L THE JOURNAL. OFFICIAL PAPER PLATTE 00. WKDNEsjDAY, DKC. 20, i-w. Cuiniuiiiciitlnii, to ln-urc insertion Ih the uet :ue, should be in hand on Muda; if kiifMhj, on Thurdays. preceding iMue-da. Advertisementa, of whatever olas, should lie In Land by nHii Tiit'da . Advertiiements under this head 15 cts. a line tirl insertion, 10 cts. a line each bubieaueut in-crtiou. To JJulcoriber. Your navie, with thk hate at men your bUBSCKHTiox Kxi'iRKS. is placed on each JOURNAL on receive. A prompt renewal or discontinuance will save the puhlihheri, both trouble and expense, and be better for all concerned. A le uewal is respectfully solicited. $2 for I yr.; $1 for t mos.;" ftO cts. for 3 nios. Journal, w ith either the American Ag riculturist or Xebraska Farmer $."5 a yr., pott-paid, cash in advance; JOURNAL aud the yursertf ?8. 1831, after Friday. . Splendid sleighing. A happy Xew Year. Coal is iu lively denmnd. Suow, suow, "beautiful snow!" Mouday mortiing, 7 below zero. "Where is Rome of that Ponca coal ? Died trick is after the A. & N. again. If you have anything to sell, ad vettibe it. Sunday night was the coldeet ot the season. Corn meal $1. a hundred at Itftsmuriiteu's. 100 old machines wanted at the Singer ollice. (lood boon $1 50 a pair at J. R. Delbtnau & Cou. Choice Vermont maple svrup at Marshall Smith's. W. II. Waters of Aurora was iu town yesterday. Corn shellers for sale cheap at Elliott' pump house. Horn. Dec 2lith, at Duncan, to I i h. It. A. liyriiu, a sou. Hi'tweeu blankets is not a bad way to pass these uighU. Good wintor raps, only 15 cents, at J. L. Dclsmuu S Co. Born. December lilth, to Mrs. S. A. Bonesteel, a daughter. Those who will have corn to buy will find it bent to invent uow. "Wantkh. Day boarders at Mrs. Winterbotham's, at $3 50 a week. When you want apples don't forget to go to Marshall SmithV. "And the world to an end shall come, iu 1 SSI." Mother Shipton. .1. B. Delsman & Co. will not be undersold in unythiug in their line. Queen City siiNpenden', for ladies aud children, at Mrs. M. S. Drake's. A good heavy snoiv now will probably make us extra good crops next summer. Co to Mrs. M. S. Drake's for millinery, fancy goods, at.u Parker's patent mottoes. Doc McAllister begins his daucing school next Tuesday with 26 pupils promined. That good rider at Win. Beck er's is nearly all gone. Hurry up, or you won't get any. Michigan apples aud cider goiug rapidly at Win. Becker's. Call soon, before they are all gone. Thanks to Senator Saunders for a volume containing the Presi dent's messages ot 1S79 'SO. Another social will be held at the M E. Church on the evening ol Jan. 5th. All are invited. We will furnish the Journal mil the Omaha Weekly Jiepublican, one year.postage paid, for $3.00. Watki For good wages, a girl to do general house work. Enquire at the residence of Leatuler Gerrard. Lover? of mimic should attend the benefit concert of Mrs. Page at the Maennerchor Hall next Thursday even iug. If anybody wants a good farm wagon he should examine the Co quil'ard at Win. Becker'6 before purchasing. On the 23J C. W. McCune and Miss Mollie Maury were joined in marriage by He v. Huberts, all of Butler county. For Hknt. A house, centrally located, and suitable for dwelling or boarding house. Inquire at the Journal otlice. A very choice kind of cheese, the Young America, at Win. Beck er's. Those who fancy good cheese should buy this. Along the mountain division of the U. P., the weather is fine. From Council Blutl's to Grand Island is about as it is here. Garlic is said to be a specific agaiust rabies. You want to re member this about next August when the dogs bite you. Blank notes. bank, joint, indi vidual and work-and-labor, neatly bound iu books of 50 and 100, for kale at the Journal otlice. Farmers, bring vour poultry, butter and eggs to Limb's near the poit-otlice, and get the highest mar ket price iu cash for them. Mrs. Page, assisted by the Maeunerchor, will give a benefit concert at the Maennerchor Hall, Thursday eveuing, Dec. 30, 'SO. A car-load of choice &ichigau Wiuter apple cider received at Win. Becker's this week,which ol course is lor sale, ll you waui ciuer, call toon. t The sleighing has brought into requisition all sorts aud kinds of sleighs, bobs, sled rigged wilh bug gy tops aud pleuty of bobs made of half buggy wheels, &c. I must have money, and to get it I will sell boots and shoes cheaper than any other place in town. Call on me at the Boston Shoe Store opposite the poet office. H. L Rossiter went to Omaha last week. J. B. Wells was iu the city Christmas. S. O. Raymond loft last Saturday for Denver. Joseph C-unp has returned home from Albion. Calico 5 cents a yard at J. B. Delsmau & Co'a. New York Buckwheat flour at Marshall Smith's. George Spooner was up from Lincoln Saturday. Samuel Hickly ib spending the holidays iu the city. Atwoode mince-meat for sale at Marshall Smith's. If you want groceries at Omaha prices call ou Lamb. Hermau Oehlrich spent Christ mas at Graud Island. A fine lot of citrons and can dies at Wm. Becker's. Good tea, 25 cents a pound, at J. B. Delnman & Go's. A dwelling-house to rent, In- quire at the Nebraska House. A full line of overshoes and rubber boots at Marshall Smith's. Mrs. Kiltie Bonesteel is here on a few weeks' visit to her old home. Ed. North of Platte Centre spent the Christmas at his home in this city. Vinton Kinney, son of M. T., is visiting his grand-lather, G. B. Bai ley, Esq. II. II. Ames and Mr. Gillies of Schuyler gave us pleasant call on Monday. For family groceries, sugar, coffee, tea, spices, &c, call at Wm. Becker's. Now is the time to subscribe for the Journal, $2 a year, 50 cents three months. Clias. Huber has a situation on the U. P. R. R. between Omaha and Grand Island. Thomas Coffey of Omaha, for merly of this city, enjoyed Christ mas at his old home. Mr. Chambers, the first agent of the A. & N. at this place, has re turned trom Montana. Next Tuesday the legislature meets. Representative Lehman will tint go till the last hour. "Sandy," former typo on the Era, was iu the city Saturday. He came up on the A. & N. Step into Mrs. M. S. Drake's millinery establishment and see those perforated card novelties. A daughter of Emil Claus, aged 11 years, died on Friday evening, of diplheria. Her funeral took place Sunday. Wanted. A girl who cau do gen eral housework, will tiud a good place and good wages at Julius Hasmusseu's. For the best stock, the neatest fit and the best made cuBtom work, go to the Bostou Shoe Store, oppo site post office. Every community should be represented in the newspaper, all the local happenings interesting to a dozen people. Chas. Went worth, who has had very poor health for some time past, lias been confined to his bed for the last two weeks.. Dan. Kavanaugh was succ&Mtul in a suit before Justice Bailey Mon day, in regard to marble attached on accouut of Broulette. Renew your subscription to the Chicago NewB, the American Agri culturist, the Nebraska Farmer, the Nursery and the Journal. Take a ruler aud draw a line through Columbus, northwest, and you will see where our cool breeze" come from a loug slretch of coun try. It is somewhat wonderful the number of sleds, sleigh?, runners under buggy-bodies, &c, that have been made to order since the snow began. Paul Krause of Albion came home last week to speud the Holi days. He is looking in good health, aud gives an excellent report of business at Albion. N. E. Small, who has for several mouths been iu Utah, is at home spending the holidays. He certain ly is iu good health, aud we believe better looking than he used to be. Christmas eve., the teachers, pu pils, pareuts aud their friends of Dist. 13 had a very enjoyable time at the school-house. Several haud some presents were made the teach ers. It is conceded by both democrats aud republicans that J. L. Lewis sells more genuine Singer Sewiug Machines, oils, attachments and needles than any other man in the State. At the Firemen's Ball Friday evening, Miss Freddie Speice was voted to be the neatest-dressed lady aud Charles Wake, jr., the most popular young man. Each received a haudsome present. The State Journal Co. has sent us a copy of their new map of Ne braska. It is a good one. We will furnish our Journal, the State Journal (weekly) aud this map of Nebraska for $3 50 cents. The Columbus Dramatic Socie ty were to have appeared at David City to-uight in "Fate," but the eveut was postponed on the account of the sickness of Mrs. G. V. Hines, one of the stars of the society. One of our citizens well known for the energy with which he pushes everything he undertakes, has en gaged with Mr. John Harris in the rope-making business with the uew machine of Mr. Harris's invention. Success to the enterprise. One of our young men. a good deal the worse for liquor, was calliug bad names, and making warlike demonstrations Monday evening on 11th street, iu front of a saloon out of which he had just been thrust. A. C. Tigner, Sup't. of the M. E. Sunday School received from the school, History of the Rufurmatiou, also a uice book and present "from Wm. Terrel a uice commentary on the Sunday school lessous for the whole year. The man who can sit contented ly by the fire while his stock are suffering the rigors of winter thro his ueglect aud laziness to provide decent shelter Is too near perfection for this stage of existence and should be seut down below. At the Presbyterian church Christmas Eve, Santa Claus appear ed in person, and from his well stored basket presented his gifts to the children, having something for each one. The friends of the school passed an enjoyable evening. The man who wants a comforta ble head gear this kind of weather gets a good cap that is made to pull down over the ears. Those appen dages require a lilt le more protec tion than is ordinarily given them, and this seem the best way to give it. Will. Rickly has recovered from his direct attack of scarlet fever, but has left with him as part of it- effects, a painful rheumatism. Mb daughter, Ulilla, is up and around, and his son Willie, who was deaf for awhile, has partially regained his hearing. For Salk. A dwelling-house and lot iu a very desirable part of the city. Will be sold at a sacrifice, as the money is needed. The house is new aud cost more money than is asked for both house and lot. For further particulars inquire at the Journal office. The northern man who takos any interest at all in national pol tics should, if he has not already done so, read Judge Tonrgce's book called the Fool's Errand, as well as that other one which gives a good remedy for the southern evil Bricks without Straw. Wo are informed that an addi tion to Becker & Welch's mill on Shell creek sunk several iuches Suu day, it having been undermined. These enterprising meu, their cus tomers may be assured, will have everything in running order at the earliest possible moment. John A. Steele, A. N. Burgess and John Routsou, while hunting on Christmas day in Heintz's tim ber, ran across a wild cat, and spieading out they put him into a cross fire of three double-barrelled shot-guns loaded with quail shot, which made cold meat of hiscatship. "Ide" Brindley lost a $20 bill at the Firemen's hall last Friday night. He says that he can describe the bill, and if a bill of that denomination be picked up in the vicinity of the Opera House, the person tindiugand wishing to return it to the owner, can easily satisfy himself as to "Ide'a claims. The following officers for the M. E. Sunday school were elected last Sabbath : A. C. Tigner, Sup't. ; Mi6S Rosa Rickly, assistant sup't.; A. Moorfield, sec'y. ; Miss Lizzie Davis, treas. ; Miss Mary Turner, organist ; Frauds Kerr, chorister; Win. Tyr- rel, librariau. The school has an atteudauce of 75 lo 90. The children and some of the friends of the several Sunday schools of the city had a good time receiving their presents Christinas and Christ mas Eve. We looked in upon the ship iu the M. E. church, ladened with nice, aud in some instances valuable presents for scholars, teach ers and superintendent. A goodly number of citizens of the State are expecting to visit Lin coln some time during the session, not only to see the city of famous growth, but also to look in upon the excitement of a senatorial contest and a tussle for prohibition, as well as any minor side show that may be erected near the big tents. Christmas morning Mr. John C. McMahoo was very agreeably supprised by having presented to him a purse of reasonably good dimensions. It was the gift of a large number of tho principal bus iness men of the city, aud a mark of their appreciation of his faithful services as Chief of Police. Weber & Knobel have thirty beeves, butchered in uice weather, frozen, and laid away ready to be brought forth at auy time for the market. This saves waste of feed on fat beeves, work in unpleasant weather, besides which the meat is said to be better. They have a splendid cellar at their market. Mrs. Page ha3 for several years, taught music to the daughters of Columbus, and by her ability and conscientious work as a teacher, as well as by her gentle ways as a lady, haB won her way to the hearts of her pupils. The parents, her patrons, and the lovers of music should see to it that her benefit is well attended. Au irate countryman entered a saloon Monday to find one of his employes at a game of cards. We heard the peroration: if you are going to work for me, I waut you to do it, and uot spend your time in playing poker, and letting my team stand out in the cold all day. I want you to tend to your business. Yc who sit by warm firc, in comfortable houses, and sleep the sleep ot the faithful ou warm feather beds, between blankets mayhap, and under an abundance of light, warm covering, and that, too, atter tilling yourselves with the good things of this life, don't forget your needy neighbors, and measure your re membrance ol them by something ot value to them. An intelligent gentleman of our acquaintance suggests that the loads instead of running at right angles as now, should seek the natural ways, as streams do, and not up hill and down. He sugge-ts that a good deal of traffic goes to Madison on the uorth, and to Humphrey and Platte Centre on the west, that would come to Columbus except tor the roads in this direction. Mr. Allen Vincent, at our solic itation, has promised us a statement concerning his dairy products, that we have no doubt will attract atten tion. There is no question as to the profits of stock-raising simply for iucrease in numbers and for beef, but the profits from the products of the dairy, when carefully, properly aud shrewdly managed, are so much greater that many will be induced to make a change. Jno. L. Shorey has ceased to be the publisher of the Xursery, but the new publishers have caught the spirit of the Nursery, and the insti tution, established we believe by Mr. Shorey.continues in all its vigor, brightness and sweetness. No household, containing young chil dren beginning to read, should be without it. Send 15 cents for a specimen number to Nursery Pub lishing Co., Boston. Mass. The blunders that occurred in the make-up of last weeks' Journal aro uncommon in this office. The Journal has been published over ten years uuder the supervision of the same foreman, and but one other similar blunder has occurred in all that long time and had he n. ide them (when we consider the thous and and one perplexities to torment and trouble a printer and foreman) we could readily forgive the blun ders. Watch-night sociable at the Congregational Church Friday eveu ing. The time until twelve o'clock will be pleasantly passed in the en joyment of Hocial talk, Readings, Music, Tableaux aud Refreshments. At twelve the beautiful tableau "Departure of the old year and com ing of the new," will be preeented, aud immediately following it, the bell will be rung announcing the arrival of 1881. Come any time during the evening. Welcome to all. We are in roceipt of a marked copy of the Lawrence (Kan.) Trib une, containing an article on the Western Farm Mortgage Co., F. M. Perkins, Prest., located iu Lawrence, Kansas, and which was secretly or ganized last March and April. J. B. Watkins has charged Perkins with embezzlement, and though the latter threatened a suit tor libel, it has uot been instituted, and Watkitm is gen erally supposed to be in the right. Is this the Co. that became so prom inent here last summer, and was about to inveigle some of our cit izens ? At the Congregational church Christmas evening, Santa Claus's gifts, appeared on a large tree nicely decorated. Each of the school chil dren received a present, and the Sup't., J. II. Reed, a handsomely bound volume of Whittier's poems. The congregation presented Miss Libbie Crites and Mrs. C. G. Uiekok with silver cake baskets of ver3 ele gant designs. Special features of the evening's entertainment were a pound party for the benefit of the pastor, and a supper for the children ; among the pound presents was a set of silver knives. Little Maud Win- terbotham recited a very appropriate poem. Mr. John B. Finch visited our city Thursday of last week and lec tured in the Opera House in the evening. He handled tho subject of intemperance in a stroug, masterly manner, scoring the auti-prohibition-ists iu a terrible way, and sweeping away (so says our reporter) every argument by them presented, by the evidence produced in the course of his lecture He invited the opposi tion to a public discussion of the subject at any time, by giving him due notice. He appears to be stronger and in belter health than ou his formor visit to this city, and if any odds, has improved in the force and terseness of his lectures. The installation of officers of Lebanon Lodge A. F. & A. M., for the ensuing Masonic term, took place at their hall on Monday evening, in presence of quite a large number of frieuds and invited guests. The eveuiug's ceremonies were opened by the siugiug of a beautiful Mason ic anthem and by prayer. The officers- installed were as follows: C. A. Speice, W. 31.; J. D. Brewer, S. W. ; Julius Rasmuesen, J. W. ; J. P. Becker, Treas.; J. F. Wermuth. Sec'y. ; H P. Coolldge, Sr. Deacon ; I. J. Slattery, Jr. Deacon ; Jno. W. Early, Sr. Steward ; Gus. Lockuer, Jr. Steward; M. Weaver, Tyler. After the impressive installation ceremony the guests were tendered the freedom of the hall and invited to make themselves at home in hap py social intercourse, which was accepted with relish, for the ball, which Ib a magnificently furnished one, was cosy and warm, and made a pleasing contrast to the severe winter night outside. The Telephone The Telephone Company that are operating iu Nebraska desire to pu their wires in Columbus, and Mr. John A. Steele, the telegraph opera tor, is canvassing the city to see what can be done. The proposed cost for each instrument furnished is a rental ot $3 a month. In large cities, especially, it has been found to be a valuable adjunct to business, aud Columbus would find it a good thin". Just notice, for instance, how convenient it would be to have the Journal office connected with every important business place in town, aud inquiring on Monday morning for uews. The voico of the Journal office connects wilh the County Clerk and a9ks, "Johu, when can we get the Commissioners' proceedings, and have you any notices for this week's paper?" Connecting with the Treas urer, "Ji.lm Wesley Early, how much money has old Platte in her treasur t.-diy, and what did you learn wLen at Liucolu last week?" With J. E. North & Co., along with one thousand, less or more, other fellows, yelling at the top of their voices, "Jim, for pity's sake send me three tons of coal right away I" With the A. & N. depot, to know tho state of the weather and the latest phase of the Diedtrick contest. With the TJ. P., to know whether, as reported, Jay Gould has bought up Mexico aud the Sandwich Islands. With the Pacific House, to know when the new landlord, Mr. Norton, will take possession. With the Police Judge, to know who has been fined lately for drunkenness and gambling and other delinquencies. With tho cler gymen, to know the subjects of their next sermons. With the hotels, to know the latest arrivals. With the doctors, to know who is sick. With the Era office, to know why they haven't issued a paper since the elec tion, and when they are going to begiu, and to Burgess as to wheu he will start in with that new paper. Aud all these inquiries answered without leaving our warm quarters iu the Journal office. Clirlolma nenr Poslville. Although the weather was not as favorable as could be desired, tho folks throughout the neighborhood were so determined to enjoy them selves that no small occurrence could keep them from so doing. ' On Christmas eve the elite, as well as some others, assembled at Bur rows scliLol-hoiise, where was to he found a tree that, in beauty grand eur and loveliness, could hardly be excelled. Its boughs were actually bending beneath their weight of presents, stockings, filled with can dies, and so on, and the beautiful light" all over it, presented an ap pearance really astonishing. The programme of tho evening consisted of exercises among which were dec lamations, dialogues and songs of an appropriate tenor for the occa sion ; tho day school, which is under the supervision of Miss Dack, taking an active part. Finally, and somewhat unexpect edly, in came old Santa Claus, who was of course greeted with the ut most kindness, all being familiar with his errand, who proceeded to relieve the overladen treeot some ot its presents, distributing them in a manner highly pleasing aud gener ally satisfactory to all. The chairman of the meeting was P. W. Henrich. After all was over the audience retired to their re spective homes, the little ones hoping " Santa Tans would tome aden," and all agreeing that the evening was most pleasantly spent. Card orTlmnkx. To the business men of Columbus who made up and presented me with a very generous purse as a tokeu of their appreciation of my official 'ser vices, I desire to return my sincere thanks. It atlbrds mo much pleasure to know that our best citiz us are not unmiudful of the efforts being made by the Police Department in the interest of the City. It shall be my earnes purpose iu the future, as iu the pasf, to faithfully discharge the duties of my office, and to exe cute the trust reposed in me, ac cording to the dictates of my best judgment. John C. McMahon, Chief of Police. To My Friends, Mrs. P. and MrB. S., of Columbus : 3Iay the blessing of God await thee. May the gates of plenty, hon or and happiness be ever open to thee; may no sorrows distress thy days; may no grief disturb thy nights ; may the pillow of peace kiss thy cheek, aud when length of years makes thee tired of earthly jo s, aud the curtain of Death gently closes around thy last sleep of hu man existence, may the Angel of God attend thy bed and take care that the expiring lamp of life shall, not receive one rude blast to hasten ou ita extinction. A Card of Thank. To the many sympathizing friends who so kindly assisted us during the late illness of our beloved children, and the death of our darling little Fraukie, we extend our sincere and most heartfelt thanks. Will. T. Rickly, Mary A. Rickly. ThuulfN. Please permit me publicly to re turn ray thanks to the Superintend ent and young men of the M. E. Sunday school, for the purse and valuable present it contained, pre sented Christmas Eve. JlABY M. Tubxeb, Letter IjInI. The 1'ollowiui; is a list of unclaimed letters reinniiiiii-: in the post-oniee. in Columbus, for the week ending Dee. :&, lb.N): John JSeml.i. K H Klingcr, W H Chamblcy, V K Lester, Julius Curr, F Lecner. J A Cox. T W .McKenney, John D:t Iv, Kreil Toi heek, II Kiekei. Jlichcd Upton, riilnuii .t Olock, G It Van fc.mdt. Tho Henry, HKLD FOR POSTAGK. II. O. Xyburg, New Castle. Penn.; Robert Cr.iwforu, tjci'tield, Penn. Thoe marked " V postal card. If not called Tor in 30 l.i will be sent to the dead-letter otlice, V auington, D. 0. When called for pleae say ""adver tised," a thee tetters are kept"eparatc. E. A. Gkrrard, P. 31. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisement undur this head live cents a line each insertion. Salt Salmon at Bridges. Fresh made tally at Bridges. New Sweet Cider at Hudson's. Phine Phat, Phresh Oysters at Hudson's. Fresh oysters, 30, 45 and 5.1 cts. per can, at Hudson's. A large, new stock of men's aud women's shoes at Win. Schilz's. When you want the finest apples ill the market go to Marshall Smith's. Fresh Figs and Dates at Bridg es New Comb Honey at Hudson's. Repairs, needles and attach ments jf all kinds at tho Singer office. Go to Bridges, and see tho new candy just received, the best in town. Shell-bark hickory nuts at Hud son's. Just received, an assortment of uew uuts lor tho holidays at. Hud son's. Now is your time to save mon ey bv buying C'oaks, Dolmans. Winter Clothing, &c, at Kramer's. Good second-hand machines for sale or trade, as cheap rs dirt, at the Singer office. A box of fresh lemons and a barrel of oranges just received at Bridges. A man found dead at the depot because he didn't buy a genuine Singer sewiug machine.. Fresh celery on hand at all times at Bridges, opposite post-office. New chestnuts, new figs, fresh candies aud sugar toys at Hudson's The best $1.50 men's boot in Columbus, no shoddy, can be bought at Kramer'--'', for $1.25. Bring on your machine to he re paired at the Singer office. All work warranted. Milliners and drermakers, 3'ou can get Young's improved plaitei at the Singer ofliee. Rhode Island Greenings. Bald wins and Northern Spy's by the bbl. or peck, at Marshall Smith's. A now lot of confectionery just received at Bridges. Call and see it, the best in the market. "War among the oysters." Bed rock prices, direct from Baltimore, 30, 40, 50 cents per can, at Hudson's. Cucumber pickles, all prepared, ready for use, 25 cents a gallon de livered to any part of the city. John Taunahill. Platte & Co's celebrated brand of oysters, acknowledged to be the best iu the market, tor sale at Bridge's. I wish to announce to my cus tomers and friends that I cau he found at the Singer office in the dress-making business. Annik Manly. Carter's Little Liver Pills will positively cure sick headache and prevent its return. This is not talk, but truth. One pill a dose. See ad vertisement. For sale at A. Jleintz's drug store. Henry Luers, at the new shop on 11th street, opposite Dr. Heintz's Drug Store, is the best place to get your sleigh runners. He furnishes the neatest style in the city. Husbands, don't you think that your wives would be pleased if you would go to the Singer office and order a good genuine sewing ma chine for the New Year at reduced prices ? Now is a good opportunity. Come and look at our large stock of sewing machines of all kinds. You can have your choice. J. L. Lewis, manager. Pain from indigestion, dyspep sia, and-too hearty eating is relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills immediately alter dinner. Don't forget this. For sale at A. Ileiulz's drug store. Heitkemper & Bro., although they sold a large quantity of goods within the past two weeks, have not yet exhausted their stock, because their purchases have likewise been large- You will find there the hand somest kinds of New Year's presents, which will be sold, as usual, very cheap. ll Dyspepsia in its worst forms will yield to the use ol Carter's Little Nerve Pills aided by Carter's Little Liver Pills. They not only relieve present distress but strengthen the stomach and digestive apparatus. For sale at A. Heintz's drug store. Jo to (. W. Phillips for your arctics. Patent Fire Klndler. Just the thing for these cold morn ings; try them, and 6ee your wife smile. A full supply at Hudson's. Eitray Notice. Taken up, Nov. 25th, a small bay mare pony, five or six years old. The owner will call at Wm. Bacon's, prove property aud pay charges. Itememher That G. W. Phillips makes the neatest boot, works the best stock, and always gives satisfaction. Give him a trial. A Good Ippnrtuuitj. i.ny person desirous of disposing of a good piece of land or town property to an advantage cau do so by calling at this office. Eor .Sale CheapCash or Time. One span good work mares ; one span mare ponies; one large work horse. D. A PERSON. l'or Sale. A complete outfit for iir3t-class saloou, consisting of counter, bar tixturcs, etc. Inquire ot M. Schrani, jr., at Waudcli's old stand. lioolt! Look! Just received at Kramer's New York Ciieap Cash Store 25 cases of men's heavv bouts, iu all sizes, at $1.25. If You Waut A durable boot, if you want a neatr tittingboot, if you waut a boot made in the latest style, give your order lo G. W. Phillip's. Ili'nipleniau lavitalioa. If it's groceries you wlh to buy, Come riijht along and Johnny try. Just call on me at my tine store. And buy a dollar worth or more. 31 y jrooih are good, my prices low, To wait ou you I'll no"t be slow. And everything,. I think, you'll tind, To suit the pocket and the mind, Aud all that any man can do, If you'll just cal'l, I'll do for you. MOXEY TO I.O&JH In Platte and Butler counties at 1) per cent interest, no intorest in advance, nor commission, and money furnished ou short notice. Apply to O. S. Bridges, opp. P. O. A 1VV HloodeU Hull Calves. Tor Malt At Bloomingdale Stock Farm on Upper Shell Creek. These calves are the get of the famous premium bull. Baron Oxford, 13435, N. 5S, V. 11, A. n. B. I will sell them cheap, now, to save the trouble of wintering. Can be paid partly or all in corn or oats. A. Hknrich, Met P. O., Platte Co., Neb. For Thirty Ilnys Preparatory to taking stock, I will sell my entire stock at greatly re duced prices. Heivy stoga. men's boots for $1.25 ; All-wool red flannel, per yd-, 15 cts.; One yard-wide mus lin, per yd., 5 cts; Fancy dress goods, per yd., 6 to 8 cts., and all other goods in proportion- L. KRAMER. New York Cheap Cash Store. Male of an Itr.iy. Notice is hereby given that on Saturday tho 29th day of January, 1SS1, at the residence of W. D. Da vies, in Butler precinct in Platte county, Neb., at 10 o'clock iu the foreuoou, I will otTer for sale to tho highest bidder for cash, one red and white heifer about two years old, aud will be sold as an estray. J. C. Covle, Justice of the peace. Dated 14th, Dec. '80. Sale of Eitray. Notice is hereby given that on Sat urday, the 15th day of January, 18S1, at the residence of Martin Holleriu, in Columbus preciuct, iu Platte county, Neb., at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, one bay colt, supposed to be about two years of age, aud one bay colt to be about two years of age with star in fore head ; said colts to be sold as estrays. G. B. Bailey, Justice of the Peace. Dated November 10th, 1880. 3'otlee Is hereby given that sealed propo sals will "be received at the office of the County Clerk of Platte county. Nebraska, until Tuesday, Januarj 11th, 1881, at 10 o'clock a. m., from physicians, to render medical and surgical aid to the sick paupers of Platte couuty, aud to furnish all medicines and instruments. Coun ty Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. John Staukker, Dec. 7, 1880. Co. Clerk. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head tive cents a line, flrt insertion, three cent a line each subsequent insertion. 3yLiiiidy, the new Artist on Eleenth St., invites all lovers of art to call and examine specimens. SyI have one hundred calves and vearlini: for lale, all Illinois stock. T. Keating. I.umlj- Guarantecs to make the iinept pho tograph" ever in Columbus. Call on him. Cheap. Four pictures for 50 cents, at Lun dy's gallery, for the next 3(1 days. Regular Stock Dealer. All kinds of horned stock bought and sold; also fat and stock hogs. 879-y D. Anderson. Team of IIoim For sale or evchauge lor cattle. M. IC. Turnkr. CarrfiHfcaiMl Spinning:. I have a quantity of wool which I wish to have earde'd and spun within the next mouth. Will pay in wool or c.ish. Call soon, on SI. K. Turner. ICe-openeI. The gallery, formerly occupied by Mrs. Jossclyn on Eleventh St., It now open ?nd undergoing some important changes, and hereafter nothing but strictly lirst-class Photos will be turn ed out. Central meat .Tlurk!. Albert E. Rickly has purchased and i now running the above named market. The nieat-conHUiuing commu nity are solicited to make frequent calls, where thev can get the best and the most for their money. Also dealer in Poultry, Hides, &c, on a small com mission. 511-K. COLUMBUS MAEKET8. Our quotations of the markets ar ob tained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable at the time. ORAIN, AC. Wheat No. 1, testM lb 70 " " 2, " nc " 71" " " 3, M " .. . . c.1 Com Shelled, old of-, Oats, y, Rye .V, Flour, 2 7.r3i .0 Graham 1 TM(k, Jlenl, 1 o PKODUCK. Butter, I722u Eggs, 22g2'. Potatoes, 60&K.-, MKATS. Ham, 121415 Shoulders, (57 Sides, KfalO Corned Ueer eS Steak 212 LIVE STOCK. Fat Hogs, 390(3400 Fat Cattle, l&ha'&Wi Yearlings, .Vj ooftlfi ou Calve 4 oofcKoo Sheep 325 Good veal, per hundred,. 4 w flideb, greeu , 7 CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. jrOTR'K is hcrebv given that lv 1( virtue of n chattel mortgage dated on the 17th (lay id rebruary. A, l) 1S5'J, and duly tiled in the orticeof the County Clerk of Platte county, Nebraska, on the 23d day of February. IjS0. and exe cuted by W..M.Iiiieeii to Win. Stevens, to secure the paj ment ol the turn of One Hundred and twenty-live DoII.tr, and upon which there is now due the silui ot Oius Hundred and tw ciity-tlv e Dollars and sixty cent. :iul Filteen Dollars attorney's fee. Default .bavJajf been made iu the pay ment of aaUl uui, therefore I will se'll the property tlicr.eLn described, viz A dark gray work borm; weighing 10QU pounds, and 4lm"J gray work Twre wefgbing 1HW pound, at public auction in front of Scott' stable In Columbus precinct, in Platte county, Saturday, January 22(1. Ivl, at one o'clock p. iu. of laidil.ty. liENJAMIN SpIKLMAX, Agent for Wm. Stevens. Columbus, Dee. 21, 0. & SHERIFFS SALE. BY VIRTUE of an order of sale di rected to me from the Clerk of the district court of Platte couuty, Nebras ka, on a judgment and adeeree obtained before district court of the Fourth Ju dicial District In and for Platte county, Xebraska. on the 18th day of March, ttiso. in favor of Charle P. Dewey as plaintiff, and agaliut James Compton. jr., nd Priscilla Cotnpton us defend &nt, for the sum of six hundred and tifty-four dollars and lifty cents, and costs taxed at $3b.13 and accruing costs, I have levied upon the following real estate tifcen -is the property of said defendants, to satisfr sihl order of sale, to wit: The east half of the south west quarter of Section number thirty four (31). In Township number eighteen (18) north, of Range one east, in Platte county. Nebraska, and will offer the same ior sale to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, on the 31st dv ov January, a. d., 1830, in front of the west door of the court house, that being the building wherein the last term of court was held, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said diy. Wheu and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated, this 27th Dee. INSO. BKN.I. SPIKLMAX, .)."- Sheriff of said County. xr T v p ra a - . 6 o sw E3 O a H 5 ": - o fcrl a ip 1 o , E : M zz : - 21 S P ?3 9- ? 31 :?i TO 3 15 2 "a If 0 ! 3 ;aJ 2i M 0 - 1 jj Mi J - Z 1" 2 "3-s S "IT i " .s si -: ta ti r - a rg S 1 -a -i.,-3 X 22. a rr m Zo? - m 1 a i-7 35 7 i a ch M Grand Display OF HOLIDAY GOODS AT Among the numerous articles may be enumerated: Celluloid Sets, Albums, Photographic, Autograph Albums, Baskets, Shell Boxes, Picture Frames, Per fumery, Combs and Brushes, and a General Assortment of Toys, all of which will be sold away down. Call and examine. .Vt CARTER'S Little Nerve Pills, -FOB- NERVOUS and DYSPEPTIC MEN AND WOMEN. Every nerrou person should try Carter' Little Nerve Pill, which are made specially lor those who sufler from KervoujaeM, SleepleMaes, Ncrrom and Sick Headache. Weak Stosach, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, &c. They may be used alone or in combination with Carter' Little Liver Pills, and in either eae will givs most prompt and grateful relief. Dyspepst make you Nervous, and Nervousness makes you Dys peptic: either one renders you (pherable, aud these little pills cure both. Price, 35 cents.mSold by Druggists or seat by CARTER MEDICINE CO., New.York. I Have a few Xikb Articles left from My Christmas Trade that will make good Presents XOlt NEW YEARS! And I will close them out cbenp. You can buy borne cboici iire-ents in the way of Autograph and Photograph Albums, Fancy Box Papers, Photograph Frames, Hand and Stand Mirrors, Toilet Sets and Vases, And some other Articles, A REDUCED FIGURE ! If you did not make anyone a Chrlstnim present, call and buy one for Xew Years that will make some of your family happy. A every one knows that It baa been, in the past, to for the coming year the COLUMBUS DRUG 8T0I Will be the leading Druir Store of the town, the county and of Central Ne braska; alwa)ilhe Pionepr, In bringing good goods and novelties to thit market, and while it xelN no poor goods, you can alwny tind lu it- Mock, goods as low a you can buy them here. The only Drug Store In towu where Prescriptions are made a Spe cialty. Ylah you all a happy and prosperous New Year. A. W. DOLAND, Columbus Drugstore. STILLMM'S 0ARTEKS jplTOJE w lm " ai ?r.'vS'"i4.-.ui-sc."''i'j''