! ! ky N A V i- i v THE JOURNAL. OFFICIAL PAPER PLATTE CO. WEDNESDAY, Al'ElL C, 1SSL t0MiHittitcaO4H, to Insure insertion Hbt line ext I!!, tkenid he in hand nn liuUt; if tonstby, on Thursday IirtMHiin(r itrM-dy. Advertisoineuto, of Himit'ter cUss. tkeuld te in hand by non. Tui-m4 . Atlvorti-pim-iHt- under thib head 15 ote. a line nrt insertion, 10 cth. aline muu sMleuuent insertion. Wanted. A Lerfler. J. H. Reed. Ground feed at Ilulst & Price'6. . It. II. Henry weut west Suuday. Mrs. S. C. Smith is reported ill. t-Mn. Gar! Kramer Las returned lliome. Sohool bagun in district 13 yes it oi'flay. "Tommy" Stewart is back from St. Kd wards. Kugene Randall has gone to Grand Island. George Smith has "had a light touch of diptheria. 1 1 you want groceries at Omaha prions call on Ijimb. G. AVj Ham hurt aud L. Kuhne of Duncan wore iu town Monday. F. H. Gerrard hae been appoint ed poDtm&srtot- at Lost Creek, this county. Wheat has been sown here aB late as the 5th of May, and made a good crop. A farm ol 200 acres for reut four milt frmu C'oiumbtie. Enquire ol lUmu Millott. If you want any paper hansing, balhoialtiing or painting done, go to J. C Kchols. ltd. North takes the place re omnly vacated by II. L. Small, as U. P. freight ageut. liishop Clarksdn expects to ofti ciate iu tlr- Episcopal church on SutrfUy, May Srh. , A btickskiu glove found on 11th .t., Monday. The owner can have it by !(! ibiug it. Sfain. Irwin is down from Creigli--tOn, where he has charge of Galley Bufts. bramdi blore. Mi-P Lillie Smith, daughter of S. C. Smith, in attendiug a niUHir tdltool al St. Louis. Go to J. C. Echols for your wall pajer, where you can get it turnish ed on the wall cheap. Col. Ilujrgine started yesterday for-Sauta Fe, New Mexico, which he wttl make hip future home. Sixty-five Poland ere weut by wy of Central City Fridav to Da vid City to work on the A. & X. Service iu the Episcopal church Sunday next, at 11 a. in. Also on Easter Sunday the 17th, at 11 a. in. CImir. Mclntire of Missouri ar rived iu the city Saturday on a vis it to hip brother Robt., who is sick. A good family driving horse for sale; alo a set of single harness, nearly new. Inquire at Journal ofltac. At the rhonl meeting in diet. 18 It was determined to charge pu pils from other districts $1 a mouth tuition. It is reported that every bridge ou the L"ip river in Howard coun ty was swept away by the high wa ter last wt-ok. The attention of bridge builders is called -to an advertisement of the Commisiouers elsewhere published iu to-day's Joi'rvai.. Farmers, bring your poultry, butter and eggs to Lsmb's near the po3t-oflico, aud get the highest mar ket price in cash for thorn. Little Lizzie Ilauey, it is said, lived six days without any food whatever, and twelve days thereafter on nothing but a little wine. Rev. J. Q. A. Fleharty was re ported quite unwell laM week, at hie now home at Harvard, Xeb., and fai4efl to fill his appointment. We hear that Henry Lubker had a second runaway yesterday with one of R. Stewart'e teams, damaging the buggy considerably. W. X. McCaudlish of Creston was in the city Saturday. He says that tliure is a great deal more snow 1u their section of country than there 1h here. The calico ball on the first of April was a charming success in every social particular. We have not learned the proceeds in dollars and rents. Jacob Ernst, jr's. pair of ponies ran off from Henry Lubker Monday, being frightened by pigs at Moore's brick yard. The buggy was some what disabled. Chas. Roinke tells us that the Shell Creek mills will probably be running iu ix or oven days as soon as the waler getR low euough to set the wheels. On Thursday Stewart's dray team ran off, aud mashed Barney 3icTaggarfs wagon and on Friday 'Hoehen's horses and also Judge Peer's ran off, with no particular J a in age. Marcus Harris, for a long time connected with L. Kramer's store, started for Chicago Thursday last, lie has an engagement with Leopold Bros, as traveling salesman for Kan sas and Xebraska. One of our exchanges character izes the April number of theJVtrsen as a charming specimen of this best of alt little magazines for little chil dren, a sentiment which we fully endorse. Xursery Publishing Co., .36 Bromfield street, Boston, fl.50 a .year. Odell & Harman's drug-store at Fullerton, Xancc comity, was burn ed, with all its contents, on Tuesday ! of last week. Insurance on building $000, on 6tock $1,000: loss, over and above insurance, $S00. So 6ays the Journal. The Maennerchor give a con cert at their Hall Thursday evening of this week, for the benefit of suf ferers by the flood, and after the concert a ball. The object is a very commendable one and there should be a full house. Geo. Turner, brother to Abner, of the State Bank, and who is well knowu by the busiuesB men of Co lumbus aud Schuyler, is here on a visit. He has been in the west, California, Xcvada aud Utah, for a number of years. The ferry boat which is beiug built by John Hammond will be read for duty the first of next week. II. II. Ames will take charge of it. It will be able to carry a team and loaded wagon, aud the charge cannot exceed one dollar. H. L. Small, who has for the past six or seven years been freight agent at the U. P. Depot, has re signed his position and will engage iu the butter aud egg bu6iuess, hav ing secured the excellent rooms of M. Smith, in the basemeut of his brick house. Success to him. Dr. Stillman purchased Wm. Huuuemau'd dwelling-house Mon day, and has in it a bargain, and one oi the handsomest and most conven ient dwellings in the city, besides beiug iu an excellent neighborhood. Mr. Huunemau has business inter ests iu Chicago, to which city he will shortly remove. Mr. Berhaupt has moved his tailor shop to the room formerly oc cupied by J. C. Elliott, who has re moved to the room lately used by Morrissey & Klock. 'The latter firm go to Plattsmouth, where Mr. M. has been for some time, dealing iu grain. We can commend them as straightforward, business men. The Democratic ticket of yes terday was headed by J. R. Meagher for Mayor; John F. Wermuth was nominated for treasurer, and Israel Gluck for councilman iu the second ward. For members of the school board, the ticket spoken of elsewhere was voted, also one with Charles A. Speice's name substituted for John Rickly. The remains of Mrs. F. George, who lately died at Clarksville, were iuterred in the Columbus cemetery Sunday last, followed by a large family of mourners, and mauy frieuds. Mrs. George wasthe mother of Mrs. George Hulst.and Mrs. D. T. Martyu. She has left a family of two sous and six daughters to mourn her loss. Robert McPheraon and his team of hordes in attemptiug to cross the McAllister slough ou Wednesday of last week, got into deep water, and his horses were drowned, and he bHrely escaped with his life. He was inseusible when rescued from the water, but the prompt use of means restored him, and he is re ported well now. Pat. Murray got into his buggy Monday, and was just about to drive off, when his attention was called to the fact that it would be just aB well if the halter was loosened from the hitchiug po&t". It wasn't the first of April either. Pat. is usually found with all eyes and ears open, but rail road excitement may be chargeable with his iuattention to ordinary business on this occasion. In the chronicling of local events we always act upon the theory "bet ter late than not at all," because otherwise a record could not be kept, for the reporter will sometimes fail to note, and fail to remember what he happens to hear. We know that when he arriveB at the age of discretion, J. H. Galley's fourth son, born on the night of the 10th ult., will excuse ub for this late mention. The citizens' meeting of April 1st passed resolutions expressing hearty approval of "the able and economical administration of our present city government" in the collection and disbursement of the revenues, and especially for the great reduction in the expenses of the city government ;also approving their action in the passage of the li quor ordinance to conform to the change in the State law about to go into effect. At a meeting of citizens held in City Hall, April 1st, the following ticket was nominated : Mayor, J. E. Xorth; Treasurer, Juo. W. Early; Clerk, H." J. Hudson; Engineer, L. J. Cramer. Councilmen, 1st ward, Gus. Schroeder, 2d, John Wiggins, 3d, A. A. Smith and Julius Rasmus- sen. J. E. North afterwards declin ed, and J. P. Becker waB prevailed upon to accept. J. W. Early also declined, and W. H. Winterhotham substituted. During the flood of Saturday week a coil of rope was provided and used at the foot of I st., in sav ing houses from being carried away by the flood. After the excitement was over it was found that a con siderable portion of the rope was missing. We are informed that there are certain parties, wIiobc names were not divulged to ns, who know where the missing rope is,bnt refuse to tell". Such conduct is cer tainly very reprehensible, and may result eeriously to those who per sist in it. D. C. Lovelaud returned from Omaha Saturday. The expected rise of the Missouri had not yet amounted to much when he left only a few inches. It seems that the thirty feet depth of river, reported on Thursday last at Yankton, was caused chiefly by gorges, and that the cold weather since, together with the flattening out in the wider valley of the lower country, has had the effect of dispelling any fears of destruction that were entertained at Omaha. From Sheriff Spielman we get some particulars of the alleged bur glary at Humphrey, Saturday night. In Lonis Schroeder' absence, he had left a Mr. Gabriel in charge of his saloon. Some time in the night, what hour we did not learn, Ga briel found Tuos. O'Niel in the Ba loon, having broken through a lock ed door. It is charged that he took an account book, -$3 in money, besides what whisky waB necessary to fill him up. We are not informed as to his preliminary trial. R. F. Steele of the Central City Item, will deliver his unique lec ture on Julius Canar, at the Congre gational Church, Friday evening, April 8, for the benefit of the Hook and Ladder Company. The lecture is said to be G0 per. cent wit, 30 per. cent pathos aud 10 per. cent elo quence." "Twenty-five cents ad mits one to any part of the corral, quiet children under 12 years of age, fifteen cents," so say the hills. Three admissions, 40 cents. Doors open at 7; eruption of volcano at 8. Those who have heard the lecture say it is "tip-top." George R. Nunuelly, otherwise known here as "Antelope Dick," is in trouble in Columbus, Kansas. It seems that, by some chance, he first obtained a list of subscribers for a new paper, which he is now having printed at the Courier office. He claims that two rivals, by the names of Edmnndson & Frye, have taken uufair advantage of him and that one of the m has forged a letter to S. P. Rounds of Chicago, which was the cause of his material being ship ped to Columbus, Neb., instead of that place, aud that thereby Frye hoped to get his paper started first. On the 27th ult. Nunnelly gave Frye a severe tongue lashing and intimat ed that he had two revolvers, one of which Frye might have to work with. Nunnelly threatens to use Frye for a street mop sbould he con tinue iu his work of establishing a democratic paper. Sam. Rickly and Joe. Miller were over from the ranche (for the first time since the flood), ou Wed nesday last. Their hut and ranche are situated near the confluence of the Loup and Platte, and while the Loup was on the rampage with enormous cakes of ice crowding their way down stream, the outlook for these young men, surrounded by water, was not very cheering. Their stock were kept in the corral, and on "the move," with the loss of only three during the whole ice period of the two rivers. The water was so deep for most of the time lately that they hoisted their bed to the ceiling and for four days and nights they lived ou top of their hut and in a tree. Sam. says that after the waters,ut the!r 8tock of general merchan suosiueu, ana tne stock- nad dry boh under them, they would skip aud jump about iu wild fun, evidently relishing the change in affairs, aud Sam. acknowledges that he was a little tickled himself. Yesterday afteruoon about two o'clock, one -of R. Stewart's dray teams became frightened at an en gine near the depot, aud ran east on 11th street. When opposite Kra mer's they passed a buggy occupied by Mrs. Wm. Hunneman and her daughter Mamie. The horse driven by them waB naturally nervous by having the buggy tipped against him, but used excellent horse-sense under the circumstances. Mamie waB thrown out of the buggy and imme diately rushed to the horse's head, while Mrs. Hunneman was thrown under the buggy, close to the horse's heels, and some say that the wound on her head was caused by the horse tramping upon her. Mamie was not hurt, and Mrs. H. not seriously. The horse they were driving was one of those noble specimens of that noble beast, the greatest helper of man ; had he been fractious or fool ish or wicked, the probability is that the lady would have been killed. ! &?aUt of K. X. Ballard. The Nance County Journal of MaPch 31st, says : "Yesterday morning our energetic and respected citizen, Mr. R. T. Bill iard, in company with H. Wirick, proceeded to the sand bank near the Loupe to get a load of sand. Mr. Bullard dug under the bank aud threw the sand to Mr. W., who in his turn loaded it into the wagon. They had proceeded in this manner for some time, when, without a moment's warning, the overhanging bank, weighing many tons, fell upon Mr. Bullard as he stood in a stoop ing posture, crushing him to the ground. He called on Mr. Wirick to clear the sand from his face, which request was complied with as rapidly as the frozen earth wonld permit. After letting air to bis face, Wirick dispatched a boy, who hap pened to be near at hand, with all speed on a horse to town -for help. Mr. Spackman, who was out hunt ing, at this moment came upon the scene, and the two men set vigor ously at work, but, with the united efforts of two loads from town, it was some twenty minutes before the already lifeless body of the unfortu nate man could be released. The sad news was broken as easily as possible to the bereaved wife and children, and then be who but an hour before had left his home in vigorous health was brought back as lifeless as the earth which ended his existence. 'Ah, helpless man 1 a blind fatality Bports with thy destiny."" Kuilrond. In pursuance of the spirit of the railroad meeting reported in a Joun nae extra of last week, the commit-' tee went to Omaha ou Thursday last and had a conference with Mr. T. L. Kimball, of the TJ. P., the result of which was reported at length at a called meetiug at the City Hall Fri day evening. Very briefly stated, the committee has been informed that the rule adopted by the Com pany for the construction of short lines and spurs was that those de siring them should furnish the right of way, gradiug, bridging and lie iug, when the Company would agree to iron and operate the mad. The committee were informed that what ever was done must be submitted to and decided upon by Mr. Dillon, and Mr. Kimball did not wish to refer a proposition to him, unless he was pretty sure it would be accept ed. This, he knew, would, and he reckoned the expense roughly at twenty to twenty-five thousand. A number of other matters were re ported on, as to the manner in which the committee had been received, the importance of acting immediate ly upon the proposition, etc. After considerable talk upon the general subject and upon the situa tion of affairs as laid before the meeting bv the committee, J. E. North moved that the Company be offered a guarantee of the right of way, which was carried. A committee of five, consisting of J. E. North, L. Gerrard, J. P. Beck er, John Wiirgins and M. K. Turner, was appointed to seen re trom citi zens a guarantee ; confer with U. P. managers aud report progress. That committee are now at work, and we believe if the citizens of this precinct reapond, as they mav i ead ily do, the result will be that we get what we want. If this opportunity (which the raging waters of the Loup have thrown to us) is it slip, it may be our very last iu thn di rection, and it becomes us to use every effort for success. Bntlrr CuHBty. Ed. Journal: The snow-drifts are almost gone, a few more sunny days and the long, tedious winter of nearly half a year, with its "bliz zards" and extreme cold, will be a thing of the past, always to be re membered, and never, no never forgotten. Feed for stock, and even work teams, is, and will be very scarce this spring: some are even now feeding straw from the piles that have stood on the farm two winters and one summer, and but a little eveu of that remaining. There will be but very few fat hogs to place on the market next winter, as nearly everything in the shape of the "por cine genus" has been marketed, on account of the lack of corn to feed them until after harvest, and even so early Col. Roberts has commenc ed to ship in com, and at leant one half the farmers will be compelled to buy more or less. Oats and pota toes will also be very Scarce for seed and plautin 5 Inveuat & Co. are trying to close ? ise, at auction, but it is slow work. In fact everything is getting down to hardpan here and no doubt when our boom comes round again it will be all the larger and more substan tial. There will be some building here this spriug, hut nothing very costly. Mrs. Allen, our P. M., is fixing up a nice buildiug, iu order to give us better P. O. facilities, which is a much needed improvement. The Independent will also shortly build a nice building, in which to publish to outsiders the news, good or had, of west "Butler. A part of our papers are publish ing resolutions of stern rebuke on the acts of part of our delegation to Lincoln, duriug the late legislative session, and the balauce doctored editorial taffy, in order to let them down as easily as possible. Such, dear Journal, has been the general outcome of nearly all who have rep resented Butler county at Lincoln they have found it a very billious as well aB a very hard road to travel. Whv Not. Rising City, March -25th, "81. - For the Journal. Hmapkrey Items. Humphrey is a busy, bustling lit tle town for one so young. A new grocery is in full blast ; one dwell ing house has just been completed, and several more are waiting for the assurance that "blizzard" time is past, when they will spring up like Jonah's gourd. A great many men come here on business and the most of them seem to be thirsty, whether they are hun gry or not. Ninety beer kega were emptied here in February, and "trot ted out" to be re-filled I But the consumers of the beer must be good natured people, or else the beer must be good-natured stuff, for there are few, or no rows." The straw stacks around here have been mostly used up this winter, but the stock look well, considering the amount of bad weather. A few hogs came to an untimely end by being buried alive, aud others had hair-breadth escapes. In one of the storms, a farmer lost five hogs, and after six days, their whereabouts was made known to him by their making a Blight noise. He dug them out; they were all alive, but be said they were weaker, if not wiser, than before the storm 1 A. HuilPHRETITE. AtteiitloH, Farmer. I will close ont my stock of im plements at cost price. Call and examine, and learn prices of Gorham seeders; also harrows, plows, culti vators, wagon springs, buggy tops, &c. My goods are equal iu quality to auy on the market, and it will pay you to buy while you cau get them cheap. Wm. Becker. Letter Lilxit. The following is a list of unci aimed letters remaining iu the post-ollice, iu Columbus, for the week endinir April 2, 1SS1: J Jl Brown, Mary A Potter, S L Barrett, Franz Wendt. Mis C Larsen, If not called for in SO days wilt be sent to the de:id. letter office, Washington , D. C. When called for please say "adver tised," a these letters are kentseparate. E. A. Gerrard 1. M. DIED. HANEY Saturday, April 2d, of dip theria, Lizzie, daughter of Ja. Ilaney, aged five year-. This is the fourth child from the family w.ithiu a few days. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head lire cents a line each insertion. Rubber goods at Kramer's. New oranges aud lemons at Hudson's. 20 yards of craBh for $1 at L. Kramer's". New Comb Honey at Hudson's. Sweet Valencia Oranges at Hudson's. Gent's new nobby hats jti8t re ceived at L. Kramer's. If you want to buy a sewing machine call at the singer office. 12,1i yards of gingham for $1 at Kramer's. Sewing machines from 7 dollars upwards, cash or ou time at the Sin ger office iu A. J. Arnold's jowelry store. Blauk note9, bank, joint, indi vidual and work-and-labor, neally bound in books of 50 and 100, for sale at the Journal office. IS Dyspepsia in its worst forms will yield to the uso of Carter' Little Nerve Pills aided by Carter's Little Liver Pills. Thoy not only relieve present distress but strengthen the stomach and digestive apparatus. For sale at A. Heinlz's drug Btore. New light prints at Kramer's. Hickory uuta yets per quart at Hudson's. A new and complete line of Gent h dress scans, just received at L. Kramer's. I have two dry cows, in calf, that I will exchange for two fresh ones. H. J. Hudson. Remember that at A. J. Arnold's jewelry store is the only place in Columbus where you cau get a gen uine Singer Sewing Machine. Please bear in mind that you cau get all kinds of Machines re paired as cheap as dirt at the Sin ger office. All work warranted. Young's Plaiters, and Needles and repairs for all kinds of Machines, J. L Lewis, Agent, in A. J. Ar nolds Jewelry Store opp. Post office. Carter's Little Liver Pills will positively cure sick headache and prevent its return. This is not talk, but truth. One pill a dose. See ad vertisement. For sale at A. Heiutz's drug store. The most complete line of Meu's Youth's and Bov'a clothing can only bo fouud at L. Kramer's. Young's plaiters and needles, and attachments of all kinds and for all machines at wholesale or retail at the Singer office, A. J. Arnold's store, J. L. Lewis, agent. The raflle in aid of Mrs. J. Regan for a cow has been postponed to Saturday, May 7th, when it is ox pected that all who have purchased tickets will pay for the same, prior to the above mentioned date of drawing, which will take place at Thos. Farrell's, this city. Pain from indigestion, dyspep sia, find too hearty eating is relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills immediately after dinuer. DDn't forget this. For sale at A. Heintz's drug store. House For reut. Apply to John Wiggins. For Sale. Two teams of work horses, cheap for cash. Hexrv Scitwarz. For Nule. Three teaniB of good work horses, cheap for cash. Call ou John IIaxev. Ntock Farm to Kent. A No. 1 Stock Farm with hay and water facilities, to rent. Apply to D. Anderson. 'Patent Fire Kindlers. Just the thing for these cold morn ings ; try them, and see your wife smile. A full supply at Hudson's. Good Work Horses Three, for sale cheap, at Styiiger'6. Call soon. Wanted. Several huudred bushels of oats and corn. Will pay the Inchest market price. A. IIexrich. Carl Kammxki, A veterinary surgeon of 15 years practice ill the Prussian army, may be found at Dowty, Weaver & Co's drug-store. HorxeN. M. Postle, at the Checkered Barn, has just received a car load of horses which will be sold singly or in pairs to suit purchapcrs. Balr IlHgrKiew. Buggies, carts, wagons, etc., will sell cheap to make room for my large stock of spring goods. E. D. Fitz patrick's opp. post-office. Frttlt and Forest Trees. R. McVicker, Peru, Neb., has for sale a select stock of Fruit, Foreat and Ornamental trees, Grape Vines, EvergreenB, Hardy Flowers, Shrubs aud yinea. I will deal direct with customers, and guarantee everything I sell. Prices given on application. Seeds. Hungarian, Millet and Blue grass seeds at Herman Oehlrich & Bro'e. ISrootl nirtre. A good brood mare for sale. In quire at Galley Bro's store. lay lor Sale. From 50 to 75 tons of first quality hay by the subscriber, on the L. W. Platte farm, at Keatskotoos, Platte couuty, Neb. L. Anderson. Wanted. A good traveling salesmau who cau talk German or English. Good wages paid. Everything furnished. Address or call at the Singer office. Illliott A: I-uers Are receiving farm machinery every day, which they will sell for cash or on'lime cheap. Call at Luers' place on 11th street, or at J. C. Elliott's on Olive street. Attention Store Keepers. I have for sale cheap 10S feet of shelvinir and counters suitable for a dry goods store. Call on oraddre3s J. C. Elliott, Columbus, Neb. Stray t'o-.' Canto to the subscribers premises one red, hornless cow about 10 years old ; cau be had by proving property, paving expenses and charges. Dau. Holloran, Farrall P. O., Platte coun ty, Neb. Summer Ilertllnsr. I am prepared to furnish the best ot range for any number ot cattle aud horses for tho summer. Will charge 75 cents per head tor. hordes; the price of cattle to Vary from 25 to. 50 cents, according to tho number. CnAifi.ES Ricklv. For Sale. Two stallions, Black Frank, (Mor gan) and English Lyon (Clydesdale) Served 111 mares last year. Apply to undersigned before 1st of April, 'SI. tlt'VRY SCIIWARZ, Shell Creek, one mile west of Beck er's mill. Don't Have Wet Feet. But go to G. W. Phillips and leave your order for a tirsi-class boo't'or shoe. lie work nothing but the best of-stock, and-will guarantee a fit in evony. particular. Fine sewed work a specialty. Consult your own interest, and give him a trial. iNotice. Any one who interferes with the U. P. rip-rap ou the Loup river run ning through my larm 'west of Co lumbus, will be fully prosecuted. T. J. Ellis U authorized to represent my interest ou the premiss, and ii necessary, to drive off all trespassers. Frank North. Seed Wheat lor Sale. I have three varieties of the best seed wheat known to this section ol couutry, all clean and pure, ready for sowing, two hundred bushel each, of Mediterreau, Mammoth aud Grass, that I vih to dispose of. Patrick Murray. Farmers, Improve Your Stoclf. A few blooded young bulln for sale at Bloomingdale Stock Farm. They are the get of the famou premium bull, Baron Oxford, 13 1J55, pronounced by a number ot stock men to be the best animal of its kind in the state. A. Hexrich, Metz P. O. Platte Co., Neb. Flax Seed IVotice. Ou and after March l:id, I will commence delivering seed for sow ing to thoj.e whose applications are on file. Parties should come pre vared to execute notes with approv ed security when they receive the seed. E. J. Baker, Agent Omaha Oil Co. Columbus, Mar. 20, '81. Adrertixemeii I. I wish to sell my property in Co lumbus, aud will give a good bar gain. Good hou?e and lot R52xl32, enc'o'sed by good fence; a good barn, uearly new, all in good repair. A good horse aud buggy, harness, robes, etc. Will sell them at a big sacrifice, and give time if desired. Apply to the undersigned or to Becher & Price. A. W. Doland. For Sale. The house 'and lot in the city of Columbus, now occupied by myself as- a resideuce. I will sell ex tremely low for cash. Also, house hold furniture, consisting of bed steads, lounges, bureau, wash-stand, stand, chairs,rockcrs,stove!i,s.ifc,cup hoard, etc., etc. For further particular., please call upon Messrs. Speicu & North, or at my residence. Mrs. Emma A. Hunnivs. March 19th, 1SS1. lo the Citizens of Columbus and vicinity : I wish to thank my iricuds and patroiiET for past favors in the way of a liberal patronage since I opened in the business of Merchant Tailoring in this city, to call par ticular attention to a ver fine line of Spriug and Summer samples just received and which I am confident will please you all. I will also pledge myself to give entire satis faction In the way of perfect fits and firat-clasB work iu all respects. Respectfully Yours, Lewis Berhaupt. Cancer Cured Without a ICnlTe. No Cure, No Pay ! The undersigned having been cur ed of a cancer of 20 years standing, bis being one in twenty cases treated in this neighborhood by Dr. O. C Taylor, notoue of which he lost, aud having purchased the receipt is readv to attend any one who may be alllictcd with Cancer or Tumors. Board can be procured at reasonable rates by those who may come from abroad. Call on or afldress, S. J. Marmot, Nebraska Honsc, Columbus, Neb. Notice! To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the following-named person?? did, on the Killi day of March, A.D., 1SSI, make their respective applications bv pe tition, to the City Council, "duly signed by thirty resident freeholders iu the second ward, for liceuse to sell malt, epiritpua and vinous li quor in the second ward of said city of Columbus, Platte county, Nebraska: E. D. Sheehau, Wm. Bucher, Schroeder & Schram, John Graf, SchmHz Bros., Davitl Jaoksan, Wm. Ryan, Emil Jaeckerl LAtleat.j City Clerk, SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head tii cents a line, tirtt incrtiou, throe cent a line eu-h tulsciu-nt in-ertion. CBI have one hundred calve and yeurlinsrs for -ale. all Illinois stoek. T. Keating. Worlc Oxen. A number-one yoke of work cattle for sale. 1). Axdkksox. JSepilar Stock Aealer. All kinds of homed stock bought and sold; also fat and stoekhogN. 379-y D. Axkhso.. For Sale or Exchange Two town lot? in Columbus, near A. & S. depot, will be exchanged for land north of Columbus. For informa tion call at this office. fi-Wm. T. McKeau, Columbus. Xel , will fnrniih ;oods,and make von a ood bUMiie! suit as low as $17. I'ri eo ot fine suits as low in proportion Call and see the new fctyle caimere.s. rVotlce. I hold tax sale certificate on Lot . iu Draper's Addition; if redemption is not made at once I will get tax deed for the same, as time for redemption now expires. D. ANDERSON. For Sale. I have three barber chairs for sale, two Hoi'ho-ter, and one Omaha, in yood condition, cheap for cash. 1 want to replace them with new ones. IIknkv Woods, 1'rop'r. Chicago Burlier Shop For Sale or Kent. Two dwelling honep situated nem the A A N. depot, which will he sold for a small amouutof the purchase pric down. The property is also fr rent S. .1. hlHVAKIte. For Sale. Eighty acres of od farming and ha land ! miles west of Columbus. Price. $1(1 per aero. Cull on. or address Luther B. Chapm, Lost Creek 1 O., I'l.itte ( o.. .Nenr. Herding. The undersigned will herd 500 oi GOO head of est tie on the Township Farm, near Leigh post-otllce, during the com iug scaaon at $1 per he-id. STAAH & liRO. 5rThe Annual Meeting of Scho District Xo. IS will lie held at thpchoo' house, on .Monday, April -Uh, lsSi, at '. o'clock p. in. Every voter is rfueteO to he present, as A Director is lo In elected and biisiiifss of importance to he traiiHactcd. .Marshall Smith, Director. I .and lor Salr. Two hundred acres of choice land ie 1'latte couiitv price $W.0o per acre Description: 3. . X. W. . Sec. 1, T 17, II.3 wet; S. i. X. E. . and X. K X. K. r Sec. ;it. l- K. a west. Kor further particulars inquire of .1. W . Eaklv, Columbus, X eb. Central .Heat .HarUei. Albert E. Hickly has purchased and is now running the above named market. The meat-consHming commu nity are elicited to make frequent calls, where thev can get the best and the most for their money. Also dealer in Poultry, Hides, See., on a .small com mission. .'Vll-x. COLUMBUS MARKETS. C1C I N.AC. Wheat Xo. 1, test. 10 lbs. .i LI. . $:s ooa.' ;, . . 1 .0-2tV. W " . 3, f4 Corn Shelled, old. Oats, Kit Flour, G raham Meal, I'liODUOK. l 2 Butter, Em,...... i m .. 10ffilJ; Potatoes, MKATS. Hams, Shoulders, Sides, ....... . ........... . Corned Beef Steak LIVK hTOCK. Fat flogs, Fit Cattle Yearlingh, Calves Sheep Good veal, per hundred, .. Hides, green ."lOftAS .. 1012K i;7 S&HJ .. Ol'JK S 7.! 10 .11: (Muiir. oo . 4 00(0(l S2.1 4 0M -TOTICi: 'S'O TI-MCIEKKS. J. E. Moncrief, Co. SupL, Will be in hi otliee at the Court II.ur on the lirst and last Saturdays of each month for the purpose of examining applicant for teacher's certilieates. and for the tran-actton of any other Iiuines pertaining to schools. ft7-y NORMAN PRANK CAX BE FOl'XD after the 2Mb Feb.. S1, during the regular season, at the following places: Mondays, at Paul Faber'-, Steam Prairie. " Thursdays, at George Ileng-ler's, on Shell Creek. Saturday, at 1'aul Hoppen's, Colum bus. The balance of the week at the owner's residence at Xebo, Sherman precinct. Frank was sired by the well known horse owned by Mr. Galley, and weighs li'iO pounds, and will be four years old next June. $o.lH) for the season: Singlo service J2..V). Owner- will be responsible for all mares sold or traded before known to be iu foal. , Nicholas Adamy. rirvv!., PROOF. Land Olliee at Grand Island. Xeb.f April 4th, ll. t "VTOn E is hereby given that the fol Xi lowing-natued ettler has tiled notice of bis intention to make flnal proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof Mill be made before clerk of the court of Platte eountv. Xebraska, at the county seat, ou the 7th day or Mav, 1MS1, vi.: Michael Doodr, jr , Homestead Xo. (MJ1. Tor the S. E. Vt, S. W. . . W. . s. E. y Sec. l'J, Township 18 north, Kange 2 west. He names the following witnesses; to prove his continuous resi dence liiiou and cultivation of said laud, viz: Stephen W. GIeaou. Bichard W. Perkins, Pat. Doody, of Platte Center. Platte Co., Neb., and Patrick llavs, of Columbu-, Platte Co.. Xeb. JW-r. M. B. IIOX1E, Register. Hfflm QbmibiBm- WHOLESALE & RETAIL G-EOCERS! ALSO DKALKIlb IN ('rockery, Ulassirare, Lamps, Et, ninl Country Produce of all Kinds'. TIIIJ MKST OF FZ.OIEt AL WAYS Ki:iT 0. HAAD. FOR THE LEAST 3IOXEY! ETOoods delivered free of abarge-to any jwrt or the city. Term ish. Corner Eleventh and Qltve Streets, CQlianOus, .Vefi, SCHMITZ BROS., COLUMBUS, NEBR., KEEPOXHAXDS, Plows, Harrows, SEEDERS, Corn Planters, Cultivators AND ALL OTHER KIXDSOF FARM IMPLEMENTS. OF THE BEST MAKES AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES. llesvre tttse tkrb stock and rant thnr fr-fes. In fitre inokina your purrliii.tfs. ."Khimi BACK ACHE QUICKLY CURED BY CARTER'S Smart Weed -AND- Belladonna BaeUAe Plasters! These plasters contain Smart Weed ami Bella donnaboth wonderful pain relievers- in aJJ. Uon to the usual gums, balsams, &c used mother porous plasters, end are consequently superior to all others for Weak or Lame Back. Bade Acne. Rheumatism. Neuralgia. SorenedJ of the Cheat or Lungs, Asthma. Pleurisy". Kidney Troubles. Crick In the Back. Stlff ne33 of the Joints, and for all Pains and Aches, and wherever a Piaster can ba used. If you hare an need for a Porous Strengthening Plaster, we know this one will please you. It is sure to give relief, and pain aa out exist where it is applied. Ask your druggist for Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Back Ache Plasters. Price, i-j, cents. CAETER MEDICINE CO.. New York. FARMERS, glj allei ro nih Grand Opening! o ELLIOTT & LUERS' MAMMOTH If MIT HOUSE (Jforrissey t 7 lock's old stand on Olive Street.) Where ynu find out of the largest and host stwk ef Fannin Iniplamenls kept in Clunilu. We bundle until in but the best inuehlH- ery in the market. Heh " as the follow in jr: Buckeye Harvesters EEAPERS AND MOWERS, Tincon Buggies and Spring ffagoiu, FARM WAOOXS. SULKY PLOWS. STIUIUNC PLOWS, IIAUROWS, ri'LTIVioK". I OI1N PI.VNl'httS, 12-.- a "l e 13? We pnarnHtvp all work. We are bound tint te be undersold brant one in Central Nebraska. We uav'tbe highest iIi price for wheat and all kind of grain. iii.i.io'rT a: ,Hi:ie.. fiHI-flm Siiere-sors to .1. . Elliott GO E'MBT 7 NOKTH-KAST OK SOUTH-EAVT VIATIIK B.& M. R. R. Tbi. Komi toetnf r with the ( . B. Q. Whit-li 1 4 railed fill 11 Forms the mSt complete line between Nebraska points and all points K.m of Missouri ltier. P:iseni(ers taking this lineero-w the Mo. Uiver al Pl.itt-.ui.xitk over the Plattsmouth Steel Bridge, Which ha Intely beeH eomplwled. Through Day Coaches. AND Pullman Sleeping Can AKK K17X TO Burlington, Peoria. Chicago and at. Lmuim, Where elose connection, are HuRle. in Union Depsts for all points Xorth, East and Swntb. Trains by this route start in Nebraska and are therefore free from the various aeeiHt4 whira so frequently delay trains eoin- ing through from the mountains, and pasxenge-e are thus sure ef makinic xood connections when they take the B. X. M. route east. THROUGH TICKETS AT Lowest Rates in fbree in the State, at well as fall and reliable information required, etin He had iipeu appliuotsen Uj.U.jc JI. It. l. Agent at any or tlit principal sta tions, ar to r i PERCEVAL LOWZL1; Gmerat Tteket Ayent, Mb-J OMAHA, NEfl. es-s&3 "Vv -CH BOBLIlffl i.