The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 03, 1880, Image 2

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Entered at the Poit-oflicr, Columbus.
Ncb as second clas matter.
XkaalfMKtrlBK Proclamation.
Washington, Nov. 1.
By the President of the United States
of America, a Proclamation:
At no period in tbeir history since
the United States became a nation,
has this people had so abnndant and
so universal reasons for joy and
gratitude at the favor of Almighty
God, and ben subject to so profonnd
obligation to give thanks for his
loving kindness, and humbly to im
plore his continued care and pro
tection. Health, wealth, and pros
perity throughout all our boarders,
peace, honor, and friendship with
all the world, firm and faithful ad
herence by the great body of our
population to the principles of lib
erty aud justice, which has mado our
greatness as a nation, and to the
wise institutions and strong form of
government and society, which will
perpetuate it, for all these the thanks
of a happy and united people, as
with one voice, ascend in devout
homage to the giver of all good.
Therefore, I recommend that on
Thursday, the 25th day of Novem
ber, next, the people will meet in
their respective places of worship
to make their acknowledgments to
Almighty God for his bounties and
his protection, and offer to him
prayers for their continuance.
In witneBB whereof, I havo
hereunto set my hand and caused
the seal of the United States to bo
affixed. Done at the city of Wash
ington on the 1st day ot November,
in the year of our Lord eighteen
hundred and eighty, and of the in
dependence of the United States tho
.one hundred and fifth,
. Signed. R. B. Hayes.
'William M. Evabts,
Socretary of Stato.
Thic government receipts on the
28th ult., aggregate $1,100,000.
The steamer Amcrique, from Eu
rope, brought $289,000 in francs.
The epizootic has broken out
among the horses in Kansas City.
The president designates thu 25th
of November as Thanksgiviug day.
Earthquake shocks were felt last
week throughout Spain and Por
tugal. A recent dispatch from Athons
says there are now 45,000 men under
arms in Greece.
The secretary of the troasury last
week purchased $2,500,000 of gov
ernment bonds.
A special from London says 2,000
Irish constabulary have been ordor
ed to immediately rendezvous at the
Curragh of Kildare.
Bishop D. S. Daggett, of the M.
E. Church, died at Richmond, Va.,
ou the night of tho 27th ult.
W. B. Robison, tho oldest printer
in Washington, died on the morning
of the 21st ult., aged 76 years.
The greenbackers of Boston have
nominated Wendell Phillips for
congress in the fourth district.
John Hadley and Albert Bray
were killed by tho caving in of a pit
at Matewan, N. J., on the 30th.
On the 29th, over 2,000 immigrants
including five Arabs, arrived in New
York within tho last two days.
Mbs. Gould, caBhier of tho de
funct woman's bank for ladies'
deposit, baB been bailed In $10,000.
The late storm extended all over
tho continent. In South America
half a million headof cattle perished.
On the 27th ult., tho secretary of
the treasury purchased $1,500,000 of
United States bonds for the sinking
A DisrATcn from Copenhagen un
der date of the 29th ult., says one
hundred vessels were destroyed by
the late storm.
Byron Blake, of Wheclock, Vt.,
last week murdered his molhor, sis
ter, and step-father with a knife, and
then hung himself.
Later reports from New York
pronounce Mrs. Lincoln in very bad
health, and not able to proceed to
her homo at Chicago.
Mrs. Lydia Maria Child, the
well-known authoress, died at Way
land. Mass., on tho morning of the
20th ult., aged 87 years.
A man supposed to be R. P. Bull,
a detective, was murdered last week
at Ft. Worth, Texas, while asleep.
No clue to the murderer.
R. F. Johnstone, editor of the
Michigan Tarmer of Detroit, died
uddenly Sunday night, Oct. 24th,
without an instant's warning.
The jury in the case of Minnie
Dixon, at Chicago, charged with the
murder of her paramour Deland,
failed to agree and were discharged.
The treasury on tho 27th ult., pur
chased 400,000 ounces of fine silver
for delivery at Philadelphia, San
Francisco aud New Orleans mints.
Wolves are numerous in the Re
publican valley, and are doing
heinous damage to the sheep, aud
jutle have been attacked by them.
The people still continue to visit
-Gen. Garfield. This time it was 900
ladies from Cleveland and vicinity.
Mentor will soon become a noted
John Doff of Boston, builder of
the Hannibal & St. Joe and Union
Pacifio railroads, died on the morn
ing of the 26th ult. He was worth
at least $4,000,000.
The constitution of tha state of
Nebraska contains this provision, in
article 14, section 3: "Drunkenness
shall be cause of iape&cnmeut aud
removal from office."
The trial of Allen at Sidney charg
ed with robbiug the Union Pacific
Express company last spring result
ed in a verdict of not guilty on
Friday last.
The steamer Trader, lyiBg at the
wharf at Memphis, Teun., was burn
ed to the waters edge on the 26th.
Captain Oscar Postal, aarrowly
escaped;with his life.
Indian Agent Berry, besidei
Hoyt, Clinc and Mcacham have been
arrested, charged with the murder
of Jackson, tho froighler, and are
now in jail at Gunnison City.
Mrs. Imogene Woodward, wife
of John Woodward, the defaulting
cashier of the city treasury of Bos
ton, was arrested the oth'er day on
the charge of complicity iu the theft.
J. T. Rogers & Co's lumber-yard,
with planing mill at Peoria, 111., was
totally destroyed on the morning of
the 28th ult. by an incendiary fire.
The value of the property destroyed
will reach $37,000.
Keil's livery stable at Council
Bluffs on the 30th ult., was destroyed
by fire, together with sixteen horses
and five cows. It is supposed that tho
fire originated from a cigar carless
ly thrown into the hay.
Robert Lowe, of "WnbaBh county,
Minn., last week shot and instantly
killed his wife and child, and after
wards blew out his own brains.
Trouble of a domestic nature was
the cause of the tragedy.
The cane of Wm. B. Brockway,
charged with tho forgery of more
than $200,000 in United States bonds,
was set on tho 29th ult, at New
York, for hearing on the 12th of
November before the U. S. Com
missioner. J. B. Doyle, recently arrested at
Chicago, charged with counterfeit
ing government bonds, had a hear
ing on the 28th ult., and was held to
answer the charge in $20,000 bail, in
default of which he was sent to tho
county jail.
The Dublin Gazette published a
proclamation last week, declaring
county Kerry in a stato of disturb
ance, requiring additional police. A
reward of $5,000 is offpred for the
capture of tho murderer of Mr.
Hutchins aud his driver.
A severe storm was raging at
Dublin on tho 28th ulL, and much
property was destroyed. Fifty fam
ilies in tho suburbs are made home
less by tho storm. The floods at
Leeds have stopped several mills,
and huudreds of persons are thrown
out of employment.
Lee Shryxock, book-keeper and
cashier at the Turf Exchange, St.
Louis, was laBt week absent from his
place of business for several days,
and had. not returned at last report.
His accounts show him to be a de
faulter to the amount of $4,000, and
may reach $30,000.
W. H. Middlehak, land-lord of
the Central House, New Bbaron, la.,
last week, having abused his wife,
her son, W. H. Davis, interfered,
when Middlehan, who was drunk,
stabbed him several times, finally
severing the jugular vein and wind
pipe, and cawing death.
Under date of the 29th ult., a
frightful storm is reported, which!
has been devastating Great Britain
for several days, and at the above
date was still raging violently in the
northeast. Many vessels have been
wrecked. The storm was accom
panied by terrible rains and snow.
Mrs. Abraham Lincoln arrived
in New York tho other day from
Germany, where she has-been qui
etly living for several years. She is
in very bad health, much worse than
when she left home, and will pro
coed to the residence of her son
Robert, where she will make her
home for the present.
President Hayes aud party had
reached Santa Fo, N. M., on the
27th ult. The President will slop
there but a short time, and
ceed to Washington City, where he
desires to arrive by the 1st of No
vember. It is stated that the party
aro in good spirits and health, and
have enjoyed their western trip
very much.
Just outside of the Bellevue hos
pital, New York, one morning last
week, a well-dressed man commit
ted suicide by shooting himself. The
following note was found on his
person : 'To whom it may concern.
Bury me in the potter-field. I have
sufficient money on my person to
pay the city the expense. Signed,
F. G. Vozelt."
The investigation of the Philp's
ChinoRe Garfield letter shows it to
be a forgery beyond a doubt. The
testimony all tending to that con
clusion. The evidence even indi
rectly connects W. H. Barnum,
chairman of the democratic national
committee, through his agent, with
crookedness in the case. We go to
press before learning the final result
of the legal proceedings.
As E. Keller and wife were out in
the field working last Saturday,
shortly after dinner they discovered
their house to be on fire. Hastening
to the burning building to save as
much property as possible, as the
possibility of subdning the flames
was out of the question, they only
succeeded in rescuing their three
children, all of them being somewhat
scorched, though no' fatal results are
anticipated. About everything' in
the bouse was destroyed, the loss
amounting to about $1,200, on,irhieh
there was an Insurance of $200. Mr.
Keller's farm is about four miles
Mr. T. M. Hialy, who recently
accompanied Mr. Parnell on his
recent trip through America, was
arrested last week at Cork, on an
order of the attorney general. Mr.
Ucaly Is charged with active com
plicity in the plots of tha land
leaguers, and other arrests are ex
pected to follow. The wisdom of
the government, respecting such
prosecutions, is subject to grave
doubt, but the vigor with which the
government is pursuing its purpose,
is proof of its determination to crush
the land movement. There is great
excitement in Cork, and tbo land
league intend to bold an indignation
meeting on the farm that Manning
has taken, and will protest agaiust
land, grabbing and tho arrest of
members of the land league. Man
ning is guarded by a strong force
of police.
Some of our exchanges oxpross the
opinion that the Irish Land League
leaders, notwithstanding reports to
the contrary, are not scared in the
least by tho threats of Mr. Glad
stone's government. They claim
that-tho agitation will bo pushed
with greater vigor than over, and
predict that it is probable that as a
measure of safety, the coming ses
sion of Parliament will pass the
Land League measures. Aside from
these conjectures we believe tho
best measures to be adopted would
be, in every act, to do strict justice to
the citizens of Ireland. It is not to
be questioned, at this time, that the
Irish people' were never more in
earnest and never better unitod in a
firm determination to domand and
obtain their rights.
BY VIKTUE of an nxreution directed
to mo from tho District Court of
Piatte county, Nebraska, ou a judgment
obtained before His Honor George VT.
Post, Judge of the 4th Judicial District
of Platte county, Nebraska, on the 14th
day of April, 187, in favor of Helen
Pinkncy as plaintiff, and against Wm.
J. Collins and John "V. Martin as defend
ants, for the sum of three hundred and
ninety-five dollars, and sixty-ono cents,
and costs taxed at $18.78 and accruing
costs, I have levied upon tho following
real estate taken as the roperty of said
defendants, to satisfy said exe -ution
to-wit: Lots one (1), t. (2), and three
(3), in block seven (7) oi wa ad lition
to tho city of Columbus, county of
Platte, and State of Nebraska, also com
mencing at the northeast corner of lot
No. three (3) in block No. eighty-seven
(87), of the city of Columbus, Platte
county, and State of Nebraska, running
thence south one hundred and thirty
two (132) feet, thence west twenty-two
(22) feet, thence north ono hundred and
thirty-two (132) feet, thonce east twen.
ty-two (22) feet, to the place of begin
ning, together with all the appurtenan
ces thereto belonging, and will otter the
same for sale to the highest bidder, tor
cash in hand, on the
23d day of October, 1830,
in front of the Court Houso of Piatto
county, that being the building wherein
the last term of court was held, at the
hour of ono o'clock p. m. of said day,
when and whore due attendance will be
given by tho undersigned.
mtea September 21st, isjsu,
Sheriff of said county.
Wb cannot refrain from the ex
pression of the opinion that tho
country, with very fow local ex
ceptions, were naturo has failed to
produce bountiful crops, either by
two much or two little moisture, is
at this time in a very prosperous
conditiou, showing from actual facts
that tho imports of general merchan
dise aro steadily increasing, the
country is very well supplied with
money, trade is active, prices aro ad
vancing aud labor is getting better
paid. Last week Now York's im
ports exhibited an increase of over
$1,500,000 over those of tho week
previous, the mouuy value was $9,
339,665. Tho imports of specie
were nearly $7,000,000.
WHEREAS, Andrew Westln. on tho 3rd
day of Septomlior, A. D. 1880, execut
ed and delivered to Dr. Tmcy It. Clark, 11
Chattol Mortgage, dated on tho said duy
upon the following described personal
property, to wit:
On two-thirds of twenty-six acres of grow
ing corn, in the field of Jonas Hendmun,
Section 17, Town 17, Itnngo 3 weU Said
Mortgage due nnd payablo-October '20th.,
1SS0, with interest from date, at seven (7'
per cent, pei annum, to secure the payment
of Forty Dollars, on the aothday of October,
A. D. 18S0, nnd which Mortgago was duly
tiled in thoofllcu of the Recorder of decos
in nnd for Piatto county. State of Nebraska,
on the 22nd day of September, A. D. 18rt0, at
eight and half n'clock a. m.; and whereas
said Mortgagor has absconded, alid said
property is liable to waste:
Now, thoreforo, notice is hereby givon
that in pursuanco of the statute in such
cases made and provided, tho said Chattel
Mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the
property therein descrlbod, at public auc
tion at tho said farm of Jonas Headman, In
the county of Platte, stato of Nebraska, ou
the 27th day of October, A. D. 18S0, at one
o'clock In the afternoon f said day, or so
much therof an shall bo necessary to satisfy
said sum of forty dollars, with Interest, cost
nnd expenses of sale, unless the saiuu shall
be sooner paid, upon tho following terms
to-wit: Cash In hand.
Dated, this 4th day of October, A. D. 1830.
Tif ka. F. Elliott,
Agent. 5i.T-x
jjQy-Good one yard wide unbleached mush.., per yard $ .05
iSy-Calicos, per yard 03
jSy-Plaid aud Fancy Dress Goods, per yard 06
j-Twenty yards Cheviot Shirting for 1.00
jgy-Sixteeu yards heavy Cotton Flannel for...'. 1.00
ST All-wool Rod Flannol, per yard 20
$2 buys a Lady's Beaver Cloak !
$2.5(1 buys a Man's heavy and long Overcoat !
BgyKentucky Jean Pants, only 50
f-Mcn's black wool Hats, only 25
I-Men'B genuine fur " 50
6?-A pair of brown Blankets 90
JJSyWhito Bed Spreads 50
j-Mon'a two-bucklo Plow Shoes ' .' 05
jgy-Men'a Boots 1.25
ir x
"WAGr O 3XTS !
The Coquillard farm and spring wagons and bnggiw, aot
-' excelled by any for
Strength, Durability, Good and Neat Workmanship.
We Bote's S!aiM,-Loi EsialM Grocery stun,
(Near A. ,t X. Dki-ot),
It will pay those living 100 miles away
to come and trade with Me.
Where you can sell your riIn, Produce, etc., and bur all aorta ot Par
Family Groceries
Haying concluded to change our busiiipur. by MAY 1st, If possible, w offw
our entire stock, confuting of
A DI6QKACKFDI row occurred last
week near Camp Sheridan between
a lot of hard cow boys and soldiers.
Ed. Collins, in drawing his revolver,
shot himself dead. Page and Joyce
quarrelled about their girl, when
Joyce fell mortally wounded by a
bullet from Page's revolver. Sergt.
Green of tho 5th cavalry, who at
tempted to disarm Page,was wound
ed, rendering amputation of his leg
necessary, and at tho last report he
was dying. Several other persons
were slightly wounded. Page was
Hon. S. B. Chittenden, of Brook
lyn, offered a roward of $5,000 for
tho arrest and conviction of the
rascal who prepared the Chinese
letter and signed Gen. Garfield's
name to it. Since the offering of
the reward the identity of the forger
of the Garfield Chinese letter has
been fixed upon Ken ward Phllp, a
writer for tho Now York Truth.
John J. Davenport, chairman of the
state committee, claims the distinc
tion and reward for the discovery
of tbo forger.
sale, to mi! dlrocted, hniied out of
tho District Court of the 4th Judicial
District, in and for Platte county, Ne
braska, I will hdl at public auction, to
thu highest bidder for cash, on the
20 111 day of November, A. !.,
at one o'clock in the afternoon of said
day, at the front door of the Court House
of aid county, the following described
lands and tenement-), to wit: The west
half of the northeast quarter of section
thirty-four, in township eighteen north,
of range one east of the sixth principal
meridian, in riatte county, Nebraska:
and lots nix and seven, in block lifty
two, in the town of Columbus, in Piatte
county, Nebraska, and also lot three iu
block thlrteon, in Stevens' addition to
tbo town of Columbus, in Platte coun
ty, Nebraska, at the suit of Charles H.
May, plaintiff, and Luther M. Cook, one
of the defendants, against John G.
Compton and Josephine M. Compton,
defendants, as the property of said John
O. Compton and Josephine M. Compton.
Dated this 21st day of October, 1&S0.
r46-5 Sherifl of Platte County.
Wishing a better class of Goods I offer all LATE and STY
PRICES. I call special attention
to my large stock of
I have but one uniform LOW PRICE, and am
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
Oct. 11th. 1880. f
OTICE Is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the court of Platte county, Neb., at the
county seat, on Thursday, the 18th day
Richard F. Cunningham, Homestead
No. 7772, for the N. E. K Section 6,
Township 19 north, Range 2 west, and
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said tract, viz: Martin Ma
nor, Daniel Mahcr, Patrick Duffv and
Patrick Duffy, all of Lindsay, Platte
Co., Nob.
645-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Final Proof.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.)
Oct. 8th, 1880. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof, before the clerk of
the court of Piatto county, Nebraska, at
tho county scat, on Saturday, tho 18th
day of November, 1880, vis:
Charles Walker, Ilomestcad No. 9246,
for the N. i S. K. i. Sec. 23, Township
18 north. Range 3 V, est, and names the
following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon and cultivation of
said tract, viz: John Hammer, Wm. II .
Cotton, John C. Hurley and E. P. Dra
per all of Monroe, Platte Co., Neb.
M. B. HOXIE, Register.
ny, will take notice that on tho 8th
day of October, 1880. G. B. Bailey, a
justice of the peace in and for Colum
bus precinct, "Platte county, Nebraska,
issued a summons and order of attach
ment for the sum of $10.00, in an action
before him, wherein Joseph C.Elliott is
plaintiff and "Fairbault Wind Mill
Company" is defendant; that property
consisting of two Fairbault Wind Mills
"complete," one Tank and C, ha been
attached under said order. Said sum
mons and order of attachment was
returnable before said justice, on the
12th day of October, A. D. 1880, at 9
o'clock a. m. at which time it appearing
that said defendant was a non-resident,
and process could not be served on said
defendant in said county, said cause
was dulv continued by said justice to
the 30th" day of November, 1880, at 9
o'clock a. m. of said day at his office, in
said precinct and county.
Dated Columbus, Neb., 12th Oct., 1880.
By W. S. GKER,his Att'y. 541W
south of town. Seward Blade.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
vci. ma, l&su. j
OTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support ot his claim, and secure
final entry thereof, before thp Clerk of
tho Court of Platte Co., Nebraska, at
the county seat, on Thursday, the 18th
day of November, 1880. viz:
Randolph M. Johnson, Homestead No.
4804, for the S. 14, S. E. i, Section 12,
Township 20 north, Range 1 east, and
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said tract, viz: Samuel J.
Wheeler and Ira J . Nichols, of Creston,
Platte Co., Neb., and Warren Fussel
man and M. B. Mitchell, of Leigh, Platte
Co., Neb.
45-6 M. B. nOXIE, Register.
Land Office, Grand Island, Neb.,)
Oct. 23d, 1880. f
NOTICE Is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has filed no
ticc of his intention to make final
proof In support of his claim, and se
cure final entry thereof, before tho
Clerk ol the Court of Platte county,
Nebraska, at the County Seat, on Thurs
day, the 9th day of Dec., 1880, viz:
Josef Rothlantuer. Homestead No.
0017, for the S. 4 N. W. i, Section 12.
Township 19 north, Range 1 west, and
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said tract, viz: Jacob Bod
mer, of Humphreys, Platte Co., Neb.,
and Friedrich Hollbusch, Oliver Fenner
and Benjamin Spielman, of Columlus,
Platte county, Nebraska.
546-fi M. B. HOXIE, Regis-.
A large and complete assortment of
Men's, Women's andCHildren'sBoots ui Shoes
All those in want of any thing in tliat li?ie,will consult
Ttievr own interests oy giving mm a can. itcmem,
oer, he wairants every pair. Has also a
First -Class T3oot and Shoo Store in Connection.
3ff Repairing Neatly Done.
Don't forget the Place, Thirteenth Street, one door west of Marshall Smith's.
QgOPEHSr A. a A. 1 1ST !
We have a good stock, and you can save
- - $2.60
Whitney Hnd-made Stoga Kip Boots, Warranted, for
Ladies' Shoe, from 50 cents up. ....
Men's Hats, from 25 cents to -
And all kinds or DRY GOODS, and NOTIONS, cheaper than ran Ke bought at
Wholesale to-day.
Or an v one and every one that want to save money. All that we want f von
In fn rnnw ml ao unil i'i ti'ill .vit-i .... . .... '
- -... ...... .,.., ..,. ,, v. ,.... LixiiinvMjvu iu nu met
Columbus, Jan. 1880.
L-aujiiitt what we say.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
, Has on hand a splendid stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods, Carpets,
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,-
At prices it were nm terfl of tin in Colilras.
Said House has been re-fltted, painted and is in flrst-class order for the
accommodation of transient guests and boarders.
Land Office at Grand IMand, Neb.,)
Oct. 22d, 1880. (
NOTICE Is herebv given that the following-named
settler has filed
notice of his intention to make flnal
proof in support of hi claim, and secure
final entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte Co., Nebraska, at
the county scat, on Thursday, the 2d
day of Dec, 1880, viz:
Mathias Fuchu, Ilomestcad No. 4808,
for the S. 14, S. E. K Section as, Town
ship 20 north, Range 1 west, aud names
the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation
of said tract, viz: Joseph 'vTidhalni,
Paul Fabcr, and Ferdinand Rohde, of
Humphreys, Piatte Co., Neb., and Au
gust Wieser, of Grand Prairie, Platte
Co.. Neb.
546-fi M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Transient, per day 91 00
Single Meals 25
Day Board per week $3 00
Board and Lodging per week 4 OO
JSTTwelfth St.
U. P. R.
, nearly north of)
R. Depot. (
JOHN 1 1 A. T1TI ON I,
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,
October 4th., lfteO. J
NOTICE i hereby j;lven that the follow-InR-nnmed
settler ha filed notice of
his Intention to make flnal proof in sup
port of his claim, and secure final entry
thereof, before the Clerk of the Court of
l'latte county, NcbraHka, at the County
Heat, on Tuesday, the 9th day of November
l)W0t viz :
Mary E. Williams, formerly Mary E.
Steel .Homestead No.fKttf.for theN.CN. E M,
Section 32, Township 30 north. Riiiiku 1
cast, and names the following witnesses to
provo her continuous residence upon Him
cultivation of said tract, viz: Frank Ansen,
Camden Moral), E. A. Sage and J. A. Steel,
nil of Creston, Piatto county, Nebraska.
513-5 M. B. HOXIE. Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
October 4th, im. J
NOTICE Is hereby given that the following-named
settlor ha filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support
of bis claim, and secure final entry thereof,
before the Clerk of the Court of riatte
connty", Nebraska, at the County Seat, on
Saturday the tJth day of November, 1S80,
Wilhelm Weetphal, Homestead No. 6614,
for the N. W. , Section , Township 20
north. Range 3 west and names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said tract,
tIb: Hale Chapman, St. Bernard. Piatto
-Co., Neb.; Aurui Kletzke. of Madison,
Madlton Co., Neb.- David Blank, of Bt.
Bernard, Platte .CcC Neb., and Charles
nelmof Kallamaco, iladisnu Co.. Neb.,
W3-S. M. B. HOX1B, KegUter.
Land Office at Graud Islaxd.Xeb.,!
October 4th, 1880. I
NOTICE Is hereby given that the follow-intr-nained
settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In snpport
of his claim, and secure final entry thereof,
berore the Clerk of the Court of Platte
county, Nebraska, at the County Seat, on
Saturday the 27 th day of November lfoO.vlz:
John Anderson, Homestead No. 4789, for
the W. X, S. E. K. E. y., H. Vf. Y Section 21.
Township 19 north. Ranee 4 west, and
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resilience upon and cultivation
of said tract, viz: Nils Munson, William J.
Irwin. John Munson, and Peter Munson,
all of West Hill, Platte Co., Neb.
54G-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office, at Grand Island, Neb.,1
' October 4tb, 18W. J
NOTICE Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed nntico of
his Intention to make flual proof in support
of his claim, Bnd securo flnal entry thereof,
before the Clerk of tho Court f Piatto
county, Nebraska, at the County Seat, on
Saturday the 4th day of December, 18xo,
James A. Phillips, Homestead No. 5749,
fbr the S. E. M, Section 8, Township a)
north. Range 1 east, and names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said tract,
viz: Charles Heltsman, Frank Ansen,
John Anseu, and W. J. Belknap, all or
Creston. PlaMe Co., Veb,
M7-4 il. V. UOXJU, Hester.
Land Offlco nt Grand Island, Neb.,)
October, 4th, 1880
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and secure flnal entry thereof,
before the Clerk of the Court of Platte
county .'Nebraska, at tho County Seat, on
Saturday, tho 6Ui day of November, 1&S0,
Daniel Plexnles, Homestead No. 0118 for
the E. UN. E. !4, Section 14, Township 20,
north, flange 2 west, and names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said tract,
viz: John Pfelfler, Senora Wethalm,
William Dlscutor and Anton Pfeltrer, all of
Humphrey, Platte county, Nebraska.
5IS-5 M. B. HOXIE. Register.
Final Proof.
Land Office at Graud Island, Neb.)
Oct. 4th, 1880. f
NOTICE is hereby given that thu following-named
settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof, before the clerk of
the court of Platte county. Nebraska, at
the county seat, on Thursday, the 11th
day of November. 1880, viz:
John flrelsen, Homestead No. 5786, for
the E. 14TS. W. i, Sec. 28, Towuship 19
north, Rane 2 West, and names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon and cultivation of
said tract, viz: Peter Ripp, Mathias
Schneider, Joseph Krings and Garhard
Grnnlutbal of Piatto Center, Platte Co.,
il. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, ;Neb., )
October 4th, 18h0.
NOTICE Is hereby given that tho following-named
sett ler has died notice of
his Intention to make final proof In sup
port of his claim, and securo flnal entry
thereof, before the Clerk of the Court of
Platte county, Nebraska, at tho County
Seat, on Saturday, the 6th day of Novcm
ber,.18S0, viz:
Leopold Trclnles. Homestead No. !012. for
tho W. U, N. E. i. Section 28, Township 1!)
north. Itiingo 1 west, and names the follow
ing witnesses to prove bis continuous resi
dence upon anil cultivation of said tract,
viz: James McConnlek, George Stretter,
Otto Kullnelt. and Peter Snvder, all of
Grand Prulrie Post Office. Platte Co., Neb.
515. M.B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office nt Grand Island, Neb., )
September 27th, lb0 j
NOTICE Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of
blsintenflon to makuflnal proof In support
of his claim, and secure final entry thereof,
before tbo Clerk of the Court of Platte
county, Nebraska, at the County Seat, on
Thursday, the 1th day of Nov., 1880, viz:
Peter Snyder. Homestead No. 5W7, for the
E. 14, M. W. .Section 22. Township I north.
Range I west, and name the following
witnesses to provo his continuous residence
upon anil cultivation of said tract, viz:
John Jenklnson, Henry Redenbaugh, Peter
Laiixhlln, and William I). Wilson, all of
Columbus, Platte county, Nebraska.
5B4 M. B. HOXIE. Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb..l
Sept, 27, 1880. f
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte county, Nebraska,
at the county seat, on Saturday, the.SOth
day of Oct., 1880, viz:
James C. Lafflns, Homestead No. 6064,
for the VT. 14, 8. W. i, Section 12,
Township 18 north, Range 4 west, and
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said tract, viz: Andrew
Larssou, Jonas Anderson, 'William "J.
Irwin and George Michenor, of Monroe,
Platte Co., Neb.
642-6 il. II. HOXIE, Register.
I buy my goods strictly for cash, and will give my custoaers tie
benefit of it.
Give Me a call and, covince yourself of the facts.
506 . I. GIUCK.'
Mill and Elevator Machinery,
Wood and Iron Turning ; Boiler and Heavy Sheet Iron Work ; Ka-
chine Blacksmithing.
Engine and G-eneral Machinery Repairs,
Dealer In Wind Mills, Pumps, Pipe, Points and other Fittings.
OMAN & BROUELETTE, Proprietors,
Italian American Monuments,
Headstones, IHtc.
P. Lisjilto II 29 ziw or ijjut. TitrcsJn i: fcjiitsilau.
Oaff-ajST & BSOT7HE33TTS.
Give Us a Call!
Former workman of tht schnjlrr Xarblr Vforki,
Fine and Ornamental Italian. American and Fanou
Marble Monuments, Headstones, or anything
connected, with the Marble business.
Call and examine work, eret our pric, and be coarlaee.
S. H. Helnsr a workman of-.ten years oxperienro, we enn "uarantpr yen -ood
work at a htIiik of from -JO to -5 per ctnt.. Iy lvlu ua a call. &rshmnd
office oppowite Tatterwall livery aud fevil liable. 844.8m
Zj. m. bridges
Apples, Canned Fruits. Candy,
Huts, Crackers, Cigars
, and Tobacco. v
J37VH1 sell ai cheap as the cheapest.
Nebraska Are., opp. pobt-otllce.
ALii l!i1i afre of good land, SO
aiffS'likfL arn" "nd" enltiratioii, a
TTxiTTSfcgfr KOod hoiine one and a half
jtory hiRh, a jjood afock ranjjo, pleatr ol
water, and jood hay land. Two mile
eat or Columbia. Inquire at tti
1'loneer Bakery. 473-Joi