The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 20, 1880, EXTRA, Image 3

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stood 177 for ami 1S5 againot.
' On motion .T. W. Dawes, J.
K. t
nrHnll T. Hirtittirt V I? '!.:.:....
er, Judge Gasliu ami D. A. Lewis j
wor elected delegates to Chicago tie i
Blaiue delegates, against J. S. Dew,
C. II. Gere, D. Green, M. 1'.. Rees-e, ;
.jas. jLsiru ami v. w osterieiui a?
1 T 1 1 r -- ,. .
Grant delsgates by a vote of two to
The decisive rote by counties was
as follows :
c o
Adams . .
Booe ..
Jtuffulo . . .
a Keith l
lKnoi l
Lincoln . . ::
. Butler, 0
Cass 10
Cedar . . . .
Chevcnne..,.. 3
"Clay. ... 1
OolfsX 5
Cuming 2
Custer 2
Dakota . ...
Daw on 1
Dixon 4
Dodtfc. . . 8
Douglas. .. 17
Fillmore 10
Franklin ... 5
Frontier . .
FurnaY '. 6
Gage .-.. . 7-
Greeley t
Oosper . . -
derrick .
ilN'anee . . ..
Nemuha.. .
Ote ... .
Re.d Willow.
Kicharduou .
Saunders ...
Sherman . . .
Hall ...
Hamilton . .
Howard .
Johntoa ...
Valler .. .
j Washington
.OWavne. . .
Webster . . .
a so
The- result wa? announced amid
the wildest cheera.
, On motion J. Jenson, Isaac Wiles,
J. J. Brown, ,L. M. Keene, V. Bier
bower and Geo. Brooks were select
ed as alternate.
On moti.on.of Laird the selection
of Blaine delegates was tnadd' unan
itaoua. On motion It was declared the
sense of the convention that we sup
port the nominee of the Chicago j
On motion it was resolved that J.
G. Blaine was the tirat choice of the
convention for president.
A vote of thanks was tendered the
officers of the convention and also to
the citizens of Columbus, and the
convention adjourned in the utmost
good humor.
Platte Co. Com watt Ion.
Delegates assembled at the Court
House, iu this city, yesterday, at
3 :15I John Hammond, Chairman of
the Co. Central Committee, began i
calling the roll of tho precincts, to
ascertain what precincts were rep
resented. The convention wa called to or
der by the chairman, and Geo. W.
Clother, G. TV. BarnhanU aud Fred.
Zoli appointed a committee on
credentials. Mr. Zoll asked to be
excused, and G. W. Uulst wb ap
pointed in his place.
A. A. Smith and S. S. McAllister
were appointed committee ou per
manent organization.
Committee on credentials reported
the following persons as entitled to
teats m me convonuou :
Columbu Precinct, Abner Tur- '
aer by G. Schutte, proxy, S. S. Mo- I
Alliater, A. A. Smith, E. J. Potts,
by proxy, A. U. Pott, E. Pohl,Pbil. t
Cain, G. W. Hulst, V.T. Price, M.
K. Turner, D. T. Martyu, G.
Clother, II. S. MeGiuitie.
Lout Creel; Albert Russell, Ke
vin .Nicholson.
n'oodville, H. Kley. l. I
Monroe,--V.. B. Hall, J. J.
Con- i
! man, .1. ,J. Judd, C. G. Tyler
Looking Glaus, David Thomas,
I Joseph Rivet.
J VrrMon,'Y. X. McCandlish, S.
j J. Wheeler.
i lihmark,n. Wilken, John Wur-
j deman.
: IIutler,G. W. Barnhart, Christ.
j Meedel, J. O. Blodgett.
j Walker, C. J. Suyder, Nils 01-
; son, C. C. Roberts.
Granville, W. H. Selsor.
On motion Mr. Ilerkeuhoru was
admitted to cast tho vote for Sher
man precinct, also Jno. Jenkinson
for Steams precinct ; J. Stewart, for
Pleasant Valley.
On motion the report was receiv
ed and adopted.
The committee'on permanent or
ganization reported for Chairman,
G. W. Clother, Sec'y. M. K. Turner,
which report wa9 accepted and
It was moved by A. M. Post that
the convention proceed to elect by
ballot aix delegate? to the State
convention and six alternates, the
six. receiving the highest number of
votes to be declared delegate.?, the
next six highest alternates.
On motion -of W. N. McCandlish
nominations were in order, and
quite a number were named.
On the first ballot the following
were chosen delegates : W. N. Mc
Candlish, K. B. Hall, G. W. Barn
hart, A. M. Post, G. W. Clother, G.
W. Hulst. Alternates, V. T. Price,
Krwin Nicholson, S. S. McAllister,
j. j. rueman, D. Thomas, M. K.
Any delegate who could not be
present' at the convention was au
thorized to select from the list of
alternates, one to rcprescut him.
The present Co. Central Commit
tee was continued, and thn conven
tion adjourned.
G. W. Clothkm, Ch'u.
M. K. TtniNKK, Sec'y.
Kd. Polly, of Sewurd, is In the
E. D. Sheohau is now occupying
hi new building on Mtb street.
Mrs. Kavanaugh of Milwaukee
mother to our townsman I. C, is
visiting iu the city.
Brother Weutworth of the
Plattsmouth Courant, came up to
see how Nebraska Republicans run,
the machine.
Webster Eaton was in the city
Wednesday. He talks of going
into the printing business again at
Fred Blaser is about to erect a
new residence on Washington Ave
nue and 14 street to be 2Cxl6 with
kitchen 16x16 all to be finished in
he neatest style.
Grant men hope on Chi-
Hon. Lorau
j Convention.
Clark took iu the
The A. N. directors' car canvc
up yesterday.
Mrs. J. R. Meagher of Grand j
Island is iu the city. '
D. C. Loveland of Omaha look
a look at the Convention.
C. E. Morse is off to Denver
j with a fine lot of fat cattle.
Gov. Nance was iu the city
yesterday, and in company with J,
Mickey Esq., called on us.
G. G. P. IIHdebrand, fully and
fairly represented the Pawnee Re
publican at the State Convention.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hamilton
of Boone gave us a friendly
this morning.
Joa. Gross has gone to MHwau
kee with his trotting horses, "Bo
ton Dave" and "Sassy Cuss."
John Fisher formerly a citizen
of Columbus, i9 a delegate to the
convention from Lancaster connty.
Died Anna Kraue, of this city,
aged 13 years, died May 19th. Her
funeral will take place at '2 o'clock
A H P. -..II ..
A.'E. Cady and C. Sumner, ot
.Schuyler, were on hand at the State
Convention and didn't forget to call
on the JorBKAt..
Mrs. Metz desigus erecting a
new building north of railroad
track in the vicinity of William
B. D. Goulding; oue of ths ed
itors and proprietors of the Kearney
Nonpareil, was in tho city Wednes
day. Republican delegates to the
j State Convention were a very lively
j lookiug lot of men Thursday morn
ing after an all uight session.
Milton J. Hull, of the Itcview,
at Edgar, Neb., was among our vis
itors Wednesday. He is much
pleased with our growing city.
Frank Lawrence, who is charg
ed with the murder of hia father at
Grand Island, will bo put on trial
next week.
Our old acquaintance and friend,
Dick McCormick, of Omaha, is in
attendance upon tho State Conven
tion. Dick knows how to take core
of his favorite candidate.
B. F. Krier, of tho Fionas; and
B. O. Smith, both delegatos to the
8tate Convention from Dawson
County, made us a pleasant call
Alfred Clark, traveling corres
pondent from a multiplicity of
places In ths- west is in the citv and
honored the Joukxjli. with & sail.
: - - . . ,. '....t
Among the caller at
headquarter yesterday were 11.
Harvey of the St. Paul Adcocnle,
Mr. Hammond of the Freuioat
Tribune, Wm. Tillman aud Louis
i Smith of David Citv, R. L. Rosslter
' of Platte Centre, and A. E. Piniaay
. of Republican City.
31 up or Platte Co.
Messrs. Speice & North, real a
tatc agents of this city, have doc
an excellent thing in preparing tor
sale a splendid map of the county
showing the location of all the
towns, farms, &c. It may be $t
down as absolutely correct, is U
important particulars. YT. L.
Wright of Omaha is the draughts
man, and the lithographers, August
Gass & Co. of St. Louis. The work
ou the map is done In to
best of style, and one of these, band"
somely mounted, should adorn the
walls of every iarm-hoaaa and office
call in the county. We find It very val
uable for reference, and have h&4
ours but a few days. We hope that
while these gentlemen will feel as
sured that they have done a public
good, they will have purchasers
enough for their very haadsoia't
map to justify them in still farther
ventures in this line. Sold bj
Speice & North, at their office oa
11th st.
Fanners JLoolc Merl
Wet or dry, you can ralw ta
pure White Douraor Egyptlaa BIct
Corn. I raised from twenty t
sixty bushels per acre in the drouth
ot 1S79. It is better feed for hers
and hogs than corn, aud ia a awefc
surer crop. See analyses, State re
port tor December, 1879. It QMd
not be planted before July 1st, axtd
will fully mature in eighty or ninety
days. I will send a trial paefcaf
tor tlfty cents, or enough to plaat
oue acre for $1, by mail, postag pall
with full instructions. Addr,
S. S. Dickinson,
Larned, Pawnee Co., Kaa.
Auction! AactloaL
Our entire stock of Dry Qoodi,
Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Notions, &c, is to be sold at pubtis
auction to the highest bidder. Sal
to commeuce Friday, May 21st, and
continue until disposed of. Fraafc
Gillette, the auctioneer, will sell yea
iroods at your owu prices.
Kf my rootle.
Came to my placo, Wednesday,
May 5th, a steer calf, 3 months old;
red and white spotted ; tip of right
ear cut off. Tho owner will please
prove property aud pay charge;
John II. Johannes,
Near Met P. 0.
Exlray IVotlce-
Came to my placo on Shell creek,
bout the middle of April, a black,
and white spotted boar about ode
year old and weighing aboat 190
lbs. His ear? look as though they
had been frozen. Th- owner oaa
have the same by paying all chnrgta. '
521-5 Feed. Hsnqoilsju
200 pieces new spring calicoes.'
formerly 9old at 7 cts., reduced, to ft
ets. a yard, at Kramer's Nw Toxk
'Jtap Cash itare.