WPMMMMMMW THE JOURNAL. I I-M Kl r. V. WF.I.E-IHY, M. K. TUKNElt & CO, Proprietors and Publishers. Rates of Advertising. " Ik 2ir ' " o ltr IrwPliiH $12.l , y I 2." , SXi $W $1011 fc " S.W i 12 to T " ; ' i 4 iliulls I .Vil 1.AH j S' I $.6ofrt.76; 1 " " JM 3.2. ; 0M1MMS 10IP1 1.'. 2ii , :!. , HO 12 , I.S 20 j ai 1 1 I 14 15 27 l , 12 15 20 4 ! 5 ' ." 10 Bii.-ine- mh profe-ional eanN ten line.- or ! --paee. per annum, ten dollar-. Lesal advertisements at Matutu rate, '-ndftorial local notices' fifteen cent- a line each insertion. "Local notices " flve cent a linp each Inser tion. AdvTtismcnts classified a 'Spe -:o:- SJTOtfee, bh lltk -Ireet.. up stairs in AoUknai. nilding. Thkms IVr your, $2. Six month. $1. Tfcece wkUi-.. Single copies, 5c. VOL. XI.--NO. 13, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1880. WHOLE NO. 533. cial nonces N rents a line tirst inser tion, three cent a line each subsequent t m-ertion. V h CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. A. . 1'aiik)CK. I. . Senator. Beatrice. AI.vin - HNnr.Ks. r. . eiiator,Oniaha. T. i. M Muii". Ue p., lVru. i:. K. Valkntisk. It'P.. WY-t ! STATK IMI'KOTOUY: Al1MXl Vwpk. ; ernor. Hiiioln - J. Aleirt.-r. cretary of Mate. (K W. Li-tV.-. AmiIiIit. I.iik-oIii. t; S Karl let i. Tre inrer, Lincoln. a 4 "l)il-Jh. AtjorH'-(5'neral. 6,'lt llioMtH. Stipt. 1'uhlic In-'rue. (11.4. la-Mi. Warden of Penitentiary f. W. AWm . t lri-on Inspector. r. M. uhiW, . air.4l.li. lvi-. l'ri-on Physician. 81. J. lwtiev-H. Spt. Insane A-ylum. .irPKIAUY: t..JHavweH. kier.lu-tice. llrnte 11. Lake.! Av,.it(. Judge. AMttt-a ('. MM'ltTII .IIMHCIM. IU.VrK.ICT. (TJ. "rt l,st..lMlKe. Yrk. Bl. at. Rf-o. Ii-lrict Attorney, A ahoo. I. A Ml OKFlKi:: .. He. liri-ter.Orand Island. Wot. tVaH. Keeeiver. (.rand lland. rol'NTY IUKKCTOUY U.li. llt-'MW''. I'rtWlltV .iHtlLM'. &04m Matitfer. iim1 Clerk. J. V. Farty. Tn a-arer. (tirttj. tyieiHtun, heriJ'. (K.il. Jt4Mter, Srveyw. Jwbtt alKe r. ) Jhtt tt'i-e. " V i'tntOoinnus-Ionor. M. Ma. J dr. A. Hi-intr. Coroner. s. (L. Kucr.-tt. SHpt. of schools. . . Hal-v I jHniu-of tlielVare. 31rHt Mlttvtt. 1 (Tfcart-- Wake. ("HMHtaWr. riTY IMKKCTOl'Y: J. 1. Keeker, Mayor. (H.J. HtHUM. clerk. '. . NewMHM. TieHsiirer. ..-. U. IUwimih. Polica ,1M dte 4.. ttiu-. Citxineer. niilmkx: d dlW JbM Kieklv. CI. A. ehroeder. ?4 . M. I.-IWM. .. MeAllMer. W )U,.' ?. CMlier. I'kil. atii. 4iliiiiilii lo-l Office. WJt I1 -HIJHlat srIH 11 A. M. to VJ M. ftM trt 4X I., t". I M l'.uine--tKMtrH e-ejtt vi,ntl:i t. m lt ."' r. M. (KaMeTM aN -l-e at U . v.. W-4th will- l-e at 4 :1ft P.M. !Mlllra" 4o1mm.1h lor Mntli-on and Witt)),. Tin d.i-. Tkur-day. ami SHiwhv. ' . m! Arrixes ai C. i. m. r Morw. (SeHa. WaleiiHe anil Al IVh4, 4:i eeejl iindu) ) . M. Ar d'lve. saiw.fi r. M. a.r l.lille, Farnil. nakdale and NfUXtaH'" IJrove. Mnila", Wednes 4l& aHd Kritl.-, a.m. Airir-TM-da-,ThnrMla and Saturday-, at i r. M. 9'"- .keM Creek. Creston and tanton, h MHHttav- and Friday- at d a. M Ai"ri- Tim-mImj. and Stiturd.ix-, at t. M. (Fr Alt i-. I'airou and l.ivid iitv. Te-ta -. ThHr-d-iv- .mil Saturdax-. li'.v A rn e- at 12 m. (Fr ! Aatk!i. l'rairie Hill and M. (Bernard. Prila-.. v. M. Ainw. Saiwrila.. .". i.m. I . I-. 'I'lmi Till.!'. SvttirraMl. N. il. leavf- :it !! a. in. (Pajwa-fcC'r. 4. ' " II :m; a.m. (FwlrH. " ' " a:l."p.m. a-wHrfct. "1H. " " 4:0.h. 111. Frerit. N". h. leaves at 2:00 p. 111. (Pa-Htr. " 3. " " 4:27 p.m. (Fro. " . ' " :00 p.m. (Kmigrwit. " 7. " " l:0a.m. Mwrv ilay exeept Satiinlay tlie three Mtes k"'linc to CkieaRe eonneet with ' V. tm'm at Omaku. On Saturdays (Biwe wiil ke knt one train a day. a IhWM y ike fMkviii -eliedule: A. V.TIMKTABLK. OiSlivrs ('4mi1m-. .s:S0a. M. J'lHtte. .. !: " lad Citv, !:2. " tiarri-oH, !:0 4' Fh-e-, 10:02 " Mlemr-L .10:lt " Seward. .. .10::i7 " i:nk. .. 10:.V1 " - Milfiird. ' l:o.-i " I'luwMint Hale. . . 11:22 ' liwerald 11:40 " AfiwiW'-iM Lineitlii. . . 12:00 M. ltve l.im-lH at 1 v. M. and arrive SMl'rtHwkH 4:iri i. M. ()..'. A 11. II. H(AI. J(mhi' mrH. llmthl south. 2tKm 4:o3 r.M. Norfolk rt:) a. m. J-tCiekrtiaa Mnnson :."7 " J'l. CMrtre S:S7 " 'Madi-on .7:4.") " (llwmkivvft;.l 'Humphreys:.! " .MojW-hb 7:1 " VI. Centre J:2 ' Mmi :2 I.ot Creek !:." wrfeKv -i:.V. Jaek-on 10:S0 " IV- rtVpjitnre fiom .laek.on will be fvtriel Uv tke arnxat there of the 1". 1. ejre train. SOCIETY NOTICES. JfJfCariN under tki kending will he dsrted Ittr $ a year. S. A. IL- Bake: lt N'o.!i. Hepatment mi Xt4r-ka. meet- efr -eeond and fattrik Th"mU exfijuiit- in each jutHtM in KHiekta af Honor Hall, Co- .Km Hammond. 1. C. 1. l. Vl-WOKrH. Adj't. (H. V. Bo-akk. Sf.nir. Mm. BUSINESS CARDS PICTURES! PICTURES! MOW IS THE TIME to secure a life IN like picmre ol our-elf and chil dren at tke New Art Kuia, east lllli treet. -uHtk -ule railroad track. Colinn k. Nekraka. 47-tt Mr-. . A. .lo KI.YN. OTicr.: IF YOl" kavc any real estate for -ale, if yM wik tokuy eitker in or out K' tke city, if jom wi-h to trade cit H"MtrHirty ir land-, or land- for city prerty. jeive n a call. WAM-wnKTII fc .To!Sr.I.TX. NMili.S MIl.l.KTT. KYRON MIILETT, lu-tice of the Peace and Notary I'uliSic. ATTOHNKYS AT LAW, CoIuiuhu, Nekra-ks. N. B. They will gie ii-e attenttou to all husiue-s entrusted to them. 24S. T OUl acHKF.lBF.i:, BLACKSMITH AND WAGON MAKER. All kinds of repairing done on short uotice. Butties, Wagons, etc., made to order, and all work guaranteed. ESTSkop sppssitiTtbe TattersalL" Oiie ttieet. 25 SCHOOL, BLANK AND OTHER ?gB a O K S ! Paper, Pens, Pencils, Inks, Musical Instruments and Music, TOYS, NOTIONS, BASE BALLS AND BATS, AlICHERY AND CROQCET, &c. at LUBKER & CRAMER'S, Corner 13th and Olive Sts. w .m. M. coic."Ni:i.iijt. A TT01SS K Y-A 7 - LA ?". I'p.-tairs inGliick Buildinjr, lltliplrecl. lr. i:. it. siixs. Physician and Surgoon. jarorllceopen at all hours. Bank Building. f .ll'STICE OF THE PEA OE AXD SOTAEY I'l'ltUC PlATTE CKNTKR. Neh. H. ' - xoTAin r if it l if. ,,M strt. - ,.or, of II ml H.Wf ci.mbHs.xph. wy nR.n..TMi,K!imi1 EESIHE.XT DENTIST. iidicc ocr corner of lllli and Nortli-t. All operations iir-1-cla and warranlt-d c iik'Ao it.4ieiii:ic shop: HEN BY WOODS. PaoP'K. t2JTEer thins in lirt-cla stl-At-o keep tin- Im-I ol elar-. .'1' M A 1. 1. ISH.lt IIKOS.. A TTOItXE YS A T LA II'. Oiliee up-stair- in McAlli-ter'- Itnild iii". 11th St. F. .1. srinMJ, .ti. !., rilYSIClAX AXD Sl'HftEOX. CoIilililtliM, 7Vel. Ojlice Corner of North and Eleventh St-., up--tair ml. luck's hrick luiildinsr. Consultation in ('ermaii and English. III. lUIK;i.SS. Dealer in HEAL ESTATE. CONVEYANCER. COLLECTOR. CKNOl. NANCKCO., ... NK.Il O LATTEBY ,t PEARSALL AKK I'KKPXKKP, WITH FfliST- CLASS A PPA It A TVS. To remove houses at reasonable rates. Uie them a call. GEORGE N. DEREY, CARRIAGE, Iloiivr k Sisn Pninling. asAr.:n'3. 3LA:ns. Paper 1 1 mi sing;, KALSOMINING, Etc. X5T All work warranted. hop on Olive street, one door south of Elliott's new Pump-house. aprlfiy T S. MURDOCK & SON, " Carpenters and Contractors. Have had an extended experience, and will guarantee sati-f.iction in work. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Our motto is. Good work and fair prices. Call and give us an oppor tunity to estimate for vou. jSTShop at the B'ig Windmill, t'olumbu-, Xehr. 4sn-v DOCTOR BONESTEEL. U. S. KXA."III."V SIIKKO.. COLUMr.US, NEBRASKA. OFFICE HOrUS, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to I p. m., and 7 to 9 p.m. Oiliee on Nebraska Avenue, three doors nonh ol K. .1. Baker's grain otlice. Residence, corner Wyomiiu and Walnut treeis. north Coliimhu-, Nehr. sSiUf LAW, REAL ESTATE AND GKNKKAL COLLFXTION OFFICE AV. S. GEER MONEY TO LOAN in small lot- on faiui propert, time one to threr ears. Farms with'-ome improvement iiotiuht and sold. Office for the pre-ent at th- Clother Ilou-e. I'olumhu-, N-l. 47H-X RSCHECK,1 .Manufacturer and Dealer in CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ALL KINDS OF SMOKING ARTICLES. Store mi Olive St., near tie old Post-office Columbus Nebraska. 447-l co i. r .ti n is Restaurant and Saloon! E. D. SHEEHAX. Proprietor. iSTWholesale -nut Retail Dealer in For eign Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Dub lin Stout, Scotch ami English Ales. 3TKentucky Whiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS in their season, by the case can or dish. lltk Street, South of Depot ww4 vm "Lifcig J COLUMBUS, NEB. ADVERTISEMENTS. THE RAIN DID COME ! Our Crop is Safe ! IJKAC E UP! AND HAVE COl'HAOE A NO BUY OF Robert TJhlig, One of the Leadinz firain and OraK ciittiiiL' machines of the world The Ehvanl Harvester, ' j TE EUREKA MOWER. I The Climax Reaper, THE CLIMAX MOWtH, AMI THK CFI.KHr.ATKI) The chief of all the threshers in exist- ence, .Hid the w ell-kiuiu n. ea-y-runnii); IVIoline Wagon. In order to ccure a machine, place your order now. tome and see the -ample machine-. r.vlruss lor tlio above JlaeliiHen ul way on liuntl. Do not forget that the Agent is ROBT. UHLIG, I2th Street, next to Bank. MEDICAL Si imUi INSTITUTE. 7. E. liKCHEU, il. D. S. T. UA2Xntf M. S i 2. 3. ifESSES, 1. S., 4 J. C. SEHKE, L'. S., sf Ossbi. Coulting Physicians mil Surgeons. For the treatment of all clauses of Sur gery and deformities ; acute and chronic diseases, diseases of the eye and ear, etc., etc., Columbus, Neb. JEWELRY STORE OK G. HEITXEMPER, ON ELEVENTH STREET, Opposite Speiee North's land-nmce. Ha- on baud a tine -elected stock of WatcliGs, Clocks anfl Jewelry. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. J3T ALL ROODS SOLD, ENRRAVED FREE OF OI!AROE.gJ Call and -tc. 5o trouble to show goods. .pil!)-3m Win. SCHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES! A complete tortnimt of Ladles and Chil dren .Shoes kept on hand. All Work Warranted!! Our Itlotto Good stock, excellent work and fair prices. Especial Attention paid to Repairing Cor. Olive aud I3lh St. A GOOD FARM FOR SALE LrV tse acres of cood land. SO acres unuer cultivation, a good house one and a half story high, a good stock range, plenty ol water, and goon nay lana. two miles east of Colnmbiii. Inquire at the Pionetr Bakery. 478-6ia i Physicians Imm THE STONE-CUTTER'S STORY. He was whistling over his work, careless, from long- custom, of the solemn significance of the letters Iiti was cutting in the while marble. The June sun was nearly at the end pf the day's journey, sinking slowly to rest upon the bosom of the broad Atlantic, whose waves washed the shores of the little seaport town of Monkton. A stranger, handsomely dressed in gray, with large, lustrous brown eyes, came to the fence that was around the yard where the stone, cutter worked, and read the lettering almost completed, upon the tomb stone HIRAM GOLDBY, Aged n LOST AT SKA, JANUARY, lWi. The last six was nearly completed. A strange pallor gathered for a mo ment upou the stranger's face, and then he drew a long, deep breath, and said Is not ten years a long time to be cutting letters on a tomb-stone, friend ?' Eh, sir?' The stone-cutler looked, shaded his eyes with his brown baud, as he turned his face to the setting sun. 'This is 1S76,' was the grave reply, and Hiram Golby must have been ten years under the waves.' 'Well, sir, that's the queitiou is he there?' 'Is he there? Your stone tells us he is, and has been there for ten years." 'Yes, sir, so it does so it does. And yet she has ordered it. She came over a week or so back with a worried look upon her sweet lace that I have never seen anything but patient in ten long years, and she said to me 'you may cut a stone, haw,' she savs, 'and put it up in the I church-yard, aud I don't want to see it. Ill pay you whatever you choose to ask, Davy,' Rhe says; 'but he's not dead, and don't want a tombstone.' 'Lor, mum,' says I, 'he'd a turned up all these years if lie was not dead.' Hut "he shook her pretty head, the prettiest I ever seen, sir, and said she: 'My heart never told me that he was dead, Davy, and I'll never believe it till my heart tells me so." 'His sweetheart?' questioned the stranger. 'His wife, sir his loving, faithful wife, that's had poverty, and loneli ness, aud misery, her full share, and might ha' bettered herself.' 'How was that ?' 'Mr. Miles, sir. the richest ship owner hereabouts; he waited pa tiently seven long years, trying to win her. Then he said that she was free even if Hiram came back.' 'Enoch Arden,' muttered the stranger. 'What did you say, sir?' 'Nothing, nothing. "What answer did the widow make, Mr. Miles? If Hiram's dead,' said she. 'I'm his faithful widow while I live. If Hiram's living, I'm his failhl'ul wife. Maybe you are from the city, sir, and have heard the storv of our Pearl?' 'What story is tha't?' 'Well, sir," it's been told many times, more particularly in the last year, but you're welcome to what I know of it. There, that G is done, and I'll leave the Scripture text till morning. If you'll come to the gateway and take a seat on some of the stones, I'll tell you, that is, if you care to hear it.' 'I do care,' was the grave reply ; 'I want very much to hear the story.' 'Maybe you're some kin to the Pearl of Monkton that's what they call Mrs. Goldby hereabouts. It's a matter ot thirty-three years back, sir, that there was a wreck oil' Monk ton rocks, that you can see from here, sir, now tide's low. Cruel rocks they are, and many a wreck they've seen, the more the pity. You 6ee them, sir?' 'I see them.' 'Well, sir, this one wreck, thirty three years ago, there was nothing washed ashore but a bit of a girl baby three or four years old, with a skin like a lily leaf, and great black eyes. Hiram Golby found her on the rocks. He was a boy of twelve years, strong and tall, and he carried the child in his arms to his mother. You may see the cottage, sir, the second white one on the side ol the hill.' 'I see it.' 'Well, Hiram look the baby there, aud Mrs. Golby was the same as a mother to her a good woman God bless her soul the widow Goldby.' 'Is she dead, then?' 'Aye, air, six years agone. The baby I was telling you of, sir, talked a foreign lingo, and was dressed in rich clothes, that must have cost a power of money. Rut never would Hiram or the widow sell them, put ting them up carefully in case the child was ever looked for. She was that pretty, sir, and that dainty, that everybody called her Pearl, though she was not like our girls, but afraid, always deadly afraid of the sea. I have seen her clench her mite of a hand and strike at it, for she had a temper in her, though nothing to harm. 'When Hiram made his first voy age, for they were all sea-taring men hereabouts, and there was nothing for a lad to do but ship, the Pearl was just a little washed-out lily, a-fretting until became home again. And it was so whenever he went, for they were sweet-hearts from the first time he nestled her baby face on his breast, when he picked her up from the wreck. She was sixteen when they were married, as near as we could guess; Hiram was a man of twenty-four. She prayed him stay at home then, and he stayed a year, but he fretted for the sea, and he went again, thinking, I s'posc, that his wife wonld get used to it, as all wives hereabouts must do. But she never did never. It was just pitable to see her go about, white as a corpse, when Hiram went away, never looking at the sea without the shudder like a death chill. All through the war it was just awful, for Hiram enlisted ou board a man- o'-war, and Pearl wa just a shadow when he came home the last time." 'After the war?' 'Yes, sir; but he made no money of any account, and so he went again, nfter staying home a long spell. Well, he never came back. 'Twasn't uo manner of use a telling Pearl he was lost ; she'd just shake her pretty head and say: 'He'll come back".' Not a mite of mourning would she wear, even after his own mother gavehini up and put on black; for, sir, it stands to reason he's dead years ago.' 'It looks so.' 'Of course it docs; nobodv else doubts it but her. Old Mrs. Colby's last words were 'I'm going to meet Hiram,' and they say the dying know. But even then they didn't mske Pearl think so. She wore mourning for her who had been the only mother she kuowed of, but uo weedp. Weeds was for widows, she said, and she wasn't a widow.' 'But the stone?' 'Well, sir, I'm coming to that. A year ago, sir, a fine gentleman from France came here hunting for a child lost on this coast. He'd heard of Pearl by happen-chances. if there is such, and camo here. When he saw the clothes, he just fainted like a woman.' 'She was related, then?' The stranger's voice was husky, but the sea air was growing chill. 'Her father, sir.' 'He took her awaA ?' 'He tried to. He told her of a splendid home he had in New York, for he'd followed his wife and child, sir, to n citv they had never reached. He was rich and lone v. He begged his child to go, but she would not. 'Hiram will come here for me,' she said, 'and he will find me where he letl me.' 'On what has he lived?' 'Sewing, sir, mostly. The cottage was old Mrs. Colby's, and bless you, Pearl did not eat much more ihan a bird, and her dresses cost i next to nothing. Hut there's- no i denying she was very poor very, and yet the grand house and big) fortune never tempted her. So her ' father came on and on to see her, until April. And he died, sir, and i lett our Pearl all his fortune and the grand house in New York. Hut i she'll not go, sir; she'll die here, waiting for Hiram, who'll never come.' The stranger lifted his face that had been half hidden in his hand and said : 'There was a shipwreck in the 1'acilic Ocean, Davy, years and years ago, and one man only was saved saved, Davy, by savages, who made him a slave, the worst of slaves. But one day this sailor saved the life of the chiefs daughter, who was in the coils of a huge snake, and the chief released him. More than that, he gave him choice spices and woods, and sent him aboard the first passing ship. So the sailor lauded in a great city, sold his pres ents and put the gold in safe keep ing. Then he traveled until he reached the seaport town where he was born, and coming there at sun set, heard the story of his life from the lip of a in'an cutting his tomb stone. Not a word spoke Davy. Stand ing erect, he seized an immense sledge hammer, aud with powerful blows from strong, uplifted arms, dashed the marble into fragments. Then, panting with exertion, he held out his brawny hand to the stranger a stranger no longer. 'I've done no better work in my life than I've done in the last five minutes, Hiram. Go home, man, and make Pearl's heart glad. She don't need it, Hiram she don't need it. You asked me about the stone. The neighbors drove her to ordeiing it, twitting her that now she was rich she grudged the stone to her husband's memory. So she told me to cut it, but says, 'Don't put dead upon it, Davy put lost at sea; for Hiram's lost, but he'll be found aud come back to me.' She never look ed at it, Hiram, never. And there's not an hour, nor hasn't been for ten years, that, she hasn't been looking lor you to come back. Co to her, man, and the Lord's blessing be upon both of you.' So grasping the hard, brown hand, Hiram Golby took the path to the little white cottage in which he had been born forty-five years before. The sun had set and the darkness was gathering, but a little gleam of light streamed from the widow of his cottage. He drew near softly and stood on the seat of the porch, looking over the half curtain into the neat but poor sitting-room. 'It was not the grand house Pearl's heritage in New York, but Pearl heiself was there. A slender! woman, with pale, sweet face, and black hair smoothly banded and gathered into rich hraidn at the back of her shapely head. Her dreaa was a plain dark one, with white nifties, cull's and an apron. She had been sewing, but her work was put aside, and presently she came to the open window aud drew aside the curtain. She did not see the tail figure drawn closely against the wall in the uarrow porch, but her dark eyes looked mournfully toward the sea, glimmering in the half light. 'My darling!' she whispered, 'are you dead, and has your spirit come to take mine where we shall part no more?' Only the u ash of the waves below answered her. Sighing softly, she said: 'Is my darling coming? I feel him so near me, I could almost grasp him.' She stretched out her arms over the low window sill, and a low voice answered near: 'Pearl! Pearl 1' The arms that had so long grasped only empty air were filled then, as Hiram stood under the low window. 'Do not move love,' she whisper ed, pressing her soft lips to his; 'I always wake when yon move.' 'But now,' he said, 'you are already awake. See, Pearl, your trust. was Heaven-given. It is myself, your fond, true husband, little one, who ' 11 ill liai'At lnittn iaii .1 rm in ' J" til I 1.4TI J VII &4llil 'It is true! You have come!' she cried at last, bursting into a torrent of happy tears. M knew yon were not dead. You could not be dead, and my heart not tell me.' It was long before they could think of any thing but the happiness of n reunion after flic many years of separation, but at last, drawing Pearl closer, Hiram whispered: 'I walked from T , love, aud am enormously hungry. And Pearl's merry laugh chased the last shadows from her happ3 face, and she bustled about the room preparing supper. 'Supper for two!' she cried, glee fully. The grand house in New York is tenanted by its owners, and Hiram goes to sea no more; but in the summer time two happy people come for a quiet month to the white cottage at Monkton, and havcalway to listen to Davy's tale of the even ing when he was cutting Hiram Colby's tombstone, and ended by smashing it into atoms. Tor.' is the invariable ending of the tale, 'Pearl was right, and we were wrong, all of us; for Hiram Golby was lost at sea, sure enough, but he was not dead, and he came to her faithful love at she always said he would.' IISTAPIIA. How II' Toole HIh YnrntloB unil tVluit Clime of It. Now in the sixth month of the reign ol the good caliph, it was so that Mustapha said : "I am wearied with much work: thought, care and worry have worn me out ; I need repose, for the hand of exhaustion is upon me, and death even now lieth at the door.'" And he calleih his physician, who felt bin pulse and looked upon his tongue and said : "Twodollahs!" (For this was the oath by which all physicians swore.) "Of a veritv thou must have rest. Flee unto the valley of quiet and close thine eyes in dreamful rest; hold back thy brain from thought and thy hand from labor, or you will be a candidate for the asylum in three weeks." And he heard him and went out aud put the business in the hands ol the c!erk, and went away to rest in the valley of quiet. And he went to his Uncle Hen's, whom he had not seen for lo! these fourteen years. Now, his Uncle Ben wa3 a farmer and abode in the valley of rest, and the mountain of repose rose round about him. And he was rich and well favored, and strong as an ox. and healthy as an onion crop. Oltime? he boasted unto his neighbor that there was not a lazy bono in his body, and he swore that he hated a lazy man. And Mustapha wist not that il was so. Hut when he reached his Uncle Ben's they received him with great joy, and placed before him a supper of homely viands, well cooked and piled upou ids plate like the wreck of a box car. And when he could not eat it all they laughed him to scorn. And after supper they sat up with him and talked with him about re lative whereof he had never in all his life so much as heard. And he answered their questions at ran dom, and lied unto them profess ing to know Uncle Ezra and Aunt Bethesda, and once he said be had a letter from Uncle George last week. Now they all knew that Uncle George was shot in a neighbor's sheep pen three years ago, but Mes tapha wist not that it was so, and he was sleepy and only talked to fill up the time. And then they talked politics to him and he hated poli tics! So about one o'clock in the morning they sent him to bed. Now the spare room wherein he slept was right under the roof, aud there were ears aud bundles of ears of seed corn hung from the rafters, and he bunged his eye with the same, and he hooked his chin in the festoons of dried apples, and shook dried herbs and seed3 down his back as he walked along, lor it wac dark. And when he sat up in bed in the night he ran a scythe in his ear. And it was so that four boys slept with him for the bed was wide. And they were restless and slum bered crosswise and kicked, so that Mustapha slept not a wink that night, neither closed his eyes. And about the fourth hour after midnight his uncle Hen smote him on his buck, and spake unto him, saying "Awake, arise, rustle out of this and wash your face, for the liver and bacon is fiied aud the breakfast waiteth. You will find the well down at the other end of the cow iot. Take a towel with you." When l hey .had eaten his uncle Ben spake unto him, saying: "Come, let us stroll around the farm." And they walked about tleveu miles. Aud his uncle Ben sat him down upou a wagon aud taught him how to load hay. Then they drove into the barn and he taught him how to unload It. Then he girded up their loins and walked four miles, even into the forest, and his uncle Ben taught him how to chop wood, and they walked back to supper. And the morning and evening were the first day, and Mustapha wished that he was dead. And after supper his utile Ben spake once more and said : "Come, let us Have some fun." And so they hooked up a team and drove nine miles down to Belcher's brauch, where there was a hop. Aud they danced until the second hour in the morning. When the next day was come, which wasn't long, for already the night was far spent, his uncle Ben took him out and taught him how to make rail leuce. And that night there was a wedding, aud they dan ced and made merry, and drank and ate, aud when thev went to bed at three o'clock Mustapha prayed that death might come to htm be fore breakfast time. But breakfast bad an early start i . . .i t. . -i , T-r . cle Hen marveled that it was so early. And lie lighted ms pipe and sat up for an hour, and told Musta pha all about the fortv he bought last spring of old Mosoy Stinger to finish out that north half, aud about a new calf (hat was foaled last spring. And when Mustapha went to bed that morning he bethought him of, a dose of strychnine he had with him, and he said his prayers wearily and he ate. But the youngest boy was rest less that night, and kicked all the poison out of him in less than ten seconds. Aud in the morning, while it w.as yet night, they ate breakfast. And his Uncle Ben took him out and taught him how to dig a ditch. Anil when evening was come, there was a revival meeting at Eb- enezer Methodist church, and they all went. And there were three regular preachers, and two exhor- lers and a Baptist evangelist. Ami when midnight was come they went home, aud sat up and talked over - the meeting until bedtime. Now when Mustapha was at home, lie left his desk at the fifth hour in the afternoon, and he went to bed at the third hour after sunset, and he rose not until the sun waj high in the heavens. So the next day when his Uncle Ben would take him out iuto the field and show him how to make a pos and rail fence. Mus tapha would swear at him. and stnoto i 'in with an axe helve, and lied ami got himself home. And Mustapha sent for his physi cian aud cursed him. And he said he was tired to death, and he turned his face to the wall and died. So Mustapha was gathered to his fath ers. And his physician and his friends mourned and said : "And he did not rest soon enough. He tarried at his desk too long.' And his Uncle Ben, who camo in to attend the. funeral, and had to do all'his weeping out of one eye. be cause his other was blacked half way down to his chin, said it was a pity, but Mustapha was too awiul ly lazy to live, and bad no get up about him. But Mustapha wist not what they said, because he wiis dead. So they divided his property among them, aud said if he wanted a tombstone he might have attended to it him sell while he was alive, because they had no time. Burlington Itmrkeye. A NiUnifis; Horror. Several months ago the grave ol Sat ah Plaits, a young lady who died ot consumption, near Cincinnati. was found disturbed, and an examination showed that Ihe head of the corpse was missing. What led to the dis covery was the finding ot a human jaw-bone by Fred Auer, a farmer, who lived near the county grave yard, some eight miles from the city, where the body was buried. The fact that only the head was taken threw suspicion ou an amateur phre nologist named Gordon Truesdale. Trucsdale occupied a small farm in the vicinity with his wife and a family of lour girls, the oldest not more than eight years old. He was a handsome, broad-shouldered fel low with a fair education but lazy aud s'hittless. His great hobby was phrenology, aud he occasional! lectured on that subject in the coun try school houses. His ambition to possess a collection of skulls was well known in the neighborhood, and the desecration of the PlalLs girl's grave was laid at his door, although he was never openly charg ed with it. About three weeks ago Truesdale went to a physician and asked him if a person could become poisoned in handling a dead body. He received an affirmative reply and appeared to be much troubled. IJe complained to his wife that his nose pained him terribly, aud he believed that he was taking the erysipelas. He began doctoring himself with bread aud milk poullio.es, but with out success. Ills face began to swell rapidly, and in less than three days it aud his head became twice its natural size, and lost all resem blance ol human shape. A physi cian was called in against the wishes of Truesdale. He found the man suueriiig terriuiy. iiks nps were i drawn by the tension of the and writhed themselves awav the teeth in unceasing pain. The cuticle across the bridge of the no-e and over the forehead was so dis tended with the mattery substance underneath that it seemed as it it must burst every moment. The eyes were swollen to bursting from their sockets, and were turned with pain until hardly anything but the whites could be seen. It was evi dent that a terrible poison was slow ly, but 9urely permeating the man's whole system. The physician, after a careful examination of the unwill ing patient, cut opeu his skin from about the center of his nose almost to the roots of the hair, and then made another cnt across the fore head almost from temple to temple. From these incisions there oozed a mass of loathsome, detestable pntre seene, so terrible in its stench that the attendants, save one, ran from the house. Olher incisious were made in different parts of the scalp, from which the hair had been shav ed, and from there this terrible offensive matter oozed constantly, until the swelling was reduced and tbe head and face assumed nearly their nominal size. Attempts were aim goi mere nrsi. aim ins uncionU the flesh botween the bono had Ben took him down to (lie creek t turned to corruption and ran out." and taught him how to wash and When Trueadale was told that he shear sheep. And when the even- could not possiblv recover, he called mg was come they went to spell- ( his wife into the room and confessed ing school, and they got home at the I to her that he robbed the Platts first hour after midnight, and I u-! .rjri'j, grave, ami referred to a cer- then made lo free the incisions of matter by injecting large quantities i of water into them. It was noticed that when water was forced iuto the cut in the forehead it poured out of the holes in the scalp. As one of the llttciltlniltq nnill. ''it senmnil nn if " ........... .. dh, nj,j,t u.i,P j,p jcft (he houae and rntnsed to tell her where he went, at the time when lie commit ted the crime. He said he dug down to the head of the coflin. broke it open, and taking his knife cut around the neck of the corpse through the ilesh lo the bone. He r then placed one of his feet on the breast of the rnrnm nm1 i.qkino- iii j ,ead in hi hands pulled and jerked it until it came oil' bv mere force. I He afterward disjointed the lower 'jaw and threw it where Fred A tier ' found it. He closed his confession I by felling where the skull could be .found, under the straw in a certain manger in the .stable. It was found there and giveu up to the riattn ; family. The last three days of I 'IVnn.1..lnV nv'..l, .M. 1.. iii-iiuiv r i'.i!iiriii i- nni luiriiMf, i n(,t onlvto bim.li Urn m n,,,-.. ,... watched him. The poison from ; riouie corpse (for it is believed that jje had recenilv opened severaf graves) which was communicated , u hi system bv prickiii" a raw spot (m n. ii,ji,i. ,,"r i,;a ,,r ,.,inDwi -- --- --- - ".-, 1'Vltl v to eoiir-e through every vein in his body. Not only was his person offensive to the eye. but the odor and heal of his breath was so olfen sive that il was impossible for the atit'inlnnts to wait on him properly. The breath was so poisonous that when one of the attendants held hii hand -i inches from the ilvim? ; man's month it slung the Ilesh like hundreds of nettles. Those who , wailed upon him were obliged to , wear gloe-j. to keep the odor Irom ; their hands. The day he died the llesh was ii rotten that it seemed as j it it wouM drop from the bone if loucncu, aim ins ryes actually de cayed until they became Hghtless. For two daws before his death a I COfllll lltld heell ill I-llllliliiaa ami Mia oners of the phvsiciau were to ( pllce j,-.,, it ns H001 as ,.p i,r(.Hth ; iPit his bode, mul .u hi,,. i..,in groiiiiu immetnaieiy. After :n.i death none ol the attendants had the temerity to touch the corpse, for fear of being poisoned, so they gathered the sheets ou which the body lay, at each end, and thus lilt ed it into the eolliii. The lid was quickly screwed down, but before a wagon could be procured the body swelled and burst it off. It was then strapped on. but when the coffin was taken from the wagon at the grave jard just at daylight, it ncrnni now nil ntui ihn hmii ....twin.. c( to ,WcII visiblv before the horri tied attendants eyes. The fetid, noisome stench from the putrid ma-s within was such that no one could attempt to replace the cover, and the coflin was covered from sight as hurriedly as possible. Whni llie Itt-pitlilican lui. Iuiie. Party Il suppressed a rebellion which had armed nearly a million of men to subvert the national authority. It reconstructed the union of the stale- with freedom, instead of slavery a its corner stone. It trans formed 4,000,000 of human beings from the likeness of things to the rank of citizens. It relieved con gress from the infamous work of hunting fugitive slaves and charged it to see that slavery does not exist. It has raised the value of our paper currency from 18 per cent, to the par of gold. It has restored upon a solid basis payment in coin for all the national obligations, and had given us a currencv absolutely good and equal in every part of our ex tended country. It has lifted the credit of the nation from where G per ceut. bonds sold forSti cent", to that where lour per ceut. bonds are eagerly souglil at a premium. Un der its administration railroads have increased lrom 31,000 mile in ISM to more than 82,0()U in 1S70. Our foreign trade has increased from $700,000,000 to .fLirAOOaoOO in the same time, and our exports which were $20,000,000 less than our im ports iu 18W, were .tOOO.OOO more than our imports in 137'J. Without re-orling to loans, it has since the uar closed more than de frayed the ordinary expenses of the government, besides the accruiug in terest on i lie public debt, and has annually duhutxed more than -$:'(',-000,000 for soldiers' pensions. It has paid 838.000.t)0 of the publir debt, and by refunding the balance at low i ales, hi- i educed the iiumial skin i interest charge lrom ne-irly fl.il. froni 000.000 to le- linn tS!'.Mi0,Nj0. All the industries of ih country have revived, labor is in demand, wages have increased, and throughout the entire country there is evidence of !l coming prospeiity greater than we have ever enjoyed. In the year 187-1 L. A. Gusliee ob tained a bushel of box elder seed by gathering them on the Blue. He planted half of them in the fall of that year, and the other half the fnl lowhig spring. In the spriug of IS7G Centennial ycir the young trees from the bushel of seed, num bering 23,000. were set out by L. A. and Sum Gushec, with the help of another person, in three days. Thev covered eight acres, and uow a lov lier grove cannot be found iu Polk county. It is a young forest, and every tree that wa planted is grow iug. Tnis showo how easily we might "raise our own fire wood" iu Nebraska. Home 2t'co's. Grace to-dav. "I am goinsr to sec Clara Have you any message?" Charlotte : "I wouder how can you visit that dreadful jflrl. Give her my love." i.