The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 22, 1880, Image 3

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WKl'NKSDAY, 1KC. 2i. ISSd.
Communications, to insure insertion
in tlu next io-iit. should he in hand on
Manila:.; If lengthy, on Thursdays
preceding italic-day. Advertisements,
of whatever clas, should lu in hand by
noon, TtUicrtays.
Advertisements under this head 15
cts. h line tirst inM-rtion, 10 etc a line
t-ach hUbseuiUMil iiirertiou.
To Subxcrllier.
Your name, with tiik datk at wnicii
touit MnisuitieuoN km'Ikxs, i placed
on eaeh .Ioukxai. yon receive. A prompt
renewal ir dieoutiniinnee will save the
publishers, holh trouble and expense,
and he better lor all concerned. A re
newal is le.-pectfully solicited. $2 for I
yr.; $1 tor mos.-,"r0 ets. for " mo.
ImI'knaj., with either the lmcriV-tin Ay
ru'HUttrist or Xehntska Farmer $" a yr.,
Ht-iNid. eanh in aihanoe; Joukxal.
awl the Xursery $
Tlio Wonder.
Ulit'Httn&fl jiit'li at Hooker's.
"Merry (Jhriatma to yo all."
I lull' h ton ofemidy nt the Won
der. 'Calico 5 cents a yard at J. H.
PoImiiau & Cort.
(lood winter caps, only IS cents,
at .1. H. Delsintin & Co'e.
Don't forget to eel your Christ
miiH (looda at The Wonder.
Wantkd. Dav boarders at Mrs.
AVinlerboIhiitn's al lf0 a week.
When you want apples don't
forget to go to Mai-Klinll Smith's.
.1. II. DeloiiiHii & Co. will not be
undersold iu anything iti their lino.
The finest and purest Candies.
aUo holiday goodn at The Wouder,
A. .1. Arnold is still selling
goodn at cost, and they are going
K,r family groceries, sugar,
collec, tea, spices, &c, call at Win.
Now i-tlie lime to subscribe
for the JuritxAi., $2 a year, 50 cetits
three months.
Key. Ilcinrich contributes a
Christinas story for this number of
(he .lut'itNAi.
Co to Mrs. M. S. Drake's for
iniUiiteryj,fftiiQy goods, and Parker's
jiHlont tnoljoes.
J. L.Tfrwit", the Singer "Agent,
hai a verv fine delivery wagon, the
nicewt intherburg.
-That.4goo(J.j,cider at-Wm." Beck
er's in ii earl v all gone. Hurry up,
or you won't gel any.
Don't forget to go to the Won
der for your Christmas aud New
Year gifts, Candies etc
r ?
Michigan apples aud cider going
rapMly at Win. Keeker's. Call soon,
before they are all gone.
We will furnish the .Toitrvai.
t? ml the 0aha Weekly Hejmblican,
one yuar.postagc paid, for 1.00.
"Wanted -For good wages. a girl
to do general hou-e work. Enquire
at the residence of LeanderCerrard.
A little circular informs us of
the twentieth anniversary of Itev.
J K. Klliott, and wile, formerly of
thin place.
If anybody wants a goodAf-rm
wagon he should examine IbSpi
quiP.ird at Win. Becker's lire
SasBafrasso for chapped bauds,
and the sure cure for chilblains, for
nle only at Doland's Columbus
Ding Store.
The Brewery is laving in a big
amount of ice, getting it from Ciller's
pond. Now is certainly a good time
i lay it up.
Koit Bknt. A house, centrally
locHted, and suitable for dwelling or
boarding house. Inquire at the
J on its a i. ollice.
--Sastifraswo for chapped hands,
aud the sure cure for chilhaiiiR, for
hhIc only at Doland's Columbus
Drug Store.
A very choice kind of cheese,
the Young America, at Wm. Beck
er's. Those who fancy good cheese
should buy this.
We hear rumors of a woman
being killed (run over) and a con
ductor being injured on the A. & N.
south of Lincoln.
Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual aud work-and-labor, neatly
bound in books of 50 and 100, for
tale at the .lournal office.
Farmers, bring your poultry,
butter and eggs to Lamb's near the
post-otliee, and get the highest mar
ket price in cash for them.
A car-load of choice Michigan
Winter apple cider received at Win.
Becker's this week, which of course
is for sale. If you want cider,
call soon.
As we go to press Tuesday even
ings, we could not last week give
the proceedings of the convention of
treasurers and clerks, which we now
give in full.
Geo. Truman was in the city
Wednesday. He don't approve of
the. Iouknai. office bigu. The next
time he looks at it. he may think
better of it.
One invoice of Christmas goods
all gone, another one this week,
till I for them before they are all
gone, which they are doing like hot
cakes, at the Wonder.
I mut have money, and to get
it 1 will sell boots and shoes cheaper
than auy other place in town. Call
on me at the Boston Shoo Store
oppo-itu the post office.
Class examinations for schools
lu Diet. 1, will take place Thursday
aud Friday. It is expected that an
entertainment will be gives by the
pupils in the near future. v
It is conceded by both riemocrals
aud republicans that .1. L. Lewis
sells more geuuine Singer Sewing
Machines, oils, attachments and
needles than auy other man in the
The Stnle Journal Co. has seat
us a copy ol their new map of Ne
braska. It is a good one. We will
furnish our Journal, the State
.Journal (weekly) and this map of
Nebraska for $3.50 cents.
Those that got their Candies,
Toys ami Fancy Goods last year
wiil remember that The Wonder
Cheap Store, next door to the Post
otfice, was the place where they
could buy the beet goods at the low
est prices.
Nuts, candies and figs at the
Com meal $1. a hundred at
100 old machines w.intcd at tho
Singer oflioe.
It seems thatWBrouclette has
"skipped out." r .
Will. T. Iliekly was reported"
ick ou Monday. r
Good boots $1.50 a pair at J. B.
Delstnan & Co'6. t
1"). A. Willard of Genoa was in
the cty Monday.
Choice Vermont maple syrup at
Marshall Smith's.
New York Buckwheat flour at
Marshall Smith's.
It. C. Moran started yesterday
for West Virginia.
If you want groceries at Omaha
price call ou Lamb.
Atwoods mince-meat for sale
at Marshall Smith's.
A fine lot of citrous and can
dies at Win. Becker's.
John Wermuth is confined to
his room by trickucss.
Good tea, 25 cents a pouud, at
.1. B. Delsman & Co's.
Soapstone griddles for
buckwheats at The Wonder.
A dwelling-house to rent.
quire at the Nebraska House.
A full line of overshoes and
rubber boots at Marshall Smith's.
R. B. Mclntire is able to be
about again, after a serious illness.
Queen City suspenders, for ladies
and children, at Mrs. M. S. Drake's.
Chas. Morse camo down from
the west and went back yesterday.
Mr. Holcomb of tho North Bend
Jiulejicmfent was in the city Friday
on business.
Fott Christmas. Foot-rests, pat
ent .rockers aud easy chairs at F
G'erbcr & Co.
Tho cheapest place in town to
buy your Christmas Goods is at tho
Wonder Cheap Store.
--Step iuto Mrs. M. S. Drake's
millinery establishment and sec
those perforated card novelties.
Mrs. Cain, with her fon Frank
and her daughter Annie, went east
Thursday. We are sorry to lose
Sassafrasso for chapped hands,
aud the sure cure for chilblains, tor
sale only at Doland's Columbus
Drug Store.
Wantkd. A girl who can do gen
eral housework, will fiud a good
place and good wages at Julius
"We see by tho Golden (Colorado)
Globe that J. A. Baker, formerly of
this place, was recently appointed
deputy sheriff.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will give a Martha Washing
ton tea party next Tuesday evening
at the church.
For the best stock, the neatest
fit and the best made custom work,
go to the Boston Shoe Store, oppo
site post office.
M. O'Brien, who has been laid
up with mountain fever since he
returned from the west, was out
again Saturday.
Don't you forget it that A. J.
Arnold is selling clocks, watches,
jewelry and everything in his line
absolutely at cost.
J. Z. Shotwcll's team attached
to a sleigh, ran away Saturday
evening. Mrs. S. was thrown out
and bomewhat iujured.
Major Burgess, of Genoa, was
in the city Thursday. The Major
looks younger in our eyes than he
did five or six years ago.
Some rare, large, fat beeves sold
lately in Chicago at $145 a head.
Frank Gillette has a notion that such
cattle would be profitable to raise.
Fred. Coati's fingers, that were
considerably mashed in a job press
several days ago, are doing nicely,
and will not havo to be amputated.
A. J. Arnold is absolutely clos
ing out at first cost; his goods are
going rapidly, aud those who want'
anything in his line should call soon.
Christmas tree and supper lor
tho Congregational Sabbath-school
uext Saturday afternoon at 5ly
o'clock sharp. An early hour is se
lected for the benefit of the children.
Frank Pudre had a coat and
shirt stolcu out of a buggy Friday
night. It occurred in front of
Kyan's saloon. The coat was found
in a stable near by, but the shirt has
not yet put in an appearance.
Martin Bloedorn, jr., of Platte
Center, while riding on a wagon
load of barrels Friday week was
throwu off, the wheels passing over
one of his feet "and mashing it con
siderably, though not breaking any
The rendition of "Ten Nights in
a Bar-room," Friday evening by the
Columbus Dramatic Troupe, was
fully appreciated by a good audi
ence. Several of our local players
are making for themselves quite
a name.
For Salk. A dwelling-house and
lot in a very desirable part of the
city. Will be sold at a sacrifice, as
the monoy is needed. The house is
new and cost more money than is
asjgcd for both houae aud loL For
father particulars inquire aL the
Journal office.
The petition agaiust the passage
of a prohibitory liquor law is being
circulated tor signatures. Both par
ties, it is understood, are making a
thorough canvass of the Slate, and
the contest in the legislature prom
ises to be among the moat excitiug
of subjects tfcat will come up.
Sam!. A. Russell, Esq., of Wash
ington, Iowa, formerly a citizen of
Cadiz, Ohio, an old-timo frieud, was
in the city a short time last week.
Reminiscences were revived and
discussed with a relish. It is a good
thing to meet acquaintances of this
-Last week Mr. Eckels of New
man's Grove sold to D. Anderson 7
hogs, that weighed 3,300 lbs. aud
brought $130. What other farmer
in Nebraska can beat this for number
of hogs, weight, and proceeds? Talk
right out in 6chool, or foi ever hold
your peace.
It is bur opinion that nobody
should skate upon the Loup. It is
a dangerous and a very treacherous
stream. More than one man has
lost his lite thinking to stem its
switt current. Going through its
icy floor, in the channel would be
almost certain death.
The anti-prohibition committee
have answered tho challenge lo de
bate from the temperance side by
saying in substance, that if the com
munication had reached them at an
earlier day it would have a Horded
them great pleasure to have had a
speaker in attendance, &c.
There was a rumor in town
Monday afternoon that two boys
had been drowned in the Loup, but
we couldn't trace it to any reliable
source. One man we know of went
to the school-house to see if his boys
were there. He knew that there
was safety where they were intended
to be.
Rev. Sherman's third sermon in
the series, "A Lost World," will be
given next Sunday evening. Special
topic, "Nature and .extent of the
loss," including a discussion of the
subjects : "Are men totally deprav
ed?" and "Are we punished for the
sins of Adam?" Everybody wel
come. Mathias Ivoenig started home
drunk last Thursday, riding in the
bottom of the wagon to Mr. Buss's,
where he died. About a mouth ago
he sold his farm tor $1,000, aud we
are told that after paying a $500
mortgage, he has pquaudered the
remainder, excepting $100. He
leaves three motherless children.
Any number of people enjoyed
tho fine sleighing bore Sunday. As
the weather looks now, it would
seem that we are to have a jolly
winter with the snow. We have
our moisthre and breezes from an
easterly direction, while the cold
current is furnished from the wct.
We dou't remember just such a com
bination hitherto.
The Maeunerchor concert Sat
urday night, aajve learn from sev
eral present, was a splendid affair
throughout, those participating do
ing admirably, as they always do
the uew piano lending its full share
to the enjoyment of the occasion.
This excellent society, who do noth
ing by halves, gave a dance, extra,
to those present.
George Henggler has recently
completed a cattle barn, 24x75 feet,
one of the best in the county. This
not only shows the euergy and en
terprise of the young man, but his
thrift, as well. It is a rule, made
more emphatic by every day's ex
perience, that every head of stock,
each one, should have atuplo and
comfortable quarters, aud these the
good stock-grower will provide, as
he has means to do so.
N. D. Jackson, a prominent
young lawyer of Oakdale, Antelope
Co., spent a few days in our city
last week. He was in consultation
with W. S. Geer, Esq , of this city
ou importaut legal business as to
the coming term of district court in
Antelope Co., and supreme court.
We learn that the final papers were
made by him and Mr. Geer, remov
ing a case which waB tried last
summer from Antelope district court
to tho supreme court. We hope the
legal acumen and "learning of our
bar will attract Mr. Jackson and his
brethren many times, and they shall
have our hearty welcome.
On Saturday last we were per
mitted to sco a written challenge
which we were assured was about to
be ent to G. V. Hitics, J. P. Becker,
R. II. Henry. J. G. Higgins and C.
A. Speice, who were a committee
recently appointed at the anti-prohibitory
meeting. The challenge
was in duo form, from the temper
ance organization here, selling forth
that as these gentlemen had been
prominently named in the opposition
movement, aud as there were many
who would like to hear all tho reas
ons for aud agaiust a piohibitory
law to name a man upon their side
to publicly discuss the question.
Scores of people went Wednes
day morning to look at the wreck
near the U. P. depot. The accident
occurred betweeu six aud seven
o'clock, by one train from the west
running iuto another one that was
standing on the track. From in
quiry of passengers we learned that
the engineer had whistled wildly
for "down breaks," but the call was
uot auswered by the sleeping brake
men, aud so the accident happened.
The cngino struck the rear end of
the train, the car being au emigrant
one, but very -fortunately with no
occupant. It was pushed forward
with such force that it mashed to
about midway the timbers, the
seats, everything being broken into
ten thousand pieces. If auy body
had been sitting there it is very safe
to say that the crush would have
mangled aud toru and crushed them
in a moist horrible manner.
Convention of County Clerics.
Pursuant to call the cleR .ind
treasurers of the slate of Nebraska
mot at Columbus ou the 14th of
Decomber, 18S0.
Convention convened at the opera
house and was called to order by J.
Stauffer, of Platte county, and tho
followiug members were in attend
ance : R B. Tussuy, John Peters, S.
P. Bollman, J. A. Cook, J. It. Man
chester, G. C. Kerkow, Geo. II.
Fornsr, J. Greeukranz. J. N. Wise,
Win. Stuefer, Jas. Mortenson, John
Lapalche, F. W. Whitman, Davis,
of Colfax, S. B. Camp, James Bill
ings, Geo. Cornelius, W. S. Whit
more, W. J. Paul, F. W. Grew, Jos.
Mackle, L. E. Cropscy, L. Helmer,
It. I). Silver, Jas. G. Holden, J. Rat
cliff, F. W. Erilz, A. H.Gilmorc, S.
H. Cummius, John Davis, O. Iled
luud, John Stauffer, J. W. Early, C.
II. Slocum, C. Dura, James Led
wich, E. E. Lyle, S. G. Chaney.Chas.
Perkey, L. G. Johns, II. A. Bab
cock, P. Mortenson.
Permanent organization was ef
fected by electing James Lcdwich,
of Saline county, chairman, and John
Davis, of Pawnee county, secretary,
whou the following resolution was
offered aud adopted as the sense ol
this meeting.
Whereas, Experience ha9 demon
strated the tact thai serious defecls
mar the working ol our most im
portant laws, more particularly the
revenue aud road laws to such au
exteut that they are almost imprac
ticable of application to the purpo
ses for which they were framed,
Whkkkas. It is thought that none
are better qualified to poiut out
such defects; or omissions than the
officer who are charged with the
execution of these laws, therefore
be it
Resolved, That this convention ot
clerks aud treasurers adopt such
measures as may secure .such reforms
or additional legislation as will give
to the tax-payers of the state tho
safest and best laws which the wis
dom, born of experience, may die
late. On motion a committee was tp
pointed on order of business, w ho
submitted the following executive
committee of five: L E. Cropey,
J. R. Manchester, J. W. E.nly, L. G.
Johns and James Lcdwich, for dis
cussion of the following subjects
revenue laws, road, blanks and
forms, relating to district clerks,
county and county olficcrs, which
report was adopted after a thorough
exchange of views during the day.
Ou motion a vote ot thanks was
tendered Mr. Early and Slauflerand
other officers of Platte county for
courtesies extended to the members
of the convention.
On motion the secretary was re
quested to furnish a copy of the
proceedings of this convention to
stato papers.
Ou motion the convention ad
journed at 10 o'clock p. m.
John Davis, Sec'.
Thingr of Ilea ii y.
The poet hath it that a thing of
beauty is a joy forever. This must
be the reason why the intelligent
man and the intelligent lady always
admires the beautiful thiugs of this
world, whether it be the starry
heavens, the flowery earth, or the
wonderful works of artful man, who
vies with nature in the creation of
the beautiful. Go to Heitkemper&
Bro's. jewelry store on 11th street,
and sec his unmatched and magnifi
cent array of beautiful things, fit
presouta for the Holidays clocks
and watches of all the best makes,
aud from $5 to $150 ; chains, lockets,
breast-pins, ear-rings, finger rings
for ladies aud gentlemen, and the
nicest and best silver tea sets in the
city. Call aud see the things ol
beauty, which will ho sold as cheap
as they can -be had anywhere.
It is very seldom that tho full
particulars of a railroad accident
can bo ascertained from the author
ities. We have never yet been able
to do so, and long ago ceased try
ing. It is perhaps well enough that
this is so, but it has struck us that
if the truth were given to the news
papers that all concerned would be
the better off. This overland route,
for instance, is getting the reputa
tion ot being a very dangerous one ;
there have beou several bad acci
dents lately, just how bad we have
no presout means of knowing. One
man, a passengor on an cast-bound
train last Wednesday morning, said
that since leaving San Francisco, the
accident of Wednesday made the
fifth ou the trip.
We are in receipt of tho following
letter from A. W. Lawrence, under
dale of December 13th :
Columbus Jounal, old friend :I
left central Nebraska, Nor. 24th.
Reached this city on the 2(!lh. Find
it, as I always have done, very lively,
with a large floating population,
although I think from what I can
see that nearly all- kiudsof business
ib overdone here. One thing that
eats up a good deal of the profits is
the lerriblo high rate of rent. Any
little hole 15x20, without any roof
to speak of, rents quick for $50, aud
any kiud of a business house, from
$150 to $250 per month. The weath
er hero has been very cold, with lots
of snow for the past two mouths,
but is warmer now. There have
about 25 per cent, of the cattle died
already, and I think there will be a
larger loss still before spring. Now
what 1 want is the Journal. I find
that I can't do without it.
Ou Christmas Eve, Friday Dec.
24th, a social dance will bo given by
Engine Co. No. 1, at the Opera House.
Also votes will be taken for the
neatest dressed lady, that will appear
at the daucc; also for the most pop
ular young man in town. Each of
them will be awarded a useful and
costly present. This will be a rare
opportunity' for you, ladies and gen
tlemeu ; therefore make yourself
ready aud attend the ball. Tickets
only $1 a couple.
Some of the citizens of Fullertou
and Genoa had a big fight last week
about the bridge that was erected
some time since over the Beaver
near Genoa, to accommodate what
was believed to be a public highway,
leading from the latter to the for
mer place. Some of the citizens of
Fullerton procured a writ of replev
in, aud levied the same upon the
bridge, tore up the lumber, placed it
on wagons and started for Fullerton,
near where they'intended to place it
on a bridge across the Loup, to ac
commodate travel south to Fullerton.
At this stage of the proceedings the
party was arrested by an olfieer from
Genoa, and taken back the lumber
unloaded aud piled up near tho
bridge, then the party was put on
trial, which resulted in the convic
tion of R. R. Warn and line of $50, E.
H. Staloy $10, Roberts $3 and Mead
$10. The ca.e was appealed, to what
court we did not Icam. This occur
red oi Toe-day and, Wednesday
uight all the loose lumber of the
bridge was et ou fire and burned
up. The kernel of the nut of the
controversy being destroyed, we
don't know where the "filthy lucre"
is to come from to pay the costs and
attorney's fees. The laborers arc
certainly worthy of their hire, aud
will doubtless take care of that
part of it.
We do not see that any of the
State press find fault with the st
prcme court for their decision in
tho Olive case it is presumably
correct, but, as the Hastings JVc
braskun says, the fact will probably
be thai, "this action of the supreme
court will practically result in
Olive's escaping further punishment
tor one of the most atrocious crimes
ever committed in a civilized laud."
Letter l.lxt.
The follnwiinr is a list of unclaimed
letters reuiaiiiiiu; in the post-otlice. in
Colutnhu, for the week ending Dee.
Juli:i lierhard, 1 Komhiinr,
C V Bull, Lizzy Stewart,
Miirra Concrs Will Senium,
.1 Kosan, T Toeheuk,
Marv Co, Cha- K rnagxt,
II .1 Mitehcl', Tho- AVe-tftill,
Ernst M idler. 1 M Waite,
W C Kandolpli, 1. Walker.
TIiom: marked ,' po-tal card.
If not called for in ."() davMill he sent
to the dead letter oiliee. V'ahiiii;ton, I.
C. When e.illed for please say "adver
tised," a, the-e letters are kept'-c parntc.
K. A.(iKRUAKI. 1. M.
IK WIN- Dee. l!)th, at his residence
in iiiillc r Co., of consumption; Freder
ick J. Irwin, aj;ed 19 years.
Adveiti-emeuts under this head live
cent.- a line eaeh insertion.
The Wonder.
Salt Salmon at Bridges.
Fresh made taffy at Bridges.
Now Sweet Cider at Hudson's.
Go to Kramer's for holiday
Phino Phat, Phresh Oysters at
'A5 yards of dark calicos for $1
at Kramer's.
Celery and quinces at Bridges,
always on baud.
Men's winter caps for 15 cents
at Kramer's.
One uniform low price for every
body at Kramer's.
Fresh oysters, 110, 45 and 55 cts.
per can, at Hudson's.
Soapstouo Griddles for your
buckwheats at the Wouder.
A large lino of Bilk handker
chiefs at Galley Bros.
Don't forget to get your Christ
mas Goods at the Wonder.
A large, new stock of men's and
women's shoes at Win. Schilz's.
The finest and purest Candies,
also Holiday Goods at The Wonder.
When you want the finest apple
in the market go to Marshall Smith's.
Fresh Figs and Dates at Bridg
es New Comb Honey at Hudson's.
Repairs, needles and attach
ments of all kinds at (he Singer
(Jo to Bridges, and see the new
candy just received, t lie best in town.
Shell-hark hickory nuts al Hud
sou's. Just received, an assortment of
new niilK for the holidays at Hud
son's. If you want a nice, nobby suit
for the Holidays, at a very low price,
go to Kramer's.
Tho cheapest place in town to
buy your Christmas Goods is at The
Wonder Cheap Store.
Good second-hand machines for
sale or trade, as cheap rs dirt, at the
Singer office.
Remember, we give the lowest
prices on all good of auy house in
the city at Galley Bros.
A man found dead at the depol
because he didn't buy a genuine
Singer sewing machine..
Don't forget to go to The Won
der for your Christmas aud New
Years Gifts, Candies, etc.
Fresh celery oil hand atnll times,
at Bridges, opposite post-office.
Overcoats to fit the smallest boy
and the largest man at Kramer's
New York Cheap Cash Store.
New chestnuts, new figs, fresh
candies aud sugar toys at Hudson's.
Bring on your machine lo be re
paired at the Singer office. All
work warranted.
Just in. A nice line of Ladies
lace handkerchiefs and scarfs, at
Friedhof & Co's., Bonesteel's old
Christmas Holiday goods can
dies, nuts, etc., etc., to be had at
Bridges', opposite the post otlice, as
cheap as the cheapest.
You cau buy toys, albums, furs,
silk haudkerchiefs, slippers, slipper
patterns, cheapest at Kramer's New
York Cheap Caeh Store.
Milliners and dressmakers, you
can get Young's improved plaitcr K
tiie Singer ollice.
Rhode Island Greenings Bald
wins and Northern Spy's by the
bbl. or peck, at Marshall Smith's.
New furs for ladies and chil
dren, very cheap, just received at
A new lot of confectionery jut
received at Bridges. ('all aud'sco it,
the best in the market.
We have just received another
lot of Alpacca Skirls. Call soon if
you wish tho best skirt in the mar
ket at Galley Bros.
New stock and now styles of
Ladies' and children's fur Jiats and
cAps, at Friedhof & Co's., Bone
steel's old stand.
"War among the oysters.' Bed
rock prices, direct from Baltimore,
',10, 40, 50 cents per can, at Hudson's.
Platte & Co' celebrated brand
of oyst rs, acknowledged to be the
best in the market, lor sale at
Men's and Bos Overcoats and
Ulsters reduced from $1.00 to $3.00
each, to elojo out, at Friedhof &
Co's., Buncsteel's old stand.
If yon are tired Inkinir tho largo
old-fashioned griping pills, try Car
ter's Little Liver Pills and take some
comfort. A man can't stand every
thing. One pill a dose. For sale at
A. Heinlz's Drug Store.
I wish to announce to my cus
tomers and friends that I can be
found at the Singer office in the
dresB-niaking business.
Ax me Mani.v.
If yon wish an Overcoat and
want to save money, don't forget to
call ou us as we have bought since
l ho decline on clothing and can give
you bargains. Galley Bros.
The largest line of Indies' Bea
ver Coats and Dplmans in the city
at Galley Bros., which we intend to
close Jan 1st. Call soon, if you wish
L. Kramer, of the New-York
Cheap Cash Store, is sole agent for
the celebrated Selz' boots and shoes.
Kvery.pair N warranted, and should
any pair prove defective, a new pair
is given.
--Prompt relief in sick headache,
dizziness, nausea, constipation, pain
in the side, etc., guaranteed to those
using Curler's Little Liver Pills.
One pill a dose. 25 cents. For sale
at A. Heinlz's Drug Store.
Don't buy a cent's worth of
Holiday goods until you have seen
the elegant assortment of albums,
deskp, fancy paper, calling cards and
toys at Fitzpatrick's. book-store opp
the post-otlice.
In order to reduce my immense
stock of cloaks and dolman's. 1 will
sell until furlher notice a lady's
cloak worth $: fur $1.75; a nice'lv
trimmed fine beaver cloak woith $5
for ill, and all others in proportion.
L. Kramer.
Those that gol their Candies,
Toys and Fancy (Joods lagt year
will remember that The Wonder
Cheap Store, next door to the Post
ofliee, was tho place where they
could buy the best goods at the
lowest prices.
Smart Weed and Belladonna
combined with the other ingredients
used in the best porous plasters,
make Carter's S. W. & B. Back
ache Plasters tho best in the market.
Price 25 cents. Forsaloat A. Heinlz's
Drug Store.
Uo lo
G. W. Phillips for your arctics.
1 1 is a S':i;t.
You can always find the 1tesf as
sortment anil be sure of the lowest
prices at Kramer's.
and go this week to Kramer's New
York Cheap Cash Store to buy use
ful holiday presents.
Clolliin;;! ;iolIiiii-!
Men's heavy Winter Suits from
$4.00 and upwards at Friedhof &
Co's, Bonesteel' old stand.
I'atent I-'ire Iiuller..
Just the thing for these cold morn
ings; try them, and see vour wife
smile. A full supply at Hudson's.
IC-Jrny .fotiee.
Taken up, Nov. 25'h, a Pin-ill bay
mare pony, five or six years old.
The owner will call at Win. Macon's,
prove property and pay charges.
ICemciiiber Tliaf
G. W. Phillips makes the neatest
boot, works the best stock, and
always gives satisfaction. Give him
a trial.
A ioou Opportunity.
Any person desirous (,l .lipo-tin:;
of a good piece ol land or tiwn
property lo an advantage can do so
by calling al this ollice.
Ilor.Sule or Time.
One span good work mares; one
span mare ponies; one large work
ClirUimuw l-'iil-.
We have just received a splendid
line of Gents and Ladies cuff but
tons, Ladies vail pins, setts and
brooches. These are good, and will
be sold cheap, at Galley Bros.
In, Piaffe aud Butler counties
at 9 per cent interest, no interest
in advance, nor commission, nud
money furnished on short notice.
Apply to f). S. Bridges, opp. P. O.
Good Ntoelf.
I have three well-bred young
.Shorl Jlom Hulls for sale at reason
able prices. Fanners desiring to
improve their stock are invited to
call and see them.
J. ii. Rr.Fti.
A t-Y Itloodetl Hull Calve for
At Bloomingdalc Stock Farm on
Upper Shell Creek. These calves
are the get of the famous premium
bull, Rarou Oxford, YM'Xt, N. 5S,
V. 11, A. II. B. I will sell them
cheap, now, to save the trouble of
wintering. Can be paid partly or all
iu corn or oats. A. Ilevuidf,
Metz P. O., Platte Co., Neb.
Doland's Christmas Column!
Do You Ever Make a Present? Do You Know of Any
One Who Wants a Present?
If you do either. ou want to call and .ee my stock. I have the iiiiettlinu of
mmiW&Y G00B8!
Autograph AIIuin .ome new ntj los, and the tinct to he had in the market
IIae got tht ni at all price. You will see soim-thing new iu IhN ela-s of '
goods if jou will examine my stock, l'liotograph Alhunis to uit auy
oneS ta.te. Pocket Celluloid Sett Comb, ISrush and Mirror, iu silk
lined ho.ves omethiii handsome; will make the finest prelum
or anything you can huy in town. Also the Florence Sets
Conih, -ltrush and Mirror, are .siimctlmiK new, cheap and
ver pretty. Pearl Card Case- neat and new ttyles;
alway a nice present Tor a lady. Xe styles 'of
Calling Canb; I'erluine Sett's of Cut Ulass
Hot ties iu Mlk-Iiucd moroceo bottle?, till
l'aliiier's Kxtract: they make the
tincsa present or the kiud
you can pureha-e.
Something pretty. Fancy Ho.v 1'aper; those are uotihr and the prettiest of any
thing jou ever saw ofithis line of goods. Have got a "good IIo.x of Paper (or "
eents anil upward, tiloves and ilaudkerehief- boxes of line ones iu morocco
and other styies. Velvet Frames fur Cahinet Photograph.; Couipasser; Sarkett
Powder by the ounce: Unguent-, or Smelling Hetties; a full line of Hair, Tooth
.ind Nail lini-lio and ''omhs.
The Finest Styles and Assortment of Lamps You Ever Saw
in Columbus; ltracket and Stand Lamps; Hanging Lamp- or d n'erent styles and
p-itteriiN. with plain and orn.ited Shade. What better
present ran iu make than a
White Sewing Machine?
I'hey are the bot Machine made. I am the Airent for them here, anil will sell
them at manufacturers' price. H-ne got a good line of Fancy Work Boxes,
from good mil's made ot" wood to line -ilk-lined morocco boxes. Fancy Paper
Weights, Ink Stand-. Wallet- and 1'ocket I'.ook-; Shaving Mugs. Od'orators,
l'lajiiig Card-, etc. The llncsi line ol Toilet Soap in the eitx ; Ciaar Cases,
Statuette.-, and, iu fact, a full line of Toilet Wood.-. Any one cufatTord to buv a
present of some kind. The-e goods an- the finest and moxt complete line ever
brought to Columbu-, and they will be -old low. No lancy profits will he asked.
Good- for both ricli and poor. It will eo-t no more to buy nice goods than poor
one-, if on will bin tin-in at
If Von Want
A durable boot, if you want a neat
fittiugboot. it you want a bool made
in the latest stvle, give your order to
G. W. Phillip's.
Clothing! Clothing!
1 am soiling bullalo coats, ulsters,
ul.steretles and overcoats of all kinds
at greatly reduced prices. L. Kra
mer, N. Y. Cheap Cash Store.
Sale I nil lf rns.
Notice is hereby given that on
Saturday the :29th day of .Tantian,
ISSl, at the re-ideiice'ot W. I. Da
vies, in lint lei precinct in Platte
county. Neb., at 10 o'clock iu the
forenoon, I will offer for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, one red and
white heifer about two years old,
and will be sold as an estray.
.T. C. CoIe, Justice ol the peace.
Hated 11th, Dec. 'SO.
.Sale of Ivtrnys.
Notice id hereby given that on Sat
urday, the 15th day of January, ISSl,
at the residence of Martin Holleriu,
in Uolutnous precinct, in i lane
count v. Neb., at 10 o'clock
forenoon, 1 will oiler for sa
highest bidder for caeh, one bay colt,
supposed to be about two years ot
age, and one bay colt to be about
two year of age with star in fore
head ; said colts to be sold as estrays.
G. Ii. Bailey,
Justice of the Peace.
Dated November 10th, 1880.
Is hereby given that pealed propo
sals will be received at the ollice o
the County Clerk of Platte count),
Nebraska, until Tuesday, Januarj
11th, ISSl, at 10 o'clock a. in., from
physicians, to render medicil and
surgicnl aid to tho sick paupers ot
Platte county, and to furnish all
medicines aud instruments. Coun
ty Commissioners reserve the right
to reject uiy and all bids.
John Staitfeic,
Dec. 7, 1SS0. Co. Clerk.
The New York City Store,
Friedhof fc Co., Prop r's, Iiuueslcel
Bros, old stand, extends you the
following list of suitable prosentt
for the Holiday trade: Ladies',
Gouts' aud Misses Handkerchief,
plain and colored, from 7t cts. up
wards; Silk Handkerchiefs and
Mnfllers, 10 ets. and up; Ladies
Neckwear. Fichus and Ties, an ele
gant line; Gloves and Mittens iu ah
styles; Dress and Novelty Goods in
all desirable shades; the finest line
of Ladies' Furs in the city; Lidies
Cloaks to be sold regardless ot cost.
Come and sco us. before you pur
chase. Friedhof & Co
AdwrtiM-iiifiite under thi- head tiv
eeiil- a line, lirt insertion, three rent
i line eaeh -ub-eipient iu-ertion.
U--Luiuly, the new Artist on
Hleetit!i St.. inite all lover- ot art
to call and e.imiue .-pel men-.
jteyI have one hundred calves
:rnd callings for -ale, all lllinoi- stock.
T. KkaTIM..
Guaraiitces to make the
tograph- ever iu Columhu.
finest pho
Cailonhim. Cheap.
Four pictures for 50 renfs, at Luu
dj's gallery, for the next .'".l days.
Kegalar Ntnclt Denier.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and sold; also fat aud stock hog-.
a.'i-y I). Anukkmjn.
'l'csmt ol llor.e
For ale or exchange lor eattle.
31. K. Tl'KNKK.
4.-irIin;?3iniI Spiuiiiii;;.
I have a quantity of wool uhieh I
vih to have earde'd and .spun within
the next month. Will pay in wool or
eash. Call onn, on
The gallery, formerly occupied bj
Mr. .'o-elyn on Eleventh St.. is now
open 'and undergoing some important
ehanges, and hereafter nothing bui
strictly tirst-clas Photos will he turn
ed nut.
(Vntnil .Heat .ll-trkcl.
Albert E. Kicklv litis uurchnseil
and i now running the above named
market. The iiieaUeniiMiming eomiou-
niiy aresiineueii in maKe ireUeni eaiu,
u here theV imii "el flu. Ii...i ml l!n-
.... r- .... . ... .. ....
motl tor their money. AIo deulr in
Poultry, Hides, Jte.. on a small com
mission. Wl-x.
(i IC.l IN. AC.
Wheat No. I, test .V lbs ','2
" -. M 7c
" " .:. " ot w
Corn Shelled, old 5
Oats, .
fr'lour, 2753W
liraham , i ,vi(Sio&
Meal, i,
jutler lTCdJ-iO
K'"A, '2'l
Polatous, 50(rtti'
Ham-, l'ijtffilo
Shoulder- C7
Sides M(ifilO
Corned 111 el G4S1
Steak . 'Ugl-iK
Fat H..g- ::yo(3too
Fat Cat t It- "..'VOg3oQ
"i ear!m:. i 004(15 00
Cale- 4 IHKfttiOO
Sheep ,t5
f'ood veal, per hundred, 4 0
Hide-, green tl(7
Grand Display
Among the numerous articles may be
Celluloid Sets, Albums, Photographic,
Autograph Albums, Baskets, Shell
Boxes, Picture Frames, Per
fumery, Combs and
Brushes, and a
Assortment of Toys,
all of which will he sold away down.
Call and examine. Tut
Curo Palpitation of tho Heart, NerrotuxuiM,
Hands and Feet, Pain in the Back, and other
forni of Female WeakncM. They enrich aad
improve the quality of tho Blood, purify aad
brighten the Complexion, allay Nerroas Irrita
tion, and scenre Refreshing Sleep. Just the n-m-cdy
needed by women whooe pale colorlw faces
show the absence ot Iron in the Blood. Remem
ber that Iroa is one of the conaUturuta of the
Blood, and hi the grrat fonts. The Iron Pill
arc aNo valuable- for men who are troubled with
Nervou Wcaknccs, Night Sweat, etc Price, CO
cenXapcrbox. Sent by mall. Addresa,
22 Park Place, New Yoiu
Sold by Druggists everywheru.
Just In. A Large Stock
Fall and Winter
Wm, Hals and Caps,
Mits and Gloves,
srniK hiohkst3iai:kkt ikice
5'&-3ia ruttc Ceutre,"Nsb.