The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 31, 1880, Image 4

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Antiquarian Care i Olile.
The Ohio Valley, ami this imme
diate section iu particular, is rich in
remains of that wonderful pre-his-toric
race, the evidences of whose
civilization have been perpetuated in
those curious pieces of engineering
from which is derived the euphon
ious name "Mound Builders," given
them by archaeologists. Within the
past few days wonderful discoveries
have been made in this vicinity
which open up a new chapter in the
history of this remarkable race, and
yirow much light upon their man
ner of living, their character, their
social habits and their physical na
ture. In different sections of the
world, and at divers times, there
have been found the remains of a
gigantic fauna and flora, and of
human kind of enormous size. So
rare And far apart have been these
discoveries, however, that we have
looked upon historical accounts of
them as clearly constructed pieces
of fiction, and been loth to believe
that there ever existed a man able
to do battle with a fierce mastodon
or the savage megatherium. It re
mains for Adams county to come
forward with a startling confirma
tion of the spiritual text: "And
there were giants in those days."
For in Adams county has been found
not only the bones of a gigantic
race of n ea, but the'r implements of
warfare aud husbandry, and excell
ently preserved specimens of their
art in sculpture, painting, engraving
and writing. Whether these pre
historic giants had a hand in the
creation of those splendidly design
ed and durably constructed pieces
of engineering which stretch across
the country from the headwaters of
the Ohio to the mouth of the Rio
Grande, there to commingle with a
similar chain of road 6, mounds and
fortifications coming down the Pa
cific slope, and continuing on
through Mexico, Central America
and the South American States, to
be finally lost in the unexplored
barrens of Patagonia, will be left for
the solution of a wiser bead than
your correspondent possesses. He
simply relates the facts ; the scien
tists may build thereon the theories.
In conversation with some of the
oldest citizens of this couuly I have
been unable to learn the date of the
discovery of a cave on the old Tiffin
township. For years it has been a
place of resort for the curious, and
waB always regarded a great natur
al curiosity. The old Smith farm is
on the Portsmouth pike, between
fifteen and sixteen miles northeast
of this place. It is now owned by
Mr. Samuel Grooms and is a fertile,
well-cultivated body of land. About
a quarter of a mile from the house
is a level field of two hundred odd
acres, occupying a plateau, surround
ed by lofty hills. In the center of
tbiB field is the entrance to the cave.
As you near the mouth of the cave
there ia a gradual depression of the
ground on all sides, forming what
in the local nomenclature is denom
inated a "eiuk hole." At tho bottom
of this circular basin is a hole three
feet in diameter and about twenty
five feet in depth, at which distance
from the surface you strike the floor
of the first chamber in the cave, a
dry cavern, twenty by thirty feet,
with smooth, even floor, roof and
walls of freestone. Crossing this
room you enter a corridor six feet
in width, which connects with an
other chamber smaller than the first,
and this in turn is connected with a
third chamber by a similar corridor.
The third room is about the size of
the first, but it has a lofty dome and
the walls, floor and roof are of lime
stone. Through the rock tho water
has oozed for countless ages and
formed thousands of glistening sta
lactites and stalagmites. Nowhere
else iu tho cave uo you find these
slow-growing formations, and no
where else do you find the limestone
croppiug out. To gain access to the
fourth chamber it is necessary to
climb a steep, wet band and squeeze
through a narrow fissure in the
rock, which was ouce a corridor
like those connecting the other
rooms. Some couvulsion of nature
has forced the sides together. In
one corner of this fourth chamber
is an elevation which, when ouce
surmounted, discloses a yawning
well, with a mouth ten feet in di
ameter and of unknown depth. Ap--ply
your ear to the edge of the well
and you hear the hollow roaring of
an underground stream hundreds of
feet below. Beyond this fourth
chamber are five others, connected
by narrow galleries. The cave
comes to an end against a perpen
dicular wall of solid rock in the
math chamber and about five hun
dred yards from its mouth. The
floors of all the chambers except the
third one, where the limestone crops
out, are dry. All are mathematic
ally regular in shape except this
one. They are of different length?,
but all are of the same width and
height. It is a romantic place for a
picnic and has been thoroughly ex
plored a thousand times, and the
walls of the limestone chamber are
covered with the names of visitors
and the dates of their visit. One,
high up on the wall, reads: '"Von
Brady, 1789." Yon Brady was an
Indian fighter and hunter, who came
here in advance of the "Ohio Com
pany," in 178G. He was a daring
man and sent naauy of the red men
to the "happy hunting grounds."
A few days ago a party of gen
tlemen of this county, interested in
archaeological researches, visited the
cTe, well provided with ropes, lan-
terns and tools, bent on exploriug
the mysterious well iu the fourth
chamber. An improvised rope lad
der, sixty feet in lengh, was lower
ed down the well. Then one of tho
party descendod, whilst the others
watched above. Ten feet from the
top of the well the wall was uueven,
and, by placing his feet on conven
ient edges, no difficulty was expe
rienced in making the descent.
About fifty feet" down the explorer
found the entrance to another cav
ern. This gallery at its mouth is
ten feet six inches high and five feet
four inches iu width. The gallery
is straight and fifty feet in length,
where it enters a large room two
hundred and twenty feet long, one
hundred and ten feet wide and
twenty-four feet high. The gallery
widens gradually and where it en
ters the chamber measure twenty
five feet across. The roof, floor and
walls are smooth and even. In the
center of this apartment is a sarco
phagus and mausoleum combined.
The mausoleum at its base measures
fifty-five by thirty-five feet, ft is of
simple, though beautiful design, and
carved out of the solid rock. Its
base is paneled on all sides, these
panels containing bas-reliefs which
are supposed to represent the four
scasous in man childhoodt youth,
manhood aud old age. At the end
of the bas-reliefs are tablets full of
written characters, in shape some
thing like the Hebraic, presumed to
be memoriams of the person or
persons in whose honor the mauso
leum is erected. The carving on
the bas-reliefs is of the most delicate
description, and fully equal to the
Grecian school of sculpture. The
limits of a newspaper article will not
suffice fitly to describe them. From
the floor to the top of this base is
six feet. The base is hollowed out
at the four corners, and these exca
vations are covered with slabs of
freestone, accurately fitted and so
firmly cemented that a cold chisel
struck with a heavy hammer made
little or no impression on the ce
ment. They are of uniform size,
measuring five by twelve feet. In
the center of the mausoleum rises a
couch two feet five inches iu height,
twelve feet iu length and five feet
in width.
On this couch is extended the
figure of a man. It is probably of
life size, and measures nine feet four
InchcB in length. The limbs are
finely proportioned and disposed in
an easy and graceful manner. The
arms are folded across the breast
and the fingers clasp a bunch of
leaves resembling oak, reproduced
with such fidelity to nature that they
look like petrifactions. Every vein
and serratiou of the leaf is perfect
The figure is partially nude, a man
tle or scarf crossing the breast and
loins and falling in graceful folds on
each side. The face is one of great
strength and beauty, and the fea
tures are of a Hebrew cast. The
head is covered with a winged cap,
or helmet. At each corner of the
couch is a vase four feet nine inches
high, covered with beautifully carv
ed flowers and leaves. They are in
shapo something like an amphora,
except that the bottom is flat and the
handles affixed to the body of the
vase. The neck is thirteen inches in
length and tapers gradually and
graceiuuy. mo vases are or uni
form size, although the carved de
signs are different. They measure
in circumference four feet five
inches. The diameter of the neck is
six inches. Suspended from tho
roof, and directly over the head of
the recumbent figure, is a copper
lump of unique design, elegantly
chased, and kept in position by rods
of the same metal. At each corner
of the mausoleum rises a carved
pyramidal column, surmounted by
caps that are unmistakably Doric.
On two sides of the room are tombs
of humbler design. They are side
by side, of uniform size and twenty
in number, ten on a side. Like the
mausoleum they are carved out of
the solid rock and embollished with
bas-reliefs. Their dimensions are
as follows: Length, 12 feet; width,
5 feet ; height, 5 feet. The tops are
covered with slabs, securely cement
ed. On the front of each is a raised
scroll, covered with written charac
ters, similar to those on the panels
of the mausoleum. On the wall-of
the room, opposite the entrance, are
painted twenty-five faces, no doubt
portraits of those whose bones lie in
the tombs. They are faded and
blurred, but still distiact enough to
be distinguished. Eight of these
faces are of children, five of youths,
two of young men, nine of middle
aged men and women, and one, in
the centre of the group an exact
copy of the face of the recumbent
figure iu the mausoleum. The col
ors used are red, yellow, black and
white and were eyideutly mixed
with oil. The portraits are executed
in a superior manner and the ana
tomical proportion of the features is
preserved to an exact degree.
One only of tho small tombs has
been opened. It contaiued a splen
didly preserved mummy, swathed
in cloth covered with a thick var
nish, which emits & pleasant aro
matic odor, not unlike balsam of fir.
The mummy measures nine feet one
inch in length and is evidently the
body of a man. One of the party of
discoverers cut the wrappings from
the face, but did it so clumsily that
the head crumbled into dust. Por
tions of the hair remained sticking
to the cloth, and your correspondent
has a piece before him as he writes.
It is black, cntly and of fine texture.
Besides the body of the giant the
tomb contained a 6pear-head, a
hatchet, two Iauces, three mattocks,
or hoes, a spade, a cup, two platen
and a small urn, all of copper. One
of the lance heads and the smallest
cup have been shown me. The
wonderful peoplo understood the
secret of hardeniugcopper, for an
ordinary flic will barely scratch the
lance, and the edge of a cold-chisel
turns up like lead when struck
against it. The cup is of softer
Lmetal and beautifully engraved with
trailing vines and wreaths. A square
package at tho head of the tomb,
wrapped in the varnished cloth,
coutained a book of one hundred
leaves of thin copper, fastened loose
ly at the top and crowded with fine
ly engraved characters similar to
those already described.
This remarkable cave is one of the
most wonderful pre-historic remains
ever discovered. Its builders were
a race of giants, but whether they
were also mound builders, I know
not. The upper cave was the cellar
of a house aud used for domestic
purposes, or as a place of retreat in
case of attack on the above ground
residence. In the first two cham
bers and in the last five, are many
curious formations in the shape of
tables and benches, which have al
ways been presumed to be of nat
ural origin. Later examiuations
revealed the works of chisel and
pick, which were also noticeable on
the floor, roof and walls. The en
tire excavation is made out of solid
rock; and all the chambers were at
one time of the same width aud
height. The irregularity of the roof,
walls aud floor of tho limestone
chamber is due to natural causes.
In all probability this room was dry
when the wonderful people who de
signed aud built it were alive. The
stalactites and stalagmites have
formed since. I measured one of
the longest of the former. It was
five feet six aud one-half inches
from base to apex. Allowing that
it lengthened at the rate of one inch
every fifty years which a geolog
ical friend tells mo is very rapid
growth it would have been three
thousand, three hundred aud twenty-five
years reaching its present
length. Conjecture alone can fix the
date of the last occupancy of the
cave. It must have been years be
fore the stalactites began to form. I
examined the mouth of the cave and
discovered traces of a 6tairway
which once led to the surface of the
grouud. Indeed, I found among the
debris broken fragments of rock
which, five or six thousand years
ago, were undoubtedly parts of a
broad staircase. There were also
traces of a stairway which wound
around the sides of the well, afford
ing easy entrance to the lower
The owner of the cave, Mr.
Grooms, has organized a company
with capital, and they contemplate
opening all the tombs and the great
mausoleum. As soon as all arrange
ments are completed the cave will be
thrown open to the public and an
admission fee charged. In the mean
time the entrance to the cave is kept
closed, to keep out the curiosity
seekers, who flock to it from miles
around. Mr. Grooms is anxious to
have a scientist examine the cave,
and a description of the discoveries,
together with the engraved book
and the tools fouud in the tomb, will
be forwarded at ouce to the Smith
sonian Institute.-(?. W. S., in the
Saints' Herald.
Another evidence of the richness
of the soil of Nebraska is found iu
the fact of the number and great
growth of the native grasses, which
afford the very be6t pasturage from
early spring until the month of No
vember. Those who have investi
gated the subject of the native
grasses claim no fewer than one
hundred and fifty species." Among
other varieties the blue-joint grows
everywhere in the State except on
the low bottom lands. In ordinary
seasons, and under favorable condi
tions its growth is from two and a
half to four feet, and often on culti
vated grounds it will grow to the
height of seven and ten feet. On the
up-lands, blue-joint grows in great
abundance and is greatly relished by
cattle. Buffalo grass now in the
greatest quantity is found in the
western half of the State. This, it is
claimed, disappears before cultiva
tion, but it is nature's provision of
food for grain-eating animals during
winter, when the animals are com
pelled to remain on the prairie, as it
retains its nutriment all the year
round. Among icexl grasses that
grow abundantly in the State are
several varieties of buuch grass ; aud
in the low lands a native blue-grass,
and what is known as the spangle
top, which makes an excellent qual
ity of hay.
It was a question among the first
settlers of Nebraska whether fruit
could be successfully grown in the
State or not, bnt finding the wild
fruits, such as plums, grapes, and
gooseberries growing in abundauce,
it was thought that apple orchards
might be cultivated with success.
So reasoning, the earlier settlers in
the eastern part of the State planted
their orchards and their first plant
ings failed, but they persevered and
the result has been a complete suc
cess. Nebraska frnits now compare
favorably with the best produced in
other states. Iu 1871 Nebraska had
on exhibition at Richmond, Va., one
hundred and forty-six varieties of
apples, fifteen of peaches, thirteen of
pears, one of plums, and one of
grapes, and was awarded the first
premium for the best collection of
fruit among all the States. The
fruits of Nebraska have been exhib
ited at Boston, Chicago and at tho
International Exhibition in lS7G,the
judges awarding prizes for eight
varieties of pears, large, smooth and
well colored, and for two hundred
and sixty-three varieties of apples,
the latter prize being for the unusu
ally large number of finely grown
varieties. Instead of orchards flour
ishing only in the eastern part of the
State and near tho Missouri river,
they do well away out on the prairie
wherever nature's conditions of
growing fruit are observed.
The Assessment.
It will be well for tax-payer to pre
serve a copy.
15. What is the amount and value of
royalties and annuities that you re
ceive during the ear from any
source? This includes pensions or
any other annual iuconie which you
receive from any source.
What amount of merchandise have
you on hand and in transit, what
amount of money have you invested
in merchandise, as owner, agent,
guardian or trustee? This includes
the stock of nurseries, growing or
otherwise (Sec. 14 R. L. 1879), also
all kinds of trade and traffic in com
modities of any description, also in
cludes capital invested by grain
buyers and stock dealers.
What amount of material and manu
factured articles have you on hand,
of your own manufacture? This in
cludes all material on hand or in
20. What is the amount and value of
manufacturing tools, implements and
machinery, other than boilers and
engines? This refers to all manufac
tures, and of all descriptions.
What amount of gold and silver
plated ware have you, and the yalue
thereof? Diamonds and jewelry,and
value thereof, or amount of money
invested in the above enumerated
articles and wares
24. What amount of money have you in
bank or on deposit? How much on
hand not in use?
What amount of credits are due you,
other than of bank? This includes
stocks, and state, county, city, vil
lage or school-district warrants, also
mortgages, notes, due bills or secu
rities of any kind.
35. What amount of money have you in
vested in real estate and in improve
ments thereon, either as owner,
agent, guardian, trustee or attorney ?
This is also to include all other prop
erty, whether personal or real,
school or mineral lands, &c.
What amount of corn, wheat, rye,
oats, or other grain have you on
hand? How many dogs have jou?
How many bitches or sluts ?
Sec. 2. Revenue Laws, 1879, says:
If Assessors shall be of opinion that
persons listing property for himself or
any other person, company or corpora
tion, has not made a full, fair and com
plete schedule of such property, he may
examine such person under oath in re
gard to the amount of property he is re
quired to list, and for that purpose he is
authorized to administer oaths; and if
such person shall refuse to answer un
der oath aud a full discovery make, the
assessor may list the property of such
person or his principal, according to his
best judgment and information. If the
person so examined shall swear falsely
he shall be guilty of perjury and pun
ished accordingly.
Skc. 20. Any person, firm or corpora
tion within this state, required to list
property for the purpose of taxation,
and who claims that a portion of his or
their funds are invested in government
bonds and therefore exempt from taxa
tion, shall be required to exhibit to the
assessor, to whom they are required to
make returns of their such bonds, and
the assessor shall enter upon such list
the species of bond or bonds so exhibit
ed, together with the number, series,
and amount of each bond respectively.
And every person claiming to be the
owner of any such bond or bonds and
failing or refusing to so exhibit the same
to the assessor for the purpose herein
provided, shall not be entitled to any
exemption on account of funds claimed
to be invested in such goverment bonds,
but shall have the aggregate of the
amount so claimed to be so invested ad
ded to his list by the assessor as so much
additional moneys and credits, as herein
Sec. 42. Whoever shall wilfully make
a false list, schedule or statement, under
oath, shall, in addition to the penalty
provided in the preceding section, be
liable as in case of perjury.
oe. cassia
3ic;m:ri to Omul Bit! ul Ttraor a Hslit.
CASH CAPITAL, - $50,000
Leander Gebrard, Pres't.
Geo. W. Hulst Vice Pres't.
Julius A Reed.
Edward A. Gerrard.
Abjjer Turner, Cashier.
Daak of Deposit, Discount
and Exchange.
Collection Promptly Made on
all Points.
Pay Interest en Time Depos
its. 274
A.9kL 1 -m trm ..- AAA,i !--,.! on
Bl T H ABM Ul.iri 111 I'lltlll lailll. SHI
acres under cultivation, a
pood house one and a half
story fiigh, a good stock range, plenty oi
water, aud good hay land. Two miles
past of Columbus. Inquire at the
rionecr Bakery. 473-6m
"Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Wagon Materia!
Corner 11th anil Olive Sts.
He will hereafter be found on 1.1th
street two doors west of Marshall
Smith's where he keeps a full line of
every style of
And the Celebrated
Ashe keeps a Pump House exclusively,
he is able to sell CHEAPER THAN
THE CHEAPEST. Pumps for any
depth well. Pumps driven or repaired,
and Rods cut.
T. Z. UI7CEZLI., U. S.
S. 7.HABT71T.M.D
MS illltt ill
S. S. UXSCZ2, li. 0. i J. C. DIlTISr, U. 0., ef O11I1,
(Mti&g Physicians and Surgeons.
For the treatment of all classes of Bur
gery and deformities; acute and
chronic diseases, diseases of the eye
and ear, etc., etc.,
Columbus, Neb.
Manufacturer and dealer in
Wooden and Metalic Burial Caskets
All kinds and size or Itolr, also
has the sole riulit to manufac
ture and serf the
Smith's Hammock Reclining Chair.
Cabinet Turninc and Scroll work, Pic
tuies, Picture Frames and Mouldings,
Looking-glass Plates, "Walnut Lumber,
etc., etc. COLOLBUS, NEB.
Light Pleasure and Business Wag
ons of ail Descriptions.
We are pleaed to invite the attention
of the public to the fact that we haw
just received a ear load of Wagons and
Buggies of all descriptions, aud that we
are the sole agents for the counties oi
Platte, Butler, Room-, Madifon, Merrick,
Polk and York, for the celebrated
of Cortland, New York, and that we are
offering thee wagons cheaper than an
other wagon built of same material,
style aud linith can be sold for iu this
JSTSeml for Catalogue and Price-list.
Columbus, Nebraska.
Blacksmiths and Wagon Mahrs,
Repairing Done on Short Notice.
Bsejies Tagtsj, It:.. Jfilo ts Criir.
Near Mattliis's Bridsre.
JOSEPH BUCHER, - Proprietor
JSTTlie mill is complete in every par
ticular for making the best of flour. A
square, fitir busiHOw" is the
motto. 4.Wx
tainining to a general Real Estate
Agency and Notary Public. Have in
structions and blanks furnished by
Unitecl States Land Office for making
final proof on Homesteads, thereby sav
ing a trip to Grand Island. Have a large
number ol farms, city lots and all lands
I belonging to U P. R. R. in Platte and
adjoining counties for sale very cluap.
Attend to contesting claims before U. S.
Land office.
OKre one Door Went of Hammond Hoate,
E. C. nocKENBKRGKR, Clerk,
Speaks German
Will keep on hand all kinds ol Fresh
and Salt 31eats, also Sausage, Poultry,
Fresh Fish, etc., all in their season.
Cash paid for Hides, Lard and Ba
0. 11th STREET.
Dealers in Fresh and .Salted Heats.
&c. Town Lots, "Wood, Hides, Sec.
J. RICKLY, Agent.
Columbus, June 1, 1877.
Hi f7"i'TO J6C00 A YEAR, or
NC I '"I H l$5 to $20 a day in your
UjJLUKjyj own locality. No risk.
Women do as well as
men. Many made more than the amount
stated above. No ono can fail to make
money fast. Any one can do the work.
You can make from 50 cts. to $2 an hour
by devoting yonr evenings and spare
time to the business. It costs nothing
to try the business. Nothing like it for
the money making ever offered before.
Business pleasant and strictly honora
ble. Reader, if you want to know all
about the bet paying business before
the public, send us your address and we
will send you full particulars and pri
vate terms free; samples worth $" also
free; you can then make tip your mind
for yourself. Address GEORGE STIN
SON it CO., Porland, Maine. 481-y
A MONTH guaranteed.
$12 a day at home made by
the industrious, uapitai
not required; we will start
you. Men, women", boys and girls make
money faster at work for us than at any
thing else. The work is light and pleas
ant, and such as anyone can go right
at. Those who are wise who see this
notice will send ns their addresses at
once and see for -hemselTes. Costly
Outfit and terms free. Now is the time.
Those already at work are laying up
large sums of money. Address TRUE
& CO., Augusta, Maine. 481-y
(olmibns journal
li conducted a- a
Devoted to the best mutual inter
ests of Its readers aud it publish
ers. Published at Columbia. Platte
county, the centre of the agricul
tural portion of Nebraska, it i read
by hundreds of people east uhoare
looking towards Nebraska as their
future home. Its subscribers in
Nebraska are the staunch, solid
portion of the community, as is
evidenced by the fact that the
Journal has never contained a
"dun" against them, and by the
other fact that
In its columns always brings its
reward. Business is business, and
those who wish to reach the .-olid
people of Central Nebraska will
and the columns of the. Jouknal a
splendid medium.
Of all kinds neatly and quickly
done, at fair prices. This species
of printing Ls nearly always want
ed in a hurry, and, knowing this I
iaci, we nave so provided for it
that we can furnish envelopes, let
ter heads, bill heads, circulars,
posters, etc., etc., on
very short
on time as
notice, and
we promNe.
1 copy per annum, $2 00
!l i""b 100
44 Three months, .. . . 50
Single copy sent to any address
in the Uuited States for ft cts.
ColumbtH, Nebraska.
Tkta Apace Ia Reset-red
Boots and Shoes.
Now is the time to' subscribe
for this
Its success has been -continued and un
exampled. Mo it! Subscribe for it I ,
$ he (olmribu&(onrml
And THE NUKSERY, both post-paid,
one year, $3.10. If you wish THE
NURSERY, send $1.50 to John L.
Shorey, 30 Bromtieid street, Boston,
3Iass. If you desire both, send by
money orde"r, $3.10 to M. K. Turner &
Co., Columbus, Neb.
S. J. XARMOY, Frop'r.
Nebraska Ave., South of Depot,
A new house, newly furnished. Good
accommodations. Board by day or
week at reasonable rates.
tSetm a. Flrst-ClaM Table.
...25 Cents. I Lodgings.
.25 Cts
Ushers or the Nebraska Farmer,
Lincoln, Neb., are making that paper a
grand good thing for our country people,
and an ably seconded by Ex-Governor
Furnas, at the beau or the Horticultural
department, and Geo. 31. Hawley at the
head of the Grange department. It
ranks with any agricultural publication
in the world. X copy of the Farmer
may be seen by calling at this office, or
by sending stamp to the publishers.
The subscription price orthc Fanner has
been reduced to $M, anil can be had
by calling at this ofllce, an we are club
bing It and our paper both for one
year at the very lowprlce of $3.00.
DALE, Western Agent,
The Great Trunk Una from the Wast ta
Chicago aud the East.
It I the oldest, shortest, moat direct, coave alent.
comfortable aud in every respect the best Use 7011
can take. It is the greatest and grandest Railway
org-inizitloa In the United States. It owns oc
by It through bettreea
No other road mns Pullman Hotel Can, or asy
other form of Hotel Can, through, betweta U
Mieouri Rher and Chicago.
fa mind that this Is the
Passengers by this ronte hare cboica of 7ITE
DIFFKKENT KOUTES and the adnata? of
KI-;ht Dally XJaea Palace Sleeping Car
from CHICAGO to
Ins!;t that the Ticket Aent sellsyoa Udceta by
the North-Western Road. Examine yonr Ticket,
and ref age to bar if they do not read orer tbia Bead.
All Areata fell them and Check nasal Baggagt
Free by this Line.
Through Tickets Tla this Ronte to all Eastera
Point can be procured at the Central Pacific Rail
road Ticket Offlce, foot of Market Street, and at
t New Monfeomeiy Street. San Franritco, and at
all ( onpon Ticket OCice.i of Central Pacific, Ualoa
Pacific, and all Western Railroads.
New York Offlce. No. 415 Broadway. Beatoa
OtUce, No. 5 State Street. Omaha Office. 145 Farn
ham Street. Saa Francbeo Offlce. a NeWXont
jcomery Street. Chicago Ticket Offices : M Clark
Mrcet, under Sherman Honea ; 73 Canal, corner
Madisou Street; KInzIe Street Depot, corner West
Kinzie and Canal Streets ; Wells Street Depot,
rorner Wells and KInzIe Streets.
For rales or Information not attainable fres)
your tome ticket agents, apply to
Marvix nroirrrr, W. If. STXNxrrr.
Ucn'!Maszr Chicago. Cenl Pail . Agl, HUc!
Hmm Qeslrics i gio.,
(Successors to HENRY & BRO.)
All customers of the old firm ara cor
dially invited to continue their pat
ronage, the same as heretofore; to
gether with as many new custo
mers as wish to purchase
For the Least Money.
General Agents for the Sale of
Real Estate.
Union Pacific, and Midland Pacific
R. R. Lands for sale at from $3.00 to $10.00
per acre for cash, or on fiye or ten years
time, In annual payments to suit pur
chasers. "We have aNo a large and
choice lot of other lands, improved and
unimproved, for sale at low price and
on reasonable terms. Also business and
residence lots in the city. "We keen a
complete abstract of title to all real ei.
tate in Platte County.
A "WEEK In your own town,
and no capital risked. You
can give the business atrial
Without pxnensp. Th hnaf
opportunity ever offered for those will
ing to work. You should try nothing
else until you see for yourseir what you
can do at the business we offer. Ne room
to explain here. You can devote all
vour time or only your spare time to the
business, and make great pay ror every
hour that you work. "Women make as
much as men. Send for special private
terms and particulars, which we naall
Tree. $3 Outfit free. Don't complain of
hard times while you have snaa a
chance. Address H. HALLETT & CO.,
Portland, Maine. 481-y
BE OP GOOD CHEER. Let not the
low prices of your products dis
courage you. but rather limit your ex
penses to your resources. You can do
so hy stopping at the new home of your
fellow farmer, where you can find good
accommodations cheap. For hay for
team for one night and day, 25 cts. A
room furnished with a cook Btove asd
bunks, in connection with the stable
free. Those wishing can be accomsae
dated at tho house ot the undersigned
at the rollowing rates: Meals 25 cents;
beds 10 cents. J. B. SENECAL,
li mile east orGtTrard's Corral