KATES OF AlVKKT2Si:3. Spucif. Ikt 2ic IwioJIm Gni lyr UMinnnJ512.W I $20 1 125 $ijJ ?00 f 1W Ji " I 3.00 I " 12 I 15 J 20 I 35 f HO rTj (ToOf ; f2tft"j "20" "35 I iliirlHT I 7-W I l ' U I 15 2" ffl" 1 "rW0r.7j"n:"l2; 15 2t 1 p ' 2.35 f 4 ! 5 ; $ 10 ItM8?ns n nrnfesslonal cards ten If ISsl'KU EVKKY WEDNESDAY, M. K. TURNER & CO., Proprietors and Publishers. L lines or ls tmee. per annum, ten dol- )r l.f.'al advertisements at statuto eutes. "KHtril local notices" fifteen ets a line each insertion. "Local nt ice ' Mve cents a line each inser tion. Advertiments classified a "Spe cial mHlees" live eent a line first inser tion, three eent a line each subsequent insert ioh. 'SSrOfficc. on 11th street., up Mains fin Journal building. Terms Per year, $2 Sir mouths, 1. Three month -,50c. Single copies. 5c. Y0L. XL-NO. 24. COLUMBUS, NEB., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1880. WHOLE NO. 544. THE JOURJNAL. Sw 0MW I Jlr III i'K ) W fcgF w j XJ V Xr VJ J WF CONGRESSIONAL -DELEGATION. A. S. Paudock, T. S. Senator, ltcatrice. ALVIN .SaUNukrs, I . S. Senator, Ouuiha. T. ,1. Majors, hVp., Peru. . K. K. Valkntink, Uep., We-t Point. STATK PIKKCTOUY: VLBiNUs Nance. Governor, Lincoln. ..l. .Vlevnmler, Secrouiry of state. K V. LU-tUki', Auditor, Lincoln, (i M lUrtletl, 1'rr i-urer, Liiu-olu. C-.l."ll rtli. Attriie-(.-nerjil. S It. Tliomp-n. Sunt. Publii' Iuni H. '. Dawson, Warden oi Peniteittinrj . W. W. Ab'jcy, I rimn Ih-pertor. l)r. J. (. IMvls. Prison Physician. H.P.MntheA-.on, Supt. Insane Asylum. JI'DiriARV: 3. Mh-wi'1I, Chief Justice, fJeore H. I.Bke.J A,00iat' Judge. Aitiasa I'oWh. I rot'RTir juiucul ihstkict. U. W. Pst, .holer. York. M. It. Keese, District Attorney, Wahoo LAND OFFU'KUS: N, H. llHVic, U"jtlster,r,r:ind lslmd. "VYiu. Anyan, Kf fiver, Orand Island. COUNTY MKKOTORY: J. C llirrins. mint Judac John StawaVr. Count? Clork. J. W. !:rl. Treasurer. Kciij. Spielman. MiitIiI. K. I.. K.tss-itcr, Surveyor. John Walker. John Wisp. V CoiintyCommissioner. M.Mnhgr, J Or. A. Heint7, Coroner. S. I.. Barrett. Supt. of Sohoul. G.B. llnllev 1 .i.UiesofthePeHce. Byron Millett, I Chailei. Wake. Constahle. 1TY niRKCTORY: J. P. I5.'k-r. Mayor. II. J. IIudsftH. Clerk, c. A. Newman, Trei-urer. Geo. C IS.iwiuan. Polioc Judge. .).;. Routsoii, Kimineer. r.u'vriLMRX: 4- Ut HVrnf lolin Uioklv. l. A. Sehroedcr. id n'ardWiVsJjumitv S.K MeAIH-ter. S.f Ward a. W. (Mother. Phil. Cain. ;olHiiiiu. Poi Office. pen on Sundays trm 11 a.m. to 12 m. and from zVA to r. m. Business hours except Snuda a m. to S p..m. KdMcru mails cloe at 11 a. m. Western mails close nt 4:15 p.m. Mail leaves Colnmhus for Madison and Norfolk. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, 7 a. m" rrives at 0 i". M. For Monroe, Genoa. Waters ille ami Al hlon, duilj except Sunday C a. M. Ar rive, same. 6 1. si. For Po.stville, Farral, Oakdale and Newman's Grove, Momliivs, Wcdnes ilnys aud hricbys t a.'m. Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays mid Saturdays, at 0 p. si. For Shell Creek. Creston and Stanton, on Mondays and Fridays Mt 0 a. si. Arrives TiU'oilhjs and Saturday, at (J r. si. For Alexis, Patron and David City, Tucodays, ThursriiVK ami Saturdays, 1 v. m "Arrives at 12 si. For St. Anthnn, Prahie Hill and St. liornard. Friday, 0 a. m. Arrives SatUidavs,3p.M. II. I. Time TiiUle. Eastward Hound. Emigrant, No. tf, ltx at . (1:35 a.m. PasM-nK'T, 4, " " 11:0)1 a.m. Frelrht,i " 8. " .. 2:15 p.m. FroinhlJ "10, u " 4:30 a.m. retKard Bound. Fretehtl No. 5. lcHes at . 2:00 p.m. Pasfeuff'r, " 3, " ' 4:27 p.m. Freight, " 9, " " 6:00p.m. Emigrant. "7. " ".. 1:80a.m. Every day except Snturday the three linei, leudiiV to l hlcao connect with tJ P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdajs there will he hut one train a daj, a shown hv the follow iiur schedule: A. AN. TIME TABLE. Leaves Columhu. . 8:30 A.M. Platte, . .. !:W " David Citv, . . J.25 " Garri-on," 9:W " HIvsm's 10:02 " Sta'plehurst 10:19 " " Seward, 10:37 " " Rubv. . 10:.'3 " Milford. 11:05 Pleasant Dale 11:22 " " Kmerald 11:40 " Arrives at Lincoln, .. PJ:(W St. Leaves Lincoln at I T. SI. and arrives In Columbus 4:45 p.m. O.. X. & IJ. II. ROAD. Hound north. Bound south. Jackson 4:53 p.m.' Norfolk 0:30 a. si. LstCreek5:30 Mu.ison 6:57 PL Centre 5:57 " Madieon .7:45 " llumphrexC;51 ' illuiuphre:34 Madison 7:40 " PL Centre 9:2s Mun-on :2S LostCreek 9:55 " Norfolk bwi Jaeksou 10:30 " The departure from Jackson will be covcrned t the arrival there of the u. P. express tiain. SOCIETY NOTICES. tSTCards under this heading will be inserted for $3 a year. U. A. R. Baker Post No. 9, Department of Nebraska, meets every second and fourth Tue-day evenlnps In each month in Knights of Honor Hall, Co- luuibus. John Hammond. P. C. D. D. WadsWorth, Adj't. H. P. Bower, Searg. laj. BUSINESS CARDS. -XJ- J. THOMPSON, XOTAXT PUJtLIO And General Collection Agent, St. Edwards, Boone Co., Xeb. NOTICE! IF YOU have any real estate for sale, if you wish to buy either in or out of the'eitv. if you wish to trade cit property for lands, or lands for city property, give us a call. "WADSWORTn & J06SELYX. NKLaON SIILLETT. BYRON MILLETT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. 3f. JIH.LETT Sc SOf, ATTORNEYS AT LA"W, Columbus, Nebraska. N. B. They will give olose attention to all business entrusted to them. 248. :T OUIS SCHREIBER, BLACKSMITH AND WAGON MAKER. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Buggies, Wagons, etc., made to order, and all work guaranteed. GTSbop opposite the "Tatteriall," Olive Street. i&V SCHOOL, BLANK AND OTHER BOOK $8P Paper, Pens, Musical Instruments and Music, TOYS, NOTIONS, BASE BALLS AND BATS, AKCHKKY AND CROQUET, &c, at LUBKER & CRAMER'S, Cornor 13th and Olive Sts., - COLUMBUS, NEB. nOKKKI.lt'S A. WUl.I.lVA.". ATTOJiXEYS-Al-LA W, Tp-stairs In (Huck Rulldin, 11th street, Above the New bank. f JUSTICE OF THE TEA CE AND XOTAltT PUBLIC, PlTfE CKNTKK, Nkb. TT J. IIlJlSO.", " KOTAItY PUBLIC. 12tli street. 2 doors west of llaniraond Home, Columbus, Neb. -91-y D It. JI. I. TIHIIWTOJj. BE SI DENT DENTIST. Oiliee over corner of 11th and North-st. All operations first-class :uid warranted. C HiXCAUO BA1CIIKK SHOP! HENRY AVOODS, PuofR. t3TKvervthinr in fit-class style. Also keep the best of clears. 516-y ArcAI.MSTER KKOS., A TTORXEYS A T LA W, Ortice upstairs in McAllister's build ins. Uth s- vy emcott ac taffk. DIIESS AND MANTUA MAKEBS. X3 Work done in the latent aiyl neat est ntvles. Shop on 12th St., east of Hank." 515.6m p jr. sciil'G, .ii. i., rilYSlClANAND SURGEON, Coliimliis. Nob. (Mce-Corner of North and Eleventh St.s..uptairb in GluckMbiick building. Consultation in German and English. 7M Kli'KGDiS Dealer in REAL EST A TK, CONVEYANCER, COLLECTOR, GKNOA. NANCK CO., - NKB. O LATTEKY .t PEARSALL AKE ritKPARKD, WITH FTJIST-CLASS APPARATUS, To remove houes at reasonable rates. (ie them a call. PICTURES! PICTURES I NOW IS THE TI.M E to secure a life like picture of yourself and chil dren at the New Art Kooms, east 11th ntrcet. south side railroad track, Coluin biiK, Nebraska, as ilrs. Josselyn will close the establishment this Fall. Those having work to do should call Boon. QEOEQE N. DEERY, CARRIAGE, House i Sign Painting, QSIIKISS, QLAZUIS, Paper HaBKlBSTt KALSOMINING, Etc. tSTAll work warranted. Shop on OMe htrect, one door south of EMlott'a new Pump-house. aprltiy T S. MURDOCK & SOX, ' Carpenters and Contractors. Have had an extended experience, and will guarantee isatit-faulion in work. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Our motto is, Good work and fair prices. Call and give us an oppor tunity to estimate for you. j3TShop at the Big Windmill, Oolumbus, Nebr. 483-y LAW, REAL ESTATE ANDGKNKHAL COLLECTION OFFICE BY AV.S.GEER MONEY TO LOAN in small lots on farm property, time one to three vcars. Farm with'some improvements bought and sold. Office for the present at the Clother House, Columbus, Neb. 473-x IT. SCHECK, .Manufacturer and Dealer in CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ALL KINDS OF SMOKING ARTICLES. Store on Olive St.. near the old Post-office Columbus Nebraska. 447-ly COL1.1BIS Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEHAN, Proprietor. ESTWholesale ind Retail Dealer in For eign Wines. Liquors and Cigars, Dub lin Stont, Scotch and English Ales, i tBTKentucky UTiiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS in their season, by the case cau or dish. 11th. Strest, SoHtk at Dejrat aAa yf Pencils, Inks. ADVERTISEMENTS. ni era I i END SPRINGS, PLATFORM SPRINGS, WHITNEY & BREWSTER SIDE SPRINGS. Light Pleasure and Business Wag ons of all Descriptions. We are pleased to invite the attention of the public to the fact that we have just received a car load of Wagons and Buggies of all descriptionsaud that we at? the. iPJf 3ehls Tor the counties ol Platte, Butler, Booue, Madison, Merrick, Polk and York, for the celebrated CORTLAND WAGON COMP'Y, of Cortland, New York, and that we are oflcring these wagons cheaper than anj other wagon built of same material, style and finish can be sold for in this county. J3T"Send for Catalogue and Price-list. phi i.. :ai., 484-tf Columbus, Neb. AJVOERIOAJST mm i surgical inmi ?. Z. UITCHELL, U. S. I). T.ltlSTTH.M.B ill S. S. UESCXS, U. S. t :. C. BXHIBZ, K. ., 3f Onih. Consulting Physicians and Surgeons. For the treatment of all classes of Bar gery and deformities; acute and chronic diseases, diseases of the eye and ear, etc., etc., ColumbuB, Neb. JEWELRY STORE OF- G. HEITKEMPER, ON ELEVENTH STREET, Opposite Spcice & North's land-oflico. lias on hand a fine selected stock of Wales, ducts ana Jewelry. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. J3TALL GOODS SOLD, ENGRAVED " FRKK OF OHARGE.J3 Call and see. No trouble to show goods. 519.3m Wm. SCHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES! A roaplett aMortatrnt of Ladlw' tad Call dren'iSbOM Irpt on hand. All Work Warranted!! Oar 3fotto Good stock, excellent work and fair prices. Especial Attention paid to Repairing Cor. Ollre lSth St. HAZEN WIND MILL! HARRIGAK ft CRAINE Havk the agency for this celebrated wind null, 'and will also sell pumps, and make repairs on pumps and mills. The Hasea is better governed than any other, more durable, will run longer, go in as little wind and in great er than any otherj and ghe the best of satisfaction. See the one at the Grand Pacific, and call on us opposite the post-office. 527-X A GOOD FARM FOR SALE 1M acres of good land, 80 acres under cultivation, a good house one and a half story high, a good stock range, plenty ot water, and good hay land. Two miles east of Columbus. Inquire at the Ploacer Bakery. 7t-6m SmsHHiHHflHLHiLK Ppciais uQUGOlS coi.. k. cj. izc;eksol.i Rockkokd, III., Sept. 28. The Republicans of Rockford, or rather of "Winnebago and the adjoining counties, gathered to the number of about 6,000 on the Fair-Grounds to listen to a speech by Col. R. G. In gersoll. In addition to a general outpour of the citizens of this place, there were large delegations from Belvidere, Elgiu, Aurora, Rochelle, Pecatonica, Freeport, Sycamore, Dixon, Jauesville, aud Reloit. Col. R. G. Iuger8oll arrived at 2 o'clock, and was escorted to the depot by the Committee of Arrangements. After some songs by the Illinois Campaign Glee Club, of Chicago Col. Itigersoll was intioduced by R. G. Crawford, the pio-iding officer, and talked for two and a quarter hours, making a brilliant speech, which was perpetually interrupted by the laughter and applause of his hearers. MR. INGERSOI.L SPOKE AS FOLLOWS : Ladies and Gentlemen : In the first place I wish to admit that Dem ocrats and Republicans have an equal interest in this country ; that it belongs to us all, aud that they are as deeply interested in the preserva tion of this form of government as we cau bo. I admit, too, that most of them are honest in their convic tions, and I do not wish to addtes my8"e!HoftPemocrat who is not honestly one. There is nG IlCSd of wasting reasons upon a man who is didhonestfnot the slightest. Cheers. Neither do I believe that it is pos sible to make a vote in any civilized country by misrepresenting the facts. Neither do I believe it is possible to influence a solitary man who has got any sense by slander or vituperation. That time has gone by, and I do not intend to say to-day one word that every Democrat pres ent will not be willing to say is true ; aud whatever he may say with his mouth inside of him he will know that it is true. Applause. I do not intend to-day to express a soli tary sentiment that every Democrat will not give three cheers for in his heart. "Hear!" Hear!" We are all, I 6ay, equally interested, Dem ocrats, and Republicans, and Green backers alike. We all want a good Government. If we do not, we should have none. Wo all want to live in a land where the law is supreme. We desiro to live beneath a flag that will protect every citizen beneath its fold. We desire to be citizens of a Government so great aud so grand that it will command the respect of the civilized world. Most of us are convinced that our Government is the best upon this earth. It is the only Government where manhood, and manhood alone i made not simply a condition of citizenship, but where manhood, and manhood alone, permits its possessor to have bis equal share in control of the Government. Cheers. It Is the only Government in the world where poverty is upon an exact equality with wealth, so far as con trolling the destinies of the Repub lic is concerned. It is the only Nation where the man clothed in a rag stands upon equality with the one wearing purple. It is the only country in the world where, politi cally, the hut is upon an equality with the palace. Cheers. KOR THAT CKASON every poor man should stand by that Government, and every poor man who does not is a traitor to the best interest of hN children ; every poor man wno docs not is willing his children should bear the badge of political inferioiity ; and the only way to make this Government a complete and perfect success is for the poorest man to think as mnch of his manhood as the millionaire does of his wealth. Applause. A man does not vote in this country simply because he Ib rich; he does not vote in this country simply because he has an education ; he does not vote simply because he has talent or genius ; we say that be votes because he is a man, and that he has his manhood (q support; and we admit in this country that nothing can be more valuable to any human being than his manhood loud applause, and for that reason we put poverty on an equality with wealth. We say in this country manhood is worth more than gold. We ay in thi6 country that without liberty the Nation is not worth preserving. Applause. Now, I appeal to-day to every poor man ; I appeal to-day to every laboring man, and I ask him, Is there another country on this globe where yon can have your equal rights with others? Cries of "No." Now, then, in every conn try, no matter how good it is, and no matter bow bad it is. in every country there is something that ought to be destroyed. Now recol lect that every voter is in bis own right a king; every voter in this country bat in hie hands the sceptre of authority ; and every voter, poor aud rich, wears the purple of author ity alike. Recollect it ; and the man that will sell his vote is the man that abdicates the American throm. The man that sells his vote Blripp himself of the imperial purple, throws away the sceptre, and admits that he is less than a man. Loud applause, and cries of "That's so!" More than that, the man that will sell his vote for prejudice or for hatred, the man that will be lied out of hia vote, that will be slandered outof his vote, that will be fooled outof his ?oto. 13 NOT WORTHY to be nn American citizen. Now lot us understand ourselves. Let us endeavor to do what i3 right ; let us say this country is good, we will make it better ; let us say if our chil dren do not live in a Republic it shall uot be our fault. Two great parties are asking for the control of this country, and it is your business and mine, lint, to in quire into the history of these par ties. We want to know their char acter; and, recollect, you cannot make character in a day ; you cannot make a reputation by passing a res olution. If you could, you could reform every Penitentiary in fifteen minutes in the United States of America. Laughter and applause. The question is, Whit have those parties been doing? not, What do they say now? That may help to make them a character twenty years hence; but what have they been doing for the last tvC-lHy4'wn,3. ""d let us be honest, honor bright? Laughter and applause. In 1800 the Democratic party had power. There was a Democratic President of the United Siates. Every Cabinet officer was a Demo crat; every Federal officer was a Democrat, every one, because that party would never allow anybodj but a Democrat to be in office, no matter how small. Laughter and applause. In 1800 and 1801 a few of the Southern States said: "We will no louger remain in this Union." What did the Democratic party do? James Buchanan, with Judge Black for his legal adviser, solemnly de cided that the Federal Government could not even protect its own prop erty. That was the decision of the highest officer in that Administra tion. In other words, that Demo cratic Administration said TUB UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ARE DISSOLVED, tho great Federal Government is dead forever, the experiment of our fathers has failed, the blood of the Revolution was shed in vain, and here in 1861, on the jaggered rocks of secession, the Ship of State must go down forever. This is what that party said then ; does anybody wish that that party had remained in power? Does anybody to-day wish that we at that time had allowed the flag of our fathers to have been torn forever from heaven? Cries of "No." A war commenced. The Republican party said : "Tho Union must aud shall be maintained." Hundreds and thousands of Demo crats also said the same thing. I honor them for it, and I never,while I live, will say a word against any man who fought for our Hag in the sky, never. Applause. I admit to-day, and I cheerfully admit, that hundreds of thousands of Democrats were a thousand times belter than the party to which they belonged. Applause and laughter. I admit that the salt of the party left it. Applause. I admit the stood, brave young men -men with blood in their veins said, "Jrmes Buchanan is a traitor." Good Democrats said, "The flag must be preserved, aud we will help preserve it." Applause. And I am willing to admit to-day that, had it not been for these Dem ocrats, the probability is we never could have put down the Rebellion. Applause. I want to be honest about this thing. What, though, did the Democratic party do after the decent men had left it? Laughter. When these men who believed in the preservation of the Union had enlisted, when they had gone down to the fields of death and glory, what did the Democrats they had left at home do in 18G4? This Democratic party left at home, just before the dawn of universal victory, met in National Convention and announced that war for the restoration of the Union was a failure; that is what they did. What did they do in In diana? They assasiuated Federal officers, they shot down Union men, they entered into conspiracies for the purpose of releasing Rebel sol diers; they were supplied with money from Canada. I know it, and the evidence is to-day among the Rebel Archives at Washington that leaders of the Southern Con federacy furnished money to the Democrats of Illinois and Indiana to hold public meetings for -the pur pose of INFLUENCING PUBLIC OPINION against the Republicau party. That is what they did ; remember it ; do not forget it. Laughter.J When the war was over -what did the Democrats do? Now I will try and tell the exact truth. Laughter. Every man who advocated secession was a Democrat ; every man who drew a secession ordinance wa a Democrat-; every man who swore that this great aud splendid Govern ment was but a "Confederacj bound together by ropes of sand," by chains of mist, was a Democrat laughter; every man who wished to tear the old Hag out of the sky was a Demo crat ; every one who wished to pre serve the institution of slavery, so that babes could be sold from their mother's breasts; every one who wished to make a slave by robbing the cradle ; every one who wUhod to breed bloodhounds to purue lugitive slaves ; 'every one who be lieved that a lash upon a naked back was legal-tender for labor perform ed laughter and applause ; every one was a Democrat. Every one who wished to create a firo in the rear; all who wanted to release Rebel prisoners in the North, that they might burn down the homes ot soldiers then in the front ; every one who wanted to scatter disease and pestilence in Northern cities; every one who wished to inflict our homes with yellow-fever; every one who wished to cl lire to the great cities of Ihe North, knowing that the ser vants of flame would destroy women and babes; every one who tried to fire Ihe boats upon our rivers; every one was a Democrat laughter and applause- '"id " know it. Laugh ter. Every tn?.U who starved oui soldiers, evcrv man wJiO "bot a I Union soldier was i Democr3l?f every wound that a Union soldier has is a souv.enir of the Democratic piirty; and you know it Apphue and laughter. Every one who ted our men taken prisoners with A CRUST THAT THE WORMS HAD EA'I KN REHIRE was a Democrat; every man who shot down our men when they hap pened to step an inch beyond the dead line, every one was a Demo crat ; and when some poor, emacia ted Union patriot, driven to insanity by famine, saw at home in hi- inno cent dreams the face of hi- mother, and she s'Ctncd to beckon him to come to her, and he, following that dream, stcpp d one inch beyond the dead ne, tho wretch who put a bullet through his throbbing, losing heart was a Democrat. Applause. We should never forget these things. A voice, "That's so." Every m-in who wept over the corpse of slav ery ; every man who was sorry when the chains fell from four millions of people; every man who regretted to see the shackles drop from men, and women, and children, every one was a Democrat. In the House ot Representatives, aud in the Senate, the resolution was submitted to amend the Constitution so that ev ery mm treading the soil of the Republic should be forever free, and every man every man who voted against it was a Democrat. Ever' man v, ho swore that greenbacks would never be worth any more than withered leaves, every man who slandered our credit, and prophesied defeat, was a Democrat. Now recollect it. Liughter. Do not forget it. Renewed laughter. And if there is any young man here who is this fall to cit his first vote, I beg of him, I besrech him, not to joiu that party whose hiftlnry for the last twenty years has been a dis grace to this country. Cheers. Now, on the other hand, what has the Republican party been doing ail this time? Aided and assisted by good Democrats, aided and asUted by honest men, aided and assisted by the spirit of patriotism in thi country, what has the Republican party been doing? In the firsl place, our party preserved this Gov ernment. ''Yes, sir." Had it not been for the Republican party the United States of America would not still enrich aud glorify the map ol the world. "You are right." HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR THE REPUBLI CAN PARTY the old banner of Stars and Stripes would now be floating in'Heaven. Cheers. The Republican party i-' sued the money; the Republican party swore it was good, and the Republican party issued the bond made necessary by the Democracy, and the Republicans not only said "We will whip you," but "We will pay the costs ourselves." Liugh ter. It cost at least six thousand millions of dollars, a pile of gold in the presence of which even extrava gance would stand amazed. Six thousand millions of dollars aud 400,0001ives! What for! Is it pos sible we did all that to put the very party in power that it cost six thou sand millions of dollars and 400,000 lives to prevent their destroying thisGoyernraent? Cheers. Think of it! Remember it. Let me ask any Democrat, looked at in the light of history ot twenty years, which of these parties has the better reputa tion? Laughter Which has thu hotter reputation for patriotism? Which has the better reputation for truth and veracity? What hasthe Democratic party done the last twenty jears that has beei a success? Gov. Morton once saitl : "The Democtatic party: it is like a man riding on the cars backwards, he never accs an thing until he Iwir passed it." Laughter. What ba the Democratic party advocated in the twenty years that has been a success? Now and then they haw advocated a good .thing, but that has only been when they adopted some Republican idea. Applause. I admit that tlie Republican part has done some wrong things. 1 admit the great, splendid Republi can party, endeavoring to do right, Iihs now aud then, by iniMake, duiie wrong, ami 1 admit that the reai Democratic partv, endeavoring to do wrong, has now aud thou blun dered into tiie right. "Willi it ok tiik.se parties aic the people of thi- splendid coun try of Northern Illinois willing to risk the Government with? Well, of course, it i owing to what you waut. It is owing to what you want to preserve; it is owing to what you wish to destroy. Some people tell me we. want a change. What for? "Well, we waut a change." Liughter. What for? There never was a tune in the his tory of thie country that it was a, prof-pcrou.- as it is to-day. Do jon want a change? "No, '-No.'" This is not oni ihe bet country in the oi Id, but we have good hou-c.u e have V, p'oie to eat, have got bel ter clothes ana wc ,mve "ot m,,,e scn-e on the average tniul"uu-y-jber people on this globe. Laughtei. When I i-ay "country,"' 1 mean the Northern, Western, and Extern States; that h what I mean. There is no country wherein education in thought so much of as in the United Stales. There i- no country where one man will help auolner a quick ly. There i- no country in which there is as much generosity on the iverage n in the United States. Sow w have got to preserve -ome-thing. We do not wish to chmge for the sake of a chaugf. Tnore never should be a change until a better party than the Republic? a-ks ') take the sceptre of authori ty. When the Democracy, in Mick cloth and a-ikes, will admit tiiat the Imve been wrong for twenty wirs: when tho Democratic party will suy. beating the meantime upon its hol low breast, "I have sinned, and wish an opportunity to show that I have repented," it will be time enough to trust them then. Now the next question arise which section ot thi country had you rather trust? The South or :hr North? "The north every lime." Of course. What is the Democratic party to -day without the Solin South? The Solid South is the Democratic party. The Democrats of tho North are tools of the Solid South. Cheers. There are some things in this country that we wish to preserve. Of course, when h man hap got nothing he need not be verj particular about making his will and if he does make his will he neei not make 4uy tus about who shal. be administrators. We think tha- wk have oot omktiiig. We think that there are thing to be preserved in the American Repub lic. Now what must wc preserve? What do you waut preserved ? Firt of all, you helicvo that in a Republic there should be ib-olutc freedom of opinion; you believi that in a Re public there should be absolute free speech ; you believe that every indi vidual tongue has the right to th general ear; j-ou believe that thi Government should rest upon the intelligence, upon the patriotism, and upon the morality of the people, and you believe that every citizen ol this Republic has a right to tell the rest ot the citizens of this Republic' what he believes. Of what use is it to allow the attorney for the defend ant to argue before the jury, if, upon the jury bringing a verdict of "Not guilty," the defendant is to be hang ed by the mob? We belt v, then, in fiec speech; we bel.ivu free speech to be the gem ol the human brain. Speech is the wing of tho't, aud if you will not allow tree speech you are not acivilizod'pcopie." Ap plause In what part ot this coun try has the fiacred right of free speech been preserved : in the South or the' North? Cries of "In the the North."J If you want free speech preserved in this country the North must do it. Crie "That is. right." We must do if, and we must not put in power the people who do not believe in that sacred right. The South never favored free speech, never. Why? They had there an institution called slav orv. It they allowed free speech thev knew that slavery could not endure, aud tho consequence wan they closed the lips of reason. In other words, for every chain they put upon the limbs of slaves they put a corresponding manacle upon the brain ot the white man. Loud applause Iu order to enslave oth ers they enslaved themselves, and they linallv came face to face with one of the great principles of nature. Mau cannot en-dive auother without trampling upon hi own manhood ; no man can be unjust to auothor without robbing himself. Ap plause. J I believe, thcu, in ireo speech. I want the lips of thought to be forever freo aud tor that rea son i am with the north, because tne north will protect that "acred right. That is one thing I waut, and I go with the people that tire going furthest my way w hen I want anything. Laughter aud ap plause. J I belong to uo party ; I "imply act with the party that come nearest my views. 1 am the prop el ty ot nobody. Applause. Ho human being has got a mortgage upon my brain. Cries of " Well done !" "Good !" aud loud applause. I will say my say iu spite of priuui palities and powers as long as I live cheor-, and a voice, "We will stand by you !"J ; aud I will say what I think. We not only wish to preserve tree speech, but we wish ao to preserve the product of Iroe speech. After you have thought, if ter everybody has said his say, aud thereupon ihe people of the United Stale-deposit tneir will iu the ballot-box, wu want to feel absolutely curtain that every vote that goes iu tliton i honest; we want to feel certain that uvery vote that comes out Iroui there and i counted is a gul vol?. That is what we waut. Of vi.l-t-J,se '" 'fee speech it Fraud i to hold in i!'""' hauti the oa iot box of this Nat'oin ? Tnero is iu tlii country one Kui'? tnro " under our fl ig one Empl'.ror "B C.-ir, one supreme power, and 'mt is the legally-expreased will of a niHJorily of our people. Applause. That is Ihe King, and any man who will poi-ou the source ot authority, any man who will put an illegal vote iu a bailut-box, any mau who uiil count an illegal vote alter it is put iu, any niun who will throw out a legal vote after it is put iu, is a traitor io the great principle upou wlucn this Government is fouuded applause, and the time ought to come whuu we would hold in su preme detestation, execration, aud contempt any man who would put in the ballot-box an illegal vote. Every Amoricnu citizcii should keep his hands pure; every American citiAMi should say, "I am willing to abide by the decision of the majori ty," and when we say that then we will have a Republic that will en dure lor countless years. We have got to do something iu this country. We arc upon the edge, to-day, of Mr-xicanizution ; wo are upon the eJge of chaos. The people are BEGINNING TO LOSE CONFIDENCE iu elections; the people are begin ning to .say, "Fraud controls, rascal ity elects" and the momeut that suspicion is well lodged in the minds of the people then they will have no respect tor the lawi made by men who are elected by fraud. They will have no respect for the decision ot Judges wheu they be lieve the Judges were elected by fraud; aud then conies the dissolu tion ot our form of government ; aud then comes the destruction of human iiborty for a hundred years. Every Republican should make up his mind to be a perpetual sentinel of the ballot-box; every Republicau should make up his mind that, bo far as was iu fiis power, an illegal vote should never again be cast in this country. We fell into it; it took a long time, but we got there. In the first place, in the cities, no man wai allowed to voto who came from a foreign country until he had been here five years. They began allow ing them to rote when they had been here tour, and if the Demo cratic party did, probably the Whig party would have done it if the for eigners would have voted the Whig ticket uughter, but they wouldn't. Renewed laughter. After awhile they allowed them to vote iu three years, in two yearn, and it was -not long until they met them at Castle Garden aud inarched from the ship directly to the polls. Laughter. All ov.t our country we have had a contest with regard to the removal of county-seats when all the people at one side of the county were for removal, and all the pcoplo on the other side against r8tnoval, and the ! North side would hear that the South ride was going to cheat, and the South would hear that tho North side was going to cheat, and, as a Continued on fourth page.