The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 25, 1880, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY. Al'G. 1 10.
Cttminunicatlon-, to Injure insertion
in the next iMie, should he in hand on
Manila'; if lengthy, on Thursdays
nracodlnr io-ue-tiny. Advertisements,
of whatever clas, Should he in hatid bj
non. Tue-dsj s.
Advertisements under this head 15
cts. a line first insertion, 10 ctt. a line
each subsequent insertion.
Tin JOIJICVAI extaMish
xiicnt i now pi-rmniirHlIy Io
rnlril on lllli street. ui-l:ilrx
in tlio .lOIiaAt. luiltliHp.
To Subscriber.
Towrname.isith inr. ns.iv. at which
on each Journal you receive. A prompt
renewal ir discontinuance will save the
publishers both trouble and,
awl be better for all concerned. A re
newal is respectfully solicited. $2 for 1
yr.; $1 Tor t$ ino.;J0 els. for :. mos.
Journal, with either the American Ag
riculturist or Nebraska Farmer 1 a yr.,
post-paid, cash in advance; Journal.
ml the Xtirsery "&.
"Art Ln:iu."
Kd. Smith Is out on hail.
Oamnnlgn Hailgrs st Fit opp.
School begin in ilietricl 13 next
The Xcins report. 1. P. Ilcald of
Occola very sink.
- August 24ih ami 25th at the
Prr-flbytcrifui Church.
"Wanted A good female cook at
the Nebraska House.
David Carri?. jr.j called at the
Toi'KXAL oflicp, Monday.
.Inn. 'Wiggins i1? shipping his
accumulation of old iron.
S. H. Smith has sold the P. A.
Willard farm to J. O. Tnsker.
For the finest and best custom
made boot or shoe go to rionahan's.
II. Kcrsenbrock has contracted
for the brewery at Crete for $7,"00.
A very agreeable .social party at
the residence of A. II. Cibson. Fri
day nighty
Money to loan on improved
farms oti the very best terms by
Ilechcr & Price.
Gr.s. Hancock Just out, life of
Gen. Hancock. Fitzpatrick's book
store, opp. P. O.
T. Gluck is gelling dry-good?,
clothing, and boots and shoes at his
usual low prices.
Count' Republican convention
next Saturday, State convention
"Wednesday nnxt.
M. D. Thurston has a call all
the way from Virginia City, New.
for dentistry work.
J. M. Honahan has removed his
shoe store to Nebraska Avenue,
opposite the post-office.
Mr. Anderson of Indiana is ne
gotiating with R. C. Smith for the
Hipp farm on Shell creek.
Everybody was congratulating
the weather clerk Monday on the
.splendid rain of the morning.
Our readers at Albion will find
Ernst Frederick a straightforward
young man, and a good jeweler.
Lawrence has recently put down
tubing for two wells -200 feet deep.
That water ought to be purCnndcool.
Seward county will hold her
eighth agricultural exhibi
tion thiR vear at Seward. Xeb., Sept.
Will T. Ilickly will pay the
highest caHh price for 50 head of
2, l, and 4 year old steers, delivered
at Columbus.
For Kent. A house, centrally
located, and suitable for dwelling or
boarding house. Inquire at the
t .Toorxai. office.
.Tno. and "Win. Ern9t have large
fields of corn that will yield from 50
to 05 bushels to the acre. Good
enough for this. ear.
"W. H. Randall arrived home
Friday with about a hundred head
of one, two and three year old steers,
which will be for sale.
The Osceola Xews reports the
death by diphtheria, Aug. 10, of
Lillio E., only daughter of C. H.
Morrill of Stromsburg.
Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual and work-aud-labor, neatly
bound in books of 50 and 100, for
Bale at the Journal office.
Call at Lawrence's and examine
their stock and other scales. Stock
scales warranted for five years,
equal to any in the market.
"We arc sorry to learn that Miss
Delia, daughter of Allen Vincent of
Ilutler co., was attacked last Thurs
day by diphtheria, in a malignant
Mr. Marks, the herder, had his
horse gored Sunday by an unruly
bull in the herd. The horse walked
about a half mile, dropped down and
The Bucks County Gazette pub
lished at Bristol, Pa., and edited by
our old friend Jesse O. Thomas,
comes to ub again enlarged to thirty
two columns.
The U. P. Co. are selling round
trip tickets between Columbus and
St. Paul, Minnesota, via Council
Bluffs and Sioux City, good till Oct.
31st, for $23.45.
Mr. L. Kramer made a host of
friends in this place who regret to
have him leave and who will wish
him a successful career in his new
home. Crete Union.
A gentleman recently arrived iu
the county from Fremont, la., via
Lincoln, says that Commissioner
John "Walker has the beet field of
corn he saw on the route.
Book Bixdixg. All those who
have pamphlets, magazines or pe
riodicals for bindiug, will have their
orders promptly attended to by
leaving them at the Journal office.
Art Loan, Aug. 24th and 25th.
J. II. Lynch of Omaha is home
on a visit.
Mrs. Fi field returned Friday
from tho west.
John Schram returned Friday
from Montana.
The Odd Fellows Atchison ex
cursion to-day.
Jack "Wells carae down from
Duncan Saturday to sec the boys.
Dick Rossiter was in from the
Centre Saturday night and Sunday.
Miss Julia Loeb of Chicago is
visiting her sister, ilrs. Carl Kra
mer. John Tannahill has erected a
wind mill for irrigating his vegeta
ble garden.
D. McDuffie and family recently
located in the city. He is engaged
on the A. & N. road.
Geo. Spooner was intending to
go to Lincoln Saturday. He has had
a good offer from there.
Don't forget that Iho ladies of
the Pre.abyterian church have pre
pared a splendid exhibition.
Call aud see the large assorted
stock of bnotB and shoes at Hona
han'rf, opposite the post-office.
A brakeman whose name we
did not learn was killed on Saturday
while coupliug cars at St. Edwards.
Mrs. G. B. Bailey goes to Elk
horn, Council Bluff) and St. Joseph
on a visit. Tho 'squire will remain
at home.
II. J. Hudson visited Genoa, St.
Edwards aud Albion last week in
the interests of the Odd FellowR
School hooks, blauk books,
memorandum books, pocket book?;
all kinds of books at "Fitz's" oppo
site the post-office.
Mr. "Welch of the firm of Welch
& "Wiley ot Fairmont, Neb., is the
gentleman who is about to erect the
new mill near Platte Center.
The P. H. & L. Co. are getting
a beautiful certificate for their hon
orary members, which will proba
bly be ready by next meetiug.
The rain of Monday morning
extended as far west as Grand Is
land. It was a very good one and
revived vegetation wonderfully.
Miss Laura, daughter of James
McAllister, jr., of Montana, arrived
in the city Saturday, for a long visit
at her Grand Father's, Jas. McAllis
ter. Win. Ripp is putting up a ware
house at Humphrey station and in
tends to buy grain. Mr. Lawrence
of this place has erected for him a
pair of Victor scales.
It has been suggested to us to
inquire of Geo. V. Hincs, who signs
his name to political articles iu the
Era, why he doesu't put them most
ly between quotation marks.
The attention of that part of the
general public who have had busi
ness transactions with the firm of
Hunneman & Tolman is directed to
two notices in another column.
Byron Millet has purchased the
interest of hiR father in Stevens' ad
dition to tho city of Columbus, and
haR about fotvy choice lots for wile
in that part of town.
Moisrs. Cornelius & Sullivan.
by prompt and careful attention to
bushiest intrusted to their care, are
gaining a considerable practice.
Their law card will appear next
Messrs. Brockhaus and Fuchs,
well-to-do farmers of Stearns Prai
rie, have purchased a threshing
machine of the Messrs. Ernst. Small
grain must be good in their neigh
borhood. Robert Uhlig has recently fur
nished the Clother House with a
hotel cook stovo weighing 1300
pounds, with a tank which will
hold a barrel and a half of water.
Huge affair.
The Teachers' Institute has been
conducted by Sup't Barrett, assist
ed by Prof. McGinitie and Miss
"Wood, and has been a decided suc
cess. Erom 30 to 40 teachers have
been in attendance.
Thanks to J. S. Murdock for
some samples of the blue peach
blow potatoes. They look splendid.
Mr. M. paid a dollar a pound for
the seed last spring, and don't re
gret the investment.
M. Kramer, accompanied by his
daughter Miss Minnie, arrived In
the city Friday from Chicago. He
says that business in the Garden
city is good, and that Chicago has a
grand future before her.
Mr. J. X. Heater is very confi
dent that the idea of obtaining a
va6t water power from the Loup is
thoroughly practicable, and he
would be willing to invest what he
is worth on that proposition.
Farmers should cut all the hay
they can this season, but it would
be advisable to cut on land upon
which you pay either taxes or a
rental. Those who fail to follow
this rule sometimes get into ser
ious trouble.
Theo. Friedhoff & Co. on Mou
day moved their stock of goods into
the Btore formerly occupied by
Bonesteel Bros. Every one of his
old customers sHbuld follow him,
because they will not find a more
genial man to deal with.
At a regular meeting of Pioueer
Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1, August
16th, all members, delinquent three
months wvre dropped from the
rolls, with privilege of being rein
stated at any regular meetiug within
two months, by paying all charges.
"W. H. .Lawrence, Sec'y
A special school meeting has
been called by John "Waguer, direc
tor, to be held at the school house
iu district No. 21, Stearns precinct,
on "Wednesday, Sept. 1st, to take
some action in relation to an out
standing warrant held by S. C.
For Sale. A dwelling-house and
lot in a very desirable part of the
city. Will be sold at a sacrifice, as
the money is needed. The house is
new and cost more money than is
asked for both house and lot. For
further particulars inquire at the
Journal ollice.
Where the name of a town and
the name of the post-office for the
town differ, it will be important
hereafter that mail matter be direct
ed to the post ollice, ojcatise the
department have ruled that unless
so directed tho matter must go to
the dead-letter office.
Mrs. S. C. Smith writes from
Pike Co., Mo., her old homo, that
the weather is very dry, that water
.in being hauled for domostic purpo
ses, and stock arc driven to the river.
She doesu't know what would in
dnco her to live there after residing
iu beautiful Nebraska.
We arc iu receipt of a commun
ication signed J. M. Robinson, con
cerning matters chiefly personal and
in which the general pjblic have
little interest. If the writer wifehes
to vindicate himself, and will make
affidavit to his communication, we
will publish it as an advertisement.
J. B. Bevcrstock, who has been
with the Kramers for so long a time,
started yesterday for his old home
at Shelby, Ohio. We don't like to
see him go, and hope he will return
before long, aud make Nebraska his
permanent home. He hap made a
liost of friends here who will al
ways be glad to know that he
We sec it stated in several of
our exchanges that Columbus is to
have another newspaper. It was
rumored last week that we were to
have another Democratic paper there
is also strong talk of a German pa
per printed entirely at home. If
these three cuterprises come to a
successful issue, it ought to make
times lively six- newspapers.
Hon.'G. W. Collins of Pawnee
City spent the Sabbath in Columbus.
He spoke to the Garfield and Arthur
club at Schuyler Saturday evening.
Mr. Collins will be a candidate for
Lieut. Governor, before the Repub
lican State Convention next Wed
nesday, and if he gets on the ticket,
he will honor his party by his can
vass and the conduct of the ollice.
To succeed John AValker as Co.
Commissioner we hear the following
suggested as possible caudidates, on
the Republican side : Olcson, Mun
son, French, Irwin and Truetnan.
As this is the most important office
for the general Jiitcresfs of the
couuty, the best selection should be
made, and so harmoniously mado,
too, that we shall be able "to elect
our candidate by a handsome ma
jority. Last. Sunday while Win. Law
rence and Henry Morris wore out
driving, one of tho buggy wheelR
went into a hole, landing Win. and
the lines on terra jirma, leaving
Henry to jump out at his leisure and
as good opportunity should offer a
sort of HobHon's choice, however,
at best. The Iiorso kept on at a
good gait for awhile, and was finally
brouglif'to bay,' without injury to
man, horse or buggy.
Henry Woods recently received
a letter from his brother, who now
lives at Ellensburg, Washington
Ty. Under date of July 20th, he
was writing of cold weather and
ocean breezes. He has got himself
1G0 acres of land, built himself a
hotm thereon, aud is now wonder
iug whether ho will strike a gold
bonanza on his place. It seems
there is a gold mine near by, in
which two nuggets were recently
found, one worth .$200, the oth
er $300.
Charles Disfelhorat, living a
short distance east of the city, left at
the Journal office Thursday a splen
did sample of Rose potatoes. They
wero beauties. His method of rais
ing them consisted of sticking the
seed into the prepared ground with
very light cover and then placing
over them about a foot of straw, and
thus prepared they were left to
grow without further cultivation.
This method, if it produces such
potatoes as Charlie's, will be worth
hundreds and thousands of dollars
.to the farmers of Platte county.
Complaints are still entered at
these headquarters concerning the
Platte river bridge. The specifica
tious arc that every here and there
a board is off from the upper floor,
and in some of these places the under
floor is rotten; that the planks in
many places arc loose; that from
the approach on the north end, to
the ground, there is a direct fall of
several inches, enough to occasion
the breaking of the axle of a farm
wagon tho other day. In this con
nection attention is'callcd to a talk
with commissioner Walker In an
other column.
L. Kramer of the New York
Cheap Cash Store has discontinued
his branch house at Crete, and will
give more attention to his other
establishments. Ttelievhio- Pninm.
bus to be a good distributing point, j
he will soon put a traveler upon the
road -to sell everything in his line, in
job lots. His enterprise is commen
dable, and worthy of imitation by
other dealers in different lines of
goods. He has recently increased
his stock here by the addition of
two car loads of goods. Those who
have occasion to dpal with him or
his salesmen will find them trust
worthy. J
Sour .Hill-.
Crf.ston, Aug. 21st, 'SO.
Mr. Editor : Will you please tell
in your next issue, if sour milk is
I have a child that is ravenous for
it, will eat, two and three cup full,
if not denied, and some of my neigh
bor's children show the same crav
ing, but we are ignorant of its
effects. Please enlighten us ou the
subject in your columns, and oblige
Constant Readers.
The writer of the above very
properly regards the newspapers as
a medium of exchange of opinions.
The writer hereof is not a physician,
but, haviug consulted one on this
subject, we give his answer briefly,
that sour milk is not injurious; that
the child craved some acid, and that
sour milk being at hand he took it.
Tho probability is that if apples,
orauges, lomons or something of the
sort equally as palatable were fur
uished the children would not crave
the sour milk. We once know a
very aged man who made a rule of
drinking about a quart of buttermilk
a day, and claimed that it had pre
served him pouud and healthy.
Another man of our acquaintance
used clabber aa a drink, and thrived
upon it. This we regard as a good
test in all things. Too little atten
tion is paid to matters of living;
health is the first consideration.
C A. Speice, Esq., and family
returned last week from a visit to
St. Joseph, Mo. Mr. S. was highly
pleased with the city, its people,
business, its appearance, &c, not
withstanding that it had been suff
eriug a long time for rain, together
with thecountry for 15 milesarouml,
and that the dust on the road's in the
outskirts of the city was several
inches deep. Wells were failing and
cisterns wcro'boing filled from the
river. The county court houe, Mr.
Speice thinks, is the finest structure
of the kind he has ever seen. It is
large, very substantial, on high
ground, aud make a splendid ap
pearance. The city had just iiniOic d
laying 10 or 18 miles of pipe tor
their now water works, and were
testing it.
Commissioner John Walker was
in town Saturday and iu allusion to
what he read in the Journal of the
18th concerning the Platte river
bridge not being properly finished,
he says this season of the year is the
most busy time, but in a short time
the Commissioners will sec to the
wants of the county at large. The
Board will soon order one or two
car loads of cottonwood plan!;, and
then they will give the Platte bridge
a general overhauling in the line of
planking. John says he would al
ways recommend cottonwood plank
for flooring, as it will last twice as
long as pine. He expresses the sen
timent that it augurs well for Co
lumbus to sco teams coming 20 miles
from the south to sell thoir produce
-.m- -
JoIiiih1min Ir!niatv.
On Saturday last, at the Jour ad
vertised, a number of Republicans
met at the Court house, and elected
B. Millctt, Esq., Chairman and .Tno.
Huber Sec'y. The balloting for del
delegates to the county convention
then proceeded, tho polls being open
from 3 to 0 o'clock, resulting iu the
following by a vote of 20 to 3530
votes being cast, in nil. M. K.
Turner, W. A. McAllister, Jno.
Huber, A. J. Arnold, D. D. Wads
worth, Gus. Lockner, B. Millet, Y.
T. Price, Chas. Wake, H. J. Hudson,
J. W. Early and C. A. Brindley.
Letter S.lwt.
The following is a ht of unclaimed
letters remaining in the post-olHce, In
Columbus, for the week ending Aug.
21, iasO:
Adamson, Annie Jeflerics. John
Arndt, "Win Jones, M C
Barnum, Levi (2) Kalb, Kathcriue
Boss, W F KeBler, Marv A
Belisle, Mary Knolton, Chs C
Boss, Jno Krader, Saml
Bill, Jno T Krause, Gottlieb
Bodner, Jacob Lamp, Chs
Carl, S D Murry, Davis
Clcmena, Dr Martin, Edward
Christenson, S O Messing, John
Creasey, J B Madsen, Thos
Conal, Thos Mrs McCauley, John
Foster, Geo Oleson, Carrie
Garden, Matheus 1'ierf.on, T M
Glover, S G Hose, II K
Glover, Win Shevick, Joseph "
Gesen, Jake Williams. I)
Garedeu, Adum Wright, Fred
Hollenbacb. Peter Wathcrs, Martin
Haldeman, W T AVard, Kstey
Those marked " ," postal card
If not called for in 30 days will be sent
to the dead-letter ollice, " aehington, I).
C. When called for please say "adver
tised,"' as these letters are kept separate,
E. A. Gkkkakd, 1. M.
Four-Hundred Cattle For
sale at our ranch one mile from
Fullerton, Nance Co. Nebr. 00
yearling steers, 40 yearling heifers,
275, 2 and 4 year old steers, 25 cows
and calves. Also, . thorougnbrcd
short-horn Durham cattle 2 bulls,
3 heifers, and 2 Norman Stallions.
Fuller & Reed.
IresM for Male.
We have for sale the hand-press
upon which the Journal (present
size) has beon heretofore printed. It
is a seven column folio Washington
press and iu good order. Price $100
cash. Address M. K. Turner & Co.,
Columbus, Neb.
I'nion Pacific Ahead.
Fare reduced to all points east,
south and north. Shortest, quickest
and best route from Columbus. For
full particulars call on C. T. Heu
derson, Ticket Agent U. P.
Tuesday, Au?. ITJh, a '
CONNELLY Sunday, Aug. loth, 1:30
a. m., of diphtheria, John, con of Wm.
Connelly, Sr., and Sarah Connelly, aged
1 yar.
SCHUPBACn Tuesday, Aug. 17th.
of summer complaint, after an illness of
six weeks, Margaret, daughter of- David
and Louise Schupbach, aged 4 months,
Republican Co. Convention.
The Republican electors of Platte Co.,
Neb., are hereby called to send dele
gates from the several precincts to meet
in county convention at the Court
House in Columbus,
Saturday, Auo.2S, ISSO,
at 2 p. ni. for the purpose of nominating
a county ticket; selecting delegates to
the State convention the representative
and senatorial conventions, and for the
transaction of any other business that
may properly come before the conven
tion. The several precincts arc entitled to
the following number of delegates:
Sherman. . 2
Creston 1
Pleasant Valley. 1
Granville. .... 1
Lost Creek . 2
Burrows 2
Looking Glass 2
Woodville . 2
The precinct primaries will be held at
the following places of the last general
election, at 4 p. m. Saturday, Aug. 21,
180, excepting in Columbus, where the
hour will be 3 o'clock.
J.J. Truman, Clt'n pro tern.
M. K. Turnki:, Sec'y.
Advertisements under this head five
cents a line each insertion.
Penchea and apples at Hudson's.
Calico 5 cts. a yard at Delsman's.
Calico Sets a yard at Kramer's.
"Can't be beat" Ice Cream at
See the sulky plow attacho
ments at Lawronce's.
Men's Summer coats only 50cts.
at Kramer's.
Brick in the wall at $7 to $8 a
thousand by Flynn & Co.
Mackerel, White fish and Her
ring at John Herapleman's.
300 pieces latest style Fall
prints just received at Kramer's.
Delicious, foaming, cream soda
at million's.
Fifteen lbs. fresh Prunes for $1
at Delsman's.
A large, new stock of men's and
womeh's shoes at Wm. Schilz's.
Plenty of the celebrated Smith
wagons and buggies at Lawrence's.
For your crockery and glass
ware o to J. Hempleman's.
Needles for all Sewing Ma
chines at Kramer's.
Grapes by the basket at Hud
son's. Ladies fine 3 Strap-kid Slippers
only $1.25 cts. a pair at Kramer's.
The Alaska Soda Fountain is
the nicest thing out. Try it at
Pound package of excellent Tea
for faints., at Delsman's, each pack
age drawing a prize.
Yard wide muslins only 0 cts,
a yard at Kramer's N. Y. Cheap
Cash Store.
Men's fine Calf-skin boots only
$1 50 cts. a pair at Kramer's New
York Cheap Cash Store.
Men's Gauze Undershirts only
25:ls. at Kramer's New York cheap
Cash Store.
The most goods and the best
goods tor the least mouey at J.
Ladie's Pebble goat slippers
only 50 cts. a pair at Kramer's New
York Cheap Cash Store-
Complete rig for boring 10 or 12
inch wells, with nearly 200 feet of
coupling, tor sale cheap by J. C. El
liott. ncmcmber that G. N. Derry is
doing lots of paper hanging aud
painting, does good and neat work,
shop one door south of Elliott's,
pump house.
Mr. T. Friedhof, of the firm of
Friedhof & Co-, expects to visit New
YorK, JBoston and other .Eastern mar
kets soon, for their fall Stock of Cry
Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, &c.
Any orders entrusted to him in the
above line of goods will receive his
careful attention.
Two stands of full-blooded Italian
bees for sale. Inquire at this office.
House Cleaning and Paper Hanging.
Parties wishing bouse cleaning
and paper hanging done can leave
orders for Mrs. Howett, at the Ne
braska House.
Coal Notice.
Parties wishing to purchase hard
coal for winter use would do well
to buy of J. E. North & Co., before
any farther advance.
Aug. 23. '80.
200,000 llrielc.
Will be deliyered on the ground
or out into wall as cheap as the
cheapest. The beat brick in Platte
Co. Yard S4 mi. north of Colum
bus. Chas. G. Moore.
Work Ulnrex.
Two work and brood mares 5 and
G years old ; also harness and wagon,
for sale cheap for cash, or in ex
change for cattle. With good secu
rity one year's credit will be given.
Inqniro of Martin Reagan.
The N. Y. City Store, Friedhof &
Co-, Propr's, will remove in a few
days, to the store formerly occupied
by Bonesteel Bros-, where you will
always find a large stock of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, &c-
money to lionn!
'On improved farms, on long time,
at ten per cent, interest. No inter
est charged in advance, nor com
mission, ty O. S. Bridges. Office
opp. P. O. on Nebraska Avenue,
Columbus Neb.
For Sale.
A 160 acre stock ranchc iu Nance
countv, with range over 36 sections ;
10 Hrres broke; will also sell horses,
cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry ; farm
implements, corral, &c. Address
N. Cbabtree, Genoa, Neb.
.'plettdid Mtock or Implements
The undersigned, having pur
chased the entire stock of implements
of Schutte and Pohl will keep con
stantly on hand at tho old stand ou
13th street, west of Olive, Colnmbus,
the Marsh and Buford Sulky plows,
Tiger, Thomas and Knowlton Sulky
bay rakes, and an entire uew stock
of the Whitewater wagons.
E. J. & J. A. Ebnst.
Successors to Sshuttt & Pohl.
Columbus 12
Butler . . 3
Biaimark 2
Monroe ... 4
Shell Creek 1
Walker . 3
Humphrey . 2
Stearns " I
For Sale or Trade.
One lot and two houses, one a
boarding house, the other suitable
for a boarding or dwelling house
centrally located in the city of Co
lumbus. Will sell for cash, or trade
for stock. For further particulars
inquire at the Journal ollice.
The Tattersall Livery Stable is an
excellent place to stop at when you
arc in town with a team. Good'ac
commodations. Reasonable charges.
On Olive street, one door south of
Wiggins's hardware store. Trv
Choice Iteoidence I.oIm for Sale.
Choice residence lots for sale in
the southeastern part of Columbus.
From one to forty acres rich, dry
soil and no alkali. Acre lots for
sale at prices from $20 to $05 per
acre. Inquire of Speice & North.
The above property comprises Hig
gins aud Spiclman's addition to
IVolice of Ulssolution.
The co-partnership heretofore ex
isting between Hunneman & Tolman
is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. Win. Hunneman assumes all
liabilities of the said firm and col
lects all debts due the firm, except
the Osceola accounts, which will be
paid to J. B. Tolman.
Wm. IIdx.vkmax.
.1. B. Tolma.v.
Columbus, Aug. 12, '80.
Notice is hereby given to all par
ties interested, that all accounts aud
notes due, and past due, payable to
Hunneman & Tolman, will be placed
in the hands of an attorney for col
lection, unless paid on or before the
15th of September next. Don't
whine if you fail to pay, and find
costs added. Wm. Hcxxkmax.
Advertisements under this head live
cents a line, first insertion, three cent
a line each xub-cquent insertion.
fiS? Thomas Keating keep con
stantly on hand young Illinois stock
for -ale.
. ICeuInr Stock Ienler.
All kind3 of horned stock bought
and sold; also fat and stock hops.
I). Anderson.
rVotivc To 'lVacIiers.
I will be in my office at the Court
House on the first and last Saturdays of
each month for the purpose of examin
ing applicants for teacher's certificates,
and for the transaction of anv other
(business pertaining t0 schools.
S. L. Barrett,
County Supt.
Tun !?tatk or Nebraska, I uc
Platte County,) s '
In the County Court for said county.
N'otice is "hereby given that Peter
.Matson on the 0th "day of August, 1S0,
filed a petit ion in said Court proving
for letters of administration on the es
tate of Frederick Augu-t Haiincy. de
ceased. Thereupon it is ordered that
the lfith day of September, !SS0, at 2
o'clock p. jr., be assigned for the hearing
of said petition at the County Judge's
oflice in said county, and that due legal
notice thereof be given.
-ViT-l Countv Judge.
Land Oflice at Grand Island. Neb.,1
July 21st, 1SS0. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
linal entry thereof, before the Cleric of
the Court of Platte county. Nebraska,
at tho countv seat, on Saturdav, the
2yth dav of August 1SS0, viz:
Robert E. Wilev, Homestead No. Jim,
for the S. J, S. E. i, Section 10. Town
xhip 18 north, Hange ."west, ami names
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said tract, viz: W. J. Thurston.
iH. H. Hill. Thomas Barnes and Ed.
Hoar, all of .Monroe, Platte Co., Neb.
.-:-.. M. It. HOXIE, Hegister.
FIX A I, lIC001
Land Ollice at Grand Island, Neb.,)
August 1th, 18S0. f
TCTOTICE Is hereby given that the
JLl following-numed settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte Co., Nebraska, at
the county scat, on Thursday, the 9th
dav of September, 1SS0, viz:
Richard F. Cunningham, Homestead
No. 7772. for the N. E. J, Section 0,
Township 10 north. Range -t west, and
name the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said tract, viz: 3Iartin JIo
her, Martin Burns and Daniel .Moher, of
Postville, Platte Co., Neb., and Patrick
Di.flv, of Walker. Platte Co., Neb.
M.-i"S 31. B. UOX1E, Register.
Land Ollice at Grand Island, Neb.,1
Julv 21st, 1880. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed
notice of bis intention to make tinal
proof in support of his claim, aud secure
final entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte Co., Nebraska, at
the county seat, on Saturdav, the 28th
dav of August, 1880, viz:
John II. Ely, Homestead No. G13C, for
the E. U, S. W. 14, S. K. S. E. M, Section
12, Township 18 north, Bailee 4 west,
and names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said tract, viz: Sam
uel Anderson, Nils Munson, William J.
Irwin and Peter AVclin, all of West Hill,
Platte Co., Neb.
53.W M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Oflice at Grand Island, Neb.,)
August 4th, 190. f
"VrOTICE is hereby given that the
J following-named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make tinal
proof in support of his claim, and secure
tinal entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the court "of Platte county, Neb., at the
county seat, op Saturday, the 18th day
of September, 1880, viz:
Ole Helliksen, Homestead No. 4023,
for the N. E. yA, Section 6, Township 20
north. Range 4 west, and names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon and cultivation of
aid tract, viz: Gunder J. Hamre, Ole
Taxle and Hans Syvenson, of Newman's
Grove, Madison Co., Neb., and Nils
Thompson, of Coon Prairie, Boone Co.,
.)-" M. B. HOXIE, Register.
In District Court, 4th Judicial District,
in and for Platte county. Nebraska.
Sarah E. Lotsox, Plt'fT.,)
vs. Notice.
Lkwis C. Lotsox. Deft.)
The defendant above named, Lewis C.
Lotson, non-resident, is hereby notified
that the above named plaintiff, Sarah E.
Lotson, did, on the 9th day of August,
18S0, commence action in the above
named court by filing her petition, and
causing a summons to issue thereon, in
which petition she pray for a divorce
from the said Lewis C. Lotson, on the
ground of his grossly, wantonly and
cruelly refusing and neglecting to pro
vide suitable maintenance for said
plaintiff and her child, while being of
sufficient ability so to do. Said defend
ant is required" to answer said petition
on or before September 13th, 1880, at
which time, in default of answer, the
petition will be taken as true, and a
decree will bcrendered accordingly.
Slacohtkr & Lindsay,
5So-x PlaintiiPs Attv's.
Land Oflice at Grand Island, Nob..)
August 2::, 1S80. j
"VTOTICE t hereby given that the
1N following-named settler hat Bled
notice of his intention to make tinal
proof in support of hi claim, and secure
tinal entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte county. Nebraska,
at the couuty .eat. on Wednesdav. tho
2!th day of Sept.. ISSO. viz:
Hobert P. McKeown, Homestead No.
f.ISW, for the N.K. S. K. J, Section 20.
Township 20 north, Range : west, and
naiuei) the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of .said tract, viz: AVilliam W.
Sloane. Joseph Stewart, David E.Jones
and .lame.- H.31iMegIe, of St. Bernard,
Platte Co., Neb.
K17--I M. B. HOXIK, Register.
Our iiiiotations of the markets am ob
tained Tuesday aft eruoon.and are correct
and reliable at the time.
licit .No. 1, t-Nt.) ibs .. .
" t. - .4 ,-j ..
" " ". " -r4 " ....
Corn Shelled,
Rye 40
Flour, ?27t337r
Graham 1 .rM)(ft2r.'i
1 00
Butter,. .
3 2.".
. 2 5tX5 oi
.12 OtnaRi 00
. 4 00(!00
3 00
4 1W
4 4 W
.. 12Jf15
.. 8012H
i.iVk s route.
Fat Hog, .
Good veal, per hundred,..
Hides, grceii itilted
Shoulders, .
Sides, ... .
Cornud Beef
Drop siding
Ship Lap
Framing (10 to 20 ft) . .
Well Tubing (per bunch).
Lath f per M)
Shingle x (pur M)
Doors 28xC.-8, thick...
' 2-fixlMi, i "
" 2-GxG-O, 1 "
Windows, .
Building Papcrppr(lb.)
Tar (per lb.)
I 30 000-10 On
25 003.'i 00
IS IX)$C22 00
27 .030 00
23 00
1 2.-
4 0
a 00 4 (M)
2 ."0
2 20
1 7-"
1 40
4 cents.
3J4 "
NOW IS THE TIME to secure a life
like picture of yourself and chil
dren at the New Art" Rooms, east 11th
street, south side railroad track. Colum
bus, Nebraska, as 3Irs. Josselyn will
close the establishment this Fall. Those
having work to do should call soon.
B. ACKLEY, Proprietor.
Wines, Liquor3 & Cigar3 a!waj3 on hmi.
tSTRilliard and Pool Tables in room
separate from bar. Don't fail to call.
Corner Olive and 12th Streets, Colum
bus, Neb. .'37-ly
TSTPwrnpt attention given to collec
tion? and moceeds remitted on dai f
TSxTl'assage tickets to or from European
points by best lines at Imcest rates.
iSTDrajts on principal points in Eu
First National Bank, Decorah, Iowa.
Allan & Co., Chicago.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha.
First National Bank. Chicago.
Kountze Bros., N. Y.
&eeii3:ri to 3trri i 2ui tsl Tcrzir a Btlit.
CAS Ff CAPITAL, - $50,000
Leandf.r Gerrajw, Pres'l.
Geo. "V. Vice, Prcs't.
Julius A Reed.
Edward A. Gerhard.
Arxer Turner, Cashier.
Hank of RepoMlf, Discount
anil Kxclmnsc
Collection Prom pt I j 3In1e on
all Point..
Ia.y Intercut on Time Depos
its. 274
Anything in the Drug Line 1J
I have most complete stock in this part
of the country for you to select from,
all FRESH goods from the most relia
ble eastern houses, Pharmaceuticals
from the mot reliable manufacturers.
Shoulder Braces,
Supporters, &c,
A full stock of fancy goods, including
Combs, Brushes,
Soaps, Perfumery,
Toilet Powders
and Washes,
Hair Dressings, etc.
I am having a good trade, but like all
other I wish to have more, and to this
end I offer these goods at LOWER pri
ces than the SAME QUALITY of goods
can be purchased for elsewhere.
Now is Your Time to Paint
as I will offer PAINTS of all kinds at
bed-rock prices.
r3rriAcairE oii.sggj
at prices that will astonish you. Re
member the place
Nebraska Ave., north of post-ofllce.
Vertical Peed
Sewing Machine!
Different From all Others
Contains but one-quarter aa much
machinery, and is conseqasntly
more durable, less liable to
get out of order, and ea-
aior to use than any
other machines,
and always
Gives Perfect Satisfaction
(Central Block),
:z.:m 4'oiuiuiu:vei.
For Snlc in Plullr County, on Easy Terms,
Tty J. A.. HEED,
Office Opposite P. O., Columbus, Neb.
2 I 5
5E X of SW ....
SEK and W JofSW
NEJiofXEjtf .
SEJ4 and EofSWJi
14. K X of SW Viand
v iol sk
N'and W JofSW
ami S j,orSK H
All .
XW also E M anil
XW UcrsW
S Jof XE and X U
E ofXW'iXEoll
sv 14 anil 5N X of
E JofXWjandXW
KofXEJi . ..
KfW Knd X Ji
or SE
XEand E 'ofXW
X Z and E X f SE K
Lot 1 .
and SVi.
" 640
XWJ4 93
SW K I 8
XE of XW X, W K
10 I lw 160
10 2w 1K
i 1H2
X -. I 20 I 2J5
ISTAlso. 30,000 acres in the countiei
of.CoIfax. Butler, Stanton, Dakota, Dix
on and Wayne, at prices raugini; from
$4 to $10 per acre. f!5-3(n
ne will hereafter be found on 13th
street two doors west of Marshall
Smith's where he keeps a full line of
every style of
And the Celebrated
Ashe keeps a Pump IIousc exclusively,
he is able to sell CHEAPER THAN
THE CHEAPEST. Pumps for but
depth well. Pnmpn driven or repaired,
and Rods cut.
Has opened at her rooms on 13tH St.,
Uoliimliu an emporium of Mil
linerv Goods, embracing a
Large ?tock or
Hats, Bonnets, Flowers,
Together with all other jjood belonging
to a first-class millinery store. Also I
have a full stock of
Butterick's well -known Patterns.
ESTCall at my rooms on 12th Street,
3d door eaU of Bank BuildiH?. Sll.x
X3J Work done in the latest and neat
est styles. .Shop on 12th St., east of
Bank. 515.8m
Book-keepers. 2teporter,
Operators, TeacJaera,
ft H