The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 27, 1880, Image 3

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Ceiumunicatlon-, to Injure insertion
hi tin? next Kmic. fhould be In hand on
.Mondavi-; if lengthy, on Thursday
prwediiu isuu-day. Advertisement.',
ol wbaict'cr cla-s, donld be in baud 1
nwM. Tuida?.
AdMrti-enifiitb under this head 15
ct-. a line tirt insertion, Wets, aline
eauh bUliseuuent Insortion.
To SulorHer.
Your name, tcith iiik iate at which
on each Journal j oh receive. A prompt
renewal or discontinuance will save the
publi-lier-, both trouble and expense,
and be better for all concerned. A re
newal is respect full solicited. $2 for 1
vr.; $1 tor ; mo-.:frO cts. for :i inos.
,'luiitNAi. with either the American Ag
riculturist or Nebraska Farmer $." a yr.,
pH-t.paid. cash iu advance: Journal
and the Sursrry $".
The regular meetings of the Club will
b held Saturday-. 7:5rt p. ni.. in
lltikrr't Hall, lip-stairs in the Hank
IlHildiittf. M. Whitmoyhl
IIe.vkv LuBhKit, See'y. IMes't.
Do your full duty electiou tiny.
Court adjourned Thursday even
ing. Do your duty on the 2d ol No
vember. Free Lunch at Gregoriun's on
11th ftreet.
J. 1. I'eckcr. we learn, 19 im
proving in health.
Trimmed hats at Mrs. M. S.
Drake'b for-fl and upwards.
"When you waut apples don't
forget to jro to Marshall Smith's.
California canned Iruit, a large
lot, in annorlotl catc, at Ouhlrich &
A child can buy as cheap as a
man at the Uoptou Shoe Store, opp.
Now U the time to subscribe
for the Journal, $2 a year, 50 cents
three months.
Wild ee-c and ducks by the
thoupands on the lakes and rivers in
this vicinity.
Wm. Smith at bis sale recently
received .9.10 each for a email lot ol
apriug calves.
Do not permit triflling obstacles
to keep you away from the polls
next Tuesday.
Mr. A. Scott is building an ex
(ousivc burn in the northwestern
part of the city.
David Schuplmrh hai been con
fined to bio bed by indisposition
6iucc Thursday last.
Every ippublicaii in Platlo
county should cast his vote on the
id day ol November.
Wanted. A girl to do house
work in a small lamily. Inquire at
the. office of livelier & Trice.
(J. Heitkemper has a splendid
stock of jewelry, watches, &c Don't
fail to see him before buying.
At Platte Center Saturday next
there is to be a raffle for u spring
wagon ; also a shooting match.
Wo will furnish the Journal
and the Omaha Weekly Republican,
ono year,pOMlage paid, for $11.00.
Clinton Smith recovers very
slowly from his recent severe sick
nerrt. He is still confined to his bed.
V. II. Dyer of the Davis Sewing
Machine Co., recently sold a nice
lot of them to C. Neidigof Madison.
Every republican should be will
ing to spend one full day in the
service- for the benefit of his country.
Henry Luers is about to put up
a two-story brick dwelling, 22x40
feet. Wm. Smith has the contract.
Republicans cannot reasonably
expect success in Platte county
without earnest and intelligent
A correspondent of the Chicago
Tribune recomineuds ouions as a
good feed for horses afllicted with
Will T. Kickly will pay the
highest cash price for 50 head of
2, 3, and 4 year old steers, delivered
at Columbus.
T. Keating received last week
from Illinois a nice lot of fine
woolcd sheep and one hundred head
of young stock.
For Rent. x house, centrally
located, and suitable for dwelling or
boarding house. Inquire at the
Journal office.
II. J. Hudson has been quite
sick sluce his return from Lincoln,
and was still contltied to his bed
Tuesday morning.
Geo. W. Clark has been ailing
with typhoid fever and chills; at
one time wa not expected to live,
but is now better.
If a freeze bhould come now the
boys could convert a portion of
nearly every principal street in the
city into a skatiug rink.
Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual and work-aud-labor, neatly
bound in books of 50 and 100, for
sale at the Journal office.
Morrissey & Hays' elevator has
been moved from its original site on
the U. P. to the A. & N. side-track
in the rear of Johnson's feed stable.
Patent, ready-cut election"stick
ere" will be furnished at this office
with names printed upon them at
very reasonable rates. Send in or
ders immediately.
"It is the interest of every good
citueu to promote good order at the
polls, for every peaceful election is
a fresh triumph for popular govern
ment." Harpers Weekly.
Two more rooms in the Congrc
gatioual church arc being completed.
"When finished they will add eouie
what in church work, being very
convenient for tnuuy purpose.
Vote the republican ticket from
head to foot.
Watch out for bogus tickets
uext Tuesday.
S. C. Smith, E-q , relumed from
Denver yesterday.
All the candidates have been al
work the past week.
A. E. Pfnkney of Republican
City was in town last week.
A team loaded with brick stuck
in the mud on 11th street Monday.
A line of Boots and shoes at
cost and less at Marshall Smith's.
D. C. Loveland was up from
Omaha last week, attending court.
Mr. and Mrs. Homing rejoice in
the birth of a daughter last Thurs
day. George Coolidge, an old-time
Columbus boy, was in the city last
For lirst-claas work and best
stock, go to the Boston Boot and
Shoe Store.
Mrs. C. O. Waterman, of Genoa,
left Tuesday for Albany, N. Y to
visit friends.
S. A. Hanna is back from the
cast, and is engaged in selling the
II anna wagon.
M. O'Brien returned home from
the west Saturday. He will stay
here till spring.
A. W. Crites of Plattamouth
was in attendance at the district
court last week.
Received a car-load of winter
wheat flour every sack guaranteed,
at Oelilrich & Bro's.
Major Wm. Burgess, E. V. Clark
and Then F. Elliott of Genoa, were
iu tho city Wednesday last.
Republicans should remember
that one vote iu Platte county may
defeat your political friends.
If you intend to vote a straight
republican ticket see to it that there
aro no "paeters" on it anywhere.
Rev. A. Hcnrich returned Wed
nesday Inst from St. Louis where ho
visited his daughter, Mrs. C. H.
"Billy" Tillman, who is- always
welcomed with hearty good will by
his friends in Columbus, came over
from David City last Saturday.
Dr. Mills, of Osceola, was in tho
city Monday. Ho has quite recov
ered from a sovero iujury ho receiv
ed several years since from tho fall
off his horse.
Mrs. Rebecca Becker and Miss
Rebecca Becker, mother and sister
of our townsmen J. P. aud Wm.
Becker, started for Ohio, their old
home, yesterday.
Mr. Peter Eyler, who has re
cently been at Bellwood, Butler
county, has made an engagement
with L. Kramer of tho N. Y. Store.
A good accession.
Mr. Elliott, postmaster at Post
ville, Platte county, wan in the city
Saturday. He says the late snow
storm was death to a great many
young pigs in his neighborhood.
"Dave" Jackson arrived home
from Iowa Sunday evening. He was
accompanied by a couple of friends
with guns and dogs, who will "slew"
game in this vicinity for a few days.
News from "Tommy" Wake at
Nebraska City, where ho officiated
as the rider of "Sailor Boy," shows
that the reputation that the lad has
gained as a"fir6t-class" ridor was
well sustained.
George Fairchild and "Jim"
15 rind ley visited David City Satur
day. "Jim," wherefore that wail of
"Home, Sweet Home," which greet
ed the still night air on 11th' street
as you came in ?
Nich Blasser is constructing a
county bridge at Edwin Ahrens's,
the old ono goes to Sbaad's. Nich.
has had considerable of the county
bridge work to do, and is a good
mau for the purpose.
Charles Wentworth and wife,
who have lately made their home at
Plattsmoutb, this state, where Char
Icy has been engaged with his father
in the newspaper business, arrived
in the city laBt Friday.
Mrs. Charles Berringer, daugh
ter of Chas. Wako of this city, has
been visiting her parents, in com
pany with her husband, for several
days past. The home of Mr. and
Mr6. Berringer is Elgin, III.
George Fairchild, who has been
spending a few months in the east,
the land of his birth and early boy
hood days, arrived in Columbus last
Wednesday evening. He took his
departure yesterday on the east
bound train for Columbus, O.
A member of the Maennerchor
society reports a splendid social time
of the society and friends at their
hall last Saturday evening, at which
dancing was indulged in and the
remaining delicious edibles of
Thursday night's supper disposed of.
Mr. A. E. Mills, brother of Dr.
Mills, was in the city Monday on
his return to his home in Michigan.
We learn that Mr. Mills has pur
chased a farm near Fullerton,
Nance county, Neb., and will iu a
bhort time come to this state to re
side. For Sale. A dwelling-bouse and
lot in a very desirable part of the
city. Will be sold at a sacrifice, as
the money is needed. The house is
new and cost more money than is
asked for both house and lot. For
further particulars inquire at the
Jourval office.
-J. II. Brouelettc & Co., have tho
contract of erecting a haudsome
monument ovur the grave of E. C
Kavanaugh, dee'd. It is to be twelve
feet highJwith a base three feet
square, and nil of tiue, American
marble. We have seen the design,
which unique and handsome, fts
well as apropriate.
Iu proof ol the wisdom ol in
surance upon your property with
reliable companies by efficient aud
reliable agents we have atiother ev
idence in Wednesday niht'i; fire.
The damage toJ;Mrs. Clother's build
ing was promptly adjusted and the
money paid over on Friday. The
insurance was in Springfield Fire &
Marine Co., represented by Becher
& Price of this city.
As near as we can make it out,
John Walker, the candidate for
county commissioner, has been using
as campaign thunder some barely
possible contingencies as fixed cer
tainties, and now the "contingents"
are seeking to have him occupy the
remainder of his time until electiou
day in answering questions concern
ing the grand jury business of last
week. "Talk is cheap."
: ..
A. M. Jennings has leased his
boarding house to Mrs. Maggie Se
burg, who will take possession on
the 1st day of November. Mrs.
Seburg has established an excellent
reputation in the city as a manager
of a boarding house, and we do not
hesitato in recommending those
wishing good board and lodgings in
a convenient and yet quiet part of
the city to give her a call. The lo
cation is opposite Methodist church,
corner N and 14th street.
T. W. Tipton, democratic can
didate for governor of Nebraska,
addressed his democratic friends at
the Opera House, this city, last Fri
day evening. There was a very fair
attendance at tho meeting, and of
courso most of his democratic
friends were satisfied with the Ex
Senator's speech, whilo the repub
licans were more or less amused at
the ludicrous hits tho speaker made
from his standpoint. His doctrine
of state rights is in strict accord
with Secessia.
There has been considerable
talk in regard to the grand jury
matter at the last term of the dis
trict court, there having been an
informality iu tho drawing of the
samo. The law says : "It shall be
the duty of the county commission
ers, in selecting and furnishing to
tho clerk the nameB of persons qual
ified to serve as grand or petit jur
ors, so to select and arrange that no
oue person shall serve on the jury
a second time before all qualified
persons shall have served respect
ively in rotation, according to the
best information that can be ob
tained." The clerk informs us that
the drawing was mado just as it has
been usually done,but this provision
of the law was not complied with,
no list having beeu kept. He says,
too, that if the Dist. Att'y had so
desired, he could have had another
jury called.
We are iuformod by partici
pants at the Concert aud Ball given
by the Mienncrchor Society of this
city on Thursday evening last at the
Opera House that the occasion was
one of rare social enjoyment, the
order being so good that not a single
disagreeable occurrence marred a
general good time during the entire
evening. The Concert was enthus
iastically received ; the Ball opened
and was conducted to good music
and by good management, and the
supper consisted of all the solid
good things aud delicacies of tho
season, gotten up in superb style
and more than bountifully served.
As to the financial success of tho
affair the not proceeds, upwards of
$110.00, will speak for itself. To
tho ladies of the Society, who were
managiug, must be given tho credit
for a completo success. The result
of the drawing gave to E. D. Shce-
han the clock and George Fairchild
the lamp.
The Fire.
On Wednesday night last about
half-past 11 o'clock a fire broke out
in the building of Mrs. Eliza Clother,
on 13th street, occupied by Mr.
Philip Cain. The alarm was started
and kept up by citizens, fire-bell and
a couple of locomotives on the TJ. P.
track, and soon the firemen and a
crowd of citizens were on the
ground, and the work of putting
out the fire aud removing the furni
ture to places of safety vigorously
commenced. The fire, which broke
out in the kitchen in some acciden
tal manner nnknown, had by this
time burned through the mop board
on the west ond, and passed up to
the roof, thence to the roof of the
main building, all the time confined
between the ceiling and roof. The
engine and hose were taken from
the engine house, but not available
for service, owing to an insufficiency
of hose. The flames were finally
subdued through efforts of the Hook
and Ladder Co. and citizens with
buckets, by cutting through the roof
and dashing in water from buckets.
We are told a Babcock extinguisher
also did good execution. The fur
niture, etc., was removed from the
building in a short time, but was
damaged to the amount of about
$150.00, on which there was no in
surance. Tho building was insured
in the Springfield Fire and Marine
Co., for which Becher & Price of
this city are agents, aud the loss was
promptly adjusted by them at $360.
Court Proceeding.
The following cases were disposed
of by his honor Judge Post at the
recent session of the District Court
of the 4th Judicial District, iu and
for Platte county, vthich convened
Tuesday, Oct. Ulth, 1S30:
Cvrus H.McCuriuickuud Leauder
J. McCormick v S. O. lta uioud and
E. D. Ch.ipin. Stricken from docket
on motionol detTt.
Thos. F.ty v i'hos. Farrell. De
pending ou motion.
C. L. Poor v Thomas Morehead.
Catheriuu Hunneman v Lindley
F. Ellis et ux. et als. Stricken
lrom docket.
W. U. Galaway & Co. v W. S.
Bartlett, treasurer of Antelopo Co.
Continued by agreement.
Patrick S. Griffin v Chas. Wake.
McNamara v McNamara. Dis
missed at cost of plt'fl'.
Theodore Ripp v Patrick Fahey.
Dismissed lor waut of prosecution
at co6t of plt'lf.
Hunneman & Tolinan v Will. B.
Dale et ux. et als. Continued.
Weltha L. Cossey v Wm. II. Coa
sey. Continued on motion of plt'lT.
John Partsch v Frank English.
Dismissed at cost of plt'fl'.
Frederick Muller v Alois Kasch.
Josiah E. Betts v John Eusden, L.
II. Jewell aud J. E. Moncrief. Leave
to file answer.
Rosa Birney v G,eo. Birney. Sale
confirmed aud deed ordered.
Clarissa Comptou v C. 11. May.
Continued by agreement.
Danl. Ryan v Jos. E. Tasker et al.
Continued by agreement.
Jones v Jones. Dismissed. Judg
ment against plt'fl. for costs.
L. Anderson and E. G. Platte v
J. P. Becker. Case reterred.
Matthew Burko v Wm. Gerhold.
II. G. Carew v Chris. Meedel.
Continued by agreement.
John Karlin v Wm. Gerhold. Ver
dict for the plaintiff, S31.00. Deft,
excepts to judgment on verdict.
Morrissey & Klock v M. Doody et
al. Settled.
Louis Strocke and Catharine Behr
vJohn Behr and Henry Robertson.
Dismissed at cost of plt'fl.
Nathanlal Crabtreo v Fred. ZoM as
agent and Edward Z le as principal.
Continued by agreement.
Albert W. Crites v Zabdial 0.
Wentworth. Case referred.
Ernst Ilortnian v Charles Wake,
constable. Caso dismissed tor waut
of prosecution. Judgment against
plaint id for costs.
L. & N. W. R. R. Co. v D. II Cad
wallader and his heirs. Continued.
L. & N. W. R. R. Co. v William
Dietrich. Verdict tor defendant for
.$450; judgment against both parties
for costs.
Thomas O'Neill v J. G. Savidge,
Martin Savidge, Anthony Savidge
and Macay Z-ilaznoy. Sale and deed
Catherine Behr v D. A. Willard et
als. Cause dismissed; plaintiff
Wm. Eimers v Wm. Tiskotter.
Geo. Hines v Phillip Ilohl and
Louis Schroeder. Judgment for
Nathanial Crabtreo v Edward
Vale and Fred. Zoll. Continued.
Franklin v Frnukliu. Divorce
Sarah E. Latson v Lewis C. LaU
son. Continued.
John J. Golden v Farlee & Parrott.
Abbey L. Faulkner v Lavinius B.
Leach et ux. Dismissed.
New England Mort. Sec. Co. vs
Wilburt Fortune et ux. Issues for
plaintiff; amount found due plaintiff
$43.22. Deed and sale ordered. "
Now England Mort. Sec. Co. v
Wm. Connelly, jr., et ux. Dismissed.
Now England Mort. Sec. Co. v
John Grady et ux. Continued.
Win. Cylen v Milton Edmonds.
Gerrard & Whitmoyer v Platte
county. Motion to rcquiro plaintiff
to file petition. Motion sustained.
Leave to file petition instauter.
Clara A. Ticehurst v Allen A.
Ticehurst. Divorce granted ; plain
tiff restored to maiden name, Clara
A. Sanderson. Custody of minor
children awarded to plnintifl' until
otherwise ordered.
New England Mort. Sec. Co. v
John Keeler et ux. and James G.
Downs. Settled; decree as per
Frederick Theinhardt v Roderick
McKenzie. Motion for change of
venue overruled ; leave to filo an
swer in" CO days; reply iu 30 days.
In the matter of the estate of Ed
ward C. Kavanaugh deceased, order
as prayed for; trial fixed for the first
day of the next regular term.
James Ducey v Frank Walker.
Default set aside.
School Dist. No. 29 of Platte Co.
Nebraska v Jno. Walker, Michael
Morrissey and Michael Doody. Leave
to file answers without verification,
to be verified during term.
Walter A. Wood Mowing and
Reaping Machine Co. v Bartley
Lamb. Dismissed.
Sarah B. Canfiold executrix of tho
estate of Philo Canfield, deceased v
Lois M. Stewart and Geo. W. Stew
art et als. Default. Amount found
due plaintiff, $315.83. Decree and
Maggie M. Seeberg v Fred, V.
Seeberg. Default. Decree as pray
ed for.
American Mort. Co. of Scotland
(limited) v James Russell et ux.
Default; amount fouud due plain
tiff, $586.70.
J. B. Delsman & Co. v Moritz
Stolze. Stricken from the docket.
John M. McFarland v Josephus
M. Callison. Thirty days to file
petition, 20 days to answer, 20 days
to reply.
Moritz Stolze v J. B. Delsman and
Benjamin Spielman. Decree to the
M. E. Allison v E. D. Sheehan.
Dismissed at cost of defendant.
James H., and Saml. Galley v Jno.
Kelley. Dismissed.
State of Nebraska v Patrick Mc
Namara. Dismissed.
State of Nebraska v Wm. Gerhold.
State of Nebraska v Frank Wal
ker, Edward Rodram and John
Mason. By agreement the defend
ant is ordered to enter into recog
nizance iu the sum of $SO0.
Discard the latest stories told
for the purpose of defeating repub
lican candidates. The every day
life and conversation of & man is
the best test of his character, and
stories gotten up at the last.hour of a
political contest Ehould not outweigh
such tet.
'lection HrleFM.
Vote early nnd vote right.
Have a list of the voters of tho
Appoint a ticket committee, aud
keep a reserve of tickets in case of
Appoiut a challeuge committee of
men who are well acquainted with
tho voters of the precinct.
Appoint a wagon committee of
active men, and see that the body of
your parly vote is iu early, and that
they all get to the polls in time. It
is a good rule to make the effort to
have nil in by three o'clock. Where
the party is iu a large majority there
is not that eflbrt made for a full vote
that characterizes the dose precincte,
but it is these .solid precincts that
"tell the story."
Allow no man to dictate your vote
or that of nny other man in your
presence, no matter what the result
may be- - tree hallot, a fair election
and 8ubmiii)n to the legally ex
pressed will oi the majority are the
vital principles of our republican
Villi Tor Qreeabuc.k Conven
tion. The Greenback electors of Platte
county are hereby called to meet in
convention at Columbus, in the
Court House at said place on Satur
day, Oct. 30th, 1880, at 1 o'clock
p. m., for the purpose of putting in
nomination one candidate for coun
ty commissioner. Also to complete
the organization in the county, elect
central committee and transact such
other business as may come before
the convention.
Each precinct will bo entitled to
four delegates. It is recommeuded
that the Greeubackers meet at the
usual places of voting in the several
precincts aud elect the delegates as
soon as possible so as to be sure and
be represented in the convention.
Many Citizens.
"Letter llNt.
Tho following in a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-office., in
Columbus, for the week ctlding Oct.
'J3, lKy);
Dull. Win McDonald
Goodon, S It O'Neal, Michel
Hiintemnnn Parker, J P Mra
Hipper, Joseph Reynolds, C S
Handing, Steven Schluasingcr, Min
Kunz, Max nio
Kuapp, John Voberger, Ulich
li lamer, Itohcrt Woods, J A
Those marked ," postal card
If not culled for in I'O days will be scut
to the dead letter office, Washington, D.
C. When called for pleaxe say '-adver-
tised," as these letters are kept separate.
K. A. Gkkkaud, I. 31.
Short llornm at Auction.
The combination sale of the herds
of McRridc fc Druse, H. C. Dawson
& Son, Vanderpool Bros., T. P.
Quick aud others, to be held at Lin
coln, Nov. 11th and 12th, will be the
largest ever held in the state. Over
100 head of cattle and hogs will be
sold to the highest bidder. Reduced
rates ou railroads and at hotels.
Terms of sale easy. Send to iVe
braska Farmer, Lincoln, for cat
alogue. A herd of about two hundred
head of thoroughbred and fine grad
ed cattle, the property of Mr. F. J.
Greer ot York county, passed thro'
the city Saturday, en route for win
ter quarters in tho vicinity of Nor
folk. Mr. G. informs us that he
intends locating a rauche somewhere
in Wayne county, whero he will
take his herd in the spring.
PreNs for Hale.
Wo have for sale the hand-press
upon which the Journal (present
size) has been heretofore printed. It
is a seven column folio Washington
press and in good order. Price $1G0
cash. Address M. K. Turner & Co.,
Columbus, Neb.
Notice is hereby given, by Galley &
Bro-, that all who are indebted to
them, either by note or book acc't,
must eome forward and settle imme
diately, as they need the funds.
LIN'COLN GIBSON On the 23d. in
this city, Mr. Wilbur Lincoln to 3Iiss
Minnie Gibson.
GOETZ YONKER-Sunday, Oct. 24.
by Judge J. G. Higgins, Fred Goetz and
Miss Lizzie Yonker, all of Platte Co.
dence of the bride's uncle, Jay Co., Ind.,
on tho 18th inst., by Friends' ceremony
Joseph L. Truman, of l'latte Co., Neb.,
to Mariunna Birds all, of Loudon Co.,
Advertisements under this head five
cents a line each insertion.
Quinces at Bridges.
New Sweet Cider at Hudson's.
Black walnuts for sale at
Plane Phat, Phresh Oysters at
Fresh cider by the glass or gal
lon at Bridges.
Brick in tho wall at $7 to $8 a
thousand by Flynn & Co.
Florida Orauges and new Dates
at Hudson's.
New Sweet elder by the gallon
or glass at Bridges.
New cloaks just received at
Friedhof & Co., Banesteel's oldstand.
A large, new stock of men's and
women's 6hoes at Wm. Schilz's.
Fancy box paper, 15 cts.; choice
chromos 24x30 inches, nicely framed,
$1.25 at Lubker & Cramer's.
The Bell and Bugle craubcrries,
best in the market, at Bridges.
Kentucky Jeans only 12 per.
yard at Friedhof & Co-, Bonesteel's
old stand.
A choice stock and good variety
of fresh-imported Teas, just suited
to the wants of tea-drinkers at
Bridges, opp. P. O. Give him a call.
Honey at Bridges.
Go to Bridges for spicc9, best
aud cheapest iu market.
Money to loan at 9 per cent, on
all sums over ijvOO, by McAllister
Waterproof 8-4 wide only 50 cts.
per yard at Friedhof & Co-, Bones
teel's old stand.
Don't forgot that G. W. Phil
lips cells boots aud shoes cheaper
than the ehcanest. Give him a call.
Celery at Bridges.
For the next 20 days only, we
will give a 10 per cent, discount
from regular cash prices on any
sewing machine. Lubker & Cramer.
Bloomingdale Stock Farm is the
place to get choice young breeding
stock in the cattle and hog line.
A. Hknricu, Metz P.O.,
Platte Co.., Neb.
Heavy fall yard wide muslin
only 6 cents per. yard, at Friedhof
& uo., -bonesteei s oia stana.
A Fool' Errand.
Read it! Read it! "It's a stun
ner." E. D. Fitzpatrick, opp. P. O.
rtluxic! Itlunlc !
Accordions and violins cheaper
than ever at Ed. Fitzpatrick's, opp.
For Sale.
A few young blooded serviceable
boar pigs, also some fiue shoats.
A. Hknricu.
School Book.
Blank books, memorandum books,
pocket-books, and all kinds of books
at "Fitz's," opposite the post-office.
To School Boards.
A male teacher, a graduate of
10 years experience, desires a school
in Platte, Butler or Colfax counties.
Address F.,this office. 541-6
A spotted red and white heifer
calf, about six months old. Taken
up Oct. 4th, '80th.
Bakki: & Kavanauoh.
F. Gerber has added to his furni
ture business that of undertaking.
Coffins of all styles may be found at
his place, north sido of 11th street,
opposite his furniture store.
F.tray Notice.
Came into our herd Oct. 4th, a red
steer, three years old; very poor;
long horns ; white spot on face.
Owner will provo property, pay
charges, etc.
544-5 Bakek & KAVANAUon.
ITIoney! Money! Money!
Plenty of it, to loan ou No. 1,
improved farms iu Platte co., at 9
per cent, straight. No commission,
no interest in advance, by
O. S. Bridges,
opp. P. O. Columbus, Neb.
For Sale or Trade.
One lot and two houses, one a
boarding house, the other suitable
for a boarding or dwelling house
ceutrally located iu the city of Co
lumbus. Will sell for cash, or trada
for stock. For further particulars
inquire at tho Journal office.
Kstray Calves.
Came into our herd, Sept. 24th,
near G. W. Stevens's farm, two
speckled, spring steer calves. The
owner will prove property, pay
charges, &c.
Fred. Stenookr.
It In Conceded
By both Democrats and Republi
cans that "Fatty" Woods sells more
cigars and tobacco than any man in
town ; and he sells as cheap as any.
If you want a good smoke, or any
kind of plug or smoking tobaccos,
call on Fatty" at tho City Cigar
Storo on Olive St.
Splendid Stock of" Implement
The undersigned, having pur
chased the entire stock of implements
of Schutte and Pohl will keep con
stantly ou hand at the old stand on
13th street, west of Olive, Columbus,
tho Marsh and Buiord Sulky plows,
Tiger, Thomas and Knowlton Sulky
hay rakes, aud an entire now stock
of the Whitewater wagons.
E. J. & J. A. Erkst.
Successors to Schutte & Pohl.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned stockholders and incor
porators of the Columbus Stato
Bank have filed an additional article
to their articles of incorporation,
which authorizes the said Bank to
do a general banking aud a general
brokerage business.
Leander Gerrard,
Julius A. Reed,
Abner Turner,
George W. Hulbt,
E. A. Gekrard.
on Olive Street wishes to announce
to the citizens of Columbus and vi
cinity that he has on hand a com
plete stock of the best fall and
winter goods both in style and
quality, that has ever been brought
to this market. He will guarantee
first-class workmanship and good
fits at prices as low as any. Give
bim a call and look over his stock
and learn priceB. Also will do cut
ting jobs at reasonable prices.
Advcrtisementi under this bead five
cents a line, first insertion, three cents
a line each subsequent insertion.
iS-I have one hundred ealves
and yearlings for sale, all Illinois stock.
T. Keating.
Kcgalar Stock Iealer.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and sold; alto fat and stoek hogs.
879-y D. Awdkrson.
Notice To Teachers.
1 will be in my office at the Court
House on the first and last Saturdays ol
each month for the purpose of examin
ing applicants for teacher's certificates,
and for the transaction of any other
business pertaining to schools.
a. L. Bakhbtt,
County Supt.
Pay Up.
Notes due me, for timber sold, are
expected to be puid promptly, by the
tut of November, 1SH), and avo costs.
A farm hand, iuihiediatelv. Ap
ply, ltd credent! xU. to
W5-4 Genoa.
Oxen for Sale.
I will sell on reaotmble terms u
nice yoke of cattle. Call oon, and you
will find them two milet vwt of Hum
phrey station, Platte Co., Neh., at
W5-I .J.OIK3 McDkkmott's.
Public Sale.
Will be sold at ptiblie auction on
the 20tb day of October, commencing ut
10 o'clock a. m., at the residence of the
undersigned one mile .xouthwest of Lost
Creek station, Platte countv, 10 venrlim:
calves; 2 two-year-olds; 13 cow n d 1
Durham bull. v. Smith.
Central Meat tlurkei.
Albert E. Rickly has purchased
and is now running the aboe',namtd
market. The meat-consuming commu
nity are solicited to make frequent calN,
where they can get the best and the
mojt for their money. Also dealer in
Poultry, Hides, Ac, on a small com
mission. C41-X.
Our quotations of the markets artr ob.
talned Tuesday afternoon.and are correct
and reliable at the time.
Wheat No. 1, test f9 lb . 73
" " 1, 50 " 71
3, " M " . . . 68
Com Shelled, 2.1
Oats, 25
yc .. 55
flour, 3502 7i
O raham, 1 8o2 .'.'
Meal, 1 QJ
Butter, 1C3 IS
Eggs, 1S-.H)
Potatoes, 60rtG0
L1VK brocic.
Fat Hogs, 3 00.12."
FatCattle, 2 503no
Yearlings, 12 00(315 00
Calves 4 00K00
Sheep 300
Good veal, per hundred 4 0
Hides, greeu salted -I 4 of
Hams, l'2"(i?15
Shoulders, GT
Sides, Sftli)
Corned Beef 6S
Steak 512H
Finishing $300O4OO0
Flooring 25 OOfgjSo 00
Siding IS 00hi'i 00
Drop Siding 25 OOftttO 00
Ship Lap 23 00
Framing (10 to 20 ft) 22
Sheeting 20
WellTubfug (per bunch) . 1 25
Lath (per 31) 4 00
Shingle (por M) 3 00 4 00
Doors 2-8x6-3, 1J thick.... 2 50
" 2-6x-6, IX " .... 2 20
" 2-0x6-6, 1 " . . . . 1 75
Windows, 123
Building Paperper(lb.) 4 cents.
Tar felt (per lb.) . 4J "
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
Oct. 11th, 1&0. J
-rOTICE is hereby given that the
J"M following-named settler his filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
tlnal entry thereof, before the Clerk of
tbr court of Platte county. Neb., at the
county seat, on Thursday, the 18th day
of November, 18S0, via:
Richard F. Cunningham, Homestead
No. 7772, for the N. E. ', Section ti.
Township 19 north, It.iuge 2 west, and
names tho following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said tract, vi: Martin Ma
her, Daniel Maher, Patrick Dully and
Patrick Duffy, all of Lindsay, Platte
Co., Neb.
f.45-6 M. B. HOXI E, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
Oct. 11th, ltiiO. J
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
following-named eettler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte Co., Nebraska, at
the county seat, .011 Thursday, the 18th
day of November, 1880, viz:
Randolph M.Johnson, Homestead No.
4804, for the S. K. 3 " K. Section 12,
Township 20 north, Range 1 east, and
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said tract, viz: Samuel J.
Wheeler and Ira J. Nichols, of Creston,
Platte Co., Neb., and Warren Fusscl
man and M. B. Mitchell, of LoUh, Platte
Co., Neb.
543-a M. B. HOXIE, Roffister.
Final Proof.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.
Oct. 8th, 1880. J
NOTICE Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed
notico of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof, beforo tho clerk of
the court of Platte county, Nebraska, at
tho county seat, on Saturday, the 13th
day of November, 1880, viz:
Charles "Walker, Homestead No. 9216,
for the N. & S. E. M, Sec. 28, Township
18 north, Rauge 3 West, and names the
following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon and cultivation of
said tract, viz: John Hammer. Wm. II.
Cotton, John C. Hurley and K. P. Dra
per all of Monroe, Platte Co., Nob.
M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, h'cb.,1
October 4th, lNn. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and secure final entry thereof,
beforo tho Clerk of tho Coart of Datte
county, Nebraska, at the County Seat, on
Saturday the 6th day of November, 18S0,
Wllhelm Wotpbal, Homestead No. 5611,
for the S. W. i, Hcctlon 14, Township U)
north. Range .3 west and names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said tract,
viz: Halo Obapnian, St. Bernard. Piatt
Co., Neb.; Angus Kletzke. of Madison,
Madison Co., Neb.: David Blank, of St.
Bernard, Platte Co., Neb., and Charles
Helm of Kali amnio, Madison Co., Neb.,
S43-8. M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
October 22d, 1880. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
uotice of his intention to make final
proof in supportof bis claim, and secure
final entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte countv, Nebraska,
at the county seat, on Thursdav, the
2d day of December, 1880, viz:
Claus John Boe, Homestead No. 6131,
for the S. ), N. "W. , Section 13, Town
ship 18 north, Range 1 east, and names
the following witnesses to prove hi
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said tract, viz: William Schraitz,
Gerhard Krumland, John Losr" and
John Saalfeld, all of Columbu?. Platte
Co., Neb.
546-6 M. B. nOXIE. Register.
Land Office at Grand Island. Neb.,)
Oct. 23d, 180. f
"VrOTICE is hereby given that the
1 following.named settler has filed
notice of bis Intention to make final
S roof in supportof hlsclaim,and secure
nal entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte Co., Neb., at the
county seat, on Thursday, the 9th dav
or December, 1880, viz:
Anton Pfeifer, Homestead No. 5549,
for the V,'. X, S.E. , Section 30. Town
ship 20 north, Range 1 west. and names
the following witnesses to prov bis
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said tract, viz: Franz Zacb,
Ignatz Zach and August Weiser, ol
Humpherey, Platte Co., Neb., and John
B. Delsraau, of Columbus. PlatU Co..
)4t!. il.B.HOili:, iie.'litsr.
Land Oilicc. Island. Neb.,1
Oot.2Sd.lS80. f
"VrOTICE i? hereby given that the fol
i.1 low in? named settlor has filed no
tice of hi intention to maku final
proof iu support of his cliiiu, and se
cure final eiitrv thereof, before th
Clerk ol the Court of Plattr county,
Nebraska, at the Coimt -ett. n Thurs
day, til-- th d of Dec ismi, iz:
Jo l RothliintiH-r Hotu. -avad No.
0017. S. r th- h. '.j N. W. . Sectio'n 12.
Towij ip 1! north. Range 1 west, aud
name ' follow nig witiier to prove
his'vontinuoiiH residence upon and cul
livaNoN of said tract, viz: Jacob Bod
mer, i Htimphn-vs, Pittite Co.. Neb.,
ind Fridrich Hellbtisch. Oliver Fenner
ami Benjamin Spielman, of Columbus,
Platte countv. Nebrask 1.
510-5 " i l. HOXIE, Register.
Land Utilce at Grand Island. Neb.,1
Oct. 22d. 1SSU. J
MOT1CK is hereby given'that'the fol
li lowing, named settler has filed
notice of liN intention to make final
proof In stipportofhU claim. and secure
final entr thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court r Platte Co., Nebraska, at
the county eat. on Thursday, the 2d
day of Dec. In-O. iz-
JIatbius Fuchs. Homestead No. 4508,
for the S. J, S. E. K Section 28. Town
ship 20 north. Range t west, and name
the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon aud cultivation
or said tract, viz: Joseph WIdhalm.
Paul Faber. aud Ferdiuand Rohde, of
Humphreys. Platte t.o. Neb., and Au
gust Wieser. of Grand Prairie, Platte
Co.. Neb.
546-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register.
Laud Office, Grain! Island, Neb.,1
Oct. 22, 13J0. j
Notice is hereby given that the fol.
lowing named settler has filed uotice of
her intention to make uual proof iu sup
port of her claim, and secure final entry
thereor before the t Icrk of the Court of
Platte county, Nebraska, at the County
Seat, on Thursdav, the 2d day of Dec,
1S80, viz:
Jlary Honger, Homestead No. C115,
for the N. W. yA, N. E. J.4, Section 8.
Township 16, north, Range 1 west, and
names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cul
tivation or said tract, viz: RudoirKurtli,
or Woodburn, Platte Co.. Neb., and
Friedrich Lemp. Nicholas Blazer and
William Kumnier, or Duncan, Platte
Co., Neb.
546-5 31. II. HOXIE. Register.
House A Sign Paintiit;
alliums, amen.
Paper Hanglngf
3T"A1I work warranted. Shop on
Olivo street, one door south or Elliott's
new Pninp-houe. aprltff
TABLES, Etc., Etc.
: o r -
One door cast of Ilt'intz's drwj store.
Just In. A Large Stock
Fall and "Winter
Wen ear, Bats ai Cans,
Mits and Gloves,
Q,i teens ware.
5ir-.1in Platte Centre, Neb.
wix now mghtm.
Winter i coming on and you must keep
warm, iryou want t bvy them cheap,
ir money is aur object to you, buy
them at
Jind save paying a fanry price.
If you want a ood LAMP of any kind
or anything in the Lamp line. ive me a
call. I have Lamps complete (Lamp.
Burner, Chimney and "Wick) for 3X
cents, and from that upwards to tho
newest and neatest styles or Hanging
Lamps. I have some r the cheapest
bracket Lamps for schools and churches
Uhat you ever saw.
FingcrCofs and PineTar;
Will fccer your ban I from 1 "n$
skinned and c icked.
Remember. I carry the larzest stoek or
TOILET OODS in Columbus. I am
the headu irters ror all leading PAT
ENT MEDICINES, and the only store
in Coluinous that makes a specialty of
PRESCRIPTIONS. Am -ellini ike
the world, at wholesale prices. Don't
forget the place,
sound's mum mi st-'es.