The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 13, 1880, Image 3

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Wednesday, oct. is. iiso.
Communications, to Injure insertion
in the next isue. bhoulil be in hand on
Mondays; if lengthy, on Thursdays
preceding issue-day. Advertisements,
or whatever clash, should be in hand by
noon. Tuesdays.
Advertisements under this head. 1&
ots. a line first insertion, 10 cts. a line
each lubseauent insertion.
To !JHbfcribrr.
Tour name, vsith the bate at which
on each Journal you receive. A prompt
renewal or discontinuaiice"will save the
publishers, both trouble and expense,
and be better for all concerned. A re
newal Is respectfully solicited. $2 for 1
Tr. jl for t mos.; 50 cts. for 3 mos.
Journal, with either the .American Ag
riculturist or Nebraska Farmer $3 a yr.,
post-paid, cash in advance; Journal
and the Nursery $3.
The regular meetings of the Club will
be held Saturdays. 7:30 p. m.. In
Bawer's Hall, up-stairs in the Bank
Building. M. Wuitmoyvr.
Henry Lubkkk, Sec'y. rres't.
Court uext week.
Jos. Rivet. the city Mon
day. Go to Al. Rickly'a for all kind's
of choice meat6.
Cold weather Suadaj a enow
in the mountains.
A line of Boots and shoes at
cobI and less at Marshall Smith's.
California canned fruit, a largo
lot, in aBSortedcasee, at Oehlrich &
A child can buy as cheap as a
man at the Boston Shoe Store, opp.
Now is the time to subscribe
for the Journal, $2 a year, 50 cents
three months.
Clinton Smith, who waB very
sick last week, was reported slightly
improving on Monday.
The Si6tere of Charity will next
week solicit donations forlthe pur
chase of 6toves for the Hospital.
Mrs. Moses Welch, whose ser
ious 6icknees we reported last week,
was felill living at last accounts.
We will furnish the Journal
and the Omaha Weekly Republican,
one year.postago paid, for $3.00.
Little, hut 01 polly, it is neat
and clean, and choice meats always
on hand at Al. Rlckly's meat market.
Becher & Price's office is the
tip-town office of the A. & N. They
sell tickets to all points east and
A. H. Young's team rau away
Monday tuoruinir, circling around
over the prairie, between the bluffs
and the city.
Will T. RIckly will pay the
highest cash price for 60 head of
3, and 4 year old steers, delivered
at Columbus.
For Rent,. A house, centrally
located, and suitable for dwelling or
boarding house. Inquire at the
Journal office.
The Polk county fair was well
attended, nearly eight hundred en
tries made, and upon the whole
proved a success.
Cbas. A. Stitscr, a former Co
lumbuB boy, was married Wednes
day last to Miss Grace O. Traver,
both of Central City.
Blank notes, bank, Joint, indi
vidual and work-and-labor, neatly
bound in books of 50 aud 100, for
sale at the Journal office.
Wanted. A girl to do general
housework. Good wages will be
paid for a competent girl. Enquire
of Leandcr Gorrard, Nebraska Ave.
W. N. Uensley and J. G. Hiff
glns address the democracy at Genoa
to-night, and A. M. Post will speak
to the republicans to-morrow even
ing. It never pays to take poor stock
to market. The extra feed and care
to make them fat will amply repay
the owner, as the price per pound is
always larger.
Rev. J. Q. A. Kleharty left yes
terday for Harvard, Clay county, his
new tiold of labor. The best wishes
of his friends at this place go with
him to his new home.
Found. A sum of money on the
road between Fremont and Colum
bus. The owner can have it by
giving a batfcfaclory description and
paying for this advertisement.
Lost. Saturday last, between
Iter. Goodale's residence and Ne
braska Ave., a lady's gold locket.
The finder will be suitably reward
ed by leaving the same at Hunne
man's office.
A friend last Friday reported
to us a Tote taken on the eastern
bound U. P. passenger train which
resulted for Garfield 76 males and
30 females total 106 Hancock 12
males and 19 females total 31.
James Kay is making an addi
tion to his already neat and commo
dious dwelling-house, and James
Salmon is doing the work. Both
these men are from "Merrie old
England," and are such citizens as
.any community might be proud of.
For Sale. A dwelling-house and
lot in a very desirable part of the
city. Will be sold at a sacrifice, as
the money is needed. The house is
new and cost more money than is
asked for both bouse and lot. 'For
further particulars inquire at the
Journal office.
Of course the editor of the
Journal has been catching it since
tbii nomination for state senator.
And now comes the Home Neves o?
Osceola to say : "Brother Turner is
eminently fitted for the position,,
and we hope be will be-clacted bv a
. ouslug majority.'' .
Jnu. Jenkinson started for Chi
cago Saturday.
Al. Rickly is selling the best
meat in the city.
Monday last J. G. Compton and
wile left for Kansas.
Wm. Calvert of St. Edwards
was in the city Sunday.
When yon want apples don't
forget to go to Marshall Smith's.
Charles Magoon of Lincoln waB
in the city several days last week.
Miss Emma, daughter of J. W
Early, is afflicted with scarlet fever.
For first-class work and best
stock, go to the Boston Boot and
Shoe Store.
"Tom" Stewart is back from
Rochester, N. Y., where he has been
on a ehort visit.
Received a car-load of winter
wheat flour every sack guaranteed,
at Oehlrich & Bro's.
Phil. Cain's stallion "Highland"
took first money as a ''roadster" at
the Osceola fair last week.
Becher & Price, Insurance Agt's.
represent $93,395,822.58 assets, con
stituting the leadiug companies of
the world.
C. P. Dewey, president of the
Harrison National Bank, Cadiz,
Ohio, spent a few days last week
in Lincoln.
Mayor J. P. Becker Is confined
to his room by sickness. May he
soon recover, is the wish of his ma
ny friends.
Columbus's ''boss" trotting horse
went lame at Osceola last week,
consequently ho was not started in
the free for all.
Mrs. G. W. Fulton is not dead,
as reported by one of the Schuyler
papers. She is alive and well in
excellent health.
Ed. North came down from
Madison Saturday, attended church
Sunday, and went back Monday
evening. Good enough.
Rev. Bristol, the new minister,
conducted the services at the M. E.
Church last Sabbath, preaching two
iuteresting and instructive Bermous.
On last Friday John Shanahan
of Shell creek, near Motz post-office,
lost by fire his dwelling-hone, gra
nary, &c. The loss will reach 400
to $500, and the property was insur
ed with Becher & Price for f 300.
Hon. O. P. Mason's speech at
the Opera House Friday evening
was a masterly presentation of re
publican principles in this campaign.
The G. & A. Glee Club made their
first appearance and were enthusi
astically received.
We must again caution corres
pondents against inserting adver
tisements in their communications,
unless the same are paid for as such.
It is, by some, regarded as the best
way of advertising, and of course
must be paid for, else the newspa
per allows itself to be deprived of
its just dues.
"Tommy" Wake arrived home
from Osceola Saturday. He has been
riding the well-known race-horse
"Sailor Boy" this year, and has not
lost a race. "Tommy" has the best
reputation of any rider in this part
of the country, and we hope he may
always keep his name at the head
of the list.
H. T. Spoerry asks us to pub
licly put the question to the Board
of Co. Commissioners why it is that
they cannot remit illegal taxes as
sessed upon Henry Hellbusb, when
at the same time they have remitted
taxes illegally assessed on J. A.
Reed and Dr. Hoehen. John Walker
will please answer by election day
or Booner.
On last Wednesday the Democ
racy in convention nominated John
Walker the present incumbent, for
County Commisrioner, and George
Lehman, the well-known proprietor
of the Grand Pacific, for representa
tive from Platte county ; the senato
rial convention met at Schuyler on
Thursday last, and selected Guy C.
Barnum as their standard bearer in
the senatorial struggle.
G. W. Brown, of Boone county,
has been nominated by the republi
can convention held at Ord last
week, as their candidate for repre
sentative of the 45th representative
district. George possesses the qual
ifications to make a good represen
tative, and the republicans of that
district will consult their best in
terests by sending him forward to
assist in making the state laws.
The Republican Central Com
mittee met Monday evening and de
cided not to appoint any meetings
throughout the county for public
speaking, but to supply demand for
speakers when called for by the com
mitteemen or others of a precinct.
If you want particular speakers to
address your community on partic
ular subjects, let your wants be
known to the Chairman of the Com
mittee, S. C. Smith, Columbus.
One day last week a party of
young men engaged at a friendly
game of cards, were arrested, taken
before Justice Millet, tried and fined
$2 apiece; after the money was paid
in, the Justice invited the interested
spectators into an oyster saloon,
where the whole of it was spent for
oysters for the crowd. The matter
is considered a good joke ob all
hands, but it might be well enough
for real policemen and magistrates
not to engage in such mattert.which
have a tendency to lessen the dignity
and authority of their office.
RepahlicaM Co. emrcHtlon.
Pursuant to the published call of
the chairman, the second session of
the Republican convention was held
on Saturday last at the Court House.
Tho following delegates were pres
ent: Columbus, McAllister, Huber
Wadsworth, Lockner, Turner, Ar
noldj Millett by proxy Clother,
Price by proxy "Whitmoyer, Wake
by proxy Huber, Hudson by proxy
McAllister, Early and Brindley.
Butler, Barnhart, Meedel,Tasker
by proxy Meedel.
Bismark Wilken, H. Leusche.
Looking Glass Samuel Mahood,
George Mahood.
Walker Snyder, Oleson.
Crestou McCandlish.
Lost Creek George Smith and
Wm. Lacey by proxy Ed. Hoare.
Monroe Hall, Truman, Anderson
and Matthowson by proxy Truman.
Woodville D. L. Courad.
Afterwards, on motion of Wm.
McAllister, the following-named
gentlemen present were admitted to
represent their precincts : Stearns,
Jos. Shillito; Burrows, Thomas M.
Oliu and Wm. A. Patterson ; Gran
ville, A. H. Potter.
J. W. Early made a motion that
tho delegatious from the Third Com
missioner district retire and agree
upon the name of one or more can
didates for Commissioner for the
consideration of the convention.
"After considerable discussion the
motion was lost by a vote of 8 for to
10 againot.
M. Whitmoyer moved that the
convention proceed to select a can
didate for representative. Carried.
It was moved that the nomination
be by ballot, tho first to be infor
mal. Carried.
J. "W. Early placed in nomination
Hon. H. J. Hudson. E. B. Hall
nominated Nels Munson. W. N.
McCandliBh nominated George. W.
Clother. Ed. Hoare nominated Ed.
Informal ballot. Hudson 15;
Clother 9; Moncrief 8; Mutisou 1;
scattering 1.
First formal ballot. Hudson 15;
.Clother 9; Moncrief 8; Munson 1.
Second. Hudson 14; Moncrief 9;
Clother 8; B. Millet 1 ; Munson 1.
Third. Clother 13; Hudson 12;
Moncrief 8.
The voting continued with about
the same relative strength, to the
twelfth ballot, which stood : Clother
15; Hudson 13; Moncrief 6.
On the 13th ballot Mr. Hudson
was nominated, the vote standing
Hudson 19; Clother 10; Moncrief 6.
On motion of Mr. McCandlish the
convention proceeded to nominate
a commissioner from Dist. No. 3.
Geo. S. Truman and Jos. Rivet
were named for the position, aud
the informal ballot stood: Truman
IS; Rivet 14; Snider 2; Moncrief 1.
The first formal ballot Rivet 18;
TrUman 15 ; Snider 2, aud Mr. Rivet
was declared the nominee.
The convention then proceeded to
the selection of a central committee,
John Hammond and S. C. Smith
being put in nomination for chair
man. A ballot was taken, resulting
in twenty-two for Smith and eleven
for Hammond.
The delegations present then nam
ed their committeeman, and on
motion each one was empowered to
select two assistants for precinct
The committee, so far as constitu
ted, oonsists of S. C. Smith, Colum
bus, chairman; J. R. Smith, Lost
Creek; Chris. Meedel, Butler; H.
Wilken, Bismark; J. J. Truman,
Monroe; D. L. Conard, Woodville;
C. C. Roberts, Walker; Jos. Shillito,
Stearns ; H. G. Leusche, Sherman ;
8. J. Wheeler, Crestou ; Geo. N.
Lamb, Burrows; W. T. Sibley,
Granville; Joseph Rivet, Looking
On motion, the convention ad
journed. (fecial Praise Service.
At the Congregational church next
Sabbath morning. Thefollowiugis
th J order of exercises :
Voluntary, by the choir.
Full chorus by the congregation.
"Now to the Lord a noble song!"
Prayer. Closing with the Lord's
Prayer, in which all join.
Reading of the 148th psalm.
"Before Jehovah's Awful Throne."
Responsive reading of 34th psalm.
In view of the past, present, or
future for what do you praise God ?
(Twenty minutes.)
"From all that dwell below the
skies." (Old Hundred.)
Responsive reading of 122d pialm.
"I love to tell the Btory." (3 verses.)
Read or quote some of the many
precious promises.
"The promises I sing." (Lenox.)
Closing words by the Pastor, (five
"My days are gliding swiftly by."
Benediction. Welcome to all.
Jet. Rivet.
The Republican candidate for Co.
Commissioner, Joseph Rivet, is a
resident of Lookfng Glass precinct ;
is in the prime of life ; is an earnest,
thoughtful man of good judgment;
he has the entire confidence of the
community in which he lives, as a
fair-minded roan, who not only in
tends to do right, but who takes
pains to inform himself as to the
facts upon which he builds his opin
ions. Kindly in his disposition, he
is yet not susceptible to wrong in
fluences, but can say "yes" or "no,"
with firmness and without giving
offence. Duty, with him, would be
paramount. We feel sure that he
would hoaor the office for which his
friends have earned him, and believe
that he will be elected.
Proceedings of the Temperance
Meeting held at the Congregational
church last Friday evening.
Will Lawrence, Worthy Patriarch
of the Sons of Temperance in this
city, took the chair.
Song by ihe choir. Prayer by
Rev. Sherman. Song by the choir.
The chairman stated that his duty
was now performed aud according
to arrangements the meeting was
now to be turned over to the aud
ience; whereupon, Allen Gerrard
was nominated and elected chair
man, Will Lawrence secretary.
Committee on Pledge reported
the following, which, after some re
marks by different persons, was
Wo hereby and herein promise to
each other that we will not patron
ize saloons by purchasing at them
anything on sale therein, and that
we will not visit them for drinking
or social purposes.
After the above resolution had
passed, Rev. Sherman offered the
following preamble and resolution,
which also was adopted, after con
siderable discussing:
Whereas, Tho impression is
abroad in the community, owibg to
a certain "dodger" printed and cir
culated Friday, Oct. 8th, that the
friends of temporanco propose to
use unlawful measures in their ef
forts to suppress the liquor traffic,
Resolved, That we do not intend
or purpose to use any uulawful
means against intemperance, relying
only on that which is moral and le
gal in are efforts in that work.
The old committee on organiza
tion was continued, aud the meeting
adjourned till next Friday evening,
place not stated.
The intention is to circulate the
above pledge throughout the com
munity. H'
II. JT. IIudNon.
The republican candidate for rpp
reseutative from Platte county,IIu
ry J. Hudson, is well known to the
great body of the people of Platte
county, he having served them in
various public capacities, always
with credit to himself, and" always
acceptably to the public whom he
served. Ho represented his dis
trict in the legislature of 1871 '2, and
was one of the Board of Managers
in the impeachment of Gov. Butler.
He was regarded as an able, vigi
lant representative of the people's
interests, and that by men of both
political parties.
In choosing for offices of this kind
it is essential that the peculiar fit
ness of candidates phould be con
sidered their ability to influence
the minds of a deliberative body,
their own knowledge of the laws as
they stand, and of tho needs of the
people in their alteration.or repeal.
Mr. Hudson would step right into
the work as an experienced man
fully equipped to do his duty in
every particular.
Letter L.!m(.
The following ia a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-office, in
Columbus, for the week ending Oct.
9, 1880:
Armstrong Lena Ahearn Martha
Brown Martha Bering John
Blair John Craig R H
Cowan Maria Dolmer Anton
Dole George Donnaly Jerry
Foster Vittor Grunland G
Hensz John Hann M
Hayen C Jones Dwight
Jenne Aiurust Jonos A C
KauserWM KummerJacob2
Krings Joseph Morris Peter S
Montenegro R Maley John
Robinson Annie Scott Emma 2
Wilken Henry Wile C L
Those marked " ," postal card
If not called for in 30 days will be sent
to the dead-letter office, Washington. D.
C. When called for ploane say "adver
tised," as these letters are kept separate.
E. A. Gkrrard, P. M.
Grand Ura-vrinjj.
A grand drawing, ball and supper
will take place at the Opera House,
Thursday evening, Oct. 21st, under
the management of the ladies of the
Columbus Masnnerchor. The pro
ceeds will be devoted to the pur
chase of a flag for the Society. For
further particulars see small bills.
Strayed or Stolen.
One light bay horse, about fifteen
hands high, white hind feet from
fetlock down, and a little tender
footed. Any person returning same,
or informing me of his whereabouts
will be suitably rewarded.
Al. Rickly.
Campaign Meetings.
Tho State Central Committee have
made tho following announcements
for Columbus:
Hon. Church Howe, Col. E. F.
Smythe and Hon. D. G. Hull, Satur
day, Oct. 16th, at 7 p. m.
Float Convention.
We have not soeu the Tegular call
for the convention, but we are in
formed by our committeeman that
it will be held at David City, Sat
urday, Oct. 16th at 1 P. M.
Notice is hereby given, by Galley &
Bro-, that all who are indebted to
them, either by note or book acc't,
must come forward and settle imme
diately, as they need the funds.
For Rent.
Some nice office rooms. Enquire
of L. Gerrard, at the Bank, or of
Whitmoyer, Gerrard & Post, at
their office.
Republican Central Committeemen.
You are requested to meet at the
Court House, Saturday Oct. 16th, 2
p. m., for the transaction of import
ant business. By order of chairman.
SHANNON Oct. 7th, Freddie, son.of
O. C. and Libbie Shannon, aged 9 months
and 20 days.
Little Freddie was an only child and
hit removal by death falJs with crush
ing weight on the heart stricken parents.
"But though earths fairest blossoms die
And all beneath the skies is vain,
There is a brighter world on high
Beyond the reach of oar and pain'
Advertisements under this head five
cents a line each insertion.
New Sweet Cider at Hudson's.
Phino Phat, Phresh Oysters at
Dress goods only 8 cents a yard
at Kramer's.
Fresh "Jer by the glass or gal
Ion at Bridged.
One yard wide cashmere 45 cts.
at Kramer's.
Kentucky Jean Pants for 50
cents pair at Kramer s.
Brick iu the wall at $7 to $8 a
thousand by Flynn & Co.
English Cashmere only 30 cents
a yard at Kramer's.
Florida Oranges and new Dates
at Hudson's.
L. Kramer sells two-buckle,
plow Shoes for 65 cents a pair.
Calicoes 4 cents a yard at Kra
mer's New York Cheap Cash Store.
A large, new stock of men's and
women's shoes at Wm. Schilz's.
Fancy box paper, 15 cts.; choice
chromos 24x30 inches, nicely framed,
$1.25 at Lubker & Cramer's.
The Bell aud Bugle cranberries,
best in the market, at Bridges.
Money to loan at 9 per cent, on
all sums over $500, by McAllister
Don't buy anything until you
have seen L. Kramer's new stock of
L. Kramer of the New York
Cheap Cash Store sells all goods
cheaper than ever.
Save your money, and buy your
goods at Kramer's Now York Cheap
Cash Store.
For sale cheap, a new Hanna
wagon, opposite the Bank, apply to
D. Anderson.
A choice stock and good variety
of fresh-imported Teas, just suited
to the wants of tea-drinkers at
Bridges, opp. P. O. Give him a call.
20 yds. cheviot shirting for $1
at Kramer s New York Cheap Cash
Don't forget that G. W. Phil
lips sells boots and shoes cheaper
than the cheapest. Give him a call.
Why buy your goods of a small
h on so when you can select from a
large and well assorted stock such as
L. Kramer of the New York Cheap
Cash Store keeps?
Bloomlngdale Stock Farm is the
place to get choice young breeding
stock in the cattle and hog line.
A. Henrich, Metz P.O.,
Platte Co., Nob.
It is an admitted fact., that L.
Kramer of the New York Cheap
Cash Store has the largest stock of
goods of any one house in the State
of Nebraska, and that he buys and
sells his goods cheaper than any one
300 Volume
of new books to select from at Lub
ker & Cramer's.
A Fool's Errand.
Read it! Read it I "It's a stun
ner." E. D. Fitzpatrick, opp. P. O.
Music! Music!
Accordions and violins cheaper
than ever at Ed. Fitzpatrick's, opp.
School IIookN.
Blank books, memorandum books,
pocket-books, and all kinds of books
at "Fitz's," opposite the post-office.
Coal Notice.
Parties wishing to purchase hard
coal for winter use would do well
to buy of J." E. North & Co., before
any farther advance.
Aug. 23, '80.
To School Board .
A male teacher, a graduate of
10 years experience, desires a school
in Platte, Butler or Colfax counties.
Address F.,this office. 541-6
In Platte, Butler and Nance
counties at 9 per cent interest, no
interest in advance, nor commission,
and money furnished on short notice.
Apply to O. S. Bridges, opp. P. O.
Black sow, heavy in pigs when
lost, Sept. 9th. Cut on left ear;
white on head and hind leg. Infor
mation as to whereabouts will bo
rewarded by J. D. Williams, Post
ville, Platte county, Neb.
FMtray Calves.
Came into our herd, Sept. 24th,
near G. W- Stevens's farm, two
speckled, spring steer calves. The
owner will prove property, pay
charges, &c.
Fked. Stenoger.
Notice of Partnership.
A partnership has been this day
entered Into by the undersigned, to
do a general marble business, in
Columbu, Neb., under the firm
name of .1. H. Brouelette & Co.
J. H. Brouelette,
P. Laughlin.
The Tattersall Livery Stable is an
excellent place to stop at when you
are in town with a team. Good ac
commodations. Reasonable charges.
On Olive ntreet, one door south of
Wiggins's hardware store. Try
them. 268.x.
Choice Residence Lots for Sale.
Choice residence lots for sale in
the southeastern part of Columbus.
From one to forty acres rich, dry
soil and no alkali. Acre lots for
solo at prices from $20 to $65 per
acre. Inquire of Speice & North.
The above property comprises Hig
gins and Spielman's addition to
sipleadld Stook of Implements
The undersigned, having pur
chased the entire stock of implements
of Schutte and Pohl will keep con
stantly on hand at the old stand on
13th street, west of Olive, Columbus,
the Marsh and Buford Sulky plows,
Tiger, Thomas and Knowlton Sulky
bay rakes, and an entire new stock
of the Whitewater wagons.
E. J. & J. A. Ekkbt.
Successors to Schutte St Pohl.
Kanmcr Guard, Attention !J
All members are requested torat
tend the meeting Oct. 15th, as busi
ness of importance is to be transact
ed. By Order Commander.
2.999 bushels of potatoes for cash
or Groceries, at John Uempleman's
opposite the Liudell Hotel.
Estray Notice.
Came into our herd Oct. 4th, a red
steer, three years old; very poor;
long horns; white spot on face.
Owner will prove property, pay
charges, etc.
544-5 Baker & Kavakaugh.
For Sale or Trade.
One lot aud two houses, one a
boarding house, the other suitable
for a boarding or dwelling house
centrally located iu the city of Co
lumbus. Will sell for cash, or trada
for stock. For further particulars
inquire at the Journal office.
Public Sale.
Saturday, Oct. 16th, 1 p. m., at J.
R. West's, two miles north of Mon
roe post-office.
1 pair work ponies,
1 set of harness,
1 wagon,
1 No. 1 milch cow,
Plows and other farm implements.
Also household goods.
Hunters Take Notice.
All persons are hereby notified
that the undersigned consider their
property endangered when hunters
have access to their lands ; therefore
they will not permit the same. Our
lands extend from Loup to Platte
rivers, the west line about a quarter
of a mile east of Loup riyer bridge,
and terminate at the forks of the
Chas. E. Rickly.
John Hanky.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned stockholders and incor
porators of the Columbns State
Bank have filed an additional article
to their articles of incorporation,
which authorizes the said Bank to
do a general banking and a general
brokerage business.
Leander Gerrard,
Julius A. Reed,
Abner Turner,
George W. Hulst,
E. A. Gerrard.
Notice of Dissolution.
Tho co-partnership heretofore ex
isting between Julius Rasmussen
and John Schram, doing business
under the firm name of Rasmussen
& Schram, is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. Mr. J. Rasmussen
will continue in business at the old
gthnd, to whom accounts will be
paid, unless called upon by person
with authority to collect.
Julius Rasmussen,
John Schram.
Oct. 1st, 1880. Columbus, Neb.,
on Olive Street wishes to announce
to the citizens of Columbus and vi
cinity that he has on hand a com
plete stock of the best fall and
winter goods both in style and
quality, that has ever been brought
to this market. He will guarantee
first-class workmanship aud good
fits at prices as low as any. Give
him a call aud look over his stock
and learn prices. Also will do cut
ting jobs at reasonable prices.
.llurble Shop.
J. H. Brouelette & Co., have lo
cated their marble shop and mater
ial on Olive street, south of eleventh,
Columbus, Neb. Mr. Brouelette
brings to his business ten years
practice and experience, which will
enable him to turn out first-class
work in the various grades of ma
terial that may be required by his
customers. The firm will promptly
attend to all orders for work from
adjoining counties aud villages.
Orders are earnestly solicited, as the
proprietors do their own work and
can furnish first-class articles far
below the prices heretofore paid in
this vicinity for similar work.
Special attention given to mantels,
counter and furniture tops.
Pay Taxes.
AH holders of B. & M. R. R. Con
tracts for Lands purchased of that
Company during the year 1879 and
prior to that date are liable for the
1879 tax.
They became due January 1st,
1880, were delinquent after May 1st,
1880, and if not paid by the first day
of November, 1880, the land will be
sold for taxes.
The Company's Agent, for the
purpose of paying Delinquent Taxes
on its sold lands, will visit the
County Seats the last of October,
and all purchasers of R. R. lands
should pay their Taxes by October
15th, if not before, iu order to save
additional expense.
J. D. McFarland,
Land Commissioner B. & M. R. R.
in Neb. 542-3
Read! Read!
5000 yardb good dark Prints at
4 cents per. yard.
5000 yards Standard Prints at 5
cents per. yard.
5000 yards heavy, 36-inch-wIde,
unbleached muslin, at 6 cents per.
2000 yards striped Shirting at
6 cents per. yard.
25 pieces brocaded Dress Goods in
black, myrtle Green, Plum Dregs of
wine, navy blue etc., at the low
price of 10 cents per. yard.
Black Cashmere 36 inches wide
at 35 cents per. yard.
Blankets from $1.00 upwards.
Hats aud Caps very cheap.
A lot of Boy's caps for 25 cents.
Come aud see our large Stock
of Clothing, for Men and Boys,
we can and will save you money.
The best $1.50 Boot in Colum
bus, come and see it at Friedhoff
& Co., Bonesteel Bro's old stand.
Advertisements under this head five
cents aline, tint insertion, three centi
a line each subsequent Insertion.
10 Thomas Keating keep con
stantly on band young Illinois stock
for sale. "
Kefralar Steele Dealer.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and sold; also fat and stock hogs.
878-y - R. 4VmiON.
Public Sale.
Will bo sold at public auction on
the 20th day of October, commencing al
10 o'clock a. ni at the residence of the
undersigned one ruilf .southwest of Lost
Creek station, 1'lutte county, 10 ycarlimr
calves; 2 two-vcar-olds; 13 cows arrt 1
Durham bull. W. Smith.
Central Jleut Market.
Albert E Rickly has purchased
and is now running'the above named
market. The meat-consuming commu
nity are solicited to make frequent calN,
where they can get the best and the
most for their money. Also dealer in
Poultry, Hides, &c, on a small com
mission. 541-x.
Notice To Teacher.
I will be in my office at the Court
House on the first and last Saturdays ol
each month for the purpose of examin
ing applicants for teacher's certificates,
and for the transaction of any other
business pertaining to schools.
S. L. Barrett,
County Supt.
Our quotations of the markets ara ob
tained Tuesday afternoon,and are correct
and reliable at the time.
Wheat No. 1, test 69 lbs 72
" u 2, 4 60" " 70
44 3, 54 65
Corn Shelled, 3
Oats, 05
Flour $2302 75
Graham 1 50255
ileal 1 00
Butter, irlR
Eggs, 15 5
Potatoes, 4 3o5u
Fat Hogs, 4'04 2.-i
Fat Cattle 2 60i3oo
Yearlings, 12 00ai5 00
Calves 4 0060i
Sheep 3 0ti
Good veal, per hundred, 4 00
Hides, greeu salted 4 4 5
Hams, 12K15
Shoulders, 67
Sides 810
Corned Beef ti
Steak t tf8124
Finishing $300040 0O
Flooring 25 0035 00
Siding 18 00&22 00
Drop Siding 25 00ft30 00
Ship Lap 23 W
Framing (10 to 20 It) 22
Sheeting 20
Well Tubfng (per bunsh) . . 1 20
Latu(perM) 4 00
Shingle (perM) 8 00 4 00
Doors 2-8x0-8, 1? thick... 2 50
44 2SxG-ti, IK " . - '
" 2-6x6-6,1 " .... 1 75
Windows, 125
Building l'apernerflb.) 4 cent.
Tar felt (per lb.) 4 u
WHEREAS, Andrew Westln, on the 3rd
day of September, A. I. 18), execut
ed and delivered to Dr. Tracy H. Chirk, a
Chattel Mortgage, dated on the said day
upon the following described personal
property, to wit:
On two-thirds of twenty-six acres of grow
ing corn, In the field of Jonas Headman.
Section 17, Town 17, Itnnge3 west. Snld
Mortgage duo and payable October 20th.,
1830, with IntereHt from date, at seven (7
per cent, pej annum, to secure the payment
of Forty Dollars, on the 20tli day 01 October,
A. D. lhSO, and which Mortgage was duly
filed In the office of the Recorder of decus
In and for Platte county. State orXebraskn,
on the 22nd day of September, A. D. 1M0, nt
eight and half u'clockn. m.; aud whereat
said Mortgagor has absconded, and said
property Is liable to waste:
Now, thorefore, notice Is hereby given
that in pursuance of the statute In such
cases made and provided, the said Chattel
Mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the
property therein described, at public auc
tion at the said farm of Jonas Headman, in
the county of Platte, state of Nebraska, on
the 27th day of October, A. D. 1SS0, at one
o'clock in the afternoon ef said day, or so
much therof as shall be necessary to satisfy
said sum of forty dollars, with Interest, cost
and expenses of sale, unleHS the same nhall
bo sooner paid, upon the following tonus
to-wit: Cash in hand.
Dated, this 4th day of October, A. D. 1830.
Thea. F. Elliott,
Agent. 513-x
BY VIRTUE of an execution directed
to me from the Dictrut Court of
Platte county, Nebraska, on a judgment
obtained before His Honor George W.
Post, Judge of the 1th Judicial DUtrict
of Platte county, Nebraska, on the 14th
day of April, 1879, in f.ivor of Helen
Pinkney as plaintillTaiul against Wm.
J. Collins and John W. Martin as defend
ants, for the sum of three hundred and
ninety-five dollars, and sixty-one cents,
and costs taxed at $IS.7S and accruing
costs, I have levied upon the following
real estate taken as the property of said
defendants, to satisfy said execution
to-wit: Lots one (I), 'two (2), and three
(3), in block seven ( 7) of Oiua addition
to the city of Columbus, county of
Platte, and'State of Nebraska, also com
mencing at the northeast corner of lot
No. three (3) in block No. eightv-seven
(87), of the city of Columbus," Platte
county, and State of Nebraska, running
thence south one hundred and thirty
two (182) feet, thence west twenty-two
(22) feet, thence north one hundred and
thirty-two (132) feet, thence east twen-ty-two
(22) feet, to the place of begin
ning, together with all the appurtenan
oes thereto belonging, and will offer tite
same for sale to the highest bidder, fer
cash in hand, on the
23d day of October, 1880,
In front of the Court House or Platte
county, that being the building wherein
the last term of court was held, at the
hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day,
when and where due attendance) will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated September 21st, 1880.
341-5. ShcriiTof said county.
WagoTi Maker,
Shops sear Foandrj, tontk of A. A X., Depot.
All kinds of wood and iron work on
Wagons, Buggies, Farm Machinery, &:.
Keeps on bands tha
and other eastern buggies.
Furt &c Brail v Plow.
Purchasers will do well to remember
that they will find the largest stork
and the best and cheapest place
in the city to purchase
Paints, Oils and Glass,
And everything belonging to the drug
trade at the store of
Machine Oils and Paints
Sold cheaper than elsewhere. Call and
tee my stock of
PreaorlpUone filled with accuracy
and dispatch. Call and get prices.
Sis fai cjjisI 1 Prdt Sun.
FffiS Fill ALWAYS 81 Hi.
Apples, Canned Fruits. Candy,
Nuts, Crackers, Cigars
and Tobacco.
E?"Will sell as cheap as the tn .pct.
Nebraska Ave., opp. postodice.
(Successors to nENRY & BUO.)
All customers of the old firm sr cor
dially Invited to continue their pat
ronage, the same as heretofore; to
gether with as many new custo
mers as wlh to" purchase
For the Least Money.
13ri)epfi.ii(3 received, ami interest natl
on time deposit.
tSTPrompt attention aitan tn collec
tions and proceeds remitted on dvj
JjTFassage tickets to or from European
points lj best lines at lwst rme.i.
ZSTDratts on principal points in En
First National Rank, )eerrah. I .'.
Allan tfe Co., Chii-io.
Omaha Nation il Rank. Oin-ihu.
First Nat;onaI Rtnk. Chicago.
Kountze Bros., N. V.
Now is the time to buy Lamp, and
the place to buy them i at
1 have a tine lot of BROVZK and M Vli-
BLE LAMPS, which J will ellVr at
very low prices aNo new
m or uraiT
Very neat and tastv, and cntirolr new
in styles. ALL GLASS LAMl'S and
White Sewing Machine,
Tho best in the world, from 82J up
Sole aent for the celebrated
Nerve & Brain Treatment
For softening of the brain, premature
old age, etc.
E53ritenmin!?r the plnce,
Nortu of Post-office, and on th samo
side of the street.
f "
He will hereafter be found on 13th
street two doors Went of Marshall
Smith's where he keeps a full line of
every stvle of
And the Celebrated
Ashe keeps a Pump House exclusively,
he is able to sell CHEAPER THAN
THE CHEAPEST. Tumps for artv
depth well. Pumps driven or repaired,
and Rods cut.
Book-keepers, Keportexs,
Operators. Teacfcers,
QreatlttarcAntile ColleKctveokuk Jews
j &