The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 08, 1880, Image 2

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Enteiedat the PoM-otliee, Columbia
Neb a.. M'ciniit cl:i. matter.
Qukkx VicnouiA recently held a
etnte council nt Windsor.
Gen. Garfield returned to hia
home from Washington last week.
The state fish hatchery at Boyne
Falls, Mich., was destroyed last week
by a flood.
The ice broke in the Volga last
week, destroying five steamers and
thirty barges.
The last of the twenty-four bodies
lost in the Hudson river tuuuel have
been recovered.
It appears that Lieut. Gov. Itobin
fion ol Colorado, lost his life by an
accidental shot from a guard.
Thiktv thousand dollars in silver
certificates were exchanged last
week at Washington for gold.
J. B. Taylor has been elected to
fill the yacanry in the house created
by Gen. Garfield's resignation.
The chamber of commerce at New
York have adopted a resolution cal
ling for a national bankrupt law.
Germany, France and the United
States are arranging for another
conference on the silver question.
The "West Point post-office this
state has been raised to the grade of
"Presidential" with $1,100 salary.
One hundred more exiled German
socialists have reached New York,
where employment has beeu secured.
Seventy-five thousand pounds in
gold were purchased last week iu
London for transmission to Amer
ica. James Sloan, indicted for mur
der, and confined in the Bellefon
tainc, Ohio, jail, cut hi6 throat with
a razor.
Recent advices from Europe say
that several millions of dollars in
sterling will be shipped to America
in May.
Dunham & Sons, or New York,
the oldest piano manufacturers in
America, have failed; liabilities,
It is stated that Gladstone will
propose a grant of $25,000 to Gen.
Roberts, for his services in the Af
ghan war.
Amon(! a dozen or more suicides
reported last week was the leap of
an unknown man from the bridge at
St Louis.
P. T. Baunum, the great show
man, has beeu very ill for over a
week. His health is improving, and
he is now able to vigorously dis
claim relationship to the maunger of
the democratic trick mule.
Danikl Bosham, charged with
robbing the Chicago & Alton train
at Glenwood, Kansas, plead guilty.
lie and Jesse James, the notorious
outlaws, are now known to have
been the leaders of the gang.
Crawford's opera house at To
peka, Kan., which had been refitted
and furnished, was destroyed by fire
last week.
Ex-Gcv. Garher's health has so
improved that he will soon return
to Nebraska. All who know him
will lejoice.
Three judges of election have
been arrested for refusing to take
votes of colored persons who were
legal voters.
Four hundred camels Indcncd
with s t ores for the Russian Army,
have fallen into the hands of the
Ari'LiCATioN will be made to the
Canadian parliament for a charter
to lay a cable to Europe, lauding at
Scilly Island.
By ttie depreciation of their paper
currency, trade in Japan is para
lyzed, and a foreign loan has been
resolved upon.
The southern fint mail service
delivered the New York dailies last
week in Richmond, Ya., four hours
earlier tbau befoie.
The New York bank statement
shows a balance of $105,(175 less thnn
legal requirement ; decrease during
the week, $2,017,000.
The Disciples arc about to erect
a commodious chapel at Washington
City. Two architects have volun
teered their services.
Juucks McCrarj' and Foster were
banqueted last week by the bar of
Topeka; two hundred Kansas law
yers were in attendance.
The body of Mrs. Lucia Noyes,
wife of C. H. Noyes, Esq., was cre
mated the other day at Dr. Le
Moyue's, in Pcnnyslvania.
Gen. Garfiei.ii deuies that he Iirb
named a single member of his cabi
net, notwithstanding the report tel
egraphed over the couutry.
Joun IIaher and Isaac Morri6
were sent to the penitentiary for
life from Ft. "Wayue. I ml., for the
murder of Barnhardt Myers.
D. C. McConnell, a lawyer in
Anderson, lnd., fell on an icy side
walk iu that place one night last
week and was instantly killed.
The President has appointed M. R.
Barr collector of customs at Erie,
Ph., and A. P. K. Saflbrd. of Arizo
na, delegate to the world s fair.
A Creek delegation are on their
way to Washington City for Creek
Indian interests, and oppose the set
tlement of whites in Oklahoma.
A first-class volcano is claimed
to exist not far from Colorado
Springs. It is located near the
summit, and just west of Pike's
The African mail steamer brought
to Liverpool news of the outbreak
recently of a horrible war nt New
Calbar, attended with fearful butch
eries. Over half a million of silver dol
lars have beeu recently distributed
by the treasury. The real necessity
of the hour 16 stronger pantaloons
Albert Sumner, a young man of
Omaha, while dressing cuttle the
other day at Harris and Fisher,
packing house, dropped upon the
floor, and died instautly.
John I. Redick recovered the oth
er day a verdict of $G013.32 against
tbo First National Bank at Omaha,
in the United Suites circuit court,
on account of illegal interest charg
ed bv the bank.
Nashville was enveloped the
other day iu black clouds, from
which a huge ball of fire was emit
ted illuminating the city and burst
ed into fragments, firing the spire of
McKendree church.
The managers of the Bank of
England are becoming somewhat
concerned about the depletion of
their gold vaults for shipment to
America, and are expected to take
arly action in the matter.
British Columbia was shook up
by the recent earthquake at a won
derful rate. Glaciers were split
from base to summit, and great
masses cast into the valley and
creeks, completely filling them.
One hundred and seventeen
deaths were reported in New York
on the 30lh ulL The increase in
mortality is in most cases of pneu
monia aud consumption, consequent
upon the severity of the weather.
The case against B. F. Alleu was
on trial last week at Chicago, grow
ing out of the defunct Cooke county
National bank, for fraud against the
government and the bank's credi
tors. Mrs. Annie Casey was arrested
the other day at Toronto on the
charge of murdering her two chil
dren. She was in the habit of get
ting drunk, but it is alleged that she
was sober when she committed the
Gen. Roberts, who has just re
turned to England from the battle
fields of Afghanistan, is the lion of
the hour in London. He has al
ready accepted invitations to eleven
banquets in his honor, one of which
will be given in Dublin.
Grant seems to be a thorn in the
side to some republicans, as well as
democrats. The latest piece of newB
is that the cx-prcsident is to be put
forward by Senator Conkling, and
elected as Conkling's companion iu
the U. S. Senate from New York.
Agnks Brown, a colored woman
of Bronson, Ohio, died the other day
at the age of 120 years, and the
fuueral sermon was preached by an
old time acquaintance from Xenia,
Ohio, who is in his one huudredth
year and has been in the ministry
since 1802.
The remains of Byron G. Pierce
were taken to his home in Illinois
on the 29th ult. from the uaval acad
emy at Annapolis, Md., where great
alarm is felt on account of the in
crease iu the death rate at the acad
emy, throe cadets nave inert in
three weeks.
"Wm. A. Burress, of Farmland,
Indiana, shot and killed his wife on
the 30th nit. He had been drinking
all day and quarrelled with and
abuBed every one he met, and had
several disputes with his wife before
shooting her. He was arrested aud
taken to jail.
John "Ryan, living in Washing
ton county, this Slate, missed $175
from his house. Upon inquiry he
found his hired man, John McCarty,
had also disappeared, and the con
clusion was that he had taken the
money. He was pursued to Oinaha
but could not be found
The propeller Simcoe, with 10,000
bushels of com, was lost in a recent
storm. Besides corn she had on
board 375 barrels of flour. All hands
on board aud the vessel are believed
to be lost on Luke Huron. Four
vessels reported lost in the same
storm on Auticosta Island.
Hart, the publisher of the Truth,
the paper that published the forged
Morey - Chinese - Garfield letter,
threatens to bring criminal libel
suits against the editor of the Times
aud four or five similar suits against
the New York Tribune, claiming
damages in each case of $50,000.
Wm. Phillips, of Montague, N.J.,
aged 35, father of two children, run
away the other day with Mrs. John
Middough, a pretty aud well edu
cated young woman, the wife of a
prosperous farmer. The woman had
one child, about five years old, which
she took with her. It is believed
they came west.
Prof. Augury of tho State Uni
versity has been examining tho
Wyoming Oil Springs, in the Wiud
river county, and it appears from
his statements that Petroleum exists
iu greater quantities there than any
place yet discovered iu the world.
Aughey, however, is fast acquiring
a reputation of talking outside of
demonstrated truth.
A fire occurred last week at
West Point, the terminus of the
York River and Chesapeake rail
road. The fire originated iu a
steam shirley, which was loadiug
cotton. The shirley was consumed,
and al60 all the wharfs, warehouses
and other buildings, together with
20,000 bales of cotton and 21 railroad
cars. The loss will reach $500,000.
The transportation question Is
looming up for future consideration
with outlines of very large dimen
sions, t or the demands of modern
life there are not more than half
enough railroads, and rates are two
to three times as much as the public
welfare demands. There must be
found a road out of the mire. The
foundation of all our material pros
perity, the farming iulerest, cannot
much longer sustain the weight
placed upon them. They bear it
uow unwilling, aud when the oppor
tunity comes, if justice is not done
them by the vast corporations, of
their own motion, tho sovereign
power of our government will (be
cause it must) take the matter iu
J charge.
Called on Gnrlirltl.
Cleveland, December 2. Ohio's
twenty-two electors accompanied by
Gov. Foster, Secretary of State
Barnes, State Treasurer Turucy and
other officials visited Mentor this
morning to pay a formal call upon
Gen. Garfield.
During the visit in response to the
address of Gcu. Grosvenor, Garfield
addressed the electors as follows:
I am deeply grateful to you for
this call and these personal and pub
lic congratulations. If I were to
look upon the late campaign and tho
result merely iu the light of a per
sonal struggle and a personal suc
cess it would probably be as grat
ifying as anything could be in the
history of politics. If my own
conduct durinsr the campaign has iu
anyway been a help and strength to
our cause I am glad. It is not al
ways an easy thing to behave well.
If, under trying circumstances, my
behavior as a candidate for the pres
idency has met your approval I am
greatly gratified, but the larger sub
ject of your congratulations to the
country on the triumph of the re
publicau party, opens a theme too
vast for mo to enter upon now. 1
venture, however, to mention a re
flection which has occurred to me
in reference to the election of yes
terday. I suppose that no political
event has occurred in all the course
of the contest siuce the early spring
which caused so little excitement
and indeed so little public observa
tion as the presidential election
which was held yesterday at mid
day. The American people paid
but little attention to the details of
the real presidential election, aud for
a very significant reason. Although
you and all members of the electo
ral colleges had an absolute consti
tutional and technical right to vote
for anybody you chose, and though
no written law directed or suggest
ed your choice, yet every American
kuew that an august sovereign of
this republic, 9 000,000 of voters, on
an early day iu November, had pro
nounced the omnipotent fiat of
choice and that the sovereign, as
suming as done that which he had
ordered to be done, entertained no
doubt that his will would be im
plicitly obeyed by all colleges in all
states. That is why the people were
so serenely quiet yesterday. They
had never yet found an Amoricau
who had failed to keep his trust as a
presidential elector. From- this
thought I draw this lesson : that
when that omnipotent sovereign,
the American people, speaks to one
man aud orders him to do the duty,
that a man may under the most
solemn obligations of duty execute
those that the God of the Universo
might impose upon him. Yester
day, through your votes, aud tho
votes of others iu tho various states
in the Union, it is probable that the
returns will show that our great po
litical sovereign had laid his com
mands upon me. If he has done so,
I am as bound by his will and his
great inspiration and purpose as I
could be bound by any considera
tion that tliH earth could impose on
any human being. In that presence,
therefore, 1 am awed by the maj
esty aud authority of such a com
mand. In so far as lean interpret
the best aspirations and purposes of
our august sovereign, I shall Beck to
realize them. You and I, and those
who have acted with us in years
past, believe that our sovereign loves
liberty, and desires for all itp inhab
itants of the republic pence and
prosperity under the sway of just
and equal laws. Gentlemen, I thank
you for this visit, for this welcome,
for the suggestions that your pres
ence and your words bring, and tho
hope that you have expressed in the
arduous and great work before us
that we may maintain the standard
of our nationality and promote all
that is good and worthy iu this
country, and that during the coming
four years we may raise just as large
a crop of peace, prosperity, justice,
liberty and culture as it is possible
for forty-nine millions of people to
Gov. Foster was master of cere
monies, presenting visitors to Gen.
Garfield. After an interchange of
greeting, two hours were passed in
informal social intercourse, when
tho company returned here and dis
persed for their homes, except Gov.
Foster, who remained at Mentor.
The Npealferxhip ISutler Co.
We clip the following from iho
David City Jiepublicnn, and com
mend it to members of the House as
containing words of truth and so
berness :
"There are already many anxious
aspirants for the speakership iu our
State legislature, to convene next
mouth. Among the many names
mentioned for the responsible posi
tion of presiding otiioci, the name
of Hon. J. C. Robber.a, .d Ciller,
stands out in bold relief. Mr. Rob
berts was elected Float Rcpreseuta
alivo of the 51&t Representative
District by a majority of overSOO, a
most handsome recognition of abili
ty and fitness. His political oppo
nent was the strongest candidate ol
the Democratic party ot the Dis
trict, which last year gave a Demo
cratic majority ot over J00. His
majority in this county .was 705
Jlgainst a Democratic majority of
135 two years ago. We challenge
any competitor to show a more com
plete aud full home endorsement.
It is urged by the prominent Re
publicans ot the 51st District, that
Mr. Robbcrts is wholly free Irom
any entangling alliances, and if hon
ored with the position of presiding
officer, wo will hear no charges of
packed' committees, partisan rul
ings, aud a thousand aud one other
objections, so frequently heard in
connection with legislative proceed
ings. The sterling qualities of Mr.
Robbcrts as a lawyer, his knowledge
of parliamentary rules, and the claim
of his District constituency to a
reasonable recognition iu the com
ing legislature cannot fail of ac
knowledgment and careful consid
eration, iu the organization of the
lower House.
Land Olliee -it Grand Island, Nub., I
December od, 10. J
NOTICE is hi-re by given that the
following-named settlor baa tiled
notice of bi intention iu make tinal
proof in supportofhis claim, and secure
linal entry thereof, before the Clerk-of
the Court of Platte county, Nebraska,
at the county :eat, on Saturday, the
8th day of .lamiar., 1S81, viz:
lames' Noonan, It nuestcad No. ."iflSl,
for the K. , N. W. K; Section S, Town
ship 1!) nortn, Range 2 west, and names
the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous re-idence upon and cultiva
tion of said tract, viz: John Moriarty,
Thoma- Blandfonl, Patrick Morrissey
and Thomas Moriartv, of Platte Center,
Piatt Co.. Neb.
5.-2-T M. B. HOXIK, Register.
Land Olliee, Grand Island, Neb.,)
Dec. d. 1SS). f
OT1CK is hereby given that the fol-
lowing named settler has tiled no-
lice ol ins intention to make linal
proof in support of bis claim, and se
cure tinal entry thereof, before the
Clerk ol the Court of Platte county,
Nebraska, at the County Seat, on Satur
day, the J?lh day of January, ISS1, viz:
I'eter Noonan. Homestead No. 5170,
C the N. Yi N. V. ,, Section 8.
Township lit north, Range 2 west, anil
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said trad, viz: Patrick Mor
rissev. Thomas .M ri.irty, John Moriar
tv aud Thomas Riaudlbrd, all of Platte
Center, Platte Co., Xeb.
.VfiW . M. It. IIOXIE, Regis'.'-.
John T. Crawford, an eccentric
man, died about two weeks since at
Cincinnati leaving an estate valued
at about $100,000, which he disposed
of by will to be applied to building
a home for aged colored men, and
directing that the home shall be
built on eighteen aud one-half acres
at College J I ill. There appears some
trouble in getting the will to pro
bate on account of the death of one
of the witnesses, and the absence of
the witness who is somewhere in
the western army, and his where
abouls is not known.
Land Olliee at rand Island, Xeb ,
neceniner ."it, i.snj.
VTOT1CK Is hcrebv given that
J following-named settler has tiled
notice of hi intention to make linal
proof in support of bis claim, aud secure
final entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court ol Platte county, Nebraska,
at the County Seat, on Thursday, the
l.'lth da of .limitary, IS8I, viz:
Paul Fabur, Homestead No. fi0."7, for
the X. YV. H, Section 34, Township 'JO
north, Range 1 west, aud names he
following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation
of said tract, viz: John Stupfel and
Charles liramlt, of Columbus. Platte
Co., Xt-b., and Julius J. Graves and
Ferdinand Fuchs, of Humphreys, Platte
Co., Xeb.
,Vi-J-'i .M. It. HOXIK , Register.
it:y4.l. iroof.
Land Olliee at Grand Island. Xcb.,1
Nov. loth, 1880. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the fob
lowing -named settler ha tiled
notice of his intention to make tinal
proot iu support of his claim, and secure
linal entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte county, Nebraska, at
the county seat, on 'I hursitav. the 2Sd
day of Dec., 1S80, iz:
Frank Zueb, Homestead N. 5S8I. for
the E. 4, X. K. , Section :!(. Township
'JO north, Range 1 west, and names the
following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon .tint cultivation
of said tract, viz: Anion Piclfer, Frank
Pfcifer, William Dietrich and Leopold
Pfeifer, all of Huiuphrevs, Platte Co..
3IJI--1 .M. it. HOXIK, Register.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
WHEREAS, on the second dav of
October, 1880, August Scholz, to
secure the payment of one promissor
note for the sum of $.Vi.UO with interest
thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per
annum, given b him to Jacob Gocii.
executed a chattel mortgage to the said
Jacob Geseii upon the following de
scribed property to wit: One sorrel
mare about 12 jears old, one set double
harness, one lumber wagon, and 1(5 acres
or com growing upon the laud of the
said August Scholz in section three (IS),
in Burrows precinct. Platte count r,
Xebraska, Which mortgage was dufv
tiled for record iu the otllce of the Comi
ty Clerk of Platte county, Xebraska, on
the 2d day of October, 1880. And where
as, 'default having been made iu the
conditions of the said mortgage, 1 will,
at the residence of Peter Kramer, iu
Burrows precinct, county and state
aforesaid, expose for sale and sell for
eash to the highest bidder, at one o'clock
ill the atternoon of the
Sunt day ok Dkckmukr, 1880,
the 10 acre, of corn in the said mortgage
described for the payment of the said
note and costs of sale. Upon the said
note there is due at the tirst publica
tion or this notice the sum of fVi.M).
""2-3 .Mortgagee.
r. ;
z V I
- M c
- M I.
i &
$200,000 of the $250,000 of tho
presidential pension fund has been
subscribed. Jay Gould subscribing
$25,000 ; .1. W. Mackey $25,000 ; W.
II. Vanderbilt $25,000; E. D. Mor
gan, L. P. Morton, II. 15. Dismore,
W. B. Astor,and John Iloey, $5,000,
each. The general understanding
is that as long as Ocn. Grant lives
the interest of the fund will go to
him. Why not make some provis
ion for the ex-Presidents widows,
and give Mrs. Lincoln a small share
of the pension ?
An old man by the uamo of John
S. Sapp, a saloon keeper iu Council
151 u lis, was murdered one night last
week and robbed of all his money.
His dead body was found curled
clear around the end of the counter.
His bauds and c'othing were covered
with clotted blood, and the brains,
which had oozed through a fearful
hole in his skull, lay on the Hour iu
a pool. His head had beeu badly
broken iu with some heavy instru
ment. No clue to the perpetrator.
"Wm. K. Ukockwav at New York
the other day surrendered the twenty-live
plates Irom which $201000
of United States counterfeit bond.-,
were printed. Ho admitted that
there were 250 of the 1000-dollar
counutcrfoit bonds printed, of which
201 were found in the possession of
Doyle, in Chicago. He did not
know where tho remaining forty-
si.v were.
fi;ai iitooi
Land Olliee at Grand Island, Xeb.,
Nov. -U, 1SS0. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make linal
proof in support of his claim, and secure
tinal entrj thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte Co., Nebraska, at
the county seat, on Thursday, the 1.1th
day of January, 1861, viz:
Frirdrieh Trommhol, Homestead
Xo.flins. for the X. ','. X. V. Section
il, Township '20 north, Kange I west,
and names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
ami cultivation of said tract, viz: Henry
Ijiichkcr, Charles lraudt aud IJobert
Chlig, of Columbus, Platte Co.. Xeb.,
and Jacob Weber, of Humphreys, Platte
Co.. Xeb.
fMl-."i -M. II. HOXIK, Uegister.
l'WAIi I'ftOOI-'.
Land Olliee at Grand Island, Xeb ,l
Nov. 'JJd. isso. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make tinal
proof in supportof his claim, and secure
linal entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte Co., Xeb.. at the
county seat, on Tuesday, the 4th day
ol" January, 1SSI, viz:
William Smith, Homestead No. ;"SS"i,
1'or the X. J4, S. '., Section 10, Town
ship 17 north, Range 1 west, and names
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion ot s.iitl ir.ict, viz: George Schwan
and John Ilcmplcmaii, or Columbus,
Platte ( o., Xeb., and Willard Chapin
ami Luthei Chapin, of Lost Creek, Platte
o., Acii.
Ml..-! -M. IJ. HOXIK, Register.
rirvAi, imcoof.
Land Olliee, Grand Island, Neb.,)
Nov. '11, 1SNI. j
Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make linal proof in sup
port of his claim, and secure tinal entry
thereof before the Clerk of the Court ot
Platte county, Nebraska, at the Count
Seat, on Thursdav, the .10th dav of Dec.,
1N), viz:
James W. Zieiflcr, Homestead No.
CisS, for the E. M. N- E. M, Section .
Township 17 north, Range i west, and
n niies the following witiiPsse i prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said tract, viz: John Swan
son, of Columbus, Platte Co., Xeb., and
Charles D. Tyler, William 11. Cotton
and William II. Kellow, of Monroe,
Platte Co., Neb.
.Vl-o M. IJ. HOX I E, Register.
The electors for President and
Vice-President met and cast their
ballots in the several states Wed
nesday of last week. Every elector,
so far as we have learned, strictly
obeyed tho sovereign will of the
people, and recorded his vote iu
pursuance of that power. That is
one of the principles iu a republican
form of government that every true
patriot will respect. No instance is
known to the history of our presi
dential elections where an elector
has betrayed this trust of power, and
we hope in future generations no
elector will be found so low in Hip
mire of parlizau hale as to disregard
the will of the people. "We never
could comprehend why everything
connected with tho workings of our
form of government could not be
conducted with perfect fairness and
upon correct moral principles, and
tho party resorting to corrupt meas
ures and fraud meet with the uni
versal condemnation of honest men.
Should the sovereign people deter
mine to drive all fraudulent trans
actions from politics, it would- soon
be accomplished, aud every individ
ual engaged in suck work would
find his proper place.
A I-Vciclit Iilllculty Overcome.
Nkw York, December ,'. Nolice
is given that the Baltimore & Ohio
railroad is prepared to receive at tho
depot at the Central railroad of New
Jersey all merchandise destined for
the Baltimore & Ohio railroad and
its various connections, including
the Continental via the Central rail
road of New Jersey and Bound
brook route.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
BY VIRTUE of a chattel mortgage,
executed by J. It. Bellinger to
Patrick Murray, dated the 0th day of
.March, IKS), anil tiled in the olliee of the
County Clerk of the county of Platte,
State of Xebraska, on the 8tli day of
March, US0, ami upon which default' has
been made. 1 will expose for sale at
public auction on
at one o'clock in the afternoon, at the
residence of Patrick Murray, about three
miles westward from the city ofColuiu
bus, in said Platte county, the property
mortgaged, consisting of one mule live
years old (sorrel colored), one inule live
years old, dark bay, two dark bay mules
about seven years old, and three head
of cattle.
The amount due thereon at date of
the first publication of this notice, is
I.VI.70. Terms of sale, cash
Nov. 12, 1880. Mortgagee.
I'lnul Proof.
Land Olliee at Grand Island, Neb.l
Nov. 8th, 1KS0. (
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed
notice of his intention to make tinal
proot in support of bis claim, and secure
tinal entry thereof, before the elerk of
the court of Platte county, Xebraska, at
the county seat, on Saturday, the Kith
day of December, 18S0, viz:
Willard J. Itelkuap, Homestead No.
."ilul!, lor the S. yz, X. A. Ji, Section '20,
Township '20 north, Range 1 east, and
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said tract, viz: James A.
Phillips, Emory A. Sage, Charles
lleinlzmau ami John Anson, all of
Crestou, Platte Co., Neb.
r4!) n M . B. HOX I E, Register.
fikal iicoor.
.and Olliee at Grand Island, Xeb.,)
Nov. Stn, ISM.
OTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler lias lileil
notice of his intention to make final
proof iu support of his claim, and secure
final cntrv thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court ol Platte Co., Xeb., at tjie
countv seat, on Thursday, the 16th day
of December, 1ksi? viz:
Martin Froelieh, Homestead No. 6 1 'hi,
for the S. Yn S- E. , Section i. Town
ship 20 north, Range 1 west, and names
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said tract, viz: Ferdinand Rho
da, William Paisebke and Paul Faber,
of Humphreys, J'latte Co., Xeb., and
Chariest Brandt, of Columbus, Platte
Co., Xeb.
ri4!)-.ri M. H. HOXIK, Register.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
WHEREAS, default has been made
iu the condition of a chattel
mortgage given Iit Thomas G. Hobbs to
Lewis Headbiirg "to secure the payment
of his promissory note to said 'Head
burg for $27(5.00 dated on the U)th dav or
Xovember, 1S7!, with 10 per cent, inter
est thereon from date, which said note
is now due and wholly unpaid, which
said mortgage w.i- diilv tiled iu the
olliee of the County Clerk of Platte
county, Xebraska, and eout.tius a pow
er of sale therein and by virtue of said
default has. become absolute. And
whereas, the undersigned has become
the sole owner or said note and chattel
mortgage, and is uow the owner thereof,
now, therefore, I, the undersigned, on
JJOrii iay or Dkckmiikk, 1SS0, at two
iu front of the post-ollice in Columbus.
in said county, will oiler for sale at
public auction and sell for cash in hand
the aforesaid mortgaged property con
sisting ot one nay Horse mule tour years
old. about fifteen and one-half hands
high, one brown horse mule five years
old about fifteen ami one-half hands
high, one span or brown mare mules
seventeen hands high, one seven ami
one eight years old, tor the payment of
said note, the care and keeping of said
property, and the costs of such sale.
Dated, Dec. Cth, 180.
5.V2-4 W.J. MURPHY.
A'olire of Sale Under Mattel 3Iorlgage.
"VfOTlCE is hereby given that by vir
1.1 tue of two chattel mortgages dated
on the SthdayoT "eptembee, 1!0, and
duly tiled ami recorded in the oJlice or
the county elerk or Platte county. Ne
braska, on the 27th day or September,
I W0, and the 30th day or November,
1SS0, and executed by John Partscb to
Henry G.Carew and Messrs. Emerson
Talcott & Co. to secure the pavmeiit of
the sums of $105.00 and $lli.0iVrespect
ively, aud upon which there is now diu
the said suiiu of $10.i.00and $11-4.00 and
interest from the said 8th day of Sep
tember, 180. Default having been
made in the payment of said sum or
$10..0i, aud the conditions of aaid sec
ond mortgage having beeu broken,
therefore 1 will sell the property there
in described, viz: One gray horse three
years old, ouo gray horse three years
old, one red heifer three years old next
spring, one new Manny reaper, one
light spring wagon and one Van Urunt
seeder, at public auction iu Trout of the
Checkered Barn on 11th street, iu the
city of Columbus, Platte enmity, afore
said, on the 21st day of December, 1NS0,
at one o'clock p. in. of said day.
Dated the .10th day or Nov., I8-S0.
j"1-.J Agent for Mortgagees.
ThkStatkok NkhkamkaJ Ha
County of Platte, J ss
In the County Court, in and for said
county. In the matter of the estate
of Wincfreil Sheedy, deceased, late
or said county.
AT a sussion or the County Court for
said county, hnlden at the County
Judge's olliee iu Columbus, in said
county on the 17th day of November,
A. 1)., isso, present, John G. Higgins,
County Judge. On reading and filing
the duly verified petition or Daniel
Sheedy praying that letters or adminis
tration be issued to him on the estate of
said decedent.
Thereupon, it is ordcreil that theCth
day r December, A.D., Inko, at t o'clock,
p. in., be assigned for the hearing or
said petition at the County Judge's n(
tlce in saiil county.
And it is further ordered, that due
legal notice be given of the pendency
and hearing of said petition by publica
tion in the Coi.U.MUU.sJoUKNAL.for three
consecutive weeks.
(A true copy of the order).
Dated, Colniubus. Xeb., Nov. 17, 1S80.
The Coquillard farm and spring wagons aud buggiea, not
excelled by any for
Strength, Durability, fiood and Neat Workmanship.
ffffl. Becker's Mart, in EslalsM Grnj m,
( X ka i: A . & X. lKri i r),
Where you can sell your Grain, I'nxlucccfc, and buy all sort or Pare
Family Groceries.
rfe- ."3'vjf
A large and complete assortment of
Men's, ten's and Children's Boots ante,
irraD-Roois: TJKICrCS!
All those lit- waul of anything in that Hire, (Pill ran stilt
their own, interests by giving him a. call, lie mem-"
her, he warrants every pair. Has also a
First-Class Hoot and Shoo r-tor in Connection
JGT Repairing Xo: it It Done. if
Don't forget the Place, Thirteenth- Street, one door west of Marshall Smith's.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Has on hand a splendid stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry G-oods, Carpets,
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,
I buy my goods strictly for cash, and will give my customers the
benefit of it.
Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts.
i. arucK.
Said House has been re-fltled, painted and is in first-class order for the
accommodation of transient guests and boarders.
Transient, per day.
Single Meals
SI OO Day Board per week .$3 00
25 ! Board and Lodging per week 4 00
KfTTvr'elftli St., noarlv north of j
U. P. K. It. Depot. f
County Judtfe.
Of amount due Platte County from lute
Treasurer V. Ivuiuiiicr at time or liual
cttluiuciit January tilth, 18.1. and the
di ll'c rent payments as made by J. P.
Meeker, aud Keeker and Speiee, ex
eentors. 1S.-SO.
Jan. '14, To ain't due the county
from all r on itch as
per .settlement $11,(H7.0)
Oct. .1, To interest (;
Mill and Elevator Machinery,
Wood and Iron Turning ; Boiler and Heavy Sheet Iron Work ; Ma
chine Blacksmithing.
Engine and General Machinery Repairs,
Dealer in Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipe, Points and other Fittings.
Duexel, Mokgax fc Co., "Wfns
low, Lanier & Co, and August Bel
mont & Co. closed last weolc the
largest transaction in railroad bonds
ever made in the United States
with the Northern Pacific railroad
company for $40,000,000 six pcrceul.
gold bouds, forty years to run, a
part of which is .bought firm, and a
a part on options, giving the compa
ny time to 'finish the road. They
will be secured by mortgage upon
the immense land grant of the com
pany, estimated af the. pr.esent timp
a"t 7,000,000 acres
Land Olliee at Grand Inland, Neb.,)
November KJtb, 1880. f
NOTICE is bereby given that tbe fol
lowing -named settler has filed
notice of li is intention to make linal
proof in supportof his claim, anil-secure
liual entry thereof, before the Clerk of
tbe Court of Platte Co., Nebraska, at
the county seat, on Saturday, tbe 18th
day of December, 1S80, yiz:
Neils Johnson, Homestead No. 318r.
for the N. E. , Section G, Township
'20 north, Kange 2 west, and names tbe
following witnesses to prove hi. contin
uous residence upon and cultivation of
said tract, viz: OIc Olson and Tburs
tin Olson, or Farrell, Pluttu Co., Neb.,
aud Ole Johntou and Ole Julsoii, of
Newman Grove, Platte Co., Neb.
fcjfl-o -M. IJ. IIOXIE, Kegisler.
Final l'rooi.
Laud Olliee at Grand Island, NcbJ
Nov. l.'th, 1SS0. f
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the fol-
11 lowing-nameti .citler lias filed
notice of bis intention to make final
proof iu support nf his claim, and secure
final entry thereof, before tbe clerk of
the court of Platte county, Nebraska, at
the county scat, on Monday, the 27th
dav of December, lf00, viz:
Hugh Hill, Homestead No. 4014, for
the S. K S. E. H, Sec. 24, Township 18
north, Kange 3 west, and names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove bis continu
ous residence upon and cultivation of
said tract, viz: Catherine Alexander,
Robert Wiley, John Daek and Ed. Hoar,
all of Monroe, Platte Co.; Neb.
&4S3 il. JB. HOXLE, Register.
Iand Olliee at Grand Island, Npb.,1
Nov. '2W, INW.
OTICE ia hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof ill support of his claim, and secure
liual entry thereof, before the Clerk of
tbe court of Platte county, Neb., at the
county scat, on Friday, the 21th day of
December, 18S0, viz:
Ole Olson, Hompstead No. flllM, for the
N. E. Y Section 10, Township 20 north,
Range 4 west, and names the following
wituec8 to prove bis continuous res
idence upon and cultivation of said
tract, viz: Ole Kntidson, Guilder
I lam re. Nils Olson and John Sanderson,
all of Newman's Grove, PlatteCo., Neb
:V.0-."i 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
$11.71.-,. n;
By paid by J. P. Becker to
Treas'r Early (from safe) :I,2)m.OO
Feb. fi, lly paid by same 2,!MM8
" 10, ' " .... l,7f.ia
' 27, By paid bvC. A. Speiee 1,200.00
Mch.8, By paid by same 4i0.0
Aug. 17, " 800.00
" .'SO, " " S87.22
Oct. S, " 020.87
" , " interest... bUlO
Fine and Ornamental Italian , American, and Fancy
Marble Monuments, Headstones, oranifhing
connected with the Marble business.
C'nll and examine worb,gct our prlrf, and ! ronriHcrd.
N. B. .Being a workman of ten year experience, we can guarantee you good
work at a saving of from 20 to 2."! per cent., by giving us a call. JST-Shnp and
otllce opposite Taltersall livery ami feud xtable. .il".rtm
By order of County Commissioners.
Nov. 4, 180. .Vil.2 Co. Clerk.
In the matter of tbe estate of Frederick
August Hannev, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that tbe
creditor., of said deceased, will
meet tin administrator of said estate,
before me, County Judge of Platte
county, Nebraska, at tbe County Court
Room in said county, on the 27th day ot
December, 18S0, on the 2iith day of
March, 18-SI, and on tbe 221 day of My,
lfc81, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day, for the
purpose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for creditors to
present tbpir claims, and one year for
tbe administrator to settle said estate,
from tbe22d day of November, 18X0.
Dated, Nov. 22, A. D., IbSO.
550-5 County Judge.
Notice of Sale Under Mortgage.
BY VIRTUE of a chattel mortgage
executed by M. P. StolTnl to Rine
bart Ballard .t Co. dated the 20th day tf
.Novemiier, its!), ami tiled in tbe otllce
of the County Clerk of tbe county of
Platte, State of Nebraska, aud upon
which default has been made, we will
expo-e for sale at public auction, on
Thursday, thk 2.1d day ok Dkckm
iikk, 1880,
at one o'clock in the afternoon, at the
livery stable of George A. Scott, ad
joining tbe Clother House in the city of
Columbus, iu tbe county and state
aforesaid, tbe property mortgaged, con
sisting of one brown "mare about nine
years old, one two-horse wagon partly
worn, one set of double harness partly
worn, one breaking plow partly worn,
one threshing machine (overblast) part
ly worn.
The amount due thereon at date of
tirst publication of this notice is $211.(0.
Terms of sale, cash.
Nov. 21, lv.
551-4 .Mortgagee.
Land Otlice at Grand Island. NVli.J
Nov. 22il, 180. t
OTICE is hereby given that the
followitig.uamed settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in supportof his claim, and secure
filial entry thernt, before tbe Clerk of
tbe Court of Platte To., Nebraska, at
the county seat, nu Friday, the 2ltb
day of December, 1880, vl.:
Nils 1'eterMiu, l're emptioii Declara
tory Statement No. 3'M, for tbe N. V.
K. Section 2, Township I! norih, Range
2 west, and names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of iid
tract, viz: Roger ISrcheiiy, Freeman
Tate, Patrick Condon and Hugh Gibson,
of Humphreys, Platte Co., Neb.
MO-Ti M. li. UUXIE, Register.
Land Olliee at Graud Island, Neb.J
Ntiv.M. imso. f
NOTICE Is hereby given tht th
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make tinal
I proof in supportof hi rluim, and teeure
iinai eiury unreoi, before the Clerk of
the Court ot Platte county, Nebraska,
at the county tent, on Saturday, the lo'tli
dav of Dee., 1880, viz:
Patrick GallitMii. lre.eiiittor r si
No. .a;ii;,ror tbe S.K. '.Section KI.Tow n
ship 20 north. Radge 4 west, and names
the following witnesses to prove hN
continuous rcihlence upon and cultiva
tion or aid tract, viz: Martin Boheu,
Patrick Noonan and J:inies Fav, of Far
rell. Platte ( o., tb.,aud J.oe'pti Rivet,
or Postrille, Platte Co., Neb.
..!! . M . B. HOX I E, Register.
Ha jut e;iui i Tnit Stcre.
Apples, Canned Fruits. Candy,
Nuts, Crackers, Cigars
and Tobacco.
igrWill sell a cheap a tbe chejpett.
Nebraska Ave., opp. post-onice.
9Tgt J
tU & a.-i ..
figfMi J ' r" ui goou land, ao
lUfe'LML .-rct "iKiiTumiiYHiioii, a
--xooti nous
iseoue and a half
story hiicb, a goad stock rang, plenty ol
water, and bar land. Two mile
eat of Columbus. Inqufre at tbe
Pioneer Bakery. 4735ra
I .'