The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 15, 1880, Image 3

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I'nmiininieslloi, t Injure limerlinn
tn tli- nxt ine. hould l? In hand on
.Monday,; if loiitliy, ou Thursdays iMti-dav. Advertisement-.,
of whatever 1imi, should ho in haud Ity
Diion. TucmIsj s.
Advertiseun-ntK under this head IS
cU. a line tina insertion, lOcts. aline
eaith hUbseauc-ut insertion.
To Jinl'rllcr.
Your name, with thk daik at which
on uaeh Journal you rereh e. A prompt
renewal or discontinuance will save the
puhlihhers, both trouble and expense,
Miid tie better for nil concerned. A re
newal in respectfully solicited. i for 1
yr.; ?I lor mos.; W) cts. for 3 nios.
.Iiunai, with either the American Aj
rieultltrist or XebrasLa Farmer $) a j r.,
pn-t-puid, cmhU in advance; .Iouknal,
and the Xursery $.
The Wonder.
Half a Ion of candy at the Won
der. Ntitn, randies and figs at Ihe
-James McDonald is down from
"Wheeler county.
Choice Vermont tnaplc Bvrup at
Marshall Smith'.
Don't for-jet to pet your Christ
muR (lords at The Woudei.
Soapslouc griddles for your
buckwheats at The Wonder.
A dwelling-house to rent. In
quire at the Nebraska House.
Sunday last was about as fine a
day as mortal man could desire.
Want ki. Day boarders at Mrs.
Winterbothain's. at &iT() a week.
When you want apples don't
forget to o to Marshall Smith's.
Queen City suspenders, for ladies
and children, at Mrs. M. S. Drake'n.
The finest and purest Candies.
albo holiday goods at The Wonder,
Justice Jt. Millet has had a num
ber of civil cases befoie
S. C Smith reports several men
from Ohio the past week looking for
A marriage license was issued
on the llih to John Riley and Aga
tha Kula.
r For family jroceries, sugar,
coffee, tea, apices, &c, call at Win.
Quonchaqua's "Shogo"and "Kol
, jlamia" is a sure cure for complaining
David Carrig ha9 added one of
Elliott's wind-mills to his farm im
provements. Sewing machines of all kinds
and descriptions, cheap as dirt, at the
Singer office.
Now is the time to subscribe
for the Journal, $2 a year, 50 cents
three months.
Go to Mrs. M. S. Drake's for
tnilliuerv, faucy troods, and Parker's
patent mottoes.
Gerhard Schutte and family loft
j the city last week for a few mouths,
visit in Wisconsin.
Louis Kramer of the N. Y.
Cheap Cash store came iu from the
west Weduesday last.
Michigan apples and cider going
rapidly at Win. Meeker's. Call soon,
before they are all gone.
Don't forget to go to tho Won
der for your Christmas and New
Year gifts, Candies, etc.
A son of Win. Grant's hail a
pitted ball put through one of his
ears, at Sidney, tho other day.
We will turnisb the Journal
a.nd the Omaha Weekly Rcpuhlirnu,
one year,poslage paid, for fU.OO.
Wantkd For good wages, a girl
to do general house work. Enquire
at the residence of LeanderGerrard.
Irrigation on the Platte, river iu
Colorado is having a very noticeable
e fleet on the stream iu western
Saseafrasfio for chapped hands,
and the sure cure for chilbains, for
sale only, at Poland's Columbus
Drug Store.
If anybody wants a good farm
wagon he should examine the Co
qtiil!ard at Win. Becker's bofore
Sassafrasso for chapped hands,
and the sure cure for chilblains, for
sale only at Dolaud's Columbus
Drug Store.
For Rknt. A house, centrally
located, and suitable for dwelling or
boarding house. Inquire at the
Journal office.
Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual and work-and-labor, neatly
bound in books of f0 and 100, for
eale at the Journal office.
Farmers, bring your "poultry,
butter and eggs to Lamb's near the
post-office, and get the highest mar
ket price in cash for them.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurley, living in
the viciuity of Lost Creek, were pa
tented ou Thursday of last week
with a nice little daughter.
A car-load of choice Michigan
"Winter apple cider received at Win.
Becker's this week, which of course
is for sale. If you want cider,
call boon.
Wanted Respectable place to
teach biua.ll children for board will
pay a dollar a week besides good
recommeBdations, "by lady at Dr.
Polley's. Columbus, Nov. 27.
It is conceded by both democrats
and republicans that J. L. Lewis
sells more genuine Siuger Sewing
Machines, oils, attachments and
needles than any other man in the
The State Journal Co. has sent
us a copy of their new map of Ne
braska. It is a good one. We will
turnish our Journal, the Stole
Journal (weekly) and this map of
Nebraska tor$3.fi0 cents.
Those that got their Candies,
Totb and Faucy Goods last year
will remember that The Wonder
Cheap Store, next door to the Post
office, was the place where they
conld bay the best goods at the low
est prices.
Corn meal $1. a hundred at
Chas. Zeigler is iu Utah pur
chasing cattle.
New York Buckwheat flour at
Marshall Smith's.
Mrs. O. L. Baker is visiting
Irieuds at Omaha.
Born. Thursday last to Mrs.Wm.
Klock, a daughter. .
If you waut groceries at Omaha
prices call on Lamb.
Jno. B. Finch will lecture on
prohibition, Dec. 23d.
Service iu the Episcopal church
Sunday next at 11 a. m.
W. N. McCandlish of Creston
was iu Ihe city Saturday.
Dr. Siggim ol Omaha spent sev
eral days iu the city hint week.
Rev. S. P. Bellman and John L.
Peters, oi Albion arc iu the city.
A full line of overshoes and
rubber boots at Marshall Smith's.
N. J. Paul, Treas. Howard
county, is attending the convention.
W.T. Callaway of Butler count v
was iu the citj Friday, on business.
Mrs. Wilsey a lady aged 71 years
died iu Butler county Sunday week.
The next Congregational socia
ble will be Watch-Night, Dec. 3lBt.
Just opening, a choice stock of
no lid ay Goods at Stillman's Drug
Weber & Kuoble, purchased at
Uljses a lar-load of corn at 22 ctp.
per. bushel.
S. O. Raymond returned Sat
urday trom Colorado, with three
car-loads of cattle.
The cheapest place iu town to
buy your Christmas Goods is :il the
Wonder Cheap Store.
The Journal is somewhat
crowded for space, just now, owing
to the rush of advertisements.
Stop iuto Mrs. M. S. Drake's
millinery establishment and see
those perforated card novelties.
A. M. Post, Esq., returned last
Thursday from a short visit to Lin
coln. He repoits tho capital city
Saxsafrasso for chapped hands,
and the sure cure for chilblains, for
sale only at Dolaud's Columbus
Drug Store.
Coxckrt. The Maenncrchor will
give a concert at their Hall on 11th
street, Saturday evening next. De
cember lSth.
Wantkd. A girl who can do gen
eral housework, will find a good
uliice and trood waea at Julius.
Clint. DeMoss is around again
after a long siege of sickness, and
will soon be able to attend to busi
ness as of yore.
Service in the Episcopal church
ou Christmas at 11 a. in., and the
Sunday school festival iu connection
with the service.
A petition for, and a remon
strance against the cutting up and
sale of the Eugiue House square is
being circulated.
Social at the M. E. Church this
evening. Plenty of oysters, and a
good social time expected. All are
cotdially invited.
Chas. Huber returned from
Carbon Saturday. He lays by a
sung little sum of money from his
brief western sojourn.
Charles A. Brindley was, "on
Monday last, appointed deputy sher
itl'. Charley will understand the legal
functions of that office.
C. E. Bowlsby, wife and child,
came down last week from the Black
Hills. Mr. Bowlsby and wife have
friends living near this city.
A. J. Arnold is absolutely clos
ing out at first cost; his goods are
going rapidly, and those who want
anything iu his line should call soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jenkins, of
Madison county came to the city one
day last week. Mrs. Jenkins will
remain iu the city for some lime,
visiting friends.
George Spooner came up from
Lincoln Saturday, on a business trip.
He has temporarily quit brick-laying,
and has a situation at the B. &
M. round house.
One invoice of Christmas goods
all gone, another one this week.
Call for them before they are all
goue, which they are doing like hot
cakes, at the Wonder.
John TanuahHI last week pre
sented us with a collection of beau
tiful flowers. It was a rare sight,
while cold winter withered and
blighted every flower outside.
It was not our weather repor
ter's fault, but our own, that the re
port for November was not pub
lished earlier. Notice some inter
esting predictions of the great
weather prophets.
Quite a number of the County
Treasurers and Clerks of the State
met at the Opera House yesterday
morning. We suppose that their
object is a move towards a revision
of tho laws concerning their duties.
Please watch closely the fine,
large display of lamps and lamp
goods at Brainard's People's Drug
Store, opposite the post office. Re
member the price will be made the
lowest. Fine holiday goods 6oon
to arrive.
Elder A. J. Cudney will give a
course of lectures at the Beau school
house, commencing Thursday even
ing, Dec. 16th. Prophecy ; existence
of Satau; modem spiritualism; the
Millenium ; filial abode of the saints,
are amoDg the subjects.
Born. December 3d, to Mrs.
Theodore Fried hof, a sou.
Warren Kellogg came down
from Grand Island Monday and re
turned yesterday. Railroadimrmust
agree with him.
A. P. Wilson, late saloon keeper
on Olive St., lelt the city Monday
morning, without liquidating sev
eral obligations, here and there..
-Dr. McAllister guarantees to do
the best work iu bis Hue that is done
iu town, or will make no charge for
trying; and has by far the best outfit
for first-class work. Call and 6ee.
Dr. McAllister h:i6 been urged
by quite a number of citizens to start
a dancing school in this place, and
will do so if a sufficient number will
"join hands and circle round." All
interested should call at his office
at once.
For Salk. A dwelling-house and
lot iu :i very desirable part of the
city. Will be sold at a sacrifice, as
the money is needed. The house is
new and cost more money than is
asked for both house and lot. For
further particulars inquire at the
Journal otlice.
Peter Anderson, of Ft. Collins.
Colo., spent several days in tho city
the past week visiting his brother
of the 11th street Bank. We found
him a very genial gentleman and
acquainted with some of our old
time friends who have cast their lot
iu Colorado.
"A Lost World" is tho subject
of a scries of sermons by ltcv. Sher
man. Last Sunday evening the
special topic was, ,;The World as
God made it." Next Sunday even
ing, "Has the World been lost! If
it has, how and where was it lost?"
Service begins at 7:lf. Doubters
and unbelievers arc invited, and
everybody will be welcome.
Merry Christmas! Ship Ahoy !
All are invited to meet at the M. E.
church, Friday evening, Dec. 21th,
to greet Santa Clans as he arrives
with a ship-load of presents for all.
All who wish to seud presents to
their friends by (his ship, will leave
them at the M. E. church during the
day of the 21th, where a committee
cau be found to receive them.
A communication from D. C.
Harrison of Butler county, tolls us
that county will send up to tho leg
islature next mouth a petition asking
for a law restricting, reducing and
regulating railroad tariff on freight
and passengers. Being a matter of
Slalo interest, he asks that other
counties join iiiitlcr iu such a peti
4ion, and keep the ball rolling.
We are informed that Pat. Mur
ray has "planked down'' the nmnuut
of the judgment against him as late
treasurer of school distriit No. 3,
and now there seems to be some
trouble over the money. We don't
know what it is, but we do know
that district No. 3 has become some
what famous in the school auuals of
old Platte. The judges of the Su
preme Court doubtless think that
district 3 has a lengthy record.
On Christmas Eve, Friday Dec,
24th, a social dance will be given by
Kngino Co.No. 1, at Ihe Opera House.
Also voles will be taken for the
neatest daessed lady, that will appear
at the dance; also for the most pop
ular young man in town. Each of
them will be awarded a useful aud
costly present. This will be a raro
opportunity for 3'ou, ladies and geu
tlcmcu; therefore make yourself
ready and attend the ball. Tickets
only $1 a couple.
In many of the eastern states the
young ladies have formed "Cooking
Societies." From the manner in
which they are being conducted we
believe they will prove of great val
ue to our young ladies, not only in
the eastern but western states. They
hold their meeting at some friend's
aud spend time in social chat as to
best methods of cooking, etc., and to
each member is assigned the cooking
aud preparing of a certain articlo of
food ; the supper thus prepared is
partaken of, and then comments and
criticisms from the members follow,
and iu. this way the best possible
method of cooking is learned. By
our exchanges we learn that tho
young ladies of Cadiz, Ohio, our
former home, have organized such a
society. We never thought much
about the matter, but never dreamed
that the mothers of the young ladies
of Cadiz had neglected the education
of their daughters in the culinary
Last week one of our colored
brethren (of whom there are not
many iu this county,) got into
trouble. His name is Chas. Tyloan.
Ho had a hearing Thursday night
last before Jii6lice J. E. Tasker of
Platte Ceuter on a charge of stealing
wheat and corn from P. II. Kelley,
and was held to answer for tho
charge at the next term of the dis
trict court. With the same man
were found the articles that have
been missing for the last two weeks
from the residence of C. A. Speicei
Esq. Mr. Speice had befriended
him in several ways, helping him to
s yoke of oxen, then a wagon, and
it is asserted for a fact that the very
first load the negro hauled in his
wagon consisted of plum and peach
butter, preserves, eggs, etc., pur
loined from Mr. Speicc's cellar.
John Huber says that notwithstand
ing all this base ingratitude ou the
part of the negro, to call it by no
worse a uamo, when he aud Speice
were a considerable distance away
from the house, returuiug with the
stolen goods, Mr. S., called upon the
negroe's wife to come and get the
eggs, saying that he wouldn't carry
iheui back again.
Wrntlicr Report.
Beview of the weather :;t Gouoa,
for the month of November, 1SS0:
.Mean tcnini-raturc of 1110., deji's
.Mean do of same 1110. last year ....
Highest do on the llth, deg's
Lowest do on the 'JUstd (.-:' below
Ordinarily clear days
Very cloudy days ,
HiKh winds days..
(.'aim days
Jlaiu fell portion-; of days
Inches of rain or melted snow....
do of same 1110. last year
Inches of snow during the roo
Prevalent winds during the mouth
W. by N.W. to N.
Solar Halos 3d, 11th, Will.
Lunar Halos 11th, 13th, Kith, lSlh.
Meteors on the 2d.
Mirage 13th, 20ih.
Parhelias Hth, 19th, 25th.
Luuar coronas llth, 18th.
The mouth just passed has beeu
an unusually cold one, tho mean
temperature being 12 degrees below
that of the same month last year aud
(5 degrees below tho lowest mean
for November in the past five years.
Iu this connection I append tho fol
lowing predictions for the balance
of the winter from two of our noted
weather prophets iu reply to queries
addressed to them by parlies in
Leavenworth. Kansas:
Montukai., Canada, Sept. '22, "SO.
Dxai: Sirs: I expect December,
(latter part), January, and March
will give us most snow, December
and January the greatest cold. Feb
ruary looks warm, and snow may
rapidly disappear during that month.
Au early Spring. Ice crop good.
Yours truly, Henry G. Vknnor.
St. Lauvkuk dks Montagues,
Province of Quebec, Oct. 7, 1SS0.1
Dear Sirs: 1 expect tremendous
snow-falls as far to the southward
as Washington, D. C, and westward
beyond Chicago, toward the end of
December and New Year's, and
again iu proximity to the 8th and
J)th of January.
Very wintry weather, with snow,
here this week. Yours truly,
Henry G. Vennor.
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. '21. 18.s0.
Gentlemen: Since the
current year is the commencement
of a period of more than unusual
disturbances, which will not attain
its maximum until the end of 1SS2,
therefore my opinion is that the
coming Winter will be charactri i.ed
by great and sudden changi s in
atmospheric pressure, and, conse
quently, by heavy precipitation
thai is, heavy rains iu the South and
heavy snows iu the North, with gen
erally extreme low temperature.
Yours truly,
John H. Tick.
The Two Routes to San Francisco.
The following table shows the
relative distances from the Missouri
river and Colorado points to the
Pacific Coast, via the Union Pacific
and Central Pacific line, and via the
proposed Southern route, now near
ly completed :
2.0! KJ
2.0 K
Omuhu. Nebraska, to San Francis
co via the Union l'aeifie
Atchison, Kansas, to San Francis
co via the Southern route . ...
DlnVrenec in favor of the Union
Pacific ... ...
Kansas City, Mo., to San Franci
co via the Union Pacific, thro'
Denver ....
Kansas City, Mo., to San Francis
co via the Southern route ...
Dirt'erence in favor of the Union
Denver, Colo., to San Francisco
via the Union Pacific ....... .
Denver, Colo., to San Francisco
via Southern route:
via Trinidad and I). & K. (5.
Hail way
via La Junta and A. T. fc S.
F. K. U .
Difference in favor of the Union
via Trinidad '. ...
via La Junta
Leadville, Colo., to San Francis,
co via Union Pacific
Leadville, Colo., to San Frunci.
co via Southern route
Ditlcicncc in favor of the Union
Pueblo, fiolo., to San Francisco
via Union Pacific
Pueblo. Colo., to San Francisco
via Southern route ,...
Difference iu favor of the Union
Omaha Republican.
Letter 111.
The following is a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-otlice, in
Columbus, for the week ending Dec.
11, 18S):
Mack, Fred Meckcnsted, F
Ballard, D A Marsek, John
Casey, Mary Oman, K J
Corder, John Pomfret, W C
Fluhmau, John Sprague, II W
Jackson, Mina Sohirrman, G
Those marked " ,' postal card.
If not called for in SO days will be sent
to the dead.letter office, Washington, D.
C. When called for please say "adver
tised," as these letters are kept'separate.
E. A. Gerruid, P. 31.
Is hereby given that scaled propo
sals will be received at the office of
the Count' Clerk of Platte county,
Nebraska, until Tuesday, January
llth, 18S1, at 10 o'clock a. in., from
physicians, to render medical and
surgical aid to the sick paupers of
Platte county, and to furnish all
medicines aud instruments. Coun
ty Commissioners reserve the right
to reject any and all bids.
John Staukfer,
Dec. 7, 1SS0. Co. Clerk.
Jno. M. Honahau is up and
around again, after a spell of sick
ness lasting eleven weary weeks. He
has been afflicted with rheumatism,
and the pain at times has been so
excruciating that he believes he
could not possibly have eudured it
except for the injection of morphine
into the affected parts.
A Tew Illootled IIhII Calves Tor
At Bloomingdale Stock Farm on
Upper Shell Creek. These calves
are tho get of the famous premium
bub, Baron Oxford, 13435, N. 58,
V. 11, A. IT. B. I will sell them
cheap, now, to save the trouble of
wintering. Cau be paid partly or all
in corn or oats. A. Henrick,
Metz P.O., Platte Co., Neb.
ire..s for Male.
We have for sale the hand-press
upon which ihe Journal (present
sizo) has beeu heretofore printed. It
is a seven column folio Washington
preBB and in good order. Price .1C0
cash. Address M. K. Turner & Co.,
Columbus, Neb.
A Christmas Tree for a araall fam
ily. Inquire at this office.
Advertisements under this head five
cents a line each insertion.
The Wonder.
Salt Salmon at Bridges.
Fresh made taffy at Bridges.
New Sweet Cider at Hudson's.
Go to Kramer's for holiday
Phine Phat, Phrcsh Oysters at
35 yards of dark calicos for $1.
at Kramer's.
Celery and quinces at Bridges,
always ou hand.
Men's winter caps for 15 cents
at Kramer's.
One uniform low prico for every
body at Kramer'.
No. 1, fresh milch cows for sale
by Jno. Fitzpatrick.
Fresh oysters, 30, '15 and 55 cts.
per can, at Hudson's.
Soapsioue Griddles for your
buckwheats at the Wonder.
A large line of silk handker
chiefs at Galley Bros.
Don't forget lo got your Christ
mas Goods at the Wonder.
A large, new stock of men's and
women's shoes at Wm. Schilz's.
The finest and purest Candies,
also Holiday Goods at The Wonder.
When you want the tiuesl apples
in the market go to Marshall Smith's.
Fresh Figa and Dates at Bridg
es New Comb Honey at Hudson's.
Go to Bridges, and sec tho new
candv just received, the best iu town.
Sholl-bark hickory nuts at Hud
sou's. dust received, an assortment of
new nuts for the holidays at Hud
son s.
If you want a nice, nobby suit
for the Holidays, at a very low price,
go to Kramer's.
The cheapest place in town to
buy your Christmas Good"? is at The
Wonder Cheap Store.
Keniembcr, we give the lowest
prices on all goods of any house in
the city at Galley Bros.
Don't forget to go to The Won
der for your Christmas and New
Years Gifts, Candies, etc.
Fresh celery on hand at all times
at Bridges, opposite post-ollico.
Overcoats to fif tho smallest boy
mid the largest man at Kramer's
(w York Clieaii Cash Store.
New chestnuts, new figs, fresh
candies and sugar toys at Hudson's.
Just iu. A nice line of Ladies
lace handkerchiefs aud scarfs, at
Fried hof & Co's.,- Bonesteel's old
Christmas Holiday goods can
dies, nuts, etc., etc., to be had at
Bridges', opposite the post office, as
cheap as the cheapest.
- You cau buy toys, alliums furs,
silk handkerchiefs, slippers, slipper
patterns, cheapest at Kramer's New
York Cheap Cash Store.
Rhode Island Greenings, Bald
wins aud Northern Spy's by the
bbl. or peck, at Marshall Smith's.
New furs for ladies and chil
dren, very cheap, just received at
A new lot of confectionery jtif
received at Bridges. ( 'all and see if,
the best iu tho market.
Wo havo just received another
lot of Alpacea Skirts. Call soon if
you wish the best skirt iu the mar
ket at Galley Bros.
New stock and now styles of
Ladies' and children's fur halsand
caps, at Fried hof & Co's., Bone
steel's old stand.
Platte & Co's celebrated brand
of oysters, acknowledged to bo the
best in the market, for sale at
Mou's and Boy's Overcoats and
Ulsters reduced from $1.00 to $3.00
each, to close out, at Fricdhof &
Co's., Bones tool's old stand.
If you 'wish an Overcoat and
want to save monoy, don't forget to
call ou us as we have bought since
tho decline on clothing and can give
you bargains. Galley Bros.
The largest lino of ladies' Bea
ver Coats and Dolmans In the city
at Galley Bros., which wo intend to
close Jan 1st. Call soon, if you wish
L. Kramer, of the New York
Cheap Cash Store, is solo agent for
the colebrated Sel.' boots aud shoes.
Every pair is warranted, and should
.any pair prove defective, a new pair
is given.
Carter's Little Liver Pills are
free from all crude and irritating
matter. Concentrated medicine only
very small; very easy to lake; no
pain ; no griping; no purging. For
sale at A. Hcintz's Drug Store.
In order to reduce my immense
stock of cloaks and dolman's, I will
sell until further noticn a lady's
cloak worth .$3 for $1.75; a nicely
trimmed fine beaver cloak worth $5
for $3, aud all others iu proportion.
L. Kramer.
Ministers, lawyers, teachers and
others whose occupation gives but
little exercise, should use Carter's
Little Liver Pills for torpid Liver
and biliousness. One is a dose. For
sale at A. Hcintz's Drug Store.
Women with pale, colorless faces
who feel weak and discouraged, will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron Pills, which
are made for the blood, uerves and
complexion. For sale at A. Hcintz's
Drug Store.
Those that got their Candies,
Toys and Fancy Goods last year
will remember that The Wonder
Cheap Store, next door to the Post
office, was the place where they
could buy the best goods at the
lowest prices.
The Celebrated Hanna Wagon,
the lightest running, the most dura
ble, in fact, the very best wagon on
wheels. Prices: 3x9 inch skein,
$73.00, 3l4xl0 inch skein, $75.00,
3x11 inch Bkein, $7800. Liberal
discount off for cash. For sale by S.
A. Hanna, office at the Hammond
House, Columbus, Neb,
It i a I'acl.
You can always find the best as
sortment and be sure of the lowest
prices at Kramer's.
and go this week to Kramer's New
York Cheap Cash Store to buy use
ful holiday presents.
Clothing! Clothing'!
Men's heavy Winter Suits from
$1.00 and upwards at Fricdhof &
Co's, Boncstoel's old staud.
I'll tent I'ire Itimllor.
Just the thing for these cold morn
ings; try them, and see your wife
smile. A full supply at Hudson's.
121 ray 3'olice.
Taken up, Nov. 25th, a small bay
mare pony, five or six years old.
The owner will call at Win. Bacon's,
prove property and pay charges.
A tiiooil Opportunity.
Any person desirous of disposing
of a "good piece of land or town
property to an advantage can do so
by calling at this office.
Clothing: 4'lofliiupr!
I am selling hufialo coats, ulsters,
tilstercttesand overcoats of all kinds
at great I v reduced prices. L. Kra
mer, N. Y. Cheap Cash Store.
HorSnlc CHienpCnwIi orTiiur.
One span good work mare? ; one
span mare ponies; one large work
Fifteen grain sacks, between (lots
chalk's aud Young's residences.
Finder will be si.itablv rewarded.
F. Gerber has added to his furni
ture business that of undertaking.
Collins of all styles may be found at
hii place, north side of llth street,
opposite his furniture store.
MirNliii:i 4il't..
We have just received a splendid
Hue of Gents and Ladies cull' but
tons, Ladies vail pins, setts and
brooches. Thee are good, and will
be sold cheap, at Galley Bros.
iioi:y 'ao 1.0jn;
In Platte aud Butler counties
at J) per cent interest, no interest
in advance, nor commission, and
money furnished on short notice.
Apply to (). S. Bridges, opp. P. O.
f'ood Slock.
T have three well-bred young
Short Horn Hulls for sale at reason
able prices. Fanners desiring to
improve their stock are invited to
call and see them.
J. ii; Beep.
S:iI ol sin I"-trny.
Notice is hereby given that on
Saturday the 2!)ih day of January,
1SSI, at tho residence of W. D. Da
viei, in Butler precinct in Platte
county. Neb., at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon, I will offer for ale fo tho
highest bidder for cash, one red and
while heifer about two years old,
and will be sold as an est ray.
J.-C. Covin, Justice of Ihe peace.
Dated llth, Dec. 'SO.
A Card.
Farmers, business men and me
chanics, f you want a neat-titling,
durable boot or shoe, give me a trial.
I have secured one of the best work
men iu (he .-'t!itc,aud will iruarautec
to make a better sewed boot than
any shop in town. I work nothing
but the best of stock, anil will war
rant a fit iu every particular. A
trial will convince you that I mean
what I say.
By-Thirtcenl'i St., one door west
of M. Smith. G. W.
Sstle ol 3".lrays.
Notice is hereby given that on Sat
urday, the 15th day of January, JSS1,
at the residence of Martin HoIIeriu,
iu Columbus precinct, iu Platte
county, Neb., at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon, I will oiler for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, one May colt,
supposed to be about two years of
aire, and one bay colt to be about
two yea i5 of age with star in fore
head ; said colts to be sold as est rays.
G. B. Bailkv,
Justice of the Peace.
Dated November 10th, 1SS0.
The bv York City Store,
Fricdhof & Co., Proprs, Bonestcel
Bros, old stand, extends you the
following list of suitaole presents
for the Holiday trade: Ladies',
Gents' and Misses Handkerchiefs,
plain and colored, from 5 cts. up
wards; Silk Handkerchiefs and
Mufllcrs, 10 cts. and up; Ladies'
Neckwear, Fichus and Tie, an ele
gant line ; Gloves and Mittens iu all
styles; Dress and Novelty Goods in
ail desirable shades: the finest line
of Ladies' Furs iu the city; Ladies
Cloaks to be sold regardless of cost.
Conic and see us. before you pur
chase. Friedhof & Co.
.Bnt the Xliiiijr 2'or VIralia.
G. Heitkcmper A, Hro. have re
ceived a lot of fine Silver patented
dust proof watch eases; they are
fitted up with fine Waltham move
ment, aud are so constructed that
thpy will not let any dust in, even
no water; they can bo warranted
for 5 years, and only cost a little
more thau the ordinary watches.
Parties wishing to buy a watch
should not fail to call at the Eleventh
Street Jewelry Store to see them;
they will also find the largest stock
of everything in the jewelry busi
ness in Columbus, Neb., and lower
prices. Give us a trial.
G. Heitkemi'ei: & Bito.
Advert i.-emeiit under thi head live
cents a line, firt insertion, three cents
a line. ca-b subsequent insertion.
fiST-Lundy, the new Artist on
Eleventh St., invites all lover.- of art
to call and examine spceinfeiis.
S?I have oiie hundred calves
and yearlings for sale, all Illinois stock.
T. Kkatixo.
Guarantees lo make the finest pho
tographs ever in Coluuibijo. Call on him.
To exchange harness for 100 tons
of hay. 549-4 M. II. White.
A pocket -book and contents found
la-t Satunlav in this citv.
Four pictures for 50 fonts, at Lun
ily's .'allcry, for the next (M clay.-..
Itejrular Stock Dealer.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and sold; al ftit and toek hoss.
ST!- D. A.N'DKl'SON.
Team ol Ilor..ow
For ale or exchange lor cattle.
M. K.Tuknkk.
Car'liii': ami Spinning:.
1 have a quantity of wool whieh I
vih to have canted and spun within
the next month. Will pay in wool or
oali. Call soon, on
31. Iv. TURNKi:.
The gallery, formerly occupied b
Mrs. Jnyselyn on Eleventh St.. i now
open and uiideroinir omc important
eh:iii!e., and hereafter nothing hut
-trietly lir-t-ela.ts Photos will he turn
ed out.
Central ."float Market.
Albert E. Biekly has purchased
and is now ruiiuini; the ahove named
market. The nicat-cousumim; commu
nity are olieited to make frequent eaIN,
where they can get the host and the
mot for their money. AI-o dealer in
Poultry, Hides, -e on a small eoni
initnn. ,"H-x.
Ioli' To 'lVachcr.H.
I will be iu my ollico at the Court
lIone on the tir.-tand lat Saturdav sot
eaeh mouth for the purpose of examin
ing applicant.- for tcaehrr's certificate,
and fur the transaction of any other
liuincss pertaining to m'IiooN.
S. L. I'akkktt,
County Mipt.
rlolic; ol Ii.-.olulioi.
Notice is hereby given that the
partner-hip heretofore exi-timr le
tween O. V. Mine and .1. C Kchol.,
iindci the linn name of lline- .t HcIikN
is thi- day di. olved by mutual consent.
AM account- iw the linn will he paya
ble to .1. C. MehoN. who will aNo he
ropon-ihle for tin- liabilities of the
linn. .). ('. Kchol- has taken iu partner-hip
with him Kd. Davi.- ol tlii.s citv,
and the liu-iue.- will hereafter he eon
ductod under the firm name of Kchol.- ,V
Davi- at the old stand ou l'Jth street.
rVot4'i' to tin I'tihllc
The undersigned. (J. Heitkcmper
& ISro., are -c lling Watches, Clock.- and
.lewelry cheaper than anybod el-e iu
Coltimlni-. We are not selliui; at co-t.
we can not afford it. hut nevertheless
we sell cheaper than those who sell a I
cost, AVe buy our good.- nio-tly for
ca-h. and get, a- everybody know-, a
rood ca-h di-couut. We .-ell tric"th
for eas . and don't make any bad debt-":
con-equently we can sell cheaper than
.my other jeweler in Columbus. We
have the largest a.-ortmcnt, and assure
the public that they will lie benefited
b calling before they buy and examine
our stock. We will always sell cheaper
than others, even when they -ell at co-l.
An ordinance to restrain and pro
hibit gambling and gambling houses
within the limits of the city of Co
lumbus. 7V it arihiinetl hy the Mttynr and Cmn
ci( rfthe Citjjvf Columbus, A'eliranka:
Section I. That it .shall be un
lawful lor any person or person.
within the limit- of the city of ('
lumbii's to set up or keep any jsmi
hling house, table, or room or phieo
whatever, or any gambling device ol
any kind, form which
any game of chance shall be played
for money or properly, or other val
uable thing; and it .shall be unlawful
for any person to suffer or permit aiiy
such gambling device to be set up or
used in or upon any prseiuises or ten
emeiits belonging to or under the
control of such person for flu purpose
of gambling as aforesaid.
Urc. 2. It .shall be unlawful for
any person or persons within tho
limits of the city of Columbus to en
gage in gambling, or to play any ganie
or games of chance of any character
with cards dice, or any ojier device
or means whatever, for money or
other valuable thing, or for any thing
npresiiiiug money or value.
Sec. :5. It shall be unlawful for
any keeper of any licensed place for
the sale of Malt, Spiritous, ami Vin
ous liquors or keeper or any billiard
hall or bowling alley or other place
of public report within the city of
Columbus, to engage in or permit in,
at, or about said place, any gambling
or playing at games of cfiaine with
any device or means whatever, for
money or other valuable filing.
Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful for
any person within said cily to visit
or frequent or loaf about any room or
place wherein gambling and playing
at games of chance for money, or
articles representing money, or prop
erty, is conducted or permitted, know
ing the same to be such gambling
place, or to induce any other person
to visit or frequent any such gambling
place; and every person so offending
shall be deemed guilty of a misdi"
ineanor, and on conviction thereof
shall be .subject to the penalty here
inafter provided.
Sec. o. Any person violating niiv
of the provisions of thi- ordinance
shall, upon conviction thereof, In
filled in any sum, not les than ten
nor more than oue-huudrcd dollars
for each offense, and shall be commit
ted to jail until .such fine and fonts of
pro.-eeutioii are paid.
Sec. 0. That all ordinances and
parts of ordinances inconsistent or in
conflict herewith be and the same are
hereby repealed.
Sec. 7. This ordinaiii-c shall be iu
force and take effect from and after its
pa-sage, approval, and publication ac
cording to law.
Approved December, 7th, 1880.
J. P. BEOK!"Kf
Attest, Mavor.
II. J. Hudson,
Clerk. oo.''-lt
Our limitations of the markets ani ob
tained Tuesday arteriioou.aiid are correct
and reliable at the time.
(IK.UN, au.
Wheat No. I, tust.Vl lb-
" " ., :a ,vj"
" "J " V - -.-
Corn Shelled, old ..., ...... 23
':its, : a;
' co
Flour, $ 7.-)(g ;,o
f'raham 1 ."tOiftifA
."teal, 120
Hutter, '. 1M6H1I
KltK", 3)W'i!
Potatoes, .".lltfiilO
Hams, VmiUf
Shoulders, i;4$7
Sides, XH)10
Corned ISeef t ((it
Steak "fil-iVi
Finishing : $ .'ainiKfcto on
Flooring , (.'S6 no
Siding IS wiuwii 00
Drop Siding !! oUviu Oil
ship Lap 2:100
Framing (It) to 20 ft) ; ' ' 2s!
Sheeting 20
Well Tiibfnc (per bunch).. 1 2
LathC per M) - no
ShiiM-le (per M) a-oo 4 (n
Door 2.S.G-S, IJif think. . i! So
2-ni-.i;, yA .... 2 in
44 2-uxtu;, 1 ... f "31
Windows, It23
Uuilding l'aperper(lB.) 4 dents.'
Tar felt 1 per fb.j 4
iron TIIJE
Elegant Odor Cases,
Toilet 3Iirnirs, Work Muxes,
auto wh i mmun albums
KvcrMintvu in Nebi-ak-i.
Iljinlkerrlilrr a 11. 1 i;iot- Itiup. O.lnratrur
I'olosiifH, HumUm-hirf ixlrarl in Indite
or liulk. Vlar linpirlnl Knap. Velft
riflurr t'ranit-t, ivrl fanl rr
I'aper 'VrlgliW. Out tJla Inl.
StjuiiU.MILrn lVrfnuip Holtlrt.
The hos rlitKHit assortment of
Papcteries or Fancy Box Pa
pers Ever before Seen in
Columbus. Also
hA.MPS.and 1 Kl'l.h AND ( )M-
These -nniN are n tie ml for ale at
price within the re-H-h of all. I d not
intend to carry ocY auv of the a'love
Xooilt and th-e who wili to iee the
fim-t dWphiv ill town will do well to
call and e.imim thpui.
Don't 1'ororr tin- IMli-e.
Third door north of pot.ollice.
"rr."5ee my Christmas Ad next
Little Nerve Pills,
Every nervous person should try Carter's Little
Nerve Pills, w!-.icU are nude specially (or those
who suffer from Ncrvou-inesL Slrej lessness,
Kervouj and Sick Headache, Weak Stomach,
LyspepsiOj Indigestion, cc. They may be useJ
alone or in combination with Carter's Lit'le
Liver 1111s, and in cither ease will Rive m;t
prompt and grateful relief. Dyspepsia males
you Nervous, and Nervousness makes you Dy
peptic either one renders yuu miserable, and
these little pills cure both.
Price, 35 cents..SoId by Druggists or sent by
lyuuuiuuuuj juuiuuuuj
TABLES, Etc., Etc.
OX SOUTH SIDE lllii sp..
One tbtor etutt nf Il'intz's drift si rr
Just In. A Large Stock
Fall and Winter
WIVr-Eft Ot'KIEl'O VM,
1 xj.1i
Mits and Gloves,
( rocerief.
L'i I D FOP. Ci U NTi: Y PISO-
53-3in Pltte Centre, Seb.