THE JOURNAL. Bates of Advertising. Space. lw iiio lmo 3m 8ot lyr lcol'mn 1 112.00 $'J0 j $25 $35 1 160 Jm - IS XSSUVD EVZKY WEDXE8DATR, Mi'K, TURNER & CO., Proprietors and Publisher!. X I S.OOl 12 15 I 20 I 35 I 69 I .0O I P 12 15 20J 85 1 inches 5.23 7.50 11 1 H b 27 3 " 4.50 6.73 10 j 12 15 20 1 " I 1.3012.251 4 1 5 1 31 10 Business and professional cards tea lines or less space, per annum, ten dol. lars. Losal advertisements at statuU rates. "Editorial local notices" lirteen cents a line each insertion. "Local notices" five cents a line each inser tion. Advcrtismcnti classified as"Spe clal notices" five cents a line first Inser tion, three cents a line each subsequent insertion. y t3J-b cc, on llth street., up stairs in Journal building. Terms rcr year, ?2. Six months, $1. Three months, 50c SJngle copies, 5c. VOL. X.--NO. 47. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1880. WHOLE NO. 515. lit aaaV bbbbh BaY i aaai has saa raaV aaa TaaVraaa. aaataaar yraai BBaV Aaa' f -. I; V CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. A. &. Paddock, U. S. Senator, Beatrice. Alvin SxUSDKUd, U.S. Senator, Omaha. T. J. Major. KI Per":, , ,. :. K. Valkntink, Rep., est Point. STATE DIRECTORY: Albinos KaSCK, Governor .Lincoln. S..1. Alexander, secretin v. W. "W. Abbey, i jirison Inspectors. C.H. Oould, f , .,i. I)r JftU. Davis, rnson j-u .-. II. P. Matbewsoti, Supt. Insane Asylum. .TUWCIARY: S. Maxwell, Chief Jtutlcc, George M. I.aVe.l ABSOriatc Judges. Amasa Cobb, i . FOL'UIII JUDICIAL DISTRICT. fl WPost. Judre. York. S. BSfuVSe, DistnctAUorney, Wahoo. LAND OFFICERS: M. B. Hosie. BccNter, Grand Inland. Win. Anyan. Receiver, Grand Island. qOUNTY DIRECTORY: J. O. IUgglns, County J udire. John StaunVr, County Clerk. J. W. Earlv, Treasurer. Bcnj. Spielnian, Sherill. tt. L. Rosssiter, Surveyor. Joan Walker, j ,:,.. .lilin Wise. CountyComnilssionera. M. Mabcr, ) Dr. A.IIeintr.Coronor. S. L. Birrett, Supt. of ScboolB. G. B. Bailey, ) JurticcsofthePeace. Byron Xilletl, J Charles Watcc, Constable. CITY DIRECTORY: !. A. Sprier, Mayor. John Wermutb. Clerk. Charlps Wake. Marshal. C. A. Newman, Trensurer. S. S. McAllister, Police .Tudj;e. J. G. Uoutoon, Enelnr couvcilmkx: Ut HVird-J. E. Xorth, G. A. Schroeder. 2tl H'ard Michael Morrissey. ., . It. H. Henry. 3d Ward E. J. Baker, L. Gcrrard. Celnmttax Peat Ofllcc. Open on Sunaav tram II a.m. to 12 M. and from :'M to 6 P. M. Business hours except Sunday C a. m. to S P. M. Eastern mail clone at 11 A. M. Western maita cloe at 4:15 P.M. Mail leave-. Columbus for Maditon and Norfolk, dallv, except Sunday, at 10 a.w. Arrives at 4:80p.m.. For Monroe, Genoa. Watemllc and AW bimi, dally except Sunday 6 a. m. Ar rive, same, ( p. m. For Osceola and York.Tuesdays.Thurs dav and Saturday., T A. M. Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Iridaja, For "WoK, Farral and Battle CreeJc, Monday, WefuieMlavs and Fridays, fi a. m. Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 0 p. M. For Shell Creek, Creston and Stanton, on Mottdavs and Fridays at 6 A.M. Arrives Tuesdays and Saturdays, at 6 p. M. , , .. For Alexis, Patron and David City, Tueidavs Thursdays and Saturdays, lr.M Arrives at 12. M. For St. Anthouv. Prairie Dill and St. Bernard. Saturdays, "7 A. M. Arrives Fridavt.,3p.M. V. P. Time XKble. Eastward Bound. Eailjrant, Xo.0, leave at Paeiig'r, " A, " " Frigbi, ." H, " " Freight, "10, " " Wehtward Bound. FrolRht, Ko. 5, leave at 6:2Iia. m. ll-.OCa. a.. 2:15j.m. 4:80 a. m? 2KWp.m. 4:27 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 1:30 a. m. l'asseng'r, " 3, ' Freight, " 9, ' Kmlcrant. " 7. ' it it Every day except Satunlay the three lines leading to Chicago connect with U P. trains at Omaha. On Saturdays there will be but one train a day, -.hown bv the following schedule: Q., N. & B. II. ROAD. Bound north. I Bound south. Jackson , 4:.5 p.m. . orloiK ..o:.hia. x. LostCrcek 5:30 PI. Centre fi:37 IIumphrcyG.-M Madison 7:40 3Iunsou S:2S Mnnson...C:57 it ilailison...7:45 numphrey8:34 PI. Centre 9:28 LostCrcek 9:55 . X Norfolk ...8:35 Jackson. .10:30 The departuro from Jackson will be governed by the arrival there or the U. P. express train. BUSINESS CARDS TOIIN J.MAUGHAN, JUSTICE OF THE FEA CE AND NOTARY PUBLIC, PI.ATTK CKNTER, Nkb. j TT J. HUDSON, NOTARY PUBLIC. 12th Slrwt, i doors wrt or Hmoad Howe, Columbus, Neb. 491-y Ir.C I. SKOOINB, Phygioian and Surgpon, jgyoffico open at all hours. Biak Euiliinj, Dealer in SEAL ESTATE, conveyancer, collector, aits xxs?5ak:x askt, gkxoa, nance co., ... nkb. PICTURES! PICTURES! NOW IS THE TIM E to secure a life like picture of yourself and chil dren at the New Art Rooms, east llth street, south side railroad track, Colum bus, Nebraska. 478-tf Mrs. S. A. JossxLYX. .noxice: IF TOU have anv real estate for sale, If tou wiBh to'buy either in or out or the'clty, if you wish to trade city property for lands, or lands for city propertv, give us a call. "WADSWORTH & JOSSELTX. NKLSON MILLKTT. BVROX MHLKTT, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. N. MILLFTT c SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAT, Columbus, Nebraska. N. B. They -will give close attention to all business entrusted to them. 248. STAGE ROUTE. JOHN HUBER. the mail-carrier be tween Columbus and Albion, will leave Columbus everyday except Sua day at 6 o'clock, sharp, passing through Monroe, Genoa, Watarvllle, and to Al qlen. The hack will call at either ol the Hotels for passengers If orders are left at the post-office. Rates reason able, J2to Albion. SJy F. Y. Lledtwe, Aituuur, uiu. .-. O. M. Bartlett, Treasurer, Lincoln, r J miwortb, Attorney-Qencral. STtt TnompwA. Sunt. Public iMWic. IL. C Dawson. Warden of Penitentiary Tjrrsi. m. cokkihliils, ATTORN EY-AT-L A W, Up-sUirs in Gluck Building, llth street. ircALLISTER BKON., A TTORNEYSAT LA W, Office up-stairs in McAllister's build, ing. llth St. IfELLEY & SLATTERY, " House Moving and house building done to order, and In a workmanlike manner. Please give us a rail. t3J"Sbop on corner of'Olive St. and PaciGc Aveuuc. QEOEQE ff. DERBY, CARRIAGE, House k Sign Faint is;. , 0SAUiDis,.aiaia, ,. Paper Musclar XALSOMTNING. Etc. J3TA11 work warranted. Shop on Olive street, one door south or Elliott's new Pump-house. aprlGy J. S. MURD.OCE & SON, Carpenters and Contractors. Have bad an extended experience, and will guarantee satisfaction in work. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Our motto is, Good work and fair prices. Call and give us an oppor tunity to estimate for you. J3TSbop at the Big Windmill, Columbus, Nebr. 483-y FOE SALE 0E TRADE ! MARES 1 COLTS, Teams of Horses or Oxen, SAIIIJB POJVIES, wild or broke, at the Corral of 429 GERHARD &ZEIGLER. Columbus Meat Market! WEBER & KXOBEL, Prop's. KEEP ON HAND all kinds or fresh meats, and smoked pork and beef; also fresh llsb. Make sausage a spec ialty. S3TRniember the place. Elev enth St one door went of D. Ryan's hotel. 417-tf Chicago Barber Shop. Cfjaii "Hixacal Hn:t." COLUMBUS, NEB. H AIR CUTTING done In the latest styles, with or without machine. None but first-class workmen employed. Ladies' and children's hair cutting a specialty. Best brands of cigars con stantly on baud. HENRY WOODS, 472 (5m Proprietor. DOCTOR BONESTEEL, . s. EXAMINING SURGEON, coLUiinus, : xebkaska. OFFICE HOURS, 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 4 p. in., and 7 to 9 p.m. Office on Nebraska Avenue, three doors north of E. J. Baker's grain office. Residence, corner Wyoming and Walnut streets, nbrth ColuBibus, Nebr. - 33-tf F. SCHECK, Manufacturer and Dealer in SIGARS AND TOBACCO. JILL KINDS OF SMOKING ARTICLES. Store on Olite'Sl., near the old Post-ofice ColueabHa Nebraska. 4 17-1 y A.J. ARNOLD is Ageut for the sale of TITE DIEBOLD lire ail MM-pf Safe. Not a safe lost in the two great Chi cago lires. Call on or address A.J.AJtXOLD, Columbus Nebr. 50G-y LAW, REAX ESTATE AND GEXKRAL COLLECTION OFFICE j"- r" rr.' " T V. S. GrE3SR. M ONEY TO LOAiW Bjsall lots on Tarm prbpertyYJBfcB iaeto three years, jurma who sc;provciaenis bougnt ana soia. uyun at the Clother Uouse 473-x1- "V 2 ' tbA tirMnt MIS, -CO. coLunBuii Restaurant and'Jaloon! E. D. SHEEHAN, Prirtor. CST'Vvliolesale nnd RcUil Dsleri For eign Wlnes,JlquorsAB4 Cars,JDmb- lin Stout, Scotch 5uh1 EBgUsf.Alefl.'w tSTKentueJcy )VMiciet's SfHteWtjlg; OYSTERS in theirs1casoff, "bytTjc'case can -or dish. lltk StrMt,:SHtk.f Dpot COLUMBUS BRICK YARD, (One mile west of Columbus.) THOaLAS FLYXN & SON, Propr's. GOOD, HARD-BURNT BRICK Always on Hand In QUANTITIES lo sail PURCHASERS 371-tf m. SCHILZ, ManaftictHrer and Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES! A coplt usertaieBt of Ladltt' sad Call drcH'sSkoM kpt oa liasd. All Work Warraoted!! Omr M. tieGood stock, excellent work an&Tair prices. Eipecial Attention paid te lep&iriag CerOllTe aacl lath Sto. jsBBHWsdNCaSTj, ADVERTISEMENTS. COLUMBUS DRUG STORE. A.W. DOLAND, (SUCCKSSOR TO DOLAND A SMITH,) DBCSS, PATEIT HE9ICIHS, Wall Paper, Toilet Articles, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., KTC., KTC. Best 0f Goods And Low Prices. -:o: MR. SMITH will still be found at the old stand, and will make prescrip tions a specialty, as heretofore. 401-x Dr. A. HEINTZ, DXALEK IN BRI6S. NUIIMS. CHEMICALS WINES, LIQUOR, Fine Soaps, Brushes, PERFUMEEY, Etc., Etc., And all articles usually kept on hand bv Druggists. P7iysicia7is Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. One door Eat of Galley, oa ElercMth Street, COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA HARNESS & SADDLES Daniel Faucette, Manuracturer and Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, and Collars, keeps constantly on hand all kinds of whips, Saddlery Hardware, Curry combs, Brushes, Bridle Bits, Spurs, Cards. Harness made to order. Re pairing done on short notice. NEBRASKA AVENUE. Columbus. 53.4. BECKER & WELCH, PE0PRIET0ES OF SHELL CREEK MILLS. MANUFACTURERS & WHOLE BALE DEALERS IN FLOUR AND MEAL. OFFICE, COLUMBUS, NEB. WM. BECKER, )DKALKR IX( GROCERIES, Grain, Produce, Etc. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. Goods delivered Free of Charge, anywhere in the city. Corner of 13th and Madison Sts. North of Foundry. 397 STATE BANK, SttcHsm It Btmrl iMi ul Ttnir k Salit. C0LTTM1TJS, KEBRA8XA. CASH CAPITAL, - $50.00Q DIRECTORiJ: Leander Girrard, Pres'i. Geo. "W. Hth.8t Vice Pres't. JuLruB A"Rem. Edward a. Gerrard. Arner Turner, Cashier.. aak ef Depaeir Dlscenm sad Exchange. CnctlaHa Prompt! yMade ea mil !. laiy Isstereel eei Tine Dep its. 274 MGOOJWHi XII E BROODS. BY MRS. MARY B. PINCH. No gathering was complete with out her, and there her praises were sung iu every key in the scale, with all the different changes and variations the motley assemblage could produce. She was dignified and majestic, qualities that wero in herited from her father, also Angelic and winning, which was her moth er's legacy. All hearts bowed in submission to her will, regardless of sex, age, or condition; and this secret power that was wielded so graciously was none other than a strong magnetic influence, the same by which some orators hold their andionces spell-bound, or the animal tamer subdues the spirit of resist ance in a ferocious subject. I hope this will not bo looked upon as a flight from the sublime to the ludi crous, because it is a scientific fact. As it will be as impossible for me to describe uuderstandiugly, her dark eyes, her rudiaut complexion and queenly manner as it would be to make a blind person see tho beauties of one of our western suu6ets, I will pass on to tho mysterious episode in her life that brought her aged par ents down iu sorrow, not to a literal grave, but the grave of all earthly hopes. There was a young doctor iu the village only three miles away, whom tho world contemplated not as a risiug but a risen man. He was Helen's ehcort on every ocension, and was regarded by "they say" as her accepted suitor; but the sequel proved it to have been a one-sided affair. They were returning from a party oue night when she discovered to her horror that they were going iu the wrong direction, and when the doctor rose up in (ho sleigh and lashed his horses into a furious gal lop she understood that he was try ing to capture her by force, but with singular presence of mind she said nothing, and when in sight of a friendly house, some part of the harness gave way, and the doctor was compelled to get out and cap lure his team. "Now or never," and not waiting to look before she leap ed was soon out of the clutches of the human hyena, and screaming for help she reached the house where she fell in a dead faint at the door. I'm extremely sorry this part of my story should savor so much of the sensation novel, wherein the heroine invariably in deadly peril, as inva riably escapes at the opportune moment, but as I had nothing to do with forming the circumstances that make the warp and woof of the n r ra ti yc, I can only tell in my rambling way of each one as they occurred, which is the best I can do. It makes me feel very much chagriucd too, that my young lady Bhould faint, but I have sometimes seen folks do this outside of novels; and I'vo learned that it can be overcome by exerting a powerful will against it; but you know tho will isn't always available. I'm not suro but that the next reve lation of affairs will sound as much like fiction as the foregoing, but as has been remarked on a former oc casion, "the truth shall be told tho' the heavens fall," and to impress every lady with a feeling of security I will add that no one need stand from under, as I am confident the heavens will not fall to any great extent, they hardly ever do. It will not require a very vivid imagi nation to picture the storm of rage that swayed that house from turret to foundation stone, when this proud family beard of Helen's adventure and subsequent escape. If there wero threats made it would be but a natural following of exasperated humanity. Every mother knows what her feeliugs would be under a like outrage. I don't know that they did threaten, but thiuk it very probable. Not long after this as the doctor was standing in the street in the village talking to a friend, ho was shot by an unseen hand. Throw ing np bis arms be exclaimed, "I'm a dead man," which on examination proved truer than anything he had ever said. Then tho dear people arose with that nice sense of honor and injured innocence usually shown on such occasions and harangued grandiloquently and Fourth-of-July-ically about the law. Curious isn't it what a difference there is between the moral and the statute law. A handful of the heroic few who could detect the distinguishing lino that separated tweedle-dum from twee-dle-dee, and were morally certain they had seen the smoke of fire-arms in the vicinity of tho housebelong ing to Helen's brother, then raised their most Jadignaut howl, and the fiafhad gone forth. The house was searched, but nothing found except ing an old rusty musket with the lock off, that looked as tho' it had done duty forvWasbington's body guard, but bore no trace of having been used since his time. Helen and her brother tho' found reading in a state representing tranquillity itself, were arrested and held for trial ; and now that the strong arm of the law held them in its iron grasp it was expected they would be wrung to tho last drop. This was near the time when the state of Illinois was so agitated over the Mormon ques tion, and excitement ran so high as to preclude the idea of one of those people holding their peculiar teuets ever having a fair and unbiased trial by twelve honest men. They may have been the soul of honor, yet it would have been but a natural con sequence if they wero prejudiced in their opinions against the Mormons ; therefore Helen's couusel decided on a change of venue, where the whole proceedings was judged with candor instead of previous predilection. When the unhappy girl was acquit ted, those who had clamored so loudly for the law and justice, now scratched their heads over the di lemma, and almost forgot where they were; but as they were not needed to help any further, they could only assert that it was her beauty did the business; some hint ed that the paternal wealth had its influence. I'm sure I know nothing about it, and care less. Tho result was tho same that hundreds of par allel cases have been since. The termination of the affair was that Helen married a prominent lawyer soon after, but whether he was tho same one who had defended her or not, I have forgotten ; to make the story complete he should have been. I remember her as a happy looking wife and mother whose oue little daughter gave promise of even greater beauty, if that were possible, than her mother's had beeu. Tho twins for tho sake of variety and convenience, I will call Char lotte and Marion. If every one of you dive into yoursleevesand come up with the ghost of a smile in each hand I shall not announce them by their real names, as some of the actors who figured in the drama are yet on the stage of human existence. These two girls had all the beauty ascribed to the elder sister, but had more of gentleness, a charm which you were sure had the stamp of the genuine article, and was not borrow ed for occasions, and when worn for a time, laid away with the visiting dress and labeled "company man ners." Their features and complex ion, the result of temperament, were different, and yet at times tho ex pression was so near the en me, that a great mauy said they looked ex actly alike, which to a close observer seemed impossible. They resemb led Helen to some degree but were free from that magnificence th4 in her earlier days must have beeu bordered on hauteur. Charlotte was taller and moro slender, and to my childish imagination, older than Marion, over whom I fancied she exercised a quiet surveillance. Per haps this thought came of my having an older sister. I tell this for the benefit of second daughters who are generally expected to play second fiddle to the older ones. "When Charlotte smiled which was but sel dom, her countenance wore a look of infinite sweetness, but immediate ly relapsed into that far-away ex expression so often seen in those suffering some silent grief. It may be she being possessed of a peculiar temperamont, the family sorrows had made a deeper impression on her. Her beauty was of tho lily type, and I believe would now be called the spirituelle. She too, had her little romance, wherein the cen tral figure was a doctor'but the very opposite of that other one. I rqy- rered this one almost as much as I did my father. He had onco saved my life as I then thought, aud there fore I gave him my unbounded gratitude, and in my mature years I can see it was not confidence mis placed, for he was really one of the best men it has ever been my good fortune to know. Not only was ho good, but ho was a noble looking man too. It was his gentle disposi tion and real worth, added to a fine physiquo that gave him that grand demcancr. His harshest language to his children was "tut 1 tut!" and they said of him that ho had never struck one of them a blow. Happy father! happier children! To me at that time he appeared to be some where on tho sunny side of eighty, but on looking back, I find that he wasn't over forty. If tho trinity of fatherhood, wido werhood and doctor hood didn't add to a man's years I'd like to know what would. This the deductive or seductive reasoning of childhood. Having disposed of thoso four 'hoods by placing them high and dry on a logical basis, I will proceed to tell that the doctor bad met Charlotte, and being a man of experience in these matters, knew at onco she would make him a good mother. I commend him for bis discernment aud native good sense, and I greatly admire her for her judgment in saying "yes' to so noble a man ; but the "course of true love" you know and all that, which brings me to speak of a junior member of tho firm that I'vo been afraid all along I should havo to drag forth, and the reason I didn't want to dis cuss him is that I knew ho was after the same stylo of youth that young ladies inevitably fall in love with at sight. I was somewhat anxious lest some of them should be thoughtless euoush to clopo with him, but the fact that now his hair has been pow dered With the snows of at least fifty winters will put a stop to any foolishness of that sort. When he rode by on his spirited bay horse he went so fast that his dark curls float ed way behind, and his fine circular cloak with red velvet facings, the only one in the neighborhood, float ed behind too, and that aud his hair looked as though they wero going to bo terribly puzzled to catch up. He reminded mo of tho pictures of Spanish cavaliers, and his dark eyes, and red cheeks gave coloring to the pictnre. Then his finely chiseled nose, or shall I say the finely chis eled lips? I don't know which will be best, but I do know he was hand some, and that your handsorao man is almost invariably a dangerous one. Talk about the vanity of wo men ! It doesn't spoil tho average woman half so much to know she is handsome as it does the average man to think he is. Let a male biped once get that idea into his head and he won't earn money enough afterwards to pay his barber. He won't do anything then but smile, and a very poor quality of smile it will be, too. Oh! havu't I told you? this one was brother to the girls, of course, and I'm corry he was, for he put on high and mighty airs when he found Charlotte was about to marry my nice old doctor. Yes! that young snip of a boy who couldirt have been over two years older than Charlotte, took it upon himself to choose not who her hus band should be but whom be should not be; aud when the doctor went for his bride instead of finding her in bridal array found her in tears. Then there were moro tears, but they were of no avail. Charlotte was arisen to enter into a marriage without the good will of her only remaining brother. Perhaps it wa3 just as well, for those children might have been a crying evil. Sho after wards married a young man of good family and when I last heard from her she was mother of two beautiful little girls to Whom sho had trans mitted that lady-like grace which had for its foundation, true kind ness, without which there is no true gentility. Would it bring down vials and quart bottles of wrath to make a "new departure" in the way of an other digression ? I should like to sandwich in somewhere a little story ; a 6tory within a story, so to speak. I can't resist the temptation of comparing tho Droods with their culture and refinement to a family who lived just beyond them, dowu by a little creek in a log house, the inside of which was festooned with the paraphernalia of tho chase, and the outside with the results of tho chase, namely, peltrieB. There was the usual division of boys and girls in this, as in most families, tho elder of whom were Jim and Sallie. The creek, so dear to the heart of every duckling, was a natural outlook for I a duck ranche. Once, just as a neighbor arrived on the scene of action, the mother, a kind yet ignor ant soul, (but here let me declare my intention of bowing in silenf, but humble adoration to people who, whatever else they may, or may not de, cultivate a spirit of kindness iu their families. Let mo worship them tho' I do so at long range.) With the spectacles that seemed never to be taken off, sho came to the door and called "Sal-l-e-e, let's go aud look for Jim's duck's nest, she'll go to the woods and we can't find the aigs!" Now what a pros pect was that for some young lady candidate for connubial bliss. Here was a son, and him tail, well-formed lithe of limb, and light complexion, who was sole owner and proprietor of a duck which his mother and sister with an eye to his pecuniary inter ests had given him, and wero engag ed in tho laudable enterprise of look ing after the "aigs," which would in all probability be found, then thero would be more ducks, and eventu ally, feathers, and still farther along, money. At the rustic merry mak ings of the roral population, this little theatrical performance if spec tacles could be furnished always "brought down the house." If Charlotte was of the lily type of beauty Marion was the roso and couldn't have been anything else if she bad tried. She was round and rosy-cheeked and full of vivacity. Her dimples were no sooner smoothed out iuto sober realities than they broke out again like little patches of sunshine through a mist of clouds. But sho looked so sweet and happy that to laugh seomed the very thing for her to do, though she was never rudo or hoydenish. Marion's disposition, asnear as I can remember, was like her moth er', and this reminds me I haven't said scarcely a word about her yet. A dear, sweet-faced old lady, not so very old either, but with hair whit ened with grief, which formed such a contrast to her black dress. Ac cording to my way of thinking those sombre garments only made her sadder than she would otherwise have been. If black is worn as an emblem of woe, isn't it parading our grief before the world, aud what does it avail to say "Go bury thy sorrow ?" And then, too, might not a spurious article sometimes be palmed off? If tho undergarments are white as formerly isn't it all an outside show, and nothing but au old custom that ought to have been buried long ago with the barbaric ages? It is often an expense and a burden and does nothing toward alloviating our sorrow, but increases it rather, while it injures tho health, and affects not the departed. Have they been naught to tho world but a blight and a curse, then let us wear black; but if thoy havo done their duty to humanity in general aud their own friends In particular, if we make a chauge at all let us wear white iu memory of a spotless uame, and liko raiincut awaiting them iu the Summer-laud. 1 havo a theory uow that the inde scribable gruco of Charlotte and Marion was acquired or inherited, perhaps both, from growing up in an atmosphere of affliction; that though producing a subdued sad ness, had been borne as all tho bur dens of life should be, with a self sacrificing and uncomplaining spirit. There is yet another cause for the meutal and physical symmetry pos sessed by this remarkable family, but which relates to a subject so tabooed by everybody for fear of "offending ears polite" that I cannot approach it without a degree of hesitancy that I might succeed in describing if I could be allowed to use the word "shakiness." The cause alluded to is the physical as well as meutal adaptation of conju gal partners. A great many mar ried couples, phyiologically speak ing, are brothers and sisters, with temperaments as nearly alike as though born of the same parents; and I consider that two-thirds of the demonism, the idiocy, ill-health and general good-for-nothingness iu the world arc attributablo to this cause alono. What with theorizing and philos ophizing I have lot Marion slip through my Augers entirely ; but as she married a young lawyer who was deemod by maneuvering raam maa, if there are such mammas, aud by young ladles who were aspirants for the matrimonial halter, to be the " greatest catch" in town, I shall let her go with my blessing. Our senior Senator's time expires in March, 1881. If we were in his shoes forty-eight hours, we should make it particularly lively with Gov. Saunders et al, and impress them in a way they would" not soon forget, that we wero the Senior Senator from the Commonwealth of Nebras ka. We would cultivate vertebra;, and like old Ben Wado aud Zach. Chaudler pound the liviug fact into the husband of MrB.Preiident Hayes, that we knew our rights, and "by tho eternal" would maintain them, and that bo must respect them. Senator Paddock hasn't anything to lose by being aggressive and posi tive. The Blippery elm policy of the hero of general order No. 1, should be handled without gloves. The truant memory of "our admin istration" should be refreshed in a manuor, by Pad. and Val. which will make it impossible to forget or to misinterpret, or make possible any namby-pamby business. West ern Nebraskian. A suit for damages has just grown out of the improper use of a tele phone in Cincinnati. A young wo man who was employed in the tele phone exchange reported that some very profane Iunguage had been sent from one of the leading business houses in the city to another large house. The telephone was at once removed from the house whence came the oaths, aud tho injured firm has instituted a suit for damages for the unexpired term of the contract Oberlin, Ohio, is in a high state of excitement on account of the discov ery that the use of tobacco Is increas ing among the college students there. The rumor that a new cigar and tobacco store is to be established has produced great Indignation, which has expressed itself in mass meeting, where resolutions hostilo to the tariff were passed. Editorial Iote. Thero is considerable emigra tion just now from Ireland to Amer ica. Nuckolls county. Nob., pays for wolf, coyote aud wild cat scalps $2 each. -Tho citizens of Plnm Creek, Neb., havo raised $1,212 to erect a Presbyterian church. One hundred and fifty miles north of Cheyenno a man was frozen to death in tho recent cold snap. Mrs. Grifllng, a relative of Sen ator Coukling,perished the other day in tho flames caused by the explo sion of a kerosene lamp. Mrs. Susan K. Johnson has been nominated and confirmed as post mistress at Cheyenno City, Wy. It is claimed that the fall-sown winter wheat in central Wisconsin has been ruined by tho freezing and thawing weather the past winter. The coroner's jnry in tho Seward tragedy returned a verdict on tho 5th stating that Wm.JBatos camo to his death by pistol wound inflicted, by Gus. Thomas, while engaged iu a riot. Chief Douglas jumped from the second floor of tho guard-house at Leavenworth, Kan., and ran half a" mile beforo ho was captured. He was fired on several times, and after being recaptured, was put in closo confinement. Rev. Dr. S. R. Dickinson, of Richmond, Va., editor of the Plant er and Farmer, who has been en gaged for the past two years in a scries of forgeries amounting to $28,000. Ho has fled the city and left a confession. On the first of April our assossers will again begin their work, and it behooves the tax-payers of Omaha to take an active interest in the proper listing of property. Tho burden of taxation has for years been borne by the small tax-payers and men of limited means, while our capitalists have shirked their taxes by all sorts of devices. This is especially truo of personal prop erty. Men who havo investments in stocks, mortgages and lands have systematically evaded their taxes either by failing to list their prop erty or by perjured returns. This systematic shirking of taxation ha3 raised the rates of taxation and kept away foreign capitalists who were disposed to invest in Omaha either in reul estate or manufacturing en terprises. The time has come when the men who bear the brunt of our burdens shall assert their rights by demanding and enforcing the list ing and equitable assessment of all classes of property. OmuJia Bee. People in Lawrence, Kan , say that the best farmer in that vicinity is a woman. She was left a widow ten years ago, with a bit of land and fourteen children. She now owns three large farms, two of which sho has given her boys. Mrs. Mary Mc Cutchen runs her farm with tho aid of her children, and without much hired help. This is a good example of what has been done in the midst of what are called hard times in Kansas, by a woman left with a fam ily of children aud no resources. A treo grows in Cyprus, on the mountains near Krysokns which is thought by soino monks to bo the samo kiud of tree that is called chit timwood in the scriptures. Sir J. D. Hooker, who had obtained spec imens of it from Sir Samuel Baker, finds that it closely resembles the cedar of Lebanon, having, however, smaller leaves aud other slight dif ferences. A Pittsburg minister has a very stubborn little 5-yeur old boy. Tho boy's mother determined to conquer him, and, having administered a severe chastisement, she said: "Will you mind me now, Johnny?" With sobs and cries he replied: "Yes, mamma, I will, but I hate to, aw fully." "Some folks say," said Long John Wentworth, when he was Mayor of Chicago, "that I ain't honest; they say I steal. Now, I ain't agoin' to discuss that question; but I'll tell you ono thing I ain't agoin to let anybody else steal anything! I'll set on the cbist!" Arrangements are making for a National Methodist Episcopal camp meeting at Old Orchard Beach, N. II. in July, 18S0, which will be a gath ering of all prominent Methodists in this country. The Bishops of that church have been invited to par ticipate. A negro boy in Memphis, when asking for ration, the other day, told tho following story : "I've got a brudder, and he's got free rJba broke an' de spine aud his leg, and 'less he gits something (o eat he's bound to die." He got it. ! t . r rv1f v i n Q M i U a-? 3;