Ofcl Crrepdece. Clasidon, Geauga Co., Ohio, Novcmbor 12tb, 1879. $ Dkak Joubxal : When, 35 years ago 1bI July, I came, a boy of 16. from the banks of the Hudson, and first 6 w, from the deck of the eteara- bo&t, years before tbo Lake Shore road was thought of, the long, low, uninterrupted line of forest along the Ohio shore, it seemed to me that I had come as far to the westward sb any rational ambition ought to bring a new-fledged Auglo-Saxon. There was even then, I believe, a muddy village called Chicago, bnt there was not yet a State of Iowa, while the majestic ugliness of the Missouri still remained to most white people an undiscovered dc- dellght Bryant's beautiful poem, a The Pralrie6,w was probably tho't oat somewhere in Middle Illinois, or possibly to the west of Dubuque, while, when he said : "On these plains The bison feeds no more; twice twenty leagues Beyond remotest smoke of hunter's camp Koams-tfcc majestic brute, in herds thai skat Tlre earth with thund'ricg EtepV' he 4bUes3 had his mental vision, pncoMfliouslv- to himself, fixed on the vicinity of Kcatskotoos, or, per chance, where the no less majestic din or an equally thundering tread is now borne even to these Ohio hills, ominous of doughty tug be tween the aboriginal queenlines of SenoR and the rising glories of Fullertou. Since then I have spent years In the London or the Occident," as I once heard Dr. Cox magniloquently style that city which plain people generally know us Xetv York ; years under ths Sonthcrn Cross, and years 'ktujil the endless sunshine of our western plains: and uow, after 27 years of .absoc (except nu (lying i tripb) 1 hnvp fonnd :y way hwk to r the borders of Lftfcc Eric the laud of my school days and its homu-geneou-, Gud-feariug population of New Euglmidci-. or the children, or grand children, oi'-Nfw Enjrlaadfre. My prubcutpariflh, iudeod, "thought ful, intellicut and religious," iithft rnoil honHL'cneuu coinniuuity in -Tiblch I bavo ever lired. Flytnotitb j liock itself h not more oi one plere. llaTinfj lired tnoat of ray life in places where race and religions (where there were any of the InttcrjJ were pretty handsomely inisetT up, ll is uol un nnrofrei'hing euai!on to bo et dotrn, for uwhlle, where pretty much everybody, for near live miles squire, goes to church, und goes to one church, and where everybody i? everybody's couhJu. or nuut, or fraud mother. The Weet cru Reserve of Ohio is.- ludced, :i few Kngland of I be Lakes, and Claridon hill, 050 feet above Luke Erie, silling serene among her sis tere, and looking- benignly across to the spires and towers of the more popnloua but less exulted Chardou, listens, amid her apple orchards, her maples and branching elms, with placid matronly surprise, to the tales which an occasional pilgrim, like myself, brings back of the land of the bearer and the graahoppcr, the land which, although only forty eight hours by rail from here, al ready seema roraaulically" distant. And crcu yet, we have not become aoaccu'stomed to rushing to and fro, but that "a thousand miles" has a somewhat awe-inBpiring sound to the car. Genoa is Just 101 S miles from East Claridon. I need uot say that Claridon is orerwhclmingly Republican. Sf ill, In this one particular it must yield J to itonroe Precinct. In Monroe, wo j polled, when 3 lired there, some 70 1 KepubUcaa to 5 Democratic votes, while here Hiey poll about one-fifth TX - - - . TT I . . !. Cl il. . ff ucmocraue. um my pansn nu me j whole township it would bo duTer- ent. Nevertheless. I have not ob- ervea that my people tbinfc it uoceseary to call for tbe Strong Mftn, or :o propose tho iubetitution of Gcnernl Grant for the constitution nod law? of tbo United States. I hare aot heard Mm compared to that very eaijocal character, Gen-jial erat juouk, cmeuy icbuwiicu 33 tac Ujj,t doarjo tie heart, a time to be pipe in bu mouth, looking on to restorer of royalty. In thUWurtern- looked forward t with vivid plea, 'see how t will come out. Good Sew England member ot tbe lie- j urt: and be remembered a jorac luck is a man of nluck with his publicau pavtvj 1 tbinls. 'ould make i hilt tomh ou awhile longer with- out cRlIiajc tor the restoration ol royati Guelpb Body "tre - he bold? the destiny of a eoctiuent j bemnrt iho? ctofc-ioctea lip? or - lax." If the poor man really hae v, wneiner in me line vi.lirm this feature and place upon it " ' were an or of Grant. Nor ha any- tbeeupcrrcriptioiof m tudorinjr joy 5 ,ur u , TalU. .eM.in mr hMrin- tW -.- . -. i8-... . : "icru ivuum nui auehfcrHi mortieJ suckjdx iaaiUn ntpmsuw. -wlthtrnt tiroat, won l some eompagsiouhtc fol rtrlitre Mm of it-aloice? If . i sol, lie iriH norely choko to death tog btlrc ant Jnae. There are poope, ww-" "s " atm-, oofskts -wUe mVj tlut be oe wcll'TOunff ma whose Hrra had been to keep bh lip locked rloe, elnco itJa-o w:Wom anytpioj: comes oat oniHfcm hot the merest common frtce. TUerc Isisuch a tbiug, I fiMp pjqejM auioe baring a very good bdjf9r war, nud . rather empty l" Led for cTeiythiDg cleo. I A Mrlvhat can only be saved by i ..uJUniii rrriJ iIaqY Vihttnr 3l)it ,.1 .f... R-nrt fh -U Wf H C mu vf . (" 1&Tfi Aaerica, -must be la a wrrip f m&tiritim Vylka I am wilting Lfifjuloir thc:fiepnlilicftn tobe. a ! I have tSe honor to be here in I JIues A. Garfield's district, thp ,t l3Sar.ot,yeJ--tad tbe pleasure-f. met tfef ihareotiaeat jrestlemas.- It, iaUiy Ibat before long lie will cuM4o b4T our TepreRUtiT8 to partict, fd will becoraHhe.rp. MaMtStlro., of- tbe States of OKio. His constituent! will doubtless re gret to give him up, but will easily consent to yield the lcsBer to the greater, good. There arc those of ns who think that some time not in 18S0 the people of the country at large will be apt to claim an in terest in him. And, what is more curious, Bayard, on the other side, doee not seem to have lost by equal firmness. An eminent public man once remarked to me. that the prin ciple that be who loses his life shall save it, was as true in politics as religion. Whether he has since ex emplified it in his own conduct, I forbear to remark. Certain it is, that our political history is full of the wrecks of those who yielded to please, and did not please those to whom they yielded. Turning from politics, let me ad vise my Nebraska friends not to be so much enamored of shade, in plant ing their new groves, "as to turn their houses into temples of obscuri ty. "The sunshine is a glorions thing" is a verse that I wish my friends here had borno a little in mind, in planning their houses and setting out their trec9. There are only two really bright rooms in my dwelling. But the children seem to think that nuts and apples make ample amends. Yesterday the interminable Ohio rains appeared to have fairly begun, but to-day is a day so bright and gracioup as even Nebraska might enjoy. Good days are eo common a commodity there that we hardly ( appreciate them ; but here every day at thip ecasoa saved troin cloudy duskiness, ip a special treasure- Allow me thifi opportunity of saying good-bye to various friends lo whom I havouot had the oppor tuuily of bidding favewull in person. c c. -. Bflrti Htt Rabbit ltaMrd. A farmer who has had great suc- j ccst with Lis apple trees, jm. end never h&d one troubled by thn borer or J rabbits, xivr-8 Jlu following inUlli- blc way of protecting then. : Take a handful f slongh arss. of laf.1 year s growth, which , loiiji suis ury. ami j I ... .1. i. L. i .v .. - I Pni arouuu tuv wiidk or me ut, ,o j thst the grass runs up mid down and the trunk It cntirclv hidden, j -i.uviH. , xji: at inn mp mm oouom wnu rage i . , ... . or bands of grase. If slough grass isnof handy, wheal or oat straw will &U6WC1', though not k lough. The reason that rabbit? will not trouble ; it is plain, but the reason the borer cauuot harm it needs explanation. It is well known that the borer docs little damage if the scasou be very wot, ns the bark is juicy and drowns the boier, or kill? the eggs, an soon as they enter. The slough grass has the panic ellect, by keeping tho bark on tho bouth side of the tree fresh and green. Without the grace the uu parches the bark and has the effect of cooking and making it ten der, thus allowing tho borer easy access. The objection to tarred pa per and binding with cloth is,- that it docs not allow a free circulation of air. The slough grass is being' used very extensively in this part of the eountry, its good effects haring been proven for yeav.2febra$ka Farmer. SntMrduy 3lig!tt. The charm of this night which i6 not to be followed by a day of labor ha9 been often felt and sung. It 5a an oaeU in the week. The tired traveler releases his camel under the palm tree and sits down by the cooling waters to rent. Let u. ffive young men aud wo- j men a Hut by which Ihie enchanted pot of time can be colored with fresh beflnty aud crabned with em- . v . poatic elgmncnnce. loose or you wlo have horue make this uight a home night! Let father and moth- cr enlov (hi McIolv ofthcir rhildi-pii and delight in tbe risible express ione of Iheir affections. Let broth- cr aud sisters hold endcarintr com munion to-night. With music and ' j book?, and innocent games and gcu-1 aud loving chat, makft Saturday iwee, sterling sacred. . Try it Thi? i? not dtfllcult to do, jB?tone month, and habit will con dulyeoces or ouwhohiome pleat- urWk. Irt the week hnvc one night ? deijic-vtrd 10 Jove without a sting.; t H prlUiltf. j t------ - - - i'- Cincinnati Saturday 2?ight ., - ..'. . , i.. A tv U'ftrjATrrWViUysJiriw i Qahe , d(00Wi. 00 tretlluwl j of dipihcna haa hecn made here. A' amputated tths attacked bvdiptbe ria before bcaliug took place; and instead of the matter incident to that disrasc being deposited in the throat, the-greater portiou appeared in tho. -svounded arm, and tbe dip theria m& very light and easily managed, ur. uavts, or Mancato, profited by this, and in hie next case of diptberia. blistered bis pa tient's cbest. and on this blistered i cbf deposits appeared. mi. disease. Tho thcorr of Dr. Daris Is US wm mzr an fiaetr taa. r9 1a (ht!diptberia nsually occurs in tke throat. Hence, when the blister breaks the skin upon auy part of the body the disease appears there. Minnesota Letter to the Salem Mass.) Gazette. If .you hate your enemies, you wilt contract such a vicious habit of nalna as will by aearees hfeak japoa. thbee who are y oar friends, or tbeet I 'who are indifferent t"oyou. "j 1 ? I UX.r I J,4UI. r .' ' -ot " rfcV retiUlT iv fll'lUJi" v;tlUUn 1U ,nnn Tti II, c. xr-..l.l The Talae efTiase. The most profound mathematician could not estimate the amount of valuable time that is constantly be ing wasted, and that, 'too, in a most wanton manner, by both the young and old. It id only a, to v late an hour these spendthrifts of time begin to see the folly of which they have been guilty in foolishly "wasting so much of their valuable time. Physi cians have ascertained and determ ined just the number of hours neces sary for tbo needful refreshments of miud and body, and for the healthy continuance of thisifeyet how many need or are governed by.thi6 allotment of timer for sleep? A young man, if he goes to school'or business, will arise at only Buch a time as will allow him sufficient time to prepare his toilet, eat his breakfast, and reach in time his school or place of business; and this wanton habit is not confined to young men. Yonng ladies, men and women, all are guilty of wantonly wasting their time. To sleep one or two hours longer than is necessary deducts just so much from the re freshment wo otherwise would be stow on our mind and body ; for wc are benefited only by just the requi site quantity of sleep no more. All in excess of that quantity does the recipient- no good whatsoever on the contrary is productive of injury ; for it weakens the body and ptupi fies the mind. But -when we take that only which. nature demands, the body is "invigorated, and all-its po'w cra "are renewed and invigorated. Let those persons who are guilty of sleeping late iu the morning, and those who, when arisen, onlv idle away their time, try, iust for an ex periment, and sco how much can be j accomplished iu a dav iu which net I an hour, nor a fractional part of an j J Jiuur nan wren wueiiTii. uceiuco, min j i habit of industry will in tliuff;bc; come n part, so to speak, jf -their 1 Bcconn nature: ituu mu imcrwii ac crual'' therefrom will not come amiss, financially or intellectually. ociaKcqf jitaun. : The oihur tiny r Larp-loifking vuuth walked up quicklv to the t of , p0sjloffleo jn"a eouulry j lowu, Hud emptying r bajr of cop-1 ,i1Brooll. a.kcd .1.. cll.,i-. wi,0 ; ---,-- WHfi aUeiMljng to Hll el,er cQBtomer, I j for h dollar s worth of one-cent , ,.Qh i Mothered!" 1-- - j , n. ih wa the answer. "That's not a le gal tender; it is all copper. ' "What is a legal tender, thou?'' asked the boy. ""Why, one rent is a legal tender for a one cent !tamp' "Oh I" exclaimed the youth, "is it?" Come on, theu," passing a coin from the heap; "a one-cent stamp, please." The clerk gnvc him one. "Another, please.'" A socond was .given him, "Ana ,' "Here, stop that," the clerk said. "Give me the money. It will be tbe ehortect way to get rid of you." After counting the money be gavo the value thereof in stamps to the lad, who was heard to utter: "I thought I would tire bira out." The reliable mau is amau of good judgment. He does miLat conclusions. He in not a frivolous man. He Is thoughtful. He turns over a subject in his mind, and looks at U all around. Heis not a par tial or& oue-sideu man. He sees IhrongbTirthTnK. He IslfpT tcTbe a1 rery reticent "man. Hedoes not have to talk a great deal. He is a moderate man, pot only in habits of bodv, but abo in mind. He is . . . . . ., not a passionate m3ii ; if bo he haB ovei I come it by grace.. He is b sincere man, not a plotter and scjlfimcr. "What he says mav be relied on. He is a trustworthy man. You feel safe with property or the adminis tration of affairs in his bauds. He isjt bravo man, for bis conclusions are logically deduceuTfrom thtfsiire basis ot irutn, and he Ws not feaLi maintatu them He ir a ood or uo man can be thoroughly honest and truthful without fieTngj good. Bud luck is simply a man with his hands in bis ycrkets and his eluuve rolled up and mike it com right. working to: permitted to pul ion on ounjelves be : )ovr ricei' 1 H I V C z 0 1 3 jr a fl IS Si o Q B2.lSBI&Sff5o S: 3 3.B Ln i. 8.rJs - -- r. m fc n Wli VI 3 L.rw? tM : w n M UOCD a i e O wm m ea mbi m ap 1 j rpSs- 5.5qW av r-t- 9 R a ea vs o Wd S5 a kl. - UB P n. wx ctjqd a ss 2-OQ 1- m CO ' i S 2. g -j p J i4 -xTh? Reliable Dfai. X tii.i. ait i.fr. nvnu HIHr IMPORTANT NOTICE. L; K R AWE R, OF .TBS "N3BTW yOEK CHEAP CASH STORE! IS NOW RECEIVING THE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK OP DRY GOODS CLOTHING, Q--J,- O CUaao bPVSWlO UC WIIVSt?9, HATS and CAPS, CARPETS, ETC. THAT HA8 EVER BEEN EXHIBITED IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY. WHILE THE MARKET IN THE EAST HAS ADVANCED ON A FW Styles of Goods I HAVE CONCLUDED TO BE SATISFIED WITH A STILL SMALLER PROFIT IND .SHALL CONTINUE TO SELL XT TUK 1 I Old Low Prices EVES KEDUC1NG THE Prices of Some Goods. "Small Profits and Quiok Sale" Ha &lwya hcea my Hotto, and I :likll BtlBU to Uve up to It. Call and be Convinced ! L. KRAMER, llth Street. NEXT lOORt JOURNAL OFPHI JOHN WIGGINS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HARDWARE, 8SSSSS3SSSSS3S3S3SS8S3SSS33SS SSSSSSJSiHPO VRS S39SS9 SSSSSS3SSS9SSS3SSSSS3SS9S83SS IRON, TINWARE, NAILS. ROPE, Wagon Material GLASS, PAINT, ETC., ETC, Corner 11th and Olive Sts. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. U YOU BET." A. W. LAWRENCE, AGENT FOR tfHE a WIND MILL. He will hereafter be found on 13th street two doors west of Marshall Smith's where be keeps 3 full line of everv stvle of PUMP. PIPE, HOSE, And the Celebrated 1 X L FEED MILL. As he keeps a Pump House exclu-ilyely, he is able to sell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. Pumps for any depth well. Pumps driven or repaired, and Rods cut. GIVE f.56 1IIU A CALL AM) SAVE MOXEV. lMERIOAJST MEDICAL I HAL IHS1IT0TL r. r. irircasu.. . 3. 3. r. KA2TTU, ii. 3 Physicians it Snrgeons. 8. 8. USSHS. . 8., k 3. C. SIXUX, U. 3., etCffliU. Mtiag ftpm asi Surgsoas. For the treatment of all classes of Sax rery and deformities; acute and cbronlo diseases, diseases of the eye and ear, etc., etc., Columbus, Neb. $1500; TO J8C0O A YEAR, or $5 to $20 a day in your own locality. No risk. Women do as well ai men. ilany made more than tbe amount stated above. No one can fall to make money fast. Any one can do the work. You can make from 60 cts. to Z an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for the money making ever offered befcsre. Business pleasant and strictly honora ble. Beader, ir you, want to know all about, tbe beat paying business before, tbe public, send us your address and we will send you 'full particulars and pri vate term free; samples worth fV also free vaucaa then make up-yonr mind fcr yourself. Address GEORGE 8TIN- fa dm HiiEHiHILLiHE WAGOIS! BDG&IES ! WAGQIS! END SPRINGS, PLATFORM SPRINGS, "WHITNEY .t BREWSTER SIDE SPRINGS. Light Pleasure and Business Wag ons of all Descriptions. We are pleased to invite the attention of the public to the Tact that we have just received a car load of Wagons anil Buggies of all descriptions, and that we are the sole agents for the counties ot Platte, Butler, Roone, Madison, Merrick, Polk and York, for the -celebrated CORTLAND WAGON COMP'Y, of-Cortland, New York, and that we are offering these wagons cheaper than any other wagon built of same material, stylo and finish can be sold for in this county. B3JSend for Catalogue and Price-list. MORSE fc CAI, 484-tf Columbus, Nebraska. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED -FOR- H. P. OOOLIDGE, HARDWARE DEALER, NEBRASKA AVENUE, COLUMBUS, SEBR48KA. LUEKS&SCHREIBER Blacksmith: and Wagon Makerr. ALL KINDS OF Repairing Done on Short Notice. 2ajjis, Tftztzx, St:., Jfcii U Crier. ALL WORK WARRANTED. They also keep on hand Furst & Bradley Plows, SULKY PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, AC. Shop on Olive Street, opposite Tatter sail. COLU31BUS, NEB. EAGLE MILLS, ii-n -a tt k X . ". T 4 A ON SHELL CREEK, Near Hatthis's Bridge. JOSEPH BUCHER, - Proprietor JS-The mill is complete in every par ticular for making the best of flour. "A iennnro. lair IinHtneis" is iuc motto. 4o5-x UXIO.'V PACIFIC LAND OFFICE, SAMUEL C. SMITH Agent, ATTENDS TO ALL BUSINESS per talnining to a general Keal Estate Agency and Notary Public. Have In struction? and blanks furnished by United States Land Office for making final proof on Homesteads, thereby sav ing a trip to Grand Island. Have a large number ol farms, city lots and all lands belonging to U I. B. R. in Platte and adjoining counties for sale very cheap. Attend to contesting claim before U. 3. Land office. OflU'e out Door V"it of lljiaraond Uonu, COLUMBUS, NEB. E. C. HOCKENBKRGER, Clerk, Speaks German CITY MEAT MARKET, OS OLIVE ST., OPPOSITE HAM. .UOftl HOUSE. Will keep on hand all kind? ol Fresh aud Salt Meats, also- Sausage, Poultry, Fresh Fish, etc., all in their season. Cash paid for Hides, Lard and Ba con. WILL.T. KICKLY. CENTRAL IAT MAM 0."V llth STREET. Dealers In Freh and Salted ileal. Ae. Town Lots, Wood. Hides, fcc. J. RICKLY, Agent. Columbus, June 1, 1877. $300 TT nol MONTII guaranteed. 2 a day at home made by the industrious. Capital not required; we will start you. Men, women, boys and girls maKe money faster at work for us than at any thing else. The work U light and pleas ant, and such as anyone can go rlcht at. Those who are wise who see this notice will send us their addresses at once and see for thetnsnlres. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. Those already at work are laylne tip larze sums 0 f money. Auuress mui & CO., Augusta Maine. 431-y A GOOD FARM FOR SALE ISC aeres of good land, 80 acres under cultivation, a irnod house one and a half story hlgn, a goou siock range, picm water, and good hay land. Two miles east or Columbu9. Inquire at the PJonw Bakery. iTMa AyflBL L & The Celebrated Diebold, Norris & Go's "" (Ito Diebold & Kleazle,) Fire and Burglar Proof! ' HAVE THE BEST RECORD OP ALL. All leading Railrod I Express Companies and Bankers in h Nortkst m tbem. Not One Lost In the Two Great Fires In Chicago; also preserved the contents iu every instance, jt Independence, Iowa; at Central City, Col.; at Oihko jh, "Wis., and at all places have stood the test, without failure. All Sizes for Sale and Made to Order. Old Safes taken in Exchange. County and JBanlc YVorlc Good Work D. 6. C0VENT, GEffEBAL AGENT, CHICAGO. WILL. B. DALE, Agent, 234 1870. 1879. THE' aJmi(iits $onrnnl li conducted as a FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to the best mutual inter ebts of its readers and its publish ers. Published at Columbus. Platte county, the centre of the agricul tural portion of Nebraska, It is read by hundreds of people cast whoara looking towards Nebra-.kJ' as their fnture home. Its subscribers in Nebraska are the staunch, solid portion of the community, as is evidenced by the fact that the JOURNAL has never contained a "dun". against theni, nnd by the other fact that ADVERTISING In ita columns always brings Its rewaid. Business is business, and those who wish to reach the solid people of Central Nebraska will dud the columns of the Journal a splendid medium. JOB WORK Of all kinds neatly and quickly done, at fair prices. This species of printing is nearly always want ed in a hurry, aud, knowing this fact, we have so provided for It that we can furnish envelopes, let ter heads, bill heads, circulars, posters, etc., etc., on very short notice, and promptly on time as we promise. SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy per annum .. " Six months . . Three months, ?2 00 . 100 . SO Single copy ent to any address in the United States for 5 ots. - M. K. TUENEE & CO., Columbus, Nebraska. STATE BANK, 8?::cb::i tj ae:u:l & Sesi ui Tzxk t Ezbt. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. CASH CAPITAL, - $50,000 DIRECTORS: Leandeb Gereabd, Pres'i. Geo. W. IIulst, Vice Prea't. Jumus A Reed. Edward A. Gekeahd. Abner Turner, Cashier. Bank or Deposit! Discount and Exchange. Collection Prtfropily Made on all Point. Pay Interest on Time Iepos- ItM. 271 NEBBASKA HOUSE, S. J. MARMOY, Prop'r. Nebraska Ave., South of Depot, COLV.UB1IS, AEli. A new houae, newly furnished. Good accommodations. Board by day or week at reasonable rates. JSTSei tt Flrt.CIn Table. 3Ieai, Scents. I Lodging.. .25 Cts 38-2tf $66 A WEEK In your own town, and no capital risked. You can give the business a trial ulthnlll OTnftllJ Thf ll4t opportunity ever offered for those wlll- else until you see for yourself what you can do at tbe business we offer. Ne room to explain here. You can devote all your time or onlv your spare t rae to the business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. "Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms and particulars, which we mail free. ?."5 OuiHt free. Don't complain of hard times while you have suh a chance. Address n. IIALLETT & CO.. Portland. Maine. 8I-r FARMER! BE OF GOOD CHEER. Let not the low prices of your products dis courage you. but rather limit your ex penses to your resources. You can do so by stopping at the new home of your fellow farmer, where you can find good accommodations ebeap. Tor bay for team for one night and day, 25 cts. A room furnished with a cook stove and bunks, in connection with the stable free. Those wishing can be accommp- at the following rates.: Meal 25 cents; hAiia 1 inonia .1. n. .-)r..mivu. tfmUeeastofGerrard'sOorral. J Specially. Prices as loir m can lo Made. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN Tho Great Trunk Una from tbo West to Chicago and the East. It is tha oldrst, shortct, m"t direct. conTnlent. comfortable and In every retpect tbo ben lino yoq can take. It is tho greatrct and grandest Railway organization In tno United States. It owns or controls 2100 MILES OF RAILWAY PULLMAN HOTEL CARS ar taa lon by It throagU betweea COUNCIL BLTJITS & CHICAGO! No other road rnns Pullman Hotel Cars, or any other form of Ilotnl Cars, through, between tha Missouri lUver and Chicago. PASSENGERS GOENQ EAST should bear femlndtbatthla Is tbo BEST ROUTE5eICHICACO AND ALL POINTS EAST. Passengers by this roate haTe cholco of FITS plFl'KltKNT ROCTJa and tho adva&U? of EJ-ht Dally Line X'alace Weeping Cara from CHICAOO to PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, AND OTHER EASTERN TOINTS. Insist that the Ticket Agent leusyoutlcfctts by the Xocth-Weatern RoadTfixaalfle joar TickeU, and refuse to bay If they do not read OTerth's Ko&d. All Agents tell thea ud Check usaal Cacgsgo Free by tu s Line. Throosh Ticket Yla this Ronte to all Easteru Point-t ca'i b procured at tho Central Pacific ltell toad TJcket OClce, foot of Market Street, anil at 1 New Montgomery Urcet. Baa Fraiv 1"0, and at all oapon Ticket Offlces of t'cnttal Pacific, Union Pacific, and all Western Bal'roads. New York Office, No. 413 Broadway. Bctton Office. No. 6 State Street. OmasOmcr,S43 Kara ham Street. San Francisco OiCc.a New Moct tomery f-trecL Ch'cago Tlckei. Offices : 02 Clark street, cntlcr Sherman Ilo?c : To Canal, corner 3UdIson S reot ; Elnxl 8trcct Depot, corner est Khule and C.nal Mretts ; Wella Street Depot, comer W'clla aud Klnzlt Mreel?. For rate or Information B' t attahuDle from your lomu ticket sgent, apply to 3tRvw nrnnrrr, TT. IL Stzxwttt. Ota'lJlaos'r.Cilcaco. Cea'JPj.Ast.l.WcBC GUS.A. SCHROEDER, DEALKIt IN HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, PUMPS, PAINT, TTIND 3IILL3 AND "VrACOXS. AND A FCLL tINE Ol" Agricultural Implements. Goods sold cheap for cash. SIGN OF BIO AX, lllli STREET, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. SPEICE & NORTH, General Agents for the Solo ef Real Estate. Union Pacillc, aud Midland I'aelfl R. R. Lands for sale at from ?3.00t?l0.0 per acre for cash, or on five or ten years time, In annual payments to suit pur chasers. "We have also a large and choice lot of other lands, improved and unimproved, for sale at low priee and on reasonable terms. A1jo business and residence lots in the city. "Wo keep a complete abstract of title to all real es tate In Platte County C32 COLX.'3IBUS. 3IEB. NEW STORE AND- New Stock, A full, fresh supply or groceries STAPLE AND FANCY, Just opened, and for sale at low-do 11 prices. J3TOHTC Street, opposite the 1'attcr:ll. james McAllister. BiAlr.lLar. Oaar&ters. Xall"i '. OseaiXestUCeU9ee4Ck' KSaGiiBxfliiaEkSkBkkcZBBl (A&Z20V6W 1 A 4.