1 ! hi I V 1 i - i THE JOURNAL. OFFICIAL lWVEIt PLATTE CO. VED2fksiAY, JAN. W. ll. Communication-, to Injure insertion in tlic:iext N-ue. -liould lie in ham on Monday,; if lengthy, on rtaiirdaH prcoedinr lie-day. Advertisement... or whatever ola-t, should 5m- m hand by AdM-rtiM'Wfnts under this head 15 cts. a line tirt insertion. 10 cU. a line eaeu Mlb-euueUt lll-ertioil. To Sulrllr. Your name, vith thk datk at which your sunscnirriox kxi'imks. is plated on eaeh Journal you receive. A prompt renewal or discontinuance w ill save the pultlNhers, both trouble and expene, and be better for all concerned. A re newal in respectfully solicited. Vi lor 1 vr $1 for i mo-.; ."0 cl. for 3 mo-. JUUKNAL, with either the American Ag riculturist or Xtbraska Farmer p a yr., post-paid, cash in advance; JoUKNAL mid the Xurseruft. At woods mince-meat tor sale Rt Marshall Siuiili'a. If you want groceries at Omaha prices cull on Lamb. The hog market was lively Monday aud Tuesday. A dwelling-house to rent. In quire at the Nebraska House. The measles are very bad among the young folks in Boone county. A full line of overt-hoea and rubber boots ul Marshall Smith's. Lthvre Hours, fancy paper, for liM-euts a box at l)uiity Weaver & Co'a. Arnold has received a fine stock ofS-day clocks, which he will tell at cost. Martin E. Stevens has been ap pointed poatmasier at Boone, Boone Co., Neb. Now H tho time to subscribe for the .ToruNAi., $2 a year, 50 cents three month.. ' .T. U. Echols aud Vm. Terril are located in cosy bachelor's quarters ou 12th street. Lost Saturday last, a large brass door key. The tinder will please return it to this office. A car load of Flour, Feed and Bran from Mi'.ford, to be sold cheap tor cash, at J. Rabtuussen's. The little son of Mr. Norton, the new landlord of the Grand Pacific, is quite ill with the mumps. You can get a good bargain on Parlor Bracket and Hangiug Lamps at. the Columbus Drug Store. The Ancient Order of Hibei- nians are making arrangements tor a grand St. Patrick's Day ball. Step into Mrs. M. S. Drake's millinery establishment aud 6ee fbpse perforated catd novelties. We will turnish the .Touhnai. f.nd the Omaha Weekly Jtcpublican, one year,postage paid, tor $3.00. "Wanted For good wages, a girl to do general house work. Enquire at tho residence ot Leatider Gerrard. The January thaw, which had a good start the fore part of last week, wai check-matt d by Friday's bliz zard. A young man came all the way from north of Platte Centre last Friday atternoon to see the " Octo- I'OOU." S. A. Barker was in attendance at the .aunual meeting of the State Board of Agriculture at Lincoln last week. For the best stock, the neatest lit and the best made custom work, go to the Boston Shoe Store, oppo site post office. Foit Kknt. A house, centrally located, and suitable for dwelling or boarding house. Inquire at the Journal, office. The f now drifted so badly along the line of the A. & N., last week, that a snow plow had to be worked to clear the track. The commissioners precepdings on .Tammy 11th, 12th and 13th maj be found on the 4th page of next week's Jouknai.. At a session of the U. S. Circuit Court at Lincoln on the ISth hist., Byron Millett of this city was ad mitted to practice. Blank notes, bank, joint, indi vidual and work.-aud-labor, neatly bound iu books of 50 and 100, for vale at the Journal office. Farmers, bring yonr poultry, butter and eggs to Lamb's near the pot-olfiee, hihI get the highest mar ket price in cash for them. Benew your subscription to the Chicago News, the American Agri culturist, the "Nebraska Farmer, the Nursery and the Journal,. Last week Chas. Keinke sold GG fat hogs to I). Anderson, that netted $732. This number of hogs, and amount of sale, certainly speaks well for our farmers. I must have money, aud to get it I will sell boots aud shoes cheaper thau any other place in town. Call ou me at the Boston Shoe Store opposite the post office. Sam'l C. Hunt will lecture at the Congregational church, next Friday evening. Subject; "Prob lem of life," benefit of the Ladies Mite Society. Admission 25 cis. If the author of the commnni cation on the Irish question will furnish the balance of the manu script we will decide whether we can give it space iu the Journal or not, . . It is stated that a gentleman living a few miles sonthoT Platte Centre, daily teeds a flock of about three hundred prairie chickens, that come to him every morning for their rations. The State Journal Co. has sent us a copy of their new map of Ne braska. It is a good one. "We will furnish our Journal, the State Journal (weekly) and this map of .Nebraska for $3.50 cents. W. A. McAUistor is back from Lincoln. New York Buckwheat Hour at Marshall Smith's. Ab. Turner came back from his western trip Monday. Gus. G. Uecher returned from a visit to Lincoln Monday. John Staufler, county clerk, went to Lincoln Monday. When you want apples don't forget to go to Marshall Smith's. John Schram is attending com meicial college s.t San FraucUeo. Queen City suspenders, for ladies aud children, at Mrs. M. S. Drake's. A nice selection of waII paper forloceHts Double Roll at Dout, Weaver & Go's. Go to Mrs. M. S. Drake's for millinery, fancy sroods, ar.u Parker's patent mottoes. Don't forget the Maeunerchor eoucert Saturday evening. You will i egret it If you do. Echols & Davis, painters, have dissolved partnership. J. C. Echols purchasing th. business. E. J. Biker came back from Utah yesterday. He "peaks glow ingly of the enjoyment of the trip. Johnny Hoyt, Huber's bar-tender is confined to his bed by a very bad attack of ir.fl.imtnutory rheu matism. MifcS Mamie Phillips who was cast lor a part in the 'Octoroon" was unable to fill it ou account of sickness. - The Republican City Enterprise in our ej Ph pieiento the neatest ap pearance of any six-column paper iu the State. In the absence of Prof. McGin itie last week at Lincoln, his place was filled by Miss "Woods, an assist ant teacher of the school. The series of religious meetings being held at the M. E. church, "will be coutinued Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. Last week it was no uncommon thing to see the shattered and bat tered remains of wrecked car going into Omaha over the liueot theU.P. n. J. Parr was suffering last week from a boil fistula. An ope ration was performed by Dc. Schug" and ' Harry" is physically himself again. Filty recruits under the charge ot a captain went west on Monday. They ai e to be consigned to different companies in Utah. They are trom Columbus, O. Charley Fisher, the day opera tor at'the U. P. depot, lelt last week torn trip to Burlington, Iowa, on a visit to friends. Charles you arc sadly missed by "Shakey." The dispute was settled, and they all pronounced it a girl at Jacob Judds. Born Jan. 9th 'SI, weight S pounds, and mother and child doing well last week. Old Boreas got on the rampage again last Friday, after two or three days ot fine weather, howled around the comers, and soul the snow scoot ing before him as only a Nebraska wiud can. The David City Jiepvblican saj'8 : 'We are waiting to hear from the Columbus Diatuatic Club. Win. Tillman infors us that they will come as soon as their principal player entirely recovers." Charlie and Ab. Dewey, two of tho best business young men iu eastern Ohio, intend soon to leave their Cadiz home and remove to Chicago, to engage extensively in the banking busiuess. M. Kramer, who has been look ing alter his business interests iu the city for the past few days, returned to.Chicago Monday, accompanied by E. "Weinschek, of Mr. K's. branch store at North Platte. Chas. Reinke shipped four car loads of fat cattle to Chicago last Saturday,and on the same day Beck er & Welch shipped five car loads of cattle and one of hos, aud R. TI. Henry one car of cattle. The snow drifted so deep along the line of the Jackson branch of the TJ. P. last Thursday night that no trains could get through, and on Friday the company sent up a snow plow to clean the track. It will he for the interest of stock holders to be present at the next annual meeting (see notice) of the Columbus Music Hall Associa tion, as Messrs. Hunueman aud Hen ry must decline to serve any longer as officers. Two or three commercial trav ellers who were thrown out of sev eral days work last week, on account of the snow blockade on the Jackson branch, did not take to the situatiou kindly, and were disposed to blame the management of the road. The following persous from Co lumbus were at the Capitol city last week: A. M. Post, J. W. Early, Prof. McGinitie, Byron Millett, Phil Cain, Geo. W. Clother, Julius Ras mussen, Will. McAllister, S. A. Bar ker, D. A Lord, John Huber. For Sale. A dwelling-house and lot in a very desirable part of the city. "Will be sold at a sacrifice, as the money is needed. The house is new and cost more money thau is asked for both house and lot. For further particulars inquire at the Journal office. J. L. Lewis, the Singer Sewing Machine agent, has moved bis head quarters to A. J. Arnold's jewelry store, one door south of the old stand, where he will be glad to see all who may wish to purchase one of the best machines made, or secure anything in the line of supplies. "Tommy" Stewart was at Lin coln last week, "swapping" horses. Tom knows all about a horse, and when up behiud his favorite trotter, can "go to the front" with the best of them. Mrs. Kittic Boneatcel, who has been in the city for the past few weeks, visiting friends, returned east yesterday. She contemplates mak ing Columbus another visit in the mouth of June. R. II Henry came down from his ranche Monday. He says the loss to cattle men so far doe not amount to much, but if tho cold and stormy weather holds much longer it is bound to be severe. The pleasant countenance of one of Kramer's most genial clerks (he of the broad aud charitable smile) is last receiving a new attraction a mustache. To that mustache this item is dedicated. No charge. K. A. Burnell, the well known evaugelist, will begin service at the Congregational church next Sabbath morning. Christians of all denomi nations ate iuvited to attend aud teel perfectly at home. Do not fail to be present at his first meetings. No. 3 came near mepting with au accident on Monday. The cause was a broken rail, about a mile east of this city. The Section men dis covered it in time to stop the train, which wai delayed lung enough for thern to put in a pieee ot new iron. Last week a large delegation of ladies and gentleman from Boone county passed through this city for Lincoln. The ladies were Mrs. Sen ator B. K. Smith, Mrs. J. O. Disher and Miss" Emma Pardee. They will attend tho session of the Grand Lodge of 1. O. G. T. Theregularpassenger train from this city to Lincoln got as far as Milford on last Friday, when it found a freight train stuck in a snow bank in a cut iu the road. The passenger train was detained here twenty-four hours before they could get further on their Journey. "F. N." the correspondent of the Omaha Jtepublican, writing from Lincoln on the contest for U. S. Senator, under date of the 26lh, without much effort on his part associated himself, very appropriate ly, with a certain long-eared animal. It is one way to gain notoriety, aud he may succeed. Towns along the line of the U. P. are not the only places where a scarcity of fuel is experienced. The Republican City Enterprise, which is published at Republican City, Harlan county, on a branch of the E. & M., says "a load of ash. elm. or even cottonwood, don't stand on the streets long uow-a-days." The Columbus Maennerchor will give a concert at their ha!l on Satur day evening, .ran. 29th. The pro gramme wil! be an interesting one, made up from choice selections. Mrs. Robinson, Miss Rosa North uud Miss Mamie Ilunnemau will assist in vocal and instrumental selections. Admission 25 cents. The two mocking birds captur ed by A. J. Arnold two years ago when just out of the uest near his house, where they were bred in the Avild state, are alive aud every morn ing make the house resound with their peculiar melody. We believe this is the only instance of the ap pearance of these birds in tho coun try. David Auderson reports having a very tedious trip" to Chicago last week. Snow from one to three feet deep along the Rock Island route in Iowa and Illinois. Trains were de layed and stock in transit suffered considerable. A train just ahead of Anderson's was ditched east of Iowa City, and caused a delay of several hours. Mrs. Susie Wolf of Fultou coun ty III., niece of Mrs. T. J. Kllis of this city while dressing a turkey a few days ago, found in its gizzard and rump fat seven pins aud half a needle all neatly covered over with skin, some were short some crooked aud some strait. The turkey was eery fat and perfectly healthy, and was two years old. An announcement was made in the Journal in the issue of the 12th inst., that a fair would be given on the evening of the 15th and l(5th of February, 1881, by the ladies of the Presbyterian church. We are now requested to say that there will be a series of three of these fairs, the first as announced, the second in June, and the third in October. C. T. Henderson, formerly sta tion agent at the TJ. P. depot at this place, now filling a like position for the same company at "Wahoo, Saun ders county, was, Saturday night last about 9 o'clock, forced at the point of a revolver to .give up the combination to the safe, which was robbed of $950. The robbery was committed by two masked men. E. H. Thomas is the proprietor and publisher of the St. Edwards Courier, a neat and well executed twenty-eight column paper, recently started at St. Edwards, Boone coun ty, Neb. "We wish him the best of success, and hope to have the pleas ure of forming his acquaintance and learn from him personally, what branch of the Thomas family he hails from. Mr. John A. Stevens, the author of "Unknown," .will pass over the TJ. P. on the 28th inst, with his company, en route for San FranciB co, where he opens on the 31st. "Unknown" is said to be one of the best plays on the road, and Mr. Stevens, who used to be a manager in Omaha, has the reputation of being one of the best character ac tors on the stage. The State Fish Com.uus:tu con signed last week to Mess:. Unlit aud Arnold, commissioners lot this locality, a lot of Salmon lor distri bution. About 90 per cent, of tho fish were dead when received, so we are informed by Mr. Arnold. tVhut remains will be distributed according to the orders of the com mission, in streams and living wa ters with outlets. The family of Mr. A. E. Sage was recently augmented by one a bran new sou having made hi.- ap pearance, which, iu the course of human events, is an ordinary ocoui rence; but that the neighbors, each one ou his or her own individual motion, should on the 12th day after the birth, call for the purpose of offering congratulations, etc., is not so ordinary, and was certainly a very pleasing tribute to the popu larity of the family among their neighbors. A little bad blood boiled over on lltli street Monday, and policeman McMahou was obliged to interfere ou behalf of the peace and dignity of the city. In attempting the an est ot one James Webster, Patrick Faha interfered, aud both of those men were taken into custody. Web ster was found guilty of disturbing the peace and fined $1 and costs, and Faha was held for trial to-day on the charge of resisting and abusing an officer to which he plead uoi guilty. . A communication to the Jour nal, complaining of the ungentle manly conduct of a young man toward a party of young ladies and their escort while sleigh-riding in the city the other evening, U not published because we do not con sider a newspaper the proper source to seek redress for such grievances. The first and natural theory for the righting of a wroug of this character would be such a chastisement at the bauds of the escort as would act as a practical aud salutary lesson iu to Mi ners to the young man ; and secou iiy, we have a police force for the pur pose of seeing that no rowdyish -la-duct shall interfere with the rights of any person iu our streets. "The Octoroon' Siuce the undertaking of Mr. An derson to put ou the above entitled drama at this place, a combination of uutoward circumstances cold and stormy weather, sickness in the cast etc., have rendeied the task anything but easy or pleasant; but he has finally, alter being obliged to postpone trom the original date, con quered all obstacles, and to-night "The Octoroon" may be seen at the Opera House, played by a cast of the best amateur talent of the city. Through the courtesy ot the man agement, a Jouknal reporter was admitted to a last rehearsal on Mon day evening. The play is a good one, full of thrilling incidents, in terspersed agreeably with comedy. The principal parts are strongly lep resented, with a support that does well in short, the eutertainment, from a social standpoint will be a success. Let verybody go aud see for themselves to-night. Messrs. Weber & Knobel inform us that scarcity of corn in this mar ket and the high price demanded has compelled them to go away from home to purchase, and that last week they received the second car-load from Butler county. Other parties have, also, purchased from the same market. There is consid erable corn to spare in the county, but farmers are evidently holding for a better price later in the season. It occurs to ub, however, that the demand tor ground corn could, by some display of enterprise, be fur nished by those in that businecs at home. We believe that it is pretty generally conceded that cattle thrive much better on ground feed, and Mr. Weber says that he and hie partner have demonstrated to their satisfaction that 100 pounds of corn meal will go as tar as 150 pounds of shelled corn ; also that hogs which follow the cattle will do equally as well. These gentlemen have had large experience iu feeding and any suggestions from them are worthy of consideration. -- Who Will Start It'. In a recent issue of the Journal, sonio mention was made of the in vention, at this place, of a rope-making machine by Mr. John Harris. That gentleman exhibited the other day at this office, a model of his in vention, which clearly evinces the fact that the machine will do all that is claimed for it. The material from which the rope is to be made, pre pared flax, hemp, etc., is wound upon spools, which are then attached to the machine, the number of spools to agree with the number of threads required in each strand of rope. From this point the process of twist ing the strand, laying the rope, slartching and winding it upon the reel ready for the market is perform ed by the machine. A large machine with a capacity for turning out 25 foot of rope a minute, or 15,000 foot a day, would, Mr. H. estimates, cost about $40U. In the common interest of the state and particularly Platte county, we would like to see a rope manufactory started in Columbus, believing as we do that an Investment in an enter prise of this character would be a good addition to the business of the city, and prove remunerative to those who might engage in it, create an industry that would materially aid our farmers in rendering their lands profitable, and utilize what are now useless products. Mr." Harris with bis model can be seen at the Nebraska House. Iiphtherlu. Tho following brief treatise and suggestions on the treatment of this terrible disease we find iu one of our reliable exchanges. The au thority is not given, but the sugges tions appear 60 sensible and tho mode of treatment so simple that we give it space in the Journal, hopiug it may benefit some sufferer to whom the prompt assistance of an experienced practitioner is imprac ticable : "Diphtheria Is generated by breath ing impure air, such as comes from damp apartments, dirty cellars, gut ters; sinks, decaying matters, pools of standing liquids and other sour ces ot filth. It is usually confined to persous trom two ro fit teen years oi age. The atmosphere, the breath ing of which causes tne disease, seems to be full of living things, vegetable and animal, the bacteria and tnicocoppins, some ot which lodge in t' e throat and form white spjotchi -. which are distinctive of the nut adv, and win se presence quickly n.i-ons the blood; hence (here should he no time lost in send ing tor a phx-ieinii, as the march ot the disease is itlnnys rapid and its virulence incieae every hour. As with most other diseases, diphtheria is more likely to attack those whose systems have beeu de bilitated by illness, poor diet, or any cause whatever. Any irritation of the throat prepares the way for the disease. Any person n fleeted should be taken to au upper room, into which uo one should hate access hut those in perfect health, aud who have not tf e slightest scratch or sore on any part of the botlv, particular ly the hands. The room should be veutilated all the time, all discharg es should be quickly removed, the clothing frequently chauged and at once covered with water containing carbolic acid. Diphtheria taken from another person is more malignant thau when generated by bad air." Il is claimed that the following treatment will cure 19 cases out of 20, if promptly used : Chlorate of potash, 2 drachm-; hot water, ( ounces; alcohol, 4 drachms ; creosote, 8 drops ; muriat ic acid, 30 drops. This is to be used as a gargle ev ery thirty minutes. iutcrually, use the remedy : Chlorate of potash, 3 drachms; water, (! ounces; sugar, 1 ounce; tincture of muriato of iron, 2 drachms. Dose A teaspoon ful every four hours. Letter lihst. The following is a list of unclaimed letter reuiiiinin in the post-otUVe. in Coluinliu, for the week ending .Ian. 22, 1881 : Sarah K Davis, C Olseu, Ohit S Haight, J U Heed. Chut- Kolilrust, Kd Seinicli, Mrs Roe Lewis, Geo W -tevens, Mr Itillia Meyers, Dennis Sullivan. Lucy Meyrs, Those marked " ,' postal card. If not called for in ."( days will be sent to the dend. letter ottiee, Washington, D. C. When eailed for please nay "adver tised," as these letters are keptsepai-ite. E. A. GKRRAitn. T. M. Notice. The annual meeting of the Colum lumbus Music Hall Associatiou will be held at the Opera House on Sat urday, the 5th day of Fobruary.lSSl, at 8 o'clock p. in., sharp, for the election of five directors and one treasurer for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other busi ness as m-iy properly come before said meeting. R. EI. Henry, Sec'y. We have received from a kind friend the new B. & O. Red Book. A glance at its pages will satisfy any one that it is the most complete po litical text book ever published. Any person can obtain a copy by writing for it to C. K. Lord, Bilti more, Md. Enclosing a three-cent stamp will pay the postage, and the book will be sent promptly upon ap plication. -- Attention, Fire Department. A special meeting called for Sat urday, Jan. 29th, 1881. Important business. Come one, come all. J. Rasmussen, Pres't. D. N. Miner, Sec'y. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head five cents a line each insertion. New oranges and lemons at Hudson's. High colored felt skirts, only 50 cents, at Kramer's. ---A large, new stock of men's and women's shoes at Win. Schilz's. When you want the finest apples in the market go to Marshall Smith's. New Comb Honey at Hudson's. Molt's champagne cider, the best in the market, at Hudson's. Shell-bark hickory nuts at Hud son's. L Kramer sole agent for Selz's Chicago made Boots and Shoes. Every pair warranted. Rhode Island Greenings, Bald wins and Northern Spy's by the bbl. or peck, at Marshall Smith's. Clearing sale of wmter goods at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Dowty, "Weaver & Co. sell the best cough medicine. They have confidence in it, and they are willing to refund the money if it do'ps no go6d. Ask for Piso's Cure for Consumption. Price, 25 ets. and ?1.00. A Sewing Machine, almost newf for $25, cash or 100 bushels of corn in the ear. Geo. W Derry, 3 doors south of Grand Pacific Hotel Co lumbus, Neb. 11. All cases of weak or lame back, baek-acbe, rheumatism, &c., will find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Bacb ache Plasters. Price 25 cents. For sale at A. Heintz's drug store. Please bear in mind that you can get all kinds of Machines re paired as cheap as din at the Sin ger office. All work warranted. Young's Plaiters, and Needles and repairs for all kinds of Machines. J. L Lewis, Agent, in A. J. Ar nolds Jewelry Store opp. Post office. The act ion of Carter's Little Liver Tills id pleasant, mild and natural. They gentlysti'jiulate the Iiyer, and regulate the bowels, but do not purge. They are sure to please. For bide at A. Heint.'s drtix store. At Cost. Will sell for the next 30 day's, Hats, BonuetV, Feathers, Flower's, liibbcu's and Laces at cost. Mus. M. S. Drake. Patent Fire Kiudlers. Just the thing for these cold morn ings; try them, and see your wife smile. A full supply at Hudson's. A ChomI Opportunity. Any person desirous ot disposing of a good piece of land or town property to au advantage can do so by railing at this office. EorMnle Cueup-CuNli orTiiue. One span good work mares; one span mare ponies ; one large work horse. D. Amikkson. Vor Snle. A complete outfit for first-class saloon, consisting ot counter, bar fixtures, etc. Inquire otM Schram, jr., at WandeH'H old stand. Iteiiiisujith! Reiiiuuiit! Great clearing sale of remnants of Dress goods at L. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store- If there ever was a specific for any one complaint, then Carter's Little Liver Tills are a specific for sick neadache, ami every woman should know this. Only one pill a dose. Forsaleat Heintz's drugstore. I'lnx .Seed ! Flux Need ! Par ies desiring the loan of llix seed for sowing should make appli cation at my office before the 10th of February. E. J. Baker, Agl. for Omaha Linseed Oil Co. mlo:vi-:y to i.o;..: In Piatte aud Butler counties at 9 per cent interest, no interest in advance, nor commission, and money furnished, on short notice. Apply to O. S. Bridges, opp. P. O. 3'otice. A few persons can procure. Acacia Three Thorned or Honey Locu?t seed. At J. B Delsniau's Store. The best plant tor Hedges known for the Nebraska Prairies. Price 50 ceuts per. lb. John Wise. A Tew Illooded Hull Culves tor Mule At Bloomingdale Stock Farm on Upper Shell Croek. These calves are the get of the famous premium bull. Baron Ox'ord, 134:)5, N. 58. V. 11, A. II. B. I will sell them cheap, now, to save the trouble of wintering. Can be paid partly or all iu corn or oais. A. 11kxi:ich, Met. P.O., Platte Co., Neb. Nulcof tin 1-Utray. Notice is hereby given that on Saturday the 29 th day of January, 1881, at the residence ol W. D. Da vies, iu Butler precinct in Platte county, Neb., at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon, I will offer for -ale to the highest bidder for cash, one red and white heifer about two years oid, aud will be sold as an est ray. J. C. Covle. Justice of the peace. Dated 14th, Dec. 'SO. Cancer Cured Without it Knife. No Cuke, No Pav! The underpinned having been cur ed of a cancer of 20 years standing, his being one iu twentj cases treated in this neighborhood by Dr. O. (.' Taylor, not one of which he lort, and having purchased the receipt is readv to attend any one who may be afflicted with Cancer or Tumors. Board can be procured at reasonable rates by those who may come from abroad. Call on or address, S. J. Makmoy, Nebraska House, Columbus, Neb. Iullic Male. "Will be sold on the lfilh day of February '81, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., at the residence of the undersigned, three - quarters of a mile east of Matthis' Bridge on Shell creek, the following property. 4 lirst-class farm horses ; 2 good cows ; 1 two year old heifer, with calf; 2 calves ; 20 head of lings ; 100 chick ens ; 2 lumber wagons ; 2 sets of har ness; 1 seeder; 2 breaking plows; I iron beam sturring plow ; 1 Wood's Harvester and other farming uteu sils. Also a lot of household goods. A farm of 240 acres, 115 in culti vation, will he for rent. All sums under $10, cash, over $10, a credit of 0 mouths will be given on bankable paper. Matiiew Burke. John IIuiikr, Auctioneer. SPECIAL N0TICES. Advertisements under this head live cents a line, flrU insertion, .tjyce ceuts a line each subsequent itisertuj. a-3?Luudy, fhe new Artist on Eleventh St. invites all lovers of art to call and examine specimens. ggg-l have one hundred calves and earlinj.'s Tor sale, all Illinois stock. T. Keatino. t: liiiudy Guarantees to make the finest pho tographs ever in Columbus. Call on him. Cheap. Four pictures for 50 cents, at Lun dy's gallery, for the next 30 days. Xeam of llorxe For sale or exchange lor cattle. 31. K. Tuknek. Keular Mtoclc Uealer. All kinds of horned stock bought and sold; also fat and stock hos. 370-y 1). A.NDKKSON. Mold Timber, On Section 13, Township 18, Range 1 east, inu-t be taken away before the lu t day of 31 arch next. Henry Luche. Vor Male or Rent. Two dwelling houses situated near the A .tX. depot, which will he sold for a small amount of the purchase price down. The property is also for rent. S. J. Howards. lteopened. The gallery, formerly occupied by 3lr. Josselyn on Eleventh St., is now open and undergoitij; some important cbauges, aud hereafter nothing but strictly tirst-class I'hotos will be turn ed out. Curding and XpiuiiiiiK". I have a ipiantity of wool which I wish to have carded aud puu within the next mouth. Will pay in wool or cash. Call soon, ou M. Iv. TUKNKK. Land lot Sale". Two hundred aeres of choice-land in Platte count v price $I0.(H) per acre Des.-riptioii-'-s. ?-. X. W. . Sec. t, T. 17. II. ." we-t: S. s, X. K. and X. K. J-,. X. E. 4, See, a", T. IS It. ,1 west. Kor further particular- inquire of .). W. Early, C ohunbtis, Xet Central .Tleat Market. Albert E. Rickly has purchased and is now running t lie ahove iinuied market. Tbe. meat-consuming commu nity areoIiei?cd to nuke frequent call-, where thev can get the !i-t and the iuot for their money. AIo dealer it. Poultry, Hides, Ac.," on a small com mi ion. ."V41-X. COLUMBUS MARKETS OKM-V, 4C Wheat Xo. 1, tet.V Ihs.. " "2, "d .. " " 3, " ."4 " .. Corn Shelled, old P.ve Flour, Graham Meal, 7' 1S -s GO . ?' 7..'5t3 .Mi .. i :ti(4-jiV. 1 () lrwait; 2035 I'KOnUCK. Uutter,. . Potatoes, SIKAlS. Ham-, .. r2K13 C(tt7 Ots . Wi-12' 2)Soo .12 nofai:. no . 4 ooguoo ;: i' 4 04 t(&7 Shoulders, .. ide.i . Corned Heef teak LIVE sruoK. Fat Mns:-, Fat C.it'lr Yearling!. t;ales . Sheep . (Jood veal, per hundred, . . Hides, irrcen ri.vti. iMtoor. Land Otlice at iraiid Maud Xel. t Januarv 21, livl. f vyoPIOE N herein- given that the 1 following-named -ettler !- filed notice of hi- intenliin to make linul. proof in -upport of his el.iim, and thai said proof will be made before Clerk ot the Court ot Platte county, Nebraska, at the Count Seat, on Thursday, the 21th day of February, lssi, viz: Paul Kaher. Homestead Xo. ."h).-i7. for the X. W. ,A, .section 31. Town-hip 20 north, ltaiure t west. He names he following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: John Stupfe! and Charles Ilrandt. or Columbus. Platte Co., Xeb.. and Juliu J. Grave- and Ferdinand Fuch-, of Humphrey. Platte Co., Xeb. MlLTi 31. 15. HOXIK, Itegi-ter. I'lAAL PKOOF. Land Otlice at Grand Island, Xeb.i Jan. 22d, ISsil. f "VfOTKE i- hereby given that the fol 1N lowiug-uamed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tiual proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before clerk ot the court of Platte county, Xebraska, at the county seat, on February 20th. ISSt, viz: Thomas O'Neill. Homestead Xo. JUt'J. for the W. x, S. E. 14, Sec. 4, Town-hip l!l north. Kange 2 wt-i. He name- the following witnesses t- prove hi- con tinuous "residence upon and cultivation it said land, viz: L. Hubbard, Jame Palmer, Anton Fisher, .Limes llairi-, allof Humphrey P.O., Platte Co., Xeb. KU-t 31. 15. HOXIK. Keni-ter. " " XEGAL NOTICE. To Thoma- Farris, non-resident de- feudaut: yui' AKE HKKKBV XOTIFIKD L that au action ha- been commenced against vou by Annis Farris, in the Di-trict Court, "-tth Judicial District, in aud for Platte county, Mate of Xeliras. ka, the object of which said action is to obtain a divorce from you. and dis-olvi the bond- of matrimony now existing between ou aud s:iid Annis Farri-. You inu-t answer the petition tiled against vou in .-aid action on or hrnte the 1st day of .March. A. D.. 1SS1, or judgment will be taken ag.uiist olt hi default, and a decree entered agaiu-l vou aceordinglv. AXXIS FAUP.LS. .McALLi.-rKii linos., Att- for Plt'll. o."-. LEGAL NOTICE. Annis Farris, PlaintitI, i against J- Thomas Farris. Defendant.) In the Di-trict ( ourt iu and for Platte county, "t.ite-of Xebraska: ''pHE said defendant. Thorn. Farri-, J will take notice that tin -aid plain till", Annis Farris, will take the deposj. tious of Xelson Tull, 31rs. Harriett liaker and Hiram Ames, to be used a evidence in said court, in the above entitled c:i-ip; aid depositions will tie taken on the -1th day of February, A.D.. 1SS1, c mmencing at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day. at the otlice of George W. Herrick", in the city of Farmers City, county of DeWitt, in the State of Illi nois, and by said George W. Herrick, lie being a notary public, with power to adjourn from day today until all of said depositions shall be taken. AXX15 FA It It IS. Hy McAllister linos., her Atty's. .V7- SHERIFF'S SALE. TY VlKTf E of an order of sale di- JL rected to me from the Clerk of the di-trict court of Platte county, Xebras ka. on a j-dgment and a decree obtained before district court of the Fourth Ju dicial District in and for Platte county, Xebraska, on the Hlli day of 31areh, IKSO, in favor of I'harle- P. D-Wey as plaintitr, and airaliut Jame Comptou. jr., and Priscilla Compton a- defend ants, for the -um of sj hundred and llfty-four dollars and fifty cents, and co-ts taxed at $.TG.1S and accruing costs. I have levied upon the following real e-tate taken as the property of said defendants, to ati-fr said order of sale, to wit: The east half of the south west quarter of Section number thirty four (.'M). iu Township number eighteen (IS) north, of Kange one east, in Platte county, Xebraska, and will otfer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the Slsr day ok January, a. i., 1881, in front of the West door of the court hou-e, that being the building wherein the last term of court was held, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day. when and where due attendance will lie given by tbe undersigned. Dated, this 27th Dee. 1S.S0. BEXJ. SPIKL3IAX, ,km.." Sheriff of said County. LEGAL NOTICE. To Charles Kohlrust and Klen Kohl rust: rpAKE XOTICE that Charles l'.Dewey JL and Albert IL Dewey, executors of the last will and testament of Chauncey Dewey, deceased, have sued you in the district court in and for Platte county, in the State of Xebraska, and that you are required to answer the petition tiled by said Charles 1'. Dewey and Albert IL Dewev, in said court, on or before the FOUKTKKNTH DAY OK 3IAKCH, 183 1. The prayer of said petition Is the fore closure bf a mortgage given by you. the said Charles Kohlrust and Elen Kohl rust to the said Chauncey Dewey, on the 1.1th day of December 1870, on the south half of the southwest quarter of section two, in township nineteen, north of range one west of the sixth principal meridian, iu aid Platte county; said mortgage was given to secure the pay nient of live promi-sory note-, all dated December 15th, 1S79, four of said not s bein? for the -urn of forty dollars each, and the other or tilth note being for the sum of four hundred dollar, with in terest at ten per cent, from maturity, made and delivered by you the said Charles Kohlrust to the said Chauncey Dewey, or order. An attorney's fee. and general execution for any balance tha' may remain unpaid is also praved for. CHAKLKS P. DEWEV, ALBERT B. DEWEY. By Cuas. A. Speice, Atl'y. 55y.j I'LAL aJSOOB Land Otlice at Grand Island, .!..i Jan. It'ui. I.-vSt. XTOTICE i- herebv given that the follovviug-iiaiueil settler Ha- tiled iiotice or his intention to niuke tiual proof in support of hi- claim, and that -aid proof will be made before Clerk of he Court ot Platte Co- Xeb., at the county .-eat. on .March loth. Itisi, fc: John S. Wood, Homestead Xo. U-.iil. for the X. ?, . K. . Section li. Town ship 17 north, Uaiige 2 wet. He mines ihe following witnesses to prove hi-continuou- resilience upon and cult iv i tiou of said land, viz: Willium -smtb, loliu .-outlier and John HoIter, of Lost creek, I'l.ate Co., Neb., and John lleiu plem.iu, of Columbus, Platte Co.. s.t. -!!.; M. B. HOXIK. Keglster. LAW, RSAL 3SSTATE ANDGKNKKAL COLLEOTION OFFICE BY W.S.GEEE ,f OXP.Y TO LOAX in small lots on 1X farm property, time one to three years. Farm w ith some improvements bought and sold. Office for the present it the Clother Hou-e, t oluuiblls. XVb. 47S-X ii o i 0 f? S. "I C i " r5' 9 Z. o voaa 9 -, -, a en r " ?2 eac -i i2?5 Ha 53 r. s ? s al r s ?iiT .-.' 5 Grand Display OK HOLTDAY GOODS AT Among the numerous articles may be enumerated: Celluloid Sets, Albums. Photographio, Autograph Albums, Baskets, Shell Boxes, Picture Frames, Per fumery, Combs and Brushes, and a Ceneral Assortment of Toys, ill of which will be sold wav down. Call and examine r.il CARTER'S Little Nerve Pills, -FOB- NERVOUS and DYSPEPTIC MEN AND WOMEN. Every nervous perwm jhoutd try Carter's Little Nerve I'i!S, which are mode specially for those who sufTer froni Nervousness, Sleeplessness. Nervous and Sick Headache, weak Stonuc.i. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, &c. They may be uscJ alone or in combination with Carter's Littls Liver Pills, and in either cse will give nunc prompt and grateful relief. Dyspepsia male you Nervous, and Nervousness makes you Dys peptic; either one renders you miserable, ina these little pills cure both. Price, 35 cents. . Sold by Druggists or sent by CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. LAND, FARMS," -AN'D GITY PROPERTY FOR SALE -AT TIIK- Union Pacfic Land Office, Oil Lomj Time end low rote of Interest. All wishing to buy Kail Hnad I. amis or Improved Farms will Unit it to their advantage to eall at the V. I. Land OlftVe before lookiii el-ewhere :is 1 miUe a -jieeinlty of buying and -filing lauds cm ei. mini. -ion: all ieruis wish inir to sell farm: or unimproved 1 mil will find it to their advant.iie to leave their land- with me for sale, as my ft-eilitie- for aneetin sales are linMir passed. I am prepared to make tuial proof for all parties wi-himj to jjet a patent for their homeateaiN. SSTIIenry Conies, Clerk, writes and speak- (ierman. SAMUEL C. SMITH, Act. I'. 1. Land Department. 5.Vi.y CLlMBU, XKK. dow jrawi & co., PKOI'KIETORS OF THE Columbus Drug Store, Ss::i::: ts A. W. TCLAST. The Leading Drug House IX THE WEST. A full and complete line of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent iMedirines, &., Painters' Supplies, Window (ilass, Wall Paper, and LAMPS, OF EVERY IfiM. When yon need anything in our line we w ill in.iKe it to your inter est to eall oii iw. SST.Vr. A. A. Smith retains his position n.i Prescription Ckrk.inhich is a positive iuarantee aijainst mis takes, and icith our facilities erery thiiuj in the presrription line is PERFECT. Onn't forget ih- nlaee,- n loira uurih ui 1. O. tVT-y ;-teS ?J-523 s-i Ih 5 a- 83- mm DRUB STORE CARTER'S KITTLE; flBi . K