3aw uaia -" it -CTTiwiiimi m Good Slnmicr. BY K. W. EMERSON". 'Tis a rule of manners lo avoid exaggeration. A lady loses as soon as she admires too easily awl too much. In man or woman, the face and the person lose power when they are on the strain to express ad miration. A man makes his inferiors his superiors by heat. Why nocd you. who arc not a gossip, talk as a gos sip, and tell eagerly what the neigh bors or the journals say? State your opinion without apology. The attitude is the main point. Assure your companion that, come good news or come bad, you remain in good heart and good mind, which is the best news yon can possibly communicate Self-control is the rule. You have in you then a noisy, sensual sav age, which you are to keep down, and tuin all his strength to beauty. For example, what a seneschal and detective is laughter! It seems to require several generations of education to train a squeaking or a shouting habit out of a man. Sometimes, when in all expres sions the Choctaw and the slave have been worked out of him, a coarse nature still betrays itself in hi contemptible squeals of joy. The gieat gain i not to shine, not lo conquer your companion then yon learn nothing but conceit but to linl a companion who ktiov.s ul.it you do hoi; to till with hiui and bo overthrown, horse Knd fool, with utter destruction of-your lotric and learning. T!i?rc r a defeat that- is uc!nl. Then you can see the rel and the CGunteifeit, agnin. You viil adopt the art of war that hs defeated you. You will ride to baKle horsed on the very logic which o:i found ir resistible. You will accept the fertile truth, in-lead of the solemn, customary lie. When people come to &ee u, we foolishly prattle, lest we be in'ios ri'ablc. Hut things said for con versation are ciitlk eggs. Don't say things. "What you arc stands over yon the while, and thunders so thnt I cannot hear what you said, to tin contrary. A lady of my acquaintance 'aid. "I don't care so much for what they say a I do for what makes them say It. The law of the table is beauty a lespeel to the right of all tin guests. Everything is unseasona ble which U private to two or three or r:y portion of the company. Tact never violates for a moment this lav. ; never intrudes the order of the house, the vices of the absent. cr a tariff of e:cpsne-, or profes sional privacies; a? we uy. we nev er ''talk shop" before company. Lovers abstain from care-e-, and halcrarom insults whilst they .-it in one parlor with common friends. Would wc codify the laws that should reign in -households, and whose daily trausgjcsion annoys and mortifies us, and degrades our household life, we must lourn to adorn every day with sacrifices. Good manner-- are made up of petty sacrifice?. How to TiKiilcii F"r. 1 liaveibund the following way tc tighten wagon tire, say, th Home r.ml Farm, to be successful : "Apply leather rings between the shoulders on the outer ends of the spokes and ll.o convspondinij portions of the felloes, wliieh in:i be done as fol lows! Procure a number of small pieces of leather, laom an inch and j a 1-nlf to two indies in diuiaeter; with a simrp knife and a eompa, or a catling punch, mako round j English out of the saddle." in this holes in the center of those pieces I connection particular relet cure is aucT nuke a straight cut from the made to American weaving ma hook to the outqr edges of the piece., j chine-, machines ior working in o as tn fohu oj)i.n tings. The holes ; wood, labor-saving m lehinc- u all mu.l uc. mace of a ue that will I nicJy n't the tenon on the out c Is of the spokps. Place a fulcrum on ! the tcp"of the hub. on which place vour lever, with tho &hol ond-under the felloe, near a spoke; htvc an assjsthnt bear down uit the other did sufiicyonth to mi-e the ftflac, nun expose me sitoinuer ami tenon, J of the spoke, open your lentlier sine : fit it nicely around the tenon, hld-1 ingltto its place, while your ai-t- j ant relaxes the lever, and settles the ! fellcep firin1upon the spake byifti,,B61 length discovered an Elysiau' blow or tw.o.i.pon the ti: e. Having' "ile teeming with men and wo-' i-epr'rtjyl-thepr-oeas wJthVulhitint, j l,lc"of 0 singular temperament number of p"6kQs.to"mal:c-tliQMftivS,e u"''" '"Oue of the most e4 all right, trim tlft p!$jffiti:,ij J truordinary feituii-s i Hawaiian leatlereve'i.wilii fimur.-K-oof the' ' Tc!c'- Hts in the fact thai the! srokc-and j our l.i-k will bo dm... ,,"ble" paiuu of je.tlutjs is mi ll jour pieces ol Jeather Miuuld be Uuuu among U:ein. it ,kscs not. spougy, hammer thrm down ben-re ; tiial au-v ,u0,e ,,,ai1 :l thing thatj using' "' " -' , . ;!',va cr heard ol, never had an , -- ; exji-teneo. Hawaiian woman is the - Thcliondon Tnnoxw Hint hnn -J drbds Of al5; farmers iu England lire throwing rtlilheirarmsj)yinjri, tohe- liighJVent..-bad lrSrve5t ami the cheapness -f American provis-J lous. u continues :i'riic nalt io 13 j imiv linlirnnii lln miuvniwl tl.n fnir .1 ..v. v..t.. ...v ...U.. j. ...... ..v IV... ,F between the force of numbers. 'and of wealthwealth iunnoneraor in land.-. . 'f4ierTrsiositlvnll'iJ,t,)ve to the wi-Iics of his beJ such thing as a rural cls?, or a class lovcth "He' waits upon list- ith representing the couufr.v as' ih gallant attention; in fact, the Ilaw-j towns "are represented. IK Dec. ' The late SQuator.Ghandkr felt the J htonuof tlie'haril times oriNJn antU came to 2?ew York tq propose an i assignment to Iris- cfeditolV. They told him he was too hones1 and en- tcrpflsin to 'o) nuern iiy&fi time and more goods, and he,wa? soon able to.red.ccut all, his poer For the Jouhxal. A. Dccliuatlou. The extract from one of your city papers which appeared in your issue of the 19th of November rofcrring to Mr. Grant as a drunkard reminds me of some incidents bearing upou the subject; the first mentioned may be as familiar lo your readers as to myself, but is worth repeating. When in command of the Army of the Potomac, word was brought to Mr. Lincoln that "Grant teas drink Uuj deeply.'' Said the President: "1 wish 1 knew where he gets his liquor, I would be glad to have all my Generals procure theirs at the same place." He was invited to attend the open ing at a grand industrial exposition in an eastern city where I was stopping; in the afternoon he had been the guest o"f the state fair com mittee, held live miles distant; had been riding about the grounds some hours, then the distaucc between the two cities in an open barouche in the hot sun: when he came into the hall his lace was exceedingly red and he seemed somewhat exhaust ed. Stiid a Iriend, "The democratic papers will report him drunk in the morning. True to their instinct, such was the case; they gave an extended description of the previous day's proceedings and among the rest of the news how much liquor Grant had drank, in the pavillion on the fair grounds, at the dinner ta ble of a citizen, ami finally in the exhibition icstaurant? The next day there was in all the public pa pers, a card from a member of the committee uho had been with him from his tii-st entering the Slate: iic was a democratic member of congress, and said 'That although a poiiiic.il opponent of Pi evident Grant he must in justice say that the story then in circulation was a purely malicious' fabrication ; that he had been in hh company the whole thue and not one drop had pR3cd his lips stronger than coffee, and luiihcrmo:e that there was no wine upou the dinner-table ot their hospitable cutertaincr. Ala magnificent banquet in Cali fornia, when beiug ured to taste Loir choice native wines, the Gen eral s-iid, -When I left Philadelphia iinou this "extended lour I firmly rcoived not to taste one drop of intoxicating drink; thus dy 1 have strictly adhered to it, and intend so to do; must therefore decline." Couhl all his contemners and ac cusers act thus nobly? When will all this -eiisclc-s talk oensc? Let them tell us something new. Maxiu.w Profe.-sor Ueuleaux. of P.eilin, generally regarded as the fiist of mechanical engineers in this coun try, if not in Europe, and a man also of broad accomplishments and ex cellent judgment in other branches of industry and art, has jn-t publish ed in book form a scries of letters upou the industrial position of the United States, written duiinga visit to the Centennial Exposition last j ear, in which he $'is the wealth of j-our country in coal and iron is such as Europe furnishes no parallel for. In regard to machinery, if is frank I v ! admitted that the Tnited Slates has begun to occupy "one of the places in the first rank, in some respects the very first."' iu toolmaking, espe cially, they "carry away Hie p-ihn, not only at the exhibition, but seem ingly everywhere." To this com plimcnlaiy" nimmiug up Professor Jleuleaux joins an onumeialion of the specific excellence which tliti:i- guie American tooh, which have got. fur Inktomi Get man products iu thi line, and have even ''hurled the sort and csneciallv to iiiinfin.r presses. Ofourfutiuc devolopme Is industry and art, he maiutai . - 0 cut ns that there cau be no doubt because we have education, great mechanical bkill, know how to u-c machinery to advr.niigej and have natural re sources iar superior to a:u thing known iu Europe. j 1 .. I Jiot IcUtOtls. An" occis-ional cyi re-pondent ". mo-t loving of human beings. The Ilawaiian'lovcr, hoivever deeply he! loves her. is never jealous ot hcri ?,I-n "" smile upon her, may comcj ai!1 o ut hi soul is uuruliicd by ""- oi-;jwi monsier. native, WOU10U ai'C llOl lP.nloilc ' if unfti-rj -- J . .....i.j t "'tnnen-nor of men : husband is not 'jealous ot'wite. The native is uot aiia" s.i cxiremciy gallsnt that he , thinks it a glory to doJiousework, if the doing thercot will ,p1cne hisl jwocuiearf. . j,. bun Au cli-riviits?-io!iliMH?r is thatj lilt; UIIIVIUllU 'ULIIKXII mu-U JiOllllJf ill aiitl those going out of office- is maiuly"-tliis the former arc sworn iu,.and ihejaller go out swearing, i rFIie IJe.st .StiimHuMt. Goorge D. Prentice has contribut. ed largely to tho gems. that sparkle in our English literature. This, upon stimulants, may be placed among the golden sayings of Pythagoras: There are times when the pulse lies low in the bosom, and beats low in the veins; whcii tho spirit sleeps, the sleep which,apparntly,kiiows no waking in its house of clay, aud the window shutters are closed, and the door is hung with the invisible crape of melancholy ; when we wish the golden sunshine pitchy darkness, and are very willing to fancy clouds where no clouds be. This is a state of sickness when physic may be thrown to 'the dogs, for wc will have none of it. What shall raise the sleeping Lazarus ? What shall make the heart beat music again, aud the pulses dance to it through all the myiiad-throngcd halls in our house of life? What shall make the sun kiss (ho eastern hills again for us, with all its old awakening gladness, and the night overflow with "moon light, music, love and Jlowers?" Love itself is the great stimulant, the most intoxicating of all, and performs all these miracles; but it is a miracle itself, and is not at the drug store, whatever they say. The counterfeit is iu the market, bul the winged god is not a money changer, wc assure ou. Men have tried many things, but fctill they ask for sliinulcnls the stimulants wc use. but require the use of more. Men try to drown the i iloating dead of their own souls in Ihe winccup, bul the corpse will rise. ( We tee their faces in the bubbles, i The intoxication of drink sets the world whirling again, and the pulses plajing music, and the thoughts gal loping, but the tast clock runs down sooner, aud the unnatural stimula tion only leaves the house it fills with the wildest revelry more si lent, more ad. more deserted more dead. There is only one stimulant that never fails, and yet never intoxicates Duty. Duty puts a blue sky over every man up in his heart may be into which the sky-lark happiness ahvavs goes smiting. When a bullet strikes the target, it becomes ?t5 hot that it cannot be held in the hand. Its velocity is at tho rate sf twelve hundred feet a second. Dut what must be the heat produced when a body like the earth, moving at the rate of ninety million feet a second, is suddenly arrested. It would be converted into a sea of fire, and all life would become extinct. A Iriond ot the late Senator Chan dler says that the Senator often ex pressed a w-Mi to die just as he did, suddenly and without sufl'ering. JIc had such a strong conviction that such would be his end that he did not hesitate to express his belief that death would come to him as a thief in the night. Two Ohio farmers worked side by side iu peace and harmony for three months. Then the question of how Noah got all" those animals into the ark came up and oue brained the other with a hoc h decide the ques tion. 'Why does lightning so rarely strike twice in Hie same place V" asked a boarding-school teacher of the new boy in the class of natural philo-ophy?" "0!:,'' said the boy, 'because it never needs to." If the revolution of the earth on its axis were to be suddenly stopped, tiie temperature of everything would b:' raised to such a degree as lobe incapable of existing in any other form than vapor. A great many women are more concerned about the souls of the poor children out ot the church than they are about the soles of their own children's shoes and stockings. Thi- is not religion. - o - A glass blower recently died at the age of one hundred and ten j ear.i. His great age is another proof of the blcw-glass theory. The fa-hion papers state that plaid nlsiet-s will be much worn tjiis'seasdu. That makes ours right in style, for it's much worn. 'I am a broken man." said a poet. '"So I shruld think," was the an swer, ''for 1 have seen your pieces." ra Hf-fcs3-r2.se J R r xV. C5 "" Q J - r- 5 HJ - " -3 --! U J- n -' fe V a 7, a - IS- R "? no 5 f o i-; . o . .? -s& 7. co n C 1 - 'S3 O," p IMPORTANT NOTICE. L. KRAMER, ok rriiE jS"E-W YORK C H EAF GASH STOEE! IS NOW RECEIVING THE FINEST AND LAR&E8T STOCK OF DRY GOOD CLOTHING, Boots & Shoes, HATS and CAPS. CARPETS, ETC. THAT HAS EVER-BEEN EXHIBITED IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY. WHILE THE MARKET IN THE EAST HAS AUVAXCICIl D.N A IXV Styles of Goods l HAVE CONTLl'DED TO BE.SATISFIED WITH A 311I.L SMALLER PROFIT A.NI blULI. CONTINUE TO SELL Al 1UK Old Low Prices EVEN KEIHCING THE Prices of Some Goods. "Small Profits and Quick Sales" Has :ilvay. been my 31otto, anil I shall continue to lhe up to it. Call and be Convinced! L. KRA1EE, llth Street. i - t .NEXT, DOOR to JOURNAL OFFH'E COLUMBUS,. NEBr JOHN WIGGINS, Wholesale ami Uetail Dealer in HARDWARE, SSSSSSsSSSSS'JSSSs'.SSssS'iSSSSS IKON. TINWARE. NAILS. ROPE. agon Materia GLASS, PA! XT, ETC., ETC. Corner 11th ami Olive S(s. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. 'YOU BET. n A. W. LAWRENCE, AGENT 1'OU THE 3 fl .-Z .rll x tJ -A was- - V - s--- WIND MILL, He will liereaftt-r We foinul on 13th .treet two ilo-M"- "t of Mar-hall Smitlj- win1 r he ki'i'i a ft. 11 line of cierv tvle of PUMP. PIPE, HOSE. And th- (Vk-hr.iteil I X L FEED MILL. A -In keen.. I'limp Hnuee-cluivrly, he i- able to .ell CIIEAIMIU THAN TIIE CHEAl'ET. l'uiiipt lor any ilppth well, i'uiupo drivfii or repaired, aud Hods cut. l!HK III3I I WLL ASH SIVE 3I0XEV. (( Jvi JSRIOjtVjST mm & mm mum. !&&&- ' ? r. z. irzrcjELii. 'J. 2. Plyiiai ai Smpm. s. 3. y:::::. f. 2. i. : izmzz, n.s.,:feiba. tailing Physicians and Surgeons. For the treatment of allilas.e; ofSur gery aud deformities ; acute and chronic dibe !, dNrj.t of the eye and car, ctt. ete., Coluinbus, "Neb. $ f AATO $0r00 A YEA I:, or 3 nj fii 3.fi to $20 a 1l.1v in vonr X U JJ w n locality. " No rik. Women do a well as men. Many nnde more than the amount U.itrd almV. No one e.m f.iil to make moncj f.t. Anj one cm do the work. You "jii make from "SO ct-. to $ an hour hv du otinjr jour evening? and .par time to the jiines. It eosts nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for the mone making tei- oflered before. MJiine- pleasant aud strictly honora ble. Koader. if jou want to know all about the bet p'ajim,' buf-im-s before the public, send in" your .idtlrc; and wc will -uihI you full particularism! pri vate terms" free; tim)lca worth.Jj aljo fe: von' cm then makeup vour mind .foKvour'.clf AddresaiGEOHGE STIN- PON A- CO., Porland. Maine. -tl-y.- mm- IT END Sl'ItlNGS, PLATFORM SPRINGS, WHITNEY & BREWSTER SIDE SPRING-:-.. Light Pleasure and Business "Wag ons of all Descriptions. We are pleased to invite the attention of the public to the fact that wo have just received a car load of Wagons and Ungues of all descriptions, and that we are the sole agents for tne counties ot Platte, Butler, Roonc, Madison, Merrick, Polk and York, for the celebrated CORTLAND WAGON COMP'Y, of Cortland, New York, and that we are olfering these wagons cheaper than any other wagon built of same material, style andlinisli can be sold for in this eoilnty. tSTdenil for Catalogue and I'ricc.-list. .1B03SSK: & CAI., 48 J-tf Columbia, Nebraska. M S .i. f JT " THISS5?AGK.P '. IS RESERVED -Fon- H. P. COGZ.I3GS, HARDWARE. DEALER. X E II R A S K A A V E X I" E, LUEKS&SCHBEIBER f-v9 m m &s gggg'iajjggg?i Bkcfemitb and Wap Makor?. AI.LKIM3 OF Kepniriug 6one on Slioit Xotict. Sieves, 7.'a;:::f St:., Iii5 i: C:::. ALL WORK "WARRANTED. They also keep on hand Furst & Bradley Plows, SULKY PLOVS, CULTIVATORS, &C. Shop on OHe Street. npp".ite Tatter sall. COLr.AlIirs, NEII. EAGLE MILLS, Ofci ox SHELL CREEK Near 3Iathis's Bridge. JOSEPH 3UCKER,-" Pvoiiriolor IjTTIh mill is eomiilete m er par- tietitar for inaKini,' the lie-t of Hour. .l xquuro, Tstir llIttalIl." i tha motto. 4o"i-.- LAND OFFICE, SAMUEL C. SMITH Agent, TTENI")" TO ALL IUITI per, J. t.iiniuiii!.' to a general Kval Et.ite Ageney and Notary l'liblie. IIae m-tiiietion- and blank- fiirni-hed by t'nited htato Land Oiliee for makinir linal proof on Homestead, therebv s.nv inr a trip tn Grand Inland. Ilavealare number ol farm, eity lot- and all land beloiiL'inirto IT I. R. IL in l'l.ittc and adjoining eonntie for 'ale ery ehc-tp. Attend to eont tinj; etaimi befiire E. ft. Land ollice. mir; one Poor Wot of IlaiiiHiii'i.: ibine, COLUMBUS, IIEI3. E. C". Iiockkm:; koki:. ( brk, p. ak German CITY MEAT MREET, O V OB.SVE-: K'E'.. OSSC)JI'fi'K S3 A 31. AVill keep on hand all kind- r.l Fresh and Salt Jk.tt-., aKo !- ui-..ij;e, I'oiiitry, I'rc-h 1-i-Ii. ete.. ali in th ir i-on. Ca-h pid for fiide. Linl an' l!a.; eon. WILL. I. IMCKLY. m Ill lUiliilXJj I J OTi UtU NTKEIHra. Dealers in Freh and Salted Meat', ic. Town Lots, Wood. IIide. .tc. J. HICKLV, Agent. Columbus, June 1, IS77. $Ciff-K MOX'IH -iiaranteed. S 53 912 a diy at h Jine made liv CJ JJ the indu.itrioiis. Capit-il not required; t xill l irt ou. Men. women, boy and .iris make inonev faster at work ior u- than at any IhingeNe. The work i liyht and pje. ant, and such a anyoiii nu t'o ri'.'ht at. TJiO'-e uho are wise uho ee tit I notice will send us their addre.e at onee and see for themselves. Costly outfit and terms free. Now i- tho time. Those, alreadv at work are Lijini: up , larse sutn of monev. Address Tltt'E V CO., AujjiistA, Maine. l-y A GOOD FARM FOR HALF, . -ITill ncrci of "nod land. SOl . acres i r.der eiiilnition, a cobd house one and n half .s,tarv fi"i:h, a rood stock range, plenty of waterj atid good hay land. Tvo nille'J casfot coiuinini-.- inquire ai'iac Pionper Bakery. , -tT3-(!ni ifelifes&firs&Z "TiSSSw V .Mr aaffin -r.- y A-l?5iL- "ki1a,i1- A.W The Celebrated Diebolcl, ISTorris & Go's (iJc DlcboUl Cc 2icnsIc,T Fire and Burglar Proof! IPAVE TUB UEST KECOItD- OF ALL. All lea ding Hailrod 1 Express Compani&s afhi Mm k tie Xerihmi be Up, Xot One Lost in the Two Great Fires i Clilr -go; 3 prrrrveiniiecf5ft in every instance, at Independence, I WW; a On! CRr ctlM,?" O,hko sh. inS and at all phe fa ve w? tt. XZT- All Sizes for Sale and Slide to Ordir. mlsmte-lakenln. Esaha: ;onn:y and Rank Worlc a Good Worlc D. S. CfJVENT, GENERAL AGEIf T, CEICAGO. -WILL. B. DALE, Agent,- '-nLiTMnrs. xkbkaska Oo .11 1870. 1ST9, Tlf K '(gjoiimibiis Jflotmuil I" londtu'.ctl .is, a FAMILY NEWSPAPER; I)eoUd to tbe 1n.iiaulii.il inter ests of its reiulrr-. and it puhlijh-er-.. l'iiMi.htI .it CohiinJ.i:.Ilatte count), the centre t.r Hi.- .-ti. ul tural porti f Xrlra-l.i. it N re il by hWKttredf i pe ji. (.3,t m l....rc lookin,' toward.- Xbri-k.i i th-ir future ho:e. lt -ul. rl( r, in N-liraka are' the 'ttaun.-h. .olnl porlM-n of the community. .t i-eideH-vd Jiy the f-et lint tin .louuxvi. ha nexer eomaiiiiil :i mIiiji" again-t them, .md l.j the etlter t'ael that 'ADVERTISING In its coIniHiis always brin its reward: 'lin-Jiiu-!.-! Js bii-fin , utid the k ih ,trt'ra:i the volid people of Crhtral Nebraska uill HimI the c:. mini of the Juhsnal .1 'pleitditl met! in in. JOB jpB.K Or all kinds neatly ami tii.-kh done, at fair prircs. Th; -Jirei. of printing i aearlj ainay, want- eu in a niirrv. and, Kiiouih-' tki- Lr - 1 . t.. . I f.iet, we hue 3 proilcd for it that we e'i nfruNli' L-HVeItpe-. let tor heads bill had, eireHltr. poeter-!, ate, etc., on vury hrt notiee. and promjitly .nu time as we promise. suBSCHiPTioar. leopy per :uiimiti ... " ?ix tiioiilliM . " Three month--. ?2 8fl . I Oil binglfccopy sHt to aity atom, u the ruitetl States l'er 5 rt-. H. S. TUKSEH & CO., rolnmhiu, Nebraska. STATE BANK, C0EU3IBTJS, NEBRASKA. CASH CAPTTAL, gO.OGO -t BiKIr5K?,: - ' LrAxmm Gbrkaicu,, Ptc!. Gnu. "iV U wi.sfiv Vic a Frwr, lUI.IL'S A Kkkh. Covakd'A. (lmxnis AKXKi: Trxmnr. Cttthier. er. ' 0- I CoEIecii5',Zfoja':Jlly 3!:ttion l ' :iil 2Ni:iS-. i S'n.v Ziili-iTff on Titar H);sos- ilfe. 271 NEBBASILV HOUSE. S. J1. Bf ARMOY, Vrop'r. Nebraska Ave., South of Depot. roE.-pjiiJB'K. rfsis;. 1.w hoife. ne;ly fHrni-fee!. Gi aflimolMtiot.-. i;nnl by wy we wofk at rea.n.it rat-. 3I ', 25 nt. I Ldgieso. . 25 CIS as.-jtr A WEEIv iH our wh town. 1(114 INI e.ipitnt rskerf. Von cull -ic the buin-. tril without 'icii4.. The bet oiportlimty er otTered fr te4-r HTI in. to v.qiL YtU honlji try lbi.fr el-e until rn e fr mifelf what yop ean do at tin I iiine-i'H-. oWvr. reW to (.pliill li'ie. You eJll ilete ail vonr time or otilryoisr -artf t ntc totht businei-,, and ma.' j;rct ia rrevri hour tint jou wotk. "Women make a-mii-h as men. Jewd for pefhil -rrtat-terms amr-itwrtU'IiLtr. Avhich We kmII free. " Outfit free. Ho Tt eompl.iiR of hard time " u'fiire" vtiMiv sMk '4 ehanee. Addres II IIALLKTT .fc CO. Portland. jLiiik J.'-y T)E 0 yy j n'Aar.ia e:u.: OF GOOD CHEER. Let not the ow riee4 of vour prodnots-df-- couragu jou. but rather l(mit your ex penses to vour re-ouree-. Yon ein do o bv strtppirta at the new home of ofir fillow larmer, nere oil cm uuu.e. aceonitui)djtion -betp. ' For ha fer .team Tcr one. ui-,'ht and ilay. -'5 efs. A room furnished with a eonk.-Utw- atid hsnii? in c'rninrctibn Sfiifi 't lit tJTl?r i. rjipfr ttivrmjr (nuibe accojmiHt ilateiLat th; houe of the imdcFNrd it tlnfToIItfwJnsf rate'r MSN iS'fiiN: bcdiilOcDts-f JjU..SENECAL . ' K"mile ea-t ortierrard's Oorral. I $68 ange. Specially., prieA a. Iw :w can ha Siadr. CHICAGO b NORTH-WESTERN Tho Great Tntnli Xlno from the treat tu Chicago ami the Kat. It U ih oUf , hortet. mot ittrrrt. conmrimt. C(iMfrtaklc ad in ererj n-inxt tb bct Mac ynn can takr. It Is the grt.-t .iml rraodrH NaOinw enpaizatioa is the Lsatcd MMvs. It imviw w control ( 2100 MILES OF RASLWAY VULZJl W HOTEr. C 1IS are nm nIbo by it lhrowgli liet-vvoon C0D3TCIL BLTJTTS & CKICA3QI Nj other road maa Pul bi in Hotel Car, or y othtr form of Hotel ( arr. thnwgh, between Mm Miwwurt Kurer aud Chkajo. 'Vaeb-- --:- rASSKXGnr GOING E.ST aUooM bear fnmndtluttUa MtLe BEST ROUTErrrCH2CAGO AND ALL rol',-; , IST. P.i "outo"-! l7 ill route have ciioice of I'lVIl niKKKUI.N'T KOnTK-4 an 1 th n,T9mm t ......... . .. .. . - iziu jMiry J-mes jljuico Meepioj cars from C!IU'Ai0 to FMILADELPKIA AMD HEW YORK, AND OTIISK EAisTEKN TOIXTS. - lif'at thr.t Ibe Ticket AMBt rcllsjron tickcU by. tb Norih-Westcn Kol. faarrine joorTr-,-apl refuse tobav if tlirytlo sot read ever Urfs Read All A -i its foil them Lad Cheek, usual' BaggW' 7rQ bx (hid Lic. ThroHh Tlekp ti via th! Kotite to aM Eavtrr Puiit- ervu bajwoorvU at tb- L'tHtral I'acUi KaiH tmil Ticket OrEtrfuot of X.irkt Street. awTat 2 New Xoutcromery Mrct-t. San FraWtMCn.'attd at . U ntipo i Tif Lt Office nfi mt :al IaCiie, UaJrw l'jCWc.s'idall Va-leHi-RaHrti. cw Yuik Ofle. No. 4 15. Itruadtrajr. Dwt 'XKB.Kl.6iteHlret." Oman 09cr, 246 Kaai ham Sr - S.in Vr nr:rn ( V Tinnl Y jomery Mrcet. i h cao 1 ite fctees : 02 Ctoik M4VoaS'rt: KImJb Hreet Ieiwt. rruc Wet Kinio .1 C.iial btrccti ; IfteUa Stft Btt. ei.n.er Wt Ifcs mm! Kiezk h-treei. - I r rn: 4 or information m I sttateaWa Jw jiwr Luruo tkXc t atreaf, apply to " ' X wtrrt Ht nrrr. W. II. Krram - tit ! M its'r. Oicacn. ta'l Vjum. Aa". C tiwgo GUS. A. SCHSOEDER, irr.rit ::; HARD' WARE, i m Stovc, Tia4ware, PUMPS, PAIS1T, WIMi MILL AN WMiOXl lAgrimltsral Implemciifs. $$ F Ifie IkS, iitfc STKK09 ' ': J. u . , . - - 4M ISPEICE& HORTP0& . . t , . r-enriil Afcitts for tLe ftj!of Heal. Estate,, liiii-n Paeiii-, unvt ii!lani l'cMk 11. K. LawK krl t trm J-XtflPSf p.r jVi lr enh. r on ti e or tM j i a t tin.-, in tRtidal p.yuints to olt pmr--kikMrr-. W "! :Wo Mrjti -nmtt choiie )vt f r.:tii- nl-, iiuyro7-.1 U(i inlii.rr'vertj'lfr,Tff. at low prJev btk m xc i'inmMn tn. A4 'hmw imh re.-i.t ih 1 I- in the lt. We ifLfkJ t-noiple' al.9f rar of fffte tb trrWF. -I i li' w.' 9 " , 4 -StRol&iilSII XEiV STOkE f-- - AST ' JNew .CD.ip.CK, iirfl. -Vi !' A fuir, frIi -uppty'' '-f'"' SFJ'APLEiSKD'rAWSf; .It pwrH,1nI p.r saI"-.- lowWVii rk. . . JAMI Mf ALLIKPHR.-' Sook-kecpcrs, Keportcra, " Oorafsi"''"!l8o,t::' OrviotXiorcaatitc Collese.Kcolaik Jowa,- . IN V- V