'SSAlm THE JOURNAL. Entered at the 1'oot-otticp, Columbus, Neb- s-eeond class matter. WKDNEMA MAY 19, !. Call "or Kepubllwiu Slate Con--wntlon. The Republican elector- of the State ol Nebraska arc hereby called to send Delegates from the several Countieb to meet in State Convention at Columbus, on Wednesday, the 19th day of May, 18S0, at 7 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing six delegates to the Repub lican National Convention to be held at Chicago, on the 3d day of June next, to nominate candidates for President and Vice President of the United States; aud to transact such other buMness as may properlv come before it. , The several Counties are entitled to representation in State Convention as folloivs, bathed upon the vote cast in Countv for Hon. Amasa Cobb for Judge of the" Supreme Court, in 1&79, giving one delegate to each 150 votes, and one for the fraction oi 75 votes, also one dol egate at large for each organized Countv. Counties. Del. Counties. Bel. Adams llKearney . .. Antelope - 3.Kcith .... 1 Boone .. .. 4 Knox Buffalo 7 Lancaster l Burt 5 Lincoln 3 "Butler GMadison 4 Cass lU.JderncK Cedar 2 Cbevenne 3 a 3 J 8 Clay.. Colfax.. . Cuming .. CUbter Dakota Dawson ... Dixou Dodge . Douglas . Fillmore .. Franklin . . Frontier . Furnas Gage ... Greeley . . Gosper . . Hall Hamilton Harlan . Hitchcock Howard Holt. Jefferson Nance 1 Nemaha 8 Nuckols Otoo 11 Pawnee 8 Phelps 3 Pierce 1 Platte 6 Polk 7 Red Willow.. .. 2 17 Richardson 11 10 Saline 12 o Sarpy 4 1 Saunders 10 4lSeward Sherman ... Stauton Thayer Valley Washington. WHyne l CU31CI . . ioja. ... Total. 3 2 6 3 9 . 8 . 9 .373 W. J. McElvoy p.ta guilty at lihstiugs last week Iul . ner hi mo pecond degree, aud .n- sentenced by Judge Gasliu to the pi uitentiary for life. It is stated as a fact that more tbaii ouc-balf tbe delegates to the M. E. general conference at Cincin nati are iu favor of Grant's re-uora-iualion. A distinct and vivid mirage was seen the other morning at Central City, in which appeared on the hor izon bouses, teams and other objects. The New York senate, by a vote of 17 to 14, has passed the concur rent resolution to amend tho consti tution so as to extend the electoral franchise to women. g The heaviest rain aud hail storm reported at Nebraska City on Thursday of last week over witness ed in Southern Nebraska. Hail stones fell as large as walnuts, doing considerable damage. Hon. S. E. Cbukch, chief judge of the court of appeals, died at Albion, New York, on the evening of the 14th. Ho died rather suddenly, and apoplexy is believed to have been the cause of his death. .TnhnsoiL. . It is rornmmpftded first, that HO prox ies be admitted to the Convention, except such as are held by persous residing lu the Counties from which the proxies are given. Second, That no Delegate shall repre sent an absent member of his delegation, unless he be clothed with authority trom the County Conveutlon, or Is In possession of proxies from regularly electad delegates. By order of the Republican State Cen traf Committee. JAMES W. DAWES, Cam. James Donnelly, Sec'y. Lincoln, Neb., April 8, 18S0. Etrpublh-aH Co. ConreBtlon. The Republican Convention for Platte county, to elect six delegates to. the State convention to be held at Columbus, May 19th, at 7 r. M., ill be held Wednesday, May 19th, 2 p. m., edabp, at the Court House in Columbus. The several precincts arc entitled to representation as loiiows . Ralph P. Buckland, of Ohio, Charles C. Housel, of Nebraska, Geo. B. Smith, of Iowa, and Danl. Chadwick, of Connecticut, have been appointed government directors of the Union Pacific R. R. Co. The branch of the Omaha & Re publican Valley railroad from Grand Island to St. Paul, a distance of twenty miles, was completed last week, and trains will be running inside of ten days to St. Paul. A horiuble explosion o f one hun dred pounds of giant powder took place on the 11th; it was stored in the blacksmith shop of the High Lode mine in Ceutral City, Col., ignited and literally blow four men and the entire shop to atoms. 12 . 3 4 1 . 3 ) Sherman 2 Crcston 2 Pleasant Valley 1 Granville . . 1 Let Creek . . 2 Burrows 1 Looking Glass 2 Woodville 2 Columbus . Butler.. Bisraark . . Monroe Shell Creek Walker. . . Humphrey . Stearns . The precinct primaries will be held at the polling places of the last general election, at 4 r. M., Saturday, May 8th, excepting iu Columbub, where the hour will be 3 o'clock. The following action was taken by the Central Committee: Moved and carried that all who declare themselves Repub licans iu the coming campaign, and who shall be entitled to vote at the next election, be eligible to vote at the pre cinct caucuses. Joxix Hammond. Chairman. M. K. Turnkk, Sec'y. Woodlawn, 111., experienced a terrible wind Btorm last week. It blew down the statiou house and wrecked other buildings. Mr. Beck man's house was destroyed aud his right thigh broken, his flve-year-old daughter instantly killed, and his wife fatally injured. A TERRIBLE flrC Visited "W09t Liberty, O., 13th inst., spreading with great rapidity, owinir to com ing in contact with u lanic quantity of coal oil 6tored in a drug store, and iu spite of tho utmost efforts of the citizens it burned its way thro' the town. The loss will reach $200,000. Hay is said to be worth $100 a ton in Deadwood. A lovely rain was reported at Gibbon on the 15th. The Nevada delegates are in structed to vote for Blaine. 8octh Carolina hanged a white man last week for tho murder of a negro. Crop prospects are reported fav orable in western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio. The British government is strong ly urging tbe necessity of executing the treaty of Berliu. The body of Augustine Paetz was cremated at Washington, Fa , on the night of tho 12tb. Two uninstructcd delegates have been appointed to the Chicago con vention from New Mexico. It is claimed that Omaha at the present time is putting into new buildiugs not lese lhan $ 500,000. The delegates from Florida are instructed for Grant lor president, and Thos. Settle for vice president. Saml. R. Glenn, a veteran Jour nalist of New York city, died on the morning of the 13th inst., aged 62 years. Three convIctB escaped from the Ohio penitentiary on the 12th by locking their guard in and scaling the walls. It is reported that the fruit blos soms in the vicinity of Blooming ton, 111., have been seriously injur ed by hail. Baumholder, a town in Prussia, web almost entirely burnrd dowu last week. One thousaud people are without homes. The town of Stuyvesanf, N. Y., was destroyed by fire last week, involving a danmce to property which will reach $200,000. It is intimated that since Senator Thurman carried the delegate? in Ohio, Mr. Tilden has determined to withdraw from the contest. Kinderhook, N. Y., last week suffered severely from fire destroy ing tbe busiuess portion of the place, and causiug a loss of ?40,000. Thp.ee tariff bills have been re ported to tne house. One relates to sugar, another to hoop-iron and the third to miscellaneous articles. A bill will be reported from the committee on coinage authorizing the secretary of the treasury to es tablish an assay office at St. Louis. The Michigan delegation is divided between Blaine aud Grant. Tbe majority of the delegation is understood to be in favor of Blaine. A white chalk, stone haB boen found in the Niobrara country, which can be sawed into any shape, and when dry is hard and durable. The Albion branch of the Omaha, Niobrara & Black Hills road, from Lost Creek to Albion, n distance of 33 miles is nearly all graded and track-laying has commenced, and it is thought, will b completed arly In July. D. R. Shannon & Co. purchased at Ft. McHonry, Md., tbe other day, a large quantity of condemned shot and shell. In theattempt to extract the powder by bursting the shells with a hammer, one exploded with a terrific report, instantly killing six persous. Their bodies were horribly mangled and one blown to pieces. The M. E. general conference in session at Cincinnati on the 13th elected four bishops aB follows : Dr. Hurst, president of the Drew theo logical seminary; Dr. Foss, presi dent of the Middletown, (Conn.) university; Dr. "Warren, of Phila delphia, and E. O. Havens, chancel lor of Syracuse university. Hon. Church Howe's team ran away last week while he was driv ing to Sheridan to attend tbe coun ty convention, and threw him out of his carriage, inflicting, it is feared, serious injuries, dislocating his anklo joint, and it is believed that he is internally injured. His car riage was completely smashed to pieces. "What seems to agitate tho minds of the Blaine men in Nebraska and there are a good many of them a good many good but mistaken Re publicans is how to get possession of the Blaine boom, now secreted nhnut the person of E. Rosewater. Without the boom, the convention at Columbus, if composed of a ma jority of Blaine men, would be an orphan to all intents and purposes. Lincoln Journal. Not long since about midnight at Piue Ridge Agency, D. T., near Ft. Sheridan the guard heard four shots fired bolow the post, aud upon in vestigation it was ascertained that Gray Eyen, an Ogallala Indiau, and his wife had been shot. Gray Eyes lived but a short time, and his wife, being shot through the hand, will survive the Injury. Two cow boys have been arrested, charged with the offence, and are now confined in jail. The Main Issue. Rumor has it that tho great con test in the convention this evening is to be, not, primarily, whether Blaine or Grant is to be the declared first choice of Nebraska delegated Republicans; nor whether Wash burnc or Sherman or Hamilton Fish is to be second choice, but whether Senator Alvin Saunders or Sonator Algernon S. Padd jck or some "dark horse" shall be chairman of the del egation sent to Chicago. It seems to be thought necessary by the poli ticians of the State to test somowhat tho relative strength of aspirants for U. S. senator to succeed Mr. Pad dock. As this office, together with the various stato places from Gover nor down, are the next things iu sight, and as there is cause for strong suspicion of a quiet hunt all around, it is nothing to be wondered at that tho different generals will be here in person or by trusted, confi dential representatives, to take a hand in the contest, or watch that his futuro prospects receive no detriment. This 60rt of thing may be regard ed as necessary by politicians, but the great body of the people (who are not working for or expecting office), fail to see even the pro priety of it. Nebraska Republicans undoubted ly have an opinion with reference to tho presidential candidate. Whether that opinion will be fair ly represented in convention, we may never know, because politicians in their own iu teres ts may have labored to more purpose than the body of tho people they are proue to do that. The convention, as it will be con stituted this evening, is to choose six men, to act us they may deem best, without particular directions; or to receive special instructions. In either case they should be hon orable, high-minded men, and sound republicans ; and in neither case is it at all necessary that they be favora ble to any of the candidates for sen ator, governor, &c. For an instance, Senator Paddock has very many warm personal and political friends who will favor his nomination and election as Senator, irregardless of tho fact that he has pronounced himself in favor of Grant; likewise Gov. Nance would be supported as his own successor, by many Grant men, although he is supposed to be strongly for Blaine iu this contest and so, also, with the rest. Now the Journal, and we think also the great body of Republicans, would liko to see this convention utterly ignore all side issues ; show no partiality to any wing or faction, but precoed immediately to execute the business which calls them to gether. As to instructions: it looks now as though the convention would instruct. If so, let it be not only for first choice, but for at least a second. Let the will of the convention in this matter bo expressed as far into tho probable contingencies as possi ble, for it is supposed, with good reason, that quite a number of dele gates, though nominally for one of the chief candidates, are really con secrated to the use of another, not by any means the first or second choice of Nebraska Republicans. There aro men here in Grant and Blaine overcoatB, over Washburn coats, bnt in Sherman jackots. We insist that you have a right to know what kind of a jacket your Chicago delegation will wear. As to men : if Nebraska had only a first choice, and was determined to look no further, she could send her vote in a sealed envelope aud be done with It; but beyond probable contingencies (for which tbe con vention can and ought to provide), the best provision ia staunch, repre sentative men, embodying tho exact spirit of the party in this state. church "has precisely the same claim to 'legitimacy' as tho Church of Englaud." Ho reminds us of the boy who said to his mothor, P I know the apple is sour, but anyhow I waut juBt as big a piece as John has." Ho accuses cortain ones ' with standing loftily aloof" from other christians. Is his article calculated to draw all professing christians nearer together in ovangelical work? He closes with a severe insinua tion regarding tho piety of the Epis copal church. Has he never read Matt, vii, 1st: "Judge not that ye be not judged?" We sura up our criticisms with Lnke iv, 23d : "Physician, heal thy self." ' One whoso grand-mother was an Episcopalian. I x o A Good ItiddaHcc. Mr. Editor: My neighbor, Mr. David Thomas and my son Johu S. Henrich accomplished a deed for which everyone in this vicinity who nWIlR .IB milftll no n ohlfL-nn nvon ought to be grateful. For some time wolves were seen prowling around, aud several times our sheep were iu danger in daytime even. At last Mr.' Thomas discovered a hole which proved to be tho abode of a she wolf with her family. The; other morning ho and my son went to digging, and they found six young wolves, and dividing them, each one took home three. While they were digging away Mia. Wolf watched them closely, though at a renprci ul dUtauce, respecting their guns kjoih than their persons I suspect, b would Hcera advlsnble for her ladj ship and consorts to leave the.se "diggins" for safer quarters since we haye in this neighborhood some Mexican aud other veterans who might remember their noble leader' General Taylor's charge, and "give 'em a little more grape." A. Henrich. r. 'H O M r o s u V u n against the collection of the five rTIT I TH per ceut. additional treasurer's fee, J i I H it being tho sura of $099.12. There- ' -- --J LU upon it was agreed between the Board and said V . YY . loot Unit tho legality of said lee be submitted to the Hon. Goo. B. Lake for his opin ion and decision. Resignation of Jacob Held as road supervisor for Sherman precinct was accepted. Petitions of John Kersch and Heiurich Schulz to bu appointed road supervisors for Sherman pre cinct were read, and o'i motion, Heiurich Schulz was duly appointed as such road supervisor. Bund of Geo. Rollins, road super visor for Crcstou precinct, was read and approved and tho Clerk in structed to spread the same on the bond record. Jacob Ernst, road supervisor, no tified the Board that tho bridge at Brady's road was burned. On mo tion, tho matter was laid over for the present. On motion, the Clerk was instruct ed to furnish tho several road su pervisors with receipt books, records aud road laws. Road supervisors W. J. Irwin, Wm. Ryau and Wossergerger wen- furnished each with one scraper tor use in then Application lumber tor th over. On motion, the Clerk was in structed to spread on the road ree ord the field notes and plat o Looking-glass divide road as return ed by R. L. Rossiter, Co. Surveyor, said road having been duly estab lished. Report of Benjamin Spielman, Sheriff, tor fees received for quarter ending April 1, 1830, was approved. The bills ot juror, grand jury, witnesses aud balliOs for March term district court, 1880, were now .allowed and Clerk instructed t. draw warrants for same on general fund. Board adjourned until to-morrow morning. COQUILLAED I V V fMScfjSSS!x M I'PTEKcb II r at t a a 3 a o o X o 1 "WAGOIVS! The Coqaillard farm and spring wagons and baggies, not excelled hy any for m Strength, Durability, Good and Neat Workmanship. THE DAVIS- Vertical Feed CALL, EXAMINE AND LEARN PRICES AT uu wiiu uiie .i;mjer ior SSSSSa ! Wi. Bete's Marl Loi EslilsM Gmt Store, (Nkar A. & N. Depot), Wu-rfc you can sell your Grain, Produce, etc., and buy all lotUt of Pare S;i uilly Grocorluv. THE BEST OF G-OODS" MY MOTTO. A wicked attempt was made on the 12th inst., at Now York, to kill the Spanish consul General Haypol ito D. Uriarite, by means of an in fernal machine. When he moved the cover from the paper package or box, a loud explosion and some balls of fire shot out of the box, burning tbe carpet and the consul's coat and hands, but otherwise doing no further damage. The package was post marked Philadelphia. The consul has no idea who sent him the deadly package. The Nebraska State pportmen's tournament held at Nebraska City last week, the Sun says, was a sue- cess in every particular. The shoot ing was pronounced excellent. Out of one thousand pigeons-let out of the trap 846 were killed. McBride, Hallet, Hathaway and Dunham of Lincoln did some" splendid shootiug. The next convention and tourna ment May 1SS1 will be held in Lin coln. The new officers elected for the ensuing year are J. C. McBride president; C. L. Baum, correspond ing secretary, and J. H. Harley, recording secretary ; ex-Governor Furnas treasurer. A member from each club was named and elected vice president. A few Strlc nrex on the Strict urox of Ker. llallhorat In lust -week' Journal. Not being an Episcopalian we at tempt no defence of that church, believing that 6omeof its owu num bers are old enough to answer for themselves. "We simply offer some criticisms as an outsider. The quo tations are all (except those from Scripture) from last week's article. Referring to tho meeting in which tbe objectional utterances occurred, he says it was "a sort of a homo missionary meeting of the Prot. Episcopal church." It was therefore a family meeting in which the mem bers had the undoubted right to flatter themselves If they choose. My neighbor at bis own table says his wife ia tbe best woman iu the world. Let mm say so. Mine is just as good nevertheless. He says "Priestly robes certainly belong to the period of childish im maturity," and yet admits their use in his own church. See Matt, vii, 5th : "First cast ont tho beam out of thine owu oyo, aud thou shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." Judges of the U. S. supreme court do you know that " full grown men ought to be ashamed" of official robes ? He says "the tendency of priestly robes in the church is, to leave the impression that woligion consists iu forms aud draperies," and yet in the same article recommends the nse of liturgical forms in family prayers. Is consistency a jewel ? He ridicules the Episcopal claim to "legitimacy" (apostolio succes sion) and yet adds that bit own i CommIttIoncrV Proceeding. Board of Co. Commissioners met on Tuesday, May 4th, 1880, all pres ent. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. On motion, tho Clerk was instruct ed to issue duplicate warrants for Nos. 550 and 114, issued iu 1879. of amounts respectively, $8 and 10, the 'original warrants having been lost. On motion, County Treasurer was authorized to change Sec. 31, 32 and 3a, Tp. W, R. 1 west from school district No. 19 to school district No. 30 on tax-list of 1879. Henry T. Spoerry and William noefelman appeared before the Board and asked that tho County Treasurer be requested to furnish school district No. 21 an official statement of the finances and delin quent taxes of said district. The Board thereupon instructed Com missioner Wise to inform said dis trict that this Board suggests that tho proper ofllcors of said district obtain said statement at the County Treasurer's office. On motion, J. G. Routson was au- pointod to report upon practicability of a change in Looking-glasq and Madison road in Sec. 30, Tp. 19, R. 4 west. On motion, the Clerk wa3 instruct ed to notify road supervisor John Wurdoman of road district No. 2, Bismark precinct, to remove any and all obstructions in Country Bill road in said precinct. Petition from Butler precinct, to form Loup precinct was read and granted. (This action was rescind ed at the meeting held May 6, 1880, ana tne matter lata over till next meeting). The Clerk was instructed to issue license to John J. Mackon to tell liquor in the town of Platte Center for the term of one year. The following bills were allowed on poor fund : C. L. Wheeler, boarding pauper . 20 00 Catbariua Schmidt " " ...36 25 JUb. liamer, boarding Chas. Ha mer Mrs. Stupfcl, boarding pauper ... J, B. Delsinan, mdsu fur paupers . . Chas. Brindley, digging graves . . . Dr. Ilochcn, services as County Phvbkian Board adjourned until to-morrow morning-. John Stauffer, Couuty Clerk. Sewing Machine! IT IS ENTIRELY Having concluded to change our business by MAY lit, If possible, we offer our entire stock, consisting of Thursday, May 6, 1880. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment ; all prcseut. Motion made that the order lo establish Loup precinct, made Maj 4th last, be and the same is hereby rescinded and the matter of estab lishing said precinct is hereby laid over. On motion, it was agreed that Catharina Schmidt be allowed $3.50 per week tor boarding Peter Drunk from May oih, i:iet. wn rnouon, ine u'erK was in- i structed to have a notice published, and that road eupei visor RoiitsouJ put up notices on Loup and Platto biidgi'H, to Van Atnbiirgh & Co.'s circus and menagerie, and others, that sa'.d bridges aro unsalo for heavy burdens. Board adjourned to June 1, 1850. John Stauffeh, Co. Clerk. I L2ri nH HJL I .nkflpi I nBI f Attest : JA 18 00 1C00 10 15 400 45 00 Notice of Attachment. A.CKSON IJUGGS will take notice that on the 25th dav of March. 1830. Byron Millett, a Justice of the Peace of Columbus piecinct, in Platte countv, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of $10 25 in an action pend ing before him wherein J. E. North ,fc Co. are plaiiitilS and Jackson Boj,'"". iu defendant. That property cousistingof 3 woolen mattresses. 0 husk mattresses, 8 bedsteads, 24 wooden chairs. C natent bottom ehairs., 1 rocking chair, 7 wash stands, 1 center table, 1 sofa, 1 cigar case, I cook tove and furniture, 2 heat ing stoves, drums and pipes, 140 yards of carpet, 4 mirrors, 1 lot queenswaie, 3 sett knives und forks, 2 extension dining tables, 15 sheets, 14 pillows, 17 bed comforters, 24 pillow-cases, 7 wool en DianKeis, z ueu spreads, 3 table spreads, 2 spittoons aud lot coat hooks. 3 wash bowls and pitchers, 3 lamps, 2 chandeliers, 2 table castors, 1 hat rack (not mortgaged), 2 wash tubs, 10 window shades, 2 smoothing irons, 1 lot tinwHie, 1 wooden bowl, chopping knife and coffee mill, 8 sett bed springs, I map, 2 tin wash dishes and buckets, 1 mop stick and broom, have been attached under said order. Said cause was con tinued to the 20th day of Mav, 1SS0, at nine o'clock, a. m. J. E. NOltTH & CO., 518-x Plaintiff. JMLirri : CLOTTrlllSTG-, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, fcC., AT COST AND A GREAT MANY ARTICLES LESS THAN COST. OF CLOTHING "We have a good stock, and you can save Different From all Others Contains bat one-quarter 'as auoh machinery, and is consequently more durable, leu liable to get oat of order, and ea sier to use than any other machines, and always Gives Perfect Satisfaction S3" FOR SALE RY MARSHALL SMITH and ROBERT BURRELL, (Centkal Block), r.l3-.'C3 C'olHHiba,.fb. CHOICE LANDS Fw Sale ia Platte County, ou Eaiy Term. Ily. J. A. REED. Office Opposite P. O., Columbus, Neb. AT LEAST 25 PER CENT. BY BUYING OF US Whitney Hud-made Stoga Kip Boots, Warranted, for ladies' Shoes, from 50 cents up Men's Hats, from 25 cents to $2.60 100 CASSIMERES, JEANS, COTTONADES, And all kinds of DRY GOODS, and NOTIONS, cheaper than can he bought at Wholesale to-day. A GOOD CHANCE FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS ! Or any one and every one that wants to aave money. All that we want of you ib to come and m -inri we will convince you that we mean ju what we aay. Description. 8E VofSWir SEK and V KofSW ft .NKk'of NEK SEniutKSerWl NK .; and SK Vl of.VW ;i ui - ". ami at ,VH ' WKnfSE: NJ-'aninrjCf.f ' andN KofSEK All - NW K alto K l 5 KoTNE t' and N ofNU 7i EWofWlf NK '! SVT i-i and S , .fj iofNK SE!fNW ',;nINtd K'ofSW v;:ul s' SI OI MS NE Vand K of MV :: i is i if o ! 1 jr. j . 31 I t! 18 ' lv i I x; I i i 221 11 . 1" 1ft' 40 240 20 wl tno Columbus, Jan. i80. SCHRAM BROS. YOUR HOUSE Attest : Wednesday, May 5, 18S0. Pursuant to adjournment the Board oi County Commissioueia iuet on Wednesday, May 5, 18S0. at 9 o'clock a. m. Bull called ; present Johu Walker, Chairman, John We, Michael Mauer, aud Johu fcjtaull'er, Clerk. Ou motion, the Chairman was in structed to execute deeds for the following- Iota in Columbia Square: Lot 1, block A: lot 6, block B: lota 18, 19 and 20, block B ; lot 2, block A ; lots 3, 4. aud 5, block A. Ou motion of G. K. Bullock and others that portion of Madisou and Beaver road which runs diagonally through S.E. X, Sec. 19, .Tp. 19, K. 4 west, was vacated. Petition of Willard Chapln and others to change position of Dry Creek road was laid over, there being a remonstrance filed. Ou petition of Frederick Eder aud others the following portiou of Columbus and Madison road was abandoned : commencingat or about the N.W. corner ofN.E. K of X.W. hi of Sec. 29, Tp. 19, It. 1 Avest, run ning thence diagonally in a south easterly direction and terminating at the southeast corner of S.W. hi of Sec. 32, Tp. 19, Ii. 1 west. Aud thereupon, on petition of Frederick Eder and others the following road was located, it being by consent oi the petitioners and owners of the land, to wit: commencing at the X.E. corner of N.W. hi of 8ec. 29, T. 19, K. 1 west, running thonce di rect south on hi section line and terminating at the S.E. corner of S.W. hi of Sec. 32, Tp. 19, It. 1 west. On motion, the certificate of tax sale made to Platto county April 14, 1880, for the N. hi of N.E. hi, Sec. 23, Tp. 17, R. 1 west, for the years ISob to 1878, inclusive, was sold to Frank North for the amount ex pressed ou tho face of said certifi cate. On motion, the certificates of tax sale made to Platte county March 25, 1880, for the lands of the B. & M. R. RCo. in this county for the years 1873 to 1877, inclusive, wore sold to W. W. Peet for sixty per cent, of the amount expressed in said certificates, amounting to $14, 770.28. W. W. Peet ntrd prottit NEEDS PAINTING! AND YOU f'AN AFFORD TO PAINT IT IF YOU 'WILL BUY YOUR PAINTS THE REVOLUTION Dry Goods and Clothing Store Has on hand a splendid stook of Ready -made Clothing, Dry G-oods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Eta, Etc., At slices it were nm M of lire in Coleiiis. o I huy my goods strictly for cash, and wiU give my customers the benefit of it. Give Me a call and covince yourself of the facts. I. GLUCK. r N yt and E j WofbK H Lot 1 'f-K.'l 33 Nv v; a 2 :w 3V i. I " f If., 10 lw 'iw 120 1& 312 M) 320 OlO Irk) too Nr X ami -E H W H or N K and m NE V.'l XU .. W , or nek, fenrxft: ; ; K ' i 20 " 12 JSfANo. ;.X ar' in the i-ountiri of Colf:ixvbutlT. "sffint.Mi, Dukola, DK on anil Wayne, it iiri-.i ranging from 1 to Jlit per m re. Al5-3ra "YOU BET." A. W. LAWRENCE, AGENT FOR THE KG B. STILLMAN, AT Wholesale and Retail Dealer in City Drug Store! 1 PROPOSE. This year to SELL PAINT CHEAPER than any other man In Central Nebauk.i, and I will prove it if you wiU GIVE ME A CALL! A N Y M A N J Living in Boone, Nance, Polk. Madison, virecij , or biij omer adjoining county, CAN HAKE GOOD WAGES By coming to Columbus snd buving his Paints and Oils of me. " THE BEST STOCK OF MIXED PAINTS To bo found in the City, und of tbe best quality. 1 811 only One Quality of Lead aud OU, and it ! S trlctly Pre. I handle Maceny'a Colors in Oil and they are tho BEST. A FULL LINE OF Paint,Varnish,Wall Sash AN D WHITEWASH BRUSHES. DRUGS, MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, - PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. Keeps on hand all articles usually kept iu a first-clasn Dm? Store. Dealers in surrounding country will find it to their Iatcrest to purchase from him. a he can and will give BED-ROCK PRICES. Prescriptions Carefullv Coinuounded. tgr-A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. 353 4P& w -t he- ADAMS WIND MILL! Can't be Beat in Work and Price. Just See! 8 foot wheel 10 WIND MILL. He will hereafter be found on 13th street two doora west or 3Iartball Smiths where he keep a full line of every stvlc of PUMP. PIPE, HOSE, And the OMjrated 1 X L FEED MILL. Ashe keep a Pump House exclusively, he is able- to -ell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. Pump for ny depth well, l'timp driven or repaJren, and Rod cut. BITE mil 1 CiLL i.D SAVE JIBSKY. gttA.OO S.9i VI foot wheel. 14 a i. . 3.00 . lae.oo Freight included, ten per cent, off for Cah. 33TTbe Mill fully warranted, as any othor ti Wind Engine. Am al-.o prepared to do nnv ca.t achinery of very description. For particulars call at the oiumiiuu roaaary. term-t reasonable. irst.eln itings for CHAS. SCHRCEDER, Prop V. Don't forget to call and get my pric I mean builncii. A. W. DOLAND. es. Wm. SGHILZ, Manufacturer and Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES! A compUtn usortnrat of LadlM'tDd Chll drtit'i Shots Lrpt on bsnd. All Work Warranted!! Our 3Iotfo Good stock, excellent work and fair prices. Especial Attention paid to Bepairiog Cor. Ollre nad 19th tti. BECKER & WELCH, PB0PKIET0BS OP SHELL CREEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS ft WHOLE SALS DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. HENBY LUEES KKEI-S ON HAND THE FMST i BHADLEY SULKY FLITS Break and SUrriag Plows, CJLTI7AT0M Nnlky Rakes Em. THESE IMPLEMENTS AUE First-class in Every Respect, And farmers would do well to examine them and compare prices before pur cban'ng anything else. Uhtt TJEtltY GAMS, ilanvjncturer and dealer in jjVTcA OFFICE, COL TTJCB US, NEB. Wooden and Metalic Bnrial Caskets All kinds and fiizea of Kobe, also has the sole ri-jht to manufac ture and tell the Smith's Hammook Reclining Chair. Cabinet Turnintr and Scroll work, Pic turei. Picture Frames and Moulding?, Looklng.glait PUtes, Walnut Lumber, etc, et. COLTTMBUS, S3. . m i