The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 23, 1880, Image 1

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    Kates of Advertising.
Space. Uo iio Into 3m Gw lyr
Icol'inn Sl-VOU 1 $-0 f?i 1 1""' f ? I00
K " I a.oo is l w i 20 1 & ub
K I .0O I OTTi I '15 1 tJOJ 35
4 inches f).' 7.M ll"" ll' 15 27
Proprietors and Publishers.
J OP j 0.73 10JSj 15 20
44 1.50 "j" 2.:5"r I 5! 8 10
Business ami professional card- ten
lines or less space, per annum, ten dol
lars. Local advertisement at statute
rates. "Editorial local notices'' fifteen
cents a line each insertion. "Local
notices" five cents a line each inser
tion. Advertisments classified as "Spe
cial notices" five cents a line first inser
tion, three cents a line each subsequent
iSTOflice, on lltli street., up Jtairs in
Journal building.
TERMS-Per year, $ 2. Six months, $1.
Three months. 50c. Single copies, 5c.
VOL. XL-NO. 8.
WHOLE NO. 528.
(Hit; ivtitntiis tpl
A. 5. Paddock. U. S. Senator, Beatrice.
Ai-vi.v Ai-NDKRd, U. S. Senator, Omaha.
T. . I. Majors, Kep l'oru. .
K. K. Valentine, Uop.. U est Toint.
munus Nance, Uovcruor, 'to,n.
.J. Alexander, necreiw .
V. I.iedlke. Auditor, Lincoln.
.. t .i... iv-.kiircr. Lincoln.
.! nilworth, Attorney-General.
1L Thomf.-on, .Supt. Public InnM-iic.
. V. Abbey, i prjon Inspectors.
.1 G. IvK Prison PhVhicIan.
P.'.Matfif w on, Supt. Insane AmIu
P. Mavwell. Chief Justice,
Cuffrge II. I.ake.J AHsocinte Judgi
Amasa "ibb. )
U. W. Post, .ludte, York.
M. B. P.eeic District Attorney, W ahoo.
31. B. Ilvif. Heijlster, Grand Island.
Wm. Anan. Kfceiver, Grand Island.
.1. G. lligiHiis County .fudjte.
Jwhn Stunner. County Clerk.
.1. W. Karl, Treasurer.
Iloni. Spiclman. Shcriil.
K. L. Kositcr, Surveyor.
.lhn Walker, ) . ,
John Wii-f. CountyCommi-sioners.
M..Mulier, )
lr. A. Hclntz, Coroner.
S. 1.. Barrett, Supt. of Schools.
G. II. Bailey. I ,justireiorthePeace.
Bvren Millctt,
Charles Wake, Constable.
J. 1. Becker, Mayor.
II. J. Hudson, Clerk.
C. A. Newman, Treasurer.
Geo. G. Bowman, Police Ju dge
J.G. Ituutaoti, Knirineer.
1st H'.inl lolm Iticklr.
G. A. chroeder.
id Hin-Wm. Lamb.
.S.S , McAllister.
Sd H'ar-G. W. Clother.
Phil. Cain.
?lUltllUM IOMt OflCO.
open on Sundays trm 11 a.m. to 12m.
and from A:'M to li i m. Buiness
hours except Sunday ' A. i. to A v. M.
Kateru mails close at 11 a. m.
Western mails close at 4:1. r.M.
Mail leaves Columlius for Madison and
Norfolk, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, 7 a. m. Arrives at . P. si.
For Monroe, Genoa. Waterville aud Al
bion, daily except Sunday C a. M. Ar
rive, same.ii P.M.
For Postville, Farral, Oakdale and
Newman's Grove, Mondavs, AVednes
davs hihI Frldsv-f, a.m. Arrives
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,
at p. M.
For Shell Creek, Creston and Stanton,
on Mondavs and Fridays at fi a.m.
Arrives Tuesdays and Saturdays, at
U p. M.
For Alexis, Patron and David City,
Tuedavs, Thursdays and Saturdays,
IP. M "Arrives at 12 m.
For St. Anthonv, Prairie Hilt and St.
Bernard, Fridays, 9 A. M. Arrives
Satui days, 3 P.M.
II. I. Time Table.
Eastward Bound.
Ewijrrant,, leaves at ... 0:2. a. in.
Pa-senn'r. " 4. " " . 11:00 a. in.
Freight, " 3, " " 2:1. p.m.
Freight, "10, " ".... 4:30 a.m.
Westward Bound.
Freight, No. ., leaves at .
PasseiiK'r, " 3, "
Freight, " !, " "
.... -T . 1. - 4 44
2:00 p. 111.
4:27 p.m.
0:00 p.m.
r.iiuinui. ..
1:30 a. in
Kvorv dav except Saturday the three
li-ies leading to Chicago connect iiu
IT l. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays
there will he hut one train a day, as
shown liv the following schedule:
O., N. B. II. ItOAD.
Bou7id north. i Bound south.
Jackson 4:53 p.m.' Norfolk 0:30 a. n.
I.ostCreck.:no " .Munson 0:.7 "
PI. Centre r:.7
Madison ,:4o
Humphrey C.n1 "
Madison 7:40 "
Munson S:2S "
PI. Centre 9:28 '
LostCreek 9:Ki "
Norfolk S:.V
Jack.on 10:30
m... .1,.,Artnrn frntn -Lii'Lcnn will llO
governed liy the arrival there of the
II. P. express train.
UJTCarde under this heading will be
iuserted for $3 a year.
G. A. 1L Baker Post No. 9, Department
of Nebraska, meets every secoud and
fourth Tuesday evenings in each
month in Knights of Honor Hall, Co
lumbus. John Hammond, P. 0.
D. D. Wahsworth, Adj't.
11. P. Bower, Searg. Maj.
-p jr. sciiij, .n. i
rnrswiAX axd suit geox,
Coliunbus, fol.
OjjiceMth St., one door eat of Red
Frout drug store. Consultation in Ger
man and English. TilCx
Dealer in REAL ESTATE,
a:;s :ks;sa.;:z aseht,
NOW IS THE TIME to secure a life
like picture of yourself and chil
dren at the New Art Rooms, east 11th
street, south side railroad track, Colum
bus, Nebraska.
478-tf Mrs. S. A. JOSSELYN.
IF YOU have any real estate for sale,
if you wish to'buy either In or out
of the'eitv, if you wish to trade city
property for lands, or lands for city
property, eive us a call.
Justice of the Peace and
Notary Public.
Nebraska. X. B. They will give
close attention to all business entrusted
to them. 24S.
All kinds of repairing done on short
notice. Buggies, Wagons, etc., made to
order, and all work guaranteed.
- t3Shop opposite the " Tattersall,"
Olive Street. 525
Paper, Pens,
Sewing Mjcmeves,
Musical Instruments and Music,
Corner 13th and Olive Sts., - - COLUMBUS, NEB
Upstairs inGluck Building, 11th street.
Physician and Surgeon.
jSTOiHce open
at all hour.
Bank Building.
Plattk Ckntkp.,
tt j. iii;mo:v,
12th Strwt, 2 doors west of lUmmoml House,
Columbus, Neb. 41l-y
pvK. 2M. I. TIHJSTO..
Oiliceovcr corner of 11th and North-st.
All operations Hrst-classand warranted.
JSTEvervthing iu first-class style.
Also keep the bet of cigars. flCy
Ollice up-stairs iu McAllister's build
ing. 11th St.
S House k Sign Painting,
OEAIHlltt, JJLiSnT9,
Paper HuHUiner,
I3J All work warranted. Shop on
Olive street, one door south of Elliott's
new Pump-house. aprlfiy
" Carpenters and Contractors.
Have had an extended experience, and
will guarantee satisfaction in work.
All kinds of repairing done on short
notice. Our motto is. Good work and
fair priees. Call and give us an oppor
tunitv to estimate for you. jSTShop at
the Big Windmill, Columbus, Nebr.
Columbus Meat Market!
WEBER & KNOBEIi, Prop's.
KEEP ON HAND all kinds of fresh
meats, and smoked pork and beef;
also fresh fish. Make sausage a spec
ialty. BSTUemeniber the place. Elev
enth St., ono door west of D. Kyan's
hotel. 41"-tr
Office norns, 10 to 12 a. 111., 2 to
4 p. in., and 7 to 9 p. in. Otlice on
Nebraska Avenue, three doors north of
E. .1. Baker's graiu otlice. Residence,
corner Wvoming and Walnut streets,
north Columbus, Nebr. 433-tf
MONEY TO LOAN in small lots on
farm property, time one to three
vears. Farms withsome improvements
bought and sold. Ofice for the present
at the Clother House, Columbus, Neb.
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Store on Olive St., near the old Fost-office
Columbus Nebraska. 447-ly
j5L.- . 1XO acrpq nfcnml lnml Rn
acres under cultivation, a
good house one and a half
story high, a good stock rauge. plenty ol
water, aim goou ua lauu. iwomues
east of Columbus. Inquire at the
Pioneer Bakery. 4T3-Gm
Billiard Hall!
Olive St., at the old Post-office stand.
The Best Billiard Hall in the City,
and a first-class resort.
S3TA11 classes of Imported Wises
and Cigars kept on hand. 513-1
rr r-iJJi.tNLZMr-'i-
IJJ - v if
Pencils, Inks,
Our Crop is Safe !
Robert Uhlig,
One of the Leading Grain and Grass
cutting machines of the world
The Elward Harvester,
The Climax Reaper,
The chief of all the threshers in exist
ence, and the well-known,
Moline Wagon.
In order to secure a machine, place
your order now. Come and see the
sample machines.
I?xtrnw for the above lachlneM
nhrays oh Iiaatl.
Do not forget that the Agent is
1 2th Street, next to Bank.
3. D. kEECIB, M. S., 4 J. C. CEUIBI, U. ., cf 0t,
Consulting Physicians a&i Surgeons.
For the treatment of all classes of Sur
eerv and deformities: acute and
jrnnrHiM""- diseases of the eye
Chronic dise-- ATonrnmn-H i QnrrJ
aim ear, eic., eic,
Columbus, Neb.
Opposite Speice t North's land-otlke.
Has on band a line selected
stock of
Call and see. No trouble to show
goods. ol9-3m
Daniel Faucette,
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Bornessi Saddles, Bridies, and Collars,
keeps constantly on hand all kinds of
whips, Saddlerv Hardware, Curry
combs, Brushes Bridle Bits, Spurs,
Cards.- Harness made to order. Re
pairing done on short notice.
Restaurant and Saloon!
E. D. SHEEHAN, Proprietor.
JSTWholesale and Retail Dealer in For
eign "Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Dub
lin Stout, Scotch and English Ales.
J3Kentucky Phiakies a Specialty.
OYSTERS in their season, by the case
can or dish.
lltk Strt, Sontk ef Depot
'It was a scaudal,' the neighbors
said, 'that Miss Delia should be
obliged to take boarders, after all
Bhe'd been through ; and heaven
knows boarders didn't help a body
to work out her salvation. And so
much money in the family, too, tak
ing it by small and large. Wasn't
ber Uncle Eben, over at Dover, well
to do, and not a cbick of his own to
care for, except the boy he had
adopted, who was no credit to him?
It was odd, now, that a man with
poor relations should take to a
stranger, when his own flesh aud
blood was so needy, but sometimes
it did seem as if folks had more feel
ing for others than for their own
kith aud kin. Then there were
cousins in the city, forehanded and
fashionable, who never were worth
a row of pins to Delia; and there
was her great-uncle John's widow
a-larking on the continent, a-gamb-ling
at Baden-Baden, and trying the
waters of every mineral spring in
the three kingdoms for no disease
under the sun but old age. She'd
been known to say that ber own
folks were too rich already, and
probably she would endow some-
hospital with her property.
Plainly, wealthy relatives were of
no value to Miss Delia. To be sure,
she had never seen her great-aunt
since she was a child, when her
Uncle John had brought her into
their simple life for a month's visit),
with her French maid and dresses,
her jewels and fallals, which won
the heart of her little namesake.
Since then her Uncle John's widow
had been a sort of gilded creation,
always young and always beautiful ;
for, though Delia had received little
gifts from time to time across the
seas for the last fifteen years, she had
neither seen nor heard anything of
the being who had inspired her
youthful imagination, aud waB quite
Hncertaiu if such a person as Mrs.
John Rogerson was in the land of
the living. Dead or alive, she seem
ed to have made no material differ
ence in Delia's humdrum life. After
having nursed her father through a
long illness, Delia found that he
had left a heavy mortgage on the
homestead, and her mother and her
self on the high road to the poor
house, unless they should bestir
themselves. As her mother was
already bed-ridden, the stirring nat
urally fell upon Delia, and she ad
vertised for summer boarders.
'Good board in the country by the
river side, at $7 a week. Large
chambers, broad piazzas, tine views,
berries and new milk. One mile
from the station. Address Delia
Rogerson, Craftsborough, Me.'
'Cheap enough!' commented an
elderly lady who happened upon it.
'Delia Rogerson. An old maid, I
suppose, obliged to look out for her
self. I have a good mind to try her
broad piazzas and new milk. If I
don't like it there'll be no harm
And so Delia's first boarder arriv
edan old lady with a false front of
hair, brown, wrinklod skiu, faded
eyes, a black alpaca gown and a hair
r7'.Fnl-n '"ia.3dj .becas.w.?'rQjne
11UUK. xu4i ut. . b.Lo'OHH
as if she had been a duchess , lighted
a wood fire in Mrs. Clement's room,
as the night was damp, and brought
out her daintiest cup and saucer,
with the fadeless old roses wreath
ing them.
Wonderfully kind,' reflected Mrs.
Clement, as she combed out her
wisp of gray hair and consigned the
false front to a box. '"Wonderful
kindness for $7 a week ! She's new
to the trade. She'll learn better.
Human nature doesn't change with
latitudes. She'll find it doesn't pay
to consider the comfort of a poverty
stricken old creature.'
But in spite of her worldly wis
dom Mr9. Clement wae forced to
confess that Delia had begun as she
meant to hold out, though other
boarders came to demand her atten
tion, to multiply her cares. The
fret and jar of conflicting tempera
ments under her roof was a new ex
perience to Delia. When Miss
Gresome complained of the mosqui
toes, with an air as if Miss Rogerson
were responsible for their creation ;
of the flies, as if they were new
acquaintances; of want of appetite,
as though Delia had agreed to sup
ply it along with berries and new
milk ; of the weather, as if she had
pledged herself there should be no
sudden changes to annoy her board
ers; of the shabby house and anti
quated furniture, 'too old for comfort
and not old enough for fashion'
then Delia doubted if taking board
ers was her mission.
'What makes you keep us, my
dear?' asked Mrs. Clement, after a
day when everything and everybody
had seemed to go wrong. 'Why
didn't you ever marry ? You had a
lover, I dare say ?'
Yes ; a long, long time ago.'
Tell me about him it.'
There isn't much to tell. He ask
ed me to marry him. He was eoing
to Australia. I couldu't leave
mother and father, you know (they
were both feeble), and he couldn't
stay here. That was all.'
'And you you '
'Now all men besides are to me
like shadows.'
And havff you never heard of
him since?'
'Yes, he wrote ; but where was the
UBe? It could never come to any
thing. It was better for him to
forget me and marry. I was a mill
stone about his neck. I didn't an
swer his last letter.'
'But, supposing he should return
some day, would you marry him ?'
'I dare say,' laughed Delia, gently,
as if the idoa was familiar; 'let the
neighbors laugh over so wisely. I've
thought of it sometimes, sitting alone
when the world was barren aud
commonplace. One must have rec
reation of some kind, you know.
Everybody requires a little romance,
a little poetry, to flavor every-day
thinking and doing. I'm afraid
you'll think me a silly old maid,
Mrs. Clement.'
'No. The heart never grows old.
?The skiu shrivels, the color departs,
the eye fades, the features grow
pinched; but the soul is heir of
eternal youth is as beautiful at four
score as at 'sweet and twenty.' Time
makes amends for the ravages of the
body, by developing tho spirit. You
didn't tell me your lover's name.
1 Perhaps you'd rather not.'
K 'His name- was Stephen Laugdon.
Sometimes Capt. Seymour runs
againBt him in Melbourne and brings
mo word how he looks and what he
is doing, though I never, never ask,
and Stephen never asks for me, that
I can hear of.'
Delia's summer boarders were not
a success, to be sure. If they took
no money out of her pocket, they
put none in. She was obliged to
oko out her support with copying
for Lawyer Dunmore and embroid
ering for Mrs. Judge Dorr. Ono by
one her boarders dropped away, like
the autumn leaves, all but old Mrs.
'I believe I'll stay on,' she said.
'I'm getting too old to move often.
Perhaps you take winter boarders at
reduced rates. Eh?'
'Do yon think my terms high ?'
'By no means. But when one's
purse is low '
'Yes, I know. Do stay at your
own price. I can't spare you.'
She had grown such a fondness
for tho old lady, that to refuse her
own terms would have seemed like
turning her own mother out of
doors; besides one month more
would not signify. But she found
it hurd to make both ends meet, and
often went hungry to bed that her
mother and Mrs. Clement might
enjoy enough, without their appear
ing to be 'just a pattern.' At Christ
mas, however, came a ray of sun
shine for Delia, in the shape of a
$100-bill from an unknown friend.
'It can't be meant for me,' she
'It's directed to Delia Rogerson,'
said her mother, 'and there's nobody
else of that name, now that your
ley. licm ...., i
aunt Delia is deau. , t
'We are not sure that she is dead,'
objected Delia.
'Horrors 1 Don't you know wheth
er your own aunt is dead or alive I'
asked Mrs. Clement, in a shocked
It isn't our fault. She is rich and
lives abroad. I was named for her.
I used to look in the glass and try
to believe I'd inherited her beauty
with the name, though she was only
our great-uncle's wife.'
'She ought to be doing something
for you.'
'How can she, if she's dead? I
don't blame her, any wa Her
money is her own, to use according
to her pleasure. Uncle Johu made
it himself, aud gave it to her.'
'But if she should come back to
you, having run through with it,
you'd divide your last crust with
her, I'll be bound.'
The winter wore away, as winters
will, and the miracles of spring
began in fields and wayside; and
Delia's boarders returned with the
June roses, and dropped away again
with the falling leaves, and still
Mrs. Clement staid on and on. Just
now she had been for some weeks
in arrears with her reduced board.
No money had been forthcoming for
some time, and she was growing
more feeble daily, needing the luxu
ries of an invalid and the attentions
of a nurse, both of which Delia bes
towed upon her without taking heed
for the morrow.
'I must bear from my man of bus
iness, to-morrow, Delia. I'm knee
deep in debt to you,' she began
one night.
'Don't mention it!' cried Delia.
'I'd rather never see a cent of it
than have you take it to heart.
'You're welcome to stay and share
pot luck with us, you're such com
pany for mother and me.'
'Thank you, my dear. I've grown
as fond of you as if you were my
own flesh and blood. There, turn
down the light, please. Draw the
curtain, dear, and put another stick
on the tire, please. It grows chilly,
doesn't it? You miht kiss me,
just onco, if you wouldn't mind.
It's a hundred years or so since any
one kissed mo.'
Aud the next morning when
Delia carried up Mrs. Clement's
breakfast, her boarder lay cold and
still upon tho pillows.
Tho first shock over, Delia wrote
directly to tho lawyer of whom she
had heard Mrs. Clements speak as
having charge of her affairs, begging
him to notify that lady's relatives, if
she had any. In reply, Mr. Willis
wroto :
'The late Mrs. Clement appears to
have no near relatives. Some dis
tant cousins, who, having an abund
ance of this world's goods, yet serv
ed her shabbily when she tested
their generosity, as she tried yours,
are all that remain of her family. In
the meantime, I enclose you a copy
of her last will and testament, to
peruse at your leisure.'
'What interest does he think I
take in Mrs. Clement's will,' thought
Delia, but read nevertheless :
'Being of sound mind this 16th day
of June, 18, I, Dolia Rogerson
Clement, do hereby leave $100 to
each of my cousins; and I bequeath
the residue of my property, viz:
$30,000 invested in tho Ingot Mining
Company, .$50,000 in United States
Bonds, $20,000 in the Fortune Flan
nel Mills, and my jewels to the
beloved niece of my first husband,
John Rogerson, Delia Rogerson, of
Croftsborough, Maine. 'For I was
a stranger, and ye took me in ; hun
gry, and ye Ted me ; sick, and ye
ministered unto me."
'Goodness alive!' cried the neigh
bors, when the factB reached their
ears. 'What a profitable thing it is
to take boarders! Everybody in
town will be trying it. Of course,
Steve Langdon will como home and
marry her, if she were forty old
maids. You may stick a pin in
there !'
Delia did not open her house to
boarders the next season. She found
enough to do in looking after her
money and spending it; in replying
to letters from indigent people, who
seemed to increase alarmingly; in
receiving old friends, who suddenly
found time to remember her exist
ence And sure enough, among the
rest appeared Steve Langdon, and
all the village sttid:
'I told you so!'
'It's not my fault that you and I
are single yet, Delia,' he said.
And we are too old to think of a
change now, Steve.'
Nonsense ! It's never too late to
mend. I'm not rich, Delia ; but I've
enough for two, and to spare.'
'I would'nt be contented not to
drive in my carriage and have ser
vants under me now, laughed Delia.
'Indeed I Then perhaps you have
a better match in view ? Capt. Sey
mour asked me, by the way, if I
had come to interfere with 'Squire
Jones'a interest.'
'Yes. Squire Jones proposed to
' "orrai Oi. .. .
me last weeK.,,v "e-nai. -
I u-.r
'Now, see here, Delia. Have
como all tho way from Melbourne
on a fool's errand? There I was
growing used to my misery and
loneliness, when the mail brings me
in a letter in a strauge hand, which
tells me that my dear love, Delia
Rogerson, loves and dreams of mo
still, is poor and alone and needs
me me! And the letter is signed
by her aunt, Mrs. Clement, who
ought to know. I packed my house
hold goods and came'
'I'm glad you did.'
'In order that I may congratulate
'Squire Jones?'
'But I haven't accepted him. In
fact I've refused him because '
Because you will marry your old
love, like the lass in the song, Delia?'
In Croftsborough, people are not
tired of telling how a woman made
money by taking boarders.
A conceited young man, in talk
ing with an aged clergyman, said,
with a most dogmatic air: I will
never believe anything which I can
not understand." The old clergyman
mildly responded, "Then, young
man, it is probable that your creed
will be a very short one."
Facetious Parson (to parishioner,
who is not believed to be a rigid ab
stainer, and who has fallen on the
ice) "Ah, Mr. Brown ! Fools stand
in slippery places, I've heard." Mr.
Brown (the footpath was in a fright
ful state) "So I see, sir; but I'm
blest if lean!"
A little girl in one of our public
schools the other day had occasion
to parse tho word "angel." Coming
to the gender she stopped dismayed,
and asked her teacher if "there are
any men angels."
Garfield Near florae.
Claridon-, O., June 10, 'SO.
Dear Journal: It is not best
for a prophet to be too modest. I
predicted in your columns last No
vember, that the people of the State
would soon take James A. Garfield
away from us his constituents of the
nineteenth district, and that after
awhile the people of the country
would be very apt to take him away
from the State. But I would not
allow that the latter act of violence
and mainprise was to tako place so
early as 1880. Of course nomina
tion is not election, but as I am
writing, the booming cannon from
our county seat of Chardon, which
lies full in sight, "a city set on a
hill," active miles distance, advises
me that I, might as well have been a
little less confident in deferring the
term of his highest service. Chardon
just at this moment is doing her best
to assure our illustrious Representa
tive, that if wo must part with him,
we are determined, on second tho't,
that it shall bo for nothing less than
the Whito Houso. It does bcoui a
pity to deprive him of six years in
the Senate, but it looks a good deal
as if tho thing was going to bo done.
The General was, I understand,
this afternoon at Buston, our next
town in one direction, aud is, as the
guus inform mo, dividing with the
raingusts the honors of the evening
at Chardon. The moon comes out
and goes in as if she had not fully
made up her miud about the nomi
nation. But that docs not matter,
as we expect to seo her over the
right shoulder some time in No
vember. Of course I am not going to say
anything to disparage the present
harmony of the party ; but, between
you and me, don't you think three
neted Senators have very unexpect
edly been brought up all standing
on learning that New York begins
with an N and not with a C, and
Pennsylvania with a P and not with
a C, and Illinois with an I aud not
with an L, nor even with a G ? The
Chicago spelling school has afforded
some sudden, and to the people at
large, very agreeable light on ques
tions of political orthography.
vs. vs. O.
P. S. Thejightning has got such
a way of striking in Ohio, that the
editor of the Journal must be
tempted to bewail the hour he left
those depths of mud which he was
ridiculing last winter, while we were
floundering in them. And, in very
truth, if every mother's eon of us
were to be advanced to the White
House in turn, it would be little
more than a just and equitable in
demnity for the sufferings we have
to undergo from November till
Girls a HoHMekeeperff.
Begin with your own things and
your own place. That is what your
mother will tell you if you rush to
her, enthusiastic with great inten
tions, and offer to relieve horof half
her housekeeping. Don't draw that
little bucket of cold water to have it
poured back upon your early zeal.
Reform your upper bureau-drawer;
relievo your closet-pegs of their
accumulation of garments out of use
a month or two ago. Institute a
.,1 cheerful order, in the
clear Juu". Hia. ,
." , . , "n daily move ;
midst of which you n . ,f
ana learn to keep it. Use yoursei.
to the beautiful, which is the right,
disposing of things as you handle
them, so that it will be a part of
your toilet to dress your room and
Rb arrangements while you dress
yourself, leaving the draperies you
tako off as lightly and artistically
hung, or as delicately folded and
placed, as tho skirts you loop care
fully to wear, or the ribbon and lace
you put with a soft neatness about
your throat. Cherish instincts of
taste and fitness in every little thing
you have about yoa. Let it grow
impossible to you to put down so
much as a pin-box where It will
disturb the orderly and pleasant
grouping upon your dressing-table,
or to stick your pins in your cushion
even at all sorts of tipsy and uncom
fortablo inclinations. This will not
make yon "fussy" it is the other
thing that does that the not know
ing, except by fidgety experiment,
what is harmony and the intangible
grace of relatiou. Once get your
knowledge beyond study, and turn
it into tact which is literally having
It at your fingers' ends and order
will breathe abont you, and grace
evolve from commonest things, and
;uses, and belongings, wherever you
may be; and "putting things to
rights" will not be separate task
work and trouble, any more than it
is in the working of the solar system.
It will go on all the time, aud with
a continual pleasure.
Take upon yourself gradually for
the sake of getting them in hand in
like manner, if for no other need
all the cares that belong to your own
small territory of home. Get to-
getber things for use iu these cares.
Have your littlo wash-clotha and
your sponges for bits of cleaning;
your furniture-brush and your feather-duster,
aud your light littlo
broom, and your whisk and pan ;
your bottlo of sweet-oil and spirits
of turpentine, aud piece of flannel,
to preserve tho polish, or restore tho
gloss whero dark wood grows dim
or gets spotted. Find out, by fol
lowing your surely growing sense
of thoroughness and niceness, the
best and readiest ways of keeping
all fresh about you. Invont your
owu processes; they will come to
you. When you havo made your
self wholly mistress of what you can
learn and do in your own apartment
so that it is easier and more natural
for you to do it than to let it aloue
so that you don't couut the time it
takes any more than that which you
have to givo to your own bathing
and hair-dressing then you have
learned enough to keep a whole
house, so far as its cleanly ordering
is concerned. Floral Cabinet.
TreeN nail Health.
Everbody knows that trees take
the carbonic acid thrown out in the
breath of men and animals, sepa
rate it into component parts carbon
and oxygen give back the latter to
be used over again, and work the
former into wood and fruit.
It is also coming to be generally
understood that forest trcos do gen
eral and important service in help
ing to retain tho surface water for
springs, streams and general use.
It is also known that certain spe
cies, planted iu malarial localities,
help to reuder the latter healthy by
somehow using up the deadly mi
asma. It would now appear that trees
growing near drains carry oil the
sewerage water.
A gentleman whoso ccss-draiu
was constructed iust like his neigh
bor's, aud in the saino kind of soil,
has found it unueucsary to clean it
out, while others hud to be cleaned
out frequently.
An examination showed that three
large trees whose roots had pene
trated into the vicinity of his second
or waste cess-pool, were clearly the
channels through which the waste
all escaped.
Whether it was changed into
plant food, as is likely, or was ex
baled through the leaves, in either
case it was disposed of with equal
safety. Exchange.
Cleaning Hlnck Mill.
One of tho things "not generally
known," at least in this couutry, is
the Parisian method of cleaning
black silk; the modus operandi
very simple, and the result infinitely
superior to that achieved iu any
other manner. The silk must be
thoroughly brushed and wiped with
a cloth, then laid flat on a board or
tabic and well sponged with hot
coffee, thoroughly freed from riedi-
ment by being strained through
muslin. Tho silk is sponged on the
side intended to show, it is allowed
to become partially dry, and then
ironed on the wrong side. The
coffee removes every particle of
grease, and restores the brilliancy of
silk, without imparting to it either
the shiny appearance or tho crackly
and papery stiffness obtained by
beer, or, indeed, any other liquid.
' really appears thickened by
Thcaii,,. g00(j efIect ia
tho process, anu .J " , wjjj
permanent. Our readcM wnu ..
experiment on an apron or cravat
will never again try any other
TrexpaNi on Uncultivated
Yesterday, iu the District Court,
His Honor, Judge Pound, ruled on
the demurrer made by Mr. Foxwor
thy to the petition in Miller vs.
Hawley and others, noticed in the
Journal some daya ago. His Honor
said that in Nebraska there could be
trespass on uncultivated lands. In
Ohio the courts rule' differently,
but then the common law has never
been adopted in Ohio, whereas the
common law is a part of the law in
Nebraeka. On that ground, there
fore, the demurrer would be over
ruled but the other ground of de
murrerthat there had been a mis
joinder of parties though there
was an allegation in the petition
which at this stage might ba suffi
cient, yet he has inclined to think
there, perhaps, had better be sep
arate actions, or dismissal as regards
some. Mr Blodgett (for defendant)
said that he had thought of dismiss
ing except as to one defendant, but
he would take leave to amend tho
petition. Lincoln. Journal.
"See here," said an eccentric old
man to an office boy who had
brought a doctor's bill to him. "See
here, tell your master that I'll pay
him for the items of medicine charg
ed in his bill, but as for the visits,
why I'll return them."