The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 30, 1880, Image 1

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Rates of Advertising.
Space. lie iio lino 2m Vm lyr
lcol'mn $I0) I ?- I - ?35 ?U0 $100
K ,4 I 11 1 J.S io iwT 0
K ' U.0O 01-1 15 UO " 35
4 Inches 5.2.1 1 7.S0 11 irf"i5j" 27
M. K. TDRNEll & CO,
Proprietors and Publishers.
3 "
4.50 ! G.7.' J 10 12 J 15
I 1.50 2.25
I S!
Business and profeionaI card ten
lines or less space, per annum, ten dol
lars. Legal advertisement at statute
rates. "Editorial local notices" flfteen
cents a line each Insertion. "Local
notices" five cents a line each inser
tion. Adrertisiuents classified at "Spe
cial notices" tlvu cents a line first Inser
tion, three cents a line each subsequent
jSTOflice, on lltb -treet., upstair in
JOOHNAI. bulldiug.
Teiims l'er year, J2. Six months, $1.
Three month. Mk. Single copies, 5c.
VOL. XL-NO. 9.
WHOLE NO. 529.
(Tin1 (i'iiltuiiiiu) 3(1 u nuil.
.- . . .. .,.- -.- i . .ii- ., i i , . . , . . . . . ...... .
A. A. Paddock. V. S. Senator, Heat riff.
T. .1. Ma urns. Kep., ''r"- . ...
K. K. VAi.BSHSK.Ufl.. West l'oint.
AMUKfei NaSCK, (imeriior, '"rolu.
J .1. l.-vinder, Hecreiar. of .Mate.
F Liedikv. Aiulitor, Lincoln.
;" M llirtlett. Treasurer, Lincoln.
V A "iMlworth, Attorni--0-neral.
ti." It" Thini-. Suj't. I'ulHc lu-rc.
II. r. imun.Vanleii of Penitentiary.
V. Al.e, i i,i.0n I.pector8.
('. II. uld, t .
lr..l.J. PavK Prison Physician.
II. P. .Matbcw-on, Supt. Insane Aayliim.
S. Muwvell. hicf Ju-tiec,
:r$e It. LtiWe.l st.orl!1te Judges.
AiHa '4Ib.
I'oiKiu .lODiriAi. maimer.
O. Post, .ludce. York.
M. It. K'ce, Di-irict Attorney, ahoo.
31. H. Hrtvic KejfMer, Grand Island.
Wmi. Ati.Min. Kerelver, (.rand Island.
.ror.vrv ni iikctoky:
.1. !. lliejrin. 'ount .ludjrc
JWh StuHHer. County Clerk.
.1. W. Karl, Treasurer.
Itvnj. piclman, Mieriil.
It. L. lto-Mtcr, Surveyor.
Jtbn Walker, )
.Inhii Wisr. V
M.Maher. )
I'OUIllVLiOiniilisnuiiii;. a.
lir .a llfintz. Coroner.
S. L. Karrelt. Supt. of School.
. It. nil;y. .jUsiCes orthcl'eiice.
Itvrn .Mlllctt.
cWlc Wake, Constable.
.1. P. Keeker, Mayor.
II.. I. Hudon. Clerk".
C. A. Newman, Treasurer.
;... llowman, INdiiw .III dge
.I.G. ttouUon, Kngineer.
1st M'rtrrf .lohii Itickly.
(J. A. Schrocder.
U U'trrrf Win. Lamb.
.S, McAllister.
SW HVrrf-G. W. (Mother.
Phil. Cain.
'oIumtii rout OHIee.
Open on Siinrta trm 11 a.m. to 12 m.
and from !:" to 0 i. M. Ilu-iness
hoHi s except Sundax ' A M. to 3 v. M.
Kn-tein mail cIom- at 11 A. M.
Western mail cln-e at 4:l."i P.M.
Mail leave idiiinbus for Madison and
XwAdk, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Stttiirdas, 7 a. m. Arrive at (5 v. M.
Kr Monroe, Genoa. Waterville and Al-
Uittii, dailj except Sunday 0 A.M. Ar
rive, same, f. r. m.
Fr Postxille, Farral, Oakdale and
Newman's Groc, Monday?., Weduen
davs and Fridays, C a.m. Arrhea
Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays,
at (! i m.
For Shell Creek, Creston and Stanton,
on Mondays and Fridays at (5 a. m.
Arrives Tuesday and Saturdays, at
(5 r. M.
For Alexis, Patron and Paid City,
Tues(1as, Thursdays and Saturdivs,
1 i". v " Arrives at 12 M.
For M Anthom. Piaiiir Hill and St.
Ilernard. Fridays, . a. M. Arrives
Saturdajs, Sr.M.
13. I. Time Tnlile.
llasttnird I'i'Hiul.
KHii-rnt,No., leaves at . :25a. in.
PassciK'r, " 4, " " - 11:00 a.m.
FieiKht, ' N " " .. 2:irip.m.
Freight, "10, " " 4:30 a. m.
MWK"irf llimml.
Freinht, No. ft, leaves at . 2:H) p. m.
Passunn'r, " , " " 4:27 p.m.
Freii?ht, " ', " " :00p.m.
Kmigrant, 7. " " l:a0a.m.
Kerv dav except Saturday the three
liies li-ntliii to Chicago connect with
U P. trains at -Omaha. On Saturdajs
there will be but one train a day, as
shown bv the following schedule:
Leaves Cnlumbus,
David City,
" Garrison,
" I'ljsses, . ..
' Pleasant Pale, . . .
" Lmcrald,
Arrives at Lincoln.
LoaTCs Lincoln at 1 r. m.
Iu Oolumbus 4:r i..m.
S::ai a. m.
!:(M "
0:25 "
S:40 "
10:02 "
10:10 "
.. 10:37 "
. lUtfW "
ll:iti '
. 11:22 "
.. 11:40 '
12:00 M.
and arrives
O., X. & 11
llmmd north.
Jackson 4:u r.M.
PL Centre o:.'7 "
II umphiev ('; 1 "
Madion "7:40
Munson s-:2S "
Hound south.
Norfolk G-.:;oa. m.
Munson 0:."i7 "
Madison .7:4. "
HumphrevS::t4 '
PL Centre 0:28 '
LostCreek fl:.Vi "
Norfolk ,
Jackson 10:30
The departure from Jackson will be
governed bv the arrival there of the
U. P. express train.
tSTCards under this heading will be
inserted for $3 a year.
G. A. It. Baker Post No.0, Department
of Nebraska, meets everv second and
fourth Tuesday eveninjrs in each
month in Knights of Honor Hall, Co
lumbus. John Hammond. P. C.
1). D. Waiwokih, Adj't.
II. P. Uowkk, Scarg. Maj.
TVTOW IS THE TIME to secure a life
i like picture of yourself and chil
dren at the New Art Ilooms. east lltlr
street, south tide railroad track, Colum
bus, Nebraska.
47S-tf Mrs. S. A. Josklyx.
IF YOU have any real estate for sale,
if you wish to'buy either in or out
of the citv, if you wish to trade city
property for lands, or lands for city
property, ciye u a call.
Justice of the Teace and
Notary Public.
Nebraska. N. B. They will give
close attention to all business entrusted
to them. 243.
All kinds of repairing done on short
notice. Buggies, Wagons, etc., made to
order, and all work guaranteed.
it3BShop opposite the 'Tatterall,M
Olive Street. 525
Paper, Pens,
SEWim MMmxms9
Musical Instruments and Music,
Corner 13th and Olive Sts., - - COLUMBUS, NEB.
31. .11. COBSKMUS.
Fp.stairs in tUuck Building, 11th street.
Ir. K. 1- N1;jJIi"S,
Physician and Surgeon.
I3TOflice open
Saul: Building.
at all hours.
Platte Center,
TT a. IIU1M.,
12th NtiTft, i iloors west of lUmuionil House,
Columbus, Neb. 4fll.y
Oiliceovcr corner of 11th and North-st.
All opcratioiih and warranted.
HKNHY '001), Pltoi-'it.
J37"EverthiiiK in first -class style.
Also keep the best of cigars. wlO-y
Olllce up-stairs in McAllister's huild
ing, Uth St.
Tf jr. sni;j, .11. a.,
I'll YSl CI AN AND SUll d EON,
ColumbuB, Neb.
Office 13th St., one door east of Rod
Front ding store. Consultation iu Gor
man mid English. fl(j-x
vy.ii. hi;k;i:ss,
Dealer in HEAL ESTATE,
I House .Sis n l'aiiilin?,
Paper llnnKlng-
JSTA11 work warranted. Shop ou
Olive street, one door south of Elliott's
new Pump-house. aprlCy
' Carpenters and Contractors.
Have had an extended experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction in work.
All kinds of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is. Good work and
fair prices. Call and give us an oppor
tunity to estimate for you. t3TShop af
the B"ig Windmill, Columbus, Nebr.
Columbus Meat Market!
KEEP ON HAND all kinds of fresh
meats, and smoked pork and beef;
alo fresh fish. Make sausage a spec
ialtv. I3rilemeinber the place. Elev
enth St., one door west of D. Ryan's
hotel. 4-H-tf
OFFICE HOLMtS, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to
1 p. in., and 7 to 9 p. m. Office on
Nebraska Avenue, three doors north of
E. .1. Baker's grain office. Residence,
corner Wyoming and AValnut streets,
north Columbus, Nebr. 433-tf
MONEY TO LOAN in small lots on
farm property, time one to three
vears. Farms withsome improvements
bought and sold. Ofice for the present
at the Clother House, Columbus, Neb.
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Store on Olive St., near the old Post-office
Columbus Nebraska. 447-ly
C O L, U .11 1I1J
Restaurant and Saloon!
E. D. SHEEHAX, Proprietor.
25TWholesale ind Retail Dealer iu For
eign Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Dub
lin Stout, Scotch and English Ales.
3T Kentucky Whiskits a Specialty.
OYSTERS in their season, by the case
can or dish.
lltk StreetSoutk ef Depot J
s .Je
C2 1
Pencils, Inks,
Our Crop is Safe !
Robert Uhlig,
One of the Leading Grain and Grass
cutting machines of the world
The Ehrard Harvester,
The Climax Reaper,
The chief of all the threshers in exist
ence, and the well-known,
easy. running
Moline Wagon.
In order to secure a machine, place
your order now. Come and hee the
sample machines.
B:trtiM lor the above illnohlnuH
ahvnys on lutml.
Do not forget that the Agent is
I2th Street, next to Bank.
WL & HCAL liuTltfliL
T. . illTCHILL, it. S.
D. T. ilAETHt.K.l)
S. S. L'ISCE, M. 0., & J. C. CEHICE, U. V., of Qcifci,
CouliioT Physicians a&i Surgeons,
For the treatment of all classes of Sur
gery and deformities; acute and
chronic diseases, diseases of the eye
and ear, etc., etc.,
Columbus, Neb.
Opposite Speice & North's land-oftice.
lias ou hand a tine selected
stock of
teles, Cli
Call and see. No trouble to show
goods. 51945m
-r imiiii
Billiard HaU!
Olirc St., al the old Post-office stand.
The Best Billiard Hall in the City,
and a first-class resort.
2TAU classes of Imported Wines
aud Clcjarx kept on haud. 518-x
159 acres of good land, 80
acres under cultivation, a
good house one and a half
story high, a good stock range, plenty ot
water, and good hay land. Two miles
east of Columbus. Inquire at the
Pioneer Bakery. 4T3-6m
It waH a chill, bleak morning in
November that Charles Aubrey
emerged from an old shed where he
bad passed the last part of the night
under a pile of sheep skins.
As young Aubrey stood there now
his lips were parched, and his limbs
shook as though with the palsy. He
mechanically placed his hand iu his
pocket and took therefrom a six
pence. He searched further but he
could find no more. That single
sixpence was the last of his fortune.
'Ah, Charley, Charley,' he mur
mured to himself, 'You've run your
race. Where now arc the friends
who have so long hung about you !
One poor sixpence! It will buy me
one glass of grog to allay my burn
ing thirst. Oh, would to God it
would buy me one true friend!'
He raised his eyes, and beheld an
old woman with bended back, who
came totteriug on slowly aud tremb
lingly. Her garments were torn and
tattered, and the thin gray hair hung
matted and uncombed. She stopped
when she came to where theouth
stood, and leaned heavily upon
her stafl.
'Charity, good sir,' sho uttered in
hoarse, tremulous toues. 'Give me
wherewith to purchase asinglo meal
aud I'll ask God to bless thee.'
'By my life, good woman, you are
the very one I have been wishing
for. Here, it is all I have it is my
last sixpence! Tako it. I have
only wished that it could buy me
one true friend.'
'But what good would come of
that while you continued to curse
The youth started, but he spoke
'If you would have me for a friend,
will you listen to me as a friend?'
Listen ? Yes.'
Then let this be your lowest vale
of life,' said the woman with start
ling solemnity. Turn now and go
up hill. Go up, up, until you have
reached tho sunshine oucc more. I
knew your mother, Charles Aubrey,
and I remember well how kind sho
was. Oh, did she ever think that
her well-beloved son would sink
so low.'
'Stop, stop,' groaned the unhappy
youth. 'O, who shall give me the
first lift to regain all I have lost.'
'I will.'
'You? who are you? You say
you know my mother. Who are you ?
'Never mind. Suffice it for you
to know that I sutTered as deeply as
you ever did. I knoAV what it is to
sutler. I say I can give you the first
lift. I mean by that I can show you
the way. Follow my counsel, and
you may yet recover all that you
have lost.'
'No, no, not all. Oh, there is one
loss I can never make up I'and as he
spoke he bowed his head aud cov
ered his face with his hands.
Let not such feelings be with you
now. First resolve that you will
turn from the evil which has bro't
you down. You know what it is as
well as I do. Can you do this?'
'Ay, I had done it ere you came.'
'Then take the next step. Go and
make a friend who cau help you
further. Go to Amos Williams
aud '
'No, no, not there. O, not there,'
interrupted Charles.
'Go to his store and freely confess
to him all your faults,' resumed the
woman, without seeming to notice
the'interruption. 'Tell him all, and
then ask him to trust you once more.'
No, no, I dare not go to him.'
'But listen. I heard Mr. Williams
say with his own lips that he would
help you if he could ; that ho would
give you his hand if you would only
help yourself.'
'Did he say that?' uttered Charles,
'He did. And now, Charles Au
brey, be assured that you have not
lost everything. Let people know
that you meau to arise and be a man,
and all whose friendship is worth
having will give you their hands.
Go to Amos Williams first I
'I will go.'
'Then giee me the sixpence.'
Amos Williams stood at the great
desk in his counting-room and he
was alone. While he thus stood,
casting up a column of figures upon
a page of one of the ledgers, the
door was opened, and Charles Au
brey entered. He was yet pale and
haggard, and looked as he did when
we saw him two hours ago. The
merchant started back with an utter
ance of pain and surprise as bo
recognized in the miserable form
before him the once happy and be
loved youth whom he had delighted
to honor.
'Charles I' he uttered, as soon as he
could command his speech, 'why
have you come here ?'
'Mr. Williams,' spoke the youth in
a choking voice, '1 have come to to
tell you that my course of wicked
ness is run, and from this moment
I am'
Here he stopped. He hesitated a
moment, and then his feelings over
came him and bowing his head he
burst into tears, and sobs, loud and
deep, broke from his lips. The
merchant was deeply affected, and
with the warm tears gathering
quickly iu his own eyes, he started
forward and placed his haud upon
tho youth's head.
'Charles,' ho uttered in a tremu
lous eager voice, 'have you resolved
to be a man ?'
'With God's help I will be man
again !' was the youth's reply.
'Is your money all gone?'
'Yes sir. This morning I had one
solitary sixpence left, aud that I
gave to a poor old woman who bade
me come here.'
'Ay, I know her. Sho is an un
fortunate creature, and has suQered
much. I bade hor if she saw you,
and you were cast down and repent
ent, to send you here, for I heard
yesterday that you were at the foot
of the procipicc. Now if you are
determined, you shall not want for
In eager, broken, sobbing senten
ces, Charles poured eut his thanks
aud stated tho resolution he had
'And now,' said Mr. Williams,
after the matter had been talked
over some, 'we must find a place
where you cau recruit your strength
a little beforo you try to work.
There is my brother who owns a
farm at M . He would be glad
to have you. come there aud stop
awhile; and when you wholly re
cover your wasted strength you
shall have a place here.'
At first tho youth refused to accept
so much, for he knew his unworthi
ness ; but the merchant simply
answered him :
'You can pay me for all this if you
choose, so you need not be delicate
about it ; and as for your unworthi
ness when the lost ones of earth are
not worth redeoming, then some
other standard of wo'rth must bo
regarded than that simple ono which
Jesus of Nazareth gave to his fol
lowers.' So it was settled that Charles
should go out into tho country and
remain a while. He found Mr.
Williams, the brother, ready and
and happy to receive him, aud there
he soon began to regain his health
and spirits. In two weeks he was as
strong as ever, and at the end of a
month the marks of dissipation had
all left his face. Then he returned
to town and entered the store.
Anion Williams gavo him n lucrative
station, aud bade him remember
nothing of the past save the one
great lesson he had learned.
'Charles,' he said, 'you know the
widow Swan.'
'Yes, sir.'
'Woll, I have engaged board for
you there. I hope the arrangement
will suit you.'
Yes, sir,' returned the youth, with
From that time Charles Aubrey
went on nobly and truly in the path
he had marked out.
Little did Charles Aubrey know
how closely he had been watched.
Mr. Williams knew hie every move
ment, oveu to his prayers which he
poured forth in the privacy of his
own apartment. Thus passed away
three months, and at the end of that
time Mr. Williams called the young
man into the counting-room one
evening, after the rest of tho people
had gone.
'Well, Charles,' tho merchant com
menced 'how would you like to
change your boarding-place?'
Thero was something in the look
and tone of the man as he spoke
these words that made the youth
start. The blood rushed to his face
and anon he turned pale.
'If you would like,' the merchant
resumed, in the samo low, strange
tone, you may come and board with
me. I will not deceive you, Charles.
Until I could know that you would
entirely reform, I dared not carry
you to my house. But I am satisfied
now. I have not doubted you, but
I would provo you. And now, if
you please, you may inform Mrs.
Swan that you shall board with her
no more. She will not be disap
pointed, for I have spoken with her
on the subject.'
With these words Mr. Williams
left the store, and as soon as Charles
could recover from the strange emo
tions that had almost overpowered
him, he called for the porter to come
and lock up, and then having locked
up the great safe, he took his de
parture. On the next morning be came to
the store, and when his employer
came, he informed him that he had
given his notice to Mrs. Swan.
'Very well, returned the merch
ant. This evening, then, you will
go home with me.'
Evening came, and Charles Au
brey accompanied his old friend
home. Tea was ready, the rest of
the family having eaten an hour
before. After tea Charles was con
ducted to the sitting-room, where
lamps were burning, aud where Mr.
Williams informed him he could
amuse himself by reading.
Charles sat down there, and his
employer went out, but bo could not
read. Thus he sat, when tho door
was slowly opened, and a female
appeared within the apartment.
With a quick step he sprang forward,
and without a word he caught tho
fair girl to his bosom.
'Mary,' he uttered, as he gazed
into the sparkling eyes of the fair
being who still clung fondly to him,
'you still love me you forgive me
all and trust me once more?'
Yea,' she murmured ; and ere she
could speak further her father en
tered the room.
'A-ha so you've found him, have
you, Mary?' he cried, in a happy,
joyous tone.
Mr. Williams,' uttered Charles,
still holding Mary by tho hand and
speaking with difficulty. 'I hope
I'm not deceived. O, you havo not
brought me hero to kill me! Yon
cannot have passed this cup to my
lips only to dash it away again !'
'Of course not,' roturned the mer
chant. 'But you must now know
the whole truth, and for fear my
child may not tell you all, I'll tell
you myself. This noble girl has
never ceased to love you, and when
you were the lowest down, she lov
ed you tho most. She came to me
aud asked me if she might savo you
if che could. I could not tell her
nay, and sho went at the work. Sho
has suffered much, and, Charlos, it
remains with you to decide whether
her future shall be one of happiness
or not. She knew that you were
down, that your money was all gone
and that your false friends had for
saken you. Then her love for you
grew bold and strong. She won
dered if you would repulse her.
She knew not what might bo your
feelings, aud to save herself the pain
of a direct repulse from you, she
assumed a disguise, so that she
might approach you without beiug
kuown, aud yet gain some idea of
your feelings aud save you if she
could. I think she has done well.
At any rate she has regained you to
herself, and it must now be your
own fault if the silken tio is loosed
With these words the father left
the apartment.
'You Mary ? You in disguise ?' he
queried, as soon as he could speak.
'Ay, dear Charles ; and you know
why I did it. Here do you not
remember it?' And as she spoke
she drew from her bosom a small
silken- purse and took therefrom a
The youth recognized it in an
'Oh !' he cried, as he strained the
noble girl to his bosom, 'What can I
say ? Mary Mary my own heart's
truest love let my life in the years
to come fell my gratitude. O, my
all of life is yours, and my last breath
shall bear your name in gratitude
to God!'
And Charles Aubrey never forgot
bis promise. With this noble
companion by his side he traveled
up the hill, and in his path the flow
ers of life grew thick and fragrant.
Upon the wall of his sitting-room
hangs a picture. It is a splendid
painting of the Prodigal Son's re
turn. Upon the face of a heavy gilt
frame visitors notice a small blemish
but which upon closer examination,
proves to be a small silver coin. Our
readers need not be told why that
bit of metal is thus carefully preserved.
Nebraska's congressman is the
subject of the following pleasant
paragraph in the last week's letter
of the St. Louis Qlobe-Dcmcrat's
Washington correspondent:
Judgo.Yalentine, of Nebraska, has
wou tho everlasting esteem of the
priutcrs by a bill which he intro
duced and put through to pay the
employees of the printing and en
graving bureau of tho treasury for
Decoration Day. All other em
ployees of the government reccivo
pay for legal holidays excepting the
printer?, and they, the poorest paid
and hardest worked force here, are
cut short each month that has a hol
iday. The printers who profuse in
their thanks to him, and the ladies
of the bureau sent him flowers,
which the gallant Nebraskan blush
ingly accepted, while insisting that
ho had only done the duty of one
old printer to another.
The passage of this bill was char
acterized by the Washington Post
as "the fastest time on record." It
became a law, by the signature of
the president, in less than two and a
half hours after Mr. Valentine in
troduced it in the house. Sidney
A young lady surprised the "gen
tlemanly clerk" at ono of our stores
recently by offering him fifty cents
in payment for a dollar purchase.
"It amounts to a dollar, if yon
please," said the gentlemanly clerk.
"I know it does," was the answer,
"but papa is only paying fifty cents
on the dollar now."
A ttkef ok r the Life of t he Re.
publleaa Cundldate lor
Doubtless many of tho persons
who lived at Filth Avenue hotel in
the fall of 1879 noticed frequently
passing through its chief corridor a
tall, robust man, whose face beamed
with good humor. This was Ches
ter A. Arthur, chairman of the He
publican State committee, then oc
cupying rooms in the hotel as their
headquarters. If they had inquired
about the man's history they would
havo learned that he came of good
religious stock that might guard
him during hia wauderings among
His father was a Baptist clergy
man of Troy, where, it is said, some
fifty yeara ago he was born. He
received an excellent education.
Union college was near by, at
Schenectady, aud it was natural
tbereforo that young Arthur, after
completing hia preparations for col
lege, should enter its doors. Hore,
in tho year 1848, he was graduated.
While in college he was a diligent
and popular student. Ho stood high
in his classes, and was recognized as
a man of ability and promise. Ho
was welcomed into tho Psi Upsilou
fraternity, and ever after has taken
a deep interest iu its welfare. Upon
leaving college he studied law, and
was admitted to the bar in 1850. He
came to this city and formed a law
partnership with Erastus D. Culver,
afterwards minister to one of tho
South American States, and a judge
also of the civil court of Brooklyn.
Almost at tho beginning of his prac
tice, Mr. Arthur was successful in
winning cases. After Mr. Culver
accepied the judgeship Mr. Arthur
formed a new partnership with a
Mr. Gardner. This firm existed for
some ten years, aud had a large
business. Upon the death of Mr.
Gardner, iu 18(55, the business was
continued by Mr. Arthur alone. In
tho year 1871, iu company with Ben
jamin K. Phelps, the district attor
ney, ho formed the firm of Arthur,
Phelps, Knevals & Ransom.
Mr. Arthur's first great case was
tho well-known suit of Jonathan
Lcmmon, of Virginia, to recover
possession of eight slaves that had
been declared free by Judge Paine,
of the superior court of this city.
Lcmmon had incautiously been pass
ing through New York with his
slaves, intending to ship them to
Texas, when they were discovered
aud freed by order of Judge Paine.
The Judge was of the opinion that
the fugitive slave law did not hold
the slaves. The State of Virginia
directed its attorney-general to ap
peal from Judge Paine's decision.
Tho legislature of this Slate re
sponded to the challenge by request
ing the Governor to employ counsel
to defend the case. E. D. Culver
and Joseph Bluut were appointed.
Afterwards they withdrew and Mr.
Arthur was appointed. He asso
ciated himself with William M. Ev
arts and argued the cade before the
Supreme Court. That court sus
tained Judge Paine's decision. The
case was then appealed to the Court
of Appeals. There also the judg
ment of Judge Paiue was affirmed
and henceforth no slave-holder dare
venture iuto New York state with
his slaves. This was not the Bole
case in which Mr. Arthur busied
himself in behalf of the slaves.
Even as late as 185G colored peo
ple were not permitted to ride ou
the Fourth avenue street cars. Liz
zie Jenkins, a colored woman of
excellent character, superintendent
of a Sunday school, was roughly
expelled from a Fourth aveuue car
because she was black. She brought
a suit against the railroad company
and applied to Mr. Arthur for ad
vice. He accepted charge of the
case, and managed it before Judge
Rockwell in a Brooklyn court. The
jury gavo a verdict of $500 damage
in favor of the colored woman. The
$500 was paid by the railroad com
pany ; and henceforth colored people
ride without question on the cars of
the street lines in New York. All
these events led to the formation of
the Republican parly in this State,
in which Mr. Arthur took a promi
nent part.
During the war great service for
the government was rendered by
Mr. Arthur.
On January 1, 18GI, he was ap
pointed engineer-in-chief by Gov
ernor Morgan of this State. In this
office he did very valuable service
in the equipment of the volunteers
of this State for the war. Upon
January 27, 1803, in honor of these
services, he wan appointed quartermaster-general
on Governor Mor
gan's staff. Here he again worked
with groat energy to forward troops
to the seat of war.
He took great interest in politics,
and gradually became one of the
leaders of the Republican party oi
this State. Upon November 20, 1871, J
he was appointed Collector of the
port by President Grant to succeed
Thos. Murphy. Upou the expira
tion of his four years' term, so ac
ceptably had ho filled the post that
he was reappointed iu December,
1S75. The nomination this time was
unanimously confirmed by tho Sen
ate without reference to a committee
as usual. This was a high compli
ment, usually reserved for ex-Seua-tors.
On July 21, 1878, ho waa
succeoded by Collector Merritt.
Upou September 18, 187D, he waa
elected chairman of the Republicau
Stato committee. It was largely
due to his skillful management that
the campaign was such n successful
one all the Republicau candidates
for State officers being elected. Mr.
Arthur's wife, a very estimablo wo
man the daughter of Capt. Uern
don, who was tost on the Central
America died in this city daring
the past winter. She had two chil
dren, who are both living. iV. Y.
Why Our Young: I.ttdleat Have
Xellcu(e Health.
Behold her at eleven. Her limbs
unfettered by the long skirts of con
ventionality, she runs, she roams,Hho
slides on the ico ponds, sho rolls
hoops, she climbs fences, she leaps,
she kicks, she runs races aud is &a
fleet of foot as the boys. Her appe
tite is good, her cheeks arc rosy, and
her movements unconsciously grace
ful. But all this must cease. Behold
her again at twenty. No more iloe4
she run or jump or roll hoop, run
race? or slide on the ice. It is not
"proper" now nor ladylike, and she
couldn't if she would, for she is
fettered by long skirts, tight shoes
and tighter stays. Her movement
has no longer tho freedom and un
conscious grace of childhood, for
now when she walkd abroad she
walks to be looked at, which now In
her estimation is the main object iu
walking. She is already in delicate
health, and has a doctor who pro
scribes expensive- advico and pro
scriptions for her, and ascribes her
complaints to anythiug and every
thing but the real causo. That id
simply the fettering of her body
with fashionable clothes. Physically
sho is now a prisoner. At eleven
she was free. Tho doctor advise
travel, but he doesn't advise her to
take off and keep off her fashionable
fetters. Sho wouldn't do so if he
did, and he wouldn't advise her if he
knew it would bring relief, for she
would no longer believe in a doctor
who would make her dress like a
guy; and being dreed Hko a
"guy" is dressing differently from
the stylo prescribed by a Paris
modiste. Diana never could hunt
in a trailing skirt, narrow, tight,
high-heeled gaiters, and a pinched
corseted waist, but Diana with a
belted tunic and unfettered limbs
would be bounced oil Broadway by
the nearest policeman. Dressing for
health and freedom of limb aud body
is one thing, and dressing for fash
ion quite another. A man conld
endure the pinchingand encumbran
ces peculiar to feminine attire for an
hour, and a pretty spectacle he'd
make running about in such during
business hours. Yet the "weaker
sex" wear double the encumbrances
of the so-called stronger. To"dresa"
at all after the stylo takes up half a
woman's time, and two-thirds of
her strength.
IHuturcri Women for Wive.
Youth and beauty are always sure
of a hearing; but some writer corner
out with a few words of admiration
for maturer charms, in the following
language : The man who meets and
and loves tho woman of 25 is truly
fortunate in meeting and loving her.
At that age bIic seldom deceives.
She may not have she is not likely
to have then her first sentimental
experience, but such an experience
at such an age is more than senti
mental, and rarely ever fleeting.
She looks at the youths she imagin
ed she was enamored with between
10 or 18 or often 21, and they are
more than indifferent or repcllant to
her they are ridiculous, and she,
as she" then was, is ridiculous to her
self. Sho cannot but be grateful to
her destiny that her sympathies and
affections have been reserved for a
worthy object and a higher end.
At 25, if ever, a woman knows and
estimates herself. She In less liable
to emotional or mental mistakes.
She is far surer of her future, be
cause she feels that her fate is, to a
certain extent, within her own bandrf.
Not only is she lovlier and more
lovable, broader and stronger than
she has been, but her wedded happi
ness and powers of endurance are
in a manner guaranteed.
While a Lcadville lawyer waa
cross-examining a womau who waa
on the witness stand last week, she
exclaimed: "I'm a lady, and by
thunder don't you forget it!"