The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 17, 1880, Image 3

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Communication?, to Injure insertion
In the next i?uc, should be In hand on
Mondays; if Icnsthy, on Thursday?
preceding isue-day. Advertisement,
of whatever clays, Miould be in baud by
noon. Tuc.-days.
Advertisements under this head 10
cts. a line first inevrtion, 10 ctt. a line
each BUbseuuent insertion.
To SulrIbciM.
Your name, xcith thk datb at which
your binihCUiiTiON kxi'IUes, is placed
on each .Iooknal you receive. A prompt
renewal or diecontinuanet: will save the
publisher, both trouble and expense,
aud be better for all concerned. A re
newal is respectfully solicited. $ i for 1
yr.; $1 for t' moh.; W) ct&. for 3 mos.
.'Ioiiknai., with either the American Ag
riculturist or Xtbraska Farmer 1 a yr.,
poi-upaid. cahh in advance; Journal
anil the Xursery $3.
Small change has bcon scarce
the past week.
A lvcl!ing-hou?c rent. In
quire at tho Nebraska House.
The hog market the past week
lui8 been lively in Columbus.
A Hue of Hoots ami shoes at
cost and less at Marshall Smith's.
California canned fruit, a largo
lot, in assorted cases, at Ochlrich &
For Kalsomining.Papcr hanging
and house painting go to Echols &
For family groceries, sugar,
coffee, tea, spices, &c, call at Win.
Qiicucliaqtiii'a "Shogo"nnd "Kol
lanna" i a Mire cure for complaining
A child can buy as cheap as a
man at the Ronton Shoe Store, opp.
Now is the time to subscribe
for the .InmtxAl., $2 a year, 50 cents
three mouths.
Ceo. N. Perry returned from
Iowa Thursday. Ho thinks Colum
bus in the town.
Thcro is more outcry against
heavy coin instead of email bills aod
fractional currcucy.
"Wantkd. A girl to do house
work in a small family. Inquire at
.tho office of Ilccher & Trice.
John Peters, clerk of Doono
'county, was in the city Friday last
on his way home from Lincoln.
We will furnish the Journal
and the Omaha Weekly JiepubUcan,
iono ycar,postago paid, for $3.00.
Public services hereafter at tho
Jl. E. church will be held at 11
o'clock a. m., and 7 o'clock p. m.
M. W. Spencer haB made this
Vail 1000 gallons of Amber syrup. It
is of good quality and free from bad
Echols & Pavis have just re
ceived a large stork of assorted wall
pHper which they furnish on the
wall cheap.
For Kent. A house, centrally
located, and suitable for dwelling or
boarding house, luquire at tho
Journal office.
First quarterly meeting for the
present year will bo held at tho M.
K. church next Sabbath. Preaching
morning and evening.
Dlauk notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual and work-and-labor, neatly
bound in books of 50 and 100, for
sale at the Journal office.
The Co. Commissioners met
Monday, and before they adjourn,
will make their annual ecttlemcnt
with tho county treasurer.
Anderson claims that 15 car
loads of hogs have been shipped
from Columbus within 8 days. What
town in the State can beat that?
A car-load of choice Michigan
Winter apple cider expected at Win.
Keeker's this "week, which of course
wil! bo for sale. If you want cider,
Gus. Lockncr went to Norfolk
Monday. He is doing quite a bus
iness there. He expects to go to
Chicago with several car loads of
hogs this week.
W. O. and Geo. L. Clark aro
visiting friends and relatives in this
county, and the former has purchas
ed tho farm recently owned by
Homy Morkcrt.
Michael Welch has tho contract
for carrying the mail between Co
lumbus aud CiCBton post-offices.
There is, at present, but ouo inter
mediate office, that of Shell Creek, at
Keeker's mill.
(Jeo. C. Smith of tho western
part of the county, started for his
old home in 111., on Friday last. Ho
has promised us an occasional letter
giving us the condition of affairs in
the Hoosicr state.
Thcro is a large body of excel
lent grazing land on the divido be
tween tho railroad track and tho
Loup valley northwest of Jackson
that some one with capital ought to
utilize as a summer range for sheep.
One day last week while en
gaged in felling a tree on Martin
Blocdorn'e farm, Charles Cominski
was very eeriocBly hurt by a trco
falling upon him, fracturing his
skull and driving his feet into the
II. P. Coolidge'6 folks have been
troubled for the pat seven "weeks
with scarlet fever, four members of
the fan'ily having been afflicted with
it, Chas, William, Bert and narry.
All arc now better, and the house
hold take their regular sleep.
For Salts. A dwelling-house and
lot in a very desirable part of the
city. Will bo sold at a sacrifice, as
the mouey is needed. The house is
tfew and cost more money than is
asked for both houso and lot. For
further particulars inquire at the
Journal office.
Mrs. Thos. Pironette is in the
Found. A cloth glove. Inquire
at this office
Samuol Curry of Schuyler was
in the city Saturday.
J. E. Kellogg of Bellwood was
in tho city Saturday.
Patti Ro6a waB playing "Chanco"
at Lincoln last week.
King was elected commissioner
of Polk Co. by one majority.
Trimmed hats at Mrs. M. S.
Drake's for $1 aud upwards.
When you want apples don't
forget to go to Marshall Smith's.
James Hudson of Boouo county
was in town the last of the'week.
A social ball was given at the
Maeuucrchor hall Saturday evening
For first-class work and best
stock, go to tho Boston Boot aud
Shoe Store.
Received a car-load of winter
wheat Hour every sack guaranteed,
at Oehlrich & Kro's.
Messrs. Wescott & Taffo have
dissolved partnership, Miss Tafle
continuing the business.
Dr. Carl Scbjoodte, veterinary
surgeon. A good hospital, where
horses will receivo the best of atten
tion. Offico at Julius Kasinus6eu's,
Columbus, Ncbr.
A. II. Gibson, who recently
moved to Greeley county, Neb., was
in the city Saturday, and reports
favorably of the Cedar valley.
Dr. Martyn was at Omaha sev
eral days last week, llo gives a
good account of Dr. Siggius, who
recently removed from here there."
The Messrs. Thomas and Mr.
Brock of Madison Co , O., of tho
excursionists aro visiting with W.H.
Sclsor, au old acquaintance. They
are very well pleaBOd with Ne
braska. Hauson Turner, of New York,
made u a very pleasant call last
week. He bears a strikiug resem
blance to the renowned "three
brothers" of the numerous Turner
II. P. Smith & Co. havo mado
au improvement to their store by
connecting tho two apartments by
au arched partition, and preparing
it otherwise against tho ontranco of
Wo advise any needy animals
of any sort, who debiro a homo
whero they will be kindly cared for,
to head towards Capt. John Ham
mond. His kindness towards dumb
brutes has come to ho a proverb.
The Maeuncrchor havo ordered a
Wheclock grand equaro piano, which
thoy expect to receivo in throe or
four weeks, when they will give a
grand concert. The society ought
to ho proud of their accomplish
ments, the community certainly is.
Mr. Lucius T. Wilmot, of Clar
idon, O., called on us yesterday
morning, with a letter of introduc
tion from our old friend, Key. C. C.
Starbuck. Mr. Wilmot is very en
thusiastic in praise of his neighbor
and friend, president-elect Gar
field. Wo publish elsewhere a state
ment from tho sheriff of Merrick
Co. in regard to the body of a mau
recently found near Chapman. We
have seen a statement in somo of
our exchanges, we don't remember
which, that tho deceased had been
hunting for a cattle ranche, and had
A reader of tho Journal wishes
us to inquire of stockmen which they
regard as tho most profitable invest
mentin heifers or brood mares.
We think that ho has some exper
ience of his own that would be val
uable to his fellow farmers, if he
would mako it known. However,
let us hear from thoao who have had
experience, and know what thoy are
talkiug of.
G. A. Schrocdor may well be
considered about the best fixed of
auy nimrod in this "neck of woods"
for securing gamo. Ho has a small
sized cannon, in sizo and power,that
he id pleased to call a shot-gun, and
a dog that has demonstrated his
claim to bo allied the "boss'' by re
trieving two geese across the Platte
channel, when it was running full
of slush ice.
When a couple woro married
the other day, and it was suggested
by Judge Higgins that it was custo
mary for the brido to kiss the wit
nesses, and John Rickly with his big
handkerchief wiped his moustache,
it was supposed to bo intended as
preparatory to the osculatory part
of the ceremony, but the old gentle
man dodged out of the room before
the bride caught him.
The following officers were
elected for Columbus precinct, at
the recent election ; by an oversight
of the editor the list was not printed
last week; Constable, H. J. Parr;
Assessor, D. C. Kavauaugh ; Super
visor Dist. No. 1, Jacob Eru6t; Dist.
No. 11, Wm. Routson; Judges of
Election, M. Weaver, E. D. Sheehan,
John Browner; ClerkB pf Election,
John Sullivan, Chas. Brandt.
The ladies of the Congregation
al church will give an English tea
party on tho evening of Tuesday,
Nov. 30th, for the benefit of tho
church. Tea 6erved promptly at S
o'clock, tickets 25 cts. each. The
entertainments after tea will consist
of instrumental and vocal music,
readings and recitations. Invita
tions cordially extended to all, as an
enjoyable time may be expected.
The great advantages to Colum
bus aud other places of a railroad
connection at LoBt Creek station aro
being discussed not only by Colum
bus busiuess men but by residents
of Geuoa, St. Edwards, Albion,
Madison, &c.
Military Ball.
The second anuual ball of tho
Kummer Guards will be given at
the Opera House, Thursday evening,
Nov. 25th. The company will turn
out in full uniform and givo a drill
boforc the ball opons. The proceeds
will be applied towards the purchase
of a banner for the Co.
Happy Songs is the titlo of a 40
pago manilla bound music book for
day schools, just published by Thos.
Kane & Co., 248 Wabash Avenue,
Chicago, HI. Both words and music
are bright, ringing, cheerful, but not
trashy. The publishers will mail a
specimen copy to auy address on
receipt of 10 cents.
The Columbus Dramatic Socioty
gavo two entertainments last week,
on Tuesday and Friday evenings
a five-act drama entitled "Fate" be
ing tho pieco presented. We are
sorry that wo could not be presont
to givo au appreciative account, but
those who had tho pleasure of lis
tening declaro themselves well
pleased both with the play and
the players.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, with
little Hally Speilmanspent threoor
four days in Omaha last week. On
Friday night they visited tho Opera
where Mary Anderson performed,
to ono of tho largest houseB cvor as
Bcmbledlu Omaha. Mr. A. speaks
very highly of Miss Anderson as a
star actress, but condemn? very
harshly tho play, and tho support
that accompanied her.
Wo seo In tho Osceola Jlecord
a report from Jonnio H. Kylo, teach
er, that shows appreciation on her
part, as well as originality. She
gives a tardiness list, showing the
names of tho pupils and tho number
of minutes of unexcueed tardiness
during tho month the highest being
295 minutes; the names of visitors
are also given what a fearful list
this would be in Platto county!
Every fourth Friday is sot apart as
children's day, when the little ones
invito some ono to talk to them.
Quito a goodly number of east
ern gontlomen arrived in the city
last week to spy out the land. Most
of them are hero taking advantage of
cheap railroad fare, with doubtless
a lurking curiosity as to what this
country and its peoplo aro anyway.
Some of them are well aware, by
reading and conversation, what the
west has had and yet has in store for
those who know how to make them
selves useful. A few of the many
who havo visited the State in tho
last week caino with a vlow to set
tling, and will make good solid
citizens. S. C. Smith reports sales
of laud to two gentlemen, to one 500
acres, to tho other 560 acres.
Found Dead!
About two miles west of Chapman,
Merrick county, Nebraska, tho body
of a stranger, about 35 years of age,
5 feet 10 inches high, weighed about
175 pounds, light complexion, brown
hair, bluo eyes, heavy moustache
colored black, high check bones,
broad face and prominent forehead ;
had on a navy bluo woolon shirt,
with wide collar; light bluo silk
necktie; light grey woolen under
shirt; light cassimero pants, with
dark stripo; dark red socks, with
black too, solo aud heel, bine cord
along the right side of foot; No. 7,
leather touguo boots, sowed, Napo
leon taps, nailed with round headed
nails, partly worn ; largo gold ring,
with garnet or amethyst seal, indent
ed with figure of a man's head, worn
on little finger of right hand ; upper
front tooth on left side gone, and one
adjoining it much decayed. Infor
mation concerning his identity sho'd
be conveyed to Dan. Hopkins, sheriff,
Central City, Merrick county, Neb.
It is always a painful duly to
the Journal when, as a matter of
local news, it is compelled to record
the crimes of mankind, but however
painful it may be our history of
local happenings would not bo cor
rect with these things left out. J.
H. Brouelotle several months since
came from Schuyler aud established
himself here in the maible busiuess.
He seemed to bo an intelligent, fair
minded man, aud, so far as we know,
had tho good-will of our citizens
generally, until later developments
showed that he seemed to havo an
inborn propensity to appropriate
things that didn't belong to him, the
diseaso known to the doctors as
kleptomania. The thief is known by
his calculating time, place and op
portunity, means of dotection, &c.,
but this man appears to have been
unable to overcome the propensity
to steal when an opportunity was
offered, not seeming to hwo consid
ered the almost certaiDly of detec
tion. The following crimes havo
been traced to him, and confessed
by him : The breaking into James
McAllister's grocery store, on tho
night of Oct. 27th and taking there
from some articles of food ; taking
from A. J. Arnold's safe Oct. 27th,
the sum of $37.25, and on Thursday
last, while the office of Speice &
North was left vacant for a short
time, entoring and taking from the
safe a sack of coin amounting to
$G1. Mr. Brouclette had a hearing
before Police Justice Bowman, and
gave bond for his appearance before
the Dist Court in the sum of $200.
It has been generally believed that
cancers arc incurable, but it seems
from recent testimouy that such is
not the case, but that, on tho con
trary, they aro cured, and those who
haveMiffered for years been entirely
relieved from pain aud anxiety. If
this is really the fact there are thous
ands who will hail it with joy, very
great joy, when thoy realize it.
Wo write theso paragraphs in tho
interest of suffering humanity, and
if one soul, racked with pain and
anxiety over a supposed incurablo
diseaso, shall be benefitted, we will
bo amply repaid.
O.C. Taylor, recently of Michigan,
learned his method from Dr. Cyrus
Henchman of Detroit, who practised
it for thirty years, never losing a
case, aud never having a recurrence.
Mr. Taylor has been using the appli
cation for a year, with the same
uuvarrying success. His theory is
that tho caucer is a sort of parasite,
a liviug substance, attached by roots
to the system. Tho application
which he uses kills the caucer, dries
it up, aud the thing drops out of its
position. Tho opening is thou kept
irritated for a while, until tho can
cerous poison is clminated from tho
system, the suppuration being very
Mr. Taylor has a number of testi
monials, and knowing that he had
successfully treated Hon. J. P.
Becker aud S. J. Marmoy of this
place, wo sought an interview
with him.
P. C. Main of Ord, Valley county,
Neb., a man agod 74 years, was cur
ed of a caucer of 40 years standing.
Geo. Cargall of Merrick county
had a cancer of 14 years stand in jr.
which had eat oil half his nose aud
half his upper lip, and was cured by
Mr. Taylor's treatment.
Carrie Foy of Osceola had nine
small cancers on her hand aud arm,
was sinking very fast, and seemi'ig
ly on tho verge vt' the grave, s hen
friends applied Mr. Taylor's remedy
according to directions, and sho was
cured. At tho timo of giving her
testimonial sho weighed 200 pounds.
S. J. Marmoy of this place was
under treatment 25 days and had a
fearful looking cancer taken from
him. For four days and nights dur
ing tho treatment ho was without
sleep, notwithstanding tho free use
of opiates, and suffered terribly,
showing the fearful hold it had upon
him. He is now recovering.
Mr. Becker, the Mayor of the city,
was under treatmeut 18 days, and
gives the Doctor a very fiuo tes
timonial. Those "who are afflicted with can
cer will not, wo think, be doing
themselves justice if thoy do not, at
least, consult with thoso who have
been similarly afflicted, and cured
by Mr. Taylor.
Letter I Ant.
The following is a list of unclaimed
letters remaining iu the post-otlice, in
Columbus, for the week ending Nov.
IS, 1880:
Ashba, Nellie Krause, Mary
Heal, J 1' Larned, J D
Rishop, B W Ludwig. .Mary
Bower, B .Miller, J It
Bricke, II Parker, A N
Chlopek. Joseph Heed, 0 K
Clark, G W Williams, Wm
Diaper, Thos Young, J W
Emit, Chas Winter, John
Gam, Joseph Wright, Wm
Hardy, Dudley Steadmau, C M
Bleasc & Robin fcon Address Kenton
Frank, Shoels lMatt Co., Neb
Those marked " ," po tal card
If not called for in 30 days will be sent
to tun dead -letter ottice, Washington, D.
C. When called for please say "adver
tised," as these letters are kept separate
K. A. Gkkrarp, 1. M.
PrcwM Tor Nule.
Wc havo for sale tho hand-press
upon which tho Journal (present
size) has been heretofore printed. It
is a seven column folio Washington
press and in good order. Price $1(50
cash. Address M. K. Tumor & Co.,
Columbus, Neb.
Notice is hereby given, by Galley &
Bro., that all who are indebted to
them, either by note or book acc't,
most come forward and settle imme
diately, as they need the funds-
A No. 1 single harness for sale
cheap. Inquire at this office.
JAMHO-SAHOT Nov. 9th, by .Judge
J. G. Higgins, Christian Jambo and Miss
Mary Sarot, all of Platte county.
Advertisements under this head live
cents a line each insertion.
Salt Salmon at Bridges.
Now Sweet Cider at Hudson's.
Go to G. W. Phillips for your
Kentucky jean pants only 50
cts., at Kramer's.
Phiue Phat, PhreBh Oysters at
90 cts. buys a pair of blankets at
Celery and quiuces at Bridges,
always on hand.
Brick in the wall at $7 to $S a
thousand by Flyuu & Co.
Kramer sells all-wool red flan
nel 20 cts per yard.
Malaga grapes for the sick at
G. W. Phillips sells Arctics
cheaper than any other house iu the
A large, now stock of men's and
women's shoes at Wm. Schilz's.
$2.50 buys a good heavy over
coat at Kramer's.
California Pears at Hudson's.
Pain from indigestion, dyspep
sia, and too hearty eating is relieved
at once by taking one of Carter's
Little Liver Pills immediately after
diuner. Don't forgot this. For sale
at Heiutz's Drug Store.
New Comb noney at Hudson's.
$?35 yards of dark calico for $1
at Kramer's.
Florida Oranges and uew Dates
at Hudson's.
100 ladies' beaver cloaks only
$2 apicco at Kramer's.
California pears aud Florida
oranges at Bridges.
A full line of men's, womcu's
and children's Arctics at G. W.
To bo economical you must
trade at Kramer's Now York Cheap
Cash Store.
Go to Bridgos, and sec tho now
candy just received, tho best in town.
One-yard-wide good unbleach
ed muslin only 5 cts. per yard at
Money to lo:m at i) per cent, on
all sums over $f)00, by McAllistor
Tho Hrjrost lino of ladies' Bea
ver Con.- and Dolmans In tho city
at Gality Bros.
A full assortment of ladies',
children's it'id men's rubbers and
Arctics at K minor's.
Kemcmbor, we give tho lowest
prices on all goods of any houso in
the city at Galley Bros.
Fresh celery on hand at all timcB
at Bridgos, opposite post-offlco.
Go to Wm. Kyan's for tho best
liquors, wines and cider, on 11th
street, two doors oast of Gluck's.
For tho lowest prices and larg
est and host assortment, go to Kra
mer's New York Cheap Cash Store.
The best $1.50 Boot in Colum
bus, don't fail to seo it, beforo buying
at Friodhof & Co's, BonosteePs old
Platto & Co's. Baltimoro oysters,
the host in the market, for sale at
Bridges. Go and try them, before
buying elsewhere.
Ono and a half yard-wido wa
terproof at 50 cts. a yard, always on
hand at L. Kramci's Now York
Cheap Caeh Storo.
Always avoid harsh purgative
pills. Thoy first make you sick and
then leave you constipated. Car
ter's Little Liver Pills regulate the
bowels aud make you well. Dose,
one pill. For salo at Heintz's Drug
Wo havo just received another
lot ol Alpacca Skirts. Call soon if
you wih the best skirt iu tho mar
ket at Galley Bros.
It is a well established fact that
there is no house in Nebraska that
carries so largo a stock and sells so
cheap as L. Kramer's Now York
Cheap Cash Store.
When in want of a fine Shoo,
try our celebrated Philadelphia mado
goods at Friodhof & Co's, Bone
steel's old stand.
If you wish an Overcoat and
want to save money, don't forget to
call on us as we havo bought since
the decline on clothing and can give
you bargains. Galley Bros.
Bloomingdalc Stock Farm is the
place to get choice young breeding
stock in the cattle aud hog line.
A. Hkxrich, Mctz P.O.,
Platte Co., Neb.
There is no ouo article iu the
lino of medicines that gives so large
a return for the money as a good
porous strengthening plaster, such
as Carter's Smart Weed and Bella
donna Back-acho Plasters. For sale
at Heintz's Drug Storo.
Clothing;! Clothing;!
Men's heavy Winter Suits from
$4.00 and upwards at Friodhof &
CoV, BoncHtccl's old stand.
Untlcrlu Icings
F. Gerber has added to his furni
ture business that- of undertaking.
Coffins of all styles may ho found at
his place, north sido of 11th street,
oppobilo his furniture store.
noii:r to loan.
In Platte, Butler and Nance coun
ties at 0 per cent interest, no interest
in advance, nor commission, and
money furnished on short notice.
Apply to O. S. Bridgos, opp. P. O.
The public ar' cautioned against
negotiating for a note dated Nov.
10, 1880, payable in ono year, to
Martin McMahon, by John Hauoy,
as tho same has been lost by the
owner of the same.
For Miil or 'l'rmle.
One lot and two houses, ono a
boarding house, tho other suitable
for a boarding or dwelling house
centrally located in the city of Co
lumbus. Will sell for cash, or trado
for stock. For further particulars
inquire at the Journal office.
I'triiy CalvM.
Camo into our herd, Sept. 21th,
near G. W. Stovcns's farm, two
speckled, spring steer calves. The
owner will prove property, pay
charges, &c.
Fred. Stengger.
It In Conceded
By both Democrats and Republi
cans that "Fatty" Woods sells more
cigars and tobacco than any mau in
town ; and ho sells as cheap as any.
If you want a good smoke, or any
kind of plug or smoking tobaccos,
call on " Fatly" at the City Cigar
Store on Olive St.
Splendid Stock of Implements
The undersigned, having pur
chased the entire stock of implements
of Schuttc and Pohl will keep con
stantly on hand at the old stand on
13th street, west of Olive, Columbus,
the -Marsh and Bulord Sulky plows,
Tiger, Thomas and Knowlton Sulky
hay rakes, aud an entire new stock
of the Whitewater wagons.
E. J. & J. A. Krvst.
Successors to Schntte & Pohl.
on Olive Street wishes to announce
to the citizens of Columbus and vi
cinity that he has on hand a com
plete stock of the best fall and
winter goods both in stylo and
quality, that has ever been brought
to this market. He will guarantco
first-clasB workmanship and good
fits at prices as low as auy. Give
him a call aud look over his stock
and learn prices. Also will do cut
ting jobs at reasonable prices.
Clonk! Clonk!
The largest aud finest assortment
iu Columbus, coino and see them at
Friodhof & Co's, Bonestcel's old
Advertisomeuta under this head tlvo
cents a lino, tirt insertion, three cents
a line e.vh subsequent insertion.
BSy-I have ono hundred calves
and yearlings for salo, all Illinois stock.
T. Keating.
To exchange harness for 100 tons
of hay. 519-4 M. II. White.
If yon to want seo a fine assortment
of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry go to
G. Hcltkcmper A Bro's on 11th streot.
Regular Ntock Denier.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and sold; also fat and stock hogs.
879-y I). Axpkkson.
Iy Up.
Notes duo me for timber ."old, aro
expected to be paid promptly, by the
1st of November, 18S0, and save costs.
A farm hand, immediately. Ap
ply, with credentials, to
N. Ckabtrek.
r 15-4 Near Genoa.
Look Out !
G. Hoitkemper&; Bro. soil Watch
es, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware
cheaper than any one in this city. If
you don't believe it go and sec for
Oxen for Male.
I will sell on reasonable terms a
nice yoke of cattle. Call soon, and you
will find them two miles west of Hum
phrey Station, Platto Co., Neb., at
54."-x James McDkumott's.
IVotice To Teachers.
I will bo in my offico at tho Court
House on the first and last Saturdays of
each month for the purposo of examin
ing applicants for teacher's certificates,
and for the transaction of any other
business pertaining to schools.
S. L. Barrett,
County Supt.
Iicwnrc !
Parties wishing to buy Holiday
presents should not forget that thecflnd
the largest assortment at G. Heitkem
per t Bro's. The finest of goods at very
reasonable prices, cheaper than they
were sold in Columbus.
Central .Heat Market.
Albert E. Rickly has purchased
and is now running the above named
market. Th meat-consuming com ina
nity are solicited to make frequent calls,
where thev can get the best and the
most for their money. Also dealer in
Poultry, Hides, Ac, on a small com
mission, nil-x.
57Not having rent to pay,
Nor running expenses to defray,
Come right away,
Without delay,
If groceries you need.
A saving indeed
You'll find it will be
By trading with me.
We'll charge you nothing to sec,
Information is free.
I'm the larmer'h friend indeed,
As well as friend in need.
John Hkmi-lkman's Grocery Depot, oj-
poMte Lindcll House.
Our quotations of the markets are ob
tained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct
and reliable at the time.
Wheat No. I, test f0 lbs 77
" 2, " -r " 75
" " .5, " t")4 " 70
Corn Shelled, old -,
Oats, 'jj
Flour, 2 iV)(5?t; 7.'
Graham, 1 JHifi2 fci
Meal, j 20
Butter lf(,i'l(
Eggs, 'J0M22
Polatoes, ."iO&GO
Kat Hogs, .'! 60ft3 !X)
Kat Cattle, f.O:5oo
Yearlings, OOtfiph", 00
Calves 4 0gi(M)
Sheep flOO
Good veal, per hundred, 4 W
Hides, green salted 4 4 ol'
Hams, 124ir
Shoulders, G7
Sides, 8($lu
Corned Beef 0(48
Steak SVllA
Finishing 3000t0 00
Flooring 2Ti 003ii 00
Siding 18 00(422 00
Drop aiding 2T 00(glM) 00
Ship Lap 23 00
Framing ( 10 to 20 ft) 22
Sheeting 20
Well Tubing (per bunch).. 1 25
Lath (per M) 4 00
ShiifjlK (perM) 3 00 4 00
Doors 28x0-8, 1 thick .... 2 50
" 2-Cx-t, Vyi ' .... 2 20
" 2-(ixC-G, 1 " . . . . 1 75
Windows 1 25
Building l'aperper(lb.) 4 crnts.
Tar felt (per lb.) 44 "
NOTICE is hereby given that the
final report of Michael Malier, ad
ministrator of the estate of William T.
Mister, deceased, will be heard at the
County Judge's oiliee in Platte county,
Nebraska, on Thursday, the 18th day of
November, 1880. at 1 o'clock, p. m.
518-2 County Judge.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
BY VIRTUE of a chattel mortgage
executed by Janit'K Hutchinson to
Patrick Murray dated the i'd day of
February, 1870, (not recorded), upon
which default has been made, 1 will
expose for "sale at public auction, at the
residence of said Patrick Murray in
Platte county, Nebraska, on
Thursday, the 2d day ok Dkckm
her, 1880,
at one o'clock p. m. of said day, the
property mortga ed consisting of one
bay horse mule, one bay mare mule, one
bay horse colt now about 3 years old,
one bav gelding colt now about 2 years
old. The amount due upon said mort
gage, at date of first advertising this
notice of sale is $175.70.
Terms of Bale, cash.
518-4 Mortgagee.
Chattel 3Iortgage Sale.
BY VIRTUE of a chattel mortgage,
executed by J. It. Mellinger to
Patrick Murray, dated the 0th (lay of
March, 1SS, and tiled in the ottice of thu
County Clerk of the county of Platte,
State of Nebraska, on the 8th day of
March, 18W, and upon which default has
been made, I will expose for sale at
public auction on
Thursday, the 0th pay of Decem
ber, 1880,
at one o'clock in the afternoon, at tho
residence of Patrick Murray, about three
miles westward from the citv ofCoIum
bus, in said Platte county, the property
mortgaged, consist. ng of one mule five
years old (sorrel colored), one mule five
years old, dark bay, two dark bay mules
about seven years old, and three head
of cattle.
The amount due thereon at date of
the first publication of this notice, is
$453.70. Terms of sale, cash.
Nov. 12, 18S0. Mortgagee.
fSS-Good one )-ard wido unbleached inuslut, per yard f .06
S5Calicos, per yard 03
JBS?Plaid and Fancy Dress Goods, per yard 06
jfcS-Twenty yards Choviot Shirting for 1.00
aS""Sixteen yards heavy Cotton Flannel for 1.00
fiAll-vool Red Flannel, per yard .20
$2 buys a Lady's Beaver Cloak !
$2.50 buys a Man's heavy and long Overcoat!
J5-Ivcntucky Jeau Pants, only 50
fiMon's black wool Hats, only 25
giST-Mon's genuino fur " 50
J8JS"A pair of brown Blankets 90
-White Bed Spreads 50
a5"-Men's two-buckle Plow Shoes 65
ggtr-Men's Boots 1.25
It will pay those living 100 miles away
to come and trade with Me.
:o: -
Wishing a better class of Goods I offer all LATE and STY
PRICES. I call special attention
to my large stock of
I have but one uniform H.OW PRICE, and am
hhIc, tu me directed, is-ucil out of
tho Diitrict Court uf tln -Uli .lililiiial
District, in and for Pintle county, Xi:
lr.ik:i, I will M-ll at pulilir auction, to
tin- liiirlifot liidder for i:uh, on the
2lli dnv of rVovmlM'i A. !.,
ut one o'clock In the aftrrnonii ol said
day. at the front door of the Court IIimhp
of -.aid county, the following dc.ierilied
lands and tenements to wit: The west
half of the northeast quarter of section
thirty-four, in township eighteen north,
of rnnjjo one east of the sixth principal
meridian, in Platte county, Nebraska:
and lots mx aud seven, iu Mock tilty
two, iu the town of Columbus in l'iatte
county, Nebraska, and aNo lot three iu
block thirteen, in .Stevens' addition to
the town of Columbus, in Platte coun
ty, Nebraska, at the suit of Charles II.
May, plaiiitill', and Luther M. Cook, one
of the defendants, against John ft
Coinptnn and Josephine hi. Compton,
defendants as the property of Raid John
O. Compton and Josephine .M. Compton.
Dated this 21st day of October, IhW.
BENJ.SPIELMAN, Sheriff of Platte County.
TABLES, Etc., Etc.
One door cast of Heintz's drwj store.
Just In. A Large Stock
Fall and Winter
Mits and Gloves,
Platte Centre, Neb.
:o: -
Little Nerve Pills,
Ery nervous person should try Cwtef'i Utile
Nerve P1U3, which are made tpedally for tk
who suffer from Nerrousnens, SlepUMiiL,
Nervous and Sick Headache, Weak Stoeack.
Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Ac They may be naed
alone or in combination with Carter's Littk
Liver PUb, and in either cose will girt mott
prompt and grateful relief. DytpepaU makas
you Nervous, and Nervoune makes yoa Dj
peptic: either one renders yoa miacnhlc, uA
these little pills cure both. .' '. . "
Price,9$,DruggtU oe eet itf
I am Still in the Field!
I mean juit vhit I Bay. My ntoek rf
Lump watt Nought for Iein money than
any other stock in town, and 1 will not
be uruliTKold. Go and get the prices
from your local dealer and then com a
hikI hoc mc anil I will s:ivo you money.
I am closing out my Block of
and can give you better bargain) than
any oue in town. When you want
buy It of mo. My stock of powdered
drugs for such purposes I the freibeit
and strongest. I buy herbs and pow
dered goods direct and not through two
or three band, and I ran guarantee
what I say. Remember, thin It the
Prescription Drug Store,
and the only reliable place to get them
put up. Quality of drugs and accuracy
is what you want in Prescriptions, and
not cheapness alone, but I will All your
Prcnrription.s for you as cheap as any
one in town. Don't bo deceived by
amatt'iir druggists, but go to the old
A. W. IML.A.
Havk the agency for this celebrated
wind mill, and will also sell
pumps, and make repairs on pumps and
mills. The Ilazen is better governed
than ny other, more durable, will run
longer, go in as little wind and In graU
or than any other, and givM the best ef
satisfaction. See tbo one at the Grand
Pacific, and call on us opposite the
pot-olhce. 5.J7-X
iBlTlftJE w