- - f ft MBM(A31fivIJ Brcalila Colt. I have hail considerable experience in liamlliug colts, ami have conic to the conclusion that the training CI prefer that word to breaking) can not begin too early. I have adopted the rule of haltering ray colt at ten days old, and lead it at the mother s side whenever I drive her. I have never found any trouble in leaching a colt to lead in this way, aud long before it is weaned it will be per fectly halter-broken. I have just brought up from the pasture a colt that was two years old in April, to give it a little training. This colt was halter-broke and led at the side of its mother when sucking, and it is now as docile as any hoise on the farm. A boy sixteen years old,who is living with me, harnessed it a few days ago, and, after driving it round the yard a short time, hitched it to a spring wagon and went oft" alone with Ft. I should not have allowed it had I known what ho was about, but he came back with the coLt as gentle as my old carriage horse. This has been about my experience with colts that have been taught to lead and handle when young. It is easy to accustom a colt to have the harness thrown on it, and chains wrapped around its legs, or to have pomcthing'fall from its back, with out its being frightened, and if these things are ever learned it must be when the animal is young. 1 be lieve that it is rasy to so train a colt that if the hold-back come loose on a hill, aud let the buggy against it, instead of being frightened and run ning away it will brace itself and stop the buggy. 1 remember iwice being placed in a condition of great danger, with a spirited inure that I had trained from a coll, and if I had not acrusloincd her to ju.-t such treatment av. I recommend, I should undoubtedly have been sou-rely in jured or killed. The instance were these: I was approaching the Miami l.iver, on a turnpike, and had just is tor ami wl fniiPil .Imvn .1 lnn- winding hill. ' ("abnel will miss them or notice " - - - - -r" 'i Advice io n. !'oifW IInu. Kcmcmbc;;., my SOn, you have to work. Vrhother you handle a pick or a. pen, a wheelbarrow or a set of books, digging ditches, or editing a paper, ringing an auction bell or wriliug funny things, you must work. If you will look around you, son, you will sec that the men who arc most able to live the rest of their dajs without work, are the men who work the hardest. Don't be afraid of killing yourself with over work, son. It is beyond your pow er to do that. Mon caunot work so hard as that on the sunny side of thirty. They die sometimes, but it's because they quit work at 0 p. m. and doirt get home until 2 a. in. It's the interval that killF, my son. The work gives you an appetite for your meals, it lends solidity to your plumber, it gives you a porfect and grateful ap preciation of a holiday. There arc young men who do not work,iny son ; young men who make a living by sucking the cud of a cane; whose entire mental develop ment is insufficient to tell them which side of a postage stamp to lick; young men who can tic a neck tie in elcveu dill ere ut knots and never lay a wrinkle in it, and then would get into a "West Hill street car to go to Chicago ; who can spend more money in a day than you can earn in a month, son, and who will go to (he sheriff's to buy a postal card, and apply at the o flic. of the street commissioner for a marriage liconse. J)ut the world is not proud of them, son. It decs not know their names, even ; it ..imply speaks of them as old So-and-so's boy. No body likes them, nobody hates them, the great busy world doesn't even know they are there, and at the great day of the resurrection, if they do not appear at the sound of tho trumpet, and they certainly will not unless somebody tells them what it is for and what to do, I don't think over a fourth of a mile lomr, when j their absence, and they will not be one of the bolts by which the shafts were attached to the buggv dropped out. That side of the shafts dropped on to the marc's heels, and whenever I attempted to rein her in to slop her, the buggy would run against her. I went fully three hundred! yards down the hill before 1 could get her checked so that it was safe for me Jo jump out and catch the wheel and stop the buggy, but I ho mare made no attempt to kick or run. The other case was this: 1 had stopped at the top of a long hill with a load of wood, aud when 1 stepped on to the doubletree to rlimb on to the load, the stick I took hold of, to pull myself up by, pulled out and 1 fell with my head between the mare's heels, ami the stick came rattling down over the ehaius on top of me. If she had started at all the wagon would have run over me, for I was exactly in front of the wheel. Now I do say that every horse can be trained to do as mine did, but I do say that if it is ever done it must be while it is young, and that whal sent for, or waited for, or disturbed. Things will go on just as well with out them. So find out what you want to be and to do, son, aud lake off your coal and make a dut in the world. The busier ou arc the less deviltry you will be apt to get into, the sweeter will he your sleep, the brighter and happier your holidays, and the better satisfied will the world be with you. llawkcyc. ICcIatiic Ag;cof .Vsinsais. hV. ASTOUNDING DISCOVERY. An Instantaneous and Perpetual Fire "Without "Wood or Coal. A correspondent has sent us a startling letter from Miss L Betam Edwards, from which we give an ex tract ; "I send you the following par ticulars of a recent scientific inven tion, just patented, and destined without doubt to play a very im portant part in our economic history. I think it may be regarded as a so lution for once and for all of the great coal question, not only among ourselves, but abroad. .!. Lourbon nel of Dijon, the celebrated lion and panther slayer lighted upon the fol lowing discover' by hazard, and after six years persistent investiga tion brought it to entire workable perfection. lie discovered, by means of two natural substances, inexhaust ible in nature, tho means of lighting and maintaining a fire without wood or coal ; a fire instantaneously light ed and extinguished ; a fire causing no dust, smoke, or trouble; a fire costing one-tenth at least of ordina ry fuel ; and what is more wonder ful still, a fire the portion of which answering to our fuel is everlasting that is to say would last a lifetime. M. Bourbonncl's invention compre hends both stove and fuel. The fires could be on the minutest scale or on the largest. They would be used for heating a baby's food or for roasting an ox. Heling lighted in stantaneously, they will be a great economy of time. M. BourdouucI at oucc patented his invention and a body of engineers and savants from Paris visited him, and pronounced his discovery one of the most re markable of the age. He has had several oilers for the purchase of the patent in France, but wants to sell it in Kngland, his occupation being in another line. Any KnglNh gentleman or firm wishing toseehi-s fires or stoves, could do so by writ ing to him a day or two beforehand. II is address i M. Itourbonucl, Dijon. 1 have seen these fires and stoves. There is no mistake about the matter. It is as clear as possi that here we have a perpetual and economic source of fuel. Two hun dred years ago the discoverer would surelv have been burned as a wiz- This is what Hubert G. Iugcrsoll says of the women : "I tell you wo men are more prudent than men. I tell you, as a rule, women are moue truthful than men ten times as faithful as men. I never saw a man pursue his wife into the very ditch and dust of degradation and take her in his arms. I never saw a man stand at the shore where she had been morally wrecked, waiting for the waves to bring back even her corpse to his arms ; but I have seen women do it. I have seen woman with her white arms, lift man from the mire of degradation and hold him to her bosom as if he were an angel." A widow, sitting by a cheerful fire, in a meditative mood, shortly after her husband's death, sighed out, "Poor fellow I how he did like a good fire ! I hope he has gone where they keep good fires!" A young lady's hat blew off Sat urday morning and was run over by a broad-wheeled cart. The ribbons were somewhat soiled, but the hat is now the very latest fall shape. The best cure for low spirits is business. One-half of the melan choly you run against is caused by indolence and feather, beds. The best fun in the world is activity. A young lady ate half a wedding cake, and then tried to dream of her future husband. Now she sajs she would rather die than marry the man she saw in that dream. The world owes us a living, but the only way we can collect the debt is to take oil' our coat? -and END SPRINGS, PLATFORM SPRINGS, WHITNEY .t BREWSTER SIDE SPRINGS. Light Pleasure and Business AVag ous of all Descriptions. We are pleased to invite the altentlo.. of the public to the fact that we have just received a car load of Wagons and Buggies of all descriptions, and that we are the sole agents for the counties ot Platte, Butler, Boone, Madison, Merrick, Polk and York, for the celebrated CORTLAND WAGON COMP'Y, of Cortland, New York, and that we are oflering these wagons cheaper than any other wagon built of same material, style and liiii.su can he sold for in this county. 23rSend for Catalogue and Price-list. JOHN WIGGINS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu 4l-tf IflOlCS-. A: CA-.- Columbus, Nebraska. HARDWARE, mAwmmi The Celebrated Diebold, Norris & Co's (-.ate Iic..o..I & --.icnzlc,) Fire and Burglar Proof! HAVE THE BEST KECOTJD OF ALL. All leading Railrod & Espres3 Companies and Sanker3 in tta Hor .brat m fa, Not One Lost in the Two Great Fires in Chicago; also prerwrvwl Um cmnu in every instance, at Independence, Iowa; at Central City, CL; at Oshkosh, Wis., and at all place have stood the test, wUlratit'ftillHr'e. All Si.es for Sale ami aladc to Order. Old Safes taken in Exchange. County and Bank IVorl- a Specialty. Price as low Good lVorlt can lc 3atlc. :im SSSSS3SSSSSSXSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS5 SSSSSSgXOVES,SSSSS:J SSSSSbSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS TI-IIS SPACE IS RESERVED -IOK- takc it out of the Whitehall Times. world" hide. the colt is taught it never fpiyots I hare no faith iu the the ory that a colt should never he put to work until it is four years old. Of course, we must exercise judg ment and not strain our young horses by pulling them haul, but I voc no more reason v hy :i colt sho'd do nothing until it is full grown, than a boy, and every boy works Irom the time ho is twelve or four teen years old. A well grown colt can be used for light work from the time it is thirty months old aud made to pay its keeping, and if good judgment is exercised it will be all the better for it. One thing is in dispensable in training a colt, and that i. that you control your temper. The man who will got angry, and jerk and whip a colt, i not lit to have charge of it, and need not ex- i pect o render it docile and obedient. Cor. Practical Former. Tito -Livin; -loom. Xo matter how plainly furnished it may be, if it lias a uimy expos ure and is made beautiful with plants, the liviuir room becomes n place of ret for mind and Jiody. If it ha a b:iywindow, it i. rich in beauty. "N'c can hang no pictures on our wall which can compare The average age of cats is 15 years ; of squirrels and hare?, 7 or S years ; rabbits 7 ; a bear rarely exceeds 20 ; a dog '20; a wolf '20: a fox 14 to 1G; lions are long-lived, the one known by the name ot Pom pry. living to the age of 70. Elephants have been known to live to the age of 100 years. "When Alexander the Groat had con qucrcd Porn, king of Indh, he took j a great elephant which had fought valiantly for the king, and named him Ajax, dedicated him to the sun, and let him go with this inscription : "Alexander, the son of Jupiter, ded icated Ajax to the sun." The ele phant was found with this inscrip tion 330 years after. Pigs have been known to live to the age of 20, and the rhiuocerous to 29; a horse has been known to live to the age of 02, but average 25 or 30; camels some times live tolheagc of 100; stags arc very long-lived ; sheep seldom ex ceed the age of ten ; cows live about 1G years. C-ivicr considers it proba ble that whales sometimes live 1,000 years. The dolphin and porpoise attain the age cf.'lO; an eagle died at Vienna at the age of 101; ravens have frequently reached the age of 100: swans have been known to live ID IIIU it,: "I -" .til. .11.111'. I'-M ji.is j lliP slc(!i'tnil of .1 ev!i f tin f illninoil I the asc of 200 years. Pelicans are cll'i long-lived. A tortoise has been j It i not enough Io arm ; yonmust known to live to the age of 107 year. I hit. I Would you be strong, conquer vourself. ard.v J.nvdon Athcna-um. Tlio-c Who liarc SSeeeiretl l-i..i. Genera! Grant, timing his famous tour around the globe, now happily ended, was received with distin guished honors by the following prince, potentates and powers of the earth, besides many others not mentioned: Queen Victoria of Kngland. King Lcoppold of Iielgium TlicKhcdivoof Kgypt. The Sultan of Turkey. King Humbert of Italy. Pope Leo XII I. President rdcMahon of I'Yancc. The Kin" of Holland. Emperor William ol Germany. Prince UNmaick. King Oscar of Sweedcn. The Emperor Alexandria of Ihi hia. The Emperor Kraiici"! Joseph of Austria. King Alfonso of Spain. Piesident Grevy of Krance. M. Gambetta. Viceroy Lyltou of India. King Thcban of China. The Emperor of $i:im. The Mikado of Japan. (nrniKiic ErorrIt. One ha only to die to be pr.ii-.cd. Handsome apple are sometimes sour. Little and often make a heap iu time. It i- easier to blame than to do 'Couldn't you lend mo $?" Yes, 1 could but I won't." 'Then do you think I wouldn't pay you back?" "Yes, you would, hut you con dn'l." -. We sec what a man ha, and nvy hit. ; but if we saw how little he en joyed we would pity him. H. P. COOXiIDGE, HARDWARE DEALER, N EMU SKA AVKNl'K. IRON, TliWAM, 2&1 D. S. C0VENT, GENERAL AGENT, CHICAGO. WILL. B. DALE, Agent, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 1870. 1879. T1IK NAILS. ROPE, Wagon Material LUEBS&SOHHEIBER Nalure knows no patise in prog res and development, and attaches her cure to all inaction. He who puts bad construction upon a good act reveal hi own wickedness at heart. Some hearts, like evening prim roses open mol beautifully in the shadow oflife. Hc knows enough who know how to be silent. -tfag3t-i5v.j GLASS. LW1XT, ETC., ETC. Blacismltts and Wagon Mabrr. 9 U.I. hl.N! OK Kenjiiring Done on Short Notice. Esjjies, V.'ajei:, Etc., Hide tc Order. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Corner 11th and Olive Sis. o : r r -, S A X 03 ' 2.H "- Uy r- i o r. --: r- -i Tiny :il-o kf-cp on IiiiihI Fursi & Bradley Plows, SULKY PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, &C. Shop on )lii Mrrct, opposite Tatter--ull. COU'31 HI'S, NEB. EAGLE MILLS, COLUMBUS, NEBRASICA. O Cra O . , m m "Z - 7 i . CO; " S3 h L y-gi ' HH a -. I'l S J - o a m" 0 h VI ) '8. b-. s 5 - 3 o , - u, -' -; ELS. TS1 at ox- SHELL CREEK, Neai M.'itthis's IJridc. JOSEPH BUCHER. - Proprietor JSTTlu1 mi i 1 i coinpli-lf in cery par ticular Tor niakinir tlie I-t of Hour." 'A Miiar, Tail' Iu.itl,x,, i the motto. 4.V1-V (( YOU BET." dJoluu(bn$ Jounuil l- fomlUL'tfd as a FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Dcvotud to the host mutual inter ests of its readers and it-s publish er. . l'uldl-lnsl .it (.'iilunihiH.l'Iatte county, the iitrt' of thi .t;riMiI tnral portion of Xrhraka, it N read ly hundred of people e:it who are looking toward Xehni-.ku a1 their future home. It -ulerilKT in Nebr:"l:i are the tuuueh. olid portion of the community, :f i evidenced hy the fnet that the .lOCKN'AI. ll.l- llet-r lOlltaillti! .1 "dun ugahiot tliein, and liy the other fact that ADVERTISING In it- column-, alwayt !rin it- reward, ltiisinest i hiiMiie-, aiitl those who with to reach the tolid people of (,'ciitral Nchratka will ihul the eoluiuiit if the .touitN u a pleiutid medium. JOB WORK (if all Liiidt neatly and quickly done, at fiiir price-.. ThN itt't-ie- of printing it iiciirly alwayt want ed in a hurry, and, know in thi fnet, we have -o provided for it that we evn :urni-Ii envelope-, let ter head", hill head, circular, posters, etc., etc., on very short notice, and prompt!) on lime :i we promi-e. CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN Tho Great Trunk Lino from tho "West to Chicago and tho East. It is Iho oldest, shortet, most direct. con-l.-nt. comfortable and In ercry rcpect the beK Vm tuh can take. It is tho greatest and praadest Kattwa organization la tho United States. It &w or controls 2100 MILES OF RAILWAY PULIJIAX HOTEX. CAKS aro ran aloao by It through between COUNCIL BLTJITS & CHICAGO! Xo other road rnns Pnllman Ilotcl C'arj, or any other form of Hotel Car, through, between tku Missouri IUvcr and Chicago. SfiEB3liG SUBSCRIPTION. A. W. LAWEENCE, AGKXT FOR Till: w t3 ! I Kh A. Vs;'faSU Citi-ioily. A romarkahlc freak of vcjrctublu To change aud to lie bettor aro lias appeared iu tlio ''rounds of II. !. two different UiiiiL'S. Tal man. at Worcester, Mass.. in the. JC very body know.- good ennncel sliapc of a potato -vine Inch J except liini tliat liath need of it. bears tomatoes. It appears to j Uetter free in a foreign Iain! than be a mixture of the two veireta- a slave at home. ble. and i- aeeouiileil for ly the ' There i no good iu preaching to fact that a strong tomato-vine from j to the hungry. ehancc-?ovn seed grew in the same i Charity ivc? itself rich, hut eovel- li ill Willi the potatoes, and the po- outness hoards itclf poor. lien of the two plants became mixed, j Speak Utile, speak trnlh: spend $6 6 A "WEEK in your own town, and no capital rUkod. Yoii can :ive the butluptt :i trial without expense. The he-t opportunity ever oil'crcd for tho-e will ing to v,-ork. You should, try nothing ele until you see for jourtelf what you can do sit the buMiies"we oiler. Xb room to explain here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the nisine:, and make irreat pay foreen i lour that ou work. Women make a- f milch a- men. Send for tpecial ri:ile ' terms and particular whieh we mail free. $" Out lit free. Don't complain of hard timet while ou hare such a chance. Addrest II.II A Ll.ETT ,t CO.. Portland, .Maine. -II-y VA KMKKSI With the picturet lying outride our uiiioriiinaiciy utu vine? wore pnil- t nine, pay eaJi. ample window, llo.sy dawns, gold, j ol 1 before the peculiarity of the j ca-heartcd .sunsets, the teuder green ' ?rowth wa? noticed. Some of our j 15.oks. Hooks arc never so nee iihI cltaiiin-tiuts of Spriiiff. the ! agriculliirMs may derive a valuable j eary as in the wane oflife. In J"tT i Klow of Summer, tho pomp of An- j suj-'gcMion from lhi. As both po lumtT the white' of lVinler, i lu, 111'1 o"ito re of ihe Rol.tuacc.i. etorm and shine, glimmer and J "". ' ' ,lot impoiMc Hint one gloom-all these we can have and i i,,0,l bc fijriilizi-il by the oilier, and cniov while wc sit in our sheltered ! cmmkab!e economy of labor might I.: OK GOOD OIII-El.. O low iirieet of vour nrodue: mA.i. nt il.nnlisiti.rinr viLirrolU nn. ; "c eueetetl ii careiul and scicntilic w--.-.' --- -- -5 f-. .- XTv rtr.ft aim l.Aro-iHv liini.v in il.ir.- I rUIUVailOIl rooms: they bring depression of spirits, imparting a sense of ron- finenicnt, chilling to energy -hould produee a plant childliood we arc busy with toys; iu youth with pleasure; in manhood with action: and so may dispense with the delight? o. reading with little ooncioune5t of loss. jut when at last we arc too wise to be Let not the dit- i eottratre vou, out ratner limit your ex penses to your roourees. Ton can do m) hy .ttoppin at the new home of your fello'w farmer, where you can lintl j?ood accommodations cheap. For hay for team for one night and day, 2."i et"s. A room furnished witlPa cook .ttove and hunke. in connection with the ttable free. Those wihin.r can he accommo dated at the house of the undersigned at the follow iuic rate: Meals . cents; hed lOecntt. ,J. U. SENECA L. mile cast of (ierrard't Corral. co s. v iti s rs o; a 1 0 ' v a i 1 1 -' a c LAND OFFICE, SAMUEL C. SMITH Agent, ATTENDS TO AM. lU'SIN'ESS per t.iinii.inir to a general Ilea! Estate Agency ami Notary Public. Have in .structfoiit and hlauks furuithed h.v t'nited States Land OH'u'e for making linal proof on Homesteads, thcrchy sav ing a trip toOrand Il:iud. llavca Iar.e uumherot farms, citv lots and all lauds beloiitiiirto U 1. It. 11. iu Platte and adjoining eountiet tor ale very cheap. Attend to contesting elainit hcfiire V. S. Land ofliee. Ollli une Dnnr Wtt if iljmmoiiil llnutf. COLUMBUS, NEB. E. C HocMixniMici:!:, clerk. speak" (ieriuall CITY MEAT MAEEST, o x oi.sve: .vr.. sasi'r: bsa.h .ISO.'JK j.:oi'sk. Will keep on hand all kind ot Ereh and -alt Meat-, alto Saiitaije, Poultry, Kreth Fih. etc.. all in their scaon. C.-i-li paid lor llidet, bard and l'a con. WIM..T. IMCKI.Y. ----&f WIND MLLL, He will hereafter he found on 115th street two doors west of Marshall Smith's where he keeps a. full line of everv stvle of PUMP., PIPE, HOSE. And the Celebrated I X L FEED MILL. 1 copy per annum ' ' Siv montliH Three month-., $2 00 . 1 00 Sin;!e eopv sent to anv addrpt.s iu the riiited State- for.Vots. M. K. TURNER & CO., Columbus, Nebraska. IMSSCNOETiS GOING EAST ihoiUbc-r iumli.d that this 13 the BEST ROUTEqlCHICAGO AND ALL rOINTS EAST. I'i sc-:e.3 by th. ronto have c-oke of FI K Ull't'LlClvNT KOCTES and tha aaraaUjK bt i-As.ni Dally Lines l'alace Sleeping Can f.ou. tHUAUO to PHILADELPHIA AND HEW YCRK, AND OTnER EASTERN POINTS. bi-i.-t that tho Ticket AgeBte elU yea tkk U by i lie Notth-Western Iload. EzamiBe yr Tle.vt. mh1 n. f o.e to buv If they do not read orer tlrM Icwd. All Avnls (ell tlrcm and Chcclc usual Bagg- Krt-e by th;a Line. Through Tickets via this Route to all KarH Foint can be procured at the Central i'acMe Ktl rtNuI Ticket Office, foot of JIarket Street, and at i New 31oni;oracry Street. Saa Francisco, and at ell i onKn Ticket OCkes of Central Pacific, Uatee 1 c i:Ic, and all Western Railroad. iw York OSke. No. 415 liroadtvay. Bottaa Oak. No. 5 State Street. Omaha Oie, 2t5 Kan haia Stwt t. Fan Francisco Orlcr, U New Mmi oinery Street. Ctecago Ticket OtSt-s : Ol Chi. Strict, amier Sherman Hoa.'e : 75 Canal, comer Med toe Siwt ; Kiitzie Street Depot, coraer Wt-t Ki:ii and Cinal htrecM ; WeJIs street Depot. . . : t Writs and Kiazle Streets. r.T rates or .-formation not -dtMalaaMa ttmm j o ..- tume ticket ageBU, apply to 3If.vi'c Mtoi.tTT. H. H. Srxrr, l. 1 M Mi'r. CkHstco. deal Vat. A-i. t-MMBt- 0O3.tTiv5:-3TrS STATE BAlSTv, ZzzttKZiz '.: Cefr.fi i .! .ii. Zz;ar - Est. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. CASH CAPITAL, -' $50,000 GUS.A. SCKROEDER, IB.LKIt IS As he keeps a I'tiinii IIouteccliltirely, e it able to sell CHEAPER THAN for anv epaireil. THE CHEAPEST. Pumps depth well. Pumpt driien or and Rodt cut. -(,-- DIRECTORS: Leavpei: r.Eici:.i:r.; Pre'?. (Iko. V. IIui.st, Vice Pfea't. JULIL'H A I(KKI. En WA lift A. (..KlIKAICIt. Aiinki: Tlm.'.veh. Cashier. (.'IVL' IIM! .1 CALL AMI S.VK 310XCV. A.Mi--:Ri:c'Aisr M.DI.AL I mm INSTITUTE, a?gisSm&Zil i 1 -Ae'--t-M - -K18 -iftf V Itiink ol I'ui.. ii ii4l B.4'!iaii'. Sieoiinr HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, PUMPS, PAINT, -XI A rvu. I.IXE K AgricHHural Implements. Cmm- ld chr tp for ak. SK.'X OF MU AX, II Hi STISBHT, ro i.ifm bus, xmtitoiSftAi. SPEICE & NORTH, Collection. 9'i'onip.Iy rtlnl on all loIn.. Pay fin tercet on 'J'liuc B-oS' It-. T.l 'ener.nl Aet' fr th .nle f I I Real Estate. cliarincd witli baubles: too earnest- ...i .1. t i.i ? - .. i which suouHi ueaiijoin: nniuioc :u i i. i;l.-in,l -.,.;n. ....., . i.i . I tlin rontt anil 'ood toniatoct on tlif !..... .,. ., .'''... i t? ftniw vi n-nA C.i-.wt tmi,..-.S-ii-ji-f.7fl-JW-iioii. CJ IMcaMirt- oi sense; lOO .V( CO lC UXtVU W ftiiU WCVAUWUi (--- -. -.v - . , ..... . -. mil i - - - ; lomi oi repose io eiKiure tne noise .i lBlnAL I j ox ami .vrsssiarr. i I Dealer in Fresh and Salted Meatt I tfce. Town Lot-, AVood. Hide, &e. .1. KICKI.Y, Agent. ! Coluiubiia, June 1, 1877. vigor. Iu:ht rloouiy is .joort house. .Jojt, ;irnl E'oI:tct:o. ' of the bustliii'' worltl ; thou it is that Itutiu the cheer. Even in :t where walls ami furniture arc iliiijry I use of tobacco by jrrowing boys is aud brown, yon have but to lake i full nf danger. J.eccnt. Invcsliga dowu the heavy curtain-, open wide j lions especially in France have the window, hang brackets on cither i demons! ruled that n whole train of side, set flower-pots on the brackets ' nervous di-eascs aro to bc traced to and ivies in the pols, let thn warm J this practice. If you waul to stop , jcctthcdiill, and snub the long-wind- sun stream freely in to bring licnlth growing, if you want a set of nerves to onr bodies and jov to our -onl. that are like those ol an old lady, if you uii-h to rrow feeble and thin, if , , , i vou wish to look sallow and puny "How much for the broad-faced J j do not know any bettor way than chicken on the fence?"' inquired an i to smoke tobacco. It will make a Irishman of a farmer. '-That" not a I drain on your nervous system whieh chicken; iis an owl," replied the will bc sure to tell after a while. Let ',.. , ' , -. , us hope that if a thousand bovs read farmer. "I don t care how ould he jiRj sorne of ,hem wJ1, h'c .Ved is;I waut toJiiy , him' said the from forming a filthy habit which Irishman. "" liio. L men regret. l'liy.ticitins are, well agreed thai the i bonk are felt to be the truest and most agreeable of friends ; compan ions who neither contradict us with arrogance, insult us with bad man ners, nor love us with prolixity. For wc can cherish the entertaining, re ed with the utmost without giving pain. How pleasant, when life is in the "sear and yellow leaf." An English boy wa- beating a don key uiimereifiilly,wlrcn the minister ofthepaiith coming up, censured him for cruelly. The iioy resent fully retorted: "I'm sure yo nccdna care; it's nanc of your congregation." K. 1). SHEEHAX, Proprietor. EJTWhoIcsale mid Retail Dealer in For eign AVinet, Liquor and Cigari., Dub lin Stout, Scotch and I-nj.Ii-.il Ale. 1ST Kentucky Whiskies a Specialty. OYSTERS in their .season, by the ease can or dish. 11 tli Street, Sontli of Depot CALIFORNIA WINES. -.in. TO:., S155SSI.75 A GALLON -AT- SAML. GASS'S, Klftrnth Strt. rva .- Jfj-S. MONTH guaranteed. t home made bv riotit. Capital not required; wc ill start you. Hen, women, boyt and jrirlt maLe inoney faster at work for lit thau at any thinif'eUe. The work i li'-fht and pleat, ant, aud such a anyone can jro ri.ht at. Thoe who are wise who see this notice will end ut their :u!drejtcs at once and see for themselves. CotIy Outfit and ternit free. Xow it the time. Those already at work are layinr up lar;e sums of nionev. Address Tit 17 J. ,t CO., Aujfiist.-., Maine. -181-y abi. . 4tly i . Mat ' Plfiiais ifl sran. J. C. ELLIOTT. .(.KM H)U I UK I'iimjii l'arilkr. hI Ml4.mt reii.- ,-, -- &-. ..-.--.-. -.-,.-- . --.- ---... - Oll.lJll HliU ill 1 U iJifH.raereforea.il, r oh Kre M ttt r-rt r.in)- II.LATINfi FKF.D MILL, tlinc.it. .iNHU.il MVWHRtt t fiiii mir ebaert. W'r baxr l-o lru ail , choice lot f rtl-r Ih4h, imprttvut ai. And All Kinds of Pump, i 3 aUUST.IS . . . . - retuiHee mm im tae rnj. wm Krp i eM.tet nlMriMt of lit t alt pw.-tli - late i I'tittt' i'ttiint.. ft-K '0-.LM.--W. ?.H- A GOOD FARM FOR SALE JrV iT' IStI acres of good land, 80 IR!f4Rj3 acres under cultivation, a ffi--J'iirfe- good house one and a half story high, a ood stock range, plenty ot water, and irood h.iv land. Two miles I east of Columbus. Inquire at the Pioneer Hakery. 473-Gm. .. 2. 1:22:22, k. s. i ;. :. iizmzz, a. a , ztcsiti. Consulting Physicians and Surgeons, For the treatment of all elate ofSur gery and deformities ; acuto and chronic disease, ditcatt-t of the eye anil ear, etc., eie., Columbus, Neb. gf-i trTin'TO WW A YKAI.,or SC I l II If' to 20 l:y " foiir WJ. U JJ "vu locality. Xo risk. Women do as well n men. Many made more than the amount stated above. So one can fail to make inoney fast. Any one can do the work. You can make from ."0 et. to $2 nn hour by devoting your evenings and spare, time to the business. It cots nothing to try the busines. Nothing like it for the money making ever offered before. Business pleasant and strictly honora ble. Iteader, if you want to'know all about the be-t paying business before the nubile, send im vour address and we ;ii ...11 I .:..!..- I ...I Will HeiUI 4UUJ11J1 lill IMUIill t illiu Jill vate terms free: samples worth $ also free: you ean then make up your mi nil .:: ir . .1. !., nrrnnv ctiv I tut utll-cil, ..uic;3i9 iji r.vi.v. i 7...i SOX A CO., rorland, Maine. 4.si-y : 3ROC.i-IST IXD - PUMP MATERIALS! AI0 - Challemje Wiml id Peed Mills, Combined Shelter nad Grinder, Malt Mills, Horse Powers, Corn Shelters and Fannimj Mill. Pumps KepuirLM. oil Sliort Notice. Farmers, come and examine our mill. , You will tind one rrerteil mi thepremises ' ofthe Ilnniiiiond House. In jrood riinnlut j order. 1 NEKRASKA Hfjuski iNew Stock. A full, fre.h sttpplj f $rrtH STAPLE AND FANCY, NEW STORE ax S. J. MARMOY, PropV. Nebraska Ave., South of Depot, coii;:tiiii;s. .i.it. A new house, newly furnished. Good accommodation. Hoard by dtty or week at reasonable rates. iStTSc-l. a Firxt-Cluxs Table. Meal?,. ...25 OeDt.s..-Lcduiii-s....25 Uts 3.S-2tf "" f Just opened, and for ?ul it lo-4ov u prices. J3T Olive Slree., ojo.-it tlie Talter-.all' JAMES McALLlSTEK. Book-keepora, Heportors, Oientors, Teacfters, v SW .S.r wSrjS' r L-r' W Qxeat-Xercontllo CoIIerc.KooknkJcvja Hi . si 'A i I 1