The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 13, 1881, Image 2

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    &em ' li?"--. -
Entered nt the Pont-onii-p, Columbia,
Nob., a xocoiul clai matter.
Ciiicago reports 11!) deaths last
Mrs. B. B. Huxtox, the English
authoress, is dead.
John P. Knight, the English por
trait painter, is dead.
Thirtv persons are suffering from
small-por in Mllford, Ind.
Nike new cases of Ptuall-pox have
been discovered in ChicAgo.
Last week a portiou of Virgiuia
was devastated by a tornado.
The Vandalia the other day bro't
to New York $600,000 in gold.
Ax extra session of Congress is
being agaiu talked of in Washing
ton. One of the policemen wounded
in the affray at Clagher, Ireland, is
Turkey. Italy and England have
recognized the kingdom of Rou
mania. Reinforcements of troops are
being sent to Algeria by the French
It is said that it will take $100,000
to repair the damage to the B. & M.
In Nebraska.
The floods iu Spain, according to
recent accounts, are wonderful in
extent and severity.
S. J. Platt, a student in the Ann
Arbor University, mysteriously dis
appeared the other day.
The gold iu the Bank of England
is greater than for many years, and
amouuts to X, 15,500,000.
Louis Bovle shot and killed J. S.
Ballard, his brother-in-law, the oth
er day in Leadville, Col.
Thirty thousaud persons are suff
eriug for want of provisions in the
flooded districts of Spain.
It is claimed the Irish vote in
Northampton, England, will be
thrown against Chas. Bradlaugh.
Five treaties and two hundred and
and sixty - five nominations are
awaiting the action of the senate.
Cahiix, who shot Daly, the victim
of nn agrarian outrage in West
Meath, Ireland, has been arrested.
It is claimed that there is now
about $17:J,000,000 of gold coin and
bullion iu the vaults of the treasury.
The widow of John Brown is liv
ing on a farm with an unmarried
daughter near San Jose, California.
The Sioux City Journal Rays:
"Fremont has a citizen named A.
Ghost." That's a true ghost story.
Randolph Co., Ala., was visited
last week by a cyclone which killed
John Embrey, his wife and two
A report comes from Hungary
that the river Theiss has overflowed
and destroyed thousands of acres
of wheat.
Some one has the impudence to
express his belief that an Ohio man
will be made Commissioner of
Thdrman, Evarts and Howe sailed
from New York on the 5th to at
tend the international monetary con
ference at Paris.
The position of Commissioner of
Indian Affairs has been tendered to
the lion. Hiram Price, of Iowa, and
by him accepted.
Prince Carolath has been di
vorced from his wife, who will soon
take Bismarck's hopeful son, Count
Herbert, for her husband.
The house of Edwin Reeves, near
Stanton, Va., burned, and two chil
dren perished in the flames. Reeves
Is probably fatally burned.
The North Platte Nebraskan ad
vocates the consolidation of the
Fifth Judicial district for purposes
of political power and prestige.
It is stated Secretary Lincoln is
revising the list of appointments in
his department, equalizing salaries,
and weeding out incompetents.
Forty thousand pounds of gold,
principally from, private sources in
Holland and Russia, was obtained
the other day for the United States.
Mrs. C. A. Evans, of Omaha,
gave birth to fourcbildrcn last week.
The death of all of them was report
ed on Friday, having lived only a
few days.
Last week serious floods were
reported throughout Spain. There
is great distress among tbo people,
and general destruction to property
and crops.
As the reports come from th e
earthquake district the accouuts in
crease in horror. Thirty villages
were destroyed and forty thousand
people made destitute.
The round house of the Utah
Northern railroad, at Logan, recent
ly burued to the ground. Five
engines were badly damaged. The
loss is estimated at $40,000.
Chio ask6 for 4,000 tents. Only
fifty houseB are standing. On all
hands cries of distress arc heard
from the ruinB, but nobody dares
approach to render assistance.
The Irish members of Parliament
held a meeting after Gladstone's
speech. The general opinion wbb
that if the bill passed there would
be little cau6c left for complaint.
A report from Des Moines, on
the Sth says the heaviest snow storm
of the season occurred during the
last twenty-four hours. The deposit
is rapidly forming first-class slush.
Gov. Jackson, of W. Va., issued
the other day an unconditional par
don to Elihu Gregg, sentenced to be
banged for burning the court house
at Preston in lbbH ; he was seventy
eight years old.
Two thousand colored men of
Louisville, employed in the Black
Diamond Steel Works, went outlast
week on a strike for higher wages.
They were getting $1 per day, and
only ask for $1.10.
GenvMcCook, who has been on
Gen. Sherman's staff for years, has
been ordered to join his regiment at
White Hiver, and Chaplin Mellius
has been ordered to take charge of
education in the army.
It is reported that Secretary Lin
coln is about to introduce some
reforms in the staff appointments of
the army, by distributing more
equally the fat and .easy berths with
a taste of hard service.
The street-car strike iu Chicago
closed about 3 p. m. of the Sth, by
the unconditional surrender of the
company, which decided to grant
every demand of the men. AH lines
arc running agaiu as usual.
The strong shock of earthquake
at Chio Island the other day do
atrojed many bonnes, aud seriously
damaged all that were left standing.
The shock was so great that it was
felt ikt Tinos aud other islands.
Chancellor Fairfield of the
Statu University gives excellent
reasons for believing that his wife
did not commit suicide, but was
using her ordinary method of pre
venting an attack of apoplexy.
At a recent affray which occurred
between the people and the police
who were protecting the process
servers on au estate near Ballaghader,
in county Mayo, Ireland, two men
were killed and many wounded.
The steamer "E. O. Standard,"
while making a landing the other
night near Quinn's, abovo Cairo,
struck the bauk and sunk in fifteen
feet of water. Her cargo of boxes
floated off. Happily no lives lost.
The latest accounts from the Chio
Island earthquake, by way of Con
stantinople, estimate the number of
victims at 5,000. All foreign meu of
war at Smyrna started for Chio
Island, with succor for the sufferers.
The request by, the German Reich
stag to Bismark to bring about an
agreement between the European
powers for international action for
the suppression of conspiracy, was
opted with only three dissenting
A tie-union of the Army of the
Tennessee took placo at Cincinnati
on the 0th. Generals Sheridan,
Popp, and others were present. Ex
Prcsideut Hayes and others were
expected to arrive in time to take
part in the exercises.
Accounts from Dakota give a
doleful picture of the flood and the
damage caused thereby in that ter
ritory. Lowlands have all been
submerged; thousands of head of
stock swept away and drowned ;
railroads ruined, and all sorts of
property damaged.
Count Hamilton, chancnlor of
the University of Upsal, Sweden,
has been arrested charged with for
gery to the amount of 40,000.
Names counterfeited include those
of the King and Queen. Learning,
it appears in this case, is not a pre
ventive against crime.
Another shock of earthquake was
felt on the 5th in San Christobel,
there being light oscillations all
morning. Another earthquake was
reported the same day in the Island
of Znnte. Vibrations continued
during the day, and were prolonged,
but no damage has been done.
James S. McKinney was recently
arrested In Montana, and brought
back to Omaha, charged with the
seduction of his niece, who has been
detained in jail at Omaha as a wit
ness against him. McKinney's broth
er from Missouri is at Omaha to
assist him in procuring counsel, etc.
The republican party was greatly
split up in the city election at Fre
mont, the natural result, a democrat
ic victory, electing their entire ticket
except one councilman. Sang waB
elected Mayor. The city election
in Omaha resulted in the same way,
electing Mr. Boyd, Mayor, from a
divided republican vote.
Another rise was reported in the
Missouri river at Yankton on the
oth ;lower part of Yankton was sub
merged aud the people moved to
the upper part; no lives lost, but
great damage to property. A re
port came from Bon Homme that
several persons had been drowned
aud scveu families lost near Green
No lives were lost by the high
water at Niobrara, aud tho damage
to the town is slight. The river at
that point during the flood was
about six miles in width. Its sur
face is now covered with broken ice.
A few miles east of that point the
breadth of the water was twelve
miles, retaining this width without
exception for forty-five miles.
Gen. Mahone's desk in the senate
was again decorated the other day
with a handsome floral anchor, to
which was attached a card with the
following endorsement: 'Ilon.Wm.
Mahone The colored Virginians
conjoin in this tender as an evidence
of their appreciation of the manly
stand taken by you in defence of
free speech, a fair ballot and an
honest count."
The republican senators have con
cluded in view of the fact that they
have a majority in the senate they
should at once be permitted to
organize the senate and close up the
executive business, but on the other
hand the democrats are determined
to check and Btop necessary business,
and thus delay and hinder the Ex
ecutive in confirming or rejecting
his nominations. Senators are only
the servants ofthe people, and should
in all cases execute their will and
represent their interests.
It is rumored that a war of races
has broken out in the valley of
Canete, one of the most fertile prov
inces in Peru, South America. ItiB
reported in this connection that over
two thousand Chinamen have been
murdered by negroes, and cholas,
aud cane fields, sugar houses, ma
chinery, and other property, to the
value of millions, destroyed. It is
stated that the work of murder and
pluuder is still going on, and all for
eigners have fled from the valley.
It is apprehended that similar scenes
will be enacted throughout Peru.
The bad woather has prevented
work upon bridges that went down
in the receut floods on the Loup and
Platte, and it will take considerable
time before they cau be replaced,
but, while the weather is unfavora
ble to bridge building with the
actual material aud muscle work, it
is at the same time favorable to the
theoretical part of the same; plans
ot action can be talked over ; schemes
cau be thought of; provisions can be
made to take full advantage of the
first good weather that sets in. These
remarks are applicable generally
throughout Nebraska, particularly
on the Platte and Loup rivers wher
ever they were bridged, but more
particularly at Columbus, which is
interested just now in the recon
struction or repair of two railroad
bridges and two wagon bridges
across these streams.
Whatever this city r precinct
concludes to do in regard to securing
the initial point of the Omaha, Nio
brara & Black Hills road ought to
be done during this temporary break
in the elements that forbids actual
work by the company to put that
road in running order. The breaks
and troubles and extra work caused
elsewhere will prolong this suspense
somewhat, but the enormous losses
of the company will not tend to
lessen their demand, and it becomes
us to do what we can now. The
Journal does not wish to be con
sidered too urgent in this matter,
but we regard the future welfare of
Columbus as depending greatly upon
this enterprise, aud we wish to see it
secured at once, ami beyond a doubt.
We know that the management of
the U. P. road desire, this result, as
all their acts since tho matter was
broached to them show, but tho sit
uation is such (wo believe) that, as
managers of the affairs of the Com
pany, they can not offer the road on
easier terms than have been pro
posed. Would it not be well enough for
our citizens to come together again,
and see if the utmost has been done
on the part of this precinct, by way
of preliminary guarantee, in secur
ing the support of tho voters for the
measuro of aid asked of us ?
School Treawurers.
Section 4 of the uew law is as fol
lows :
"Tho treasurer of each district
shall, within ten days after his elec
tion, execute to the district and file
with the director a bond of not less
than five hundred dollars in any
instance, nor less than double the
amount of money, as near as can be
ascertained, to come into his hands
as treasurer at any ono time, with
sufficient sureties, to be approved by
by the director and moderator, con
ditioned for the faithful discharge
of the duties of his office ; such bond
sliall be filed in the office of the
county clerk of the county wherein
the school district is situated; aud
if he shall fail to execute such bond,
his office shall be vacant, and the
board shall thereupon appoint a
treasurer, who shall be subject to
the same powers as if elected to that
By the above it will be seen that the
treasurer files his bond with the di
rector, whose duty, (it iB presumed)
it is to file the same with the county
clerk. The object of this is that any
parties in interest may have the
bonds convenient of reference.
The high waters of the Missouri
at Omaha exceed any flood ever
known, rising nearly twenty-one
feet above low water mark, extend
ing over the valley from bluff to
bluff, varying iu width from four to
six miles, flooding the Union Pacific
shops, and throwing out of employ
ment thirteen hundred men. The
water breaks over the track and
sweeps everything before it. The
lumber yard6 were under water and
expected to float away. Council
Bluffs inundated, and a broad and
deep stream flowing through Spoon
Lake, and citizens on the lowest
grounds compelled to abandon their
houses aud go up higher. At the
hour the report was made, it waB
impossible to give an accurate ac
count of the damage done or that
will be done, but it may run to mil
lion dollars, and perhaps more.
S. P. Rounds, the well-known
Chicago "printers' man," has been
proposed for the office of govern
ment printer. We venture to say
that a better selection could not be
made in the United States. Sterling
is every fibre a printer, as his life
and works do shoV, from his boy
hood, up to his manhood's prime.
He knows the whole road, and he
knows it very thoroughly. His
remarkable success in business, evi
dences that combination of faculties
which endows their possessor with
what is recognized as rare executive
ability. Rounds is a Chicago man ;
a sound republican; an upright,
honest man ; a splendid printer, and
would fill the position, in every res
pect, handsomely, and we, with his
host of warm friends, would rejoice
to see Sterling P. Rounds "in."
During the high' water at Omaha
on the 7th a 6ad accideut occurred
in the drowning of Nicholas Neenan
and Michael Cunningham near the
rip-rap. They started out in a skiff
to go to ths rip-rap, which they
reached in safety, just above the
break of about fifty feet across the
rip-rap, and then tried to cross to
the other side, where the current
was very strong and swift, which
swept them into the main stream
and among the crushing and grind
ing ice, where they went down and
disappeared perhaps forever, as by
the rush of the mighty waters it is
difficult to guess where their bodies
may rest in the future.
CoHHtj CJomraitMionciV Pro
ceed iag!.
March 29th, 1881.
Full board present. Minutes of
previous meetings approved.-
Jacob Gregorius was appointed
constable for Columbus precinct, and
his bond approved.
George C. Smith appointed road
overseer for Dist. No. 12, and his
bond approved.
Road overseers Weslgshal of Pleas
ant Valley precinct, and Kumraer
of Loup precinct were allowed one
additional road scraper each, for use
in their respective road districts.
Petition to locate Kummer road
in Loup precinct waB examined, and
said road located.
In the case of Gerrard & Whit
moyer vs. Platte County, Chas. A.
Speice and Byron Millett were en
gaged as attorneys to defend the
county until the case is finally de
cided. Warrants No. 51 and 53 were or
dered to be delivered to I. Gluck
and warrant No. 52 was ordered to
be delivered to Morrissey & Klock,
said warrants being assigned to
March 30th, 1881.
Fred. Blaser received contract to
move Mrs. Conuell's house for the
sum $20.00 in county warrants.
Board agreed to have the precinct
assessors take the census for this
Commissioner Wise was appoint
ed a committee of one to secure
bridge lumber washed out at re
cent flood.
On motion, Byron Millett was ap
pointed the attorney for the county
until otherwise ordered by the
John S. Freeman was appointed
justice of the peace, aud Jacob Judd
constable for Stearns precinct.
License was grauted to Johu J.
Mackeu iu Platte Center for one
Bills of P. S. Griffin, $2.00, and
Mr. Clark, $1.00, hauling coal for
paupers, were rejected.
Bills wore allowed ou general fund
levy of 187fl, including jurors and
witnesses, $1,223.00.
March 31st, 1881.
Full board present. Contract let
to Fred. Blaser to move Mrs. Man
ly's house for $20.00 in county war
rants. The Clerk was instructed to ad
vertise for construction of sub
structure of Loup Fork bridge.
The Clerk was Instructed to make
receipts for road work in Burrows
The Co. Treasurer was instructed
to make certificate of tax sale for
lot 3, in block 150 in Columbus to
Platto county.
License was granted to H. H.
Ames to run ferry on Loup Fork.
Commissioner Joseph Rivet was
appointed a committee of one to in
quire about the condition and fur
nish aid to Mrs. Galloway.
Board adjourned till April 28th,
1881, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Attest : John Wise, Ch'm'n.
John Stauffer,
Co. Clerk.
April 6th, 1881.
We no longer belong to the "float
ing population," nor do we now
stand in need of a "float representa
tive." But the demolition of the
telegraph poles between here and
Columbus was considered the "most
unkiudestcut of all." Bellwood is
stranded just above high water
mark, the snow is a thing of the
"dead past," roads are in good con
dition excepting a few places, and
farmers round about are beginning
spring work and all entertain the
highest hopes of a prodigious crop.
So much farm machinery to be re
paired, the "village blacksmith" is
busy "from early morn till dewy
Bellwood has received a great in
flux of trade since the reign of high
waters, the merchants being kept at
their places of business all day, not
having time to go home for dinner.
Hutchinson & Taylor, who also
have the post-office, declare there is
no rest for the wicked. Here every
one is shown the most prompt and
polite attention, while everything
relating to the postal department is
conducted with the strictest integ
rity. The house of the Derby Bros,
might be represented by the tides ;
coming in with the morning and
early receding at night-fall. Thoy
are taking time by the forelock and
driving down a pump in front of
their store. No more sunning of
themselves in the rays of the depart
ing sun, nor time for the artistic
arrangement of their "bar'ls" upon
the porch.
Wild geese are scarce and high ;
(let those who intend sowing wheat
rejoice), though prairie chickens are
occasionally heard, and you are re
minded of the "bittern 'o boom,"
and again "what larks," and how
they sing. Mary B. Finch.
Wheat No. 1, test 59 lbs
"2 " 50 "
" ii,' ' 54 " !!!!!!
Corn Shelled, old
Flour J3 00&3 50
Graham l 50&255
Meal, l 20
Butter, 12J15
Eggs, 810
Potatoes, 5.riC5
Hams, 1012
Shoulders, 07
Sides, 810
Corned Boer 68
Steak 812
Fat Hogs,.....' 4 004 50
Fat Cattle, 2 503on
Yearlings, T 12 0015 00
Calves 4 00(8600
Sheep 3 25
Good veal, per hundred, 4 0
Hides, greeu , 45)
Notice to Non-Itesidcnt Defendants.
Iu tbc District Court of Platte comity,
James T. Downs, 1'laintitl',
Bridget Brcunan, Patrick
Brcnnan and Conrad Nus
Hen. Defendants.
Bridget Brcnnan and Patriek Bren
nan, defendants herein, will take notice
that on tbe 28th day or March. 1881, the
plaintiff herein tiled his petition in tbc
district court of Platte county, Nebras
ka, agaiust tbe above-named defendants,
the object and prayerof which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed
by said defendants, Bridget Brennan
and Patrick Brennan, to tbe plaintiff,
upon the following described premises,
to wit: Tbe west half of the northwest
one-fourtb of section twenty-two, in
township number nineteen north, of
range one east of the sixth principal
meridian, Platte county, Nebraska, to
secure the payment of a certain prom
issory note, dated Nov. 18th, 1870, for
the sum of two hundred and twenty -five
dollars and due and payable two years
from tbe date thereof with interest
parable semi-annually at ten per cent,
per annum; that in said mortgage secur
ing said note it is provided that if said
defendants shall fail to pay the interest
thereon, as provided in said note, semi
annually, or fail to insure tbe premises
therein 'described, for the benefit of said
plaintiff or shall fail to pay the taxes
assessed against said premises when
due, that then said note and mortgage
shall immediately become due and pay.
able: that said defendants have failed
to keep and perform any of said condi
tions above named, aud said plaintiff
has elected to declare tbe same due;
that there is now due and unpaid, upon
said note aud mortgage, the sum of two
hundred and twenty-five dollars, and
interest at ten per cent, per annum,
from the 18th day of May, 1830, for which
sum. with said interest from said date.
plaintiff prays for a decree that said
defendants be required to pay the same,
or that said premises may be sold, to
satisfy tbe amount found due thereon,
together with the costs and attorney
fees mentioned in said mortgage. You
are required to answer said petition on
or before the 9th day of May, 1881.
Dated March 29th, 1881.
JAMES T. DOWNS, Plaintiff.
Bv W. S. Gkkr, his Att'y.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
WHEREAS, default has been made
in tbe condition of a chattel
mortirase given by Wm. It. Hendrix to
Chas. W. Ze'gler to secure tbe payment
of one promissory note given by said
ndndrix to Zeigler for $."0.00, dated on
tbe 10th day of November, 1880, due No
vember 10th, 1881, with 10 per cent,
interest thereon from date, wblcb mort
gage was duly filed Nov. 12tb, 1880, in
the office of the County Clerk of Platte
Co., Neb., and contains a power of sale
therein, default having been made
thereon. Therefore I, tbe undersigned,
on the.2Sth day or April, 1881, at 2 o'clock
p. in., in front of the post-offlce in Co
inrabus, Platte Co., Neb., will offer for
sale at public auction, and sell for cash
in hand, the following mortgaged prop
erty to wit: two brown pony mare9.
branded y on near side, for the payment
of tbe I balance due on said note, tbe
charges for keeping of said property,
and costs of sale. Tbe balance due ou
said note at date of first publication
hereof is fifty dollars.
u. W.&KIUL.HU.
By E. Gkkrard, Ag't. 669-4
office of the County Clerk of Platte
county, Nebraska, until Thursday, April
2Stb, 1881, at 10 o'clock a. m., to furnish
material, driving piles and completing
substructure of about 700 feet of pile
bridge across Loup Fork river near Co
lumbus, all material used to be of good
white oak; piles for piers 'JC feet long
and for ice-break 20 feet long, piles not
less than 12 inches at large end and 8
inches at small end, caps 10x12, 14 feet
long and caps for ice-breaks 10x12, 8
feet long.
Bidders to accompany their bids with
plans and specifications.
County Commissioners reserve the
right to reject any and all bids.
Columbus, Neb., March 31, '81.
JOHN WISE, Ohairmau.
Attest: John Stauffkr,
County Clerk. 569-4
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.J
April 4tb, 1881. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will bo made berore clerk of
the'eourt of Platte county, Nebraska, at
tbe county seat, on the 7th day of May,
1831, viz:
Michael Doody, jr., Homestead No.
0121, for the S. E. K W. i, S. W. M,
S. E. i, Sec. 12, Township 18 north,
Range 2 west. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said land,
viz: Stephen W. Gleason, Richard W.
Perkins, Pat. Doody, or Platte Center,
Platte Co., Neb., and Patrick Hays, of
Columbus, Platte Co., Neb.
509-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.J
April 9th, 1881. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has filed no
tice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before John
Stauffer, Clerk of the District Court, at
Columbus, Nebraska, on tbe 14th day of
May, 1881, viz:
Heinrich Reese, Homestead No. 6114,
ror the N. K. N. W.J Section 20, Town
ship 19 north, Range 1 east. He names
the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Herman (S.Luschen.
Julius Hembd. Henry Meyer and
Mathias Gorden, all of Columbns P. O.,
Platte Co., Neb.
570-5 M. B. HOXIE. Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
April 2d, 1881.
NOTICE is hereby given that tbe
following-named settler has tiled
notice of bis intention to make final
proor in support or his claim, and that
said proor will be made berore John
Stauffer, Clerk or the District Court at
Columbus, Platte Co., Neb., on the 7th
aay or 31 ay, 18SI, viz:
Pre-emption Declaratory Statement
No. 4093, Elias Stowe, Tor the N. W. K
Section 8, Township 20 north, Range 4
west. He names the following witness
es to prove his continuous residence up
on and cultivation of said land, viz:
George McCormick, William Wiuand,
George Lyraatb, Robert Holden, all of
Platte Co., Neb.
GC9-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., J
March 18th, 1881. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice or his intention to make final
proor in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made berore Clerk or
the Court of Platte county, Nebraska,
at the County Seat, on April 21st, 1881,
W. Nevin McCandlish, Homestead No.
5874, Tor the N. E. i, Section 28, Town
ship 20 north, Range 1 east. He names
ihe rollowing witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion or said land, viz: John A. Steel,
Henry Lubker, or Columbus, natieco.,
Neb., and Lernard Anson, E. A. Sage,
orCreston, Platte Co., Neb.
567-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
ilarcb 21, 18HI. J
OTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing-named settler uas meu
nntien of his intention to make nnai
proof in support of hla claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
the Court of Platte Co., Nebraska, at
county seat, on April 27th, 1881, viz:
William II. Cox, Pre-emption Declar
atory Statement No. 4245, for the N. E.
V, Section 34, Township 20, north, Range
4 west. He names the following wit
nesses to prove bis continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, viz:
Gustaf Petterson. Benj. N. Hansen,
Erick Erlckson, of Looklngglaas, Platte
Co., Neb., and Harry Whitehead, of Co
luinbus, Platte Co.. Neb.
567-5 31. B. HOXLE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Islaud, Neb.,)
31 arch Sth. I8SI. I
OTIOE is hereby given that tbel
following-named settler has tiled
notice of bin inteution to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk of
Court of Platte Co.. Neb., at couuty
seat, on April Mtb, 1881, viz:
James Compton, Homestead No. 10,001,
for the "V.K S.W. K. Section Si, Town
ship 13 north, Range 1 cat. He names
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion or said land, viz: Patrick S. Griffin,
Andrew Eickmeyer, Joachim Binning,
James Russsll, all of Columbus, Platte
Co., Neb.
666.5 M. B. nOXIK. Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
March 11th, 1881. f
TrOTICE is hereby given that the
J3I following-named settler has filed
notice of bis intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will he made before Clerk of
court of Platte ountv. Neb., at county
seat, on April 14th, 1881, viz:
Leonard J. Meyers, Homestead No.
9848, for the W. K. N' E. K Sectiou 10,
Township 17 north, Range 3 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said laud, viz: William Bur
gess, of Columbus, Platte Co., Neb.,
William W. Mannington. Joseph Web
ster, William Webster, of Monroe,Pltte
Co., Neb.
OGO-ft M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Flaal Freef.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
March 19th, 1881. J
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his Intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk or
Court dr Platte county, Nebraska, at
county seat, on May 12tb, 1881, viz:
Leonhard Widholm, Homestead No.
6475, for the N. K, N. E. K, Section 24,
Township 20 norta, Range 2 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence UDon and cul
tivation of said land, viz: John Pfeifer,
Leopold Pfeirer, William Tiskotter, Al
ois Kojch, all of Humphrey, Platte Co.,
M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
March 19th, 1881. f
TTOTICE is hereby giveu that the
li following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof In support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Clerk or
Court or Platte Co., Neb., at county
scat, on May 5th. 1881, viz:
Peter Maag, Homestead No. 5332, for
the S. E. 4, Section 4, Township 20
north, Ringe 2 west. He names tbe
rollowing witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon and cultivatien of
said land, viz: John Melcher,of St. Ber
nard, Platte Co., Neb., Jacob Maurer,
Christian Schwank, William Maurer, of
Madison, Madison Co., Neb.
567-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
CAN BE FOUND after the 28th Feb.,
'81, during the regular season, at
the rollowing places:
Mondays, at Paul Faher's, Stearns
Thursdays, at George Henggler's, on
Shell Creek.
Saturdays, at Paul Hoppen's, Colum
bus. The balance or the week at tbe
owner's residence at Nebo, Sherman
Frank was sired by the well known
horse owned by Mr. Galley, and weighs
12ft) pounds, and will be mur years old
uext June.
$5.00 for tbe season; Single service
$2.50. Owners will be responsible for
all mares sold or traded before known to
be in foal.
Nicholas Adamy.
And will continue the business at tbe
old stand, where I will be pleased to see
the old customers (no objection to a
few new ones). I shve on hand a large
stock or
Rope, Class, Paint, Putty,
(bought berore the monopoly price)
lit Job Bom Hoods a
Buckeye Cultivators,
i q
wide cut and lightest draft machine
made. Come and see this machine if
you don't look at any thing else.
Chicago Pitts Thresher,
with Steam or Horse power.
The Iron Turbine Wind Mills,
The mill that stands all tbe storms and
Is always ready for action. Agent for
asjge, Carriacef, ad Platform
which I can sell cheaper than yon can
go on foot. No trouble to show good
or talk prices. , , ,
If square dtfilin ' and " live and let
live" prices will sr cure a share of your
patronage, I shall be pleased to re
ceive it.
I 5C5 Successor to B.Uhlig.
E. J. & J. A. EKNST,
(Successors to 3CHUTTE A POUL),
Keep constantly on hind the celebrated
WHITEWATER WAGON. We aUo handle a full line B. D. Burord & Ca't
goods, such as PLOWS, HARROWS and CULTIVATORS. Fountain City
SEEDERS and DRILLS, the best oa the market. Champion and Avery
CORN PLANTERS, with or without wire check rowers. Airenta tor
the MARSH HARVESTER, twine and wire binder, WIND MILL
and SULKY PLOW. Also ror the D. M.Osborne SELF BIND
ER, either wire or twine, and WbeeUr's No. G combined
REAPER and MOWER. bT Kemeraber, We deal la
Buggies, Phaetons and Platform Spring Wagons,
Don't fail to call on Us and Examine Goods and Pries I
Office opp.Towu Hall on
Jill those in want of any thing in thai line, will consult
their own interests by giving him a. call. Itemejn-
ber, he warrants every pair. Has also a
First -Class Boot and Shoe Store in Connection.
J2T Repairing: Neatly Done. -
Don't forget the Place, Thirteenth Street, one door west ef Marshall Smith'.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Haa on hand a splendid stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
)ry Q-oods, Carpets,
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,
At in it f ore im H of Mm in Goioiliis.
I bay ay goods strictly for cash, and will give my enstoaars the.
benefit of it.
Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts.
Said House haa been re-fitted, painted and Is in first-class ordsr for the
accommodation of transient guests and boarders.
Transient, per day..
-91 OO
Single Meala 25
pgTwelfth St., nearly north of I
U. P. R. R. Depot. J
t. LATjaxLitr,
Fine and Ornamental Italian, America ji and Fancy
Marble Monuments, Headstones, or anything
connected with the Marble business.
Call astd eiamiar wark, gt our prlcca. aed he ceBTlacrd.
N. B
Being a workman of ten yearn experieuce. we rau juarsater you goo
a saving of from 20 to 25 per cent., by giving us a call. j3rSbp aa
wnrlr At A
office oppoalte-Tattersall livery and fend
a well selected stock.
Teas, Coffees, Sugar, Syrups,
Dried and Canned Fruits,
and other Staples a
Good Delivered Free to
part f City.
Farm and Spring Wagons,
of which I keep a constant supply on
hand, but few their equal. In atyle
and quality, second to none.
Cor. Thirteenth and K Street?, near
A. & IT. Depot.
? Q
r H
F p
13th St.. COLUMBUS, NEB.
A large and complete aasortaeqt of
Uen's, Women's idCife'siwti uiSiw,
I Day Board per week
3 09
Board and Lodging per week 4 00
dowtt, mm 4 CO.,
Columbus Drug Store,
3?::itmt tt A. W. E9U3B.
The Leading Drag House
A full and complete line of
Drags, Ckewicals,
Patent Medicine, &e.,
Painters' Sapplies,
Window tiiasy,
Wall Paper,
When vou need anything io our lln
we will mase it to your inter
est to call on ui.
Mr. A. A. Smith retains his
position as Prescription Clerk,io1ich
is a potitioe guarantee against mis
takes, and with our facilities every
thing in the prescription line is
Iot forget tkeslac,- deors
aorta of W. O. M7-y