The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 15, 1880, Image 2

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Entered at the Pot-nilioe, Coliunbti.-.
Neb a ciml chi muttur.
WliPNlteD.VY, DEC. 15, 1SS0.
Skvkuai. magiBtratCB iu Ireland
iuteml to resign.
"Boss" Stout wants an extension
of time on his capitol-wiiig contract.
The harvest so entirely failed in
Macedonia that wheat has to be
shipped from America.
The corpse of C. K. Voss was ta
ken from the cemeterj- at Omaha
one night last week.
J. C Callahan was banged al
Wooxter, Ohio, last week for the
murder of iJenjainiii Tormie.
Pkkmdent Hayes last week is
sued an order placing fieu. Irwin
McDowell on the retired list-
A kiktv dollar note of the series
of 1S75 is said to he in circulation,
and well calcnlated to deceive.
It instated that the President ot
Ijuenos Ayres offers free lands to
fifty thousand Irish emigrants.
Leadville shipments of bullion
from the smelters for tho month of
November aggregated $1,032,020.
.Tons Livingston', a coal miner at
Ohkaloosa, Iowa, chopped to death
with an axe Mrs. Stewart ami her
infant hoii.
Ciias. E. Still, a tramp printer,
was found last week frozen to death
in an out-house at Gillbrd, Iowa.
He had been on a spree for a week.
The liquor dealers association is
raising money for use at Springfield,
III., this winter. Its members claim
that the liquor laws are oppressive.
A kkckxt fire in Havre de Grace,
Md., which threatened the destruc
tion of the town, was checked by
blowing tip three buildings.
JIns. Kate Chase Si-hague filed
her petition for a divorce last week
at Providence, R. I., alleging cruelty
as this ground for the same.
The court house at Anderson,
lud., was burned on the 10th, with
all the records, legal documents,
court papers, etc. The house was
forty years old.
DmtiNU a heavy wind storm last
week the west cud of the new shops
of the Ohio Central railroad at ttii
rvrm. Ohio, were blown down.
Lohs over $1,000.
Several trauipa were locked in
the calaboose at Kewanee, 111., one
evening last week. Some others at
tempted to lelcase them; one was
thot dead by the otlicers.
A London dispatch announces the
iuteutiou of the government to arrest
Paruell eliould ho attempt to leave
Iielauduiid take his neat iu parlia
ment duriug the progress of his trial.
The German socialistic exiles who
recently reached New York, were
publicly welcomed last week, by a
large assemblage, every one of
whom displayed red silk emblems.
D. J. McCann, an Indian contrac
tor, who has passed through two
trials at Cheyeuue for detaining
tugar destined for the Black foot
agency, has finally been acquitted.
The indictment against Philp,
By rue, Hart, and Post in the Morey
forgery case, is thought to be' bad on
the ground of misjoinder, and a
motion to quash has been interposed
by counsel.
On the 10th unit., Cincinnati was
suddenly covered with darkness al
most as dense as at night. Gas jets
were everywhere lighted, and the
city assumed the appearance of be
ing under cover of night.
An express train from New York
on the 0th struck the carriage of T.
Davenport, of Albany, killing Miss
Harriet Davenport and seriously in
juring Mr. Davenport and a daugh
ter of Rev. J. "W. Hyde.
A A'oung man at Stcubenville,
Ohio, named Win. Stein, one day
last week attempted to jump on the
Cleveland aud Pittsburg freight
train, missed footing, fell under
the wheels, aud had his hand cut
Mrs. Annie Morgan, wife of
Peter Morgan, of Chicago, was
found on the morning of the Sth
near her residence irozen to death.
She was addicted to liquor, and
went out to get some during the
The world's fair. commission has
adopted a report recommending the
In wood site for the exhibition of
1S8IL The sight is about eight miles
out on the New York Central and
Hudson River railroad aud contains
250 Hcrcs.
Frances Witte, an old man sixty-two
years old, living at "Fremont
this state, from some cause becoming
tired of life, one night last week
placed his tdiot-guu to his head and
flred it off, blowing nearly oue half
ol his head away.
The Christiancy divorce case has
come- to a sudden halt. The evi
dence that was expected on the part
ot Mr. Christiancy to sustain the
facts alleged in the bill filed against
hi wife, utterly failed to prove fhe
charges against her.
The Brush electric light company
are preparing to light up Broadway
from Union Square to 34th street, in
New York on Cristmas Eve. Each
lamp will give two thousand candle
power, a light equal to about one
huudred gas lights.
At the Land league meeting last
week at Waterford, Ireland, Parnell
was escorted through decorated
streets to the speaker's stand. In
the immediate vicinity were four
hundred police, two huudred infan
try, and one hundred cavalry.
John McCartv, tho hired man
who stole $17f from Mr. Byau, iu
Washington Co., was arrested last
week near Fort Calhoun.
The Gazelle, in Dublin, publishes
a proclamation declaring the county
of Librian in a state ot disturbance
requiring additional police.
Gen. McCook's bill To place Gen.
Grant upon the retired list of the
army will probably become a law,
although it will meet with consider
able opposition.
The Board of CharitieB in Lon
don for November shows that there
are 90,000 paupers within the city of
London, an increase of 3,000 over
the same mouth of last year.
Palinghi, who ato trichini in sau
sages the other day in Chicago, died
on the night of the 7th inst. His
wife and three children who partook
of the same diet are not likely to
An item of news from Dublin
aaya two hundred troops have been
sent to Waterford to preserve order
during the holdiug of a land meet
ing. Parnell was to attend the
Bennett, delegate in congress,
has introduced a bill to admit Da
kota as a BLite. It asks for a divis
ion of the territory.with the ultimate
intention of making two states.
Gillette, of Iowa, offered a res
olution in the house calling upon
the secretary of war for an estimate
of the cost of a steel-rail road from
New York to Council Bluffs.
Parnell, in his speech at the
Waterford land meeting, declared
that nothing short of making the
tiller of the soil its owner could put
down the agitation in Ireland.
Our. Hendrickson was murdered
last week in Todd county, Minn.,
while out hunting with his brother,
by three men with whom he had a
difficulty about a deer that had been
killed. The body was found with
three bullet holes aud several knife
wounds in it.
A statement is published at Fort
Scott, Kansas, denying the destitu
tion aud suffering of her in
any very large numbers, but admit
ing individual cases among the new
settlements; the state however is
fully able to take care of all needy
peibons if applied to; those soliciting
aid are dead beats.
The grand jury at New York last
week presented indictments against
Joseph Hart, Louis A. Post, Ken
ward Philp aud Joseph A. Byrne,
for publishing iu the Truth a crimi
nal libel on Gen. Garfield. An in
dictment was also presented against
Samuel S. Morey for perjury.
The body of a well-dressed man
was found in a field a few miles from
Gilsou, III., with a bullet hole iu bin
breast and a revolver lying near,
with one chamber empty. A drove
of swine had eaten the flesh from his
face aud hands. It was decided by
the coroner's jury that tho inau had
committed suicide.
The prohibition bill, passed by the
Vermont legislature, is very strin
gent iu itB provisions, making any
place of resort where liquor is sold
or given away, or where gambling
is allowed, a nuisance, and the place
is shut up, the keeper being tiued
from $20 to $200 and imprisoned for
three months.
Lincoln had quile a fire on the
11th, destroying one saloon, a har
ness shop, a drugstore and a second
hand store. One inau was badly
injured by jumping from a burning
building to save his life. The fire
originated in one of tho old frame
buildings east of the government
square, and at one time threatened
the Commercial hotel.
Among those arrested the other
day at Council Bluffs, charged with
robbing the baggage of passengorH,
appears the name of Wm. Heaton,
conductor; John N. Clark, Frank
Baxter, Charles Ilauster and John
Veasey, ex-messengers, and George
Johnson. The officers in charge
took the prisoners to Kansas City,
where they will be tried.
Senator Paddock on the 9th pre
sented a petition for the extension of
copyright to foreign authors. On
his motion the senate bill providing
for the sale of the reservation of the
Otoe Indians in this slate, and for
other purposes was taken up and
passed. The proceeds of the salo to
be placed to the credit of the tribe
and a new reservation selected.
From Loudon we have the report
that her majesty's ship Valorous
would oon start for the south of
Ireland with small arms and ammu
nition, buckshot, aud steam pinna
cles armed with seveu-pouuders for
river transit. The marines to be
sent to Ireland are exchanges, and
arc not intended to increase the
strength there. Two hundred men
of the artillery will go with the
mariues to Ireland.
A recent decision rendered by
Judge Dundy iu the United States
circuit court holds, in the action of
ejectment, that the Ponca tribe of
Indians, plaintiff', has a legal estate
in aud is entitled to the possession
of the real property described iu the
petition, aud that the Sioux nation
ot Indians unlawfully keeps the
Ponca tribe out of the possession of
the same, which includes all the
islands lying iu the Niobrara river,
and within townships 31 aud 32
north, and withiu ranges G, 7, 8, 9
and 10, west of the Gib principal
meridian of the Kansas and Nebras
ka survey, and withiu the district
and state of Nebraska.
Several employees of the Kansas
City, St. Joseph & Council Blull's
railroad, and two or three express
messengers on the same road were
arrested at Council Blufl's the other
day charged with robbing the bag
gage consigned to that road by the
Union Pacific road. Some of the
parties arrested belong to the best
fatuities of Council Bluffs, and is, a
great surprise to the The
Union Pacific company worked the
cases up.
A terrible and destructive fire
occurred at Omaha last week, des
troying a portion of Central block,
the largest and best row of business
buildings in the city. It originated
in Her & Co's. wholesale liquor
store, aud spread to other buildings
in the vicinity. The following par
ties were loosers by the fire: Her
& Co., liquor dealers, G. II. & J. S.
Collins, harness and leather dealers,
Frank Bamge, merchant tailor, Max
Meyer & Bro., dealers in jewelry
and musical instruments, and others.
Loss $125,000.
Congress convened on the first
Monday in December as usual and
the President sent in his meksage,
which was read and referred to ap
propriate committees. The message
discusses a variety of subjects.
Among the most prominent are
southern abuses, civil service sys
tem, polygamy, foreign relations,
new treaties with China, the army
and navy, specie payment, postal
and Indian aflairs, public lands,
education, and district of Columbia.
The President presents his opinions
on these subjects in a strong and
forcible manner. The message is
quite lcngthy,occupyiiig ten columns
of an ordinary newspaper. The
most striking item relates to polyg
amy, which tho President asks con
gress to extirpate, even at the cost of
reorganizing the government of
Utah. The most prominent finan
cial recommendation islherccoiuage
of the hoard of silver dollars with
sufficient bullion to bring them to
gold par. He advocates setting aside
the remainder of the public lands to
create a fund for educating tho illit
erate of all sections. The President
heartily approves the recommenda
tion of the plan of tho interior de
partment of educating fhe Iudiau to
take care of himself.
Commission iV Proceed in g.
TiiKHDAY, Dec. 7, 18S0.
Pursiiaut to adjournment the board
met Tuesday," Dec. 7th, 1880, at 9
o'clock, a. in. Roll called, John
Walker chairman of the board, John
Wine aud. Michael Maher and John
Stuuffer clerk, present. Minutes ot
last meeting read aud approved.
Warrant it-sued to Koad Supervis
or Jos. Hoffman, of Disl. No. 19,
Granville precinct, at Nov. 15, 1880,
meeting for fcM.(J8, on district road
fund of said road district was now
cancelled ; also certificate of balance
due said Hoffman as road supervis
or for $3.32 was cancelled, and on
motion, the clerk was instructed to
draw a warrant on general road
fund iu favor of Jos. Hoffman for
the amount of .$27.00.
The County Treasurer having re
ported that there is now on hand in
said general road fund the sum ot
$2051.25, on motion, the clerk was
iiihiructed to draw warrants on gen
eral road fund iu favor of road su
pervisor, John Wurdemau of Bis
inark precinct, as tollows, to wit :
Koad supervisor's fees for 1880,
$20.80; extra work as supervisor,
$1-1.25. Board took a recess until
2 o'clock, p. in.
2 o'clock p. m., full board present.
Application of Louis Schroeder to
sell liquor iu the town of Humphrey
was laid over according to law.
Applications of Henry T. Spoerry
aud William Iloefelinanu for dis
charge of road tax for the year 1880
were road, and thereupon Commis
sioner Wise was authorized to cor
respond with William Hocfelmaun
aud Henry T. Spoerry, and instruct
them iu relation to the meaning ot
the law in regard to road and labor
On motion, Commissioner Maher
was appointed to examino the Jack
son bridge, and to ascertain what
repairs are required for said bridge.
On motion, the Clerk was in
structed to publish a notice for a
County Physician, two publications
to be made thereof.
On motion, the County Tieasnrer
was instructed to make a list of per
sonal property taxes uncollectible,
according to Sec. 155, Page 33S, Ses
sion Laws of 1S79, said list to be
completed on or before February
1st, 18S1.
The following bills were allowed,
and the Clerk instructed to draw
warrants on general fund, to wit :
Will U.Dale, map for Co. School
Supt ... $ 10 00
St, Mary's Hospital, hoarding pau
Henry fiass, rollin Tor paupers ..
31. E. dottier, use of team
State .loiirnal Co., tilauks...
A.W. Lawrence, repairing pump
in jail
.1. W. Early, money advanced for
coat to Ml 1. llecker
A. Heintz, indue for county
Eil. Fitzpatrick, goods, for eounty
Dr. E. Hoehen, services as Co.
rhyslciaii to Dec.. InWI
J. K.'Norlb & Co., coal for coun
ty ami paupers
S. L. Karrelt, services as School
John "Walker, services as County
John Staiitier, Co. Clerk's fees
C. A. New mull, collecting tlelin-
15 80
8 00
ft SO
21' 20
4 35
35 40
7!) m
200 00
ciienl tax list 10000
Mrs. Hamer, hoarding Chas. Ha
mer to Dec. lltlt, 18S0, 4 weeks,
Mrs. Stupfel. hoarding papuer
Bamberger to Dee. 4th, li0, 4
weeks at $1 per week ... 4 00
John Jaisli, hoarding his brother's
children 1 mouth to Dec. 4, S0. . 5 00
Ou inoliou, the board adjourned
until Tuesday, Jauuary 11th, 1831, it
being the next regular meetiug.
A -. John Stauffer,
Alteot County Clerk.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
WHEHEAS, on the 27th day of Sep
tember, 1SN, Sarah J. Pay liter, to
secure the payment of three certain
promissory notes, each for the sum of
$195.55, with interest at the rate of ten
per cent, per annum, the first due tiO
days from date, the econd four months
from date, and the third six liioutlu
from date, given by her to Henry Ita
gatz, executed a chattel mortgage to the
said Henry Itagatz, on the following
described personal property, to wit:
27 bedsteads, 4!) comforters. 2 white
spreads, 84 sheets, Wi pillows, 10 pair
pillow cases, 10 mattres-cs, 85 straw
ticks, l." bedsprings, 2 lounge, ." cane
seat chairs, 1 cane-seat rocker, 5(5 com
mon chairs. 12 otlice chairs, 6 pe. forated
bottom chairs, 1 perforated bottom
rocker, G washstands, G wash bowls and
pitchers, G chambers, 3 maple vnh
stands, I! toilet stands. 3 eight-foot ex
tension tables 2 fall-leaf tables, one
white ah table, two pino tables, one
round table, two ranges and four
stoves, 1 cupboard, 1 counter cupboard,
7 mirrors, 3 bracket lamps, G hand
lamps, J dozen table spreads, 1 cigar
case, 2 sinks, 3 screen doors, 1 wheel
barrow, y2 dozen pickle jars, 3 dozen
silver plated spoon, 2 dozen silver
plated tea spoons, 2 dozen silver plated
knives, 2 dozen silver plated forks, ."
silver piuieu miner hiiivck, silver
plated castors, 3 doen egg gl.-.sses, J
dozen plain spoonholders, 2dozcn white
granite bakers, 1 dozen oval side dishes,
iyz dozen hotel goblets, 4 library lamps,
1 four-lamp chandelier, all the glass
ware, (juuensware, and carpets in the
hotel, known as the "Lindel Hotel," in
f'olumhtis, Platte county, Nebraska,
and belonging to the said Sarah .1.
1'aynter at the date ol the execution of
the said mortgage: which mortgage was
duly tiled in the btiice of the County
Clerk of Platte county, Nebraska, oh
the 27th day of September. ISsO.
And whereas the saiil mortgage con
tained a power of sale therein of the
said property, and provides that upon
default being made inlhe payment of
any of the said notes, the mortgagee
may declare all of the said notes due,
and take immediate possession of, and
sell the said property; aud default hav
ing been made in the payment of the
first note above described, the mortga-
i'if llTltli fli.l.i rail nil nf tlifi usifl llOtt
due. and at the time of the first publi
cation ot this notice, upon all of the
said notes, there is due the sum ot
Now, therefore, I. the undersigned,
will expose for sale aud sell for cash to
the highest nidder, at the front door of
tin; "Lindel Hotel," in Columbus, Platte
county, Nebraska, on
Thk Sth Day of Januahy, ISSt.
at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon of said day,
the aforesaid mortgaged property, for
the payment of the said notes and costs
of sale, besides liiiiidated damages to
the amount of thirly-tive dollars, as
provided for in the said mortgage.
Dated Columbus, Nebr., Dee. 13. 1880.
ftj3-4 Mortgagee.
Notice of Sale Under Mortgage.
BY VIRTUE of a chattel mortgage
executed by M. 1. Stotl'el to Rine
hart Kallaid & Co. dated the 2Gth day of
November, 1870, aud tiled in the otlice
of the County Clerk of the county of
Platte, Stale of Nebraska, and upon
which default has been made, we will
expose for sale at public auction, on
Thursday, thk 23d day ok Dkckm-
I1KK, 1880,
at one o'clock iu the afternoon, at the
livery stable of (i forgo A. Scott, ad
joining the Clother House iu the city of
Columbus, ii: the county anil state
aforesaid, the property mortgaged, con
sisting of one brown mare about nine
years old, one two-horse wagon partly
worn, one set of double harness partly
worn, one breaking plow partly worn,
one threshing machine (overblast) part
ly worn.
"The amount due thereon at date ot
first publication of this notice is $211.0.1.
Terms of sale, cash.
Nov. 2!l, 1880.
5l-4 Mortgagee.
BY VIRTUE of an order of sale, is
sued by the district court of Platte
county, Nebraska, directed to mo a
sherilt of said county, on a judgment
and decree of foreclosure iu favor of
(iiiy C. Hamum, Sr., as iilaiutitT, and
against John O. Compton, Josephine
M. Compton, Morgan &. Gallacher,
(leorge E. Pritchett, J. B. Wells ami
Luther M.Cook, as defendants, I have
levied upon the following described
real estate, to wit:
The east half of the. southeast quar
ter of Hectiou number two (2), iu
Township seventeen (J7), north or
Range one (1) west, in said Platte
county, said real estate taken by virtue
of said order of sale as the property of
said defendants, John CI. Compton and
Josephine M. Compton. Aim will otter
the same for sale to the highest bidder
for cash iu hand on the 18th day of Jan
uary. 1881, in front of the west door of
aud main entrance to the court house iu
Clumhus, iu said county, .that being
tiie building wherein the last term of
said court was held for said county, at
the hour of one o'clock, p. in., the after
noon of said day, when and where due
attendance will be given the same, by
the undersigned.
Dated Dec. 11th. 1880.
053-5 Sheriff.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
December 11 tli lsso. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the follow-In-named
settler has filed notice ol
Ids intention to make final proof In sup
port of his claim, aud secure final entry
thereof, before the Clerk of llio Court ol
1'latte county, Nebraska, at the County
Seat, on Saturday, the 15th day of Junimry
1KS1, viz:
Luther 11. Jewell, Homestead No. (MH, for
the S. E. K N. E. ''. N. E. S. E. X bee. IU
Township 18 north, Range 2 west, and
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said tract, viz: Ed. Hoare, Henry Cla
burii, Joseph Walts and Robert Nicholson
all of Platte Center, Platte Co., Neb.
.W-5. M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb., 1
December 11th. 18S0.
"NTOTICEls hereby etven that the follow
IN lng-numed settler hns filed notice of
his mteiiuon to liniKC nnai prooriu sup
port of his claim, and secure final entry
thereof, before the Clerk of the Court of
i'latte county, jNeurasKa, at me county
Seat, on Saturday, the 15th day of January,
1881 viz
Oliver Rlslier, Homestead No. mm, for the
N. IX X Section 1L, Township 18 north,
Range ; west, and names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said tract, viz: J.
11. Watts, Robert Nicholson, Henry Cla
burn and Edwin Hoare all of Platte Center,
Platte county, Nebraska.
fM.. M. U. H0XIE. Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
December Sth. 1880.
"N.TOT1CE is hereby ulven that the folluw-
1 liig-nnnicd settler has filed notice or
his Intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, aud secure final entry thereof,
before the Clerk or the Court of Platte
coiiHty. Nebraska, at the County Seat, on
Thursday, the l.'Uh day or January, 1881,
viz i
Wllhrlm Paulussen, Homestead 'o. C074,
Air Ihe V M S. VT. K, Section 10, Township
19, north. Range 2 west, and names the fob
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence Uon and cultivation of wild
tract, viz: I"aul Hoppen and Jacob Grelsen
of Columbus, Platte county. Neb., and Teter
Rlpp and Joseph Krings of Platte Center,
Platte county, Neb.
CM M. B. HOXIE. Register.
Laud Otlice at Grand Island, Neb.,1
November 13th, 1880. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled
notice of his iuteutiou to make tinal
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte Co., Nebraska, at
the county seat, on Saturday, the 18th
day of December, 1880, viz:
Neils Johnson, Homestead No. 5181.
for the N. E. K. Section C, Township
20 north, Range 3 west, and names the
following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon and cultivation ot
said tract, viz: Ole Olsou and Thurs
tin Olsou. of Farrell, Platte Co., Neb.,
and Ole Johnson and Ole Juhou,' of
Newman. Grove, Platte Co., Neb.
349-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Otlice at (iranil Island, Neb.,1
December :U1,ISS0. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
lollowitig-n.imcd settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make tinal
proof in supportof liN claim, and secure
tinal entry theieof, before Uip Clerk of
lie Court of Platte county, Nebraska,
at the county seat, on Saturday, the
Sth day of January, 188 1, viz:
James Noouau, Homestead No. f981,
for the E. f, N. W. , Section 8, Town
ship 1!' north, llatige 2 west, ami names
the following witnesses to pro vu hi.
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said tract, viz: John Moriarty,
Thomas Kl.inilford, Patrick Morrissey
and Thomas Moriarty, of Platte Center,
Platte Co., Neb.
Jm!'-.. M. U. HOXIE, Register.
riKAi. aitoor.
Laud Ortice, Grand Island, Neb.,1
Dec. 3d. 1880. I
NOTICE is hereby given that the fol
lowing named "settler has tiled no
tice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and se
cure final entrv thereof, before the
Clerk ot the Court of Platte county,
Nebraska, at the County Seat, on Satur
day, the 8th day of January, 1881, viz:
Peter Noonan, Homestead No. f470.
r..r the N. i N. V. , Section 8.
r.iunship 10 uoitli, Range 2 wet, and
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said tract, vi.: Patrick Mor
rissey, Thomas Moriarty, John Moriar
tv and Thomas Itlandford, all of Platte
Center, riatie uo., en.
;V)2-T M. K. HOXIE. Rfgislw.
" n.A 1'itooi'.
Land Otlice at Jrand Island, Neb ,1
December 3d, 1SS0. f
"VTOTICE is herein given that the
JA following-named" settler has filed
notice of his intention to make titial
proof iu Mipport of his claim, and secure
tinal entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court ol Platte county, Nebraska,
at the County Seat, on Thursday, the
13th dav of January, 1SSI, iz:
Paul'Kaber, Houiestead No. .i(."7, for
the N. XT. K, Section 31, Township 20
north, Rjunre 1 west, and names he
following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation
gf said tract, viz: John Stupfel and
Charles Brandt, of Columbus. Platte
Co., Neb., and Julius J. Graves and
Ferdinand Fuchs, of Humphreys, Platte
Co., Neb.
iVii-fi M. B. I10XI E , Register.
Laud Otlice at Grand Island, Neb.,1
Nov. 24, 1880. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and seetire
tinal entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platto Co., Nebraska, at
the county seat, on Thursday, the 13th
day of January, I8S1, viz:
Fricdrieh ". Trominholz, Homestead
No. 5I!IS, for the N. , N. W. K Section
22, Township 20 north. Range 1 west,
and names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said tract, viz: Henry
Luebker, Charles Itraudl and Robert
Uhlig, of Columbus, Platte Co.. Neb.,
and Jacob Weber, of Humphreys, Platte
Co.. Neb.
o.-)l-r M. K. HOXIE, Register.
I'll A 1' lKOOF.
Land Ollicu at Grand Island, Neb ,J
Nov. 22d, 1880.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof iu supportof his claim, and secure
tinal entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte Co., Neb., at the
county seat, on Tuesday, the 4th day
of January, 1881, viz:
William Smith, Homestead No. HSSTi,
for the N. K, S. VA, Section 10, Town
ship 17 north, Range 2 west, and u.uues
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said trad, viz: George s'chwan
and John Hempleinaii, of Columbus,
Platte ( o.. Neb, and Willard Chapin
and Luther Chapiu, of Lost Creek, Platte
Co., Neb.
fi.-il.ji M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Ollice, Grand Island, Neb.,)
Nov. 22, 1880. f
Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing named sett'leV has tiled notice of
his intention to make tinal proof Iu sup
port of his claim, and secure tinal entry
thereof before the Clerk of the Court of
Platte county, Nebra-ka, at the County
Seat, on Thursday, the 30th (lay of Dec,
1880, viz:
James YV Ziegler, Homestead No.
f.288, for the E. K. N- K. i. Section G.
Township 17 north, Range 2 west, auu
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said tract, viz: John Swan
son, of Columbus, Platte Co., Neb., and
Charles D. Tyler, William II. Cotton
and William II. Kellow, of Monroe,
Platte Co., Neb.
fsil-r. M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Finnl Proof.
Land Otlice at Grand Island, Neb.)
Nov. Sth, 1880. S
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
liual eutry thereof, before the clerk of
the court of Platte county, Nebraska, at
the county seat, on Saturday, the 10th
day of December, 18S0, viz:
Willard J. Belknap, Homestead No.
fi(C.2, for the S. , N. W. X, Section 20.
Township 20 north, Range 1 east, aud
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said tract, viz: James A.
Phillips, Emory A. Sage, Charles
lleintzniaii and John Anson, all of
Creston, Platte Co., Neb.
510.-. M.B. HOXIE, Reg
Land Oflice at Grand Island, Neb.,1
Nov. 8th, 1880. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
rollowing-nanied settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
prooTin supportof his claim, and secure
liual entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte Co., Neb., at the
county scat, on Thursday, the 16th day
of December, 1880, viz:
Martin Froelich, Homestead No. 6135,
for the S. M, S. E. i. Section 34, Town
ship 20 north, Range 1 west, and names
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion or said tract, viz: Ferdinand Rho
da, William Palschke aud Paul Faber,
of Humphreys, Platte Co., Neb., and
Charles Brandt, of Columbus, Platte
Co., Neb.
549-5 M. B. II OX I E, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
Nov. 22d, 1880. f
'VrO',,,t'E is hereby given that the
J following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
tinal entrv thereof, before the Clerk of
the court bf Platte county, Neb., at the
county seat, on Friday, the 24th day of
December, 1880, viz:
Ole Olson, Homestead No. 542(1. for the
N. E. i. Section 10, Township 20 north,
Rauge 4 west, aud names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous res
idence upon and cultivation of said
tract, viz: Ole Knudsoii, Guilder
llainre. Nils Olson and John Sanderson,
all of Newman's Grove, PlatteCo., Neb.
550-5 31. B. HOXI E, Register.
In the matter of the estate of Frederick
August llanney, deceased.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased, will
meet the administrator or said estate,
before me. County Judge of Platte
county, Nebraska, at the County Court
Rooiu in said county, on the 27th day ot
December, 1880, on the 2nth day or
March, 181, and on the 22d day or .May,
1881, at 10 o'clock a. in. each day, for the
purpose or presenting their claims Tor
examination , adjustment and allowance,
six months are allowed for creditors to
present their claims, and one year for
the administrator to settle said estate,
from the22d day of November, 1880.
Dated, Nov. 22, A. D 1SS0.
550-5 County Judge.
Land Ollice at Grand Island. Neb.,1
Nov. 13th. 1n. i .
VTOTICE is hereby given the fob
1 lowing-named settler has tiled
notice of his iuteutiou to make final
proof in supportof his claim, and ecure
linal entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Courtof Platte county. Nebraska, at
the county scat, on I htirsday, the 23d
day of Doe., 18S. viz:
Frank Z-ich, Homestead N-. 51. for
the E. K, X. E. K, Section 30. Township
20 north. Range 1 eM, aud names the
following vitneses to pne his con.
liiiuous residence upon and ctilth ition
of said tract, viz: Anton Pfeifer, Frank
Pfcifcr, William Dietrich and Leopold
Pfeifer, all of Hiiumhrcvs, Platte Co..
54!-5 M. B. HOXIE. Resri-ter
Chattel 3I(H'tg;ige Sule.
WHEREAS, on the second day of
October, ISS, August Scholz, to
secure the payment or one promissory
note for the slim of $55.00 with intcresl
thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per
annum, given by him to Jacob Ge-en.
executed a chattel mortgage to the said
Jacob Gesen upon the following de
scribed property to wit: One sorrel
mare about 12 years old, one set double
harness, one lumber wagon, aud ll acre
or corn growing upon the laud ol' the
said Augiut Scholz in section three (3).
iu Burrows precinct. Platte county.
Nebraska, which mortgage was dul
tiled for record in the ollice or the Coun
ty Clerk of Platte county. Nebraska, on
the 2d day of October. 1880. And here
as, default having been made in the
condition- of the said mortgage, I will,
at the residence of Peter Kramer, In
Burrows precinct, county and stale
aforesaid, expose for sale and sell for
cash to the highest bidder, atone o'clock
in the atlernooii or the
30ru DAY OK Dkckmukr, 1880,
the 10 acres or com iu the said mortgage
described for the payment or the said
note and costs of sale. Upon the said
note there is due at th first publica
tion of this notice the sum of $55.00.
552-3 Mortgagee.
Chattel .Mortgage Sale.
WHEREAS, (If raiilt has been made
in the condition or a chattel
mortgage giien by Thomas G. Hobbs to
Lewis Heailburg to secure the payment
of his promissory note to said Head
burg tor $27i!.0O dated on the lOtli da ol
November, 1870, with 10 per cent, intcr
est thereon from dale, which said note
is now due and wholly unpaid, which
said mortgage was duly tiled in the
ollice of the Count) Clerk or Platte
county, Nebraska, and contains a pow
er or sale therein aud by virtue of said
default has become absolute. And
whereas, the undersigned has become
the sole owner or said note and chattel
mortgage, ami is now the owner thereof,
now, therefore, I, the undersigned, on
in front of the post-otlice in Columbus,
in said county, will oiler for sale at
public auction and sell for cash iu hand
the aforesaid mortgaged property con
sisting of one bay horse mule four years
old, about fifteen and one-half hands
high, one. brown horse mule live years
old about fifteen and one-half hand
high, one span of brown mare mules
seventeen hands high, one seven ami
one eight years old, lor the payment ot
said note, the care and keeping oT said
property, and the costs or such sale.
Dated, Dec. 0th, 1880.
552-4 W. J. Ml'RPHV.
Nulire of Sale Under Chattel )Iorlg;me.
OTIOE is hereby given that by vir
tue of two chattel mortgages dated
on the Sth day of "eptembee, Pisu, and
duly tiled and recorded m the ollice of
the county clerk or Platte county, Ne
braska, on the 27th day of September,
1880, and the 30th day or November,
18M), and executed by John Partsch to
Henri' G. Oarew and -Messrs. Emerson
Talcott A: Co. to secure the payment ol
the sums or $105.00 and $114.00, respect
ively, aud upon which there is now due
the said sums of $105.00 and $114.00 ami
interest from the said Sth day of Sep
tember, 1880. Default havhitr beeU
made in the payment of said sum of
l0o.0v, and the conditions of said sec
ond mortgage having been broken,
therefore 1 will sell the property there
in described, viz: One gray horse three
years old, one gray horse three years
old, one red heifer three years old next
spring, one new Manny reaper, one
light spring wagon and one Van Brunt
seeder, at public auction in front or t In
Checkered Barn on 11th street, in the
city or Columbus, Platte county, ahre
said, on the 21st day or December, 1880,
at one o'clock p. m. of said day.
Dated the 30th day or Nov., 1880.
551-3 Agent for Mortgagees.
Thk Statk ok XkbicasicaJ
County of Platte, f
In the County Court, in and for said
county. Iu the matter of the estate
of Winefreil Shecdy, deceased, late
or said county.
AT a sussinn or the County Court for
said county, holdeii at the County
Judge's ollice in Columbus, in saiil
county on the 17th day of November,
A. D., 1880, present, John G. Higgius,
County Judge. On reading and tiling
the duly verilied petition or Daniel
Sheedy praying that letters of adminis
tration be issued to him ou the estate of
said decedent.
Thereupon, it is ordered that the Kith
day of December, A.D., 1880, at 1 o'clock,
p. m., be assigned Tor the bearing or
said petition at the County Judge's or
llc'c iu'said county.
And it is further ordered, that due
legal notice be given of the pendency
and hearing or said petition by publica
tion iu the Coi.UMHUM.IoCltNAI. for three
consecutive weeks.
(A true copy or the order).
Dated, Columbus. Neb., Nov. 17, 1880.
550-4 County Judge.
Finitl Iror.
Land Otlice at Grand Island, NebJ
Nov. 15th, IK-jo. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled
notice or his intention to make tiuaJ
proof in support or his claim, and secure
liual entry thereof, before the clerk or
the court or Platte county, Nebraska, at
the county scat, on .Monday, the 27th
da or December, 1880, viz:
Hugh Hill, Homestead No. 4!M4, for
the S. '4 S. E. Ii, Sec. 21, Township 18
north, "Range 3 west, and names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon and cultivation of
said tract, viz: Catherine Alexander,
Robert Wiley, John Daek and Ed. Hoar,
all or Monroe", PlatteCo., Neb.
540-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register.
NOTICE is hereby given that by vir
tue or an order oT sale Issued out
or the district court ol Platte county,
Nebraska, on a judgment and decree or
foreclosure rendered in said ourt in
favor of Thomas O'Neill, as plaintin",
and against John G. Savidge. Martin
Savidge, Anthonv Savidge and Macey
Zalazaiiy, defendants, and to me direct
ed as sheriff of said county, I will at
two o'clock In the afternoon on the 18th
day or January, 1881, in front or the
west df or or, and main entrance to the
court, house or said county or Platte, in
the city or Columbus therein, offer for
sale at public auction, the following de
scribed real estate, situate in saiil
county, to wit:
The north half or the southwest quar
ter ( N. yt of S. W. K) or Section twelve
(I2)v Township seventeen (17), north or
Range two (2) west or the Sixth Prin
cipal Meridian, containing eighty acres
or land more or less. Also a tract or
land described as follows: Commenc
ing at a point forty rods west of the
northeast corner of lot number three
(3) running west twenty rods, thence
north one hundred and sixty rods,
thence east twenty rods to the north
westcorneroriand belonging to Deneen
on the lirst day or July, 1874, thence
north one hundred and sixty rods to
the place or beginning in Section four
teen (14), Township seventeen (17),
Range two (2) west, taken as the prop
erty or saitl defendants, John G. Sav
idge aud Martiu P. Savidge, ou said
order of sale.
Dated this 14th day of Dec, 1880.
Tit' i unii'i HIV
r.X1U. Jl lL.UJiil.i.
Sheriff of Platte County.
The Coquillard farm and spring wagons and buggies, not
excelled by any for
Strength, Durability, (Jood and Neat Workmanship.
Wm. Bute's Staiinl, Long MM Mm Mi
(Nkai: A. ,v X. Dki-ot),
Where you can sell your rain lroliice. etc., and buy all dorti of Pure
Family C!ro(eri.
?N- ;
Jrr iO)i
All those- iw lutuiJ of any thing iji that line, will consult
their own interests by itinuiQ luni it, cull, lleme.m
her, he warrants ererij pair, lias also a.
First-Class liool and Shoe .loro in Connection.
IIT" jTr:iiiiir Xc-illv Done.
Don't forget the Place, Thirteenth Street, one door west of Marshall Smith's.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Has on hand a splendid stock of
Ready -made Clothing,
Dry G-oods, Carpets,
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,
M urices tint wore m Amril of before in Colili.
I bay my goods strictly for cash, and will give ray enstoraers the
benefit of it.
Give Me a call and covhuw yourself of the facts.
(OPEN .yYG-A.IiSr!
Said House has been re-fitted, painted and is in first-class order for the
accommodation of transient guests and boarders.
Transient, per day .. SI OO
Single Meala 25
jSTTiwlftli St., ne:irlv north r
IT. I It. It. Depot. t
Mill and Elevator Machinery,
Wood and Iron T uriiing : Boiler and Heavy Sheet Iron Work ; Ma
chine Elacksmithiiig.
Engine and General Machinery Repairs,
Dealer in Wind Mills, Pump Pipe, Points and other Fittings.
riciH'uiKiiut ot riiK
Fine and, Ornamental Italian, American, and Fanoij
Marble .Monuments, If cad-stones, or anything
connected with, the .Marble business.
ull iiimI 4amin worU, Kt nr pi'i'M. uuil ! comrlncett.
N. It. ISeiii a workman of leu years rtperienee, we mh guarantee you good
work :it :i aaviiur of from -"U to i" per ri-Ht , ly iiviiix n :i eall. 9rbop and
otllee opposite Tattersall liver ami Tvm ntalile. ."H2-i5in
foal l'leooi'.
Land Ollire at (ir.iiul M.iml. Veli.,l
Nov. T2il, Itsu. f
NOTH'K is liereNy riven that the
fi.llowinjr-nitiiiei'l .settlor lin Sled
notire of his intention to make
proof in Mipportol hlsrlaiiii.aml weiire
linal entry thereof, before tin! Clerk of
the Court of Platte Co.. Xehra-ka, at
the i-oiuitv seat, on Kriday, the silk
(lay of DeeVmlMT, t', W:
Nils Peterson. Pre-emption Declari
tory Mateweiit No. ''?; for the N. V.
M, Seetion U, Township !l north, Untige
'i. west, ami name the following wit-
nefs to prove ins onuniioii renu
ileni'u upon ami cultivation of "aitl
tract, viz: Itoger Urehenv, Kreeiuau
Tate, Patrick Comlou ami lluh Gibson,
of lliiiuiilireys, Platte Co., Neb.
3,W M. V.. UHXl K, Ueixter
L. M. BRrrxs-K.s
Eat jw. 5? issl i Tnlt C:e,
Annies. Canned Fruits. Candy,
Nuts, CracKorB, cigars
and Tobacco.
JSTWill sell as cheap as the cheapest. .
Nebraska Ave., opp. poat-otliee. J
A largo mid complete assortment of
Men's, Women's and Children's Soots and Shoas,
Day Board per week ..$3 00
! Board and Lodging per week 4 00
FirtAI. I-KOOl.
Land Oillee at (Jrand Iland, Neb.,1
NOT It K Is -hereby xiven that the
following-named fcettler has tiled
iioliee of his intention to make
proof in .supportof his olaim, anduteeiira
linal entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte county, Nebrask.i,
.it the eoiuilv . it, on Saturday, the Ititb.
day of Pe,-.. I;sn, mx.:
Palrirk Oalliiin. Pre-emptor's D. 5.
No. .TdtiS.ferthe S.K.'-4.Seetiou 13,Town
ship UU north. ICunge 4 west, aud name
the following WlliiegseH to prove hi
-iiiL1iihmi residence upon and cultiva
tion of .said traet. viz: M-trtln Kohenf
1'atrink Noouau and .lame Fav, of Far
rell, Platte Co., Neb., and Joseph Itlvet,
f Ptri!Ie, Platte Co., Neb.
Vl :. M. U. HOY IK, Register.
;Z-Z, ! acres m gouu lanu, w
J41e.JL aeren under cultivation, t
UjnViV3J ged house one and a balf
I.'tf aeres nfgood land, 30
st gpj ( , st0iJj. railge pientr el
water, and good hay land- Two mils
east ef Columbus. Inquire st the
Pioneer Bakery. 4T3-5m
. i