The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 13, 1880, Image 4

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    Continued from first page.
result, both cheated laughter ; and
thus, day by day. little by little, the
sanctity of the ballot-box has been
destroyed, and that party was con
sidered the smartest party that could
get in the most illegal votes and get
thorn counted. All that must bei
Etopped, or this country cannot en
dure, and it is the mission of the
Republican party to stop it, and that
is another reason why I am a Re
publican. That party ha thrown
every safeguard around the ballot
box in every State in this Union
That party hac always been in fayor
of registration; the Democratic par
ty has always opposed it. That par
tythe Republican party haB done
all it possibly could do to secure an
hopest expression of the great will
of the people. Every man here who
Is in favor of an honest ballot-box
ought to vote the Republican ticket;
every man here in favor of free
speech ought to vote the Republican
ticket. Free speech is the brain of
this Republic, an honest vote. Ib its
life-blood. Applause.
There are two reasons, then, why
I am a Republican :
First I belreve in free speech.
Secondly I want an honest vote.
Can you trust the people of the
South with the ballot-box? Are
you willing to let Alabama keep
that sacred treasure, Alabama, that
cast in 1S7G about 103,000 votes for
Tilden, but only a little while ago
c9t a Democratic majority of 92,
000?. Laughter. Alabama to-daj
is a Republican State if every man
was allowed freely to vote his sen
timents; and you know it. Ap
plause. Mississippi if to-day a Republican
State; North Carolina is a Repub
lican State; South Caroliua is a
Republican State ; Florida is a Re
publican State; and everybody who
knows anything knows what I say
is true. Applause. How are they
kept in the Democratic ranks? Are
they kept there by the men who are
trying to protect the ballot-box?
They are kept thero by the Bhotgun,
they are kept there by the tissue
ballot, thfy are kept by force and
fraud. Mask murderers in the dead
of nsght ride to the cabin of the
freedman and 6hoot him down re
gardless of the fehriekinga of his wife
and the tears of his babes. That is
the way the Southern States are
kept Folidly Democratic. Ap
plause. Ah, but they pay to me,
"Are you willing that the black peo
ple should control the South?" If
the black people are in favor of liberty-,
and the white people are op
posed, then I want the black people
to control. ApplauHC. If the
black people believe that this is a
Nation, and tho white people there
say it is h simple Confederacy, then
1 want the black people to con
trol tho South. (Applause and
cries of "Good." If tho black peo
ple are in favor of our lowest
vote, if the black people are In
if the black people are in favor of
absolutelv guarding the ballot-box
from fraud, and if the white rcople
are on tho other side on theso ques
tions, then I 6ay let the black people
inle that country. Applause. 1
think more of a black friend than I
do of a white enemy. Applause.
I think more of a black man who
loves liberty than I do of a white
man who hates it. 1 thiuk more of
a black man who upheld our flag in
war than of any white man who has
tried to tear it down. Applause
That is my doctrine. fApplause,
and cries of "All right!" I think
more of the man trampled down
than I do of the tramplcr. I think
more of the man stolen from than
I do of the thief. Applause, and
cries of "Give it to them, Bob.")
There Is another thing. "We have
not only got to have free speech, not
only got to have an honest ballot,
but wc have got to raise a revenue
in this country. We owe to-day one
billion nine million dollars, a Dem
ocratic debt. Applause and laugh
ter. Democracy is the greatest
luxury we ever afforded. Ap
plause and laughter, aud cries of
"Hit them again." We have got
to pay that debt. Why? If we
don't we will be eternally disgraced
in tho eyes of the civilized world.
When our money is only worth SO
cents on the dollar every American
falls 20 per cent below par. Laugh
ter When our money Is at par,
K are. Laughter. When we
canuot pay our bonds we feel that
we aro a dishonored people, but
when our bouds bearing only 4 per
cent, and are worth 140 in the mar
ket, we feel proud; aud when we-go
to another country and see one of
tho?5 bonds, that bond certifies that
an American is an honest man. Ap
phu'. Who are you going to
tiutto.ay this debt? that is the
qui-Minn. Whom are you willing
to trur.t with the honor of the Uni
ted State? The men who defended
her flag will defend her honor. Ap
plause The men who tried to.tear
her flag down n ill trample America's
honor beneath their feet. Who is
going to pay? The democrats sol
emnly swore that we never would
pay. Laughter. In the year of
grace 1878, standing in the
the democratic party in every sol
itary State, with exception of two
or three of the New England States,
in which it held a "Convention, sol
emnly resolved that the UDited
States could not rcsumo specie-payments.
Well, we did. Applause ,
and laughter. A voice: "They i
lied.". Wo did. Laughter. Thoj
resolved that the War was a failure,
and immediately thereafter we suc
ceeded, and tho old flag was carried
iu glory over every inch of the Uui
ted States. Applause. They have
neyer made & prophecy that was
fulfilled. (Laughter.) Their proph
ecies and their promises are exactly
alike. (Laughter and applause.)
Whom can we trust to pay this debt?
Whom can we trust to give U6 good
money? A greenback to-day is as gold. Who made it so?
The democrats in their conventions
solemnly resolved that it would
never be good. Well, they helped
a little, I have no doubt, because
everybody knew that what they re
solved would not be true. (Great
laughter.) AU you have to do is to
copper a Democratic resolution.
(Applause aud laughter.) Now, in
order to pay this debt, aud I will
come to the money question, after
which we have got to have revenue,
it has got to be collected. Will
you trust to collect the North or
South, the Republican or the Dem
ocratic party ? Recollect, the Dem
ocratic party has been fasting for
twenty years. (Laughter.) It has
suffered all the agonies of oflicial
famine. (Laughter) Not a bite
for twenty years. (Great Laughter.)
The democratic party to-day is a
vast aggregate official appetite.
(Laughter.) Who aro you going to
trust? Will we trust the Southern
States to collect the revenues of tho
Uuiou? In four years, with the In
ternal Revenue Department, we
have collected of internal tax, $400,
000,000 at a coBt of about 3 per cent.
This in four years. During four
yera wo have captured, destroyo.l,
Hnd libeled 3,874 illicit distileries in
Southern States. (Laughter.) Re
member it; we have captured and
indicted 7,084 Democrats in South
ern States, charged with defrauding
the revenue of the couutry. (Laugh
ter.) The Southern people, resisting
the Collectors of Federal tax in the
last four years, have shot and killed
twenty-flve revenue officials, aud
have wounded fifty-flvo; and now
iu the Southern States that is, in
many of them every Revenue Col
lector, every officer connected with
that branch of the Government, is
provided by tho Internal Revenue
and a pair of revolvers. Laughter.
Are they the gentlemen to collect
our revenues? Will you depend
upon them to pay the interest on
$1,400,000,000 and the current ex
penses of this Government? It
woa't do. Laughter. I heard a
story of a couple of Methodist min
isters who had been holding a camp
meeting, and after they had preached
a week one said to the other ; "Let's
tako up a subscription." "Good,''
said he. So he passed his hat, gave
it to a brother, and he passed it
around, and finally came hack and
handed it to the preacher, and he
turned it over on tho pulpit, and
there was a lot of old nails, matches,
toothpicks, buttons, and not one
solitary cent laughter; and the
other preacpr said, looking at it ;
"Let us thank God" (laughter), and
th owner of the hat said, "What
for?" and the other replied, "He
cause you got your hat back."
(Great laughter.) If we depend
upon the Southern States to collect
the revenues of this country we
won't get our bat back. (Laughter.)
Now then, my friends, if you want
an honest ballot, if you want the
revenues of the couutry collected,
yote the Republican ticket.
Then there is another, thing w'e
want; we want good money; we
want honest mouey. I know there
have been a great many theories on
mouey, .aud I never knew a man
that had not a dollar himself who
had not a scheme to make somebody
else rich. (Laughter.) These theo
ries were produced, of course, by
the circumstances we went through
tho war. We had, as they say,
plenty of money ; that is to say, we
had no money; plenty of promises,
but no money ; plenty of notes, but
no cash ; and while we were sailing
on a eredit we sailed well, and as
long as I can buy all I want on a
credit my family shall not suffer.
(Liughter.) We were going into
debt, and as a rule it is an- exceed
ingly prosperous time in a man's
life when he is getting into debt.
(Laughter.) As a rule it is an ex
ceedingly hard time when he is
paying this debt. (Laughter.) Mil
lions and millions of promises were
issued. The result waB that prices
went up just in proportion as the
value of the promises went down,
and that was
Expansion is always at the expense,
of creditors, and when the wheel of
fortune takes a turn, and contraction
comes, that is always at the expense
of the debtor. At the same time
people claimed absolute justice
would be done; but the trouble is,
creditors do not mean the same. The
very man who was a creditor, and
at whose expense the inflation came,
when contraction comes may be a
debtor, and consequently suffer both
ways. We had vast and splendid
schemes for the future. We began
to bny lots twenty miles from Chi
cago, lots that the frogs had held
undisputed, sway over since the
morning stars sang together. On
paper we laid this land out into
squares, avenues, boulevards, and
were selling what cost $10 dollars
an acre lor $10 a foot and $50 a foot,
and all at once in 1873 the crash
came and all these lots resumed.
(Great laughter.) A fellow who
had bought on credit, paying two
thirds down, found that the lots
would not pay the other third.
(Laughter.) Hundreds of thoueauds
of men were ruined, aud all at onco
they said, "What we waut is another
inflation ; we want more money,"
and I never heard one that was
caught speaking on the subject who
did not say, "If there ever comes
another inflation you may shoot
me." (Laughter.) W.ien contrac
tion came certain men were left with
the bngs to hold, and they were tho
men who got up new financial theo
ries, and I do not blame them.
(Laughter.) It is precisely the same
as it is in a gamo of cards, where
men have been playing poker all
night. I do not believe there is a
man here that will understand this
campaign. (Liughter.) Along .to
wards morning the fellow who is
ahead has got to go home, his wife
is not very well. Tho other fellow,
who is behind, says "No; nobody
but a coward will jump the game;
let us get another candle, and we
will have another deal ;" and so it
was that the Greenback theory start
ed. We want another deal. We
have been lett high and dry iu the
brush miles from the channels. If
water cau only come once nioro if
wo do not float off it will be out
fault. (Laughter.)
all the lauguages of the world can
not express, what the people of the
United States suffered from 1873 to
18711. Men who considered them
selves millionaires found that they
were beggars; men living iu palacles,
supposing they had enough to give
sunshine to the winter o their age,
supposing they had enough to have
all they loved in affluence and com
fort, suddenly found that they were
mendicants with bond, slocks, mor
tgages, all turned to ashes in their
aged, trembling hands. Tho chim
neys grew cold, the tires in furnaces
went out, the poor families were
turned adrift, and the highways of
the United Slates were crowded
with tramps. Into the homo of the
poor crept the serpent of temptation,
and whispered in the ear of poverty
the terrible word "repudiation." I
want to tell you that you cannot
conceive of what the American peo
ple suffered as they staggered over
the deserl of bankruptcy trom 1873
to 1879. We are too near now to
know how grand wo wore. The
poor mechanics said "No" ; tho mill
ed manufacturer said "No"; tho
once millionaire said "No, wo will
settle fair, we will agree to pay
whether we over pay or not, and we
will never soil tho American name
with the infamous word 'repudia
tion.'" Aro you not glad? What
19 the talk? Are you not glad that
our flag is covered all over with
financial honors? The stars shine
and gham now because they repre
sent au honest Nation. They said
during that time, "We must have
more paper," and the Republican
party said : "Let us pay what wo
have." I am in favor ofh.ivlng that
as mouey which no human being
can create. I believe in gold and
silver. I believe in silver, because
that is one of the great productions
of our country, aud when you add a
uso to a thing you add a value to
that thing, and I want silver money ;
but I want a silver dollar big enough
to be worth a gold dollar, if you
have to have it three feet in diame
ter. Nothing is ever made by ras
cality. I do not waut it understood
that wc are a nation of coin clippers.
I want honest dollars; honest dol
lars will make an honest dollar
every time. I only want money
that is a product of Nature. Now
listen :
no barbarous nation, no tribe, how
ever ignorant, ever used anything as
money that man could make. They
had always used for money a pro
duction of Nature. Somo may say,
"Have not some uncivilized tribes
used beads for money, something
that civilized people could make?"
Yes; but a savage tribe could not
make the beads. Tho savage tribes
supposed them to be a product ei
ther of Nature or of something else
that they could not imitate. Noth
ing has ever been considered money
among any people on this globe that
those people could mako. What is
a greenback? The greenbacks aro
a promise, not money. Great
laughter aud applause. The green
backs are the Nation's note, not
money. You cannot make a flat
dollar any more than you cau make
a fiat stored You can make a prom
ise, and that promise may be mado
by such a splendid man that it will
pas9 among all who know him as a
dollar; but it is not a dollar. You
might tts-well tell me that a bilUof
fare is a dinner. Liughter.- The
greenback is only good now because
you can get gold for it. If you
could not get gold for it it would
not be worth any mote than a ticket I
tor dinner attor the fellow who is
sued the ticket had quit keeping the
hotel. A dollar must bo made of
something that Naturo has produc
ed. When I die, if I have a dollar
left, I want it to bo a good one. 1
do not want a dollar that will turn
into ashes in the hand of widowhood
or JLn the possession of orphan. Take
a coin of the Roman Empire a little
piece of gold and it is just as good
to-day as though Julius Ciusar still
stood at the head of the Roman le
gions. I do not wish to (rust, the
wealth of this Nation with the dem
agogues of the Nation. I do not
wish to trust the wealth of tho coun
try to every blast of public opinion.
I want money as solid as the earth
on which wo tread, as bright as the
stars that shine above us. (Ap
plause.) Now, tjjen, we had 6uch
good luck giveuur notes;. we had
so much to eat.JPpdrlnk aud wear
that some Greenback gentleman
said: ''Why not keep it up?
to the Greenback party.. I eudeavor
to. do equal aud exact justice, aud I
believe to-day that if it had not been
for the Greenback party wo could
not have resumed, and 1 will tell
you why. The Greenbackors went
into every school-house iu the Statu,
except tho Southern States, -whore
they would not allow them to speak,
they wont onto every stump, and
they told tho people "Tho greenback
is tho best mouey tho world has ever
seen." Ttiey talked anil they ar
gued until millions of peoplo began
to despise the look of eilver; they
absolutely hated the color of gold ;
they said that, after all the talk.
"The greenback is tho mouoy of
civilization." Finally, whou wo
said "We will resume," the Green
back party had gotten tho people in
such a state ol mind, had got them
so iu love for the greenback, that
they did not ask lor gold. If thuy
had asked for gold we would not
have had enough. (Laughter aud
applause.) So to-day I want to
thank tho Greenback party for what
they have done ; but allow me in
this connection to say the day of
your usefulness is past. (Loud ap
plause.) Thousands of men upon
our side gavo wrong di'liiiitions of
money., and that helped to mislead
thousands ot people. Tlioy said
"money is a measure of value";
they said "money is a device to
facilitato exchanges." Well, that Is
calculated to mislead anybody. Tl e
Greenbackera said, "If it is only a
device to facilitate exchanges, why
is not a paper device just as good as
a gold device"? ("Good." Yc u
could not answer it; nobody can
auswor it. The trouble is that the
first statement is untrue. Mouey is
not "a dovico to facilitate exchang
es," but the coining of money is a
device to facilitate exchanges. Rec
ollect the word, "coining." The
onlju'easou that coining was neces
sary was the Government had to toll
how much there was, or else every
man had to carry a pair of scales
and bo a chemist. So tho coining of
mouey is "a dovice to facilitnto ex
changes," but the money itself is
gold and silver, the product of Na
ture herself. (Applause.)
(To be continued.)
Vnntocrutlc ToKtlmony.
Tne Bourbon organ say-6 Gen.
Garfield is a dishonest man. Here
is some testimony from distinguish
ed Democrats which may bo con
sidered quite aa good as any asser
tions by Bourbon organs:
I am proud to call Garfield mv
friend, aud I would not call any
man my frlwnd whom I even sus
pected of dishonesty. Hon. Henry
B. Payne, of Ohio.
No living Americnn, in my esti
mation, stands higher for integrity
and purity than James A. Garfield.
Hon. Alien Q. Thurman of Ohio.
"Garfield's honesty, and integrity
are beyond question." Judge Jerry
Black, of Pensylvania.
"Garfield is one of the most sin
cere, and honorable men I ever
knew iu public life, and his record
is without a flaw." Hon, Randolph
I'uckcr, of Virginia.
I will tell you whom I thiuk the
Republicans should nominate, and
whom I consider THEIR STRON
FOR US ALL. Personally, I con
sider him the BEST MAN you
could nominate. I refer to Gen.
James A. Garfield, of Ohio.
Thomas A. Hendricks.
I have been his devoted friend for
many years, and I am resolved that
I never will believo that ho does not
deserve tho affection I have bes
towed upon him. If he would carry
the principles which regulate his
private life into his public conduct,
he would make the best chief Mag
istrate we have ever had. Judge
Jere Black.
In the midst of the organized car
nival of corruption which has been
going on now so many weary
months and years at Washington, it
is really satisfactory to catch glimp
ses now and then of honesty for
honesty's sake, and without consid
erations of party. Gen. Garfield, of
Ohio, is a Republican of Republi
cans, but it is his simple due, which
we gladly pay him, to admit that he
has done more than any other single
member of his party, during the
late session of Congress, to show
that it is not impossible for a man
to act with a Congressional majority
and yet to keep his self-respect and
the respect of honest meu. JYew
York World, Democratic.
Wade Hampton is not tho only
South Carolinian whom Democrats
ought to shut up. Mr. B. F. Perry,
who was Provincial Governor of the
Slate under Andrew Johnson, has
written a letter to a citizen of that
State, which is printed in the Green
ville News.. The following is a fair
specimen :
"Every true Democrat aud every
honorable man should rise up in tho
mijesty of hi -j strength and swear on
;ha altar of his country aud God that
' this (Republican r-ncce-s) shall not
be, let the consequences be what
they will. The poor miserable un
principled white man who tries to
restore the Radical partv to power
iu South Carolina, should be socially
ostraeued, and not eveu spoken to
on the streets. He should be treat
ed as an enemy to his race.
3u:::::rt t: Qsr;i:d ft 2ssi nd Tunir & Edit.
CASH CAPITAL, - $50,000
Leander Gekrard, l'rcb'l.
Geo. W. Hulst Vice Prcs't.
.Tiri.urs A Ueku.
Kdwauii A. Gekrard.
Aknkr Turner, Cashier.
Ilnnk of Iepox!t, IHroiinf
ii ml Kxcliuiig;.
Collection Iki'oitiiily .Untie on
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Piiy I n teres I im Time Uepus
I. 274
Wind Mills,
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For Cash or on Time.
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All work warranted.
Office: Olive St.,
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XKB11ASKA AVE., - Coluinl.u.
keep am. kinds oy
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General Agents for the Sale of '
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It. R. Lands for sale at from fi.OOtof 10.00
per acre for rash, or on live or ten years
time, in annual payments to suit pur
chasers. We have also u large aud
choice lot of other land", improved and
unimproved, for sale at low price and
on reasonable terms. Also husines and
residence lot In the city. We keep a
complete abstract of title to all real ei-
I tale in Platte County.
S. J. MARMOY, Prop'r.
Nebraska Ave., South of Depot,
C'oiij.ubi;m, iveii.
A now house, newly furnished. Good
accommoUationa. Board by day or
week at reasonable rates.
B3"Sclw ji First-Clans Tultle.
Meals, . 2ft Cents. Ldglng3....2ft Cts
38-21 f
JlYJL Ushers of the Nebraska Farmer,
Lincoln, Neb., are making that paper a
grand good thing for our country people,
and are ably seconded by Ex-Governor
Furnas, at the head of the Horticultural
department, and CJeo. M. Hawley at the
head of the Grange department. It
ranks with any agricultural publication
in the world. .V copy of tho Farmer
may be seen by calling at this office, or
by tending stamp to the publisher.
The subscription price of the Farmer has
been reduced to $1.50, aud cau be had
bv calling at this office, as we are club
bing It and our paper both for one
year at the very low price of $3.00.
A WEEK in your own town,
and no capital risked. You
can give the business a trial
without expense. The best
opportunity ever offered for those will
ing to work. You should try nothing
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fri gSltt
Wholesale nnil'I'et.ill Healer in
8338sSgj T O VE S ,ssshs
Wagon Material
Corner Uth and Olive Sts.
Thltt Npaco I Referred
Boots and Shoes.
Near Matthis's Bridge.
JOSEPH BUCHER, - Proprietor
JSTThe mill is complete in every par
ticular for making the best of flour. "A
Nqaare, fulr bUMlne" i the
motto. 435-x
tainining to a general Real Estate
Agency and Notary Public. Have in
structions and blanks furnished by
United States Land Office for making
final proof on Homesteads, thereby sav
ing a trip to Grand Island. Have a large
number ol farms, city lots and all lands
belonging to U P. K. R. in Platte and
adjoining counties for sale very cheap.
Attend to contesting claims before U.S.
Land office.
Ollire one Door West of Hammond Honit,
H. Cordis, Clerk, Speaks German.
K-f "Y"VTO J600) A YEAR, or
St I '""I H I $5 to $20 a day in your
WA.U JJ own locality. So risk.
' Women do as well ai
men. Manymade more than the amount
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You can make from 50 cts. to $2 an hour
by devoting your evenings and spare
time to the business. It costx nothing
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Business pleasant and strictly honora
ble. Reader, if you want to know all
about the best paying business before
the public, send us your address and we
will send you full particulars and prl
vate terms free: samples worth 5 also
free; you can then makeup your mind
for vonrseir. Address GEORGE STI2.
SON & CO., Porland, Maine. MX-y
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relief. I wore two of Prof. Guilmette's Kidney P-ids "mIt weeks, aud" I now fcnow
I am entirely cured."
2Iks. Helucx .lKitO.MK, Toledo, O.. says; "For yearn I have been confined, s
great part of the time to my brd. With Leucorrhtea and female weakness. 1 worn
one of (Juilmcttu'.s Kidney Pads and wan cured In one month."
H. If. Gkkkn, Wholesale Grocer, Findlay.O., write: "I suffered fori", vears
with lame back and in three week was permanently cured by wearinir one of
Pror. Guilmette's Kidney Padi." ' s K
. ): Y' K"""0. ,M- Irugglt, Loganaport, Ind., when srnding in an order
for Kidney Pads, writes: "I wore oue of the first ones we bad and 1 received
more benefit from it than anything I ever tmeit. In Tact thr P;uN ivc f.etter
general satisfaction than anv KIdnev remedv we everac!!!. "
Ray & Shokmaker, Druggists, Hannibal, 31o.:-"We are working up :t lively
trade In your Pads, and are heariug of good results from them eery day."
Will positively cure Fever aud Ague, Dumb Au'ue, Ague Cake, Billions Fever,
Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach aud Blood. Price
$1 50 by mail. Send for Prof. Guilmette's Treatise on the Kidneys and Lier
free by mall. Address FUK.XCII PAD ' Tol-ii... iu.i.. '
n . ..!.. . vT..k.m. .
1870. 1880.
oliuifius gjomnnl
Is conducted as a
Dovoted to the best mutual inter
ests of itn readers and its publish
ers. Published at Columbus. Platte
county, the centre of the agricul
tural portion is read
by hundreds of people east who are
looking towards Nebraska as their
fnture home. Its subscribers in
Nebraska are the staunch, solid
portion of the community, as is
evidonced by the fact that the
Journal has nevor contained a
"dun" against them, and by the
other fact that
Iu ita columns always brings its
reward. Business is business, and
those who wish to reach the solid
people of Central Nebraska will
find the column's of the Journal a
splendid modlum.
Of all kinds neatly and quickly
done, at fair prices. This species
of printing Is noarly always want
ed in a hurry, and, knowing this
fact, we have so provided for it
that we can furnish envelopes, let
ter heads, bill heads, circulars,
posters, etc., etc., on very short
notice, and promptly on time as
we promise.
1 copy per annum 200
" Six months l 00
" Three months, flu
Single copy spnt to any address
in the United States for 6 cts.
Columbus, Nebraska.
Fine Soaps, Brushes,
PEEFUMEBY, Etc., Etc.,
And all articles usually kept on hand
Physicians Prescriptions Careidly
Eleventh street, near Foundry.
m m cs mm
Now is the time to subscribe
for this
Its success has been continued and un
exampled. Siaminsit! SnWs for ii!
Wu oltttntns fonrml
And THE NURSERY, both post-paid,
one year. U0. If you wish THE
NURSERY, send 11.50 to John L.
Shorev, S6 Bromfleld street, Boston.
3Iass." If you desire both, send by
money orde'r, $3.10 to M. K. Turner &
Co.. Columbus. Neb.
E OF GOOD CHEER. Let not the
low nrices of vour Droduets dli-
courasre you. but rather limit your ex
penses to your resources. You cau do
so by stopping at the new home of your
fellow farmer, where you can find good
accommodations cheap. For bay for
team for one night and day, 25 cts. A
room furnished with a cook store and
bunks, in connection with the stable
free. Those wishing can be accommo
dated at the bouse of the undersigned
at the following rates: Meals 2A coats;
heda 10 eeMtH. J. B. 8ENECAL.
X mil ast of Gerrard's Corral j
it ror sme uy a.,, uruggisl, Columbus, eu.
Tive Hundred Dollars Reward !
UaM- alrcjth been sr.ld in i1ii-i.itntrvand in Frnn-
rryonof hic!ilM--i n i. ri .-ttUfact .and
mh performed ntr. - vt r tnu when used aecordin"
directions. e now n f.. the iUict-d and doubf
nig ones that wh will pav reward for a sin-l"
1 Kcuu-dv will
I;iiSITIVI:LV a-.d lKi:U. ES n. cur, Lumlwjo,
Uineaae uj the Jwiueya, J..Jiitinence and J.'etention or
the brine, Inflammation of the Kidneys. Catarrh of the
Bladder, High Colored trine. J'uln in th, rini- x:
O., says:
: "One of Pref. OuilnmieV
iree weeka' time. .Mv ca-e had
During all tbi time I ntrril
. . ... . " I ' - . -- . .
No Changing Cars
)KROMf 5k
Where direct connections nrti
made with
Through Sleeping Cap Lines
New York, Boston, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington,
And all Eastern Cities !
via PEORIA for
Indiauapolis.t'iucinuati, Louisville
The) !!( I.lHe Tor
Where Direct f'onnections are made in
the UNION DEPOT with ThroU".
Sleeping Car Lines for all I'olnts
The Shortest, Speedie-,1 and .Met Com
fortable Route
And all Point in
Pullman 1 ti-wheel I'alcice Sleeping
Cars, C, B. A Q. I'.ilare Drawing Boom
Carj, with Morton Reclining Chair.
o Krtra Charge for Seal in RcHluInif
r4mJhe Famou-' ', A Q. I'alace
Dining Cars. c
.FaMt time. Steel Rail Tra.-k and Supe
.0r F;fl',iPm,int. combined with their
breat JArough Car Arrangement, make
this, above all others, the favorite Routo
to the
KAMT.ftOirril :- NOmiKANT.
TRY IT. and vou will find TRAVEL
ING a LUXURY instead or a DISC03I
FORT. All information about Rate of Fire.
Sleeping Car Accommodation-, and
Time Tables, will be cheorrully Riven
by applying to
531 Gen'I Passenger Ag't, Chicago.
Manufacturer and dealer in
Wooden and Metalic Burial Caskets
All kinds and sizes ofKohrx, alio
has the sole right to manufac
ture and sell the
Smith's Hammock Reclining Chair.
Cabinet Tnrnln? and Scroll work, I'ir
tuten. Picture Frames and 31nu!dlu,
Looking-glass Tlates. Walnut Lumber,
etc., etc. COLU3IBUS, NEB.
nnt i
MONTH trninni..
J a day at home made by
e Indnstrinn. p.r.ii.i
not reouired- w win.i...
3len, women, boys and gfrls make
money faster at work for us thaaiat any
thing else. The work 1- light and pleas-
'rrTw -x" " "joue can go Tlltal
at. Those who are wise who see this
notice will send us their addreises at
once and see for .hemselTes. Co-tly
?EJ 1 1'n,d t(,Jm8 free ,-Vovr ,s tne time.
Those already at work are latin" u
ia "u.m" ' money- Address TRUE
X CO., Augusta, ilalue. j.