The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 24, 1879, Image 1

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Proprietors and Publishers.
j3J"Otlicc, on 11th street., upstairs in
JdlKNAL building.
Tkkms Per year, $2. Six months-, $1.
Three months. "0c. Single copies, 5c.
A. A- 1'AnnocK. IT- S. Senator, Iteatriee.
l.visS At NIkicn IT. S. Senator, Omalin.
V .1. MAJOitU U'l.. IVru.
1 K. AI.KMIXK, Kt-p., Wet Point.
i.mscs Naxck, Governor, Lincoln.
I,, j. Alexander, Secretary of State.
F. V. I.iedtke, Auditor. Lincoln.
(.". M. lUrtlelt, Treasurer. Lincoln.
. .1. lHlworth, Attornoy-tJeiieral.
S. It. Thompson, Supt.l'uMie lntrue.
II. I. Haw-on. Warden of Penitentiary.
W)V;.A,'ih!,'-V' Pnon Inspectors.
t . II. (Sould. '
Ir. .!. l.ivis. Prison Phy-ician.
II. P. Mathew(.on,Supt. Insane Asylum.
-. Maxwell, Chief .Justice,
:c.ii;e It l.akej Aii.ociuXv ,ldcs.
Ainasa ( olih. S
(i. XV. Post, .Imlce. York.
M. U. Keese, District Attorney, Wahoo.
M. 11. Iloxie, ltixIsti'r.tSrand Island.
Vfiu. Auyan, Keeeiver, ( I rand Island.
J fl. II itf Count .fudirc.
John Staulfcr. County t'lerk.
. Kuniiuer, Treasurer.
Iteiij. Spiehnan, Sheriff.
ir. L. ltossslter. Surveyor.
in. Itloedoru )
John Walker, CouutyCniiiiniioiier.
John Wise. J
Dr. A. Ilciutz, Coroner.
S. L. Ilanvtt, Supt.of Schools.
SS.McAllister,t I,,-.!, ..nrtliplV-icc
Hyron Millett. .miciim oi tnci .ut.
C'huilen Wake, Countalde.
C. A. pcce. Mayor.
Jitliii Wit ninth, C'lcrk.
Charles Wake. Marshal.
C. A. NnwuiHii, TretMirer.
S. S. McAllister, Police .Indj;o.
J.(t. Koutson, Kiiiriueer.
st Word .1. K. North,
(I. A. Schroeder.
id l'anlK. C. Kavanaiili.
K. II. Henry.
Sd Ward- K. J. Kaker,
Win. HuriM'ss.
C'oluitihu I on I Office.
upen on RuiiOtixs tivni II a.m. to 12 m.
and from ::: to i m. I5usims
hours exei-pt Sunday (! a. m. to 3 i m.
L.istern mails cltisc atll A. m.
WVcterii mails at 4:l."i r.M.
Mail haves OolumhuH fr Madison and
Norfolk. dail, except umlaj, at 10
a M. Arrixct, at 4:'M v. m.
ror Mtuiroc, Genoa. Waterxillc and Al-
biuii, daily i xcepi uulay a.m. Ar-
rie, :iiui'. I p.m.
For Osceola and York.Tuesdays.Thur.-
duy anil Siiturday-, " A.M. Arrives
.Monday n, Wednesdays and Fridays,
ti V. M . "
For Wc-If. Farral and Itattle Treek.
JiloiidnvM, Wednesday s ami Friday-,
tJ a.m. A rrhes Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturday s, at i. M.
For Shell Creek, Crcton and Stanton,
on ilondHjH and Fridays at (. a. m.
Arries Tuesdays and Saturdays, at
i v. M.
For Alexin, Patron and Daid City,
Tuesdays, Thursdas and Saturday s,
1 r.M "Arrives at IS M.
For St. Anthony, Piaiiic Hill and M.
lteruard. Sat m days, T a. M. Arrhc
Fridnyn, 3 r.M.
I). I. Time Tnblr.
Eastward Hound.
Emigrant, No.'C, loavox at
rashciiKY, " A. " "
Freight. " S, " "
t reight, " H, " " .
Westward Hound.
Freight, No. f, leaves at
PaKseng'r, " .!, "
rnijit, " !t, " "
Liin.'raiit. 7. "
Gri'i a. in.
11:1h; a. tn.
:!:1." p. m.
-1:30 a. m.
2:00 p. in.
I:J7 p. in.
5:00 p.m.
l::U)a. m.
Lvery day except Saturday the three
lPn s leading to Chicago connect with
t P. trains at Omaha. On Saturday.
there will be but one train a day, as
t-bow n bv the following schedule:
j. iii'dno:,
JU1 -IJH J- U Jills.
12th Strut, i lxrs west of lUminonil House,
Columbus, Xrl: AUl.y
-rfm t i- nrriir rti
l)r. K. IM IGI.X,
Physician and Surgpon.
laTOIliee open
at all hours
Sank Suing.
"ly.ll. ItIIK;ilSM,
Dealer in HEAL ESTATE.
Rl KM KK .t STULCK keep eonstaiitly
on hand and furnish in the wall,
the bent of brick. Orders solicited. Ad-rt-hn,
ak above, box J15. (.'olumbiis. -17S.
MOW IS THE TIM i: to secure a life
i like picture of yourself and chil
dren at the New Art Rooms, east 11 ill
street, south side railroad track, Coluni
bis, Nebraska.
47s-t f M rs. S. A. .Ios.sKl.YX.
IV VOL' have auv real estate for -ale,
if ou wish tn'luiy either in or out
y the'eitv, If you wish to trade city
hroperty i'or lands, or lands for city
l'l.-ju it, yie us a call.
XMJjOX millktt. iiyimix millktt,
Justice of the Teace and
Notary lublie.
K. -tlll.I.KTT V SO.,
Nebraska. X. B. They will give
tlove attention to all business entrusted
t- Hi. in. '-MS.
JOHN Hl'BEU, the mail-rarrier be
tween ColumbUh and Albion, will
tave. Coluinbun everyday except Sun
? at 6 o'clock, sharp, passing through
Monroe, Oeuoa, V'aUrvilIe, and to Al
bion The hack will eall at either of
the Hotels for panseugers if orders are
'rt at the pout-office. Bates reason
Me,2 to Albion. t22.1y
' Carpenters and Contractors.
Have had an extended experience, and
d! guarantee, natisfaction in work.
AH kinds of repairing done on short
""tlce. Our motto is, Good work and
air price.. Call and give us an oppor
tunity to estimate for you. 3QTShop at
be Big WiudmUI. Columbus, Xebr. I
VOL. X.-NO. 34.
yyji. m. iti:i.u;s,
Cp-fctiirs in (J lurk ISuildinp, 11th street.
TV IK. J. Iti:iI.I.Y,
Office on Thirteenth Street,
Opposite Engine House,Columbus,Neb.
Er spricht Deutsrh. AVU-x
jioumo rovinar
and house Imildinjr done to order, and
in a w orkmaii-Iike manner. Please t;ive
us a call. ISTShop on corner of Olive
St. and Pacitic Avenue. -1.S5 tf
lluiisf & Sisii ftiintiii?,
Iupor Iltinaiiie:.
riTAll work warranted. Shop on
Olixc Ntreet, opposite the "Tattersall"
lahles. aprltiy
- Teams of
Horses or Oxen,
SAIlI.i: PO.MKS, wild or broke,
at the Corral of
Columbus Meat Market !
J F.KP ON HAND all kind or Iretdi
meats, and smoked pork and beef;
aUo fresh lish. Make sausage a spec
ialtv. aSrUcmember the place, Kiev
enth St., one door went of 1). ItyanV
hotel. 417-tf
T MY KKSIDKNCK.on Shell Creek,
1 V tin ee miles east of Malthis's bridge,
I have
70,000 p;ooI. linrtl-liurnt brick
for .nl.
which will be sold in lots to suit pur
Chicago Barber Shop.
Oppcrite "Harsal fiso,"
n.MK CCTTINn doue in the latesl
stylrs, with or without machine.
None but first-class workmen employ ed.
Ladies and children's hair cuttiinr a
specialty. Hcst brands of cigars con--tautlv
on hand.
-172 Cm Proprietor.
ii. s. i:a.ii ii.x; .si;ki:o.,
roi.t'Mr.r1?, : xekkaska.
OFFICK HOrUS, 10 to 12 a. in., 2 to
A p. m., and 7 to ! p.m. Ollice on
Nebraska Avenue, three doors north of
K. .1. Itaker's rain ntliee. llesideiiee,
coiner Wvomhu auil Walnut treets,
north Columbus, Nebr. -iIKI-tf
Manufacturer r.nd Dealer in
Store on Olive St., near the old Post-office
Columbus Nebraska. 417-ly
Dress and Shirt Maker,
n Poor West or.StHliunn's Urn? Storr.
Dresses and hirts cut and made to
order and satisfaction guaranteed. Will
ale do plain or fancy sewing of any de
scription. rgrruicKs vkky ukasoxahlk.
(Sire me a call and try my work.
ONEY TO LOAN in small lot-
L farm property, time one to three
vear. rami wiiu smwiu imPininniu
fmtiglit and sold. Office for the present
at the Clother House. Columbus, Neb.
v o i. v n is i;
Restaurant and Saloon!
E. I). SHEEHAX, Proprietor.
rrj" Wholesale unil Itetail Dealer in Kor-Ti-'ii
Wines, I.i,,uor ami Cigars. Dub
lin Stout, Scotch and English Ales.
1ST Kentucky Whiskies a Specialty.
OYSTERS in tlieir season, by the ease
can or dish.
llth Stroot. South of Depot
(One mile west or Columbus.)
A-lwnyis on Ilmitl In
Manufacturer and Dealer In
A compMc assortment or I.dl'nd thll
drea'uSkw kit oa hand.
All Work Warranted!!
Oar 3loto-0ood stock, excellent
work and fair prices.
Especial Attention paia to Hepairicg
Cor. Olive aud latk Sts.
Wall Paper, Toilet Articles,
KTC, KTC, K10.
Best Of Goods And Low Prices,
TITR. SMITH will still be found at the
11 L old stand, and will make prescrip
tions a xpcciultv, as heretofore.
ivi.i:s, i,iQi;oitK,
Fine Soaps, Brushes,
PERFUMERY, Etc., Etc.,
And all arti.lcs usinlly kejit on hand ly
Physicians Prescriptions Carefully
One door llust of Unllcj' "
!''! von Hi KtrMt,
Daniel Fnucctte,
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Harness. Saddles, Bridles, and Collars
keeps constantly on hand all kinds of
whips, Saddlery Hardware, Curry
combs, llrushe llridle Hits, Spurs,
Cards.. Harness made to order. Re
pairing done on short notice.
Grain, Produce, Etc.
Goods delivered Free of Chary c.
anywhere in the vily.
Corner of 13th and Madison Sts.
North of Foundry. M
C:::c::r: ts Qcrnri Eoei aai 7tr:cr i Hslst.
CASH CAPITAL, - $50,000
Lkaxuki: (tKitCAitn, I'rcsW
CJko. AV., Vice Pics' t.
Julius A Kkkp.
Ehwakd A. (.tKKKAIM).
Ahner Tuknek, Cashier.
naak r Deposit, Dihconnt
nad ExchaBKc.
ClIectloH Promptly Made on
nil PoIntK.
Pay Inherent oh Time lcpos-
Rooii Goous aufl Fair Denliua
It. -
In the ruh of early inoniir.s,
"When the red burns through the grav,
And the wintry world lies waiting
For the glory of the dav.
Then we hear a fitful rustling
.lust without upon the stair.
See two small, white phantoms eoming.
Catch the gleam of sunny hair.
Are they Christmas fairies stealing
Kows of little .iocks to fill
Are they angels Moating hither
With their message of good-will
What sweet spell are these elves weav-
As like larks they chirp and singv
Are these psalms o'f peaee trom Heaven
That these lovely spirits bring
Uosy feet upon the threshold,
Eager faces peeping through.
With the first red ray of sunshine.
Chanting cherubs come in view,
Mistletoe and gleaming holly,
Symbols of a blessed dav,"
In their chubby hands they earrv,
Streaming all along the way.
Well we know them, never wearv
Of this innocent surprise;
Waiting, watching, listening alwavs
With full hearts and tender eve-",
While our little household angels.
White and golden in the sun,
Creetus with the sweet old welcome
"Merry Christina, everyone!"
Louisa Jl. Alcott.
J our iioi.i;i's ji kicky
Tin; daj; before Chrislnms every
slore window was wrcatlieil iiifjrccn,
every rare and lientitif til lliinjj ex
posed lo .leuipl the passer-by was
labeled "Chrislnms gift." Even the
corner groceries and linker shops
had green boughs and a generous
display of ginger-brend horses and
while-sugar hearts enriched with
gilt beading, and impossible pink
fowls, popularly supposed to be
doves. There were myriads of dolls
and hundreds of sleds, with names
Inking in the whole animal kingdom.
The streets were crowded with fur
elad, smiling women, who were
making the last selections of pretty
things with which to swell out the
fair proportions of many little stock
ings. John Holland, leaving his oflico
earlier than usual, made his way
i) slowly llirnngli these waves of hap
py womanhood, carrying his aching
head a little forward, watching with
sullen eyes the joy about him, until
the tide of bitterness in his heart
rose high, and forced from his lips a
curse on the morrow that would
bring so much happiness to others
and so much misery to him. A lone
ly man was John Holland, over
whoso dead past stood no monu
mental marble with name and date
thereon a weary man by his droop
ing shoulders and uncertain gait
an unhappy man by Iho wistful look
that crept now and I hen into his
sullen eyes. And so in wearily lone
ly fashion he walked on, leaving the
city far behind, and coming at last
upon a country road that wound its
rough, snow-powdered length thro'
shrubby hollows and up the hills
between leafless gray-barked trees.
Now and then a thin sheet of ice
cracked beneath his feet he did not
hear it; above his head, close to the
soft, gray clouds, fat, inky crows
sailed round ami round, cawing
companionably he did not heed
them ; while here and there the bare,
brown lingers of some shrub or tree
held out to him a bunch of scarlet
berries, which he did not sec. All
the grays and browns, touched here
and there with green and scarlet,
appealed to him in vain. To-morrow
was Christmas day. lie stood
alone he made no one's happiness;
therefore to him the world could not
be fair. He remembered how, not
many years before, he and his wife
stole tip-toe through the house, to
cram with candies and many won
drous toys the little woolen stock
ings hanging near the lire. He re
membered how the Christinas sun
light, striking through the frosted
window pane, turned into burnished
gold the ruddy locks of their sturdy
baby boy ; and now he stumbled up
the hill-side, blind with rage and
pain. Xow two mounds of chill,
cold earth held all that made life a
dear and precious thing to him. At
the top of the hill he paused invol
untarily to regain his breath. Up
Micro the yind blew keenly, the
ghastly gleam ol ice could be seen in
the river winding far below. The
wood was darkened by many slen
der pines and stunted hemlock trees
a wintry scene and Holland
thrust his hands deep in his pockets
and turned to retrace his steps,whcn
a sound broke the silence all about
him a sound that set his heart a
throbbing, a sound that drew his
feet from the beaten road and sent
them striding through tho dead
brown leaves until they brought him
to the very spot where little Ruth
sat sobbing.
A strange place to liud a child,
yet there she sat, Hal on Iho ground,
her well-worn, copper-toed shoes
stretched out before her, one little
hand doubled under her arm, as a
bird draw its toot under its wing,
the other hand grasping with all its
childish might a branch of ono of
the many small hemlock trees grow
ing about her. So mottled with
cold were her face, her hands, and
her little bare knees, she might have
passed for a figure carved in good
old castile soap.
John Holland's sudden appear
ance did not startle her in the least.
She seemed to accept him as one
accepts things in dreams, without
surpriso or fear.
"What is the matter?" he asked.
"I'm cold."
How strange tho childish voice
soimded tip there in that chill, bleak
place !
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm waiting."
"Poor baby!" thought John Hol
land, "you are learning the great
lesson early. 1 should like to know
tho brute who left you silting here
while he or she drinks or gossips in
the town below."
"Who are you waiting for, child ?"
Tho chill, tear-stained little face
broke into smiles as she whispered :
"I'm waiting for Santa Claus."
The answer smote him with aston
ishment. As a boy he had heard
much of the genial old man for
whom little Kutli was waiting, bttt
he had never heard of his paying a
vNit or transacting any business in
the day-time. So he told her; but
she, looking sorrowfully wise, an
swered: "Yos, I know he gees down the
chimneys at night, but to-morrow is
Christmas, Aunty says so, and Santa
Claus must come here to-day to get
his trees."
"To get his trees?" echoed Hol
land, sitting down by the side of
that bit of childish gravity.
"Why, yes ; his trees like this, you
know," and after a slow, numb sort
of search for something in the
depths of her pockot, her cold little
hand drew out a leaf of a child's
story book, torn and soiled, but
bearing on ono side a highly-colored
picture of the good Santa Claus.
"There," she continued, eagerly,
"see the tree he has on his arm they
don't grow in the city ; sec. he must
come up here to get them."
"I iindcn-tand ; but why wait here
in the. cold for him when to-night he
will come down your chimney with
all sorts of pretty toys?"
"lint ho won't come; ho docs not
know the house is here; he thinks
all the boys and girls live down
there in the city; so when he comes
to get this tree I'm going lo say
Please, Santa Claus, I live here on
the hill. Aunty says I'm pretty
good. Can't I have a doll baby and
a picture book ?"
John Holland's voice was very
Itender when he spoke again to ask
her name, and then he lifted her lo
her feet and said :
"I'll tell you what we will do,
Ruth. You go home before Aunty
misses you and thinks you are lost,
and I'll stay here and watch for
Santa Claus."
She shook her head.
"You'll get tired and go away."
"Xo, I won't; I'll wait until I see
"Truly ?"
Little Ruth raised her face and
Holland. kisscd'her baby mouth.
"Where do you live, child ?"
"Only a little ways back in the
woods; there is the path." And
running across the dead leaves she
struck into a faint, narrow path, and
following it disappeared behind the
trees. Holland watched her out of
sight, then lying his handkerchief to i
the top branch of that tree which
Ituth had selected as the very one
Santa Claus most wanted, turned
his face cityward and strode down
the hill.
Low down in the west he noticed
a long golden rift in the dull gray
sky, and it widened and broadened
until the golden glory burst its
bonds and flooded all tho scenes
with wintry sunlight. Even so had
the childish faith of little Ruth forc
ed its' way through clouds ot loneli
ness and grief lo fill his heart with
sunlight. More than one woman
smiled (hat night at John Holland
as he stood in a crowded store, ex
amining with supernatural gravity
dolls dressed, and undressed. A
light wagon carried him and his
books and toys out from the city and
up the woody hill lo Ruth's poor
home. After peering into the win
dow like an amiable burglar be
summoned Ruth's aunt. A few
words outside the door, a gentle
little laugh, a tear or two, a great
rustling of paper, and then the door
was closed, and Holland, whistling
softly to himself, made his way to
the tree from which waved a white
handkerchief, and, after much hack
ing, pulling and digging, succeeded
in removing it. Driving home
under the starry sky great tears
filled his ecs as he thought of "the
wife and baby boy gone bclore ;"
theto wa9 no curse on his lips, only
a tremulous smile, as he thought of
the joyous awakening lor little Jftith
to-morrow. Next day John Uollaud '
gave a dinner; there were four at
the table Holland himself, Ruth,
Ruth's aunt, and Ruth's doll Rosey,
who ate nothing, but looked lovely
and smiled indofatigably. It would
be hard to tell how many times Ruth
laid her doll on Holland's kneo,
whereupon her waxy eyelids in
stantly would close ami alio fell into
a most profound sleep. Twould be
harder still to tell how eagerly she
questioned him ns to tho oxact ap
pearance of Santa Claus when he
came for that tree tho very treoshc
sat beside when she was waiting.
And John Holland telling stories
to the little Ruth, hugging her pre
cious Rosey, had indeed a Merry
Christmas, for on making the hap
piness of another he had found his
"3tot if It waw My IJoy."
Some years ago tho lato Horaco
Maun, tho eminent educator, deliv
ered an address at tho opening of
some reformatory institute for boys,
during which he remarked that if
only one boy was saved from ruin
it would pay for all the cost, and
care, and labor of establishing such
an institution as that. After tho
exercises had closed in privato con
versation, a gentleman rallied Mr.
Maun on his statement, and said
to him :
"Did you not coror that a little,
when you said that all that expense
and labor would be repaired if it
only saved one boy?"
"Not if it was my boy," was tho
solemn and convincing reply.
Ah, there is wonderful valve about
"My Hoy." Other boys may be
rude and rough ; other boys may be
reckless and wild ; other boys may
seem to require moro pains and la
bor than they will ever repay ; other
boys may be left to drift uncarcd for
to the ruin which is so near at hand ;
but "My Roy" it were worth tho
toil of a lifetime and the lavish
wealth of n world to save him from
temporal and oternal ruin. Wo
would go the world around to save
him from peril, and would bless
every hand that was stretched out to
give him help or welcome. And
yet every poor, wandering outcast,
homeless man, is one whom some
fond mother called " My Roy."
Every lost woman, sunken iu the
depths of sin, was somobody's daugh
ter, iu her days of childish inno
cence. To-day somebody's son is a
hungry outcast, pressed lo thevergo
of crime and sin. To-day some
body's daughter is a weary, helpless
wanderer, driven by necessity into
the paths that load to death. Shall
we shrink from labor, shall we hesi
tate at cost, when the work boforc
us is the salvation of a soul ? Not if
it is "My Roy ;" not if wo have the
lovo of Him who gave His life to
save the lost.
The ClerffjiiiuH'H Pulpit Voice.
Many clergymen havo a nulnit
voice. When they arc out of church
they speak as other people do. They
do not employ a deep chest note
when they inquire of tho butchor
respecting the prico of roa6t beef,
and they do uot use a dismal mono
tone when they discuss domestic
matters with their wives and chil
dren. Rut as soon as thoy get into
church they unconsciously assume
an artificial tone; and they are apt
to do this when they have any de
votional functions to perform. It
has often been observed that if a
minister who is chatting easily and
naturally at table should be asked to
say irrace, ho will suddenly assume
his pulpit voice, articulate with it
during me ceremony, ami tneu re
sume the conversation in his natural
voice with the dexterity of a ven
triloquist. The pulpit voice is prob
ably attributed to a desire to givo
solemnly and imprcssiveness to the
performance. It results from an
oflbrt to convey to tho hearers the
deep sense of awo which may fairly
be supposed to sutlusc Iho clerical
mind. Rut the result to tho listener
is far more likely, to be an almost
resistless tendency to go to sleep.
Tho cfl'cctivc voice always is the nat
ural voice. Tho skillful actor touch
es every chord in the entire gamut
of passion, and gives force and ell'ect
to every phase of sentiment, with
out putting any undue strain upon
his vocal machinory. A great truth
must be far more imprcsnive when
it is urged iu tho speaker's ordinary
tones, modified only by whatever
influence of sincere feeling may gov
ern tho speaker's mind, then when
it is oflered in an artificial voico
about which there bo no suggestion
of genuine passion.
If a man is dissipated, it is true
that ho will uot live out hair his days
hut then young Keopitup says he
liv'es out about two-third of his
nights, and that makes a good
WHOLE NO. 502.
the: vimiox of uka-th.
Saved by a Workingman's Presence of
The infernal, yet very useful,
compound uitro-glycorinc is so
swift and terrible in its work, and
co-anuihilatory iu its e fleets that
many persona experienco a singular
if oven in tho presence of tho harmless-looking
fluid. They know that u
slight concussion would send them
into eternity with tho rapidity of the
lightning's flash, and hardly a trace
of their bodios be found. Men who
arc. accustomed to uitro-glyccrinc
aro supposed to have none of these
tcclings, and nerve is a necessary
requiaito. Nevertheless, the pres
ence of appalling danger sometimes
llustrates the best of them, as will
be seen by the following incident:
At a certain factory uot a hun
dred miles from Bradford were
gathered the members ol the firm
and some workmen. The gontlc
men wore intently watching the
proocss of maufacturing tho explo
dout, when one of them incautiously
dropped his cigar-stub on the floor
which was covered with running
water, boating on the surface small
particles of uitro-glyeerine. The
latter caught lire and burned brill
iantly with a sputtering noise. To
say that tho spectators were alarm
ed would would bo to put it very
wildly. They were simply paralyz
ed with terror and watched the
spreading fiery stream with the
helpless fascination with which a
victim is said to look in the glitter
ing eyes of a rattlesnake. All
around them were cans tilled with
uitro-glyccrine, enough to nuihilatc
an army, and cvory man felt a.
though he was the victim of a hide
ous nightmare which held them pow
crlcss. Flight was impossible ; their
limbs refused to perform their oflico
and an awful death seemed inevit
able. The Apparently doomed men
saw the Utile lake of fire spread
slowly but surely on the floor, bin
the flames hissed as tho' iu triumph
at the ucrtain death that sccmcd4o
await their victims. None of the
spectators will soon forget this thrill
ing opisodoin their lives.and money
could not hire them to repeat the ex
periment. When the lire had al
most reached a can filled with gly
cerine one of the workmen roused
from his lethargy, and taking otrhi
eoat, spread it on the floor and ex
titiguislicil the flames, when oi
course all danger ceased. One ot
the gentlemen present when deeri
bing his experience, said : "I never
knew before what it was to be sick
from fear. When I saw the iufernci
8tufl' burning, and felt that ever
man of us would be blown to atoms
iu tivo seconds, every muscle ol my
body seemed palsied. I gasped for
breath, my head swam, and I only
felt a deathly sensation of nausea iu
my stomach. All presetlt turned an
ashly paleness of the face. Then I
vainly wondered whether there
would be any pain iu tho death
stroke. Tho remembrance of a nitro
glycerine horror, where the still
palpitating heart of onc'of its vic
tims was picked up a minute after
the explosion, came to my mind, and
I surmised whether my heart would
undergo that strange experience af
ter being lorn from my body. The
thought of my family caused me the
most poignant anguish, and tear
coursed down my cheeks. Then sev
eral incidents ol life, of which I can
not speak with pride, were vividly
presented to my mind's eye, and
induced vague reflections on the
subject of future punishment. Some
times iu my dreams I have felt my
self in tho presence a frightful peril,
such as lying iu the path of an ex
press train, or tottering on I he brink
of a vast abyss, but was utterly in
capable of moving hand or foot for
my preservation. So I Bcemed in
this case. I could not lift a finger
though there was comparative safe
ty in flight; paralyzed with terror
was literally my condition. After
what seemed to be an eternity of
waitiag for my inevitable fale, my
attention was arrested by a move
ment on the part of one of the work
men, who took oil' his coat hurriedly.
Then he bent forward, and, wiih the
utmost deliberation, laid it on the
pool of fire, moving it gently along
and patting it with his hand until
every spark was extinguished. The
reaction from the terrible suspense
was almost overpowering, and I felt
as weak as a child, but on going nut
into tho opeu nir my old time f-pirit.
came back very rapidly. May I
never have another such experience."
The bride of a week, at New Phil
adelphia, Ohio, mysteriously disap
peared. The pair had married for
love, nothing had happened that
could have raised a reasonable re
gret, and it was feared she bad met
with an accident. The truth va
that, growing homesick, she had
quietly lakeu a train lor the pater
nal roof.
Kates of Advertising.
Space. lie 2ic Ihih 3m Owi yr
leol'iim $l-y I ?( I i" ; ."-' I ?w $100
jj rH.Ml 12 15 - 35 0(1
o.oo f :! i: 15 1
20 .".ft
15 J27
15J 20
8 J 10
VJ5 I 7-10 I 11 I It I
' I 1.50 G.T5 10 12 J
1 " 1.50T.25 45"
liuoiiifM and professional cards tea
lines or les space, per annum, ten dol
lars. I.eeal advertisements at statuU
rates. "Editorial local notices" fifteen
cents a line each insertion. "Local
notice " tivo cents a line each Inser
tion. Advertisments classified as "Spe
cial notices" Aw crnta a line tirat later
tlon, three cents a line each subsequeat
"My Mother' HeoH Pray la V."
In February, 1861, a terrible gale
raged along flic coast of England.
In one bay, Hartlepool, it wrecked
oigltty-ouo vessels. Whilo the storm
was at its height, tho Rising Sun, a
stout brig, struck on Longrcar rock,
a reef extending a mile from one
side of the bay. She sunk, leaviug
only her two top-masts above the
foaming waves.
Tho lifeboats were away, rescuing
wrecked crows. Tho only means of
saving tho men clinging to tho sway
ing masts was tho rocket apparatus.
Before it could be adjusted, ono
mast fell. Just as the rocket, bear
ing the life line, went booming out
of the mortar, the other mast top
pled over.
Sadly the rocket-men began to
draw iu their line, when, suddenly,
they felt that something was attach
ed to it, and in a few minutes hauled
on to the beach tho apparently life
less body of a sailor boy. Trained
and tender hands worked, and in a
short time he became conscious.
With wild amazement, lie gazed
around on the crowd of kind and
sympathizing friends. They rawed
him to his feet. He looked up into
the weather-beaten face of the old
tishormau near him, and asked :
"Where am I V
(t'l'l.n.. ... I.,...r ..... I...1 "
A.iflt 1,1. Mlll,, IIIJ 1(114.
"Where's the Cap'n ?"
"Drowned, my lad."
"The mate, then ?"
"He's drowned, too.'"
"The crew ?"
"They are all lost, my lad ; Ihou
art the only one saved."
The boy stood, overwhelmed, for
a few moments; then he raised both
his hands, and cried in a loud voice:
"My mother's been paying for me!"
And then he dropped on his knees
on the wet sand, and hid hin sobbing
face in his hands.
Hundreds heard that day this trib
ute to a mother's love, and to Cod's
faithfulness iu listening lo a mother's
The little fellow was taken lo a
house near by, and iu a few days he
was sent home to his mother's cot
tage in Northumberland.
Why ll Went to lied.
The passion of love ofteu reacts
strangely on undNcipliiicd minds,
iinl frequently produces on them
mo-a unlookcd-tor results. At
Keithly, at tin beginning of the
present century, lived a joting man
named William Sharp. He fell des
perately in love with a girl, the
daughter of a neighboring farmer.
Kverything went smoothly fill the
wedding morning, when the fathers
could not agree how much to give
the young couple to start them iu
life, and literally at the last moment
in church the match was broken off.
This was too much for tho weak
mind of William Sharp. He went
home, went to his bed, and never
rose from it again. He was just
thirty when he thus isolated himself
from active life, and ho died iu his
bed at the age of seventy-five. His
room was about nine feet square.
The floor was otone, and generally
damp. The window was perman
ently tautened; some of tho panes
were tilled iu with wood ; and at the
lime of his death it had not been
opened for thirty-eight years. In
this dreary cell did this strange be
ing immure himself. He obstinately
refused to speak, and gradually
every trace of intelligence faded
away. His father loft ample pro
vision for his eccentric son, and he
was well looked after. He ate as
much as an ordinary day laborer,
and at his death weighed about six-,
teen stone. In Harrowgale, m-veral
years ago, lived a woman who for
the same cause behaved in exactly
the same manner. Her pnrrnl.s hav
ing prevented her marriage lo a
worthless character, she took lo her
bed, and kept it for fifteen years;
and if not dead, is probably keeping
it still.
i'urf i'or Diphtheria.
uv in:. A. EM. is.
I Drachm Pulv. (.'olden Seal,
I " " Rorax.
I " " Muck Pepper,
1 " " Nilrae Pota-li.
1 ' " Salt.
I'm all iii a couimnii-sipil .teacup
and pour on about hali lull of boil
ing water. Stir this well and then
fill full of good vinegar for usu when
it settles.
Directions: Swab the throat
every half hour when the eue is
bad. Ordinary eases every hour,
for common sore throat take some
into the mouth and gargle it.
Receipt for liniment.
Sp. Turp. 1 oz; Sweet oil, 1 oz;
Aqua Am. 1 oz. Rub on tho outside
of throat every three or four hours.
Keep a flannel cloth about tho neck
until well.
The I'lallc Valley Democrat sho'd
not talk so about (ieueral Giant. It
might hurt the "CineralV feelings,
you know. -Sidney Plaindealer.