The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 06, 1880, Image 3

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Wi:iSK?l)AY. OCT. . l.
('AwmuHicHtleH-. to Injure insertion
tkf next .., iimM be in liand on
.MotMttot; if l.Hv'ih, en Thursdays
prucadMt; is.MU-.4lav. AdvertNements,
f WMU'.cr pi, tcuM W in hand by
IWHW. Tin ia ;
Adv-rtwRieHl;-. under this head lo
otn. a Jint- tlrel inet-i Uuu, 10 ctt. a line
uh htruuewi inrerlion.
'! Sulifcriber.
rMwrTisme.trrA 'iiir datk at which
yomi sLicmiMio.N FswitKs, ii placed
tnt iK,fa Journal ya receive. A prompt
n-hf vnl or discontinuance will save the
IttliMicr, both trouble and expense,
and W better for all concerned. A re
newal i re-pec-tfully xolicited. $2 for 1
yr.; ?1 f"i 0 mos.;"3o ct. for 8 mo.
JtKKNAt., with Itlirr the American Ay
rirmtlHrist r Kcbraska Farmer $3 a yr.,
tM.-toai!. cali in advauce; JOUKXAI.
jhI Ute .Ywrarty ?S.
The regular m-etinst of the Club will
Wf k-ld Saturday. 7:3') p. til- in
Rtiker'i Hall, upstair in the Bunk
ItktiMlHi'. .M. WlHTMOYKR,
1IK.VKY I.LBh'KK, Sec'y. l're't.
2oli Ileal.
Jtit. KlMixjK: l"leae announce the niiuie
ft JtMtu ltlkly a suitable man to
rttiMfteiit i'ltitte county in the next
it-ate L'MlatHre.
A nice rain Sit unlay.
!. r hitrguiiH, go to "The Won
dtr." Item to Mrs. 8. S. McAllister,
Tuesday, .Sept. 2rfh, a ou.
M. D-Mineeii sold a wagon train
of hogs in the city Saturday.
Win. Smith has rented lluune
ntuVw clll -, nar the elevator.
Jut), (iodtrey whs under the
wtt her several days last week.
A Hue of Hoots and shoes at
cost and less at Mrtohall Smith's.
Raymond shipped two car-loads
of hit hogs to Denver on Tuesday.
We learn that Willie, ion of II.
V. tViolidtfe, is atllieted with scarlet
Tfiltuiy & Koiitsnn shipped a
t4cl lot ol boss to Denver last
A child eau buy as cheap as a
iiiittti at the Ro-tou Shoo Store, opp.
II. J. Hudson will accept our
thanks tor a nice largo specimen of
wild plu tn .
A. C Tigner conducted the rc
IiIti4 servicer at the M. K. church
last Sabbath.
Now is the time to subscribe
for the Jouk.vai., $2 a year, 50 ceuts
three months.
Money to loan ou improved
tttruih on the very best terms by
Ilechur & Price.
'Cheap, Cheaper, Cheapest," is
the motto ol "The Wonder" Store,
noxt door to po-t-otlice.
J. K. Talker, at IMattc Ccuter,
hitr a large stock ot lumber, which
he is H'llingat low price?.
Wfit of North Platte and into
V oming there a-e 1500 ear-loads of
ort!!l awaiting shipment.
W. II. Liwtcnco has moved his
pump establishment to the Sutton
building opposite the P. O
Wp will ttiru:h the Journal
tu te Omaha Weekly Republican.
ono ycrtr.postage paid, lor ?3.00.
Coal is coming into stronger
demand, as the nights lengthen, and
the winds come from the northwest.
Ratisdnll Sc Shot well are paying
the very highest market prices, in
OMxh, for fat poultry, and want all
they can get.
Will T. IHokly will pay the
bighest cash price for 50 head of
U, 3, and 4 year old steers, delivered
at Columbus.
For Kent. A house, centrally
located, and suitable for dwelling or
bonrding house. Inquire at the
Journal oftlce.
In buying, this fall, see what
you can buy goods for at other
places and then buy them cheaper
at "The Wonder."
Blank notes, batik, joint, indi
vidual and work-atid-Iabor, neatly
bound in books ot 50 and 100, for
ale at the Journal oliice.
Wanted. A girl to do general
housework. Cood wages will be
paid for a competent girl. Enquire
of Leatider Cerrard, Nebraska Ave.
Anderson paid Clark Kennard
$171 for two wagon loads of fat hogs
Iat weok. He paid as high as A1
oents for a few loads of choice hogs.
Fat hogs bring the farmers more
money thi season than any other
product of the farm. This is a les
fcon to increase their corn and hog
Mr. Martha Barrow lust week
presented us with a sample of native
Nebraska plums, equal in size and
quality to the best cultivated va
rieties. M. T. Kiuney, express messen
ger on the St. Joseph and "Western
railroad, is rejoicing over the arrival
of a Garfield voter at his house.
St. Joe Herald.
Kev. Fleharty returned from
Conference Tuesday eveniug. He
has been assigned to Harvard, in the
Hastings district, and Columbus is
to be supplied by M. V. B. Bristol.
On Mouday last L. -Kramer sold
G50 worth of goods. This is a good
reckoning, and we are informed by
our bankers that more money is be
ing distributed here this fsll than
Rastnussen & Schrara gave an
oyster supper Saturday evening at
Sbeehan's parlors to a number of
their business brethren. The dis
solution of the firm wai duly celebrated.
dc7?ow,1er mi Bhot at " T,,e ""
--C. H. Young has gone to Iowa
i on a visit.
Mrs. jt. N. Burgess is atllieted
with mumps.
-Frank Clark goes to Kcho City,
Utah Territory.
Hou. Lorati Clark, of Albion,
whs in the city Saturday last.
J. G. Iliggius aud F. Brodleu
her went to Madisou Tuesday.
The cheapest place to buy goods
of all kinds is at "The Wonder."
When you waut apples don't
forgot to go to Marshall Smith's.
For first-class work and best
stock, go to the Boston Boot and
Shoe Store.
Mahlon Clother aud fumily re
turned to Columbus last week from
Platte Center.
Commissioner Johu Wise and
wife started Wednesday lor Illinois,
to visit friends.
Taskerls selling lumber at Platte
Ceuter at regular hard times prices.
Call and see him.
G. B. Bailey went down the
road Tuesday to meet his wi'e, who
has been visiting friends.
Raymond says that the market
for hogs is higher iu Columbus than
anywhere else iu Auierica.
Au all-day smoke for 5 cents.
Have you Heen it? "What? Why
the Long Trail Cigar at "The Won
der," next door to post-office.
Lucian Clark, lather of Hon.
Lorau Clark, died at Albion, Boone
county, ou the evening of Sept. 2Gth
in the 77th year of his age.
C. G. Ilickok had his foot pinch
ed Monday morning by a barrel of
vinegar, cutting a hole through the
instep of a pair of flue boots.
- -Saturday evening last Mrs.
Moses Welch had a paralytic stroke
which aflec.lB the 'entire right side of
her body. She is in her 70th year.
.1. R. West advertises a ealo for
next Saturday week. Ho expects
to move to California, where ho
lived beforo coming here seven
years ago.
Henry Carrig sold to Tiffany &
Routsou the other day, a car-load
of hogs for which he received 1783.
44. They were May pigs, and aver
aged nearly 300 pounds.
The Democrats on Saturday
elected the following delegates to
the Co. Convention : Geo. Lehman,
Juo. Hauey, Jno. Wormuth,
HaycSjJno. Brownor.M. Schram, jr.,
aud Julius Rastnussen.
The sociable at the Congrega
tional Church last evening was well
attended, and was a very enjoyable
affair. The solo singing by Miss
Turner elicited much praiso as did
also that of Miss Bridges.
At Platte Center the other day
Tiffauy & Routson purchased a car
load of bogs, 04 iu number, weighing
1S.310 pounds; at Columbus, the
samo day, they purchased another
lot of exactly the same number and
The speech of Mr. Bennett last
Wednesday nightat the Court House
was well received by the goodly
uumber of Republicans present, who,
every now and then, as the speaker
made a good point, cheered him
to the echo.
On last Saturday D. Anderson
sold and weighed up to Brown Bros,
of Fremont, 125 feeding steers,which
will be corn fed the coming winter
on Maple creek, Dodge county. This
is good evidence of a large corn crop
east of us in Nebraska.
The republican senatorial con
vention held last week in the 11th
district nominated B. K. Smith, of
St. Edwards, Boone county. Mr.
Smith is said to be a first-rate man,
and there is no question but what ho
will be triumphantly elected.
The 1st and 2d days of October
were regular land-office days with
S.C. Smith. James Piatt of Chicago
bough: 560 acres ; C. Shoemaker, of
Sterling, III., 1C0 acres ; T. Odenthall
1G0 acres, John Bernt 80 acres. All
the purchases were of Platte county
For. Sale. A dwelling-house and
lot in a very desirable part of the
city. Will be sold at a sacrifice, as
the mouey is needed. The house is
new and cost more money than is
asked for both house and lot. For
further particulars inquire at the
.lontNAL office
It is a very 6ad affair indeed, if
true, as reported, that ex-Governor
Garber, by 60fteuing of the brain, is
now suffering uuder mental aberra
tion, at bis home in Red Cloud, In
this state. He kuows no one except
his wife; not even bis most intimate
acquaintances make any impression
on his memory.
Misses Caroline and Martha
Kennedy, who formerly lived at this
place, but who have been making
an extended visit of several years in
Columbus, Nebraska, returned to
Cadiz on Thursday of last week, to
take up their abode among their
former friends and enjoy their native
hills once more. Cadiz, (Ohio,)
Someone recently broke several
of the large lights of glass in the
front of Maennerchor Hall ou 11th
street, worth about $15. The man
ner in which It wag evidently done
precludes the notion of accident.
These depredations that do no one
any good show a very bad disposi
tion on the part of the perpetrator, a
disposition which needs only to be
intensified to lead to assassination.
Iol'x by the Way.
Ed. Journal: The Douro, Dur
ra or Rice corn of Kansas which has
created such n furore from its ability
to withstand -evere drought, aud.
therefore adapted, to the arid section
of Kansas aud Nebraska, I find,
upon examination, to be an old ac
quaintance, having grown it iu Pen
usyhaniti more than forty years ago,
uuder the name of African Millet or
Guiiien corn, and at that time it was
used in some portions of southern
Europe as a substitute for wheat, a
place which it fills but partially,
though it may help to keep famine
from the door. It belongs to the
same family with sorghum and
broom corn, aud therefore, in order
to keep it pure, will require to be
planted where it will not mix with
these. The name Durra h Arabic,
evidently bowing its eastern origin
aud that it was brought from a coun
try not subject to excess of moisture.
My friend Heinricb wishes some
one to utilize the wild sunflower by
heading them and converting the
seed into oil. Now, I know not
what kind flourish on Shell creek,
but I am very sure that no
wheat header would top such plants
as grow in our section, with any
satisfaction wheu sufficiently dry ;
besides 1 think he is in error in re
gard to the amount of seed or the
quantity of oil to be obtained from
our native variety; the article he
quoted from evidently has reference
to the Russian variety, oue head of
which I kuow from observation will
yield a half pint of seed, or about
GO bushels per acre, which if there
was sufficient inducement might pay
to raise, as it is generally a sine crop.
For the winter mod of fowls a por
tion mixed with other grain is very
beneficial, aud as au oil-producing
plant I should think it would yield
at least double that of flax ; a more
efficient way of utilizing the wild
sunflower iu my opinion would be
to prevent their goiug to seed aud
fertilize the soil by plowing them
uuder, and this can "be done very
effectually with a sulky plow, so that
stalks lott in height cau be buried
completely out of sight, and leave
the surface as cloar of trash as tho'
uone had ever grown.
Tho same authority says he has a
second crop of wool, and thinks
three crops may easily be made in
two years, but what advantage if tho
threo crops net him no more than
two because such proceeding will j
require extra winter care to carry
the flock through the severe weather.
I know that in California this double
system of shearing is followed, but
their winters are milder than ours,
and there i is more particularly for
the purpose of getting rid of tho
scab, but presume this not to be the
o'lject iu his case. Theories are all
well enough iu their way, but ''facts
are stubborn things" and when these
have natural laws to sustain them
thev may bo said to be invincible.
G. S. T.
Hon. T. P. Kennard of Lincoln
and J'idge Da pis of Alma spoke at
the Court House Tuesday evening to
a tair audience of our citizens of
both parties, acquitting themselves
vory handsomely. Judge Davis
showed, to the satisfactiou ot Repub
licans at least, the utter absurdity of
the great cry for a change," made
by the Democratic party. Mr. Ken
nard dwelt upon the financial bear
ing of the electiou, striking a vein
that has not been sufficiently worked
by republican speakers, and one
which is simply astonishing, when
it comes to be seen iu the light iu
which Mr. Kennard presents it.
"We have beeu engaged, day and
night, the past week iu getting ready
Treasurer Early's very interesting
annual talk to the patrons of his
office. We may be allowed to say,
in regard to. this serial, which will
appear in four issues of the Journal,
that, although it looks rather unin
viting and even monotonous, yet
there are many who will read it with
serious faces and downcast looks.
There is always a way, however,
where there is a will, aud none need
det-pair. . .
y M. K. Turner, of the Columbus
Journal, has been nominated for
the office of state senator from the
14th district, composed of Platte and
Colfax counties. Mr. Turner is nn
old resident of Nebraska aud one of
tho best men in the state for the
position. The district, politically, is
one of the doubtful ones of the state
but we firmly believe that 3Ir. Tur
ner will reccivo the election. Lin
coln Globe.
In a business letter from George
Spooner at Lincoln be says that the
Journal building is being rushed
forward ; Quick's three-story build
ing is nearly finished ; the wing to
the Capitol iB ready for the third
windows ; the depot is under "full
blast." Lincoln is taking some
pretty tall steps this year, and is as
lively a town as there is in the west.
Barker & Croxon.of Silver creek
had on exhibition at the State Fair
47 head of sheep, mostly Cotswolds.
Among the lot however, were two
Leicestershires, 6even Shropshire
downs and two Southdowns. These
parties keep about 4,000 head of
sheep, and those on exhibition were
in good condition, and beautiful
beep, especially the Cotswolds.
Campaign Ztleetiajrs.
The State Central Committee have
made the following announcements
for Columbus:
Hon. E. K. Valentine and Gen.
John C. Cotviu, Tuesday, October
Hon. Church Howe, Col. E. F.
Smythe and Hon. D.G. Hull, Satur
day, Oct. 16th, at 7 p. m.
TJial Mmclliii;; Committee.
To all whom it may concern :
I have learned that democrats are
no incensed at my remarks at the
Court House Satutday evening, that
my own recoid i now their point of
attack, by a f-mellin committee at
Columbus, wiili its olfactories among
the quondam Kti Klux of Dixie It
any uumber oi good peisotip wish a
reminiscence ot my dt itiocratic
ciations thev shall hear me us
as the choose, at any time or place
theymay select.
The son and the nephew of Gov.
Nicholls attended the same school,
aud were members of the same class
with myself. I havo for yearn been
acquainted with the States Atty.
Gen., elect, ot Louisiana.
But the northern democracy are
responsible for the electiou of
Tweed to tho U S. Senate after his
indictment aud .lis crimes were no
torious, also of John Morrissey after
he had served out a term iu the pen
iteutiary for burglary. The chair
man of a committee of the demo
cratic legislature of Ohio, which
abolished the homes for soldiers'
orphans, served two years in the
Michigan penitentiary. At present
ono of their leading campaign ora
tors of Ohio served ten years in the
penitentiary. Also one of their
members of congress is now uuder
an indictment for bigamy, has lour
living wives.
Now, until a parallel to this can
be furnished against the republican
party, the democrats will ouly gel
themselves into new dilemma by any
attempt asrainst my record.
Very respectfully,
E. A. Fulford.
Announcement for Commissioner.
PosTvij.i.K, Sept. 31st, 80.
Mr. Eiutos:: In your last issue
I noticed that the Platte county Re
publican convention is to meet
shortly at Columbus, aud it seems
that Shell creek is well-blessed with
office-seekers on the democratic s'do
for the coming election, especially i
for the office of county commissioner, i
but I have not yet learned of any
republican iu this community Beck
ing that or any other office ; this is
not because wp havo not got any
men who aru capable of filling offices
but for the simple reason that they
are no office seekers ; but at the same
time they are excellent officers.
Among the number of republicans
whom it is thought and confidently
felt will make an .excellent commis
sioner, namely Mr. Joseph Rivet.
Mr. Rivet is a well known farmer,
and one who is very much respected
by all his acquaintances. Ho is a
gentleman of intelligence and hon
esty, aud is a stalwart republican in
the bargain, and one who will not
swerve an inch from the right. We,
as republicans, have no objections
to our democratic neighbors run
ning, but at the same time think
they will get defeated, especially if
Mr. Rivet gets the nomination on
the Republican side, which, w hope
he will.
Alfred Ntciiiier.
Mr. Alfred Stenger, son of 3Iartin
and Caroline Stenger, departed this
life Tuesday morning, Sept. 21, at 7
o'clock p. ui., after an illness of 18 j
days. His sickness was typhoid
feve.t and pnumonia. 31 r. Stenger's
death is to be greatly regretted by
his many friends and acquaintances.
He was a young man of firm aud
desicivo integrity, strictly honorable
iu his dealings with all meu, whoth
er acquaintance or strauger. Mr.
Stengei' had beeu a resident of this
county for the last seven years, and
in so short a time, through his hon
orable and upright career, made
mauy true friends, who do most
sincerely sympathize with the be
reaved family iu this sudden afflic
tion. Although dead aud passed
from our midst, he has left a name
that will ever be remembered by his
persoual friends.
J. H. Barrow.
Head! Kead!
5000 yards good dark Prints at
4 cents per. yard. 5000 yards Stan
dard Prints at 5 cents per. yard.
5000 yards heavy, 30-iuch-wide, un
bleached muslin, at G ceuts per. yd.
2000 yards striped Shirtiug at 6
cents per. yard. 25 pieces brocaded
Dress Goods in black, myrtle Green,
Plum Dregs of wine, navy bluo etc.,
at tho low price of 10 cents per.
yard. Black Cashmero 30 inches
wide at 35 cents per. yard. Blan
kets from .$100 upwards. Hats and
Caps very cheap. A lot of Boy's
caps for 25 cents. Come aud sec
our large Stock of Clothing, for
Meu and Boys, we can and will
save you money. Tho best $150
Boot in Columbus, come and see it
at Friedhoff & Co., Boncstcel Bro's
old staud.
Republican Rally.
Judge O. P. Mason of Lincoln, one
of the ablest speakers in Nebraska,
will addsess his fellow-citizens on
party issues Friday evening, Oct. 8th.
Those who fail to hear him will
miss one of tho rarest intellectual
treats of the campaign here. The
characteristics of Mr. Mason's
speeches are candor, fairness, good
hard sense and vim. The Judge
was here ouce before during the
campaign, but did not deliver a
speech because of inclement weather
and ill health. Let him be greeted
by a large crowd.
Republican Co. Convention.
By virtue of authority vested in
me at the session of the Platte Co.
Republican Convention, Aug. 28th,
I hereby call the convention to meet
again, at the Conrt House, in Co
lumbus, Saturday, Oct. 9th, 1880,
at 1 p. m., for the purpose of com
pleting tho work for which they
were called. By order of L. An
derson, chairman.
M. K. Turner, Sec'y.
Letter &
The following is a list of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-ofliee, in
Columbus, for the week ending riept.
2T, IS):
Albers W., Boyle Mrs. Marii
Dean ford G. W., Englebert John,
Fisher J. D, Goddard Frank II.,
Haudiyl Stuuiska, Halm Lewis.
Herrisr F., Lockart Thomas'", Liffier
P. N. Mercer Mrs. L. C, Mauder-
. ville Miss Mary, Meyers A., Miller
, Margret, M.-iitus Geo., Miller E. J.,
Mullcr Ernst, MoringT.K ,McCatty,
Wait Marshal, Panlussen William.
Shacketton S. R., Steiu John, Town
send J. J., Treacy Mrs. Jane, Van
guilder Win.
Tlune marked " ," po f tal eard
If not called for in 30 days will be sent
to the dead -letter offlee. Washington, D.
C. When called for please say "adver
tised," as thene letters are kept separate.
K. A. Gkkkakd, 1. M.
August Herde and Thomas
llawes, two farmers living near
Schuyler, Neb., quarrelled oue day
last week about two calves, which
resulted iu Hawes shootiug Herde
in the mouth, the ball lodging in the
back of his neck, inflicting a serious
aud perhaps tatal wound. llawes is
iu jail awaiting the result of Herde's
A man appeared at the lumber
yard in Platte Ceuter, the other
morning, with a shot-guu iu his
hand, after a load of the lumber that
is being sold so cheap. He was re
lieved when he fouud that Tasker
was uot disposed to go back on his
offers, and there was no need of the
gun. "A soft answer turnelh away
Float Convention.
"We have not seen the regular call
for the convention, but we are in
formed by our committeeman that
it will bo held at David Citv, Sat
urday. Oct. Ifith at 1 P. 31.
Notice is hereby given, by Galley &
Bro., that all who are indebted to
them, either by note or book acc't,
mas' come forward and settle imme
diately, as they need the funds
For Kent.
Some nice office rooms. Enquire
of L. Gerrard, at the Bank, or of
Whit nmver, Gerrard & Post, at
I their office.
Wintering Plants.
Anyone wishing house plants win
tered make arrangements soon with
Johu Taunahill.
Farmers, Itend.
A flue lot of the best Fanning
Mills iu the market for sale at cost.
"W. II. Lawrence.
Advertisement" under this head five
cents a line each iiitertion.
Peaches aud apples at Hudson's.
Phine Phat, Phresh Oysters at
Dress goods only 8 cents a yard
at Kramer's.
Fresh cider by the glass or gal
lon at Bridges.
One yard wide cashmere 45 els.
at Kramer's.
Kentucky Jean Pants for 50
cents a pair at Kramer's.
Brick in the wall at $7 to S a
thousand by Flynu & Co.
English Cashmere only 30 cents
a yard at Kramer's.
L. Kramer sells two-buckle,
plow Shoes for 65 cents a pair.
Delicious milk stews, that will
drive away the blues, at Hudson's.
Calicoes 4 cents a yard at Kra
mer's New York Cheap Cash Store.
Delicious, foaming, cream soda
at tiudsou's.
A large, new stock of men'sfend
wpmeu8 shoes at Wm. Schllz's.
Fancy box paper, 15 cts.; choice
chromos 24x30 inches, nicely framed,
$1.25 at Lubker & Cramer's.
Grapes by the basket at Hud
son's. The Bell and Bugle cranberries,
best in the market, at Bridges.
- Don't buv anything until you
have seen L. Kramer's new stock of
The Alaska Soda Fountain is
the nicest thing out. Try It at
i Hudson's.
L. Kramer of the New York
Cheap Cash Store sells all goods
cheaper than ever.
Save your money, and buy your
goods at Kramer's Now York Cheap
Cash Store.
For sale cheap, a new Hanna
wagon, opposite the Bauk, apply to
D. Anderson.
A choice stock and good variety
of fresh-imported Teas, just suited
to the wants of tea-driukers at
Bridge?, opp. P. O. Give him a call.
20 yds. cheviot shirting for $1
at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash
Don't forget that G. W. Phil
lips sells boots and shoes cheaper
than the cheapest. Give him a call.
"Why buy your goods of a small
house when you can select from a
large and well assorted stock such as
L. Kramer of the New York Cheap
Cash Store keeps ?
Bloomingdale Stock Farm is the
place to get choice young breeding
stock in the cattle aud hog line.
A. Henrich, 3Ietz P. O.,
Platte Co., Neb.
It is an admitted fact that L.
Kramer of the New York Cheap
Cash Store has the largest stock of
goods of any one house in the State
of Nebraska, and that he buys and
sells his goods cheaper than any one
300 Volumes
of new books to select from at Lub
ker k Cramer's.
A Fool's Errand.
Read it! Read it! "It's a stun
ner." E. D. Fitzpatrick, opp. P. O.
tlHHlc! .tlHtdc!
Accordions and violins cheaper
than ever at Ed. Fitzpatrick's, opp.
School Hoolt.
Blank books, memorandum books,
pocket-books, and all kinds of books
at "Fitz's," opposite tho post-office.
Coal Voti4.
Parties wishing lo purchase hard
coal for winter use would do well
to buy of J. E. North c Co., before
anv further advance.
Aug. 23, S0.
To Nthool Hoard-.
A male teacher, a graduate ot
10 vears experience, desires a school
iu Platte, Butler or Colfax counties.
Address F.Jhis office. 541-G
.llOXI-'Y TO l,OAIV.
Iii Platte, Butler aud Nance
counties at 9 per cent interest, no
interest in advuuee, nor commission,
and money furnished on short notice.
Apply to O. S. Bridges, opp. P. O
Black sow, heavy in pigs when
lost, Sept. 9th. Cut on loll ear;
white ou head aud hind leg. Infor
mation as to whereabouts will be
rewarded by J. D. William?, Poat
ville, Platte county, Neb.
I'm tray Calve.
Came into our nerd, Sept. 24th,
near G. W. Stevens's tarm, two
speckled, spring steer calves. The
owner will prove property, pay
charges, &e.
Fred. Stenookr.
Tatkeu Up.
At my premises at Woodburn, in
Loup preciuct, Platle county, on
Saturday, Sept. 18th, a sorrel mare
pony, about 7 or 8 years old ; on one
of the hips branded with a "T." a
rope halter, small while star in
forehead. John G. Woodburn.
Notice ot I'artnerMhlp.
A partnership has been this day
entered into by the undersigned, to
do a general marble business, iu
Columbus Neb., under the firm
name of J. II. Brouelelte Sc Co.
J. II. Brouki.eite,
P. Lauohmn.
The Tattersall Livery Stable is an
excellent place to stop at when you
are in town with a team. Good ac
commodations. I'easouublo charges.
On Olive street, one door south of
Wiggins's hardware store. Try
Choice Kexldeuee i..ot tor Male.
Choice residence lots for sale in
the southeastern part of Columbus.
From one to forty acres rich, dry
soil and no alkali. Acre iots for
sale at prices from $20 to $G5 pet
acre. Inquire of Speice & North.
The above property comprises Hig
gins and Spiclman's addition to
luhllc Male.
Saturday, Oct. lGth, 1 p. in., at J.
It. West's, two miles north of 3Ion
roo post-oflicc.
1 pair work ponies,
1 set of harness,
1 wagon,
1 No. 1 milch cow,
Plows aud other farm implements.
Also household good.-.
.Stray Heifer.
Came to the herd of tho subscri
ber, living 2" miles south-west of
Columbus, about a week since, a
light yellow heifer 2 years old, top
ot lett ear cut oil' aud the under side
ot right car cut out; branded with a
T on the left hip.
The owner h requested to prove
property and pay expenses.
542-2. Wm. Lisco,
.Splendid ioek: of Implements I
The undersigned.. haviur nnr-1
chased the entire stock of implements I
of Schutteand Pohl will keep con-
stantly on hand at tho old stand on
-io.i . i r rf - t I
13th street, west of Olive, Columbus,
uie iuarsu ami iMiioru .-hiikv piuws,
Tiger, Thomas and Knowlton Sulky
hay rakes, aud an entire new stock
of tho "Whitewater wagons.
E. J. & J. A. Ernst.
Successors to Schutte & Pohl.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned stockholders and incor
porators of the Columbus State
Bank have filed an additional article
to their articles of incorporation,
which authorizes the said Bnnk to
do a general banking aud a general
brokerage business.
Leander Gerrard,
Julius A. Heed,
Aunkk Turner,
Georce W.,
E. A. Gerrard.
Notice ol IM.IutIon.
The co-partnership heretofore ex
isting between Julius I'asmussen
and John Schram, doing business
uuder the firm name of Kasmussen
& Schram, is this day dissolvod by
mutual consent. Mr. J. l'asmtHsen
will continue in business at the old i
aland, to whom accounts will be
paid, unless called upon by person
with authority to collect.
Julius Rasmussen,
John Schram.
Oct. 1st, 1S80. Columbus, Neb.,
.! I! It C II A . X T A I I. O K
on Olive Street wishes to announce
to the citizens of Columbus aud vi
cinity that he has on hand a com
plete stock of the best fall and
winter goods both in style and
quality, that has ever been brought
to this market. He will guarantee
first-class workmanship and goo
fits at prices as low as any. Giv
him a call and look over bis stock
and learn prices. Also will do cut
ting jobs at reasonable prices.
Pay Taxe.
All holders of B. & M. K. R. Con
tracts for Lands purchased of that
Company during the year 1879 and
prior to that date are liable lor the
1879 tax.
They became due January 1st,
1880, were delinquent after May 1M,
1880, and if not paid by the first day
of November, 1880, the land will he
sold for taxes.
The Company's Agent, for the
purpose of paying Delinquent Taxes
on its sold lands, will visit the
County Seats tl e last of October,
and all purchasers of R. R. lands
should pay their Taxes by October
15th, if not before, in order to save
additional expense.
Land Commissioner B. & M. R. R.
in Neb. 512-3
2,999 bushels of potatoes for cash
or Groceries, at John Hemplcman'
opposite the Lindell Hotel.
.TIarhle Shop.
J. H. Brouelelte & Co.. have lo
cated their marble -hop aud tiiatei
ial ou Olive rwt.!:otiTli o? eleventh,
Columbus. Neb. Mr. Brouelettc
brings to bis business ten year
practice and experience, which will
enable him to turn out first-chf
work in the various grades of ma
terial that mav be required bv hi
customers. The firm will promptly
attend to all ordeis tor worK from
adjoining counties aud villigpa.
Orders are earnestly solicited, as tin
proprietor do then own work and
can furnish first-class articles far
be'ow the prices heretofore paid in
this vicinity for similar work
Special attention given to mautels,
counter and furniture tops.
Advertisements under thin bead live
cents a line. UrU Insertion, three cent
a line eah subsequent insertion.
S3?" Thomas Keating keep con
stantly on hand young Illinois stock
for sale.
Regular fitocU. Dealer.
All kinds of horned stock bought
and Nold; aUo fit aud stock hojrs.
37ty !. Anpkkmon.
Central .TIeat .tiarket.
Albert E. TJiekly has purchased
and ii now running th above named
market. The mciit.coiiumIiiir commu
nity are solicited to make frequent ealU.
where they can get the !et and the
:iK4t for their money. .VUo dealer It:
Poultry, Hide, Ac." on a mall com
mission. Ml -v.
otic To Teacher.
I will be in my office at the Court
House on the tirst'aud lat Saturdaal
each month for the jurpoe of cxamin
ing applicants for teacher' certificates
and for the transaction ot anv other
business pertaining to schools. "
S. L. IJakrktt.
County Supt.
Our quotation of the market- are ob
tained Tuesd.ty afternoon, and are correct
and reliable at the time.
OR.tlX. At;.
Wheat No. I. test."!t lbs 71
' -, ' "id " ra
" " a, ' .m " .. . . no
Corn Shelled, 'l
Oati, '2,'t
live ' Co
Flour, $2 602 75
Graham, 1 ."Mift'jiV
Meal, 1 00
Butter, I2ftl..
Eggs, nr
Potatoes, ...-.... 3oW'
Fat nogs .-. 402.-
FatCittle aM(io0
Yearlings, 12 00ai."i 00
Calves 4 IHKB5 00
Sheep ;i On
Good veal, per hundred, 4 00
Hides, green salted 4 4 .('
Hams, 12fiir
Shoulders, tf(t$7
Sides, Sjlt
Corned Hoer (s
Steak. -. mVa
Finishing SO 0040 0"
Flooring 25 00&35 00
Siding H 00.22 on
Drop aiding 2.5 WiOfM
Ship Lap 2." (Mi
Framing ( 10 to 20 ft) 22
uecting .... 20
Well Tubfnic (per bunch) . t 2.
bath i per M) W
Shinulec (per M) o8 4 00
Doors 2-3X6-S. yt thick 2 :
2-OxCO, 1J4 " . . . . 2 20
" 2-xC-, 1 "... 1 7"
Window s 1 25
Huilding Papcrper(lb.) ... 4 cents.
Tar felt iper lb.) .. . . "
llth St., nearly opp. Gluck's store,
Sells Hariics, Saddles, Collars, Whips,
Blanke'-, Curry Combs, Hnuhes, .-.,
tViwTttiTJ V"W' l
piouipll attended to.
' ' i
A VHKKKAS, Andrew Westln, on thent
day or September, A. D. I'iS'i, execut
ed and delivered to Dr. Tracy K. Clark, h
Chattel Mortifuge, datwt on the said da
upon the following described personal
property, to wit:
On two-tblrdH of twenty-six acres of grow
ing corn. In the field or Jonas Hcflilmun.
Hectlon 17, Town 17, Ilnge3 west. nld
Mnrlguso due and payable October 20th..
1S0, with interest from date, at seven (7
per cent, pel annum, to hecure the payment
of Forty Dollars, on the Bitli day ol October,
A. I). l-W), and which Mortgage was duly
Hied in tlieotllce of the Recorder ur deeu
In and for Platte county, State of Nebraska,
on the 22nd day or September, A. D. lsx, at
fljflit and hnlf clock a. iu.; uud whereat
said MortgHKor has absconded, und said
property Is liable to waste:
Now, therefore, notice Is hereby fjlveu
that in pursuance of the statute In such
cases made and provided, the said Chattel
MortfjaRe will be forflocd by a sale of the
property therein described, at public auc
tion at the said farm ofJonas Itenduian, In
tho count v of Piatte, Mate of Nebraska, on
the 27th day of OctoWer, A. I. 10, at one
o'clock In tbf afternoon f si.ld day, or so
much therof issMhnll be ne"fMirj toiuttif
said uui of for' ydollniH. with Interest, cost
and expenses of alc, imle-i the -mine tl.all
be sooner paid, upon the lolloulug term
to-wlt : Cash iu hand. .
Dated, this lib dav of OctobeV, A. D. IH0.
r:?r.A. F. Em.iott.
Ajjcnt. 5f;5-x
- XD-
AVagon "Maker,
Shops near Foundry, south of A. A '. Dtpot.
AH kinds of wood and iron work on
Wagons, Bugles, Farm Machinery, &.:.
Keeps on bandrf the
and other eastern buggies.
also, the
urst &. Bradlov PIoyvr.
Meat Market !
One door north of Po't-oifi'-e,
NEBRASKA AVE., - Colmnbax.
Fresh and Salt Meats,
Etc., in their c eason.
XSTCnxIi paitl for IIile, Lard
und Ilaoon.
Eiz hr. 3312)2 1 ?ni: S:ni.
. . . -.
mn nm mm 01 eaii
Apples, Canned Fruits, Candy,
Nuts, Crackers, Cigars
and Tobacco.
3J"Viit "ell :d cheap at the cheapest.
N"elra-la Ave., opp. poJl.oiiice.
HfflM QSBM i Blli
v Successors to HEXRY & BRO.)
All customers of the old firm ars cor
dially Invited to. continue their pat
ronage, the same at heretofore; to
gether vltb many naw custo
mers as wish to purchase
Good G-oods
For the Least Money.
Wind Mills,
Cslehtai Fcrci aai Lift
For Cash or oa Ti.
-Pumps repaired on akort aotiet.
All work warraated.
Office: Olive St.,
ES" Deifxi(a received, and IntertMt paid
on time arjtosits.
TSTJ'rompt attention aiven to collco
thus and proceeds remitted on day of
J5T 'J'asaaye tickets to or from Riropean
points by best lines at hnoest rates.
JiT Drafts on principal points Ih Eu
Fir-t National Rattle, Deeoraa, lovra.
Allan A Co.. Chicago.
Oiiiuba National Bauk, Oiiultn.
First National Bank. Chicago.
Ivountze Broi., N. Y.
By f.tle representation, but trd
where you Will bu fairly dealt with. I
sell the BEST ood.t cheaper than you
can buy poor goods. I bare no olJ
-.took, "but turn my ood over fr
ojiently, uud thus enattfe conllauillT
Iresli itock. I am cloiiugout my itock
to make room for mv uprinr stock, and
will lell them AU'AV DOW2f.
Wall Paper Remnants
at reduced prices. I aia selling lb
It tuKes tbo place of lath and plaster
and i much cheaper, being already or-uaui'-uted.
Call and see sample. Wasa
you want A.VYrUINU in the
Drug, P.iint, Oil, or Varsish Llie,
or anything in
or have
C ill on me and I will do you goad.
member the place,
."tor Hi ot'Poit-uUtt'e.('olBSb.
He will hereafter be found ob ISth
street two doors west of!i
Smith's where he keeps a full lino of
everv stvle of i
And the Celebrated
"MrT f"
i i y j
Ashe keeps aPump House exclusively,
he i able to sell CHEAPER THAN
THE CHEAPEST. Pumps for any
depth well. Pumps driven or repaired,
and Rods cut.