The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 13, 1881, Image 4

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For the Journal.
oi.n FOLKS.
One Saturday cvc. warm and bright,
1 xtcppcd over to see
If the dear old folks, were " all rteht,"
"Who were neighbors to me.
'We're glad that you've come, yes, in
deed." The old lady exclaimed;
'To-night we'are sorely in need
Of our grief to he tamed.
We are lonely; our girls and boys
Have left u one by one.
Like many other earthly joys;
Lost, almost soon as won.
Yes, all our boys have gone away;
Some of them have a home;
But all, do seem from day to day,
Content from us to roam.
Our -daughters, too, all gene away;
Some married, other not:
Hut thev care not to be our stay,
The old folks are forgot.
We loved them a no others could,
And watched them night and day
When they were tick; and cross or good,
We could not from Jhem stay.
We're old and weak, our eyes are dim;
We think then tears do fall.
Our prayers for them ascend to Him
Who watches over all."
To every one, in every land,
I'd lik'e to speak and say
To rich and poor, to low, and grand.
Care for the old, to-day.
wis: SAWN.
Familiar Pretteptwaad Maxims
ofFaneHH Awlaors.
Franklin was the American mas
ter of aphoristic wisdom. His pre
cepts and maxims have been some
times objected to as on a low piano
of selfish thrift, aud savoring rather
of political economy than of the
golden rule. But Franklin was a
true sage, in the old Greek sense of
the word, and after the manner of
the seven wie men, who each of
them is represented as having ut
tered some memorable saying which
became a proverb. The most fa
mous of these sayings was the in
junction of Thales, "Know thyself."
The writer, whether of prose or
poetry, whoso works most abound
in passages which have become pro
verbial aud current in the every
day speech of everybody, has
achieved a lasting and genuine
fame. The two English writers who
have achieved this sort of fame be
yond any others are Shakespeare
and Pope. Gray wrote but little,
but that little has become, almost all
of it, proverbial. Eastern wise men,
from the days of Solomon down,
and long before, were always fond
of expressing their wisdom senten
tiously. Every reader of " Don
Quixote" is aware that the Spanish
language is peculiarly rich in pro
verbs. Saucho Panza profusely sea
eons his remarks and conversations
with his master of the rueful coun
tenance with proverbial spice. But
most nations of auy account,whether
aucient or modern, had and have a
copious literature of proverbs, or
brief, pregnant sayings, which go
directly to the mark, and compress
a great deal of truth in regard to
men and things in the smallest pos
sible verbal compass, furnishing a
sort of portable philosophy of life,
or small change of wisdom formally
use. Proverbs are ordinarily as
blunt as they are pithy. The Latin
poet Horace, had a faculty of offer
ing himself in a .sententious way,
and wrote many lines which still
circulate among scholars, at least, as
proverbs. Of course, the proverbs
of the various nations are racy of
their soils. Multitudes of them are
blunt and homely, with the blunt
nesB and homeliness of common life.
Bacon was not ouly a collector of
proverbs, but the author of a great
number of sententious sayings full
of significance. He observes that
"he that goes into a foreign country
before he knows its language goe6
to school and not to travel." When
ever we dip into a collection of
proverbs we are sure of finding wit
and wisdom both. Here are four
eayings about success: "Successful
guilt is the bane of societ)'." "Suc
cess consecrates the foulest crimes."
"Success makes a fool seem wise."
"Success is never blamed." Many a
lonely, friendless man in a throng
has felt that a great city is a great
solitude, more depressing with its
social contrasts than even a great
forest. He who has good health is
young, whatever his age may be.
He who serves the public has but a
scurvy master. Here is a proverb
which has the note of Scotland about
it : "A dog winna yowl if ye fell him
wi' a bane." Impatient social re
formers, who cannot tolerate the
world as it is, are taught patience
by the Persian provCrb : "The most
high God 6ccs and hears; my neigh
bor knows, and is always finding
faulL" One of the oldest Greek
proverbs asserts that those whom
the gods love die young, or as it has
been finely put by an English poet:
"To die young is heaven's divinest
gift." An older proverb which has
come down from the far past, is to
the effect that the voice of the peo
ple is the voice of God. A hand
book of the proverbial sayings of all
ages and nations may be called the
judgment of all the grand men, of
humaaity on every conceivable sub
ject delivered in terse, epigrammatic
sentences. Fools and weeds grow
withont watering. The proverbs of
all nations are very full on the sub
ject of fools. Gray comes to the
rescue of the fool with one of his
lines, which asserts, "If ignorance is
bliss, 'tis folly tole wise." The an
cients had & good deal to say about
fortune, and even made a divinity of
berfor Fortune personified was of
the feminine gender, as her prover
bial fickleness sufficiently indicated.
She was a dreaded power among the
Romans. She was and is said to
favor the brave, and also to favor
fools, as tho saying, "a fool for luck,"
indicates. Tho Italiuus have a pro
verb that a little of the fool is nec
essary to the composition of a thor
oughly successful man. There is no
saying indicating a profouuder
knowledge of human nature than
Pope's line, that "man never is,
but always to be, blest." Gifts from
enemies are pronounced dangerous
ever since the affair of the Trojan
horse. The primitive sages were
principally famous for their powers
of condensing much wisdom in a
single sentence which would fly for
ever through the mouths of men.
An old Egyptian king undertook to
perplex an old Greek sage by pro
pounding to him several conun
drums, answers to which were re
quested at the earliest convenience
of the sage. The last of the Egyp
tian majesty's questions was : "What
is the wisest of things ?" The sage's
reply was : "Time, for it has found
out many mysteries already, and in
the long run will solve all." This
reply which became a proverbial
Haying among the ancient Greeks,
was p-oof positive that he who ut
tered it was indeed a wise man. It
was Thales. The aphorisn waB ut
tered nearly .1,000 years ago. JVeir
York Times.
'Mixed IlaKbaadry" by a Ne
braska Lady.
Cor. Rural Nebraska.
Bellwood, Butler Co., February
23, 1881. Editor liural Nebraska:
Now that the wheat and corn fields
begiu to loom up, aud as they are
assuming prodigious proportions,
might a humble (not as "umble,"
however, as Uriah Heep) individual
come to the front and whisper a
word of caution against the over
doing of the same. While my mind
revolts at the thought of the happy-go-lucky
species it also abhor the
genus homo who carries on work of
any kind on the hit-and-miss plan.
Some farmers talk and act as though
the main chance was to get the crops
in the ground; but if they will con
template the pleasing and instructive
picture of Horace Greeley in the
furrow up to his knees, and trying,
with might and main, to have Pat
rick and the oxen go down still
further, they may arrive at the gold
en mean, and plow deep enough for
the corn to come up strong in con
stitution and healthy in color, there
by putting something in the pocket
that would be considered as good, if
not better, than the "golden mean."
After plowing as deep as your con
science will allow, harrow, and roll
and sift it, if you will ; then if your
wife and daughter can be induced
to take turns in planting you will
be certain of a famous crop. I speak
advisedly on this latter point as it
has been tried repeatedly in this
country and never known to fail. It
is infallible as fate and twice as
handy. Having thus secured inde
pendence for the "guide wife" and
daughters, they will assert their
rights and join the farmers' alliance
and become a power in the land.
As to the sowing of wheat, if ev
erybody is as disgusted "'with it as
they sho'd be, they will let the small
est modicum be sufficient. Let the
Dalrymples sow and reap, to their
heart's content, but for the small
farmers the cost exceeds the profit.
Give wheat the go-by and plant corn
and potatoes aud a few artichokes
for the hogs ; and while you're about
it don't forget rye for the cows.
They might also worry down a few
turnips with advantage to them
selves and owners.
But alack! alack! I'm afraid it
will be many a day before our cows
receive the care and attention they
should have. In the meantime they
will be treated to an occasional cur
rying with the milking stool. For
shame! For shame! Why will men
and boys who are endowed with
reason act like brutes who have only
instinct? That would be a good
subject for debate in lyceums. Let
us have it. Wasn't that a grand
awakening for three hundred farm
ers to assemble at the capital? I
once heard a person say that what
our legislators needed was to have
a man stand with a drawn club (a
farmers' club I think he meant) over
the head of every mother's son of
them, and now they've done so, as it
were. Let us hope the result will
be a wholesome regard for those who
cater to the whole world.
Mrs. Maky B. Finch.
It has been discovered that the
addition of a teaspoonful of borax
to each pint of starch used in starch
ing shirts, linen, etc., will render
muslin and all kinds of fabrics, even
the most gauzy and inflammable
textures uniuflaramable, to such an
extent that they conld not be made
to take fire and burn with a blaze.
Dr. Kedzie, of the state board of
health, of Michigan, in an address
remarked that if cotton dresses and
underclothing of women and chil
dren were prepared by this simple
method, many distressing accidents
and frequent loss of life from the
accidental ignition of clothing might
be prevented.
A cattle owner of Custer county
writes as follows to the Tidal Wave
concerning the loss of cattle upon
some of the ranches : "Our loae was
1G out of 100. Some of the ranches
lost very heavy. The Iosb of Cable's
ranch was 150 out of 300. Olive's
7,000 out of 16,000, and one ranch
abont ten miles from ours, lost 75
per cent, of the whole herd."
Ills Melena Waraiag.
'Yaas, there's money made in
stocks, uo.doubt," said the old mau,
as he removed his Jiat aud ran his
fingers through his gray locks, "but
it's a reesky bizness ; it's suthin1 like
betting on whar lightning's going to
strike, with the odds in favor of
hitting the tree you stand under."
"Then you never speculate?"
"Never. I dig along the old farm,
takin' one crop with another, and
pulling out stumps when I've noth
ing else to do ; and if I don't make
any great shakes, I haveu't anything
to worry over. I hed a purty sol
emn warning during the coal ile
excitement, and it cured me o' spec
ulatin'." "How was that?"
"Waal, I was a widower then,'
wife fell down the well and was
drawed out stiff as a poker. I had a
big farm, lots of stock, and was call
ed purty solid. We all got excited
about ile, and all of us dug more or
less holes in search of the stuff. All
of a Budden a widder living about
two miles from me found ile in a
dozen places on her farm. She was
a widder with a bad nose, freckles
all over her face, eyes on the squint,
and built up like a camel. But when
she struck ile that was a different
thing. Old Deacon Spooner, who
was a widower, got mashed right
away. Our preacher, who had lost
his third wife, saw the spec. I tho't
it over and concluded she was an
angel. I guess some six or seven of
us begun courtin' that widder within
sixteen hours after the first sight of
ile. I know the procession reachod
from the gate to the house."
"And you got her?"
"Not much I didu't, and that's
what I'm thankful for. Somehow
or other I couldn't work up the
p'int. That nose kinder stood in tho
way every time I was ready to pop
the question. She acted like she
wanted me, but Deacon Spooner got
the best of all of U3 aud they made a
"And what?"
"Nothing, except she had dosed
that farm with a barrel of ile, and
thus got a husband for herself and a
home for her five children. When
the news came out I was so cold
along the backbone that they had to
kiver me up with a hoss blanket,
and since that time I haven't had the
nerve to buy eggs at seven cents a
dozen and hold 'era for a rise."
Wall Street Daily News.
It has been wisoly said that there
is such a thing as a moral taste in
dress. Women who wear too much
hair, too many ornaments, a taste
less combination of gaudy colors
with poor materials, who dress
cither in too youthful or too plain
a style, may be said to bo without
the moral sense. If taste is the in
stantaneous appreciation of the fit
ness f things, which is perhaps its
best explanation, then a woman
should blossom out of her clothes
like a flower from Its calyx. We are
reminded of this in looking at the
photograph, taken by the instantane
ous process on the sympathetic re
tina of the eye, of the ball-room, in
which there was a lack of color.
For whilst women should guard
against black and too pale dresses
in a ball-room; both are inappro
priate. Crimson sating a proud
dress, a full tone of color, velvets of
rich hues, the color of a damask
rose, deep golden yellows and that
purple which looks well by gaBlight,
recalling a Roman triumph, these
are dresses which light up a ball
room, and if well made and soften
ed by fine, delicate laces, they are
not vulgar; they are becoming,
beautiful aud appropriate as a white
dress always is to a woman. The
fashion has been carried too far, aud
a ball in which all the women are
in white, and all the men are in
black, is too apt to be like one of
Whistler's "Nocturnes in black and
white," original, but gloomy.
Ajew plow and harrow combined
has been invented by a Mr. Sacket,
of Pennsylvania. It is thought to
be of importance enough to devote
over half a page of Harper's Weekly
to cuts and a description of it. It
consists of a complete iron beam
plow similar to others only mounted
on wheels one of which runs in the
furrow and is armed with sharp
knives which pulverize the dirt as it
is thrown off from the mould-board,
thus harrowing the ground at once
and saving an extra trip and the
tramping and packing of after teams
upon the laud. It has been tested
at various fairs eaBt, and is pronoun
ced a success. Three horses work
it and it saves an immense amount
of time and labor and leaves the
land more thoroughly pulverized.
Plattsmonth Herald.
What we call life is a journey to
death, and what we call death is a
passport to life. True wisdom
thanks death for what he takes, and
still more for what he brings. Let
us, then, like eentinels, be ready, be
cause we are uncertain, and calm
because we are prepared. There is
nothing formidable about death but
the consequences of it, and these we
ourselves can regulate and control.
The shortest life is long enough if it
lead to a better, aud the longest life
is short if it do not.
There is a woman in Wisconsin
who has been married fifty-eight
years, and who has never missed
kindling the kitchen fire. Her hue-
band is probably the oldest fire es
cape on record.
About CcoBomy.
One of the hardest lessons iu life
to learn is to properly practise econ
omy. A business man must make
more effort to accumulate his first
thousand dollars than to subsequent
ly acquire ten thousand dollars. To
get a start in the world a man mnst
be economical. It U one of the most
important duties to save sufllcient
in his days of strength aud prosper
ity to provide for himself aud those
who are, or who may be, dependent
upon him, or to moot his expenses
if by auy misfortune, sickness or ad
versity should overtake him.
A man can be economical without
any exhibition of meanness, for true
economy is never parsimouiousness ;
it is not turning a deaf ear to every
geuuine appeal of charity ; it is not
shutting one's eyes as if deeply ab
sorbed in religious contemplation
when the contribution box comes
around. Keal economy consists iu
practicing self-denial with regard Jo
things which only please the fancy
and which can be put to no useful
purpose, when acquired by the poss
essor, articles which are only used
for display, aud the exhibition of
whicn betray a mind full of vanity
and conceit. There are many in
dustrious people who remain in
poverty all their lives by reason of
foolish and expensive habits they
have acquired, of tastes for possess
ing worthless trinkets, a passion
for foolishly speuding money is as
uufoi'tuuate as actual idleness or in
temperance. Extravagance is one.of the great
est evils of the present age. It is
undermiuing many business houses ;
it is annually sending thousands ol
young men and women to ruin and
misfortune. Cultivate sober and in
dustrious habits ; acquire the art of
putting a little aside every day for
your future necessities; avoid all
unnecessary and foolish expendi
tures; spend your time in. such a
manner as shall bring you profit aud
genuine enjoyment, and your money
for such things as you actually
need ; you will prosper in your bus
iness affairs if you are economical
aud thrifty, and you will further
win and retain the respect of all
worthy and substantial people.
Umbrella flirtation : To place your
umbrella in a rack indicates that it is
about to change owners. An um
brella carried over the woman, the
man getting nothing but the drip
pings of the rain, signifies courtship.
When the man has the umbrella aud
tho woman the drippings it indicates
marriage. To carry it at, right
angles under your arm signifies that
an eye is to be lost by the mau who
follows you. To put a cotton um
brella by the side of a nice silk one
signifies "exchange is no robbery."
To lend an umbrella indicates "I am
a fool." To carry an open umbrella
just high enough to tear out men's
eyes and knock off men's hats signi
fies "I am a woman."
"Yes, I knew him," the Texas
sheriff remarked, when somebody
asked him about Red Handed Bill :
"I never met him but once; he came
down here last February, riding
another man's mule, and he came iu
and left the measure of his ueck
with me for a lariat." "Did you fit
him ?" asked the traveler. "Not very
well," said the sheriff ; "blamed
thing was too tight, but he never
said anything about it after he tried
it on, so I didn't change it." And
then the committee rose and report
ed the bill to the house, which short
ly afterward took a recess until the
evening session.
Teach a child that he is totally de
praved, and you do all in your pow
er to make him as depraved as he
can possibly become; tell him he
has a divine nature within him that
only requires bringing to the front,
and then he receives an inspiration
through the confidence you encour
age in his own possibilities that help
to battle with all lower proclivities,
and rise more nearly to the stand
ard of the grand man who is a cou
qucrer and not a slave or machine.
This winter will serve as a good
lesson to many Nebraska farmers.
The first verse runs something like
this: "A little more hustling and
bustling around iu the cornfield,
during the early part of fall and not
quite so much monkeying.' Pro
crastination is an evil characteristic
of the average western farmer. Ex.
A young lady was caressing a
pretty spaniel aud murmuring: "I
do love a nice dog!" "Air," sighed
a dandy standing near, "I would I
were a dog." "Never mind," retort
ed the lady, "you'll grow."
Riches may "take wings," says the
proverb. But men in all conditions
of life arc anxious and eager to secure
the riches and take their chances on
the wings.
All things are admired either be
cause they are now or because they
are great.
When a man is wrong and won '
admit it, be always gets angry.
The eyes and love pierce every
where, and see everything.
Our worst misfortunes are those
that never befall us.
Sudden impulses are not stead
fast resolutions.
Thev that trovern most make the
least noise.
To Subscriber.
Your name. Kith Tin: iutk at which
ou each Joukxai. you receive. A prompt
renewal or discontinuance will save the
publisher, both trouble and expeu.-O,
and be better for all concerned. A re
newal is respectfully solicited. -l for 1
vr.; $1 for t nic.; 50 ct. for Jl nio.
Journal, with either tho American Ag
riculturist or Nebraska Farmer $:i a yr.,
post-paid, cash in advance; Joukxai.
and the Nursery $3.
C. 11. VaxWyck, U. S. Senator, Neb
raska City.
AU'ix Sauxdkks,U. S. Senator, Omaha.
T. J. Majors, Rep., Peru.
E. K. Valkntink, Kep., West Point.
Ylhixus N'aNOK, Governor, Lincoln.
S.J. Alexander, Secretary of State,
p" V. Liedtke, Auditor, Lincoln.
G. At. Burtlctt, Tre isiirer, Lincoln.
C J. Dilworth, Attorney-General.
S." U. Thompson, Supt. Public Instruc.
H. C. Dawson, Warden of Peuiteutiary.
ya'up' Prison Inspectors, '
jr.. I. G. Davis, Prison Physician.
II. P. Mathewson, Supt. Insane Asylum.
S. Maxwell, Chief Justice,
George It. Lake,) Associate Judges.
Vmftsa Cobb. J
U. W. Post, Judiu'iv York.
M. R., District Attorney, A ahoo.
M. II. Hoxie, Register, Grand Island.
rm. Aityan, Receiver, Grand Island.
I. (J. Uiggins, County Judge.
John Stauil'cr, County Clerk.
J. W. Early, Treasurer,
'lenj. Spielman, Sherill'.
It. L. Uosxslter, Surveyor.
John Wise. )
M. Malier, 5- CountyCominissioners.
,Josepli Rivet, )
Or. A. Heintz, Coroner.
.1. E. Montereif Supt. of Schools.
(i. Ii. Itailcy, ) nltirpsnrtuePeaee
Byron Millett, f -"isucesoi mei eace.
'harles Wake, Constable.
J. P. Becker, Mayor.
II. J. Hudson. Clerk.
C. A. Newman, Tre-isurer.
Geo. G. Bowmau, Police Judge.
J. Ci. Rout. son, Engiueer.
1st Ward John Rickly.
G. A. Schroeder.
id Ward Win. Lamb.
S.S, McAllister.
?.d Ward-C. W. Clother.
Phil. Cain.
Columbus Post Office.
pen on Sundays trmll a.m. to ism.
anil from -ii'M to (i p. m. Business
hours except Sunday i a. m.- to A p. m.
Eastern mails elose at 11 a. m.
'.Vestern mails elo-e at 4:15 p.m.
Mail leaves Columbus for Madison and
Norfolk, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, 7 a. m. Arrives at (J v. M.
'ot Monroe, Genoa. Waterville ami Al
bion, dally except Sunday 0 a.m. Ar
rive, sameJJ p.m.
Pnr Postville, Parral, Oakdale anil
Newman's Grove, Moudays, Wednes
days and Fridays, a.m. Arrives
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,
at l! p. m.
Por Shell Creek, Creston and Stanton,
on Mondays and Friday at (! A.M.
Arrives Tuesdays and Saturdays, at
(j i. M.
For Alexis, Patron and David City,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,
1 1. M A rri ves at 12 M.
For St. Anthony, Prairie Hill and St.
Bernard, Fridays, it A. M. Arrives
Saturdays, 3 i.M.
IJ. I. Time Table
Eastxoard Hound.
Emigrant, No.C, leaves at
fi :25 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
2:15 p.m.
4:::i)a. m.
2:00 p.m.
4:27 p.m.
0:00 p.m.
1:110 a. in.
Passpng'r, " I,
Freh'ht, " 8,
-reight, "10,
Westward Bound.
Freight, No. f, leaves at
i'asseng'r, " .'1,
Freight, " fl,
Emigrant. ' 7.
Every day except Saturday the three
lines leading to Chicago connect with
II P. traius at Omaha. On Saturdays
there w ill be but one train a day, as
hown by the following schedule:
Leaves Columbus,
" IJellwood
8:20 A. M.
8:.o "
David Citv, J). 15
Garrison, !:.'S1
Ulysses, 0:55
Staplehurst, 10:12
Seward, 10:::n
Rubv 10:40
Milford 11:00
Pleasant Dale, 11:18
Emerald 11:.'17
1 1
Arrives at Lincoln, 12:00 m.
Leaves Lincoln at 12:50 i. m. and ar
rives in Columbus 4:10 i. m.
O..N. & B. H. ROAD.
Hound north.
Jackson . 4:55 p.m.
LostCreek5:.n.O "
PL Centre 5:57 "
Humphrey0:51 "
Madison .7:40 "
Munson 8:28 "
Bound south.
Norfolk 0:!!0a.m.
Munson 0:57 "
Madison .7:45 "
Humphreys:. "
PI. Centre 0:28 '
LostCreek 0:55 "
Jackson 10:30 "
Norfolk . 8:55 '
The denarture from Jackson will be
governed by the arrival there of the
U. P. express train.
JSTCards under this heading will be
inserted for $:l a year.
G. A. R. Baker Post No. ft, Department
of Nebraska, meets every second and
fourth Tuesday evening in each
month in ICnights of Honor Hall, Co
lumbus. John Hammond, P. C.
1). D. Wadswokth, Adj't.
H. P. llOWKK, Searg. Maj.
He Will hereafter be found on 13th
street two doors west of Marshall
Smith's where he keeps a full line of
every style of
And the Celebrated
Ashe keeps a Pump House exclusively,
he is able to sell CHEAPER THAN
JHE CHEAPEST. Pumps for any
depth well. . Pumps driven or repaired,
and Rods cut.
Wholesale aud Retail Dealer iu
883SS3g; T O V E S ,ss3sd3
S33aaSbS3333Sb33d3addS8dbSS33 -
Wagon Material
Corner 11th and Olive Sts.
To Subscribers.
Having made arrangements to club
the Jol'KNAi. with the Cincinnati Week
ly Commercial, we announce that we
will furnish the CoMJMUua Journal ami
the Cincinnati Weekly Commercial, a
large, tt-page, .V5-eoluinn Family News
paper, one year, for $:'.00 and will give
as a lree prize to each yearly subscriber
under this clubbing arrangement any
one book he may select from the follow
ing famous works postage paid and
free of cost the books being Harper's
Editions, beautifully printed on good
paper, in paper covers:
1. "Jane -Eyre,' the celebrated novel
which made C'harlotte Bronte's fame.
2. "The Days of Pompeii," Bulwer's
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larity, the most fascinating of his pro
ductions. ."!. "John Halifax, Gentleman," Miss
Mulork's masterpiece; a itnry of the
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low birth and iron fortune
-1. "The Pothumous Papers of the
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.-i. 'The History of a Crime." By Vic
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7. "Eothen." By Alexander William
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Of these volumes the lirst is by Princi
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Subscriptions payable in advance, and
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Free specimen copies of the Cincinna
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by addressing M. Halstkad fe Co., Pro
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ind lree specimen copies of the Jour
nal can be obtained by addressing M.
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Proprietors Columbus Journal.
ISff acres of good land, 80
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($ohw(biis $ourm
Is conducted as a
Devoted to the best mutual inter,
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ers. Published at Columbus, Platte
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tural portion is read
by hundreds of people east who art
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future home. Its subscribers in
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portion of the community, as is
evidenced by the fact that the
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other fact-that
In its columns always brings its
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' Three mouths, 50
Single copy sent to any address
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Near .Uattliis's Bridge.
JOSEPH BDCHER, - Proprietor
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Till Space Im Referred
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