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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1879)
sw z& J 1 J t 1 p t 8 i a f L l D a b s 1 5 U 1 d a t. I, 1 n b o i h s r It IT C a t THE JOURNAL. WJtDNRSDAY, IKC. 10. I7. Laht wci'k copious iniiiH vihilcd nil pnrth of Cnliroi'iiin. Total ciish in lliu U. S. troiwury on llio M wih 207,217,G38. Kx-Sknaioii Hamskv, of Mninc, is rcndy to Inkc the HCcrotnrynliip of wnr. Tub public debt statement for November ahows n decrease of JfS00,000. Thk rope makers in New York were on a striko lust week for high er wages. Tnr. house elcclionn committee roport sixteen- conlcBlcd cases to dispose of at tidy hcshiou. Last week llio principal coal com panicfl orriltfiton, Ta., advanced the wages of miners 10 per cent. Sknatok I'aimjock has introduced a bill for the CBtablishmcnt of n ma rine hospital at Nebraska City. The wallH and roof of the James strcot IJaptist church, at Hamilton, Out., fell (he other day. The build ing recently cost $10,000. Tin: soldiers and sailors bill in troduced in the House is intended to pay the difference between green backs (with which ho was paid) and gold. A hkavv enow storm was prevail ing on lliolth at Paris, and extend-, od generally nil over the country. Travel by rail waB partially sus pended. Sixty thousand shares of Penn sylvania railroad stock were sold the other day at Philadelphia, at filly. The Pennsylvania company bought it. Haldwin, who is supposed to be tho murderer of Yocum at Hastings, lias been taken to Lincoln for safe keeping until tho next term or the court at Hastings. Kepokt from ltawlins, "Wyo., on tho ltd, stales that a large band of Utcs nllnckcd u number of herders near the White river agency, and stole tho whole herd. Thk Cass Street Iron Works at Omaha wore destroyed by lire on the morning of the 'M. The origin of the fire is unknown. The estimated loss is $lf,(KX) with small insurance Sknatok Pauhock has introduced a bill to provide for tho sale of the remainder of tho reservation of confederated Otoe and Missouri tribes of Indians in Nebraska and Kansas. Cii:oi:iK Li:;i:k, of (Jrand Island, and former cashier of the Slalo Cen tral Hank, committed suicide last week by shooting a pjlol ball into Ids right temple. No cause known except a fit of insanity. A him. has already been introduc ed in llio Houso by congressman Sapp, of Iowa, to limit lo reasonable rates llio charges of transportation on long lines that monopolize tho commerce of this country. Tin: Indian Chief Colorow has delivered hi testimony before the peace commission, and says that ho and Jack led tho Indians in tho Thornburgh light. Ho states that the fight was an accldcu t. TiiKitK appears to bo a fixed purpose- on tho part of many members of congress to oppose all changes in tho curnmoy laws, believing that such change would be disastrous to the prosperity of the country. Tuk election to dispose of Arapa hoo county's $1,300,000 of railroad railroad stock to Jay Gonld for $230,000 took place on the 2d at Denver, with n very light vote and tho proposition accepted by ten to one. Thk President has nominated Charles Ueardsley, of Iowa, fourth auditor of the Treasury; Ia 1l Crocker, Internal Revenue Collect or for the second district of Illinois, nnd A. M. Jones for tho third dis trict of Illinois. It appears that all propositions so far introduced into congress on tho financial situation come from republicans in the house and senate, are in direct opposition to tho ad ministration, and their support originates on the democratic side. Skc'y. Shkkmax has issued a call for one million dollars worth of bonds, which will be purchased by the government from any of the six per cent, interest bearing bonds of the United States, known as sixes of Sl. The bonds purchased arc to be applied to the sinking fund. Gkn. axu Iks. Ukant will fill a few engagements in tho eastern cit ies, and then sail for Havana, where they will spend a part of tho winter, thence to Mexico, aud return via Galveston in Apail, going direct to Denver and from there visiting the mining districts including Ieadvllle. Thk body of A. M. Smith, of (icorttin, a farmer, was discovered in ono tf III Holds last week, covered wllh two feel of dirt, and almost decayed. His arms wero pinioned nnd a ImngnmnV noose drawn tight I y nruund his nook. An inquest was held btt t no particular facts elicited. Two men named Wilson and BiiiHIi. In)re doaleis, wero introduc ed to 11)0 bank of Montreal last week by a.ieeidtyil or Jhc city, and the halik nrcopled their draft for $3,000, drawn by (he Commercial Hank of JtoHicetaiS oil Ike American Ex change or 2fetv5rork. The draft was a forgery. The uicu escaped to llii United Stale?. Juhok Post's majority in this ju dicial district is 1,'Ml. 1,-irgc enough lor all praclical purposes. A hkavv snow-fall was reported on the f)th throughout Hungary. A dispatch from Geneva on thcilh, snys the snow storm continued twenty hours. Thk Democratic delegate elections at Philadelphia on the 2d insl., were attended with much disorder. The fifth ward convention was broken up by a mob from the fourth ward and thrco men Bhot, one, Ilcruard Kiley, dying on tho way to tho hos pital. G. L. Campiiem., a former local editor of the Globe and World or Lincoln, has been indicted in Clay county on a charge or embezzling $200 of funds belonging to the order of Odd Follows at Sutton, this State. Ho has been arrested at Atchison aud a requisition scut for him. A man named Opton. living at Ansonia, Conn., returned homo drunk on the evening or tho ilh and throw a lighted lamp at his wire, which roll into tho cradlo and tho child was burned to death. Tho wire, in endeavoring to save the child, was probably fatally burned. Mk. IlKi.Konn has, thus early, in troduced in the Iloueo a bill for the removal or tho Utcs, and the repeal or all laws establishing reservations for the Utc Indians in Colorado, and that the lands constituting such res ervations shall bocome public do main. Tho bill proposes an appro priation of $200,000 to meet the expenses of removal. The Utc commission on the 0th delivered its decision. It is the Htirrcndor of cloven Indians to be held ror trial on tho charge of mur dering Agent Meeker nnd employ ees. Douglass is included among the number. Ouray asked for limo, and was granted forty-eight hours. It is doubtful whether he will be able to comply with tho order of the commission. Ukv. T. II. Tiitm.KS has, it is stat ed upon good authority, entered the show business in the cast with- two stars "Standing Hear" aud "llright Eyes." "Standing Hear" makes a speech in tho Indian laugungc nnd "llright Eyes" interprets for him. It is claimed that it will lake about $10,000 to prosecute tho Pouca casci and Tibbies is making an dibit to raiso the money. The London Times of last week, in a financial article says, among oilier ovidonccs of tho reviving ca pacity of Europe lo counteract the adverse Ira do balance with tho United States, are advices from Germany which show that one mil lion hundred weights oTsleol blocks havo been sold for shipment to America. This operation will bo financed through London. The statement comes from Mos cow (hat the wicked Russians on the 3d attempted to blow up the train with the Emperor of Russia on board. Tho explosive matter did not explode until the Emperor had passed the point where it was placed, but the luggage train was blown to pieces nnd seven carriages thrown oil tho rails, but no one killed. His imperial grip-sack aud tool chest was blown into pieces. The conduct of tho Democratic ollicials of Maine, in regard to the election rot urns, is vigorously de nounced by Republican senators and representatives recently elected, and in a letter to the governor they pro test against tho arrogant and unau thorized assumption of power, the unprecedented destruction of rights, the bold usurpation of judi cial functions, the scandalous secre tion of public records, hitherto open to honest inspection. It is claimed that Jay Gould has stated to the citizens of Atchison that the Central Branch road would be extended to a connection with the Kansas Pacific at an early date; that tho St. Joseph & Denver road would bo extended to Atchison from a point near Troy Junction, &c, &'C, and that the new route from Grand Island on the Union Pacific via Atchison to St. Louis will be the shortest aud most direct line tho west a fiord s between the Pacific coast and Missouri. Orn Omaha neighbors of the press arc not in humor to appreciato a joke. Jay Gould's railroad projects in relation to Omaha's interests (?) arc so much of an enigma that the editors can't enjoy tho joke of Sen ator Paddock introducing a bill in the senate for the croction of a ma rine hospital in Nebraska City. The J!ec "thinks it will be a good place for the sonator to retire." The 7c publicun "suggests that when Pad dock is retired he be put with lu galls on the reservatiou of tho Otoe and Missouri tribe lands." Pkesiokst Hayes sent to the sen ate on tho 1st hist, tho following nominations : Geo. W. McCrary, of Iowa, United States judge for the eighth circuit; Win. II. Hayes, of Kentucky, United States district judge, district of Kentucky; Charles G. French, chief justice of Arizona territory; Norman Buck, of Idaho, associate justice of the supreme court or Idaho territory. United Stales Attorneys Jas. B. Lake, for the northern district of Illinois; Edward Guthridgo, for the eastern district or Texas; J. TV. Cracott, or West Virginia, for tho territory of Idaho. Johv&'W. Tuffts, of Iowa, ludiau agent at Uuion Agency, In diau territory. . n r ' ;nitmM OrtfniuKcd. Vice President Wheeler was in his seal in the senate on tho.lsl inst., and called I hat body to order at noon. Anthony nnd Bayard were ap pointed to wait on the president with a similar committco of the house aud nnnouncc lo him that con gress was ready to receive any com munication. Similnr proceedings were had in the house nnd announced by "mes sage in tho senate. Very soon after ward the president's message was received nnd rend. Mr. Ferry then arose and said the sorrowful duty devolved upon him of announcing to tho sennto tho death of his lato colleague, Zachariah Chandler. At a future timo ho would ask tho scnalo to express by resolution nnd eulogy its bcuso or tho character and services of the deceased. As a mark of respect to a senator present at tho last adjourn ment and absent now forever, he moved tho sennto now adjourn. Tho houso was called to order by 'Speaker Randall at noon. The roll call showed 232 members present 50 absent. Tho newly elected members from California, Iowa and New York look tho iron-clad oath. . A committco was appointed lo in form tho prcsidont of tho organiza tion of tho house. At 1.30 p. m. the mes9agoof tho president was receiv ed and read, tho reading occupying one hour and a hair, and was then referred to the committee of tho whole nnd ordered printed. Ad journed. For the Journal.) The Annihilation of Columbus un Proposed ly llio IJ.P.K.IC. Mr. Editor: Your city don't seem to a casual observer quite as bad as Sodom yet that the Lord should be compelled to destroy her, although Jay Gould should havo de creed so. Cutting oil' tho fanners from the cast, northeast, north, northwest nnd west as is proposed aud nltomptcd, building up si little nest of a place in the northwest nnd calling it Platte Centre will not nl onco destroy a city like yours, ir her authorities aud citizens know and do what is ror her benefit. Tho writer or this over since he has been in Nebraska has noticed that our State and our cities, and ospccially Columbus, for the full development aud utilization of our natural resources, need maunufneto- rics. We import our starch, for instance, or some or it from Oswego, N. Y., whore corn and potatoes arc probably worth $1 per bushel, while tho material ror starch horo could bo bought lor from 10 to 25 cents per bushel ; we import our crockery, whilo wo have plenty of splendid potter's clay ; wo import cheese, wo import woolen goods, whilo our raw wool goes cast ; hundreds of tons of Ilax straw aro burned up which could bo mado into linen, carpets, etc., aud thus 1 could keep on enumerating articles that might be manufactured at home. Columbus would be just tho place to establish manufactories of diilcrcut kinds. The high price or coal has been pointed to as an obstacle to tho es tablishment of enterprises of that kind, but with a water power like that of tho Loup river such objec tions aro not worth mentioning. Only let tho authorities and citi zens of Columbus be liberal toward men of capital and enterprise, ofl'or ing advantages in the way of frco ground, of exemption rrom taxation for some years and the liko, and thus invite such men to come and establish starch, cheese, woolen aud other factories, tanneries, foundries, potteries, manufactories of agricul tural implements, pnpcr-inille, oil mills, tlour mills, and so forth, and so forth. Thus Columbus can not only keep nlivo and prosperous in spite of Jay Gould and cohorts, but it might even come to pass that such a man would bo glad for not having accomplished an impossibility in the way of annihilating a city that at tracts the farmers from all directions and gives railroads great masses of manufactured articles as well as tho raw produce of tho farmers to carry abroad. So thinks Anti-Annihu.ator. Fxplnnnlory. Ci.aridon, O., Nov. 2S, 19. Dear Journal: In printing my letter from bore, there was an omis sion which sadly breaks tho sense. In speaking of Garfield, I said: "He docs not appear to have lost by his steadfast opposition to tamper ing with the divine command, 'Thou shall have a perfect aud just weight, a perfect aud just measure shall thou have.' Aud what is more curi ous, Bayard, on the other side, docs not seem to have lost by equal firm ness." The first sentence has been omitted, which would lead a reader to wonder what the subject was upon which Garfield and Bayard had been so creditably firm. c. c.s. A simple method for testing dia monds is credited to the London Times, which consists in the simple process ofimmercing the specimen in water, and if it is tho genuine article it will sparkle with undi minished light and brilliancy of color, but ir spurious the fire or the jewel will be quenched. ProiIentV M -?; Wo present themuin features very briefly. FINANCIAL. "Tho resumption ol' specie pay ments has been followed by a very great revival of business. Willi u currency equivalent in .value to the money of llic commercial world, we arc enabled to' "cuter upon an equal competition with other,, nations in trade and production. Tho increas ing foreign demand for our manu factures and agricultural products has caused a large balance of traHo in our favor, which has been paid in gold, from tho 1st of July lat lo November 15, lo t lie amount of abouL$50,O00iO00. Sinco the resump tion of specie payments there has been a marked and gratifying im provement of the public crodit. The bonds of the Government bearing only -I percent, interest havo sold at or above par, sufficient in amount to pay off all the National debt which was reilccmauic under ine present laws. Tho amount of interest saved annually by tho process of refunding Ihe debt since March 1, 1877, is $11, 297,177." IIo recommends (lie suspension of the coinage of silver dollars upon the present legal ratio. The president considers the issue of legal-lender, paper money, based wholly upon the authority aud credit of the government, except in cx Ircnio emergency, ns without war rant in tho constitution, mid a viola tion of sound financial principles, and therefore recommends the accu mulation of a sinking fund sullicicut lo extinguish the public debt within a limited period. POLYdAMV. The Supreme Court, having pass ed upon llio law relative to this crime, there is no longer any reason for delay or hesitation in its enforce ment. It should be firmly and elleclually executed. political rioiits. What tho president has to say on this subject will meet with hearty response from all truo patriots. "No temporary or administrative inter ests of Government, however urgent or weighty, will ever displace the zeal of our people in defense of the tho primary rights' of citizenship, and (he power of public opinion will override all political prejudices, nnd all sectional and Stale attachments, in demanding thai all over our wide territory, the n.iino and character of citizen of tho United States shall mean one aud the same thing, and carry with them unchallenged se curity and respect." WHAT IT COSTS. "Tho total expenditures of the year ended June 30, 1S7SJ, including specific appropriations not estimat ed for by the department, wore $13, 555,710 ()!). Tho expenses charge able lo the year, after deducting the amount of those specific appropria tions, were $12,313,127 70; but this is subject to a reduction $283,725 1)9, thai, amount having been drawn up on warrants, but not paid out dur ing the year. Tho amount of appro priations applicable to the last fiscal year was$ll,53S,(Mn, 17. There was, therefore, a balaueo of $l,-l(!9,05l 37 remaining unexpended, a,ud to the credit of tho Department, on June 30, 1S79. The estimates for llio fis cal year ending Juno 30 1SS1, are fll.SU 1,117 95, which exceeds the appropriations for the present fiscal year $3G1,S97 27. The reason for this increase is explained in the Sec retary's report. The appropriations available for the present fiscal year arc $1,502,250 07, which will, in the opinion of the Secretary, answer all tho ordinary demands of the service. The amount drawn from the Treas ury from July 1 to November 1, ISti), was $5,770,101 12, of which $1, 005,410 3:1 has been refunded, leav ing as Ihe expenditure for that period $5,()74,9(3 7Q. If the expendi tures of tho remaining two-thirds of tho year do not exceed the propor tion for these four mouths, there will remain unexpended, at the end of the year, $177,359 30 of the cur rent appropriations. Tho report of the Secretary shows the gratifying fact that among all the disbursing officers of the pay corps of the navy thei'e is not one who is a defaulter lo the extent of a single dollar.' INDIAN AFFAIRS. The president believes that the proposed transfer of the care of In dians, to (he war department, should not be further agitated. CIVIL SERVICE. The president has not forgotten his sentiments on civil service, and offers his fellow-citizens a very in teresting chapter on the subject, to which wo may have occasion here after lo refer. He sums up his rec ommendations on the subject as follows: "I am convinced that if a just and adequate test of merit is enforced for admission to the public service and in making promotions, such abuses as removals without good cause and partisan and official inter ference with the proper exercise of the appointing power, will in largo measure disappear." Tiif. Ute Commission on the 1st was still waiting for the hostilcs to come in and make their statements relative to tho massacre at the agen cy. The commission has received intelligence that the Mormon militia had arrived among the Indians aud are trying to persuade them to re new the fight, offering to join the Utcs and furnish men and arms. Jack is said to be in camp 20 miles from "White Biver. The Indians and Peace Commission arc said to be armed and very uneasy. Henry Jun, au Indian, who was an inter preter at tho White Biver agency, tcstilicd that he knew nothing of Ihe massacre at the agency, but was at Milk Biver and knew that Jack and Colorow led the attack on Thoinburgh. Douglas and Jack have not "come iu yet, but arc ex pected. They say that the party advancing from Utah, which they considered soldiers, were Mormons. Tho samo correspondence says the Indians are coming in from all quarters, numbering from COO to 1,000. Utes being camped withiu a day's ride of the ageucy. Commissioner's Proceedings. December 2d, 1870. Balance ?1" due N. lilassor on building bridge :il Mnhcr'a, allowed. Total amount ?315.8:). John "Wunleiiuui wna authorized (o open "Country Bill" road in Bismarck precinct. A. Kwnnsoii was notified to bring the pauper boy Eriekson lieforo the hoard at next meeting. RILLS ALLOWED. John AVurdonian, Road Su Dorvisor Dist. No. li, ?1(7 515 lluniienian fc Toliiian, lumber for county AVilholni kiiimner, Supervisor 3!) 10 Koud JJisl. io. lo, l sutler precinct 22 00 Kilian Otlis, work on road, Pleasant Valley precinct 22 12 Z. MoApinc, Supervisor Gran ville precinct 35 00 John Sander.son,work on road in Dist. No. 11 15 00 Thomas Shepherd, work on Loupe bridge 3 75 M. Postle, work 011 road in Dist. No. 11 yon E. KoiiHchor, Supervisor road Dist. x o. lu. ................. ... AJL 7i Jjieggi & Kcliupbaoh, lumber 10-5 45 V. Kuiiiiiier, printing tax list I3.'l 32 .state Journal Co., printing... George Brindley, work on Court House E. L. Kiggins, services us con nly physician John Iluber, boarding pauper Woiitworth & Crites, printing blanks forSheriU'nnd Coun ty .1 udgo............................ Henry (.lass, eollln for county, m id oriv J. K. North fe Co., coal for county and paupers G. W. ilulst, house rent for will! l)Oi 3 8 J0 1 00 47 00 12 00 40 90 81 50 118 20 a 4,1 8 00 ir Joint Stauller, clerk's fees Columbus Kka, printing Win. Connelly, Sr., fees ns J udgo of election l 00 John Stauller, postage nnd expressage. 8 Sam. Connelly fees ns Judge of election 1 James Ducy, same 1 John Mnughan, same 1 Pat Coleman, same 1 S. L. Barrett, fees as County Superintendent Hi 00 G."A. Schroedorjinrdwnre for ('Oil 11 L 'J i' Win. Bloedorn, services ns Commissioner 55 20 John Walker, same 81 20 Ordered that notice for bld.for re pairs on the Loup Bridge be adver tised for live weeks. Ordered Hint the County Clerk, Treasurer, Slierifi'niid Judge, be and are hereby required to niako quar terly exhibits of the fees received rrom olllces according lo law. COLUMBUS MARKETS . Our notations of tho markets ar ob tained Tuesday afternoon,and arc correct and reliable at the time. CHAIN, AC. Wheat No. 1, test.")!) lbv. " " " ri " '.'. 11 Rejected Corn Shelled, ?1 00 !. W ST. 20 2ft IS u; ..ft 00ft.-5 75 . . 1 WWi .V Oats, Corn in Knr bye Flour, Graham, Meal, . 1 001 'JO l'KOnUCK. Rut t cr, 2225 Kggs, i!2(.'i" Potatoes, -lUdtW) Onioin- V bu 1WX2200 1.1 vn STOCK. Fat Hosts. 37f(340l KatCat tie 2o0:i0() Yearlings, 12 00 1A 00 Calves 4 UOQitiOO Sheep 300 Good veal, per hundred, 4 00 Hides, green salted 1 4 uC MKATS. Hams, 7(U12K Shoulders, 41 Sides, 7(0 Corned Reef b"(i Steak ?3P2Ji I.U.MIIKK. Finishing 30 OOIOjOO Flooring 25 00(t:i5 00 Siding 20 00(424 00 Drop Sidiiu 27 50:W l0 Ship Lap Framing (10 to 20 ft) sheet iiiir Well TubfniT (per bunch). Lath ( per M) Shingles (per M) Doors 2.s.l!-S, 1 thick... " -.Gx(!.t, 1 " ... " 2 (ixO-G, 1 " Windows Felt (per Hi.) Tarred Felt (per lb.). ... 2.1 00 20 00 18 00 1 ."0 4 .r)0 3 00 4 1X1 1 fi5 1 f0 1 00 1 00 2 00 , 4 cent. 3 " SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the District Court of Platte county, Xebranka; on docrro of Mile and judgment obtained before the DNtrlet Court of Platte county, Nebras ka, on the 21st dav of April, 1879, in fuvr of Philot'anlicldas plaintiff, and agalnpt Orack Wolfel as defendant, for the sum of ?i'.S;.ll, aud costs taxed at $26.UStaml accruing costs, I haro levied upon the following real estate taken as tho prop erty of said defendant, to satisfy ald order of sale, to-wit : The southwest quarter of Section No. nine ('.), in Township No. seventeen (IT), uortli of ltange one east of the .ixih principal meridian, situate In said Platte cnuntr, and will offer the anie for sale to the highest bidder, for cash iu hand, on the FovitTii Day ok Jancaky, A. D., 1SS, at the front door of the Court House in the citv of Columbus. Platte county, Xeli.. tliat being the building wherein the last term of court was held, at the hour or two o'clock r. si. of said day, wlicn and where due attendance will be given bv the undersigned. Dated" Dee. 2, 1STH. Hknjamin SriKI-MAN. .!i.,i Sheriff of said County. PUBLIC SALE. TVTOTICE Is hereby given that I, Philip LN Cain, assignee ot Anna K. Pruyn, for the bcneiit of creditors, will offer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, n TInir.Iay, the lSlli titty oflc- ci'iulipr, 1?7D, at the hotel lately known a the Pruyn Hou-e, in tho city of Coltiinbuv Platte count v. Neb., the following goods. wares and chattel, to wit: Rods and beddim;, stoves and pipe, bureaus, stands chair, carpet", lamps, mirrors, curtains, ta bles. dihc. chinaware. glassware, sil verware, table cloth, or. lounsos. In short all kinds of hotel furniture. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a.m. Terms of sale. cah. NovVinhcr .!0th, 17!). PHILIP CAIN, 4&.3t Assignee. r i:ai. proof. Land Ollice at Grand Island. Neb.,) December 1st, 1ST9. NOTICE is herebv given that the following-named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof In upport of his claim, and secure linal entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this no tice, viz: " John Maher, Homestead No. fC2S. for the S. J;, N. E. ,, Section U, Township IS nortn. Range 2 west, and names the followiue as his witnesses, viz: John Henne"""ev, of Platte Co , Neb., and Frank Stracke. of Platte Co., Neb. W9-3 yi. R. IIOXIE, Reclster. Timber-Culture Notice. Land Ollice at Grnml Inland, Nub.,1 nccrmbvr'.Rh, is;.'. J COMPLAINT li.ivlu;.' Well eiitereil :it tlii oilici' hr Mac! Hrys, 1'IiiUh Co., iclr., ajj:ilnl Nils Peter Lirapon for ulmndoniii lu Tnnber-Cullurr Kntry N'o. -I.'iS. (luted April .'lOth, 174, upon the norlliCHxt i, Section 0, Towiinliip IS north, Itnnge 1 vit, In Platte county, N'elmnkt. with a view to tli c.inei-lla-tioa of alil entry: the Haiti, parties are hereby Miiiitnoiicd to appear at tlii otlicc on tho 10th day of January, 1S.SO, at 10 o'clock a. in., "to respond and furnluli testimony coiiccrniuu said alleged mIkiu douniL'iit. II.. I. Hudson appointed coin nii.Nsioncr to take depositions in the cue at. his ollice in Columbus, Platte Co., N'ch., on the 'lW day of Dec., 1S79, at 10 a. in. 31. V.. IIOXIK, Register. 000-1. Wm. A X VAN', Receiver. Final IVooT. Land Ollice at Grand Island. N'eli.,1 Dccoinlicr ltt 1S7U. f NOTICK is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled uotlco of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, nnd soeure lliial entry thereof at tho expiration of thirty days from the date of thin no tice, viz: Buzzard P. Simon, Homestead No. KKH), for the K. , S. K. K, K. K. N' K yi, Section (!, Township til north, Range -1 west, and names the following k hi witnesses, viz: James O'Doiuiell, of Platte Co., Neb., and Thomas Jlarrl, of Platte Co.. Nob. J09-.-I 31. II. IIOXIE, Register. HEIKEN & SEBURG, Proprietors of the THE MONARCH Capitol Billiard Hall, Con. 11th and X Stukkts, (OluiubitM, : : : Noli. TT1WRY AS4N, Manujacturcr and dealer in Wooden and Mef ulic Bnrial Caskofs AH kind and HicMoritolte, ala haa tho aole riht to manufac ture nnd cell tho Smith's Hammock Reclining Chair. Cabinet Turning aud Scroll work. Pic tures, Picture Frame and Mouldings, Looking-glass Plate. "Wnhiut Lumber, etc., etc. COLUMBUS, XKB. LOUIS SCHRCEDER MAKUK.ICTL'HKK AND DKAI.KR IX If S agron PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS, Buggies, Buckboards. &c- Blacksmith shop Near the Foundry. o General Repairing Done. The New York CHEAP CASH STORE. L. ZE1.MSR, On 11th Street, Respectfully invites your attention to the Large Addition Lately Made to his store, And to the IMMENSE STOCK OF DRY GOODS. Oarpels, Clothing, "Hats.Caps, , Boots &. Shoos, Men's Furnishing Goods, Ladies' Furnishing Goods. I aim to furnish the LATE5TAKD MOST DSSIEABLE M In Every Department, at the Lowest Possible Prices. An Inspection of my Stock Solicited. L. KEAMEE, SIGN OF THE New York Cheap Cash Store, lltli Street, Columbus. jyP. JJ s vA, few yoke: life Insurance Company. One of the Oldest, Strongest and Best Life Companies on this Continent. 00 Assetts ,.. 837,000,000 Cash Paid Policy Holders, $46,000,000 COLUMBUS LOCAL BOARD: W.1I. nilXXKnAX. I'rrHl.lon,. JOHN STAUFFER, Vice-President. ABNER TURNER, Treasurer. MEMBERS: John AVIgglnH, Hardtvaro Merchant - Henry Sohnarz, Farmer John StHUtrer, County Clerk Abnor Turner, Hanker ... . ,. Chan. Sehncder, Proprietor Foundry and .Machine Shop ! I. .Schuptiack, Lumber Merchant V. ClerbHr, Furniture Dealer ..". Ct. A. Schru-der, Hardware .Merchant in. lluiiuemaii, Lumber .Merchant Chaj. T. Heiiderkou. Express Agent . A. .Ja.'ggi, Lumber 3lerehant J. B. DclMimii, -Merchant Goorgo Uledcr, Grocer ... J C. Alorrlnaey, Grain 3Ierehant Henry BagaU. Grocer F. II. Bticho, Hurnei.makcr J. F. Flynn, Brick Manufacturer '. . Tho. Farrall, Farmer and Hotel Proprietor Geo. N. Laml), Farmer T J" S. A. Boncrfteel, Physician and Surgeon , "CVEIIT prudent man should have J The New Yokk Livk oilers inducements in the uiifieiiioiiio given uy any oilier company. Aw peron banting insurance from 11,000 and upwards will please call on some member ol the Local Board, as oach member of this Board Is authorized to procure the insurance desired, and AltOLI'll J.Kfldl, the Secretary, is authorized to write the application, and' will keep on hand .1 full supply of books and circulars for distribution. C. T. TAYLOR. General Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. THE REVOLUTION Dry Goods and Clothing Store It now ready for the Fall and Winter Campaign with an immense stock of Ready-made Clothing, Ory Goods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Etc., Etc. At prices that Were never heard of before in Columbus. B&- Dry Goods have taken a big tumble in the Eastern Markets lately and as I bay my goods strictly for cash, I will givo my customers the ben efit of it, and supply them with anything in my line at much lower prices than they were ever known to be heretofore. AH I ask for is, give me a friendly call and con vince yourself of the facts. Proprietor 4.17, C. B. STILLMAN, Wholesale and DRUGS, MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS, AVTNDOAV GLASS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. Keens on bund all article usuallv kept in a first-cla Drue Store. Dealer lu surrounding countrr will find it to their interest to purchase from him, as ha ran and will giro BED-UOCK PRICES. Prescriptions Carefullv Compounded. X3TA GOOD ASSORTMENT OF 333 "WALL LUMBER- GIVEN AWAY ! AT THE YARD OT JAEGGI & SCHUPBACH, COLUMIIUM, ISrCall and pet price-list. LOWEST RATES ever known in CentrMlNebrsj Va. TO SAVE MONEY it the easiest way to MAKE MONEY. Fin A I PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.,1 November 10, 1379. f -yrOTK'E Is hereby given that the JLI following-named settler hm tiled notice of hit intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and ecure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of thi no tice, viz: John Mullins, Homestead No. 4.VI1, for the S. E. i, Section 31. Township 19 nnrth, Range 1 west, and names the followingas his wltneise, viz: Freder ick Milow of Platte Co., Neb., and Henrr S. Rcdcnbough of Platte Co., Neb. 196-5 M. R. IIOXIE, Register. FIIYAI. PROOF. Land Office at Grand Island, Neb.. November lth. 17!. f "VTOTICE is hereby given that the fol JL lowIng-Dainfd settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty davs'frethe date of this notice, viz: Wilhelm Lahenz, HometadNo..r!3!. for the VT. , N. E. J4. Section 26. Town shin lf north. Itanze 2 wet. and name? the following as his witnese". viz: Peter RlpPt of Platte Co., Neb., aud Jo- eph Kings, of Tlatte C o- Neb. JfXW 31. B.HOXIE. Register. FIhmI Proof. Land Office at Grand Iland. Neb., I December 1st, l'79. N( OTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has nieu notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and ecure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this no tice, "viz:" Adam "YalkInhaw, IIometead No. M1, lor the N. E. M, Section 11. Town ship 20 north. Range 3 west, and names the following as his witnese. viz: Da vid E. Jones, of Platte Co., Neb- and William IT. Sloan, of Platte Co.. Neb. 499-5 31. B. HOXIE, Regi-ter. ADOLPH JEGGI, Secretary. S.A.BONESTEEL, Medical Exam'r. -00- $5.0fl.GO 3,11000 .tyw.ou 5.1HI0.0O 3.KHI.UI 5,tHUW 3,000.00 7.IMHI.UU S.Oi'O.OO a,ouo.on 3.000.00 2.WXI.IH) 2,5ri.ui 2,5i.W .... ,HHM't -.'..'HlO.OO 2,S(HM'0 2,.'M(.0O 2,.VH.00 2,500.. 0 his life insured In Home good company. Its ill the To 11 tl in- Iiirtottnio IM... - -...-.. .. .... I.GLTJCK, of the Hovolatlon Dry Goods Store Retail Dealer in PAPER ALWAYS KEPT IX STWJC. IVEIIRANKA. FI.TfAI PROOF. Land Office at Grand Inland, Neb.,) Novembers, 1H70. f 'VTOTICE is herebv given that the JL following-named ettler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in -upport of M claim, and secure tin ill entry thereof at the expiration ef thirty days from the date fhls no tice, viz: Marv MeCairrev Hometad No. .,. for the .-. Ji, N. V. $. Section lO.Town hip 19 north, Range '4 wet. and names the following as bis witnesses, viz: Pat rick Ducey of Platte Co.. Nob., anil Michael McDonald, of Platte Co., Neb- 4!9-5 M. H. IIOXIE, Register. FI.t'AI. PICOOF. Land Office at Grand Is'and. Neb.,J November 3, 1S79. 'VTOTICE it hereby given that the 1 following-named ettler has filed notio- of bis intention to make final iroof in support of bis claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date ef this no tice, viz; William A. Sien. Homestead No. f.VM, for the S. W. . Section s, Towh bip 19 north. Range -1 wet. aad names the following 31" his witnesses, viz: William Wrizht of Platte Co.. Neb., and Henrv Guiles of Platte Co- Neb. 4W-3 M. 15. HOXIE. RegUter. FI.'VAI. PROOF. Land Office at Grand IIand. Neb.,1 November 11th. 1579. f. 'VTOTICE is herebv slven that the !( following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date ef this no tice, "viz: Jame Sleane. nomestead Ne.tKteS, far the N. W. . Sectiox 2S. Township 20 north. Ranee 2 west, and name the fol lowing as "his witneses, viz: Bvron Churchill, ef Platte Ce.. Neb., and Abra ham Rowe, ef Platte Ce- Neb. 497-5 31. B. HOXIE, Register, j -jC 1 - 1 ft J