The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 23, 1880, Image 2

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Entered at the Po'.t-oflice, Columbus,
Xelj- as second eln matter.
National Republican Ticket.
for frksidknt:
Of Ohio.
for vice president:
Of New York.
rVebraNka Mlate Fair ler 18S.
The State Fair will be held at Omaha
September 2fltb to 25th, inclusive. The
premium lists will be ready fordelivery
after April lt. Address D.H. Wheeler,
Secretary, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Garfield is a man for whom we
can all vote. Gen. Grant.
The new census indicates for
Chicago a population of 475,000.
Garfield has many of the good
qualities of Lincoln as a candidate.
By the recent census Baltimore,
Mel., shows a population of 330,000.
A proposition is on foot to
hold a Sangerfest in Omaha next
Prof. Aughey has been chosen
dean of tne faculty in the State uni
versity. The evidence is conclusive that
Garfield never took a penny of his
back pay.
Recent hail storms have destroy
ed the crops in the district of Par
rentsin, Switzerland.
The national democratic conven
tion was to begin its session in Cin
cinnati on the 22d, yesterday.
The senate has confirmed James
Long6treet, of Georgia, minister res
ident of the United States at Turkey.
At Auburn, N. Y., last week dur
ing a fire one man was killed and
five firemen injured by the falling
of a wall.
President Hayes on the 17th
inst. appointed ex-Gov. J. F. Hart
ran ft collector of customs for Phil
adelphia. It is now admitted that the re
publican state ticket in Oregon has
been carried by from 1200 to 1C00
Last week 240,000 young shad
went west to the Pacific coast, a
present from the government to
TValdick & Wirts distillery boil
er at Milwaukee exploded last week,
killing two men and causing a loss
of $20,000.
THe half-mile washout at Gib
ralter on the A. & N. road has been
repaired, and trains are running
again as usual.
Last week's dispatches disclose
the fact that Mr. Seymour cannot
accept the nomination tinder any
On the 10th 2,579 passengers were
landed at Castle Garden, New York,
and left at once for different points
in the far west.
Five thousand dollars reward is
oflered by the First National Bank
at Brattleboro, Vt., for the arrest of
President "Waite.
Both houses of Congress adjourn
ed at noon on the 16th. AH the
usual appropriation bills were sign
ed by the Presidont.
During a family quarrel at Mnn
cie, lud., on tbo 19th, James Vogus
shot his father, Jacob Vogus, mor
tally woundiug him.
The annual Methodist Episcopal
conference for Nebraska will be held
at Nebraska City, Sept. 30tb, 1880.
Bishop Warren will preside.
A dispatch from Constantinople
of last week says that three thousand
starving people plundered the gov
ernment grain depot at Drarbecur.
At the Niobrara land office during
the month of May there were 405
land entries. Homesteads 160; tim
ber claims, 135; pre-emptions, 110.
Adjt. Gen. Townsend is to be
placed on the army retired list. He
will be succeeded by General Rich
ard C. Drum, at present adjutant
There is in circulation a danger
ous counterfeit $100 note on the
National Exchange Bank of Balti
more, Md. It is of the series of
1875, printed on fibre paper.
The Supreme Court of this state
will hold a term at Lincoln com
mencmg on ine oiu ox juiv. a
number of important cg ni be
before the court, for iiearing.
.- 'President Hayes and wife arriv
ed at Columbus, Ohio, on the 19th.
He expects to leave about the 1st of
July for the west and will make a
general tour of the Pacific coast
The amendments to the Indiana
constitution changing the time of
holding elections for state officers
has been declared unconstitutional
by the Supreme Court of that state.
Red Cloud, Spotted Tail, and
other Sioux chiefs had a 'final talk
with Secretary Scburr on the 19tb,
and are entirely satisfied with the
agreement, and will start home this
Pat. Mulligan, in New York, on
the 18th committed an atrocious as
sault upon his mother. The penalty
by law is twenty years in the Btate
.prison. He was arrested and held
to await the action of the grand jury.
A new mission conference of the
Methodist Episcopal Church has
been ordered for the western part
of this state, and its first session
will be held at Kearney, October 7th,
to be presided over by Bishop
Hon. David L. Phillips, an old
journalist, and recently postmaster
at Springfield, 111., died on the 19th.
Ha was honored by a meeting of all
the journalists of the city, who
passed appropriate resolutions rela
tive to his death in which they say
he was a prominent and honored
member of the profession.
A scourge resembling dysentery
is prevailing in Adams, Mass.,wblch
baffles the skill of the physicians.
Over one thousand persons, old and
young, have been stricken down.
Many cases, it is feared, will prove
fatal. It is believed that the epi
demic is occasioned by impurities of
the water in the reservoir.
Richardson & Co's saw, piling
and flouring mill at Snow Hill, Md.,
burned on the 19lh. Property val
ued at $25,000.
The town of Starkville, Miss.,was
visited last week by a fire that de
stroyed one-half of the town. Prop
erty destroyed worth $100,000.
Gen. John A. Sutter, the dis
coverer of gold in California, died
at Washington City, June 19, 1880.
His remains will be taken to Lan
caster for interment.
TnE county safe of Greely co.,
was unlocked one night last week
and $2,000 taken out and the safe
relocked. No marks of having been
burglarized are ou the safe.
The very latest report from Tilden
is to the effect that he has placed a
letter of withdrawal in the hands of
a friend, who will present it to the
Cincinnati convention at the proper
The Lincoln Journalis of opinion
that the presidential campaign will
be fought in New York, Connect
icut, Indiana and New Jersey, with
possibly a side fight in California
and Oregon.
John King, a man who recently
went from Bismark to Deadwood,
was found dead near the latter place
on the 16th, with a bullet hole in his
head and a pistol in his hand. The
evidence presented a clear case of
The statement last week that Mr.
Ballou's nomination for U. S.
Marshal of Nebraska had been con
firmed by the seuate, appears to
have been premature, as later in
formation says his name has been
Wm. Condon, a variety performer
at Cincinnati, quarrelled with Lou
Perry, a girl with whom he had
been living, struck her in the face
with a banjo, the brass rim, crushing
her skull, and she died in half an
hour. Ho was arrested.
The Omaha Bee says the Ballon
affair is easily explained. When the
president read Ballou's serenade
speech and found that he didn't
want the office lie concluded to
withdraw his name. Mr. Hayes
isn't disposed to thrust au office on
Wm Daily was no little surprised,
the other day, when he came into
Omaha prepared to turn over the
U. S. Marshalship to Mr. Ballon, to
find that he himself was still the
marshal, and would continue to
"hold the fort" until next Decem
ber, at least.
The board of managers of the
Nebra&ka State Board of Agricul
ture held a meeting last week at the
Crelghtou House, Omaha, and re
port that all needed improvements
In grounds and buildings will be
completed in due time for holding
the state fair.
The State of Nebraska this year
will present a very peculiar feature
in her next election. Her citizens
will be called upon to vote on the
same day for presidential electors,
congressmen, state officers and a
legislature that is to elect a United
States senator.
The North Loupe country last
week was visited by one of the
heaviest rain storms ever knowu in
that section. Joseph Curamings,
living near Lamartine, in Greeley
county, while attempting to save
lumber floating down Fish creek,
was drowned.
The wind and rain storm in
southwestern Ohio last week was
very severe, and the damage to
buildings, fences and crops is very
great in the vicinity of Cincinnati.
The village of Glendale is a com
plete wreck, there being hardly a
street passable.
A committee at Kearney were at
work on Thursday of last week lo-
eating a site for the reform achoof
building. -oii4ne" land donated by
-r"the town for that purpose. The
building has been contracted for,
and will be finished by the first of
November. Ex.
The board of State charities at
Columbns, Ohio, were last week
investigating the charges of crnelty,
immorality and harsh treatment
made against the manager of the
Central lunatic asylum by an atten
dant. The charges are of a serious
and criminal nature.
A recent dispatch from St. Louis
says that last week there was a large
arrival of colored people from Mis
sissippi and Louisiana, and that
every foot of available space in and
about the relief headquarters is
crowded with immigrants of all
ages, sexes and sizes.
Saml. Levy, of Springfield, 111.,
dry goods merchant, was convicted
last week in the United States dis
trict court of fraud 8 in bankruptcy
by concealing goods from his as
signees. Field, Loiter & Co., of
Chicago whom he defrauded, pushed
hiB case to final conviction.
T. Dawson and F.K.Barrett, who
had previously quarreled about a
small debt, met at Thompson Sta
tion, Tenn. on the 16th, when Daw
son attempted to draw a pistol, but
before he succeeded Barnett fired a
double-barrelled shot gun at Daw
son, which tore his heart to pieces.
The prohibition national conven
tion, which met at Cleveland on the
17th, nominated Ncal Dow of Maine
for President, by acclamation, and
A. H. Thompson of Westcrville, O.,
for Vice President. The platform
is qnite lengthy. Twelve states
were represented in the convention.
To the Record.
The Republican party has an ex
cellent caudidate for presideut, and
all that needs be done is for the en
tire press from now forward to the
day of election, to give the factB of
his life, his earlier and his later
career; his boy life; his efforts to
better his condition ; his work as a
teacher; the incidents of his career
as a soldier of the republic, aiding
In putting down the rebellion; his
splendid record as a member of the
national legislature. More than all
that can be said of him, and that will
be said of him, is what he himself
has said and done. We second the
motion of the Lincoln Journal that
the metropolitan press give us the
incidents of his past career rather
than "the trivialities of a railroad
ride, and the everlasting common
places of the Jenkinses, his bill of
fare, his conversation with his
wife," etc. What needs to be print
ed is anything and everything con
cerning the man and his doings,
which will evince to the voters of
the nation the character of the man,
his thoughts, his motives.
With these before them, the peo
ple can intelligently compare him
with his competitor, about to be
named at Cincinnati, and choose the
better man, and the better cause.
We hope that the very best man
named may be selected to the end
that the political canvass upon which
we are entering may bo conducted
upon the true principles of contest
which should prevail among polit
ical brothers ostensibly working for
patriotic ends, but by different
methods. 'Give us good, patriotic
men on both sides, as candidates, an
open, honest, if hard, fight, and a
fair count, and the Journal is con
fident that "all will be well."
A most horrible story was told
last week of the conduct of the chief
sexton of. the burying ground at
Madgeburg, England. A little girl
had wandered into the cemetery,
which is uudor the care of the sex
ton, and plucked a flower from one
of the graves, unconscious of any
offence. The sexton according to his
own account caught her in the act
and determined to punish her and
deter her from despoiling any more
of his graves. He caught her and
dragged the terror-stricken child
away to the dead-house, in which
four corpses 'were lying on biors,
thrnst her in, locked the door and
went away to his work, aud when
having finished his labors for the
evening forgot all about the little
girl shut up in the chamal house,
made fast the cemetery gates and
left for the night. Next morning
returning to work it suddenly occur
red to him that he had omitted to
let the child out of the dead house.
He hastened to unclose the door,
when a shocking spectacle met his
gaze. Crouched in a corner, with
glassey eyes fixed in a death-stare of
horror, and blood-stained lips, bitten
through and through in convulsive
agony, was a fifth corpse, that of his
victim. The child had been fright
ened to death.
The adjournment of Congress
leaveB the business of that body in
about the following condition : The
number of bills introduced into the
house during the session was 6,493.
In the senato nearly 2,000 bills and
joint resolutions. The number of
bills which have passed and become
laws is 330. Many of these were for
private claims. No finance or tariff
legislation has gone through, nor
was there any general railroad leg
islation. It is claimed that the
senate has accomplished much more
than the house, and their calendar is
completely clear of all important
bills. The Mexico pension bill is
the most important now remajiiuigr
The house eniar shows 300 bills
In the committee of the whole on
the state of the Union, and 150 bills
which do not involve an appropria
tion. Nearly 1,200 bills on the pri
vate calendar in the house, 18 house
bills with senate amendments, and
90 bills for the senate, on their first
and second reading.
Th. Nast, of Harpeis Weekly, has
some very "apt" pictures iu his lat
est. One represents Dana of the N.
Y. Sun on his knees, "Thanking
God," oue of the good results of
the Chicago convention ; another is
Bismarck with a sword under his
left arm, a canteen labeled "blut,"
and a gripsack in his right hand,
marked "cisen." He has resigned
again, because he can not have his
own way in his own country, and is
represented as coming to America,
where every man can have his own
way ; the "Ohio idea, another exodus
that requires investigation," repre
sents the road fo Ohio as crowded
with an innumerable crowd of men,
who can 6eo "presidential lightning"
out of the political heavens striking
all around in that State.
The citizens of Cadiz, Ohio, and
vicinity had a little experience with
a terrific wind storm last week. Mr.
James Thompson had forty forest
trees blown down. Mr. Megaw lost
twenty-seven apple trees. Mrs.
Kerr lost ten apple trees. Three
large trees were blown down falling
against A. H. Carnahan's house, and
doing considerable damage. A very
strange aud almost incredible thing
happened to four chickens of M. J.
Brown during the storm. Tho wind
or some other force carried off" four
plump chickens, leaving a part of
the bead and neck of each lying on
the ground under the roost.
Speculation is rife as to what the
Cincinnati convention will do for
themselves aud the country. In the
conduct of affairs they have always
represented themselves as the cen
trifugal force of our government,
their opponeuts being the centripe
tal. This quality they have always
maintained. It is to be expected
that, as usual, they will refer to the
"time-honored principles of the
democratic party," but the record
they have made can never be hid
under any disguise of words, aud tho
best that can be done by the con
clave at Cincinnati, will be to select
a candidate as little objectionable as
possible, personally, and thus drag
along as an opposition party. In
these days there is no prc-calculatiou
of political conventions, results are
merely conjectural. Tilden is ahead
of all competitors thus far, but not
enough to secure the nomination.
His rivals, in the order of their
present following are Bayard, Han
cock, Thurman, Field, Seymour and
Hendricks. Seymour's age and his
recent very positive declination
probably place him out of the field.
To succeed, the Democracy ought
to make sure of carrying New York,
if they can. It looks to us as though
differences there could best be heal
ed by nominating a man outside of
the state which brings it west. It
may be possible that the presiden
tial lightniug will strike Ohio,
again, in the person of Garfield's
late competitor, Thurman, or his
neighbor, Payne. We might con
tinue our conjectures, but what is'
the use, the best they ought to ex
pect is to make as good a fight, as
possible, and secure as small a defeat
as the nature of the case will admit,
for Garfield and Arthur are ahead,
and will keep right on a-gaining.
Ax exciting scene occurred in the
house of commons on the evening of
the 14th. F. H. O'Donnell, member
for Donvergan, who had given no
tice of his intention to aek the gov
ernment if they were acquainted
with tho antecedents of tho newly
appointed French minister to the
court of St. James, M. La Cour, was
about to put this question, when
Gladstone who was evidently in a
state of high excitement, sprang to
his feet and moved that O'Donnell
should not he permitted to ask his
question, because by proposing it he
had outrageously attacked the new
French embassador. It is believed
that Gladstone fears that O'Don
nell's question may seriously inter
fere with tho commercial negotia
tions he is conducting with France,
and perhaps prevent him from car
rying through his proposed budget.
Conservatives were delighted with
the row and are doing all in their
power to help it along. Gladstone's
motion caused a scene unexampled
in the history of the bouse of com
mons. Lord Hartington severely
rebuked O'Donnell's insolence, and
the conservatives' apparent sympa
thy therewith. Mr. Forster intenfee
ly excited the house by describing
O'Donnell's attack on the French
minister as an ontrago on the de
cency of society. The speaker ruled
the remarks of Mr. Forster out of
order and he withdrew them.
O'Donnell having accepted Glad
stone's suggestion, made early in the
evening, to simply ask for the au
thor of the information, Gladstone
withdrew his motion.
The great wind and rain storm of
last week passed through portions
of Kentucky and Indiana, blowing
down bouses aud trees, and at
Franklin co., Ind. killing Wm. Gra
ham's wife and infant child, and also
Jack Wilson's wife. In many parts
of Indiana, as far north as LaFayette,
the wheat crop, nr!y rei3y for
uurvesling, is completely destroyed.
In Cliuton co. Ind., in many places
whole orchards were destroyed, not
a single tree beiug left. In Milton
co., twenty dwelling houses and as
many barns were destroyed. In
this county twenty-two persons are
reported to have received fatal inju
ries. James Duffy, bridge watchman
at the railroad bridge over the Sciota
river near Chillicothe, Ohio, on the
Dayton & Northwestern lay down
beside the track and went to sleep
with one arm over the rail. The
gravel train backed down on him,
aud the entire train was thrown off
the track. Five men were thrown
Into the river and twenty others
into the debris of the wrecked train.
John Kennedy had both legs broken
and then fell into the river and was
drowned. Martin Coyles and Mar
cus Miller were fatally injured.
Others were slightly injured. Duffy
will die from his injuries.
A sad accident occurred at Yel
low Jacket mine, Cal., on the 18th
by a car load of tools falling from
near the surface to the bottom
where eight men were at work.
Four were instantly killed Neil
Gallaher, Al. Teraby, T. Wilkons
and E. Whitcorab. Jno. Trezona
has his thigh broken, II. Williams
has an arm off, Barney Coyle and
Frank Hammond were slightly in
jured. Hiram Collier, professor of ex
perimental physics, of the State nni
versity at Lincoln, died at San Jose,
California, at 1 o'clock a. m. on the
19th inst. The deceased was born
at Farmington, Maine, in 1832 ; was
a graduate of Hillsdale, Michigan,
and camo to the Nebraska state uni
versity five years ago.
A sad accident occurred on the
Omaha & North Nebraska railroad,
between Fort Calhoun aud Mills
station recently. A herder girl
twelve years old, daughter of Wm.
Ilass, was run over by a train and
killed, her body being fearfully
mangled. The grass being wet, she
had gone up on the track, which was
high and dry, and, the supposition i,
had" lain down and gone to sleep,
waking up jtrst as the train ap
proached, but not in time to escape
her fate. The engineer saw her a
moment before the train reached
her, but too late to save her lite.
The B. & M. railroad in Nebraska
was organized on the 15th, including
the A. fe N. division. All the gen
eral offices will be at Omaha. The
A. & N. division will be operated
under an assistant superintendent,
with headquarters at Lincoln, who
will have authority ou that division
over all employes connected with
tho operation of the road. There
will be a general agent at Atchison.
All trains will be dispatched at
Born to Mrs. White, of Oska
loosa, Iowa, in Pullman car "Hum
bolt," on June 16, '80, while travel
ing at the rate of twenty miles an
hour, eastward bound, at a point
that is called the "divide" of the
Rocky Mountains, a son. Dr. Nance,
father of Gov. Nance, was on the
train aud gave to tho lady all needed
medical attention. Mother and son
passed east to Iowa. The mother
consented to name him Uumbolt
It is a matter of record that Jamos
A. Garfield was the second man to
return to the treasury department
the back-pay which he received.
Vice President Wheeler preceded
him by a few hours' time. The
Herald of this city has accused Gen.
Garfield of retaining this money. Is
the Herald content to go into- the
campaign upon an issue which it has
created by a falsehood? Omaha
Republican .
The floods in Wisconsin are re
ported to have damaged a groat
deal of property in the vicinity ol
Chippewa river, and at Chippewa
Falls. The swollen waters swept
everything in the shapo of bridges,
logs and the guard locks of the dam
at the Falls were carried away, and
fears were entortained that it "would
carry off tho lower part of the city.
David L. Shank, of Port Jeffer
son, Ohio, supposed to be intoxica
ted, attacked two widows in their
house last week aud killed Mrs.
Line, aged 64 years, the weapon
beiug a fence rail. He was driven
away before he had killed tho other
woman. He felghed insanity wheu
arrested, but it is said he was only
A dispatch from Fairbury, 111.,
Juno 19th announces the death of J.
Bradbury on the 17th, an editorial
writer on the N. Y. Tribune under
Horace Greeley, and later one of the
associato editors of the N.Y. World.
Twelve Algerines arrived the
other day at Boston direct from
Trinidad. They claim to be politi
cal offenders escaped from Cheyenne.
The captain has been notified not to
land the convicts.
BY VIRTUE of a license Issued bv
the District Court of the Fourth
Judicial District of the State of Xe
braka, for Platte county, the under
signed administratrix of the estate of
John "Williams, deceased, will sell at
public vendue, the following described
real estate, situated in the county of
Pjatte, and State of Nebraska, to wit:
The west half of the southwest one
fourth of section number thirty (30), in
township nineteen (19) north, range
two (2) west, in Platte county. State of
Nebraska, and the east half of the
southeast one-fourth of section number
twenty-flve (25), in township nineteen
tl9) north, range three (3) west, in
'latte county, Nebraska. Said sale will
take place on
Tuesday July 6tfa, A. D., 1880,
at 1 o'clock p. m.,
at the west door of the Court House in
Columbus, iu said Platte county, Nebr.
Terms made known at time of sale.
526.4 Administratrix.
Notice" 01 SfippbseB Stolen Horse.
OX or about the 8th day of May, 1880,
a man about 35 years of age, dark
beard, and weighing about 150 pounds
and registering nis name as J. J. Blake
brought to the livery stable known as
the Checkered Barn In Columbus, Ne
braska, one dark brown mare about five
years old, small white strip on both
hind feet between hoof and fetlock joint,
and small bunch on right bind foot; said
mare being very smooth, in good condi
tion and having the appearance of being
well cared for. The party was arrested
on suspicion of having stolen property
in his possession, and confined in the
county jail for one day. After dilieent
inquiry, no body answering to claim the
property, the prisoner was released and
Immediately left this place, said mare
still remaining in my possession. Any
person knowing the owner will corres
pond with me.
Benj. Spielman,
t24-x Iharifl' Flatta County, Xeb.
Manufacturer and Dealer In
A complete assortment ot Ladles' and Chil
dren' Shoti kept on baud.
All Work Warranted!!
Onr Motto Good itockr, excellent
work and fair prlcei.
Especial Attention paid to Repairing
or. Olive and 19th &tn.
Havk the agency for this celebrated
wind mill, and will also sell
pumps, and make repairs on pumps and
mills. The II.izeR ii better governed
than any other, more durable, will run
longer, go in as little wind and in great
er than any other, and gives the best of
satisfaction. See the one at the Grand
Pacific, and call on us opposite the
post-cnlce, 527-x
The Coquillard farm and spring wagons and baggies, not
excelled by any for
Strength, Durability, Good and Neat Workmanship.
We Bete's Staiarfl, Long EstalsM Grocery Store,
(Near A. & N. Depot),
Whore you can sell your Grain Produce etc., and buy all sorts of Pmre
Family Groceries.
Ilavlug concluded to change our business by MAY 1st, if possible, we offer
our entire stock, consisting of
mmrwi mom
We have a good stock, and you can save
Whitney Hnd-made Stoga Kip Boots, Warranted, for - - $2.80
Ladies' Shoes, from 60 cents up
Men's Hats, from 25 cents to l 00
And all kinds of DRY GOODS, and NOTIONS, cheaper than can he bought at
Wholesale to-day.
Or any one and every one that wants to save money. All that we want of yon
is to come and see, and we will convince ynu that we mean just what we gay.
Columbus, Jan. 18S0.
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
Has on hand a splendid stock of
Ready-made Clothing,
Dry Goods, Carpets,
Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc.,
At pies it Ira m tefl of Dire ii Collins.
I bay my goods strictly for cash, and will give my customers the
benefit of it.
Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Keeps on hand all articles usually kept in a first-clam Drug Store. Dealers
in surrounding country will find it to their interest to purchase from him, a he
can and will give BED-ROCK PRICES.
Prescriptions Carefullv Compounded.
8 foot wheel
10 " "
OMAN & BROUELETTE, Proprietors,
Italians American Monuments,
Headstones, Etc.
anil., out OS4AW & SOTXSL,TTE.
E s1
-t he-
Can't be Beat in Work and Price. Just See!
840.00 1 12 foot wheel flrt.OO
tfff.OO 14 " 130.00
Freight included, ten per cent, off for Cash.
Jg&The Mill fully warranted, as any other tirt-clas
Wind Engine. Ara also prepared to do any casting for
machinery of every description. For particulars call at the
Columbns Fonndry. Terms reasonable.
it i: v
Vertical Feed
Sewing Machine!
Different From all Others
Contains but one-quarter 'as muck
machinery, and is consequently
more durable, less lialHe to
get out of order, and ea
sier to use than any
other machines,
and always
Gives Perfect Satisfaction
(Central Block),
.UJ..'Co Columbus, Neb.
For Sale in Finite I'ounly, on Ensy Terras,
R'om $6.25 to $16 ner Acre
T5y J. A. HEED,
Office Opposite P. O., Columbus, Neb.
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JJ"AN. Ai.Ouoimtpi In Hit counties
orcnlfiiv. liiiiltr. -t:iHlm, Dakota, Dix
on ami W,) ne, ..I i.ri-r mHgiug from
H lo $o per iuTf. ."ir)ni
He will hereafter be found on Ktth
street two doors west of Marshall
Smith's where he keep a full line of
every style of
And the Celebnted
A" he keeps a Pump Home exclusively,
he is able to sell CHEAPER THAN
TnE CHEAPEST. Pumps for any
depth well. I'lirap driven or repaired,
and Rods cut.
Has opened at her rooms on I'Jlh JSJf..
Colnmnns an emporium of Mil
linery Goods, embracing a
Hats, Bonnets, Flowers,
r PEATITER8, nnd
Together with all other oodi belonging
to a fir-t.pass millinery store. Also I
have a full htock of
Rutterirk's well -known Patterns.
2?Call at ray rooms on 12th Street,
?A door eaU of Rank Building. 51-1. x
, t?i7 Work done In the latest aud nat.
cl styles. liop on 12ih at., t?at of
Hank. 51i6m
Book-keepers, Reporter,
Operators, Teacners,
CbeatMercantlle CollcK&,Xeokukj9-a
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