The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 28, 1880, Image 2

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    .'-T-JEL -f '-- rr-nnmxmmi'.-mi irwiMawM' -SXT .Jiw-r ,gg J.aJ51giEWffifti.,r.TarW,a
" Tutored at t!n Posl-onice, Columlm-.
Nek., .is eurnsxl l.i m.ittor.
National Republican Ticket.
mi: i'kksiuent:
Of Ohio. '
vou vice president:
Of "cw York.
AclinukaMtntc Fnlr for 1880.
The State Fair will lie beld at Omaha
September 20th to 25th, inclusive. The
premium lists will he ready for delivery
after April lt. Address D.II. Wheeler,
Secretary, Piatt Hnotttb, Nebraska.
Boston contains a population of
Twenty-six commercial tourists
arc employed by Lincoln jobbers.
The French ministry expect to
pay off their war taxes in three
France, it is stated, will resume
diplomatic relations with Mexico in
Remus, a French village contain
ing ninety-eight houses, was burned
last week.
Recently two hundred cases of
yellow fever havo been reported in
Russia has ordered the construc
tion of four torpedo boats to be built
in England.
It is said that Wheeler county has
a population of 943, and will soon
he organized.
Over a million dollars in gold is
waiting shipment to New York
from London.
It i currently reported that the
Turcomans captured and beheaded
Gen. Skobeloff.
A Recent fitre on First avenue
New York citv destroyed property
valued at $150,000.
"From the Tow Path to the White
House" is the title of the latest life of
the next president.
Dr. Tanner's fast in New York
excites considerable comment nnrl
curiosity in Loudon.
The beat has been intense in
Rome, ranging from 93 to 100
dally the past week.
An unusual iincunr of fiicknoaR
and n large number of doathB vcpor
ted in Omaha last week
Turkey i" making every prepara
tion in the v-y of arms, rertuits.
titr., for war with Groece.
Dr. Tannfr on the 21st had reach
ed the 24th day of his fast at uoon.
He appears in cood spirits.
The President has appointed L.
E. Woodin, of Michigan, agent for
the Otoe Indiana in this State.
Austria ha? pent an iron-clad to
Turkish witters, and is making con
siderable naval demonstration.
Presidknt Haye bap appointed
Gen. Henry S. llindepker. of uer
inantowii, postmaster at Philadel
phia, Pa.
Hon. K. B. Washbukxe sailed
front New York Saturday lor Eu
rope. Hi vWit h made solely for
his health.
The Oin.tha Hoc from reliable es
timates, gives the total population
of Nebraska at 410,000 or nearly
half a million people.
Yice President Wheeler and
Senator Conkliug are set down for
hard work in New York during the
presidential campaign.
A shock of earthquake visited
Manchester, N. H., on the 20th.
Dishes and pictures wero shaken
down in many places.
Stickney, secretary of the Ute
commission, died of typhoid fever
at Los Pinos Col., on the 21st, after
an illneas of a few days.
Markie, a man sent to the peni
tentiary at Lincoln from Plum
Creek, for ten years for murder,
made his escape laat week.
Secretary Thompson made a very
Btronsr speech the other night at
Denver, showing up Hancock in a
very bad light as a statesman.
Quite a ehock of earthquake was
felt at Ottawa, on the 22d at 2
o'clock In the morning, accompa
nied by a loud rumbling noise.
Watep.melonb from the south ap
peared in the Omaha market last
week. Columbus could consnme
one or two thousand, if a good ar
ticle. J. II. CnRisTAiNCY, and claiming
to be the son of Minister Christaincy,
haE been committed to the Inebriates
home at Ft. Hamlet, N. Y., on his
own motion.
Hon. Emoby A. Storrs, of Chica
go has promised to address the Gar
field and Arthur club at Omaha, on
hjs wav to California, which will be
about September 3 to 5.
The people 6hould stop and think
of the enormous Bum of $529,000,000,
the prns9 earnings of the railroads
forlS79, and being for trnnsporta
tion ot persons and property.
The office of James Stcpheu, of
Central City.Neb., lumber merchant,
was entered bv burglars on the
nighl of the 23d, the bafe broken
open, and about two hundred do.
lars in money taken.
Patrick 5. Wayne has confessed
that he and Horace Eper murdered
Henry Page at Montezuma eight
years ago. Remorse led to confess
ion. Both have been arrested at
An burn New York.
Mrs. Frye, who, being insane,
was locked up in jail with her baby
at Ft. Madison, la., last week for
safe keeping, killed the little child
by hanging it to the bed. Strange
aetion tor wise officials to take.
Mr. Giffokd, a clerk in the pri
vate bank of Fisher, Prestou & Co.,
at Detroit, was knocked down on
tuo 22d, and the bank robbed ol
about $5,000 iu currcucy, which at
ihc time was lying on thecouuter.
Gen. Terry, uuder date of the
21sf, reporic that rumors of the
defeat of Cap. JUleyi coramaud by
Indiaus. iu the neighborhood of the
Black Hills, are groundliege. The
country for a hundred railfs Aorjh
h been scouted by that officer.
.TriMJK Jacob BitivKKimorr died
at his residence in Mausiiold. Ohio,
on the morning of the 20th. He wa
elected two terms to ro!igre, and
l was on the state supreme bench 15
i years. Ho was 70 years old at the,
i time of his death.
It is reported in New York city
that Arthur's successor, Collector
E. A. Merritt will soon retire from
the office. It is charged against him
that the civil service orders of the
president have been openly disre
garded or their intent thwarted.
It is reported that ex-Rev. T. II.
Tibbies, while on the Ponca reserva
tion in the Indian Territory, made
a nuisance of himself as a clerical
meddler, by attempting to tun the
red men out of the territory, and
that in return he was run out him
self. James Wood, of Pottsville, Pa.,
aged 60, engineer of stationary en
gine for the Lehigh Coal Co., was,
on the night of the 22d, murdered at
Bull Run, by masked men. It is
said that the old hannts of the Mol
lie Maguircs have been turbulent for
some time past.
There has been recently imported
from Germany to a Cincinnati
brewery a machine for making ice
or to produce cold equal to a ton of
ice for 90 cents. It is stated that
the estimates havo been carefully
made, and confidence is expressed
in the success of the plan.
Mr. James Odell, formerly an
employe of the Omaha Republican,
went to bed the othor uight, placed
a pistol to bis loft breast and shot
himself. At the date of writing this
itom the doctors in attendance were
unable fully to decide whether the
6hot would prove fatal or not.
The wife of Dr. Tanner, (who is
trying tu fast 41 dsys) left him on
account of his mania on the subject
of eating, which ho wished to en
force upon his wife, contending that
people eat entirely too much. Sho
has been divored. and Is now liv
ing, he says, in Dakota, and mar
ried again.
At the new hotel being built nt
Coney Island, on the 22d in-jf , one
thousaud men, including masons,
carpenters, painters, &c, struck foi
non payment of wages. It is Btaled
the company Is largely iu debt,
having already expeuded -fTOO.OOO
and still owe each one of the trikeis
from 10 to $500.
At 5 o'clock on thp moruitHr ot
the 21t. the caisson leading lo the
entrance of the Hudson rivet iiinnel.
at lGth street, Jersey City, caved in.
burying thirty men. It is claimed
that the accident occurred tluoiigh
negligence in imprrperly adjusting
the air !oek. All ' '"-t wete ies
idents ol Jersey Cn Hboken.
Sfnatop. John P
J Ms. of Ne
vada, went west Th r .1 , home
ward bound. He mr i- ..viewed
in Omaha by a reprr-c : r .t ve of the
lice, who reports him :;- :nir thai
Gen. Arthur i0 very popusai in New
York, and thnt he h not uulv hope
ful but confident that Nun York
will be carried for Ouliuld aud
Dn. Tanner on the 2'lth was weak
er and rather more irritable. That
morning he complained of a burning
sensation in his stomach. His phy
sicians say it is an unfavorable sign,
but he says during his fast at Minne
apolis he often experienced the same
sensation. He entered upou the 27th
day's fast with no other change in
his condition.
At the Northern railway station
at Paris on the 22d, a fugitive wife,
eloping with a" young Englishman
and (52,000 francs of her husband's
money, was overtaken at the station
by her infuriated spouse, who, after
chastising both, delivered them both
into the hands o'f the police. The
Englishman attempted to escape and
leave the wife to her fate.
Our exchanges, so far as they have
expressed opinions, all favor an
early state convention, and placing
befo'ro tho public a state republican
ticket.composed of good and unex
ceptional men. The state central com
mitiee which meets at Lincolu
to-day has, doubtless, noticed this
expression of public sentiment, and
will certainly act in accordance
with it.
It ib charged in a special from
Washington Citv to tho Cincinnati
Gazette that a prominent democrat
charges that Col. Pelton died the
scapegoat for his uncle Mr. Tilden.
He stated further that it was per
tcctly understood among the mana
gers that Col. Pelton had simply
acted for Mr. Tilden throughout the
.ole cipher business, and that be
yond question, Mr. Tildeu was fnlly
aware of everything that Pelton did.
The democrat B3id, to cut it short,
that poor Pelton staggered silently
uuder the load of his old uncle's sins
and crimes from that day until they
crashed him, broken-hearted, into
his grave.
Ti?e citizens of Paris on the morn
ing of the 22d were Ehocked by the
announcement of the suicide of Mrs.
Annie Wetmore, of New York, a
lady well known iu Paris and Lon
don circles. She put an end to her
life by taking poison. The deceas
ed was a very handsome woman,
about thirty-flve years of age, aud
unto a short time siuce she was
j said to have been affianced to the
marquis of Anglesey, to whom she
' becan-e engaged soon after her di
I vorce from her husband. UIb mar
j riage to Mis Minnie King, of
Georgia, is believed to he the cause
which Jed Mrs. Wetmore to com
mit the raeh act.
Omaha had a midnight rire on the
23d in the upper ston of WilHamB's
block, but two fireeiiv'- arriving
on the ground in quiri, Le and In
a few minutes got i&r :o work
and Iu a short time : tiro was
completely extinguiscd . .vc hun
dred dollars will repair e injury
to the building, but tlu damage to
the goods in tho buildiugfrom water
must be tolersbley heavy. The sad
dest thing connected with the tire
was that Walter Lowery, driver of
No. 2, as the engines aud hose carls
went flying down 16th street to the
tire, was thrown from his seat and
instantly killed by a wheel passing
over his head. Later lie died
Saturday, 7. p. in.
A very sad and terrible accident
occurred on the morning of the 23d
on the Detroit river, about two
miles above Grassy Isle, whereby
twelve boys, two women and the
engineer lost their lives by a col
lision between tho propellor Gar
land aud the steam yacht Mamie.
The Mamie was cut in two, amid
ships. Pather Blyeuburg, f the
Trinity Catholic church, was giviug
hi altar boys, sixteen in number,
their regular excursion. Father
Iilyenbuig and four boys were
saved. Out of the tweuty-tour per-
. . .i . I
ons on uoaro, oniy cigni wro
saved, the others going down in the
deep swift water with no hope of
finding the bodies for days.
The State democratic central com
mittee has decided to hold the Slate
convention of that party at Hastings
this time. The state committees on
all hands are getting to exercise
good judgment, or otherwise, in -selecting
places away from central
portions of the state for holding state
conventions. The people should
look after this committee and place
men on it who know where the con
ter of the population and of the state,
can be found. This thing of com
pelling delegates to travel hundreds
of miles to reach a convention loca
ted away from the center and at one
side of the state should be investiga
ted aud a remedy applied, and this
year is just as good a time as any
other to put the right men on tho
state central committees.
That Bridge Business.
Editor Journal: I notice in
your paper of the 14th a paragraph
referring to the Platte river bridge
being out ot repair and a man who
had a loaded wagon for the south
side was afraid to cross, aud so went
to our county clerk, John Stauffer,
to sec about it, when, according to
the Journal's account, Mr. Stauffer
should have said that the commis
sioners didn't want to repair the
same. Now I, aj one of the coni
misnioners, emphatically say this is
a falsehood, and I can scarcely be
lieve that our clerk said so, as he
well knows that I, as one of the
Board, and my associates, too, feel
inclined to keep these bridges in
repaii, if possible, and every other
avenue loading to Columbus. I hold
that a member of the Board would
be recieaut to the trust reposed in
him, if ho turned his back on keep
ing these highways open, particu
laily when they are aware that
Columbus pays over half the taxes
of the county. Suffice to say that
the very moment Win. Routson, the
supervisor, told us about tho matter,
it then being 5 o'clock, and yet at
work at the Court House, we started
forthwith to see the situation oi
affairs, which Mr. Routson will cor-
. l .i - .! .1 1 il....
-aa '.k ooma f ,,wn,i o i
' t, thpci,' Poll; .-nnnt '
men not be alarmed. Platto county
.... w .
commissioners will in duo time see
to the roads and bridges anywhere
within the confines of the county,
even from Dan to Bersheba, if yon
nre patient.
John Walker, Chairman.
We believe our Board of Commis-
sioners mean to do what is rijjht, j
hiii it very often happens thnt public
affairs are not attended to wilh that
promptness and diapstch which char
acterize an ciicrgotic man in hi"
personal allair, and it is little won
der that men are not patient when
they are compelled lo travel a coro
of miles out of their road, when they
have, n rifiht to rely on tho public
highway beiiifr in reasonably good
order at all times, or out of repair
for only such time as is required to
put them in good repair. The
Journal is iu the habit of gathering
its cream of news fresh from the
milk of events, and we can not
doubt the accuracy of what was said
in this matter. With nil due defer
ence to the chairman of the Board
of Commissioners, it must ho allow
ed that a citizen of Platte couuty, a
tax-payer, and a property holder
south of the Platte river, likewise,
ha a right to know why he should
be compelled to find his way, with a
hoavy load, southeast, by striking
out west "tho shortest way acro,
tho longest way around" don't 6uit
this day and generation. Mr. Chair
man, is the bridge repaii ed now?
For the Journal.
Too Late.
"Yes, find thou always time to say
Some eaanest word between the idle
Lest with thee, henceforth, night and
Regrpt ahould walk."
It is an old saying, that "blessings
brighten as they take their flight :
and It is, by far, too true. We often
do not appreciate them until it is
too late.
ifany a mother who has spent the
best years of her life in caring, toil
ing for, and watching over her chil
dren, has been repaid by them with
unkindness and neglect, even when
sickness or old Age overtook her,
and they did not appreciate her, till
her tired arms were folded, and she
laid away in the grave, and then it
was too late.
And sometimes tho wife forgets,
till too late, that even In the darkest
hour, she can brighten home, and
cause her husband to go out Into the
busy world with a conqueror's
spirit; that no matter how people
worry and annoy him all day, far off,
her cheerful, loving presence may
shine, and he, meanwhile, think he
will have rest at home.
And men. by the thousand, daily
indulge in worse than useless habits,
such as drinking, gambling, smok
ing and chewing, whoso families are
9orely in need of the money thus
squandered, but these same men fly
into a rage every time they are
reminded of it I But when their
loved onCB have left this life iorcver,
then with regret they exclaim, too
late, too late ! X. D. Howe.
Glorious weather for harvest, but
oue little shower since tho grain
cutting began ; all the stacks am
going np dry, which in a great oom-
(nri in ftrmprB ' at nrftsnnt, rnnnof
epeak of the yield, but it is better
than r? tewrt 4 tew Weeks s$-o.
The damage from I he chinch bug irf
not very great. Flax is looking fine.
Mr. Anderman has ten acres cut and
stacked, while fields that were plant
ed later arc yet in bloom ; perhaps
-r lll ..:.. ,. ..nnonn trrlitr
.ur. ueiKuupciiu gnu uu iciomi nuj
' ?A f at... A t .i?n1l IntAnnAtnnH aSkllrTlP
u is inai uie ueiu inussuiuuu ;""
and his neighbor's blue.
Crestou has quite an accession of
strangers this summer; among the
distinguished arrivals aro Mr. John
Bell, wife and two children from
Omaha: they, with Miss Sarah Ma
son of Davenport, are the guests of
W. N. McCandlish. Mr. and Mrs.
R. P. Riker of Newark, N. J., aud
Wra. C. Van Ness of Now York city
are visiting their parents aud
friends; Mr. Win. Jackson has also
been at home on a short visit. Who
knows but in time this may become
a watering )lace, a fashion summer
resort? Yours hastily,
N. N.
""Commissioners' Proceedings.
Wednesday, July 14. 1880.
Accordiug to adjournment, the
board of county commissioners met
ou Wednesday, July 14, 1880, at 9
o'clock A M.
Roll called present
John Walker, ohairmao of the
board; John Wise; Michael Maher,
and John Stauffer, clerk.
The following resolution was ad pt
ed, to wit:
Resolved, That the county treisur
er is hereby instructed, that in ai!
caiea where the county has purchased
lands or lots, for taxes, and have al
reody sold or may hereafter sell such
certificates, to apportion the moneys
received for auoh certifieatt s less all
charges allowed by the coratnissioneis,
to the different funds on which the
same were collected, in proportion to
the amount so received, and when so
apportioned and certified, the same
shall be in full for the taxes on the
lands or lots so sold for the years spe
cified in such certificates, in accor
dance with the statutes id such cases
made and previded.
The clerk presented his fee book foi
the quarter endiug July 1st, 1880,
which was examined by the board, and
accepted aud approved.
The county treasurer reported thnt
there is now in the poor fund of this
county the amount of S4G6 cash on
Tho following amounts were allowed
on bills piesented, and the clerk in
Htructcd to draw warrants for the same
n.ift -,
uenerai innu,
84,350 23
Poor fund,
Board took r recess
until 2 o'clock
At 2 o'clock P.M-, all present.
Ou motion, tho clerk was instructed
lit nr.tifr Ailnlnli .laoorri fhnfc the
countv win dkco'ntinuc The renting of
the upstairs part of tho building now
occupied by the jailor.
Uu motion, the clerk was instructed
to notify tho balance of tho couuty
oiflcprs that they must make their ap
plication for .supplies to tho clerk's
Motion to ndjourn until tomorrow
morning at U o'clock, A.M. Agreed.
County Clerk.
Thursday, July 15, 18S0.
Pursuaut to adjournment the board
oi county commissioner met on Thursc
day, July 15, 1880, at 9 o clock A-M.
Boll called present
John Walker, chairman of the board;
John Wi"c; Michael Maher, and John
Stauffer, clerk.
Bill oi Gerrard & Whitmoyer, for
services in collecting B. & M. R. R.
land tax lor 1873, was laid over.
Application ot Geo. Rollins, road
supervisor for Cre ton precinct, for
lumber, was allowed; and application
of road supervisor Anderson, of Mon
roe precinct, was partly allowed.
County commissioner.- reported that
two road scrapers had been furnished
to road supervisor of Humphrey, aud
one to road supervisor of Shermau pre
cinct., from the lot bought of Carey,
t Platto Centre.
On motion it was agreed that Chaa.
Davis, be employed to repair the defec
tive span on eouth end ct Platte river
bridge, the clerk to issue orders for
any tsuppliou necc-saty lor said repair.,
Offer of Jaeggi & Shupbach to
furnish lumber to the county, was
Petition of T. C. Ryan, and others,
to appoint J. E. 'Ia3ker, justice of
peace, and M. E. Clother, constable,
for Lost Creek precinct, was read, aad
said parties duly appointed to the re
spective offices, aud the olerk instruct
ed to issue certificates of appointment
On motion, the clerk was instructed
to nutify the county comtuissionera ot
Polk and Butler counties, "that the)
are requested to repair their proportion
of Platte river bridge, on the line of
the 6th principal meridian, aud the
commissioners of Polk county to re
pair their proportion of Platte river
bridge at Jackson, accoiding to sec
tions 87, 88 and 89, page H'J, seasio..
laws of 1879.
Sohool superintendent 8. L. Barrett,
reported that he formed two new school
districts, No. a Bf and 66, aud asked
that the same levy should apply to
tboee new districts, as made in the old
districts from which they were takeo,
for the year 1880; thereupon, said 8.
L. Barrett, wa3 authorized to make
the necessary change, provided he can
legally do so.
John W. Early, county treasurer,
made a report of the fees received as
such treasurer, for tho quarter ending
July lbt, 1880. Said report was ex
amined and duly accepted.
Board took a recess until 2 o'clock
At 2 o'clock P.M., all present,
Mr. Whitmoyer being present, he
wa3 informed by the board that the
services of the firm of Whitmoyer,
Gerrard Post, as county attorney b,
are discontinued from this date.
On motion, tho cjerk waa instructed
I to-notify Dr. Hoehu, to attend to the
I sick Polish woman, near U, P. river
Poti'tion fioui Burrows precinct, to
change tho polls ofehction fioni the
usual i-lace of holding Hie sime, to th
school hotistiiu digtiicj. So. GO. W
laid ocr. ' - ,.
Tho following petitions for roadn
wen-bid over: Leich and Harper road.
Brown road, Mnug road,' Euners road.
Rivet road, Thomas road, KapetzU
nud. AUu petition tof Iiickly and
others to etahlish a private road iu
section .'!(, town 17. range 1 east
Petition of .1. E. Moacrief and
other- to establish Moncrief road, was
On motion, the county treasurer bo
and the Mine is hereby instructed not
to pa)' out any of the funds collected
of the P.. & M. It. R. Co. lauds sold
for taxes, for the year 1S73, to W.W.
Peet. uutil further orders of this board.
On motion, the county treasurer
was instructed not to apportion any
amount to the state, of the moneys
collected from V. W. Peet, ou assign
ment of tax sale certificates of B a
M. R- 11. Co. lands lor the year 1873
Motion to adjourn until Tuesday,
August 17th, 1880, ut 9 o'clock A.M
Agreed. Attest
John Stauffer,
County Clerk.
IN ACCOItDAXCi; with thclawKO
erninp cities of the second class,
requiring that an estimate of the proba
ble amount of money necessary tor all
municipal purposes to be raUed in 9ald
city during the fiscal year for which
aunual appropriation is to be made,
with a utatemeiit of the revenue of the
citv for the previous hical .war, be pub
lished four weeks in some uewspaper,
be it
Jlesolved, By the .Mayor and Council
men ol Columbus, that the following
estimate and :t itement bo ordered pub
lished lour consecutive weeks in Thk
Columisl's Journal:
Estimate of the probable amount of money
necessary Jor all municipal purposes
for the ensuing fiscal year:
Total probable amount of money
neces-sarv tor ail municipal
purposes .. ?4,6O0 00
Appoitloneu as toiiows:
For salary of Police
14 " " Citv Treasurer .
. o .4 clerk
" ' ' Attorney
Grading and repairs of treety,
alleys, atenues and the -on-
utruction ofbiidge?, culverts
and sewers
For sinking liuid
For special protection- agiinst
1,200 no
200 00
200 00
920 00
600 00
Fo honks rnd otaer stationery
ue.C5$ij for tne u-? ct the
ci' 103 "0
Foi j unha:ng ordinances and
otcci iet,vl notice' , 200 00
btaiemtn: y" the revenue of Columbus for
the year 'ai"J, as shown from the City
Trramrrr's report jor that ear
Total altiatlon oi an leni,
person-i! and mixed proper-
tv in said city. . $453.172 00
Totil smount IcviPd on all
funds 4,?iS 53
Total amount collected on all
funiis . . 43S40
Totil amount delinquent on
all lunds . ... 3,910 13
Attest: fi. ,1. Hudson, Mayor.
Citv Clerkv 631-4
BY VIRTUK of an order of sal.-, to
me directed, Nsiied out of thi
District Court, of the th Jutlieial Dis
trict, in aud for riatte county, Nebras
ka, 1 will sell at public auction, to the
hif'liefct bidder for e.iili, ou the
aim duvy of July, A. . ISO.
at 1 oVIofk in the afternoon ot said day,
at the front dooi of the Court House of
s.iid count, the following described
lands and tenements, to wit: The west
half of the northeast quarter of section
thirty-four, in township eighteen, north
f range one eat of the (5th principal
meridian, in Platte county, Nebraska,
and lot. His. and even, in block tifty
two. iu the town of Columbus in Platte
county, Nebraska, and alo lot three in'
DIOCK tliirteen, iu aiovons auuiiinn iu
the town of Columbus in Platte coun
ty, Nebraska, at the suit of Charles II.
31a, plaintiff, and Luther 21. Cook, one
of defendants asrains.t John G. Comptou
and Josephine M. Compton. defendants
as the property of said John O. and
Josephine 31. Compton.
Dated this 23d day of June, A. D'., 1830.
529-r Sheriff of Platte County.
riNAi, pkoof.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,)
July 2lst, 1680. j
NOTICE Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platto Co., Nebraska, at
the county seat, on Saturday, the 28th
day of August, 1880. viz:
John n. Elv, Homestead No. (M36, for
the E. K, S. Vv. X. 3- K. S- E. X, Section
12, Township 18 north. Range 4 west,
and uames the following witnessos to
prove his continuous residence upou
and cultivation of said tract, viz: Sam
uel Anderson, Nils Munson, William J.
Irw in and Peter Welin, all of West Hill,
Platte Co., Neb.
533-5 3I.B.HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
July 21st, 1880. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the
following.namcd settler baa filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof In support of his claim, and secure
final entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court of Platte county, Nebraska,
at the couuty seat, on Saturday, the
28th dav of August 1883, viz:
Robert E. Wiley, IU meted No. 4911,
for the S. X. S. E. X, Sectiou 10, Town
ship 18 nortn, Range 3 west, and name,
the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon nnd cultiva
tion of aid tract, viz: W. J. Thurston,
H. H. Hill, Thomas Ba.nes and Ed.
Hoar, all of Monroe, Pl-itt- Co.. Neb.
533-5 31. B. nOXIE Register.
Land Office at Graud Il uid. Neb.,)
June 3j:n, I8W. '
"VTOTICE Is hertbj glvva that the
IN foi owing.najied antler baa filed
notice cf his Intention to make final
proof in suppoitof nischl.'i, and secure entrv thereof, before the Clerk of
the Curt of Platte Co., I'eb.. at th?
count set, on WeduesJay, the 11th
day of Aupiist, 1SS0, viz:
William O. Callaghan, Homestead No.
1M8, for the W. K N TV. X Section 10.
Township 18 north, Range 1 west, and
names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cul
tivation of said tract, viz: Charles C.
Carrip, of Columbus, Platte Co., Neb.,
Patrick Repan and Dennis Retjan, of
Platte Center, Plattf Co., Neb . and
Robert Gentleman, jr., of Grand Prairie,
Platte Co., Neb.
030-5 M. B. HOXIE, Register.
Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1
July 10th, lb80. f
-VTOTICE Is heroby given that the
J( follow iug.named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, aud secure"
final entry thereof, before the Clerk of
the Court ot Platte Co., Ne'u., at the
county seat, on Thursday, the 19th day
ofAucu?t, l&SO.viz:
nenrv B.Redenbaujrh, Homestead No.
4512, for the E. K, S.VT. tf, W. . N.E.
-i. Section lO.Towusbip Is north, Range
1 west, an'rt names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous rcsi
donee upon and cultivation of said tract,
viz: John jrenkenben. Peter Snyder,
Jolin Mulling and "William llnMns, 6(
Columbia, Platte Co., Nrb.
' 531-5 31. R. HOillE, Register.
'-'1 rm.-i-! f'Irln3',IJlVutnio"l"l'"i
i -vrOTICK herein jriveii that tho
e JJ loIIuwIiijMiJineu M-tiier ii.? nu-ii
notice or bis intention in make una!
proof in support of hi- l.iiin. anil secure
final entry thereof. 1m ion tin- llr.l: of
the Court of Platte -lint . N"elir:i.k:i,
at the county seat, on I Inn mIhi . the Mtii
day of Auxti-t. ISSO. i:
William .niKe. iiomoii-wt m. .rtiss,
forthe V. Vj, X. W. ',. -e li II, Town,
snip 2d north, n.iiie I l. ami name
the following wiiiir.-- h prow hi
continuous resid n. ' pon .uul isiltiv i.
tion of aid tract. i: D.-iilrtrk I'.i.nn
ken and Frederick -Mnun-. orfoltimln'?.
riatte Co., Nb...J.i'.t '. .-hi r .i:id .Mm
F. Thnrnliolv, of Humphr. '. IMati, ....
.Ml-.-. .M. 11. IIOXli:. Uegi-tor.
I Know it Makes the Small
Dealers Peel Badly, but
r I can t help it.
T1 We are kept busy all the
ff) time, and have no time to run
out on the street to solicit
u. trade, or bore people with
i) cheap talk. It is not neceF-
! , ' -ary for J1K to till people
I that prices are away down;
hey have found out that thoy
Are Away Down
U 31Y store
kiid thai MY
Away Up in Quality !
They have also found out
that it pays to get their pre
scriptions prepared where
i they can be properly tilled
and where they themselves
can be treated" In a gentle
manly manner; where they
can send their children, anil
be assured that they will
he treated the same as them
selvet.. That is tho reason
w by I put up
More Prescriptions lhan any
Store west of Omaha;
Another is, tint the expe
rience ofoer twenty years
in the prescription business
is at their service, and is
devoted to their interests;
combined with these is the
uncontrovcrted fact, that all
my goods are offered at the
lovet living protit, and th it
j maKe i
IVo Extwi Clinrt;j for
A113 thiiier. I
TlTSflaUlf 29tll, 1880.
Return of the p pul .r favorites ihe
Old Pioneers,
Under the r.le direction of the Vet-
ran 3lan.itt-r. ,
And a lirst-clase f oinptny of
Unrivalled Quartette
Supported by Ace. ICkli.mrr's Cele
brated Orchestra, and - ii YeaokkN
Splendid Cornet Hand.
Silver Cornet Baud Street ParauY.
ADMISSION. - .V) Cent.
XxTRescr ed oats for sde at Dol jndN
drug store without an t-Mr.i cii:ir.
Business Aj;t.
Better than any other Harvesting Ma
chine. Is of "very Ul draft,
strong und durable, and very simple In
You cm cut and bind three to four
acres mure in a day with thi? machine
than an other Harvester,
As it brings the grain In bundles to the '
Binders ready to put their band) i
around them. '
E?TFor sale br
Platte Center.
"Wagon ZN-Eaker,
Shop nr Foundry, outh of t. A X. Djiot.
All kinds of wood and iron work on
Watjon. Buggies, Farm Machinery, .t.
Keeps on hand the
und other eastern buggies.
Farst & "Braollav Plov?.
Aud flttiieral Collectiou Agent,
St. dieards, Boom Co., 2eb.
: 3
' 3 3
""-' s5BHKS'--:i'
Tho Coquillavd farm and spring wagons and buggies, not
excelled by any for
Strength,- Durability, Rood and Neat Workmanship.
Win. Beta's Stiflari Long EsialM Brocery Slore, .
(Nkak A. & N. Dm-ot).
Where you can sell yourCJrnin, lrnduuo eto., an4 by all -.prta f 1hi
Family Orureriex.
naving concluded to change our biuim h "Si Y 11, if jM"Hle. h oiftr
our entire -'trek, on-i-tii. i
Wo havo a good stock, and you oan save
Whitney Hnd-made Stoga Kip fimtt, Wftrnwtsd. for - - $2C0
Ladies' Shoes, from 50 cents ap ----.
Men's Hats, from 25 cents to iii)0)
And ill kiuds of UKY GOODS, and NirrNS pr mis .-in U Kothl tt
Wholftnl to itny.
Or tin out .wid i v. ly ..!. whmi ! -avt- m,. , tti!i.i w wm tf m
is In mmo mi! iintl n i ill t-oni nice ou lb .r vr- n ) Jtw-a.
L'otniws. Jan. l.vO.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Has on hand a splendid atock of
, Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods, Carpets,
Hats, Caps. Etc., Etc.,
AI prices it m m iiearfl of lefore in Colils.
I buy my goods strictly for cash, and will give my customers the
benefit of it.
Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts.
WhnleaN- and Ketul Dealer In
Kep on hand all irticle3 ususlly ktpt il a Mr-t-. ! Drnj: Mfw. Defllwn
iu -Mirrouuding country will und it to their . itert-t to par-hte frm bim he
can and will xive ItED-ROCK PRICES
Presex-iptions Carefullv ComwnmdeiL
'sffi Can't be Seat
JA S foot w hel
y5i ! '
I J&A&
1 SH8
i )
' Mm
F, eight irn-iH"tetI,tm per cent. njTor Cah.
. H ind t urine. Am im nrwari ttt A nv J.t..
iS?V Coin m liu: Fimuitri. Trins re-.Hll
I ffig
SCK77LS?. W3X& 770?.2S,
OMAN 4 BROUELETTE, Proprietors.
Italian American Monuments,
Headstones, "Etc.
fitisituru Ao'cox;.-N'rri: tops siT.nxurw
r 5 i
O j
S '
t n
In Work and Prlno lucf caftj
""" w"w
SOft.on i 12 fot whi o.-r on
ilff.Ot) ji lSiiiiii
y r
y i