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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1880)
S 16 n It V v k f f- THE JOURNAL. OFFICIAL PAPER PLATTE CO. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10, 18). Communication, to Instiro insertion in the next Im-uc, liould lie in hand on Mutidavt, if lengthy, on Thursdays prerediiu Ui'Ue-day. Advertisements, of whatever ela-.g, should br In hand by noon, Tucj'days. Advertisement, under this head 15 cts. k line first insertion, 10 ctf. aline each aubsouuoul insertion. "I'o Sulm-'riborj-. Your name, Kith thk atk at which YOUR bUHSCKIITION KM'IKRS, ih placed on each .Iouicnai. j mi receive. A prompt renewal or difContiiiUHiicc will save the publishers, both troublo and expense, and be better for all eoneerned. A re newal ih respectfully solicited. $2 for 1 yr.; $1 for G mo.;" M) cts. for 3 mos. JouKNAU with either the American Ag riculturist or Nebraska Farmer 5 a yr.. piitUpaid. cash in advance; Journal and the Xurxery (X. . ' - 'L I'lastorcrs arc in brisk demand. The book ngeut ih abroad in the land. Plenty of coal now, ami more on I he way. A cloth glove. Inquire at thiri otllce. A largo number of hogs weto Hold in this city hint week. Trimmed hat at Mrs. M. S. Drake's for $1 and upwards. Win. Walton did a special good 6oi vice in the last campaign. HridgcH baa added a handsome hIiow cape to display his goods. When you want apples don' forget to go to Marshall Smith's. It in a mistake to think that tho early stonn killed all the chiuch bugs. John Kiiden, Kq., is engaging somewhat in his old business, plas tering. California canned fruit, a largo lot, in assorted cases, at Oehlriclf & Ilro's. For Kalfcomiuing.Papcr hauging and house painting go to Echols & Davis. Tho grand jury at Schuyler was also discharged ou the same grounds as here. For family groceries, BUgar, cofl'ee, tea, spices, &c, call at Wui. Beckr'B. Queuchaqua's "Shogo" and "Kol lanna" is a suro euro for complaining husbands. A child can buy as cheap as a man at tho Huston Shoe Store, opp. post-oilice. Mcliride & Druse's sale of fine stock takes place at Lincoln Nov. llaudlith. Now is the timo to subscribe for the Journal, $2 a year, 50 cents three months. Yesterday was cold and blus tering. Tho weather beforo that had been mild. Stock men have now had sov eral warnings to bo in readiucss for wintry weather. Tho hunters are having rare sport in briuging dowu tho wild geeso on the wing. J. C. Uoberts's majority in llut ler was over GOO; in Colfax 200. Ho is therefore olected. IIou. B. K. Smith, of St. Ed wards, senator elect, was iu the city Monday, on business. fi. W. Clark is up and around again, greeting his friends, after his recent very serious illness. Wanted. A girl to do house .work in a small family. Inquire at the office of Becher & Price. Geo. S. Truman and II. T. Spocrry were pleasant callers at the Journal headquarters Monday. Wc will furnish the Journal and the Omaha Weekly Jicjniblican, one year,postagc paid, for $3.00. Wm. Smith is a rapid workmau, but tho cold snap caught him with Henry Luers's brick walls unfinish ed. J. B. Shillito and Saml. May nard were in town Monday, looking happy over election ; so was Henry Bean. Echols & Davis have just re ceived a largo stock of assorted wall paper which they furnish on tho wall cheap. Even the dogs attend church in Columbus. It is a sort of presump tive evidence that their masters are not far away. For IIknt.A house, centrally located, and euilablo for dwelling or boarding house. Inquire at tho Journal office. Hallowcll & Coburn, wool com mission merchants of Boston, quote a recent sale of a lot of heavy Ne braska at 23's cents. Blank notes, bank, joint, indi vidual and work-and-Iabor, neatly bound in books of 50 and 100, for" sale at the Journal office. That $1,700 ta elness of tho Era's didn't work. Truth seemed to be a greater stranger lo the JETni than fiction during the recent canvass. H. C. McCracken, an eastern young man well versed in the bus iness, has beeu engaged by L. Kra mer, and will help to wait upon their numerous customers. "Mother, is God a Republican ?' asks a Schuyler boy. Tho Sun re plies, "He evidently went over in the Lincoln campaign, and has never scratched his ticket since." Wm. Stong of Marengo, Iowa, arrived in the city Friday with a car-load ol Cottswold and Leicester bucks. They are for sale by W. II. Randall at the Clother House. C. E. Morso is sick with fever. E. J. Potts goes .to Graud Is land. Hon. Loran Clark was in town Saturday. G. W. Clother went to Lincoln yesterday. Clint. DeMos3 is sick abed with typhoid fever. John George has been "under the wcathtr" a few days. J. M. Houahau went to Omaha Monday for medical treatment. IIou. J. H. Culver of Milford was iu town Monday ou business. A line of Boots and shoes at cost aud less at Marshall Smith's. A car-load of choice Michigan apples just received at Win. Becker's. Max Kramer arrived iu the city Thursday, looking iu cxcelleut health. Luto North camo down from tho west Monday, and Major yes terday. For first-class work and best stock, go to tho Boston Boot aud Shoe Store. Hon.W. It. Morso, senator elect, of Merrick couuty, gave us a picas ant call yesterday. G. W. Erb, one of Colfax coun ty's active young Republicans, was in the city Saturday. Rocoived a car-load of wiuter wheat llour every sack guaranteed, at Ochlrich & Bro'a. J. W. Early, County Treasurer, is at Lincoln, making settlement with the State Treasurer. Sociable this (Wednesday) even ing, under the auspices of tho young ladies of tho Congregational church. Last week D. Audorson shipped four car loads of fat hogs, -and says ho still wants more to handlo tho same way. Joe. Titian j expressed it right well : "Jim, we can't afford to trust those Southern follows for three or four generations yet." Willard Chapin, who has been for some time sojourning at Jules burg, Col., returned to his homo in this county Thursday last. C. C. Berringor of Elgin, III., loft for his homo Monday, after a visit of Beveral weeks with his father-in-law, Chas. Wake. Cards are out for tho wedding of Charles Lovejoy and Miss Dora B., daughter of I. N. Taylor, to take place at Oakdalc, Nov. 13th. Gen. Garfield carried Platte county by 22 majority. Tho adjoin ing counties o' Colfax, Butler, Polk, Nanco and Madison were all carried by tho republicans. Goo. Spooner camo up from Lincoln Saturday on n visit. He expects to return shortly, and says ho has plenty of work thoro for the next eighteen months. Several deaths from typhoid fever havo occurred lately in Shell crock precinct, Boone couuty, Rev. Ilelman, the Lutheran minister Is sick, but is roportod as mending. A car-load of choice Michigan Winter apple cider expected at Wm. Booker's this week, which of course will be for sale. If you want elder, this is your cbanco to get it at the lowest figures. Rev. M. V. B. Talbot and wife camo up from Omaha Saturday. He conducted the services at the M. E. Church Sunday. Wo learn that himself aud family will occupy the residence of J. C. Morrissey in tho northern part of tho city. W. F. Kimmol, likewise G. Stull, Polk co. stalwarts, were in town Monday. They wero well pleased with tho gonoral political outlook. Kimmol says tho demo cratic party in Polk is growing, having had some 240 votes at tho lato olection. Dr. Williams, who for the past six years has been an employee of the Government as postal clerk at Washington, arrived in Schuyler Friday la6t, to visit old acquaintan ces and to deposit a voto for Gar field. To ono-half of our present citizens, it ia safe to say, the Doctor is a stranger. Sun. The local papers have not en tirely failed to declaim against neg ligence concerning fire guards, but the fires havo begun to put in-an ap pearance all the same, and it is to bo presumed, will occasionally burn up a stack or two, as -well as dwelling houses, stables, etc A littlo atten tion now may save a good deal of property. Wo are in receipt of a lengthy communication concerning the con tract between the County Commis sioners and tho Sisters of Charity with reference to keeping the poor. Wc understand it to be a fair busi ness contract, aud not subject to the objections urged by our correspond ent. Wherever amicable relations exist rightfully, tho Journal is not disposed to create discord. Nels Nelson, a married man at Newman's Grove, aud Miss Johnson eloped together about two weeks ago, and have not been beard from since.' Nelson leaves a wife and three or four young children the wife is crippled and can hardly walk across the room. We are in formed that tho wife was induced, through misrepresentation, to sign a deed of the farm to an attorney in Oakdale. Tbo case seems a bard one for the deserted family, and it looks to us as though interested friends might procure the cancella tion of the deed. ABSTRACT OP VOTES, PLATTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, On the 2d day of November, 1880, as canvassed by John Stauffer, Co. Clerk of said County, assisted by Chas. A. Speice and B. Millett. OWICK AND CANDIDATE. Republican Electors. Collins, Thurston and Laird Dcm. Electors. Boyd, Vifiiuain and Hinman Member of Congress. E. K. Valentine J. E. North Governor. A. Nance T. W. Tipton Lieut. Governor, ti. O. C-arned ...... T.J. Hamilton Sec'u of Mate. 2iZ 247 41KK), 49 51 l! 41 94 S 41 4!l 226 41 231 -S, S. J. Alexander (5. "W. Johnsou Auditor of Mate. .John Wallichi 1). ('. Patterson State Treasurer. G. 51. Bartlett F. Kolda AtVy General. C. J. Dilworth (. E. Pritcbott Com. Lands and Build. A.O.Kendall E. II. Andrus S'MDt. Public Instruction. W. V. V. .rones Alex. Hear List. Attorney. 31. IS. lCeune ........ Senator Dist. U. 51. K. Turner G. C Barnum Clerk of Dist. Coutt. Joseph Gross C. A. Newman Representative tetk Dist. II. J. Hudson George Lehman Representative Zlst Dist. J. U. Roberta Jonas Welch Co Commissioner. Joseph Itlvet John Walker 28$ JlS 230 41 49 41 247 4u; 41 24lt 4!) 237 4 25( 49 jit 41 24!) 2U. 24S 49 41 49 237 41 2tft i0 202 280 3$ 52 39 50 224 203 39 SI 41 233 200 49 245 40 24 50 In the above table, tho tirst candidate mentioned in each ease is Republican, the second Democratic. The Greenback electoral ticket had 12 votes, all in Co lumbiiM precinct. Tho Greenback state ticket had 15 votes. T. J. 51ajors had 841 voteo for contingent congressman. 67 persons signified A. S. Paddock as their preference for U. S. Senator. Township organization was lost by a vote of 782 to 32, tho law reiuirlnj; a majority of all the votes cast. If tax-payers would remoraber theso three things they would bo saved a deal of troublo, viz: taxes aroduoJan. 1st each year; delin quent May 1st ; lands sold for taxes Nov. 1st. Job. Henry and family, of this city left for Lincoln last week. Ho desired us to return his sincere thanks to the citizens of Columbus for their kindness during tho sick ness of members of his family and thoir severe aflliction. A. Weeniuk and family, loft Tuesday last for Oneonta, Now York. Having iutorest in lands iu this county ho expects to return sometime in tho future. The Jouunal will pay him weekly visits at his Naw York home. If you should wish to witness some rare sport, you should look at two ladios and two awkward men who know nothing about such aui mals, trying to drire a large, strong stubborn self-willed hog iu a dir ection it don't want to go. For Sale. A dwelling-house and lot in a very desirable part of tho city. Will ho sold at a sacrifice, as the money is needed. Tho house is new aud cost more mouoy than is asked for both house and lot. For further particulars inquiro at tho Journal oflico. It will now bo in order for the people to confer with the senators and representatives elect, and tell them what they desire to havo ac complished iu tbo way of amend ment to the laws of the state. We suggest that tho itate press take up the subject at once, so that, by the timo tbo legislature convences.much may bo done in maturing legislation. Every true patriot in the United States is under rcuowed obligations to Gen. Grant for his labors in favor of the republican cause, view as you may, his presence, brief, pointed aud tolling speeches had an influence in tho campaign just closed which is hard to estimate, but will, in all timo to come, be remembered and appreciated by his true friends. Ho has proven on otheroccasions thai he loves his country and can be relied upon iu the hour of danger. Tho funeral services of John Harrigau occurred on last Wednes day undor the direction of tho Co lumbus Firo department at the M. E. Church. The services at tho Church being conducted by Mr. Price and A. C. Tigner in tho pres ence of a very largo audienco. The deceased was born iu Perry couuty, Pennsylvania, March 19th, 1850, aud camo to Nebraska in April ISM He leaves a wife, two email children and a widowed mother to mourn his Iosb. Tho small mountain of votes under which John Walker, late can didate for couuty commissioner, now finds himself, may have been duo to sovcral circumstances, but doubtless a very considerable portion of it may be attributed to a heartless and blundering falsehood, concerning h'lB opponent's nomination. In, some quarters a campaign lie is regarded as an excellent thing, "but the great body of the people of Saxon mould believe in fair play, and will justly punish deceit, especially if it is sim ply brutal and witless. Quite a number of republicans met at the Opera House Saturday evening lo rejoice over tho results of the election. CapL John Ham mond was called upon to preside, and did it with a will that was amusing, and at the same timo in structive. After some very humor ous, as well as pathetic remarks touching the situation of the coun try, be severally introduced M. Whitmoyer, II. J. Hudson, S. C. Smith and A. M. PobL, who deliv ered well-timed remarks touching the tremendous victory of last week. tfc'-2 l2i CI 3 3 a 06 l'Oil 4221 12 (W.V 18 854 06 53 31 00 34 1021 63 49 26 48 34 83: 4 05 79 30, 4.S 08(37 09,34 42 125$ IS 774 00 54 29 10 02 54 2t 34 $92 118 02 76 00 51 31 W 42 13 OS 53 a S42 840 00 53 00 11 0249 0 4 4S 42 1200 i- 18 841 00 "6 W 31 00 49 2(1 31 70S 00 58 51 31 51 42 0$ 53 1$ 851 852 13 WJ 10 49 0$ 49 20 34 6 0(1 42 53 18 15 06 53 31 51 10 26 34 S3 7 00 53 00 53 00 53 42 (iS 53 20 18 850 11 00 76 06 31 10 49 08 49 0$ 49 34 $39 850 83!) S50 840 51 31 42 53 18 11 10 26 34 70 (Hi 70; SI 31 51 31 42 10 53 26 18 10 34 00 53 42 68 53 18 S21 00 10 19 26 34 838 848 51 40 08 53 54 25 18 50 13 69 21 922 773 149 20 10 47 29 05 04 fto 33 12 6llJ 75 49 M 42 39 lUiSOi !95- 33 40 18 781 43 10 59 26 894 113 31 40 05 18 791 13 51 at 898; 107 344 54 03 40 W 49 1007 003 1713 10 21 02 Crcalon. The peoplo of Creston are all alivo in tho cause of mission. A few months ago, a few faithful ones organized an Auxiliary Society to tho Womairs Board. Interest in the work has been steadily increas ing until now a large number of the ladies of this place, of all denomina tions, are onrolled among its mem bers; tho gentlemen are also much engaged in the good work, und do all in their power to aid it. On Wednesday evening they gave a supper and oulertainmont in the pleasant church building; it was largely attended, and proved a suc cess. The supper, which was boun tiful, was furnished by the ladies, so that all tho proceed?, $10, went into the funds of the society. This amount, together with previous subscriptions, will onable thorn lo educate a heathen girl in some Mis sion station. They have resolved to undertake this duty for a term of years, she is to bo known bv the name "Creston." The evening was diversified by addresses, music and an exhibition of many curiosities brought from India by Dr. John Scudder, who is a resident of this placo. It was so enjoyable that all voted a repetition. n. n. Weather Krporl. Heviewof the weather at Genoa, for the month of October, 1SS0: Mean temperature of mo., dog's. .4C.ld .ucan no oi bame mo. last vear. . Highest do on the 9th, (leg's Lowest do on the 31st de;'H.... Ordinarily clear days Very cloudy days HiKU winds day s Calm days Rain fell portions of days Inches of rainfall do of same mo. last year Inches of snow (tirst of season). .57.61 . 82 . 20 . 16 . 10 . 5 . 11 5 . 1.75 . 0.25 00 Prevalent winds during the month from S. to N.W. by W. Ice, first of tho season, on the 3d. Lunar Corona's on the 8th and ICth. Lunar Halo on the 14th. Ground slightly frozen on the 16th. Violent storm of wind and snow from the north commencing at 1 p. m. of the 15th and continuing to 7 a. m. of tho 16th ; it was the most severe for many years and though much stock was exposed to its fury, yet there was comparatively littlo loss in this section. JLetler llMt. The following is 'a list of unclaimed letters remaining In the post-oilier, in Columbus, for the week endiux Nov. 6, 1880: Mrs Julia Bishop Mrs G Rithger Mrs S E disking L 51 Cook Fred Griffin Wm Husenetter C II McNcol J VT Richards Richard RIchoy Wm G Smith Ed Smith Ed Welsh Wm F Williams HELD FOR rOSTAOK. Mrs Lois A 5IcPhoarson, Jno Elliott Those marked " ," poatal card If not called for in 30 days will be sent to the dead .letter office, Washington, D. C. When called for please say '"adver tised," as these letters are kept separate. E. A. Gehkakd, P. 51. Press for Male. We have for sale the hand-press upon which tho Journal (present size) has been heretofore printed. It is a seven column folio Washington press and in good order. Price $160 cash. Address M. K. Turner & Co., Columbus, Neb. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, by Galley & Bro., that all who are indebted to them, either by note or book acc't, must come forward and settle imme diately, as they need the funds. MARRIED. APPLETON-JOHNSON-Oet. 11. by Judge J. G. Hitrjnns, Chas. Annletou f and Miss Louisa Johnson. FUCHS RIPP Oct. 30, 1880, by Rev. P. Cyril Aiigustinsky, John W. Fuchs and 5liss Annie Ripp, all of Platte Co. KLAUS RIEDER Oct. 19, 1SS0, by Rev. C. G. A. Hullhorst, Chas. Klaus and 5is8 Elizabeth Ricder, all of Platte county. 5IICEK CZAPLA Oct. 28, 1880, by Rev. P. Cyril Augustlusky, Joseph Mi cek and Miss Josephine Czapla, both of Polk county. BUTTON-GALLEY Nov. 7, 1880, by Judge J. G. Higgins, John P. Button and Miss Hannah A. Galley, all of Platte county. BORN. MORRIS Sunday, Nov. 7th, to 51 rs. Heury 5Iorris, a sou, weight 8 lbs. ll LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head live cents a line each insertion. Salt Salmon at Bridges. New Sweet Cider at Hudson's. Kentucky jeau pants only 50 cts., ui Kramer's. rhino That, Thresh Oysters at Hudson's. DO. cts. buys a pair of blaukots at Kramer's. Celery aud quinces at Bridges, always ou baud. Brick in tho wall at $7 to $S a thousand by Flyun & Co. Kramer sells all-wool red llan nel 20 cts per yard. Malaga grapes for tho sick at Hudeou's. A large, new stock of men's and women's shoes at Win. Schilz's. California Pears at Hudson's. Onc-vnrd-wido good unblcacb- od muslin Kramer's. only 5 cts. per yard at Money to loan at 9 per cent, on all sums over $500, by McAllister Bros. 100 ladies' beaver cloaks only $2 apieco at Kramer's. California poars and Florida oranges at Bridges. Don't forget that G. W. Phil lips sells boots and shoes cheapor than tho cheapest. Give him a call, New Comb Honoy at Hudson's. .f35 yards of dark calico for $1 at Kramer's. $250 buys a good heavy over coat at Kramer s. Florida Oranges and now Dates at Hudson's. To bo economical you must trade at Kramer'a Now York Cheap Cash Store. Go to Bridges, and see tho new candy just received, the best in town. Tho largest lino of Indies' Bea ver Coats and Dolmans In the city at Galley Bros. A full assortment of Indies', children's and men's rubbers and Arctics at Kramer's. PI The action of Carter's Littlo Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate tho liver, and regulate the bowels, but do not purge. They are sure to please. For sale at A. Heintz's Drug Store. Komember, wo give the lowest price on all goods of any house in the city at Ualley liros. Fancy box paper, 15 cts.; choice chromos 24x30 inches, nicely framed, $1.25 at Lubker & Cramer's. Go to Wm. Byan'ri for the best, liquors, wines and cider, on 11th street, two doors oast of Gluck's. For the lowest prices and larg est and beat assortment, go to Kra mer's New York Cheap Cash Storo. Platto & Co's. Baltimoro oyster, the best in the market, for sale at Uridire". Go and try them, boforc buying elsewhere One and a half yard-wido wa terproof at 50 cts. a yard, always on hand at L. Kramer's Now York Cheap Cash Storo. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make you sick and then leave you constipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate tho bowels aud mnke yon well. Dose, one pill. For sale at A. Heintz's Drug Store. We have just received another lot of Alpacca Skirts. Call soon if you wih the best skirt iu tho mar ket at Galley Bros. --It is a well established fact that there is no house iu Nebraska that carries so large a stock and sells so cheap as L. Kramer's Now York Cheap Cash Store. If you wish an Overcoat and want to save money, don't forget to call on us as wc have bought sinco the decline on clothing and can givo you bargains. Galley Bros. Bloomingdale Stock Farm is the placo to get choice young breeding stock in the cattle and hog line. A. Hexkich, Motz P.O., Platte Co., Neb. If there ever was a specific for any one complaint, then Carter's Littlo Liver Pills arc a specific for sick headache, and every woman should know this. Only one pill a dose. For sale at A. Hcintz'eJDrug Store. Found, On 12th St., Nov. 3d, 1SS0, by Sid ney D. Wadsworth, one pair men's Kloves. Undertaking; F. Gerber has added to his furni ture business that of undertaking. Coffins of all styles may bo found at his place, north side of 11th street, opposite his furniture storo. For Sale or Trado. Ono lot and two houses, one a boarding house, tho other suitable for a boarding or dwelling house centrally located in the city of Co lumbus'. Will sell for cash, or trado for stock. For further particulars inquire at the Jouunal office. Estruy Cnlrc. Came into our hord, Sept. 24th, near G. W. Stevens's farm, two speckled, spring steer calves. The owner will prove property, pay charges, &c. Fked. Stenggeh. It Ih Conceded By both Democrats and Republi cans that "Fatty" Woods sells more cigars aud tobacco than any man in town ; and he sells as cheap as any. If you want a good smoke, or any kind of plug or smoking tobaccos, call on " Fatty" at the City Cigar Store on Olive St. .Splendid Ntock of InipIcmentH The undersigned, having pur chased the entire stock of implements of Schutte and Pohl will keep con stantly ou hand at the old stand ou 13th street, west of Olive, Columbus, the Marsh and Buford Sulky plows, Tiger, Thomas and Knowltoh Sulky hay rakes, aud an "entire new stock of the Whitewater wagons. E. J. & J. A. Erxst. Successors to Schutte & Pohl. JEtray Notice. Came into our herd Oct. 4th, a red steer, three years old; very poor; long horns; wbito spot on face. Owuor will prove property, pay charges, etc. 544-5 BAKKK & KAVAitAUGU. LOUIS BEIUIADPT, .11 i: It CII A : T TAILO It on Olive Street wishes to announce to the citizens of Columbus and vi cinity that ho has on hand a com plete 6tock of the best fall and winter goods both in stylo aud quality, that has ever beeu brought to this market. Ho will guarantee lirst-class workmanship aud good fits at prices as low as any. Give him a call and look ovor his stock and learn prices. Also will do cut ting jobs at reasonable prices. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head five cents a line, tirt insertion, three cents a line each subsequent insertion. B&-I havo one hundred calves and yearlings for sale, all Illinois stock. T. Kkatino. I'or flute. A pony, aud a cattle dog. G. W. Wkscott. Re;ulur Stock lealer. All kiuds of hornod stock bought and Hold; also fat and stock hogs. 37l)-y D. Andkkson. Fun nd. A mitten, composed of buckskin, flannel and fur valuable found be tween Columbus and Flynn's brick yard, last week. Fay Up. Notes due me for timber sold, aro expected to be paid promptly, by the 1st of November, 188U, and save "costs. llKNUY LUdCUEX. Wanted. A farm hand, immediately. Ap ply, with credentials, to N. CiiAiintKE. "4S-4 Near Genoa. Oxen for Nnle. I will soil on reasonable terms a nice yoke of cattle. Call soon, and you will find them two miles wost of Hum phrey Station, Platto Co., Neh., at 545-x James McDkkmott'h. iVotlco To TenclicrM. 1 will bo in my office at tho Court House on the first and last Saturdays ot each month for the purpose of examin ing applicants for teacher's certificates, and for the transaction of anv other business pertaining to schools. " S. L. RAUKKiT, County Supt. Central ITIeat Market. Albert E. Itickly has purchased and is now running the above named market. The meat-consuming commu nitj are solicited to make frequent calls, where they can get the best and the iiiot for their money. A No dealer in Poultry, Hides, ,fec," on a small com mission. ."4l-x. 25T"Not having rent to pay, Nor.running expenses to defray, Come right away, AVithout delay," If groceries you need. A saving indeed You'll find it will be By trading with me. We'll charge you nothing to see, Information is free. I'm the tanner' friend Indeed, As well as friend in need. John Hemi'LVman'm Grocery Depot, op- pot-itc Liudcll House. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our ouotations of the markets aro ob tained Tuesday afternoon, and aro correct aud reliable at the timo. OltAIN, iC. Wheat No. !, test ;"!) lbs 7.-, " 2, M " 7; " " a, " fii " 70 Corn Shelled, old 04 Oats, 05 "ye ",') Flour, $2 )(fc2 75 Graham, 1 ouGj-jWi Meal, 1 20 rnonuCK. Butter, g3'0 Eggs, 2022 Potatoes, fHKgOO I.1V15 STOCK. Fat Hogs, 3 r03 73 Fat Cattle, 2 GU($."!oq Yearlings, 12 00l."i 00 Calve 4 00g600 Sheep 3 00 Good veal, per hundred 4 09 Hides, grcou salted 4 4 5C NKATS. Hams, 12)15 Shoulders, . 07 Sides, I0 Corned Beef (HgS Steak 8L!H LUMBKIt. Finishing $ 300040 00 Flooring 23 0035 00 Siding 18 00(022 00 Drop Siding 23 0030 00 Ship Lap 23 00 Framing (10 to 20 ft) 22 Sheeting 20 Well Tubing (per bunch).. 1 25 Lathfper M) 4 00 Shingle (per M) 3 00 4 00 Doors 2-8x(S-8, 1 thick.... 2 SO " 2-6x0-0, IJi " .... 2 20 " 2-0xC6, 1 " .... 1 75 Windows, 125 Building Papcrpcr(lb.) ..1.. 4 cents. Tar felt (per lb.) i " FIXAIi PROOF. Lan d Oflloe, ntGrnnd Island, Ncb.,1 October 4th, 1RS0. J NOTICE is hereby given that tho lollnw-Ing-nuniori settler has filed untlco of bin intention to mnkotlnalprooHn Mipjxirt ol his claim , and secure final entry thereof, before the Clerk of the Court r l'Intto county, Nebraskn, at th County Kent, on Snturday tho -1th day of December, 18.V), vIk: James A. rbllllps. Homestead No. ffM9, for tho H. E. XA. Section 8, Township S) north. Run kc 1 east, und names the follow ing witness C8 to prove his continuous resi lience upon a nd cultivation of said tract, viz: Charles Heitsmnn, Frank Ansen, John Anen, and W. J. Helknap, all of Creston, Matte Co.. Neb. gl7-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register. FI.VAI, PROOF. Ijind OHlco at Grand Island, Xch., October 1th, 1M0. j NOTICE ia hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final prool In support of his claim, and tttire final ntry thereof, before thn Clerk of the Court of Finite county, Nebraska, at the County scat, 1111 Saturday thc'.J7th day of November HWI.vl.: John Anderson, Homestead No. 47S9, for the W. U, S. E. '4. K. 14, S. W. , Section 21. Township If) north, lOins" I west, and names the following wltnis'-cs to prove- his continuous residence tioii and cultivation ofsald tract, viz: Nils Munpou, William .1. Irwin, John Munson, and Peter Mnnson, all of West Hill, Platte Co., Neb. 5UM it. H. HOXIE, Register. fizvai, ntooF. Land OHice, Grand Island, Ncb.,1 Oct. 22, 1880. f Notice is hereby given that the fol. lowing named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in sup port of her claim, and secure final entry thereof before the Clerk of the Court of Platte county, Nebraska, at the County Scat, on Thursday, the 2d day of Dec, 1880, viz: -Mary Honger, Homestead No. HI 15, for tho N. W. 4, N. E. yA, Section 8, Township 10, north, Range 1 west, and names the following witnosies to prove her continuous residence upon and cul tivation of said tract, viz: Rudolf Kurth, of wondburn, Platte Co.. Neb., and Friedrich Lcmp, Nicholas Blazer and William Kuiumer, of Duncan, Platte Co., Neb. 540-5 M. B. 110X1 E, Register. LEGAL' NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby :iven that the final report of M'ichael 5Iaher, ad ministrator of tho estate of William T. JHster, deceased, will be heard at the County Judge's otlicc in Platte countv. Nebraska, on Thursdav, the 18th day "of November, 1880. at 1 o'clock, p. m. JOHN G. HIGGINS, &"- Couuty Judge. FI71AI, lKOOF. Land Otllce at Grand Inland. Neb.,) Oct. 331. 180. VTOTICE is hereby given that the A following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tin al proof in support of his claim, and secure final entrv thereof, before the Clerk of tho Court of Platte Co., Neb., .it the county seat, on Thursday, tho !lh day or Deeembur, 188. viz: Anton Pfeifcr, Uoinetead No. Vt!), for the W.J, S. E. tf, Section 30, Town shlpit) north, Rauo I west, and names the following vrituces to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said tract, viz: Franz Zach. Isjnatz Zach and August Weiser, of Hilmpherey, Platte Co., Neb., and John 11. Delsnian, of Columbus, Platte Co., Neb. 546-fi M. B. HOXIE. Roaster. F12VAI.. PROOF. Land Ofiiee at Grand Island. Neb.,) October ISd, 1880. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to niako final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, beforo th Clerk of the Court of Platte county, Nebraska, at the countv seat, on Thursdav, the 2d day of December, 1880, viz: Clans John Boe, Homestead No. 0131. for the S. , N. W. , .Section 13, Town ship 18 north. Raniro 1 east, and name tho following witnesses to prove his" continuous resilience upon and cultiva tion of said tract, viz: William Scliniitz. Gerhard Krumlaud, John Loseke aud 1.1... . .. ir.I.I n Zr ,. . . uuu oaauciu, an oi (joiumous, 1 latte Co., Neb 51. B.nOXlE, Register. Fl.Vtl, PROOF. Land Ollicc at Grand Island. Neb.,) Oct. 11th, 188D. f NOTICE Is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in btipportof his claim, and secure final entry thereof, before tho Clerk of the Court of Platto Co., Nebraska, at the county seat, on Thursday, the ISth day of November, 1880, viz: Randolph M. Johnson, Homestead No. fSOl, for tho S. 4, S. E. , Section 12. Township 20 north, Range 1 east, aud names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cul tivation of said tract, viz: Samuel J. Wheeler and Ira J. Nichols, of Creston, Platte Co., Nob., and Warren Fiuscl man and M. B. Mitchell, of Leigh, Platte Co., Neb. 645-3 M.B.UeXIE, Register. ll.AL lKOF. Land Ollicc at Grand Island, Neb.,1 Oct. lltll, INN). f NOTICE is herebv given that the-following-named settler has tiled notice of hi intention to make final proof iu support'of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, befort the Clerk of the court of Platte county, Neb., at the county seat, on Thursday, the 18th d.i of November, 18S0, viz: Richard F. Cunningham, Homctcad No. 7772. for the N. E. i. Section (5, Township l!l north, Range 2 west, and names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cul tivat ion of ha id tract, viz: .Martin Ma her, Daniel Malier, Patrick Dull'v and Patrick Dully, all of Lindsay, Platte Co., Neb. 345-3 M . R. IIOX I E, Register. Final Proof. Laud Ofiiee at Graud Island, N'eli.l Oct. 8th, 18S0. j "VTOTI'E Is hereby given that the fol 11 lowlug-iiamed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support-of his claim, and ccurt final entrv thereof, before the clerk off the court of Platte couuty, Nebraska, at the couuty seat, on Saturday, thr I.'llli dar of November, 1880, viz: Charles Walker, Homestead No. !)2lfi, for the N. 4 S. E. 'i. See. 28. Township 18 north. Range 3 West, aud names the foilowlnt; witnesses to prove his contin uous residence upon and cultivation ol said tract, viz: John Hammer, Wm. II. Cotton, John C. Hurley and E. P. Dra per all of Monroe, Platte Co., Neb. .M. B. HOXIE, Register. Final Prool. Land Oilicu at Grand Island, Neb.) Oct. 4th, IS30. f "VTOTICE is hereby given that the fol J.1 lowing-named settler has tiled notice ofMiis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, before the clerk of the court of Platte county, Nebraska, at the county seat, on Thursday, the 11th day of November, 1880, viz: John Greiseu, Homeste'ad Xo.37S6, for the E. 14 N. W. yv Sec. 28, Towuship 10 north, Kango 2 West, and names the fol lowingWitnessns to prove his continu ous residence upon and cultivation of said tract, viz: Peter Ripp. Matliia Schneider, Joseph Krlngs and Garhard Gronluthal or Platto Center, Platte Co., Neb. JI.B. HOXIE, Register. FII-lAr, PROOF. Land Office at (Jrand lland. Neb.,) Oct. 22d, l8U. NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, before the Clerk of tho Court of Platte Co., Nebraska, at the county scat, on Thursday, the 2d day of Dec, 1880, viz: Mathias Fuchs, Homestead No. 4808, for tho S. i, S. E. i Section 28, Town ship 20 north, Range 1 west, and names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous rcsidenco upon and cultivation of said tract, viz: Joseph Wldhalm, Paul Faber, and Ferdinand Rohrie, of Humphreys, Platte Co., Neb., and Au gust Wieser, of Grand Prairie, Platte Co.. Neb. 546-3 M. R. HOXIE, Register. Fi;AI, PROOF. Land Ollicc, Grand Island, Neb.,) Oct. 23d, INN), f VTOTICE is hereby irivcn that the fol XN lowing named settler has tiled no. tice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and se cure final entry thereof, before the Clerk ot the Court of Platto county, Nebraska, at the County Seat, on Thurs day, the 'Jth day of Dec, isso, viz: Josef Rothlantuer. Homestead' No. C017, for the S. N. W. A, Section 12. Township 1!) north, Range 1 west, and names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cul tivation of said tract, viz: Jacob Bod mcr, of Humphreys, Platte Co., Neb., and Friedrich Helibusch, Oliver Fenner and Benjamin Spielman, of Columbus, Platte county, Nebraska. 540-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. VIRITE OF AN ORDER OF BY sale, to mo directed, issued out of the District Court of the 4th .I11dici.1l District, in and for Platte county, Ne braska, I will sell at public au--lfon, to the highest bidder for' cash, on the 20th dnv of niovoiiilirr, A. IM 1MHO, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House of said county, the following described lands and tenements, to wit: The west half of the northeast quarter of section thirty-four, in township eighteen north, of range one east of the sixth principal meridian, in Platte county, Nebraska: and lots six and seven, iii block fifty two, in the town of Columbus, in Platte county. NebrasKa, aud al.-o lot three iu block'thirteen, in Stevens' addition to the town of Columbus, in Platte coun ty, Nebraska, at the suit of Charles II. May, plaintiff, and Luther M. Cook, one of the defendants, against John G. Compton and Josephine M. Compton, defendants, as the propprty of said John G. Compton and Josephine M. Compton. Dated this 2Istday or October, In. BENJ. SPIEL3IAN, MU-6 Sherifi of Platte County. Chattel Mortgage Sale. BY VIRTUE of a chattel mortgage executed by James Hutchinson to Patrick Murray, dated the 3d day of February, 1S7D, (not recorded), upon winch default has been made, I will expose for sale at public auction, at tho resld nee 6r said Patrick 3iurray In Platte county, Nebraska, on TllUlUJDAY, THK 2l DAY OT DKCVM 11KR, 1S80, at one o'clock p. in. of said day, tho property mortga ed consisting of one iay hor.-e mule, one bay raaro mule, oao .iy horse colt now about 3 year old, one bay gelding colt now about 2 year old. The amount due upon said mort gage, at date of first advertising this notice of sale Is f 173.70 Terms oT sale. cash. PATRICK MURRAY, 318-4 3Iortgagee. ATTACHMENT JT0TICB. 17AIRBAri,T WINDMILL COMPA IT nv, will tako notice- that on tho 8th day of October, 1880. (1. B. Bailey, a justice of the poace In and for Colum bus precinct, Platto county, Nebraska, Issued a summons and order or attach ment for the sum of $16.00, In an action boforc him, wherein Joseph C.Elliott ! plaintiff and r"alrbault Wind 311I Companv" is defendant; that property consisting of two Falrbault Wind Mills complete," one Tank and C, hat been attached under said order. Said sum mons and order of attachment wm returnable before said justice, on tho 12th day of October, A. D. 1880, at 8 o'clock a. m. at which time It appearing that said defendant was a non-resident, and process could not bo served on said defendant in e.iid county, said causa was duly continued b said justlco to the 30th day of November, 1880. at 9 o'clock a. 111. of said day at his office, In said precinct and county. Dated Columbus, Neb., 12th Oct.. I-?). JOSEPH C. ELLIOTT, Plfff. By W. S..GKKU. his Att'y. 540-5 F. GERBER & CO., DK.iI.KKS IN FUMITUEE I AND UNDERTAKERS. Ms, Beflsleafls, Brans, TABLES, Etc., Etc. GIVE HIM A CALL AT HIS PLACE ON SOUTH'SIDE 11th ST., One door east of Heintz's drug store. BACK ACHE QUICKLY CURED BY CARTER'S Smart Weed -AND- Belladonna BacUcle Plasters! Thcs- plasters contain Smart Weed and Bella donna both wonderful pun relievere ia nUJ Uon to the usual gums, balsams, Ac. used in other porous planters, an J are consequent! r superior ta all others lor weafc or Lame Bade Bade Ache, Rhoumatlflm. Neuralgia. Sorenaat of tho Cheat or Lungs. Asthma. Pleurisy, Kidney Troubles. Crlclc In the BadcBtlff nosa oftho Jointa, and for alTPalna and Achea. and wherever a Piaster can bo used. It you have any need for a Porou Strengthening Plaster, know this one will please you. It is sure to give relief, and paia cu not exist where it is applied. 1 Acle your druggist for Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Back Ache Plaster. Price, j$ cents. . CARTER MEDICINE CO.; Nrsr Yortt Just In. A Large Stock OF- Fall and Winter DRYGOODS! FINE, CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING- Wl.Vri-'ll OVKKCOATM, near, flats ai Cans. Mits and Gloves, BOOTS a SHOES, AT PRICES TO SUIT AJLL. ALSO A FULL LINE OY Groceries. Hardware. Queenswaro. :o: ISffTHE HIGHEST MARKET PRICK PAID FOR COUNTRY PRO- DUCE.PJ I. NLEMOLLEB'S, Platte Centre, Nob. .UVSiii WE CAN'T HELP YOU IF YOU ARE DISAPPOINTED IN THE ELECTION, HUT We Can Help Yon If you arc t,'oinj to want any good in otir line. Have got the be.t and ohea-i fit line of LAMP GOODS Evrr brought to Coiiimiiu-. Have tht new style of LIBRARY LAMP, nd this week I will have in some New, Decorated Shades, whirh lay fver anything ever lold In thetnwii. LANTERNS of all kindsand slyleo. I will t.ell anything In this linn cheaper than any other storo In town. I am the only one in the State who eaa sell you SASSAFRASSO. It ii the het preparation for chapped bund and fare in the world, and I will liia autee it to be Mirli. One applica tion will cure farmers who ret their h.ind-t chapped and eut when huskln corn. It i iine'iitailed. Will heal cuts and Hplits. Call and ir-t a sample bottle FREE, for two week-.. Hcadquartera for HOUSE MEDICINES! If your horse ba-. got the Epizootic 1 will furt.ih medicine for you. Better nee a good Veterinary Surgeon and then bring hi., prescription to me, and I will till it for you correctly. DON'T FOROET THE PLACE, DOLANS'S C0L SRUB & V