Rates of Advertising. Space. Itc -ic I mo Sin but ht ItfoFiiinTlLJ-On j frJiiT? I i W ' $U ( X "" I s.ikh v ir. i an ::, m Vf (!.(M1 0 I2J liVj" 'JtM S.- Jim-lies .vr, I T..V "ll I4 IS 2" " " ! i.ro '1;.t. ; io ; 12 ; in ; i " J "t...o I 2.2.. 1 4 1 .- ! .; 10 Buine and profe?innal cards tea line or lem space, per annum, ten dol lar.. Le!al advertisement at statutu rate. "Editorial local notices' fifteen cent a Jine each insertion. "Local notice" five cents a line each Inser tion. Advertisment claifled as "Spe cial notice" rive cents a line first inser tion, three cents a line each subsequent insertion. IS IbSUKD KVKKY WniNESIAY, M. K. TURNER & CO., Proprietors and Publishers. ESTOflioo. on 11th street., upstairs In .Hiuknal building. Tkkms l'er vear. ?2 Sixinontbti,fl. Three months,. Mk.. Single copien..rc. VOL. XL-NO. 21. COLUMBUS, NEB., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1880. WHOLE NO. 541. THE JOURNAL. She ininral. I i 'I' r CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. A. A. I'AimocK, L. s. Senator, Beatrice. AI.vin Saunders, V. S. Senator, Omaha. T. J. Muous, Keju lVru. E. K. Valentink, Kep., Wet l'oiut. STATE DuTeCTOKY: Aliunos SaXCK, Governor, Lincoln. .1. levaiidcr. Secretary of Mute. F W Liedtfce, Auditor, Lincoln. (;" i lUrth-tt. I're.tMirer, Lincoln, r'.i '"llilwurth, Attorue-(ieiieral. S It Tuompxoii, Supl. I'ublie lmrtic. 11. I'". Haw-on, Warden of Penitentiary. V. Alil.ey, I .,j,ou inspector.. C.H.Ortiilil, I l)r..l.(L Davii-. Prison Physician. II. P. Mathewson, Supl. Insane Aeylum. .H'nU'lAKY: S. Maxwrll, hief .Justice, ittrpe B. Lake.l moeiate Judires. Auiatt fobb. i H.lKlll .IUIHCIAL MHTKICT. O. Pt,.lulire. Yoik. .M. B. Keese, lMitrifl Attorney, V ahoo. LAND OFFICERS: M. B. Ilovi,;, Register, Grand Island. Win. Anyan. Receiver, Grand Island. rorxTY directory: J. (1. Hn-uiii.. County Jufle. Jtthti StuiuU'r. Couutv Clerk. J. V. Ktrl, Treasuier. Ittiiij. Splclman, Sheritl. It. L. Rsiter, Surveyor. .lohli Walker, .Jehu WNc. CountyCouimissloner. -M. Maher, J Hr. A. Helntz, Coroner. S. L. IWrrett. Supl. or Schools. O. B. Kailt-v, justireHorthePeace. Itvrou Millett. f Charles Wake, Constable. CITY 1)1 It ECTOR Y: .1. P. Becker, Mar or. II.. I. Hiidtnn. Clerk. C. A. NVwiiiiin. Treasurer, ti.-o. (1. Bowman. Police Judge. .1.(5. RoutMiii, Engineer. coitncilmkn: lf Ward lohn Bickly. i. A. Schi order. id Ward Win. Lamb. S., .McAllister. Sd ll'ffrrf . W. (Mother. Phil. Cain. ColuiutiuN Pottt OMre. Open on Sunday trm 11 A.M. to 12 . V. and trom l::" to ; i. m. HiiMiie-. hours except Mindny A M. to 3 v. M. Ktiileru mail- c1om at 11 A. M. Western mail- eloce at 4:13 i-.M. Mail leave-ColutnliUh for Madi-on and Norfolk. Tuesday, Thur-days and Saturdiv-, 7 a. m. Arrives at i i. For Monroe, ieiio Watrrville and Al bion, daily except Sunday C A. M. Ar rive, -ame.li r. M. Fr lWiille, Farral. Oak-dale and New mull's (J rove, Monday-, Wedne--dciv- and Fridav-, a.m. Arrives Tu'e-days, Thursday!" and Saturdays, at i f. M. For Shell Creek, Cre-ton and Stanton, on Moudaxi. and Friday- at a.m. Arrives Tuesday- and Saturdays, at t; 1'. M. For Alexis. Patron and David City, Tue-dav-, Thiir-div- and Saturdays, 1 v. M "Arrlw- .it 12 M. For St. A nthonv. Prairie Hill and St. Bernard. Fridays, ! a. M. Arrives j-wt unlit vs. " p.m. V. I. Time TaMe. Kastieanl Bound. Eiicr.int,No.G, leave- at .. (i:2!Va. m. Pa-M-ug'r, " L " ". -. U:Ga.w. Freight, " H, " " - 2:lftp.m. Freight, " 10, " "... 4:30 a.m. HVs'iranf Hound. Freight, No..., leaves at. .. 2:00p.m. PassoiiK'r, " 3. " " 4:27 p.m. Freight, " i, " " - :00p.m. Hniisrant. " 7. " " - ltoOa.in. Eer dav except Saturday the three line leadiutr to Chicago connect with IT P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays there will he hilt one train a day, a hwii hv the following schedule: A. AN. TIME TABLE. Leave Columhus, Platte, . . . David City, . (rrion, Uly-es, Staplehurst, " SeWard, Hubv. Milford. ' PleK-aiit Dale, " Emerald. Arrive- at Lincoln. Leaves Lincoln at l In Columhus 4:45 P.M. . 8:30 a. M. . 9:00 rt .. S.25 " 9:40 " . 10:02 ' . .. 10:19 " . .. 10:37 " .. 10:.8 " 11:0ft 1 1 "22 " "."".' 11:10 " .. . 12:0") m. i. m. and arries O.. N. A B. H. UOAD. Hound north. f Hound south. .lack-on 4 :o3 r.M. Norfolk ti:30 a. M. l.st('reek ":!) " Munsoii C:57 " PL Centre "t:..7 " Madison .7:45 " Huiuphrextirftl " iHumphrey8:34 " Madisen "7:40 " 'PL Centre J:23 ' Muu-on -2S " ;Lo-tCreek9:ftft " Norfolk J:.V l.lackson 10:S0 " The departure from Jackson will he eovertied liy the arrival there of the V. V. express train. SOCIETY NOTICES. -STCard- under this heading will be inserted for $:t a year. G. A. 1L Baker Po-t No. !, Department or Nebra-ka, meets every second and fourth Tuesdav evenings in each month in Knighte of Honor Hall, Co-lumbu-. John Hammond, P. C H. D. WaDsWuktii, AdjM. H. P. Bowek, Sear. Maj. 1SI-ESS CAHDS. -r J.THOMPSON, XOTARY PUBLIC And General Collection Agent, St. Edwards, lloone Co, Neb. .tOTICK! IF YOU have any real estate for sale, if vou wish to'buy either in or out of the'eitv, if you wish to trade city property for lain!-, or lands for city property, cie us a call. "VVaDSWORTH & JOSSF.LTN. VSjLSQN MILLVTT. BYKON MI.I.KTT, Justice of the Peace and Xbtary Public. f. -fIII."LETT 4t SO?f, ATTORNEYS AT .LAW,. Columbus, Nebraska. N. B. They will. give close attention to alfbusiness entrusted to them. 24S. T OUIS SCHItEIBER, BLACKSMITH AND WAGQN MAKES. All kinds of repairing done on -short notice. Buggies, Wagons, etc-made to order, and all work guaranteed. j3TShp opposite the "Tatter 6 all," Olive Street. .23 SCHOOL, BLANK AND OTHER Paper, Pens, Pencils, Inks, &BWEff MstCMZMBS, Musical Instruments and Mnsic, TOYS, NOTIONS, BASE BALLS AND BATS, AKCIIKHY AND CROQUET, &c, at LUBKER & CRAMER'S, Corner 13th and Olive Sts., poKrci.irs siii.i-.iva:, ATTORXEYS-Al-LA Hr, Up.suira in Oluck HuildiiiK, 11th street, Above the New bauk. -TOIIK J.lAUGllAf, .JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND NOTARY J'UllUC. Platte Center, Nkb. TT J. HlIlMO!, XOTA11Y PUBLIC, 12th Streft, t doorN nfht of llamnionil llounf, Columbus, Neb. 4M-y TAK. M. IK XIHrKM'I'03l, RESIDENT DENTIST. Olliceover corner of 11th and North-st. All operations tirst-clas and warranted. 0 IIIirACiO 1IAICIIEK NIIOI! HENItY WOODS, Prop'r. tgTEvervthliiB in firt-class style, A l-o keep the best of cigars. 510-y ArcAMJNTBII 1IKON., f A TTOBXEYS A T LA W, Otlice up-stair- in McAllister's build ing, lltb SI. Y7 KWI"' A: TAFI'K, DRESS AND MANTUA MAKERS. tSJ Work done in the latoM, and neat est -tvles. Shop on 12th St., ea-t of Rank." MS-Cm O .1. NCII8J4S, 31. !., PHYSICIAN AND SUR(tE0N, ColumbuM, iVl. Ojniv Corner of Nortli jiiiiI Eleventh Sts., up--tairn in (!lui-k'-i brick building. Con-ultation in German ami English. -ia.h. iii)ki!S Dealer in REAL ESTATK, CONVEYANCER, COLLECTOR, AUD IHSUBA3:S A3SNT, GENOA. NANCE CO., ... NKB. O LATTERY & PEARSALL ARE PREPARED, WITH FIBST- CLA SS A PPA PA T US, To remove houses at reasonable rates. Give them u call. PICTURES! PICTURES! NOW IS THE TIME to secure a life like picture of yourself aud chil dren at the New Art Rooms, east 11th street, south side railroad track. Colum bus, Nebraska, as Mrs. .losselyn will close the establi-hmcnt this Fall. Those having work to do should call soon. GEORGE N. DERRY, CARRIAGE, House &. Sicu Painting, mima, qlahhs, Paper IIuhkIuk, KALSOMINING. Etc. JSfAlI work warranted. Shop on Olive street, one door south of Elliott's new Puuip-boune. aprPiv JS. MURDOCK & SON, " Carpenters and Contractors. Have had an extended experience, and will giikrantee satisfaction in work. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Our motto is, Good work and fair prices. Call and give u an oppor tunity to estimate for you. jSTShop at the Big Windmill, Columbus, Nebr. 483-y LAW, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL COLLECTION OFFICE BY AV.S.GEER MONEY TO LOAN in small lots on farm property, time ope to three vears. Farms with some improvements bought undsold. Office for the present at the Clotner Houe, Columbus, Neb. 478-x F1. SCHECK, Manufacturer and Dealer in CIQARS AND TOBACCO. ALL KINDS OF SMOKING ARTICLES. Storeon Olive St., near the old Post-office CQlBmbua Nebraska. 447-ly COLl'nBCS Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEHAN, Proprietor. fSTKentucky IVhiskies a Specialty. OTSTERS in their season, by the case can or dish. lltk Street, South Depot "JBy w,3B,. J3TWholesale nud Retail Dealer in For eign Wines, Liquors aidtMsars. Dub lin Stout, Scotch and English Ales. COLUMBUS, NEB. ADVERTISEMENTS. ENI SPRINGS, PLATFORM SPRINGS, W II ITN E Y & B R E W ST E R SIDE SPRINGS. Light Pleasure and Business Wag ons of all Descriptions. We are pleased to invite the attention nf the Tinlilii- to tho f:ii't th:it we h:ive just received a car load of Wagons aud lu'ic!i ii ail iiusuripiiniis, aim mai c are the sole agents for the counties ol Platte, Uutler.ltoone, Madison, .Merrick, Polk and York, for the celebrated CORTLAND WAGON COMP'Y, of Cortland, New York, and that we are ottering these wagons cheaper than anj other wagon built of same material, -tyle and tiuish can be sold for in this county. JSfSeiul for Catalogue and Price-list. phi i,. rAi., 484-tf Columbus, Neb. Ulin i SMICAL INSTITUTE. T. I. MITCHELL, U. S. D. S. UiSTHT, I!. I) Jl Z. S. USCS, it. ., 4 J. S. DE1T13E, U. D., :fCJbi, Conrultin Fhysicians and Surgeons, For the treatment of all classes of Sur gery and deformities; acute and chronic disea-es, diseases of the eye and ear, etc., etc., Columbus, Neb. JEWELRY STORE OF G. HETTKEMPER. ON ELEVENTH STREET, Opposite Speice &, North's land-ofllec. Has on hand a tine selected stock of ,01 REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. STALL .GOODS SOLD, ENGRAVED FREE OF CHARGE.JEI Call aud see. No trouble to show goods. 51i-3m Win. SCHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES! A romplrtr aortmmt of Lilte' and t'hll drrn'iiShopri krpt on hand. All Work Warranted!! Our Jlotto Good stock, excellent work and fair prices. Especial Attention paid to Repairing Cor. Ollvr nad 13th Htm. HAZEN WIND MILL! HARRIGAN & CRAINE Havk the agency for this celebrated wind mill, 'and will 3lsp sell pumps, and make repairs on pumps and mills. The Haven is better governed than any other, more durable, will run longer, go in as little wind and in great er than any other, and give the best of satisfaction. See the one at the Grand Pacific, and call on us opposite the post-oflice. 527-x A GOOD FARM FOR SALE 156 acre- of good land, JW acres under cultivation, a f-nnil hnnsi nnp find a half story nigh, a good stock range, plenty ot water, anu goou nay lanu. i wo nines east of Columbus. Inquire at the Pioneer Bakery. 473.6m STifiaSJsefo Pliysiciaiis ffatte ocKs ana Jewelry flitiBijM TKI'i: TO TI1KJ1SEI.VFS. My father had died some two years botore my mother, who seemed from that time to waste away. My Uncle Stanhope came to me at once, and, after the funeral, took mo to his home. He was very kind to me, and so were Lizzip, May, and Harry, my cousins; but they had, of course, their own interests and duties to largely absorb their attention. It was but a short time after that Mrs. Hall, a feeble old lady, without a child, urged me to come and live with her for comfort and conso lation. My welcome wa. a loving, cordial one, but I found a new member in the quiet family, aud she was intro duced to me as Martha Hall, the old lady's niece. She was a blonde, tall and fair, but dressed in an occetitric way. The next morning she asked me if T liked 'this slow, stupid place,' and added : Oh, I forgot, you are in mourning, so you cau bear it. I suppose I ought to be, too, but I won't wear black. What's the use? I never saw papa for eleven years. Went off, you knaw, to liussia, and left me at boarding-school, and there died, aud bequeathed me to aunt and Gerald. I've plenty of money some, where, they say, and next year, being of ago, I mean to use it aud be gay. Till then I've got to vegetate hern. Oh, mercy, I did hope when I heard there was a yotiug lady coming, there would be some life, but you look as slow as the rest.' 'I have just lost my mother,' I said. 'Dear me ! have you ? That is bad. Mine died when 1 was ushered into this world, so I can't he expected to feel much about it. I'm to stay here till I am of age, and then marry Sir Prim.' Of a sudden she turned her eyes on me and commented : 'Where on earth did you get your complex ion, with black hair and eyes? What a little thing you are? I could carry you in my arms like a baby.' I looked at her in perfect wonder. In my own little town I had never met with a specimen of the fast young lady, and this beautiful, vehe ment creature puzzled me amaiugl . AH her hair was worn in a little crop of short curls, wonderfully be coming; her fair complexion was tinged with glowing color, and her tall figure was perfect In all its pro portions; the little hands nursing the pretty foot were small, and yet full of nervous activity. 'You'll read to aunty now, won't you?' she said, 'and I can practice more. The only comfort I have is in making that piano ring.' 'I will read to her,' I said. 'Well, go, then it's Iter hour. But kiss me; I am not half such a heath en as I look, and you must not hate me.'. How can I describe the life that opened for me? All the morning I spent with Mrs. Hall, reading, and having, by her taste and desire, open to me the real treasures of literature, a complete course of the best authors. The afternoons were devoted to walking, reading, or driving. Mar tha rode splendidly, and as I attend ed a riding-school, alter a time 1 became able to join her aud fieri Id in occasional rides. Martha soon formed a circle of friends and plung ed into the vortex of society. A relatiou of her mother Mrs. Mars iicld one of the votaries of fashion, undertook to chapcroue the brilliant beauty, aud Gerald was often releas ed from attendance upon her, and joined his mother aud myself in our quiet sitting-room. I learned to accompany him as he played the violin and to blend my voice with his duets. I would like to pause here and leave the rest untold. But I became uutrue to my first love, and, as a double traitor to past and present, loved Gerald Hall. Charles faded away, and a face, his and not his took his place. More than a year had gone by, and December chill was in the air, when Martha came to my room one morn- iug, with uu wonted clouds on her fair face. 'Here's a confusion,' she said, tak ing me as usual into her confidence. 'Auntie reminds me this morning that next week I shall be of age, and you know all about Gerald and me. I think, myself, he's in love with you I Gracious! don't jump that way, Agnes. Of course, I don't sup pose you care for him. But he is fond of you. If it were not for auntie, now ; she's sot her heart on the match. Well, there'll be one suicide, for Guy Howard will hang himself.' 'Guy Howard ?' 'You don't know him ; Mrs.Marsh field's nephew ; a ninn after my own heart, with soiqe spirit. Well, never mind him I We'll have to submit. It is a mercy you don't care for Ger ald, for it's all arranged now. You'll come to the wedding, I suppose, and please wear white, for I am super stitious about colors at a wedding.' And she went off, leaving me in a strange turmoil of paiu and irreso lution. I could not stay! I loved him! Xot with the girlish love I had given Charles, but with a woman's whole heart I loved. I could not stay to see him married, and mar ried, too, to a woman who loved him not. I would go somewhere and hide myself away. Then I thought of my uncle, hi two days there would be a New Year's party at hia house. I had met Charles there ; I had first seen Gerald on that anniversary. I would go aud live one night in the memory of happier days, aud then well, let the future decide. I told Mrs. Hall of my proposed visit, and said I would return when Gerald's wedding and the couple's departure on a wedding tour would leave us alone together. Looking into my face with a lov ing, pleading gaze, she said : 'Yes; I will be alone. It was her father's will, you know ; and I wo'd like to see Gerald happy.' I bade her farewelP. I felt that I could not meet Gerald agaiu. I met with a cordial reception at my uncle's house. Lizzie was home, with her handsome husband by her side ; May was engaged and happy, and Harry was lively. The dancers were all in motion ; everybody gay and full of life, when I stole out into the library for a moment's repose. It seemed as if my heart would break. Standing by the window, pressing my hot forehead on the cold glass, I tried to quiet my anguish. While I stood there a step crossed the room. I did not stir till I was drawn into a close embrace, and tho voice'I loved best spoke : 'Agnes, my darling, my love.' 'Let me go !' I cried. He loosed his hold at once. 'Oh, Agnes, do yon not love me?' 'Where is Martha? How can you be here?' I replied. 'Martha! Why, Agues, do you think I care for her?' 'Rut your mother?' I said. 'My mother would not see me an unloving and unloyed bridegroom. All has been explained. Martha is engaged to Guy' Howard. I have come to seek my wifo here.' I was in a flood of happiness. I nestled into his arms, aud we told each other our love. This was not all. Uncle Stanhope came in. Lizzie was called, a long pause followed, and in a sort of blissful dream 1 found myself under Lizzie's long lace wedding veil, standing by Gerald, the old clergy man of Milford facing us, all my friends and neighbors surrounding us; and Uncle Stanhope's party was transformed into my wedding breakfast. There is one point iu the Dem ocratic campaign this year which seems to be but little noticed. It is the silence that that party keeps on the question of southern claims and claimants. The Democratic speak ers are making no promises on that, to them, very interesting aud im portant subject. Their newspapers being in most respects without responsibility, tell us that, uuder the Constitution that beloved instru ment of Democratic ideas no war debt of insurrectionary states cau be paid. How beautiful this is -how frank, how honest, how submissive! These same papers neglect to inform us that in lieu of leaving their war debts paid, they intend to present, and in fact have presented, individual claims for losses by the war to the amount of hundreds of millions of dollars. With what blandness and child-like simplicity these bour bon journals treat this subject. But it will not do. The people of this country aro not fools, neither are they idiots. Let the bourbon orators tell us from the stump the position they take on this question. The leading members of the party in congress may put themsolves on record during the campaign, and in this way only can they satisfy the people. But this record they dare not make, and their silence means that they are in favor of paying them. Nothing but plainest prom ises on their part wil! induce the people to think they oppose their payment. Tell us how you stand, gentlemen, aud do it early and often. The people are now suspecting you from your silence. They await your reply JV. N. Pioneer. Behind Garfield stand the men who fought for national uuity and have consistently labored for nat ional prosperity and power, and de fended the national honor. Behind Hancock staud the men who fought to destroy the Union, who saddled a debt of $2,756,431,517.43 upon the country and who sought national dishonor and disgrace. Honest, patriotic citizens cannot hesitate in deciding which to sup port Ex. The Two Panic. Back of the two candidates for president staud the two parties who put them forward as their represen tatives or their masks. Vastly more important than the personal records and qualifications of the candidates are the records and character of the parties who seek success aud power through thorn. He is an exceptional president who escapes from the tra ditions and influences of his political surroundings, and makes his admin istration an expression of his own personality. If either of the present candidates does this, it will be he who is most superior to his party who was least in sympathy with his political following. Gen. Hancock, as president, will uot bo permitted to be better than his party. Gen. Garfield will not try to be. He will merely try to represent and rule iu accordance with the best common sense, morality and sagacity that is in it. It behooves the voter to ask what are the parties which stand be hind these candidates aud what light does their character and his tory cast upon probable policy of future governments controlled by them? And this light must be sought in the history of the parties rather than in the carefully prepared declarations of principles, framed to catch votes on the eve of election. It is not difficult to find it there. The republican party has not had a long career, but it is full of events that make history. It came into being to fulfill a great mission and right a great wrong. It fulfilled that mis sion in forum and field. It grappled the great wrong that was eating out the nation's heart like an ulcer, iu the halls of legislation aud justice, and whenever a skirmish line of a popular election was drawn. When political antagonism became civil war tho republican party rose to the height of the situation, took the reins of tho government dropped by its cowardly or traitorous opponents, aud held them bravely aud firmly through all the terrific crisis that followed. At home and abroad ; in the field, in tho capital, in the legis lative halls, iu the courts, in foreign courts, and in the world's monpy market, the republican party main tained the integrity of the union, the freedom of all the people and the honor and credit of tho nation. This record is closed ; this mission fulfilled; but who shall say its glory and honor have departed from the party who achieved it? With the cIobo of the war the republican party opened a new record of civil achievement as great in its way as the struggle for national existence. It reconstructed tho temple of the national life, which it hud defended from assault until it was disordered and shattered. It restored the un ion of the states, which had been broken, and restored each common wealth to ils old place, purged of the ancient wropg and with a new meaning given to the commonplace of popular freedom aud equity. It restored the wreck which war had made of the material interests of the country. It continued the sacrifices which had enabled it to carry on the war, boldly projected the tax ation of war time far into the season of peace to restore the national fi nances and maintain the national credit. It has reduced the national debt one quarter since the war closed, and the annual burden of in terest charge one-half. It has jeal ously guarded the national credit, resisted all temptation to reckless financiering, rigidly reduced the pa per issue of the war and cestored the treasury notes to par with gold within fourteen years after the war closed. It has labored to place the public service and the civil adminis tration upon a higher plane, and, as its latest achievement, has taken the first step in the history of the gov ernment to destroy the entrenched system of a political civil service and make tenure of office depend upou honesty aud capacity. While the republican party has been doing this, the democratic party has simply resisteuit at every step. Beginning its history as the representative of certain principles, the deniocraoy euded by suffering the oontagious dry rot of slavery ; and becoming a party of more re action and resistance. It has had no principles since 1865, and that half of it too cowardly to fight for its principles has had none since 1860. It resisted the prosecution of the war fox the Union. It resisted the execution of the reconstruction policy afterwards. It resisted the payment of the public debt and the restoration of specie payments, and gave its coutenance to every wild and foolish financial experiment which has been suggested to impair the national credit under the pre tense of popular reliof. It has resis ted every beneficent measure of public policy which the republican party has presented for twenty AM HA - t ltd A FTAM1 W f- IkHitiLtn s jcaiij nuuuui uuciiuj; aiijriuiug I for itself. -St. Paul Pioneer-Press. 1 FREDERICK DOUGLASS. A Touching Extract from a Speech Made by Him Last Week In Indiana. Fountain City, years ago known as Newport, was "the headquarters of the underground railroad," and Mr. Douglass, forty and more years ago received such kindness trom the meu of Newport as to make their mem ory ever dear to him. Spcakiug of their kindness to him aud the other fleeing slaves, he was deeply moved. He was Introduced by Mr. I'ayuq in some appropriate remarks. We quote from the Richmond Palladium a tew points of Ids eloquent aud touching speech : "I have appeared before the Amer ican ptrblic during the last forty years in di tie re at attitudes and con ditions, aud I have been more or less affected by the conditions by which I was surrounded. I have appeared before you a a slave, as a fugitive from bondage, aud thauks to the in defatigable labors of you abolition ists and the magnanimity of the republican party, I stand here to-day no longer a slave, but a citizen. A citizen of a nation whose peer is hard to find. A citizenship that means something. No nation on the earth can claim such a future as our own. All nations of the earth are tributary to up. Their wealth, their works of manufacture, of art aud science, pour iu upou u and will pour iu upon us for generations, provided we are true to the princi ples that underlie our present pros perity. Mr. Payne has named the names of men who helped to lay the foundation of that prosperity. I knew them, and knew them well. I knew Levi Collin, I knew Benjamin Stanton, I knew Arnold Buflum,and I knew Joel Parker. To these men, and to those who labored with them in the cause of freedom and right, do we owe our elevation from sla very to manhood. This man, Mr. Jenkins, who sits here besido me, knows what that slavery was. He saw me at Richmond with that hate ful rope around my neck, with my hands pinioned to my back, my feet sore and bleeding and a sheriffs officer riding before me dragging me to a prison. He saw tne slave-trader feeling my muscles and examining my teeth as I lay in the jail. He saw me on the block; he saw me knock ed oil" to the highest bidder. And all because I tried to break my shackles and be a man. Could I have foreseen this day forty and six years ago, the gravel would not have been so sharp and the road would not have been so long. If I could have believed then that in the pro cession that marched over from the depot this morning, I should sit iu the best carriage and ride at the head of tho procossiou and have seen the thousands ot upturned and sym pathetic faces that are before me, I could have taken hope even in the darkness aud despair of the slave pen. I do not know what to say to you ; I have spoken in Boston, in New York, in England, before im mense audiences in nearly all kinds of places, but never before have I felt such great embarrassment as I do to-day, for the faces beforo me bring back a flood of memories and remind me painfully of the past. Some of you old men are curious to know how old lam now everybody who sees my gray hairs is curious to know that and I must confess that I am growing curious on the subject too. But I don't know. Abolition ists hav clear consciences aud live long." He mentioned the leaders of the old party and gave their ages, showing they were remarkable for their longevity. "There is some thing in this love of liberty that keeps men alive. They used to tell me I ought to be happy in slavery. I had a good master and a good home, and why should I not be hap py there? I hadn't liberty. I asked my old master just before he died whether he blamed me, and ho said he would have done as I did. I told him I had run away because I loved liberty. I am here to-day in the intoreat of liberty." Rebel FIucn Iu Arkasax. A citizen of Council Bluffs, tem porarily stopping at Hot Springs, Arkansas, scuds us a copy of the Democratic Daily Tehyruph of that place of August 23d containing an account of a "Great democratic bar becue of Garland county" held there on the same day. The account, a bouta column in leugth, is headed by the rebel flag, under which are these Hues: "The democrats hang their banner an the outer walL-Great enthusiasm for Haucock and the whole democratic ticket. Smith, Jones, Fishback, "Brown Murphy and other prominent men talk. Every one feeling good and happy." The geutlernan who gent us the paper says in an accompanying note: "The picture represents the kind of a flag most of the democrats use in this state. It is a regular rebel flag the stars and bar?. I saw two of these tl-igs flying from wagoua carrying passengers to the barbecue. Several prominent democrats who were spoken to in regard to the flag, aid it was their flag, and wanted to know what we were going to do about it." The simple presence of a rebel flag at such a gathering should have been significant. That significance i magnified many times in theprcei cut instance by the fact that the flag was ostentatiously displayed by the participants iu the atlair, who uu blushiugly and Insolently boasted of it as "their flag," and was publicly unfurled aud endorsed by the local democratic organ as the banner of the democratic party. These were meaus chosen in Arkansas to re mind the followers of Lee aud Jack son that, as Wade Hampton put it, "the principles they died for are a gaiu on trial to-day," and that by the election of Hancock the south will regain what it lost during the war. Under the stimulus of such inspira tion it is very likely true as the local organ of that party says, that there was "great enthusiasm for Haucock and everybody felt good aud happv." But it is more than doubtful if such a frank disclosure of the spirits, hopes, and purposes of the solid south will gain the democratic party any votes iu the north. Counril BlujF.1 Non pareil. The latest reports from the rail roads announce unprecedented earn ings and enormous profits. The New York Central road has increas ed its earnings over last year in the sum of .fl,70l,000. The Chicago & Northwestern reports receipts for August, 433,000 greater than tor August 1870. The Chicago & Alton has'iucreascd its profits of last year 1,531,000, and the Wabash 2,432, 000. Now why do npt the railroads follow the business system of ordi nary trade and manufacture am! let their tariffs be regulated by their profits. If the people agitate the subject of legislation against rail road extortion they are met with an answer that railroading is like any other business, and the people have no more right to interfere with its operation than they have to say how much sugar, salt or tea shall be sold for. The prices of these articles, we are told, depend upon the condition oYthe market, aud the profits of the manufacturers and railroading id subject to the same laws. Such argument is specious aud false. The railroad corporations admit of no element except compe tition and the pleasure of (he man agement to modify rates and tariffs. The fact that a road is prosperous aud earning heavy profits on ficti tious stock is to them no ground for a reduction iu extortionate freight and passenger charges. Should the profits appear too large the stock of the road is immediately increased and the dividends lowered, while the enormous' sums extorted from the people continue to roll into the cofferH of the railway treasury. There is only one remedy for thn crying evils committed by the rail way robbers, and that remedy lies in rigid legislative supervision of the operations of public carriers and the exercise by tho legislature of their right to fix a maximum limit of freight and passenger tolls. The people must be protected against the daily command to "stand aud de liver." Corporate monopolies cau only be brought to their senses by the enforcement of lawi against dis crimination and extortion. Such laws our constitution makes it ob ligatory upon our legislators to paua. Omaha Bee. A Remedy fur Atlrerwlty. The Lancet suggests that more account ought to be taken than U taken of the condition of health in estimating the cause of success or failure in life. The habit of failing is formed in some families, and seems to be transmitted by inheri tance ; the same Is the case with con stitutional peculiarities, and often with certain morbid conditions. It would bo an interesting and pro fitable ftady to examiue how far what is oalled ill luck or good for tune is induced by such peculiarities. Accccpting this view, "so Tar ha its being strange'that failure or succes should run in families it would t inexplicable, contrary to every nat- , ural law and precedent, if ho did not do ao. The force of character, strength of will, clearness of mental vision, and qualities of vigor, pati ence and perseverance, which con stitute the secret of success in lir& and the several properties of the physical organism, compounded of body and mind." A new cure- H suggested then, the 'beallh cure," as a remedy or adversity, which would be first personal, then heredi tary in its aim, aspects, and bearing. The subject is worthy the attention of medical men and social philosophers.