r f A nk - THE JOURNAL. OFFICIAL PAPER PLATTE CO. WEDNESDAY, DEC. S, 4S1. Couiinunieatlonj., to In -lire insertion In the next isuo, hould w in liand on Mondavs; if lengthy, n Tliunnlayr. nrewdiiu Ir-Mii-day. Advert iomentx, of whatever eliu.s, should he in Land by noon. Tuesdays. AdvcrtlHenientf under thin Lead 1, ctf. a line tirat insertion, lOcts. a line each bubneaueiit insertion. To Sttlii!rller. Your name, with tiik iatk at which Y4UR sUIJSCKIinlOX KXI'IKKS, 1 placed on I'ai'li.loimsAi. you receive. A prompt - .1 li.'inii iuiiMiii'i- will s.ivc tile i.ul.lihher-, ImiiIi trouble and expense, and ! better for all concerned. A re nowjtl is respectfully solicited. $2 for 1 vr.; $1 tor (! inos.; .Ml cts. for :t mot. .'Iouknau th either the American Ag riculturist or Xebraska Farmer $:' a yr., ptfUpnid. caidi in advance; JoUKN'al and the Xursery ?' The Wonder. Now York Hiickwhcut flour at IdarbhHll .Smith's. II you want rocerics at Omaha price call on Liuuh. Hay scIIk in home places in Col orado at $10 per ton. Soapslone jrriddleB for your buckwiiuulR al The Wonder. A dwellinr-houHe to rent. In quire at the Nebraska House. When you want apples don't lorl to go to Marshall Smith's. Ed. Newman's school in district 37, ha an attendance oi 37 pupils. Queen City suspenders, for ladies and chilUren, "at Mrs. M. S. Drake's. The finest and purest ('undies, al-o holiday roods at The Wonder. (Jeore Itanium was down from .Tu!ebut; Monday, rcturuinr yes terday. Km- family groceries, eujrar. collet', teH. spices, &c, call al Win. Ileoker's. QuencliHqua's 44Shojo" and "Kol lanna" is a sure cure for complaining hushHiids. For liivl-ohm work and 1 est htock, : t( the Itoston Itool and Shoe Store. -Sewing machines of all kinds and descriptions, cheap as dirt, at the Singer office. Now is the time to subscribe for tuoitauitNAi.,':r2 a year, 50 cents three. month. (to to Mrs. M. S. Drake's for millinery, fancy trods, aud Parker's patent mottoes. Hcst boots and shoes for the money, at Boston Shoe Store, oppo site'lhe post office. -Michigan apples and cider goiug raprdly at Win. decker's. Call soon, before (buy aro ail gone. Don't forget to go to the Won der lor your Christmas aud New Year gifts. Candies, etc Hokn To Mr. and Mrs. John Ceorge, on the evening of the 3d of December 'SO, a daughter. We will lurnish the Journal suid the Omaha Weekly Jlepuldican, ouc year.postago paid, for $3.00. Sassafrasso for chapped hands, and the sure cure for chilhains, for sale only at Dolaud's Columbus Drug Store. If anybody wants a good farm "Wagon he- should examine the Co quiPard it Wm. Decker's before purchasing. Sassafrasso for chapped hands, and the sure cure for chilblain, for sale only al Dnlaud's Columbus Drug Store. J. II. Piper, ajrent and corre spondent of the Omaha lice, was in the city Saturday, and gave us a pleasant call. For Hknt. A house, centrally located, and suitable for dwelling or boarding house. Inquire at the Journal office. Blank notes, bank, joint, indi vidual and work-and-Iabor, neatly bound in books of 50 and 100, for eale at the Journal office. Farmers, bring your poultry, butter and eggs to Lamb's near the po4t-oflice, and get ihe highest mar ket price in cash for them. A car-load of choice Michigan Winter apple cider received at Win. Ueoker's this week, which of course is for sale. If you want cider, call soon. The firm of Hiucs& Echols has been dissolved, aud the business will be continued by Echols & Davis. Echols is te sponsible for the debts of the late firm. Dr. Carl Schjoedle, veterinary Burgeon. A good hospital, where horses will receive the best of atten tion. Office at Julius ltasmussen'y, Columbus, Nebr. Cornelius Casey, a farmer of Seward comity, was run over by a passim: train between Staplehursl and Ulysses, on Friday last. He was hard ot hearing. Wanted Respectable place to teach small children for board will pay a dollar a week besides good recommendations, by ladv at Dr. Polley's. Columbus, Nov. 27. It is conceded by both democrats aud republicans that J. L. Lewis t.elis more genuine Siuger Sewing Machines, oils, attachments and ueetlles than any other man in the State. The State Journal Co. has 6eut us a copy of their new map of Ne braska. It is a good one. We will furnish our Journal, the State Jaurtiul (weekly) aud this map of Nebraska for ?3j50 cents. luo. H. Johannes was in town the other day to renew his acquain tance with the Jocrnai, and left us pome epecuneus of his crop that are excellent. He had one ear that had on it 20 rows, each row containing 50 kernels. Those that got their Caudies, Toys and Fancy Goods last year wiil remember that The Wonder Cheap Store, next door to the Post otficc, was the place where they could buy the best goods at the low est prices. A convention of county clerks and clerks of the district court is to be' held iu Columbus at the Court House, next Tuesday, Dec 14th, at 10 a. m What the object of the convention ie hag not been publicly made known. Choice Vermont maple syrup at Marshall Smith's. Mrs. Jane North has been quite sick the past week. Don't forget to jret your Christ mas Coeds at The Wondei. A full line of overshoes ami rubber boots at Marshall Smith's. I.oots from 1.25 up. at the Ilos tou Shoe Store, opposite post oflice. New goods at the Itoston Shoe Store. Call and price them, oppo site post otlire. (jus. Itecher has returned from south Nebraska. Coal is scarce everywhere, he says. The cheapest place iu town to buy your Christmas Coods is at the Wonder Cheap Store. One of the Sisters ot Charity, a daughter of David Cm-rig, died at the Hospital Sunday laal. Step iuto Mrs. M. S. Drake's millinery establishment and see those perforated card novelties. Sassafrasso for chapped hands, aud the sure cure for chilblains, for sale only at Doland's Columbus Drug Store. J. II. Clark arrived in Colum bus ouc day last week with a car load of calves from the east, for his farm on the Heaver. In a card of thanks for kindness during the illness of Mr. Meyer (re cently published iu the Journal) ''J. It." should have been H. Stewart. Harry Newman lelt Monday for southern Pennsylvania and I'alli more, Md., to visit friends. He has been away from his old home sev eral years. Please watch closely the fine, large" display of lamps and lamp goods at llrainard's People's Drug Store, opposite the post oflice. He member the price will be made the lowest. Fine holiday goods soon to arrive. George Camp, who is teaching the Duncan school, has 35 pupils. A literary society was organized there last Friday evening, and the first question for discussion is actu ally to be "Is the moon made of green cheese?" A meeting of citizens iu favor of the formation of a public library association will be held at the school house of Dint, No. (!, of Platte county on Saturday, December lit h, at 2 p. m. All persons friendly to the above object are invited to attend. ForSalk. A dwelling-house and lot iu a very desirable part of the city. Will be sold at a sacrifice, as the money is needed. The house is new aud cost more money than is asked for both house and lot. For further particulars inquire at the Journal office. J. N. Taylor was at Albion last week on business. He brought back with him a sample of eight-row corn from S. 1). Avery's that we believe would he an excellent thing for farmers to raise. It is not like the common King Philip corn, but has a much larger kernel. Fred. Coan, whilo cleaning a job-press at the Urn oflice Thursday last had the fingers of his right hand caught iu the machinery, aud con siderably mashed. It was thought at 'first that amputation would be necessary, but it is hoped that some of them at least may be saved. Anti-prohibitionists believe that there will be an effort made to so cure the passage of a prohibitory law by the legislature; some of the other party claim that they will en deavor to secure the submission of the question to a vote of the people iu the form of an amendment to the constitution. At the anti-prohibitory meeting Monday evening, J. E. North pre sided, and a committee consisting of C. A. Spcicc, Ii. H. Henry, J. P. Becker, J. G. Higgins aud G. V. Hines was appointed to prepare a remonstrance against the prohibitory movement, to be presented ala meet ing next Saturday evening. The fire in our neighboring town, DaviirCity on the morning of the 3d inst., did considerable dam age, consuming nearly .$7,000 worth of property. It is thought the fire originated from the stove in the hack part of the furniture store building. Peebles, Pepper, Itell and Leonard were also losers by the fire. The literary correspondent who wants pay for a contribution should prepare manuscript reasonably good iu orthography at least free from such glaring inaccuracies as "coin Only," "inelial," "alow," &c An editor's time is worth something, and no one ought to interlerc with his prerogative of spelling at ran dom. At Fremont the city authorities interested themselves iu preventing the spread of that fearful disease, scarlet fever, aud now after three weeks, it is said to be nearly stamp ed out. It is a very contagious dis ease, may be carried in the clothes, many physicians fear it more than they do small-pox. Parents should take every precaution to save their little ones. John McMahou recently did a piece of nice detective work. S. D. Finch, alias J. O. Grout, absconded from Aldcn, la., with about $1200 ot somebody ele's money, and, it was supposed, came to Nebraska. John had a postal card giving particulars, and was on the lookout; fiually, he had a slight clue, and by a little in quiry and some personal inspection he found his man under a different name on a homestead west of Oak dale. He was playing honest gran ger. Of course John put him ou the right road, and he will probably go where he belongs-outside the pales of civilized society, and within the walls ot a penitentiary. Geo. Itanium says that the Col orado Central, from near Julesburg to near Evans, runs through a good country right along the Platte river. Wild game of all kinds is abundant, and iu warm weather the dreams of the citizens are enlivened by the movements of the rattle snake iu their beds. Geo. thinks our country here is much ahead of Colorado for the stock raiser. Just now there arc a considerable number of sheep and cattle dying there- because of the snow and extreme cold and hick of protection aud feed. It is expect ed that the It. & M. will push their Republican Valley road westward next season. A Inng;trou. Aii'miiicc. A gentleman who lives ou Shell Creel; tells us that there arc numer ous instances within his knowledge of men throwing the carcasses of animals into Shell Creek and this, too, of those that have died of dis ease such as black leg and hog chol era. If Shell creek was a stream used only for agricultural and man ufacturing purposes, this practice would not be especially injurious, but, on nearly all farms along its margin, the cattle, horses, hogs aud sheep are accustomed to get their daily supply ol water, and it is very important that that supply should he kept as pure a well-nieining, intel ligent and decent people can keep it. From time immemorial the pol lution of the waters has been regard ed as one ol the meanest aud most reprehensible of crimes, and if there are any men in this county who Irive no respect for the rights of their neighbors, and ihe welfare of the community iu this regard, they ought to be made to feel the full force of the penalty which the law attaches to their conduct. A (iSoimI 'riling. John Harris has invented a ma chine for rope-making that promises to be a grand success. S. T. Hill is preparing a neat model to show the beauty of the invention. It takes the strands, twists aud stretches them, and winds the rope on a spool ready for the market. The machine, for use, will :ot about 2fi5. and its capacity is estimated by Mr. Harris at a ton a day, $200 worth of rope, at wholesale rates. He estimates Ihe entire cost of building and other machinery necessary to carry on the. business would he $3,000. and is de sirous of forming a company here. There is a wonderful amount of rope used iu Ibis country. There is also a large quantity of flax straw that is now going to waste, that could be utilized. The culture of flax is already profitable for the seed alone, and it an enterprise of this kind could be put ou foot here, we would not only have better ropes than we now have, but the growth ol flax would become a money making business. Mr. Harris is a practical rope maker of many years experi ence, is evidently an honest man, aud we hope he may succeed iu securing stockholders enough to make his project a success. CoIuiiiImih liar ANxo:isitinn. The organization of this society was completed last Friday evening at a meeting of the lawyers at the otfice of W. S. Geer, Enq. . The object of this organization is to maintain among its members a high klaudard of professional integ rity among the members of the bar generally; to encourage a thorough and liberal education, Ihe acquisi tion of a law library, and the due administration of Justice to all classes of society without distinc tion. Certainly no higher or more ex alted purpose could be desired. The law of professional deportment and etiquette was declared to be the rule of action of every member. AVe are satisfied that the Columbus I:ir As sociation is second to none iu central Nebraska, aud that it may justly lay claim to legal talent aud ability equal to any county bar association in the State. The charier members arc as follows: Chas. A. Speice, M. Whitmoyer, W. S. (Jeer, Lcander Gerrard, A. M. Po?t, John G. Hig gins, George G. Itowmau, M. K. Turner, Ityrou Millett, Messrs. Cor nelius & Sullivan, Stephen McAllis ter and II. G. Carew. The first annual meeting will be held ou the second Tuesday of next month at the law otfice of Messrs. Whitmoyer, Gerrard & Post. Mr. Speice was elected temporary Pres ident and Geo. G. Bowman tempo rary Secretary aud Treasurer. iev man's (riv. Ep. Journal: Owing to the coa famine we were almost frozen out last week, but Old Sol has come round again aud thawed our .ink, hence this epistle. Ed. Carroll, a young man living about four miles north from here, accidental) shot himself through the left leg Saturday night while care lessly hand ling. a revolver. Mrs. Machalski, two miles east, gave birth lo a fine pair of twins Friday night ; all doing well ; hoys. Farm work is about over for the winter. Our citizens assembled en masse last night in the school house and were treated to a finetilciopticau exhibition by two youug men from the east. It was well appreciated, as we have had uo amusement for some time. Yours, H. E. Ward. Itntlcr County. As intimations of what our Slatr needs in legislation can do no harm. I would suggest that one of our greatest needs at the present time is railroad legislation. While we be lieve in strict justice, "and will not grumble if more is conceded to them,'' we do not certainly believe it proper that the industries of Ne braska should bear the euonnors and cruel rates on freight and travel, at the present time levied. As railroads increase iu the differ ent counties and bonds arc cheer fully voted, iu anticipation of com peting lines, so do tho rates on our railroads increase, and those who so emphatically dreamed of cheapci rales, by competing lines, waked up to find them pooled. Freight rates are higher now in this county than ever, and we believe they also are iu Platte, and it seems to us thai if the people of Nebraska do not soon wake up lo the emer gency of the case, and by legislation compel a stoppage of the cruel ex tortion as practiced by our railroads they had better quit fanning, and let the Slate again become "the desert," as of old. No industry can possibly bear, and assuredly farming cannot, the rates taken by these public carriers And, Mr. Turner, we do sincere!) hope that you and your co-laborers in the coming legislature at Lincoln, will receive such loads of petitions, from every school -district ; and without respect to parlies that will compel a respectful hearing, and the framing of a constitutional and just law on tills matter, just to the peo ple of Nebraska, and also just to the railroads. Improvements are still being made al Kising City, but our pres ent communication is loo long to particularize. Our paper (the Inde pendent) is well liked, and we be lieve Mr. Verity, Ihe editor, will be pecuniarily appreciated in W.st I'.ntler. VnvNor:j Humphrey Item. En. Journal: A communication appeared iu your paper some weeks ago, describing to some extent this busy little burg; since that time, quite a number ot additions have been made, among them a large store hy Messrs. Ripp & Fuelis, a brick blacksmith shop, and a bar room and hail by Louis Schroeder. 'Lou)" being a fiddler, himself, the "light laulastic" will he swung now for all that's out. We are informed that our friend, Nels Peterson, Esq., sold 200 busli of wheat to Hipp, tho dealer, at 80 cl., or the rise ol the market. A good contract. The literary society which has been conducted so successfully al the Mc Alpine school-house for the past three winters is about to begin its labors again. We wish them a pleasant time. The Catholic church, erected chiefly by the Polaudcrs iu this vicinity, is approaching completion. It will cost .$300. Some of our citizens attended the panorama aud dance given at the Fields house at Platte Centre, by Messrs. Maughau and Leisenring, on Thanksgiving evening, and re port a splendid lime. The school indistrict.il closed on the 23d. In the afternoon some of the patrons and friends visited the school to listen to the " patriots" perform, and after tho presentation of reward cards and so on, the friends and pupils went to their re spective horneo,all agreeing that the afternoou was most pleasantly spent and voting a repetition of the same. So says Victor, although by no means Victor IIu;o. ICailroad I.oilation. Editor Journal: In your issue of December 1st, under the heading "Railroad Oppression," yon repub lish a communication signed "Citi zen," taken from the Butler County Press, which I think goes right to the mark. If the legislature this winter shall fail to relieve the people from this oppression, I venture the predic tion that, the one which will assem ble in 18S3 will he not quite so solid republican as the present one. I desire to call atteulion to the fact that a convention of farmers and shippers has been called to meet at Lincoln January 5th, 1881, for the purpose of organizing the "Nebraska State Farmers' Alliance," and for the further purpose of impressing on the legislators the necessity for im mediate relief from railroad oppres sion. All Granges, Farmers Clubs, Farmers' Alliances and kindred as sociations are invited to send dele gates. Platte county has several Granges and Farmers' Clubs. Do they pro pose to ho represented? I hope so. Platte county ought to be represent ed. It certainly has had its share of radiuad oppression. Yours, Dec. 3, ISS0. Paiia.va Hoska. IN' for .Nule. We have lor sale, the hand-press upon which the Journal (present size) has been heretofore printed. It is a seven column folio Washington press and iu good order. Price $100 cash. Address M. K. Turner it Co., Columbus, Neb. FOR SALE. A Christmas Tree for a amall fam ily. Inquire at this otfice. letter Us. The following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in tho post-otlicc. in Columbus, for the week ending Dec. 4, I860: .Mai tin Hums. 3Iary Miller, tJoorgc Clapp, 2 CLs. E Xiles, George Cleveland, Peter l'felne. 2 William Uastello, Miss Julia Pliant, .Miss Hannah DuganO 1 Reed Mr DeHinaii. .1 W Richards, .lolm Dcuinau, V G Samuels, Cathrine Knviu, Minnto Starr, 1'eter Halligan, Leopold Sncider, Hold. Hershrunner.Carlinia 'lay lor, F II Heltliusch, O V Waterman, Lizzie Kinsman, C L Weyricli, Thos. Kelley, Lizzie " ounger. John Kuapp, Those marked " V poital card. If not called for iu ."0 days will lie sent to the dead letter oilice, Washington, D. When called for please say "adver tised," as these letters are kept 'separate. E.A. GKRRAun. P.M. DIED. RICKLY Saturday lcc. I, of scarlet feer, Frank, son of Will. T. and Mary Kickly, aged 2 year-. Sl'll ItElltKIt Dec. 4, of scarlet fever, (Mara, daughter of Louis aud Mieua Schreihor, aired l vear. 2 months and 12 ilavs. L0CA L NOTICES. Advertisement- under this head live cents a line each insertion. The Wonder. Salt Salmon at Bridges. Now Sweet Cider at Hudson's. Ladies' cloaks only ."fil at Kra mer's. Phine Phat, Phresh Oysters at Hudson's. 35 yards of dark calicos for -fl at Kramer's. Celery and quinces at Itridges, always ou hand. Soapstono Griddles for your buckwheats at the Wonder. Kramer sells a woolen scarf, 2 yaids long for lo cts. A large line of silk handker chiefs at Galley Bros. Come and look at the beautiful new hoods at Kramer's. A large, new stock of men's and women's shoes at Win. Schilz's. The finest and purest Candies, also Holiday Goods at The Wonder. When you waul the finest apples in the market go to Marshall Smith's. Fresh Figs and Dales at Bridg es'1 New Comb Honey' at Hudson's. Go to Itridges, and see the new candy just received, the best in town. Just received, another bale ol heavy sheeting, at 0 cts. per yard. Friedhof & Co.,Bonesteel's old stand. Shell-bark hickory nuts at Hud son's. Money to loan at !) percent, ou all sums over ifiiOO, by McAllister Bros. The latest thing in dress goods, figured all wool cashmere at Kra mer's. Just received, an assortment ol new nuts for the holidays at Hud son's. (Jo to Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store to buy waterproof at 20 cents a yard. - llemeinber, wo give tho lowest prices on all goods of any house in the city al Galley Bros. Fresh celery on hand at all times at Itridges, opposite post-ollice. Ladies' and children's furs from :() cts. lo $25.00 at Friedhof & Go's. Bonestecl's old stand. Overcoats to fit the smallest boy aud the largest man at IvramerV. Now York Cheap Cash Store. Fresh made tally at Itridges. Now chestnuts, new figs, fresh candies and sugar toys at Hudson's. Go to Kramer's for ladies' miss es' and children's cloaks. Just in. A nice line of Ladies lace handkerchiefs and scarfs, at Friedhof & Go's., BonesteePs old stand. Huy your vlotliing: al Kra itier', where you liinl J lie Ialrt ly !., I't asMirliuciit aii! lowest prie.ew. Rhode Island Greenings, Ttild wins and Northern Spy's by the bbl. or peck, at Marshall Smith's. When in want of a fine Shoe, try our celebrated Philadelphia made goods at Friedhof & Co'h, Bone steel's old stand. New furs for ladies and chil dren, very cheap, just received at Kramer's. A new lot of confectionery just received at Bridges. Call and see it, the best iu the market. Don't forget to get your Christ mas Goods at the Wonder. The hcst $ 1 50 Boot in Colum bus, don't fail to see it, before buying at Friedhof & Go's, Bonestecl's old stand. We have just received another lot of Alpacca Skirts. Call soon if you wish the best skirt iu the mar ket at Galley Bros. New stock and new styles of Ladies' and children's fur hats and caps, at Friedhof So Go's., Itone steel's old stand. Fresh oysters, 30, 45 and 55 cts. per can, at Hudson's. Platte & Co's celebrated brand of oyst rs, acknowledged to be the best in ,the market, for sale at Bridge's.' If yon wish an Overcoat and want to save money, don't forget lo call ou us as we have bought since the decline ou clothing and can give you bargains. Galley Bros. Wc have just received fcr the Holiday trade an excellent line of single aud double Broche & Paisley shawls. Friedhof & Co. The largest line of ladies' Bea ver Coats and Dolmans In Ihe cit at Galley Bros., which we intend to close Jan 1st. Call soon, if you wish bargains. We will show, for the next two weeks, the nicest and best selected slock of novelties ever brought to Columbus. Friedhof & Co., Bone steel's old stand. Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pills? They are a positive cure for sick headache, and all the ills .produced by disordered liver. Only one pill a dote. For sale at A. Heiutz's Drug Store. Tho cheapest place in town to buy your Christmas Goods is at Tho Wonder Cheap Store. In order to reduce our large stock ol worsted zephyrs, we have marked seasonable shades 10 cts. au ounce. Friedhof & Co. Don't forget to go to Tho Won der for your Christmas and Now Years Gifts, Caudies, etc. 5.1 Thoso unhappy persons who sutler from nervousness and dyspep sia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which are made expressly for sleepless, nervous, dyspeptic sutler ers. Price 25 cents' For sale at A. Hointz's Drug Storo. In order to reduce our stock, we will sell for the next two weeks our entire stock of cloaks at cost. Call and see. Friedhof & Co., Bone steel's old stand. Those that got their Candies, Toys and Fancy Goods last year will remember that The Wonder Cheap Store, next door to the Post ollice, was tho place where they could buy the best goods at the lowest prices. Derangement of the liver, with constipation, injure the complexion, induce pimples, sallow skin, etc. Remove the cause by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. For sale at A. Hcintz's Drug Store. The Celebrated Hanna Wagon, the lightest running, the most dura ble, in fact, the very best wagon on wheels. Prices : 3x9 inch skein, $73.00. 3l.,xl0 inch skein, $75.00, 3'...xll inch skein. $7800. Liberal discount off for cash. For sale by S. A. Hanna, office at the Hammond House, Columbus, Neb. AVOID THE RUSH and go this week to Kramer's New York Cheap Ca'sh Storo to buy use r ii 1 holiday presents. IlorSalc dieap-t'a!! or'l'iiue. One span good work mares; one span mare ponies; one large work horse. D. A PRRSO.V. I'ateut B-'ire Itimllersi. Just the. thing for these cold morn ings; try them, and see your wife smile. A full supply at Hudson's. t'lothiiig:! t'lolhin! Men's heavy Winter Suits from fl.00 and upwards at Friedhof & Co's, Itonesteel's old stand. '-tray Notice. Taken up, Nov. 25t'h, a small bay mare pony, five or six years old. The owner will call at Win. Bacon's, prove property aud pay charges. Taken Up. In my corral one red and white heiler Ihe owner will pay expenses and take her away. D. Aniikksov. t'loakx! 4loalN! The largest and linest assortment in Columbus, come and see them al Friedhof & Go's, stand.' Itonesteel's obi 1'iidertaking:. F. Gerber has added to his furni ture business thai of undertaking. Coflins of all styles may be found at his place, north side of 11th street, opposite his furniture store. (.'noil Ntoek. I havo three well-bred young Short Horn Hulls for sale at reason able prices. Farmers desiring lo improve their stock are invited to call aud see them. J. ti. Rkkd. .! i:y to -loaa In Platte and Butler counties at J) per cent interest, no interest in advance, nor commission, and money furnished ou short no.lice. Apply to O. S. Bridges, opp. P. O. It is foil ceded By both Democrats and Republi cans that "Fatty'' Woods sells more cigars and tobacco than any man in town; and he sells as cheap as any. If you want a good smoke, or any kind of plug or smoking tobaccos, call on Fatly" at the City Cigar Store on Olive St. few Illooded Hull C'alyesi for .Sale At Bloomingdalc Stock Farm on Upper Shell Creek. These calves are the. get of the famous premium bull, Baron Oxford, UH.'l.'i, N. 58, V. 11, A. II. B. I will sell them cheap, now, to save the trouble of wintering. Can he paid partly or all iu corn or oats. A. Hkn'ku'ii. Met P.O., Platte Co., Neb. Statement Of moneys collected, and expendi tures of the temperance meetings, closed December .'td : To collection, Nov. 27tli " ::oiii AilmN'-ion ntiloor . . SiiliM'ription-i . . Paid Wiiodrord .. .. INu of church .. .. For hoard, Woodford .. Print in;; $ 4 12 A :h"I 1.1 s H-i.-.il fimni . 'J-2 (HI . 10' ."n .i M : on S (Ml I'cfumlcd hy order Wood- torn B:tl. paid to treasurer Tem perance Alliance ,. . fii;7 0) kit oo A. (iKKUAUIl. .Still (.renter Itcducf Ioiin. To reduce my immense stock. I will sell ladies' high colored felt skirts worth $1, for 50 cts. ; chil dren's fur caps worth $1, for 25 cts. ; embroidered silk handkerchiefs worth 50 cts. for 15 cts. ; 2 yard long woolen scarfs worth 50 cts. for 15 cts. all wool red flannel worth 35 cts. for 20 cts-; waterproof worth 35 cts. for 20 cts. ; Men's double mittens worth 40 cts. for 25 ct-.; children's wool hoe worth 10 cts. for 5 cts. at L. Kramer's New York Cheap Ca-h Store. .Iat the Thins: r iVcItruxku. G. Heilkcinper & Bro. have re ceived a lot of fine Silver patented dust proof watch eases; they are fitted. up with fine Wallham move ment, andaie so constructed that they will not let any dust in, even no water; they can be warranted for 5 years, and only cost a little more than tho ordinary watches. Parties wishing to buy a watch should not fail tp call at the Eleventh Street Jewelry Store (o see them ; they will also find the largest slock of everything in the jewelry busi ness in Columbus, Neb., aud lower prices. Give us a trial. G. IiEITKEMPEK & BKO. A Good Opportunity. Any person desirous of disposing of a good piece of land or town property to an. advantage can do so by calling at this oflice. Chrh.tiua HI tin. We have just received a splendid Hue of Gents and Ladies cull' but tons, Ladies vail pins, setts and brooches. These are good, aud will he sold cheap, at Galley Bros. Splendid Stock of Implement The undersigned, haviug pur chased the entire stock of implements of Schutteand Pohl will keep con stantly on hand at the old staud ou 13th street, west of Olive, Columbus, the Marsh and Buford Sulky plows, Tiger, Thomas aud Knowltou Sulky hay rakes, and au entire new stock of the Whitewater wagons. E. J. & J. A. EitNST. Successors to Schutte & Pohl. Male ot RHtray.n. Notico is hereby given that on Sat urday, the 15th day of January. 1881, at the residence of Martin Holleriu, in Columbus precinct, in Platte county, Neb., at 10 o'clock iu the lorenoon, I will ofler for sale to the highest bidder for cash, one bay colt, supposed to be about two years ot age, aud one bay colt to be about two years of age with star in fore head ; said colts to be sold as estrays. G.-B. Bailky, Justice of the Peace. Dated November 10th, 1S80. The New York Cheap Cash Storo occupies two stores adjoining each other on 11th street, ami large and conspicuous signs are found on both buildings, "two hearts that beat as ouo" there is a little, plain door, unadorned by any sign, free from any primer's ink, but if you open it aud ascend one flight of stairs, you enter the sanctum sanctuary of Tiik Coi.umuus Joi-un'ai. Every day a hundred men, more or less, come iuto the New York Store, asking, "Where is the Joi'knai. oflice? Tho boys in tore are kept pretty busy now and will simply call out, "next door." Just as sure as shooting the man will go out of one store and into the other, and somebody has lo be dep utized to show him that simple little door, A Card. Farmers, business men and me chanics, it you want a neat-fitting, durable hoot or shoe, give me a trial. I have secured one of the best work men in Ihe State,and will guarantee to make a better sewed boot than any shop iu town. I work nothing but the best of stock, aud will war rant a fit in every particular. A trial will convince you that I mean what I say. fi-Thfrteenth St., one door west of M. Smith. G. W. Phillip. Read Thi Carefully. Trade where you have the best selection, best qualities and lowest prices. Tkadk with a i.ivk hou.sk, trade with a house that has an out let for a (piarter of a million dollars worth of goods a year; you are then sure to buy fresh and desirable goods. Trade with a house that has a buyer constantly iu the market and receives new goods every day ; trade with a house that makes the lowest price on each and every article; trade with a house that has but one uniform low price for every body. Trade with a house that gives every man his just dues, his money's worth, and prompt and cheerful treatment; trade with a house where you find everything you call for, aud everything as rep resented; trade with a house that buys and sells exclusively for cash. There is hut onk such nous in central Nebraska, and that is L. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store, Colunibus. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advert isuineutM under this head live cents a line, llrU insertion, three vents a line em Ii subsequent insertion. BSJrLiiiidy, the new Artist on KlfVeutli St., invites all lovura of art to call and examine specimen. BSH have one hundred calves and yearlings female, all Illinoiw stock. T. Kkatino. I.undy (Jiiaraiifees to make the finest pho-lo-jraphs ever in Columliin. Call on him. Wanted. To exchange harness for 100 tons of hay. .-MM 31. II . Whiik. t'lieap. Four pictures torn!) enl. at Lun ilyN gallery, for the next .11 ila. tegular .Stock lealer. All kinds of horned wtoek bought and -old; aim fat and stuck liogi. "!,.v I). AxilKKMON. Team ot llor-es For "ale or exchange lor cattle. M. IC.Tuunkr. t'ardlHaiKl ."pinning:. I have a iii;tntity or wool which I wish to hae carded and spun within the next mouth. Will par in wool or caxli. ('all soon, on 31. K. Tuk.nxk. Ontral Jleat Market. Albert E. llickly has purchased and i.i now running the above named market. The meat-consuming commu nity are solicited to make frequent calls, where they can get the best aud the mou lor their money. Also dealer in Poultry, Hides, &e., on a .small com. minion. flll-x. Notice of involution. Notice is hereby given that Ihe partnership heretofore existing be tween a. V. Hines mid J. c. Kcholi, under the linn nume oT Hluc ,t HchoU is this day dissolved hy mutual consent. All accounts due the firm will he pya hle to .1. C. Kclml, who will also he responsible for the liahilitirs of the til in. .1. V. Kchols Ims taken in part ucrxbip with him Ed. Davis of this city, and the business will hereafter he con ductt d under the linn name of Kchols & Davis at the old stand on 12th street. Notice io the Public. The undersigned. (I. Heilkeinper ,fc Hro., are selling Watches, Clocks and Jewelry cheaper than anybody ehe In I'olumt.ui. We are. not selling at cost, we cau not aiibrd it, but nevertheless vye ell cheaper than those who sell at cost. We buy our goods mostly for cash, and get, as everybody knows, a good cash discount. We sell strietty for cas , and don't make any bud debts; consequently we can sell cheaper than any other jeweler in Columbus. We have the largest assortment, and assure the public that they wllj, be benefited by calling before they buy and examine am-muck. W vilt always ell cheaper tbauotUertL, even when they sell ut cost. G. UjttkkjujkrA Bko Keepiil. Tho gallery, formerly occupied by Mrs. Jonaelyn on Eleventh St.. i bow pen aud undergoing some Iwportaut rhaiure.H, ami hereafter uothliiir but strictly Umt-cla.s Photoa will be turn ed out. COLUMBUS MAMETS. Our quotations of the market ant ob tained Tuesday aftemoon.and re correct and reliable at the time OKAIN, C. Wheat No. I, teatSJI Itn.. " " -, M .. " 3, 51 " .. CornShelled, old Oats, (fit ft 75 so . lftoasoo I 20 ltJ2-30 Graham. fKUDUCK. Itutter, .. Eggs, Potatoes, 20&22 HK460 LIVK STOCK. Fat Hogs... . 3 80(34 00 . wxaoo Ai O0Q16 00 .. 4 003tf00 8 00 4 0 4 4 en Kat Cattle. Yearlings, Calves JIeep Good veal, per hundred, Hides, green salted DON'T READ THIS, For if you do you will learn teheie you cau find the NOBBIEST, NICEST, PRET TIEST and viort ATTIt ACT IVE assortment of IWLI I)A Y GOODS ever broupht lo this counln, and at PJil CJSS within the reach of A LL. I will specify ?he articles next week: Iu the meantime you will find my storo the place to buy all your Toilet Articles, Drugs, Perfumes, 3 Fancy Goods. I A3I CONTIM'AI.LV ADIHKQ FRESH, PURE DRUGS, And my stock N'KVKK ets old or stale, at is frequently the ease with some ilriiir stocks. I AM SELLING White Lead, Strictly Pure, for $8.50 per 100 pounds. j3J"Watc h this corner next week don't forget it. j3 leiiieiubr the IMa-c. DOLAKD'S mm DEW SM, Third dooi north of pot-otflce. F. GERBER & CO.. DKAI.KK3 IX FURNITURE ! AND UNDERTAKERS. , wuuiwuuu, TABLES. Etc., Etc. -:o: GIVE HIM A CALL AT HIS FLACK OX SOUTH SIDE 11th ST., One door east of Jlriidz's drug ttore. QUICKLY CURED BY CARTER'S Smart Weed -AND- Belladonna M Acte Plasters! These plasters contain Smart Weed and Bella donna both wonderful paia relievers la addi tion to the usual gums, balsams, Ac. used la other porous plasters, aad are consequently superior to all uthers for wealc or Lama Bade. Back: Acne, RheumatlHm. Neuralgias Soraaaasi of the Cheat or Lunga, Aathma. Plaurlay, Kidney Troubles. Crick In the BJcTET&lff- noea of the Joints, and for alfPalna and Aches, and wherever a fbuter can be Uged. If you hare any need for a. Porous Strengthening Plaster, we know thin one will please you. It is sure to give relief, aad pais caa not exist where it is applied. . Ask your druraistfor Carter's Smart Weed aad Belladonna Back Ache Piasters. Price, j cents. CABTEB MEDICINE CO.. New York. Just In. A Large Stock OK Fall and Winter DRYGOODS! FINE, CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING- WirvrKK OVKKtOA'ffi, j uuui uuu isuyvj nUn!! BACK ACHE vm Mits and Gloves, BOOTS is SHOES, AT PRICES TO SUIT ALT,. ALSO A FULL LINE OF Gfroceries. Hardware. Q,ueeiiHvare- jSrniE HIOHBSTMAKKETPRIUE I'A ID FOR COUNTRY PRO DUCE. jJ I. BIEMOLLEX'S, 5-&2m Platte Centre, Neb.