The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 28, 1880, Image 3

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    hi 1 "Hi
vr.nviiY. jn.Y 2s. inhi.
OtiimtiiiictiUoii-, to Insure insertion
ih ihr next in-. -Mould be in hand on
MiiImvv il ln.rth. n Thur.-da!-Hiidinr
ifi.Hf.iUy. Adverti-omciit-,
.. ... .P..L.. lwitlfl ! ill linful t
ix. "
Adverti-enunt.- under tln head i 1.1
ct-. a lino nr-t m-ertion, 10 ct-. a line ,
...-ii mrimeujcit imvrtion.
Ili- .lOI'ICVAI. e.tnlliHh.
n,.-nl i- now permancniij io-
-:ii'! on Uili -trccl. np.-tnln
,, ,!.... IOI KVU. ,
1o iiilf riltpi-.
Ymr ?.
owr huf. iith ihk i)itk .u which .
vu:k -i !i-ci:hmion K.i-n:i. is piHi-eu j
H'H-4t.louK.Ai. xnrereive. A iromit
lYxin -il ur difoiiiiuiiaiifc will f.i th J
fhli-li. l--. In-th iroiihlu and peiiM'. t
nmt W letlT for all eoiiefriifn. A u-i
m4wh! iN i.-v..oifull oliciifd. $- tor l j
r.; l lor ino-.:' Vt ets. for .t mos. )
.IiU'KXAi-with iMthi-r tin -lMcricaaJ-j
-t-jt.iiH. '-It m .Mlv-tiiPt.';
iMt th Arwf 2s".
.u.riiN.M. ;
11. tV (Jaivw ii quite nek.
Cnrdncr'r. to-morrow cvenin";.
Ouiijmiti Hftdjre at Fitz's opp.
(1. o.
N. Millftll. K-q.. i still on the J
Sak Hst
-Rarnnm'-i Saturday nfler- J
ihhoii oniv
Friday ld-t vn. kitid of warm,
onh 1S in the -hade.
"W'axtfi A pood fennle cook al i
llii Nebiaska House.
Service in the Episcopal elmrrh
on Pumlaj ai 11. a. in.
The name ol Aicade. Tolk Co.,
h'i5 been chunked to Shelby.
--There wa. n lively hor.e race on
the bottom Saturday evenimr.
Goo. W'andel lm- bouhl Mr.
Kerenbockt interest iu the Hrew
crv. A l'unch and Mioiv hac
3sm tHi!ed in one of Gluck'. build-
A large nnwMiment of all kinds
of iHt-mina implements at Schutte V
11 tm'u j
Ice peiii -ocihI ting evenins at , vjaiting the lat week with the mm
nht M. L Church. All nio cordially ij of David Anderson.
Snfvflert. , , jni- Scolt. who ha had charge
-Mr. Saley hn vor neat and j of Mor-e Cain's horses the pat
atfep jjwlen "including flowers and sea-.on. started lor Julesbiu-" Mon
voffplKbleh. j dny. He will work on ihe railroad.
Two triiii-ol Moimoui passed' j,-lt jings are in greater tlemand
wei over the L". P. Sunday night. , ,nHn gua sU tid season of the
05 peifon-. , y,.ar Dealeif say that the crop has
Dr. I.fwi- O. Freidftj lui local- j been harvested preltv elo-e riht
ff1 at Ui-iiitT Citv lor the practice ol i "dong.
ih4- piofcMiiii. ,
The Jteinrttr -v the populi- ,
'litiifli the eitvoi Seward U 1,(1. I
(the countv U.0TI5
... .
A teinpptniice meet nm will be i
i4.i t the Cnu-reKntioim! church !
next Fridav eveuiuu. '
viu uiii. an. finiith-
-. i -. ii i i
(luive bought s. J. Edwards c tarm f
'two mile wel of Monroe. .
H i- evpeeted that Columbus j
will beerowtied lull of peopb ne.t
SfttHi.Uv to ?ec lSiruum shttvv ,
Herman Thiesen on Thursday
bil n mken up for drunkeness j
and fined M iiui eo-tt, ail toltl ..(. j
Platte linker urile u to ..end '
hK'Jot'KVAi. io Albion that be
can't keep house without il. Of
Bourse il gives
Fu 11km. A hoti-c, oriii rally ;
in4ed, aiitl uituMc for duelling or
iMtariiing house. Inquire at the
Ii'bai. flice.
J. W l-jirlv, K-q.. has purchased
K !! adjoining bis on the south, aud
4h- made eon-iderable improve
nent.v to the premise-.
Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual and work-and-Iabor, neatly
'bound in books ot 50 and 100, for
leat the Journal otfiee.
The farmer aud other citizens
are nbttunini: :i little more exper
ience, nud are now saving with all
possible "peed thoir hav harvest.
Joseph Webster, of Monroe was
iu the city Friday. We woie sorry
to learn that the chinch bug has very
serioujJv tflocted hi growiug crops.
Come to Barnum's show Satur
day, if von want to see the largest
crowd ever gathered in Central
Nebraska, aud he best ;how in ihe
A camp meeting will be held at
North Beud, commencing Wednes
day Aturu-t 17. under I ho direction
of the Mt'lhudiUs of the Omaha
Dliott lm- tnrnished J. B. Kyle
with a Challenge power wind-mill
for pumping water, churning, shell
ing corn, grinding lt-etl, Vc. i good
Qusiterl meiin iitheM.E.
Church thin citv the 7th and Sth of
August. Dr. Miller, the presiding
elder, will be present and couduct
the meetings.
On Mondsv aiiornofii a tele-!
fram informed w tti&r the Check
ered barn at Omahs wa burning
(Utwii. together with all the build
Iuph ou Ihe -Hinecotnor.
The Loup rivei hi this point j building of Messrs. Mitchel. Whit
vva net! bBtik lull last week, j moyer, Cerrard t Post was finished
Some folic- leported that it rose J last Thursdaj evening. The brick
twelve, feet, but we think five feet i cornice strikes our fancy as neat and
v.'omM be nearer the truth. substantial, besides being fire proof.
Pat M irray last week sold four The sndav School scholars of
lambstoJohuCodirey that weighed i tlie M K. Church aud all their
respectively b6, 0. SO, and &2 lbs.. . freu(js wni attend their pic-uic at
making a total ot 1'ya pounds. 1 Hat j
ii not a umu -iiuwiii" itir ihiuii..
-The last report trom James H.
QuYli. who hot himself at Omaha
la-t week, wa- to the effect that he
was still in creat agonv, and hi?
lh sicians pronounce bi- recover
Several Colorado parties are
iMlinir hav in Dodiie county. Platte
county farmers should remember
that there i every indication of a
good price for hay, and s0 put up
all they can get.
E. A. Gcrrard's dwelling-house
i- one ol the neatest and cheapest
we know of. The walls are of coti-
crcie verv solid aud durable, 24x40
ft, 12 ft. togJZn thipk d
tot only . in monev.
We are encaged with Barnnni
thi-i week in a"dvertiiug hip great
-how, and have not space to pay our
respects to the gentleman who edits
the Kearney Pross, and to Geo. V.
iliuct's article iu the laet ra.
ic home, again nuil
It-i-anL .nitli is vUitini?
friend in low a.
C. A. Spcice has been Out a lit
tlathe lust lew davs.
Dr. Siggins tell- u that Mi
Glcason i- improving.
i;c m i :....,. Mi.,..i.l
viIIe is visiting in the city.
ri.. Mrtvn vi-ited the tnotro-
--- . .-.--- . .. --, .
lis of Neb. Thursday lat. i
f .J .- A - t-. . 1. n 4 n .lnit C
-.oiiun .- - ..c .... v. .
the reason. IU2 m tlie eiinne.
Hell. Kochon returned from al
trip up the Niobrara h-l week.
Maj. Ualcoiiibe of the revenue
,yjrvice, W8 in tin citv Monilav.
Jack Ilnrpom lino j(one to Nor-
fo,k to ,)lt in ;x w,.ei;, lavinjr briek.
Win. Huiiucmau and daujrhter
jj a.p ()1y (0 (j,icai,0 on a
,... yJ m. Salov hit. been viii-
tinj lrieiul in Nance county tlu
p:nt week.
j A. W. 1iwrenoe i iu trom tho
i wi".t. He i" roniractinor for all the
' hav he can et.
"Uillv" Tillman, runhuti if tho
y1'1' lf-'' ' w" i,,,,lP
f -iy i.i tuiniJt.
U. Clark aud hoii Krank Avent
to Madison Saturday where they
will renovate a mill.
Charley Huber ?ol a lively .lide
behind one of Phil. Cain's dray teams
one morninp; lapt week.
Misp Luey 1?. Youiijf, a ilnuh
terof the late l'rigliAiu Voun'", pa-H-ed
eat one day lapt week.
On "Circus Day" be sure and
call al H. D. Pitpairick'a, examine
ooda Hnd pet price.. It lrill yuy
Hermnn Cro- bad a learn run
away with him la-t week, throwing
him ajrainst a pol and bruif-inp; him
"Dick" Ros-dtcr pulled out for
Chicago Monday morning in charge
of a train load ol cattle from North's
ranehe on the DsMiml.
.. , , ,
Mrs. John I
Clara, of Dodge
Dodjjc. and daughter
ge county, have beeu
Mrs. Drake i puUing valuable I
wlditimi and repa.iv on her it -m-
dence in the northeastern part of
the city and enclosing all with a
neat lence.
-Frank Jones l.:i again returned
t-olumuus :ut!i traveling tnrougii
1 1nui ATicmiri fliwl
,h- j c,,,,,,,!,, j., U,P l.Cnt town
m (n-0 wosU
Tim I P. Cn. aro aellino lound
(ril) ticj.ol, belween Columbus and
Puil, Minne.HOta, via Council i
I Bluffs and Sioux City, g
rood till Oct.
.list, lor 2.-M,i.
n.nrlpv Rick lv and Bob. MeCrea '
jlf4Vt1. j,ut ,p their bouse and harm
south of Ihe river, and expect to pui
up in tne ueigiinomooii oi ivvo
thousand tons of hay.
Little Tommy Wake, while in
the river Sunday morning, had a
li-h honk run clear through his foot.
A brother who was preen t saved
the lad Irom drowning.
M. E. (Mother, of Platte Cenier.
was in the city Friday. The troub
le in not receiving his Jovknai.
must be remedied. It is too far to
come to Columbuu lor his paper.
Watts. Burgess, editor of the
Genoa Leader, came down Friday,
lie gave us a brie! call, said he was
bus) no time to stay but said as
he went out, "I'll be down to Bar
num's show."
Eddie Kavauaugh started for bin
home in Milwaukee Monday morn
ing. Ed. is what you might call a
little "brick," and has made hosts ot
friends in Columbus, who regret to
sec him leave.
Morse & Cain sent their line
t-otting stallion "Allen Percy" to
Lincoln last week. He is one of the
finest bred horses iu tho west, and
with proper haudling, will be one of
the fastest in the State.
Col. Johu Rickly and George V.
Hines are spoken of by tho democ
racy as candidates for representa
tive, and J.P.Becker for the senate.
Now is the time, brethren, to be
thinking of these things.
Hon. Loran Clark was in the
city Thursday of last week. He had
just relumed from an extended wes
tern trip looking in excellent heal th.
He left the ame day for his home
in Albion, Boone county.
It doesn't look at all natural to
I nee the Hammond House closed up
-John must come down out of the
mountains ot Vermont ami grow up
some more with the country. Come
home, Johnnie, come home
Tt.A l.rt.-U- ii-nrfc mi Ihe note
s,evc' Lake next Friday. Thrn
! are requested to meet at the church
and be ready to leave tor the Luke
at 9 o'clock A. M.
Saturday will be the last day of
the Great Mechanical Show known
? a, ,he Blacksmith's Dream, now ex
hibitiug on 11th street, next lo Mr.i
G lucks store. AumihRion only io
cts. or two for 25 cts. Door; open
at 3 and 7:30 p. m.
Platte county ha a commis
sioner to elect this fall to succeed '
John Walker. l?e.ides John, to
succeed himself, we hear mention
ed John Elliott and Martin Mnher.
among the democrats aud Air. Mun-
j sou, among the Kepublicans.
Fn Sale-A dwelling-houe nnd
. lM in a vefV desirable p!irt of tl)e
city. Will be sold at a sacrifice, a
the money is needed. The house is
new and cost more money thau is
asked for both house and lot. For
further particular innulre at the
i Jockn'al office.
Dr. loni"-tt'
bird at work.
Albeit Wilde, of David City,
uirricu in icittij iiiuraiiuw uigut iusvi
011 his return from a visit to friendr ,
in the northern part of the county, j
He's this chap that knocks the j
"stuffiir' out of the Itiha horn for the
i David City banil. I
Toe fJrosn returned from Mil-'
watikec Saturday. He left hi? line I
'horses "Boston Dave" and "Sassy
. , u,
. Cuss" in the hands ol one of the best
j trainers in iiie country, ami we
' expect, before Ion?, to hear of them
,, ,vUh the biSt of .,10n.
At the meeting of the school
board ot Uisi. ao. i .Monnaj eeu-
i ing, tb following teacher jjere
emplojed: Mi-s Freddie Spcice.
Miss Ito?a Kicklv, Mrs. Ilallou, and
j Mis Louii.c liauer. The contract
tor repairs wa let to Fred. Hlapser.
A man remarked to us the other
day that there wa- not one man io
ten tit to take care of stock. He
sugnesTed thi tost : drive around to
different places about the first of
March auy j ear, and note the num
ber that baye anything like a decent A
nlncc for their tock, Jiood shclteru,
.uflicient and pure water and feed.
- -J. P.. Senecal, we venture to say,
ha? one ot the cheapest a- well aB
moHt convenient and comfortable
huitec: in Nebraska. "We especially
commend it to farmen as having
-nmo ppecial feit tires well adapted
to their needs. The half basement
of the lower story is warm in winter,
cool iu summer, and very convenient.
M. Keller, of Rapid City, Dako
ta Ty., came, down las! week. Mr.
Keller formerly resided near this
eily. lie i- iu good health, and
well pleased with his new home in
the Black Hills. Jle reports mining
done now on a larger scale, and
mostly by machinery. He will re
main a f-bort time to visit relatives,
and then return lo Ids new home.
The Union Pacific have issued
poster- lor the how, mtin:r ihe
tare lo and trom Columbus on Sat
urday next. July 31st : Schuyler
$1 ; Benton GO ct-.; Duncan 45; Sil
ver Creek fiO: Clark.-. 41. W: Central
City 42: Chapman 2.60; Lost Creek
70 cts.: Cenoa $l-J0: St. Kd wards
H.8"j; Albion $2.10; Platte Centre
05 cts.; Madison 2; Munsou 42.50;
Norfolk 42 75.
The coroner's inquest over the
body ot Kieheubeag of Columbus,
Ohio, who hot S. S. Rickly. aud
then killed himself, Mioved lhat Mr.
h,...,.. .i.l .iai n-n him fn the first
. ,, , s t0 ,he dailies staled) but
J tie itu. to tne rtatJics mmpo, out
that on the contrary Mr. Kiekly,
4 who is a banker, hsd paid him all
'. ... . , ,, ,n ,i.
he owed bun, but rein?cd,to make
mm a loan oi ;)U, on insumcieni se
curiiv uroffored. Mr. Ricklv's life
i is now in no special danger the
hall can easily no extracted, out nis
eye?, are both gone past redemption.
The injured man is a brother to
Uoi. .loan uiCKiy oi mi piace, inc
only remaining one of ten brothers.
The Henrys have a considerable
herd of cattle at their ranehe ou the
Loup. About 0,000 Jiead besides
1,300 calves is not a bad reckoning.
Their range is 75 miles in circum
ference. To preserve the Buffalo
jrrasx that i cured on the ground,
they plow two circles at a distance
apart ot half a mile- and less, and
burn belween. This leave; them a
good fire-jinard and plenty of prov
ender for tbftir cattle during the
winter. It is probable that h few
years at farthcnt will seo the end of
large cattle ranges so laras western
Nebraska is concerned, as home
steaders are going forward to occupy
the land.
The concert, readings, speeches
dialogue ice, givon by the Sunday
School scholars at the M. E. Church
last Wedne-day evening brought
out a full house, as well as filling
considerable space on the outside of
the church. A great amount of mu
sical talent appears to be brought to
gether in the school, and even the
small and young children performed
their parts exceedingly well. "Come
iu" and "Don't Forgcttho Old Folks,"
with the skill shown by Mr. Graves
iu whistling, with organ accompani
ment the "Mocking Bird", was rich
ly worth two admission fees. Par
ties who were present say it was the
best performance ever given in this
city by the Sunday School.
In our opinion the complaint
made by II. T. Spoerry against Snpt.
Barrel!, although proper to be plac
ed on file by the. Coiumis-iouers,
should not have been spread upon
the records, unless it was the inten
tion of the Board to move upon him
for neglect, of official dut, which of
course I hey had no thought of doing.
It ha the appearance of having been
done simply to gratify II. T. Spoerry,
and uothing more. "Wherever II. T.
is known he is regarded 38 a "chronic
grumbler." Doubtless he would
resent such a phrase, ami say that he
was after justice, fcc, and perhaps if
he was U'-s uoisy aud more respect
ful ot hit- fellow-men he would be a
"power" in the land, but business is
one thing and bluster is an other.
H. T. Spoerry and S. W. W.
Wilson have both said to us thattbe
Board of Equalization heard a com-
plaint thoy had to make in regard to
the unequal assessment of the lands
of Humphrey and Stearns precincts.
Their complaint was (so they say)
that while both precincts contain the
same quantity of land, and while
Humphrey has several miles of rail
road track, besides a depot, never
theless the total land assessment of
Humphrey is leas than that of
Slearns by 20,000, Humphrey being
put down at ?2.50 an acre and
Steams at 43.25. Both these men
say that each and every man of the
Board promised them that the mat
ter should be fairly adjusted, but
that they tailed to do so.
iisi; iiAi-i-
n . . OUu Plll. ; , nn-aPance and
ni-K Rarilv Scoooed.
Qn x,-riclay afternoon of last week
u VC. intcrc-tinr game of ball was
. , ?,,!; ,..;, -itv ami
l'l'l CU trti .!! Ill .! v--.-
Coin m Inir. learns on the diamond t
south ot the citv. The weather
iutenely warm which will i a
measure account for the large score.
We take this occasion to say to
outside ball players who expect to
play here Urn season that they had
better yet used to swill pitchiug if
they expect to have any show at all
with ourbova. a Dan Kavanaugh is i
getting to be a b-a-d man in that
POSltloti: oesmes naviuu ji c
swift delivery, he now ireld the
'curve" very essential iu all good
" prolessiouals," thereby deceiving
the striker. Il, as some one called
him during the game of Friday, a
"moss-back" and 'hay-pitcher," he
can still toss a ball to good effect,
aud with Charley Wake, or the
"living skeleton," as he was jokingly
called on the ground during this
game, to take them "hot" trom the
bat, and the other players in their
respective positions, it will take
more thau an ordinary team to carry
off the laurels. AVe have so much
faith in this club as now organized
that we would be willing to wager
a month's wages (if we were a bet
ting character) that Ihe Columbus
boys can walk away with an) nine
that may .ee tit to vinif here, Omaha
aud Lincoln not excepted.
Below will be found Ihe score ot
! Friday's game. We understand the
return game will he played at David
City on next Wednesday.
O. K.i DAVIIiCIl'V. O. K.
Wake, c ".
lJnker, 1st U 4
l'arr, al h . 4
Barrel!, s.k. 1
F. Cain, :td 1 1
Kavanaugh, p !i
Hudhon, 1.1'. 4
L. Weaver, r.f 4
V. Vaver,c.f 2
Total ...27
1 Ilealy, c .
. a
Snow, p.
, "Webb, Kt b. C!
Heath, I'd b. i
Boston, ."d b 3
Finlon.b.s. 4
Osterhaut, l.f .".
Tillman, c. f. 3
Pebbles, r. f 3
27 S
1 ' 3 4 ." t 7 8 0
Coluniliu- S 0 0 2 0 3 U 3 4 22
Oflvid City. 'J 0 0 ." 0 1 0 0 S
Time ol traine two hours and forty-live
minutes; Umpire, Kd. ttositer. We
failed to get the names of the scorers.
, HiiiBum'x Great Show.
The interesting aud attractive adver
tisement iu auotbor column announce
the coming to Columbus on Saturday,
Jul 31, ol Uarmini's greatest show on
earth, when he will give a grand per
formance in the afternoon nnly as he is
announced lor Chevenne .Monday. The
following from the Chicago Intei Ocean
will ;ivc ur readers eoine idei of the
great treat in store lor them:
Barnum and humbmr have long been
!sociatcd iu the minds of the peopli?,
and ct. of late years, he ha- given the
people less claptrap and more sterling
vnlue tor their monev thau am
other showman. Indeed, we lind in his t
exhibition a ehamcteri-tie distinguish
ing tew oircuneH he advertises onl
what he mean- to exhibit, and to ad
vertise what he doe- exhibit would
take up more space in the columns of a
newspaper than the political situation
will at pre-ent allow. At the u-ual
spot on the Lake Front, the first per
formance wa- given yesterday, and it
was largclv attended." The tenth rover
an enormous area, and the accommoda
tion, a- far -is cleanliness, comtoit and
attendance are concerned, ire what
intent bo expected from such a veteran
as Il.trnum. The eirMi-. the iiienagrrie
and the inu-cuin are full oi r.ire nov el
ties and interesting euriooiticn. Among
the latter uiav be mentioned Zulus,
captured iu Africa by the British .sol
diers. Our old friend, Capt. ("ostentenus.
re-ajipears with his body as varieg.teu
as ever, and i- the center ol icmalc ad
miration; while Goshen the giHnt, and
Queen .Mab, the Indian .Midget, form as
striking a team as ever. The ring per
formance could .scarcely be excelled,
aud includes some innov "ations the per
forming oxen, the leaping t.ta:r, the lire-bor-io,
and the flock of trained doves,
yime. Dockrell, the famous four and
.six-horse equestrienne, unquestionably
oneol the rinevt female rider.s ever ween
in this country, rc-appear and scenic to
have enrirely" recovered from her acci
dent, when last in tbii citv, by which
she broke her ankle. .Mini. Emma Lake
and 31 me. Martha and Horr Xeygaard iu
their gracntul menage act-. Mr. Orrin
iioniij, Menastian anu nn, .uiss j.inn
Warmbold, all bareback riders; Nel-on
.. ... " . .. ". ... . ..
and ons. aerobatfc. and the tinclv train
ed Trakene stallions, may be mentioned
as the couspicuous arena features. Za
zel, who has for two or three ears been
one of the sensations of London aud
Paris, closes the performances. It mav
be mentioned that Barnum with his
usual skill, ha? in the East, managed to
work up some, curiosity as to whether
Z:i7cl is a boy or a girl. Let that pass.
lie or .-he gives a performance daring
enough to nati-fy every circus attend
ant. She walks upon a wire suspended
some lift feet in the air. dives head
loremostfrom the top ofa pavilion into
j a net, allows herself to be used as a bill-
f 1ft. Sh n ........ .....I .1 .n.l.t 1 t.l m.M
iui IU a UUllll'HI, auu if'i;.iia itr ur jii'l-
feetly at ease iu her journey from it
mouth to the rool of the tent. Zazel is
small, plump, young and pretty. The
great pavilion was densely packed, the
vast audience being composed mainly
of the better classes, men, women and
children, to whom the circus has hith
erto bepn a my-terv and the clown a
On the day of exhibition a ticket otllce
will be opened at Doland's Drug Store,
where those wishing to avoid the crowds
at the tieket wagon may procure tickets
and re-erved scan Jt the u-iial slight
Osceola is becoming noted for
doing things in a queer sort of way.
First the people there elected an
editor superintcudent of a Sunday
School, and now they have been
holding court in a church. Some of
the lawyers were so rusty that they
couldn't work their way into the
church, aud it was reported that
even Judge Post was so bewildered
that he remarked to the jury that
'Brother HIggins, of Columbus,
will now tell us what the Lord haR
done for him.'' Schuyler Sun.
Teachers' IaMitute.
To the Teachers of Platte County:
The Anuual Normal Institute will
begin August 9, 1880, and continue
or a term of three weeks. All those
who expect to teach in the county
are requested to attend. If particu
lars are needed, address
S. L. Barrett, Co. Supt.
Pay Up.
All persona knowing themselves
indebted to me by note or account
will please come forward and settle
up, and thus save costs. Henry G.
Carew is authorized to receive and
receipt for money dtie me.
Daniel Kta
letter I.isl.
Tli- following b a Ibt ot un.-h.imed
otters remaining In tin- post-office, in
' letters remaining in tin- pn
Columbus for t be week ending .lulv
H, 1NM):
Arudt, W'illiflin Kramer, Anton
ucnuett, Daniel tre-Meier-, Aipnoiis
turned leu r
Mather, iouu
MorrUcev, Patrick
I'arker, A It
Pfeille, Peter
l'.uker. Clemauia
Cedar, Mar
Clark. T M
f':ii'ii Knlrik:i
Conro. 1'etcr
Daridon, DD
Elmer. Carl
Erb, George
Kdvard, Huu'lt
lMahaek. Trav y
Keukeu, KJvtHO
Uencklcy, Knd
Ueiifhold, ML-s
Jtegiiier, Henry V
Eioker. Jos
liiimiiui, tifiiuK
FricsL'iis.Mr for .Ma-Iin.trtl, David
ry It.un.iekers iiieniek. Adelbcrt
Fuiide rnii'K, John aeliiic liter, .Marhias
tioodcll, Horace II -adirujdcr, Albert!
Uesen J.ikf lriitj, .uav
Jakoit.-cn. Mda II ':iikiii, V J
"tIio.eph W r,"'UU' ''
inoe luarneu - posiai uarui t.
If not called for in CW day-j will lie sent
to the. dead-letter ollive, Wu-liinpton, I).
C. When called for aj "Mlver-t-ii-ed,"
as the-e letter;? are kenl ep.irjlo,
K. A. GKKltiUir.r. M.
- -
Temperance ."Meeting.
On Friday evening, July 30th, at
the Congregational church. Ad
dresses aud remarks by Rev. Fle
harty, G. W. Clother, M. Smith and
others ; reading by Mrs. B.E. Rogers.
I'll lou Pacific Ahead,
Fare reduced to all points east,
south and north. Shortest, quickest
and best roule from Columbus. For
full particulars call on C. T. Ileu
dersou, Ticket Agent U. P.
July 'J2d by Rev. Father Ambro-e,
Mr. Joseph flcnggler and .Mis Augusta
WEBSTER Near Jack-on. Xebiatka,
July 23, 185?0, of diphtheria, Ebcr Web.
ster, son of C. 3. Webster, aged nearlv
." years.
The funeral discourse wa preached
Saturday by Rev. J. Q. A. Flchsrt. to
a large audience in the mhool house at
RIEDKR In the mornine of the 24th
of Jul, of heart dteea3e. Mr. Verren-
I'ieder.' relict of Geo. Reider, w ho died
on the 2"th of March lit.
The ucceased w a in U r ."2d v ear. and
wa? beloved by all who knew her. She
leaves -even children to mourn her lo .
CIIAIM.-On Satiirdnv, Jnlv 21th,
Adnlphu- Ch.ipin. in the SKt venr of
hi- age.
The decca-cd nu born in November,
17JM), aud the enu-c of bis death might
very truthfully be hinted as old aje.
Hi- remains ere placed to rest in the
pre-ence ofa l.nge eoncour-c of triend
on Snudav la-t. Mr. Chapin wa a thir
oughly honest, well-meaning man, kind-
hearted aud hospitable, and mil .Uw.i. '
be remembered b hi- acquaintances na ;
a nun who-e on! ambition w m do;
" Advort7e"nTmd- under thi- head Jive !
cent!- a line each in-ertion.
Calico fids' a yard at Kramer'-.
"ran'! be heat" Ice Cream at '
Fresh strawberries received dni -
ly at Hudson'-.
o .i - ii. .. t,
-See he sulky plow nttaehe-
inent?at Lawrences .
Valencia orange ami Mes-ina
lemons at Ilii(lao,ii h.
Men's Summer coal only 50e!s.
at Kramer'.
Krick in the wall at i-7 to $8 a
thousand by Flynn x, Co.
Delicious, foaming, cream mda j
A large, new "lock of men's and
women's shocB at Wm. Schilz's.
F'lenty of the celebrated Smith
wagons aud buggies at Lawrence'.
Needles for all Sewing Jffa
chines at Kramer's.
The Whitewater Standard farm
wagon on hand at Schutte & l'ohl'.
Fresh fruits received bv express
daily through theseasouat Hudson'..
ladie'sfine 3 Strao-kid SlinDers
. A. n.m . . ---
only $i.zocis. a pair at Jirainer s
j .
The Alaska Soda Fountain is
the n'cest thing out. Try it ai
Yard wide muslin!? only
a yard at Kramer's X. Y.
Cah Store.
C ct,
-Seeder, Cultivators, Harrows, j
etc., etc., the hest goods in market
. . cnK..t t dvo?
at schutte A totils.
-Men's fine Calf-skin boots only
$1.50 cts. a pair at Kramer's New
xorK uneap uasu btore.
Men' Gauze Undershirts only
25ols. at Kramer's New York cheap
Cash .Store.
Ladie's Pebble goat slippers
only 50 cts. a pair at Kramer's New
York Cheap Cash Store-
Remember that Geo. N. Derr
is doing lots of paper hanging and
painting, docs good and neat work,
mop one door south nf Elliott'
pump house.
Gluck wants $10,000 worlh of
tywarrantxand school warrant.
I-or Real.
A room suitable for a mall lam -
ilv. with other eonvenieneea. In.
quire of . S. J. EtiWAitDt.
Biig-srie for Stile.
Just received by Henry Liter, a
nice lot ol the Timken spring bug.
gies; those in need ofa good btigsry
should call soon.
300,000 Brick.
Will be delivered on the ground
or put into wall as cheap a the
cheapest. The best brick in Platte
Co. Yard 3 mi. north of Colum
bus. " Ciias. G. Moorf.
Itatrny IVotice.
Taken up, 2 heifers and 3 steers.
Three of the lot are red and white, 1
J ii roan, and 1 white; all, 3 to 4
montbB old. J. J. Graves,
Humphrey P. O., Neb.
I'alntiHsr, Sic.
I am prepared to do buggy, wagon
sign and house painting in the best
style and cheap ; also paper hanging
done to order. Shop and office ou
11th street, one door west of Heinlz'
i urug store. a. .albkecht,
I'r lo 1Hi Onls.
U' "j" ""-" K'T- mifl llarve-new
al eo-d. Ij.v kkm.k S
Itrivl: llriek: .
Ve me now prepared to luroiab
brick iu the wall oral the yaid trom '
10(1 to 100,000 at low price's. Parties t
wwaiitint! brick will make money by
seeimr us before Inning, a we will
not be undersold.
Tuos. Fiax.v & Co.
IJtrny ZVottct.
Taken up. May 29, 1880, by the
' subscriber, residence in Butler pre
i ciuct, Platte county, one two year
j old heiicr. red and white spotted, !
I branded "J. F." on right rump. The
owner will prove property, pnv j
, charges nuil lake -aid heilerawav.
! W. I). Davis"
Money ( Loan!
On improved larun, on long time,
at ten per cent, interest. Xo inter
est charged in advauce, nor com
mishion, bv O. S. Bridges. Ofiice
in Briek Building, nearly opp. P. O. ,
on Aebnislca Avenue, Columbus,;
I-or Sulv. "
A 1C0 acre slock ranehe in Nance
county, with range over ?S .sections ;
10 acre? broke: will also sell hores,
cattle, sheep, hog-and poultry; Inrm
implement'., corral, Ac. Address
N. Ch.m-.tkkk, Genoa, Neb.
I'or PJal ot Tratte.
One lot and two houses, on? a
boarding house, the other suitable
for a boarding or dwelling house
ccat roily located in the city of Co
lumbia. Will sell for cash, or trade
for stock. For further particulars
inquire at the Journal oflice.
1'oay I.o-i oi Stoleu.
From my premises in Columbia,
July flth. a bay mare pony 5 year?
old: white face; both hind legs and
letCfore log while below tho knee.
A liberal sum will be given for in
formation leading to her recovery.
Lvk Hasmussev.
Tho Taltersall I.iverv Stable is an
evcellent place to topat when yon
are in iown with a team. Good ac
commodations Ileasouable charge?.
On Olive tree!, one door south of
Wigging's hardware -tore. Tin
them. '26S.X.
Taken I 'p.
June "Oil: 1SS0. at my promise ,,
mile north -ol Waltsville school
hoic-e, a red-roan mare colt, dark
mane and tail. Supposed to be
about 2 cars old: hnd a rope on
neck when lound. Owner i re
quested to prove properly, pay
. i charge- and take the coll riwav.
F. W. Zou..
4'UnU Ke.ilrn-- Lot lor .Sale.
c,o(.0 rPjl,leM(,p 0M ,or M,e in
tllP southeastern pan of Columbus,
f.lom 0)ip U) jol.,y ar,.t, rich, dry
-oil and no alkali. Acre lot for
-lie at prices from .20 to $fi5 pei
; .lnw' ntc ;.,h
J he above property couiprisee Hijr-
5 "'1 I"I"S addition to
Johu LawBOii'B Improved Waahing
The manufacturers of thi machinr-!
de-ire the citizen' of ColumbiH and
j people ol Ihe adjoininjr towns to
become acquainled wilh the merits
I of this washer, which is far superior
lo any ,. tha, ,,as em. beil in
, ,J-p 0un fir tl.iaI wi ,atigfy any
i person that it has no equal. There
, are Ihousand-i of them in daily ue.
j Kor a trial of the machine, addre
Mr..Ii: X MCl AI'I.AND,
(y'oiuiobu?, 2febr.
Advertiscineni- under tbi- head tivi
cent-a line, llr-t in-i rtion, three ccutr
a line cab 4ii1i-einMit iiisTtiou.
3flr'I'lie Columbu .Fournnl"
and thclnierc7i hyn'ctrit((lcnuan
Unirlisli edition) $" a yr., in advance.
B-Thoma Keating keep con
stantly on hand young Illinois -tock
for sale.
'esyGood team and wagon want
ed on laud .security. Call at or address
tuis oiuec.
SSjf 80 acre- good land partly
broken for silo eheap, 4 miles north rif
l'lattc Comer Call at or address thi
Refulnr Stock Uenler.
All kinds of horned stock bought
I and -old; al-o and stock hoc-
I). VXI)Ki:.SON.
New 1Y1 .lloutlilj-.
Devoted to tho interestp of immi-
i Kptlon and advorti-ing. The lmgcn
circulation of an magazine we"! ot the
Missis-ippi river. Term-fiO ct,. a year,
j : VeTV o
Iocknai. and
H. II.
Vi.u'X, Editor,
Atehion, Kan.
rotlee 'l'o Teacliersi.
I will be in my oflice at the Court
House on the n'rt"and lat Saturday? ol
each month for the purpose of examln.
Ing applicant- for teacher's eertifleate-,
anil for the transaction of any othT
biulne-- pertnining to school?. '
?. L. Bvr.KKTT.
County Gupt.
Our quotations of the market- aro ob
tained Tuesday ufternoon.and are correct
and rf liable at the time.
OK UN. At'.
(.Wheat .Vo. 1. tc-t.'fl lb,
, " " , M ,
! " s. .vi "
- 50
f3 2Tt 00
I C02W
1 f-0
Corn Shelled,
, n.tts
! l-e.
I rlnnr.
( Butter,
Fat Hog-, .
rat Cattle.
Sheep.. . . , . .
Good veal, per hundred,'
Hides, green inlted
Hams, ..
Sides,. ... ....
Corned Beef
L CM UK it.
Drop aiding
2 .V'?.3 00 i
.12 mJ,1j 00
3 00
4 Ofc
. S12!,'
$ ;w ooio oo
11 O0tr22 v0 !
JT .0(3 00
SI 00
t 2.1
4 00
1 00ft 4 00
2 .VI
1 T"i
. . 4 oentK.
3K "
.Ship Lap
Framing ( 10 to 20 ft) .
I Sheeting ..
I Well Tubfni (per bunch )
i.aiu i per .i ;
Shingle (per M) .. ....
Door 2-8xU-S, thick
' 2-6xt?-oj I J ' .
2-IJX6-6, 1 " . .
fRuildins raucmerf Ib.S
indows, .
Tar felt (per ib,)
C -- - -astiCofflfc. 52 Sr5
FORMER, I.VERV VI T. All the NOVEL VI l'RA TI(V. mil t.' - inic
programme a- that presented in WW YORK, ROSTOV, IMIII ADFLPHI V,
BROOKLYN. CU IC.MtO. and all the nties md towns of the En-t will be pre
sented in C'Ol.l' IIIIUS, uid I ple)r. mv professional r.putilion and my
personal word, tint my how for the ea-on of isso contain- more
more cxtPti-Ivc. expensive, beautiful, and in everv wa the srandeM and be it
entertainment I ever presented to tin- public. " P T. BARNUM
For the Sl!ASO. OI' lJ0. with its Ho-t o! Ne. Feittireo in everv tlcjmrt
ment of it- Wl' Ml'sCI M. 1MUKN-.K Ml NAMWUE, RIHITIU'L
C1R( I .:il! fombintd in O.N'K VA-1 -HoW. .mil Ai be sMii under it- ACRL
;l' WA ITJRI'ROOK Ti:NT fort INK lMtHKoK vlMl ION". eelip,. j- ill the
former crt'ortH ! it-proprietor. It --ilely HetiPs t'lxnpciition. tni being Revond
Rivaliv. it "eniriue- no Opio-inon. It i- now on it- exten-iv- VNNl'AL
TOl'R'ind will ehibit iu
vi- n:uNoo
You urn -ot tin most fnnou- ind .ieeomplisli.'d LADY RID! !. in the world,
rnelndiiv HAIA1IK DOt'lk ICII.f in iu-r thrilliu.' a.t m tH'R in.l -l
MARINA K HOKhi: Vl:iltimi- .lliirlli-.i lrni Rerltit,. in htr IiMI'RI h
MRN.VCi: Af'l; Hi-. 1'fiiiiia !.ak-' A-m rin - -inlp.iddie Qneen,; !
Hliio eNon, Si(iinriii J:iiTflln. 1III- l.ront', Tludtnai "ey
xaui'tl. and other-.
on will -ci
MHy-- Mr- CfT-iX
MBr xfti&fir S fs
v fcr r . -v.' . j "" j f-v - '
" . -eBRrm&&9 - - " jr-r vlr' .W-s.- BPX' x-
Reing SHOT FROM V ( ANNON" to the topmost beight of t:i 1'nvilion fn.m
whieli she DIVES IILAD FORF.MO-r tnrou"b th- air nrarlv IO( IVfi.
You will ere SHOK Sl'.lIAS'I'IAI. the Sensation Rarebaek Ridr of the
day, in hi- tlirillinv ..en-.UK'nal ict : llrr ieirnard, Oi-ln mid 1Ii1IIh,
Viii. Aviiiar, .loliu Ifalclirlin-. the liinpir.n I.aptr, 'I'll -loi
Finnllvl 'l'lio;irl. 'the 4 arrols mil a fIRCLT- fOMl'AM OF
You mavscebis wondcrfftl "troupe of if. TR VIN'ED "TALLION'1-. to wluth
have been added 7 IMI'ORTKD TRICK ST VI LIONS, and the Ho.NDl Rl !L
You may Wonder al His Yoke of Performing Oxen.
You will see and admin- JlADAMH N'KL-oV NL 1ILK b LOCK "K II'.VIV
Kl) POVKS. You will -ep .i VA-.T MENV'tKRIK m'l o: -p.-t;imii- of fie
animal ercatinn never beron cbibittd. inelndi.t,' the I.AR'fE":! IIII'I'OI'OT V
3JUs IN AyiKHIC.V, and tin- oniv BEHEMOTH ftf ' Whit- N-c- Vou
will -er A MOEl'M OF 50,'-:)l Cl'Klo.-jU'IEa, iiielwliiir i'h Monkey Biul, 2
L-idy Dressed in (JLi--, Gosb-n the Itiant, Littk Queen M .b h Iiwrf. Ct.steu
teniis the Tattooed Greek, WondTtii! Auroin.u, and th.n--u4ls of obJ-t? of
wondt-r. amusement and instruction. thJt cannot even he w.imrd in n -Mtvfrti.-e-
ment. You will -ee at UoVlwk A. 31. ike OUVNO FKEB -TliEET -HOW and
GLI n'EUING l'AGEAN I' pa ing thr-ub tho principal thnrouhfire.
You will seo KVEKYTIHNr. ADVEKTISED and Ten riw -. wore, fceatins:
Capacitv ot Exhibition Tvtit. ln.W. .v ! VioSc oo t He mumiiu: i tbtr dav of
exhibitions GRAND FREE STREET PAGEANT, ntvr befir- U4led. One
of the features- of tbi- Sf'-ne of Profe-ional SplnHo will b th ippfar.iM- of
the LARGE HERD OF ELEPHANT::, and t-u of the twettfT i-T.VLLION- IN
PROCESSION, led b their foreitrn grooms.
DOORa OPEN at 12:30. Perrormande ,,t -Jo'clk, tht- lvinj an hour hriI
half to view the inenugerlo and niu"mni bufore tfce pwftonnaH.' hein..
JSTOXp TICKET ADMIT-sTOALI. CbHdr.n uadrr ! ii)f prk. Ilefervd
scats extrj.
THE LIFE OF RARXU.M written bv bun-nlf. M w 13. will b fwr -ale on
the ground and in the tent. Prie- 5d wHt-. eUi'&: pM(Kr. J eents. -'LIOX
JACK.' 31r. KaritumN latest story, pri-e 7."i eenls.
FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF LADIH5..JlulHr,. md ill who desire
to avoid the crowd surrounding the ticket vvasom i the Ij4ir rauiid. Mr.
Darnum will open a tieket ouVc n tli day of exhPiitlon. fttr the ! f Ticket
and Reserved Chairs, at th uul -Hjt advance, at Ooltnd's DrupSwre.
"t3Excursion Truin on all Railroads on the day f exhilittion at reduced
ate, 58-..s
JULY 31.