The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 20, 1881, Image 3

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Comnmulcatlong, to Insure insertion
In the aext Issue, should be In hand on
Mondays; if lengthy, on Thursdays
preceding lBsue-day. Advertisements,
of' whatever class, should he In hand by
soon, Tuesdays.
Advertisements under thlt head ID
cts. a line first insertion, 10 cts. a Use
each subieaueut insertion.
The ferry-boat is in full blast.
Spencer Rice bad the mumps
lftst week.
Wm.ltyan has taken out-license
to sell liquor.
"Come, come, come, the summer
now I here.", ,
Kobt. Clark's school closed on
Saturday last
All the leading brands of corsets
at Friedbof & Co.
Kramer has received his entire
new spring stock.
Harry Brown is reported sick
with scarlet fever.
S. W. W. Wilson goes to North
Platte for a while.
Our advertising this week con
denpes news items.
If you want groceries at Omaha
prices call on Lamb.
For a good article of table butter
call at Wm. Becker's.
Spring goods at Fricdhof & Co.,
Bonesteel's old stand.
The York Republican Is five
yeare old. A lively boy.
Capt. Hammond received the
cable for his ferry, Monday,
Good, double barrows, complete,
""at Wm. Becker's, for eix dollars.
Sociable at the M.E. church this
evening. A good time expected.
Bob. Mclotlre's tickets are on
sale. Don't forget to buy five or one.
Gentlemen wishing a uobby hat,
should not fail to call at Friedhof
Farmfer rent. Call at the Bos
iBBiboot and shoe store, opp. post
oftre -We are, it Beems, to have two
or three more saloons, under the
new lavr.
. Choice Michigan cider, bottled,
to be Vtidrai Wm. Becker's. , Come
and try it.
JerryDeneeB writes as a letter
ofinqulry, but does not give his
post-office. "
A farm of 200 acres for rent four
miles from Columbus. Enquire of
Byrota MilletU
Dress goods, the finest assort
ment ever brought to,Columbus, at
Friedbof & Co.
Our weather report for the
month of March will be found on
the fourth page.
KVir ihn h.t and finest boots
and shoes made, and for sale at the
Boston Shoe store.
Go to J. C. Echols for jour wall
paper, where you can get it furnish
ed on the wall cheap.
Quite a number of immigrants
from Germany arrived here last
week and went to Norfolk.
Customers Bay that Wm. Becker
has got the best stock of potatoes in
town, and they are going fast
Two button kids at 25 cents a
pair, three button, good quality, at
60 cts. a pair at Priedbof &: Co.
D. F. Kelly of Shall Creek was
in town Monday. Farmers in his
neighborhood are putting in wheat.
T. H. Saunders expects after his
tale to go east to spend the summer
visiting and. securing medical atten
tion.- , ,
'A 'good family driving horse for
sale; also a set of single" harness,
nearly new. Inquire at Journal
The Presbytery of Omaha will
convene in the Presbyterian Church
Tuesday evening, and remain until
Hnlst & Price have purchased
the Chicago Lumber Yard north of
the track and placed James Kay
in charge.
J. B. Delsman & Co. go this
week to their new place of business
one door east of Gluck's store on
11th street.
"Remember that Ed. Filzpatrick
can furnish you any book published,
or anything in nee anywhere in the
line of stationery.
John Huber went to Boone
ouBty to attend a wedding, and was
coHspelledto stay for a week on ac
count of the roads.
At a public meeting in Omaha
Saturday evening, 1956.50 was sub
scribed for the up-Miesouri suf
ferers by the flood.
Farmers, bring your poultry,
butter and eggs to Lamb's near the
poit-ofice, and get the highest mar
ket pries in. cash for them.
When yon wsbMo stop a-nows--
paper that is being sent you, pay up
all arrearages and order the publish
er to quit stBdiig! it to you.
The street peddler is at hand,
the flies have begun to come, and
shortly we may look for the organ
griaderjiMi. Ike lightning-rod. man.
HeitkeHiper 4b Bro. have enlar
ged their jewelry store. Increased
busineee requires increased room;
they have put in a slock of confec
tionery also!
We judge from the way Foster
is piling in the hardware and farm
is impaaeaU that beWa aotmnch
faith in the Perihelion," unless he
is. going to sell them cheap enough
to close then eat before it comae.
J. J. Bump of Genoa was in
town Saturday.
Louis Kramer went back to
North Platte Thursday.
Fine clothing, latest New York
styles, at Friedhof & Co
MIsb Serena Olson of Fullerton
is visiting friends in the city.
Joe. Know and Wa. Schofield
started for Chicago Saturday.
J. C. Morriseey arrived in the
city Saturday Iron PlatUuaoutb.
J. O. Tasker. of Platte Center,
passed the Sabbath in Columbus.
Calmer McCuae of David City
has returned home from Florida.
Wm. Hunneman and wife start
ed for Salt Lake City Thursday last.
Frank Clark is breaking on the
U.P., between Omaha and Grand
.A. C. Turner and B. Millett
went to Ljicoln last week, on le
gal business.
If you want any paper hangiug,
kalsomining or painting done, go
to J. C. Echols.
John Rice of Sutton is to be
added to the working force at Kra
mer's establishment.
Lute North has gone back to the
ranche on the Dismal, and will pre
pare for the round-up.
David Jackson, of the Capital
Billiard Hall, this city, removes to
Albion, Boone county, this week.
M. O'Brien was at home a
couple of days last week. He has a
situation in the car shops at Omaha.
Gros grain ribbon, iuch
wide at 5 cts. per yard, two inch
wide 10 cts. a yard at Friedhof & Co.
Mrs. M. T. Kinney and children
are visiting with herfather, Mr.
Bailey. M. T. was in the city Sun
day. .
Charles Morse has been ship
ping bailed hay iulo Columbus, and
we understand has sold all he bad
on hands.
O. C. Shannon Js freight agent
at the U. P. depot, in place of Ed.
North, who found the position too
Mrs. M. S. Drake has received
her stock of spring aud summer
millinery, etc., etc. Ladies should
call at once.
M. J. Feenan of Omaha gave us
a pleasant call Saturday. We don't
wish blB professional services for a
long time yet.
Miss Nella Matthews has return
ed home from North Bend, where
she has been visiting with MiSB
Christie Gillls.
The U. P. pay car tarried in the
city Sunday, making glad the hearts
of the railroad boys, who now have
plenty of dust."
Bazil Brown, an old-time Cadiz,
Ohio, bov, passed through the city
Thursday evening last, on his way
to Arizona Territory.
George Lehman goes to the
Julesburg branch about the first of
May, to board about one huudred
men, on five boarding cars.
Fred. Metcalf, of Saulsbury, N.
Y., brother-in-law to John Wiggins,
is in the city to stay aud gave the
Journal, a pleabant call Saturday.
Bishop Clarkson Is" expected to
deliver a lecture in Columbus, on
Saturday evenlug, May 7th, for the
benefit of the Episcopal Church.
Tickets, 25 cents.
The Globe of Lincoln announces
the arrival In that city of F. P. Bur
gess, editor of the Columbus Repub
lican. Wm. Burgess of the Gazette
was probably meant.
W. O. Clark, father of D. I. and
A. W. Clark of this couuty, died at
his home in La Salle, co., 111., April
11th aged 72 years. He had been sick
only about three weeks.
The North Bend Bulletin says
that the telegraph station at the old
wash-out this side of Fremont has
been named "Pieronett's Landing,"
from conductor Tom Pieronett.
"Dick" Rossiter was down from
Platte Center Sunday. He hopes to
ride in on the new road his next
trip, and bring bis banjo alonr to
'have a little fun with the boys."
Jno. Huber .took a trip into
Boone coaaty last week, aad found
a good many people .who jwere glad
of the prospect of having direct
railroad connection with Columbus.
There were just eighty-three
ladies voted at the school election in
Lincoln. Can any sensible man give
a reason why they should vote at a
school election and not at any other?
Messrs. Burar & Getz of Iowa,
have purchased one of the Temple
farms north of the city, and located.
They are good men. Get acquainted
with them, and make them feel at
The suit of the government
against Wm. Burgess, late U. S.
Agent for the Pawnees, has been
withdrawn by the government, after
an expense of $20,000 no cause of
H IJ. Cadywof thel Chicago
Lumber Co., will be in Columbus
on or about April 19th, aad Irishes
aH indebted to the Company to call
at the office of Jno. McFarland, and
settle their account.
On Saturday last, David Ander
son and Weber & Knoble made an
other shipment of fat cattle to
Chicago. Mr. Anderson informs as
that nearly all the fat cattle in the
State have been marketed.
If you want a caltivator, riding
or walking, that will do good work
on any kind, of ground, and that yon
will think enough of-to put under
shelter in the fall, buy the Buckeye.
Foster sells them at Uhlig'8 old stand.
The railroad property p( Ne:
braska Is to be assessed by the State
Board, on the first Monday in May.
Are the County Commissioners of
this part of the State "going to send
representatives to see how it .is
done? -
"Jim" Briudley and Chris. From
are fixing up their billiard hall in
fine style. They will aUo keep fruit
and confectionery, and with "Pretty
Chris." to shake up lemonade and
dish out the peanuts, are sure to
make It win.
The Schuyler News sayB that
Columbus's request in regard to the
new route between here and Lost
Creek "Is perfectly harmless and
will probably $oj granted." '" Much
obliged," but why use the word
"probably ?"
Travel between ColumbuB and
Lost Creek Btation is brisk, and
livery teams are having a big run,
and bo it will continue until the new
road is built, when the horse of flesh
and blood will have to give way to
the iron horse.
Our horsemen are making ar
rangements to have a number-one
race course built this spring. With
what fast horses we have here and
those that would come, were good
purses offered, we could. have one of
the best fairs in the State.
Now the city has three printing
offices we suggest the propriety of
the city having its work done where
it can be done the cheapest. Those
who work for the public are justi
fied in having things done just as
economical as they possibly can be.
Having procured the services of
Jacob Gregorius to help me out on
Saturdays7 aud Sundays, my custo
mers will still' find three chairs run
ning as usual these two days. Give
us a call at the well known Chicago
BarberShop. H.Woods, proprietor.
David Carrig gave us a business
call Saturday. Those who-trespass
upon his hay lands must take the
legal consequences. His patience
has been worn down to the quick.
"Don't turn to the right, don't turu
to the left, but keep in the middle
of the road."
Old settlers cheer us up with the
information that fourteen years ago
the spring was cold and backward
as it is this year, and that they did
not sow wheat till the middle of
May, but were rewarded with a
yield of 28 to 30 bushelB per acre.
Seward Reporter.
Elliott & Luers have established
themselves in the implement busi
ness, and both being reliable, res
ponsible, thorough business men,
and well informed in their line, those
wishing farm implements, buggies,
pumps, &c, will fiud it to their in
terest to see them.
In buying farm Implements, it
pays to buy a good article; and then
take care of them. The John Deere
goods have been sold at Uhlig's old
stand for the past five --years, and
have given universal satisfaction.
Geo. D. Foster continues their sale,
and at bottom prices.
Squire Bailey says that fourteen
years ago, on the Elkhorn bottoms,
the season was later than this, and
they had the largest kind of a crop
of wheat. The only object in put
ting wheat in early, In this country,
is to secure moisture enongb. There
seems no probability now that we
shall lack in that respect
We have just received a copy
of the Columbua Democrat. It is a
spicy and readable paper, and we
hope it may have a more prosperous
career than its predecessors. The
Era, Republican, Independent and
Platte Valley Democrat, have all
budded, bloomed and faded within
our memory. Butler Co. Press,
A. W. DoUnd wishes to sell his
property in Columbus, and will givo
a good bargain. Good' house and
lot 132x132, enclosed by good fence;
a good barn, nearly new, all in good
repair. A good horse and buggy,
harness, robes, etc. Will sell them
at a big sacrifice, and give time if
desired. Apply to A. W. Doland
or to Becher & Price.
The melting snowB have kept
tho roads muddy the last week ; If
the warm, bright days coBtinae a
little while longer, "Nebraska will
be herself again; had there will be
no more growling at roads. ' In
many a' place east, under similar
cir'eumtUnc'es, the mud would be
twelve to eighteen inches deep, while
here twd'to three inches is consid
ered outof place.
The .B;r At M; at their bridge
ovr the Fjatte sou (h east of the city
will have- four-luindred feet of
bridging1 to do, mdre than when
they laid their road. There was bo
much ofa wash that la one place,
which before the Hood was prairie,
there is now a stream -fifteen, feet
deep-, requiring a bridge two hun
dred feet long. They .have. had. to
go out of their original right of way
to re-lay their tack. m , .
iOd Sunday evening the Presby
terian church was filled to jts. utmost
eating capacity, bo! the occasion' of
the special Easter service, which
consisted of readings by the pastor,
Rev. Gale, and responsw by Ihe con
gregation. The pnlpit and organ
were profusely decorated with flow
ers pleasing-(rihV eVe.he music
furnlehed by the:hoIr oabia occas
ion was excellent, especial! the
anthem sung previoaajp the rafilar
Bervicee, auu wbicu, Dyrwii, kw
4A' -' IB
repaatea at iha cioat.
a .a
The officers of tho Episcopal
Church elected on Easter Monday
were as follows : James Smith, Seu.
Warden, Dr. C. B. Stillraan, Jun.
Warden. Vestrymen: G.W. Hnlst,
Byron Millett, Gus. Becher, John
McFarland. The Easter collect i n
for church repairs was forty dollars.
The delegates elected to the Dioce
san Council at Omaha on the 17th of
May were James Smith and Byrcn
Dr. Bonesteel returned home
Friday evening from .his extended
visit east. A fdend in Montreal
sends ub a copy of the Heruld of
that place of April 5tb, which con
tains the following mention : "Dr.
S. A. Bonesteel, of Columbus, Ne
braska, has .left for home by way of
Boston and "New York, which cities
he intends to visit This gentlemau
received degrees honores causer of hiB
profession at the late convocation of
the McGlll University. He consid
ers Montreal a very fine city, aud
speaks in high terms of the courtesy
extended to him by those of the
medical fraternity he met during his
stay hore. We wish him success."
. -. .
The Grand Lodge Kuights of
Honor met at Nebraska Cily Tues
day and Wednesday of last week.
The ball and banquet, attended by
some three hundred couples, was a
magnificent affair. There were thirty-one
delegates present from sub
ordinate lodges, H. P. Smith repre
senting Monitor lodge of Columbus.
The officers for the eusuing year are
D. M. Welty, Fremont, Grand Dic
tator; C. W. PhilllpB, Neb. City,
V. D. ; J. Donnelly, Crete, G. A. D. ;
J. Graff, Tecumsehj G. C; IT. P.
Smith, Columbus, G. G.; D. H.
Wheeler, Plattsmoulh, G. R. ; J. S.
Gibson, Omaha, G. T. ; E. A. Rich
ardson, Clarksville, G. G. ; J. H.
Miller, Peru, G. S. ; Grand Trustees :
J. W. Brank, Lincoln ; A. P. Grout,
Syracuse: A. C. Hull, Fremont.
Supreme representative, D. II.
Wheeler. State medical examiner,
Dr. S. R Conklin, Omahii Tlie
fourth annual sessiou of the Graud
Lodge will be held at Seward, Neb.
We hear such a good one on
John Hammond that we can't keep
it, and yet scarce durst tell it. We'll
risk It, however and stay out of
town a day or two. Somebody got
into. the boat the other day "to cross
the ferry," and when in mid water,
the current was bo swift that the
boat went down stream. "Ding
bang you," said John, " why the
bang don't you row across? Point
up stream." Finally, John was so
concentratedly interested in the mat
ter that when the passenger did at
last come to land, John jumped in
and pulled for the opposite shore.
No sooner had he got into the cur
rent than the boat began to observe
the laws of force which require that
thn mninr'itv shall do the Principal
part of1 the ruling, and down stream
she was going. All the on-gazera
remained quiet. Not a word was
lisped; not a ripple of laughter
floated to John over the surging
waves of the forceful Loup, but ev
erything was as serene as the sunny
April heaveua above them, except
ing the fat man in the boat who was
rowing and puffing, and puffing aud
rowing for dear life to head that
ding-banged boat up stream and get
across, but all to no purpose, and
the Captain, in despair, jumped out
and walked to shore. Seeing the
unruffled counfeuancea on the bank,
he shouted, as ouly John can shout
" Ding tiang you, why don't you
There appeared in last week's
Journal, published by request, an
article headed !'Awful," concerning
what was to take placo on the earth,
between 1880 and 1887, according to
the notions, of a professed astrolo
glst. It was published by us,-not as
a matter of news, not,aB a matter iu
which we believed, but as giving the
whole of an article that had been
quoted by our exchanges, here and
there, by1 pieces, without connection
and as entitled to some credence.
At this time in the life of tho Jour
nal, it ought not be necessary to say
that its editor Ib not a believer in
aatroloerv. witcEcraft, conjuration, or
any such lhingfk"WeL had" often been
asked, "What abotit this awful pre
diction concerning tlie perihelia?"
and we concluded to simply give the
whole of it, as we found it in circu
lation. - But it-is w6nderful, isn't it,
that in this age of the world, and in
this Country of schools, and books,
and teachers j in thla age of science
when tbeatoms of things are almost
seen and. the planets in their awful
rounds are' Weighed-andmeasnred,
that there should be such a fearful
amount of superstition ; such believ
ing v KlUboqt, .sufficjent , pyidence ;
Buch acquiescence in the mere dic
tum of a sensational writer? We
see that men are born, that they
grow and work, that thoy have their
day, that they weaken and die-, their
bodjes returning "to the elements
there-is no superstition about this,
andit is true religion and true
pbifoedphy to recognize theee"gen-
erai lacis ana mase every aci, idoi
and desire as nearly perfect as pos
sible. rThnser shall be-doing the
highest 'duty-known- to the human
mind, and, wa submit that belief
should rest upon evidence alone, and
belief in the ,most imDortant con
cerns of life should always be pre-
ceded, by. evidence .that
alUdoUbLt si t l
Atteatlea, Farmer.
I will close out mycstock.of m-,
piemen taai coftprice. Callandj
examine, and learn prices of Gorham
seeders ; also harrows, plows, culti
vators, wagon springs, bnggy tops,
&c. My goods ! are -equal2 in quality
to any on the market, and it will pay
you to buy while you can get them
cheap. Wm. Bickib.
Keller Fund.
Editor Journal : Will you please
publish in your paper the following
statement showing the amount of
funds raised for the relief of the
sufferers by reason of the recent
freshet, and how tho same were
disbursed :
The gross receipts of the
ball at the Opera House
were $05 50
Donations ,..,....,, i 7"0
Total receipts '$73 (XT
'Paid for use ot Opera House.... $ 5 00
3lusic to Jiaennercuor urcuestra o w
Relief of Mrs. Hamer 15 00
Relief of Mrs. Hanley 200
Relief of Mrt.Counell 2U 00
$ 73 00
The gross receipts of the ,
concert gtvennyiue jixn
nerchor were ,. ....S0 7j
Paid for printing, team hire and
Jauitor .... . ... ....
Relief of Mrs. Hamer ....... ....
Relief of Mrs. Marshal.., r.,
Relief of Mrs. Winter'
5 00
3 75
$ 20 75
Tho committee has endeavored to
apply thpso funds-only where there
was actual want and Bufferiug, and
in doing, so wo trust we havo car-
ried out the wishes of the donors.
The relief thus atlbrded mot a pres
ent and pressing waut and was
gratefully received, for which, on
behalf of those rolieved, we say to
our generous citizen, many tnatiKs.
Mita. Ka-te Speice,
Mus. Nellie A. North,
. .
Ib Memory of Berll ami Nel
lie Hnnpp.
Our hearts are filled with sorrow
For the children we loved so well;
And sadlv we miss the presence
Of our Bertie and little Nell.
Tis hard to bear thfs affliction,.
And we cannot help but weep
For the little forms now missing
That in the church-yard sleep.
In the fold of the good Shepherd,
Our precious Iambs are at rest;
Free from sin and earthly trials,
Forever with the blest.
By and by we hope to meet them
On yonder peaceful shore,
WhTe stern Death cannot sever
The loved ones from U9 more.
Farewell. Bertie and darling Nellie,
Happy hours were with you spent,
Yet now, we realize more fully,
To us "you were only lent, m.a.t.
MEAD-KILBORN April 6th. Mr.
Walter Mead and Miss Llllle Kllborn,
both of Boone county.
TAZWELL HARRIS In this city,
April 18th, bv Rev. M. V. B. Bristol,
Mr. Frank Tazwell and Miss Sarah
Harris, both of Boone county.
city, at the residence of the bride's
mother, by Judge J. G. Hiirgins, John
J. Sullivan, Esq., and Miss Kate Lan
ders, all of Columbus.
Advertisements under this head five
cents a line each insertion.
New orangeB and lemons at
20 yards of crash for $1 at L.
New Comb Honey at Hudson's.
Ladies bntton shoes for $1 at
Come'and see that new style of
plain shoe at Marshall Smith's. .
Good crash only 5 cts. per yard
at Kramer's.
If yon waut to buy a sewing
machiue call at the singer office.
Sowing machines from 7 dollars
upwards, ca6h or on time at the Sin
ger office in A. J. Arnold's jewelry
Ginghams 8
cents a yard
I am receiving fresh vegetables
by express. H. J. Hudson.
Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual and work-and-labor, neatly
bound' in books of 50 and 100, for
sale at the Journal office.
Hickory nuts Seta per quart at
SeiM for samples and prices to
L. Kramer, Columbus.
. A fine line. of gentleman's Bhoes
just received at Marshall Smith's.
Tho Skandia Plow at the new
implement store of Elliott & Luer6
on Olive st.
I have two dry cows, in calf,
that I will exchango for two fresh
ones. II. J. JIudson.
Those haviugclaim8 against Dr.
Bonesteel accruing during bis ab
sence will oblige by presenting them
The latest styles of dress goods
with trimmings at Kramer's.
Why don't ydu try Carter's Lit
tle liiver Pills ? They are a positive
cure for sick headache, and all the
ills produced by disordered liver.
Only one pill n dose. For sale at A.
Helntz's drug store?
Remember that at A. J. Arnold's
jewelry- store is the only place in
Columbus where yon can get a gen
uine Singer Sewing Machine.
. Now ia your time to buy your
boots and shoes at Marshall .Smith's.
Ladies fancy ,hose, good heels,
only 5 cts." a pair at Kramer's.
! Spring wagons and buggies for
sale cheap at Elliott & Luers.
Please bear in mind that you
can get all kinds of Machines re
paired as cheap'as dirt at the Sin
ger office; All work warranted.
Young's Plaiters, and Needles and
repairs for all kinds of Machines,
J. L. Lewis, Agent, in A. J. Ar
nolds Jewelry Store "opp. Post
office. "(
The raffle in aid of Mrs. J. Regan
for a cow has been postponed to
Saturday, May 7th, when it is ex
pected that all who have purchased
tickets will pay for the same, prior
to the above mentioned date1 of
drawing which will' take place at
Thos. Farrell'a, this city. .
Young's .plaitera and needles,
aud attachments of all kinds aud for
all machines at wholesale or retail at
the Singer office, A. J. Arnold's
store, J. L. Lewis, agent.
Try Carter's Little Nerve Pills
for any case of nervousness, sleep
lessness, weak stomach, indigestion,
dyspepsia, &c, relief is sure. The
only,-nerveamedieine for the price in
market.) In vials at 25 cents. For
sale at A. Helntz's drug store.
Delicious, foaming Soda Water
at Hudson's.
Men's two-buckle Plow Shoes
85 cts at Morse's.
L. Kramer is agent for Sola's
custom made line boots and shoes.
Every pair warranted or money
Palpitation of the heart, nerv
ousness, tremblings, nervous head
ache, cold hands aud feet, pain iu
the back, and other forms of weak
ness' are relieved by Carter's Iron
Pilia . i.iodn rpo!illv for the blood.
nerves and complexion. For sale at
A. Heintz's drug store.
. Ilomfe
For rent. Apply to John Wiggins.
For Kale.
Two teams of work horses, cheap
for cash. Henry Schwarz.
Hungarian, Millet and Blue grass
seeds at Herman Oehlrich & Bro's.
JJroou Jlare.fljy
A good brood mare for sale,
quire at Galley Bro's store.
For Sale.
Three teams of good, work horses,
cheap for cash. Call on
John Hanev.
Stock Farm to Kent.
A No. i Stock Farm with hay and
water facilities, to rent. Apply to
Good Work Hornet
Three, for sale cheap, at Stynger's.
Call soon.
Mother Shlptoa'i Prophecies.
"The world to an end shall come
in eighteen hundred aud eighty
one," get oue, 20 cts. at E. D. Fitz
patrick's opp. P. O.
,j r
Carl Kammoki,
A veterinary surgeon of 15 years
nrortipp in the Prussian .armv, may
be found at Dowty, Weaver & Co's
M. Poatle, at the Checkered Barn,
has just received a car load of horses
which will be sold singly or in pairs
to suit purchasers.
i '
Hay for Sale.
From 50 to 75 tons o f first quality
hay by1 the subscriber, on the L. W.
Platte farm, at Keatskotoos, Platte
county, Neb. L. Anderson.
Baby Baggies.
Buggies, carts, wagons, etc., will
sell cheap to make room for my large
stock of spring goods. E. D. Fitz
patrick's opp. post-office.
Important to Hotel aad House
Carpets, crumbcloths, matting,
door mats, oil clothB, rugs, table
linens, napins, towels, &c.very cheap
at Kramer's-
A good traveling salesman who
can talk German or English. Good
wages paid. Everything furnished.
AddresB or call at the Singer office.
Baby Carriage.
Boy's wagons, CartB, Croquet,
TOidkinfj- Canca. willow ware etc. at
E. D. Fitzpatrick's Book Store opp.
Clotliiae;! Clothing:!
If you want good fitting aud good
weariug clothes, nicest styles and
lowest prices, either for yourseH or
boys go to Kramer's New York
Cheap Cash Store.
Elliott 4c Luent
Am rp.r.p.lviutr farm machinery every
day, which they will sell for cash or
on time cheap. Call at Luers' place
on 11th street, or at J. C Elliott's on
Olive street.
ThomflH Flvun. at his brickyard
one mile northwest of the city, will
furnish brick, in quantities from
1,000 to 200,000; at tho kiln, $5 a
thousand; delivered iu any part of
the city, $C a thousand.
' Saraiuer Ilerulag;.
I am prepared to furnish tho best
of range for any number of cattle
and horses for tho summer. Will
charge 15 cents per head for horses ;
the price of cattle to vary from 25 to
50 centB, according to tho number.
For Male.
Two stallions, Black Frank, (Mor
gan) and English Lyon (Clydesdale).
Sprvfid 141 mares la9t vear. Anolv
to undersigned before 1st of April,
'81. Henky Schwa rz,
Sholl Creek, one mile west of Beck
ers mill.
Doa't Iluve Wet Feet.
But go to G. W. Phillips and leave
your order for a first-class boot or
shoe. He works nothing but the
best of stock, and will guarantee a
fit in every particular. Fine sewed
work a specialty. Consult your
own interest, and give him a trial.
Anyoneivho interferes with the
U. P. rip-rap on the Loup river run
ning through ray farm west of Co
lumbus, will be fully prosecuted. T.
J. Ellis is authorized to represent
my interests on the premises, and if
necessary, to drive off all trespassers.
Frank North.
For Sale.
160 acres ot choice land three miles
northeast of Columbus, described as
the W. hi, S.W. X Sec. 10, T. 17, R.
1 east, and N. K, N.W- K. Sec. 15,
T. 17, R. 1 eaet ; to one desiring to
purchase a farm close to town this is
your chance. For further particu
lars Inquire of Louis Weaver, Coun
Treaanrer's Office. ,
CaacerC-'ared WltkoataKalfe.
No Cure, No Pay I
The undersigned having been cur
ed of a cancer of 20 years standing,
his being; one in twenty cases treated
in this neighborhood by Dr. O. C.
Taylorndtonfrof wbich he lost, and
having purchased .the receipt is
ready to attend any one who may
bo afflicted with Cancer or Tumors.
Board can be procured at reasonable
rates by those' who may come'frdm
abroad. Call on"or address,
, S. J. Marmoy, i
Nebraska House, Columbus, Neb.
For Sale.
Cheap, and on time, ono Excelsior
Reaper and mower combined, and
ono Dewey Harvester, nearly new,
A. Henrich.
Fair Warn I f.
After the 20th of April, those wh
trespass upon my meadow lands
near Gleasou's bridge, with their
wagons and teams will be made to
pay the full penalty of tho law. Hay
laud la most. valuable, and it should
not be necessary to notify farmer's
to keep off it. David Carrig.
Save Itloaey.
Wo are using Wella & Arnold's
Vapor Stove. It does its Cooking,
Baking and Irouing as quickly as
any stove can, besides there is nei
ther Bmoke nor dirt, aud the expense
is not more thau one-third that ol
coal.. -
Mrs. J. B. Lewis, Mrs. H. P. Coolidge,
M B.Thurston, " A.i.Arnom ,
M.S.Drake, " Nellie North.
Flax Seed 1'ottce.
On aud after March 23d, I will
commeuco delivering seed for sow
ing to thobe whose applications are
on file. Parties should como pre
vared to execute notes with approv
ed security when they receive the
8eed. E. J. Baker,
Agent Omaha Oil Co.
Columbus, Mar. 20, '81.
I wish to sell my property in Co
lumbus, and will give a good bar
gain. Good house and lot 132x132,
enclosed by good fence; a good
barn, nearly new, all in good repair.
A good horso aud buggy, harness,
robes, etc. Will soil them at a big
sacrifice, and give tirao if desired.
Apply to the undersigned or to
Becher & Price. A. W. Doland.
lo whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that on the
lGth day of April, 1881, the follow
ing named persons filed their peti
tion for license to sell intoxicatiug
liquors in the 2d Ward of the city ot
Columbus, Platto county, Nebraska,
viz: Paul Hoppen, Wm. A. Schroe
der, Schrailz-Bros.
H.J. Hudson,
City Clerk.
Pnbllc Sale.
T. H. Saunders will sell at public
auction at his residence 6 miles east
of Columbus,
Tuesday, April 26th, 1881,
at 10 o'clock, a. m., 1 span of work
horses, 1 yearling colt, 5 cows, 2
yearlings, 2 calves, 3 brood sows, 1
fat hog, lot of poultry, lumber
wagon, platform spring wagon, 2
sets harness, 1 Wood mower, nearly
new, 1 O'Brien harrow, cultivator
with seed attachment, hand corn
shelter, lot of small tools, 400 bus.
corn, 200 bns. oats, quantity of
wheat, 10 tons hay, besides house
hold furniture such as chairs, sofas,
tables, bedsteads, carpets, &c, &c.
Terms: $10 and under, cash.
Above $10, credit until Dec. 1st, '81,
with bankable notea without inter
est if paid when dne, five per cent,
off for cash.
Advertisements under this head five
cents a line, fint insertion, three cents
a Hue each subsequent insertion.
Regalar Stock Dealer.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and sold; also fat and stock hogs.
For Male or Exchange.
Two town lots in Columbus, near
A. & N . depot, will be exchanged for
land north of Columbus. For informa
tion call at this office.
William K. Kaapp,
House, Carriftgo aud Sign Painter,
GaUominer aud Paper Hanger. The
best. Try me. Residence In South Co
lumbus. milch Cow.
I have several good, fresh milch
cows for sale cheap for cash or on time
with bankable paper. Address the un
dersigued at Duncan.
31. O'Hernk.
I hold tax sale certificate on Lot
5 in Draper's Addition; if redemption
is not made at once 1 will get tax deed
for the same, as time for redemption
now expires. D.Andkrson.
For Male.
I have three barber chairs for sale,
two Rochester, and one Omaha, in good
conditiou, cheap Tor cash. I waut to
replace them with new ones.
Hknky Woods,
J'rop'r. Chicago Barber Shop.
For Male or Real.
Two dwelling houses situated near
the A. &N. depot, which will be sold
for a small amount or the purchase price
down. The property is also for rent.
S. J. Edwards.
Ho! Look ThiM Way.
For sale cheap, cash or time, one
yoke work oxen, one heavy work horse,
one young work marc, one riding pony,
one miicu cow, oneuiu ugui waguu, iwu
setts harness. I mean business, call
and see mc. D. Anderson.
For Male.
Eighty acres of good forming and hay
land, 9 miles west of Columbus. Price,
$10 per acre. Call on, or address Luther
B. Chapin, Lost Creek P. O., Platte Co.r
The undersigned will herd 500 or
C00 head of cattle on the Township Farm,
near Leigh post-office, during the com
ing season at $1 per bead-
Staab t Bros.
Land For Hale.
Two hundred acres of choice land in
PJatte county price $9.00 per acre.
Description: . i, N. W. i. Sec. 1,T.
J7, B. 3 West; S. J, N. E. r and N. E.
X, N. E. X, Sec, 3r T. 19, R. 3 west.
Kor further-particulars inquire of
J. w. Early, Columbus, Neb.
Wheat No. 1, test 59 Iba ....
" 3, " 54 ." !
Corn Shelled, old... I...
Oats, .. .... - cs.4.,Vf
Rye .1 '..
Floor,,... .-.i
jjX v i If
Butter, ......
Eggs, ::..:
Potatoes,.. i.
S-&03 50
. 150g255
1 20
Fat Hogs, 1 400(3450
Fat Cattle, i L . 3oo3 60
Yearlings, 12 0015 00
Calves , 4 00S600
Rhppii. sroa4 oo
fJnr.rl vonl npr hnnilrpr" 4 00
Hidei.greeii. :.'.-:. ..;... -fiStf
IWltait AlODflCfilBlltf
Fine and Cheap Goods ! !
It is to your own interest, whether
living here in Columbus or 50 or
100 miles away, to come and
trade with or send for
samples to
frop'r Nsw York Ckp Cash Ste,
Cants, Oilclotlis, Mails,.
At Reuured Prices!
Every Pair Warranted or Money
Refunded. ,.. ,.
Dress Goods, Ulsters,
Jackets, Suits,
White Goods, Parasols;
Trimmed &. Untrlmmedi
Hats, Etc., Etc., Ete.
200 Pieces Standard Calico,
per yard, only $ 05
35 yards Bemnant Calico for - I 00
Gingham, per yard 08
One yard-wide Muslin, per yd 05
Good Crash per yd. only 04
Towels, per piece 05
ladies' Fancy Hose, good heels,
per pair 05
Ladies' nicely embroidered bal-
briirean Hoe, per pair 20
ladies' Button Shoes, per pairl 00
Men's Jean Pants, per pair ou
pr Needles for all Sewing Machines
"J ' '
V y 50wBSSSSSSfl
Btt " "
, W : " -"--jay--