The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 18, 1881, Image 2

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Entered at the Post-office, Columbus,
Neb., as second clann matter.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1831.
The Southern Utes are on the
war path.
Ok the 11th, 3,193 immigrauts ar
rived in New York.
Southern Russia is in a condition
bordering on anarchy.
Another revolution in Greece is
believed to be imminent.
Bismarck's beer tax is said to be
doomed to certain defeat.
Over 4,000 emigrants passed thro'
Chicago one day last week.
Seventeen hundred immigrants
arrived at Baltimore last week.
Potatoe bugs have appeared In
large numbers at Bedford, Ind.
A fortt thousand dollar lire oc
curred in Boston the other day.
The transactions in real estate for
last week in Chicago foot up $965,
210. The ludians in Colorado have re
cently been committing depreda
tions. The loss by the fire last week in
the Missouri penitentiary will reach
Queen Isabella will preside at a
festival to be given in honor of
Lord Dundale's bailiff, recently
shot near Loughrea, Ireland, has
since died.
J. Blinkensderper, chief engi
neer of the U. P. R. R. Co., went
west last week.
Sir Edward Thornton has ac
cepted the position of Ambassador
at St. Petersburg.
Two southern bloods of Georgia
fought a duel with knives, and both
were fatally injured.
Prince Bismarck is said to be
much irritated at the rejection of
the exemption tax-list.
The municipal elections recently
held in Spain resulted largely iu
support of the government.
A line of railroad is proposed to
be built by the Texas Western Co.
from Houston to Galveston.
A national temperance camp
meeting at Bismarck Grove, Kansas,
will be held Aug. 10th to 18th.
It was rumored yesterday that
Senators Conkling and Piatt of N.
Y., had resigned their positions.
Mat 12th, 'SI was the hottest day
in May on record in the eastern part
of the United States and Canada.
Trinket, Little Brown Jug and
Robert McGregor were the winners
in the trotting races at "Washington.
The estimated losses of the Jews
by the recent riot in Elizabethgrad,
Russia, will reach 2,000,000 rubles.
It is reported that Mr. Bradlaugh
has promised that he will not fur
ther disturb the house of commons.
The Pennsylvania railroad ex
press train one day last week made
ninety miles in ninety-five miuutes.
The Land League at a recent
meeting held in Dublin reported
the receipt of $7,500 from the United
Thomas Smith, of Des Moines, a
guuHmith, committed suicide on the
morning of the 14th by cutting his
The Women's Christian Union of
Brooklyn are making an earnest
effort for the supression of polygamy
in Utah.
One day last week one of the rail
road lines from New York brought
west 1500 immigrants, and 957 pieces
of baggage.
There has been a bloody outbreak
against the Austrian Jews, accord
ing to recent roports from the Rus
sian frontier.
European wheat prospects are re
ported to be generally satisfactory,
although backward in many parts of
the country.
The secretary of the treasury one
day last week exchanged 6 per cent,
bonds for 3, to the amount of
The governor of New York de
sires to stop lotteries in that state,
aud has issued his proclamation pro
hibiting them.
A petition containing 300,000
names has been preseuted to the
President to abolish wine and beer
at military posts.
Trinitt College, located at Hart
ford, Ct , has dismissed her stu
dents, owing to the presence of a
case of varioloid.
It is stated that the printers' un
ion has practically collapsed, owing
to the unsuccessful strike recently
attempted at Detroit.
The building and contents be
longing to the Araericau Cutlery Co.
at Chicago was destroyed by fire on
the 12th. Loss 75,OO0.
The treasury at Washington the
other day purchased 271,000 ounces
of silver for the raiuts at Philadel
phia aud San Francisco.
It is reported that President Gar
field aud family intend to remove to
the Soldiers' Home soon, to remain
during the warm season.
The condition of Mrs. Garfield on
last Saturday had not materially
changed, except that the fever had
assumed a typhoid form.
A three-masted vessel has sunk
in the lake off Kenwood, one of the
suburbs of Chicago. Her crew is
believed to have perished.
This item of news comes direct
from Berlin. The Electric railway
to Lichtcrfield was opened ou the
12th, aud is u perfect success.
Later news discloses the tact that
the story to reconsider the vote bj
which Judge Matthews was con
firmed is without foundation.
Secretary Windom has directed
that 6 per cent, bonds be received at
the London agency for continuance
at 3) per cent, until the 20th iust.
The heat on the 12th at Washing
ton City reached 90 the highest
figure recorded during May since
the observatory was established in
The rain storm last Friday morn
ing gave Omaha another flood,
which did a great amount of damage
in the lower and main portions of
the city.
Parnell, in writing to a friend,
says he does not wish to endanger
the land bill, but thinks that the
Irish party should watch the bill
The British fasting girl was fright
ened into her breakfast the other
morning, by a threat of friends to
send her to a lunatic asylum if she
did not eat.
The Czar of Russia reviewed his
troops the other day aud drove
through the streets of St. Peters
burg, unattended by the usual Cos
sack escort.
Bradlaugh appeared again last
week at the bar of the house of
commons and desired to be sworn
in, but wan expelled from the floor
by resolution.
Henry Ward Beecher has been
sued for $10,000 damages by the ag
ricultural society of Western Mary
land for failure to lecturo according
to agreement.
The decayed body of a woman
was found the othor day amoug the
debris in a vault in Lowell, Mass.
Doubtless it was placed there to
conceal a crime.
During the past year the gross re
ceipts of the American Tract Society
amounted to $397,000. They prin
ted during the same period seventy
two million pages.
Mrs Garfield wa reported quite
ill last week. The discharge of nu
merous social duties as wife of the
president has been too great a tax
upon her nervous system.
The U. P. R. R. Co. have filed a
bill in the court of claims for the
sum of $1,141,720 for services ren
dered in transmitting mails, etc.,
previous to Dec. 31, 1875.
C. E. Henry of Ohio, has been
nominated by the President, U. S.
marshal of the District of Columbia,
and Frederick Douglas recorder of
deeds for the same district.
Fourteen captains of European
steamships have been indicted by
tho Federal grand jury sitting in
New York, for carrying an excess
of passengers on their vessels.
A recent report from the Chio
Island says six thousand dead are on
the Island, many still unburied,
medical aid greatly needed and hun
dreds of wounded uncared for.
Mr. Heffernan and four other
members of the league were arrested
at Cork, Ireland, on the 12th, under
the coercion act by order of the
Lord Lieutenant, and couveyed to
Madden, King, Moran and Win
tercall were arrested near Castle
Bar, Ireland, under the provisions of
thecoercion act. The secretary of
the Ballyrate land league was also
An old Irishman named Leary
was killed the other lay at Omaha
on the U. P. switch track, by being
struck by an engine while walking
on the track. He was about seventy
years old.
A boy of E. L. Shock aged 14
years, at Mattoon, 111., was instantly
killed last week, while trying to
jump on a passing freight train. His
head and right arm were severed
from his body.
There were last week at Black
well's Island 63 cases of typhus fever,
and 156 cases of small-pox. During
the week 59 new cases of small-pox
occurred, and 29 new cases of typhus
and seven deaths.
The large schooner David Downs
unloaded tho other day at the Erie
elevator, Buffalo, 82,250 bushels of
wheat. This is the largest grain
cargo ever brought into a lake port
in the Northwest.
Mr. Reynolds, wife and daugh
ter, aud several other persons were
poisoned the other day at Little
Rock, by eating bread which is sup
posed to have been made from flour
containing arsenic.
The senate of'Pennsylvania adopt
ed a resolution providing for the
removal of the remains of Wm.
Penn from Jordau Meeting House
graveyard, In Buckingham3hire,Eng
land, to Philadelphia.
The schooner R. B. Marsh has
been chartered for the trig, is pro
vided with six months provisions,
aud will soon leave San Francisco
in search of the 'Silver Mountain,'
reported to be of great value, and
located on the Fish river, Alaska.
Secretary Lincoln, Adjutant
General Drum and Col. Barr will be
at Leavenworth about the 20th insL
for the purpose of inspecting the
military prison. Gen. McDowell
commanding the military depart
ment of the Missouri will meet
them there.
Annie Mackey, a well-dressed
aud rather good-looking brunctto,
iv us found drunk in Omiha one
evening last week. She was pulled
out of the mud ou 12th stroet, and
lodged in jail on a charge of robbery.
A recent report from Ft. Nio
brara says Lieut. Saml. A. Cherry,
Fifth Cavalry, while out scouting
for road agents, came upon them
suddenly, when a tight ensued, iu
which the Lieut, was killed.
Orders have been issued from the
post-office department to discontin
ue steamboat mail service at once on
a number of routes in the south
west. The saving to the govern
ment will probably reach $75,000.
We are under obligations to both
Senators Saunders aud Van Wyck
for copies of Wm. P. Frye's recent
speech in the U. S. Senate. Billy
hits those Southern boys some pret
ty hard licks, which they will not
soon forget.
Stanley Matthews waB confirm
ed on the 12th, as associate justice of
the supremo court, by the following
vote ; yeas 22, nays 21. The affirma
tive and negative totals were about
equally divided between the two
political parties.
The citizens of Des Moines, in
respect to the memory of Ex-Gov.
Ansel Briggs, the first governor of
Iowa, on the day of his funeral fired
a gun every half hour, from sunrise
until noon. The national flag was
displayed at half mast.
A murder came to light the other
day near Guttenburg, N. J., by find
ing the decomposed body of a young
German woinin. Her head had
been crushed with a large stone.
The belief is that the young woman
had been outraged and then murdered.
A storm was reported in Iowa
last week near Worthingtou that
lifted tho baru of John Pitman, con
taining six horses, and carried it a
mile without injury to tho horses.
Also that two barns belonging to P.
Baker were blown a distance of two
milos. No lives lost.
Alexander Jones, editor of the
New York Volks Zeiluny was re
cently arrested at Dresden. Ho was
sinpectod of traveling in the interest
of tho socialists. His private papers
were subjected to examination, &c.
He has appealed to the U. S Minis
ter at Berlin for redress.
The newspapers of Omaha and
Lincolu are discussing the provis
ions of what is called the Doauelaw,
passed by the last legislature con
cerning railroad rates. The better
opinion is that the Doane law does
not reach to the extent it ought, but
that it is a step in the right direction.
A heavy wind aud lightning storm
occurred on the 10th, between Bra
dy's and Willow Island, on the Un
ion Pacific railroad ; a freight depot
was struck, and a part of the roof
torn off. The wind also blew down
a wind-mill and unroofed a water
tank. Other property in the vicini
ty was injured.
In executive session last week the
senate confirmed the following nom
inations: James Longstreet, U. S.
marshal for Georgia ; A. Blyth, U.
S. marshal for South Carolina; S.W.
Melton, U. S. attornoy for South
Carolina; Philip -II. Emersou, asso
ciate justice of the supreme court
of Utah.
B. L. Pratt, a stranger in Omaha,
and a resident of Galesburg, 111.,
committed suicide one night last
week at the St. James hotel, Omaha,
by cutting his throat with a pocket
knife. It is believed that he was
out of money and employment, and
had become despondent, which in
duced him to commit tho horrible
It is reported now that all the
inmates of the White House are
more or less affected with malaria,
caused by poisonous vapors arising
from the Potomac flats. Remove
tho Capital to the Center of the
United States, where there is no
malaria to disturb the health of the
citizens, nothing but the pure gentle
It is claimed that a motion will
be made iu the senate to reconsider
the vote confirming the nomination
of Stanley Matthews, on the ground
that one of the senators who was
paired, voted for Matthews's con
firmation, when ho should not have
voted, as the absent senator would
have voted "no," leaving a tie, and
the confirmation lost.
The dailies of yesterday confirm
the rumors of the resignation of
Conkling and Piatt as senators from
New York. We have not space for
comment. There is no telling what
a face this feature will put upon the
contest between President Garfield
and tho lordly seuator from the
Empire state.
A bailiff employed by the estate
of Lord Dundales, Ireland, while
returning from a wake on the morn
ing of the 12th, was shot through
the lungs, receiving a wound that
will probably provo mortal. Two
men have been arrested on suspi
cion, but there is no positive proof
of their being the right parties, as
the shooting was done from behind
a thick hedge.
A bull dog suffering with hydro
phobia broke loose from his place of
confinement in Baltimore, one day
last week, and in his mad fury bit
several persons in a terrible manner,
tearing off great chunks of flash
before he could be slain. He was
shot at a dozen times and wounded
several times, but the account given
of the terrible affair fails to state
the death of the dog.
Commiiioiicr' Ir6ccedinjs.
Wednesday, May 11, 1S81.
Pursuaut to call of Clerk, tin
Board of County Commissioners mei
ou Wednesday, May 11th, 1881, at
9 o'clock a. m.
The meeting was called ou account
of the burglary committed in the
County Treasurer's office on the
night of May 5th, iust.
Roll call. Present, John Wise,
Chairman of the Board, Michac 1
Maher, Joseph Rivet, aud Jol n
Stauffcr, Clerk. Board took a recess
until 1 o'clock p. iu.
One o'clock p. m., all present. Bids
for repairing safe iu Co. Treasurer's
office were examined.
On motion, the Clerk was in
structed to notify A. J. Arnold to
ascertain the price of lock and extras
necessary to repair said safe, and
report same to Co. Comra'rs b
Tuesday, May 17th next, at 1 o'clock
p. m.
On examination, the Board finds
that the Couuty Treasurer is not re
sponsible for the loss of $80.00, cash,
on account of said burglary.
On motion, the Couuty Treasurer
was instructed to prepare a list of
warrants abstracted from the safe on
the uight of May 5th.
On motion, Board adjourned.
John Stauffer,
Couuty Clerk.
A large number of cattle have
recently died at Council Bluffs, and
parties living near Elkhorn station
lost about forty head iu one night
last week. No one has been able to
define the disease or explain what
produces it, but the better opinion
and almost universal belief is that it
is caused by some kind of vegetable
poison or rotten corn tho cattle have
eaten. Those who have witnessed
the death of some of the cattle say
that Just before death they feebly
stagger about or stand still, quiver
ing with tremors, succeeded by
jerkings of the limbs, rigid spasms,
and death. Tho citizens of Council
Bin lis have become so excited about
the disease and death of cattlo that
they decline to use milk or beef, at
the present writing.
Platte County, )
To S. A. Bonesicel, L. Gerrard, M. AVhit
moyer, E. A. Gerrard, M. Weaver,
Thoma Durant, .Tared Il.Orr, Sidney
L. Holmau and A. J. Arnold, Amanda
M. Arnold, Jane Mullen, Ira .Mullen,
Xi'llie North, James North, Edward
Arnold, jr., Guy Tripp, Albert Tripp,
Earnest Tripp, heirs of Maria Arnold,
resident aud non-resident owners of
the following described real estate, all
owned in the county of Platte and
State of Nebraska:
M. Weaver and S. A. llonesteel, a part
of the west y of Section 19, Town 17,
Itange 1 cast of the sixth principal me
ridian, and further described as out-lot
number seven ( ), city of Columbus.
L. Gerrard and M. AVhitmoyer, the
northeast quarter of the southeast quar
ter of Section twenty-four (24), Town
ship 17, Range 1 west of the sixth
principal meridian.
E. A. Gerrard, southwest quarter of
the northeast quarter of Section (24),
Town (17), Itange 1 west, and the north
one-half of the northwest quarter of
Section (8), Town (17), Range 1 west of
the sixth principal meridian.
Thomas C. Durant, trustee, any inter
est he may own in the real estate above
and hereinbefore described.
.Tared TJ. Orr, the south y of N. E. ol
S. E. of S. E., Section 14, Town 17, one
west of the sixth principal meridian.
Sidner L. Holman, north y of X. E.
S. E. S. E., and north y of X. W., S. E.,
S. E. Suction 14, Town 17, Range one
west of the sixth principal meridian.
A. J. Arnold and Amanda M. Arnold,
Jane Mullen, Ira Mullen, Nellie North,
James E. North, Edward Arnold, jr.,
Guy Tripp, Albert Tripp, Earnest
Tripp, heirs of Maria Arnold. The west
y of the southwest quarter of Section
thirteen (K5), Town 17, Range (1) one
west of the sixth principal meridian.
And you are hereby notified that the
Omaha, Niobrara & Black Hills Railroad
Company, a corporation organized and
existing under the laws of the State of
Nebraska, has located its line of road
and right of way one hundred (100) feet
wide, across the above described tracts
of land, and that unless within thirty
days after the publication of thU notice,
you make application to the County
Judge of said untv to have the damage
by reason of said location assessed, said
Railroad Company will procure an as
sessment of the same In the manner
prescribed by law, and have applied to
the county court of Platte County, Neb.,
for Commissioners to meet on the 10th
day of June, A. D., 1881, at 10 o'clock
a. in., to assess said damage to said real
This notice to be published for four
(4) consecutive weeks in Thk Colum
bus Journal, a newspaper published
at Columbus. Platte Co., Neb., and of
general circulation therein.
Dated, Columbus, Neb., this 2d dav
of May, 1881.
Thk Omaha, Niobrara & Black Hills
Railroad Company,
uy DARWIN u. lovkland,
Kight of Way Agent.
BY VIRTUE of an exeeution directed
to me from the District Court of
Douglas county, Ncbrabka, on a judg
ment obtained before the county court
of Douglas countv, Nebraska, on the
fifteenth day or June, 1878, in favor of
C. K. Alien as plaintiff, and against
John 13. Green as defendant, for the
sum of seventy-four dollars and ninety
eight cents, and interest at 12 per cent,
per atmum, and costs taxed at six dol
lars and liny cents aud accruing costs,
I have levied ou the following real es
tate taken as the property of said de
fendant, to satisfy said judgment, to
Lots. Block. Lots. Block,
1, 2, 38 o, 0, 42
7, 59 8, 01
5,0, 03 3,4, )
1,2,3,4,8, 70 4, 78
1,2, 80 1, 100
3, 4, 101 fl, C, 120
1,2, 123 8, 130
1,2,7,8, 132 (., 131
1,2. 143 3,4, lot
abu win oner tue same tor sale to t e
highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the
Ultii duy of JHHe A. ., lSdl,
in front of the Court House, that being
the building wherein the last term of
court was held, at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day, when and where due
attendance will be given by the under
signed. "Dated May ICth, 1881.
Sheriff of Platte County, Nebr.
IVines, Ales, Cigars and Tobacco.
J2J5chllzs Milwaukee Beer constant
ly on band. pg
Eleventh St., Columbus, Neb. j
NOTICE is hercbx gicn to the legal
voters of loiumbu Precinct in
the County of I'latte and State of Ne
braska, tint a special election will 1m
neld at the place of voting in said Pic
liuct, hereinafter named, ou thd
8tli day of May, A. I. 1881,
for the purpose of voting upon the fol
lowing proposition, to wit:
Shall the County Commissioners of
said Piatte Countv issue and give to the
poration organized and existing under
the laws ol the State of Nebraska,coupon
bonds of and for aid Precinct to the
amoun of Twentv-five Thousand Dol
lars, to aid in the construction of a
Railroad commencing at a point on the
Union Pacific Railway, in the City of
ColumbiiM, in said Platte County, aud
extending thence to Lost Creek Station,
also in said Platte County. Said bonds
to be itssued in sums of One Thousand
Dollars each, to be made payable to
bearer, to be dated on the First day of
July, A. D., 1S81, and to become due
twenty years from the date thereof,
with interest at the rate of seven per
cent, per annum, payable annually ou
the first day of July of each year upon
interest coupons thereto attached, both
interest and principal payable at the
fiscal agency of the State of Nebraska in
the City of New York.
And shall the said County Commis
sioners cause to be levied on the taxable
property of said Columbus Precinct, au
annual tax sufficient to pay the interest
on the said coupon bonds "as it becomes
due, and after the expiration of ten
years from the date of said bonds, shall
the County Commissioners cause to be
levied iu addition to all other taxes,
upon the taxable property of said Pre
cinct, a tax-sufficient to create a sinking
fund for the payment at maturity of
said bonds, and shall said tax be con
tinued from year to year until the said
bonds are fully paid; Provided, that the
said Piecinct shall only be liable to pay
interest on the said bonds from the time
the said Railroad Company shall be
entitled to receive the same, and upon
tue delivery tnereoi, sumcieiit coupons
shall be detached from said bonds to
cause them to draw interest from the
time when said Railroad Company shall
be entitled to receive them; and, pro
vided further, that the said bonds shall
be is-ued ami delivered to said Railroad
Company only in the manner aud on the
conditions following, to wit: when said
Railroad shall be built and completed
from the City of Columbus to the town
of Lost Creek as aforesaid.
Said bonds shall be executed aud is
sued by the proper officers of said
County" and delivered to safd Railroad
Company within sixty days alter the
completion of said Railroad; and if
two-thirds of the votes cast at said elec
tion shall be iu favor of the proposition
hereby submitted, then said County
Commissioners shall be authorized to
execute aud deliver the same accord
ingly. The form in which this proposition
shall be submitted shall be by ballot,
upon which ballots shall be printed or
written or partly printed or written,
tho words: "For Railroad bonds and
tax, Ye" or ''For Railroad bonds and
tax, No." And if two-thirds of the
votes cast shall have thereon the words,
''For Railroad bonds and tax, Yes"
then said proposition shall be de
clared adopted, otherwise they will be
declared lost: said election to be held
at the following place in said Precinct,
to wit: At the Court House, in the City
of Columbus, Platte County, Nebraska.
The polls at said election shall be
open at eight o'clock on the morning of
said da', and shall continue open until
six o'clock in the afternoon thereof, aud
said election shall be conducted in all
respect- as provided bv law.
By order of the Board of County Com
missioners of Platte County this 2lst
day of April, A. I)., 1881.
County Commissioners.
John Stauffkr,
County Clerk. 572-5
NOTICE is hereby given that the un
dersigned, sherittof Platte county,
Nebraska, will, by virtue of an execu
tion issued by the Clerk of the district
court in and for said Platte county, in
favor of M. E. Forbs and agaiut Albert
Rose, and to me directed, at one o'clock
p. m., on the
aoth day of May, A. !., 1881,
at Keatskatoose post-office in Monroe
precinct, Platte countv, Nebraska, oiler
for sale at public auction the following
described goods and chattels, to wit:
One bay pony, one Buckeye mower, one
wagon, one breaking plow, one stirring
plow, one grindstone and frame, one
harrow, and one saddle, taken on said
execution as the property of suid Albert
Dated this l(Jth day of May, A.D., 1881.
sjiierin ol saiu county.
By M. E. Cloth kr.
Deputy Sheriff.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.)
May 9th, 1831. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before clerk of
court of Platte county, Nebraska, at
the county seat, ou the 17th day of June.
1881, viz:
Franz Koch, Homestead No. 5454, for
the W. K, N. E. i, Section 34, Town
ship 20 north, Range 1 east. He names
the following wituesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Christian Geiter.
Israul Gluck, Louis Staab, G. Wenk, all
of Columbus, Platte Co.. Neb.
675-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.,)
31av !)th, 1SSI. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has filed no
tice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before clerk ol
court of Platte county, Nebraska, at
county seat, on June litn, loal, viz:
Phillippe Schroeder, Homestead No.
10142. for the W. K, N. E. X, Section 32,
Township in north, Range 1 east. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of said land, viz: Peter Ileintz,
John Ileintz, William Newman, Hans
Gessen, all of Columbus Platte Co., Neb.
575-5 il. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
-May 14th, 1881. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
Court of Platte Co., Neb., at county
seat, on July 5th, 1881, viz:
John A. Maag, Homestead No. 641ft,
for the N. 14, N. E. K. N. y, N. W. y.
Section 4, Township 20 north. Range 2
west. He names the following witness
es to prove his continuous residence
upon, aud cultivation of said land, viz:
John Melcher, of St. Bernard, Platte Co.,
Neb., and Jacob Maurer, William Mau
rer, Christian Schwank, of Madison,
Madison Co., Neb.
575-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
Mav ICth, lsSl. f
-TOTICE is hereby given that the
J followintf-namcd settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof Will be made before Clerk of
Court of Platte Co.,- Neb., at county
seat, on June 18th, 1881, viz:
Joseph Shellitto, Homestead No. 10271,
for the S. y. S. E. y. Section 30, Town
ship 1!) north, Range 1 west. He names
the following wituesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion oTr-said land, viz: David Murphy,
James O'Leary, Michael Reagan, Dennis
Reagan, all of Platte Center, Platte
Co., Neb.
575-5 M. B. HOXIE, Ragister.
To Ivarolina B.tder, widow, and Henry
B.uler, Josiphiua Ruler, Charles
Under and Kitharini Bader, chil
dren and minor heirs of Karl Badcr,
deceased, uor.-resideut defend mts:
rpAKE NOTICE that Nannie O. Moilit
L has sued you in the District Court
in and for Platte county in the Fourth
Judicial District of Nebraska, and that
you arc required to answer the petition
tiled by said Nannie O. Moilit, iu said
court, on or before the
Sixth day ol' .luiic, 1881.
The prayer of said petition is for the
foreclosure of a mortsr.nre given by said
Karl Bader, deceased, in his lifetime,
and Karoliua Bader, to one Charles P.
Dewey, on the twenty second dav ol
Maieh, 1878, on the north half of" the
northwest quarter of Section Twelve,
in Township Eighteen north. Range
oue west of the Sixth Principal Merid
iau, in Platte county, Nebraska; said
mortgage wa- given to secure the pay
ment of siv sever il promissory notes,
all dated March 2-'d, H7o. live of said
notes being for the sum of fifteen dollars
each and payable severally and respect
ively in six months, one year, eighteen
mouth, two years, aud thirty months
after the date thereof; the other or sixth
note being for the sum of two hundred
and sixty-nve dollars and being due and
payable in three years after the date
thereof, all with interest at the rate of
twelve per cent, per annum from matu
rity till paid. Made aud delivered by
said Karl Bader. deceased, to said
Charles p. Dewey, and by said Charles
P. Dewey duly assigned to plaintiff,
and plaintilf also prays in said petition
that you, the said Henry Bader, Jose
phina Bader, Charles Bailer, and Kath
arina Bader, children and minor heirs
as aforesaid, be made defendants in said
action. An attorney's fee, and general
execution for any balance that mav
remain unpaid, and such other anil
further relief as equity may require, is
aNo prayed for.
571-5 By Chas. A. Si'MCK, Att'y.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,i
Jiay Mtn, 1831.
TVTOTTCE is hereby given that the
J following-named .cttler i,;,, ed
notice of his intention to make dual
proof 1" support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
Court r I'latte Co., Neb., at countv
seat. o July 5th, 1S81, viz:
John Melcher, Homestead No. G40C,
for the S. y., N E. y, . XA. N. Y. y.
Section 4, Township 20 north. Range 2
west. He names the fol owing witness.
es to prove his continuous residence
upon, aud cultivation of said laud, viz:
John A. Maag. of St. Bernard, Platte
Co., Neb., aud Jacob Maurer, William
Maurer, Christian behwank, of Madison,
tiaiuifii jv..
...!:.. fn
. r.
,")7"-"l 31
B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at '!r mil Island. Neb ,)
Mav 5th, 1S31.
NOTICE is herein given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
the Court of Platte county, Nebraska,
at the County Seat, on June 13th, 1881,
Henry Wilke. administrator of the
estate of Johann G. Asche, deceased.
Homestead No. 50UJ, for the E. y, N. E.
y. Section 20, Towuship 1! north, Range
1 east. He names he following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
Hemanis Retiring, Deidrieh Hollmau,
Gerhard Roshe, John Wordeman, all of
Columbus, Platte Co., Neb.
574-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
May 5, 1831. t
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
Court of Platte Co., Neb., at couuty seat
on Juno Uth, 1881, viz:
James Costello, Homestead No. C220,
for the N. y, S. W. y. Section 2, Town
ship 1ft north, Range I west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Jacob Maurer,
Ulrich Van Berger, John Rechley, Frank
Rethertne'r, all of Humphreys, Platte
Co., Neb.
574-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Laud Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
April 4iith, 1881.
OTICE Is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clern of
Court of Platte county, Nebraska, at
county seat, on June 1st, 1881, viz:
John Koop, Homestead No. 8388, for
the W. y, S. E. y, Section 32, Town
ship 1ft north, Range 4 west. He names
the following wituesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon aud cultiva
tion of said land, viz: Henry Guiles,
B. F. Baird. Oliver Guiles, Jacob Swig
gart, all of St. Edwards, Boone Co.,Neb.
572-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
April 14th, 1881. f
-rOTICE is hereby given that the
.IN following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of bis claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
court of Platte county, Neb., at county
seat, on June 8th, 1881, viz:
Frank Wassenberg, Homestead No.
G451, for the S. y, N. E. y, Sectiou 0,
Township 10 north, Range 1 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said land, viz: George 3Iiu
ten, William Kleve, Steven Yandorn,
Joseph WIdhalm, all of Humphreys,
Platte Co., Neb.
571-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Orand Island, Neb.,)
April 25th, 1&S1. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make linal
prool in support of his claim, and that
said proot win uc made oeiore Ulert or
Court of Platte Co., Neb., at county
seat, on June 1st, 1SS1, viz:
John A.Wilson Pre-emption declara
tory statement No. XK)i, for the S. E. y.
Section 1C, Township 20 north, Ringe 1
west. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
Elbert 3IcGhee, John Brooks. Edgar D.
Leach, and Robert Harper, all of Hum
phreys, Platte Co., Neb.
572-5 31 .' K. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
April 25, 1881. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make tinal
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
the Court of Platte Co., Nebraska, at
county seat, on June 1st, 1881, viz:
Alva E. Smith, Pre-emption Declar
atory Statement No. 3535, for the S. y,
N. E. y, Section 23, Township 18 north,
Itange ii west. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon aud cultivation of said land,
viz: Hudson 31urdock, William Little,
John Hurley, Joseph 3Iurdock, all of
Genoa, Nance Co.. Neb.
572-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
April 25tb, 1881. I
OTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk or
Court of Platte Co., Neb., at county
seat, on June 8th, 1881, viz:
31ichael Regan, Homestead No. C529,
for the E.y, S. Y..y, Section 10, Town
ship 18 north, Range 2 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion nf said land, viz: 3IIchael 3Iaber,
John Maber, John Regan. Michael Dug
gan, all of Platte Center, Platte Co., Neb.
573.5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
E. J. & J. A. EE1STST,
(Successors to SCHUTTK A: POIIL).
S ?
Keep constantly on band the celebrated
WHITEWATER WAGON. We also handle a full line B. D. Buford CVi
goods, such as PLOWS, HARROWS and CL'Ll'IVATORS. Fountain City
SEEDERS and DRILLS, the best on the market. Champion aud Avery
CORN PLANTERS, with or without wire check rowers. Agents fbr
the MARSH HARVESTER, twine and wire binder. WIND MILL
and SULKY PLOW. Also for the D. M. Osborne SELF BIND
ER, either wire or twine, and Wheeler's No. combiued
REAPER and 3IOWER. J3 Remember, we deal in
Buggies, Phaetons and Platform Spring Wagons,
Don't fail to call on Us and Examine Goods and Prices!
Office opp.Towii Hall on
All those in want of any tiring in that line, will consult
tlieiv own interests by giving him a call. Jiemeni
ber, he warrants every pair. J fas also a
Fir.-st - Class I3oot and Shoo Sroro in Connection.
33T Repairing iSTentiy J-)ono.
Don't forget the Place, Thirteenth Street, one door west of Marshall Smith's.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Has on hand a splendid stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry G-oods, Carpets,
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,
At pes it ire never tarfl ef More ii Golnmlms.
I bay my goods strictly for cash, and will give my customers the
benefit of it.
Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts.
OPEN A. G- A. IN-! -
Said House has been re-fllted, painted and is in first-class order for th
accommodation of transient guests and boarders.
Transient, per day 91 OO
Single Meals 25
SSTTwelftb St., nearly north of)
U. P. R. R. Depot. 1
j?. x a Tr
Fine and Ornamental Italian. American and Fancy
Marble Monuments, Headstones, or anything
connected with the Marble business.
Cnll and examine -worlr, Kt our price, aaI lie convinced.
N. B. Being a workman of ten years experience, we cm guarantee vou goo
work at a saving of from 20 to 25 per cent., by giving us a call. j3n$bop an
office opposite Tattersall livery and feod stable. .".J-Hiii
a well selected stock.
Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups,
Dried and Canned Fruits,
and other Staples a
Goods Delirered Free to
part of the City.
Farm and Spring Wagons,
of which I keep a constant supply on
hand, but few their eiunl. In style
and quality, second to none.
Cor. Thirteenth and K Streets, near
A. ifc jV. Depot.
2 O -s m
A a
c -
3 -
lath St., COLl'MBl'S, NEB.
A large and complete assortment of
Men's, tea's and Children's Boots indShoes,
I Day Board per week 33 00
Board and Lodging per weelc 4 00
a 5 x x jar.
Columbus Dru? Stora,
The Leading Drug House
A full and complete line of
Drags, (Hieuiieah,
Patent Medirines, &c.
Painters' Supplies,
Wfadow Glass,
Wall Paper,
When you need anything in our line
we nil! inaKe it to your inter
est to call on u.
fi-Jr. A. A. Smith retain his
position as Prescription Clerk.iohiah
is a positive uaranlee mis
takes, and with our facilities every
thing in the prescription line is
JDoH't forget the place, 3 doors
north of I. O, 557-j
i i
i i