Rates of Advertising. Spuce. l" 2ic lwtf Xm ttiw lyr IwdMiui ! f liWM f I i& I -f' i fM) '" -.Wi 12 1 lft! J J X 0 ! ItnCKt llVlUtl wmtSKsWAY, mini :.' t u i 12. M. K. TDltNER & 00., Proprietors and PabHshers. liu"rhrs f -.M T.MJ ' i "Tfn?..tf' r K 15: 2' To Rusins mi! profiMORal "ards ten Jin- or less spur, per annum, ten dol lwrs. l.eyal advertisement at statita rate. "Editorial local notices" fifteen ent h line each Insertion. "Local notice- " Hve cent a line eaeh inser tion. dv?rtimRt" flr"itfed a444Ipe eial no.'Us',ieeeHt a line tlrt inser tion. I r e eeHts a line each ubeqitent lwer!K.' m -:: iaroUk. ii lit tret., upstairs In fUKNAl. iMtlMiH. "THHMd I'm- ycsr. M Sit manias?!. (Threw mmmUt-, .m. Single (-h8. e. VOL. XL-NO. 23. COLUMBUS. NEB., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1880. WHOLE NO. 543. THE JOURNAL. Jtfo&y w I w (OfWGtESSiOKAL DELEGATION. A. rk U. . Senslor. Beatrice. .vi -AiNiMtite. I. . or,lwni. T. a. &. Rer ivr. E. K. Y AMtMTSK. . t ,lU- 5TATK IMttKOTlMlY: AtuKKCS Si-c. tioTMor;Li-Mn. -.4. iM .ncr, S-Ttal X Mate. V. T.4.. :sk''. AUt'.r. I.nicli.. j .r,iti.it.l. .-urT, Ub..ii. 4-. 2. tHl"t. At uu -tiem r.i. M. . ww. Va- f !VUeutiar '. W. At. bey. irt-.w Ii)M'ctor-. fir. .. . .Vie PkysielnM. .irPlflAKY: t-orxTH nHai. wm:icr. M. iR. . Iitci Mtwuey, aimo. X.&XD FJ KHS: . N. (ft. (II . eltr liraHd l-laml. &'. AJ" t-r. i.rad "' td. r.TM 1KK TOKY: a. Hi. (His?.- wA JuAr. ittkm IjiiiI'. 1eil. . . !'- r Ti -a.ir'-c. Mt-tM. fiH-;.at. ltriff. (K. (L. Jts-.H( r. .mrjrr. ilttlM 'Walker, ) Mn WW. ' l"Hl'wrIt'If-. SM. Muker. ) . 3.. lUam-U . Sh1 . i 4ls. (rHrt Wake. CKt'le. J IYY IWlKCTonY: a. T. . -kee, Mavr. M. J. Httds. Clerk. . A. St'WH, Treasurer. . tl. Rowmnii. Police JHdfctt. J.U. Xtttrfxett, i-.Mcinctr. Ul HrJ I1ih Ki kJc G. A. kmeder. ,. V. m. l.awl. .. ile A Ulster. tui IfWrf-G. V,". Ither. Phil. Cain. i)hh cHtl . tivin II . v. to5M. ! IVh :Xi to ' i. M. lii!iHei" h(mr-i exett SttMdv M. to s i. m. lUIHil WitlN 'In' ! U A.M. U-4n-H wkjI- clf hi -1:1ft !'-M. Mail loaves CoImihUh-. fnr Mlisosi and 4k. Tm . -diy. TUrdas and SttiMrUr. T a. m. rm -i. at v. m. Fr X.arw. ;.. VuilliHitd Al- 4trtt. 4il ei..-rrt Si'Mda B A. -M. Ar- iivi, anw. v. M. J..r l.lillr. Firral. Oakdalo and Niwmaw .r'. Mii'ia-, A .dHe-- dav an t rlvt.. K a. si. Arrhv Ve4a -,, Ttr-dH and Satrda s, at ti t. M. lfmr Sm-H Crook, i rrolnn ind Stanton. h ilni(l- nd lTida at " a.m. Arric Tnela? ad SatMrrta. at B i. M. (Fr Alex-it-, I'atitn and PhW ( ity. Tiidax .. Thr.d-i- and SHtMrday, 1 f. m Arrio- ai 12 M. 0Fw?l. AatkiHv. 1'ivirf' Hill ih! St. ltrMMrd. Krida-. 8 a. m. Arrie tHi davs. X I'.M. '. r.TtmeTalile. mmtGcmm, N. . ! . nt t .". 0:Soa. in. 41 ... 11:0(5 a. in. . 2:ISi p. in. ... I:3Wa. in. at. . 2:0. in. . . -IriTp.iM. . 6: p. m. . 1 riW a. ni. ijai.6et'r, " 4, vFrrtcW, Is. . l-av- at (PrHft. " . ' (Cwrv dav xci.t -tUHtUy tke three aiHr. UfadiH it riiice "HHerl with I' P. tratas Ht Omoa. Oh Saturday Ifctiv -will b Jm c trai a day, a saVH U th folk.HiHC .eliedHle: A.. X.TIMi: TAM.E. fIffVP CImhWH"., dWA.Al. IMat, 9: ' Pavld Citv, J)2r( Garrin, :18 " rivi-ea. . . . 10:02 " Siliwrsu l:l " M-ward, . 10:T 4 Khv, l:i " " Milftird 1 !: ' ria'aiit lte, . 11:22 " Emerald. 11 : " Arrive- at l.iHi!. 1-:"" . Ueave l.iiciH at 1 i it. and arrhe (in CelWHikHs -1:45 i. m. .. N. A R. II. ROAl. Srnml nrtii. Ifo'itd south. la-koH 4:1 i'.m. .rl-dk d:.to a. M tCreek &: " C-.rr. " l'LCrtttttW; " Mdion .T:t.'i ' HwtArx,;-sI ' llHWphreS;X4 AladitH " ::W " PL Centre 9:2S Xhhoh :2S L.i(. reek l:o." " N'M'Mk :lr ' lMkn !: " The departure froni .laekson will he MHerMt'd l lh aiual mere ot uu P. P. expres train. SOCIETY NOTICES. i?Crd under thi- heading w ill he Irted fr !f- a ar. G. A. R. Uaker Pot No. . Department ef SelM-ka. meet everv econd and tMrtk Tedav exenine in each wHth in lHiehlf lienor Hall, Co- lMHlMlh. John II oimovd. P. C. I). l. AlWOltTII. Adj't. II. P. P.owmt. Sear-. Maj. BUSINESS CARDS. ir J. THOMPSON, XOTAIiY PUP LIC And General Collection Agent, .S't. Edwrds. Jioene Go.. Xeb. .otick: IF YOU a e anv real etate for sale, if veil ih to Uhj either in or out of tWerft. if o v"ih to trade eit prierty for land, or lands for cit property. ine m a call. "NVaIISWOUTII & JoSELYN. NKLbOS MtLLKTT. BYKOK MILLKTT. Justice of the Peace and Nutar Public. 3f. ?SSI.I.E'lr A: SO, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Columbus, Nebraska. N. IL They will ji cloe attention to all business entruted to them. 248. T OU1S SCHREIRER, BLACKSMITH Ab WAGON MAKER. All kinds f repajrinc dene on short notice. Buccie, ' a-ens, etc.. made to crJer, and all werk naranteed. GThftp optHsjtethe "Tattcrsall." Oi.ectreet. j.25 SCHOOL, BLANK AND OTHER 77j7P KictsssziidKiss&isiafSssmmmmif "-jBr"821''' Popov, Pens, Pencils, Inks, SJEWIWQ MdKIWM&9 Musical Instruments and Music, TOYS, NOTIONS, BASE BALLS AND BATS, AliCIIKUY AND CIOQlTKT, &r., at LUBKER & CRAMER'S, Corner 13th and Olive Sis.. - - COLUMBUS, NEB. I iBSIje.ll'SA:SI'.I.IVA3f, I i..tHtrs inilurk Kuililin, lltlislreot. A1kv' tin" NfW lt.tnk. ,1 ...IAITGIIA. .ll'Sriri OF THE PEACE AXD A o ta u i run i i ;, lI.lTKri:NTKK, - - Xkb. Ti" .1. IUIlS03i, XOTAIiY PUItLTC, leth strnl, i Joint -.t or Hammond House, Columbus, Xf.b. -il-y D" K. .1!. SKTIUJICSTO.V HEX ID EXT DENTIST. 0-i r i-nriHT r lllli ami North-st. Allonoralioiir tii-.t-flas .mtl warranted. c cii a;o aisb:bc sh:oi: ii ki:y wiioi) I'uui-'K. tTKej vtliiiiK in fir-t-class tyle. Al- ke.-j. the le-t of eijjars. .r'l" -y .S rAl.l.lSTKSK ISBSO., ATTOllXEYS AT LAW, Ogj.-.- iii.Uir in McAllister's I.liild intf. 11th Ml. w 2scorr atafs'i; J)JtCSS AXD MAXTUA MAKEL'K X3 Work done in the latet ami neat- evt tyle.. Mioji on r.iii ru. eit, ui Hank. - ."il.Vilin r .c. s;Esa;j,.ti. i.. J'HYSICIAX AXD 8UIIGEOX, Cliit1i' 1. OMcr Corner of North and Eleventh St.,np-tair. iiiGluek'shiiek Iniihling. Consultation in German and English. Dealer in HEAL ESTATE. conveyancer, collector, a:ts issssascs aje:;:, GKNOA. NANCK CO., ... XKB. O LATTERY A PEARS ALL AUK rUKI'AKKt), WITH F1UST- CLASH APPA HA TVS, To remove houe at rea-onalde rate. Gie them a call. PICTURES! PICTURES! TW l THE TIME toeeure a life i like picture ot youwlf and chil dien at the New Art Rooiiih, cat 11th street. uth side railroad track.Colum. It. Nehraka. a Mr. .1oeln will eloe the etalililiiueiit thi Fall. Those liMxim: vrk to do hould call boon. GEORGE N. DERRY, Jt-tv -- CARRIAGE, PAPtS Itunsr Sisu Pnintinc. 11 Li maUE l-JCs25R,ap(.r HBaiiKlnff KALSOMINING, Etc. J""AI1 work wat-rinted. -hop on nim si: -t, one door south of LiMott's new Pump-house. aprlCj J. S.MUUDOCK&SON, Carpenters and Contractors. Have had an extended experience, and will guarantee satisfaetion in work. All kind of repairitn; done on short notice. Our motto is. Good work and ".it- urirn. C:lll nllll ifiVO 11 all OtUWr- tuiiitx to estimate for you. tSTShop at the Rig Windmill, l olumbu, ebr. 4"-i LAW, REAL ESTATE AND GKNKKAl. COLLECTION OFFICE BY AV. S. GEEE. MONEY TO LOAN in small lots on farm property, time one to three years. Farms with'some improvement i.omrht and sold. V$ice for the present at the Clolher House, Columbus Neb. 4TS-X JJ1. SCHECK, Manufacturer and Dealer in CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ALL KINDS OF SMOKING ARTICLES. Store on Olive St.. near the old Post-ofice ColumbuB Nebraska. 447-lj C I.. TL 31 1$ L S Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEHAX, Proprielor. 23"Wholesale ind Retail Dealer in For eign Wines, Liquors and Ciears. Dub lin Stout, Scotch and Enplish Ale. X5T Kentucky Whiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS in their season, by the case can or dish. 11th Street, South of Depot Sffl uSiik3aiK ADVERTISEMENTS. I!!l KNI) .Sl'UINGS. PLATFOR.M SPRINGS, WII1TXKY ii BREVSTEU SIDE SPRINGS. LiIit lMe:sure and Business Wag ons of all Descriptions. We are pleased to invite the attention of the puldic to the fact that we have just reci iel a car load of Vagons and lliifjiei of all descriptions, and that we are the -oJe aneiit for the counties ol IMatte, lltitli r, Hoone, iladKou, Merrick, I'olk and oi k, for the celebrated CORTLAND WAGON COMFY, of Cortl ind. New Ygrk, and that we are ntlerinc the-e wagons cheaper than any othei u ip'ii huilt ot name material, stylo and liuinli eau he iold for in this count . 23TSiud for Catalogue aiid.I'rice-list. iim.. ;aia. 4S4-tf Colinnlms, Neh. MEDICA I SURCICAL INSTITUTE. i!AS771TlU.S S. D. ML2C2S. U. D. 4 J. C. DEltlBE, U. 5., ef Ct. Consulting Physicians a&i Surgeons. For the treatment of all classes of Sur gery ami deformities ; acute and chionic disease, diseases of the eye and ear, etc., etc., Columbus, Neb. JEWELRY STORE OF- Cx. heitkemper, ON ELEVENTH STREET, Opposite Speice .t North's land-office. Has on hand a tine selected slock of REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. I3TALL GOODS SOLD, ENGKAVED FREE OF CHARGE.gJ Call and see. No trouble to show "oodM. Sll-3m We SOHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES! A romplrtr aisortiumt or LaJtofi' aail Chll lire n's Shorn krjit on hand. All Work Warranted!! Our blotto Good stock, excellent work and fair prices. Especial Attention paid to Repairing Cor. Olive ann 12tli Htm. HA2EN WIND MILL"! HARRIGAN & CRAINE HAVK the asency for this celebrated wind mill, "and will also sell pumps, and make repairs on pumps and mills. The Eluzen is better governed than any other, more durable, will run lonper, go in as little wind and in great er than any other, and gie the best of satisfaction. See the one at the Grand Pacific, and call on us opposite the post-office. 527-x A GOOD FARM FOR SALE L-TX 1SQ acres of good land, 80 fijt acres under cultivation, a ilsSs' good house one and a half storv high, a good stock range, plenty ot water, and irood hay land. Two miles east of Columbus. Inquire at the Pioneer Bakery. 173-Gm QgS! I. HITCESLL, S. D. E. 7. Plyiis ifl Snreeois. ffaicles CIucks anfl JeweliT MV (JL'KE.-V. I do not know when I bopan to love my little May. 1 think it dated back from the time that I was an awkward college lad, and she n golden-haired little fairy, iu s-iioii frocks. She had an imperious, willful way with her then, which made me call her Queenie, and, as I had named her sovereign, of course I had to bow my knee a- the most humble of her subjects and right royally she exercised her power. As I grew older, I gave no name to the feeling which was growing with my growth, until, having grad uated from the naval aeadi mv, and returned from my first cruise. I dis covered May to beno longer a child, but a young lady, with a legion ot adorers, who taught me my passion by the consuming lire? of jealousy they awakened in my bo-oin. Years bad but made my darling more beautiful. Her eyes were bluer than the sea on which I sailed, her hair more golden than the sim tlecked clouds; but she, who had been all 'May,' was now more than an April day alternate smiles and frowns. There were moment when, for me, her voice grew lender when a glance from her azure eye- would bring me, delirious with happiness, to her side; but there were days as well wheu she noticed me a little as the dust beneath her pi'-ttv leet days when others basked in the sun shine, and 1 shivered in the cold. It was during one of these periods of torture, made doubly excoriatiiiir because my leave of absence was drawing rapidly to a close, that I conceived the noble resolution not only to acknowledge the truth to myself, but to May as well, and to ask her to put an end to my suffer- . ,,, not ,)t, (liaP0Vcre(1. So stun ,g, or at lea to my suspee. The J , , my g(nse o. Pllin.ri r was opportunity came at last, just when I had almost despaired of attain ing it. It was a lovely evening in June, wheu, as I stepped into a summer- house, sweet with the scent of rcrs which clustered so ihicklv about it as lo shut out the outside world, I found it already occupied by her. 'Queenie,' I said, 'you here?' 'Is uot the evidence of' your senses sufficient, sir,' she answered, 'with out putting the question?" 'Not where you are concerned,' I replied. 'Besides, I did not think fortune could be 60 kind to me. Queenie, do you know that iu a fort night I sail ou a three years' cruise?' 4Ycs, I know it,' she replied. But I was sure that I saw a fear trembling on her long, dark lashes, though she persistently bent her head and ruthlessly tore into pieces, the petals of a rose she held. 'Do not be so severe upon that poor rose,' I continued, gathering courage. 'Must you always exercise your power? Are you not content with making one man miserable?' 'What do you mean ?' she said, quickly. 'I mean that I lovo you, Queenie that the thought of this long absence makes a coward of me, unless unless, my darling, you will make me strong and brave by the promise that wheu I return you will be my wife.' The color flushed into her lovely face. Lower and lower dropped hit head, but she spoke no word. 'May,' I went on, 'you have been very cruel to me, darling, and now you have so little time to be kind. Surely you will not begrudge it to me?' 'Frank I Frank !' she cried out, then, in her sweet innocence, throw ing both arms about my neck, and sobbing as I pressed her to my heart. It was a moment of exquisite bliss. I kissed away her tears (they were not altogether unhappy one), and soon brought back the dimples and the smiles. 'Why have you freafed me so bad ly, Queenie?' I asked. 'Why did you not peak before, sir?' she retorted, saucily. 'Was I to place my hand iu yours and say, 'Here I am. "Why don't you ask me.' Indeed, no!' with a perverse toss of the pretty little head. 'Very well ; but, my pet,' I replied 'but the less said about a certain little girl's love of coquetry and conquest the better. Never mind ; I can afford to be magnanimous, only don't arouse the green-eyed monster too seriously. He is only sleeping, May he is not dead.' Ah, me! that ho was destined so soon to such an awakening. The next week of my stay flew on wings. 'We are going to give you a sur prise before you go, Frauk,' said May ; bLt of its nature I could glean nothing. Our engagement was not an nounced. 'I should have 6uch a stupid time while you were away, Frank, be sides the faint prospect of your findiii"; some preferable sweetheart, iu some other port.' So Queenie argued, and I was fain to yive in, though I insisted upou monopolizing the little witch as much as possible, and letting some of the oilier fellows suffer a little of my previous agony. But three days more remained to me, wheu one afternoon, looking for Ma, I heard voices in the library, and stole up to the window to surprise my darling. There I stood pell-bound. A mir ror opposite me rellected the figures I could not kco Irom where I was, but every word spoken reached my eae. May was leaning back iu a lirge arm-chair, her lovely lips parted, a taint flush on her beautiful cheeks, and at her feet knelt Dick Ai nisironir, his handsome face alight with feeling and his voice full ot emotion, as he leaned over and pressed his moustached lips to her hand in ardent fervor. 4 You uiiisu't do that !' May laugh ed 'That's not in the play.' 'Why not?' he answered. 'It is lo he mv future right, is it not?' Yes' she said ; 'but the future is not the present. Come, goon, sir! What were ou saing?' 'Mj love my life! I cannot live without you!' rang out his impas sioned tones I was about to spring into the room, livid with passion, when May's answer reached mo. 'Nor would I ask you, dear,' she said, in low, murmuring accents. 'Life would, indeed, be dark without the sunshine of your smile! You are -ore you lovo me ? Say it ajrain ! The tory ne'er grows old, and but gain iu sweetness with the telling. Whit is that ?' she added, with sud deii change of voice. 1 knew that I had groaned, and snnniL' from the window that I almost parah.ed, I hastened to my room. Of Mrlis-h coquetry, of girlish tri fling, I had believed May capable; but pcijurvand base falsehood I had j ,ieejrl ,i .,. as f.. above as the an- gels in heaven. Mad with passion, determined she should not know the truth, I sat down to my desk and dashed off the following lines: 'Adieu, fair trifler! You claimed to have a surprise for me. I have already received a sufficient inkling of its nature not to wish to be over whelmed by it. Of course you know the farce we have been play ing has but preceded the tragedy. 1 go in search ot the sweetheart you have destined for me iu some other port. Do not fear I shall ride the storm. Yours, Fkank.' I had added these last words in a spirit of bravado; but, once penned, I leaned my head down on the tablo and sobbed like a baby the first tears 1 had shed .since childhood the last, pray God, I said, I may shed till old age! But all my faith, and hope, and happiness had gone in one fell blow. However, they seemed to make me stronger, and, quickly packing mv valise, and handing my note to a faithful mes senger, that it should reach May, I left the house, meeting no one. A week later, I was out of sight of l-tnd. There wero times in the mouths that followed when, pacing tin and down the narrow confines of the ship, I thought I should go mad, and almost piaycd I might. May's face haunted me. not in its bright, siiilish beauty, but sad and hoavy-eved, a though she had wept lonsr and bitterly. The years dragged slowly by. No news reached me ot her not even of her marriage! Perhaps she had proved false to him, too. And yet I loved her still loved her with so mad a love that she wa ever present in my thoughts to torture me. One summer night (we were on our homeward way) I sat alone on deck, thinking how soon we would sight our native land, and how little joy the thought brought me. What should I do? What could I do but ask to be again transferred to sea duty? I would not even go to fhe place where May lived. To cafch one fleeting glimpse of her would be to shatter all my hard won calm. Jut as I reached this decision, floating above me in the ether there seemed to be a ball of liquid fire. Dreamily I watched it, wondering what it might be, when I heard a voice. Frank! Frank!' it said; and the tones were full of an imploring sadness. I sprang to my feet, and rubbed my eyes. It was Queenie's voice that I had heard. Had I been sleeping or waking? The ball of fire had vanished all was darkues; but my new-born resolution had taken wings. I must see May once more, face to face, and ask he.r: 'Why did you do this thing?' The ship seemed to crawl now ; but all things come to an end, and at last we beard the welcome cry of 'Land !' 1 was one of the first to leap on shore, and then I traveled night and day to reach the house I had left three years before in such wrath. It was almost evening when I ar rived, and stole through the lodge gates like a thief. I could not yet enter the house. From the garden, the scent of roses again greeted me, and 1 made my way to the summer-house, which seemed to smile a welcome on me. Ou its threshold, I stood transfixed. As once before, I found it occupied. A girl sat at its furthest end, her head buried iu her bauds, and sobs convulsing her frame. It was Queenie! Softly I spoke her name. She sprang to her feet, and dashed away her tears. Spite of the twilight, I saw that she was pale and thin. 'How dare you, sir,' she cried, in hot passion 'how dare you come hero to gloat over my misery, and to witness your petty triumph?' Then the woman in her conquered, and once more she burst into bitter weeping. 'Is it for you lo reproach we?' I said. 'Had I not the evidence of my own senses of your falsehood!' 'My falsehood?' she repeated. 'You dare speak such a word to me ?' And then I told her all that I had seeu and heard. Oh, heaven, the fool that I had been ! She had boon rehearsing a portion of a little play they wero to act in my honor, on the night following the day I had seen them. When Dick had asked if it was not his future right to kiss her hand, he had meant only during the real progress of the play; and my darling, loyal as she was, would not permit him even that privilege in rehearsal. My note had seemed to her the crudest mockery. She had been very ill after I left, and all these years had believed me untrue and unkind. It was dark night wheu our explanations wero given, but for us the day wa just dawning. 'May,' I said, throwing myself at her feet, and telling her the story of my strange vision, 'can you ever forgive me? May I not let my whole future life atone?' 'Darling!' she whispered, as her soft little hand toyed with my hair, it was my heart's voice that called you. Do you think, now you have come, I can shut its doors against you ?' And so I won my Queen ! Joi.li Ililllns Philosophy. There iz a grate deal of fastidious ness that iz merely kultivated, a very low order of hipokrasy, at best. Piety iz the only thing about re ligion that amounts to ennything, but the world are too apt to rate a man's religion by biz kreed, and the price he pays for hiz pu iu the church. Whenever yu see a man hanging around a Wimmins' Rites Conveu shun, anxious to run the conceru,yu will find either a kussid phool, or a plain ded beat. Thare iz lots ov people who call thcmselfs Christians, who are ueyer so happy and religious az when they are passing around the hat. Man is a strange kritter, an enig ma, a kouuudrum, made iu the im age uv God, and still full of odditys that would puzzle a monkey, and weaknesses that would look ridiki lus in a kokroch or a grasshopper. The happyest coudishun uv mar ried life iz whare the partys each hav strong and decided tastes, and studdy to make those tastea agree able to each other. Mi sweet youth, if you hav enuy ov the monkey in yure nature be kerphull how yu kultlvate it. Fust rate muukeys even are a doubtful blessing, but the other grades are but little better off than ideots. The power ov a sentence konsists In the strength ov tho idea, and the simplicity ov the language. In the matter ov bringing up children, i notiss that thoze people who never hav had enny kan tell yu all about how tho thing should be done. Mr. Hancock's open letter in re gard to Southern war claims came none too soon. It will gain him a few votes in the North, where he most needs them, and lose him many iu the South, where a few thousand can be spared as well as not. It was all reasoned out, no doubt, before hand. Such things always are. Slate Journal. An exchange says: 4We are in receipt of a little song entitled, Will My Darling Come Again?" With out knowing the exact circumstan ces of the case, wc should say that he probably will, in case you can get the old man to tie up the dog." The State of the Country. A party of commercial travelets from Indiana, with their wives num bering seventy-live called on Gen. Garfield at his residence in Ohio. After leaving the cars they assemb led on the lawn in front of the house, when the General appeared at the door, when Mr. G. C. Wenster one of the party was introduced, and addressed Gen. Garfield on behalf of his associate, as follows: Genekal, Gaiifield I have been delegated by these friends, who have jourueyed so far to sec you, to say a word of explanation of our pre-ene here. Let me expiess the hope that you will not consider us trespassers We do uot come hero as the follow ers of any particular political paily. nor do we come to testify for youi services to the country, a that wo'd be both presumpluou" and needless, for we believe that not only the liv ing nation, but the nation yet unborn will testify of thoe things; but we came as commercial men, represent ing many business interests ot the state of Indiana. Many of us are yet young men. having but fnirU begun the great battle of life and we are here to-day to pay our respects to you as one who, by his own efforts, has raised himself from the poor and lowly boy to the proudest position in the laud ; one, in the his tory of whose life we recognize many grand lessons for ourselves, and a constant source of encourage ment to the thousands ol young men iu the land who. beet by adverse circu instances, are struggling against t.iose circumstances, up out of the depths of poverty, towards a better manhood. As Americans we do not believe the Almighty created one man better or greater than another, but we do believe and know that men are born who take their destiny iu the hollow of their own hands, and with God's aid pursue the right and shape that desliu to great end, and as such we greet you to-day. And now, with your permission, 1 will introduce the commercial trav ellers of Indinuapoi:?, their wive and their flweelhi arts. Gen. Garfield responded as follows : "Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gen tlemen I can hardly say that you have taken me by surprise, for I was informed some daj ago that a party ot commercial gentlemen from In diana would call upon me to-day, but I am very pleasantly surprised at the large number of ladies and gentlemen who have honored me bj this visit. I have listened with deep interest to the addres- of your chairman, and I give you, one and all, mj thanks for the compliment which this visit implies. Your chairman informs me that you rep resent nearly all the leading branch es of commercial industry in the state o) Indiana, and some of the neighboring states. Pew of our people understand how vast are the enterprises represented by our inter-national trade. Almost ever) form of human labor contributes its products lo the trade that fills our thoroughfares and supplies our country with the necessities of life, and are all moved by the great mainspring of labor. Permit me to illustrate its magical power. Eighty-four years auo a company of forty-two surveyors landed at the mouth of Couneaut creek, a little stream that marks the boundary belweeu Pennsylvania and Ohio. They landed on the fourth day of July, 179G, and com menced their work by celebrating our national independence. There are many now living who were boy in their teens when this company ot surveyors begau their work at that time. From the Pennsylvania Hue to Detroit hardly a smoke ascended from a white man' cabin. The western reserve was an unbroken wilderness. Three millions of acres had just been purchased from the state of Connecticut for forty cents per acre. To-day, the Webieru Re serve furnishes happy and comfor table homea to more than three fourths of a million of intelligent people. Excepting a fevr French settlements, the state of Indiana was itself an unbroken wilderness, but 19 now a great and prosperous com munity. Thousands of miles beyond you, prairies, wildernesses and mountain slopes smile wit! ,ience, prosperity and the attendant bless ings of civilization. What has wrought this wonderful transforma tion. The magical power of human labor. Through muni fold struggles and dangers, through ruflering and blood, these blessings have been secured to us, and I trust will be continued to our children's children. Applause. I ask you fo notice another fact. Every stroke of the axe, every blow of the hammer, every turn of a wheel, every purchase and every sale, iu short, every effort of labor i6 measured by the standard value fixed and declared bv national law. I congratulate vnu as commercial men, thai vour government has at hist restored to it people the stand ard of specie value, and has made it possible for our people everywhere to secure the blessings which boun tiful harvests and prosperous time have brought them, by olacing our national finances on the solid basis of specie values. This fact forms no inconsiderable pail of the security with which th- great business trans actions of the nation are conducted. You, as it icprosfiitatiws, as well as the laborers of the hind, aie shar ers of these benefits and this secu rity. Applause. Ladies and gentlemen, accept my mot cordial thanks for your visit. I welcome you io my home and to the kind greeting of my family. Appbuse. The company was then introduced to the General and lo his wife and mother. They were cordially and pleasantly received. They strolled 'hrutigh the orchard and grounds, and before taking their leave a gleo club, which they had extemporised on the way, sang several patriotic soiisj. At half pan one they took leave ami went down the farm lane to the railroad, where they took tho train and returned to tho iveM. Gen. Hancock writes an average of two letters or telegrams per diem now for publication, but tho card of yesterday will probably be a botub shctl in the solid South. He not only promises fo veto all bills tor rebel v.-ai claims, but intimates that he will also consider tho claims' for damages preferred by loyal South erners barred by lapse of time. In view of the history of the con federate conirre-s, and of the record of the Southern Deuiocr-its who were actively instrumental in put ting Hancock in nomination, the last literary efl'uioii of their candidate is certainly ol a highly revolutionary character, and will produce an exr citement in the solid South of a much livelier character than that which followed a milder letter ot tho aine chancier from buiimy Tilden. It is evident thut the letter wait written tor the General. It is Iesa pompous and uiigraiiimatical than any that have hitherto appeared over hi-own siguntuie. It was written bv a desperate Democratic leader, who ha purstiaded Hancock to make a hopele-s attempt to retrieve tho blunder ot the 1'listed dispatch', and endeavor to suve Skw York for the Democratic party. The theory; ' ot course, is that the Southern brig adiers are too far committed in their pledges of oue hundred and thirty-, eight electoral votes, to retreat, lha,t they will pocket the affront for. th sake of go'ting into power, aiui thajt the North is the section that now needs a little "conciliatiou" by th.o.- Democratic party. But uothiugcau blot out the Pluisted dispatch, Irom the memory of the advocates of hou est money, and the probability is that this letter will merely compli cate and embarras the party it waa intended to extricate from the con fusion into which the Maine affair has involved it. It will sav Ila'n cock some Northern Democratic vote. It will not convert to him any Republicans of 187G, and will not bnnn back the IR-publlcani of 1872 who had temporarily 'acted with the Democratic party aince that date. The utterances of Wade Hampton, of Blackburn, of Ben Hill, of Lamar' and a host of the old Confederate, leaders iu the flush of their viotory iu securing Congress, and since, will not be forgotten. Tho letter 'is too late to ave the dying boom. Lin coln Journal. A democratic organ before us ac cuses the republicans of "foment ing and perpetuating the spirit of sectionalism." Head -the southern newspapers nn'd cast your- oya through the latest edition, of south ern "Histories of the United States" and southern "School Headers;' tf you want to see who is "perpetuat ing the spirit of sectionalism.'.' These deliberately and maliciously garble the record of events, falsify the causes and incidents ol tho War o'f the Rebellion, scandalize the north ern patriots and statesmen and glor ify southern traitors. Republicans' are in favor of peace and good-fellowship, but not at the sacrifice of northern honor or the principles' of a popular government and the na tional integrity. The democrats are the sectionalfsts the republican party is the national party of- thbj country and always has been. Chi cago Journal. Mrs. Glenn saw' her friend", Mrs. Jame-, take a fatal dose of laudanum, in Boston, and within a few rdays she attempted to kill herself 1n the same manner, though she-had never before meditated -uicide, nor hfcd any cause to desire death. '-