The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 18, 1881, Image 3

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1 i frrwyg tiir i yr " '"'
(IT5 -
CHimmtnimtlon-. to liwre nertion
in the next !"', hould he in limiil on
MondMVF; if lctiKthy, on Thursday
preceding ie.ue-day. Advertisements,
of whatever class, should he iu hand hy
UMIl, Tuesda J.
AdvtTtiM'imnlfe under this head lfi
civ. a line tirst insertion, 10 cts. aline
each fUb-CUUeUt ius rliuii.
A splendid shower yesterday
m rouh).
Hou. H. P. Cady of Nebraska
City is in town.
Uoun. To Mrs. II. C. Bean, May
lBlb, a daughter.
Mrs. Z. Shotwoll is visiting at
London, Canada.
If you want groceries at Omaha
prices call on Lamb.
For a good article of table butter
call al Wm. Uerkcr'e.
Considerable activity at Police
headquarters Monday.
Mr. England goes to Pittbnrg,
Pa., on a summer vhH.
Chns. Green, Eq., of Omaha
was in the city Mondiy.
Win. Iliinueiiiaii and family start
for Chicago this morning.
Shcrifl livers of Cass county,
was in the city yoalenlay.
Some dust war. afloat occasion
ally on our streets la9t Monday.
(tood, double harrows, complete,
at Win. Ueckes's, for six dollars.
-Mr. Ceo. I. roster left the city
TiH'Milay for Cliicago on business.
Paul Iloppen has established his
saloon on 11th St., where Cliaf used
to be.
Farm for tent. Call at the Bos
ton boot and shoe store, opp. post
oflioe .1. K. North went to Omaha
yesterday to attend U. S. Court as a
Lou. and .las. Calbraith of Al
"Liou passed through to Omaha yes-
Choire "Micltigan cider, bottled,
to be hadat Wm. Becker's. Come
and try it.
Follow the crowd to "Fitz's"
Book-and Fancy goods store, opp.,
Mr. Crouch ha purchased Mr.
,- Price's half interest in the St. Ed-
wards, mill. 4 ,"
John Stautler has made coirsid
eiablf improvemeut on his prpperly
this spring.
If you waul any paper hanging,
kalsominiug or painting done, go
to J. C. Echols.
Wm. Limb recently purchased
two building: lots fronting on north
and 1-ith streets.
H. C. Bean baa Eome
fall rye
he bear
that is now diootiiiir out th
rye in this section.
Prof. Cramer visited Lincoln
last week, and received a State
teacher's certificate.
Co to J. C. Echols for your wall
paper, where yon can get it furnish
ed on the wall cheap.
Heitkempcr & Bro., in the line
of jewelry, clocks, watches, &c, arc
not to be excelled by any.
M. O'Hcrnc rcccutly purchased
a thoroughbred for his herd. Mike
has an eye to good slock.
Kramer's have a tremendous
pile of goods in their establishment
everything in their line.
Wantko A girl to do general
housework. Etiquire at the resi
dence of Loamlcr Cerrard.
It is a universal remark that
there never was better growing
weather than we now have.
Kobt. Kettle of Fremont is in
the city. lie i. purposiug to start
a wholesale hardware store.
Mr. McOinilio is attending the
Ceneral Assembly of the Presby
teriau Church at Buffalo, N. Y.
Mi Lillie Smith, daughter of
S. C Smith, U expected home from
St. Louis about the 1st of June.
The U. P. bridge gang have been
here during the past few-weeks, and
have been doing excellent work.
1. J. Dings has rented the shop
adjoiuing the Central Hotel, and
will carry on the Carriage business.
Mrs. Shoqnist, one door south
of A. M. Jenning", is prepared to do
washing for those who may desire it.
Calmar McCunc, Eq., was in
the city Monday'evening. He is
negotiating for the Osceola Jiecord.
We have a splendid specimen of
blue grass from Milletl's front yard,
blades two feet long with large
Ice cream social at the M. E.
church this evening. Everybody
invited. A good social time is ex
pected. Wm. Ryan, who inserts his bus
iness caid in the Journal this week,
has made an addition to hi6 busiuess
house on 11th street.
Fainicrs, bring your poultry,
butter and eggs to Lamb's near the
poU-office, and gel the highest mar
ket price in cash for (hem.
Judge Higgius has some ash and
walnut trees that would be very
nice for door-yards. Better call on
him eooii, if you want any. ,
Last week a car-load of eggs
were shipped to Sau Francisco.
About half of them were furnished
,at Omaha, the other half here.
Look out for advertisement of
the Davis Sewing Machine for sale
by Marshall Smith the best made,
and gives universal satisfaction.
Anderson branded and drove
to Stnutou cuiinly last week seventy-
I five stock feteers, to be herded till
Mosdamcs Bradford and Taylor
of Omaha, friends of Mrs. Marshall
Smith were visiting in the city last
Shed Jostle has rented EJohn
son's feed barn. The stand is a
good one and has quite a run of
Rev. Bristol has moved to Mr.
Whitmoyer8- 'building, and Mar
shall Smith goes into the Morrissey
Wm. Diedtrick steps as firmly
and as quickly as "he did before he
began his contest with the A. & N.
Dr. Schug ha3 one of the very
npatest offices iu town, up-stairs, in
the Mitchell buildiug, opposite the
Clother house.
Mrs. James Warner had placed
on our table Saturday morning a
large briquet of very fragrant flow
ers. Many thanks.
Mr. Campbell of the Omaha
Republican, gave us a pleasant call
Wednesday last, as also Mr. Parker
of the State Journal Co.
The Messrs. Ernst have an im
menee amount of machinery on
hand, although they have disposed
of an abundance already.
Rev. J. Q. A. Fleharty, after
spending several days with friends
in this city, left Friday for Harvard,
this State, his present home.
S. C. Smith says it seemed like
old time the other day wheu a com
pany of laud hunters sought him out
at his residence after supper.
George Jenkinson has purchas
ed O. C. Shannon's dray and team.
George understands his business,
and is thoroughly trustworthy.
Mrs. Sarah Dunlap, sister of
Mrs. J. II. Reed, had a congestive
chill Monday. She has been in poor
health since the death of her son.
"Johnny" Hoyt left Monday for
his home iu Illinois. lie purposes
resting in the shade of a tree until
he recovers from his rheumatism.
C. C. Roberts of Looking-glass
has sold his pre-emption right, and
will look around for a new loca
tion, taking his time to spy out the
We have received a copy of the
i-chool laws of Nebraska, with the
compliments of Mr. Jones, the State
Sup't. Anj one wishing to consult
it is hereby invited to step in.
The machine men are now set
ting up the corn cultivators; after
that there will be a lull till the
voices of the reaper, tho mower and
the binder are heard in the land.
y-Mrs. Bridget Fa
'cm last Saturday wf
,,. . . . . .
'arley of this city,
was found to be a
fit subject for treatment at the Asy
lum for the Insane at Liucoln, and
ordered to be sent to that institution.
T. C. Ryan and I. Niemoller,
busiuess men of Platte Center, wore
in the city' Monday. They are pleas
ed with the new railroad route,
bringing them direct to Columbus.
The U. P. pay car passed up the
road Monday. We presume that
the amount paid out here for the
last month's work would be in the
neighborhood of four to five thou
sand dollars.
II. J. Hudson must understand
the secret of cultivating pic-plant.
He left Saturday on our table a very
nice bunch of the article, stalk two
inches wide and over eighteen inches
long. Thanks.
Mr. Lundy, a witness in the
Klinchi case the other day, had some
hot words with W. A. McAllister,
one of the attorneys for Klinchi.
Lundy had a notion that Mc. was
"adding to tho truth."
The lilies of the field which toil
not, neither do they spin, are like the
street loafer 60 far as the toil is con
cerned, but unlike him as to the
spinning; for the latter can "spiu"an
abundance, of 'iyarnB:'-'
Mr. Shotwell tells us that last
season bis firm Bhipped about
double the amount. of butter of the
preceding year, and from present
prospects the amount for this year
will be in tho same ratio.
Last Wednesday was a severely
hot day, and in tho evening wo had
a light shower with some hail
tones. Judging from appearances
tome other section of the state got a
very much larger quantity of both.
G. Schutte returned home Wed
nesday evening for a short visit.
The depth of snow in Wise, the
past winter was a "caution." It
ranked undrifted Nebraska by about
three feet, which is saying a good
On the 11th inst., the mercury
reached SS degrees in New York
City. Four cases of sunstroke re
ported in that city. On the same
day the mercury .in this city,waB re
ported at 90 degrees, but the gentle
Nebraska zephyrs kept away .the
The man of taste who wishes to
combine beauty and utility in a
vehicle should call on Elliott &
Luers, and see their handsome
phaetons, buggies and spring wag
ons. The Timpkin spring is a spec
ially with these buggies that should
not be overlooked.
We have not yet had time to
read a pamphlet sent us by J. M.
Osboru, Toledo, Ohio, upon the
water-ways, and their effect upon
the value of the property of -the
country, when properly utilized. A
copy will be mailed free to any one
sending his address to Mr. Osborn.
The heat of the 12th in different
localities was unusual. At Wash
ington City 01 iu the shade. At
St. Louis 91 in the shade. In New
York SO3, and several cases of sun
stroke reported. At Chicago SG,
and several horses overcome by the
heat. In this city 91 was reported.
To remember the raw prairie
west of the Clother House, and to
see now the mauy good houses,with
the gardens, trees, &c, gives en
couragement to NebraEkans. A
goodly portion of the appearance of
that portion of tho city is due to the
example and iuflueuce of Ex-Mayor
J. P. Becker.
"Time is money" is a saying
that the farmer is now realizing the
force of. Laborers will probably
command extra prices this fall. In
deed, already mechanics aro begin
ning to feel the upward tendency,
which will not fully strike this sec
tion uulil after the bounteous har
vest shall be gathered.
Jack LewiB aud Henry Wilson,
two men arrested at Omaha, on sus
picion, by our Chief of Police, J. C.
McMahon, had a heariug before Po
lice Judge G. B. Bowman on Mon
day, and a continuance was granted
till Friday next at 4 P. M. Chas.
Green of Omaha was att'y for Lewis
and M. Whitmoyer represented the
With Vol. 2, No. IS, The Item,
published at Central City by G. A.
Percival and Dick Steele close their
labors as editors iu Merrick county.
They removo to Omaha, and will,
by the 5th of June, commence in a
new role, by the issuing of The
Omaha Sunday Hem. Iowa has her
Ilaickeye by Burdette, and Nebras
ka will have a second edition iu
brother Dick Steele.
A. W. Doland wishes to sell his
properly in Columbus, and will give
a good bargain. Good house aud
lot 132x132, enclosed by good fence ;
a good barn, nearly now, all in good
repair. A good horse and buggy,
harness, robes, etc. Will sell them
at a big sacrifice, aud give time if
desired. Apply to A. W. Doland
or to Becher & Price.
On Friday last M. O'llerne had
a trial beforo B. Milieu, Esq., on a
charge of assault and battery, the
prosecuting witness being Peter
Kleinschi. The verdict of the jury
was not guilty. The four jurors
were A. M. Jennings, Theo. Fried
bo Q', L. M. Saley and I. J. Slattery.
O'llerne was represented by J. G.
Higgins, and the prosecution by
McAllister Bros.
Mr. Geo. D. Foster, the 12th St.
hardware merchant, will discount
auy dealer in the city in a display of
fiue cutlery. If you want anything
in this line, from a small pocket
knife to the largest butcher or hunt
ing knife, from the cheapest to the
most expensive finish and make, in
cluding razors and scissors, call on
him. At any rate, step iu and look
over his assortment ; you will be
astonished al the magnitude of the
The funeral of Mrs. C. M. Cham
bers at Table Rock, Nobr., was at
tended by a large concourse of
sympathizing friends. The services
were held immediately upou the ar
rival of the body from this place,
accompanied by Mr. Chambers, his
four children, Mrs. Chambers' sis
ter, Mr. John Huber aud Mrs. N. E.
Sniall, at tlie "Presbyterian church.
Mr. Chambers's childreu were left
with their grand-mother, ucar Ta
ble Rock.
Sheriff Spielraan returned Mon
day from a week's trip west to
Custer county, after a man by the
name of Thos. J. Hutesson, who had
run away with mortgaged property.
Several other officials had failed to
get the mau, but Ben. accidentally
got a clue and followed it up. He
speaks in no complimentary terms
of Custer county, and says that he
waB compelled to play marbles with
boys at a school-house in order to
learn of the whereabouts of his man.
.J. N. Heater tells us that James
Scott has purchased of him the nec
essary machinery to run a flouring
mill at Genoa, ou the Beaver, which
is expected to be running in time to
grind the giain of the coming har
vest. Thomas Scott, son of James,
has rented the Bucher mill on Shell
creek, this county. Mr. Heater says
that in his travels he Bees farmers'
work iu all stages of advancement.
Last week he saw a field of wheat
that was six inches high, and along
side of it another just being put in.
Last week Judge Geer was thro
Madison, into Pierce county. He
says he spoke to quite a number of
men iu Madison and Norfolk con
cerning the new route connecting
them directly with ColumlTus, and
all expressed themselves as pleased
with" tho prospoci and though the
road would be mutually beneficial
to Columbus and all the towns along
the line. They never could depend
upon making connection with the
main line at Jackson, aud that was
no good place to lay over. Mr. Geer
says that Norfolk is improving rap
idly. Since last May four large
business brick buildings- have been
erected, which are a great credit to
the town. They are really hand
some buildings. There is a rush at
present for residence acre lots on
the hill west of the U. P. depot.
When you talk to a Norfolk citizeu
about the low town - site being
against the growth of the place he
will tell you that Chicago started iu
the same. way.
A Card.
To the many kind aud gen rous
friends who assisted during the
sickness aud death of Mrs. Cham
bers, I tako this method of thanking
you all. Wishiug you long, pros
perous aud happy lives, and a hap
pier life in the great hereafter, I am,
and ever shall be, truly your friend,
C. M. Chamiikks.
Columbus, May 11, 'SI.
Where In He?
A week ago Monday, J. G. (Geo.)
Engel left his family, who reside
about five miles and a half northeast
of this city on the brow of tho bluff-,
He is a man fifty years of age, has
been married thirty years, and has a
family of six children, four of them
now at home with their mother, and
all nearly distracted with grief and
anxiety concerning the whereabouts
of the husband and father. There is
uo reason whatever for supposing
that Mr. Engel has committed sui
cide, or has been foully dealt with,
he had no money with him, uot even
a change of clothing. The better
opinion is that he is away some
where at work. If these lines should
meet his eye he may be assured that
his friends at home are exceedingly
anxious for his return.
The Columbus Ferry.
We went down to the Hammond
Ferry Saturday aud found the Cap
tain, Mr. Ames and Frank Owen
busy as nailers. Without auy ex
perience as water crafts-men, these
men have succeeded in establishing
a good ferry, aud deserve the thanks
of this community for the persistent
and undaunted determination with
which they have overcome difficulty
alter difficulty. The boat is not a
largo one, but sufficient to carry a
learn and wagon. Tho machinery
by which the stream itself is made
"to row the boat across the ferry"
consists of two pulleys fixed a set
distance apart, with guy ropes to
each end of the boat; by shortening
or lengthening theso ropes, the
current itself is made to push the
boat across the stream. $1 is char
ged for a round trip, and some days
they have made as many as forty
four trips.
Among the clearest things in
literature aro the paragraphs of Sir
Isaac Newton upon time and space,
the latter being that in which all
things aro contained, tho former, a
measured portion of duration. One
of the grandest triumphs of modern
art is the manufacture of time pieces,
so perfect that they scarcely admit
of "variableness or shadow of turn
ing," when properly cared for.
Modern art has come nearer exact
nature than former calculation did,
and this accuracy is well represented
at the establishment of Heitkemper
& Bro. on 11th street, where you can
obtain time pieces of all kinds,
grades, styles and prices, from the
lady's tiny, handsome watch, to the
tall family clock, that will go again,
long after the old man has died.
They have also the finest stock of
rings, chains, charms, and ladies' and
gentlemen's jewelry of any descrip
tion. It will repay you to call and
see their haudsome store aud beauti
ful goods, even if you don't buy.
One of tho superb things in their
store is a large, haudsome, regulator
with mercury pendulum, the master
piece of the clock-maker's art.
Itnilrond Hireling:.
Pursuant to public call, a meeting
was held at the Town Hall Monday
evening, May ICth ; G. W. Clother
was called to the chair and Wm. A.
McAllister made secretary.
The object of the meeting as stated
by David Anderson was to organize
au arrangement for an excursion ou
tho O., N. & B. H. R. R. soon after
the branch road from Columbus to
Lost Creek shall have been com
pleted, when, on motion, the follow
ing committee of arrangements was
appointed by the chair, to confer
with the R. R. Company in regard
to transportation, and make other
needful arrangements: James E.
North, M. K. Turner, D. Anderson,
G. A. Schroeder and E. D. Sheehan.
Also, that a finance committee be
appointed to procure all needful
funds : G. W. Clother, E. Pohl and
S. C. Smith.
Moved that the secretary furnish
the city and neighboring papers
with a copy of our proceedings;
The meeting 'then adjourned to
meet at the call of the president. t
' W. A. McAiiLiSrEK, Sec'y,.
.. a ,
James Salmon in a communica
tion calls attention to the offal that
is dumped on the prairie north of
town. The same state of affairs
prevails in other quarters of the
city, and it is very mild to say that
it should cease at once. Pure air,
pure water and sound living are
the three requisites to human wel
fare and prosperity, and, although
our Nebraska atmosphere is of the
purest and, owing' to its constant
agitation like the ocean, least liable
to hold impurities, yet it is doing
violence to require too much of it,
aud that, too, right under our noses.
We know the instance Mr. Salmon
speaks of because we pass through
it twice a day, and are compelled to
breathe of its nastiness. Mr. Sal
mon's residence is close by, and on
a wet, hot day, with an east wjnd,
it must be almost unbearable to his
family. Justice has been defined as
the constant aud perpetual disposi
tion, to. render every man his due;
justice certainly requires every man
to so exercise his rights as notto
interfere with the rights of others,
and certainly no man has a right to
endanger the lives or health of his
Kixing; City.
May 13th, 1SS1.
Editor Joukxal : Wo sometimes
wouder whether the growing crop
of wheat will realize to the farmers
sufficient money to squaro up for the
immense amount of farm machinery
tbht'has bern bought this spring.
The amount sold by agents thus far
has been large and still the plauters
aud cultivators are going and soon
it will be the different kinds of har
vesting machinery, and three-fourths
of all these costly articles will be
exposed to wind aud weather when
not in use; and tho articles that now
look so nice will have to bo replac
ed, almost before thoy are paid for;
but so it goes, far too largely iu this
part of Nebraska.
Our city appears to have a "boom"
(excuse the word), of some kind.
Side-walks and crossings have been
built; two law funis advertize their
ability to settle all the difficulties,
right or wrong, that sometimes
afflict crabbed and ill-natured hu
manity. Three loau offices say they
can accommodate the needy, aud
two real estate firms tell the land
seeker they have plenty of Nebraska
land, the very best, cheap too, and
in quantities to suit the purchaser.
Wo have a little mud here, and
we would be more thankful if wo
could have a great deal more of it,
and a good deal oftener; thou we
might talk about clover, red-top, 1
blue-grass and timothy, and shorten
a good deal the winter's feeding.
We were pleased to see your com
mendation, in a recent issue, of the
neatness with which J. C. Paxton
words his advertisements,and would
say that J. C. P. is fully as neat and
good a merchant as the judicious
buyer would look for, after readiug
his neatly worded advertisement.
We would also say to your many
readers that our large orchard suf
fered no harm during the past severe
winter; but after a careful examina
tion we find every tree in fine order,
and many of them show a good sup
ply of prospective bloom ; we have
spent a good deal of labor iu the
orchard, and wo confidently expect
full pay in a reasonable time, as
Dame Nature always rewards intel
ligent ellbrt, especially in Pomona's
realm. But, Mr. Turner, our mouth
begins to wafer for the beauties that
we now begiu to watch and wait for.
Why- Not?
Walker Irecinot Items-.
In spite of the late spring, the
farmers are all in good spirits, the
crops are growing nicely and there
is every prospect of a bountiful
In some places the last year's corn
is not all husked, as the early and
hard winter prevented the farmers
from getting into their fields, and
all arn now anxious to get their
seeding done.
Miss Aunio Martin has gone east
to live; she is missed very much,
especially by tho circle of young
folks. She has taught the school in
district IS for the past two terms,
and was liked as a teacher very
much, both by parents and pupils.
We are favored now with church
at Newman's Grove, every two
weeks the TJuifed Brethren, and
every two weeks, Methodi9t. Many
of us have quite a distauce to go, but
nevertheless there is always a good
attendance. We are sorry to say
that some of our young men still
enjoy chewing aud spitting tobacco
during services, which makes it
rather unpleasant for those sitting
near them. I am sure thoy would
not like to be called ungcntlcmanly,
but how can they bo called gen
tlemen ?
There is a new-comer in our neigh
borhood at Mr. Tom Holden's. His
wife lately presented him with a
bouncing boy. Long life to the
Utile fellow.
No more at present, E. N.
- ..
Mnnitury Reform Aeedeit.
An evil of the worst kind exists
on the outskirts of our city, which
sadly needs the attention of the city
fathers. Load after load of manure
is daily dumped within tho space of
one hundred yards of tho city limits,
and, as if that was not eno ugh, insult
is added to injury in the shape of
dead dogs and hogs being left on the
prairie to decay and poison the at
mosphere which we breathe. I
would liko to suggest a remedy,
which could be easily enforced. Let
all persons be subjected to a fine, if
found depositing manure within half
a mile of the city limits. As to the
dead dogs and hogs, a spado and a
little muscular exercise for the space
of ten minutes would effectually
remedy that evil and probably be
the means of preventing sickness.
James Salmon".
I,etter List.
The following is a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-oilice, in
Columbus, for the week ending May
Daniel ISurch, Mrs S K Lane,
Aron Carpenter, Miss Marv Little,
U C Hamilton; A M Like.
Gcortre A Jackson, John Little Luchen,
Mrs X KringH,
Hugistered Xichols Hafuer, Joseph
If not called for in 30 days will he sent
to the deadJetter ollicc, Washington, D.
C. When called for please say "adver
tised," as these letters arelcept'scparate.
E.A. Gkrkakd P. 31.
Attention, Fnrmei'g.
I will close out my stock of im
plements at cost price. Call and
examine, and learn prices of Gorham
seeders; also harrows, plows, culti
vators, wagon springs, buggy tops,
&c. My goods are equal in quality
to auy on the market, aud it will pay
you to buy while you can get them
cheap. Wm. Becker.
WiiuKmI Immediately.
A No. 1 brick-moulder. No other
need apply. For particulars, call on
or address, J. F. Fi.vxx,
Norfolk, Madison Co , Nob.
phrey. Tuesday, May 10th, by Bev.
Mciuolfus, Henry Kimcrs and" Agnes
Maub:id), both of this county.
Advertisement", under this head live
cents a line each insertion.
Fivo cent caps at Kramer's.
Now Comb Honey at Hudson's.
Slippers, 20 cts. a pair, at Gal
ley Bros.
Dress lawns ouly 5 cts. per yard
at Kramer's.
New oranges and lemons at
Delicious Ice Cream at Hud
son's. One price, and that always the
lowest, at Galley Bros.
If you waut to buy a sowing
machine call at the singer office.
Remember that J. B. Delsman &
Co. will not be undersold by anyone.
Men's summer coats only 50 cts.
at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash
A full line of moil's, ladies' aud
misses' shoes at Galley Bros.
---Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual and work-and-labor, neatly
bound in books of 50 and 100, for
sale at the Journal office.
Hose for men, ladies and chil
dren, only o ots. a pair at Kramer's
New York Cheap Cash Store.
The Skaudia Plow at the new
implement store of Elliott & Luers
on Olive st.
Drab'd'tete, buntings, lawns,
linens, cambrics, in new styles at
Spring wagons and buggies for
sale cheap at Elliott Sc Luers.
Large line of Hamburg edge
ings, from 5 cts. up, at Galley Bros.
Delicious, foaming Soda Water
at Hudson's.
Hudson has just fitted up his
Tee Cream Parloc 2 doors west of
Hammond House.
For now, nobby summer suits
go to L. Kramer's New York Cheap
Cash Store.
Standard canned goods in end
less varieties, very cheap, at J. B.
Delsman & Co's.
The action of Carter's Little Liver
Pills is pleasant, mild aud natural.
They gently stimulate the liver, and
regulate the bowels, but do uot
purge.. They are sure to please.
For sale at A. Ileintz's Dnifi Store.
2.1 Dollar.
A good new Sewing Machine for
.$25, at Dowty, Weaver & Co's.
For Sale.
Three teams of good work horses,
cheap for cash. Call on
John Hanky.
For nice styles of trimmed and
untrimmed hat", parasols aud fans,
go to Kramer's.
list raj- Sow.
Came to my place in Columbus,
April 23d, a Poland China sow. She
now has two pigs. The owner will
pleae pay expenses and tako hi,
property. J. W. Coolidge.
I.nok Hero.
All kinds of attachments, and
Needles etc., at the Singer Office, in
A. J. Arnold's Jewelry Store. Ma
chines sold for cash or on time.
Boys' and men's straw hats, only
5 cents, at Kramer's New York
Cheap Cash Store.
Thomas Flynn is prepared to fur
nish brick, either at his kiln north
west of the city ; delivered anywhere
in the city, or built in the wall, at
reasonable rates.
Crockery, regardless of cost, for
the next 30 days, in order to cioae
out the entire stock at J. B. Dels
man & Go's.
Save Ioney.
We are using Wells & Arnold's
Vapor Stove. It does its Cooking,
Baking aud Ironing as quickly as
auy stove can, besides there is nei
ther smoke nor dirt, and the expense
is uot more than one-third that of
Mrs. J. 15. Lewis, 3lrs. IT. P. Coolidge,
" 31.15.Thurston, " A.3I.AmoId,
" 31. S.Drake, Xellie North.
The finest lino of children's lin
en and lace collarettes aud bi!3 in
Columbus, at Galley Bros.
Always avoid harsh purgative
pills. They first make you sick and
then leave you constipated. Carter's
Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels
and make you well. Dose, one pill.
For sale at A. Heintz's Drug Store.
Saturday May 7 '81, between Lost
Creek station aud Columbus, a plain
twilled silk parasol. The finder
will confer a favor by leaving same
at this office.
For Sale.
Cheap, and on time, one Excelsior
Reaper and mower combined, and
one Dewey Harvester, nearly new,
A. Henrich.
IEaly Carriage.
Boy's wagons, Carts, Croquet,
walking Canes, willow ware etc. at
E.D. Fitzpatrick's Book Store opp.
P. O.
lee! lee! lee!
All those that waut ice during the
summer can have it at the following
100 pounds 25 cents.
75 " 20 "
.15 "
.10 "
20 " and under.. 5 "
Delivered in any part of the city.
lVau ted! Wanted!
Everybody to know that Kramer
sells the cheapest, has the largest
aud beat stock, aud to be economical
you must trade there.
Attention. I.atlies!
If you waut a stylish summer hat
or shade at away dowu prices, call
at Galley Bros.
lut Keeeivetl.
At L. Berhaupt's, a nice assort
ment of new goods, from which ho
is prepared to lurnish gentlemen
with spring suits ou nhort notice.
If there ever was a specific for
any oue complaint, then Carter's
Little Liver Pills are a specific for
sick headache, and every woman
should know tills. Only oue pill a
dose. For sale at A. Hoiutz's Drug
You can find tho uicest assort
ment of ladies' and childrens' slip
pers and walkiug shoes at Kramer's
New York Cheap Cash Store.
When you want whito lead, oil
or mixed Paints, come and see what
we have. Better goods for less
money than auy houso iu the west.
Dowty, Weaver & Co.
This splendid specimen of the
famous Clydesdale breed of horses
may be found at Guy C. Birnum's.
$S to iusure; 10 for the season.
John Haney has a two-year-old colt
of Peacock's get, that now weighs
1100 pounds. Get good colts cheap.
Again to the Front
With one of the finest Hues of men's
boy's aud children '8 clothing, to bo
found iu Columbus, at Galloy Bros.
For Sale.
100 acres of choice laud three miles
northeast of Columbus, described as
the W. &, S.W. L4 Sec. 10, T. 17, R.
1 east, aud N". h, N.W. l4'. Sec. 15,
T. 17, R. 1 cast f to one desiring to
purchase a farm close to town this is
your chance. For further particu
lars Inquire of Louis Weaver, Couu
Treasurer's Office.
Monoy saved is money earned,
aud you can botli save aud earn
money by trading at Kramer's Now
York Cheap Cash Store.
Don't Have Wet Feet.
But go to G. W. Fhillips and leave
your order for a first-class boot or
shoe. He works nothing but the
best of stock, and will guarantee a
fit in every particular. Fine sewed
work a specialty. Consult your
own interest, and give him a trial.
Dowty, Weaver ,t Co. jell the het
cough medicine. They have confidence
in it, and they are willing to refund the
money if it does nojjood. Ask for Piso's
Cure for Consumption. Price, 25 cts.
and $1.00.
To Our Frlcmlx and Patrons.
We would respectfully announce
that we have now a full lino of dry
goods, notions and gents furnishing;
goods, which will be sold at low
figures for cash. Wo offer no bails
to catch small trade, but shall still
maintain our reputation of one price
to all. Remember the place, at Gal
ley Bros.
I wish to sell my property in Co
lumbus, aud will give a good bar
gain. Good house and lot 132x132,
enclosed by good fence; a good
barn, nearly new, all in good repair.
A good horse and buggy, harness,
robes, etc. Will sell them at a big
sacrifice, and ive time if desired.
Apply to the undersigned or to
Becher & Price. A. W. Doland.
When you get ready to paper
your rooms this spriug call at Still
man's Drug Store, and seethe uicest
patterns ever brought to Columbus.
1o whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that on the
7tb day of May, 1881, Dr. A. Heiutz,
F. A. Brainard and Dr.C. B.Still
iiian of the 2d ward and Dowty,
Weaver & Co. of the 3d ward have
(Pod their petitions for permits to
sell malt, spiritous and vinous li
quors, as now provided by law.
. ,, , II. J. Hudson,
At,est' City Clerk.
--Ladio'a and children's lawn,
gingham, cambric and linen dresses,
cheaper than you can make them, at
Hereford Hull.
Burnham & Dewitt of III., will ar
rive in Columbus,
Saturday, May, 21 '81,
and reinaiu a few days, todisposoof
a car-load of high-grade young
Hereford bulls. Stock meu and
farmers should not fail to see them
and prepare to raise a breed of cat
tle that are nudoubledly the har
diest, the most prolific, and better
than any other for milk and beef.
Fnlilic Sale.
Will be sold at residence of John
and Martin Hint., in the city of Co
lumbus, at public auction, on Wed
nesday, June 1st, 'SI, the following
property : 30 head of cattle, 2 horses,
wagon, reaper and mower, plow,
cultivator, and G pigs.
Terms of sale: Cash for cattle,
horses and bogs, and a credit of 5
months ou wagon and farming im
plements, purchasers giving note
with approved security.
571 3 John Hintz.
Buy Selz's custom made boots
and shoes. They fit and wear the
best. Every pair warranted, or
money refunded at L. Kramer's New
York Cheap Cah Store.
Cancer 'ureI Without a Knife.
NoCtujE, No Pay!
The underpinned having been cur
ed of a cancer of 20 years standing,
his being oue in twenty cases treated
iu this neighborhood by Dr. O. C
Taylor, not one of which he lost, and
having purchased the receipt is
ready to attend any one who may
be afflicted with Cmcer or Tumors.
Board can be procured at reasonable
rates by those who may come from
abroad. Call on or address,
S. J. Marmot,
Nebraska House, Columbus, Neb.
Advertisements under thi head live
cents a line, tir-tt insertion, three ceuti
a line eai-h subsequent insertion.
To Ken:.
House and lot. Inquire of
s. J. Edward.
William IE. Knnpp,
House, Carriage tud Sign Painter,
CaUotniner and P.iper Hanger. Tho
hest. Try me. Itv-idence in Smith Co-lumlm.
Kejcotnr Stock leuler.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and sold; ubo fat and stock hogs.
37U-y 1'. Andkrson-.
Land for Sale.
1G0 acres, 5 miles west of Colum
hiu; 7i" acre under cultivation, -10 acres
hay land, $10 an acre, on easy terms.
Inquire at Journal, otlice.
Jlileu Cow.
I have several good, fresh milch
cows for a!e cheap fr cash or on tinio
with bankable piper. Address the un
dersigned at Duncan.
Ho! Iool Thin Way.
For sale cheap, cash or time, ona
yoke work oxen, one heavy work horse,
ene younp work mare, one riding pony,
one inlleh eow, one old light wagon, two
aetto harness. I mean buiinesn, call
aud see me. D. ANDKKSON.
LaHd for Sale.
Two hundred acre of choice laud iu
Platte count v price J9.00 per acre.
Dc-cription: 5. 14, N. yK, Sec. 1, T.
17, K.3 wet; S. X, N. K. K, ud" X. K.
i, N. E. K, Sec, 3 T. IS, It. 3 west.
Kor further uurticulars inquire of
.1. . Eakly, Columbus, N'eb.
iHotlce! rYotlee!
All notes aud accounts due me
previous to March 1st. ItWI, If not paid
by May 15th, lSdl, will be put into a
collector's Save e.vpcu-te by
calling at once.
Marshall S.Mrru.
Tlilrty-Iiftli Annual Statement
Of the Connecticut Mutaal Life In
surance Co. of Hartford, Conn.
Net Asset.-, Jan. 1, lssw, $17,110,214.37
For premiums, interest,
rents, etc .. $ S,150,(V!.00
For death claims, endow
ments, surplus, etc .. $ 0,4I3,K!Ci.3S
For eYpene 027,772.03
For taxes .. ."BH.-.-SO
N'et assets. Dee. 31, 185?" . . . .ycS.GO
tiro.s asset, Dee. 31, 1SS0 4!,4!hi,02!).:W
Liabilities for reinsurance,
etc .. 40 141,473.w:
Surplus by Conn. Standard
4 per cent . . 3,:Kl,lM.4-r
Surplus by New York Stand
aid l jut cent., about C,500,0(M.OO
Policies in force, Deo. 31,
1&0, 01.313. insuring .. 1 112. 10,' ,307.00
J icon L. Ukkkn, President; John M.
Taywk. Secretary; D. H. Wklls. Asst.
Sec'y; Philip M. Ckapo, General Agent,
Burlington, Iowa.
O.T. Kokn, Agent.
T'72-4 Columbus. Neb.
Wheat No. 1, test.V) lbs 747B
" " 2, " 50 " 7073
3, " 54 " ftO&C;
CornShelled, old 30033
Oats, 30(335
Rye GOW70
Flour, $250(3350
Graham, 1 50255
Meal, 1 20
Hotter, 810
Eggs, S10
Potatoes, 808ll)O
Hams, 912J
Shoulders, 07
Sides, SO10
Corned lleef 0(34
Steak SWA
Fat Hogs, 400O400
Fat Cattle, 3&Ot$4 00
Yearlings, 12 00 15 00
Calves 4 00g000
Sheep 3 501 OU
Good veal, per hundred, 4 Of
Hides, green (&"
. . . ...
On Eleventh Stroet,
Where meats are almost given away
for cash.
Beer per lb., from 3 10 cts.
Best steak, per lb., 10 "
Mutton, per Ih, from . 0 (J) 10 '
Sausage, per lb., from b 10
I2r?pecijl prices to hotels. 502-ly
Union Pacfic Land Office,
On Long Time and low rale
of Interest.
All wishing to buy Itiil Road Lands
or Improved Farms will llud it to their
advantage to call at the U. P. Laud
Office before lookiu elsewhere as 1
make a specialty or buying and selling
lands on commission; all persons wish
ing to sell farms or unimproved land
will find it to their advantage to leave
their lands with me for sale, as my fa
cilities for affecting sales are unsur
passed. I am prepared to make tiua!
proof for all parties wishing to get a
patent for their homesteads.
JSTHenry Cordes, Clerk, writes aud
speaks German.
Agt. U. P. Land Department,
Little Nerve Pills,
Every nervous person should try Carter's Little
Nerve PiUj, which are mode specially lor those
who suffer from Kenrounc&s, Sleeplessaess,
Nervous and Sick Headache, weak Stotaacb,
Dyspepsia. Indigestion, &.C. They may be used
alone or in combination with Carter's Little
Liver Pills, and in either eate will give most
prompt and grateful relief. Dyspepsia makes
you Nervous, and Nervousness makes you Dys
peptic ; either one renders you miserable, and
these little pills cure both.
Price, 35 cents. Sold by Druggists or sent by
piiniLE w