For the Journal. Reorganization ofCbe Supreme Court. It is charged by inauy Ilepubiican sheets that tho bill now pending be fore the llouge for the reorganiza tion of the Supreme Court of the United States, is part of a Deino crat'c conspiracy to overbear the Republican majority of the Court, with a view to the annulling of all the results of the war. I incline to regard this fear as exaggerated, al though it is a good deal better to act upon it thau tobp over-confident that things will go well it we put them out of what we know to be Bafe hands. At all events, whether all the results of reconstruction were aunulled or not, eome of the very best of them would doubtless be in great danger at the bauds of a re constituted Court containing an ov erwhelming majority of Democratic Judges. Tho blush of Bbamc which mantles our own cheeks as we re member how our party added to the number of judges, in order to brlug the Supremo Court to eat its own words by reversing a decision set tling a great financial question in accordance with reason and right, may advise us that, however trust worthy judges may be in usual jur isprudence, they are apt to frlip when it is a question of political policy. Both British and American history affords too many instauces of this limitation of judicial impar tiality, the proof of which is clinch ed by the famous 8 by 7, who be trayed tho credulous inuocence of some of ue, to the lasting triumph of less easily persuaded friends. As Kepublicans, therefore, wo should be very uneasy to have a Democratic Presideut and Senate in cunt. ' of the appointment of tweiv. i ulires of the Supreme Court of th U'lited States, in addition to the tl or four Democrats already in it. i!ut tho plan of increasing the Court to 111 judges, divided into three chambers is so far from being a political conspiracy that it has been lloating in lawyers' minds for ears, induced by the utter inade quacy of the present Court to cope with tho vast flood of cases which come pouring in upon it, and which have now, 1 believe, put it two years in arrears. This identical plan, of the 18 jt , divided into three section . .i. for the Chief Jus tice and hi- it" assistants, to make up the -1 us mentioned to mo as uuder advisement in the legal world, quite irrespectively of party, nearly six years ago. by my friend your townsman S. S. McAllister, the staunchness of whose Republi canism needs no commendation ironi me among Columbians. Tho bill indeed, whoever intro duced it, has evideutly been pre pared by the beBt judicial geniuB. It more than doubles the Court in numbers, aud triplicates it in func tions ; and thereby at once augments its effectiveness threefold. At tho same time, that ouity of tho Supreme Court which tho Constitution re quire is fully secured by three pro visions: first, that tho three divis ions shall be freshly reconstituted at the beginning of every term; secondly, that all cases properly Federal shall be decided by the full bench; and thirdly, that all final judgments whatever shall be ren dered, at least ministerially, in the same way. The provision that if a judgment is not concurred in by six-sevenths of the judges of a division, it shall be reheard by another, aud if the two chambers do not agree, by the third, introduces that valuable in stitution of the French jurispru dence known as Courts of Cassation ; while the enactment that iu all such cases, that judgment shall be final, in which a majority of the whole Court concur, again emphasizes that unity of the Court which is so care fully kept in view throughout, aud without which it might be in danger of degenerating into a judicial Geryon, whose three bodies would settle into a disposition to pull sun dry ways. The provision that, as near as may be, each division shall, through the term, consider causes of the same cla.., would greatly contribute to ease dispatch, by presenting unity of in .tal action. T.i. reat responsibility assigned to ttiu Chief Justice of the United States, with the help of his two as sistants, iu rearranging the divisions of the Court from term "to term, and in assigning retried cases to the suitable Chamber of Cassation, would, while not in the least treuch ing upon the equal suffrage of his brethren of the bench, raise still higher that great office whose in cumbent has even now been called, not with -tit reason, the highest placed A-v'icau. In the reconsti tuted Cut. the office of Assistant CVief -3 ivi'-p would very nearly equal present dignity of the Chief J iST?ce himself ; while his own place would shine with a brilliancv whose purer lustre, in contrast with the more troubled splendor of the Presidency, might well divert the aspirations of great lawyers more irresistibly than at present, to this serene and sacred mount, the very lowest of whose three ascents ought, in its life-long assurance, to content so well the wishes of auy man, as to ri.ike hira blush at the thought of de-ceuding from it, in the hope of the coarser rewards of party. The eonlnes with which the American people, twice within a few years, have met aspirations alien to the ermine, shows how they regard it. And the emphatic energy with which our present Chief Justice has expressed his scorn of such desires, which havo irretrievably injured the fame of his next predecessor, would have been very befittingly reward ed, if he should be lifted to such an added eminence as this bill implies. Tho singular reverenco felt by Americans for the judical office was remarked on, long ago, by De Toc queville. It Is, of all forms of civic eminence, the least invidious. Tho rude shocks of civil war, and its subsiding consequences, have shaken it among us far more thau is safe. Not only has civil life suffered, but religion herself, for Law, as says tho great Hooker, "has her scat in tho bosom of God." Whatever increas es the efficiency, and raises tho dig nity of justice, raises the whole toue or life. Even through the base, con tagious clouds of civil disturbance, the Supreme Court of the United States shines out, bb the Chief Jus tice of New Brunswick eulogizingly declares, "like a sun in the firma ment of justice." It ranks as one of the most august tribunals that have ever existed. Even the British Privy Council, in rendering a decision on a purely domestic question, has thought it necessary carefully to vindicate itself against the appear ance of having slighted a principle affirmed by the great American Court. Any enactment, therefore, which shall reliovo the ovor-bur-dcued energies aud raise the just consideration of the Supreme Court, and its Presiding Judge, Iu the way in which the bill now pending doos, may be favorably regarded by us. My judgment, of course, is morely that of a layman in law. But a great artist once remarked to me, that the chief works of genius are usually the most widely enjoyable. Aud this bill appears to me a real work of genius, which in its case of development, the careful congruity of its various provisions, the harmo niousucss with which it provides that the present constitution of the Court shall glide untroubled into tho new order, added to the fact that it has been introduced by a Demo crat, perhaps points to the clear Celtic intellect of the great Irish lawyer of New York. Should it be passed, I fervently hopo thai tho nomination of the twelve additional judges will be iu the hands of such a Republican President as we now have, or such as wc hopo 60on to have. From eithor of them we should know how to expect a con sideration of real merit, at antipodes with that blundering heedlessness, which a few years ago attempted to thrust into the Chief Justiceship itself, first a nobody from the Paci fic, and next an unprincipled old fox from the Atlantic. If a Dem ocratic Senate should compel the naming of four Democrats out of tho twelve, so much tho better. "Vo want a good working majority of Republicans, but wo do not want a Supreme Court of the Republican party but a Supreme Court of tho United States. And if tho coming election should turn out as we desire aud expect, it is to be hoped that this bill will not suffer under a prejudice arising from the time, of its introduction; for if a laic may presumo even to speak in matters of such high momcut, there could scarcely be, in any direction, a devi ation without a descent from the provisions of the bill. c. c. s. A. Mastodon. In excavating a sewer in the 14th "Ward, yesterday, workmen came upon the remains of an extinct ani mal, at tho depth of eighteen feet, which are pronounced by Dr. An drews to be the petrified remains of a mastodon. They were found just west of Wicker Park, aud are now on exhibition at tho Mayor's office. The remaino consist of a tusk, simi lar to that of an elephant, 3 feet Ioug and 6 inches iu diameter, a rib and tooth, the latter being 7 inches long and 2 or three inches in beam. Dr. Audrewa said the mastodon roamed this region of time at a period al most inconceivably remote, when this country was covered with a rich growth of trees and other vegetation which sprang up after Lake Michi gan, which washed the beach at Oak Park and Jefferson aud Winnetka, bad subsided to its present level. Many of the remains of vegetable lite of that time, now petrified, form tho floor of our cellars, and the foundation of the Third Presbyterian Church is laid on them. Chicago 2fetcs. Struggling authors are confronted by the following rehearsal of famil iar facts: Thackeray was not known as an author until nearly 40. Scott was 43 when "Waverly" appeared. Richardson became an author at 51. Defoe was 5S when he wrote his first novel. "Gil Bias" was not fin ished until the author was G7. On the 1st day of November, 1879, Gen. Hancock addressed a letter to Blanton Duncan, of Kentucky, in which he said : "If I were nomina ted by a party I would be governed by :,ts platform or I would not ac cept its nomination." The platform favors "a tariff for revenue only." It being claimed by one of the 6terner sex that man was made first and lord of creation, the question wati asked by an indignant beauty how long be remained lord of crea tion. "Till he got a wife," was th reply. SPEECH OF GENERAL GRANT, At Warren, Ohio, September 28, 18SO, In view of the known character and ability of tho speaker who is to address you to-day, and his long public career and association with the leadiug statesmen of the couutry for the past twenty years, it would not be becoming in me to detain you with any remarks of my owu. But it may be proper for me to account to you, ou the first occasion of my pre siding at a political meeting, for the "faith that is in me." I am a republican, as the two great political parties are divided, because the republican party is a national party, seeking the greatest good of the greatest number of her citizens. There is not a precinct in this vast nation, where a democrat cannot cast his ballot and have it counted as cast, no matter what the predominance of the opposite party. Lie can proclaim his political opiuions, even it he is only one among a thousand, without fear and without proscription on account of his opinions. Ihcre are fourteen states, and localities iu onic others, where republicans have not this privilege. This is ono reason why 1 am a republican. But 1 am a republican for many other reasons. The republican party assures protection of life, property, public credit, and the payment or the debts of the government, state, county, or municipality, so tar as it can control. The democratic party does not promise this. If it doe, it has broken its promises to tho extent of hundreds of millions, as many north ern democrats can testify to their sorrow. I am a -republican as between existing parties, because it fopters pro ductions of tho field and farm, and ot manufactories, aud it encourages tho general education of the poor as well as the rich. Tho democratic party discourages all these when in absolute power. The republican party is a party of progress and liberality towards Us opponents. It encourages the poor to strive to better their condition; the ignorant to educate their children, to enable limn to compete suc cessfully with their more fortunate associates, and, in tine, it secure-, an entire equality before the law of overy citizen, no matter what hi race, nationality or previous condition. It tolerates no privileged class. K ery ono has the opportunity to make himself all he is capable of. Ladies and gentlemen, do you believe this can bo truthfully said of tin greater part of fourteen of the states of the Union to-day which tho dem ocratic party control absolutely? The republican party is a party of principles, the same principles pre vailing wherever it has a foothold. The democratic party is united in but one Miing, aud that is in getting control of the government in all its branches. It is for internal improvement at ihe expense of the govern ment in one section, and against this in another. It favors the repudia tion of solemn obligations in ono section and honest payment ot its debts in another (where public opiuion will not tolerate any other view). It favors fiat money in one place aud good money in another. Kiually it favors the "pooling of ihsnes" not favored by republicans, to the end that it may secure the one principle upon which thr part is a most harmo nious unit namely: gaining control of the government in all its branches. . . I have been in some part of cveiy state lately in rebellion, within the last year. I was most hospitably received at every place where I stopped. My receptions were not by the Union class alone, but by all classes with out distinction. I had a free talk with many who were again! us in tho war, and who havo been against the republican party ever since. The were in all instances reasonable men, judged by what they said. I be lieved then, and now, that they sincerely want to break up this "solid south" political condition. They see that it is to their pecuniary interest as well as to their happiness, that there should be harmony and confidence between all sections. They want to break awav from the slavery which biuda them to a party name. They want a pretext that enough of them can unite upon to make it respectable. Once started, the solid south will "o as ku kluxiam did before, a is so admirably told by Judge Tourgee Fn his "Fool's Errand." When the break comes thoe who tart it will be astonished to find how many of their friends have been in favor of it for a long time, and have only been waiting to see some one take the. lead. This desirable solution can only be attained by tho deleat and continued defeat of tho democratic party, as now constituted. A Hieutru! View. The Atchison Globe, a non-parti-sau paper, presents the following view of the two parties : If the solid south suffers a humil iating defeat in November, wo be lieve the democratic party will go to pieces during the following four years. The democracy of the north will see that they cannot tie to the solid south and hope for success. They will see so long ap there is to be the solid south there cannot bo a divided north. If the ennth had beon less intolerant if bIic bad al lowed freo speech, a free press ard a free ballot, and given the repub licans a chance the north would have assisted her to elect a demo cratic president. But as it is, the north has to solidify in order to meet solidity. Any man, we care not who he is, that is supported 301 idly by the bulldozers aud moon shiners of the south, is considered an enemy of the north, aud the northorn people accordingly voto against him. As long as democracy means south ern supremacy democracy must fail. It is absurd for the democracy of tho north to eay that it k the true friend of the colored man, while the democracy of tho south are killing colored men for voting tho republi can ticket. The success of the re publican party may be attributed to tho fact that it is the same all over the country. It is tho samo in Cal ifornia that it is in Now York the same in Minnesota that It is in Louisiana. When the republican national convention adopts a plat form, fbat platform is ratified by the republic n convention of every state in the union. All republicans be lieve just alike. They all beliovc this is a nation. There is not a re publican in the United States that does not believe that this is a Nation. But the do mocrats of the north and the democrats of tho south are di vided on this point. Every indi vidual republican in the United Slates believes in the validity of the constitutional amendments. The democrats as a body do not bolievc this. Every republican in the coun try believes that Grant and Lincoln served theircountry more practically than did Lee and Jackson. There aro thousands and thousands of dem ocrats who do not believe this. In short, republicans iu politics are similar to Catholics in religion. They cau go to any part of the Un ited States and find republicanism the samo as they found it at home. Not 6o with the democrats. If the northern war democrat goes outh and begins to prate about the pa triotism of Lincoln instead of the patriotism of Davis, he is treated coldly, if not brutally. He is given to understand that the democracy of the south is a different thing from the democracy of the north. If he speaks of the nation, they scoff, aud if he utters a word in favor of the constitution as it is they ride him ont of town on a rail. The tact is, a party that says one thing and means directly the opposite, is a grand and glorious farce, and the sooner it goes to wreck the sooner will all fair minded men cease to reward it with contempt and loathing. It is not the task merely, or the wish, or the knack? ft is patient 6tudy and Bteady toil which wins the laurel. ltnioci':ilic 'IVxtimoiiy. Tne Bourbon organ say's Gen. Garfield is a dishonest man. Mere is some testimony from distinguish ed Democrats which may be con sidered quite aa good as any asser tions by Bourbon organs: 1 am proud to call Garfield my friend, and I would not call an man my frietid whom I even sus pected of dishonesty. Hon. Henry B. Payne, of Ohio. No living American, in my esti mation, stands higher for integrity and purity thau Jamc A. Garfield. Hon. Allen G. Thurman of Ohio. "Garfield's honesty, and integrity are beyond question." Judge Jerry Black, of Pensylvania. "Garfield is one of the most sin cere, and honorable men I ever knew in public life, and his record is without a flaw.' Hon. liandolph Tucker, of Virginia. I will tell you whom I think the Republicans should nominate, nm' whom I consider THEIR STRON GEST MAN OF PRINCIPLE, AN HONEST MAN, AND WOULD MAKE A GOOD PRESIDENT FOR US ALL. Personally, I con sider him the BEST MAN you could nominate. I refer to Gen. James A. Garfield, of Ohio. Thomas A. Hendricks. I have been his devoted friend for many years, and I am resolved that I never will believe that he does not deserve the affection I havo bes towed upon him. If lie would carry tho principles which regulate his private life into his public conduct, ho would make tho best chief Mag istrate we have ever had. Judge Jere Black. In the mhlsf of tho organized car nival of corruption which has been goine on now &o many weary months and years at Washington, it is really satisfactory to catch glimp ses now and then ot honesty for honesty's sake, and without consid erations of party. Gen. Garfield, of Ohio, is a Republican of Republi cans, but it is his simple due, which we gladly pay him. to admit that he has done more than any other single member of his partyduring the late session of Congress, to show I that it is net impossible for a man to act with a Congressional majority and yet to keep his self-respect mid the respect of honest mcu. Xcir York World, Democratic. Wade Hampton is not the only South Carolinian whom Democrats ouht to shut up. Mr. B. F. Perry, who was Provincial Governor of the State under Andrew Johnson, has written a letter to a citizen of that State, which is printed in the Grpen ville News. Tho following is a fair specimen : "Every true Democrat and every honorable man should ric up in tho majesty of his strength aud swear on the altar of his country and God that . this (Republican success) shall not be, let the consequences be what I they will. The poor miserable mi- I principled white man who tries to restore the Radical parfv to power ill ouuiu uaiuuiiii, eiiuuiu ue sueiituy ostracised, and not even spoken to on the streets. He shonld be treat ed as an enemy to his race. A sailor di-coverel kick!nr hi boy through the street cjrpliiued that he was only toe-ing the young ster into port. Christianity is a living thing; it in life, and it imparls itself and spread-1 just ae life does. YOU BET. )) A. W;-LAWRENCE, AUENT FOR THK 3 n 1 i i )' M s i$&zrp- 4i fl -JAS- WIND MILL, " will hereafter lie found on 13th . t two doors west of Marshall iN where he keeps a full line of ! '.UP. PIPE, HOSE, Ami the Celebrated X L FEED MILL. ic keeps a Pump House cxelutivelv. s able to sell CHEAPER THAN h CHEAPEST. Pump, for anv thwell. Pumps driven or repaired, u IJ-kN cut. (JIVE III3I CALL .1X11 SAVE JIIIXEy! Sod STATE BANK, ::::..n U Jcrrard i 2eod iai Ts::sr i Haiti. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. CASH CAPITAL, - $50,000 directors;: Lfaki: Giciti:Ai:i, I 'res' I. Gi:o. V II tf Vice I'r&ft. Jri.irs A Rkkd. KmvAitD A. Gi:ki:aui. AitNKi: TuitNKis, Cashier. BCuiik ol" Eimhi1, IMvfoiiiif :ntI BJvi'Iiaiif. i'ollretioiis Promptly Sittleon :il! fi'oiittN. t:iy Interest n '8'ime WepnM. it. -271 J. C. ELLIOTT, VUI.I. hKI.I. YOU CHALLENGE Wind Mills, COMlllNKO SHELLEBS NM i&rG'RI'N BERS U.hO 'JTKABfiiEKrVS CM .1 9 1 f.'fi a anwian rnurn nnn l t. 'jfisar u unfa. , For Cash or on Time -Pumps repaired on short notice. All work warranted. .-Olive St., COLUMBUS. ?EICE & WORTH, General Agents for the Sale of 3eal Estate. Union Pai-ific, and .Midland Pacific it. R. Lands for sale atfroin..iKJto.flo.O" prr acre for cash, or on live or ten years hue. iu annual payments to suit" pur . h.ioprs. "We havo aNo a larjjc and Iioici lot of other lanil-j. improved and iDiiiuproM'd. for salt' at low price and on reasonable term. Alto bujine and residence lotf in the city. We keep a oomph l alt-tract of titk to all real es tate In Platte County. O.J cM.i;.miiis!, i:is. HASEN WIND MILL! HARRIGAN & CRAINE Havk the ajrency lor thi celebrated wind mill, and will also sell pumps, and make repair- on pumps and mills. The KI:tyii is better pi rued than any other, more durable, will run longer, oin ah little wind aud in irrcat ii than anj other, and j;ie- the best of sati-fa tioii. Seo the one at the Grand Pacitir. and call on us opposite tin po.-t-"llie. .V27-X THE NEBRASKA FARMER. ME?RS. McRUIDE .t DRUK, pub lisiier! or the Nebraska Farmer, Lincoln, "sib . are making that p.ipr a jrrand ood thinx for onrcountr people, ind are ably seconded by Kv-Governor Furnas, at the head of the Horticultural department, and (Nco. 31. Hawley at the head of the Grange department. It ranks with my agricultural publication in the world." I. copy of the Farmer mav be een by calling at this office, or by sending stamp to the publisher-. The -inscription price of the Farmer ha be( e rt'duced to $1.."K, and can b; h.d In calling alibis oilier, as we are club bin; it and our paper both for one year at the very low price of $."5.00. A "WEEK in your own town, aud no capital risked. You .in jrive the business atrial without expense. The best opportunity ever otic red for those will-' in? to work. You ohould tr nothing elre until you ee for yourself what you cau do at the busiiiess'we offer. No room to explain here. Y'ou can devote all our time or onh our spare time to the business, anil make zreat pay for every hour that you work. "Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms and particulars, which we mail free. ?" Outfit free. Don't complain ol hard times . while voti have uh a chance. Addres H. Mi. LLKTT Ji CO., Portland, Alaiu. -lisl-r u elssiF :xJ33i224S!3 SA V)JJt JOHN.. WIGGINS. Wholesale ami ltet.iil Dr.tler iu HARDWARE, SSrfSMSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSiSSSSdSSa S8S!j8S8s83.SSJ!jS86bdbSb8&B8Hb LEON, TINWARE. NAILS, ROPE, Wagon Material GLASS, PAINT, ETC., ETC. Corner lltk and Olive Sts. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. 'I'll! Hpttctt Im RciM)iYCtl FOR GREISEN BROS., Boots and Shoes. EAGLE MILLS, ON SHELL CREEK, Near Mattlris's Bridge. JOSEPH BUCIIER, - Proprietor E3The mill is complete in every par ticular for making thr best of flour. A. tit! re, inlr ImihIiipum" is Ihe motto. 45-x lift I Oft PAIJIFIC LAND OFFICE, SAMUEL C. SMITH Agent, ATTENDS TO ALL BUSINESS per taininini; to a general Ileal Estate Agency and Notary Public. Have in strurti'ons and blanks furnished by United States Land Office for making fiuul proof on Homesteads, thereby sav ing a trip to Grand Inland. Have a larjre mfmbor ol farms, city lots and all lands belonging to U P. R. R. in Platte aud adjoining counties for sale very cheap. Attend to contesting claims before U. S. Land office.' Office one Door West of Hammond Home, COLUMBUS. NEB. II. Cordis, Clerk, Speaks German. hi f AATO S00 A YEAR, or 2h I ill II I 5 ,0 ?2 s day in your Wl.UJJ own locality. No risk. Women do as well as men. Many made more than the amount tated above. No ono can fail to make money fat. Any one can do the work. You can make from 50 cts. to $2 an hour by devoting your evenings and snare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for the money making ever offered before. Business pleasant and strictly honora ble. Reader, if you want to know all about the bet paying business before the public, send us your address and we will send you full particulars and pri vate terms free; samples worth $5 also free; you can then makeup your mind t,r vouraelf. Address GEORGE S'LIV SON Jfc CO., l'orlaud, ilalni. I-y KsKIt j&5Sl UPS, Pit or Loins. Aerwus Weakness, and in fact Organs whether contracteil y privaiu uir- r nnrrwne. I.,A1II-X, if you aro suffering, trom Female Weakness, Leueorrhtea. or any disease of the Kidnevs, Bladder, r I rinary Organs, YOU CAN BE CURED! Without swallowing nauseous medicines by simply wearing PROF. GUILMETTE'S FKEXCII KIDNEY PAD, Which cure bv absorption. Ask your drugsist for PROF. GUII.MBTTEVS FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, and take no other. If he has not jcot it, s,mi $J.i) anil you will receive tho Pad by return mail. TESTIMONIALS FROM THE PEOPLE. JllDC.K Bt'ClUNAN, Lawyer, T .,i0, O., says: "One of Prof. OulImetteVi French Kidney Pads cured meo i umbago in three weeks' time. My case had been civen up by the best Doc r as incurable. During all thi- time I suffered untold agony and paid out large ?ums of money. Gkokgk Vkttkk, J. P., Toledo, O., saj: "1 suffered for three years with Sciatica and Kidney Disease, and often had to so about on crutches. I was en tirely and permanently cured after wearing Prol'.Guilmette'.H French Kidnuy Pad four weeks. 'S(JUIKK N. C. SCOTT, Sylvania, ().. writes: "I have been a great uiilerer'ror lfl yearn with Brlght's Disease ol the Kidneys. For weeks at a time w utinblo to get out of bed; took barrels of medicine, but they gave me only temporary relief. I woro two of Prof. Guilinetto's Kidney Pads "siv weeks, and" 1 now know I am entirely cured." Miw. Ukllkx .Ikkomk, Toledo. O.. says; "For years I have been contliied, a great part of the time to :ny bed, with Leiicorrhea and female weakness. I worn one of Gnilniette'.s Kidney Pads and was cured in one month. II. B. Ghkkn, Wholesale Grocer. Fiudlay.O., writes:"! .siidered foril years with lame back and in three weeks was permanently cured by wearing one of rror. tuiiimetle's muncv ran-." B. V. Kkksling, M. L., Druggist, Loiranoport, Ind.. when sending In an order for Kidnev Pad, write: "I wore oue of the tlrt ones we hud aud I reoulvud more benefit from it than anything I ever used. In fact the PjkU give butter general satisfaction than any Kidney remedy we ever sold." Ray A Shokmakkr. Druvgists, Hannibal, Mo.: "W are working up a lively trade in your Pads, and arc hearing of good results from them every day." PROF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH LIVER PAD, Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Astir, Ague Cakr. Billions Fevr, Jaundice, Dvspepsia, and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach intl Blood. Print $150 by mall. Send for Prof. Uuilinettc's Treatise on the Kidnes and Liver, Tree by mail. Addroi FISK.X'H IMI i'O Toledo. Ohio. 23T For sale by A. HEINTZ, Druggist, Columbus, Neb. 3k-y 1870. 1880. THE altwfbus Jourmil Is conducted as a FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the best mntual inter ests of its readers aud Its publish ers. Published at Columbus.Platte couuty, the centre of the agricul tural portion is read by hundreds of people east whoaru looking towards Nebraska as their future borne. Its subscribers In Nebraska sro the staunch, solid portion of the community, as is evidenced by the fact that the Journal has never contained a "dun" against them, and by the othor fact that ADVERTISING In its columns always brings its reward. Buslnenn is business, ami those who wish to reach the solid people of Central Nebraska will find the columns of the Journal a splendid medium. JOB WORK Of all kinds neatly and quickly done, at fair prices. This species of printing is noarly always want ed in a hurry, and, knowing this fact, we have so provided for it that we can furnish envelopes, let ter beads, bill heads, circulars, posters, etc., etc., on very short notice, and promptly on time as we promise. SUBSCRIPTION. 1 eopy per annum .... " Six months .. " Three months,. ?'J00 . 100 . 50 Single copy (tent to any addross in the United States for ft cts. M. K. TUENER & CO., Columbus, Nebraska. Dr. A. HEINTZ, DKALKR IN Fine Soaps, Brushes, PEEFUMEEY, Etc., Etc., And all articles usually kept on hand by Druggists. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Eleventh straet, near Foundry. COLUMBUS. : NEBRASKA MAIS THE CEDBEN mm ! ;. Now is the time to subscribe for this BEST ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE VOR THK YOUNG. Its success has been continued and un exampled. EniBsit! Stkrita for it! ht (jfeolumbusjlfoiirniil And THE NCU5ERV, both post-paid, one vear. $3.10. If you wish THE NURSERY, send $1.50 to John L.I Shorey, a8 Bronitleld street, Boston, f If von desire both eml v-' .Mass. ii jon i aenire noio, enu n moncv order, $3.10 to M. K. Turner & Co., Columbus. nb. FARJIEBN! PE OF GOOD CnEER. Let not the low prices of your products dis courage you. but rather limit your ex penses to your resources. You can do so by stopping at the new home of your fellow fanner, where you can tind pood accommodations eheap. For hay foi team for one night and day, 25 cts. A room furnished with a cook stove ant bunks, iu connection with the stablr free. Those wishing can be aecommo dated at tho bouse of the undersigned at the following rates: Meals cents, bsds !0at. J. B. SEKECAL, i mile east of Jrmrd' tiorra' $1.50 THE NURSERY S i Five Hundred Dollars Reward!! 0 Ell A MILLION OF FRENCH KIDNEY PADS Have already been o!d in tliHcoiiutr) and in Franco; very one or which ha iriveii j rfe ' "irifaetin. . -tl las performed cures eery hhk- h ii used accordiii o directions. WV now ?aj to ihe iiPu-u-l and doubt- in,oues that we ill par t lie- :il i-ward for :i single C'AK OF LAME BVCK tin- Pad fail-, to cur. . Ik . li.eai Uemcdr will IMKITIVKLY aud I'KIIMWRX I'LY cure Lumbaao, Lame Hack. cii'(trit Vnif. hml-rlcs. lrvpsy.IrijhC Disease oj the jmUtys, , -MtmrHte tool A'eUntijinr the Urine, Inflammation of the ludneys. Cutarrh of the Bladder, Utah Colored brine. J'ain in tkr Hack. Sid all disordor.H of the Bladder and Uriuary GOING EAST TAKE THE No Changing Cars - H:oM OMAHA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. NEBRAS KA CITY or PLATTSMOUTH CHICAGO, Where direct connections an inadr with Through Sleeping Car Lines TO New York, Boston. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, And all Kasterri Citio ! THE HIIOJtT X.IN03 via PEORIA for IndianapoliSjl'iiicinnati, Louisville AND ALL POINTS IN THK SOUTHEAST. The IS-t Mac lor ST. LOUIS, "Where Direct Connection are undo in the I'NION JiKI'OT with Through Sleeping Car Line for all Points SOUTH. The Shortett, speed iet and Most Com fortable Kutite via HANNIBAX to Ft. SCOTT. DEXISOX, DALLAS 1IOUSTI.V. A I "vriX. SAN AXTO NIO, GALVKSTOX, And all I'olnt in TEXAS. Pullman 1 B-uhed Palace Sleeping Cars, C, H. A fj. J'llnee Drawing Room Car., with Norton's Kerliuintr Chairs. o hxtra Charge for Seali in Koellniusc ( ha rs. The Fuinoiit C, B. A O. Palace Dining Cars. Fast time, str-! jij Tra,.k snd Supe rior Kiiiipnint. eoml.ined with their Great Thrnuah Car Armament, makes this, uhoe all other,thelttvurito Houtu to the KAr,soirris crMoirriiKA.vr. TKY IT. and von will fliulTRAVKL INO a M'XntY iMtead of a DISCOM FORT. All information about Rats of F-r. Mri pitnr .ir i(-oiiiHHHlaiitns. nnd Timr Tablet, w ill be ehrfuHy -;ivru ly :ipil ynii; to JAMES It. WOOD. o31 iW' P.meii!cr Ag't, Chicago. TTi:.MlY iiASS, JIan'tJwturer and d'airr in Wooden and jletalir Burial Caskets All kind" aud z ,T Kot. also hat the sole riut to in inufuc- ture ami tell the Smith' Hnmmnrlc Rprlininn PhIi. .,i,in, Tlin,in .,., 1.,.,I .. . ,hiii .mrninit and suroll work, l'lt. ..,,. i;..,llr Krm -n.i t,.iii . w ., .. ...... . ....... . .., .iiiqjr Looking-glass Plates, "Walnut Lumber, etc., etc. COLUMBUS, NEB. $OAA V iIXTH '.ruaraiiteed. ."t" 91 I 12 a da at h',me m' r J JJ t ind-istrloiK. Capital notreiiured;we wfUstrt you. v n, women, boy and jfirlt make none; -ster at work for us than at any thing- -.. The work i light and plena, ant, a"d nch as anyone can go risht at. Tl. e who are wise who see tbi notice will send u their addresses at once and see for .hemselves. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now is the tiinn. Thde alrnady at work are laving Up largn mm of money. Addrvi TkIJ X t.O., Augutta, Maine. 43l-y JE'SfehjSjfll 4 M V A v I I.