The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 05, 1880, Image 3

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Communication.-, to ln-ure insertion
hi tlte next i.-Mie, -hould be In hand on
Mondays; it lengthy, mi Thursday
preceding Issue-day. Advertisements,
of whatever i-ln-, should be in hand by
neon, Tuesdays.
Advert ieuieiils under tliU head l.i
ct.. a line tir-t insertion, 1 ft", a line
etch subseuuenl Insertion.
The JOL'K.lli establish
niret Ih bow permanently lo
CKied on lltli Mtreet. upstairs
la the JOIR.AI- baltdiBK.
JSJTCurd under thi heading will he
inserted for $-3 a year.
. A. R. Haker lst No. 9. Department
T Nebraska, mrd every second and
fourth Tned:iv evening" I" 'aeh
inantk in Knights of Honor llall.Co-
.lOHS H MMOXI. 1". I .
I. D. Waiiswokih. Vdj't.
II. T. Uov kr. Sear;;. Maj.
To shiTltM"r. J
Yvxrmmr. v-itk tick iute at which
your m bsckjpiion kxhkls, is placed j
on rBt-h.Ioi-UN-At vr,n receive. A lromiiba, j arpm. HOO(ls al ) I
leuewaioi ('.iicomiimaiuTwiiiM.r 4U ,
publisher, tioth trouble and expense,
and be better for all concerned. A re-
utwal is respectfully solicited. $2 for 1
v.-. $1 for i mos.; 30 cts. lor 3 inos. ,
journal, with either the American Ag-
,Sirir Xebrrsko rarmer V. yr..
past-paill. CU9n 111 smaller; ohliwi. i
- a ud the Xarff Tjj ?.
Shall the city vole V10.000 or
less in bonds?
Mr. Saml. Burns of Omaha, sail
ed for Europe last week.
School books at Kd. Fit7pat
riok'a, opposite the post-office.
--'The grazing of raeadowa in
.spring is at the expense of the hay
Cnpt. Wadsworth reports land
find city-lot transfers lively the past
A large assortment of all kinds
of farming implements at Schutte &
AlUruns Another fine lot, rheap,
at Kd. Fitzpaltick'a Book Store, op
posite P. O.
The cheapest place to buy boots
and shoes is at J. M. Ilonalmn'-, on
Clive street.
C. McCime and Mr. J. Bell, of
David City, were in the city the
first of the week.
Daniel Burr of Omaha, a very
pleasant, gentlemanly greenbacker,
called on us last week.
A girl to do generol housework
wanted. Good wages will he paid.
Apply to Cu. Berber.
The. I,. & N W. i no soonpr
here than discussion begins ni to
which direction it will go.
At the teacher? examination last
Saturday three, mil of the four ap
plicants, received certificates.
Wtsrm- Several men with
teams, wages $2 U perday. J. T. A
J. S. Clarkon, Schuyler, Neb.
II. P. Bower X Co. are handling
the. PeorU plows and cultivators.
Call and see them before buying.
P. W. Sehmit?. at R.H. Ilenry's
old stand, i celling- plows, harrows, j
and all kinds of farm Implements.
Sep Galley Bros, local notices
elsevhere, aud when you want dry- j
Hood be ure to call ntnl see tneir
-Willie Coolidge has been se- I
rloiialy threatened with congestion
of the lungs !tnd liver, but is now
The public library in Dist. 1 has
received an addition of 3-1 volumes
of public documents from Senator
Shall Frankfort square, com
monly known as Engine House
qnare, be cut up into business lots
and sold?
John Wiggim has the biggest
&tock and the largest assortment of
barbed fence wire ever brought to
O. A.Stcarnsihe photographer,
has just put iu a lot of new scenic
backgrounds in his gallery. Call
and see them.
Don't forget to call on J. C.
Elliott, at his new pump house on
Olive street, if ou want a wind
mill for .$40.00.
Blank notes, bank, joint, indi
vidual and work-aud-labor, neatly
bound in books, of 50 and 100, for
pale at the Journal office.
James Woods,-of Union Bidge,
Iowa, arrived iu Columbus last
week. We understand that he in
tends to make Nebraska hia home.
Don't fail to read the Red Front
Drug Store advet tisenient. Brainard
has something to sell, aud he has
likewise something to say about it.
John Welch living on Shell
creek had a valuable colt bitten in
the chin, by a rattlesnake. We are
not aware whether the colt was
For pure white lead, French
zinc and Linseed oil mixed paint,
ready for the brush, producing a
beautiful gloss, go to John Wiggins'
Hardware Store.
The Omaha Daily Jtojniblican
of Thursday last contained a new
&nd very appropriate heading cor
responding in gcod taste with the
body type of the paper.
We are prepared to furnish
horse bills at reasonable rates, and
in good style?. Also blank note
"books put up In auy desired form.
Give us a call before ordering.
Parties owaiug Buckeye ma
chinery should at ouce leaye their
orders for repairs with II. P. Bower
. Co., east of Speice & North's 11th
street, to avoid additional expense.
"Sam" Josselyu is working al
the JCra office.
"Fatty" Woods returned from
Genoa Monday.
Ed. North has had his second
attack of the measles.
M. Kramer went to Crete lat
week, thence to Chicago.
-Sludge I. N. Taylor of Oakdale
was? in the city Wednesday last.
Byron Griffin of the rn re
turned Monday from a trip to Grand
Frank North, son of Jumps F..,
hnd a very severe attack of diphth
eria lately.
For the best custom-made boot
and neate9t repairing go to Hona
bau's, on Olive street.
"W. II. Leslie, Esq., is one of the
intelligent Pennsylvanians who re-
eently located in Platte county.
! Wm. Tieskoller recently lost
two hordes hy prairie fire, for which
jie wa3 remunerated hv insurance.
Qet prices of croquet, base balu.
,,. . ,, , o r. n
hitpatrick a Book Store, opp. I . U.
.... f ,, ;,..
MiM Anna George of this city
jjRg j,ppn pup-aged to teach the school
,,.,.. , -n ....
near McAlpiu af in (.rauvillc pre-
Charley Sheets, who for some
time has been connected with the
Era, has a position on the Genoa
II. L. Small, and I. Gluck have
been making convenient additions
to their dwellings on Pacific
How shall the city of Columbus
pay her indebtedness, is the question
which is disturbing the dreams of
the Council.
The house occupied by Gus.
Hellborn is being removed from
Neb, Ave., to Kith St., one door east
of Schutte & PohPs.
"Sam" Wise was in town Satur
day. He is growing taller and
wider out every day. Railroading
must agree with him. j
Barbed fence wife is quoted at ,
Chicago, at 10 cts. a pound. John I
WiggiuR sells it here at 11 cts. Why
can't you fence a little?
Louis Kramer's many old ac
quaintances will be glad to hear that j
he will be in the city the hiat of the
week, to stay a few days.
Some of Platte county's wool
meu arc favorable to clipping more,
than one hVecp. a year say three
fleeces iu about two ear.
J. L. Mer'ereau of New York
state i sojourning in Nebraska, lie
says that Columbus has greatly im
proved since he saw it last.
The Maennerchnr go to Omaha
Saturday nevt, returning Monday.
The round (rip costs them a dollar
apiece ou the L. & N. W., and B. A
The contract for building the
bridge across the Cedar in Nance
county, has bepn let to A. Boe of
this county. The entire, cost to
up (jr,
yUs3 LonIga mupr of ,h;s p.,y
Jm, ,epn omployert by the. Board in
yl3U jo. 1, to teach the Longlooh
school for 2. months, beeiiinimr
Ma 10th
WiUanl rhapln lplI, U9 lhat n
peU,on u bein c;rcuIa(ea for ,ho
appointment of N. B. Olds (now II.
R. agent,) as postmaster at Lost
Creek station.
A gentleman living near Madi
son bought a hundred and twenty
five dollars worth of goods the other
day at Kramer's. Pretty good pur
chase for a farmer.
All persons interested in the
Library Association iu Dist. No. 1,
will please attend the business meet
ing al the school house nest Friday
evening at i o'clock.
Mr. Hugh A. McCrca of Butler
county, Pcnn., arrived in thejrity
last week with his family, and in
tends to make Nebraska his future
home. A hearty welcome.
Keating & Sullivan have for
sale, at their placo four and a half
miles northwest of the city, the
nicest bunch of young Illinois cattle
that have ever been brought to Co
lumbus. Wiggins proposes to sell barbed
wire at actual cost. He has had
some adverse experience with prai
rie fires, and is determined that this
country shall be fenced, if cheap
wire will do it.
P. W. Schmitz, at R. II. Henry's
old stand, is selling Wood's ma
chine, the reaper, Jhe mower, the
twine binder, the wire binder, aud
the harvester, as well as all kinds of
i farm implements.
II. Berthold of Omaha informs
us that book stock and white shav
ings, the cuttings from books, etc.,
are worth $1.50 per hundred ; mixed
office paper, at 75 cts., delivered at
the depot at Omaha.
"Shep'' Raymond took in Keat
ing last Monday ; we mean he took
in a nice bunch of young stock.
"Shep'' knows a nice bunch when he
sees it, especially when thpy come
from Illinois or Wisconsin.
"Will. J. Newman, accompanied
hy wife aud child, arrived in the
city Thursday. He is brother to C.
A., Ed., ind Harry, and will make,
the rich Nebraska soil fly on the
old home place iu Sherman precinct.
II. P. Bower & Co., having in
charge the agency for the Buckeye
machinery, have secured a full line
and are now open for business. Par
ties wlshjng anything in the machine
line Ydljdo well fo call and see them
A. N. Burgess has gone to
Genoa to help put the Nalioual
House in order for the accommoda
tion of guest? his father, William
Burgcsf. now having charge as
C. A. Speice. II. J. Hudson,
Chas. Wake, Michael and John
Schrnm, Wm. Speice and Charles
Davis wont to Madison Thursday
night and organized lodge No. 8a,
I. O. O. P.
Messrs. Keating Sc Sullivan re
ceived notice Saturday that four car
loads of young stock would be
started yesterday from the east for
them ; it beats all how many young
stock they sell.
The Lincoln Journal of April
30th says: "Freight busiuess at the
B. & M. depot was unusually good,
yesterduy. About 47S cars, loaded
with stock and merchandise, went
east and west, troiu this city."
Tho Red Front. Drug Store has
the lead iu wall papeis, trimmed
free, and window shades and rollers
of every kind; best assortment in
town, and price-; a-i low as the low
est. No trouble to show yoods.
Mr. M. O'llerne, of Omaha, was
in the city Saturday on busincs,aud
accidently ran across Mike O'Ncil
who cut on his board bill a short
time fcince at Omaha. He was keep
ing an eye on O'Xiel when we last
saw him.
Henry Liters hap sold his inter
est in the shop opposite the Tatter
soll to his old partner L. Schreibor,
and purchased the tools, Arc, of tho
blacksmith and wagon-shop at tho
Foundry, formerly owned by Chas.
See Dr. Counauglitou's lengthy
advertisement in another column.
He comes highly recommended as a
physisian and gentleman. He will
bo in Columbus, at the Clothcr
House, Wednesdav and Thursday,
May 20th and J7th.
Win. Bpckcr will receive a car
load of the celebrated Coquillard
wagons from South Bend, Ind., this
week. Wait and examine them be
fore purchasing, as there is no wagon
brought to this market which can
compare with them in any respect.
A. N. Briggs came down from
Albion Friday. He says the belief
is crowing that it will not he many
days until the U. P. will construct
their line into Columbus from Lost
Creek .station. Perhaps people
think that what ought to be will be.
We can not but thank our Dem
ocratic friend Went worth of the
Plattsmouth Cournnt for a very
handsome compliment paid im while
making a note of the fact that the
name of the .loi'RvuA editor had
been mentioned for a federal office
in thi Slate.
Fun S.u.f. A dwelling-house and
lot iu a wry desirable part of the.
city. Will be sold at a sacrifice, as
the money is needed. The house is
new and cost more money than is
asked for both house and lot. For
further particulars inquire at the
.Top i:ai. office.
There will be a pocial mpeting
of the K. and L. of Honor, at the
hall of the Knights of HonorThurs
day, May tith, at o'clock, to give
all who de.-iie- to do so, an opportu
nity to join thp organization. Blank
applications, etc., will be furnished
by the Sec'y, A. A. Smith.
Mr. George Thomain on Shell
creek lost a liltle child by erysipelas,
aged about 7 woM;s. Having lost
one not long ago, general sympathy
was manifested by the neighbors.
Mr. T. seems to be sorely afflicted.
The same night when his child died
he lost a valuable horse too.
Messrs. Lubker & Kramer are
the authorized agents hero for Mark
Twain's new book, the "Tramp
Abroad.'' They are not, by any
means, assuming to fill any con
tracts made by a certain traveling
fraud who was not an agent for the
work, but will sell it to all who may
desire- it.
Two of our attorneys got quite
excited the other d.iy, and indulged
in language somewhat unseemly, in
the presence of tho Justice, who
thereupon lined each of them. Both
met the demand of justice, apolo
gized for the episode, and will,
doubtless, hereafter observe the pro
prieties, notwithstanding provo
cation. The last Plattamonth Conrant
contains the notice of marriage of
Mr. F. W. Fairbanks and Miss Mat
tio Warner of Council Bluft's, the
happy event taking place at Fre
mont, March 17th, Rev. Mr. Ward
officiating. Mr. Fairbanks will be
remembered as the very tall, good
looking and gentlemanly printer
who sojourned with the Democrat
during its last weeks here. May he
live long and prosper.
Mies Annie, daughter of J. II.
Krause, has for several days been
very ill from rheumatism, Last
winter she was attacked by the dis
ease, but had almost entirely recov
ered, when she was again stricken,
the attack now being in the region
of the heart, and remaining. Ihere.
The young lady is not quite sixteen.
Birdie, a younger daughter, i9 also
ill, but not so seriously.
On Thursday last Lawrence
Cockbnrn and family, accompanied
by H. D. Lewis, started for Winni
peg, Manitoba, expecting to arrive
at their destination in the Queen's
dominions on the next evening.
Much has been said and written
about tlm wonderful productiveness
of this country, and ihp salubrity of
the climate. It is said that they
have their summer from the north
west, owing to the warm current in
the Pacific Ocean. Mr. C. has prom
ised to send the Joukvai. a good
map of the country and a description
of its olimate.
l'iKST or the si:asi:
The Oldest on the Road, and Larger
and Better than Ever.
Van Atubtirgh & Co.'s great Gold
en Menagerie has been consolidated
with Frost's Roman Circus and Col
osseum for the season of lSSO, and
will pitch its thirteen tents iu Co
lumbus, on Thursday. May 2:. This
is the 00th consecutive year of the
Van Amburgh Menagerie the
oldest show organization in the
world which has always been re
cognized as the leading exhibition
of wild animals, both in this country
and in Europe. As years have gone
by the Van Amburgh show has
striven to keep pace with the times,
and to-day it boasts of a greater var
iety of beasts, birds and reptiles
than any other exhibition on the
continent. The present consolida
tion with Mr. Hyatt Frost'.s Roman
Circus and Colosseum, places the
combination in the very foreground
of all institutions of a like character.
A perusal of tho advertisement in
this week's paper will convince the
most skeptical of the real merits of
of this gigantic aggregation. The
monster show, as now organized,
gives constp.-:i employment to over
250 laborers, and has a troupe of
nearly 100 lady and gentlemen per
formers; among the latter no less
than 12 equestriennes, and of the
latter the only female hurdle rider
in the world. It requires no pro
phet's ken to see that we arc to have
a superb show, and wo predict
crowded tents at both tho afternoon
and evening performances. Read
the advertisement in this week's
Map of Plulte Co.
Messrs. Speice & North, real es
tate agents of this city, have done
nu excellent thing in preparing lor
sale a splendid map of the county
showing tho location of all the
towns, farms, &c. It may be set
down as absolutely correct, in all
important particulars. W. L.
Wright of Omaha is the draughts
man, and the lithographers, August
Gass Sc Co. of St. Louis. The work
on the map is done in the
best of stylp, and one of these, hand
somely mounted, should adorn the
walls of every farm-house aud office
in the county. We find it very val
uable for reference, and have had
ours but a few dajs. We hope that
while these gentlemeipwill leel as
sured that they have done a public
good, they will have purchasers
enough for thoir very handsome
map to justify them iu still further
venture? in this line. Sold -J)
Speice A" North, at their ofhVe on
11th St.
Hull oi' Honor, IHst. o. lit.
For the week ending April 30th,
Grammar School,--Byron Comp
toii, John Senical, Chas. Fonrsall,
Robbie Saley. Feed. Mullen, J. W.
Hoagland, Josi Senicnl, Lillie
Smith, May Hunueman, Lois Me
Ginitie, Li blue Cofiey, Myron Wise,
Mary Carrig.
Intermediate, Clyde McG initio,
George Taylor, James Gibson, Ar
chie Bouestenl, Willie Leunian,
Webster Leuman, George Eliis.l'red
Collcy, Josie Wells. Harry Coinp
ton, Ella Thomas, Katie Shot well,
Grace Goer, Nellie Smith.
Primary, Annie Lamb, Ella
Compton, Eda Friedrick, Elsie
Morse, Nellie Post, Georgie Rice,
Nettie Rice, James Walkor, Merret
Shotwell, Eddie Hays, Joe O'Brien,
Engy Monette.
A correspondent of the Omaha
Bee writing from Central City, says
a suit is pending iu Nance county,
"in which one parly sues another for
damages to the amount of $1500
incurred by bringingdiseascd horses
into the state. The complainant
alleges that ponies afflicted with the
disease known as Spanish itch were
brought into the state, and upon his
premises by the defendent, from
which his own horses became dis
eased and died. The ponies, thirty
five in number, died also. The
ponies, wero driven overland from
Kaneas via Hastings, Nebraska."
This is probably the same affliction
as was referred to in the Jouiexal
several weeks since, and which, it j
was feared, was about to do so much j
damage, when tho infected ponies j
were taken into Nance countv.
City Council.
Among important matters at the
meeting Satin day night, were the
appoiutmeul of W. N. Henslcy city
attorney for the current year at the
sum of $150; the adoption of n reso
lution authorizing the circulation of
a petition to ascerlnin the wishes of
tax-payers as to the bonding of (he
city for such an amount as the Coun
cil may deem necessary, not to ex
ceed sJJO.OOO; al9o the circulation of
a petition for the pnrpose of ascer
taining who will favor cutting up
and spiling Fraukfoit square and
also two lots on the comer of Wash
ington Avenue and 3th street, and
all fractions belonging to Columbia
square, to go towards payiusr the
citv indebtedness.
of tee.
A meeting will be held at the city
hall on Thursday, May Cth, at 3
o'clock p. m., to make arrangements j
for the Republican State Convention ,
to be held iu this city on the 19th
inst. A full attendance of citizens
interested i particularly desired.
A. M- Post,
Committeeman 14th District.
The Sew Depot.
From Mr. Wm. Millar, assistant
engineer of the new railroad, we
learn the exact location of the new
depot, tracks, yards, Sec.
The track of the Lincoln & North
western crosses the U. P. at the
cemetery, and goes in a westerly
direction near and in 13th street,
stopping in the Yery middle of tho
street, northeast from Becker's gro
cery, where the depot will be built.
This structure will be 32x100 feet, n
passenger and frejght depot combin
ed, the office and waiting room being
at the west end. The west end will
command a fine view of 13th street,
and will itself be something to look
at iu lieu of the obstruction that it
will be to wagon travel. The 3onth
half of-block 07 is to be used for cat
tle pens, and the south half of CO
for engine house.
One freight track will come as far
west as North street, iu the alley
south ot Becker's store, Johnson's
stable, &e.
Everything concerning the new
road goes to show that, In the par
lance of the street, they mean "bus
iness." It will only be a few days now
until the road will be ieady for
business into tho city.
Wenllier Iteporl.
Review of the weather at Genoa,
for the month of April, 1880:
.Mean temperature of tno., des'-J
.Mean do of name mo. last year
Highest do on the 22d (leg's...
Lowest do on the 17th deg'.s
Ordinarily clear days. .. .
Very cloudy days "
High winds days
Calm days .
Itain or "mmw fell d ys
Iiu-hex of rain or melted nnw ..
Ditto same month last jear
. .2.
Prevailing winds during tho mo.,
from W. to N.W.
Ice 1,0,7,8,11, 12. 10,10,25, 2G,
Fogs, 3d and 27th.
Snow squalls, ISth and 25th.
Parhelia, 1st, 12th, 19th.
Solar halos, 1st, 10th.
First appearance of martins, 1st.
do do swallows, 10.
(hooi! i'ov the IV o pie.
We are asjured by the Press Agent ot
the Van Ami' & CD's Ureal Show,
that that pest of all traveling inhibi
tions iriven under c.iiivusm, the "Lem
onade I'edler," is not allowed to impor-
i tunc the audience with his presence or
drinks n the neats during the perl'orm-aiu-es;
and that all games ol chance, ol
nhatoecr description, are ignored aud
utterly repudiated hy this institution.
The management are froliciloits that the
Mithoritie-i in all pljce iu which the
! fio exhibits, wilt a.iist them in ar-
' resllni; and brin'-ing to punishment any
and all persons so ntfunding. The Van
AmeL'Hoh Show emplojo special detec
lives expressly ioi me piuieciiuu oi us
pattous. Such a show is woithy of sll
commendation. Such a show will islt
Columbus on the 13th of .Ma v.
Inciter ftiint.
The following is a li-t of UlicUimed
letters remaining In the post-oillee, iu
ColmnbiH, for the week ending April
2J. 1"5S(:
Iiaker, Lucid, John
Uiirmaii. .Allies O'Kee, Robert
Clarkj .1 L lYrson, Albert
Ciiiminchaui, Rich'dSorcii.spii, Nil
Case. L I Stewart, .1 y
llagens, (If Young, JJ T
Hcubel, John Zimmer, John (2)
hrammer, Pliillip late, .urn las
Norton, .John
Willion, KI1.M
Waldrof, Sarali
.Mohenke, John
If not called for in 3ft days will he sent
lo the dead-letter odlee, Washington, D.
C. When called lor please ay adver
tised," as these letters are kept separate,
E. A. CiKKKAI'.It, 1'. .M.
A ;nrt.
Our thanks are tendered
lo friends and acquaintances for
their tender offices during our Rore
Geo. W. Davis.
Bcuvda V. Davis.
DAVIS-On .Monday. May 1st, at 6 v.
M., of pneumonia, William .Mnxnn Davis,
in the twenty-Iirst year of hi- age.
The deceased was son of Geo, W. and
llclinda V. Davis of this city, and was
bom in Frederick City, .Md., Dec. 20th,
lctflt, removing with his parents to this
city several year ago. Since a lad he
has had two attacks ot typhoid lover
and live of pneumonia.
I'ev. .1. Q. A. Fleharty preached the fu
neral sermon Monday morning at the
Methodist church, and hi.- remains were
followed to the cemetery by his relatives,
friends and brethren of the Engine Co.
and Kire Department.
Advertisement under this head live
cents a Hut each insertion.
Hood caps for 5c ts, at KrnmcrV.
Calicos at 5 cents a yard at L.
--Ladies' slippers, 20 els. a pair al
Galley Bros.
See the sulkv plow attache
incuts at Lawrence's.
Valencia oranges and Messina
lemons at Hud-ion's.
A large, new stock of men's and
women's shoes at Win. Sclnlz's.
Choice cider in half barrels for
family use at Hudson's.
Fresh oranges and lemons )()
cts. a dozen at Hudson's.
Toweling, 5 cts. a d. at Kra
mer's N. Y. Cheap Cash Store.
Toys and toy books at E. D.
Fit7putrick's, opposite post office.
Plenty of tho celebrated Smith
wagons and buggies at Lawrence'3.
-.-A now and elegant line of dress
goods Just received at Galley Bros.
The Whitewater Standard farm
wagon on hand at Schutte & PohlV.
I never, no never, nllow myself
to be undeisold. I. Kramer, New
York Cheap Cash Store.
A nice Hue of Ladles' linen,
grasH cloth aud poplin suits at G&U
ley Bros,
Again received at Kramer's New
York Cheap Cash Store, Bed spreads
at 50 cts. each.
Towels 5 cts. at Kramer's.
Ladies' serge Shoes, 75 cts. u
pair, at Friedhofi'fc Co V. N. Y. City
Just received at Hudson's
choice New York and Ohio boiled
Ladies' serge Slippers, 50 cts. a
pair, at FriedhofV& Co's. N. Y. City
Solid colored worsted dress
goods, only 10 cts. a yard, at Kra
mer's. Do call and see the elegant lino
of Ladies' hat?, ruches, and ties at
Galley Bros. --
Men's black wool nats at 25
cents at Kramer's New York Cheap
Cash Store.
Ed. Fit7patriek sells the most
books and toys, for the least money,
of any one.
Men's Jeans Pants, only 50 cents
a pair, at Km trior's New York Cheap
Cash Store.
Gents, if yon wi-h a stylish and
nobby light hat for summer, call on
Galley Bros.
200 pieces spring calico, all the
new designs, at Fricdhoff & Go's.
N. YCily Store.
For lowest prices and best as
sortment, you mast go to Kramer's
N. Y. Cheap Cash Store.
Oranges, lemons, fresh cocoa
nuts and green apples just received
at Hudson's.
Oprnlnsr of the K. V. Cilv
Miore, Frlerthoirdc Co., Prop'i
Central Oluelf.
Misses' aud Children's corsets
aud waists at Kramer's New York
Cheap Cash Store.
A beautiful line of Hamburg
Edging, from 5 cts. to 75 cts. per
yard, at Galley Bros."
Ladies' 2-bntton kid gloves, on
ly 25 cts. a pair at Kramer's N. Y.
Cheap Cash Store.
Fifty dozen two-button kids, all
sizes 35 cts. a pair, at Friedhofl &
Co's. N. Y. City Store, Central Block.
Mail orders for goods as well as
for samples, promptly attended to
and satisfaction guaranteed. Ad
dress L. Kramer, N. Y. Cheap Cash
Store, Columbus, Neb.
Seeders, Cultivators, Harrows,
etc., etc., tho best goods in market
at Schutte & Pohl'8.
12..j yds. plaid dress goods for
fl at Kramer's New York Cheap
Cash Store.
Ladies' Berlin Gloves, at 10 cts.
a pair, at Friedhofl' & Co's. N. Y.
City Store, Central Block.
A beautiful line of Hamburg
Edgings, from 2 el, to 75 cts. at
J. C. Morrissey is dealing in
hogs on a very small margin, and
will continue to do so. Sellers will
consult their interests by seing him.
The lowest prices, the best
apartment and the latest styles at
L. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash
Children's gloves only 5 cts. a
pair. Ladies' gloves only 10 cts. a
pair at Kramer's New York Cheap
Cash Store.
You will save moupy by going
lo Kramer's New York Cheap Cash
Store, for ladies' and children's hats,
sundowns and bonnets.
Don't forget to call on Galley
Bros, when you are in want of dry
goods, boots and shoes, ready made
clothing, and hats and caps, as they
will not be undersold.
The latest styles of ladies', miss
ps' and children's trimmed and un
trimtned bonnets, hats aud sun
downs at Kramer's New York
Cheap Cash Store.
qfiip .to nD 'ostin oiij Xq
S.tnrjO OtJ, U.DiqM S.I3i8A"0 3JOOJ3ppt:5
qsiujj 'noseds oip jo oouuiBq otp .to'j
piinq no doo:j Ainisttoo ujav put:
pOAIOOn.I 9V( UB(J33i 'Q "fj
The largest and most complete
stock of men's, youth's and boys'
Clothing at former uniform low
prices, at L. Kramer's New York
Cheap Cash Store.
500 Pair men's two-buckle plow
shoes, only 65 cts. a pair, at Krat
mere N. Y. Cheap Cash Store.
We are agents for the celebrated
Sailer Lewis & Co., Philadelphia,
ladies' line shoes. Call aud exaniiue
them. Friedlioff Go's. N. Y. City
Store, Central Block.
Money Wanted.
To borrow $1500 on landed secu
rity for three years. Address, J. B.
S., care Journal office, Columbus.
For Male.
Over hundred choice residence
lots iu Smith's addition to the city
of Colnmbus. Saml. C. Smith,
509-x Keal Estate Agt.
Tor Sale,
A good one-seaton top buggy
plump for cash or terms to suit, at
A. W. Lawrence's Pump and Ma- i
clime jJcpot.
Attention, l'linuer.
I am determined to close out my
Stock of Implements, and it will
pay you to rail and examine before
purchasing elsewhere.
Wm. Becker.
I'teilst: ICeturn,
Upwards of two mouths ago a
gentleman borrowed of mc a drive
well auger, a maul and a pair of
tongs, which ought to be returned
immediately. J. C. Elliott.
Itrlck and Brick Work.
Thos. J'lynn Sc Co. are. ready to
furnish brick at their kiln, or deliv
ered in the city, or put into wall, at
reasonable rates and on short notice.
Choice HehlUjence 1,01 for Sule,
Choice residence, lata for sale in
the southeastern part of Columbus.
From one to forty acres rich, dry
soil and no alkali. Agre lot3 for
sale at price's from H'20 to $05 per
acre. Inquire of Speice & North.
The above property comprises Hig
gius and Spielman': addition to
Notice is hereby given to the pub
lic not to purchase a note for -?120,
given Feb. 7th, IS80, and due Jan. 1,
1881, to Enos E. Pickering, by John
Devine, and secured by mortgage,
as (he same was obtained through
misrepresentation, and will not be
paid. . John Devise.
Roiuettiber that Geo. N. Derry
U doing lots of paper hanging aud
painting, does good and neat work,
shop ouc door south of Elliott's
pump house.
Price liiMt ol Howierr at Kra-
nier'M lYew York Cheap
Cash Store
Children's colored hose, 5 cb?. pair;
Miscs white " 5 "
Ladies " " 5 "
Men's socks, 3 pairs for 10 cents.
I'wlray IVotlce.
Came to ray placo on Shell creek,
about the middle of April, a black
and white spotted boar about one
year old and weighing about 150
lbs. His ears look a9 though they
had been frozen. The owner can
have the same by paying all charges.
521-5 FnED. Hr.VGOELKR.
Advertisement under this head lire
cent a line, lir-t iuspitiou. three cent
i line eaih suhseiment insertion.
W'-TheColmaluw Journal"
and ilir American Auricnlturtet ((Jennan
oi English edition) $3 a y r., in adv anee.
iSTKeatiug Sc Sullivan kpep con
stantly on hand young Illinois ,toek
for sHle
"force pumps.
J. C. Elliott keeps the Force Pump.
Every person should have one incase of
MeSMlur Ntock Ienler.
All kiuda of horned stock bought
and old; alio fat ind stock hog.
370-y D. Anderson.
Will be found at Geo. A. Scott's
stable, (by the Clothcr House), ou Sat
urdays, during the following season.
I want no driving across the west
half of Section 12, Township 17, I'latle
county, Neb., after this date.
April It, lm t. 11. VAxAwriNK.
I'or rtnle.
A lot and neat cottage building
containing Mix room-, conveniently lo
cated iu the .city. Terms rcuonab.e.
For information call at this otllce.
A Bis Ilnreala.
I have an Elward Harvester, in good
repair, used one season, for Hair cheap
for cash or will give one vear" time on
good paper.
rer Weil 31 om! Lily,
Pevotpd to the interests of immi
gration and advertising. The large. t
circulation of auv magazine west of tin-
Mississippi river. TernivGOrlj. a year. I
Sample copies 10 cts. .loL'KNAI. and !
'.etv west," V2.40.
H. II. Allkx, Editor.
Ati-hieon, Kau,
Notice To Teacher.
1 will bp iu ray office at the Court
House ou the and last Saturday, ol
each month for the purpose of cxamln-1
ill'' applicants for teacher' cirtiil. uti-j '
and for the transaction of any other !
uiisiut.- jicriaining 10 pciioois.
County Supt.
Xlluelf I'rauLc,
A Canndiau Morgan, an excellent
draft hone and roadster, five yer old,
weight 1350 pouud, will stand for ser
vice during the season beginning Marth
nth. Terms: single service $; to iu
sure i. At mv stables on Mondays aud
Tuesdays; at Martin Bloedorn's, Wcd
nestfay, and Thursdays; Frldaya and
Saturdays, in Columbus, at Johnson's
stable. Hknky Sohwakz.
Is hereby given to all persous not to
purchase, or negotiate for, a certain
promissory note executed aud lUted hv
me on or about February 5th. 133a, aud
made payable to one J. E. lUinliti. iu
the sum of One Hundred and Fifty
Dollar due on or about Nov. 11. 1;JJ;
said note having been obtained hy fraud
and vylthout an consideration.
.March 'Jlh, 18V.
R. Or.nt Dauo.v.
Dissolution of Pariaertatiip.
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, doing business under
the linn name of Thos. Flynn X Son.
has been this day dissolved hv mutual
coiueut. The business (briek'making)
will be continued by Thot.. Flviin Co.,
who are authorized to settle the aiTairs
of t tic old lirm.
T Ki yv
April 1 , 180. John .1. Vlynn.
I will fake cattle for herdin" from
.May 1st to Oct. 1st, 1SS0. or durfng the
grazing season, at Jit a head, furnishing
salt, accessible to the cattle all the
while. My ranche is 4 miles west of
Genoa, on the Loup. All cattle re
ceipted for at the Ranehp, and all must
he branded or definitely marked. No
stock receipted for after 4 r. M. until 8
a. m, next day. Will also lniv and sell
stock on commission. Address at (lenoa
post-ollice, Nance Co.
IrIliraeH, Attention!
Preparations are being made for a
grand rally of Irishmen in be-half of
fcuri'eriug Ireland, to take place on Sit
iirday. May l,t, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the
Opera House in this citv. (Jeorge K.
Nunnelly ( Antelope Dick) will deliver
a poem on the famine of Sts, and deliver
his address: 'Ireland aud Her Heroic
Sons.'' Let everv patriotic son of old
Erin turu out. Large posters and pro
grammes will he ihsued at the proper
lime. It is expected that all the ad
joining counties will he represented.
(State papers pleaie copy. )
Uv Okdkr Committee.
Our quotation of the markets ara ob
tained Tuesday atternoou,aud arc correct
and reliable at the time.
chain, ac.
Wheat No. 1, test .".! lbs ... )
2, ' to .. . ;B
a, " A4 ' .... li
44 Rejected gj
Corn Shelled,. , jy
Oat, s
Horn iu Ear jtj
Flour, .13.V50O
Graham, 1 r.(-j f.-,
ileal, j (Vvji 30
Butter, 10JM2
Eggs, 637
Toiatpes, 450O
Onlona V 1 15O&20O
1.1 VK 3T0CK.
Fat nogs, S2M3tO
Fat Cattle 2 .'jOA'J OD
Y'earling- 1? un no
Calves i D0&QGO
heep 300
Good veal, per hundred, ... 00
Hide, green salted, 4 i :
Ham, 7gio
Shoulders, . .. . k$7
Sides, . . ay?
Corned Beef . 1.,7
Steak . SfiliJ,;
Finishing M0 00640 00
Flooring 25 0033 00
3djng 20 00S2100
Drop Siding 27 506J30 Co
Ship Lap 25 to
Framing 1 1 to 20 ft ) . . . 2s"
Sheeting 22
Well Tubfna (per bunch) . 1 .V)
Lath (per M) 4 ,yj
Shingle (perM) 3 H)fl 4 CO
Doom 2-SxG-y, 1& thick. ... 2 30
4' 2-UxU-tf, li .... 2 20
4' 2-8xCC, I .... 175
Window 1 W)
Felt per (lb.) si cents.
Tar filt (per lb.) S) "
Resident Physician. la-Charge of the
Davenport Medical Institute, has juil
closed r brilliant professional visit of
trvo month at Omaha. In response to
many urgent requests, DR. CON
NAUQHTOX will pretIeo in the fol
lowing cities on his way home to Dav
enport, Iowa:
At Commercial Hotel, L'neoln, May
1st until 7th.
At Orand Central. Nebraska CitT.
A't Marsh House, Brownvillr, Mv 10.
At Leading Hotel. EhJIs Citv, May 12.
At Sherman House.Tec umse'b. Mav U.
At l'aeifie Hoiistr, I'.eatriee. May 14.
At Reed'-. Hotel, Wither. May M.
At Cosmopolitan Hotel, Crete, May 1C.
At 17.
At Occidental, Sutton, May in.
Al LepinVs Hotel, Hasting. Mav 1931.
At Commercial, Kearney Citv, Mav
1, .
At (J rand Island House, Orand Fi
land Mav ': '24
At'Ccutral'cfty House, Central Citr,
At Clothcr House, Columbus, Mav
At Upton House, Schuvlcr, Mav ijs.
At Commercial, Fremont, May if.
At Pennsylvania House. Yt Point.
May SI.
At City Hotel, Blair. June 2.
At Astor House, TeWainan, June 3.
At Ogden House, Council Blufl", June
4, T, 0.
At Leading Hotel, Sioux Citv, June
7, 8, 9, 10.
No patient need stay with Dr. Con
naughton oer an hour!
Fees moderate. TERMS, CASH.
Head a few of the many nreat cures
effected by Dli. COXXAVGH
TOX in your own and adjoinmi
Euoiorn. Neb., April 17. 1KS0. 1
Walter Cox.nauoiuon, M. D. Dear
Sir: I am happy to state, aHer thor
oughly testing the merits of your Valu
able Discovery for the curing of Catarrh
ami Deafues, that my brother and 1
h ive derived the most astonishing relief
after several applications. We can
conscientiously recommend vonr supe
rior new method to all sud'-rer. from
that terrible affliction.
Accept many thaiks for your faithful
and gentienunlv attentions. Your
grateful patient,
soever Kuhlnnnn, Merchaut.s, llo.i.
per, NcbrasLt,.
An Unparalleled. Success.
t Extract from a valued letter.
Six Eminent Piiymcunh Faii.kd.
Frm.m Joux Hanky, Ei.kiiokn, Neb..
April 17, 1SSI1. Ik. (ONNAl'OIITON.
Dear Sir: I am happy to write that our
little hoy Is getting so much better in u
short a time. He is
feeling very r.d, eats verj hearty,
takes his medicine and a-L often for
D. C.CnnnauirhU.n's kh1 medleiar."
Your?. Joux HiXKV.
Remark. In the above ver.v uncom
mon cae a large scrofulous tumor grad
uully funned until It tilled up the entire
throat and roof of the mouth, rendering
it almost Impossible to . wallow. breathe
or et his breath, with general debility
and los offl?sh. Jlmaha Herald.
Davenport, I.
Dr. CoxNAi'Oiirox. Dear Sir: I was
sick for a great many years, and for
3everal years could scarcely walk about
town. My breath was short, and 1
HUtl'ored lrom pains all the time; itlno,
from palpitation and internal fever. or
burning .sensation, and experienced fre
quent smothering or choking feeling.
I also HiiflVred trom pain, low down
acro-s ray bowels, and In my back, and
was much reduced in rtc.-h. 1 now feel
like a ditl'eretit per-nn, m health is ,o
good. Mitft. L. C. Watt,
1 110 Harrison St.
Catarrh and Female Diseases of 20
From .las. N. DawsonJJrand Mound. Iu.:
P. Walter Coiinaughton, M. D. Sir:
Gratitude prompts me to write you is
few lines, informing you of niy wife's
great improvement liuder your treai
ment. She feels young once more, and
can do a good day's work. She is better
than she has been for 20 year. J have
paid out a good deal of money to quack
doctors, and nostrums of the'day, to no
henelit; and she has never received any
henctil uutil Mie commenced your treat
ment, aud if any person doubt it let
them call at my residence or write, and
I will prove my assertion. I saw ono
of mr neighbors Iat niirht; she is in tht-
j first stages ol consumption. 1 uni going
to take my wile and see them, aud try
to prevail on them to gnand see you.
Ytrnrs with much respect,
Tames N.
Trom Rev. Joseph Hart. Pastor
Ninth St. Methodist Episcopal
Church, Rock Island, 111.
Dr. tox. Dear Sir: I have
suffered with catarrh of tht: head for
twelve year; my xense of swell mas areat
l'j impaired, ringinu in iny ears, partial
lofs of voice, stopmnij up of one urboth or
the nostrils, and Home headache occa
sionally. One application of your oor
velovs common seme treatment relieved
me eiitSreht. I feel u-Ai't- in r,i.niiiiM.iui.
J iiijf joii to the sifJctcil. .1. Hart.
From Moses Hobbs. Esq , Foreman
C-. R. I. & P. R. R. Shops, Daveu
port, Iowa.
Davenkirt, Iowa.
DR.CONNACnilTON. prnrSir: 1 hav
been badly afflicted with Catarrh of the
throat for three yea. j. 1 have tried ra
rious rerut&in, and several eminent p
siciana, without the lea-t henelit. lour
superior method for curing catarrh avc
rue Instant relief, and 1 can recommend
It to the affli-ted. Very respectful!,
31 HohBs.
Testimony ot Mr9. Auguite Breyer;
Residence No. 923 Ripley Street,
Davenport, Iowa:
Dr. Connaughlon cured me In two
day of deafness and noise In the ear. of
many year standing, after 1 had ron-
dldf.r.irl muuatf I . .....f ...
most cheerfully recommend Dr. Con-
naugnion as a master of hi profeIou,
and advtie the aullctcd to employ hi
skill whenever they have an opportuni
ty to do so. He has etfecteit many
tonlihing cures iu this cit, and ba
done an a-toni-bln amount of gao.i
My age I about .lxty-live.
Mrs. Auai'-m. Kheykk.
All who have written to me, and all
others whoare anxious to consult iue
on mv visit, should come prepared -
j come early and stay until 1 arrive, I
may De a train aneal or a tram behind,
but I shall till all my appointments. 1
treat old standing diseases of every
name and of both sexe; perform all the
more difficult and delieat operations;
cure impediments of speech; insert at
tlfldal e..