. X 1 C ' THE JOURNAL. OFFICIAL PAPER OF PLATTE COUNTY. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, IBM. Communications, to luMirc insertion in the next issue, should bo in hand on Mondtvs; if lengthy, on Thursdays preceding issue-day. Advertisements, or whatever class, should be in hand by noon, Tuesdays. Advertisements under this head 15 ct. a line first insertion, 10 cts. aline each subsequent Insertion. The JOl'RSAL entabllnli meat is now perraaHCBtly lo ratrt on 11th htreel, upstair in the JOIKiAli balldlae. SOCIETY NOTICES. tSTCarrts under this heading will be inserted for $." a year. t:. A. K. Baker Tost Xo. 9, Department of Nebraska, meet every second and lourth TiieMlav evenings in each nmntb in Kniplitsof Honor Hull, Co litmlmw. John Hammond, P. C J). D. Wadswokth, Adj't. II. 1. ItoWKU, Searjf. MaJ. To S u Itkcr liters. Ymr name. twVA thk datk at which YOUK SfllsOUUTION EXPIRES, is placed oil each .Wiukxai. you lvroive. A prompt renewal or discontinuance will save the publisher, both trouble and expense, and be better for all concerned. A re newal t respectfully solicited. $2 for 1 vr.; $1 for 0 iHos.;."K ct. for :! mo. IlitUKNA'., with either the American AJ riviiUiiriat or Nebraska Farmer $.". a yr., pot-puid. caMi in advance; Jol'UXAl. anil the Nursery $ Concert at the M. K. Church last night. Thirty Girls and Roys will take part, in Queen Esther. -Sohn Mejrath lost a valuable rnnro the other day by death. r. II. White of thi city lost an other valuable cow last week. Fancy box paper l.'i cts. at Do laniVs Columbus Drttir Store. '.'School books at Ed. Filzpat ric1x!s, opposite the post-ulUce. --"Wanted, a girl to do general housework. Inquire of J. X.Taylor. A large assortment of all kinds of farming implements at Schutte & Pohrs. Ten rooms in tha upper part of Rimer's building for rent. Terms iruTderatc. ' Since the revision of Queen Esther it is not recognized as the HaiSe play. From the Columbus post-office you can now send money orders to France and Algiers. Palmer's Perfume in bulk, the best in the World, at Doland's Co lumbus Drug Store. For the best custom-made boot and ncatet repairing go to Hona hau's, on Olive street. Mrs. Josephine Deuel has beeu appointed post -master at Deer Crcok, Madison County. --Jno. Williams's youngest heir, a son, was born last Thursday night. Mr. Williams died last fall. II. P. Bewcr & Co. are handling the Peoria plows and cultivators. Call and see them before buying. Oct prices of croquet, base balls, hats, and archery goods at E. 1). Fitzpat rick's Hook Store, opp. P. O. The Marches and Counter Mar ches by the Thirty Girls and Boys iu'Quccu Esther must be beautiful. A letter received from E. ,T. P.aker states that he had gone to the Gunnison country on Saturday last. Dr. Thurston, the dentist, is arouh'd again after a brief but sharp illness. He is also very busy with work. A farm hand wanted by 3T. Crabtrec, Genoa, Xance county. Call or address soon, with "cre dential." Win. Eimers has removed his store, formerly at St. Mary's, to Humphrey station on the Jackson extension. O. A.Stearns,the photographer, has just put in a lot of new scenic backgrounds Jn his gallery. Call and see them. Don't forget to call on J. C. Elliott, at his new pump houso on Olive, slteet, if you want a wind mill for $40.00. - Blank notes, bank, joint, indi vidual and work-and-labor, neatly lound in books of 50 and 100, for eale at the Journal office. Don't forget that next Friday is (he day of sale of Win. Blocdorn's sttfck cattTe and horses see his advertisement elsewhere. For. Sale. ."0-t-pring pigs. 3 lo 5 weeks old; -10 heifers, 2 to 4 years nld,1ind a pair of first-class driving ponies. Inquire of S. O. Raymond. For pure white lead, French zinc and J.inisceii oil mixed paiut, ready for the bruh, producing a beautiful gloss, go to John Wiggins' Hardware Store. Gus. Berber informs us that -about a week ago, Jos. Heimanu near St. Bernard, lot his dwelling house by fire worth-$500 to $000, and insured for.$250. Judge Gcer was in Polk county last week. Hchas seen a good deal of Nebraska, but he thinks there is a portion of Polk co'unty not excelled by any part of the State. We see bj the Fremont Tribune " that E. II. Rogers has returned from New Mexico; and that Mrs. Dr. McNamara js recovering slow.ly. from a ve,ry severe illucss. The Ervin Parlor Concert Co. will give au entertainment at the Opera House, Thursday evening, April 1st." They have the highest f estimouiate froni the press. We are prepared to famish horse bill6 at reasonable rates, and in good styles. Also blank note books pnt up in any desired form. Give us a call before ordering. A gentlemau from Illinois is erecting a hotel at Platte Centre 30x50. The new bridge is complet ed and ready for travel. Win. May nard is erecting a cozy dwelling. Parties owning Buckeye ma chinery should at once leave their orders for repairs with H. P. Bower & Co., cast of Spoice & North's 11th iBtreet, to avoid additional expense. W. A. Davis aud Clark Cooucy were in tho city Friday. M. E. Stevens of Boone county was in tho city yesterday. E. V. Dyer, Esq., returned to tho Lcity Thursday last from Liucoln. An Interesting programme at the Presbyterian sociable to-night. U. S. Grant, Jr., passed west last week, bound for San Francisco. The costumes for Queen Esther will be furnished from a St. Paul Costumer. The Maennerchor Society had a concert Monday evening, follwed by a dance. The cheapest place to buy boots and shoes is at J. M. Honahan's, on Olive street. We have received a specimen of gold quartz from O. P. Reed. He is prospecting. Of course the turnout will be general to-night to the Democratic State Convention. Qneen Esther at the Opera House Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings, April, Cth and 7th. Major Frank North came in from the east Sunday evening, aud went west to North Platte Monday. Miss Etta DeMoss, who has been sick for some, time past, we are glad to learn is able to be out again. Sassafrasso cures chapped hands. It never fails. Try it. Prepared and for Bale only by A. W. Doland. Gen. John C. Fremont, govern or of Arizona, passed east last week on his way to Washington and New York. Major Frank North went to Iowa last week to buy some blooded stock for the ranche of Cody & North. Three seeders, 2 brood sows, 1 black stallion coming three, and 1 top buggy for sale at cost at Law rence's. O. W. Bowman, and Mr. Sul livan, of tho firm of Cornelius & Sullivan, went to Genoa Monday on legal business. Mrs. Gerhard Schuttc, who wa at one time recently very ill, is now convalescing, and Mr. Schutlo is again at his old post. Bro. Lange of the Volksblutt has been seriously ill for the past week something like rheumatic pains. He was out again Monday. Dr. F. J. Schug, late of San dusky, Ohio, has permanently lo cated in the city. His advertisement will be found elsewhere in to-day's Jouknal. One hundred dollars, in three premiums of $G0, $25 and $15 is offered for the best crop of flax. See the State Agricultural Society premium list. J. E. VanGilder, who has been spending a few days of vacation from his school in Colfax Co., in 'this city, has returned to Wilson quite unwell, threatened with typhoid fever. A paragraph elsewhere chroni cles the death of Geo. Riedcr. An old friend of his, a business man in the city, says that he was a most ex cellent mau, and an extremely kind father. It was fortunate for Mrs. Par rot! and her two children that they got out of the David City hack last Saturday before it got to the bridge, as they might have been blowirinlo the river. A friend captured a good sized graRshorpcr on Sunday in this city and says he saw several others. He says they must have been dropped here from the wind storm of Friday and Saturday. Wanted, a stout, healthy girl to take the summer care of a small herd of cattle. German or .Polish pre ferred. For further particulars apply lo Louis Swam, at Wiggins's hardware store. Mr. Boggs, who has for several months been occupying tho old Pierce building as a hotel, left the city Thursday for his old home in Pennsylvania. The business, U seems, was new to him. On last Friday Doc McAllister returned from Philadelphia, where he has been passing the winter in making himself more thorough in his specialties, dentistry and pho tography. Doc. looks well. Fok Sale. A pair of good horses, harness, and now wagon ; one four year old mare, one top buggy, one sett of light donble harness-. Above will be sold cheap for cash, or on time to suit purchaser. Henry & Bro. H. P. Bower & Co., having in charge the agency for the Buckeye machinery, have secured a full line and are row open for business. Par ties wishing anything in the machine line will do well to call and see them. T. J. Smith, Esq., of the nolt County Jiecord, and J. R. Markley of Knox county, both delegates to the Democratic State Convention, gave us a pleasant call yesterday, in company with Dr. Siggins and It. Lange. Messrs. Godfrey & Getz have opened a Meat Market in the rooms lately occupied by Petersen & Rob- isson; they are both experienced hands in the business, and will donbtless receive a liberal share of patronage. One of, those.heavjlarabB talked of in the JothixalV&s onNexhibition at "Petersen &Ioblnson's meat mar ket last Saturday. lNweighd 28, lbs., dressedjv andyvvasNi beauty. Lovers of mutton cauld certain! v not object to suchvsplendid samples, j A. W. Ladd, editor of the Boone County Neics, was in the city Fri day. He goes cast for a short time. He 6ays Boone county is obluiuiug, almost daily, large accessions to her population. Young Dietrich, Judgo Ilig gins's intelligent clerk, is in position again. Tho accidental discharge of a shot-gun cartridge in his band the other day will perhaps weaken it, but not spoil it altogether. Phil. Cain has purchased C. E. Morse's interest in the Tattersall liverj', feed and sale stock. Phil, is an exceedingly- clever gentleman, knows the public needs, and has the ability to satisfy them. Lyman Babcock, while haudling a gun the other day, was somewhat surprised to hear it "go off," the shot flying in several different directions striking different persons, without, however, any great injury. Lecture to young people at the Congregational church next Sunday evening. Subject: "What to read.'' Special invitation given to young ladies lo attend for whom the lecture will be more especially prepared. The sociable at the Congrega tional church last Wednesday even ing was a very pleasant affair. The ladies sorietv of this church hero lately received a very nico present in the shape of a new cooking stove. I. Cluck went east on Wednes day last. His numerous customers may expect something very ueat and tasty in the Hue of spring and sum mer goods, as Israel is known to possess the kuack of selecting the best in the market. X. C. Abbott, iq.. of the L.& N. W., is in the city. We have not seen him to verify the rumor in cir culation that the Company have secured !() acres of land north of the Stevens addition for the purpose of round-house, machine shop, stock yardn, etc. T. A. Potts returned Monday from Albion. lie reports business lively all along the line. At Kil bourn's hotel Sunday night there were fifteen land-seekers from Bos ton who had concluded to settle in Wheeler county. Genoa is improv ing right along. Foi: Sale. A dwelling-house and lot in a very desirable part of the city. Will be sold at a sacrifice, as the money is needed. The house is new and cost more money than is asked for both house and lot. For further particulars inquire at the Journal ollice. It is certainly not at all surpris ing to us that the public generally should select the Joup.xal as a medium for advertising legal and other notices it being the paper having the largest circulation in Platte county, and likewise remark able for its great accuracy. Messrs. Lubker & Kramer arc the authorized agents here for Mark Twain's new book, the' "Tramp Abroad." They are not, by auy means, assuming to fill any con tracts made by a certain traveling fraud who was not an agent for the work, but will sell it to all who may desire it. Combined lecture and sociable at the Congregational church next week, Wednesday evening. The lecture will be by Mrs. J. II. Reed. Subject, "The Elevation of House hold Work." The lecture will begin at S o'clock. Sociable, ice cream and cake a.t 1) o'clock. AdmisMon to lecture, 15 cent. O. P. Reed, with a very brief letter, sends us a specimen of quartz from his prospective mine. Old miners tell him the stuff has the prospect of being good. Wo hope that O. P. has "struck it" rich, be cause he promised before ho left to give us an inido berth if fortune happened to favor him. The ifew meat market of Peter sen & Robinson on Olivefltreet has been fitted up in excellent style painted, p'apcrnft, etcand looks as neat'and clean as a newsilvervdoIi lar, auuyiii mis way-u win, uc Kepi by St hose enterprising men, who pridbthcnislvcspn having the neat est meat ninrket in the State. On Friday In -t the following shipment of sto'i.. was made from hereto Chicago in . - train: Geo. Berny five cars oi .atl!c and two of hogs; Pat. Murray, two of cattle; Robt. Kummer aud D. Anderson, one each, of cattle, in all eleven cars, and all farmers but Anderson. This little straw shows which' way the wind is blowing. Wo arc in receipt of a commu nication from Platte" Centre, signed "A constant reader," which we can not publish, not being accompanied by the real name of the author. Besides, as heretofore stated, the Joukxal is not a court of inquiry for scandal suits, aud considers' its full duty done, in that line, when it reports legal proceedings. -The Easter services at the Epis copal church on Sunday are said to have been quite interesting. Seven were received to the communion of the church by letter of transfer and tho whole number present larger than at any previous communion. The Rector stated that the nnmher of communicant members had more than doubled during the year. A shrewd man claims that money invested in cattle at any thing like a reasonable price will pay and pay richly. Think of it. They ca?i be kept, on grass and hay, at a nom inal cost; aud with a little feed of grain during ver cold weather, will thrive nicely. Invest in good stock at every opportunity. If you al ready have some, get more. If you have none now, make a strong effort aud invest your first ready money. The entertainment at the Con gregational church Wednesday even ing of next week, for tho benefit of the improvement fund of the society, will consist, in part, of a lecture by Mrs. J. H. Reed on "Tho Elevation of Domestic Labor." The invaria ble good 6eiisu which has charac terized the utterances of this lady on the platform is a guarantee of the intellectual treat in store for the audience who may hear her. We are informed that "sharpers" are at work in Kausas and Nebraska, securing money from homesteaders under the plea that it is necessary to secure the passage of a certain bill now before Congress, granting an additional 80 acres to homesteaders. Have nothing to do with them. Sign none of their papers. Kick them out of tho house. When any law touching your rights is passed you will learn of it, and can then apply at the land office. J. N. Moody formerly of this county, now of Harlan, called on us Friday. Since teaching here, he has secured a tract of land near Alma, the county-seat of Harlan, and also, as a notice in to-day's JoniNAL will show, a life-partner in the person of Miss Mary, E. Jones. Success to him. Of course he wouldn't think of keeping house without the Journal, which will always rejoice to hear of good for tune to him and his. Some foreign curiosity hunters, stopping oh" here tho other, day in quired of Mr. Ileilzman who' that long-haired man was standing on the platform (referring to "Antelope Dick.") "Oh, that's the King of all the Indians," mysteriously whisper ed Ileilzman. "What is he doing here?'' anxiously inquired Curiosity. "Teaching penmanship," was the laconic reply. Curiosity followed him up and spent several dollars in drinks before he got through with the "King of all Indians." Columbus history, the coming summer, promises to develop more social scabs than at any time hereto fore. Our policemen say there are quite a number of suspicious char acters around, and some that arc not so suspicious, simply because the object of their sojourn is definitely known to those who keep posted in public local matters. It would be gratifying if Columbus, while grow ing to metropolitan proportions, could avoid the great vices that all large cities seem subjected to. The examination in Dist. No. 1 closed on Friday at noou. From the fourth grade up they were entirely written, except history. The stand ings in geography and grammar were unusually good. The third grade arithmetic and history were not so good. A few will be promot ed from the Intermediate Depart ment. The next term begins Mon day, April 5th. The first grade having completed arithmetic, will begin the study of geometry. The second grade will begin physical geography and physiology. One of the reasons why Nebras ka, though a prairie state, is free. from the destructive malaria so prevalent in other prairie countries is that she is the lowest shelf on the Rocky mountain range, aud every now and then is very completely ventilated by the strong mountain breezes that sweep down upon us from the northwest, to say nothing of the almost constant zephyrs that whisper encouragingly in the ear of weary toil and fan his heated brow. Our grand young State has more fine days in the year than any land we know of. The recent wind storm was a very bad time for fires, and we have several of them to note. On Friday at the farm owned by John Wiggins, in Butler county, (the old Tannahill place,) a part of the corral, grove, sheds, granary and grain were burn ed. None of the 175 head of cattle were injured, and the dwelling house was saved. We learn from Gus. Bechcr that the entire loss was about $700, the loss to insurance companies abotit $125. John Love lace, near the same place lost every thing he had except a threshing machine. Mr. II HI, a few miles south of Rising, lost all he had in the shape of destructible? stable, gra nary, harness, wagon and three horses two of them perishing, hitched to a wagon. Charles Kiueep, the mail carrier between this city and David, came nearly being blown into tho PJattc river last Saturday. While coming in with tho mail, on the bridge the wind had a fair sweep at him, lifting the bed and cover of his hack oft' the running gears, and throwing the same against the side of the bridge, lie grabbed the mail and held to it, but the box and cover were mashed to pieces, and the team was caught near the Loup bridge. Those who sit comfortably at the centre-lablc, near a warm fire, and under the bright rays of a kerosene lamp read their letters and newspapers, are not always mindful of the tronbles and trials, the adventures and tho hair breadth escapes of Uncle Samuel's boys who carry the mails. Quite a number of Odd Fellows went to Albion last week to organ ize a lodge. While there, an acci dent which might have been serious, happened to one of the number, namel y John Hbcr, the fat, heavy and jolly 'auctioneer from this place. Going out to feed his horses with an armful of corn, he dropped partly into a well that was partly covered over with boards, and clung to the curbing, calling lustily for help which came in the person of Fred. Matthews, who with other help, finally succeeded in pulling him out. One of tho party declared that he had often heard" of the old oaken bucket which hung in the well, but this was the first time he had come across a tub in a well. The boys who met John yesterday (his firdt day ont).were singing "Ding, dong, bell, Johnnie's in the well." We may state that the armful of corn went down into the water. The Democratic Convention, Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Convention: Tho Journal, tho' opposed to you in politics, takes pleasure in welcoming you lo the city, because you are rcprcseutativo Nebraska meu imbued with tho western spirit of progress; because you arc cougregated from every part of the State to give free expres sion to your honest opinions on a matter important to all of us, and closely couuected with the public welfare; because you are the plucky representatives of a political party which, like old Rough aud Ready in Mexico, don't seem to know that you have been whipped, but keep on fighting; we welcome you as citi zens of our great commonwealth, and as the guests of our unsubdued opponents, the Hickory Democracy of old Platte. May your brief sojourn be pleasant. Home Circle. Officers for tho present term : Leader, Mrs. Jennie Smith ; Vice, W. A. McAllister; Instructor, Mrs. Emma Carew ; Post Leader, Albert A. Smith; Secretary, Miss Mary Bowman ; Fiuaucial Sec'y, Mrs. Ma ry E. Becher ; Treasurer, Mrs. Mary A. Rickly; Guide, W T. Rickly ; Warden, I. J. Slattery; Sentinel, Mrs. Lucy Gross ; Trustees, Herman Gross, Mrs. C. J. Dale and Mrs. S. Snell ; Medical Examiner, E. L. Siggins,, M.D.. The "Home Circle" is a secret benevolent order, providing for an increased death-benefit to those members of the Royal Arcanum who desire it, also to their lady relatives or friends, of good social and moral character. We bespeak for this new organization a large membership in this city. e. Letter I.Ut. The following i a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the posUnttice, in rolumhu.o, for the week ending .March 'H, 1SS0: Dorr, Kngcnc ".tones M J Dillingham, Wm,H Mukoil Ueorge Harvey, George W J'ayne Herbert HaiH, wm llyan John LADIES LIST. Rehrens Miss Ida Call, Miss lto; If not called for in SO days will be sent to the dcad-letter office, YVashington, 1). C. AVhen called for please say "adver tised,' as these letters are kept separate E. A. Gerkakd, P. 31. Flax Nectl Notice. All parties whose names arc on my book as applicants for flax Seed on loan, must call for same prepar ed to execute notes at Rasmussen & Schram's Store, between the 10th and 20 of April, 18S0. E. J. Baker. District 1. The annual meeting will take place at the school-house, Monday, April 5lh.!2 pf m.J Every voter hi the dis trict stiould he present, as business vital importance is to bey trans acted i M. Smith, If Director. f I I ,., : - Card of Thanks. Mv siuccrcst thanks are hereby tendered tovlhe MKhnerchor,Society, the Knmtiidr Guards and'- other friends for kindness during the last " 1. illnessand- funeral, of my husband. Mrs. Rosia Kummer. BIRTHS. MORUIX To Mro. Isaac Morrln, Fri day, March 10th, a daughter. JirLLOCK To Mrs. Geo. Uullock of Rising, 3Iarch '25th, a. son, weight !) lbs. MARRIAGES. LEBS KOEXICt March 21, by Judge .1. (.5. Higcins, Mr. David !,ebs of Polk Co., and Miss Lena Koenig of Platte Co. A DAMSON -MR 1)1) I.ETON March 2.", by Judge J. O. Higgins, Mr. William A damson and Mr?. Annie Meddlcton, all of Platte county. MOODY JONES Neor Osceola, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. S. P. Vandoozer, Mr. Josiah N. Moody and Miss Mary E. Jones. DEATHS. WELSH Sunday night, March 2Sth, Johnnie, infant son of Michael Welsh, aged 10 months and 13 days. - ItiEDKR At hi residence three miles north of Jaek'on, of pneumonia, on the morning of March 251 h, George Iticdcr, aged nearly W. years. The deceased came to this couutry from Switzerland 27 years ago, residing a short time in Ohio, afterwards in Indi ana. He has been a resident of Nebras ka the jjast ten years, an honorable citizen, "a well-meaning man much re spected by his neighbors. LOCAL NOTICES. Advertisement'- under this head live cents a line each insertion. Calicos at 5 cents a yard at L. Kramer's. ladies' Kid Gloves, only 25 cts a pair, at Kramer's. ' See the sulky plow attache ments at Lawrence's. Valencia oranges and Messina lemons at Hudson's. A large, new stock of men's and women's shoes at Wm. Schilz's. Choice cider in half barrels for family use at Hudson's. Second hand school books at Ed. Fitzpatrick's opp P. O. Will T. Rickley pays cash for Butter and Eggs and vegetables. Fresh oranges and lemons 40 cts. a dozen at Hudson's. Wall paper in great variety of patterns at Dolaud's drug-store.- Toys and toy books at E. D. Fitzpatrick's, opposite post office. Madame Demorest's Spring patterns just received at Kramer's. Plenty of the celebrated Smith wagons and buggies at Lawrence's. The Whitewater Standard farm wagon on hand at Schuttc & Fold's. tor Wn'stFind' ShVes, to tt 1. IantesNewv Yok CeaXCksJv Ladies' serge Shoes, 75 cts. a pair, at FriedhofT& Co's. N. Y. City Store. fceuIlemcVs iclldloiiU colas otily3ctatlvratneNr'iv V Ladies' serge Slippers, oO cts. a pair, at Fricdhofl'& Co's. N. Y. City Store. Just received at Hudson's choice New York and Ohio boiled cider. To bo economical, trade at L. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Come and try the White Sew ing Machine at Doland's Columbus Drug Store. Men's black wool Hats at 25 ceuts at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Ed. Fitzpatrick sells the most books and toys, for tho least money, of any one. Men's Jeans Pants, only 50 cents a pair, at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. 200 pieces spring calico, all the new designs, at FriedhofT & Co's. N. Y. City Store. Oranges, lemons, fresh cocoa nuts and green apples just received at Hudson's. Opening or the IV. V. Clty Store. FriedhofT A: Co., Prop. Central Illock-. Coal Tar for preserving fence posts, &c, for sale at Doland's Co lumlms Drug Store. Ladies' spring gloves only 10 cts. a pair, at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. The highest market prico paid by John Harrigan for cattle, hogs, pelts, tallow, &c, Sec. Fifty dozen two-button kids, all sizes 35 cts. a pair, at FriedhofT & Co's. N. Y. City Store, Central Block. Mail orders for goods a3 well as for samples, promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Ad dress L. Kramer, N. Y. Cheap Cash Store, Columbus, Neb. Lanterns, all kinds and sizes. Come and see them at Doland's Co lumbus Drug Store. Brocaded silk, striped satin, summer silks, colored silk fringes at Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. Seeders, Cultivators, Harrows, etc., etc., the best goods iu market at Schutlo & Fold's. Ladies' Berlin Gloves, at 10 cts. a pair, at FriedhofT & Co's. N. Y. City Store, Ceutral Block. Needles for all Sewing Machines and Sewing Machines repaired at Doland's Columbus Drug Store. Just received a complete new stock of ladies', misses and children's fine Shoes and Slippers, of the latest spring styles, at Kramer's New York- Cheap Cash Store. Best Condition Powder in tho market for salo at 40 cts. per lb. at Doland's Columbus Drug Store. Best stock of Lamps, Burners, Shades, Chimneys, &c, ever brought to Columbus, at Doland's Columbus Drug Store. J. C. Morrissey is dealing in hogs on a very small margin, and will continue to do so. Sellers will consult their interests by seing him. Tho largest and most complete stock of men's, youth's and boys' Clothing at former uniform low prices, at L. Kramer's New York Cheap Cash Store. The most complete stock of Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Support ers, Syringes, &c, in town, at A. W. Doland's Drug Store. We are agents for the celebrated Sailer Lewis & Co., Philadelphia, ladies' tine shoes. Call and examine them. FriedhofT & Co's. N. Y. City Store, Central Block. qsip .io ubd 'osbd oij .Cq 8.IOJJO OH, qDIlJAV SJOJSQ JlOOJOJppBg qso-ij 'uosbob oqj jo 33utqt:q aqj joj ptittq no dooy Xjuusuoo ujai pun poAtaaoj suq uwqDaqg 'Q "a. ?Honey Wanted. To borrow 1500 on landed secu rity for three years. Address, J. B. S., care Jo tins Ah office, Columbus. For Sale. Over hundred choice residence lots in Smith's addition to the city of Columbu?. Saml. C. Smith, 500-x Real Estate Agt. For Sule. A good one-seated top buggy cheap for cash or term9 to suit, at A. W. Lawrence's Pump and Ma chine Depot. AttcntloB, runners. I am determined to closo out my Stock of Implement!), aud it will pay you to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Wm. Bf.ckkh. Ioit. A black and white spotted barrow pig, weighing about 150 lbs. The finder will please inform the owner at G'cnoa, Nance Co., Neb. 514-3 Charly Siiultz. WaralHfr. Notice is hereby given to the pub lic not to purchase a note for $120, given Feb. 7th, 1880, and due Jan.l, 1881, to Euos E. Pickering, by John Devine, and secured by mortgage, as the same wa9 obtained through misrepresentation, and will not be paid. John Devine. Stock Male. The undersigned will sell, at his farm on Shell creek, Friday, April 2d, beginning at 10 o'clock, 13 cows, 4 heifers 2 years old, 5 steers 2 years old, 11 calves 1 year old, 1 bull 2 years old, and 3 calves. Also a number of cattle and horses, belong ing to others, will bo sold at the same time and place. Terms $10 and under, cash. Above that sum time will be given to Oct. 1, 1880, on bankable notes 10 per cent, dis count for cash. Wir. Bloedou.v. John' Huhek, Auctioneer. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head five cents a line, firU insertion, three cents a line each subsequent insertion. tST-'TbeCoIamba Journal" and thctmm'cH Agriculturist (German o: P'uglifch edicion) f a yr., in advance. jSJ-Keating & Sullivan keep con stantlv on hand youtijj Illinois stock for sale. , U'aHtcd. An apprentice to learn dress making. Wkscott fc Tavkk. FORCE PUMPS. J. C. Elliott keeps the Force Pump. Every person shodld hate one incase of tire. Regular Htock Dealer. All kinds of horned stock bought and sold; aUo fat and stock hogs. 379-y I). ANDKR30N. A Illjf Bargain. I have an Elward Harvester, in good repair, used one season, for sale cheap for cash or will give one year's time on good paper. GUS. LOCKXKR. Ho! for HarsaiBH- For sale cheap, cash or on time, two good ponies, tno good yearling hulls and one old wagon and harness. GU-x D. ANDKRSOX. Notice To Teachers. I will be in my office at tho Court House on the first and last Saturdays ot each month for the purpose of examin ing applicant for teacher's certificates, and for the transaction of any other business pertaining to schools. S. L. Darkktt, County Supt. Illnck Frank, A Canadian Morgan, an excellent draft horse and roadster, five years old, weight 13.W pounds, will stand for ser vice during the season beginning March lfjth. Terms: single service $t; to in jure $8. At my stables on Mondays and Tuesdays; at iiartin BloedorhN, Wed nesdays and Thursdays; Fridavs and Saturdays, in Columbus, at .Johnson's stable. Henry Sen wakz. Notice Is hereby given to all persons not to purchase, or negotiate for, a certain promissory nolo executed and dated bv me on or about February flth. "1SS, anil made payable to one J. E. Hamlin, in the sum of One Hundred and Fiftv Dollars due on or about Nov. 1st. lSSu": said note having been obtained by fraud and without any consideration. 3Iarch 9th, 18S0. K. (Jrant Dacton. Herding-. I will take cattle for herding from 3fay 1st to Oct. 1st, 18$), or during the grazing season, at $1 a head, furnishing salt, accessible to the cattle all the while. My ranche is I miles west of Genoa, on the Loup. All cattle re ceipted for at the Kanche, and all must be branded or definitely marked. Xo stock receipted for after 4 i. m. until 8 A. M. next day. Will also buy and sell stock on commission. Address at Genoa post-otlice, Nance Co. X. Crabtrke PH0BATE NOTICE. In the mtter of the estate of Henry N( OTICE is- hereby given that the creditor of said, deceased, will meet the executors of said eitatef: before me. County Judge of PJatte county, Nebraska, at the'County Court-roAn in said county, on tho first, day of April. 1880, on the,1 first day of July, 18S0, d on the first day of September, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m. each, day, for the purpose of presenting thcii; claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. - Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and ono. year for the executors to hqtUc said estate.- from the first day of JIarcb. 1830. ' Dated, 3Iarch 1, A. D., 1SS0. JOHXG.HIGUINS, 512-3 County 'ludjre. HENEY LUERS KEEPS OK HAND TOE FDRST i BRADLEY SDLKY PIBffS Break and Stirring Flows, WLTI7AT0RS Sulky Hake, Etc. THESE IMPLEMENTS ARE First-class in Every Respect, And farmers would do well to examine them and compare prices before pur chasing anything else. 4U-tf MILLDTEBY MRS. M. S. DRAKE Has opened at her rooms on 13tli St., Coliimltu. an emporium of Mil linerv Goods, embracing a Large stock of Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, 2?TEvrrr:ETSl, anil TRIMMINGS ! Together with all other good belonging to a first-class millinery store. Also I have a full stock of Bntterick's well -known P.nileins. iSTCall at mv rooms on 12th Street, 3d door east of Hank Building. .Il-ljc -o- W EMCOTT Jk TAFFK, DRESS AND MANTUA MAKERS. t3 Work done in the latest and neat est styles. Shop on 12th St., east or Bank. 515-tSm CHOICE LANDS For Sale in Platte County, on Easy Tenm, -AT- From$6.25 to $15 per Acre, 3Jy J. A. REED, Office Opposite P. O., Columbus, Neb. Description. v. u SEjorSW'X SEX and W ofSV NEK of NEK SEKandEKof SV'4 NEKandSEKofNAV K. E Kof SWvfand W'KofSEK NKandAV'iofSAVK andN K of SEX lit IK 40 13 25 210 40 240 300 472 CIO 2S0 ICO All XVT i also E 14 and NW KofSWK E jofNvt'XNEKoJ SWJ4 and SV X of 13 lw E Y of NW H and'XW KofNEr 17 23 33 .1 17 10 13 3 23 23 8 too 120 160 242 400 320 040 100 100 102 SEX'fNWXandNE M of SV U and N U oi at NEK an" E JforNW N A andE i of SEX 2w n u 3w 4( w or3KK Lot 1 NW V and SE "W&ofXE X,XWX anu a x S'K SV K N'E M of NV7 X, VT X lw 2w oi JEX, ajorvy X .1 20 1 20 23TAI&0. 30,000 acres in the counties of Colfax, Rutfer, Stanton, Dakota, Dix on and Wayne, at prises tanging from $1 to 10 per acre. olo-3m COLUMBUS MARKETS. Our quotation of the markets art ob tained Tuesday attcrnoon,and arc correct and reliable at the time. OK A I.N.AC. Wheat No. I, test 59 lbs. 00 88 86 74 IS 2T n; - .$3 2.14 00 . 1 60253 1 00 I 20 15018 810 30(j$50 15QO20U " " 2, " 5 (. 51 it " Rejected.. Com Shelled, Corn in Ear Flour, Graham Meal, PKODUCK. Butter, Eggs, , Potatoes, Onions bu LIVK STOCK. Fat Hogs, Fat Cattle, Yearlings, Calves Sheep Good veal, per hundred,..., Hides, green salted UXATS. Hams, Shoulders, Sides, Corned Beef .. 3 2T3 4D ,. 2WX03OO .12 00I.) 00 4 000000 300 4 OO 4 4 6C 708 45 037 0iS7 .. S12i LUUBKK. Finishing Flooring Siding Drop Siding Ship Lap Framing v.lOto.20 ft) Sheeting Well Tubing (per bunch) Lath (per 31) Shingle t (peril) Doors 2.Sxl'-$. 1?J thick . . . " 2-Kx('.-i, 1 " ... " 2-Oxfi-G, 1 " Windows, J . i (lb.) Tarre lk t(perlb.) .... $ 30 00(3-10 (X) 25 00fe'3J 00 20 OOvtf24 00 27 ."U)e30 0O 2. 00 24 1 Ml 4 no S 00 4 00 2 50 2 20 1 7." 1 SO . 4 3K ceuts. III7Y. THE DAVIS -1 Vertical Feed Sewing Machine! IT IS RNTIURLY Different From all Others Contains bat one-quarter 'as mnch machinery, and is consequently more durable, less liable to get out of order, and ea sier to use than any other machines, and always Gives Perfect Satisfaction J3TFOR SALE BY MARSHALL SMITH and ROBERT BIR EIL, (CENTKAr. Block), 513.530 Columbus, iel. The New York CHEAP CASH STORE. : ::?iv-?.. On 11th Street, Respectfully invites your attention to the Large Addition lately Made to his store. And to the E STOCK OF DRY GOODS. Carpets, Clothing, Hats &. Caps, Boots &. Shoes, Men's Furnishing Goods, adies' Furnishing Goods. I iim to furnish the LATESTAKD MOST DSS1EASLE BOOSS In Every Department, at the Lowest Possible Prices. An Inspection of my Stock Solicited. X,. KEAMER, SIGN OF THE BF'HT svw y'Tcj & 3iibFDE!iv2-93- IIHMEI New York Cheap Cash Store, ii lltli Street, Columbus. ; s' fc .a ! 4 Ja i r??l it : l IM I 'A IM M ? VmM