TTn riafclr" ?""- &P'-i ri y THE JOURNAL. Entered at the Tost-offico, Colunibu, Ni-b., an second ela matter. " WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1SS0. National Eepublican, Ticket. fou rnraiDKNT: JAMES A. GARFIELD, Of Ohio. FOR VICE peesidext: CHESTER A? ARTHUR, Of New York. Nebraska Mtutc Fnlr for 180. The Slate Fair will be held at Omaha September 20th to 23th, Inclusive. The premium lists will be ready for delivery after April 1st. Address D.H. Wheeler, Secretary, Plattsmoutb, Nebraska. Call for ICcpublicnn Stute Cob renilou. The Republican electors of the State of Nebraska are hereby called to send delegates from the several counties, to meet In State Convention at Lincoln, on Wednesday, the lfit day of September, A. D., 1SS0, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination for candidate tho following named olflcers, viz.: Three Presidential Electors, and three alternates. One member of Congress. Governor. Lieutenant-Governor. Secretary of State-. Audit r. Treasurer. Attorney General. Comiiilsbloner of Public Lands and Buildings. Superintendent of Public Instruction. And to transact such other business as may properly come before the con Tention. The several counties are entitled to representation in State Convention as follows, based upon tho vote caM In each county for Hon. Amaia Cobb, for Judge of the Supreme Court, in 1879, giving one delegate to enoh 150 votes, and one for the fraction of 75 votes, alno one delegate at large tor each organized countr. Counties. Del. counties. uei. Adams . . . Antelope Boone .... Buffalo . . Burt . ... Butler Cass Cedar ... Cheyenne Clay.. . Colfar Cuming Custer Dakota .. Dawson . . . Dixon.. Dodge Douglas Fillmore Franklin Frontier Furnas Gage Ureeley Gosper . Hall... Uamiltou Harlan Hitchcock Howard Holt . Jefferson Johnson II 3 4 7 o Kearney 6 Keith 1 Kunx ..4 Lancaster 19 Lincoln 3 (i 1U 2 3 19 fi 3 3 Mttdi-ou 4 6 9 4 11 8 8 1 G Merrick . . Nance N'cmaba Nuckolls Otoe .. I nwnee Phelps ... . Pierce Platte Polk Red Willow Richardson Saline .... Sarpr 4 f 17 10 6 ljSaundera ... 6 Seward y Sherman Stanton .. Thayer. ,. .Valley . . . Washington. Wayne Webster York Total ..375 It is recommended first, that no prox ies be admitted to the Convention, except such as are held by persons residing In the counties from which the proxies are given. Second, That no delegate shall reprc sentan absent member of his delegation, unless he be clothed with authority from the County Convention, or is in possession of proxies from regularly elocted delegates. By order of the Republican State Con traf Committee. Jamks W. Dawes, Chairman. James Donnklly, Secretary. Lincoln, Neb., July it, 1S80. The array worm has made its ap pearance at Pittsburg. Quite a snow loll at Mount 'Wash ington, X. II , on the 29th. The total population ot Nebraska, bb hhowu by tht- census, is 452,512. Sixty-os e deaths occurred from yellow lever, Iswt week, at Havana. The Berlin government has ex pelled MonnutiS m-iking proselytes. Thikty-fiye brick buines houses are under contract in Lincoln, to be erected this season. Counterfeit ten-dollar note? on the Ontario bank are in circulation at Ottawa, Canada. David W. Clark was receutly nrreBtcd at Couucil Bluffs lor pass ing counterfeit silver. The ("teamer Hiireldean sunk last week in the EiikIhIi channel. Five of the crow wero drowned. Lord Rofenbekhy has accepted the nomination to i lie rectorship ot the university of Edinhurg. Nance county expect9 about twelve bushels ot wheat lo the acre as an average crop this year. Dr. Tanner renchrd hie thirtv flrtt fast da on the 23 h ult. He wa bright and in good pint.. The bodies ot three bu ll itinir in tho Detroit river Imvo been iec-v-ered (rom the sunken steamer. News by the way of London re- SortB an enrihquikp hnck at mvrna, which demolished mauy houui. J. H. Stanley, of Harrisbnrjr, Pa., died on the 23th ult of hydro phobia.. His owu dog bit hitn five weeks ago. It is thought that if Spain don't make the necpMnry apologv fur in nulling the old Ametican fl-ig then will be somo trouble. It is mated at Galveston, Tex , that the cotton worm i doinc peiinu damage to the gi owing crop in va rious parts of Texas. Webster Eaton, the proprietor of the Lincoln Globe, is making a live ly paper. He to conducting It on a eblid, substantial basis. The Republicans hava procured s. suitable room at Lincoln for use as headquarters of the State Central Committee during the campaign. At the republican ratification meeting at Chicago one night last week the Tribune save no less than 30,000 people were in attendance. Gen. Hancock has been assigned to the command of the department of the south during the temporary absence of Brigadier General Auger. The mint and sub-treasury at San FrancUco are overflowing with silver coin, and application has bepn made for transfer east of two mil lion dollars. The Middlenn Savings Bank. Conn., .was robbed last week o $8,500, taken from its vault while accomplice? engaged the clerks it conversation. JosErH Staat8. a vounj man who bad becu married only nineteen days was shot dead in his yard at Cen tralis, III., one night at wek, by et uftksowa perstn. . The- assessed valnatiou of Mad ison is 70,000, so the Chronicle says. It is reported from Ireland that the crops will bo abundant this season. The railroad has increased the assessed valuation of Stanton co. $63,256. Boumania is contracting for 20, 000,000 cartridges for the 100,000 men, she can put in the field in the ca6e of war. The Omaha Republican is desir ous of seeing Grant and Blaine on the stump together this fall, speak ing for Garfield. The Lincoln Journal says that P. B. Byer, treasurer of Franklin co, is a defaulter of county fuuds to the amount ot $2,000. Edward Eoan a bar-tonder at alta, a 6mall town near Leadville, wa9 shot and killed Monday by James Brady, a ranchman, and an old BCttler. Nearly the entire upper portion of Empiro City, Oregon, was des troyed by fire on the 29th ult. The value of property destroyed will reach 50,000. Michael Maddox, of Baltimore, wai. arrested last week for the mur der ot John Schaba. He alleges that he found the deceased in his wile's bedroom. At Atlantic, on the Rock Island road, a btakeman named Frank Pomack, was caught between two cars Monday morning, and was crushed to death. Branscom, of Jacksonville, Fla., was'sent to tho Tombs in Now York the other day on tho charge of for gery of $137,000 sanitaty improve ment bonds of Jacksonville, Fia. It Ib reported from Leadville that Rev. Talmago, after his lecture, vis ited the dauce bouses aud gambling places. At one dance-house a girl asked him to lead a set, but he de clined. , The astronomer Flammarion, ac companied by his wife and four servants, started Irom Paris the other night in a balloon on a long aerial trip, which h to la.t two nights. A very severe hail storm pnesotl over Ridgeville, Ohio. Ial week, doing great damage to the corn crop. Many fields damage'd will not yield more than five bushels to the acre. John Dioos, the negro who in sulted and outraged Mrs. Tchiffely, recently near Darnstown, Md., was taken from the Rockvillo jail by a mob on the morning of tho 27th ult. and hanged. Mr8. Stearneb died in Caldwell county, N. C, on the night of tho 29th ult., and while on her death bed made confossion that she killed her husband several years ago by poisoning him. Miss Bertie Keneaster, a come ly young lady residing in Brooklyn, recently became insane from relig ious -excitement, at a revival meet ing, conducted by Thomas Harrison the Evangelist. The search for the wrecked Ma mie resulted in finding a portion of the pilot-house on the 25th, about two miles below where the collision occurred. One body, that of Mary Hahn, was also found. Dr. M. T. Williams, of Mechan icsburg, Mississippi, was assassinat ed one night last week. A negro was arrested on suspicion, and has since confessed his guilt. He says he waB paid to kill tho doctor. Thos. Delano, proprietor of a livery stable in Chicago, was fatally mnbbed tho other night by his para mour. She claims the deed was hi ought about by his violence to wuid her and was unpremeditated. Thos. Ridden thot Martin Kelly on tho street in Baltimore on tho night of the 28tn nit. Both had been drinking, and disputed about some trifling matter. Kelly is mor t'llly wounded. Ridden is locked up. The town of Youlc, British Co lumbia, headquarters of tho Cana dian Pacific railroad, was burned laBt week. It is believed to bo tho work of incendiaries, as several at tempts had been made to fire the town. The army headqnarterB will be moved from Ft. Omaha back to tho city of Omaha, which is said to be a Tiuch desired change. The old hnilding will be turned into a gar rison, aud new quarter? routed in the city. The democrats in Vlrgln'a rely a good deal for success in tbeir pres ent split and divided condition, on a marked diminution in tbo colored vote, owing to a want of ability or neglect to pay the poll-tax levied upon them. George Bell and Henry Clark were recently arrested in New York city, charged with passing counterfeit checks on tho National Bank, and the Baltimore and Mer chants Bank of tho same city, and obtained $10,000. The Journal Co. at Lincoln have lot the contract for their new build ing to be erected on tho site of the old Atwood House. It is to be finished in November, and will be decidedly the best and handsomest printing -office in the State. Dr. Tanner, the fasting physi cian, on Monday last, for the first time since he commenced his fast, scknowledged that he felt very weak. He retired for the night at 10 o'clock, but did not rest quietly, 1 Ms itoosiflh being ot pf order. Tlic State Convention. The Omaha Bee think6 tho Re publican State central committee took a snap judgment on tho peoplo by calling tho convention so early as the first day of September, being a little over four weeks in which timo therepublicans will haye but little time to give uotico of their primary meetings, holding their county conventions and appointing delegates to the state convention. It is certainly a very brief peripd in which to provide for the nomination of a state and county ticket, and would doubtless have resulted in greater harmony to tho party had more tiuio been given. " The snap judgment comes in most prominently iu the published call of the committee for holding the state convention, in which the committee have tailed even to allude to the nomination of" U. S. Senator. What appears to make this action on tho part of tho committee look still stranger, if possible, is the fact that the committee in uiectiiiy had the senatorial question before them, and voted that the matter of nominating a senator bo left entirely t the action of the state convention Now, why not say that much iu the ctii? The very least that can be said in regard to the action of the committee on this branch of a plain and simple' duty required bv the constitution and law of the state is that it shows a total disregard for the wishes of the people. The people, by experience, have witnessed and become disgusted with the manner in which tho sena torial contests were conducted in the legislature, delaying and neg lecting proper and needed legisla tion, to the detriment of the inter ests of tho people. This committee could not have boen ignorant of the motives of tho people in making the change in the mode of nomi nating a U. S. Senator, and should, with the greatest pleasure, have assisted in bringing about the change. We have no hesitation iu saying that tho state convention will have n perfect right to take Action upon thia subject and nominate a candi date for U. S. Senator, but thou it will be urged that tho people wctc not notified by tho committee, aud that delegates wero not selected with special reference to taking action upon that subject, and thus, by what we characterize as a snap judgment, the plain will of the peo ple may bo defeated by tho action of tho committee. Hon. Thomas Wolfe of Seward called tho attention of the committee to tho subject, but John M. Thurs ton and J. L. Mitcholl, so wo are informed, spoke against including the subject in the call, and a canvass of tbo committee having shown a decided stand against it, the matter was not further urged by its friends. The truth of tho situation, in our opinion, is that the votes of 'the committee in this matter were de termined by the bearing members thought it would have on their pre ferred candidates, rather than by the right and the law. The senato rial contest Is Paddock against the field. Senator P-iddock is so strong with the people that if they can get the opportunity to pass directly upon his election they will choose him by a large majority. Vo urge upon the friends of fair play and constitutional and legal right to select delegates to the state convention with reference to thin question. Let the people's blaz proceed, notwithstanding the. cold water thrown by tin- commit'! e. and if it i found that the present state and national official, or any of them, have used their position and influence to thwart the will of the people as expressed by themselves in tho adoption of the constitution, and asrain by their immediate repre sentatives in the passage of a law requiring a popular vote on U. S. Senator, let such be dropped from the roll of officials as their turn comes. Public opinion must be re spected by public men. Charles Darby, of North Mis sissippi, has recently communicated to northern friends that there 1m never been a froe election in that region since the war. No man, whito or black, in tho vicinity where he resides, dare vole a republican ticket. He 6ays the democracy down there brag of it, and are proud of it. Mr. D.arby says the south would not be solid If everybody could vote as they desire. The shot-gun is tho argument to keep the demooracy in power. This is a beautiful comment upon our boast ed freedom. Has the doctrine of stateB' rights bo blinded the general government that she can no longer guarantee to her citizens free speech and a free ballot under the consti tution when U. 8. officers are to bo chosen? If so, it is full time that all her citizens know it, and if, in their terrible indignation they pro claim, by the eternal justice of things, citizens shall have the right to free speech and a free ballot in every spocial locality of this coun try, then, in such an event, the men who have inaugurated this shot-gun policy or any other policy to defraud citizens of their vote6 had better get out of the way, and call upon the rocks and bills to hide them from the presence of an indiguant people, who in the past, by the hundreds and thousands, have offered their lives to secure liberty and freedom, aid will apaia pit up tht saps offering. What has passed in many respects to obtaiu freedom" will iu 1 the immediate futuro be repeated, if such, terror and despotism is per mitted to be exercised ovor any nurabor of American citizens, but with a ten-fold power against the offenders. The coming election, if not conducted fairly and entirely without tho shot-gun aud corpora tion policy, will kindle a fire that will not end until it burns out all this wicked despotism. If the geu eral government hss no method of enforcing the provisions of the con stitution to protect a citizen in his rights and punish all offenders who intimidate him or deprive him of a free ballot, then they who do the .wrong must take the consequences, and a terrible conflict is imminent, for corne it will unless justice is done and the laws obeyed. Investigation of the Mamie dis aster has commenced at Detroit, and there seems to be a determination to probe the caue of the disaster tlun ougtily, and fix the guilt where ii belongs. It is stated at Detr.iii, now to be public news that tlu pilot had a girl in the pilot Ihmim with him not long before the acei dent. Tiie b dies ot eight ot tin victims have been found. Solemn requiem was aid on the 26di n't., iu Holy Trinity church with 10,0'JO people present. The pmb.iblo causo of the fire which occurred iu Omaha on the 26h ult., came from a man who was considerably intoxicated, seen passing in and out of the build ing with a stub of a cig-u in his mouth. Tho Omaha papers say it is the worst conflagration that ha visited the city in the past two years. The loss cannot with cer tainty be arrived at, but it Is believed will reach $15,000 to $20,000. The property burned wa mostly insured. It is slated in an exchange tin! tho military has been called out in Alabama to prevent 'he negroe. Irom lynching tho nricked iiipii niio pumnioli-d negro Thompson and murdered his daughter the oth er night. This is reversing tho com mon order of things down in Alt bama. The objection used to be urged by this same people that the military should always be subordin ate to tho civil power. The shoe pinches now on the other foot. L. A. Saalfield, who represented himself as an advance agent of P. T. Barnum somclimo sinco at tho Wlth nell House, Omaha, when leaving gave a draft of $50 in settlement of his bill, receiving some cash for the balance. The draft turned out to be not good. Mr. Kitchen, the land lord of the hotel, had the chap arrcstod tho other day at Denver, and he will bo taken back to Omaha for trial. He also obtained $5 from another party in Omaha. Mr. IIoofian, formerly.a resi.dent of the Bender neighborhood in Kan sas and who had frequently seen them, was at Fremont on the 30ih ult., and identified the man recently nrrosted there as old man Bender. Ho isuot so positive as to the woman. The woman claims that Mrs. Bender died in 1876, aud says that Kate is in Minnesota, and that John Bender, jr., is in this state. They were to have met him to-day. Officers are on tho trail. B. W. Moore, a prominent attor ney, shot and mortally wounded Charlps Haynes, colored, lat week in Tennessee. Haynes had inter rupted him in a spepch at a barb que, and Moore subsrquentlj spoke 'o him wbout it, when Haynes be became ar gry and grasped a', a stick which Moore had iu his hand, when Moore drew a pistol and lii- ed. Moore gave himself up. A report comes from Lincoln thht Stale Auditor Leidtke has beek ask ed by Gov. Nance to turn into the treasury seven thousand five hun dred dollars, fees received for insur ance outside of regular business, and that he has refused, on the ground that the money was his, by right. Gov. Nance has instructed the Att'y General to proceed against the Auditor for the amount. The residence of Hon. D. H. Sol omon of Mills co , Iowa was enteied on the uight o'f the 27:h ult., by two burglars, one of whom young Sol omon shot and killed. It was known that Mr. Solomon had received a largo sum of money on the day pre oeeding. The dead burglar's nsme was Stephen Williford.and wo9 em ployed In the vicinity as a laborer. It is understood that the commis sion sent out from Washington has concluded a treaty with the Uncom paghre Utes, and expect to succeed in closing a treaty with tho Southern Utes. Instructions have been re ceived at Los Pinos Agency, from Washington, that the reservation would not bo opened for settlement until the Indians are removed. Two brothers, John and Henry Wolcott, both engineers and having charge of different trains, came in collision Saturday evening on the Long Island railroad at Morris Grove, just beyond east New York, and both were killed. Eight sea lions esoaped from their confinement at Coney Island last week. Tho bathers in that vicinity as a matter of course are afraid of ting tht aalmals in tht wattr. Cojie now, farmers, .what about voting' on U. S. Senator? Do you. want to try it? Would you roally like to know what Vk county wants, once? Wo can doit, it we've a mind o, State Central Committee or not, State Convention willing or not willing. Write us sr.inpihiii: about the matter Plattsmouth Herald. Dr. Tanner was very teeble on the 31st, but is still confident. Last Saturday at noon brought him t the thirty-fourth day of his fast. Next Fridav at noon will eloe out his forty days, but Dr. TannerV purpose "is to fast forty-one days, which if he sucorel? in doing, will end next Saturday ut noon. T. W. Sigoui'NEY, a prominent and wealthy citizen f Sin Francis co, was shot and killed the oh-v day in the post-office there by Ge W. Smith, ex-sheriff of the count Tho. foreclosure of a mortjwirp ! Siournev, which dispossesPiLSoiii I of all his property, was the cause lo the shootinsr. Thf. colored camp meeting, near Hill-horn. Ohio, who broken up la" 'V'ek bv a iMiiir of white rousrhs wh invided the r mnda. About fiti shots were fi'- d, and clubs and bnul dis were ttplv upd Threp per sons wi'P aiM-inualv hurt, prohabh allv. and manv mheis more or les injured. A hog tl.ief is rpjrn rded aa a ven niein man. hut the c'lap who stole nnd carrifd ,'n-av fmir rhnronirh hced pig's f mr weeks I1 from W. T. AI'po's pisf ppm nem- Lincoln one iiisrht la-t w fie pn-sih!v xvo?.u to escape the odium of 'he enl rn'e mi Hccoout of the s'ze ot ihe ani mals. A yoivJu :nni nap I) .-n Me Kay eiiiiito. eil mi in- ! ut A Anderson near Ws. .1 '' . wa-as-aulted M..nfln b . 'k ami Michael Rn.ha.ui. ;i- -' " '" art joining mini, ami n h1 p.-iiinleil t death. The m irder r n now in j n'l and unf-li exieiiir"it prevails. W II. 'U.UMAN. ev- M-tdent ot ho dpfnuci F.i Na'i-"'i,il Bink of Gc'M-gHturt i Col., iiulic ed wr etn o. 7.1 mi;: f-t.m hi; hai.k -.t.n hundred thniisml '1 Har- of us ipmIs, gave liim-eh up the other Uv to the proper authorities in New York, and will re1 urn to Co'"f-rl . Sheriff Gkeog r F.em-n, cap tured two persons on 1 1 - 20h nit., .upp"--d to be the oid man U-jider and Kin, the notorim:-. Ivaiisaf munlireis It u said ihut they made a partial conlessiou. The" will be held until parties arrive from Kansas to identity them. The recent decision of Judc McCrary dissolving the injunction to r.tiu the Oinalm & Souths ext ern riilwav from crossing the Union Pacific tracks at Omaha give the former road the right to paa ov-r and lhu enter upon the broad acres of Nebraska. Tin: third annual exhibition of the Central Nebraska Fair APOciati'ui and Horticultural Aochnioii wii; be held at Hastings. Sept. 14'h-17-h. A large number of firtt-clnp- picmi ums wrlf be distributed. Send to the Association lor a premium list. TriE ship Winchester, from Ma nilla, with sugar for tho St. Law rence refinery at Montreal, wan wrecked hist week in the Straits ot McCiS-r. Thp cargo un valued at from 1S0,000, to .f 200,000, and was insured. Joe Thompson', colored, who re side 20 miles from Atlanta, Gi . was drugged from his house la-' week by fifteen disgui-ed men, who beat him and hi wile teariullv tatally shot his son, and killed his daughter. The election for state nnd count v nfflees took place in Alabama Moo day. The Republicans have no state t'eket in the field, and were in trneted to vote the greenback ticke'. 70.000 detn cntic majority is a low sinuate. It is Htaie' tl a) the Wabash line ot railrourl wes opened up with the ;pt train from Omaha Sunday louth and east. This line will make 'he run eleven hours quicker time than the present time idblo by other routed. From Mobile we bwii that the English hitqup R. W. Wood arrived a quaian'ii'e mai w ck it'i elIow fever. Tl.e -eend nvit vis very ill. All h'ltid on bo.ird I v bn"n down except M.rro ir-' died. TIenrj Ilesa, iho am .'e little sh who was killed ' !. ing i sleep on the raiirond hack near Cal houn recent I v. has bi-'ujilu sni' against thp St. Pint and Sioux Ci'v road claiming 5,000 damages. A RFCP"T diipttch from Havre repi-rtg iIim nr'ival of tl m,nl oteain it DeruiM.i. from ihe W-M Indie-, with tin' nllow iewr on hoard. S-vera! deaihs occurred n the pass- A French i-cuiptnr c'aim" to have dUc-veied cel'iilntd admirably adap'ed 'or .stereotyping. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE COLUMBUS STATE BANK, At the clono of lntnes8 Ju ly SI, 1830. RESOURCES. Loans and discount $ 61.019 "tl County order account J,72i 77 Cash W,7W 68 Due from hanks 7f;2i 97 Real estate and furniture 8,56 f Ot $170,546 37 T T A TltT TTir! Deposits nubject to check I 83.2W "73 flertlflcates of deposit K1.84I 10 o.n:1 elnxl- nairi In IK llflfl .0 IB "00 0 Uudividetl surplus funds . AAU 54 $170,6 37 I hereby certify that the above state ment U correct. Abnzk Tcrneb, Cashier. Columbus, Aug. 2, iSso. jir J. THOMPSON, NOTARY PUBLIC And General Collection Agent, St. Sivurdt, $0ni Ct., X. THE COQITILLAKD 3D- O The Coquillard farm and spring wagons and baggies, not excelled by any for Sk - i$th, Durability, Good and Neat Workmanship. CALL, EXAMINE AND LEARN PRICES AT Wi. Becto's stanU, Loi EstalsM mm Store, (Near A. A N. Depot), Where, you can sell your Grain, Produce, etc., nd buy all sorti of Pare Futility OroceelM. i THE BEST OF Hains concluded to chance our business by MAY 1st, If possible, wo offer our entire stock, consisting of DMfSTI ! IOIOIO CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, &C, AT COST AND A GREAT 'MANY ARTICLES LESS THAN COST. OF CLOTHING We have a good stock, and you can save AT I.L1AST 25 l'LR UEN'T. BY 1JUYINU OF US. Whitney End-made Stoga Kip Boots, Warranted, for ladies' Shoes, from 50 cents up. 3Ien s Hats, from 25 ceute to - - - CASSI3IERES, JEANS, COTTONADES, I And all kinds of DRY GOOD?, and NOTIONS, cheaper than can he bought at ! Wholesale to-day. Ia'GOOD CHANCE FOE COUNTRY MERCHANTS! Or urn one And every one that uant to save money. All that we want of you is to come aail t-eeaiid wo will convince you that we mean jtut what we say. SCHRAM BROS. CoLinwus, Jan. 1S60. THE REVOLUTION Dry (roods and Clothing Store Has on hand a splendid stock of Heady-made Clothing, Dry G-oods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc., is uses M were new I bay my goods strictly for cash, and will give my customers the benefit of it. Give Me a call aud covince yourself of the facts. 508 O. B. STILLMAN, Wholesale and DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. Keep on hand all articles usually kept In a first-class Drug Store. Dealer In Mtrroundlnjr cotiitrv will tlnd it to their Interest to purchase from him, as he can and will give BED-ROCK PRICE3. Prescriptions Oarefullv Compounded. E-A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF WALL ?,i3 mm ADAMS tfgft, IS w jyBrecfHwi iCoIurabui Foundry. Term reasonable. ( SSH7L8R UiRB OMAM & BROUELETTE, Proprietors, T JL taliani American Monuments, Headstones, Etc. FUKITI'2tE A."VD COWTEB TOPS A SPEC1AJL.TT. P. LsijiH: li m lsSr '- IjAzxiJ ijsi izritzMeu. Give U Call I 1ST G-OODS" MY MOTTO. 1 V tKSM I v, nm;. I A. r W $2.60 100 irf ef Mm is Ciite. I. GLUCK. Retail Dealer in PAPER ALWAYS KEPT IX 8TOCK. THE- WIND MILL! Can't bo Beat In Work and Prioo. Just See! 8 foot wheel $60.00 J 12 foot wheel . . f 5.00 10 " Otf.OOJM " 1BO.OO Freight included, ten per cent, off for Cash. 'SSTThe Mill fullv warranted, as anv other flrst-clas Wind Engine. Am also prepared to do anv casting for I mirhinerv of evervdescrlntfon. For particulars call at the CHAS. SCHRCEDER, PropV. rr I 1 r'l i wmmt ill! f70?.7g r r m isajv it r y THE DAVIS Vertical Feed Sgfgf? S35r?yia a? Vrtt! vwSga '-r5"?. Sewing Machine! rr is kntirely Different From all Others Contains bat one-quarter as much machinery, and is consoqaently more durable, less liable to get out of order, and ea sier to use than any other machines, and always Gives Perfect Satisfaction J3TFOR SALE BY MABSHALL SMITH and ROBERT BCREELL, (Ckstral Block), M3-53S ColunibiiMtlVeb. CHOICE LANDS- For Sale in Plalle County, on Easy Terms, AT- From$6.25 to $15 dt Acre, Jiy J. A. 3REE13. Office Opposite P. O., Columbus. Neb. ftnj I f&&&& mZ&lZZ3ZSc'LhmPm- ,"i3 JVet'!!r- SSfrJr Description. ! f ' 2 ' " - i I c I SEW and V KtSK I K .. ..I 9 j MM0 SEJatE'SVrw; -; - 210 NEKnlSK'f Xv J H. K H of S VT yx um4 I 'J4oiSF. K 57 " " & N'HaiHlWkof Sir K I anilSMl'sBM M 12) All 3 5 XV y. als E M :" XWWflfSU'l4 Y! aJ S Ji of N E K " H otSW'H ' i1 V and SH' t SV h n " - I) E U'of XW sndXW MofXE' IK 120 SEj.fNW KjhmINE iet SW nl .V yj oi E 39 2w im XKHBilESfSW - . i . i 17 " 242 X K "" F. yt of h 1 V 1M w fi. of je f w 1 mv w Lot 1 15 I XWKntSKK i 320 and 8 ; i ' ' OW NV K' . 'Jri Jt Iw W0 SW yt 3 W 2w lot) NEVof.VWK. vr W ofF.KJ-fX . K . 31 1 2i I fi K?"Al-o. 3.rr in :bc iils: f Colfax. Itutitr, Stamen. DikiM, Dix on Hd Wiyw, at prJe iamkIimc Am te VS per 3sre. tlvm u YOU BET." A. W. LAWRENCE, AGENT FOR TniS 3 zm WIND MILL, He will hereafter he found en 13th gtreet two doora went of Marbail Stnith'H where he keep s. full line ef every tvle of PUMP. PIPE, HOSE, And the Celebrated I X L FEED MILL. A he keepi a I'unip nuse eTchnlvelr. he Is. able to iell CHEAPER THaS THE CHEAPEST. Prnnp for any depth well. Pump drlvn er repalretl, and Rods cut. GKE HIM 1 CALL aVD SAVE MONEY. 356 MILLINERY MRS. M. S. DRAKE Ha opened t her rooms on 12th t.t Column it, an emporium of Mil Unery Goods, Tabraclng' LARGE STOCK of Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, FEATHERS, nnd. TRIMMINGS ! 1 Together with all other good blon2litr to a firat-rlass mJUu.erv store. Also t bavft a full tocit of Bntterick's well-known Patterns. S3TCall at mv rooms oh 12th Slreet, 3d door eait of Bank BiilldfB?. 61 1. r YT7-ESCOTT A: TAFFE, LBESS AND XAXTUA XAKEKS. 3? Work done in tbe latent and neat er: stjle. Shop on 12th 9t est cf Bank. Sir-C z M40ITFi3(o2,joxioo rrJTOKoxi'0 tmiasowT 'worM-ao maoT 'ut-n 1 1 1 n. cA