wmw iV I I ! r 4. THE JOURNAL. OFFICIAL PAPER OF PLATTE COVHTY. " wktnesda"yT juxe an, 1W. ommumcatlons, to Insure insertion hi the next iuc. hould be in baud ou Meiidav.; if lengthy, on Thursdays piwedinr ii-r-ue-day. Advertisement, of wnaiever class, xhould be iti hand by hhh. Tile-day-. Adveitit-cmenth tinder this head lo ct-. a line tirt insertion, 10 vie. aline each itiliscuiient inertif i. The JOI'RAl. elhllh meat' is now perma 4'biit iv - rated oh 11th Ntrert up-stalr la lh .IOIKAI. bullalmff. To SabM-riber. -.!. ...- ..- T -.., ftf yucr j'LBscnnTiox kxwrks " placed on each Journal you receive, a prompt renewal or discontinuance will avr the .tildishcr-. both trouble ami expens... mil bo better lor all concerned. A re newal ie respectfully solicited. $2 for I r.; ?1 for mo.;'.'fl cts. for C mos. .'imiRSAL, with either the American Ag ricultwht or Nebrntkn Farmer $1 a jr., tw-paid. o:-b in advance; Jol'KXAL and two yurry . A line variet of Fireworks at Hudson's. No more arrears of pensions aftet .Tuly 1-t. Sunday hours at the P. O. on Saturday, the tlti. Three chair running in full blast at " Fatty's." Wanted A good female cook at the Nebraska Hoiho. The A. & N. engine house here will have three stalls. Gerhard Leuschcn reports crops in hi neighborhood as good. School books at Kd. Fitzpat rick'fi, opposite the post-office. Allen Vincent of Butler county made us a pleasant call Monday. E. A. Richardson has been ap pointed postmaster at Clarkfivllle. Some eighty persons recently M tended a dance at Nicb. Biasser's. The Commissioner have been in Fecion ti u Board of Equaliza tion. A large asport me nt of all kind of farming implements at Schutte & Pohl's. Monday John Wiggins sold a large bill of good which will go to Colorado. Wm. Heit7iuau lias finished plastering Dau. Ryan'a new dwell-ing-boiiGo. The Omaha Plat. M. E. Minis terial Assoc, meet at David City July 20-2:!. Rausdell X Shotwell shipped Saturday last west 3445 pounda of butter and egg. A party of men loft here yes terday for .lulesbnrg, to work on the railroad there. E. B. Hall roporu Monroo pro oinrt with a population of 550 and hooking C,las 305. A frmale cook wanted at the Hammond House, to whom good wages will be paid. Mr. Honitniiiga had n very sick child last week. It was reported much better on Sunday. It. C Carpenter, census enumer ator, reports Alexis precinct, Butler Co., with a population of 520. The Cougregational Church and Sooiet have invited Rev. Sherman to be their pastor ano'htfr year. Father Chapin has lately been in very feeble health; he must be nearly if not quite S5 years old. Nearly all the stations along the line of the A. & N. have stock yards for the accommodation of shippers. We are informed that the first boy born in Platte Center was Mrs. Tohu Scheiders on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Tigner and his force have been doing some excellent work the past week on the U. P. street- The subscription Hat of Columbus Volksblatt is in hands of Cornelius & Sullivan the the for collection. Farmers bring direct to my stock yards your hoge, and receive the highest market price. David Andersou. Fireworks, wholesale and retail, the largest assortment ever brought to the city, at Fitzpatrick'a book-store. Barbed fence wire is quoted at Chicago, at 10 cts. a pound. John Wiggins sells it here at 11 cts. Why can't you fence a little? Blank notes, bank, joint, Indi vidual and work-and-labor, neatly bound iu books of 50 and 100, for bale at the Journal office. Service? in the Episcopal church next Suuday, 11 a. m. The annual pic-uic of the Sunday school takes place to-day at Stevens' grove. Try tho route via Lincoln for Omaha aud points north, south and east. Tickets sold, and baggage checked through at A. & X. depot. For pure white lead, French zinc and Linseed oil mixed paint, ready for the brush, producing a beantlful gloss, go to John Wiggins' Hardware Store. One of the hay teams ran off Monday evening, being scared at the noise of the cars. The wagon axle that was broke belonged to Gerrard and Zeigler. W. N. McCandlisb, enumerator for Cretton and Humphrey pre cincts, reports the population of Creton at about 300 and Humphrey something less than 400. W. II. Randall, who baa been over the adjoining counties a good deal, speaks very highly of the ap pearance of the crops, but especially near Warren's Grove, Bntlar Co. D. C. McGill visited tbc capital city last week. The David City Baud is expect ed over ou the 3d. Watervillc will celebrate the Fourth on Mouday, the tirth. Mr. Ilunnemau shipped ft car load of corn west yesterday. E. J. Baker started for Ohio, i Monday, to visit bis children. Wm.J. "Winand, Esq., of New- . .--...,r .1 - j man fesrrove was in mecuy .uouuay. Randall and Shotwell shipped abont a ton of butter east on Monday. Rev. Fathers Ryan and Smith , came down from the west Monday morning. The pic-nic of Dist. No. 13 at Stevens's Friday was a very pleas ant affair. There was a large attendance at the Sabbath School concert last Sunday evening. "" Fred. Blasser moved yesterday Into his new dwelling house east of Gus. Schroeder'a. J. S. Murdock feasted last Sun day on new potatoes of his own rais ing, as large as hen's eggs. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Finch of Butler county honored the Journal office with a call Monday. Jno. Curry, step-Bon to John Browner, it learning the "art pre servative" at the Era office. Independence day will be cele brated at Henrich and Williams grove on Saturday, tho Third. John Early, Co. Treag., was at his office a little while Monday to look after important business. Get prices of croquet, base ball, bats, and archery goods at E. D. Fitzpatrick's Book Store, opp. P. O. Jno. Wiggins has a good set of secoud-hand blacksmith tools for sale. Call soon if you want a bar gain. A wind mill and pump, includ ing freight, at J. C. Elliott's pump house, opposite Hammond House, for 150. The A.& N. will sell round trip excursion tickets at one fare, Jnly 2d and 3d, good retu ruing until July tith. John Wiggins has the biggest stock and the largest assortment oft barbed fence wire ever brought to Columbus. The Volksblatt, published at Fremont, has engaged to fill the sub scription contracts of the Columbus Volksblatt. Clean towels, good work, and customers waited upon with des patch, ii my motto, at the Chicago Barber Shop. A lot of houseplanta for sale cheap. Inquire of Mrs. Hammond at the Hammond House, for tho next ten days. Lewis G. Freiday will be home by the Fourth of July, no misfor tune preventing, to enjoy the cele bration with bis friends. Jacob Tschndin and John F. Meyer were in the city last Wednes day with their wool for shipment, the former having 1200 pounds. John Marti of Butler, county says his wheat is as good as last year, notwithstanding the dry weath er of the early part of the season. Mrs. Marshall Smith, returned from Omaha last Wednesday even ing, whither she had been in attend ance upon the Graud Lodge of the Eastern Star. A. & N. trains are not so long, but that only gives the conductor a better chance to answer nicely your questions. Accommodations just as good. Try it. Marcus Harris, who has been employed for 6ome time past in the store of L. Kramer of this city, left Monday on a visit to his home at Hannibal, Mo. We saw a very large and hand some colt the other day, the prop erty of Reuben Liscu, only four months old, and sired by Barnum's large black horse. C. T. Henderson, U. P. Agent, took a little ride over the road Saturday, returning Monday morn ing. The track is laid to within 4 or 5 miles of Albion. George Barnum went west yes terday to work on the uew road between Juleiburg and Greeley, 146 miles, which, it is expected, will be completed by the first of January. Monday the weather was cold here. The probability is that there bad been snow in the mountains, whence come our refreshing breaths of cool air in the hot summer months. The Slour City & Nebraska R, B. Co. are grading in patches 3 miles apart in Wayne county, aad the U. P. surveyors are running aline close alongside, at some places only a few fset distant. Quite a number of the good peo ple of CreatOB precinct gathered at the residence of W. N. McCandlisb Saturday week on the occasion of his 40tb birthday, and of course had a good time. Wiggins proposes to sell barbed wire at actual cost. He has had some adverse experience with prai rie fires, and is determined that this country shall be fenced, If cheap wire will do it. H. N. McGrew, agent and cor respondent of the Omaha Bee, came to the city Friday, remained a few days and passed on east, mak ing arrangements to deliver' the Dally Bt in this city at 7 A. M. Charley Morse is afflicted with dysentery. N. G. Bouebteel goes west the last of the week. E. V. Clark, Esq., of Genoa, wub iu the city Friday". Two new barbers at the Chicago Barber Shop, Olive-st. "Dick" Rosslter and Tom Coffey were in from the Centre yesterday. Game of base ball here to-morrow between Arcade aud Columbus. W. P. Phillips of Lincoln was in the city Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Nunnelly left Friday last for Independence, Mo. B. Millett, Esq., returned Mon day from a business trip to Silver Creek. The Co. Commissioners took a ride to Lincoln last week, inspecting the new road. S. M. Barker goes east to-day to purchase 2,000 sheep. He promises ut some letters. Concert, by the Sunday School, at the Congregational church next Sunday eveuing. The M. E. Church ladies hold a festival to night at the church. Everybody invited. J. B. Kyle of Butler precinct has taken up, as estrays, four young steers and a heifer. Pat. Murray will have about 10,000 pounds of wool for shipment, 3,000 of it his own clip. Among our local advertise ments will be found an invitation from the A. & N. folks. Wm. ErnBt is going to put up a very neat farmer's dwelling-house; Nicb. Blasser has the contract. D. N. Miner ha? completed a very neat front for Fitzpatrick's book store and Bralnard's drug store. The regular fare on the A. & N. is 4 cts. a mile : $2.95 to Lincoln ; $1.75 to Seward; 70 cts. to David City. Graud Festival this evening at the M. E. Church. Given by the ladieR. The pnblic are cordially in vited. Jnly 1st and 2d are the days appointed for making any needed corrections on the ceusu? list of thin precinct. Fop. Rent. A bouse, centrally located, and suitable for dwelling or boarding house. Inquire at the Jouhnal office. John Browner has been offered $80 lor a yearling colt sired by Morse & Cain'H "Black Knight.' "Blood will tell." Wm. Becker baa removed hia grocery two doors west. His cus tomers always hnnt him up, no mat ter where he goes. Communion service at the Con gregational church next Sabbath morning. Preparatory service on Thursday evening. The pic-nic of Dist. 1 took place at Stevens's grove Thursday, and was enjoyed by a large number of pupils and their friends. J. R. West says Lost Creek pre cinct contains 703 souls, and Bur rows 527; the former has 103 im proved farms the latter 87. "The Prodigal and his Brother" will be the subject of the lecture to yonug people at the Congregational church next Sunday evening. Jud. Wileey's bucking horse Saturday evening threw J. J. West of Butler co. out of his buggy, and came near causing serious injury. The Fire Department meets to morrow evening at 7 o'clock to make arrangements for the parade Satnrday, by order of Chief Clother. P. W. Henrich reports Walker precinct with a populatlou of 448, No. of improved farms, 112 ; Wood ville precinct 240, improved iarmB, 94. Geo. Henggler moved into his new residence on Shell Creek yes terday. It is said to be a very handsome building inside and oat side. At the recent session of the Grand Chapter O. E. S., Marshall Smith of this city was elected Grand Worthy Patron, and Mrs. Marshall Smith re-elected Grand Treasurer. Messrs. Barker & Newman re cently shipped their clip of wool, which probably can not be excelled in the State for quality and quantity of fleece, 2600 fleeces and an average of 7 pounds. C. H. Hagen undertook a crim inal prosecution against C. A. Hoadn ley, but the jury fonnd a verdict of no probable cause of complaint, aud Hagan bad to pay the costs before the Police Court. John Harrigan reports a bur glary at Platte Center last Friday night, and the theft of three watches from Dr. Edwards. The Dr. bad bis suspicions as to the thief, and im mediately took measures for bis capture. The Fourth will be celebrated at Nickolson's Grove, Wattsville, Monday, Jnly 5lh. It will be a basket pic-nic. Sack-race, walking a greased pole, and calithumpians will be part of the fan, besides a dance in the evening. R. Lange has requested us to say that debts owing to him for the Volksblatt must be paid, and all bills against the same pre6euted by to morrow (Thursday) morning, as he expects to leave for Bnrlington, la., whence he takes bit printing mate rial, and where be will engage in the publishing business. Robt. Hardy, of St. Edwards, was iu the city Friday. He gous on a visit to bis old home at South Bund, lud., aud will bo absent some time. Hie visit has reference to es tablishing manufacturing at St. Ed wards. Gov. Nance has accepted the resignation of Capt. J. N. Lawou, of compauy I, second regiment, Ne braska State Militia of this city, and has commissioned R. H. Henry as captain, J. W. Early first lieutenant, and Gus. Lockner second lientenant. For Sale. A dwelling-house and lot in a very desirable part of the city. Will be sold at a sacrifice, as the money is needed. The house is new and cost more money than is asked for both house and lot. For further particulars inqulro at the Journal office. David Anderson left Columbus Sunday morning with two cars of fat hogs for Chicago. He will join bis wife and daughter at Chicago, and go to Dayton, Ohio, but Mr. Anderson will return in two or three weeks, as his business requires his presence here. Remember next Saturday is Columbus's Fourth of July. There will be salutes and parades, games and races, speeches and music dancing, &c. Every man, womau and ohild in this and adjoining counties is appointed a committee of one to be present. A citizen of Prairie creek in forms us that the corn crop in that vicinity looks very well, and will be an average crop. A portion of this gentleman's corn crop will measure five feet high at the present, and it is not very far from the brag crop of Joseph Gardner either. Wm. Benson, living on Prairio creek, owns a sow which bore a pig last week with one head and one set of shoulders, and two perfect pigs in the hinder parte, with eight well formed legs. If the truth of this story is doubted, a good man standi ready to produce the proof. There is general complaint that the census papers were late in arriv ing. We think there will be more general complaint by the enumera tors at the (dimness of their pay. One able-bodied man who spent 22 solid days iu active duty (paying for his and his horse's board right along), will get about $38. Dave Jackson, of fhe Capitol saloon, is probably one of the best trap aud Held shots in the State. He has. recently returned from Des Moines, la., where he has been in attendance at the State shooting tournament. He is a member of the Missouri Valley, la., Gun Club, and won nearly $200 at the single shoot in Des Moines. In sinking a well recently on the farm of Rev. A. Heinrich on Shell Creek, at the depth of 30 feet a piece of wood supposed to be piue was bored through ; on closer in spection it was thought to be either cottonwood or willow. What ages upon ages have elapsed since the burial of that timber under thirty feet of "made" earth. Messrs. Stranahan Sc Taylor of Cleveland, Ohio, inform us that their map of the city of Columbus will be ready for delivery to subscribers about tho first of July. It will be remembered that Mr. Taylor was here several weeks ago canvassing. Their work on maps for other cities of the State was very excellent, and this will doubtlesB be the same. At 4 o'clock Sunday morning a night-lamp near the bead of the stairs at the Hammond House ex ploded, the lamp bursting, the oil being scattered on the floor and door of John's bed-room. Ho was up as soon as he saw the lamp flicker and placing a couple of old coats on the blaze, pot it out. Too much care can not be taken in cleaning kero sene lamps. At the meeting last Friday of Monitor Lodge K. of H., the follow ing officers were chosen : D., A. M. Jennings; V. D., G. W. Clother; A D., C. T. Henderson ; Treas., A. A. Smith; Financial Reporter, John Wiggins ; Reporter, H. P. Coolidge ; Chaplain, E. L. Sherman ; Guide, C. Matthews ; Guardian, Cbas. Wake ; Sentinel, G. W. Hulst; Med. Ex., D. T. Martyn ; P. D., H. P. Smith. A copy of the Eadlt Keatah Toh, published at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., by M. Burgess, lies on our table, together with a 4x6, very neat sheet called tha School 2fews, edited by Samuel Townsend, a Pawnee Indian boy. We notice in the Toh an interesting article from the pen of E. G. P., we 6oppose Mrs. Platte, formerly for so many long years engaged in school work here with the Pawnee tribe. T. A. Potts, who recently made the trip to Lincoln, speaks enthu siastically of the crops along the route. There is nowhere aloug the line that the traveler is out of sight of corn ; corn, corn, on every band, and lots of it; a little thii side of Milford he saw the best corn of the season ; the Union Depot of the B. & M. and A. & N. at Lincoln is a good structure 182x55 ft. ; the round bouse there has 30 stalls. The schools in Dist. No. 1 were closed last Friday by appropriate exercises. The schools came to gether in the afternoon in the high school room to bear the reading of the Budget. Mr. J. I. Paynter ad dressed the pupils, drawing some vivid contrasts between the school of to-day and that of 40 years ago in Indiana. The exercises were in terspersed with music skillfully conducted by Miss Speice. The ex ercises were then formally closed by the principal, Mr. Cramer. On tbu 14th day of June, 1S79, by a vote of 1435 for, and 266 against, the people of Platte county voted to issue 100,000 of the bonds of the county to the A. & N. R. R. Co. if they would construct and operate a road into Columbus by the first day or July, 18S0. The company have fulfilled their part of the contract, being ahead of time, and on Friday last tho Com missioners delivered the bonds to them. They are dated Jan. 1, 1880, and are due in 20 years; interest begins July 1st, at 8 per cent., inter est payable annually. A tax is to be levied each year to pay the cur rent interest of $8,000; after ten yean the county have the option of paying a portion of the principal, in sums of not less than $1,000; after ten years also, an additional tax is to be levied to meet the principal at maturity. iVO NEVER! Ah Effectual lYntllHg; of the Ealwe Report an Keanrdi the Baltimore aad Ohio. (.Special Dispatch to the Chicago IVmes.) Baltimore, Juue 19th. The fast train interest appears to be in no danger of subsiding, as the Balti more and Ohio comes to the front again Mouday with a second daily lightning express out of Chicago. It will leave about eight o'clock iu the morning, and reach Washington at noon next day, and Baltimore an hour later, four hours ahead of any other morning train out of Chicago. This effectually nails the report that the B. & O. had, or was intending the withdrawal of its fast trains. Such action was never thought of, no change whatever having been made in the fast timo schedule since it first went into effect. The 5 :15 P. M. train out of Chicago reaches Washington the next evening, no other 5.15 P. M. train on competing lines making the Capital until tho second morning. Koll of HoBor, llu. Mo. i:. For the week ending June 25th, '80: Grammar School Walter Graves, Ernest Slattery, E. A. Sheets, Rob bie Saley, Fred Mullen, Willie Rog ers, Herbert Lawrence, Josie Seui cal, May Huuneman, Lois McGinitie, Eva Monnette, Libbie Coffey, Myra Wise, Maggie Coffey, Nellie Potter, George Whaley, Clyde McGinitie, Walter Henry, Ernest Gerrard, Wil lie Miller, Clinton Smith. George Taylor, James Haunau, Archie Bonesteel, Willie Leuman, Georgp Ellis, Clarence Gerrard, Fred Coffey, Webster Leuman, Joeie Wells, Em ma Miner, Eva Clark, Mary Fitz patrick, Aggie Fitzpatriok, Nollio Smith, Ida Baker, Ella Thomas, Eflle Leuman, Cora Slattery, Annie Grif fin, Luella Tiffany, Katie Shotwell, Grace Geer, Carrie Lawson. Primary Charlio Raymond, Har ry Bushel, Herman Brod fuehrer, Benuie Brodfuehrer, Ray Slattery, Harry Ames, Charlie Ellis, Eddie Gross, Engv Monnette, Merrpt Shot well, John' Miller, William Griffin, Charlie Miner, Mary and Annie Wiess, Minnie Coan, Annie Lamb, Katie Taylor, Lillie Bushel. Every tax-payer is interested in the general welfare of the county, and should show his interest by building up every established Insti tution that increases the value of property and tho number of tax payers. Suppose every man here to-day should secure, by his individ ual efforts, a new settler aud tax payer, see what an addition there would be to our population, and a consequent decrease of the rate of taxation ! We concede that this is one of the most selfish reasons why a man shonld evidence a public spirit, a spirit which not only alms to earn money for its possessor, but earns it with some sort of reference to tho welfare of others. All last week was excellent corn weather in this region of coun try, and that important cereal took advantage of the situation, and lit erally made hay while tho suu was shining. Nebraska is counting upon the greatest crop of corn in all her history, and we sincerely hope she may not be disappointed. Good land and labor make corn ; corn and grass make cattle; and cattle make money; and plenty of monoy means better dwellings, better barns, fen ced fields, good schools, thriving communities. Hurrah for the boys and the men and tho horses that are now engaged In prospecting for the true gold which grows on the stal wart stalk! Quite a delegation of Platte County citizens were In the city, yesterday; among the number County Clerk John Stoffer, County Commissioner John Walker, Editor E. J. Potts, and Michael Maher, John Wise, J. Hammond, P. Hays, B. Millett, and J. W. Warner. They are here on business connected with the issuing of bonds to the Lincoln & Northwestern Railroad, and were consulting the State authorities on the subject, yosterday. Lincoln Journal. -- Wanted. A young man 16 to 18 jears old to clerk in a store. One who has bad some experience iu the dry goods and grocery business and who talks German and English preferred. Enquire at this office. Pay Up. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me by note or account will please come forward and settle up, and thus save costs. Henry G. Carew Is authorized to receive and receipt for money due me. Dakiel Rtan. Inciter Ijlnt. The following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining In the post-office, in Columbus for the week ending June 'JU, 18a0: Hell. K II McMahon. Win Blajrrave, Henry I MeTarvis, Sarah Alexauder, 3 I Sbcphcrdiiou 4 Nev Johnson, .1 K Krujrer, KII.sc handy, Itillin .Muldoou, John .Mall.-tliuu, Alice S ille Stephens, Thonnn Thompson. Wm Weil, Mr I. Xearjr, John If not called lor in o0 dars will be sent to the dead-letter olHce, Washington, I). C. When called for please say 'adver tised," as these letters are kept separate, E. A. Gerhard, r. M. DIED. APTS At the Township Farm. Mon day, June 28th, of lung fever, William, hon of J. 1. AptsrIn the nineteenth year or his age. BURKE June 21th, 2 a. mM at her late residence on Shell creek, of typhoid fever, 3Ir.i. .Mary Louisa, wife of Mat- tnew uurKc, in tne oist year orner ago L0GAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head five cents a line each insertion. "Can't be beat" Ice Cream at Hudson's. Fresh strawberries received dai ly at Hudson's. See the sulky plow atlache ments at Lawrence's. Eight Ball Croquet sets 135 eta. at Lubker & Kramer's. Valencia oranges and Messina lemons at Hudson's. Ladies' linen dusters and suits at Kramer's. Delicious, foaming, cream eoda at Hudson's. Needles for all chines at Kramer's. sewing1 ma- A large, now stock of men's and women's shoes at Win. Schilz'a. Plenty of the celebrated Smith wagons and buggies at Lawrence's. Ladies' Leather Slippers, only 50 els. a pair at L. Kramer's. The Whitewater Standard farm wagon on hnnd at Schutte & Pohl's. Flags and Fireworks at Lubker & Kramer's Book Store. Fresh fruits received by express daily through the season at Hudson's. The Alaska Soda Fountain is the uiceet thing out. Try It at Hudson's. New figured dress lawns only 8cts. a yard at Kramer's H . Y. Cheap Cash Store. Seeders, Cultivators, Harrows, etc., etc., tbc best goods iu market at Schutte & Pohl's. 500 pair men's two-buckle plow shoes, only 65 cts. a pair, at Kra mer's New York Cheap Cash Store. -Children's gloves only 5 cts. a pair. Ladies' gloves only IU cts. a pair at Kramer's Now York Cheap Cash Store. Great reduction on muslins and calicoes at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Parties wishing to buy a Sew ing Machine will do well to see the New American. Lubker & Kramer, Agents. Remember that Geo. N. Derry is doing lots of paper hauging and paiutiug, does good and neat, work, shop one door south of Elliott's pump house. Warraats. I. Gluck wants $10,000 worth of county warrants and school warrants. The Old Prices Agala. 16 yards cheviot shirting for $1 at Kramer's. Bufrgle Tor Sale. Just received by Henry Luers, a nice lot of the Timken spring bug gieB; those in need of a good buggy should call soon. Price I.lNt of Hosiery at Kra- mer'M New York Cheap Cavh Store. Children's colored hose, 5 cts. pair; Misses white " 5 " Ladies " " 5 " Men's socks, 3 pairs for 10 cents. Iif.itolatloB. The firm of Barker & Newman in the sheep business has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Barker & Newman. Juue 25th, 1880. EMtray IotIce. From my premises in Columbus Sunday, May, 30, 2 little, black aud white Poland China pigs. A reas onable reward will bo given for their return. D. Schupbach. For Male. A 160 acre stock ranche in Nanco county, with range over 36 sections ; 40 acres broke; will also sell horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry ; farm implements, corral, &c. Address N. Crabtrek, Genoa, Neb. Brick! Brick! Wo are now prepared to furnish brick in the wall or at the yard from 100 to 100,000 at low prices. Parties wanting brick will make money by ecping us before buying, as we will not be undersold. Thos. Fr.YN.v & Co. TATIEKNAM,. The Tatteraall Livery Stable is an excellent place to stop at when you are in town with a team. Good ac commodations. Reasonable charges. On Olive street, one door south of Wiggins's hardware store. Trv them. 268.x. " PalatlBfft Ac. I am prepared to do buggy, wagon sign and honse painting in the best style and cheap ; also paper hanging done to order. Shop and office on 11th street, one door west of Heintz's drug store. A. Albrecht. Hay Wasted. I want 200 tons of hay delivered at my corral on or before Sept. 1st, for which I will pay one-half on delivery, and balance when the bay Is measured. I have a span of six year old horses that I will put in as part pay. F. E. Gillette. EMtray Notice. Taken up, Thursday June 24th, at my residence on Shell creek, a bay mare, about 8 or 10 years old, weight 900 lbs. and in poor condi tion. She has a white star in face. The owner can have her by paying damages and expenses. JIexby Schwabz,. l)or Agula. 200 pieces new spring calicoes, formerly sold at 7 cts., reduced to 5 cts. a yard, at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. IV Male or Trade. One lot and two houses, one a "boarding house, the other suitable for a boarding or dwelling house, ceulrally located in the ciiy of Co lumbus. Will sell for cash, or trade for stock. For further paiticulars inquire at the Journal office. Em tray ."Notice. Taken up, May 29, 18S0, by the subscriber, residence in Butler pre cinct, Platte county, one two year old heifer, red and white spotted, branded "J. F." on right rump. The owner will prove property, pay charges, and take said heifer away. W. D. Davis. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this bead five cents a line, lint insertion, three cents a line each subsequent insertion. S3T" The Cel ambus .Journal " and the American Aariculturist (German O! English edition) ?3 a yr., in advance. Thomas Keating keen con stantly on band young Illinois ttock for sale. "Good team and wagon want ed on laud security. Call at or addrend this ofllce. 80 acres good land pnrtly broken for sale cheap, 4 miles north nf 1'latte Ceuter. uall at or address this otlice. Meffalar Stock Uealer. All kinds of horned stock bought and sold; also fat and xtockhos. 379-y D. Anderson. For Sale. A lot and neat cottage building containing six rooms, ronveniently lo cated in the city. Term reasonable. For information call at this office. New Wewt JleHthly Devoted to the interests of immi gration and advertiHing. The largest circulation of any magazine wct of the Mississippi river. Terms 60 cti. a year. Sample copies 10 cts. Jout.nai." and 'New West," $2.10. II. II. Allkx, Editor, Atrhisnn, Kan. Notice Yo Teacher. I will be in my office at the Court House on the lirst and last Saturday of each month for the purpose of examin ing applicants for teacher's certificate, and for the transaction of any other business pertaining to schools. S. L. Uakkktt, County Supt. I.aad lor Kent. Ono quarter section of land four miles north of Tlatte Centre in Tp. 1!,K. 2 west; 2T acres under cultivation; will take breakiug as rent lor ue of land, one acre of breaking for two acres of the ground in cultivation. For further in formation address Joseph Barbcro, Coz zens House, 9th St., Omaha, N'ebr. Yoaagr 'at He WaateI. For 120 acres land in Tlattc count v, S.W. K Sec. 18, T. 20. It. 1 west; we'll improved; good dwelling; good well; grove of young timber; about f0 acres under plo'w. Will exchange for young cattle. For further particulars impure of the owner, X. Crabtree. Genoa. Xebr., or i( his agents, Speice Jfc Xorth, Columbus. HerdlHir. I will take cattle for herding from May 1st, to October 1st, 1SS0, or during the grazing i-eacon, at ?1 head, frunishiiit; salt, accessible to the cattle all the while. 3Iy ranche is 4 miles west of Oonoa, on the Loup. All cattle receipted for at the ranche, and all must be branded or definitely inurked. No stock receipted for after 4 v. M. until 8 a. si. next day. Will also buy and sell stock on enmmis. sion. Address at Genoa post.otlice, Xance county. N. CllABTRKK. COLUMBUS MARKETS . Our quotations of the markets are ob tained Tuesday afternoon,and are correct and reliable at the time. " GKAl.V, AC. " Wheat Xo. 1, test o9 lbs 05 ' " ' .'iT. tin " " , " 54 ".!..! 32 Corn Shelled, 18 Oats, 23 wye . 40 Flour, ?3 2TiQ4 00 O rabam, l fl02 55 Meal, i 00 PKODUCK. Butter, llQtUVi Eggi 12ltt l'otatoes, aw Onions 9 bu 160(3200 LtVK STOCK. FatHogs, 300 Fat Cattle, 2 60&3 00 Yearlings, 12 0016 00 Calves 4 006 00 Sheep 3 00 Good veal, per hundred, 4 W Hides, green salted 4 4 5C MKATH. Hams, 1012K Shoulders, 6&7 Sides, 810 Corned Beef fi8 Steak 812 LITOWEU. Finishing J 30 00040 0O Flooring 23 00S3 00 Siding 18 00.22 00 DropSiding 27 50030 00 Ship Lap 23 00 Framing (10 to 20 ft) 22 Sheeting 20 Well Tubfng (per bunch). . 1 23 Lath (per M) 4 fiO Shingle (per M) 3 0i 4 00 Doors 2-8xtWJ, 1 thick . . 2 Wi " 2-6x6-, 1 i " . . . . 2 20 " 2-xWJ, 1 " . 1 75 Windows, l 40 Building Paperner(lb.) 3 cents. Tar felt (per lb.) . . 4 NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT. M. K. TL'RNXR &, Co., Plaintiffs, against V flUH. Uv.ix.zoks, Defendant. J Oefore Byron MJllett, J. P., Platte coun ty, Nebraska. ON the 15th day or June, A. D., l&nO. Staid Justice Issued an order of attachment in the above action for the sum of twenty-one dollars and twenty five cents. Case set for trial August 3d. 1880. at 3 o'clock, a. m. Dated, June 23d, 188J. M. K. Turnkk Co., nt'fls. McAllister Bros., Atty' for Plt'ffs. 629-4 THE ESTERLY HARVESTER TIIE MMacieiiiWoI! WILL CUT AXD SAVE SHORT AXD TAXGLED GP.A1X Better than any other Harvesting Ma chine. Is of very light draft, strong and durable, and very simple in construction. You can cut and bind three to four acres more in a day with this machine than an other Harvester, As it brings the grain in bundles to the Binders ready to put their bands around them. J3Jrr sale by W3f . BLGSDOKV, 32J-2m Plalt Canter. I'I.-AI. puoor. L.nd OtuVe M Grand I-land, Ncb., June lltii. 1N. )" XJT1CE i- hereby given that the fol iN lowing -named i-ettler ha- tiled uotice of hi intention to make lin.il proof iu support of hit claim, and secure final entry thereof, before the "lerk of the Court of Piatt- Co.. Nebratka, at tin county -jeat. on Saturday, the 17th day of July, t-o, i.z William Smith. Home-toad Xo. ,sS5, for the X. '3. S. W. ',. Section 10,Town sbip 17 north, Kangc 2 cat, and name- the following witne-es to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said tract, viz: George Schman, John Hcmpleman. of Columbus. Platte Co., Xcb., Luther Chapin and Willard Chapin, of Lost Creek", Platte Co., "eb. 527-3 M. . HOXIE, P.egister. ri.-i. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Inland. Xeb.J Mar 31st, lfesO. J NOTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing -named settler ha tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, before the Clerk of the Court of Platte county, Xcbraska. at the county seat, on Tbursdav, the 8th day pf July, lgso, Wz: John Jeukinson, Homestead Xo. 43fc, for the S. ,,' X. W.J, Section 34. Town ship 19 north, i.augc I tvo-U, aud name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said tract, viz: Henry S. Kedeu baugh. Peter Snyder, Peter Laugbllu, and liamliu Monnette, all of Columbun, Platte Co., Xeb. 325-3 M. II. HOXIE, Uegister. FlttAI, PKOOF. Land Office at Grand Island. Xcb.,) June ISth, lSbO. f fOTICE is hereby given that the JLN followiug.uamed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, before the Clerk of the Court of Platte Co., Xebranka, at the county seat, on Friday, the 30th day of July, I8SO, viz: Heinrich Keese. Homestead Xo. GUI, forthe X. K. N'- W. ), Section 20, Town ship 19 north, Kangu 1 east, and name the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said tract, vi: Herman Lusche, Gerhard Lusche, Julius Hembd and Joseph Kopetzke, all of Columbus, Platte Co., Xeb. 62S-5 31. B. HOXIE, Keglster. FIAI. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,1 June lHth, 1SS0. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following. named settler ha filed notice of hi intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aud ecure final entry thereof, before the Clerk of the court of Platte ountv, Xeb., at the countv Heat, on Saturday, the 31st day of Julv, JS.SU, viz: William LUco, Homestead Xo. 4017. fr lots and 7, .Section 20, Township 17 north. Range 1 west, and uamt-s the following witnesses to prove his contin uous residence upon and cultivation of said tract, viz: Guy C. Barnum, Henry C. Bean, Jame E Xorth and George K. Barnum, all of Columbux, Platte Co., Xeb. f2rv5 M. II. HOX1 K. HegNter. I'I.TAI. PKOOF. Laud Ortice at Grand Island, Neb., I May 31st, 1SSO. f "YfOTICE is hereby ghou that the LN following-named pettier has filed notice of his intention to make tin-.il proof in support nf his claim, and secure final entry thereof, before the Clerk of the Court o Platte Co., Xeb., at the countv eat, mi Saturday, the 3d day of JulV, lifsti. viz: John II. Eiev, Homestead Xo. G43.5, for the K. .. s. W. ;, S. . S. K. . Section 12, Township IS north, Kange 4 wet. and names the following Witney es to prove his conliniioiii resideure upon and cultivation of said tract, viz: William J. Irvin. Samuel Anderson, Ni-ls Mtiiuon and Peter Welin, all of West Hill, Platto Co., Xeb. 623-3 31. It. HOXIE, P.cgUter. ri.XAI 111 OOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,1 June lltb, lNSo. f NOTICE Is herebv given that the fol. lowing -named settler ha filed notice of hi- intention to make final proof in support of bis clsim, and secure final entry thereof, beforr the Clerk of the C otirt of Platte Co., Nebraska, at the county eat, on Saturday, th- 2Jth day nf July, lrt&o, viz: Elijah P". Draper, Homestea't Xo. GS7d, for the S. W. , Section 22, Township 18 north, Range 2 west, and names tba following witnesses to prove hi contin uous residence upon and cultivation of said tract, viz: Charles D. Tyler, J. J. Dudd, John Hurley and Will Tyler, all of 3Ionroe, Platte Co , Xeb. 627-6 31. B. HOXIE, Register. FIftAI.. PKOOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Xeb.,1 May 31st, loj0. f yrOTICE is hereby given that the JLi following-named settler has tiled notice of bis intention to make fiual proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, before the Clerk of the Court of Platte county, Xebraska. at the county seat, on Saturday, the 3d day of July, 1880, viz: Otto Kallweit, Homestead Xo. 6041, for the E. K. N- E- J. Section 2JJ, Town ship 19 norm, Range 1 west, and names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said tract, viz: Frank English, of Columbus, Platte Co., Xeb., Johnson Treinles, Xicholas Gentlemen and Leo. pold Treinles, or Grand Prairie, Platte Co., Xeb. 625-3 31. B. HOXIE, Register. BECKER & WELCH, PE0PEIM0BS OF SHELL CHEEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS & WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. OFFICE, COL UJfB US, NEB. BOOM! BOOM! ijttflfBKIi il j'ri"TC-f-V Fireworks, Firecrackers, -FTL.AOPJ, 32TC., -FOR TUE- GLORIOUS FOURII, -AT- E. D. FITZPATKICK'S, OPP. P. 9.