Mk t : THE JOURNAL. OFFICIAL PAP Kit PLA'llE CO WEDNESDAY. OCT. , 10. rrmiMMHiuN6, J lHure insertion 1m tho xh xt i"H.. -wld Ik- in hHl an Mttittii: if it-net-hy, h Thrta! pwcdi r ieH'.(ly. A4tverticmMti, of wU-'r !.... ."HouW We in hind b nHH. TUf Mlayt. Advert i-t-KMSHJ- H4er this head lf oU. line fii' iticrtin, It! ot. aline uark httWHitti-HI iiwrtion. ' j"iilirilnr. Yhw tutme. tnilh iiif dvik at which YUK MHJ-CKU'MON KM'IltK. i- ilecl OHOiirhJilUKNAI. n cceit . A prompt renew al M 4i'tiiliitiaiK-o . ill ae I he imMi-her-, th troMido awl expense, anil he WetU-r for all coin-einod. A re newal N ro-.poctfill solieili'd. ft for I vr.; $1 Tor K .;. vl-. tor . ms. JoruNAU with Hnor the American A'j rtcmllHriet r Xebntukn Farmer $ a yr., imt-paM. oHh in advance; .JoUKNAl. uh4 tie ynrery " GARFIELD AND ARTHUR 1'LUB 'I'hf r1fMlai lnc tllUf oJ tlir Club will Ik; hold Saturdav-,. 7:3' i. in., in IUk.t- Mall, .p-tir in the Bank UwiMiir.'. M . W ii n )lo v i u. ilKMtY LlilkKIC, r-rv'. l'r.-i't. it. A: M.TIME TABLE. The rll"iiir i the new M.& M.tiim table whieh went int.. etfeet Oct. 17th: J.naves ulinnWui, S:"M a. M. ltellMHd S:"rt Iiavid Citv, .. . '.l " Garrison, . . : " Ui , - Vw " MajdfhHrrl, . 10:1:" ' .-,, wanl, . . !: ' Rub. 1W:'5 MilfiMd H:iMJ ' Pl.-.-uM Dal-, ll:" " LiHiiaM, . . 11:37 ' Arrive at LiHcwln, lt:0uM. I.fNt4 l.nii-.du at li:. r. M. and ai riven in I elumbus 4:10 i. m. I'Yeo Lunch at Cirrf-onus's on 11th street. Tlii- lorin of MMirl priiiiiHeM to be iiiirt'cinig. Vote for .Iom-1i Kivrt for Coun ty Coiiiiiiit-f-ii"'. An abtunlHiice of coal wen! tluwu the nmtl jesli'n.ay. Trimmed ImN at -Mr... 1. S. Drake's for-fl ami upwards. Itenutiftil, balmy air Thursday c oiling enow Friday noon. When jou want apples don't forget to go to Marshall Smith'. California eattned fruit, a large lot, in assorted ca-es, t Ouhlriuh & Uro'e. Quite a ciowd of movors stop ped at the Checkered Dam during the storm. A ohild can buy as cheap ai? a man at the Hor-ton "Shoe Store, opp. poBt-oiliee. Now is the lime to fubecribe for the JoritNAi., $2 a year, 50 eents throe months. Win. Wis of Iowa, hrothor of Commissioner Wise, is veiling with friends in this county. Moleheor I'.ruggor has received the appointment f postmaster at Noboville this county. If it should prove that winter has actually set in, spring would be due about February l"t. It is said that potatoes yet in the ground were badly damaged by the freeze last Sat unlay uight. 'T1 l. P. Co. mine a train of coal a day. They supply all their own and some foreign road. ,?. P. Wolf and wile ol Illinois, brother-in-law of Iohn Wise, arriv ed in the city Friday on a viMt. We will Jurnish the Joimival and the Omaha Weekly UepubUcitn, one year.postasre paid, lor itf.OO. David Anderson made another shipment of hogs to Denver last .week; also two ears to Chicago. Saturday last John Wiggins wold twelve healing and one cook etovc. Not bad lor a retail dealer. The recent snow and slush is the best thing that has happened for the soil here for tiie last three years. W. .1. Nelon. i:q . of Albion, was in the city e-tenlay. He re ports everything prospering in Al bion. Allen Itoot and .Tames II. Cary are announced to speak to their greenbark friends in thi city on the 2:hl int. Will T. will pay the highest cash price for f0 head of i!, 3, and 4 year old steer, delivered at Columbus. Fou Kkxt. A house, centrally located, and suitable for dwelling or boarding house. Inquic at the Jouknai. office. Blank notes, bank, joint, indi vidual and work-and-labor, neatly bouud in book" of 50 and 100, for sale at the Journal office. The A. & X. passenger train leaves Columbu evory morning at 8:20, arrives in Lincoln at 12 M. and leaves for return at 12:50. We welcome bark our Greeley friends who flew the track eight , years ago, and they are going to htay with us in November. Waxtf.i. 50 teams to work on Julcsburg & Dcuver II. It. Free transportation to Julcsburg. In quire of J. 11. Meagher at depot. II. J. Hudson says that in 1SG3. Oct. 10, there was a slight snow fall in this vicinity and frost enough to damage potatoes that were uudug. It is understood in railroad cir cles that iu this state, on the first ot -next month, the passenger tariff is to be reduced iroiu live to three cents a mile. Patent, ready-cut election"etick ers" will be turui-hed at this office with names printed upon them at very reasonable rates. Send in or ders immediately. It is always a pleasure to do business with an upright, honest man, one who is as good as his word every time, and who is not disposed to take a techuical, mean advantage. Hev. Thos. Bayuc is in the city. Have vou heard of Indiana and Ohio? Vote for H.J. Hudson for rep roEentativc. II. H. Ames of Schuyler was in the city Mondaj. It is supposed that court will last about one week. Michael Morrissey goes to Plaits mouth this morning. Jacob Gregorius keeps a neat, clean place on 11th street. Phil. Walker is recovering from a .severe attack ot typhoid lever. A line of Boots and shoes at cost and less at Marshall Smith's. For lirst-claos work and bent stock, go to the Boston Boot and fchoe Store. E. V. Clark ot Genoa, was iu the city last week. He is a live ono ou politics this year. Mr. John Wi-c returned Friday evening from a two weeks visit to trieuds in Illinois. Geo. Mclvelvoy moves hia bar ber shop to the room oue door east ot Kagatz grocery. Received a car-load of winter wheat Hour every sack guaranteed, at Oehlrich & Bro's. Mrs. A. M. Jennings, who has been quite sick for several weeks past, is now improving. II. P. Smith is up again after a weekV sickness, looking somewhat the worse alter his billiousness. The partnership of Hiues & Kehols, painters, has beeu dissolved, J. C. hchols purchasing the business. V. W. Burgess has beeu ap pointed postmaster at Genoa, Nauce county, Neb. A good appointment. Tuesday morning was bright and beautiful, and the larks singing as cheerily as if there had been no storm. John Kickly, Sr., has nearly completed a nice residence building on property just west ol his present dwelling. Mr. Fred Jones of Ohio, brother-in-law of E. J. Baker, was in the city a -short time this week, and went west on Friday. J. O. Shannon started for Platts uioiith yesterday morning, where ho has been engaged to put up Mor risscy's elevator. V. T. Price and wife, who have beeu making a wedding tour in sonic of the eastern states, returned homo last Friday. In the memory of some of the oldest settlers this is the earliest snow fall of any considerable amount known since 1SG3. Warren Kellog, who is "firing" on the U. P. from Grand Island to North Platte, was in the city Mon day, looking in excellent health. Geo. G. Bowman, Eq., of this city has accepted the chairmanship of the Bepublicau County Central Committee, in the absence of S. C Smith. J. R. West and family left on yesterday for their new homo in California. They expect to be seven days on the road. Very sorry to see them leave. The mails from Norfolk, duo here last Friday, did not arrive until Saturday evening, owing to the storm which delayed tho mails com ing into Norfolk. S. C. Smith, Esq., accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Thos. C. Kelsoy of Deuver, started for that city Monday. Mr. S. expects to return in about ten days. Hon. John Wallichs and Hon. Fred. Heddc of Graud Island, spent Monday iu the city. Tho former is Republican candidate ou the Stalo ticket for Auditor. F. M. Sackelt of Albion, as well as thousauds of other good republi cans iu the land, was made happy last week by tho glorious news from Indiana and Ohio. Colfax co. republicans held their convention Friday, and nominated an excellent ticket, aud one which, they say, will wiu tho race by a handsome distance. The Maennerclmr have a graud ball and supper to-morrow (Thurs day) evening. They always have a good time, and plenty to eat, and this will bo uo exception. Al. Arnold and George Hulst started out after dinner last Satur day and by G o'clock p. m. came iu with a lino deer -the first oue of the season in those parts, we believe. Farmers can console themselves fcr the inconvenience and slight damage by the snow-fall, with the reflection that it will put tho ground in excellent condition for Fall plow iug. Geo. Rcdenbaugh, father of U. S.. who is S7 years old, arrived in the city Friday on a visit to his son's. Nathauiel Summers and wife of Fountain Co., Ind., accompanied him. Lost. Saturday last, between Rev. Goodale's residence and Ne braska Ave., a lady's gold locket. The finder will be suitably reward ed by leaving the same at Hunne man's office. The votaries of Terpsichore have the society of Sons of Temperance to think for amusement in that lino in the city these times. They gave another one of their social hops la6t Thursday evening. Sunlight, clouds, thuuder, rain, snow, bail aud wind visited this place last Friday. Everything in the weather appeared to bo work ing on the system of contraries, and conglomerate admixture. B. K. Smith, of St. Edwards, candidate for the state senate, was iu the city Tuesday. We had the pleasure of an introduction, and touud him an intelligent, agreeable gentleman. John Walker elsewhere makes reply to II. T. Spoerry's inquiries, and does some little electioneering on his account. Of course John wants to come as near as possible to au election. O. K. Price, the well-known U. P. Immigrant agent, of Greenwich, N. Y., accompanied by his daughter Mrs. Robinson of Chicago were in the city Sunday, startiug for home Monday morning. It. II. Henry is home again. He has had word since the storm rom the superintendent at his cattle ranche, and the heids were all right except that they had drifted with the storm about forty miles. D. A. Lord had a large flock of sheep ou the road west during the recent storm, and at last accounts had not heard anything from them; at his rauchc here ho lost only oue old one and one lamb out of all his large flock. The Hammond House has been thoroughly refitted and is iu first class order. Terms: transient, pr. day $1; single meals 25 cents; day board per week $3 ; board and lodg ing, per week tl. Look out tor adv. next week. Martiu Postle, the proprietor of the Checkered Barn on 11th street, is doing some grading on hiB owu account, iu lieu of what the city ought to do. He i- bound to have his premises, outside as well as in side, iu good shape. Good republicans who desire the success of tho ticket iu this coun ty will not fail to inform their can didate friends of anything that may be transpiring iu the canvass iu their neighborhood that ought to be kuown at headquarters. H. J. Hudson, C. A. Spcice and Gus. G. Becher are attending the Grand Lodge of tho Odd Fellows at Lincoln, which convened yesterday, Mr. Speice as Grand Master, and Messrs. Hudson and Becher as rep resentatives from Wildey Lodge. A Mr. Ilennis of Marquette, Wis., was in the city last week. His business west is to look up a location for merchandising, lie expressed a very favorable opinion of Columbus aud her prospects for a substantial business point, and may conclude to locate here. C. L. Hill writes us from Anoka, Minn., for a copy of the Jouknai. that had failed to reach him, saying "we cannot afford to miss one." That is right, Chas., and we send tho copy forward by Uncle Samuel's faithful route, which very seldom mis-carries. For Sale. A dwelling-houso and lot iu a very desirable part of the city. Will be sold at a sacrifice, as the money is needed. The house is new aud cost more money than is asked for both house and lot. For further particulars inquire at the Jouuxal office. The Lindel Hotel has a new proprietor, Mr. E. Schrock of Oma ha. The former proprietor, Mr. John I. Paynter with his family, left the city Friday last for Otmaha, where wo understand ho will take charge of the Atlantic Hotel and engage in the same business. Mr. S. M. Weed, proprietor of the Valparaiso Avalanche, is liable to change his opinion agaiu about the Journal, having done so once bofore. Ho now says "The Colum bus Journal is one of those solid newspapers that you seldom meet. It hasn't shown the least trepidation over the political outlook"' We say to every Republican of Platte county, let no ordinary busi ness keep you from the polls aud voting on election day. Your polit ical opponents go right through almost any kind of bad weather to deposit their vote. When the occa sion demands, republicans ihould be willing to make the sacrifice. David Anderson offers to bet $50 that every northern state will go Republican, aud $50 that New York will elect Garfield electors; and $200 that Garfield will bo the next President. Since the old hero, Grant, has como out so decidedly for the Republican nominees, An derson has been jubilant for Garfield and Arthur. Hon. E. K. Valeutine, our pro sent congressman, addressed the citizens of this place Tuesday even ing of last week. Wo were sorry that we could uot be present, but wo learn from -parties who did attend that he made a good speech, which made a very favorable impression on his audience, aud especially,upon his political friends. Chas. Rickly has made up his mind that a young man who wishes to become independent, and surely and steadily grow into wealth and affluence, has no better opportunity than is offered right here at home in Platte county. He has lands be tween the rivers 60uth of the city that give him ample and good range for a large amount of stock, and will make as fine a stock ranche and range as any in the land. He in tends to utilize them for that pur pose and has erected sheds and stabling and will commence opera tions this Fall. Somebody has started a foolish rumor, that L. Kramer of the New York Cheap Cash Store was going to give up his business and leave Columbus, iu which report there is not a shadow of truth. Mr. Kramer is doing a laiire business, which is, and has been steadily Increasing for the past three years, and has uow on hand a better and larger stock than ever before. Our romiiiunity apparently appreciate a good live man, and the New York Cheap Cash Store will ever be a permaneut in stitution iu Columbus. The Union Evpres train rom the west, due here al 11 o'clock last Tuesday, did uot pass here until the 13th, having been detained by snow, wind and wrecks. It was delayed for five hours on the Ltramie divi sion, by snow and wind, and at Hillsdale it was agaiu delayed by a wreck, which however was not of a very serious character. Still anoth er delay was due to the wrecking of a xtock train, uear Clark's station, caused by the spreading of tho rails and a broken axle; ton cars were demolished, and about one hundred cattle killed, while a largo uuuibei got loose ou the prairie. James H. Galley, of the firm of Galley Bro's., of this city, returned to Columbus Sunday, from a trip to Creighton, Knox county, where the firm have established a store. Mi Galley returns somewhat physical!) "battered" from exposure to the mtorm of Friday, and subsequent hard labor iu struggling with his team through the snow-drifts along the route. He informs us that at oue time he worked faithfully some two hours with shovel to free his team from a drift in which tiie wag ou was embedded beyond the strength of the horses to move it, aud this after walking a half mile to procure a shovel. As tho credulity ot the tax-payers of Plat to county has been sorely tried by the present Board of Co. Commissioners, and as John Walker has now, for the first time, acknowl edged that there was a delinquency in the late treasurer's accounts, John Walker will please step up with figures and facts for the benefit of the voters and tax-payers of the county bofore next election day. The above comes to us as a com munication, signed " Tax - payer.'' All the accouuts of the late treasur er have been satisfactorily and fully settled, which is substantially all that need be said on that subject. We should uot refer to it at all, or publish this communication, but for the fact that wo know there are many who believe that tho late treasurer's matters havo not been settled. The Republican rally at Geuoa last Thursday evening was a yery decided success in all important par ticulars. The news from Ohio and Indiana had fallen like a refreshing shower, and all the republicans felt jubilant. The feelings of the other side were not taken into considera tion to any great extent, and one of the short speeches, that by .Mr. J. N. Reynolds, seemed to excite tho par ticular wrath of the democrats pres ent, who didn't feel like taking advice from him. B. D. Slaughter made a neat little speech, dwelling particularly on tho good prospects. Hon. A. M. Post of thia city deliv ered the address of tho occasion, and it was a masterly, convincing and unanswerable presentation of the issues of tho campaign from the republican standpoint. The house was crowded to overflowing, the stage was decorated with flags and flowers, and the exercises were in terspersed with lively, rattling, campaign music by a good glee club. They sung oue song to the tune of Old Uncle Ned that brought the house down in a roar of applause. The president of the Club, T. F. Elliott, did his part admirably, as did also E. V. Clark, Esq. Nance county may be expected to do her duty for Garfield and Arthur. Walker to Spoerry. Lindsay, Oct. 13th, '80. Ed. Journal: 1 see in your issue of the 13th that H. T. Spoerry asks why the Commissioners cannot, or his language is equivalent, will not remit Henry Hellbush's taxes, as well as J.A.Reed'sand Dr.IIoehen's. I take this way of answering him. How is it that he takes such pains in attending to other people's business. This is a twin repetition of the Saml. Iteinke case. If H. T. Spoerry doesn't like my administration let him say 60. I would ask him if he thinks I "run" the comity Board. If I do (as the spirit of his language conveys) the people of the county ought to feel cheap over my associates. If ho thinks to intimidate me in my election, I can tell him or any other man opposed to me, that I am able to live at home, and independ ent, which is one of the best guaran tees to the votes of the county why I ought to be elected. I can tell Mr. Spoerry or Mr. Any-body-else, that, in or out of office, I don't shirk a responsibility. As to Mr. Hellbush, if he comes before the Board, and his case is as clear as Dr. Hoehen's or Mr. Reed's, we will remit his balance, if illegally paid over. I suppose- H. T. is very mad be cause we did justice to his brother, the Doctor. O, what a world we live in! Yours, Joux Walker. Blotter list. The following is a INt of unelaimed letters 'remaining in the post-oillee. iu ( olumhus, for the week ending Oct. 10, l;so: Alt. Fred Graham. Frank It IJell, T Mh-) Sullivan, Illicit 31L-. ISusheil, Hannah 2 teiuer, J Caiuphell, Win Mr Uaii-er, Henry (.'lark, C K Kilhrv, ilohnathau Diinl'ord M I.ongK J .Dole, Ueu ,) Letglusche Finigaii, A J Jlessing, John i-atitu, Fritz .Morris, i lii 11 Foter, Marv Miss Oilman, Henrv Fiiine, Miehel MaGill, John (held Field, Frank for postage. Tho-e marked ." postal eard If mt ealled tor in W da - w ill he -ent to tin- dead letter otliee, Washington. I. ('. When ealled loi plea-ei "aiher tised," a- these letters are kept -epai-ito. E. A. Gkkiuku. I. M. (rami Draviiiyr. A graud drawing, ball and supper will take place at t'.e Opera House, Thursday evening, Oct ilst, under the management t the ladies of the Columbus Mamueichor. The pro ceeds wit' i . devoted to the pur chase o ill" lor the Society. For further .ciilais see small bills. li e.. fur Nate. We have ; i Mile the hand-press upon which the Jiii'unal (present size) has been hcruolore printed. It is a seven column folio Washington press and in goodo'der. Price $1G0 cash. Address M. lv. Turner & Co., Columbus, Neb. Attention, Firemen ! Regular meeting of the Depart ment Oct. 25!h. Important business to transact. J. Rassmussex, Pres't. D. N. Minek, Sec'y. . -- NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, by Galley & Bro-, that all who are indebted to them, either by note or book acc't, musf come forward and settle imme diately, as they need the funds. BORN. SCOTT--.Monday, 'Oct. IS, to Mrs. Geo. A. Seott, a daughter. WIUTMOYEir Monday, Oet. H, to Mrs. M. Whitmoyer twin daughters. The Colonel look's about Wl per cent, taller than ll-aial. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisement" under thN head tie cents a line each in.ei tion. Quinces at Bridges. New Sweet Cider at Hudson's. Black walnuts for sale at Bridges. Phine Phat, Phresh Oysters at Hudson's. Fresh cider by the glass or gal lon at Bridges. Brick in the wall al $7 to fS a thousand by Flyim & Co. Florida Oranges and new Dates at Hudson's. New Sweet eider by the gallon or glass at Bridges. A large, new stock of men's and women's shoes at Win. Schtlz's. Fancy box paper, 15 cts.; choice chromos 24x30 inches, nicely framed, $1.25 at Lubker & Cramer's. The Bell and Bugle cranberries, best in the market, at Bridges. Go to Bridges for spices, best aud cheapest in market. Money to loan at 9 per cent, on all sums over -f300, bj McAllister Bros. For sale cheap, a new Hanna wagon, opposite the Bank, apply to D. Anderson. A choice stock and good vai iet of fresh-imported Teas, just suited to the wants of tea-drinkers at Bridges, opp. P. O. Give him a call. Don't forget that G. W. Phil lips sells boots and shoos cheaper than the cheapest. Give him a call. For the next 20 davs only, we will give a 10 per cent, discount from regular cash prices on any sewing machine. Lubker & Cramer. Bloomingdale Stock Farm is the place to get choice young breeding stock in the cattle and hog line. A. IlKNitiru, Metz P.O., Platte Co., Neb. A Fool' Errand Read it! Read ill "It's a stun ner." E. D. Fitzpatrick, opp. P. O. Jliifclc! .llimlc! Accordions and violins cheaper than ever at Ed. Fitzpatrick's, opp. post-otlice. Nvliool HooUn. Blank books, memorandum books, pocket-books, and all kinds of books at "FiUV," opposite the post-otlice. Coal Notice. Parties wishing to purchase hard coal for winter use would do well to buy of J. E. North & Co., before any farther advance. Aug. 23, 'SO. To School Hoard. A male teacher, a graduate of 10 years experience, desires a school iu Platte, Butler or Colfax counties. Address F.Jhis office. 541-G IVotlce ol Partnership A partnership has been this day entered into by the undersigned, to do a general marble business, in Columbus, Neb., under the firm name of J. II. Brouelettc & Co. J. H. Brouflette, P. Laughlin. Choice Kerddcnce Lot Tor Male. Choice residence lots for sale in the southeastern part of Columbus. From one to forty acres rich, dry soil and no arkali. Acre lots for sale at prices from $20 to $65 per acre. Inquire of Speice & North. The above property comprises Hig gins and Spielmau's addition to Columbus. .Splendid Stock of Implement The undersigned, having pur chased the entire stock of implements of'Schutteand Pohl will keep con stantly ou band at the old stand on 13th street, west of Olive, Columbus, the Marsh and Buford Sulky plows, Tiger, Thomas and Knowlton Sulky hay rakes, and an entire new stock of the Whitewater wagous. E. J. & J. A. Ernst. Successors to Schutte & Pohl. Kstray. A spotted red aud white heifer calf, about six mouths old. Taken up Oct. 4th, 'SOth. Bakeu & Kavanauoh. Undertaking;. F. Gerber has added to his furni ture business that of undertaking. Coffins of all styles may be found at his place, north side of 11th street, opposite his furniture store. I2trny Notice. Came into our herd Oct. 4th, a red steer, three years old; very poor; long horns ; .white spot on face. Owner will prove property, pay charges, etc. 54-1-5 Baker & Kavanauuh. Mt rayed. Black sow, heavy iu pigs when lost, Sept. 9th. Cut on left ear; white ou head and hind leg. Infor mation as to whereabouts will be rewarded by J. D. Williams, Post ville, Platte county, Neb. .Honey! .Honey! Itloaey! Plenty of it, to loan on No. 1, improved farms iu Platte co . at 9 per cent, straight. No commission, no interest in advance, by O. S. BlttDOES, onp. P. O. Columbus, Neb. For Wale or Trade. One lot and two houses, one a boarding house, the other suitable for a boarding or dwelling house centrally located in the city of Co lumbus. Will sell for cash, or trada for stock. For further particulars inquire at the Jouknal office. F.Ntrny Calve. Came into our herd, Sept. 24th, near G. W. Stevens's farm, two speckled, spring steer calves. The owner will prove property, pay charges, &c. Fked. Stengoer. It I Conceded By both Democrats and Republi cans that "Fatty" Woods sells more cigars and tobacco than any mail in town ; and he sells as cheap as any. If you want a good smoke, or any kind of plug or smoking tobaccos, call ou " Fatty" at the City Cigar Store on Olive St. Hunter Take IVotice. All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned cousider their property endangered when hunters have access to their lands ; therefore they will not permit the same. Our lauds extend from Loup to Platte rivers, tho west line about a quarter of a mile east of Loup riyer bridge, aud terminate at the forks of the rivers. Chas. E. Rickly. John Uanf.y. rVotico. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned stockholders and incor porators of the Columbus State Bank have filed an additional article to their articles of incorporation, which authorizes the said Bank to do a general banking and a general brokerage business. Leander Gerhard, Julius A. Reed, Abner Turner, George W. Hulst, E. A. Gerrard. IMotictt of involution. The co-partnership heretofore ex isting between Julius Rasmusscn and John Sell ram, doing business under the firm namo of Rasmussen & Schram, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. J. Rasmussen will continue in business at the old stand, to whom accounts will be paid, unless called upon by person with authority to collect. Julius Rasmussen, John Schram. Oct. 1st, 1880. Columbus, Neb., LOUIS BERIIAUPT, .tlERCHA T TAII.OK on Olive Street wishes to announce to the citizens of Columbus and vi cinity that he has on band a com plete stock of the best fall and winter goods both in stylo and quality, that has ever been brought to this market. Ho will guarantee first-class workmanship aud good fits at prices as low as any. Give him a call and look over his stock and learn prices. Also will do cut ting jobs at reasonable prices. Ttlarble .Shop. J. II. Brouelettc & Co., have lo cated their marble shop and mater ial ou Olive street, south of eleventh, Columbus, Neb. Mr. Brouelettc brings to his business ten years practice and experience, which will enable him to turn out first-class work iu the various grades of ma terial that may be required by hiB customers. The firm will promptly attend to all orders for work from adjoining couuties and villages. Orders are earnestly solicited, as the proprietors do their own work and can furnish first-class articles far below the prices heretofore paid in this vicinity for similar work. Special attention given to mantels, counter and furniture tops. Pay 'l'ax All holders of B. & M. R. R. Con tracts for Lands purchased of that Company during the year 1879 and prior to that dato are liable for the 1879 tax. They became due January 1st, 1880, were delinquent after May 1st, 1830, and if not paid by the first day of November, 1S80, the land will be sold for taxes. The Company's Agent, for the purpose of paying Delinquent Taxes on its sold lauds, will visit the County Seats the last of October, and all purchasers of R. R. lands should pay their Taxes by October loth, if not before, in order to save additional expense. J. D. McFarland, Land Commissioner B. & M. R. R. in Neb. 542-3 JPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head five cents a line, flrd insertion, three cents a line eaih subsequent insertion. y-Thomas Keating' keep con stantly on hand young Illinois stock for sale. Regular Stock lealer. All kinds of horned stock bought and sold; alto fat and stock hogs. STV-r D. AXKKe.. Wanted. A farm hand, immediately. Ap ply, with credentials, to . ('KAHTtlKK 545.4 Near Genoa. Oven Cor Nalc. I will sell on reasonable terms a nice yoke of cuttle. Call oon, and you will ilnd them two mil-i weit of Hum phrey Station. lM.itte o.. Wl., at 54.Vx James McDkjoiott's. Puhllc Sale. Will be sold at public auction on the 20th day of Octoher. commencing at 10 o'clock a", in., at the residence of t;ie umlcrshrucd one mile outhve-t of Lost Creek Mation, Platte county. 10 yearling calves; J two-year-olds; VI cows a d 1 Durham hull. W. Smith. Central Meat .Market. Albert E. Rickly has purchased and la now running the above named market. The meal-consuming commu nity are solicited to make frequent calls, where they can cet the best and the most for their money. Also dealer in Poultry, Hides, Jfec, on a small com mission. 541-x. Notice To Teacher. I will be iu my office at the Court House on the tirst and last Saturdays ot each month for the purpose of examin ing applicants for teacher's certificates, and for the transaction of anv other business pertaining to schools. " S. L. Barrett, County Supt. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our quotations ofthe markets art ob tained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable at the time. grain, AC. Wheat No. 1, test 59 lbs 73 ' " I', " 66 71 " 3, " 54 " H8 Corn Shelled, 23 Oats, 2. Rye f,r, Flour, ?2:027o Graham 150(8265 ileal, 1 (x) PKODtimc. Butter, pj(rcl7 Eggs, 13QI3 Potatoes, 40(g50 LIVK STOCK. Fat Hogn, 3 003ft Fat Cattle, 50.1oo Yearlings, 12 OOtfilfi 00 Calves 4 OOfifiOO Sheep 300 Good veal, per hundred, 4 Otf Hides, j;reeu salted 4 4 50 MKATtf. Uams, 124aiG Shoulders, fi7 Sides, 8io Corned Heef GS Steak. Vli LUMIIKIC. Finishing ?300n40 00 Flooring 25 W(gX IK) Siding l.s OO0C22 00 Drop Siding 25 OOcrfSO 00 Ship Lap 2tf 00 Framing (10 to 20 ft) 22 Sheeting 20 Well TiibfiiK ( per bunch) . . 1 25 Lath (per M ) 4 00 Shingle (per 31 ) Z 00 4 00 Doors 2-Sxtf-S, thick .. 2 50 " 2-6XU.U, IU '" ' " 2-tixK-O, 1 " . . . . 1 75 Windows, 125 Building l'aperpcr(Ib.) 4 eents. Tar felt (per lb.) 4tf " FIIVAI.. PKOOF. Land OiHce at Grand Island, Neb.,1 Oct. 11th, 1880. f -TOTICE is hereby given that the following-namrd settler has filed notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, before tho Clerk of the court of Platte county. Neb., at the county seat, on Thursday, the 18th day of November, 18'), viz: Uichard F. Cunningham, Homestead No. 7772, for the N. K. i. Section 0, Township IU north, Uange 2 west, and names the following witnesses to prove hi- continuous residence upon and cul tivation of said tract, viz: 31artin 31 a her. Daniel .Maher, Patrick Duffv and Patrick Duffy, all of Lindsay, i'iatte Co., Neb. 515-5 31. B. HOXIK, Hegister. ri.TtfAI, PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1 Oct. Uth, 1880. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure tinal entry thereof, before the Clerk of the Court of Platte Co., Nebraska, at the county seat, on Thursday, the 18th day of November, 1880, viz: Randolph 31. Johnson, Homestead No. 4804, for the S. , S. E. i, Section 12, Township 20 norm, Kange I east, and names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cul tivation of said tract, viz: Samuel J. Wheeler and Ira J. Nichols, of Creston, Platte Co., Neb., and Warren Fussel man aud 31. B. 31itchell, of Lei-h, Platte Co., Neb. 545-5 M. B. HOXIK, Register. CHATTEL. MOHTGAOE NAI.K. WHEHEAH, Andrew Westln, on the 3rd day ofHepteinber, A. I). 180, execut ed and delivered In Dr. Tracy It. Clark, a Chattel Mortgage, dated 011 the suld day upon the following described peraonul property, to wit: On two-thirds of twenty-six acres of grow ing corn, In the Held of Jonas Headman, Section 17, Town 17, Kange 3 west, ald Mortgage due and payable October 20th., 18$), with interest from date, at seven (7 per cent, pet annum, to secure the payment of Forty Dollars, on the 'JOth day ofOctober, A. D. 1X.S0, mi'l which Mortgage wus duly filed In theotttre of the lleconlerof deeus In and for Platte county, MUiU: of Nebraska, on the 2ind day of September, A. D. I4S0, at eight aud half u'clock a. in.; and whernis said Mortfiu;or has absconded, and said property U liable to wante: Now, therefore, notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of thi statute in such cases made and provided, the nald Chattel Mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the property therein descrilw-d, at public auc tion at the said farm of Jonas Headman, In the county or Platte, state of Nebraska, 011 IhelTth day of October, A. I), isso, at one o'clock In the afternoon f said day, or so much therof as shall be necessary to satlufy said sum of forty dollars, with I merest, con Ls and expenses or sale, unless the Fume shall be sooner paid, upon the following terms to-wit: Cnh In hand. Dated, this th day ofOctober. A. D. I8S0. DK.TIIACY H.C'LAUK, Mortgagee. Titf.a. F. ELLIOTT, Agent. .W-x SHEELPF'S SALE. BY VIKTUE of an execution directed to me from the District Court of J'iatte county, Nebraska, on a judgment obtained before His Honor George W. Post, Judge of the 4th Judicial District of Platte county, Nebraska, on the 14tb day of April, 1879, in favor of Helen Pinkney as plaintiff, and against Wm. J. Collins and John W. 3Iartinas defend ants, for the sum of three hundred and ninety-five dollars, and sixty-one cents, and costs taxed at $18.78 and accruing costs, I have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defendants, to satisfy said execution to-wit: Lots one(l), two (2), and three (3), in block seven (7) of Oida tdditlon to the city of Columbus, ccitsty of Platte, and State of Nebrask 1, also com mencing at the northeast corner of lot No. three (8) in block No. eightv-scven (87), or the city of Columbus," Platte county, and State of Nebraska, running thence south one hundred and thirty two (132) feet, thence west twenty-two (22) feet, thence north one hundred and thirty-two (132) feet, thence east twen-ty-two (32) feet, to the place of begin ning, together with all the appurtenan ces thereto belonging, and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the 23d DAY Or OCTOBEH, i860, in front of the Court House of Platte county, that being the building wherein the last term of court was held, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated September 21st, 1880. BENJ.SPIEL31AN, 541-6. Sheriff of uid county. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHAT TEL MORTGAGE. VrOTICE i hereby given that by 1 virtue of u chattel mortgage, dated on the iith day of August, A. I)., lv). md duly tiled and recorded iu the office ofthe County Clerk of Platte cotintv, Nebraska, on the 10th duj of August, A. D lJO, and executed by Villiam J. Krau-en. ti W. S. Pestle, to se cure the pameiit of the sum of one hundred and twenty dollar and an attorney fee ol tweutV-tive dollars, and upon which there I- now due the sum of one Hundred and forty-six dollars tnd .sixty-four cents; default having cen made iu pavment of said sum, thercrur- I will sell the property there in detcrihed, viz: One gray mure about vears old, forty aero of corn iu the field ou Sec tion lli. Town 1!. Bailee 2 west, at pub lic auction, al the house of George Scheidel. ill tht town of Platte (Vntr ill Platte countv, on the 2dth day of October, A. D., 1880, at one o'clock p.m. of said diy. Dated September 28th. 180. W. S. POSTLE, Chas. Wakk, Mortgagee. Agent. 643-3 GEORGE N. DERRY, CARRIAGE, House i Sign PaiitiBj 93.UXn3,3Ll2n-3, Pitpr Its.BKlBg', KALSOMININO, Etc. STAII work warranted. Shop ob Olive street, one door south of Klllott's new PiiH-p-houit. aprliy MILLIM! MILLINERY! MTtS. M. S. DRAKE HAS JUST RECEIVED A LAROE STOCK OF TALI AND WINTER MIUIMY AU Miff HIK. X3T A FULL ASSORTMENT OF KV ERYTHIN'O I'.ELONOINO TO FIRST-CLASS 31ILLI.X- ERY Ticelfth St., two door east State Bank. F GEIBR, IlKtLKK IN- FURNITURE ! OF ALL KINDS. leads, B I UUUUIUUUU JLflU.UUU.Ul TABLES, Etc., Etc. GIVE HI3I A CALL AT HIS PLACE ON SOUTH SIDE Uth ST., One door east of Ileiatz's drug ttore. Just In. A Large Stock OF- Fall and Winter DRYGOODS! FINK, CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING- WMTKR OVERCOAT)!, Meiw, Hals anil Caps, Mits and Gloves, BOOTS 5 SHOES, AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL. -:o:- ALSO A FULL LINE OF , G-roceries. Hardware, Queens war. J2TTHE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRO DUCE. jJ I. NIEHOLLER'S, 613.3a. Platte Centre, Neb. LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, LANTERNS. "Etc. The largext wtock or Lamp Good ever hrougbt to Coluinbut. Lamps and Lanterns of all kind uud rieei. Hanging lamps, Stand Lamps, Bronze and Glass lamps, Bracket and Harp Lamps, Chimneys, Burners, Wicks, Etc. Don't tail to call and ce rtiv stock. You will n'nd it the most complete. Some new styles; and will he sold at prieeH to nuit the time. I will not he uuderxold on them. I AM CLEARING OUT 3IY STOCK OF SEWING MACHINES AT COST FOR CASH. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A GOOD 3IA- CHINE, CALL AND BUY ONE of the White Machines And get it at a price that will ajton iah you. If vou are troubled with chapped handi or face, try SASSAFRASSO; It is the bet thing made, and I am the sole proprietor of it. REMNANTS OF WALL PAPER TO SELL C HEAP TO CLOSE OUT 31 Y STOCK. BBIf you want anything in the Druif Line, don't fail to give rae a c.tll. Low est prices and best good of auy dru store in this ection of country. A. W. POLAND'S ,4PAPeV3 COL DRUG