu :ti days will bo sent to the dead letter ollice, Washington, 1). C. When called for please say "adver tised," as these letters are kept separate. E. A. (iKRKARI) I'. 31. Cattle Tor Sale. 100 head of cows aud heifers; 70 yearlings; 30 young cows and calves. Inquire of S. O. Paymond, Columbus, Nobr. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head live cents a line each insertion. Fresh bananas at Hudson's. AViudow screen cloth at Kramer's. New Comb Honey at Hudson's. Slippers, 20 cts. a pair, at Gal ley Bros. New oranges and lemons at Hudson's. New calicos 4 cents per yard at Kramer's. Ladies' Russia $3 00 at Morse's. calf, side-lace One price, and that always the lowest, at Galley Bros. If you want to buy a sewing machine call at the singer office. Pemember that J. B. Delsman & Co. will not be undersold by anyone. A full lino of men's, ladies' and misses' shoes at Galley Bros. Ladies' linen ulsters at Kramer's. Blank notes, bank, joint, indi vidual and work-aud-lahor, neatly bound in books of 50 and 100, for sale at the Journal ollice. The Skandia Plow at the new implement store of Elliott & Luers on Olive st. Mep's summer coats only 50 cts. at Kramer's. Ladies' goat -lace,- 1.75 at Morse's shoe store. ladies' Gossamer circulars at Kramer's. Spring wagons and buggies for sale cheap at Elliott & Liters. Children's raw-hide tip lace, 50 cents at Morse's shoe store. Largo lino of Hamburg edge ings, from 5 cts. up, at Galley Bros. Delicious, foaming Soda AVatcr at Hudson's. Men's double heel socks only 5 cts. a pair at Kramer's. Hudson has just fitted up his Ice Cream Parlor 2 doors west, of Hammond House. Leave orders with Al. Pickly, and you will have your meat de livered any time from four a. m., to nine p. m. Children's copper-tip laco, 75 cents at Morse's. Delicious Ice Cream at Hud son's. Standard canned goods iu end less varieties, very cheap, at J. B. Delsman & Co's. A nice assortment of dress lawns at 7 cents at Kramer's. Men's two-buckle plow shoes, S3 cts., .fl 25, $1.50 and $2 U0 at Morse's shoe store. John Ilcmpleman, our obliging grocer, has his storo front painted red. He says it pays to sell the best goods for the least money. Al. E. Pickly is still at the block and selling more meat than ever for cash. He keeps tho finest as sortment in town. Only a few left of those nice young graded bulls at Blooming stock farm at for from $25 to $35 a head. Also oue thoroughbred year ling Sir Lawrence, or tho celebra ted premium bull, Baron Oxford, for sale. A. IIkmmui. I''. Thoso unhappy persons who sutler from nervousness and dyspep sia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which are made expressly for sleepless, nervous, dyspeptic sutlcr ers. Price 25 cents For sale at A. Heintz's Drug Store. I'resli Strawberries Received every day by express at Hudson's. 'or Sale. Three teams of good work horses, cheap for cash. Call on John ILynev. .Honey to Loan At lowest rates. Address B. Lom bard, Jr., dealer iu School. County and Precinct Bonds and Mortgage securities. Look Here. All kinds of attachments, and Needles etc., at the Singer Office, in A. .1. Arnold's Jewelry Store. Ma chines sold for cash or on time. Initialization iVotiee. The County Commissioners of Platte county will commence to sit as a Board of Equalization on June 20th, next. John Staufper, County Clerk. Oil" My Meatlow. I want no more cutting up of my hay meadows or of any other land, and I want this distinctly under stood. So, keep oil' with your wag ons and teams. A. Smith. Parasols from 10 cts. up, very cheap at Kramer's. Itriclt! Thomas Flynn is prepared to fur nish brick, either at his kiln north west of the city ; delivered anywhere in the city, or built iu the wall, at reasonable rates. Crockery, regardless of cost, for the next 30 days, in order to close out tho entire stock at J. B. Dels man t Co's. Tho finest line of children's lin en aud lace collarettes and bibs in Columbus, at Galley Bros. l-'or Sale. Cheap, and on time, one Excelsior Peapcr and mower combined, and one Dewey Harvester, nearly now, A. Ilenrich. Clothing. If you want to get nicely fitting and good wearing clothes at the lowest prices, go to Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Iluliy Carriage. Boy's wagons, Carts, ('roquet, walking Canes, willow ware etc. at E. D. Filzpatrick's Book Store opp. P. O. Attention, Luilies! If you want a stylish summer hat or shade at away down prices, call at Galley Bros. lust ICereiveil. At L. Bcrhaupt's, a nice assort ment of new goods, from which he is prepared to furnish gentlemen with spring suits on short notice. Derangement of the liver, with constipation, injure the complexion, induce pimples, sallow skin, etc. Remove the cause by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. For sale at A. Heinlz's Drug Store. To be economical you must trade al Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. AVhen you want white lead,, oil or mixed Paints, come and see what we have. Better goods for less money than any house in the west. Dowty, AVeaver & Co. IN'ucorlr. This splendid specimen of the im ported Norman - Perchon stallion may be found at Guy C. Barnuin's. $10 to insure; $8 for the season. John Haney has a two-year-old colt of Peacock's get, that now weighs 1100 pounds, (ict good colts cheap. Aprain to the Front With one of the fiuest lines of men's boy's and children's clothing, to ho lound iu ColnraDUa, at Gallov Bros. No "Bonus to Doctors," but we are selling everything in the drug Hue at lowest living rates. AVe guarantee quality and price. Dowty, AVeaver ,fc Co. Tax Sale Police. I hereby notity tho owner of Lot S, Block 113, Columbus. Neb., that I have bought the same tor taxes, and if redemption is not made, I will apply for tax deed. Harry Coolidoe. May 30th, 1SSI. A very nice large Japanese ex tension fan worth 25 cents, ' for 5 cents at Kramer's. Ladies' and children's suits in gingham, Ir.wu aud linen cheaper than you can make them, at Kra- Powty, Weaver A; Co. sell the best eotisrh medieine. Thev have eonlldenee in it, and they are wiiliinr to rutimd the money if il does nopiod. Ask for l'i's Cure for Consumption. 1'nee, 'i" ets. and $I.IN 'et Your ICepairx. Parties using tho Excelsior and Cayuga Chief machines should call at once aud order what extras the need, for those machines arc no longer manufactured. E. J. & J. A. Ernst. Iloirt Have Wet I'eet. But go to (J. AV. Phillips and leave your order for a first-class boot or shoe. He works nothing but the best of stock, and will guarantee a fit in every particular. Fine sewed wi?rk a specialty. Consult your own interest, and give him a trial. For a genuine good mixed paint, get the Gi'tta IYnntA, it is war ranted. AVe also have other brands of mixed paints, and white lead that we guarantee to give satisfaction. Dowty, AV caver & Co. For a nice assortment of bunt ings, cambrics, linens, grenadines, lawns, ginghams, cashmeres, &c, go to Kramer's. AVhy don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pills? They are a positive cure for sick headache, and all the ills produced by disordered liver. Onlv one pill a dose. For sale at A. Heintz's Drug Store. ntnre for 'oIts. On Saturday, June llth, I will be prepared to receive colts and horses for pasturage during tho season, providing them with pure fresh wa ter and salt. I will have fenced eighty acres north of my residonce. Colts", $1.00 a month; horses, $1.50. J. Ernst. For Sale. 1(!0 acres of choice land three miles northeast of Columbus, described as the W. '.... S.W. .,, See. 10, T. 17. It I east, ami N. '..., N.W. '.,, Sec. 15. T. 17, P. I east ; to one desirini; to purchase a farm close to town this is your chance. For further particu lars inquire of Louis Weaver, Couu Treasurer's Ollice. Advertisement. I wish to sell my property in Co lumbus, and will give a good bar gain. Good hotiie and lot 132x132, enclosed by good fence; a good barn, nearly new, all in good repair. A good horse and buggy, harness, robes, etc. AVill sell them at a big sacrifice, ami uivo time if desired. Apply to the undersigned or to Becher & Price. A. AV. Dolanh. Buy the Selz' hand-made boots and shoes of Kramer. They are cheaper than any other ami every pair warranted or money refunded. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head live cents :i line, lir st insertion, three cents a line each suhscUcut insertion. To EEriil. House ami lot. Inquire of s. .1. Howards. Wanted. Twenty-five acres of land broke iu Xance countv. Empiire of A. II. lU'UliICK.CoIumhlls.N'ch. William It. Itiiapii, House, Carriage and Sign Painter, Calsomlner and l'aper H-mircr. The best. Try me. Residence in Eolith Co liimhus. Secular StoeU Dealer. All kinds of horned stock bought and sold; also fat ami stork hot;. "T!-y I). A.NIiKKsON. Stolen. A set of harness. I've spotted the man and ev t liiui to return them: if he docs-Jiol lie Will be put llinnili. "7h-'J T. -M.TllJNKR. Land Tor Sale. W) acres, 5 miles west of Colum bus: T." acres under cultivation, 10 acres hay land, .fill an acre, mi easy terms. Iiiilire at .loi'RNAi. ollice. Ho! Loolf This Way. For sale cheap, cash or time, one yoke work oxen, one heat v work horse, Miie vmi hi: work mare, one rblin; pony, one uiih-li cow, one old li'ht w i.'oii, two setts harness. I iile.HI business, call and see inc. L. A.NHKlfeoX. Lund lor Sale. Two hundred acres of choice land in Platte- countv price JiUiil per acre. Description: S. i. N. yt. See. I, T. IT, It. ." west; S. , X. K. i-j, a, x. K. ,', N. K. , See. ::-, T. is, U. .". Wl.,t. For further particulars inquire of .1. W. KtRi.Y. Columbus, Xel,. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our niiotatioiii of tin- market- an- o! tained'ruesda altermion.and art- correct and reliable at the time. ;i:.w. tc. yiieat So. I, te-.tr!! lb-? 7b7 7. " :, :r, ... -.',(,: " " :.', " 51 "... . .-;h;s Com .Shelled, obi .'iw:CV Uts, , ... ... .V.KIO U.ve KOwTO Flour, . . . . f:toi:iM ir:t Imii :(Ai:c, Moal, i ;o euoouo;. I'uttor, sai( Ki,'tfs, WI0 Potatoes, ,j MKATtf. "on". UliV'K Shoulders, (V4T si,lt"S S(,tu Corned Heef fUH sak Sil-J I.IVK .S'lOljK. Fat IIo'-s, I 'J.-.& I :l but Cattle ;; .-.oino A callings, !. on$tir no Calves i noMIWN) .-beep S.Hlm INI IJood veal, per hundred,. .. 4W Iiuics, green .. , 4&G 'S'o Our IVI"im1s am! I'atrnnx. AA'e would respect luily announce that we have now a full line of dry goods, notions ami gnts linnishing goods, which will be sold at low figures (or cash. We oiler no baits to catch small trade, but shall still maintain our reputation of oue price to all. Bcmembcrthe place, at Gal ley Bros. l'lthtic Sale. AVill be sold at public auction at my residence one mile and a half south of Piehland. in Colfax Vo., Neb., and ne.u- the residence of Jas. Haney, AVednesday, June 20, ISSl, 15 head of cattle, consisting of milch cows, steers, heifers, and a number of calves. Terms of suii: All sums of $10 and under cash ; over that sum one year's ciedit will bo given with note and approved security with ten per cent, interest. Ann Mavnev. When you get ready to paper your rooms this spring call at Still man's Drug Store, and seethe nicest patterns ever brought to ColumbiM. NOTICE. STATU OF N'KI'.UASKA.l Pi.vrrKCoiNiv, ' To s. A. nones'eel. I.. Oerrard, .M. AVtilt moer. K. A. tJerrard. .M. Weaver, Thomas Diirant, .l.ircd Il.Orr. Sidney I.. Ilolinan and A. .1. Arnold. Aivi.ind't M. Arnold, .l.uie Mullen. Ira .Mullen. NVIlie North. .lames N.irlli. Kilw.ml Arnold, jr.. Cm Tripp, Albert Tripp, Karnes! Tripp, heirs of Man i riiold. rc-idcut and non-rcsidciit owners of the follow ins de-ei iln-d real fst.itr. all owned iu the county of Platte and Stale of Nebraska: M. Weaer and . A. Honest. -el, a part of the west , of Section l!. Town 17, Uinije I e ist of the sith pritn-ip.it me ridian, and furlher described as out-tot number seven t7). city of roliimbiu. I., (lerranl and il' Vhitmoer the northeast qnarterof lb- outli.- t-t ii tr ier of sll.(-iiiiu twcut-four v-'l). To w n ship 17. K.iii'-'c I west of the sixth principal meridian. K. A. (lerraril. southwest ijuartcr of the northeast quarter of Section ('.'l. Tow ii i 17). KaiiiM- I west, and Ihe north one-hall ol tlo' northwest ii irtcr ot Section i.. Town 17). U.ume I west f the sixth principal meridian. Thomas f. Dnraut. trustee, anv inter est he mat own iu the real estate aboe and hereinbefore described. .land II. rr. the smith "... of N. K. of S. K. of S. F... Section II, Tow n 17, one west of the sjxlh principal nii-ridi-in. SidncT I.. Ilolinan. north t of V K. S. K. S.K.. ami north '. or X. W.. s. K.t S. V.. Section II. Town 17. Il.me one west of the sixth principal mcridi iu. A.. I. Arnold and Amanda M. Vruold, Jane Mullen. Ira .Mullen. Nellie Nerth, lames K. North. Kdwaril Arnold, jr.. Ciiy Tripp. Albert Tripp. Karuest Tripp, heirsof. Maria Arnold. I'he west ',. ol the southwest ipiartcr of s,.,-tioii thirteen W.). Town 17. ICiut-c li one west of the sixtti principal meridian. And you are herel uotilied Hi it Ihe Omaha.' Niobrara A: I'.l i k Hill- Kailro.ol Company, a corporation oriraiiied and el-tiier under the laws of the State of Nebraska, has located its hue of road and rk'htof wav oue hundred t HUM feet wide, acro.s the above described tracts of laud, and that utiles wilhin thirty das after the publication of this notice. ou make application to the County .Indu'c of said ci null th.ic the d.un.e'e b reason of -aid location assessed, said Kail road lompani will procure in i sessiin-iii nf the same In the manner presi ribed by law-, ami hae applied to the coUlll colli t of Platte Count). Neb., for Commissioners to meet on Ihe loth da oT. I line, A. !.. lss, :it o o'clock a. in., to as-ess said damage to said re it estate. , This notice to be published for four (4) consecutive weeks in Tiik Coi.t m f.us .loruN.u., a newspaper published at Columbus. Platte Co.. Neb., and of general circulation therein. Dated, Coluuibtis, Neb., this 'id day of .May. issi. Tiik omah. Nimi:ui: ,fc Ki.hk Hills U wi.koui Courts v. Uy D.tl'.WIN C. I.OVKl.tNK. ."i7- Kiirhtol Wat Aifeiit. jk FARMERS, IDI I! A ITKN I ION Is I M.I.KDTOTI1K Grand Oponinp;! Ol ELLIOTT & LUERS' MAMMOTH IMPLEMENT H( Morrissai f- llick"s uhl stand on (Hire Street.) Where you liud one of the I irfest md best stocks of Farming Implements kept ill Columbus. UV handle notliin-r but the best machin ery iu the market, such as the following- Buckeye Harvesters REAPERS AND MOWERS, Tincon Buggies and Spring Wagons, FAUM W (i(Ns. . M .K. pi.iMVs. stii:i:in; plows, h i:i:ows. I'kTivrnks, oi:n plavtkus. II I n A t, l - rS 13? We guarantee all work. We are houud not to be undersold l.v any one iu Central Nebraska. U e pat the In-lost cash price for wheat and all kinds of grain. i:li.ioit a i.rnts, .Vil.Clll Successors lo.l. . KlllOtt. ctflTCA " IRONPILLS FOR THE BLOOD NERVES COMPLEXION Cnro Palpitation of tli Hiart. Kfnrousmx-9, Trrablings,Xcrvourii.,atlaclic,I,eijrorTbu?a,Cold Uandd mid Fttt, Psnn in tbu Back, and other forms of Female Weaknt.. Tl.ty enrich and improve lite ijuolity of thu Blood, jmrify and brighten Uie Complexion, allay Nervom Irrita tion, ami K-cure Itefrenhint; Sleep. Jut the rem edy needed by women w hooe pale colorless faces (how the alisence of Iron In the Blood. Ilriut-m-brr tliat Iron in one of tho coiutituvntu of Uiw Blood, and it the great tonic. Tl- Iron Pill are alo valuable for men who are troubled w ith Nervous Weakness, Xight Sweat-, etc Price, W cent per box. Sent by mail. AMm. CARTER MEDICINE CO., 22 Park Plac New York. Sold by Drugsutd tTwywLcre, ft' it" c? m U ' V-SU zJ i 'g'3l